#idk the actual title of it bc I've never played the game i just think it's so groovy
maxmayfieldirl · 2 years
I sleep easy at night knowing that if vecna ever chose to go after me I'd never get tired of my favorite song bc I constantly have the same 5 songs on loop
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queendollophead-ao3 · 3 months
Thank you @erisenyo for the tag! This was a lot of fun!
1. how many works do you have on Ao3? 33! Public ones at least lol
2. what's your total Ao3 word count? 210,749 which is both a lot and not nearly what I thought it was. If only WIPS counted!
3. what fandoms do you write for? ATLA and I used to write for Merlin
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
1. Self-Taught 2. The Dating Game 3. Thirst 4. Lights, Camera, Friction 5. Word of Mouth
5. do you respond to comments? I do, but not always in a timely fashion
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? It's a toss up between Taking on Water and the "angst ending" option of Please Fall
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Another toss up between The Dating Game and Rain Check. Both tooth rotting fluff at the end <3
8. Do you get hate on fics? Luckily no, not even on my DILF fics! I think I'd cry lol
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I do indeed write smut, mostly M/M although I've considered venturing into F/F for some Tyzula
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I do not
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope, but that would be dope!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes! afterparty :) with the lovely @rosewatertears0 (AO3) and agni_kai
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? I loooove Piandao/Zuko, but Zukka is also up there as well as Merthur
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? There's a depressed!Sokka fic that I started in 2021 that I just don't feel connected to anymore. It's a regurgitation of my life that had some bonus Zukka, and touching it is just too real sometimes.
16. What are your writing strengths? Uhhhhh I think dialogue? I know I have creative ideas and I hope that they're immersive, idk. Also my Sokka voice is SPOT ON bc he lives in my brain rent free. Also summaries and titles so hmu if you need help!
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Weirdly I think smut, even though I write a lot of it lmao.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I've done like words or phrases in isolated reference but never like a back and forth. I am not qualified to write an actual conversation.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Law & Order SVU lmao in a long dead fanfiction.net account
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? Honestly, it might be Up the Ante because it feels like a TV show or a movie to me, like just the beginning of something very plausible in an espionage movie.
tagging @rosewatertears0 @sulkybender @sword-and-stars in case you want to play :)
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thedawningofthehour · 3 months
SORRY FOR THE LONG ASK but you activated my sleeper agent rottmnt brainstorming Re: The Video Game Question
Raph: would probably like low strategy single player games and lean toward arcade/motion control based experiences because they present a way around the "Hand Too Big Controller Too Small And Breakable" problem. As an Oldest Sibling (speaking from an Oldest Sibling Gamer pov) he would have been the Designated Single Player Driver (I have a vivid mental image of Raph playing old c tier single player wii games like My Sims Kingdom while Mikey, Leo, and Donnie yell instructions at him) and I think he's still gravitated towards those kinds of games. He also feels like the kind of guy who will thoroughly enjoy every video game he plays but his favorite is still inexplicably just like. Uno for the ps3
Leo: Would like competitive games. I feel like he's the kinda guy who cannot bring himself to give a shit about the story or aesthetics of a game and cannot care at all about single player video games outside of speedrunning or something. The point of games for him Is To Win. I feel like him and Donnie both played CSGO or COD at a young age with voice chat and thats why they are who they are. His favorite game is probably a competitive hero shooter or smth. He probably is playing Valorant as we speak.
Donnie: I feel like he's the only one who is a Capital "G" Gamer. Has the broadest taste but tends to like games he can "lose himself" in. (Competitive shooters, MMOs, lengthy and intricate single player games IE: Dark Souls or Elden Ring, metroidvanias, RPGs, fighting games) If the taste of Donnie Gamer Mode we get in the show is anything to go by, he seems the type to obsess over a game for like a month, beat it 120%, probably achieve some level or speedrunning or competitive infamy and then drop it completely never to be seen again.
Mikey: Would love sandbox games for Sure. Plays Minecraft but only on creative mode. Will play sims but only with cheats to make super intricate mansions or crazy houses or recreate something he saw in a movie once. He would 100% play single player games his brothers already beat so he can look around at the scenery and mess around in a character creator. Will play an open world game and never do a single main story mission and call it quits when he gets bored.
They've all 100% played a bunch of really weird and bad shovelware games or really cheap 3rd party titles because they were what Splinter could get for them. They all have 10 to 15 mobile idle games they'll rotate out bc they all need to be Stimulated at All Times. Yes they have played Mario Party and Killed Each Other over it but more importantly they have played Dokapon Kingdom and have started rivalries that have lasted several months over this game. They will hold grudges til they die over this game. They have never gotten to the end screen of this game and in all likelihood, never will.
Idk maybe my vibes are off tho lol but can you tell I've thought about this a lot to my own detriment
There's actually a point in the next book-I think it's in chapter 1 but I can't remember-where Galois mentions giving Raph one of Draxum's oversized keyboards when he has to do anything on the computer. (Draxum has large-print keyboards because he's Old) I think I've mentioned that the boys all have larger-than-normal phones because they only have the three fat fingers and that's just not gonna work with a standard iPhone. Raph I feel like is basically Strong from Fallout 4:
(bless him)
I'm reminded of when my sister would sit and watch my play Dream Life to 'learn', until I moved it into my own room. Really, their first console was probably 'whatever Splinter found in a dumpster and still worked', so unless it was something with connected controllers they were probably playing off whatever controllers he'd found as well, so it's entirely possible they legit just had the one controller for awhile. And yeah, they all crowd around to watch Raph play because that's annoying little sibling behavior.
Mikey would love games where the goal is to Make Something. He doesn't care about winning, only stepping back and looking at the finished product and going "nice." I do feel like he'd actually play the sims though-the twins use it as a building simulator, but he'd absolutely get into the lives and stories of his sims. He builds too, but he also gets into creating the sim. He plays Fallout 4 with the Sim Settlements mod and never finds Shaun because all he's doing is building shacks for farmers.
Oh, Leo is absolutely in it to win it. In any way, if it has a score he can use to compare to Donnie's he loves it. The sole exception to this is city builders, I can absolutely see him sinking days into Cities Skylines creating elaborate planned cities with complicated mass transit and beautiful walking spaces.
The other exception is if he can fuck around in a game and be chaotic. He plays Skyrim and installs the sex mods not because he's horny, but because he thinks going around in this incredibly inappropriately horny fantasy world is hysterical. He uses it more as a Medieval Life Simulator and if he completes a quest it's entirely by accident.
Donnie is absolutely the worst gamer and will learn literally everything there is about the game after playing it through once. He also probably mods his games, or even makes his own mods. Some of them to make everything look cooler or add quality of life and immersion stuff in, but he'll also do stuff like install the mod that replaces the Skyrim arrow noises with a man going "pew!"
Omg they absolutely played knock-off games as kids. They probably lied to Mikey about them being off-brand so he didn't feel bad about their situation, telling him that the title was a misprint and all the ads for the actual game were lying.
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
Even in games like HIB do mention buddha like its as simple as that
Hell if they don’t want to literally names dropped him, they could have alluded d to him by saying his tittle like “the enlightened one.”
Its the dissonance that makes lmk stands out more so than the others jttw adaptations. Especially when we the audience doesn’t know IF swk is a buddha here. (He might be a bodhisavtta but since they have yet to name dropped guanyin, i dont think they will)
Jttw as whole does balance these two religions and able to showcased them as is. The refusal to allude other religions besides daoism just raised eyes on lmk n their decisions in this aspect. (Esp when swk IS the victorious fighting buddha and great sage equal to heaven. The way that characters goes out their way to avoid saying his actual name or his better well known tittles is bit weird. Esp when it very important to his character moreso than being the monkey king ever was)
like imagine building up to this title that you ever accomplished in life only to never be refer to that bc they see your first job ever first and the rest never to be acknowledged.
Like hell buddha and swk does have a connection here that in lmk seem to be nonexistent to uphold the narrative of JE is bad!! (When that just a poor dude in head management of a corporation.) it a questionable decision esp it seem like recon (bc lmk did mention buddha in like s1 and the usual narrative of how havoc on heaven goes. Like swk being trap in the furnace.)
His lmk character feels like hes just another flanderized goku. Hes just a messed of a character once you look past his goofiness and compare him to others swk. He does not uphold well—for this to be known as westerners first introduction to xiyouji (apart from OSP) it just sad that he could not be as complex as he should have been.(he can be something other than goofy-other than traumatized mess but he can do so good as much he had harmed)
Its kinda sad for being a protector of children, he had ended up being portrayed as irresponsible n a threat(bc of his various blunders)
Rip swk pissing in buddha fingers scene. You shall be missed
I think they could have done a lot with Lego Monkie Kid Wukong if they have given him the time he needed. They have a strong foundation of a plot to show Wukong has a mentor role but it looked like they rather a sacrifice character building for drama and shock value...
I’m not sure if he does have his other titles but considering I saw someone say that the “Great Sage” title was a reference to Xiyouji rather than that being his name… insane really. Like... just now knowing that is his NAME!
I'm not trying to bank on LMK on teaching people about Xiyouji like it's not meant for that... but at the same point, it's crazy to me to think that a Xiyouji piece of media is making 'references' to the original media despite it being in the same universe where everything happened like... of course it's going to reference the original source material. It is literally canon in the story that it happened.
And yeah them brushing off Wukong is also a monk and a Buddha... it's more strange than anything cause he is immortal... and the rest of the pilgrims should have also been immortal so I hope they touch why THAT isn't the case but... I feel like there are just going to be a lot of plotholes left unanswered for 'the reader's interpretation.' Like why did Wukong go on the journey if it wasn't his redemption arc for him to finally see that he had gone too far? Or why have the Jade Emperor defeat him when it just shows that it was about strength and not about ideologies? Again I've seen bad guy Jade Emperorbefore and here it looks like they are trying for a 'there is more going on' angle but... idk... just so many things that are not being played out or being far too rushed to be really fleshed out.
Which I feel like is the show's biggest weakness with Wukong. They are so busy rushing the plot they never give time to flesh him or even other characters out. He isn't the one that suffers from that which is a shame cause the show does have a lot of charming characters too!
I don’t know… I like the show but I think I'm going to just enjoy that I can and hopefully... things might get better this time... but maybe I just got to accept that they are never going to give their own characters the development or time they need.
A real shame.
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undermycoat · 7 months
I know nothing about football but I'd still like to hear about the au :3
see bc i complain and then i don't even know where to start LOL
ok so ig i'll start with the title From the Sidelines and a little description i have, to pique interest heh
Arthur is Camelot FC's star striker and captain. Merlin is the kitman. Life is hardly ever fair.
anyway . i suppose that's. a little misleading. that being said i think this grew into something waaaaay larger than i originally planned @.@ like it was supposed to be a fun little addition to the surprisingly small amt of footballer arthur fics we have but now this fic has double daddy issues (balinor my beloved...), coming out, sports injuries, shitty coaches (aredick die by my sword) and never making the national team. HUH??? i just wanted merthur to fuck on the pitch... (joke) (just in time for fuck him on the field friday)
also there's side stories. like one is when the players get handcuffed tgt for 24hrs but they've got an uneven amt for it and merlin gets roped in
and then there's the valentine's day arwen special that i somehow accidentally made into a statement about arthur's attitude toward his sexuality?? and feelings for merlin??? through his anxiety about his date with gwen????
“All good?” Merlin asks. “Never better,” Arthur replies, then pivots and walks directly into his closet. He stares at his barren shoe rack before he feels hands on his shoulders, and Merlin is turning him around and guiding him back out. “Wrong way,” he hears him say. “Right.” This time, Arthur marches out his room then down the hall to the front door. “I’ll be back.”
i'm allowed to give this info bc i don't know if i'll ever actually post the extras. i dont' even know when i'm gonna finish the main story sjkdfhgjkf
oh yeah another side story takes place in 2007 (that might be the title for it idk) and it's about uther buying camelot fc for arthur's tenth birthday LOL dont question the legaltiy of arthur playing for his father's club. i dont know and i dont care. this is fiction SIMILARLY dont say shit abt arthur being a striker and captain. it's happened before. it's literally fine. dont even worry about it
there's like. ik i rly only talked about the side stories but u have to realize just how much has already gone into this fic and i wouldn't even say i'm halfway done. i don't think i've written out a single match which is also funny bc i've been keeping up with the prem and actually think i can do it now. i just keep dragging my feet abt it lol
i think the hardest part for me is when im gonna have to seriously injure arthur. i didnt want to but i think it's an important way for his and merlin's relationship to progress and also would explain merlin's attitude toward him in january. its less abt injuring him and more abt him having to sit out of games not for like. lineup stats/compatibility reasons
oh my god typing this all out made me realize we haven't met like. half of the guys on the team yet. i was sitting here like "i need to rewatch eps with all the knights bc i dont trust myself to write percy and elyan accurately" but now i just realized i dont even know if mordred is on the like. squad yet or if he's still with the u18s (after a brief check with my info page he is. i'm gonna be sick)
like i said there is a LOT of info on this . sorry this was so long i just needed to ramble a bit and it also made me realize some info i still need to include so yayyy :3 thank you nonny if u have anything u wanna know in specific like fr anything PLEASE ask. i'd love it so much if u asked. u saved my life <3
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da3dm · 1 year
i saw a tiktok that reminded me SO much of vara & irza so it got me thinking
do we get a "i had nowhere else to go" and/or "who did this to you?" scene???? if that makes sense
i crave that
It just comes wayyy later in the story!
I've been gatekeeping this ask for a LONG time and idk if you even remember sending it lol
I'm going to shove this into the fake fic titles bc I've absolutely adored being given a chance to write this but didn't want to accidentally give spoilers to the story
I made this slightly more romantic than intended and Irza isn't 100% in character bc idk what he was doing before it and I didn't dive into his thoughts too deeply to avoid going too far...I also cut it off at the end bc everything after is a spoil...and this took me maybe twenty minutes to do? Probably ten to fifteen, really
Vara also isn't 100% in character either but it's the exact same deal with him as with Irza. Idk what they were doing and adding too much detail on his worries and fear would have pulled the focus off Irza's pov
TW: Injuries
Word Count: 888
Fake Fic titles: I had nowhere else to go/who did this to you
It was his usual day, selecting a random abandoned house to take a break at in-between fights to avoid the heroes tracking him. He used his shadow to enter like he usually always did when traveling. Most of the time he would have avoided using it so much after fights, but for some reason the only hero that tracked him with it just…wasn't there today. It was odd and it rubbed him the wrong way, but normal people did have lives. Especially those who played hero…they probably hadn't seen even half of what he had. Normally he wouldn't care about the disappearance of a hero, seeing as it could only help him, but this was different.
This hero meant something to him that…he wasn't entirely certain what it was. All he knew is that this situation haunted him…the hero always showed up without fail. He was always there and telling him to stop what he was doing, to please not hurt anyone. That’s what made his entire day better, getting to interact with that completely flawed cat hero. Weak and pitiful man that couldn't fight worth a dime, and yet had managed to become a hero. It was questionable, sure, but he didn’t care much. All he cared about was the fact it was night, he had used his shadows excessively to draw him out, and the cat still wasn't at his rest point.
As it was starting to both bore him and create more worry than he ever cared to admit, a knock sounded at the otherwise silent door. He glanced over, wondering how he’d missed it, but too busy grinning to ponder for too long. He knew that shadow…the hero had finally come after him. What a pleasant development. This brought him to his feet smoothly and he walked to the door without a sound, taking a moment to bring the smile down at least slightly. It would be boring if the cat thought he was actually happy to see him. All of those games would instantly be wasted and he’d never change the guy’s mind again.
He pulled the door open once his smile was under control, not even fully looking before he started, “Well, well—” He was cut off with a surprised lilt to his voice when the hero instantly fell against him limply, almost lifelessly. His tail flicked and he frowned, automatically raising his hands to support the hero and…noticing the blood. Immediately, he was on edge, his tail lashing behind him as he narrowed his eyes at the cat. With a quick scan, he noted that his magic reserves looked forcefully depleted, he was covered in both magical and physical wounds, and was barely staying awake, his breathing far too labored with his head hung.
Before he could really say anything, the cat reached up and grabbed his shirt almost desperately, clinging to the villain like the man was his last lifeline. “I…I’m sorry…I know I shouldn't have gone to you, but…I had nowhere else to go.” The last bit came out as a weak sob, the hero finally turning his face upward to look at the villain. With a face covered in bruises, scrapes, and filled with streaming tears, he gazed pleadingly at the person who was usually his enemy, his ears droopy, tail limp, and every last drop of his bright light gone. He'd been stripped of his joy and was broken.
His blood boiled intensely, his eyes sharpening into a dangerous glare when he stared at the hero—his hero. His precious, joyful ball of fur wasn’t even standing on his own as he lay crumpled against someone that he thought was an enemy. They’d pushed him far enough he’d gone to a villain. With a tone full of murder and as icy as the arctic, he snarled, “Who did this to you?” No-one, and he meant no-one, was allowed to hurt this hero. Not his hero. He still held patience for the weak man, but his mind already raced with the many ways he could retaliate, that he could crush those that hurt his hero.
The cat hero was shuddering slightly under that gaze, but merely buried his face in the villain’s chest and prayed the anger wasn't his fault. “I-it…I’m sorry…” He could only sob out another apology, losing more and more strength as he began to fully rely on the powerful and firm grip of the villain to stay on his feet. “I shouldn't…I shouldn't have come to you—”
With a growl, his long, serpentine tail came up under the hero’s chin to the pleas and force him to look at the villain. Both frustrated and hurting for his hero, the dangerous villain looked this hero in the eye without any lies. “Who. Did. This?” He bit back some of his more aggressive responses and knew that he’d be answering questions for helping the hero, his hero, but he didn’t care. In any other situation he may have just knocked the cat out and let him rest, but for him to have been broken like this? For that constant sunshine he had even when fighting villains to just…be erased? He wasn’t going to ignore it.
Eventually, the hero stopped looking at the villain with so much fear from being forced to look up, choking out, “I-it was…”
After finding out, he got the hero settled down on a bed in the abandoned house and went out to absolutely destroy the culprits...of which I won't name bc it's actually a spoiler. I'm considering using this again later for that timeline, it would just be a little different bc the circumstances leading up to it would be different than in my head atm.
Anyway, hope everyone liked my first fake fic!
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ravenelyx · 9 months
For the fic writing ask game! 13, 22, 38, 53, 66, 75!
Hello Soph <3<3 thank you sm !!
13- Do you listen to music while you write? If yes, what have you been listening to recently?
Nope, too distracting truly 🥲 no matter if it has words or not -- by brain stalls and I just end up either staring at the wall or singing :")
22- Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process?  How do you come up with titles?
Sometimes i do it before the story itself even exists (like ilyet and arranged heartbreak or the wips listed in my masterlist), sometimes in the middle (an epiphany moment in which my brain goes YOU KNOW WHAT---?).
Titles are usually based on the core of the story if the fic is rather long:
I love you in every timeline: inspired by DSMOM originally -- it's actually a wordplay on the entire story : it holds its essence entirely, playing on the identity of the two girls, the contrast of Sebastian's emotions and the way time affects the whole ordeal (how he himself has as well, directly on indirectly, affected both past, present and future). I have a very late scene written out already which explains pretty much everything, but I can't spoil it and I feel like a quivering leaf when i think about it (brain write faster pls i want to reach it soon --- but not so soon bc it's literally towards the end)
Arranged Heartbreak : pretty self-explanatory (i had thought the title to be lame at first and then I just... didn't care)
As for the other short fics, they're pretty simple titles tbh --- except for the list in my masterlist: I went all out and those don't even exist yet
38- What is your most self-indulgent posted story?
ILYET itself 🥲
She's my precious, my baby, my dearest love --- also, MC 2.0 herself is based on my OC (Lys Lovelace my dear) since I haven't written anything about her (appearance and stuff is still ambiguous as a true x reader story)
53- What is the most-used tag on your ao3?
I expected it to be something angsty : it's actually "fluff" :||
Just fluff
I'm a sappy idiot fr
66- What’s a fun fact about ILYET?
Edit: one fun fact no one probably knows about is that the whole fanfiction was actually born from a teen wolf edit that ended on my tiktok fyp... yeahhh... and it's a stydia scene, when Lydia walks up to the group asking "where have you guys been?" and Stiles turns around, completely struck. And then idk why my brain just decided to take that scene and just... make the whole thing up into what it is now...
75- Is there a particular fic that readers gravitated towards that you didn’t expect?
Pretty much all of them -- I've never really had any online presence before tumblr so I wasn't really expecting anything when I first started writing, really :"")
I remember when i posted the prologue of ilyet: it was late at night, (friday night, about 11:45 pm -- i remember it like it was yesterday) so I just posted it, went to sleep and expected nothing in return -- then I woke up to like 300 notes in barely a few hours and I literally jumped out of my skin🥲🥲 those were the good times
But fr -- I expected Loved like to flop bc I literally word vomited it at 4 am, posted it without even rereading it, and then woke up to ppl liking it fr (I still hate it, don't doubt, but still...)
Aaaand... yeah.
Ask game here <3
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troglobite · 11 months
idk how streamers function
if i had to deal with ppl asking fucking ridiculous questions that they have 10000 different ways to find an answer on their own, i would lose my fucking mind.
even the constant refrain of like "oh what's happening in the stream, what did i miss?"
idk why don't you chill tf out and just watch the fucking stream as is and figure it out, dude
or maybe read the title or the description
what the FUCK man come ON
like literally i'm just watching someone reset their acnh island and there are people in the chat asking for tips about how to play the game
....google is right there. it has been THREE YEARS. there are SO MANY beginner guides. just ??? look it the fuck up yourself????
someone asked what happens with the fruit on the trees after you shake it and pick it up
have you ??? never watched her play acnh before ??? what the fuck is happening.
like she literally has three fucking islands and has been streaming for well over an hour and you're asking what happens to the fucking fruit???
i literally could not stream and if i did
my audience would either be full of assholes i'd constantly have to chastise or ban
or the most helpful people on the planet answering every stupid as fuck question for me so i wouldn't have to lol
i'd probably have it set up to have a command or something that tells them my policy abt stupid as fuck questions
obviously phrased more kindly than that
like bro i'm happy to talk to chat but don't ask me ridiculous fucking questions
like that's the thing, she's SO attentive to EVERY person in chat asking shitass questions like that
that she is fully not even paying attention to the fucking game
so for example she didn't realize she picked up a weed and two fruits instead of the third fruit bc she wasn't even looking
but yes by all means please ask her to explain the basic functions of the fucking game
y'know what i do when i watch someone streaming a video game i've never played?
i shut the fuck up and watch
i'm such a mean person. lol
literally like--i'm bitching abt this without any specifics (beyond acnh and one or two real questions that were asked) under a cut on here where no one fucking reads it bc i feel mean abt it!
like i sincerely mean this shit
i don't think they're the scum of the earth or need to be bullied or anything, that's fucking ridiculous
i'm basically saying
what the FUCK compels people to interrupt a stream w their asinine questions that have really simple answers they could just google?
and how do streamers have the fucking patience for questions like that instead of having their mods field the questions or directing people to aforementioned google (or duckduckgo, etc.)
like i know i'm a traumatized person and it's Not That Okay for me to be constantly worried abt irritating people at all hours of the day
but also it just seems courteous to me to keep your fucking yap shut and not clog up the chat with asinine bullshit that eats up the streamer's attention
like commenting on stuff, making jokes, offering opinions, asking a question abt something Specific that is like a callback to earlier in the stream or something--i'm not saying "don't chat"
i'm saying if you have a question
please consider if you can look this up yourself
or if you, specifically, actually need this question answered right fucking now by the streamer
fuck me, man.
i am intolerable and could never make it as a streamer, not even if i was a vtuber. i'd have to start off by having 10 mods in rotation to field the irritating questions, and i'm not joking.
like i have heard this streamer explain approximately 10 fucking times what she's doing (resetting vs. flattening, what resetting means), why she's doing it (she wants a different color themed island, now), no she didn't delete her original island (that's on her other switch), no she didn't delete her florida island (that on the OLED), why she restarted 4 times to try and get a yellow airport (the fucking color theme again), she had to update her switch so she went villager hunting on a different switch to kill time earlier (that's why the stream has been going on so long but she's just now beginning her island)
i am such an insufferable person.
i don't think people should stop asking questions altogether
i don't think asking questions is bad
in general i encourage them
i don't really think there are stupid questions
but there are questions that are asinine, annoying, and can be asked of somebody else
like sometimes your question doesn't fucking help anybody, including yourself, and sometimes you'd have the fucking answer to your question if you shut up and waited 2 fucking minutes
or just paid attention
or just searched for it yourself
idfk man a streamer's job is to be entertaining, imho
not answer a bunch of basicass questions about what they're doing every second of every stream bc OBVIOUSLY NOT EVERYONE CAN BE THERE FROM THE VERY FIRST MINUTE
it's also not their job to explain the fucking game they're playing unless they want to
like holy fucking shit
nobody should have to explain what happens with the fruit in animal crossing 3 years after the game came out, 3 years FILLED with streamers and youtuber playing NOTHING but animal crossing, and when a search is right there
okay i have to stop.
i am mean and insufferable and i'm sorry but i have to vent my irritation somewhere
me: wanting to watch an acnh stream w a reset island bc it's fun to live vicariously bc i will never reset my islands
the streamer: [babbling nonstop answering the most insipid questions i've ever heard that DO NOT NEED ANSWERING, especially for the TENTH FUCKING TIME]
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guster-animations · 1 year
TADAAAAA! it's done
here's a link. i think it works and that it doesn't let you edit it.
don't ask where hiveswap and beyond canon are. i couldn't do the whole thing in time and it would be silly to not upload what i have on 4/13
Tumblr media
man i sure hope tumblr didn't completely wreck the resolution on this
here's my commentary that i made while listening:
some of this will be a bit critical of the music created by homestuck fans. i'm not going after them as a person, i'm just saying what i don't like about their music that's probably 10 years old. i don't mean any bad faith towards the musicians who put their time and effort into creating the songs i've ranked.
vols. 1-4: obviously uuhhhh not the greatest start. mostly just bc it was 2009 and electronic music was Very limited. i ended up placing a bunch of these songs in higher tiers than i should've bc of that. nothing in these albums are very Good except for doctor and sburban jungle but it wasn't a bad listening experience
midnight crew drawing dead: did you know that kevin regamey made a song for this album? yep. the sound director of tunic. this album is pretty primitive. it's a bunch of electronic jazz imitations and they all blur together. very forgettable
vol. 5: this one is really weird. on the one hand it has some of my favorite homestuck music in general. on the other hand a Lot of the tracks suck. it shows how open and fan-friendly homestuck was back in the day. everyone got on the album, even if their song was just a sped-up version of endless climb
alternia: it's just toby fox. what do you want me to say. i enjoyed the video game inspired ones far better than i did as a 12 year old (i didn't play any video games besides minecraft/coolmath until a few years ago)
squiddles!: man this was a weird concept. no huge bangers in here imo, but some tracks are alright. definitely should be getting more attention. although some tracks did not fit their title at all like you had ONE job and that job was to provide a track that sounds like a squiddle afternoon
the felt: same thing as midnight crew where a lot of the tracks are very similar, but it's a lot better because reversed sound effects are a Much Better theme than crappy electronic jazz. also some really great tracks in here
vol. 6: this is the one with all the meme tracks. best songs are frost and obviously megalovania. on a separate note i was prepared to put courser All the way at the top with its fantastic opening and then it got into the actual song and i was thoroughly disappointed
strife!: tensei's specialty (in homestuck) is metal remixes of songs so he made a whole album of them! it's alright. i liked atomic bonsai. all the tracks are pretty unpolished. again, it was 2010, who am i supposed to blame.
alterniabound: very solid all around. not much to say lmao medium: wow this album is Very Good! half of the songs made it into my "favorites" tier so i think that speaks for itself. idk how clark powell did it but the ambience created by these tracks is really beautiful.
mobius trip and hadron kaleido: i'm gonna be real and say it. i don't like this one. it makes more sense when you consider what inspired the album--early 2010s pop SUCKS. plus michael bowman's singing voice is not great in this context
vol. 7: the edgy one! some cool ideas here, but most of them just really weren't great. or maybe i've just heard them too many times. black rose green sun would probably be higher up if i didn't listen to it so much as a 13 year old
sburb: i never listened to this album before and I Really Wish I Had. really creative and beautiful piano solos. go give it a listen the wanderers: another really underrated one! it gives so much life to the exiles
prospit and derse: i had the hsmusicwiki artist commentary pages pulled up while i listened to this and i'm not sure if solatrus's comments made me rank these tracks lower. they lack polish and he seems to agree, but maybe if these were new to me the songs would've been ranked higher. the concept is awesome though and it was handled pretty well
vol. 8: it might be the overlistening thing (Again), but this album has really not aged well for me. the songs honestly all seem rushed….. nothing is great
song of skaia: another album that sadly evaded my tween self due to bandcamp crap. it's awesome. very poetic that the original composer of skies of skaia would create a mini-album that brings the song to life in its full majesty at the end of the webcomic's first half
coloUrs and mayhem: man. this one. how is it this good? it's banger after banger after banger and it doesn't stop and i love it. they should've given homestuck to the fans when they had the chance vol. 9: an overall REALLY solid album wow
symphony impossible to play: i don't talk about it enough but i love overture canon edit and it's been my dream for years to arrange it for concert band--or really any of the four amazing instrumental tracks in the album. not that i would EVER have the guts to give it to my band directors (part self consciousness about my ability to write music and part bc it's from freaking homestuck) but it's good to have a sense of accomplishment y'know?
one year older: this guy made a whole album of chill piano tracks. actually it only has 3 of those. the other songs are outstanding as well. without a doubt my favorite homestuck album
genesis frog: ??????? how is this?? this good? it's such a wonderful classical-sounding (dw not actual classical bc that is Boring as Hell) piece that encapsulates the wonder of homestuck's environments. i am in awe
cherubim: prospit&derse walked so this album could run. that being said, the similar tracks being next to each other kinda dampens the excitement on the bangers for me. also the day before i listened to this album my right earbud stopped working and it ruined carne vale and probably some other tracks that i didn't realize had stereo audio
collide: you know how much i love oppa toby style. well you probably don't because i don't talk about homestuck music that much. well this flash is the combination of 4 homestuck musicians using their signature styles beautifully and better than ever before in the homestuck canon. also james roach is there :D
vol. 10: and the final one that i feel like doing before posting this the first time! i'll do hiveswap/pq/^2 later it's just an obvious thing to post this on 4/13 instead of the whole thing 1 week later. there's a sense of closure behind this music. it shows how much they'd grown since homestuck started and how much it impacted them as a person. and it makes the album a whole lot better because of that
hiveswap act 1 ost: this is a soundtrack with its own defined sounds and they're wonderful but the tracks are too short to stand out. rustblood fell under the curse of of me losing all my enjoyment of it because i listened to it too much. sorry :(
hiveswap friendsim: i thoroughly enjoyed the commentary provided on the hsmusic wiki. and the music duh. probably a bit rushed? how often did those updates come out? like every 1 or 2 weeks?
pesterquest: this wasn't on the tier list and i am SO SAD about it because i really like the pesterquest soundtrack
beyond canon: this album has recieved a lot of my listening time in the past, but it doesn't bring me any joy when i know what little the dedication of the artists amounted to. their commentaries show how excited they were to be on the first homestuck^2 album. they didn't know how quickly the whole thing would collapse under their feet. on the other hand all the songs slap! idk why but this is the only album i had listened to a ton that has Grown on me since then. maybe because a lot of the songs are more abstract and genre-specific than the rest of the homestuck discography, and i can recognize and appreciate that now that i'm older. shrugs well i really like the music
hiveswap act 2 ost: good. glad i can comprehend what an ace attorney is now
thanks for reading :)
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baekhvuns · 1 year
Man City who??? Idk them 🙈🙉🙊 ugh the "next X" is so annoying, reminds me of "the next BTS" stfu already and let them be themselves! Barca girls? Them I can support!
Baek we're all Chelsea players at this point I'm afraid... can't even blame it on Abeamovich anymore 🔫
Lowkey thought Villa retired, I was so shocked to find him in India.
I've been to Plant Cafe before and it's good! I'm not sure if I'm going to Jeju this time round, I'm planning on coming back in the summer. I'll be quite busy with work so it'll keep me distracted or kill me. I like to be updated tho, so can't totally stay away from Twitter, also literally so many of my friends are seeing Ateez I WON'T BE ABLE TO ESCAPE IT 😭😭😭😭
I see you're determined to post the Yunho fic, I hope it happens soon for the sake of your mental health! And so you can focus on you know who perhaps 😉
Hannah no legs???? What happened!? Yes, I still have some of my Bratz dolls, but never had Shortcakes they weren't popular over here. Also Bratz games, I ate that shit up.
Bestie you haven't seen SKINS?! Maybe you're too young, but this show shaped me (not sure if it's a good thing lmao). It was one of the first "real" teen shows, not everything aged well, but it was a cultural reset. Huh omg I love Freaky Friday, so I might tune in for this, unless it's cringy af
Tasir whomst?! (I'm joking ily Tasir!) I'll give that Toothless ring to Hwa, just watch me!
Tbh I'd expect that reaction from Ronaldo and same, I used to do this shit in FIFA when my teams lost 😭
I know like four(?) Imagine Dragons songs, so I'm not sure 😅 Edgy Aussie band aksjajshahjaha TXT in their 70s era. Right, Tinnitus?! I love the Blue Hour's Korean title You and I found in the sky at 5:35 but Crown and One day a horn grew out of my head???
My first Ateez meeting was a blur I barely remember anything, but the hwands were smooth indeed... I thought Hwa looked like CEO doing aegyo, but junior tutor?! Why would you bring him up I'M PUNCHING MYSELF NOW. DILF Mingi made a comeback too
So true...Baby girl...
This is so fucking funny ajshhahsusuahwhshw
What a throwback lol
This fucking company?!??! I thought no one was as bad or worse as the Omega X agency. Poor girls, seriously, they're all suffering so much, I read their private messages and they were so sad. Also the GWSN's company? They were detained from their dorm?! Wtf. Honestly as bad as some big companies are, at least they have enough money and don't pull THIS shit
Uhm and Lucas.....? That's insane. SM is so fucking weird. Literally whay the fuuuuck, Chris Lee you stupid mf... Some people say Lookass might go solo?! Mate has very little talent compared to people like Ten, Taeyong, Mark, let's be serious 😭😭😭😭 WayV, NCT and SuperM gonna catch strays because of him 🔫 poor Baekhyun too - DV 💖
Man City who??? Idk them 🙈🙉🙊 ugh the "next X" is so annoying, reminds me of "the next BTS" stfu already and let them be themselves! Barca girls? Them I can support! //// Baek we're all Chelsea players at this point I'm afraid... can't even blame it on Abeamovich anymore 🔫 //// Lowkey thought Villa retired, I was so shocked to find him in India.
it really is bc those “next x” where are they??? they fall under the pressure and never end up making it,,, i think u know about how at one time rm got every big player as their mid fielders and they never gave them time to play which made their playing career 📉📉 ancelottt’s doing it again 😭😭 YEAH BARCA GIRLIES they’re actually kind of insane,,, NO SERIOUSLY WHAT POSITION DO U PLAY IN THE CHELSEA FC??? 🤨 yeah it’s so surprising but i guess good for him id be passing out tbh if i saw him irl <3
since we were talking about d*ni a*v*s that m*son gr**nw**d is back 🔫 major loss for prison fc
I've been to Plant Cafe before and it's good! I'm not sure if I'm going to Jeju this time round, I'm planning on coming back in the summer. I'll be quite busy with work so it'll keep me distracted or kill me. I like to be updated tho, so can't totally stay away from Twitter, also literally so many of my friends are seeing Ateez I WON'T BE ABLE TO ESCAPE IT 😭😭😭😭
pls do send a few restaurants u go to! AHHH if u go back in the summer you’ll be able to see those waterbomb festivals! hopefully ateez summer cb 🤲🏻😭😭 SEE I WILL KEEP U SELECTIVELY UPDATED, BLOCK UR FRIENDS THEYRE having a london fansign 😭😭
I see you're determined to post the Yunho fic, I hope it happens soon for the sake of your mental health! And so you can focus on you know who perhaps 😉 /// Hannah no legs???? What happened!? Yes, I still have some of my Bratz dolls, but never had Shortcakes they weren't popular over here. Also Bratz games, I ate that shit up.
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giving myself this one last time if i can’t write it i will not anymore my fingers just won’t write for him fhwjdh 😭😭😭 U ALREADY KNOWWWWW U ALREADY KNOW ☺️☺️ hannah no legs! took it to aussie as a kid to visit family, went to my cousins place and (left the doll at another’s) came home to her foot being cut off by a 3 1/2 kid <333 i was fed excuses and i beloved them 🫡🫡 one thing about bratz doll’s is that their hair’s are so long,,, i used to shampoo them all the time fbwkfbdk strawberry shortcake dolls are creepy actually good thing u don’t have any 😭😭 STOP IT DO U RMR BRATZ GAME ON GAMEBOY
Bestie you haven't seen SKINS?! Maybe you're too young, but this show shaped me (not sure if it's a good thing lmao). It was one of the first "real" teen shows, not everything aged well, but it was a cultural reset. Huh omg I love Freaky Friday, so I might tune in for this, unless it's cringy af
IM YOUNG JCHCKCKS not “everything aged well” LIKE EVERY SHOW FROM THE EARLY 2000’s 😭😭😭 freaky friday is so good,, apparently ryan reynolds has a body swap movie too?? the change up?? gonna watch it but do u rmr that one movie where the nerd or the popular girl and the ‘footballer’ quarter back swapped bodies the “it’s a boy girl thing”💀💀 it was cute at times but not many ppl liked it,, hoping it’s not cringey bc we’ve HAD ENOUGH
Tasir whomst?! (I'm joking ily Tasir!) I'll give that Toothless ring to Hwa, just watch me! //// Tbh I'd expect that reaction from Ronaldo and same, I used to do this shit in FIFA when my teams lost 😭
I know like four(?) Imagine Dragons songs, so I'm not sure 😅 Edgy Aussie band aksjajshahjaha TXT in their 70s era. Right, Tinnitus?! I love the Blue Hour's Korean title You and I found in the sky at 5:35 but Crown and One day a horn grew out of my head???
omg pls listen to bad liar by them, it started the villain yn and king hwa au for me <3 my religious anthem actually,,, TINNITUS HAD ME WEAK 😭😭😭 like the ringing in ears pls hybe 😭😭 ONE DAY A HORN GREW OUT OF MY HEAD GET THE FUCK OUT TBWMFBKWD THIS DEVIL IMAGERY HAS ME CRYING WHO’S WRITING THESE THINGS 😭😭😭😭
My first Ateez meeting was a blur I barely remember anything, but the hwands were smooth indeed... I thought Hwa looked like CEO doing aegyo, but junior tutor?! Why would you bring him up I'M PUNCHING MYSELF NOW. DILF Mingi made a comeback too
do u think he has hand creams for this hand, flavoured ones too,,, JUNIOR TUTOR TELL ME IT DOESNT LOOK LIKE IT GBWMFNWMJC the teasing mc and the poor junior that has to help mc <333 nuna romance <3 DILF MINGI. HAHA. and he?
ur right this tweet, he’s coming for messi’s ballon d’or actually
So true...Baby girl... //// I can't move on from this I'M REACHING THE MAXIMUM LEVEL OF INSANITY 😱 /// This is so fucking funny ajshhahsusuahwhshw /// What a throwback lol
he’s in his baby girl era omg,,, if he doesn’t put pretty sparkly clips in his hair,, HEY HEY HEY I AM BLIND DONT DO THIS 😩😩 LMFAOOO STOP BRO IS TIRED HIS FACE FBWJDHKWJCJC
baek taemin and kai in one group is a blessing,, their friendship >>> do u rmr this 😭😭
This fucking company?!??! I thought no one was as bad or worse as the Omega X agency. Poor girls, seriously, they're all suffering so much, I read their private messages and they were so sad. Also the GWSN's company? They were detained from their dorm?! Wtf. Honestly as bad as some big companies are, at least they have enough money and don't pull THIS shit
this is like jessica’s case w sm??? and the company of theirs is trying to get them to promo as 12 members in japan??? wHAAT ARE THEY ON??? chu is so exhausted the media is just going haywire on her,, im glad ppl are supporting her bc that company is run by petty fucks,,, NOOO THAT GWSN THING WQS SO INSANE??? HOW ARE THE COMPANIES NOT ARRESTED ATP?? how hard it is to treat ur group CORRECTLY
Uhm and Lucas.....? That's insane. SM is so fucking weird. Literally whay the fuuuuck, Chris Lee you stupid mf... Some people say Lookass might go solo?! Mate has very little talent compared to people like Ten, Taeyong, Mark, let's be serious 😭😭😭😭 WayV, NCT and SuperM gonna catch strays because of him 🔫 poor Baekhyun too - DV 💖
i tbh didn’t even know what to say,,, wayv was so excited for their fanmeet, baek was coming back and now chris lee just decided to bring him back, just when u thought everything was good 😭😭😭 as in what did he bring to the group,,,, poor baekhyun bc lookas would start with calling baek pig and fat and hitting his injured leg again 😭😭😭 i will THROW HANDS AT HIM ON GOD FBWMDJWK baek back in one day! like bro’s out here dancing like rent due and getting hurt and lookas?
and uh?
ARE WE HEARING PROMOTIONS???? FOR EVERYONE???? 41 albums,,,, oh we’re gonna be FED
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elleroodles · 1 year
elleroodles ___ of the year awards
runner ups r smile and uhh. i really don't know what else i watched that came out this year. do i have to say don't worry darling. i watched that with my mom and neither of us liked it that much but i did think it was more interesting than where the crawdad sings buuut crawdad had a good twist so idek..... i liked smile tho it was goofy and dumb and really great to watch in a theater with my friend. anyways eeaao has a fun acronym and is soo os oso good i don't think i even need to say that because well it's an objective fact but something i really appreciated upon a rewatch was how well it sticks to being bizarre but also coherent. like there's so much happening at any given moment but the movie gives it to u in a way that you can process, and while a lot of this is through having a protagonist like evelyn, it's also just really really good storytelling! and the flow is sooo good that movie is 2hrs and 19mins but does nott feel like it. luv it. everyone go watch it again please
i put this category here then realized i didn't really watch any shows that came out this year then realized CHAINSAW MAN!!!! one of my fav stories my fav manga probably i would need to think about it but i do love chainsaw man . sizzling hot take tho the anime is losing me. that's why the top spot goes to SEVERANCE!!!! even though i'm not done with it yet anyways let me have my safe space to air grievances about the csm anime. I THINK IT IS TOO PRETTY. maybe idk. there's just something off to me about the anime adaption as a whole idk what it is but i thiiiink it might be the style? the animation is so incredibly gorgeous and a masterclass in everything ever so i want to make it clear that i do not have a problem with the quality of the animation or art but i think its a little too. clean? idk! the csmiverse feels a little too gritty for the tone the anime has set. but we are getting into darker parts of the story now so maybe i will be proven right! that or yoshida will be introduced and they'll make him so pretty i won't even care anymore. anyways the other runner up is smiling friends i watched that show in its entirety at like 1am with my dad and we both liked it
starting this list there was only one album i knew for sure would make it in but then i checked and wow some music has been released this year.... top spot is going to shock everyone my aoty is HELLFIRE BY BLACK MIDI! reason: it's really good . thank u for coming. for real though i had never listened to a black midi song in my life until hellfire was the album of the week in the little music club my irls and i have and i listened to it and my third eye opened fireworks went off behind me a lightbulb lit up over my head etc etc i thought i had a broad taste in music but apparently not because HELLO? there's a lot of sounds here! and they're all really good! one of those things i think people should listen to at least once in their lives so they can either fall in love or get a shirt that says 'I LISTENED TO A BLACK MIDI ALBUM AND ALL I GOT WAS THIS DUMB T-SHIRT AND GOOD SOUNDS IN MY EARS.' extremely close second place is bleed out my the mountain goats the goats are the goats of concept albums like hello. and third goes to brightside bc i've been a slut for the lumineers since day one baby. i saw them tour this album actually and they shot confetti during birthday and even though i was all the way in the back i still got a piece and keep it in my phone case
i played three games that came out this year. did you know that. you do now because i have to expose myself for this top 3 list anyways i love POKEMON LEGENDS ARCEUS! i got it around release whenever that was. january i think. and it's such a cozy game. def in the top 5 mainline pkmn titles. i looove the open world aspect even if it's a little boring i don't care because i'll see a bidoof and go WOAHHH IT'S BIDOOF!!! crazy stuff i wish i could just go outside and see a thing in my front yard. the bugs scared me away from scarvi but my friend showed me the little tea party things. and i nearly caved. but then i picked up legends arceus and had such a good time that it saved me $60 so THANK YOU!! runner ups are rf5 which runs like hell on the switch pls buy rf4 instead and twewy. which i bought 12 hours ago because it's on sale right now
thank u all for coming
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wooahaes · 2 years
saw the tags of ur most recent post and,,,what’s ur favorite layton game? i’ve only played one on the ds and it was sooo hard as a kid, but i wanna play more of them !
+ a similar ask from a lovely anon!
Oh my gosh, Professor Layton! I absolutely adore that series. Which one is your favourite? Mine was always Miracle Mask because I found the characters and the story interesting, but Curious Village will always be special to me because it was my first. The Phoenix Wright crossover was cool, too. Damn, now I have to go back and replay them all again. The nostalgia is so real, but it was always nice to start getting more puzzles right first try as I aged. Take care! ❤️
(since you both asked the same question, i figured i'd combine asks and answer them at the same time!!)
it's been a while since i've played the layton series tbh! i really should replay it sometime. i think i really enjoyed both diabolical box + unwound future (american titles bc im an american) since i played the first trilogy in reverse order i'm pretty sure, so i have a soft spot for both of them. i admittedly used to write self insert fanfic for the series when i was younger lol but i was having a good time <3
literally went from 11 year old having fun to 15-16 year old cringing hard and saying self inserts are bad to 22 year old me today being like "actually self inserts are fun, idk what she was on"
i never actually played the phoenix right crossover or the one w katrielle tbh! its been sooo long since i've played the entire series... one day i'll replay all of it from start to finish.
also big mood to anon!! playing them as a kid was relying on a lot of walkthroughs for certain puzzles and eventually i kinda grew out of it. except for the fucking chocolate puzzle (number 67) in curious village...... fuck her. its only in the US version too!!!! like !!!! evil. fuck that puzzle. >:/
i still recommend the games for anyone who likes puzzles tho sdfkhsdf just know that the US version of that puzzle...... its so evil.
both of you take care tho! <3
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batarangsoundsdumb · 3 years
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guess fucking what? my inbox is so fucking full right now i'm unloading all of this shit in one post.
For the 11th gotham memes: gothamites react to bruce being jacked in a tiktok he made with kids, like super yoked, ripped as hell
fucking hilarious thanks. i think i did it in one meme post, but i genuinely don't remember which one
i dunno which of the batfam would do this but one time i was sleeping over at a friends house and ended up on the floor bc the bed was so very small and i just stayed there because the rug was soft
that's a drunk jason move i don't know what to tell you
tim and jason are "i listen to pop punk" solidarity. whenever jason highjacks the batmobile theyll go on long ass car rides blaring mcr and paramore and then never talk about it again
as they should!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tim: no jason it's my turn using the aux cord i gotta put on my jams jason: don't you dare put on weird shit tim: don't worry, you're gonna love this *plays fearless (taylor's version)
hear me out hear me out, red hood stans 🤝 nightwing stans t h i g h s
holy shit yes.
SNL au: Bruce breaks character when pretending to superman and says something like "I'm not superman! You've seen his gps!! It's from 2001!!!" @sabeanybabe
superman flies past the snl building the next day just to say 'actually it's from 2005, i'm not a heathen'
does your back hurt from carrying the batfam fandom
it hurts more from the exotic rock collection i keep in my backpack, but thanks for the concern.
I love your posts by why would you always leave the best parts in the tags?
as a treat for the people that check the tags ;) (and also because i'm committed to the short post aesthetic)
somehow your playlist was everything i never knew i needed. i mean it. this is my new favorite playlist.
and don't you dare get a new favourite playlist!
babe ur stoner tim playlist is exactly too perfect, earth is literally blessed by ur existence
babe thanks so much! i love my stoner tim playlist because it's just my usual playlist but people think it's an artistic choice that i put taylor swift and britney spears in there, when it's just what i unironically like listening to
again it's not even an ironic choice, i know every single word and i genuinely like the song
The last chapter of Fundamentals of Casework has me crying at work. Thanks I love it @dudelookitsalesbian
oh babe, i'm sorry, but also, not sorry i love chapter 4 so much it's my lovechild with the 'mental illness' tag
soooo....stumbled on your tumblr by some stroke of fate??? read your DC fanfic first. which is PHENOMENAL btw. then found all the batmemes; the funniest thing EVER bc everyone forgets about regular old gothamites. kept scrolling and your blog pops up as recommended. clicked on the ao3 for shits and giggles and waddaya know?!?!? it's YOU!!! you're LEGEND!!!! ever seen that meme? it's a video of a cat that got into a baseball field and the two announcers get really invested in his escape attempt and start giving a play by play of the cat instead of the game. memeable moment: "GREAT stuff from the Cat!!!"
i seriously think about this ask every single day and it's so fucking funny to me that i've never seen the meme you're referencing, but i still find myself going 'GREAT stuff from the Cat!!!' whenever i see something funny. but wow i'm glad you liked this steaming pile of garbage
Fav dc character overall? And fav batfamily character?
don't ask me to pick between the loves of my life, but i can tell you i've cried about every single batfamily member and also wally west (my beloved)
What's your opinion on fans having a problem with batfam being "too big"? And some even claim that batfam is just "Bruce Alfred Dick Damian" and the rest of them are just "friends and allies" (source: reddit) Personally, I like batfam because of this reason but idk
stupid. a family can never be too big. i'm not that big a fan of like huge batfam stuff with everybody from every single universe, because as much as it's funny for bruce to have like 30 kids, it just feels a little too OOC for me.
This is the best tag I've seen involving the batfam, thanks for thinking of it
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This is canon now @nctxrejects
lmao yeah i think at that point alfred has had to sit through like at least a dozen coming out talks and just has a pride flag collection in the attic that he pulls out whenever a kid comes out
idk why batfam hits different as compared to any other superhero family
bc it's found family and usually the other superhero families are almost all genetically related in one way or another
I don't know if you watch the umbrella academy but I saw your last post about batcest and saw the similarities. But the thing is (although I think it's weird) in TUA, they addressed it by saying "they were raised as weapons, not siblings" or something along those lines, which is simply not the case with batfam.
yeah i watched tua but i also thought it was ridiculous and they still treated each other as siblings so i didn't like the luthor/allison thing, and am glad they stopped doing that shit bc it fucking sucked.
Hot take: Batcest shippers are the same people who believe adopted siblings are not actual siblings
smoking hot take: batcest shippers are the people who watch 'my sister got stuck in the washing machine' porn
Duke was adopted by Bruce?
not technically no, but do i, tumblr user batarangsoundsdumb, look like i care?
True story but I had to change my freaking name because it used to be "Damien" and most people would go "OH LIKE DAMIAN WAYNE" like please I'm just tryna live
true story, but i don't actually think of damian when i hear the name damian, literally the first thing that pops up is damian darkh like bruh what?
apparently dc comics company supported comic stores by giving out new titles and stuff during the beginning of the pandemic to help them run and I just think that's wholesome
ah yeah that's so fucking cool, still don't like dc, the company, because this world is a capitalist hellhole and we're all owned by warner brothers or disney with no in between.
ayo looking at tumblr head canons and finding out bruce is actually a terrible father is a punch in the gut
lmao yes, in like 50% of comics bruce is a terrible father and it gives me whiplash
oooh I just saw the jason todd vs winter soldier post and the real question is: batman vs iron man
while iron man has like hundreds of cases of armor, batman could throw out an emp and have the guy dropping out of the sky in 2 seconds.
dickfast = fastdick = quickdick = quickie
magnum hot take
hey bata(?) just thought I'd let you know I have copied the obnoxious emoji and Billy Ray post for use on simping men going forth
thank you 😘🌷 (@spacebarsidecar)
why would you do that to your followers???? i get why i did it, but why would you???
what is scarecrow made the nightwing funko pop himself, like those diy-ers that paint over other ones
oh god no, horrible take, horrible take, that's a disgusting thought oh no
I see your HC that Bruce and Oliver fucked and raise you this: Dick and Roy ALSO fucked
yes they did and it was a horrible moment for jason to find out dick has fucked both of his best friends
"at this rate bruce adds like 1 child to his family every decade or so" Duke is introduced in 2013, Damian as Damian, not as an unnamed child, in 2006. And he is already 14 years old, Robins rarely remain Robins after 16 😬 It looks like a new Robin and Batkid will appear in a couple of years
i mean i can't wait? but somebody will probably die first tho, we're due for another major character death. my money's on either cass or duke this time.
BRO you're so right all of your Bruce's ex headcanons are amazing but they aren't ships, that's kinda wild. Like I don't want any peeks into how their relationship was I just want to see everyone make fun of them
lmao YES it's just i love bruce being a slut, like good for him.
I am in love with your posts your honour thank you
omg thanks are we like,, gonna kiss now?
The justice league needs to have a meeting to discuss how many of their members/partners have slept with bruce. Because through a combination of cannon & fannon (if DC wasn’t homophobic) we have AT LEAST: 1) clark 2) lois 3) oliver 4) dinah 5) john
Thats not counting villains or random civilians @dudelookitsalesbian
yes yes yes, they'll have a yearly meeting about how many of their collective exes could be out for revenge and batman's list just keeps getting longer.
tim was like "i'm drake now" and everyone was like ahh so your fursona is a dragon and tim was like pffffft no. ducks.
and what about it?
when steph's fighting livewire and she zaps her with lighting and nothing happens and then they both just. stand there awkwardly for a second and talk. yeah i couldn't stop laughing at that batgirl steph is the BEST
oh yeah that was fucking hilarious and i think it would be so cool and sexy of dc to give steph a little comic series,,, as a treat
Hi I absolutely adore all of yours "Bruce and Oliver very badly pretending they didn't fuck each other" memes
lmao i do too
I need you to know that “Bruce Wayne had frosted tips” is one of my favorite Bruce takes of all time it’s so galaxy brained. you’re right and you should say it
he also painted his hair blonde once when he was travelling and in conclusion, this is why he's being blackmailed by the gotham gazette.
you know my thing about gordon being branded as the only good cop in gotham is its a load of shit like arguably he's a good person and not working to screw people over or anything but the fact that he also works w. batman makes him a shit cop. like yea batman is better than the mob but its still illegal its still an abuse of power he just not making bank
babe, all cops are bad cops. (but yeah youre absolutely right, working with vigilantes makes you a shit cop, but also working against vigilantes just makes you an asshole cop yanno?)
ruh roh i think i’m about to add “so not yeehaw” every time i don’t like something
that's a very good vocabulary upgrade
somehow i feel like steph already knew. like babs obviously knew but i feel like bruce got high/drunk in front of steph and started telling his boarding school stories and steph was just like “oh you fucked up i’m never gonna forget this”
steph and bruce have weird uncle/rebellious niece dynamic and they just hang out sometimes and bruce will be like 'i once broke my arm when i tripped over a hedge when i was drunk so oliver drove me to the hospital on an electric scooter' and steph will just have to sit there with that knowledge in her head.
Hello I just wanted to tell you you are So right in all your steph opinions bc she is, in fact amazing and I think that's very sexy of you. Ps. Your Bruce/Oliver fic is hilarious
babe, thank you so much and yes steph is amazing and i love her and she deserves the world and she's the best member of the batfam hands down. also thanks
In Supersons we see a couple of kids that are implied to be Damian and Jon's children and the boy has laser eyes and can fly, so I asume he's not adopted. The girl, who calls Bruce grandpa, can also fly, btw. So it's canon (probably by accident) that Jon can have kids and he must have married one of Bruce's kids. (I'm hoping for Damian, mostly because any other of his children would be waaaaaaaaaaaaay too old.) @artemisa97
lmao that was probably an accident seeing as jon is a 17 year old superhero in the year 3000 (by the jonas brothers)
You know, I'm a die hard fan of your memes, but I gotta say one thing: if Gothamites actually took gas mask everywhere with them, then the Scarecrow would just be a weird dude in a weird costume, and not a villain oh so scary. DC really should just takes notes from you.
bold of you to assume there's no gothamite anti-maskers
How does it feel being the funniest person on this app?
horrible, next question.
I can't listen to Green Day or Billy Joel without thinking of your post about how Bruce got arrested at a Billy Joel concert @nightwings-kid
yeah that's your mistake, i on the other hand can't enjoy billy joel without thinking about the glee rendition of 'uptown girl'
I've FINALLY been watching the Batman animated series and I gotta say, after watching "the gray ghost" I am CONVINCED that Batman is a closeted super hero geek who was 100% freaking out the first time he met Superman and is just REALLY good at hiding it.
superman: so what do you do in your free time? batman, thinking about the superman fanfiction he's writing on the batcomputer: i have no free time
bruce and oliver be like boyfriends to co-workers 401k (do the justice leagues get 401ks??? not that bruce and ollie would need them, but-)
lmao yes just 400 thousand words of bruce realising 'oh dip oliver is such a fucking dumbass' (also i don't know what a 401 k is but i assume they don't?)
Gothamites would totally boo superman as he saves Gotham while batman is out. @meenje
he's like 'okay think about that next time you want to be saved from an alien octopus'
I just took long break from dc comics and I come back to see ric grayson ??
i think it's very cool and sexy of dc to see dick and just think 'you know what? let's just give him a traumatic brain injury' and then didn't develop his character in any real way
SPEAKING OF RIC GRAYSON, gothamites making confused memes out of ric grayson is much needed
'dick grayson is my taxi driver? can anyone explain what the fuck happened he looks like an italian plumber?'
i hate to say it but batfam are def "marvel characters" in that sense they are characters who are human but become superheroes unlike most dc characters who are gods trying to be human maybe this is why I like batfam
fair enough
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cuziloveyou7 · 4 years
15 questions
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I was tagged by the always wonderful: @randombtsprincessa ofcourse!
Tagging: @everyone who wants to do it, @taevolucion, @an-annyeoing-writer, @kittylefayy, @oheyura, @http-je0n, @swthhhie
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1. It’s your birthday! What did you ask for and did you receive it?
Okay so I'm the most basic person because I never know what to ask for. I usually ask for money or gift cards so I can buy my skincare or make up (which I don't use tbh but I just love make up so much!!!). Love to get flowers! Got them once from mom! My mom does have a whole list of ce moi... so far she promised to get me but still haven't received....
2. What was the last song or album you listened to?
Okay so imma do both! Last song was Badass women by Meghan Trainor (I needed happy and confidence) and last album was Eric Nam's The other side!
3. What is your go-to snack when you’re hungry or bored?
Ehmmm... so I rarely eat unless I'm actually hungry (blame the eating disorder, I'm good now tho but old habits die hard) so skyflex maybe? Because the only time I do do this is when it's period time and it's just a mess with what I want to eat!
4. What is your morning routine?
On a work day I wake up at 5 am, take a shower, wash my face, dress half way, skincare, eat, brush my teeth, dress fully, go to work. On days off I set my alarm at a comfortable time, slowly wake up, either shower after getting out or just lazy around the living before taking a shower, eat and play games, make some moodboards, day dream or go out if I have anything planned. I'm having a gap year so yeah imma take it slow! Can't do much with Rona anyways!
5. What mythical/cryptic creature would you be?
I was highly convinced I was the embodiment of a unicorn but I don't think I deserve that title. I wish I could be a Valkyrie because they badass. But I also kinda wanna be a mermaid/siren or fairy/fae/pixie! Idk man lemme be all!
6. How do you interact with someone that you don’t like?
Kinda nonchalant... idk I be nice and be normal but I don't put much effort in that person.
7. How do you define a toxic person?
Yooo! Das hard tho! Because I've met different types of toxic ppl. The ones I usually interact with are usually takers and I've always been a giver! I'm working on getting the right proportion of both because either one is very unhealthy on it's own. It's like ying and yang, you gotta find balance peeps! Ohh and toxic ppl usually make it so you think you're always in the wrong and at fault..
8. Have you ever been to a concert or fan meet type of event? If not, would you want to?   
This is a sad story... I've only been to 1 concerts in my whole 20 years of life... would've been 2 in july but no BTS for me thanks to Rona.... I would love to go to more concerts in the future when it's possible again! But for now stay safe loves!
9. Do you believe in astrology? Why or why not?
Eehhh.. yes and no? Like there are certain aspects I do. Also I'm more into the spiritual side of it? If that's what you can call it tho? Like the random posts you see on sm I don't take to heart. Also those magazine astrology is junk. Idk man it's hard because I also think you define you! You are your own person and that's the tea! Bc if I was to completely believe it I would be a pessimistic, workaholic who is most likely obsessed with money and success...
10. If you had only one sense (hearing, touch, sight, etc.) what would you want?
Sight! I have so much respect for people who can't see or have really bad vision. I can't imagine not being able to see all the wonderful things life offers❤
11. Who is your favorite celebrity or idol?
BTS! Tbh I used to have a lot of ppl on this list but everyone so problematic, so far BTS aren't problematic and just overal sweethearts and baby! It's some of our toxic amry fam I wanna bash sometimes..
12. If you could talk to your favorite celebrity(ies) for a limited time, what would you tell them?
Like, thank you! For real! These guys are like a remedy for whenever I'm down or when my severe mental health issues start acting up again.
Also you guys are awesome, be healthy, be happy, be safe, never ever doubt yourself cause you're all doing a great job. Nobody knows what they're actually doing, life is weird but from what I can see you're doing a great job at it. One day I want to be able to help and impact others lives as much as you guys 💜
13. I’m taking you out on a date and it’s your choice. Where are we going?
YOOO!!! I have been thinking about this a lot as of recent years! Since romance seems to be non existent until now (someone was flirting with me for the first time and it was awful but a fun experience hahaha) I never thought about it. I knew dinner is off the table, because I just don't enjoy eating out. At first I was like going to the film is great, I don't have to talk and it won't be awkward. But that's just awful because how we get to know more things about eachother? So what I would really enjoy is going to an amusement park/carnival or fair (whatever it's called) or like fun game things like lasergaming/paintball/karting/arcade/ those wood climbing things? Idk what it's called. It's so much fun, it's active and you're getting to know each other! It doesn't feel formal and stuck up. After sometime I would also enjoy going to art galleries or museums, picknicks are cute too! But I feel like those are more intimate so I want the fun and crazy stuff first hahaha.
14. Do you like sweet or savory foods?
Savory kinda gall but I do love myself some sweets. So depends on the food.
15. Do you have any band merchandise or merchandise from any of your favorite artists? If so, what?
YES MA'AM!!!! so most is bts! Got key chains, BT21 YALL!!! album! Rubber bracelet, posters, pins and a gorgeous bag designed by my gurliepren! Also got an exo chain from a friend and that's it so far! I want more, A LOT MORE!!! because I stan enough peeps!
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kyufiber-moved · 5 years
I feel like u have a lot of amazing ideas. Can u list them all our do u wanna keep them secret? Like a big masterlist of all the types of aus u wanna write someday. I know i have like 3 pages of ideas. I've actually written down plots to a lot of them, but i don't get much father than that 😬 -🐖
wkjefkwej i do have lots of ideas ((idk about AMAZING damn ily) but most of them are just swirling around my head tbh,,, i have an 18 page google doc with old ideas but then i didnt keep writing ideas down there so ,,, it would be like 30 pages long if i had kept at it ksjdfkjefj
i do want to ((for the most part)) keep my ideas secret so that 1. ppl wont use them before i can SKFKJE and 2. so that if i do post / write / etc them, ppl won’t have alr seen them before !!! but i can post vague-ish ?? summaries of them !!!! also this turned out to be way longer than i thought so . apologies
modern cinderella sns au
hanahaki au 
ao haru ride au
modernized jane eyre au
love alarm au
stoic tsundere chef!kyungsoo (see here)
au based off of shinee’s view music video (which i alr kinda did with runaways but . still ive had this idea for years)
tatbilb au
teacher x student au
fashion blogger!y/n
bad bitch!y/n and nerd!main lead
false memories au ((a lot more complicated but hard to explain simply so,,, ill leave it at that))
au based off of the dawnguard quest in skyrim ((but just the ‘100′s of years old vampire locked in a crypt gets found by random human’ part))
au based off groupie love by lana del rey
something with the title “1-800-CUPID” ((if someone takes this i will literally cry just . dont do it . im gonna use it at some point))
something with the title “101 ways to get the girl” AGAIN DONT TAKE IT
guy takes nerdy girls and turns them into bad bitches formula au
ur new teacher / teaching assistant / boss / etc is the one night stand you had the previous night OOPS
secretly dating au
boarding school au
harry potter au 
au based off airplane by ikon
au based off she’s a baby by zico
halloween party costume... turns out to not be a costume :> im mostly a  romance writer but this could go a horror route idk
this svt series i was gonna do where each of them had a love story... i can list them if you want but i think i deleted the drafts bc im ocd and have a need to clean out my drafts smh... ok they are as follows ((ill prob end up writing some of these and maybe/probably changing the idol but who knows)) :
(minghao) ur bff tags you and the boy u like in an ig pic and the pic says “tag ur best friend and their crush to ruin their life” 
(jun) FAKE fake dating au ((aka guy gets girl to fake date him so his parents will back off of asking him if he has a gf except he actually likes her and its a plan to get her to fall in love w him LOL))
(jeonghan) ice cream shop summer job au feat. flirty main lead
(chan) girl and guy have a prank war that’s been ongoing for two years ever since he accidentally did smth to her and they’re rivals but then he witnesses a moment right after her bf breaks up with her and is like ok we r bffs now and yeah . its cute in theory
(wonwoo) girl is at a party and kisses someone but bc she was intoxicated she doesn’t remember who it was and the plot is her narrowing down who kissed her etc
(mingyu) best friends to lovers bc of a game of spin the bottle HAH ik its cliche but idc
(seungkwan) girl is a prim and proper student but parties over the summer and makes a whOLE fool out of herself in front of guy at one such party but she’s like eh im embarrassed but ill never see him again so its ok except . he turns out to be a transfer to her school
(woozi) guy and girl are main leads and romantic partners etc in play / movie / whatever and while they film / practice an actual behind the scenes romance develops
(dk) guy who is energetic and spastic meets rlly stoic and cold girl bc they’re lab partners and he melts her cold ass exterior
(hoshi) girl is the only daughter of a super rich family and boy is the son of the family’s maid / etc and they run into each other and end up falling for each other despite the class difference, which causes conflict later on when they want to be together yeehaw
(joshua) girl and guy are close friends n one time their friend who is an aspiring youtuber is filming and he’s like listen i want views yall should kiss . and the girl is like no ??? what . and the guy is like surprise ! and kisses her and it changes their relationship oop
(hansol) brother’s best friend!au . simple as that tbh skejfke
and lastly (scoups) famous idol!guy and company intern!girl who definitely shouldnt like each other but . totally do 
ok anyways continuing on bc my ideas never fucking stop . oblivious! popular boy taehyung and lovesick!y/n desperately trying to get it into his rock dumb brain that she likes him
i also had this idea for kim doyoung and kim gongmyung like . about the girl liking one of them and then him breaking her heart and its like a year later and she ends up with his little brother . yanno . ok
arranged relationship au BUT with a twist bc the girl also has a bf at school (basically,, something similar to my little bride??? but not the same,, just similar)
cute new boy vs bff boy who has a secret crush on oc
au based off boys by charli xcx 
au based off in your pocket by maroon 5
sugar daddy!au
then ofc i have ones ive actually started which are:
au based off mistakes like this by prelow
au based off leave your lover by echos
au based off the mv for view by shinee yanno yanno i mentioned that
royalty!dawon and bodyguard!y/n whose real identity turns out to b something nobody knew about oops
wow i didnt know i had so many ideas when will i chill
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soraenun-archive · 2 years
[i stand in front of the mirror doing random poses until i spot a camera behind me] Oh hiii :) i didn't see you there. how have you been doing bestie? <3 good i hope :D (see? my threats are very convinving lmao)
yeah totally! i've never really told anyone, apart from my mom, that i watch it and enjoy the sport because there's this cliché that girls can't play it nor enjoy it for a reason :( which is stupid anyway 🙄 thanks for acting clueless around me. the help is greatly appreciated hihi
of course i remembered! our conversations are one of the highlights of my day so i am reminded of you when we talk about something and i see it on my dash. i did listen to the song, but only watched the mv teaser. yeri's short bob wig is gorgeous and all the black and white looks are amazing. overall, the song's good. it's, imo, better than feel my rhythm. the thing is, when i saw it was part of their first full japanese album (or idk how they called it), i was a bit thrown off when they included all their previous japanese releases in the mix. it felt very lazy to do so. i would've prefered if it was a single or mini-album with a few other new japanese songs. anyway, sorry for the little ramble. i was just skeptical when i saw it and wanted to share it with you. what did you think of wildside and the rest of the album? i just went to check and all the new japanese songs on bloom (their album) are not available on spotify at the moment. weird...
i agree with you on rugby. i tried to watch a game and couldn't go through till the end. it's really violent and i got bored ngl :(
i just said it for the fun of the message. i didn't actually being taking singing classes hehe. sorry for tricking you
question of the day: what are your favourite kpop releases of 2022 thus far? maybe i could listen to new music?
[i give you a letter where the following inscription is written] HEY BESTIE! PLEASE TAKE CARE AND HAVE THE BEST DAY EVER [end of message]
from 🐘 anon
📸 hiii bestie <3 i’ve been pretty good just very tired bc i do not sleep enough which i think you probably relate to i remember the one message where u sounded so tired :( i hope we can both get some rest! 💓💞
that’s so sweet :( i think i prefer feel my rhythm which i’m surprised at but i’m in my cute songs era right now! but i agree the black and white looks were <3 and yeri looked gorgeous with the short hair ! and yeah i know what you mean! i think there’s still 5 original songs though and i think this is considered their first full album so it makes sense to put all their japanese releases onto one album i think! yess wildside was released but the full album doesn’t come out until april 6th!! i’ve heard some of the audio snippets though and i really like the sound of marionette and colour of love!!
oh no that’s okay! i just thought it would be rude of me not to ask if u actually had been <3 though i’m sure your voice is lovely all the same!💕
ohh there’s sooo many like maybe too many to list but i’m going to anyway because i love to talk! okay so all the comebacks/debuts i love from 2022 so far just mentioning title tracks because if we got into bsides we would be here all day. also this is in release order i think or it should be jakshda
kep1er - wa da da, p1harmony - do it like this, wjsn chocome - super yuppers, enhypen - blessed cursed, onlyoneof - skinz, fromis9 - dm, jinjin & rocky - breath, yena - smiley, pentagon - feelin’ like, viviz - bop bop!, stayc - run2u, billlie - gingamingayo, rocket punch - chiquita, who - moonbin & sanha, wei - too bad, kim wooseok - switch, red velvet - feel my rhythm, nct dream - glitch mode
i might have missed some but i checked a list of releases and wrote down everything i liked so far! also u might think some of these (skinz) are bad but that's okay because i love them (skinz) <3 you probably know some of these already but if any of them are new to you and u give them a listen i hope you like them!
thank you for the letter i will keep it safe forever <3 i hope you have a really nice day too!!!💗💖
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