#idk if that makes sense or if im explaining it well
theprodigypenguin · 8 months
I think a big difference between Luffy and Dragon is that Luffy sails because he's chasing his dream while Dragon sails because he wants other people to be able to chase their dreams.
I don't think being a revolutionary is what he always dreamed of doing. I don't think it was ever his dream to be the person who acted first. It's simply what happened.
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weinzapfel · 2 months
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57sfinest · 1 year
theoretical entroponetics: the post
okay. LONG post incoming. i have summarized all available information on the pale, separated into confirmed objective truth & in-canon speculation that may or may not be true, and then appended my own very detailed theory on the pale! this post is meant as a resource; please feel free to add things of your own in replies/reblogs (please tag me if you do!) or point out any errors i may have made. you’re welcome to use any of my personal theory in your own work but please credit me if you do!! (and tag me in that/send it to me, i really want to see what you do with it!)
Here’s what we *know* about the pale, according to in-game and concept art: 
It erases data, at least the kind stored on radiocomputer filament and magnetic tapes.
It has no dimensions of its own- pale latitude compressors serve to force dimensions on raw pale and allow navigation. 
The pale is referred to in the context of entropy
It arrived with mankind, but not immediately- there are 8000 years of written history, but the pale was first recorded 6000 years ago, implying that pale either didn’t start forming immediately or that it was so insignificant/distant that it went unnoticed for 2000 years. 
There exists a group of people who are actively trying to expedite entroponetic collapse; the ideology is called entropolism
To this point, pale isn’t immediately visible. Pale has molecular structure, but manifests as a waveform, and only becomes visible at a certain distance from the origin, once wave frequency is sufficiently high. 
During pale exposure, people experience “sense objects”: visual or auditory hallucinations and/or vivid physical recollections of memories. These hallucinations may originate from their own consciousness or someone else’s. c
People require physical and mental examinations before interisolary travel and are allotted a certain number of days per year as their pale exposure threshold. 
Overexposure results in a pale “addiction”- these individuals crave pale exposure, and it’s unclear if this addiction can ever be broken. It’s also unclear whether there is a point at which pale exposure becomes lethal, but given that it dissolves matter, we can be fairly certain that a given length of continuous exposure will kill. 
Radio signals, cold plasma torches and anodic sound are all used to manage the pale to permit travel through it. Plasma torches destabilize the molecular structure of the pale to create gaps, anodic sound widens and maintains these gaps, and radio signals rationalize the pale into recognizable dimensions.
Radio signals are, in return, susceptible to corruption by the pale, resulting in entroponetic crosstalk, where signals from the past or the future are transmitted to the present. CCP is one such phenomenon and is directly related to the formation of new pale through magpie interpretation.
There is a dedicated Union for people who work in and with the pale (the Pale Workers Union). They have two slogans; “The light purifies; The sound absolves; The pale no more” and “Son et Fureur” (sound and fury)
Here’s what we may choose to believe about the pale, based on the thoughts and beliefs of in-game characters:
In conversation with Soona, the pale is described as a “curdling milk” phenomenon: “repulsive, but natural”
In this same conversation you can theorize that the churches were meant to contain the pale origins; out of the seven churches, six were destroyed during the suzerain or the revolution
The phasmid and whatever other lifeforms it’s communicated with believe that entroponetic collapse is comparable to an oxygen holocaust (i.e. the great oxygenation event), implying mass extinction due to a toxic overabundance of sapient thought
Harry refers to it once by saying “The wolf is at the door. It’s going to eat the sun.” so take that as you will
It’s likely that Tiago’s “Mother” is some manifestation from the pale, if you choose to believe that the 2mm hole is in fact a pale origin point (the concept art does confirm it’s a pale origin, but the game offers other explanations, so I won’t say it’s the only answer)
Inframaterialists believe that revolutionary action (NOT thought) may create a counter-force that will prevent the spread of pale; it’s unclear if any reversal is possible.
The world will be fully consumed by the pale in 27 years (I put it here because you may or may not believe that shivers and harry are reliably sourcing this information)
And now my personal speculation about the pale:
A quick and easy point: it’s confirmed that the pale has a measurable EMF “exhalation” frequency that varies with proximity. Strong enough EMF pulses can actually tamper with magnetic storage- radiocomputer filaments! Electronics! Fortress Accident data loss! This gives us a tangible explanation for why pale can delete data :)
This may also explain its ability to cause radio interference- radio frequencies are just a subset of EMF frequencies, so it’s possible that pale exhalation on *just the right frequency* is what’s responsible for the entroponetic crosstalk we get on radios sometimes
The pale canonically has an atomic structure, but it also has wave properties, so it’s possible that the pale has wave-particle duality on its subatomic level, like photons do
Based on this, entroponetics is likely a very similar field to quantum mechanics, which might be an interesting source of ideas for anyone (like me) who wants to explore pale-related possibilities
The pale could be a manifestation of raw patterns. That’s why math “forces dimensions” on it- it rationalizes or “tames” the patterns, which allows it to be manipulated to a certain degree.
There are several references to the pale that refer to mathematical concepts and patterns, saying that the world dissolves into “a tangle of azimuths and cosines” as it blends into the interisolary pale- more on this later
Steban comments that the pale is commonly theorized to be nostalgia or “historical inertia”, but it’s largely agreed that it’s “the past” in a broad sense. Thinking about the idiom that history repeats itself, it could be that history/the past is part of the pattern that comprises the pale, and that it’s also the type of pattern most readily perceived by people (people don’t viscerally *perceive* math, for example, but we experience memories)
To first define entropy: Chemically speaking, “the measure of a system’s thermal energy per unit temperature that is unavailable for doing useful work. (per encyclopedia britannica).” Physically speaking, it’s a measure of randomness or disorder in a system. Less work/less order = more entropy; it’s a physicochemical “winding down” of a given system
It’s commonly thought that pale is the entropic force, but what if it’s the opposite? (Keep in mind the chemical definition: less ability to do work = more entropy) Consider: the pale as less entropic, a cleanup force, recycling the potential lost by death and destruction in the universe. This in part explains why a dead person’s memory is present in the pale- their potential has been recycled into the pale in the form of their memories (their life’s *pattern*)
Enthalpy is a related concept to entropy and is defined as the total energy contained within a system. Holding the system enthalpy constant- saying the universe will always have the same amount of total energy, no matter what, according to thermodynamics- results in an entropic tug-of-war between the pale and the world. The pale wins through sheer inertia (again, inertia is mentioned specifically in game)
Overall: think of the world as “cooling”, losing heat and energy through war and death and complacency. Think of the pale as steam and heat, melting down old materials to start it all over again. (Kim says, *through entroponetic interference*: “it’s been a long, cold winter.”)
Consider: the pale as a sinusoidal function, eternally repeating. The pale recycling the universe to start a new cycle, “spending” itself, resulting in pale not being present in the beginning. Then, as the new things begin to settle- with the advent of the human mind, specifically- the pale reforming, slowly reclaiming potential, eventually ending the cycle to start again.
In comes CCP and magpies. Consider: CCP as a backwards transmission from the next “cycle” (after all, pale has no sense of time). Magpies as *pattern-sensitive* people who are able to decode CCP into something useful called novelty. They reach into the potential of the next cycle to build the potential in their current one- this paradox could be what creates more pale, because (and this is where it gets weird, I apologize) doing this retroactively increases the total amount of energy/work/potential in the current cycle to have been reclaimed by the pale for the next one.
Think of the pale as the compost bin for every single thought in the universe. The pale is the exact right size to compost every little atom and thought in the universe, and can hold nothing extra. But magpies reach into the future, the next cycle, and bring in extra. This paradox forces the pale to grow to accommodate the additional material, which also increases the starting potential of the next cycle. This process allows each cycle to accumulate minor changes from the previous one, which can snowball over many cycles.
Furthermore, to the inframaterialists’ point: revolutionary action would be such a radical shift in inertia that it would increase the potential in the world, forcing the pale to pause/shrink to “balance the equation” in terms of pale-vs-world thermodynamics. So maybe they’re right after all :)
And some diagramming, to explain the utter bullshit I’ve just dropped:
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webcxre · 2 months
idk if this is a hot take but ive seen so many have decided kinito's a trans guy and i love that
but let me raise you my headcanon............
he's a trans dude in the sense that while he was assigned male when created he never really. had a gender? as a computer program? he just was? so when more information about trans people and more trans people became open online he saw it and went. wait... what am i, then?
and decided he sorta resonated with something between nonbinary and trans guys from what he saw online. if he were to draw himself anthro he'd give himself top scars because he just thinks that's a marking all transmasc people have <3
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synthshenanigans · 5 months
Something about how Heart is being compared to mythology, Minds referencing the bible & Soul being the one to use both of those things
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13eyond13 · 23 days
Please tell me about art and media you know of that accurately captures the weirdness of dream logic and atmosphere and emotions... books and movies and video games and art and comics and YouTube stuff, whatever you want... you know, where it only makes sense on an intuitive level and falls apart when you try to explain it...
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iholli · 4 months
it's kind of weird to me that everyone is treating "Vaggie didn't know angels could be harmed despite she herself being harmed" as bad writing when it... just makes sense?
Why would she think otherwise? Exorcists had never been harmed or even touched by sinners before. Vaggie was presumably the first to betray the exorcists and they took her eye and wings as punishment. Of course angels can be done in by their own, wielding their own weapons. It didn't even occur to them that sinners can use angelic weapons against them or they wouldn't bother leaving the weapons behind. Like, look how shocked and angry Lute and Adam were to find out that a sinner had killed an exorcist. That had never happened before and it was the first time they'd ever had to consider that they're not invincible. Carmilla called that out, they fight like they believe they're untouchable.
Of course Vaggie wouldn't know.
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sonic-adventure-3 · 7 months
dude i phrased that sonic v shadow post so wrong. in my head “more skilled” meant shadow relies on more specific skills like gunplay and chaos energy manipulation, and more theoretical knowledge, not that he’s generally more proficient. “raw power” is wholly undescriptive and invokes an image of brute force, which isn’t what i meant. sonic has significantly more actual experience and more honed movement. sonic is a very quick learner, and has dexterity and stamina off the charts. he’s most certainly not unskilled, not in general nor compared to shadow, so i supremely failed if i implied that.
in my head at least, shadow would’ve learned to fight in a controlled environment, if he had physical training at all. i imagine he’d be book smart, had a formal education and shit. either he learned and trained on the ark, or when gerald messed with his memories he implanted fighting knowledge too, baymax style, or something i guess. sonic learned to fight through actual experience, so sonic would be the one with far better battle sense and instincts, it’s like second nature to him rather than a studious pursuit. dude’s graceful as hell, makes everything look easy; no way in hell is he unskilled or less skilled than shadow. shadow’s skill is like, classical, whereas sonic’s is pure schmovement. but idk i’m just thinking aloud.
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sophiethewitch1 · 1 month
no i will NOT acknowledge the early warning signs for schizophrenia warning list what do i look like I'm someone who deals with their problems?? absolutely not
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todayisafridaynight · 1 month
Going off the rules of sonic heroes if we were to trioize the jimas saejima’d obvi fit the power role but now we have to ask what roles majima and daigo fit cause on the one hand i believe majima could pilot a helicopter if he wanted to but on the other hand attributing ‘fly’ to daigo is another case of cruel and unusual punishment
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cinnaminsvga · 5 months
zee!!! thoughts on hope?
i always think about pandora's box (or pithos, if you want to be a nerd), how hope was in there with all the other terrible things... famine, war, death, fear... a woman's curiosity birthing all these horrible curses to plague mankind forever... which is so unfair knowing that pandora was created with the sole intent of doing this; it was her fate to release these evil things. cursed with curiosity, the same thing that killed the cat, or whatever.
isn't it strange? that the gods placed hope in that same terrible box, because the gods weren't kind. they didn't place hope in there because they cared about humanity. sometimes hope could be as ugly as the other curses in that box. it's a soothing balm but only temporary; a bandaid on a stab wound. it hurts so much sometimes.
then again, where would we be without it? what can we do, sometimes, when there's only hope? but relying on hope to stand on its two legs alone is rarely the answer... often, miracles need to happen to carry hope to the end.
but hope can also be kindness and love. i see hope in children; it's offering prayers to anyone that can listen to please please please let these children soar, let them rise up but not as icarus did. please allow them a seat at the table, to take a bite of the fruit. let them have full bellies and dreams of creation. hope is in children saying "i have no need for hope for i have what i want." suffer as we might now, but hope needs to prevail so that these horrors are not inherited.
that's why i can't condemn hope. not yet, for when there's still need for it.
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lochness-art · 2 years
man i wish ppl would stop comparing everything/one to zuko’s redemption arc like
zuko was so fucking incredibly easy to redeem, have you seen this guy. this lost child. it was clear from s1 ep whatever that he’s just a poor victim uwu and he was gonna get redeemed eventually
the only surprising/interesting part abt his redemption is the fuck ups he makes along the way. anyways. jesus.
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pepprs · 7 months
my depression is getting really really bad. like it’s been bad before but this is like… consistently really bad. like a long unending stretch for several weeks (and tbh months) now. to the point where no inoculation actually sticks (and im isolating myself from most of my inoculations anyway and feel unable to stop doing it even though i know it’s self destructive). im either helplessly unbearably miserable or numbing out on video games. i just don’t feel like it’s going to get better for me and i KNOW that is factually untrue but the feeling is louder than the knowledge and it’s just utterly immobilizing. ive been sinking in quicksand for 2 years.
#purrs#longer than that too ofc but i think ever since i moved to campus in 2021 and shit started hitting the fan my life just started snowballing#and picked up speed majorly when i moved back home and ive been stuck in this horrible limbo ever since. like im scaring myself with how#deeply profoundly unhappy and unwell i am. i am just detached and scattered and bewildered by everything. and the only way to break free is#to fight it but i don’t even have the strength. like in order to fight it i have to have the strength and it s exactly the thing that is#being stolen from me. and i work really really hard to suppress it when im around people so no one can tell but on the inside im being eaten#alive and every day that goes on the pain gets harder to bear except im numb most of the time so i can’t tell except for when i can#one of the things that makes me saddest is ive pushed everyone away either by ghosting them or scaring them. when what i want and need the#most is love and comfort. but then when i get it it isn’t enough. idk. im not explaining it well i just feel like. horrible. unbearably#i think i need to go on meds like i truly cannot go on like this not even in a s*i cidal way it’s like i just can’t take living like this#delete later#i know im causing the people who love me pain by being unable to accept that they do love me and that’s the worst fucking part. is hurting#people by being like this. scaring people by being like this. and being so disconnected from myself#and feeling completely and utterly beyond help like nothing ive tried has fixed it but also there are a lot of things i haven’t tried but i#feel so terrible or my freedom is limited so i can’t. idk.#also the crushing knowledge / sense that i have lost the most precious important years of my life both bc of the lockdown and bc of mental#illness lol. except that’s not true bc of all the stuff abt how your best years are always ahead of you and you can make them. but it doesnt#feel like it for me and then i beat myself up bc my job is literally to exude that belief and help other ppl feel it and i increasingly cant#i remember in high school having the thought that one day i could be depressed and being conscious that i wasn’t and now i look back on that#and am like… how. and will i ever not be. i don’t think so. it just feels unending
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moreaugriffins · 1 year
you know when you have a headcanon that like, you came up with because you thought it made sense but weren't that serious about nor really truly hc it then as time goes on, you realise that oh, yeah no, that headcanon is there to stay. that is forever part of your thoughts
that's been me with the idea of Nigel being autistic
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rox-of-iu · 1 year
got ghosted by sticker printing company 😔😔😔very sad
#o(-(#s s tick i es (tearful)#just to clarify its not like they took my money and dipped nah i havent made the order yet#i just sent them a question if theyd be able to print it and they said ye just to make the cut lines in vector#so i replied with my attempt asking if they can use it like this or if it needs to be diff (i just transformed the lines from raster)#so prolly not usable so i said if they cant use it that id pay the fee for them to do it#and then i havent heard from them back jhsdkfsd#and like its been more than a week and the first reply from them was sent the day after so..#so idk if they just missed my mail or if they just said fuck you in particular actually we dont want to deal with you hahhajh#like the wait would make sense if they were making the cut lines....but they wouldnt just jump into it without informing me first right#that makes no sense#oh well#ue ue ue#and no im already too embarrassed i cant send them another mail asking whats up#and i cant also act like nothing happened and fix the lines from scratch and just order it from their site without asking more info#cuz.... i still dont know how they want the files to look ITS NOT EXPLAINED ANYWHERE#like do u want svg file with layers or do u want two separate pdfs I DON KNOOooooo#sigh#i could call them and pretend to be rando just interested in possible future order asking how its done hahaa nothing to do with me#head in hands 😔🤡 this is so embarrassing#and any other local stickie printing places dont spark joy this one was perfect in placement and everything#usually i wouldnt have the courage to pursue this any longer but i REALLY want those stickers hashadk#on one hand...anxiety.. on the other stickies 💞💓😊#we'll see which one will win xD#cheerio now#i just reread this and i would like to reiterate i am a wholeass adult ok im just disaster ok i swear im not a child please hajahj#my social anxiety is just unparalleled ✨#ok bye now lol
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jiimwii · 1 year
cyberpsychosis could maybe be so cool if it was people being possessed by some sort of rouge ai,or as part of a corporate conspiracy. like as a planned obsolescence thing where certain parts during production are programmed to make people Do That after a certain point so you have to buy the next new 20,000eddies cannon arms to replace the nearly identical previous model or else you might kill everyone you love and die because your cyberwares "outdated". or untraceable viruses infecting competing corporations cyberware using their rival's customer's livelihoods to sabotage their profits. and maybe any one of those things works in such a way that its designed to detect atypical brain chemistry in a host,and thus triggers more frequently with them to tage advantage of and use those people as a scapegoat and a way to further fear monger against them,and you can uncover that this is the case. or something along those lines. and the more cyberware someone has the more likely it is that they could encounter any of these scenarios. but no it is just #crazy people being too #crazy.
#they kinda toyed w something like that in earlier drafts. with dollchips and the project ghost thing thats too much to explain in tumbletags#but yeah#honestly w how little its present in the final game beyond Go Herd Them Up And Beat The Shit Out Of Them So They Can Recover In Therapy#Offscreen In An Optional Sidequest With Literally No Conclusion they couldve easily just retconned its existence in the world entirely#especially since really the only reason why it exists in the lore in the first place is so the humanity system in the ttrpg keeps your#character from becoming too overpowered from too much cyberware. like thats it.#but for how much they dont wanna flesh out any other conspiratorial type stuff for the sake of ''It is a Mystery👻''#and how much they went with ''idk where cyberpsychosis comes from we dont know if its even real'' ingame#edgerunners and mike pondsmith himself sure have a lot to say about it and exactly how it works#we cant even leave that up for interpretation for players to find some way into coping themselves into believing its not as weirdly ableist#as it is#and we cant do anything else with it that would actually be cool. or make sense. in universe and just logically.#however. im a dumbfuck and am not beyond thinking about how like. in a hypothetical scenario where melissa welles is still around#And jackies bled out corpse is still used for the arasaka supersoldier program and is going around killing people.i cant not think about ho#mama welles would have to handle both of her kids dying and also going on rampages out of (mostly) anyones control. like think about that.#heart wrenching and whatnot. could you fucking imagine with everything else shes been through.#anyway sorry for talking about things that very literally probably less than a dozen ppl know/care about its just. interesting.#i froth over the potential that it had#that im tricking myself into believing that it had
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