#idk if it's a Thing to return to an old blog but i really just miss this one
whiskeyswifty · 1 year
#i think one of the things that i really enjoy being on here is the majority of us stuck around tumblr and didnt migrate#because we genuinely just love shooting the shit about her and her songs and her mythology#creating content and engaging in (sometimes) good hearted debates#and the one good thing is most people on here are at least 8/10+ year fans of hers so you're talking to people who#deeply appreciate her as an artist and a public figure#and aren't looking for attention really and in fact would loathe her return to the platform because#this atmosphere is really nice when it's this and it's mostly nice cuz she's not here#(for the most part like OBVIOUSLY some brain diseases never leave people just cuz she left and we all avoid you people)#but i think my favorite part is that this environment allows me to easily find people who are the true two feet on the ground people like m#who are ok talking about her as the business woman that she is. shrewd and calculating and#how that's not a value judgement or a character judgement. this is her JOB and it requires certain mental and emotional relationships#that she doesn't want fans to be aware of but they are the reality and duh they're hidden BECAUSE that would ruin the way the#entire machine functions like i know i know#but i didn't realize how far and few swifites who can enjoy her and see her for what she is and appreciate WHY that is are and not be#personally offended like thank god she's not here cuz idk how i would have found those people#also i'm over the moon she's (temporarily at least) done with the M&G shit cuz the wars that would have broken out between the#new tiktok fans and the tumblr old guard...... i would have perhaps left this platform entirely#i couldn't take it during rep and that was just about whether or not you deserved to be a FAN because of an album concept#swifties at their worst and most cult like loyalty that never turned me off swiftie fandom faster#and now that there is a HUGE divide.... i already know who taylor would choose for m&gs and i know WHY and it's not like evil#but the effect it would have on legacy fans....... there would be never a worse time in swiftie history so thank GOD for this#so i can keep blogging about my hot wife and her top tier songwriting and my love of pattern recognition#IN PEACE#idk what this was all about but i just like had to brain dump i guess anyway love all of you my smart normal grown up friends on here
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I know you’re not working on any askblog things but will the sparklecare askblog ever return?
i've thought about this a lot, semi-recently. sorry for long post, i had a lot to say
see, the issue with asksparklecare is the fact it's supposed to "go along with canon events" and a lot of the time, the arcs will just abruptly end or change with no real connection between them. haunted was sort of my first attempt at putting a "story" on there, then again with the kissmas comic from 2021.
when i started cometcare for example, i wanted to take the generic "ask blog" format and turn it into a coherent, cohesive connecting story that just had interactive elements to make it engaging with readers as opposed to just making people ask the characters questions aimlessly. the main ask blog never really had that entirely, it was just sort of the classic 2010s-style ask blog, this is apparent in basically every arc on there.
it's stumped me quite a bit because now that i have this very different style of ask blog storytelling, the original ask blog feels weird to go back to and i don't feel the same passion or connection with it that i once did. it's a little bit frustrating. i tried to do an arc about the side patients but as you guys saw, i never even did it because i felt so out of touch with that old format of ask blog posts and i couldn't bring myself to work on it at all.
cometcare and darkermatters both have Stories to them, and each arc has a plot that is moved on by readers- even if i already have it written out, there are little things people can influence through the asks and it's a good way for introducing new characters or expanding on characters who we've already met. several times cometcare will return to specific characters to relay information or new details or exposition or something that their initial introduction didn't have.
it's a much more fun process for me to write actual stories in my AU blogs, instead of just....making the characters talk. and another thing- going alongside the main comic has problems, because sometimes there's information i can only reveal in the comic itself, and it's hard to keep up with it in general.
i enjoyed doing the kissmas comic because i got to do a "story" even if it wasn't interactive. i had fun repeating the concept on cometcare last december with help of the crew.
i'm sort of at a loss of what to do with the main ask blog at this point. as much as i miss doing stuff like that for main comic, i just don't find it FUN to do it that way anymore, i've become too attached to the storytelling aspects of my other ask blogs and it just doesn't feel the same exciting experience of watching people react to events and such.
if anyone has suggestions about what i should do with the main ask blog to solve this problem i'm open to hearing them, it would be nice to have some ideas because i'm really not sure what i want to do with it.
there was a time i had the idea of doing a backstory ask blog as an alternate main canon interactive story that followed similar mechanics as cometcare and darkermatters, but idk if everyone would be interested in that. that would probably be a separate thing if i ever did it.
thoughts, opinions, suggestions and ideas are all welcome in the replies or my inbox, i would love to have your guys' input since im making content you all would be engaging with after all
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mylovelies-docx · 11 months
Sorry, I Love You - Part 6
It's my birthday, so here is my gift to all you lovely people :)
Plot: You and Bucky have a good thing going - best of friends that also have more than a little chemistry between the sheets. Everything is fine until you develop feelings for the man who doesn't want a relationship. What will happen when Bucky finds out?
C/W: brief mentions of HYDRA approved "science", insecurities
Word Count: idk ill look later
Tag List: NOW CLOSED! If you'd like to keep up with this story, please follow my blog and turn on notifications! ❤️ you :)
[Prologue][Part 1][Part 2][Part 3][Part 4][Part 5]
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Meeting with the contact goes down without a hitch. You’re surrounded by scraggly trees and evergreens, snow heavy on bare branches and pine needles alike. You’re briefed on all the important information: who’s who, ongoing projects, expectations for your work. You nod along as you write down shorthand notes – really only intelligible to you, but you’ll burn them once you memorize the information regardless.
The rendezvous is short, but you’ll be seeing them again soon at your new ‘job’. You flip your notebook closed and dip your head briefly to acknowledge the end of the meeting. Olaf (not his real name) returns the gesture and stalks off, presumably heading back to the HYDRA facility.
You take your time getting back to the house – you want to give Bucky his privacy and time by himself to prepare for the workday ahead. You envy the monotony of working on vehicles all day: scouring the engine, finding the necessary parts, sliding under the metal frame and lying on your back for hours… 
Come to think of it, maybe you shouldn’t imagine lying on your back for hours in the same thought process that involves Bucky. Too many memories and too much pain.
Regardless, anything is better than working for HYDRA, even if you are actively working to sabotage them while you’re there. Yeah, Bucky is here to keep an eye on you and provide backup and know-how, but you’re the one that is pivotal to this mission. The one that needs to get in, get out, and get gone before HYDRA realizes how big of a mess they’re in.
You begin fine-tuning the personality and mannerisms that will serve you best here. Olaf had explained the specific work culture of the HYDRA facility during the meeting, so you’re now better able to imagine your life for the foreseeable future: work, work, work, kidnapping, torture, experiments, exhaustion. 
And going home to Bucky every night, your brain supplies. You mentally swat the words away. Of course you’re going ‘home’ to Bucky. He’s your immediate backup in case something goes wrong – he has to be close. Even if it’s not the intimate kind of close. Not the kind of close you used to be when this mission was first given to you last year. Not the close that originally had you posing as husband and wife, but the kind that now has Bucky as your brother.
A shiver courses through you at the thought, and you wrap your arms tighter around your snuggly bundled self. Bucky as your brother is the worst scenario you could possibly imagine, but everyone agreed that with the new tension between you and Bucky, romance wouldn’t be the wisest play up here.
A soft groan leaves your lips and you dip your head quickly in disappointment before popping back up and looking ahead. There’s no point in yearning for something that will never happen again. You need to actually move on, not just lie about it and pretend like you did. Bucky deserves that much. You deserve that much.
Taking a deep breath, you shift your focus back to the mission. It’s time to embrace the role, leaving behind the echoes of a love that was now confined to memories. You couldn't afford distractions or longing. HYDRA's demise depended on your unwavering commitment, even if it meant burying your heart's desires in the depths of your being.
You arrive home a short while later, the creaks and groans of the old house underlying the silence of the empty rooms. It seems that Bucky had left for work while you were out. Glancing over to the clock atop the fireplace mantel, you're taken aback to see how much time has passed. You must have been lost in your thoughts far longer than you had initially realized. 
You close the door softly behind you and shuffle out of your coat. You hang it on a peg beside the door where your and Bucky’s other coats reside, noticing how well the colors reflect both of your personalities. You can’t help but laugh at the blacks, grays, and dark blues of Bucky’s jackets that contrast sharply with the whites, pinks, and pastels of your own. The smile lingers until you kick off your boots and walk further into the quiet house.
The echoing silence pulses in your ears and makes you uncomfortable. You hadn’t been alone like this in a very long time – there was always at least one person in the next room or house or building that you could reach out to. But with Bucky at his ‘new job’ and no neighbors knocking on the door to welcome you to the neighborhood, you feel totally isolated.
With nothing else to do besides wallow in loneliness, you decide to throw on some music and dive into all the information the team has gathered on this HYDRA location. You’d skimmed the files on the way here yesterday, but now you had the time to really peruse. You run upstairs to change into comfortable clothes and throw your hair up and away from your face. You return downstairs and pull out your laptop, setting up camp at the kitchen table. You open your favorite music streaming app and hit play, starting up your ‘get shit done’ playlist. You bop your head to the beat and dig in.
Hours later, you hear the door creak open and Bucky steps inside, his face smudged with grease and a tired smile on his lips. You rise from your hunched position and stretch your aching muscles. The pain in your upper back and neck eases slightly as you greet him, "Hey, Bucky. Welcome back. How was your day at the garage?"
Bucky wipes his hands on a rag, glancing at you with a mix of exhaustion and genuine warmth. "Oh, you know, the usual. Fixing engines, tinkering with parts. It's a nice change of pace from our usual gigs."
You nod, attempting to keep the conversation light. "Well, at least you get to put your mechanical skills to good use. It must feel good to work with your hands again."
A brief moment of silence hangs between you as you both glance down to Bucky’s hands. His metal arm is covered by Stark tech that makes it appear as if he’d never lost it in the first place. You can tell how uncomfortable he is with the sight after working so hard and so long on learning to accept himself the way he is now. He picks at the fake skin, pulling it slightly away and letting it snap back into place. Bucky clears his throat, his voice a touch hesitant, "It doesn’t quite feel right, ya know?"
You shift in your chair, tucking your leg up under you. "No, I get it, Bucky," you say. “Doesn’t feel like you, does it?” You give him a smile and a small shrug of your shoulders, as if what you’re saying is common knowledge and an opinion that everyone shares, “If you ask me, I prefer the metal.”
Bucky's eyes soften and he stops fidgeting with the skin, letting his arms drop down to his sides. “Yeah,” he agrees, “me too.”
You nod, trying to hide the warmth swelling in your chest. "Anyway," you begin. “I’ve been going over the data that you guys have gathered in the last few months. There’s a lot here, huh?”
“Yeah.” Bucky sighs and walks over to you, taking the chair opposite and stretching out his legs underneath the table. His feet encroach on your space and nearly rest underneath your chair, the table not really accommodating for his size. You pick up the one leg you still have dangling off the chair and tuck it under you with the other one. Bucky places his hands behind his head and leans back. “All of my memories of this place are hazy, but this place was a real piece of work.” A grimace mars his face and his eyes start to cloud over.
Wanting to shift the conversation away from the discomfort he may be remembering, you change the subject, "So, did anything noteworthy happen at the garage today? Any signs of HYDRA activity in the town?"
Bucky's eyes shift with a sense of purpose, grateful for the chance to discuss something less complicated. "Actually, there was something unusual. I overheard a couple of guys mentioning some military-grade vehicles arriving tomorrow for inspection. Might be worth investigating to see if they’re HYDRA."
As you delve into mission-related details, a sense of normalcy descends upon the conversation. The awkwardness and unspoken emotions linger in the background of your mind, but for now, the focus is on the task at hand. You understand that the mission takes precedence over personal matters, and you commit again to putting aside your feelings for the sake of success and Bucky’s peace of mind.
With a renewed determination, you delve into strategizing and planning, resolute in your shared mission to dismantle HYDRA's operations. 
Part 7
@jackiehollanderr @rabbitrabbit12321 @12345sebby @blackwood-bodecker-housewife @lauraashley93 @themorningsunshine @happinessinthebeing @nash-dara @calwitch @stany0url0calwh0res111 @pono-pura-vida @learisa @introverbatim @kentokaze @marvelogic @kaz11283
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ramshackledtrickster · 4 months
Thoughts on the tyranny of king Washington dlc?
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Not good.
I believe I’ve talked about this before on my blog but I can’t find the posts to link back to rn unfortunately.,,
But uhh I’ll just. Lightning round it real fast
“it’s all a dream” dumbassery
Racism behind the scenes (exclusion of indigenous talent and consultants that were present in the main game, very little care or no usage of the Kanienkehá:ka language, etc)
P much non of the indigenous cast returned except for Noah as Ratonhnhaké:ton. Ziio, Kanen’tó:kon, Oiá:ner… all different people (and all white or non indigenous if memory serves me right. I heard a story where Tiio Horn didn’t even know the dlc was being made until Noah told her at a con)
Killing ziio again for no god damn reason. And Kanen’tó:kon. Oh how about we kill Oiá:ner this time too. All of em died shamefully.
Writing Ratonhnhaké:ton pretty badly,,?? Idc if it’s bc of the weird tea he drank he shouldn’t be an asshole to Kanen’tó:kon and have that go unaddressed
Making him more animalistic and a jerk in general. Like the animal spirit dream segments keep making him run around on all fours n snarling n shit STOP IT
THEY WROTE ZIIO SO BADLY????? She only appears as this big floating head after her death shaming him for drinking the tea and she finally says “you’re no son of mine” JESUS CHRIST???????? This is not my Kaniehtí:io who are you and what did you do to her. No amount of girlbossism is gonna fix this for me
The spirit animals powers and plot … self explanatory (I love how ac3 took efforts to avoid harmful stereotypes and then just mega beamed it into the dlc)
His outfit,,, most of the game is in winter why aren’t u dressed more practically omg. Also I get.. weird vibes from it idk. It low key feels like an excuse to just make him scantily clad eye candy (also they debuffed him a lil which makes me sad. You are dehydrated !!!!)
“Wouldn’t it be wild if George Washington was genocidal good thing he never had the apple irl” hate to break it to you but— (I’m sorry I just. The framing in the game irks me where they treat him being racist as being the result of the apple and that he’s just a misunderstood guy that wants a vineyard or whatever tf he said in the game)
Thomas Jefferson being here and being a good guy. Idk I just. I don’t like it.
It has a salvageable premise,, a reimagined history timeline of a largely indigenous cast rising against a maniacal George Washington that shoots lasers. In the hands of a better crew and artist i think it would have been great and fun but as is.,,
I also like bad end alternate universe stories where someone gets dropped into a world where everything they know is wrong!! Call me silly but. Phineas and Ferb across the second dimension. But no yeah this is awful awful awful despite using a trope I like.
The only good thing I can say about tokw is that it has a great score. Lorne Balfe knocks it out of the park again but no yeah this kinda sucks ass imo. Also Noah’s voice performance really went off here but that’s it.
If I find the posts I talked abt this before in I’ll link it here but yeah. Lucky me that my favorite ac game also has the worst dlc of the entire franchise. And so the monkey paw curled.
Also heads up I’m not indigenous so when I talk abt the more racial stuff here, I’m not speaking from experience but rather what I’ve learned from other people who discuss stereotypes in media and what should be done to allow better representation
Anyways that’s abt it will edit if I find my old posts
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galedekarios · 6 months
idk if u posted anything about this before but im really curious what you think about an elf tav with gale.
specifically, what ive been rotation in my mind is what romanced gale says if you use speak with dead on him: that he'll be waiting for you.
but what about an elf tav who still has centuries left to live, who expresses their worry that long after gale's death, whenever that may be, they might find someone to love just as much as they love gale now? would he still wait for them? would it instead motivate him even more to ascend to godhood? would he search for a different method to become immortal/ extend his life span in his good ending so they could grow old together? or would he tell tav that they deserve to live life to the fullest and find love again? and if so would he actually mean it?
i can't really tell what would be more in character for him towards the end of the game so here i am asking you, dear gale expert :)))
thank you for your message, anon. <3
i haven't talked about it on my blog yet, no, but i have thought a lot about it since my main oc altonaufein is a drow, who could live to be several centuries old.
i think what's important to keep in mind with gale is that while he may be human - humans, who of course have a general life expectancy that's considerably less than a drow's might be - he is also a wizard and a powerful one at that. he was an archwizard.
not only are there several spells that extend life in the dnd universe (clone, for instance), but there also endings in which gale regains mystra's favour by returning the crown, either as her chosen, or as someone who carries her blessing.
that status too is something that would extend his lifespan to far longer than what a normal human's lifespan is.
i think we have a good example of that in the game itself with elminster, also a human, who the game tells us is 1300 years old at the time we meet him in the game.
so i'm happy to say that lifespan angst is something that doesn't necessarily need to be an issue with gale and a drow or elf protag, and i think it's likely something that gale would do.
(sort of related: in a conversation with elminster (act ii when he delivers mystra's instructions), there's a devnote saying that gale doesn't expect to grow quite as old as elminster, and the only reason for that is the dangerous life he leads right now. so i do think if the danger had passed, it might be a different topic.)
however, if you are asking me on the principle of the thing if gale would mean it if he said that it's alright for the protag to move on if there was an extreme lifespan disparity with no way to overcome it, my answer would always be yes.
gale never once holds it against the protag in any shape, way or form if they have turned him down respectfully and found a new love, even within the timespan of the events of the game. that is even further reiterated by the devnotes to these specific lines you get from him in this case, which are variations of "sincere/heartfelt/happy for you/etc."
the same wish is reflected in the variations of his epilogues in which he dies. gale's spectre, his letters, all tell the protag one thing: that he wants them to be happy.
also while gale is romantic, he's also pragmatic. if there truly was no way to overcome this, he wouldn't want the protag to grieve for him for centuries/never move on.
so yes. he would mean it.
but like i said, thankfully, the lifespan issue isn't really an issue in this case.
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flightfoot · 23 days
Idk why alya is more blamed for putting Lila's lies on the ladyblog rather than Lila who was the one that lied in the first place. Like i always see in salt fics someone tells always something like "don't blame Lila for the this, YOU Decided to post the interview" like manipulation is not a thing Apparently? Alya was manipulated to post that, just like the rest of the class (though show has a flimsy writing to begin with but yeah, my point still stands)
Look, saltfics will regularly make up stuff Alya never did in order to demonize her, while just kinda ignoring that the behavior that's being deemed "unacceptable" is something that's ignored for other characters.
Like, just think about all the times Alya's demonized for getting Marinette to babysit for her, with her not paying Marinette or foisting the twins (and Noel, if she's having Marinette babysit while she goes on a date with Nino) off on her. You'll see a massive stink put up about how Alya's shoving the kids off on someone her parents haven't approved, how it's a massive betrayal of trust... but the thing is, we don't really have any evidence of that happening in canon? Nothing indicates that Marinette babysitting the kids for Alya is supposed to be some sort of secret, something that isn't allowed. And as for the pay, we never see ANYONE pay anyone anything for babysitting at any point so far in Miraculous, so that doesn't mean much.
Alya's babysat for Marinette a few times when Marinette was supposed to be babysitting Manon, so it might just be Marinette returning the favor. And as for babysitting someone else's kid without permission, while we don't see any evidence of Alya foisting that on Marinette, you know who DOES do that? Marinette. A couple of times, even. Once in Prime Queen when she accidentally double-booked herself and decided to resolve it by calling Alya over and tricking her into babysitting for her while she did the interview with Nadja (notably, Nadja was disturbed when Alya and Manon called into the show and Marinette was nowhere to be seen), and once in Simple Man, when Marinette scheduled herself to babysit four kids at once, then got a call from Adrien asking for help with his photoshoot, and she shoved the kids off on her grandpa against his will.
(Note: I don't think these things were horrible for Marinette to do, it's pretty common kid stuff. But it's illustrative of a double standard here).
Does any of this get brought up in saltfics? Nope. Because the point of demonizing Alya for shoving off babysitting on Marinette IS NOT to criticize the way the show handles babysitting. If it did, then Marinette would be the one brought up in those fics, not Alya. The point is to demonize Alya in order to justify punishing her. Any excuse is grabbed to do so, regardless of how nonsensical it is when you actually look at the show. There just needs to be a fig leaf of justification for it, that's it.
Back to the interview thing. I don't think "well this character was manipulated" is necessarily enough, it depends on how, exactly, the character was manipulated, what they were told, what they believed, what they were thinking, and how reasonable that thought process was. It's why I don't think "Zhan Tiri manipulated Cass" to be a sufficient explanation for Cass's subsequent attempts at murdering Rapunzel and taking over the kingdom in the Tangled cartoon: what we see of Zhan Tiri's manipulation doesn't track with how off the rails Cass went, with why she thought those actions were justified.
I still don't think demonizing Alya for posting that interview is justified though, because you know what? A 14-year-old girl believing this random new girl about being friends with a celebrity and posting about it on the school blog is not THAT big of a deal, it doesn't showcase anything except maybe some gullibility, which isn't that horrible of a thing for a teenager with limited life experience.
But I don't think the people really demonizing Alya for that, saying she was some horrible person for posting that interview who doesn't deserve to breathe in Marinette's presence and who should be banned from pursuing a career in journalism, are actually just THAT extreme on journalistic ethics, anymore than the people demonizing Alya for things she didn't even do with babysitting are THAT extreme on babysitting ethics. It's just an excuse. A reason is being found to demonize Alya, circumstances and double standards be damned.
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kangals · 1 month
way back in 2014, probably a few weeks or months after you posted that picture of boone with the stick on his head, i checked your blog out and so dearly enjoyed all the dogposting that i followed. i think you were the first dogblr blog i actually followed at the time, but it's been ages and my memory is bad, so i'm not fully sure. it wasn't long before then--2012 i think?--that i had gotten a new dog of my own, a border collie. iirc he and boone were just about the same age.
in 2018 i lost that blog i'd followed you with, and a lot of connections with it. i didn't return until 2021, and when i did, i didn't refollow most of the old blogs; i don't think i even really went looking for them. it took me a while to get back into the swing of using tumblr.
last september, my border collie had a sharp health decline, and i had to say goodbye. it's not the first time i've had to put a pet down, but i think it was the hardest. i'm still not over it. even just typing this now, i feel raw.
then in march or so, i made a new fandom friend who knows you, and i enthusiastically recalled following you before and how much i enjoyed it. i didn't even know about stellina, and now there's kep too! but... i also didn't know you'd lost boone. i followed because i still really enjoy your blog, and i love your collies too. and butters!!! so glad she's still here!
idk what made me look tonight... maybe because i talked about my old border collie with someone today. i went looking for the posts immediately around when you lost boone, because i guess some part of me wanted to know what happened. i spent the better part of an hour (maybe longer?) reading posts from the weeks before the decline, and then the loss, and then the deluge of old boone pictures after, and i've been crying pretty much the whole time just reading your posts and tags about him.
and this is a long and windy way to get to saying thank you. i'm glad you shared your grief, though that seems like a weird thing to say. there's something cathartic about crying over someone else's dog when you still hurt about your own, and knowing you're not alone in that kind of sorrow. boone was such a beautiful boy. i'll never forget that silly post that made me check your blog out in the first place, or the years of posts i stuck around for after. i wish i'd remembered to follow sooner, but the archive is still there, and it's so fun looking through all those old posts about him and his quirks and antics. he was amazing.
sorry for the length of this, i just... really wanted you to know that he touched yet another life, i guess. and i've been so deeply enjoying your posts about stellina and kep. i know it'll be a year soon... i hope there's some peace in how things have gone since he passed, and i hope the anniversary isn't too hard on you. thank you for sharing him with us.
i've been on tumblr for 14 years and this is, genuinely, the nicest ask i think i've ever been sent.
thank you - sincerely. there's been a lot of times over the course of this blog that i've felt like i was oversharing, or talking about pointless things only i cared about. i still so frequently start typing out a post only to stop mid-sentence and delete it because i can't help but think "no one cares about this." possibly it's why i like to talk about my pets so much - they're not me, but i'm the one who knows them best, so i get to say "hey look at this" and ramble and have people say "i'm looking" back. when boone passed, i lost that filter and i poured my grief out into this blog because it was the closest outlet i had. and to have hundreds of people not only acknowledge this but to commiserate, to reassure, to share their own stories - that helped healed me more than i can put into words. it's exactly as you said: there's a catharsis in grieving together.
i am sorry you also had to say goodbye. i wish i could say it gets easier, but i think that would be defeating the point of grief. your grief is your love and damn it if there isn't any act more loving in the world than choosing to say goodbye to an old, loyal dog. you think of how dogs were domesticated tens of thousands of years ago, of how human society and dogs have developed intertwined, of how we have records of ancient greeks and romans carving loving epitaths on their dog's graves, of how a prehistoric dog's skull was found with a bone placed in it's mouth after death, and you wonder if grieving a dog isn't one of the most consistent experiences in the whole of human history that there is.
i'm glad to know that this could bring you some comfort, in some way. it's incredibly touching to know that you kept me and boone in your thoughts for all this time. i am doing ok - i've been reflecting a lot as we approach the one-year mark. i'm not sure if i'll be able to condense those thoughts down into coherent words, but i'll do my best. i hope that my silly little pets continue to bring you some happiness, and that you've found peace with your own grief.
thank you, again - this is extremely touching and means a hell of a lot to me.
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desceros · 3 months
i don’t think you have to apologize at all for not having a symphony update tbh! it’s very gracious of you to do so but i hope people remember that it’s your passion project first and foremost and not anything any of us readers (regardless of how involved or invested you allow us to be) should feel we have any say over, schedule wise. i love your writing and will always wait for it, and know a lot of your other readers will probably say the same!
(as an aside: something i noted when i first started following you in december was how prolific you were… like the fact i could check your blog every day and there was some food?? i was floored. but even your current posting sched impresses me—the fact that you say you’ll have something out one day and on that day IT IS OUT. idk maybe i am used to my old fandoms being more casual or being interrupted by life, as fandoms with adults tend to be like. so you writing and sharing as much as you do is not something i take for granted. thank you as always.)
(i hope this message reads as appreciative / friendly as i intend it to be hhhh… i’m sorry if not…)
thank you for your kind message! i have a rather long one in return, i do apologize, but it is me, so we should probably have all seen it coming! :D
so, i've kind of talked about it here and there, but i have a wrist that is pretty sensitive to overworking. in high school, i would practice music for hours and hours every day without properly stretching or taking breaks, because no one told me i should do so. as a result, i really wrecked the tendons, and my ulnar nerve in particular has a tendency to flare up. it's quite painful when it hurts, and before it starts properly hurting, i experience i kind of buzzing numbness that is distinctly uncomfortable. it's not severe enough for surgical intervention, but it's definitely a limiting factor in what i'm capable, mechanically, of doing in a day.
back around november/december, i was posting a lot more. but that was with me disregarding my wrist and pushing through the pain, such that for the first couple of weeks in january it was nearly impossible for me to write. this was emotionally agonizing, because i love writing so, so much, and i wanted to share everything in my head with all of you! i felt like i was failing on a precedent i had set for myself, and it's very irritating seeing my mountain of projects getting bigger because i can't write quickly enough to put a dent in it and not just because i was coming up with more ideas (which is, to be clear, still suuuuch a problem haahahhaa).
it got to the point where i started confiding in my partner and my friends about my issue, and they all insisted that i start slowing down. and they're right! i was being reckless with my health, knowingly this time, and they're absolutely correct that i need to take breaks. take days where i don't write. days where i rest, and stretch, and let my wrist heal and recover.
i know it sucks as a reader, i really do, especially if you came on board during that time when i was being super active. and i'm not apologizing, per se, since i'm certainly not going to apologize for prioritizing health over hobby. but i do understand the... hm. i'm going to say frustration, but perhaps i mean the disappointment, or the whiplash maybe, from having someone going from posting very very frequently to less so. i'm still what i'd categorize as an active, prolific writer, but it is infuriating to know that, without this injury, i'd be capable of much more. it annoys me to no end, i swear! but i am purposefully stepping back, for my health, and for the worry of my friends and love ones.
all that said! nothing is on hiatus, nothing is being cancelled, none of that. it's just going to take me longer to work through things than any of us would like, hahahaha. so i really do thank you for your sweet and encouraging message, and i appreciate all of you for every thoughtful wish you send, all of your funny comments on my fics, and your support. i'm actually getting to the happy problem that there are so many that it's not quite feasible for me to respond to all of them individually, but i do read and treasure each one. this is the most uplifting, positive fandom i've ever experienced, and it really does make a difference as a writer knowing that people are filled with joy when i share my art and then go and spin that joy back out into the world.
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brisquad-unit-4402 · 4 months
hello i’ve got some thoughts and updates for this blog.
i’ve been on a bit of burnout for a while, including life outside of writing. naturally the termination has sped up that burnout. i’m exhausted and struggling to be graceful about it, but that’s to be expected. i’m not one to sit on my feelings even though i’ve lacked the energy to write. which really bites because that’s my number-one passion really.
however i’ve taken some time to relax by diverting my attention away from social media and niji streams. i’ve relearned an old hobby and splurged a little too much on a new one, and i kind of can’t believe how much i missed drawing on real paper with a real pen and pencil. and thank god the love and deepspace sponsorship wrapped up before the termination, because that game has me in not just a chokehold but like one of those umbilical cords from astral projection. the silver cord? that
i’ve been watching other vtubers lately as well. i’ve always considered adding holostars en to my list but hesitated because everything else on my blog was niji-related.
consider this confirmation that i will be adding holostars’ tempus hq, vanguard and armis, and first stage productions’ avallum to my list of characters i will write for. i admit i’m not as familiar with armis, but i’ll be paying closer attention in the near future as i branch out from strictly watching niji only.
(might also be adding idol corp’s e-sekai? maybe? i watch them once every few months and i haven’t seen pochi or yuko stream since they debuted 💀 no clue on their gen 2 either)
i’ll be overhauling my masterpost for organization soon. so apologies for the horrors about to come… to be clear i will not delete any of my writing so don’t worry!
i’m unsure how much niji i’ll write in the future. give me some time to think as the situation hopefully cools down. i appreciate your patience.
and who knows maybe i’ll write for non-vtuber fandoms too
i think it’s about time i clean my inbox out soon too. i‘ll answer what asks i can and delete the remaining ones. i’ve had a few requests sitting in my inbox for nearly a year now and i’ve recently realized how stressed i was over them and learned about some boundaries i didn’t know i had beforehand, among other things, so so it’s about time i face them head-on. i apologize if i never got to your request! please don’t take it personally if i don’t answer your request. but above all else thank you for being patient, understanding, and kind enough to send in a request. even though i tend to bite off more than i can chew i always get so happy whenever i see a notif in my inbox and i appreciate your time for a little unit 4402.
even though i’m not watching niji streams atm i’m hesitant to stop writing for them because, like, i keep thinking of this clip of doppio saying he feels like he’s allowed to buy healthy/organic food because of fan support and donations, and among other reasons... it’s very easy to make conclusions on people you only know through a screen and i just can’t bring myself to cut them out so abruptly, even if i’m a fan creator on a site none of them use.
idk when i’ll post next and it feels nice to say that. i usually try to post once every 2 weeks, but considering how i’m trying not to think about niji right now and am instead embracing other parts of my life, i dunno. it’s nice. this blog is a major source of joy for me and it feels like i’m preserving what makes it so special for me instead of turning it into a chore. hopefully with time and rest i’ll have a clearer idea of where to go from here.
that’s pretty much everything on my mind, i think? thank you for bearing with me and my yapping. i hope to return soon and that the next time you see me, my blog will be cleaner, more expansive, and with a fresh mindset. take care of yourselves and don’t get immersed in toxicity. don’t forget to do what you love 💛
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problematicbyler · 4 months
magentamee has me blocked. Idk why cause idr interacting with them ever but I wanted them to know I agree with their post wholeheartedly...also for whatever caused the block sorry. Just sending this in so they can see it and know I agree with their post. Also wondering if they are really getting anons about questionable mutuals cause if so that is def a witch hunt and I blame the bylerconfessions blog for this witch hunt. They keep answering and talking about the subject. If they really disliked the subject as do their anons they'd just stop talking about it.
This tag used to be so gatekept by the motherfucking antis and I refuse to go back to keeping it tame just because some pearl clutchers want to have a discourse about it and witch hunt.
i will just say that blocking tends not to be personal and many people are moved to block very easily so don't take it to heart!!! everyone should curate their feeds however they want. so don't over-stress about it!
the anons about questionable mutuals is insane to me like as you said that is definitely a witch hunt and so extra and unnecessary. and i 100% agree a lot of it is fueled by bylerconfessions pretty gleefully attacking spicybylerpolls and anyone who engages with it. the whole thing makes me kind of hate this fandom when i was finally getting over it and feeling like people were being more accepting.
i agree though - i'm certainly not going to go back to how it was in 2022 where we just listened to grumpy 14 year olds complaining about everything that made them personally uncomfortable. that's how byler twitter devolved into cancelling fic authors for writing practice kissing fics. that's how byler artists got dogpiled and harassed for liking nsfw art from an entirely different fandom. that's how we scared off half the talented creators in this fandom. i simply refuse to return to that level of fear and conservatism so i hope this backlash doesn't scare folks off when we were finally getting to a point where we could have meaningful conversations about this shit.
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Hey :> I'm new on tumblr so idk how to use it properly please forgive me if I do it wrong! I remember really being into twst a long time ago but then I stopped for some reason. Recently, I saw your blog and it inspired me to download it again! So I wanna say thank you so much, your writing's awesome <3 Anyway, I'm just curious - what are your favourite characters in each of the dorms? I know that you like Jade and Rook but what about the other dorms? Sorry if I'm annoying, you don't have to!
Welcome to Tumblr and back to the rabbit hole that is Twisted Wonderland!! 🥳 Hope you have fun with your return and continue to enjoy this blog and my writing~
Here are my favorite characters from each dorm and a quick rundown of why (under the cut because altogether it’s lengthy):
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From Heartslabyul: Ace!
My love for Ace is somewhat conditional. He’s my favorite of Heartslabyul largely by technicality because I don’t feel fondness toward any of the others in the dorm unless they’re interacting with specific other characters. For example, I love Trey having to play the straight man in a comedy duo whenever he’s with really “out there” classmates like Rook or Lilia. However, Trey as an individual character isn’t as interesting to me.
Ace can stand strongly on his own. He gets on my nerves at times, but I can appreciate his blunt honesty and I sometimes find myself cheering him on when he’s getting all up in someone’s business. His mischievousness nets him trouble, but I never stay mad at him for too long. Ace has a delicate balance of cheer and cheekiness that wakes me right up and keeps me on my toes!
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From Savanaclaw: Leona Ruggie! 😌
I admire Ruggie for his work ethic and how he stays upbeat in spite of his circumstances. He's very street-smart and quick on his feet, which makes him a joy to watch, whether getting up to trouble or throwing quips at his classmates. Moreover, I love how there's a logical explanation as to why he acts the way he does. Having come from an impoverished neighborhood, he values practicality and finding a use for things people would usually disregard or throw away. I really understand where he's coming from. I also find the reason for Ruggie's "greed" to be much more compelling than most other characters with the same vice. For Ruggie, money is a matter of survival and security; he doesn't seek out wealth out of pure gluttony or greed but because he seeks a genuine better future for himself and those he loves. It puts a lot more weight into those "funny haha" moments where Ruggie's talking about how he can't relate to the wealthy.
... *pained groaning* Alright, I’ll cut the bullshit for a second and talk about he-who-shall-not-be-named.
I have an intense l*ve-hate relationship with L*ona. He used to be a character I didn't really care for (mainly because of how poorly written he was in episode 2 of the main story). As new content has come out (especially around episode 6, but no spoilers), I gained a newfound appreciation for him and his growth. I find that I like him best when he's not squandering his potential (although character-wise, I understand why he does) and utilizes his intelligence, and/or acts like a good leader and upperclassman to others. Sometimes there's content where L*ona doesn't even physically appear and it's just others talking about how they admire him or look up to him (Epel's Union Birthday/Birthday Jacket being one such example), and those kinds of lines really get to me 😭 The grumpy old man side of L*ona, his effortlessly sarcastic edge (like when he claims he's a lost child or a delicate prince that bruises easily), and how petty he gets toward his rivals are also fantastically hilarious. When I really think about it, he can be funny but he is also such a complex character (not that the others aren't, it's just that L*ona's kind of complexity is one I find really interesting). It's just... the way he usually presents himself (arrogant, prideful, and lazy) does him no favors in my eyes. It's a matter of personal taste, I just don't like those traits in a character. Every time he opens his mouth, I don't know whether I want to close it for him again or if I should just let him talk anyway despite how aggravating the results may be. It's similar to how I feel about Ace, except with Ace it feels a lot more juvenile so it hurts slightly less (whereas L*ona, a jaded adult, may bruise my own ego lol).
ANYWAY 🤡 I'm not going to say anything more than that because I don't want to prove my friends right about going from hating to l*king someone I basically swore I would never look up to/find attractive.
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From Octavinelle: Jade!!
… Do I need to explain why 😂 J-Just read this post… You’ll see… a sneak peek into my brain wrinklies…
FUNNY (?) STORY: My favorite in Octavinelle (and overall in the cast) used to be Azul!! … But then I dropped him for his right-hand man, which is a joke that persists in my circle of friends to this day.
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From Scarabia: Kalim!
(Honorable mention goes to Jamil!)
Whether I lean to Kalim or to Jamil depends on my mood, but most of the time I prefer Kalim. Sometimes I feel very motherly, in which case I’ll want to nurture and cherish Kalim. He has the kind of smile I want to protect from deception and bad things. He’s also naive enough where I worry if he doesn’t have someone with the right intentions teaching him, then he’ll fall prey to something nasty 🥲
Other times my patience is wearing thin and I don’t have the energy to “deal” with Kalim and his extravagant wants/needs. In those moments, I find that I relate more closely to Jamil, who is constantly worked to the bone and exasperated (yet has to hold his frustration in for the sake of maintain a professional veneer). Jamil falls into some bodyguard/butler tropes which I usually love, but part of me feels guilty about it since… well, Jamil doesn’t enjoy his position in life. It feels like some of my feelings toward Jamil comes from a place of pity rather than genuine love for him.
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From Pomefiore: Rook!
What I love the most about Rook is his positivity and how he smiles even in the face of danger. He helps me look on the (reasonably) bright side of things even if things are bleak. There’s a rare comfort to be found in that, and it has actually helped me cope with some pretty tough situations.
Rook definitely comes off as too excessive in how he expresses himself, but I find it charming (he’s a one-man show!). This, as well as his aforementioned optimism, creates funny contrasts with the other characters—but as frivolous as he comes off, Rook can still mentor and pull through for others when they need him. There’s still so much left untold about him, and I’m really curious to figure out what he’s hiding 🫣
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From Ignihyde: Ortho!!
Ortho’s in a very similar boat as Kalim; he’s the (sort of) innocent son I want to protect. I like how supportive Ortho is with Idia—he’s devoted in a way that’s hard to describe with words. Even if Ortho’s “just a robot”, you can tell how sincere his feelings and motivations are, and just how much he cares for those around him. (nxbdnwbdks though I also find it really funny when Ortho acts devilishly and uses his uniquely robotic traits to cause chaos 😂)
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From Diasomnia: Sebek!
(A close second place goes to Lilia!)
Sebek has that sweet, sweet duality of looking tough and imposing but actually being a kinda pathetic puppy dog that only wants to be praised also he’s a bodyguard, what’s not to love about that👌 His smile is so cute, absolutely one of the best ones in the game!! I also find Sebek’s personality to be bracing—it's initially very off-putting, but something so familiar about the way he geeks out over his favorite person ever, and how he wants validation from those he admires. Sebek just has a... unique way to communicate (that is to say, he really doesn't), and I think that's pretty endearing.
Another immensely interesting aspect of Sebek is the insecurity surrounding his lineage and his identity fascinates me. This is usually the point that gets him written off by others as being intolerant—and while that’s true, I love the nuance behind it and how that plays into his character. It’s really complex and speaks to similar real-world issues. I’ve actually written a whole analysis on this topic, so I’d encourage you to read if if you’re interested.
I also like Lilia because we exude similar vibes (looking young but acting "old")—but even more than that, he’s the kind of person I want to be. His guardian and mentor role among the students is irreplaceable, and he’s the true “heart” that ties together Diasomnia (I’m a sucker for the found family trope). He’s wise, but he can also kick back and have fun whenever he wants! That’s the ideal retiree life, haha 😂
x jabsjxbskwnw You’ve probably noticed some patterns by now 🫠 I tend to like characters that fall into a few broad categories:
Characters with big brain cells and/or characters that rely on brains before brawn🧠
Characters that are cheerful and/or smile a lot 😊
Characters with strong duality or contrast
“Son” energy characters
Butlers and/or bodyguards in general
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nikatyler · 5 months
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🌈 2023 ✨
Another year is over so it's time for a look back at what was happening on this blog! I haven't really been around, it was just my queue, and maybe that's one reason why I looked at my archive and went "huh" at everything. I don't remember much. The other reason why this year probably went poof in my head is because I was dealing with some mental health stuff lol. I say lol but it wasn't actually very lol but I'm doing better now and 2024...is looking promising for now.
So, let's talk more under the cut, shall we?
We're in Bridgeport and Sawyer is living his best life. You know, girlfriends, boyfriends, being turned into a vampire, giving birth to three little vampires, threatening to sell his enemies' organs on the black market...best life indeed.
Okay I am now seeing that "talking more" about every month will be impossible since I actually don't have much recollection of 2023 lmao
Sawyer and Erin are at the best point of their relationship, but we left them alone for a bit and went back to NSB. Pastel just moved to Strangerville and got a...rather strange roommate.
The rather strange roommate becomes Pastel's rather strange wife. I love these two so much. We also say hello to Moss -- and also to Ross, who returns from...god knows where. I mean yeah, there was the ts3 Ross, but technically they're two different people. Parallel universes and stuff.
Thea is born and strange wife Jesse gets even stranger. That whole "merging with the mother plant" thing was kinda weird but I really enjoyed it. Idk what I was on but it was fun. And then, before returning to the lepacy, I posted my Cottage Living screenshots! ...which were really just me going "uwu what does this do" on every possible Wicked Whims option.
...and I went from posting weird WW Ross stuff to posting wholesome Growing Together Ross stuff. If that gave you a whiplash, I am sorry, but imagine what it must be like for me. I'm locked with this guy in my head 24/7. He's the whiplash king. A blorbo to you, a curse to me. A beloved curse tho. Ok I'm getting weird. Back to the lepacy.
Lepacy time! Loved the soap opera Generations gen. Kinda wish I had sticked to some of the storylines instead of going "eh nvm I just wanna play". I'm not saying I regret not actually letting Saywer go on a killing spree but also...imagine if he went on a killing spree. You don't see that in lepacies often do ya
August was...welp 💀 I was at the grippy socks hospital for most of that month, 10/10 would recommend, but my queue ran out while I was there so I just reblogged some old stuff for a few weeks.
September is just lepacy month. Cornelia and Archer are happy, they get married, they get more children...yeah. Good wholesome Generations times all around. It's not like they're gonna get divorced later or anything.
The twins are kind of chaotic, one of them turns into a ghost, both then bring their cursed imaginary friends to life...and the final child of Archer and Cornelia is born.
I loved running into Sawyer at the grocery store all the time. Weird vampire alleged killer grandpa behavior suits him. Dorothea goes away to a boarding school, hates it there and instantly comes back. Relatable. Oh and midlife crisis hits Archer hard.
And we're in December! Dorothea enters her horsegirl era and finds herself a girlfriend...and we'll continue that in 2024!
What's in store for the new year besides the lepacy? Well, Not So Berry will be making a return (and HOPEFULLY we'll finally get to the end. we need to). There's a story I want to do in the NSB universe, if you know you know. Before we dive into the next lepacy generation, I'm thinking of another BC with the gen 7 heir...oh and Marika's Black Widow. Shoot and I'm starting an irl job in January. Yeah no we're not doing all this in 2024, don't count on it 💀 But I'll try.
Happy New Year! 🎇
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akookminsupporter · 1 year
Honestly, this is an old topic and I’ll understand if you don’t want to talk about it. I’ve seen some talk about how the actions of the members as they venture in their solo stuff seems to contradict the “BTS as a group now and in the future agenda”, and I thought it was just random comments here and there but today I also saw another blog that I follow touch on the matter. I personally am a firm believer of believing on the boys and what they say when it comes to the group. Like during Festa last year yes I felt a little out of it because I wasn’t expecting a hiatus announcement, but after jk came live and after learning about ms everything made sense. Now that we’re halfway through the members solo eras I’m beginning to see (again) comments about how the different approaches each of them has embraced seem different or to contradict the trajectory of coming back as a band in 2025-2026. I would say that the assumption that I’ve seen used the most recently is that bts are going to have a comeback maybe in 2026, do an album and a tour and then they’ll focus on their solo stuff — the “proof” I’ve also seen used a lot to back up this assumption/predictions are how NJ seems to be too into his own music and less talkative about the group and their future (as opposed to yoonmin), and V not being too into his music or wanting more freedom something that being the a member of the biggest group can’t allow (a narrative that I’ve also seen used with jk). I personally don’t see any of this as true, like I know and I’ve seen how the members even now still talk about their plans and wanting to come back as a group already, but maybe I’m being blinded by my trust or maybe I’m missing something idk 🤷🏻‍♀️. I just wanted to know your thoughts. I know the future is literally unpredictable and that not even the boy can tell what’s going to happen, even bang pd said that in that interview, but still I think that they have plans and know stuff we won’t even know until they want us to, and that if they say they’re going to do something, they will try their best to 🤷🏻‍♀️
Hi anon, how are you? Sorry for replying to your Ask a bit late. If you don't mind I would like to address several points you mentioned.
I’ve seen some talk about how the actions of the members as they venture in their solo stuff seems to contradict the “BTS as a group now and in the future agenda”,
This entry point is interesting because what things have they said or done that contradict their "bts as a band now and in the future" agenda...that they are releasing solo albums, that one went on tour alone or that they are doing solo performances? If they mean that then yes, I guess they are contradicting the "bts as a group now" part of the agenda, that's precisely the idea. BTS is technically not currently an active group, but the members have been consistent in saying that they are part of a group and want to return to being one in the future, maybe some members mention this more than others, but they've all said it more than once at some point. So I find it interesting that they say that and I am curious as to why they say it.
I’m beginning to see (again) comments about how the different approaches each of them has embraced seem different or to contradict the trajectory of coming back as a band in 2025-2026.
I find this argument a bit silly and even ignorant. Of course the focus of their solo albums is different to what they do as a group, that's the point. I thought everyone understood that. Here they can finally have full control of how they want to do everything. Every project is theirs, the way they want it to be. Here they don't have to compromise on something for the sake of the group. Here it's not just a part of each of them forming a whole, here it's a whole formed from each of them individually. This is the opportunity where they can really maybe find out what kind of artists they really are, not as a member of a group but as themselves. Literally. And there's nothing wrong with that, on the contrary. That would, in the future and in theory, benefit the group even more.
I would say that the assumption that I’ve seen used the most recently is that bts are going to have a comeback maybe in 2026, do an album and a tour and then they’ll focus on their solo stuff — the “proof” I’ve also seen used a lot to back up this assumption/predictions are how NJ seems to be too into his own music and less talkative about the group and their future (as opposed to yoonmin), and V not being too into his music or wanting more freedom something that being the a member of the biggest group can’t allow (a narrative that I’ve also seen used with jk).
Look, nothing is set in stone. No matter how much you plan for the future, it can change. In 2-3 years’ things can be different. What each of them wants may change. Maybe Jin wants to start his acting career and doesn't want to travel so much. Maybe Hobi wants to do his own solo tour. Maybe Yoongi wants to get more into production than anything else. Maybe everyone in 2-3 years wants something different and that's normal because they are human. For now, the only thing we know is that they want to come back in a few years as a group, what that comeback will be like, we don't know. Maybe it will just be an album and nothing else. Maybe it will be four albums and a tour. Maybe it will be a different kind of normality but similar to what we knew.  To accuse them of being liars or pressuring them to do what they said they would do or promised would happen is unfair. They are not robots. They did not promise anything in stone.
And honestly, it's sad how much some so-called fans question what the members say.
It's funny that they say that about Namjoon because he hasn't said much of anything lately and the times he gave an interview or did a Wlive, he mentioned coming back as a group. He mentioned BTS. They are all focused on their own things. BTS's schedule is literally at a standstill. At least the musical one.
In my opinion, I think this fandom is selfish with the artists it claims to love. This fandom has set up sometimes unfair expectations for these seven men, but demands that they be met. It doesn't matter what they want or think.
Personally, I will continue to wait patiently for each release. For every move each of them makes. Always respecting my line. Tomorrow or 2-3 years from now whatever will happen will happen. What they want to happen with their careers, with their lives. will happen.  And each one of us will be able to decide what to do as fans.
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greywindys · 4 months
the way you write 2d is very similar to current 2d though? like in your fic he doesn’t act or come across as the old school 2d that you prefer, he just seems like a simple sweet guy. if you wrote a fic that took place in the earlier phases would you have written him differently?
I'm happy he comes across as close to canon! Because I *do* want them to feel like their canon counterparts to some degree because, to me, it can help make a fic feel more immersive. But this answer will have a few layers to it, which I'll try to explain as succinctly as possible. The tl;dr answer is this: I actually do think 2D is a genuinely nice guy, but I also think he has glaring flaws that I don't think today's canon really recognizes, and I also started writing 2Doc at a very different point in fandom, which did have some influence on my characterizations at the time. Okay, so answer part 1...
Is 2D nice? My answer here is actually yes lmao. I think he's nice in earlier phases. He is, as I see him, essentially the "normal guy" trope of Gorillaz. He cares for Murdoc probably a lot more than he should and probably believes in their friendship/relationship more than he should. He's been shown to be somewhat socially conscious, easy-going, and friendly with fans. As of P4, he's (allegedly) worked on himself. However, he's also, well, a guy, and I think he's vulnerable to many of the things people complain about when they're complaining about men in general - he's shallow, emotionally immature at times, avoidant of responsibility, insecure. I think his insecurity and immaturity have especially been affected by fame and Murdoc's abuse. This is just my interpretation, but I think this can make him bottle up his true feelings to the point of being resentful. I think his experience with Murdoc's dishonesty and infidelity (Paula) can make him insecure/jealous. Basically, he's a regular person! Okay, so for the next part...
Writing 2Doc in 2017-2019: Brief 2Doc fandom history time! Yes...I started writing 2Doc that long ago RIP. I'm going to go out on a limb here, and assume that most readers today weren't present to experience the, uh, political climate of fandom back then. This was right after Gorillaz returned from their first, long hiatus. The community underwent A LOT of evolution. At the time, I was also just a general fandom blog. I did not come into this fandom as a shipper, I waded into the ship cautiously, because 2017-2018 was also the time when 2Doc, along with Murdoc fans, came under incredible scrutiny. You could not talk about, or surmise about 2D's flaws without someone becoming combative with you and pressuring you to say Murdoc was worse. You could not mention that he was an absentee father, or that he might have been the best parent to Noodle. No, we all had to focus on how much Murdoc sucked, which, fair, but idk, I WANT all the characters to have likable and unlikable qualities. It makes them feel more real and relatable.
ANYHOW. When I started writing 2Doc, I didn't want that part of fandom trying to start debates with me. Like, I love a good discussion as much as the next person, but I also wanted to connect with the community. So, I think I was a lot more cautious in how I portrayed 2D. You can see this in my early, early work. I actually don't like those fics very much anymore. I've come so close to deleting that one Christmas story off my AO3 account, but I also don't believe in deleting work lmao. And it was my first published fic on AO3, so, idk, there's sentimental value there.
When you say "my fic," I'm assuming you mean The Answer (if not, well...oops). I'm not sure if you've finished the story yet, so I don't want to go too far into detail. But that was the second fic I published on AO3, and I truly did want readers to feel comforted by my 2D portrayal like, "See! Yes, this is a kind, soft guy." I practiced in a way I would today, where I was writing with the most passionate Murdoc/2Doc haters in mind. But the characterization is also specific to the fic, where that 2D is kind because he's trying SO hard to be someone Murdoc wants. This gets explored later in the story. He also gets worse later in the story, and those were moments I had in mind from the beginning. I wanted to be able to write scenes where the reader might not be on his side, but I also had to build up to it. I wanted even the most critical reader to get to those moments and be able to accept it as a reasonable development. Was it perfect execution? Probably not (it's been a while since I've read it), but I do think those scenes were earned.
P1-P2 2Doc: It's funny you mention this. The early phases actually aren't very inspiring to me. I have the most fun with 2Doc when exploring the unknown and subverting expectations of what the ship "should" be. Where do they go from where canon left off? I don't know! I do think they can regress, and I'm interested to see how my depiction of them has changed now that it's been a few years and I have a lot of new points of reference that have inspired some new perspectives on both of them. If I were to write an early-phase 2D, I guess he might be a little closer to ROTO 2D. But I also *do* think he's nice. But I don't think he's a doormat or a cinnamon roll, and I don't like the idea of always writing him as a hapless victim and Murdoc as an evil, 2-dimensional supervillain (I don't think he was ever like this, even in the early phases). He has his edges, and Murdoc has his vulnerabilities.
I do think the 2Doc community has come a long way from 2017-2018, and there's probably more room to experiment with their dynamic and more acceptance of 2Doc in general. I think a lot of fanwork from that era was instrumental in opening peoples' minds to different portrayals of 2Doc. Personally, I do want to write something someday that pushes the boundaries a little. What will it be? Idk, but it's on the bucket list.
Omg this answer was long...I talked about 2D for five entire paragraphs. I'm happy to clarify or expand on anything mentioned here. I have some more thoughts on this, too, but I don't want this answer to get any longer at this point. But I'm open to discussion! I enjoy discussions like this.
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savebatsartedition · 1 month
Scratchcraft fanart again!!! (Much higher quality on Scratch.)
A LOT more notes under the cut!
Scratch link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/891267487/
Youtube notes:
(PLEASE READ DESCRIPTION.) Here is my "artistic" version of pressing space through my fanart dump. Whoop dee doo. Enjoy I think. 
Idk why, but this recording RUINED the quality of the art. They look better in scratch bitmap if you can believe if. (My #scratchcraft tag on my tumblr art blog is another, possibly higher quality, place to look for this art as well.) 
Guys I PROMISE it's totally not blood. :3 
Instructions:  Right arrow, space or click to go forward, left arrow to go back. Do NOT steal my art! It's been too long! XD 
Drawings:  1: Storm and sand 2: Voidway fighting Tall from the Season 3 Finale 3: Carsick and the dragon puke fiasco (Ft. Spector and Hunted laughing at him.) 4. Storm killing Shulkers. :3 (He actually specifically asked me to make this one!) 5. Storm and his new house. :3 (I'm Storm's thumbnail person now, apparently.) 6. Storm flying through the cliffs 7. Storm flying through the cliffs (Alt) 8. Waterfall 9. Goodbye Huntedskelly! 10. Storm going shopping yippie! 11. Storm shopping with less effects. 12 - 13. Saltyy dragon au (I think I posted these before, but not with good photos lol) 14 - 15. Hunted dragon au (Same with the second of these) 16. Mallon dragon au (this one too) 17. Inkamar dragon au 18. Alexstudios dragon au 19. Carsick dragon au 20. Just a regular Huntedskelly :) 21 - 27. trying to work out Inkamar's design. 28 - 20. Foxlife37 (and the Cod God in the first one) 31. Waveii 32. Stormlordzeus 33. Magic_02 34. Mallonations 35. PotatoAnimator 36. Saltyy 37. Storm and the blue axolotl 38. Storm vs the Creamy Lama Pokemon battle 39. Just the Creamy Lama 40. Just Storm 41. Voidway and Saltical at the world meeting table from the first Hetalia episode. (None of the art on this slide is mine. I just edited it.) 42. Storm vs Warden 43. Storm vs Panda (lol) (Also it's the thumbnail of this project, ignore the text.) 44. Just Storm from that last one. 45. Storm with sand to celebrate his return. 46. A watercolor thing of Storm from a WHILE ago. 47. Another random Storm. 48. Mallonations 'cus he found another account of mine on a different website. [For the record, it was this one] 49. An old comparison of my two Kenpoviper designs. 50. A REALLY old drawing of Hunted I just don't think I've posted on Scratch. 51. Voidway to a song because he requested it lol 52. Kenpoviper for an expression challenge. 53. Huntedskelly for an expression challenge. 54. A warning thingy 55. Voidway for an expression challenge. 56-58: Voidway design details 59-67: Huntedskelly drawings I doodled in math. :3
30-36 was me asking my sisters to give me random scratchcrafters to draw. :) Fun! 
Feel free to ask in the comments lol. 
Notes and Credits: @savebatsfromscratch (me) for the art and designs. All creators are credited above in the list of drawings. Song: Unfounded Revenge Smashing Song of Praise - Super Smash Bros Version Hetalia for that one background lol. 
Programs/art materials used in the various drawings:   1.Scratch bitmap (Almost all digital artworks are entirely done with Scratch bitmap.)   2. Paper and pen (Literally, clearly these are not scratch bitmap.)   3. Some crayons in some cases.   4. A tiny bit of mspaint for editing some of them.   5. A tiny bit of scratch vector for the same reason.   6. A thing to stretch out the sides of the scratch thing for the last one. (Still bitmap though.)     7. Watercolor on that one of Storm kneeling on the ground from like three years ago??   8. DA Muro for the expression challenge ones.
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goatpaste · 1 year
In a way, I feel like with how many women that are plot relevant in jojolion, I feel araki realized he fucked up with the way women were written/treated in SBR, but I feel that's wishful thinking. Then again, has araki even did art regarding SBR after it finished that isn't Johnny, Gyro, Diego, or Funny Valentine.
Also, you have a main blog?
It fhejidf it defiantly feels like araki went crazy when he wrote sbr then even out a bit part way into jojolion for sure lol
I'm sure he's drawn... something.. sbr that wasn't main charactera... maybe lol. But idk how much he draws anything from old parts that isn't main characters ykno
But the JJL woman are really a refreshing return to form with arakid female characters. Like araki I'd far from perfect but I always have to give him credit for being more fun and unique and caring of having interesting main focus female characters in his series compared to a lot of other Shonen type manga. Like stone ocean is great, him wanting a girl giorno, him writing lisa lisa with the comment of 'I want to do something not the same as iv done before I want a mean strong woman' when he made lisa lisa and his want to give her a fair fight with kars where she kicked ass
Then his horrible dip and lack of character for both his main female lead of lucy and really all his characters in SBR defiantly help make JJL stand out a lot more
But in general they had a lot of personality! From yasuho being a jobro that'd a lady who stands firmly as her own filled out character who works well as josukes bestie as well and being able to stand on her own and do thing separately from josuke. Kaatos who everything ouggh she was one of my favs of that part. And how kick ass all the girls are, they just don't take any shit I love them sooo much their filled with so much personality...
And lol ye I have a main my main is @dinopant it's nothing special, I just reblog and once in awhile post there. I'm mostly chatty on my twitter.
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