#idk i think maybe i'm just the type of person that Needs to romanticize my life otherwise i get depressed
polaraffect · 2 years
I started thinking about dark academia again this week and just had the most productive 3 hours of the past couple months. maybe i need to get back into this aesthetic fr
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theangelcatalogue · 26 days
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★Sooo for the 'Writer Truth or Dare Game'-★
🛼| describe your latest wip with five emojis
🐇| do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both?
🪐| name three good things going on in your life right now (/nf)
🧩| what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
🥑| you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help? (/nf)
★uuuh- you can answer these if you're comfortable- M'kay bye (⁠☆⁠▽⁠☆⁠)★
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───── ❝ ARMY DREAMERS ❞ ─────
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🛼 | describe your latest wip with five emojis
I have too many wips is crazy buddy, but i will try to describe some, with a song and emojis:
Total security II Yandere Donnie x borrower!darling : 🏃🔒📹⛓🪤 II " I'm a fish inside a birdcage "
Brutus II Yandere young justice x Traitor!darling: 😈🗡️🦹🤬😞 II " Please know my actions are not motivated only by envy "
Island of the love sickness (REMAKE!!!) II Yandere iots x darling: 🩸👻☠️🏝️🔪 II " See how i circle "
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🐇 | do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both?
— Oh! Good question Steren ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝
I would say a mix of both, i will admit that sometimes reader's personality can be based in some ocs of mine! And i also wrote some yandere x my ocs in the past, i was 10-12, but i admit i still write it, BUT IS REALLY RARE (/// ̄  ̄///)
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🪐 | name three good things going on in your life right now
— Let me think, Let me think... 「(゚ペ) Errrrm…
OH!! I killed creative block for now :3 (Yes i care for this, creativity is a trait that i need, i feel like is the only trait that is useful i guess)
I'm going to be an older sibling again ( i already have a younger sister)! I think it's really cool, but some family members are afraid that they are going to be autistic too ( My young sister is autistic and many other family members too)
And i'm alive?? I guess it's a good thing?
Anyway just random ass things, idk what to say-
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🧩 | what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
— OHHHHHH...oh (˶°ㅁ°)!!
Sexualization and romanticization of family problems II ALSO A BIG NO! IT'S A SERIOUS THING!!
Rape. Just no. And i don't think i have to explain it, right?
I just don't like these type of things in fanfics, also Bully x Bullied is a no for me-
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🥑 | you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
— Good question, this one (I didn't tag because Tumblr is not letting, sad)
Or maybe no one? I would fell guilty of involving another person tbh, so no one i guess? But if i REALLY REALLY REALLY HAVE, then is this one ദ്ദി(• ˕ •マ.ᐟ
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First time using the computer to make a full post and respond a ask i guess! Thanks for the ask ٩(^ᗜ^ )و ´-
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bookishfeylin · 6 months
If Feylin was canon though all books, do you think it would be like a good choice to separate them to give feyre the time to grow on her own and like actually age up? Because even if Tamlin don't actually mean to be like that they are very apart in age... VERY. And I don't know if SJM's tried to compesated that giving all the males characters a brain of a horny teen but... the age difference it's still there. And we can observe (and I think you made a post about it) how biased Feyre can be depending of whom she is with... She doesn't complain, and WHEN she does a simple saying makes her shut again... I don't know if it something I create of her, like a mental image or if she's really like that... But my impression is that she accepted EVERYTHING so that she can still be with the person she loved. She's is so afraid of losing that she don't set boundaries or idk stood more to her morals... As we can see with Rhysand and with TamTam. She just so young. And it doesn't mare how much Sarah tries to show how strong she is and how Glowing and sparked, she's just a twenty two years woman, that was treated like nothing by her mom, ignored by her family to the point she was desperate that NO ONE tried to saved her :(. The only human relationship before the Fae was a console, but nothing more than that. When she see red flags she always tried to convince herself that it all HER, that she's the one overreacting... And all her romantic relationships look so dangerous...
(omg bookish I'm so sorry I was just gonna ask a simple question but then I get all angsty... I hope you doing fine btw)
This is actually a really good question, but if you want me to be completely honest I think the answer to that has more to do with what type of story Sarah would've written after ACOTAR had Feylin remained canon. though I will acknowledge that the age gap even makes me feel ick at times too
These books are fantasy fairytale retellings, BATB retellings to be specific, so there's no way to wholly make that healthy. If Sarah exclusively went with that angle, the "ehhhhhh its just a fairytale my readers can look the other way and accept the relationship because its just a fictional fairytale retelling", then IMO it would work just fine. Fiction doesn't need to be sanitized, after all, and especially if it were solely marketed towards adult readers who are aware of the dangers of real life age gap relationships then Sarah wouldn't really need to. We can let it be fluffy and cute with no further introspection on the age gap because it's only fiction.
It's a more nuanced convo if we're talking YA, because as @longsightmyth has pointed out before teen pregnancies are often caused by teen girls hooking up with older adult men, not boys their age, so the romanticization of the age gap in YA and how Feylin plays into that needs a more nuanced look. Maybe here I'd argue yes, they could be separated and then meet back up decades later. That's actually. Hold up. that could be a good fic idea
And if we're also going to do the whole "abuse and domestic violence and red flags" theme from ACOMAF, then IMO I'd also say yes--separate Feylin, let Feyre grow older, and then Feyre decades later, as an established adult, can be used to explore those themes of red flags and abuse as she'll be in a place mentally where she can healthily enter a relationship with someone older than her.
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proudproship · 4 months
Hello! I wanted some advice (or maybe just to ramble)
I wanted to develop some media literacy and critical thinking
Is there a way to do that without being a hypocrite?
(If that question is complicated to respond, you don't need to respond)
Hmm idk honestly; that is a really hard to answer question.
But I guess I'll go over how I view certain "problematic" topics in fiction and why I personally think they're nothing to really worry about.
This post may be long -w-
First off, an antis least favorite: lolisho.
Lolisho is a fictional body type. If people with that body type existed IRL, they'd look like ginormous bobble heads, or even an animal crossing character. It's extremely unrealistic and has little to no resemblance of an actual childlike body, therefore it is NOT pedophilia.
Some people also like it because they see a very submissive(???) character.
Second, noncon and dubcon.
Many people who like these tropes are real-life sexual abuse survivors.
Many use it because they "get to choose when it stops."
It's not "romanticizing" if it's for coping, is how I view it. It's just catharsis.
This is why it's my favorite trope, because I can process my own trauma. It's a way to gain that control you needed in a way that isn't harmful.
Third would be incest.
Incest remains to be an EXTREMELY POPULAR kink around the globe.
Some places in the world, it's legal (unfortunately). IRL incest is a horrible thing and can lead to abuse, but in places where it is legal there will be people who ship these kinds of ships and not see it as bad BECAUSE it's legal where they live.
But for those who do know how bad it can be, they may ship it because they see a unique bond in the characters that non-related characters may not have. I've also heard some just like it BECAUSE it's taboo.
Other tropes are things like grooming, manipulation, abuse, toxicity, lust murder, romantic cannibalism, severe power imbalance, etc etc.
But I'll just lump it all into violence.
There's a wide variety on why people like this, and the potential reasons too.
A main reason is that humans' brains are naturally wired to be interested in violent topics.
This is because they are preparing themself how to cope if it happened IRL.
If someone was exposed to an actual IRL toxic relationship, they could know what to do because they've seen what a fictional character has done.
This is why many people are interested in true crime. It's a thought of "what would I do if this happened to me?"
Another is age gap relationships.
There's not a big special explanation for this one, people just like the taboo.
It could just be because it's taboo, or maybe they like the power imbalance.
Once you think you've understood this, I think it would be good to see other people's perspectives too.
These resources helped me personally:
And I will say that it does take time to develop these things if you haven't already.
It will be a bumpy road, but that just shows your doing a good job.
You also don't even have to support these kinds of tropes. You just have to acknowledge their right to exist.
I'm honestly extremely proud of you for asking this question, and wish you best of luck!! :D
Sorry if my answer was too long or confusing lol
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impunkster-syndrome · 10 months
I don't think I was the anon worried about having a harmful para but maybe I was (amnesia issues) but uhhh I am also myself worried about it. For ages I've thought it's possible I'm a necorphile. I have pedo OCD where in I'm terrified I'm secretly a pedo but... I'm able to fully differntiate that from actual reality. I know I'm not one. But when it comes to necro stuff I think it's different. It is very deeply and intimately tied to my trauma. I feel disgusted with myself almost always and I know some alters when I was younger and had mroe amnesia of my childhood fell down a rabbit hole of some really fucked up drawn art by proshipper types that was just.... something that in our case made thing worse for us because a) we were triggering ourselves and b) it was making the thoughts worse and making us spiral.
I just idk where to turn. We keep being too scared to tell much to our therapist. She knows about the trauma but she seems to think it's just our OCD because of how we have discussed "being scared we secretly liked our abuse" when what we mean is we're scared because we find the concept hot. The abuse is pain and gross but it also is sexual but gross and Idk how to explain it.
If this is too much you can ignore/delete this.
It's normal to have all these feelings, especially those that are complex around abuse. OCD may be a factor in that for you as well, but I personally do not have OCD.
My abuse gave me a CNC (consensual nonconsent) kink that isn't entirely sexual in itself. I completely get that feeling of "What if I enjoyed it," but I reframe it as "Even if I did, it still has traumatized and hurt me, and I want to heal." That CNC kink kicked in after my first relationship that was abusive and it included a bunch of times my ex violated my boundaries and potentially sexually assaulted me, so it makes me scared that the abuse from that ex is somehow less abusive because of what it gave me.
If it helps, one thing you can do is ask your therapist questions about how she thinks treatments for paraphilia-OCD in general and paraphilias should be. I did the same with my therapist, since I felt like this was the thing he might finally hospitalize me for. I was really scared both of telling someone and of recovery, because of the fact that people expect me to be able to get rid of my paraphilias in therapy, but they are also so entrentched with who I am that I would not be the same without them. So, these kinds of questions helped me gauge how safe I was with him and his treatment expectations.
For the art thing, I understand that. My recovery requires avoidance of incest media, because it does trigger me and cause a drop after, even if it felt good for a bit or in that moment. I do think that consumption of media that romanticizes your paraphilia can cause it to develop more and it's like giving your brain treats for those thoughts. It doesn't impact everyone the same way, that's just the conclusion I have come to because of my experience. I do have moments where the drive to interact with it is too much and I end up doing so through fiction, but the shame and triggering gets me shortly after.
I do hope that your therapist understands with the full situation known and is a good fit for you. If not, may you find what you need.
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💮💮Heyyy, I have a really annoying pet peeve in romance fanfiction and wanted to know your opinion.
So I really hate it when the author goes like "x characher was in love with y character" despite them not even being friends?!?
And then they continue on to say that how x character was jealous and insecure about z character (who is presumably a hot person).
Although I don't see it as impossible, I dislike it when the pacing is too fast like, how can you be in love with someone who your not even friends with. You don't even know the person on a surface level basis, like how???
And from my understanding of love, it stems from feelings of trust, deep understanding and such, it seems like the author is describing a crush but framing it as love just cause they were too lazy to go in depth about how they were strangers to friend to pining idiots to lovers u know?
And I'm not saying all fics should go into every little detail about x and ys relationship, but at least make them friend (so the reader does the imagining) or just take the easy route and go x just had a crush. Idk am I just too sensitive abt these thing?
Alo remember to drink water and eat, our favourite author needs to stay healthy
_ stay safe, flower anon💮💮
i think this, in part, stems from romanticizing... romance, if that makes sense. as in, being enamored with the tropes of love/romance/falling in love/heavily cliched "love at first sight" premises, etc. when most of what we see in popular media just... isn't realistic or even relatable to the average person who has been in love
you can have a CRUSH on someone if you don't know them well. you can have immediate sexual or physical attraction to a complete stranger (i mean, that's what porn is, right?), you might even feel jealousy over this person being around others (this one is a toxic trait linked heavily with insecurity and immaturity, in general), etc.
but no, i don't believe in any kind of "love at first sight" mantra that many fics and headcanons unfortunately fall into because it's bullshit and not real lol. it's one thing i guess to... write about 😍😍😍 this fairytale-esque idea of just KNOWING you're in love with this person you barely know. maybe the "mysterious stranger" appeal is in there somewhere, or the "they're so cool/unapproachable/popular that i'd never have a chance, so i'll just fantasize an imaginary version of them in my head that seems like my perfect match in every way and then project that onto the REAL character/person who might not really act like that at all, destroying the fantasy"
y'know, like that!
the horrible pacing is also annoying. i mean... there's a reason my fic is fucking 500k words at this point and uhhh for 3/4 of that, "love" was not in the mix. this is kiiiiinda why scenarios where they start off as just barely knowing each other or friends-of-friends or polite coworkers or something tosses me for a loop when all of a sudden things go from 3 to 99 really fucking quickly with like, zero buildup or anticipation.
but its also people writing what they want for free on the internet that's, in most cases, completely self indulgent and less for us as content consumers and more as "i wanna write this thing" where real scenarios have little say (i have a *thing* against yandere/abuse/really imbalanced power dynamics/age gaps being romanticized and easily publicly accessible because it can and does give the wrong impression about certain situations that put irl people in danger. there's def those ppl out there who will see a stalking/obsession/controlling dynamic in a fic and think it would be awesome to have someone obsessed with them, some kind of dream come true... and like yes! those types of kinks do exist! and can happen SAFELY with CONSENTING ADULTS who are into that! but not everyone (esp minors, no offense, sorry) who stumble on this kind of thing might be able to distinguish between consenting kink and romanticizing abuse)
.... that got OFF TOPIC but its still important lkajsl;kfjaf ANYWAY-
yeah. basically, i agree and it's annoying lol but it's best to just don't read/block if you run into it and move onto things you DO enjoy reading
i did drink a lot of wooder today and i made a yummy creamy tuscan chicken recipe for dinner 😤
thanks flower anon 💮
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musicloveop3s · 2 years
Tw (?) Learning about relationships- good and toxic ones I mention a fanfic I once read that was disturbing.
I realized after posting it on twitter that maybe it would idk make someone uncomfy. It was a lot shorter and as I've been typing this I've realize I have a lot to say on the topic. So I took it down before anyone could see it and yeah. I don't know what exact warning I should add but I am typing this on my phone so there is no cut off! BEWARE scroll fast.
At the very LEAST people younger than 16-17 should not be involved in the creepy pasta fandom. Okay I believe this ^^^ because I started reading about creepypasta when I was maybe half way through the sixth grade.
I started to idolize toxic relationships. I started to think "he's protecting me from the others" or that (when I would read fanfiction) "I'm isolated because he wants me all to himself heart heart heart"
I thought the yelling and threatening was hot and attractive. The fights and hunting down of Y/N was exciting! And yes I know what some of you are gonna say....
"Well that was fanfiction not the actual creepypasta stories!" I originally was looking for MORE, like extended version, of the stories which led me to creepypasta fanfiction.
Anyways this went on for years and what got me out of the fandom (not completely I just don't romanticize it anymore yaknow like a preteen does!) Was one specific fanfic I had read andddddd that I was moving towards DC shows and yes I KNOW the shows are not completely accurate to the comics but they're good to watch fuck off! But this fic I had read was next level shit it was gore and manipulative and human uh not disfigurement but like they cut them open blah blah blah whatever and it fucked me up.
But I loved it! Because-
1) I've loved creepy shit since I was a kid if it makes my stomach churn then great!! I love that disgusting feeling.
2) It was fake. It wasn't a real story.
3) I had a crush on this character and because of all the other fics I had read I wasn't going head first. I was already halfway in.
But this did make me kinda realize
"OH these are murderers, like they are incapable of loving people. They only live to kill and some of them love it too and that's hot."
So no it didn't take me completely out but it did help. I'm older now and I know better now.
I know that those were unhealthy ideals coming from someone who is mentally ill and is low-key afraid to be abandoned... so the idea of someone obsessively loving them, go as far as to kill them to keep them, or being someone's forever partner that they couldn't betray or leave because I'll take myself down and drag you with me or someone hunting another person down and you'll love me eventually I'll force you to or I'll kill all your friends and family so that you can never leave and I only see you as a toy and once I'm bored I won't leave! I'll kill you! I will be your first and last love....... well it was yeah. And yes I am talking about myself! This was a long time ago!!!!!!
I do have a better idea of what a healthy relationship is and I am learning but for a long time that is what I expected, what I wanted, what I thought I needed. Every love story leading up to that all ended the same, divorce, cheating, abandonment, death AKA heartbreak.
And if I've learned anything it's that I'm not special. There are ton of other people like this as well. I am not alone and sometimes love isn't scary or evil and maybe just maybe some people can find true love. Sometimes the scariest things, the most painful endings leave you with heartbreak but also with good memories.
Now I'm not saying never read scary stories or creepypasta everrrr just put a age limit or warning? Though most teens and preteens won't listen...
Great stories there!!!
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Hi love, I'm the anon with the professor harry look-alike story
Sorry I took so long to answer. I forgot I had such a serious crush, so when I tried writing this the first time, a bunch of memories came back, and I started to ramble into details I shouldn't, so I stopped. That's why I eventually forgot, but I'm back and over the melodrama to give what you asked but with much more detail than I meant to lol. I hope you don't hate that it's a long post. Sorry again!
It's okay. It was/is legal, and we matched over a year later, so I wasn't his student anymore. idk if this is crossing anyone's mind rn, but I feel the need to clarify that I didn't search for him. The dating app doesnt even provide a search option; it was a bizarre coincidence.
We didn't go out. I was too chicken, and I'm glad it worked out how it did tbh. No regrets. I'm pretty inexperienced, even though I'm in my early 20s, and usually prefer older men.
I just told him it was unexpected and amusing but that he should decline and he said well that sends a mixed message and without much time in between, he did as I said. I'm not sure if he even remembered me but I guess it doesn't matter.
Won't share age but he's a little older than Harry even though he looks like he could still be in college. He looks more like adam brody when adam was on the OC show - it's the second post down (also a beautiful and sexy man), but I definitely caught glimpses of Harry, which made me do against my will double-takes at times. That one picture I sent with the parallel was an good example of when he looks more like Harry.
Oh he's also the same height as Louis and has the same small frame.
He's fan fiction worthy alright.
He started a band after high school, still writes music, and plays guitar. He used his motorcycle to get to work, wore leather jackets, dark pants, boots, and thin sweaters, which he mostly rolled the sleeves up halfway. He'd also wear those patterned button-ups that weren't so buttoned-up that we'd see a certain lhh wear.
let's just say he knew he looked good and knows how to dress
He spoke charismatically, has a Ph.D., and taught and still teaches(?) political science.
Suddenly human rights and politics are not just essential and intriguing but as sexy as that romanticized show Scandal lol
Many people had great things to say about him: he was fair, charismatic, and passionate, which is all true. Although in my mind, maybe as I'm too subjective, his passion boarded on a know-it-all kind of energy that was flustering to keep up with. Other than that, no complaints. He is a humanitarian, and those types melt my heart so it makes up for the know-it-all flustered thing. There were a few suggestive moments, but none of those actually matter. He was professional, behaved in a no-frills way during class, and would sadly only laugh sometimes. When he smiled/laughed, he looked exactly like 3:28
Oh shoot, I almost forgot the takeaway like what I learned because I got some life lessons out of this emotional ride. Suggestions if you ever are in this position: If you can, then don't have a class with a hot professor, not if you are so young/naive and idealistic like I was, it's totally not worth it. I mean, there are attractive people you don't think twice about, and then there are those who are your type. Learn to love yourself/be your own person before diving into the deep end and going wild card. At the same time, a little part of me still says, live your life, but trust your gut over me. I maintained a B but don't fool yourself. Not only is it distracting, so I had to teach myself the material after class, but the urge to be inappropriate is too strong lmao. I would say a quick thank you as I did with all my professors, but I always meant something more when I said that to him. Also, eyes don't lie! Larries of all people would know. So I had to do what Louis and Harry did: not interact or look at him much. I managed to fake boredom at times. Instead of nose scrunches or creepy lip-biting, just stay looking away.
you did not just link me to this moment. you didn't
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and yes, adam brody in the oc is very similar to him in that photo you sent me!!! good-looking. to but it simply. i had the hugest crush on him when i watched this show back in middle school so yeah
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oh, what a story. thank you, kind anon, for coming back and telling us the entire thing!!
it's definitely tricky being in that kind of situation, and he does sound like someone who could sweep you off your feet, especially as a student. the lessons you added are key to remember, bc it truly isn't worth getting into sticky business for anyone - let alone a smooth smart guy in his position.
i'm very glad it ended well for you! and i hope you find or have already found an alternative that makes you extremely happy <3
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clumsyclifford · 3 years
hello!! i am back and on desktop this time. the blog is just as pretty. alex + yellow = v v attractive jfc. this is a long one so buckle in.
to begin: i hope you have the most fun on your day road trip and sing your heart out to atl and taylor swift. i love driving long distances and idk just driving in general is fun. have the absolute best time MWAH
my birthday is in november!! november 23 to be specific. i share it with miley cyrus which is something i always found to be very cool when i was growing up and watching hannah montana. it also means i am a sagittarius and funny little fact i realized is that my best friend is a gemini. alex and jack are also a sagittarius and a gemini. from being 13 i know that tyler and josh from twenty one pilots are also a sagittarius and a gemini. something about sagittarius and gemini besties idk.
also yeah!! ao3 year in review!! it's a bit complicated to figure out at first and if you read a lot the finding pages thing can be pretty tedious, but it's def worth it once you figure it out. it gives you a lot of different stats about everything you read and it's pretty cool. now i am going to go look at your fics to remember my favs. you deserve the praise so i am willing to offer it. jeez you write a lot i respect the motivation sm. you write quite a bit of angst and i won't lie i try to stay away from angst so i haven't read your fics that seem super angst-y based on the tags. BUT there are still so many i recall reading and loving nonetheless. on a quick scroll-through: i usually don't read high school AUs but "paint me in trust (i'll be your best friend)" was super adorable and lovely. "thank god i'm yours" is one of my favs iirc. also i love love love "it's not always easy (but i'm here forever)" like yes please romanticize alex gaskarth i love it sm. "i won't be silent (and i won't let go)" and "i fell asleep in a city that doesn't" are both super fluffy and romantic and are favs of mine. in case you haven't picked up on it i adore very fluffy and romantic fics lmao. alright i am continuing to scroll and there are so many more i could list that i love but this section is getting quite long. just know if it's about a kitchen or hotel rooms being for lovers i probably read it and adored it and that pov is so valid.
waterparks!! will not lie i only really started listening to them about 6 months ago having been distantly aware of their existence for several years by being a fan of bands in the same genre. listen as long as you let yourself be vaguely annoyed by awsten is prevents you from being in love with him. follow him on any social media platform for like a day and you'll be sick of him typing in nothing but all caps within hours. simply do not romanticize him and you can keep yourself from falling!! so this is coming from a slightly fake parx fan, but some of my favs by them have been peach (lobotomy), crave, numb, fuzzy, violet!, you'd be paranoid too, and lowkey as hell. that is a very songs-from-their-most-recent-album-heavy rec, but whatever. i did give the disclaimer about being a fake parx fan.
yeah hayley does have 2 solo albums now!! petals for armor and flowers for vases / descansos. pfa is the one i didn't really like upon first listen but has grown on me. i haven't even listened to the second one in its entirety oops but we won't mention it. dead horse is good but simmer (pretty sure that was the other single??) just ain't it for me. the album has some lovely songs but it's just a hit or miss album all the way through. some favs of mine on it include pure love, taken, crystal clear, watch me while i bloom, and why we ever. it's sorta a storyline album about healing if that adds anything to it?? but anyways. i started listening to paramore around the time after laughter dropped and it grew to be one of my fav albums in existence. idle worship is probably one of my fav songs like ever. i def understand being slightly put off by bands with songs that make religious references (me with twenty one pilots' earlier music that makes a lot more religious references considering i'm not religious whatsoever) but i think i am blinded by being in love with hayley williams and just ignore it. idk that she's like super religious?? she's addressed believing in god and stuff a few times but she's def not the "rub it in your face" type and if she's making refs in music more recently then they're subtle enough i'm not noticing them. ik albums like brand new eyes had a lot more because it was shortly after that the band split and the songwriting process was essentially her and ex-bandmate co-songwriter arguing about their religious beliefs (turns out he ended up being super homophobic and transphobic all based on his religion so do with that what u will and thank the clown for leaving). i feel u on the "i meant to start listening to them" because that's essentially how i started listening to them. i told myself i was going to and then finally forced myself to do it. fuck falling for awsten knight what's more risky is falling in love with hayley </3
also yeah!! you've articulated my feelings towards tde. every song is so vastly different that it's hard to like it all. #1 fan is pretty decent though, and that's not just my bias about finding both ross and his gf hot and a cute couple and getting to see them together and ross half naked in a mirror in the video nope not at all. he's my fav himbo!! he has no personality!! no thoughts head empty!! i still love him and his strawberry-growing saga on twitter tho <3 the hazard of being in love with ross lynch since i was 12. girlfriend better be a fucking banger and there's quite a few already released singles in the tracklist so i have hope. i believe my show is in chicago on november 19 which is a thursday. kinda sucks since i intentionally bought the chicago tix nearly two years ago (the show was originally supposed to be april 25 2020. lol.) because the show was on a saturday and i have to drive 3 hours to get there. obviously i can't speak for them as tde but r5 shows always fucking slapped and i can vouch for them (realized i haven't seem them live since 2016?? 5 YEARS?? wtf) so if u genuinely like them. would recommend going to see them.
anyways. i have not listened to luke's solo album yet. i plan on it. this has gotten so long but i tried to respond in all areas and even organized it in different paragraphs this time (thanks being on desktop!!). hope you are well. hope you have a lovely day. hmm what's a little "going on in my life" fact. i got new glasses a few days ago and my eyes essentially said fuck off because adjusting to the new prescription has left me with eyes that hurt and occasionally slightly nauseous. here is to hoping my eyes get their shit together. mwah LOVE YOU TOO - the other bella/cubs anon/idk
okay hi hello. i have put this off because holy hell it's long but let's do it. i am putting a cut because this whole thing is long even without my answer
first: the road trip was super fun thank you!!! i am intrigued by this information regarding sags and geminis, we should do some scientific inquiry. enquiry. i don't know if there's a difference between those words.
aha! well i tried the ao3 year in review thing and i would say it had about 55% accuracy but still i agree it's fun to look back at that kind of stuff. and i feel you on the angst thing i go through phases of writing angst-heavy stuff and then writing very fluffy stuff and it is entirely based on my mental state buuuut i have lots of fluff and i'm glad you found it all and that you liked it yay <333 KITCHENS ARE FOR LOVERS i will die on that fuckin hill. hotel rooms as well but primarily kitchens.
dfgjhgdlfkhgdfmj honestly i dont use twitter enough that i would see his tweets enough that that would bother me also the fact that he tweets in all caps means that i just picture him yelling everything he tweets which i find absolutely hysterical so i don't think that would help. i have added these parx songs to my listen asap playlist and will get to them when i get a chance thank you i am excited also i already know lowkey as hell and it slaps super hard so im very much lookin forward to the rest of these. merci merci
YEAH simmer was the one i didnt vibe with. and honestly i feel zero compulsion to get into hayley williams as a solo artist. i just don't vibe enough to want to do that so i doubt i'll be listening to her anytime soon but maybe if i hear the songs in passing or get super bored one night, idk who can really say. but yeah christianity typically puts me off of music (speaking as a very jewish bitch) although there are notable exceptions in the cases of thomas rhett and the driver era. i'm just not attached to hayley enough to be like ehhh this doesnt matter. does that make sense
FAVORITE HIMBO PLEASE HGSDFGDFGKLFGJ i dont follow him on twitter but i have seen some interviews of ross and rocky and tbh they're great i love the way ross speaks like i like his speech mannerisms and i like his FACE and HAIR and. yeah. i think hes pretty. and i think he and 5sos SHOULD collab i think that would be sexy as hell. can you imagine that. oh my god can you imagine a ross lynch/luke hemmings collab. i'm not even really talking to you anymore bella because i know you haven't listened to luke yet and don't have a stake in it but if anyone else is reading this long ass answer. ross & luke collab. okay im going to move on and not think about that now. but i probably won't see tde unless i get a job this semester because i'm trying to stop spending so much money on big indulgent things like concerts likeee i was in a really good habit of not spending that much and then suddenly i got paid for one summer and i was just goin Crazy and i need to dial it back. plus i wanna see ajr and noah kahan equally bad so like. i have to make some calls about priorities here. it's Much to think about
good luck to your eyes i'm sure your new glasses are hella cute tho!!! LOVE YOUUUUUUU
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