#i'm honestly not sure if there's a tag for this version but ok sure
latbak · 2 years
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some weird blue kid 
113 notes · View notes
bteezxyewriter12 · 5 months
Pairing- Seonghwa x Named Reader
Word count- 11k
Includes- Oral, pussy eating, blow job, deep throating, cum eating, missionary (sort of), cock riding, dirty talk, squirting, multiple orgasms, Hongjoong is an annoying but amazing friend, fluff
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxminnie @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
@yeosxxx @seokwoosmole @jjongsbebe @wisejudgedragonhairdo @meowmeowminnie @woo-stars @borntowalkaway @usagionthered @san-realblkwife @seonghwasstar @jejeyeppeo @soulseobi05 @kpop-bambi @prayerofthehaim @realisticnotes @pinkies-things @insomniacatiny @stephy-nicole13
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Masterlists 📝ATEEZ Masterlist 📝Seonghwa Masterlist
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I watch Seonghwa's face morph from a blank look to one that finally gets what Wooyoung is saying
And I just wonder how someone, especially a mechanic, can be so dumb
Seriously, Seonghwa is gorgeous and so hot but he's a complete airhead
He's Hongjoong's roommate
Hongjoong is my best friend
Therefore I see Seonghwa a lot and yeah he's gorgeous, but I could never be with him
He always has a dumb look on his face, is always the last to get anything the guys say, everything has to be explained to him, even jokes
He's also a complete player
Always fucking girl after girl, even when I'm at the apartment with Hongjoong
He does seem like an animal in bed though
He's what people would call a male version of a bimbo
Hot, dumb and likes sex
I mean he's nice and all and he'd be good for a fuck but to date?
I'd lose way too many brain cells that I need
So I just oogle him then roll my eyes when he's acting dumb
"Be nice", Hongjoong whispers in my ear
"I am. I'm not saying anything"
"Stop rolling your eyes at him. He'll see then I'm gonna have to spend ten minutes dodging his questions of why you don't seem to like him"
I sigh, trying not to roll my eyes again
That's another thing
Seonghwa somehow got in his head that I don't like him
I don't know why
I'm not outright mean to him
I'm nice, I don't make him feel bad for being stupid, I don't roll my eyes when I speak to him and he says dumb things
I have some conversation with him
Simple ones
But he has it in his head that I don't like him and no matter how many times Hongjoong assures him I do he just doesn't believe it for some reason
I mean he's not my bestie or whatever but he's a friend
"C'mon Jo, cut the eye rolling out. It's not nice"
I huff, "I can't help it sometimes. I don't even know I'm doing it"
"I don't!", I protest
It's true
It's just like a habit and sometimes I do it without knowing
"Yeah ok Jo"
"Whatever", I answer
"That's the spirit", he says sarcastically
"If you two are quite done arguing", San interjects, "Were all ready to leave for the club"
I roll my eyes again
"Yeah we're done", Hongjoong answers
"Honestly you two argue like an old married couple", Yeosang says
"Yeah. You two should date with the amount of times you argue", Wooyoung laughs
"Yeah no thanks", I answer
Hongjoong and I actually tried dating a few years ago
It did not work out and we decided to stay just friends
The sex was good though and we have been known to fuck now and again
He's good in bed but not a good boyfriend
For me anyway
And apparently I wasn't a good girlfriend for him
It's fine, while he can be a jerk, he's my best friend, we're there for each other for anything and we love each other
"Absolutely not", Hongjoong shakes his head, "I can't deal with that all the time"
"That? I'm a that?", I snap
"When you're acting like a nut yeah you're a that"
I narrow my eyes at him
What a jerk
"As if you're so easy to fucking deal with"
"I'm a peach compared to you", he snorts
"Yeah a soft rotten peach", I scowl
"Alright children", Yunho says loudly, "Back to your corners for now. We're leaving"
Some of the guys stand up and start leaving the restaurant
Standing up, I catch Seonghwa's look on his face
He's looking down and slight upset
Wonder if he's ok
I shrug it off as he stands up, his head lifting, catching my gaze
He smiles, which knocks the breath out of me, then turns and follows Wooyoung
My god he's hot and that smile is gorgeous
But it's just looks, no substance
"Let's go you nut", Hongjoong nudges me
"Sure thing peach", I say sarcastically
"Hey, be nice or I'll leave you here"
"You would never", I threaten
"Try me", he snorts as we leave the restaurant, "You can get an Uber there"
"You jerk!"
"Oh god what now?", Wooyoung whines
"I'm about to leave her here", Hongjoong grumbles
"He wouldn't dare!", I exclaim
"How would she get to the club?", San asks
"She has Uber", Hongjoong answers
"Stop being a jerk Hongjoong! You started it!"
"Uh, I uh...I can take you. To the club", Seonghwa's voice intervenes
I turn my attention to him, where he's standing next to Jongho, his hands in his pockets
"If you want", he says, "If he's being mean. You can come with me"
"I am not being mean!", Hongjoong yells
"Yeah ok", I tell Seonghwa
Hongjoong is being annoying and I know if I get in his car we're just going to be arguing all the way to the club
It'll be a total mood killer
"What! Joanne!", Hongjoong exclaims
"I'm going with Hwa", I tell him, glaring
"You know what? Fine!", he yells, then looks at Seonghwa, "Good fucking luck. She's your problem now"
"Fuck you!", I shout as he walks to his car
"It's ok Jo", Seonghwa says, suddenly right next to me, "He's just being a jerk. You know he would never leave you here alone"
I know this but why does he have to start shit?
"C'mon Jo. My car's this way"
I glare in the direction of Hongjoong's car then follow Seonghwa to his
"Give me a shot of vodka!", I yell at the bartender over the loud club music, "And a margarita!"
It's so fucking crowded here
As soon as we got here the guys dispersed
I'm ignoring Hongjoong
Jongho is holding down the couches we were able to get
Yeosang, Yunho and Mingi are dancing
Wooyoung and San are looking for girls to fuck
Yunho is at one of the bars trying to get drinks
And I have no clue where Seonghwa went off to
The ride here was pleasant
Seonghwa didn't say much, just kept the music on which mellowed me out a bit after the argument with my idiot best friend
It was nice
When we got here we met up with the guys then he disappeared
I went to the bathroom and now I'm here waiting for drinks
My feet hurt already in these heels
I'm not a heel person
I'm not really a club person either but I go because the guys want to
It's an excuse to dress slutty and drink so it's not all bad
I stand off to the side of the bar waiting for my drinks when a guy appears next to me, squeezing his way in
He shouts some order to the bartender then of course looks around him and spots me
His eyes widen and he smirks
Here we go
"Hi", he shouts
"No", I yell, shaking my head
I'm so not in the mood to entertain a drunk
I'm not looking to fuck tonight either
He leans closer, "You're really pretty"
I move my head back, the smell of alcohol invading my nose
"Thanks but no", I answer
"No? You're not dressed like it's a no"
Of course
Typical idiot guy
He smirks, his fingers flicking the chains that are holding my shirt together
"Nice tits"
"Fuck off", I growl
His hand tugs on one of the chains on my skirt, "These could be fun"
Yeah if I choke the life from him with it
I step back, making some space between us
"Fuck off", I repeat
He just laughs, his hand reaching out to touch me again
Suddenly a hand grabs his, stopping him inches from my skin
"Do not touch her", a voice growls dangerously
I look up, shocked to see Seonghwa
And man, he looks pissed
He pushes the guy's hand away, standing slightly in front of me, "Fuck off or I'll make you fuck off"
I gape at the hard look on Seonghwa's face
He looks like he's going to fuck this guy up
The guy snorts, "What are you going to do?"
Seonghwa steps up to him, right in his face
Seonghwa is tall so he towers over the guy
"Try to touch her and fucking find out", he threatens
Not gonna lie, this is kinda hot
Of course leave it to me to find this alpha male shit attractive
Well..maybe it's just attractive on Seonghwa
"And who the fuck are you?", the guy snarls
"She's with me. Back off"
Seonghwa and the guy glare at one another, neither backing down
I really hope there's not a fight
I don't want Seonghwa to get hurt
Although my money is on him, this guy could land a punch or two
"Hey, what's going on?", a guy shouts coming over to the one who tried to hit on me
"He's threatening to kick my ass", he drunk guy snorts, his friend looking over at Seonghwa
"If you touch her again, I will", Seonghwa snarls
The friend looks at the drunk guy sighing, "Again Hyuk? What the fuck man? Why are you always going after someone's girl?"
Apparently he does this often
"She was here alone man"
"Obviously not", his friend rolls his eyes
The friend looks at Seonghwa, "Look I'm sorry. He's a fucking idiot"
"He touched her", Seonghwa growls, "Twice and tried for a third after she backed away. He's lucky I didn't break his fucking fingers"
Holy shit
I've never seen Seonghwa like this, never heard him speak like this
Come to think of it, I haven't seen him angry before
But right now, the rage is radiating off him
"I hear you", the friend says, "I'm really sorry. I'll keep him away"
"Yeah do that"
The friend pulls the drunk guy away, who whines that he didn't get his drink yet
"You don't need more, you fuckwad. You were almost killed, you idiot"
They disappear and Seonghwa turns around to me, his body still tense
"Are you ok?", he asks worriedly
"Yeah Hwa. I'm fine", I nod, "Thanks. For helping"
He nods, "Of course. I wouldn't let anyone hurt you"
I raise my eyebrow at that but it's sweet and yeah it melts my cold heart a little
"Thanks", I smile
He gives me a soft one then asks, "Did you get your drink?"
I shake my head then glance at the bar
"Bartender didn't even make it yet. I think he forgot about me"
"I'll get it for you", he says but I shake my head
"Nah it's ok. After that idiot I'm not too keen on getting drunk right now"
He nods, "Yeah ok. Do you wanna go back to the seats?"
I shake my head
I don't want to sit and watch people
"Would you uh....maybe ...wanna dance?", he asks shyly
"Me?", I ask surprised
He nods
Why the hell not?
We're at a club after all
"Yeah Hwa ok"
He slowly reaches for my hand, taking it
I squeeze his reassuringly, smiling at him
He smiles his beautiful smile, then tugs my hand, leading me to the dance floor
It's so hot here and I'm sweating so much
But fuck, I'm not stopping
Seonghwa is a fucking amazing dancer
We started out dancing with space between us but as the time went by we got closer and closer
Now my arms are around his neck, his are around my waist, one of his hands on my ass as we grind into each other
His black hair is so sweaty, sticking to his forehead, looking so fucking hot
There are bodies all around us, bumping into us but it's like it's just the two of us in the room
Girls have tried to cut in, wanting to dance with him but he just shakes his head and keeps his hold on me tighter
I'm given dirty look after dirty look but I just smirk at them
There is this one girl though that keeps trying
I think she's like his go to dance partner or something
Maybe a fuck buddy but I've never seen her before
She keeps getting rejected but doesn't get the hint
Another airhead
But whatever, Seonghwa's still dancing with me and that's all that matters
Turning in his arms, he pulls me closer to him, my ass against his dick
His hard dick
I just smirk and keep on dancing
His hand stays on my hip, his other sliding up my body, moving under the chains that hold my shirt together, in between my boobs
I don't know why I'm letting him touch me like this but I am
I like it, his warm hand against my skin, his head next to mine, his breath on my shoulder
God, I'm so turned on
The song changes as we dance and I get lost in my own world with Seonghwa
But then his hand disappears from my hip and I feel him moving away from me
His hand leaves my shirt and I turn around to see that girl tugging him away, pouting
"My turn", she shouts to him but he shakes his head
She doesn't let up, moving her arms around his neck, pressing her body to him while he tries to pry her off him and move away
Rage like I never felt before hits me hard
Is this what he was feeling when that loser tried to touch me because if so, I understand why he was so pissed
I move fast, grabbing her arm and pulling her off him
I get between them, pushing him back behind me, yelling, "Back the fuck off!"
"He's mine!", she shouts
Oh god, is she delusional?
"He said no"
"He's always with me until your skanky ass came! Go away"
I shake my head, the anger building, "He said no. Fuck off"
He shook his head so many times, he rejected her so many times, what doesn't she get?
And her throwing herself at him is just pathetic
She narrows her eyes and the next thing I know she shoves me backward
I teeter back in my heels, Seonghwa catching me before I fall and helping me back upright
"Jagi, you ok?", he asks but I don't answer
I'm furious
Straightening up, I pull my arm back and punch the girl right in the center of her face
Pain runs up my arm but the satisfying sight of her falling down and screaming makes it better
Fucking bitch doesn't know who she's fucking with
If she thinks she's gonna shove me and nothing's gonna happen to her she has another thing coming
She's a crying heap on the floor, blood running from her nose but I'm not done
I start moving towards her, when Seonghwa grabs my hand, pulling me back to him
"Don't Jo. It's ok. I'm ok. Just come with me. Please"
I hesitate, glaring at the girl, torn between beating the crap out of her or listening to Seonghwa
Seonghwa tilts my face to him, the worry in his eyes snapping out of my rage
"Please, come with me"
I nod, relief blooming on his face
He tugs me away and I follow him
We pass the guys at the couches, one of the bars and we make it outside of the club
We move to the side of the club where other people who were already let in are taking a break
"Are you ok?", he asks, turning to me
I raise my eyebrow, "Uh, yeah. Are you? She kinda just sexually harassed you"
"I'm fine. Shit like that happens all the time"
It does?
That has to be so annoying
"Well I'm sorry for that. And uh sorry if she's like your girlfriend or something. I just got mad when she wouldn't stop after you said no"
"She's not anything to me. Just a girl that frequents the clubs I go to. I dance with her sometimes but that's all"
"You don't fuck her?"
He shakes his head, "She seems.... unhinged and I know adding sex to it will just make her crazy"
Yeah no shit
"Thanks for defending me", he says, smiling shyly, "It was kinda hot"
I burst out laughing, "Yeah well I felt the same when you did it"
His smile widens although his cheeks do turn a cute shade of pink
Huh, Seonghwa blushing
Never thought I'd see that
"Do you wanna go back inside?", he asks after a few minutes
I shake my head, "That kinda killed the vibe. I think I'll call an Uber and go home"
"I'll take you", he says softly
I want him too but I'm not gonna be selfish
It's still kinda early and he can go have more fun with the guys
"Nah, it's ok. You don't have to cut your night short because of me. You go have fun, I'll find a way home. Don't worry"
He shakes his head, "It's not cutting anything short. I want to. It's really not a problem. Ok?"
He's looking at me with a small encouraging smile on his face and I give in
"Ok but only if you want to"
"I do", he says, nodding
"Great", he smiles wider, "I'll go get your jacket and bag. I'll be right back"
I'm about to protest and tell him I can get it but he's already gone
I don't know what's happening but this is the most time I've ever spent with Seonghwa and I'm realizing I may have a little crush on the airhead
His car pulls up to my apartment building, putting the car in park
"Thanks for doing this. You didn't have to"
"Anytime", he says, glancing over at me
The whole ride home was quiet again, with music but I couldn't concentrate
The only thing I kept asking myself was if I was gonna ask him to come in with me or not
And I decided I'm asking
If nothing else, then maybe I can experience the animal I hear when he's fucking and I'm at their apartment
"You wanna come with me?", I ask
He bites his lip, "I do but is that what you want? I don't want you to ask because you feel you have to. It's cool"
I shake my head, shocked at how sweet he is, "It's what I want Hwa. I wouldn't ask if it wasn't what I want. I don't do the pity thing"
"Yeah I should of known", he chuckles, "I'll park the car if you wanna wait in the lobby?"
I shake my head, "I'll stay here with you. We'll go together"
"Ok", he answers
He finds a spot a few spaces down and I'm flabbergasted
"How did you get this spot so easily? Hongjoong has to circle around and around to find a spot"
"Just lucky, I guess", he shrugs
He parks and we get out
Once he's near me, I take his hand and lead him to the building
The wall and elevator ride is quiet, as is when we first get into my apartment
"So basically this is the living room. Kitchen is there", I point, "Bathroom is second door on the right in the hall and my bedroom is at the end of the hall"
"It's nice", he says, looking around
"Thanks", I answer, putting my jacket away in the coat closet
I kick the heels off into the closet too, it feeling so fucking good when my feet sink into the carpet
No more pain
"You can put your jacket and sneakers in here", I tell him
He nods doing just that, then comes to stand in front of me
And cue the awkward silence
I don't know where to look, so I settle on the carpet between us
After a minute, his hand moves, tugging on the chains on my shirt
Well this shirt is popular
"Are you gonna stop teasing me now?", he says softly
My eyes snap to his, wondering what he's talking about
His fingers pull the chain through one of the loops of the shirt, undoing it
"Are you gonna stop showing me what I can't have when you wear clothes like this?"
Wait what?
The chain is pulled through another loop then another
"Are you finally gonna let me have you?"
My mind is blanking as his fingers move the chain through the shirt
I had no idea he even thought about me at all, let alone wanted to fuck me
"I know what you think of me", he says, "You think I'm dumb, I'm a player, an airhead"
How the fuck does he know that?
I have never said anything like that to him and I know Hongjoong would never tell him I think of him like that
"Maybe I am but I promise you, I can fuck you so good, make you cum so hard that I'll be the only one you want in between you legs from now on"
Holy shit
My knees are shaky and I'm so turned on, my panties soaked
He's fucking sexy as fuck
"So are you gonna stop driving me fucking crazy and let me show you I can be everything you want?"
I look at him, his eyes swirling with desire, lust, confidence and affection
"Are you?", he whispers
"Yes", I tell him, wanting him so much
He smiles then his lips are against mine, kissing me wildly
My body burns with fire from his lips, shooting to every nerve, my head spinning
I grab onto his shirt to keep myself steady as his arms move around me, pressing me against him
I kiss him back eagerly, his tongue slipping in and playing with mine as I moan in his mouth
His hands slide down to my ass, lifting me up
I lock my arms around his neck, my legs around his waist as I plunge my fingers in his soft hair, kissing him desperately
He breaks the kiss, immediately walking toward the hallway and in the direction of my room
He gently places me on the bed, moving on top of me
He grabs the chain and pulls it through the final loops of the shirt then tossed it away
He moves his hands to my hips and very slowly slides them up, my skin trembling under his fingers
He gets to my shirt, moving it open, his eyes on my boobs, biting his lip
He squeezes softly, his hands cool against my hot skin
"Fuck", he whispers, "After all that teasing, they're so much better than I imagined"
"Imagined?", I ask
He nods, "I wanted you from the first time I saw you"
That was like five years ago
"And every time you wore an outfit like tonight's you drove me fucking insane"
He leans down, pressing kisses in between my boobs, his lips leaving fire in every fucking cell, lighting my entire body up
"But you never paid attention to me", he says, kissing all over my boob, getting closer and closer to my nipple and driving me crazy, "I was ok with it at first. I didn't know you and it wasn't anything more than sexual attraction"
I'm hanging on every word, while desperately wanting him to get his mouth on my nipple
But he doesn't, instead switching to my other boob, kissing it and making me whimper
"But once I got to know you, I hated it. I just wanted you to notice me"
"I did", I moan, "I did"
Of course I noticed him
He's flawless
"Not the way I wanted you to", he murmurs, now kissing my neck, his hands still around my boobs, "You thought I was hot. Like every other girl does. That wasn't what I wanted. I wanted you to see me"
I honestly have no idea about any of this
I don't think Hongjoong even knows this
"And when you did notice me, I knew you thought I was dumb. A hot dumb man whore"
Well he's not wrong
But if that's how he acts then what am I supposed to think?
"What...what did you want me to notice you as?", I ask, his kisses so fucking good
"I can't tell you", he says
I stop him from kissing me, lifting his face to mine
"Tell me", I ask softly
He looks so vulnerable, so unsure and it's shocking me to my core
I've never seen him like this
He looks away as he mutters, "I want you to see me like someone you'd want to be with. Like a boyfriend"
Before tonight I'd say there's no way
That I can't be with someone who's clueless like him
But that was before he protected me, defended me, before he was sweet to me, before he went out of his way to take me home, before he made sure I was comfortable with him coming in
Before I became jealous of that girl who was touching him
And as I look at him I realize I really like him
And I'm all for seeing where this goes with him
"I do Hwa", I whisper, "I do now"
He hesitates, "Are you sure?"
"Hey", I say softly, "I don't do the pity thing remember?"
He nods slowly
"I do see you that way Seonghwa"
"Yes", I confirm
He nods, "I'll show you I can be what you want Jo"
I shake my head, "No Hwa, just be you. I don't want you to be anything other than yourself"
He smiles, "I can do that"
"Good baby"
With that, I pull him closer, kissing his soft beautiful lips, melting against him
His lips move from mine to my neck and down, leaving a trail of hot kisses behind
His mouth finally moves around my nipple, sucking softly on it
My body arches into his, moaning loudly, my fingers sliding in his hair
He sucks for awhile, then switches, licking my other nipple before sucking too, pleasure running up my spine
Fuck his mouth is so good
When he finally pulls away, I manage to sit up on my knees, shrugging the rest of my shirt off and throwing it off my bed
I grab him by his shirt and pull him to me, my lips crashing against his
I seriously cannot get enough of kissing him
He kisses me back as I start undoing the buttons of his black button down shirt
I move my fingers as fast as I can but it's not fast enough for me
When there's like three buttons left, I just grab both sides and pull them apart, the buttons popping off and clinking in the room, swallowing the moan he lets out
I'll fix his shirt tomorrow, I'll buy him another one, I'll do whatever, I don't care, I just want it off
Pushing it off his broad shoulders, I toss it with my shirt, then leaving his beautiful lips, I press kisses against his neck
"Fuck baby", he whines as I move my arms around him and press myself as close to him as I can, his soft skin against mine
His arms move around me, holding me while my hands explore the expanse of his back, his muscles rippling under my fingers
Fuck, it feels good
I continue trailing my kisses over his shoulders and all over his chest, wanting to kiss every inch of his perfect skin
As I kiss him, I slide my hands around to the front of him, my fingers trailing all over his chiseled abs
Jesus Christ, it feels like they were carved into him
I shamelessly feel him up then move my hands down to his belt, undoing it
I manage to get his jeans open before he moves me on my back again, his hands pulling down my skirt and panties as he kisses my neck
Once they're off, his lips trail down my body, kissing as much of my skin as he can
I close my eyes, whimpering and breathing hard from how good it feels
His arm moves around my waist, lifting me up as his free hand pushes my legs open
When he gets between my legs, I feel his wet tongue lick up my pussy slowly, pleasure making me gasp
Oh fuck
His tongue speeds up, licking fast, switching between using his whole tongue and just the tip
My god, he's good at eating pussy
He slides his tongue up, rolling it over my clit and can't help but cry out in bliss
It feels fucking amazing
His tongue stays there, flicking faster and faster, my legs shaking, watching him eat me out
He looks like he's actually enjoying himself, content between my legs
And he looks so fucking hot there too
His mouth moves around my clit sucking once then lavishing more licks
So good
"Hwa", I whimper and he lets out a loud moan, his eyes closing, as his tongue keeps moving
"Say it again", he pleads in between licks, "Please, say my name again"
"Hwa", I repeat, lost in the pleasure his tongue is giving me
He groans into me, his free hand digging into my thigh as his tongue moves faster than I thought he could go
He drops his tongue down, sliding it in my hole, my mind blanking from how incredible it feels
"Hwa", I cry, my hand burying in his hair, pushing his face into my cunt as much as possible
He tongue fucks me fast, making me wetter and wetter every second, bringing me closer and closer, my pussy clenching around his tongue with each thrust inside
His tongue is fucking magical
My hips move on their own, grinding into his mouth as intense pleasure washes over me
"Seonghwa!", I yell, coming around his tongue, pulsing around it, my fingers twisting in his hair
He moans so loudly, tongue not stopping as he pumps it in and out of me
As my orgasm finishes, Seonghwa licks up my pussy, his mouth wrapping around my clit and sucking hard, throwing me right back into intense bliss
"Seonghwa! Oh fuck, Seonghwa"
"Mmm jagi, fuck, love this little swollen throbbing clit", he murmurs, "So fucking good to suck on"
I pant hard, his words turning me on even more
"God jagi, you're making me so hard", he groans, "Can't wait to fuck this tiny pussy open"
"Seonghwa", I moan, moving my hips, fucking his face as he keeps his tongue against my clit while he sucks, ecstacy plowing through me
His free hand travels up my body softly, his fingers making heat burst in every single cell
I can't help watching him, watch his jaw move as he's sucks and it's so fucking erotic
His eyes slowly move up to mine, meeting my gaze and holding it
His mouth doesn't stop, slurping on my clit as he looks at me
His eyes hypnotize me, I'm falling into their beautiful brown color
I brush the hair out of his face, keeping a hold on it as his mouth brings me right there, his fingers softly grazing the skin on my side
"Seonghwa", I whimper, closing my eyes as my orgasm wracks through my body
His mouth sucks harder, my body arching from the bed, crying his name louder, the pleasure shutting my mind off
It's so fucking good, better than good
As it passes, Seonghwa let's go of my clit and licks along my cunt, moaning into me, "Tastes so fucking good jagi. Fuck, so sweet, fuck"
It registers that he likes the way I taste and that's surprising
And completely hot
His tongue stops and he moves up on his knees
"Can I fuck you now?", he asks softly, "Please, I need to be inside you"
My eyes widen in shock at the pleading in his voice and all I can do is nod
He stands, getting his jeans and boxers down, then gets back on the bed before I can see his dick
Grabbing my legs, he pushes them till my knees are at my chest, then he holds onto my ankles, pushing the rest of my legs up
Moving closer to me, his cock pushes inside
"Oh oh fuck", I moan as he slides in slowly, his cock stretching me out, the pleasure so acute
My god he has a big dick
A big fat dick
I feel every inch that he pushes into me, my cunt taking him eagerly, sucking him in
"Oh my fucking god", he moans loudly, "Oh my god, baby. So good. Fuck. Fuck...so ngl...fffff"
I know exactly how he feels
He keeps going until he bottoms out, so deep in my pussy, his fat head right against my spot
My cunt squeezes his cock so hard, the pretty sounds coming from his mouth, so loud
"My god, how do you feel this good?", he whimpers, keeping himself inside me, "Fuck, it's never felt that good going inside a pussy before. Jesus, you have to be the tightest cunt I've ever been inside of"
I mean he is the biggest I've ever taken
Hongjoong is pretty big but I think Seonghwa is bigger
There was some room with Hongjoong
There's absolutely no room with Seonghwa, with him barely fitting inside, his cock touching all the right places
"I'm gonna move baby, ok?"
I nod, so anxious to feel him more, "Please"
His cock drags out of me, shivers running up my spine from the bliss
He thrusts back in slowly but hits so deep inside, smashing my spot right away
"Fff...fuck", I whimper, holding onto the sheets
He pulls out again then in, then out, then in, moving a touch faster with each stroke
The bliss running through me is fucking amazing, an intensity I've never felt before
He's going in so deep, it's like I can feel him in my stomach and I fucking love it
"Feels so good jagi", he groans, his grip on my ankles tightening, "Pretty tight little pussy feels so fucking good"
His hips slam into me, the pleasure taking over my entire body
"Seonghwa", I whimper, feeling so good
"Yeah baby fuck, say my name", he groans, "Fuck, I love hearing you say my name"
He pulls my legs down, over his, leaning back on his hand, his hips thrusting faster, splitting my pussy on his fat cock
I have a clear view of him and it's like watching a fucking angel
His body slightly arches as he's still on his knees, his head tilted back, eyes closed, mouth slightly open, moaning so beautifully
His body is covered in a light sheen of sweat, defining his muscles, his free hand holding my hip hard as he fucks into me
I feel my cunt get soaked with every move of his cock, getting closer
I'm surprised
Only one guy has ever made me cum with just his dick
But it seems that Seonghwa has that skill too
My cunt pulses quickly around his hard dick, his moans so loud
"Fuck, you got so tight. Gonna cum?", he asks
"Yes", I cry, my hands twisting in my sheets
His hips move faster, fucking me right into the intense orgasm
"Seonghwa!", I cry, pleasure slamming into me hard, taking my breath away
His cock keeps moving into me, right into my spot, keeping me in bliss as I repeat his name over and over
"Fuck, you're so fucking gorgeous when you cum", he murmurs
I look up, seeing him watching me, his tongue poking out from the side of his lip
It's so stupidly hot
When the pleasure leaves my body, I sit up, moving off his cock
Before he can do anything, his cock is in my mouth and I'm sucking hard around him
"Shit", he groans, "Fuck...fuck"
His other hand moves behind him, leaning back on both hands and I feel his eyes on me, knowing he's watching
My hand wraps around the part of his cock not in my mouth, jerking him off in time with my sucking
His dick is so big, so thick, so heavy, filling my mouth to the brim
He's also so hard making him incredibly easy to suck on
Pulling off his dick, I lick from his base to his head, listening to the pretty sounds coming from his mouth
I run my tongue over his slit, licking up the cum that he's leaking, moaning at how good he tastes
Wrapping my mouth around his head, I suck over and over, moving down his thick length
His cock throbs in my mouth as I play on his dick, my hand moving up and down quickly
"Oh god", he cries, one of his hands moving in my hair, holding on
Removing my hand, I push down more on his dick, determined to deep throat him
I can do it to Hongjoong, I can do it to him too
Holding onto his hips, I slowly take him in an inch at a time, stopping to get used to him as he goes in deeper
His cock hits the back of my throat, slipping in just a little, tears springing to my eyes
I choke around his dick, spit sliding down the rest of his shaft while I get my throat under control
"Shit jagi, are you ok?", he asks, trying to pull back
I keep him in place, nodding to answer him
When my throat is relaxed, I continue my descent down his cock, breathing in through my nose as his length moves into my throat more and more
And he's just moaning loudly, panting hard, making me smile inside
He's not the only one who's good at sex
Finally, I bottom him out, sucking softly, getting used to him deep in my throat before I begin moving
"Fuck baby", he pants, "Fuck, you're so fucking insane. Nnnn.. no one has ever been able to deep throat me"
I look up at him, smirking around his dick
"God, you look so pretty with my dick in your mouth", he murmurs, his eyes full of desire, "So fucking pretty"
I smile to myself, getting ready to move
I slip up his cock about half way, then surge down, taking all of him in my throat again
"Fuck!", he shouts, his thighs shaking and I take that as my cue to start moving
Bobbing up and down his cock, I feel every inch gliding in and out of my mouth, the sensation surprisingly pleasurable for me
Obviously it's pleasurable for him as he's shouting his head off in bliss
"Fuck baby, fuck, your mouth is so good", he moans, his fingers tightening in my hair, "Fuck, never been blown this good before. Fuck, don't stop"
I'm definitely not, moving faster along his dick, sucking and swallowing a few times every time I bury him in my throat
I love his cock in my mouth, I love the sounds he's making, I love the way his hand is pulling my hair
"I...I can't...I can't last", he whines, "Fuck, it's too good. Gonna make me blow my load so quickly. Fuck"
I move desperately on his dick, wanting nothing more than to swallow his cum
"I'm coming. Fuck...should I get out?", he cries
To answer, I bottom him out in my throat, sucking hard on his length
"Fuck! Joanne, fuck!", he yells, his fat cock throbbing in my mouth, cum shooting down my throat
I swallow over and over, his cum tasting so good
Fuck, I could suck his cock everyday if he'd let me
When he finishes, I start to pull him out of my mouth when he stops me
"No baby, please. Suck my dick more", he begs
Not gonna lie, that's a little weird
In my experience, a guy doesn't want to be sucked on after he cums
It's too sensitive for them
Guess not for Seonghwa or he powers through it until it feels good again
Still, I blow him, changing between deepthroat bobs, swallows and sucking
Slowly his cock gets hard in my mouth again and I go at it harder, his dick like a big fat lollipop
Once he's hard, he tugs on my hair, gently pulling me off him
"I need to be inside you again", he whimpers
Yes please
I move over him, pushing him on his back, my lips against his soft ones
His hands move into my hair, holding on, kissing me back just as eagerly
Moving my hand between us, I move his dick to my entrance and sink down on him
"Mmmmmm", he moans in my mouth as I slide down his cock, feeling his length open me up so pleasurably
I bottom him out, groaning against his lips, his head nestled snuggly against my spot
I move my hips, rocking on him, rubbing my spot on his head
His hands slide down my back, his fingers leaving heat in every cell, stopping at my hips, helping me move on him
My pussy clenches around his fat dick so hard with every rock, pleasure running up my spine
I still can't believe how good he feels
How it feels like he's made for me, made to be inside me
Breaking the kiss, I sit up, getting ready to ride him
His eyes slowly move from my hips up my body to my face, his eyes gazing into mine
"You're so fucking beautiful", he whispers, "Perfect"
I feel my face flush as I shyly tell him, "You're beautiful too Hwa"
His cheeks blush as he smiles softly
I move my hands from his shoulders down to his chest and lower to his abs
Leaning on him, I slide up this dick to his head then sink back down, clenching his cock purposely over and over as I bottom him out
"Oh fuck", he gapes, watching me bounce on him, "How...how is your pussy....squeezing again and again?"
I smirk at him, "I like sex too Hwa. I'm good at it just like you"
He nods, panting, "You are. Fuck. Feels so good"
He's right about that
He feels so good, his cock so good to bounce on, so good to squeeze, his dick going so deep inside me, hitting my spot every time
"Hwa", I moan, closing my eyes and bouncing harder, grinding on his cock every time I take him back in
My mind is shutting off, my head in the clouds from the bliss he's giving me
"So pretty", he whines, "You're so fucking gorgeous, riding my cock so hard. Fuck, I don't want to leave your pussy"
"Don't wanna get off your cock", I whimper, keeping a hard steady pace, his rock hard cock bringing me closer with each bounce
"Fuck, you're gonna cum", he groans, "I...I'm gonna cum too. I can't...I can't last another of your orgasms. Feels too good"
It feels too good?
Mind blown
"In my pussy", I whimper, my eyes opening and landing on his, "Cum in my pussy"
He nods, his hands helping me bounce on him
It's so hot in here, I'm covered in sweat but I can't stop
He feels too fucking amazing
I move my hands behind me, leaning on his legs as I fuck his cock right into my orgasm
I scream his name as pure ecstasy slams into me, my vision turning white as I squirt all over him
I feel myself gush all over his dick, his lap, my brain turning off as I ride it out on his cock
"Yes fuck. So pretty", he gasps, "Pretty squirting pussy. Fuck, soak my cock baby"
He thrusts up into me, fucking me as his cock throbs hard inside me
"I'm coming", he shouts, sheathing his cock inside me, "I'm coming in your pussy! Fuck Joanne! Fuck!"
I force myself to focus on him, watching him
He's fucking ethereal
He's so sweaty, his hair, his body, glistening all over him
His head pressed back into the bed, eyes closed, mouth slightly open as he moans, pleasure all over this face
Simply stunning
His warm sticky cum shoots deep inside me and it feels so good
I squeeze his cock over and over, milking him for all of it
His body shakes as he finishes, then goes limp on the bed, his muscular chest rising quickly
I kiss his cheek, then move off of him
"One..minute", he breathes, trying to catch his breath
"Yeah Hwa", I answer, "I'll be right back"
I go to the bathroom to clean up and use it
When I finish, I grab a hand towel and wet it, then go back to my room
He's still laying in the same spot, his breathing normal, his eyes still closed
Sitting next to him, I use the towel to clean him cause I kinda left a mess all over his lap
His eyes open slowly, murmuring a thank you
I run my fingers in his hair, smiling and telling him not to worry about it
He smiles back, then slowly sits up
"I should go", he says quietly
Yes he should
However, I don't want him too
I want to know if what he was saying before was true
If he really wants me to see him like a boyfriend
If he really wants to be with me
That's not a conversation for now, it's one for tomorrow
I also want to know what it's like to sleep in his arms
"Don't go Hwa", I say softly, his eyes moving to mine, surprise in them, "Stay with me tonight"
"Are...are you sure?", he asks hesitantly
I nod, "I'm sure. If that's what you want"
"It is", he says shyly, "So much"
"Ok", I smile, "It's late, I think I'm gonna sleep"
"Ok. Me too", he answers
I give him one of my pillows, him laying it next to mine
We get under the covers and I waste no time in turning my body to his, laying my head on his shoulder, my face nuzzling in his neck and cuddling into him, his skin so soft and smooth
His arms immediately move around me, snuggling into me too, holding me tightly
"Night Hwa"
"Night Jo"
I close my eyes, feeling so comfortable in his arms and I know I'm gonna have a great night's sleep
I wake up, groggily opening my eyes
And I notice I'm alone in my bed
Sitting up, I look for Seonghwa but he's not in my room
Did he really leave?
I can't help the pang of disappointment hitting my chest
After the things he said last night, I assumed he wanted to..date
And I actually was excited for that, especially after spending time with him all last night before we came to my apartment
Although he could of also just said those things to get in my pants
If that was the reason then he succeeded
And it sucks
Or he could have work
It's a Sunday though and I don't know if his mechanic shop is open on Sundays
I sigh, getting up and putting on some PJs
Grabbing my phone, I check it on the way to the bathroom
No messages from him
After using the bathroom, I head to my kitchen, trying to decide if I should text him or not
Hear his reasons for bailing while I was asleep
Walking into my kitchen, I look up at the "good morning" I hear
Seonghwa is setting my little kitchen table with plates and breakfast foods, wearing just his boxers
I pinch my arm to make sure I'm awake and this isn't a dream
"You do realize you have absolutely no food here right? I couldn't cook anything and had to order instead"
"I ...uh...didn't get to go shopping yet", I answer, dumbfounded that he's still here and apparently wanted to make breakfast for me
No guy had ever done that before
"Really?", he teases
I blush, "Ok ok. I can't cook for shit. I just buy snacks and food to heat up. And order out"
He chuckles, shaking his head, "I'll cook for you then"
I raise my eyebrows as my brain penetrates his words, making my heart beat faster at what they imply
"Are you hungry? Wanna eat?", he asks
I nod, sitting down, still dumbfounded this is happening
I take a look at the table and he got so much- waffles, eggs, bacon, toast, donuts, bagels, cream cheese, muffins
And in front of my plate is a mug of tea
"How did you-", I start, pointing at the mug
"Hongjoong", he says, blushing, "He complains how you never drink coffee but make your tea like it's coffee"
I roll my eyes, "He's so annoying"
"I agree", he nods
We both get the food we want and start to eat in silence
He keeps looking at me nervously and I'm doing the same thing, not knowing how to bring up last night
He does a little cough and I look up, meeting his gaze
"So uh...about last night", he says softly, hope in his eyes
"I mean what I said", I answer, "I see you as someone I want to be with Hwa. If that's what you want?"
He nods, "It is. So much. I...I really like you"
I smile, reaching out for his hand and he takes mine, "I really like you too Hwa"
"Yeah?", he asks, shyly
I nod, "Yeah"
"Ok", he smiles
We go back to eating, still holding hands and honestly I'm happy
"So can I ask you something?", I ask
He nods, "Yeah"
"How....how are you being so different? You're not acting like...you usually do. You didn't all last night either"
I'm pretty sure he's not dumb like he seems
So is it an act?
Or does he just have dumb moments?
"You mean like an airhead?"
I blush hard, so ashamed I thought of him like that
"I'm sorry Hwa-"
"It's ok jagi. I know why you thought like that. I can act like an airhead sometimes"
"But you're not?", I question
He laughs, "No baby"
"But then why are you so clueless when the guys are talking to you?"
It's not an act is it?
"Jagi, have you heard their conversations? They're so dumb. Half the time I'm not listening and that's why I need them to explain what's going on"
Oh, I get it
He's tuning them out
"That's why you're the last to get a joke or whatever. You're not listening"
It makes so much sense now
I've only even seen Seonghwa with the guys, never alone like now
That's why he's different with me
He's just being himself now
"I get it. I tune them out too especially when they get into one of their stupid arguments", I reply
He nods, "Yeah, sometimes I just have no patience for it. I just get off of work and I'm tired and they're arguing over if the puffy Cheetos are better than the crunchy ones. Just eat the damn Cheetos"
I burst out laughing
He's so funny
"Yeah but fyi", I say through laughter, "Puffs are better"
"I agree. I just don't want to argue about it all the time"
"Yeah I get it", I answer, "So what are you thinking about when you're spacing out?"
"Honestly?", he asks
I nod
I almost choke on the tea I just sipped but manage to get it down the right pipe
"Me?", I gape
He nods, "Yeah Jo. I would either be looking at you or thinking about how I could get you to change your mind about me"
That's so...baffling
I had no idea he thought that much about me of all people
"If you wanted me to think differently then why did you act like you were dumb?"
He shrugs, "Girls like a hot dumb guy. It's easy to get laid if I act that way. At first all I wanted was to fuck you. That's how I always got girls before and I thought it'd work on you"
Ok that's offensive but he's not wrong
Girls do love a hot dumb guy to fuck
Even I thought he'd be a good fuck
"It didn't work on you and honestly that intrigued me a little", he continues, "But after I...fell for you...I regretted portraying myself like that. I would try to think of ways to get you to see me differently without you thinking I was a dumb guy trying to get you to see me differently"
I understand what he's saying but now I'm wondering something
"So was...last night...at the club...an act?"
He shakes his head vehemently, "No jagi. I..I offered to take you to the club because you were fighting with Joong. And not for nothing, you both are stubborn and would have continued arguing if you went with him. I decided to kinda be the referee and let you two calm down"
He made a good call
Hongjoong and I would of kept going
We don't argue much but when we do it's like a war
"And at the club, I was looking for you. Hongjoong is usually the one who watches out for you but you two were annoyed at each other and when you weren't with Jongho, I maybe kinda panicked a little", he explains, his cheeks so pink, "When I saw that guy touch you, fuck Jo, I saw red. And when you moved away and he did it again? I ran as fast as I could to get to you. I swear Jo, I've never been that angry in my life. I was ready to kill him"
"I know Hwa. I saw you. I don't think I've ever seen you angry before. It was surprising"
"I...I didn't scare you did I?"
I shake my head, "No baby, you didn't"
He breathes out in relief, "Ok jagi"
"And the dancing?", I ask, smirking at him
"I always wanted to dance with you jagi but I was scared to ask. Last night, it just fell in my lap and I would regret not asking you", he tells me, "Did...do you like dancing with me?"
"Loved it Hwa", I assure him, "You're so sexy baby, I get why girls fawn all over you"
He shakes his head, "I don't care about other girls Jo. You're the only one I want to fawn over me. To see me"
"Well, it's lucky you're mine then", I tell him, squeezing his hand
He raises our hands, kissing the back of mine, nodding, "You have no idea how much I know how lucky I am to have you"
"Oh stop Hwa", I blush
He smiles, shaking his head, "It's true Jo. You're kinda my dream girl. I never thought I'd ever have a shot with you"
"Why would you think that?", I ask, "All you had to do was talk to me"
"Yeah well, you made me nervous. I haven't felt this way for anyone before and I was worried I'd fuck up"
"Well you did pretty good last night", I tease, "All that smooth talking when we got back here"
Remembering him asking me if I was gonna stop teasing him sends shivers down my back
He chuckles, "No smooth talking jagi. Just honestly asking questions"
I get up and sit in his lap, moving my arms around his neck, his arms moving around my waist
"Well I'm glad you asked those questions"
He laughs, "You have no idea how glad I am too baby"
"Now I know"
He nods, moving one of his hands, cupping my face
He leans towards me, his soft perfect lips against mine, kissing me sweetly
I fall into his kiss, my fingers playing with the ends of his hair, his big hands on my back, holding me against him
The kiss turns heated after a bit, his dick getting hard under me, making me smile against his lips
I move my hips, rocking on his dick, a pretty moan coming from him
His hands grab my ass, helping me move against him
It feels good and I'm lost in pleasure when I hear, "Joanne? Where are you? Are you he- what the fuck?"
Seonghwa and I break the kiss, both of us turning to the doorway, Hongjoong standing there complete shock on his face
"What's...uh...going on?", he asks, raising his eyebrows
"Obviously I'm kissing Seonghwa", I answer
"Yeah but...why?"
"Because he's my boyfriend"
"What now?", he asks, his eyes widening
"I'm her boyfriend", he repeats
"But you think he's stupid", Hongjoong blurts
I roll my eyes, "I know he's not"
"You know she's.... difficult?", he tells Seonghwa
What the fuck is his problem?
Why is he saying stupid shit?
"She's really not. You just annoy her"
"She annoys me too!"
"Joongie!", I yell to get his attention
"I'm right here", he snaps, "You don't have to yell"
Keeping myself from giving him a sarcastic answer, I ask instead, "Why are you here?"
"I woke up and realized that I didn't know where you were or if you got home last night and I came to check", he says
"And if I wasn't here?", I ask, amused
"I would of blown up your phone and went on a manhunt", he answers
"I told you I was taking her home last night. You were there with the guys when I said that", Seonghwa rolls his eyes
"I was drunk! I didn't hear you and if I did I didn't remember when I woke up"
"Wait", I say, getting up from Seonghwa's lap, facing Hongjoong, "Did you just wake up and come straight over here?"
He huffs, "Yeah. I got worried ok? I always make sure you're home after we go out and I was worried when I woke up and realized I didn't get you home. If something happened to you because I was pissed at you and got drunk...."
I walk to him, hugging him, his hug full of relief
"Thanks for checking on me Joongie", I sincerely tell him
He really is an amazing friend
"Yeah Jo, of course", he answers, "Just because I'm pissed at you doesn't mean I want anything to happen to you"
"Thanks", I repeat, both of us letting go of each other
He nods, "Yeah well, don't make a big deal about it"
I laugh, "Ok, I won't"
"Besides, now you're Seonghwa's problem"
I snort
Right back being my annoying best friend
"Since you're the boyfriend now, you're responsible for getting her home from now on", he says to Seonghwa, "I pass the torch to you"
"Not a problem", Seonghwa answers, moving behind me, his arms around my waist, pulling me against him
I just smile, loving his arms around me
Hongjoong nods once then looks back at me, "Well seeing as you're fine, I'm out. I need a nap"
I don't make a comment on how he just woke up, instead just nodding
"Ok. Thanks for coming by"
"Sure. See you guys later"
As soon as Hongjoong leaves, I turn around to Seonghwa
"Now, where were we?", he teases
"Hmm", I pretend to think while pulling him down to me, "Right here"
I kiss him hard, my free hand moving to his dick, palming him over his boxers
He kisses me back, picking me up immediately and leaning me against the wall, his hard dick rubbing against my clothed pussy
I smile, knowing I'm going to like being with my airhead
Six months later
Leaving the restaurant bathroom, I walk back towards our table
Seonghwa has his tongue in his cheek, another dumb look on his face as Wooyoung explains something I know he's not listening to
I giggle as I pass by his chair, leaning over his shoulder and kissing him on the cheek
"My little airhead", I tease in his ear
He snaps out of it, grinning widely at me, "My little tease"
He still spaces out when the guys have their stupid conversations and that's where the nickname, "My little airhead" came from
And he calls me "my little tease", because ever since we got together, I still wear revealing clothes that drive him nuts during times when he can't touch me
When it will be hours until he can
He takes my hand, bringing it to his lips, kissing the back of my hand
"Alright with the mushy stuff", San whines
"What mushy stuff? I'm just kissing my girlfriend's hand, you weirdo", Seonghwa rolls his eyes
"You're always kissing each other somewhere, fawning over each other, touching each other. Cut it out", Wooyoung says
"How about...no", I answer, rolling my eyes, "Stop being drama queens"
"It's not drama! When you're around Hwa doesn't even listen to any of us talking!"
I refrain from telling them that he doesn't listen to them anyway and just give Seonghwa a knowing smile that he returns
"Baby, can you listen to your whiny friend?", I tease
"Sure jagi", he says, kissing the back of my hand again, fire running up my arm from having his beautiful lips on my skin
He looks back at Wooyoung, "What?"
Wooyoung huffs but talks to him, probably picking up where he left off
I just stare at my gorgeous boyfriend, smiling as his eyes haze over, knowing he's not listening to Wooyoung again
I am so glad I gave Seonghwa a chance because he's honestly the best boyfriend I've ever had
We're all about each other, spending anytime we can together
He's very affectionate and protective, always making sure I'm safe whenever we're out together
He takes me out on amazing dates, to places I've never thought about going to and we have so much fun
And now that we live together, he does home dates where he cooks and we have movie nights or do fun things at home
And the sex we have is incredible, just as passionate as it was the first time
Hongjoong and I switched apartments because he said he couldn't stand how loud Seonghwa and I were when we fucked there and he'd rather live by himself
So we moved and the past two months I've been living with Seonghwa and it's fucking amazing
I fell in love with him so fast and I'm happy I did
I just haven't told him yet but I will soon
I don't think I could keep it in much longer
"You ok jagi?", he asks, taking me out of my thoughts
I nod, "Yeah. Thought you were listening to Wooyoung"
He makes a face, rolling his eyes, "Yeah right. I was spacing out again"
"What were you thinking about?"
He smirks, "About how long we have to put in at the club before it's acceptable for me to take you home and rip those clothes off you"
I grin back, loving how hot and bothered he gets
"Just rip them off? Nothing else?", I tease
"Hmm how about fucking my tight wet pussy until you can't walk right tomorrow?", he answers, his voice deep
"I ..I..think we can do that", I murmur, getting turned on
God, I want to take him home right now
"Hey! Love birds! Let's go!", Hongjoong calls, breaking the spell between Seonghwa and me
Standing up, Seonghwa laces out fingers together and leads us out of the restaurant
The guys meet us outside and we all head to the parking lot
Seonghwa leans against his car, his arms around me as I lay my head against his chest, watching San and Wooyoung argue over which club to go to
Hongjoong is glaring at them while the rest of the guys just watch the dramatics with unamused faces
Seonghwa's heart beats in my ear, making me smile
I move my head, kissing his chest where his heart is then look up at him, finding him already looking at me
"Hi baby", I smile
"Hi jagi"
We both smile like idiots, just looking at each other
I reach up, pushing his hair out of his face, my fingers running down his cheek
"I love you Seonghwa", I find myself saying
I do
I fell in love and I want him to know
A huge smile breaks on his face as he tells me, "I love you Jo. So much"
I nod, "So much Hwa"
He leans down, his lips against mine , kissing me like it's the only thing he wants to do
And I kiss him the same way
"Ok ok, we picked a club!", Wooyoung yells
He pulls away, his eyes staying on mine, the love in them apparent
I hope he can see my love for him in mine too
"Hwa? Did you hear? We picked a club", Wooyoung repeats
His eyebrow raises in a question and I shake my head
He nods, then looks at Wooyoung, "We're gonna skip the club tonight"
I smile, loving how we're both on the same page without speaking
"What? Again?"
"Yeah again. We're gonna go home but you guys have fun", he says
"God, ever since you guys got together you're both so boring!", San whines
Yeah, we skip the club a lot
Like I said before I was never a club person and Seonghwa only went to get laid
He said that he has no reason to go anymore now that he has me
He's much more interested in staying home, binging TV shows together and of course having lots and lots of sex
It couldn't be more perfect
"Sorry", he shrugs, walking me to the passenger door of his car
"Yeah whatever"
He opens the door for me and I sit, him making sure I'm all in the car before closing the door
That's another thing I found out about Seonghwa
He's such a gentleman and I eat it up
I watch him wave to the guys, then get in the driver's seat
Wooyoung and San scowl then follow Hongjoong to his car, while Yeosang, Yunho and Mingi go to Jongho's
Seonghwa turns the car on, then takes my hand, smiling at me
"Ready jagi?"
I nod, "Yeah baby. I love you"
His smile widens, "I love you jagi"
With that, he starts driving, heading home
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Vote for your fave, reblog & share your thoughts and list your other all time faves even if it's outside this list in the tags I would love to hear it ☺️☺️
Check out my masterpost for the other artist polls that are open ☺️☺️ thank you and have fun ☺️☺️
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khoipyan · 2 years
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you’ve received a text!
headcanons of octavinelle’s texting styles when texting with you!
warnings; no major ones, hinted to be dating in azul’s and jade’s, can be seen as platonic or romantic
(notes have nothing to do with the fic i am just so in love with floyd)
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azul ashengrotto
formal all the way. Capitalized letters, punctuation in place and even uses BIG BOY WORDS?!
when texting azul, he tries his best to keep formal even with you.
sometimes uses emojis, but very rarely and only with you. i think his favourites are 😊😓🤔 in the most non-joking way possible.
If he's in a rush or just happens to slip up, there may be a time where he forgets to put the proper punctuation endings (.?!,), but he'll be sure to correct himself in that moment.
EXTREMELY RARE but he might use acronyms (unless it's something like ASAP)? only because i can imagine him going:
"Love you, in a rush, TTYL. ❤️"
honestly an average speed texter but much better using a keyboard, probably owns a tablet with some sort of keyboard attachment.
barely uses the texting app on his phone because he's more used to emailing people. not enough for said messaging app to catch dust, but you get the idea.
(also kind of think he doesn't understand tone tags but he'll try if you want him to, not that he'll use them often but if you ask then he shall.)
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jade leech
another formal texter... this time he doesn't slip up at all. sure, he'll make very infrequent typos, but he'll catch himself before he hits send.
bro does NOT use any of those yellow emojis to express how he is feeling over text. he's old fashioned.
generally doesn't use emojis unless with people he considers to be more than clientele (even if you guys are just seatmates or something), but when he does...
your two choices are :) or :(. that's it. maybe even the winking versions if he's feeling a tad bit extra.
regardless, he makes use of the emojis that aren't the people/yellow emojis. his favourite emoji has to be the mushroom one because he thinks it's cute despite the fact it doesn't realistically look like a mushroom at all.
(also yes, i know mushrooms with red caps speckled with white do exist, BUT DO NOT BE TELLING ME THOSE SPOTS ARE THAT BIG. maybe i'm in denial but THERES NO WAY.)
he'll be putting that mushroom emoji with anything.
"Did you have a good day today, dear? 🍄" "May I come over today? I wish to see your face again. 🍄" "Can you perhaps come over to Mostro Lounge today? Floyd wants to play with somebody, and you'll be able to see me while you're at it. 🍄"
literally the most random uses for the mushroom emoji.
it's ok we love jade for that
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floyd leech
his texting habits are so irregular you don't even know WHAT to expect. usually does capitalize his letters at the start of his sentences, but sometimes he'll start capitalizing random words out of NO WHERE.
"Hey shrimpy..... wanna Play With me.... come Over to mostro im bored"
when he's upset he doesn't bother capitalizing anything, why put in the extra amount of work when you're moody?
emoji user REAL. typically anything you'd expect from genZ slang, to be honest. his favourites are 😱😇🤬☹️ and you know what, HE PROBABLY USES THOSE SHARK MEMOJIS BECAUSE HE THINKS IT'S FUNNY (and it is).
the most non-driest texter ever, also if you don’t respond to him within 0.0001 seconds he’ll start exploding your phone with spam messages (unless you’ve told him not to do that, then maybe he’ll only send 2-3 after-messages from then on)
has absolutely no intent of using proper punctuation, the type of guy to use multiple ellipses in one message.
honestly, his texting habits make him less intimidating than he actually is in reality.
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— due to be edited at anytime —
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cat-of-starlight · 1 year
In the wake of the new Limbus Brainrot because Canto 4 ended, I've been seeing a certain... Dante related theory... making the rounds again and I wanted to post my thoughts about it.
Putting it under the cut for length reasons- No specific spoilers?, I just don't wanna blast people with the text wall lmao
I gotta say, I really hate the Dante = Ayin theory. Desperately.
Not any hate to the people theorizing- not like that, I just already have a deep hatred of [x person is actually y person]/Reincarnation/etc. theories.
Why, you may ask? Well, in the case of this theory specifically, I have three main reasons.
1 - The vibes of the two characters themselves
Important note, I actually like both characters. I know some people have A Lot to say about Ayin, and honestly so do I (Probably different things but yea), but I generally don't mind him as much as some other people seem to.
I also love Dante.
And Specifically, I'll say- I like them both for Incredibly Different Reasons. Different enough reasons that I feel that mixing the two would ruin them both. I mean sure, Dante CLEARLY has something going on in the memories they can't yet remember, but honestly? Ayin already had his arc. HAD his chance in the spotlight- a whole game of it. I wouldn't mind a cameo, or reason for him to be important in some way, but I'd be crushed if all the reasons I've come to love Dante were smothered by "oops all Ayin"
I feel like it would make it almost... Pointless? "Oh yea this character may have had their whole character arc, but surprise! They aren't REALLY their own person and are instead this dude who already had his character arc!"
2 - They/Them Dante Supremacy™
Now, considering that the meme They/Them Dante post that I made blew up and is now my most popular post on my blog, I think its safe to say where I stand on the Dante's Pronouns part of everything-
I think it would be kind of... dismissive of that to make "Oh yea they were they/them to hide their identity" Because uhhh. Their identity is already hidden. We can't see their face. Literally anyone could have their head taken, a clock replaced, and that outfit slapped on and it generally wouldn't matter-
I feel like it kind of would send the message of "They can only count as they/them because their everything is hidden and we can't tell anyway" which??? No??? Even once Dante's actual head gets revealed, if people start switching calling them to whatever gender they look the most like and the game still uses they/them I'm Going To Bite People.
3 - ??
The least plot relevant, and the most just vibe based is- I just kinda feel like this type of reveal in writing often kinda feels like a cop out? I mean, I'm sure there's probably a well done version of one of these, but I sure as hell haven't found it yet-
I mean, in a BIG city with TONS of characters, there is SO MUCH plot that a character can have, without needing to jump back to a character that they already have. Sure- Project Moon Protags often have a Big Reveal, and its often Shocking- but does it really need to be a rehashed reveal from the first game? "boo he's old news get new material" ya know?
Anyway yea. I don't like the theory- Never have from the first time I saw a post about it.
If you like it, feel free to keep on with it- I don't mean this to say "If you theorize this, you suck" or anything, I just keep seeing it, and felt the desire to put my own two cents in~
But yea, keep on with it if you like it? Maybe tag it something specific and I'll just block the tag lmao
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twig-tea · 8 months
BL/QL Ask game : The Ugly, the Bad and the Worst
Thank you for the game, @clara-maybe-ontheroad! And thanks for tagging me @clara-maybe-ontheroad and @lurkingshan! I started out by saying to myself that I'm going to do my best to ignore my urges and just answer the first thing that comes to me rather than treating this like a quiz. And then I went into a fugue and worked on this for >5 hours. WHOOPS.
Original version here for anyone else who wants to play!
Also quick warning, this is asking about the worsts, so TW for mentions of horrific plot points below.
Worst soundtrack / weirdest song choice in a BL
Ohhhhh man, ok so the first thought that came to mind was Never Let Me Go, which mostly had fantastic background music, and that's maybe why when it didn't hit it stood out so badly (sorry to my man Pond, not all BL actors should be singers! And having his OST play over their kiss in Part 7 4/4 was just mean). For the record I love this show (actually maybe it should go in one of the below categories because so many tumblr folks dislike it) but this was rough.
Most cringe-inducing line (cute)
These don't tend to stick with me...there are so many, and I am allergic to sincerity so everything earnest is various levels of cringe to me. So with that in mind, basically everything Gavreel ever said in Gameboys counts.
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Most cringe-inducing line (actually bad)
Anytime someone said "Once I start I won't be able to stop" or some variation.
Most stupid decision made by a character
Jun Ho deciding to die rather than bite Min Hyun in Kissable Lips. Min Hyun was offering. it would have made Jun Ho human. He could have had his friends around to make sure he didn't go too far and kill him. Instead he decides to fade away in his arms like a dick. WHY.
Special mention to NuengDiao going back to his hotel where his murderous uncle is waiting with no plan other than to walk in wearing a suit and a cocky expression in Never Let Me Go.
[@bengiyo and @wen-kexing-apologist are correct about Teh giving up his spot to Oh Aew in I Told Sunset About You as the actual correct answer, btw]
Worst plot line
Every penultimate episode crises resulting in the leads splitting up so that they can reunite in the finale that are not earned and significantly detract from my enjoyment of a series [this list is not comprehensive]: 2Gether, Minato's Laundromat S2, Enchanté, Love Class, Plus & Minus.
The most problematic show you've watched
I've seen literally all of them so this feels like an unfair question lol there are layers of problematic; like, is it even worth considering all of the problems with A Round Trip to Love, or The Shortest Distance is Round, or What the Duck s2? I wrote out summaries for these and then decided no thanks. If anyone wants to know they can DM me.
In terms of series that are problematic but not often considered problematic, I'm calling out Love Area the series. It hits two of my pet peeves: shitty treatment of a poor character by an oblivious rich love interest that directly affects their sources of income, and an ableist subplot. I think it also has an unearned separation in the penultimate episode but honestly I remember thinking they should stay split up so maybe it was earned.
A show people love but you find bad
Vice Versa. Sorry to all who love that show. I wanted to like it; the colouring and cinematography are beautiful and the alternate universe was neat worldbuilding. But the plot makes me so, so angry.
Ditto Cutie Pie the series. I just can't enjoy it.
A show people find bad but you will defend
Honestly there are several, but the one that is most disliked that I will ride hardest for is probably Secret Crush On You (which I argued ended with one of the most healthy relationships in a BL here LMAO). I get why people find this show hard to watch, the cringe is real. But the gender expression! The found family! The "he's a weirdo and that's why I love him" dynamic! The mutual lusting! The body dysphoria! The fact that both start by playing into BL tropes and it's only by throwing those out that they can actually have a meaningful relationship! The way both characters have real growth! And like yes Toh is a fanboy stalker but that is problematized in the show! It gave us the growth from fanboy to faen that Be Mine Superstar didn't. I have a lot of emotions about this show.
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ALSO because I cannot stop, I will forever to my dying breath defend Color Rush. I don't care what you say about dead fish kisses I can't hear you over the incredibly powerful metaphor about the queer experience!
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A show that is just objectively bad but you enjoyed it
Bahahhaha. Um. So many, my friends. OH I'm going to take this chance to shout out the lesser-known webseries Discipline Z: Vampire (Korean, YouTube, 2020). It's ostensibly a sequel to Discipline, but the only thing they share is a single character so you don't need to watch it to understand what's happening in Discipline Z (they are entirely different shows in every way; Discipline is more youth slice of life with a queer story as part of the ensemble). Listen, I'm talking about this show in this category for a reason; it's about a vampire who falls for a street dancer, whose motley crew of hacker friends help rescue the vampire from an evil corporation that wants to experiment on him to understand his immortality. It is BAD.
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But. BUT! I love it. Everyone is so pretty. There is a cute hacker girlie. There is scifi nonsense to explain immortality. There is a good kiss. There are characters willing to sacrifice to do the right thing. I am a simple woman. [Fair warning to my happy ending only pals: this ending is ambiguous at best; there was supposed to be a follow-up epilogue for the couple, but it never got filmed.]
Bonus, En of Love was absolutely trash and it has a very special place in my heart. It's not good (like, at all), but it's great.
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A bad show that you kept watching because you were intrigued/fascinated
Let's go with Physical Therapy the series. At some point I just kept watching like a car wreck to see how bad it could get. Also shout-out to Dinosaur Love, which was...similarly bewildering.
A bad show that you kept watching because you were horny
@lurkingshan already stole my first answer for this, but oh man I stay a Why R U apologist for the Fighter/Tutor chemistry. I actually think somewhere in there is a really interesting show, if the pandemic hadn't made it impossible for them to film the ending that they wanted to, but based on the Korean version and the parts that we were told had to be cut, maybe it would have actually made it worse. But just to get on my soapbox for half a sec, Tutor was in debt, working himself to exhaustion, and Fighter (after he got over himself) protected him at his one job, joined him to help him meet his sales targets at another, hired him for a third, paid off his debt collector to take the pressure off, and then took him on vacation to help him relax--twice. I have issues with depictions of poverty in BL but at least my man secured the bag while also pursuing love or whatever. Also he whispers "get inside me" while they're making out, sorry, Tutor will forever be a fave of mine.
Since that's taken, I'm going to use this as an excuse to shout out the hotness of My Day the Series. It was predominantly not great but the heat moments....
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A bad show that you kept watching because of that one character
I'm giving this to Noey Watplu from I Will Knock You. I was obsessed with him. I want his confidence so badly. I love how he's essentially a dork in cosplay but gets away with it because of his rizz. Truly iconic. This man decided he was being seduced and said "bet". I really enjoyed this show because of him and him alone.
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A bad show that you would still recommend
I'm going to put Ghost Host Ghost House here. It's "bad" in the sense that it had low production values (like, really bad, so bad the time of day changes at random because they lost the light while filming). But the romance was cute, the story around the romance was interesting, the worldbuilding around the merit credits was fascinating, the side mystery was so heartbreaking, the various characters actually had a lot of difficult emotions to portray, and overall I think this show is underrated.
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I also already have and will again recommend YYY as a fun and fascinating watch to anyone who asks about it, @waitmyturtles is correct on that call.
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The character that ruined a show the most
There are several annoying sides in BL, but I'm giving this to the side hets in My Oxygen. A fujoshi who records people without their consent for online clout is bad. A doctor using his role as a doctor to get closer to his patient is really bad. Pretending to be interested in his friend because the girl he likes is a fujoshi is worse; then using her brother as his friend's stand-in when his friend won't put up with it anymore is the WORST.
Most awful character that you hated
I mean, Lhong in TharnType takes it for not only arranging the gang rape of Tar, but being forgiven for it in the series. Neung in Tonhon Chonlatee comes a close second for attempting to rape Chonlatee and then claiming the moral high ground against his homophobic "friend". Tony in History 5: Love in the Future doesn't get enough hate for trying to murder someone just because he was his love rival. Namning in La Cuisine had her love rival bullied, beaten and who knows what she was going to do with that gun. Also shoutout to @wen-kexing-apologist's answer of Korn, in KinnPorsche, he was so insidiously evil, it was so well done.
Most awful character that you loved
I'm going with "awful" as not necessarily (just) morally bad but that people didn't like: Jaime from Win Jaime's Heart. Objectively he's a fuckboi of the worst calibre. He agrees to go on a webshow in which he dates Heart so that he can seduce the creator of the show Winston. And Jaime is so charming that I don't care about his bi wrongs (partially, to be fair, because the premise is ridiculous so it's hard to take too seriously).
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Special mention (because it's not a series) to Wine in Red Wine in the Dark Night. I love a murder twink (speaking of, things are looking really good for me to stay in love with Ai Di from Kiseki if it keeps on this track).
If we're interpreting "awful" as characters that other people don't like, it'll probably go to Toh from Secret Crush on You or Gus in Diary of Tootsies. They're flawed, they're femme, they're fantastic.
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A character that wasn't awful but that you just don't like
Can in Love By Chance and the sequels. Tinn is an asshole and knows it; Can is an asshole but is also self-righteous, but in all honesty his biggest flaw for me is that he's not competent and I have little patience for that.
A hero that should have been a villain
Tempted to give this to Ko from Love Poison for essentially trying to love spell date rape his love interest--this is only not that bad because magic isn't real so of course it doesn't do anything.
Possibly Athit (Boun's character) from Even Sun? I put a question mark there because this was so convoluted and hard to follow I'm not even 100% sure I remember it right, but from what I remember, this was not a romantic story at all.
Taking a totally different approach to the question, Joke from Hidden Agenda should have been a secret villain (in the sense that he should have been scheming and sociopathic but hiding it, ineffectually, from Zo) in order to make the series make sense, but apparently I can't have nice things.
And finally, special mention to Phu in The Promise for being the villain for so many of us already.
A morally bad character you're into
Zhu Zi Shu, canon war criminal and child murderer from Word of Honor. He thought he was doing bad things for good reasons (protecting the people he loves), realized he was just doing bad things and the people he loves were all dead anyway, and crafted a convoluted plot to get out of the secret society rules that he created to prevent anyone from leaving. And then he wanders aimless until he meets Wen Ke Xing and becomes as loyal to this equally morally dubious man as he was to his secret society. I love him (and them) so much.
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Same type of deal, different scale of crime: Akk from The Eclipse. I have a soft spot for this trope.
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A morally bad character you're not into and you wish people would stop being into
Xue Yang from The Untamed. Also a mass murderer, but doing it just for the vibes/to avenge his finger, so he gets zero love from me. People woobify him just because he's sassy it's...rough.
The show that disappointed you the most
From hype to execution? So Much in Love / Ni Yam Ruk. I slogged through such awful subs TWICE (because they claimed they redid them, but they are still terrible) to try to give this show a chance, because the premise sounded right up my alley. I still think there's a show in there that I would have liked, but it is literally unwatchable.
Most disappointed from what the show seemed like it was doing at the start to what it delivered in full is a tie between The Shipper and Step By Step.
The Worst Show of Them All Because of Your Own Reasons
That's My Candy. I've only ever dropped/not finished I think 3 or so shows? And this was the most painful and the one I am least likely to ever finish. The pairing was overplayed, the comedy was heavy handed, and the plot was absolutely cringe inducing. It was literally torture trying to watch this.
If you made it this far, thank you for reading!
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Tagging @visualtaehyun @nothingsbetterthancoffee @lurkingteapot @snidgetwrites @formayhem @slayerkitty @respectthepetty @ginnymoonbeam no pressure as always! And if you play and I didn't tag you but you're reading this, tag me anyway! I love reading everyone's answers.
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trashmuis · 1 month
I had SUCH a good time this weekend!!!!
This was my first ever horror convention, and I left SO happy!!!
Bill Moseley was sooo chill and so nice! I can't believe I actually got to meet him and pose with him and get a selfie and an 2 autographs! I got a signed Chop Top headshot personalized for me, plus I got a Cornbugs CD (Celebrity Psychos) signed, and a selfie with him holding it <3 !!
it was pretty cool because he couldn't get the plastic off of the CD case so he pulled out a pocket knife with a dramatic flourish and sliced it open, but he accidentally cut into the case but I was like "no that's fine thank u omg" so I have a slightly knife-cut version of the CD case i guess, with his name on the CD itself and honestly I'm happy about it. for the photo, he asked me my name and shook my hand and was really kind, and he asked what i wanted for the quote and i just. i panicked. i froze. i forgot every line of dialog in the movie. i said "um there are too many, uh, i don't know um-" and then he proceeded to rattle off like every quote at me in the voice with the intonation and- that was. that was great. i settled with the classic "lick my plate, you dog dick" line bc it's iconic and also feels like he is insulting me with his quote on the picture which is just too goddamn funny to pass up.
Bill Johnson was a sweetheart and it just was obvious. like i can tell even from his demeanor that he was so patient and kind. i got a headshot of Leatherface signed (which goddamn he has beautiful handwriting and it was amazing to watch him make sure it looked as good as possible) and I also got a selfie with him too :D !!
I bought a crap ton of stuff and WON the silent auction being held in the main autograph room, so even if I never meet Edwin Neal (I hope one day....) I DO have an autograph from him that I got from that! It's a picture of the hitchhiker cutting himself and it's signed by him, and it's verified and that's so dope
I wore my costume all day on Saturday, and got some professional pics with both Bills, all in costume. So. That was cool! I got some photos with other people, and my costume is probably floating around there somewhere on Facebook, according to one guy. But. That's ok. I'm basically unrecognizable in that outfit lmao
Bill Moseley complimented my Chop Top costume tho at the photoshoot, and then again when he was leaving! That was great
That night, I went to see the TCM2 showing with live commentary and it basically was just watching the movie with Bill Moseley and Tom Morga. Bill just drank a Dr. Pepper (I know because he declared that before the movie started) and ate popcorn and kind of laughed at parts, and gave a few facts I wasn't aware of, and Tom mostly bounced off of Bill. some of these details are in the tags of my other posts but i do mean it when I say, it is incredible to be in an actual full-sized theater watching The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 and hearing Bill Moseley chuckle at the movie every now and then
and then in the morning today, I went around for the last time, bought a few more Leatherface items, and sadly had to go home
but I ABSOLUTELY want to go to a horror convention again, and if I get the opportunity to meet Bill Moseley again I probably will and I'll gift him something next time bc I just. I want to. I wasn't expecting Bill Johnson to be there tbh (it was much more last minute on the website?) but if I see him again too, I'll do the same :)
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kharrisdawndancer · 4 months
For someone new to following! What is this about new timelines? I want to know EVERYTHING but that’s not a realistic ask! So what’s the highlight for an introduction into it! If you don’t mind of course!
OK! This a moderately involved OOC story, but honestly not SUPER interesting, lol. I'm putting it under a cut so that people who aren't interested don't have to scroll for it:
Originally I rolled Kharris on Shadow Council back in early Burning Crusade. She become one of my RP main characters and had a very full and lively time on Shadow Council with a lot of people in her life. Eventually, the player that played her husband decided they were leaving the game for what they thought was going to be forever, so Kharris got played less and less, but I still liked her character and wanted to play her. So I rolled a new version of Kharris on Wyrmrest Accord. MOST of her history was the same, but obviously who she knew and life experiences started to branch. This was not Kharris-ShC, this was a new version, Kharris-WrA.
So off and on for several years, I played both versions of the character, and both got into shenanigans. Both were still named Kharris at this time. Then Cross Realm Zoning (CRZ) started to happen in WoW. And my main RP hub for both versions of Kharris was Silvermoon City. And Silvermoon City was gettin CRZ'ed with Wryrmrest and Shadow Council together. So I would RP on WrA-Kharris with her history and friends and someone from Shadow Council would see her and act like she was ShC-Kharris. It got confusing and funny and the different spheres of each verison of Kharris started to overlap. I wasn't sure how to handle it. Eventually I name changed WrA to Khaeris to help differentiate them. Then CRZ'ing went away in favor of Sharding technology in WoW, and we didn't get smooshed together anymore really. So the In-Character story is that Khaeris somehow got pulled into another timeline--Kharris's timeline. And I had to try to figure out some storylines for that to make it work IC. I have a tag called "y2k" (Why two K's) if you really want to dig in. Big Kid K = Kharris, Shadow Council origin (though now she's on WrA too lol) Baby Karrots = Khaeris, Wryrmest Accord original
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artastic-friend · 10 months
Info Post!
Current account status: so.. incredibly tired…
Hi, my name is March, I'm a 21 yr old masc-presenting, non-binary artist and biology/ecology major. I like to draw.. mostly fandom stuff and OCs.. but also I love spiders and studying them! Many other animals too haha! Looking forward to potentially becoming an arachnologist in the future, or an entomologist or even herpetologist… idk- just someone who studies silly lil guys, yanno? Oh.. I'm also A massive simp for the Giant Robot DJ from FNAF SB...
My pronouns are they/them and it/its but I am also ok with he/him
MUSIC MAN ART BOARD INFO POST + LINK (feel free to message me about it if you wanna join)
FNAF Art Board (Public, Free to join)
Here are some of my most-used tags:
My Art - any of my art or doodles!
DJ Music Man - self explanatory 💀 about 85% of what I post…
OC - any posts that focus on some original characters of mine ^^ (or others')
My Spider Pics - If you want to see pictures and videos of my irl spiders, or any that I find. You can see them here!
and here is my linktree including the link to my Etsy if you would like to find me on other platforms and/or support me!
My ask box is always open! Feel free to send me an ask anytime, and/or a doodle request! No promises that I will draw the thing you ask though. And sometimes I might just take a while to respond!
@artastic-foe is my reblog/spam account! I like to reblog a lot of stuff but also don't want to spam my followers with it, so most of the stuff I reblog will be over there haha! Though recently I’ve been trying my best to reblog on my main more! Especially stuff from mutuals ^^
Here is my persona. This is how I draw myself. To clarify, I do see this character as an extension of myself, and they are very personal to me. Though I know ofc they are not literally me. I like to creature-ify them at times and sometimes will even make alturnate versions of them for fun.. but in the end I still see them as a representation of me. They share my name and are designed after me (but with added features) after all!✨
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I'm honestly not too sure of what my sona is meant to be- but I see them as like... A satyr?? but if the goat aspect of said satyr was actually a deer mixed with a unicorn?? Hence the long tail and single "antler"..
Idk lol. Just.. I guess be careful with how you treat this character, because whatever you do with them I will interpret that as something you are doing to me 💀
Anyway!!! I'll also clarify that I don't mind people drawing this character! If you do, I will actually be eternally grateful! Just don't draw them doing anything weird or sexual💀
speaking of which..
I am a sex-repulsed Asexual! So please do not comment or send me anything implying sex or sensual activities.. It makes me very uncomfortable. If it's low-key and just light joking then that's fine, just nothing explicit please. (For clarity, bodies are not sexual on their own. Nudity does not bother me. It is the sexual implications and behaviors and acts that bother me personally TvT)
Do not steal and re-upload any of my art! Even if they are just little doodles. If you would like to for any reason, DM me about the specifics, but If I do not respond, that is not permission to do so anyway!
Please do not refer to me with feminine terms. If it’s an honest mistake, you’re ok, but if you are doing it on purpose, I will either not acknowledge you, or if you continue to do so I will block you.
Just… don't be weird lol- Be kind and respectful of people!
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thats-a-rock · 9 months
Valeria Skin Themed Chart || Short Headcanon Requests|| [Open 9/9]
I decided to try something special! I'm opening requests for some Valeria x Female!Reader themed headcanons based on Valeria's many Skins. I have some rules and a guiede set in place, so please make sure to read them carefully! Rememer! These will be SHORT Headcanons!
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How it works:
Each row has a certain theme which I'm going to explain in prompt simular fashion. When you write your request, you just tell me which row and skin you'd like me to write about. You can, of course, share some light details on what direction you want this to go, but it has to match with the prompt! If you however want me to go ham with my own ideas, I can do that too ;)Example: "Row two, skin three. Perhaps the reader is the daughter of a rival cartel boss Valeria has a bone to pick with?" (The shortest version, you can write more of course <3) Please note that I will close some of the prompts after some time, since I don't want to have situations repeat for too often. If the outcome alters however, I might think about writing more then once for the same prompt. I can elaborate on certain situations in seperate posts later on, but please wait for an update post about requests outside of this topic! Thanks <3
Rules: (Might add more later)
Minors/ Ageless Accounts: Please look at the Warnings whenever I post. Most of the results will mostly be SFW, but still, pay attention to the tags.
Give me time and don't rush me! I'm doing this as a hobby and not as my full time job. Rushing creators can lead to burnouts, so maybe take this as a rule for every creator on these platforms.
Don't copy the requests you've given me to paste it into someone else's request box. At least inform me if you'd really want your idea to be written by somebody else so I can delete your request.
If you feel inspired and want to write something simular, let me know! I don't gatekeep, I'd just love to hear if you want to work on a concept inspired by my work! (Giving Credit for inspiration would be sweet too? Thanks <3)
I am ok with writing about:
Romance (Default, unless requested otherwise)
Drama / Angst
Spice, Suggestive Themes (No full NSFW currently)
Age Gap Suggestions (Valeria to me is at the end of her 30s, so I'm fine with Reader being in her mid 20s. Nothing lower then 23 y old however.)
Canon Typical Violence, Blood, Death
I may allow other characters to be involved, but only for drama or angst purposes and for them to stay in the background ( I see you, Alejandro Stans. I give you what you want but keep it light, m'kay? This is about Valeria 👀)
_______________________________________________ Row one: Non Mission Based (Valeria outside of the Cartel)
Skin One - "Domestic Life" (Basics) [Open]
Skin Two - "Meeting Valeria at a secret high sociaty event" (First time meeting her) [Open]
Row Two: Mission Based (Full Cartel Business)
Skin One - "El Sin Nombre saves you from your reckless stunt" (Ally) [Open] Skin Two - "Being in a Helicopter with El Sin Nombre, attack from above." (Ally) [Open] Skin Three - "Being in a Helicopter with El Sin Nombre, hostage situation" (Enemy) [Open]
Skin Four - "Stuck beside the battlefield in heavy rain, staying low and waiting for backup" (Ally/ Enemy) [Open]
Row Three: Special Crossover/ Fantasy Themed Skin One - "Getting lost in a Snow Storm" (Monster AU) [Open]
Skin Two - "Your Fixer wants you in her Team fulltime" (Cyberpunk 2077 AU) [Open] Skin Three - "Seaching for the missing Huntress 'El Sin Nombre' " (Monster Hunter World AU) [Open] Special Note: Imagine the Jaguar was replaced with a Jagras Head. ______________________________
Honestly, I'm interested to see what you guys think and request! See ya later~
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hihimissamericanbi · 5 months
For your wip tag game and I'm very intrigued by #10 🤩 - the pairing? Hmmmmm flip a coin between wolfstar and drarry ♡
Hello, gorgeous anon!!
I answered number 10 here with rarepair rosekiller x lily. let's see how this looks with wolfstar, first war era. CW: war-typical trauma, deaths, grittiness, etc. once again i got lost in the lead-up sauce and the smut is more of an idea/some sexy lines :') happy ending tho (heh)
Ok i never write canon/first war wolfstar it's too depressing. BUT i think it gives us lots of delicious tension to have everything in the world so fucked up they stop caring about the consequences of outing themselves to each other (period-typical homophobia), or what would happen to their friendship, if one of them finally made a move.
We are deep into the war years. Lily and James have already gone into hiding. Neither remus nor sirius are home very often in their shared flat. They barely speak to each other these days.
benji has just been found in pieces.
You'd think by now they'd be used to it. the shock, another one of their friends gone in an instant. death surrounds them every day; they can't get more familiar with it. it's the air they breathe, it's the song in their heads that rocks them to sleep each night in their cold, separate beds.
yet here they are, well on their way to getting pissed on cheap firewhiskey, sitting on the floor of their small living room and not looking at each other.
not speaking to each other.
what words could they possibly say that they haven't each thought a million times over, like tickertape running nonstop behind their eyes. A litany of saints. Well, martyrs, at least.
They stopped believing they were saints a long time ago.
"fuck it." Sirius spits, his face cracking into some version of his old smile. he looks terrifying. Remus still thinks he's beautiful. "Truth or dare, moony mine?"
Remus nearly chokes on his firewhiskey. "i'm sorry?"
"what, you got something better to do?" Sirius grabs the bottle from Remus' hand, takes a swig. "truth or fucking dare."
"come on padfoot, i'm tired---"
"you're always tired"
"i just don't want to"
"you never want anything, anymore." and what sirius means, in a very small voice in the back of his head: you never want me anymore.
And despite everything, Remus still speaks fluent Padfoot.
"What kind of dares could we possible do anyway?---"
"Oh, I'm sure i can think of something" Sirius interjects.
"---we are stuck here, no where to go, very little magic we can do without giving ourselves away---"
Sirius cuts him off again. "Truth or dare, moony."
Remus grabs the bottle, glaring, utterly miserable but beneath that, a spark of something. nervousness?
"Dare you to finish the bottle."
"If i do that we won't have any more to drink," Remus argues.
"Fair point. Dare you anyway."
"Fine." Remus finishes the last of the bottle, a good 3-4 shots worth of alcohol. He's not sure what the point of that was; Sirius isn't that drunk yet and honestly, his own werewolf metabolism can handle a lot more than this. This much alcohol will only just now start to hit him. Said metabolism makes your usual pain potions practically useless, unless he drinks the whole fucking flask, and at 10 galleons an ounce---
He stops that train of thought. He's been there too many times today alone. "Truth or dare," he says instead, and he finds he actually does feel a little more relaxed, a little more open, with the extra alcohol after all.
Sirius looks him in the eye. "truth."
If remus is shocked Sirius Take-the-Dare Black has picked truth, he doesn't show it, just holds the eye contact. "why don't you tell me anything anymore?"
Sirius answers immediately. "to keep you safe. Would you like truth or dare, Remus?"
Remus doesn't have time to even register he's saying it before his mouth opens automatically and "truth" comes out.
"Why don't you tell me anything anymore?"
And like before, Remus is answering before the thoughts even form in his head. "I'm scared. i'm scared i'm bad, i'll get you killed, i'll get you all killed, james and lily and harry and peter. we'll be next. and if i keep myself away from you, it's like, it's like i can protect you, or more, i can protect the idea of you. i could bear a lot but what i can't bear is losing who i thought you were." His mouth hangs open. a knot forms in his brow. "Sirius--"
"Ask me." Sirius' gaze is firm. unyielding. "Truth or dare."
Remus shakes his head, disoriented. "Sirius---" he tries again.
"Ask me." He shuffles up onto his knees, leans towards remus on all fours. A dog with a bone. "What do you really want to ask me, Remus?"
"Are you the spy?"
The answer is out of Sirius' mouth before Remus is even done asking.
"No. Are you the spy?"
Likewise, Remus' answer is immediate. "No."
and both their breaths are coming fast and shallow, and their hearts are roaring in their ears, and they just want to not be in their own heads for two goddamn seconds, and, well, Sirius was always the brave one---
"Do you want to kiss me?"
"Yes." Remus breathes. Just like that. 10 years of hiding this secret, from himself as well as everyone around him, and he gives it up. Just because Sirius Black asks.
Sirius' lip curls in triumph. He crawls closer, predator locking on his prey, and it's too hot and Remus is dizzy.
"Dare you," he whispers across his lips.
Sirius may be brave, but Remus has a kind of willpower that only comes with facing down the moon month after month.
Remus doesn't move to close the gap, but he doesn't move away either. Holds perfectly still, controlled, and the roles are reversed and the wolf is in charge and he's closing in on the dog--
"Not until you tell me, too."
---making him submit---
"Do you want want me the way i want you, Sirius Orion Black?"
Sirius' enthusiastic "yes" is more or less silent, as it's given to the press of Remus' lips.
They are going to take turns asking each other "do you want xyz?" and the other will say yes and then the other will say "dare you."
"Do you want to touch me?"
"Dare you."
"Do you want to take off my shirt?"
"Dare you."
"Do you want to put me on my back?" -"yes"- "open my legs?" -"yes"- undo my belt, pull down my fly? -"yes"- "reach your hand down my pants, touch my cock?" -"yes, yes"--
A beat, locked eyes, panting chests, kiss-swollen lips.
"Then I fucking dare you, Remus Lupin."
They take each other right there on the carpet, ten years' worth of hurt and love spilling out all over and inside of them.
And in Sirius' bedroom, tucked away where he keep his now-empty stash of alcohol--- an empty bottle of veritiserum.
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ladymariayuri · 6 months
i seriously think i was meant to be an mmo player please tell me whether or not i should start playing wow because seriously i used to be addicted to a minecraft mmo and each time you talk about wow i get closer to playing it
(tag equivalent section: honestly if my dad hadnt stopped playing blizzard games with me im 100% sure wed have moved onto wow at some point and id be playing to this day i loved watching him play and listening to his stories of eve online and wow)
Ok as much as I'd like to reach out my hands and wiggle my fingers in a "come here" motion I cannot in good faith do that without at least asking what you value most in an mmo (or any game) because it wildly depends.
If you're a complete numbers loser like me who likes to play the hardest possible content then that game is really great, but it can be daunting to new players because the learning curve is so steep. If you value story the most, I'm being completely serious when I say this game is not good for that in the long term and to go play Final Fantasy instead. If you like to just chill and collect stuff, wow has 19(!) Years of stuff to just run around and collect so you'll never run out of stuff to do but there are sometimes rng gates and time gates, and stuff like that.
There's also 3 versions of wow but I assume you mean the modern retail version. The other 2 versions are from 2004 and 2010 and are subsequently much older, slower, methodical, traditional RPG games
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kitsunefyuu · 1 month
I saw the other ASK, and it really always bothered me a lot, these "DFO formers" seem to have just consumed Soft DFO fanarts and Fanfics and started accepting that the point of the Theory is Soft AFO, and AFO treats badly Izuku=Refuted Theory, and This always irritated me, because I was always more adept at the Hypothesis of the Experiment, but I was always a fan of other hypotheses, as we should all be in relation to theories, other former DFOs were short-sighted and wanted DFO for yesterday and simply got tired of waiting and started to attack those who still wait
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Yeah, I was honestly surprised that people assumed AFO treating Izuku badly mean the theory refuted. Like this man threw his brother in a vault and forced a quirk onto him. He isn't exactly the pinnacle of family affection even if 'loves' them.
I was always adept too, and actually I remembered being annoyed one at some DFO fanfics because they made him too soft. Like yeah he CAN be soft, but he also gas lighty, selfish, and avoidant. He will downplay and lie if can get what he wants with half-truths so you can't know his next move. He never going to fully lose that edge in my opinion so I just decided to write my own versions.
He just happens to not be like, MURDERY toward his family and is actually seen to hold back. As he wants them alive not dead.
But the former DFO now hater likely were waiting for the theory to be proven yesterday and got tired of the waiting. While many also perceiving the theory which was once interesting now just something to 'soften' AFO. Rather then it just being a select few stories and interpretation.
It thankfully not like a super common thing, but it annoying to go into a AFO tag or follow a fan then OUT OF NO WHERE "Ugh I hate DFO theory." While I'm just wondering what the heck did the theory even do to make you hate it? Worse when you see they say stuff like can't believe they believed it. Heck recently there are AFO fan and some didn't mind saying how much they abhorred the theory.
And when it someone with a huge following, great influence and they say that? People tend to listen, even if they personally really liked it but the person that likes AFO said the theory dumb. So it must be dumb! It ok to have opinions it just kind of sad that people give up things they like for reasons like that.
It just kind of sucks to be both a DFO and AFO fan because the two don't always overlap. You are going to have both sides sometimes abhorring the others. And because are in their own echo chamber they become more certain in their opinion. As well as shameless in making sure everyone knows about it..
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ratcandy · 3 months
Very hard to specify fandoms but.. lemme try. A wonderful selection of numbers for you to pick and chose and sift through at your leisure… if you don’t feel like answering any don’t make yourself / wanna answer a question for another fandom, not the one mentioned, ummm go for it.
Cotl - 1, 9, 10, 21
hk - 3, 8, 12
And a few I just wanna hear your take on but I don’t know what fandom to attach 🥺- 7, 13, 16, 18, 24, 25
clover I'm grabbing you by the shoulders this is the WORST!!!! THing u could've done to me (extremely positive overwhelmingly positive). the things I should be doing are looking over my shoulder in horror at this ask.
but good lort I sure did spend my time answering all that insted aof my homework and it felt so good. Fuck yeas.
ok. let's go extremely long post ahead
__ COTL __
1. the character everyone gets wrong
Well as I said in another post, COTL's canon characterization is extremely vague, so the fanon characterization is kinda all over the place and hard to pin down! So it's hard for me to say "everyone gets [x] character wrong" because everyone has a different interpretation of That Guy.
I think I should just say everyone gets EVERY character wrong except ME, because I'm the smartest person ever and always right. So there /j
actually one (1) criticism I have is that not nearly enough people are portraying Shamura as having almost complete memory loss and I think that's a shame. because there's so much more potential in that. there's so much more agony present there, from all sides involved. there is no just punishment. there is no way for them to ask for forgiveness OR apologize, or make up for it, or even know they did anything wrong.
cmon . cmon. stop making them remember. you cowards.
9. worst part of canon
Ooo! Easy answer!
Narinder/The Bishops just immediately being chill with being in the cult!
like what! Why?? The extent we get for any amount of backlash from them is Heket's offense towards being gifted mushrooms and Shamura showing up as a dissenter, the latter of which is especially confusing because. They're literally the only one it would MAKE SENSE FOR for them to not have any issue being in the cult!!!!! They can't remember anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why are they the one that dissents!!!!
Why are they all chill. Why do they just immediately obey and get to worshipping or other chores around the cult. Why do they act like every other follower save for three or four extra lines of dialogue.
Even if Narinder has more dialogue in which he expresses some amount of distaste at first, he still just ... Does all the cult work.
I wish I wish more than anything that the Bishops at least had special mind reading dialogue. Like, SOZO gets that!! AND Sozo doesn't do any work around the cult when he initially shows up!!! He runs around and eats mushrooms!!!! So why don't the Bishops get a similar treatment!!
You're showing me you're CAPABLE, DEVS!!! COME ON!!
10. worst part of fanon
Not as easy answer for reason stated before!!!!!!!
Though I guess maybe the intense fixation on Narilamb as opposed to anything else. I just...... can we . Can we get other things in the ao3 tag.. maybe... Pleas...
Not that I even dislike the concept of narilamb I j.............. it's everywhere. can we . can i have something different. something that's maybe also not ships either pleas....
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
Uhhhhhhhhh ppphgfmb. Had to think on this for a while, but honestly, I do not like Narinder's eldritch form SDHGKSHDG
I dunno man I'm a massive sucker for face opening up in a gross yucky way but there's something about how Narinder's face opens that's jus. Not. Appealing to me
I think if I configure it enough in my brain I can make it work for me......... but as it stands. I do not like it. I think it looks somehow... wonky? I like all the other Bishop's eldritch designs a lot! And ESPECIALLY the purged versions! But Narinder's... just... I dunno. Feels off somehow
__ HK __
Already answered 3!
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
Feels like I'm being baited into an answer with this one shDGKLJSDHGKLH EVERYONE KNOWS MY STANCE ON ZOTE I don't need to be any louder about it. He's not a bad character you all (referring to general hk fandom) just don't like it when a fictional guy is mean. because ur cowards./j
He's also not a vessel nor is he the same species as elderbug and saying "he's just some guy" is a COPOUT ANSWER, because he can be just some guy while also being a nosk. Sorry what was I saying
Everyone is wrong about Zote in general except for me is what I'm saying.
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
I don't need to explain anything. Zote is the only character in the game actually. I don't need to defend myself on this it should be obvious.
__ MISC __
Already answered 7!
13. worst blorboficiation
looks at the ahit fandom for a second LOOKS AWAY AGAIN REALLY FAST i can't go back there. I can't do that again. iam side-glancing the folder on my desktop for the old AHIT rant and breathing through my nose about it.
In a more general sense something i've seen across multiple fandoms is aggressive sand-papering of characters and I cannot stand it. And I'm assuming that's what blorbofication in this instance is referring to. Like, taking a guy who sucks, or just has very prominent flaws, and . Getting rid of them.
W. Why. You're taking away everything interesting about them. Looks at the object show fandom for a split second before looking away .. solemnly.......
I haven't seen that as much in the cotl fandom. Like I'VE SEEN IT but not AS Much as other fandoms. I'm saying that because this morning I saw a post characterize literal actual god of Chaos Leshy as a soft sweet uwu boy and I .......................... felt something within me shrivel. for a second.
buT I KNOW THAT'S NOT the general consensus of his character so whatever
also i'm. Hmrnm. Man. It really sucks being a fan of a lesser appreciated character, because more often than not, what little content there IS of that character is........................ not. that guy Like, it's that guy on paper. He looks like that guy and has that guy's name. But everything else is just.......
In the nicest way I can say it, it is an OC dressed up as that guy.
and when there is very very little content of that guy to begin with, it's Very Disheartening for me when what little content there is portrays a version of him that is not. Him. That's just not the same guy
Blorbo'd him to the point of being barely recognizable. WHICH IS VALID AND FAIR, I get it, I understand doing that, but for me it's. I cling to (even vaguely) canon characterization too much unfortunately.
I'm not saying any specific character for this becuase 1) it's happened more than once hdgkJH and 2) I really don't want to seem like I'm targeting any one person's interpretation specifically, because again, lesser appreciated character curse.
ok that kinda went all over the place. I hope that answer makes sense
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
I already answered this for cotl specifically, but in general, often the way ships are treated in fandom jus doesn't do it for me
And. It's probably the tragedy liker in me talking. Wherein I only get super into a romantic pairing if I can imagine 1 million horrors being involved.
That or if it's funny,..........
BUT like. the HK fandom specifically had this a lot. Lots of these bugs always being shipped together. And I politely nod my head about it but it's... I don't . A lot of it I just don't get
It feels like a lot of the pairings in the HK fandom are popular due to aesthetic rather than the potential of it, and that's............... I don't get that. For instance (bear with me) any ship with Grimm outside of with Brumm doesn't click for me. Brumm clicks because Duh, Tragedy potential, but the rest...?
I mean, yeah, sure, equally as likely tragedy potential, maybe, but I don't see that explored as much. I see Grimm paired with anyone and 9 times out of 10 it's because ohh look at how pretty they are together wow
and I can respect that for the prettyness because I won't deny the artists of that fandom do make him a pretty Guy, but it's like. I don't get it past that.
I dunno, maybe it's just me having fallen hard out of shipping over the past few years. Was super into it when I was like, 15 and younger, maybe, but then I jus sorta lost interest
ok except for leshycat in cotl. because it's funny. sorry
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on…
SOZO sorry. sorry I'm normal
I feel like one of the only people who is looking at Sozo and recoiling in horror because of the potential of him and it HURTS it HURTS ME why is NOBODY ELSE LOOKING AT HIM
and I KNOW OTHER PEOPLE ARE I've got people following me now that are showing me that <3 Hi <3 if you've read this far <3 BUT IT'S NOT .. ENOUGH FOR ME
combing through art and fanfics and gritting my teeth and feeling like screaming because GUYS.................. GUYS HE'S... OAOUGHHEHHGHA
i need to write it myself or no one will. i need to write the horrors myself or i'll just have to suffer with it in my head. i need to write. i need to write it. no one else is going to. i need to fucking.c ogr him
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
shipping in general in all fandoms . idk if you needed me to tell you that though
but also literally any morally grey character for any purpose. you get huge splits in fandoms on either "that guy is HORRIBLE and deserves DEATH!!!" or "this guy has done nothing wrong in their entire life" and I want to put my head thru a wall. towards both sides
please please please please can we just. can we ... can we like characters for their flaws <3 and acknowledge them <3 without emphasizing them beyond reason <3 not in spite of them <3 p
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
idk how common this is but I know I saw it enough in the cotl tag to make me horrendously uncomfortable when i first started looking through fandom stuff .
hey so why were so many people mad you couldn't breed the bishops in the mating tent. or narinder with aym and baal. hey why were people mad about that. hey. hey why were people genuinely trying to argue that the bishops weren't actually siblings because they weren't blood related. hey. hey. hey. hey. hey.
again I don't know how actually common these complaints are especially since I blocked quite a few of the common offenders I saw in the tag (because good lird. guys.) but . again. I saw it enough to make me 😦☹🙁
also can everyone in the hk fandom shut up about silksong "taking too long" pleeeeeease it'll be out when it's out i'm tired of people whining about it taking forever. can u people lay off the devs for like two minutes. pleas
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cashandprizes · 1 year
"get to know me" redacted listener edition
thank you @zozo-01 for tagging me <3 I know someone somewhere is going to come for my Sam card, but they can pry it from my cold, dead, hands <3
Favorite Listener Character: This is really hard!!! It really depends on my mood honestly, but I think when I want comfort I listen to Darlin and Angel, but I really enjoy all of the Freelancer and DAMN Squad and Caelum audios soooo much. So, either Darlin, Angel, or Freelancer
Listener Character I Relate the Most To: Freelancer because I am literally living the stressed college life (as a marginalized/minority student) right now and hate it so much. I relate so hard. If I had been listening before I started school, I'd probably have a different answer.
Favorite Listener Character to Write/Read: Lately, I've been reading lots of Regulus and Vega fics, so I have to say Regulus's Listener/Doll and Warden/Pet (this is because specific people are feeding me the most delicious food and sustaining me on my problematic men)
I Want Their Life: On the most hypothetical, implausible, only in fantasy sense - it's gotta be Regulus's listener/Doll ok? The mental illness is winning every day. On a mentally well level - Angel. Angel's partner (beloved David who is destroying the polls) owns a house with a pool and a hot tub, owns a company and manages it well, is a vital part of his community, works hard, and is a werewolf. Like. This is maybe the most ideal version of a man. Runner-ups are Smartass (partner is financially stable but hates his job and also his BROTHER????) and Darlin (partner is a vampire which is perfect, but also additional trauma)
I Have Their Life: Freelancer - going back to being a full-time student and working is a regret I have every day :D I'm so stressed and while it isn't another student I have been singled out/picked on by professors in my one and a half complete semesters back in school
I Want Their Powers: Freelancer! Mostly I want the healing powers, it's very on brand for me (always plays as a healer/cleric type character)
Comfort Listener Character: Darlin for sure, there's just something about listening to Mr. Southern Comfort Collins that is very soothing, but after Darlin it would be Angel cause I like David's sleep aids! Then Honey, because Guy just... does something for me idk, my chaotic gremlin boy I love him.
Tagging: @autisticempathydaemon @bicyclepainting @calicostorms @angelnoodlesoup @just-call-me-angel @horrorscoupes (sorry if you were already tagged also no pressure <3)
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twistedapple · 4 months
OK so I need to get it out of my chest somehow, because I've been a bit displeased ever since I read that post. Not gonna tag or link because I don't want to cause trouble for OP.
But I saw a post regarding the way some people engage with Baldur's Gate 3 content, and how it was frowned upon to have opinions without playing the game. I didn't exactly take that post well in part because I saw a lot of people from the Raphael Corner nodding in agreement with what I consider a short-sighted opinion piece.
I kind of disagree with the base statement that one's opinions aren't valid if one hasn't played the game for the following reasons:
1. It honestly sounds a lot like actual DnD players complaining that new players who got on board thanks to BG3 expect the game's rules to be the same in DnD, and I consider that gatekeepy when one could be eased into the tabletop version in a more welcoming manner;
2. It's very easy to scroll past what one considers a bad take. It's even easier to block people and even tags on Tumblr, if there's a type of content one doesn't wish to see (inb4 tag your shit properly please);
3. It can quickly come off as classist because what if one's only way to enjoy the game is to live it vicariously through other people's content because say, they can't afford it (either too young and their family won't invest in the game and the gear to run it for whatever reason, or simply someone who generally can't afford it? Like idk what's the price of a PS5 in some of y'all's country, but in my country it's almost 800€. That's a lot of money just for a console. Don't get me started on gaming laptops and desktops, the only way to hace something decent is to slowly build it yourself with some clever part hunting for something that won't literally cost you a month-worth salary);
4. Having been in that exact position of having to live videogames vicariously through other people myself, for the longest time, and still having trouble sharing my own stuff now because I don't feel at my place in the gaming community simply because I couldn't afford it for so long, this post hits close to home in an unpleasant manner. Sure, Tiktok isn't a reference (like, generally speaking. Don't go on Tiktok if you really want to learn about stuff and build informed opinions/media literacy), but following streamers on Twitch for example is very helpful in that regard because it's raw footage and one can actually learn from it (on top of having fun in the chat if the community is cool). Checking quality gaming/analysis channels on YT can also help acquire enough knowledge to build a solid opinion.
5. This is literally a game with a fuckton of options for the storyline. No matter how much you'll play it, there will always be someone else, somewhere else, who'll figure out something you've never picked up. It's a very common occurrence on the subreddit. So judging people because they don't play the game kinda misses the mark even in that aspect. Instead of criticising people for getting their informations from Tiktok, I think it'd be more productive to either simply ignore these people, or engage with them in a manner that makes them want to dig further and learn more through other, more interesting/reliable sources.
Now mind you, my own opinion on that matter is very likely colored by the fact I'm a TTRPG player IRL, I've literally had experiences of one DM animating a one-shot with different groups and everybody getting to discuss all of the outcomes afterwards (it's an interesting thing to experience, highly recommend it) - it's very similar to games like BG3 where one has multiple paths depending on one's decisions for the storyline, or more generally games with multiples endings (like my beloved Dishonored and Bloodborne, for example). There's also the fact that I simply avoid what I consider bad takes, I literally don't interact with it, I block if necessary to curate my feed. So maybe I'm just like "ok some people build bad takes from Tiktok instead of getting into the game proper, I'll just steer clear of them" in term of stance, which makes me much more moderate in my opinion of these people - I actively make the choice to ignore them and vibe in my corner.
I'm just sad to see many people I know from the Raphael Corner agree with that initial opinion piece so eagerly.
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