#i’m really grateful. (again) thank you so much for ur words!! hope you have a nice day/rest of the year ☺︎︎
moonstruckme · 2 months
oh my god i was hoping u werent sick (no pun intended unless…) of all the doc rem requests!!!
can we get not just a regular doc rem but a casually dominant doc rem. like he’ll make sure ur drinking ur water, fixing ur posture by pulling your shoulders back gently, forcing u to put on a jacket if its just a tad 🤏🏻 bit cold outside
and ofc will scold u (lovingly) in the process. fem!reader is all like 🙄 but loves how much he cares about her
You're a genius for this lovely, thanks for requesting!
cw: alcohol
doctor!Remus x fem!reader ♡ 994 words
Your throat’s been bothering you since you woke up. It’s just a little scratchy, barely anything, but it feels like an ill omen. Still, you’re not going to bring your life to a halt on the slim chance the tickle in your throat is going to turn into something worse, and Remus would never hear the end of it if you skipped out on one of Sirius’ things anyway. 
You probably should have abstained from drinking, though. You’ve only had one, but now your throat hurts worse, the music and chatter are too grating, and your head feels a tad fuzzier than it ought to. Sirius and Remus have gone from bickering about music to teaming up against James to bicker about films without your noticing, and now Lily’s offering you another drink and you have to ask her to repeat herself before declining. There’s an inconvenient ache blooming behind your eyes. 
You know you’ve been sussed out when Remus wraps his hands around your hips, pulling you into his lap. 
“You’re quiet,” he murmurs. “Everything alright?” 
“Mhm.” You leave it at that, leaning a back against his chest. 
He hums. “Did you finish your water today?” 
“What have you had to eat?” 
You roll your eyes. Remus knows, somehow. He gives your hip a warning squeeze. 
“Rem, I’m fine.” 
“What have you eaten?”
You tell him, as if he wasn’t there for breakfast and didn’t pack your lunch himself. He nods, reassured you’d finished it all. 
“You seem knackered for only having had one drink,” he observes. 
You shrug. “I’m just not up to more tonight.” 
It’s the wrong thing to say. 
Remus hums, his grip adjusting just slightly to hold you more securely against him. “Are you not feeling well?”
“I’m just a bit tired.” 
“Dove.” Your boyfriend has several tones you know well enough to pick up on a single word. This one is all too familiar. It’s mistrustful, admonishing, heavy with the weight of implied consequence. It says, I know you’re not being fully honest with me. 
James may not pick up on all that, but he recognizes the shift in Remus’ attention, one of your boyfriend’s lengthy hands splaying protectively over your stomach. He sends you an amused look, which you return with a touch of loving pique, and then Remus is turning you around in his lap. 
“Dove,” he says again, breath fanning over your face and eyes boring into yours and overall torturously close to you, “are you going to tell me what’s going on with you?” 
You give up on denials, turning your eyes up to his pleadingly. “It’s really not bad,” you try.
Remus is unmoved. “Tell me, and I’ll say if it’s bad.” 
“I don’t want to make it a thing.” 
“You’re not. Go on.” 
You sigh, squirming under the attention you can feel at your back. Remus’ friends have continued talking, but you know his behavior has caught their attention. “My throat’s just a bit sore,” you admit, “and I guess the alcohol must’ve made it worse.” Remus sets a hand to your forehead, nodding for you to continue. “I feel a bit more affected than I usually would, so I decided to stop. That’s all.” 
“Well, you don’t have a fever.” You release a tiny exhale, and Remus’ lips twitch. “How long has your throat been bothering you, sweetheart?” 
You consider lying, but it’ll only make things worse. “Since this morning.” 
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but your boyfriend’s stare beats that easily. “You ought to have told me,” he says in a low voice. 
“It’s just a sore throat.” You roll your eyes. Remus makes a soft tsking sound that lets you know he’ll remember it. 
“I have you talk to me about these things for a reason,” he says. “Do you know why that is?” 
You’d really rather not enable him, but you’re trapped. You let your expression convey your reluctance. “Why?” 
“Because I’d tell you,” he slips one hand beneath your top, thumb sweeping across your side in the way that softens you like butter, “not to drink when you’re coming down with something.” 
“I don’t know if I am,” you say weakly. 
“Hopefully not.” Remus smears a kiss across your forehead, reaching for his coat. “But if you are, we might still be able to avoid it if you let yourself rest. Y/N’s not feeling well,” he explains to Sirius when the other boy notices his preparations for departure. “I’m going to take her home.” 
“Aw, I didn’t know you were sick,” James covers for his sour friend, who’s still looking like he might protest. 
“I’m not,” you say, but Remus ushers you towards the door. 
Lily gives you a kind look, glancing knowingly towards your boyfriend. “Feel better, love.” 
“I’ll talk to you tomorrow,” he placates his friends, placing his jacket over your shoulders. He opens the door for you, and seems all too prepared for the argument on the tip of your tongue when you step outside. “Don’t take off the jacket. You should have brought your own, but now that you’re sick I don’t want to risk weakening your immune system.” 
“I’m not sick,” you insist, starting to shrug the jacket off despite his hands pinning it to you. “And it’s barely cold out here.” 
Remus levels you with a look. “Keep it on.” 
You huff but stop your attempts to remove the covering, trying not to notice how Remus has slowed his brisk pace to accommodate you. “Why did we have to leave?” you ask. “I’m not feeling that bad, really.” 
“I figured you wouldn't want me looking down your throat with a flashlight in front of everyone.” You purse your lips, and Remus grins, wrapping an arm around you. He rubs your shoulder through the material of his jacket. “I’m looking out for you in more ways than one, dove,” he teases, “you can trust in that.”
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leeneir · 6 months
hiii ^_^!!! I hope ur having a wonderful day. Rlly love ur iso hcs (i’m srry i’m saying it again but their so good 😭.)
I was wondering could you do a pt.2 of the relationship hcs? Like how Iso would act once the relationship has rlly set in and he’s completely comfortable with us?
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thank you!
I hope that this is to your liking!!<33
Relationship 2.0; Iso x GN!Reader
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Im ngl yall, I'm the thpe of person to write a 100k slowburn romance buildup but when it comes to actually writing the relationship itself... mind is wont to blank...
Your relationship is hidden from the others. Even with the no frat rule being tsken out of procotol policy, Iso is keen about keeping your relationship private. The only one that knows are Sage and whoever you're close/best friends with.
Don't get me wrong, he's not ashamed of you or your relationship or anything like that. Behind closed doors, Iso is the best boyfriend you could ever ask for. I mentioned it in the last post, but he's really just a big softie.
Iso turns in for the night at a designated time without fail, but you know that he doesn't actually sleep. You'll make up some excuse to the others to check up on him in his room.
Some nights, he'll let you in and you both talk about your day and it's relatively peaceful, some nights, he wont even let you knock, using his sixth sense to sense if your near his door and instantly pull you in without a word, holding you close to him and burying his face in your neck. That's his way of saying that he missed you very much💜
Very cuddly, he likes having the reassurance that you're alive and breathing by keeping you close to him.
He calls you by your name, and he'll ask you to do the same. Sure, he likes his new name "Iso", but Zhao Yu much rather preferred the intimate connection to you have when you call each other by gov names which was something he didn't get often. Names are a not so fun thing for him. (He's a lil traumatized, but that's for another post🤭)
When it gets cold, Iso also runs cold. If you run warm, you can put your hands on his face and he'll lean into the touch or you can grab his hands and just hold them. It's enough for him. If you run cold, it's the only time he's fine with PDA, aka snuggling on the couch.... joined by the other agents.
When it comes to jealousy, ik I mentioned it in the other post too, but he has another reaction. If Iso see's you with another agent that's flirting with you, he'll come up and offer you to listen to music with him. As you listen and are distracted, he stares at the other agent with his 'assassin' glare per se.
One day at a sleep over with the other agents, you guys play a classic game of truth or dare. It's your turn, you say truth. Jett goes in for the classic "Do you have a crush on anyone here?" And you deny it. You can feel someone staring at you, and once the others are distracted, you turn to Iso who has subtle smirk on his face, nodding his head back to signal that he wants you guys to leave. You playfully roll your eyes.
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cherubispunk · 5 months
Damn, what a year right? As I’m sitting here stuffing my face with Christmas chocolate, I’m thinking about some of the bad stuff, but also all the good things. I joined the fandom at the the beginning of this year and in the middle of that I lost my account and hand to repost everything 😱😭
I know. SHITTY. But!!!! I’m taking some time to thank you all for making this one of the best fandom experiences I’ve had. Thank you for your interactions with cherub. Your love, support, re blogs, comments, all of it. It means the utter world to me and I cannot stress that enough. You are all such wonderful people.
There are loads of you out there who I want to thank but I’m going to stick to a few that have been my rock through the shitstorm of 2023.
First, @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin. Ange. You are one of the kindest most genuine people I know. Being your mutual is an honour. You’re so generous and always there for me to rant and rave or obsess with. For that I cannot be more grateful to you. Your fics are beautiful and so is your mind. The love you show me and cherub is more than I could ever ask for. So thank you. Xx
@chaotic-mystery and @tightjeansjavi I know we don’t talk as much as we used to when I first joined the fandom. But just know I think of you two often. I love love love!!! your work and if I’m having a bad day I always pop back to it to make myself smile. I hope you two are doing better and that the new year shines in your favour.
@planet-marz1 mari!! Where do I even start? Your mari mail makes me giggle every time I see hbo Joel and pixel daddy Joel in a tutu or a tiara, or even as a snail. I’d love them as a worm, and I’d love you as a worm. I’m so excited to see what more you have in store for us with your writing because from what I’ve seen so far you are insanely talented!
@joelslegalwhre Em, you’re so sweet. You really are! And I’m so happy that we’re mutuals. I can’t wait to obsess over more Joel with you and get to know you more too. I love seeing you pop up in my inbox every now and then.
@jenna-ortega OH MY GOD I don’t THINK YOU UNDERSTAND THE VERTIGO BRAINROT I STILL HAVE!!!!! I often re-read it as a bedtime story because the premise of that fic is just chef’s kiss! Can’t wait to read more in the new year of you choose to continue bby
@chloeangelic thank you so much for your kind words on cherub part one and two. It really means the work that you loved it so much. Your reblog made my Christmas. I was giggling and kicking my feet the whole time and read it over and over trying to let it sink in that such a great writer ENJOYED MY WORK!! So thank you again l, sending much love your way, chloe. Mwah!
A few more honourable mentions go out to @swiftispunk @netherfeildren @janaispunk @saradika @morning-star-joy @psychedelic-ink @persephone-girl @walkintotheriveranddisappear @worhols @pedrit0-pascalit0 @morallyinept @cupofjoel @cavillscurls @joelsgreys @joelsflannel @joelscruff @joelsversion @wannab-urs @notjustjavierpena @millerscoffee @beskarandblasters @dilfspitdrinker @bbyanarchist @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @reddedmiller @toxicanonymity @thetriumphantpanda @cool-iguana and so many more for their work and the interactions we’ve shared over the year.
I hope with all my fanfic writer heart that the new year inspires you and shows you love, warmth and happiness. Keep smiling cherubs! Xxxxxx
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dearsnow · 1 year
- when a dragon falls from the sky, decimating your ship and bringing a strange boy along for the ride, you begin to question if the some of the targaryens are really as bad as they seem. (aged up!lucerys velaryon x fem!reader, angst to fluff, ur burning hatred is quenched by time spent on the sea 🤞) MAJOR SPOILERS FOR HOUSE OF THE DRAGON! au where vhagar doesn’t kill luke, arrax just gets absolutely mauled and falls out of the sky. aged up luke because I didn’t realize he was that young when i started writing 💀. ⚠️ TW for death, suicidal thoughts, and trauma.
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word count: 4,213 (jesus christ)
a/n - ohhhh my god guys i’m back!!!! this was certainly a labor of love. i don’t know if I’ll start writing consistently again, but i really hope i do. i love you guys so much and thank you for the continued support even when i’m on hiatus! also i’m sorry if luke is ooc because i choose to believe he’s quietly funny and a little bit of a menace 😭
As the waves batter the sides of your ship, you don’t feel seasick. You feel the spray, see the occasional silvery fish zip by under the water. The sun beats down on your exposed neck and the motion swirls your mind, but you are sick for an entirely different reason.
Betrothal. God, you hate how that word sits on your tongue like a hot piece of meat. You are to be sent off to the their of family, married into their lineage and forced to bear their children until your womb shrivels like a sun-dried date. Of  all of your options, the Targaryens are certainly the worst. 
Aemond, in particular. You’ve heard stories of his cold demeanor, how he could kill you with a look. With his hands, too. He is quite the skilled swordsman, not that you would ever wish to witness it. He is the one you are set to marry.
Oh, the misery. The horror. You can feel bile rising in your throat whenever someone mentions him or his mother, great Queen Alicent.
You figure, though, at least it isn’t his brother.
You come from a noble family. It was bound to happen anyways. Trade your Martell name for some haughty lord’s and become his sow for the rest of your life. Your short, miserable life. In some ways, you are a bit grateful. You will never want for food and you know you’ll bring great honor to your family by marrying into the Targaryens. 
You just wish you could marry for another reason, not just forging alliances and heating up old, cold ones. You could have a happy life with the person of your choosing. You could sell fish on the shores of the sea and pick flowers in a field.
You play with this notion in your head before you hear a mighty crash and the sound of splintering wood.
The screams come mere seconds later. They pierce the air as snapping bones and rending flesh ring out. You stumble back, nearly falling off the edge of the ship. Large chunks of meat have started raining from the sky, crushing everything in their path.
You feel your heart beat so fast it nearly leaps out of your chest as you scramble for friction. Fuck, what the hell?
With the meat there comes blood, great amounts of it. It trips the sailors up, sending them careening over the wooden edges and into the sea. 
You narrowly miss the giant dragon wing that splits the boat in two. The entire thing has started sinking, and your blood runs cold. 
The ship is tilted from the massive gash in the center. Water is mixing with blood, and your dress is soaked to the bone. You can’t help but think that the finest silks Dorne can offer will drag you to the bottom of the depths.
As you clamber to the top of the ship’s bow as another fast-moving figure falls into the water. You don’t notice it in the moment. 
A shove comes from behind, pushing you to the side. Your back aches where you were struck.
“M’lady, m'lady! The lifeboat, you must take the boat. Go, go! Right now, m'lady.”
It’s Finhard, the deck swabber. He has two missing fingers, a lame knee, and a million stories. He swabbed the deck of The Sandstorm from port to port, collecting any and all information he could along the way. You loved talking to him so much it made the trip almost worth it. He always helped you sneak food to the cat stowing away on board. The cat you’re sure is now dead.
“What about you?” You question, voice loud but shaky. You can’t just leave him here.
“I’m a dead man, m’lady. I don’t matter.”
“But you do!” You insist, tugging on his arm. The screams are still ringing like alarms, and your limbs feel locked and like jelly at the same time.
“No, no. I might sink it. Girl’s damaged already. Please go, girlie. Jus’ remember me when you eat your next fish, alright?”
A pit pools in your stomach as you whip around to look at the small lifeboat. He’s right. The boat wouldn’t be able to hold you and a grown man, at least not one of Finhard’s size.
“Get on. I’ll push ya off, and you better have a damn good time with that prince of yours.”
You feel tears welling up in your eyes as you watch your trusted confidant steel his gaze.
“I’m sorry, Finhard. I’m so so sorry,” You sob, clutching his rough palms. “I promise I’ll think of you always.”
“Thas’ all I ask for.” His voice is rough and uncut, hardened yet soft, like a feather made of chainmail. He picks you up like a sack of potatoes and places you in the rickety boat with the gentleness of a father setting down his newborn. He gives you one final kiss on the forehead before untying the boat and shoving it into the roiling water. 
Small hairs cling to your forehead as the ship lights up in a blaze sure to be seen from the shore. Your face is so wet with tears you feel as though the ocean is the product of them.
You sob into your hands as the people who took care of you on your journey sink, their bawls leaving a scar in your memory.
It’s not even ten minutes after the foremast begins to sink that you see a dark shape bobbing along in the water next to you. You stifle a gasp, thinking it must surely be a shark or a dead man. The water around it was red and heavy. 
When it floats closer to you, you see for the first time that it’s a boy. A boy who must be around your age, maybe sixteen or seventeen. His wrist gives a little twitch, and you resolve that you must rescue him. 
He wasn’t on your ship unless he was stowing away in the barrels, as teenagers often do. No matter his situation, you grab his soaked shirt and give a hard tug. 
The effort almost tips your boat, nearly sending you spiraling into the water. You give a little huff. The waterlogged boy is definitely heavier than you expected.
You try again, managing to get his arm hooked around the side of the boat. From there, it’s just a game of strength- you pull him up, using his clothing as a sort of lever to shimmy him out of the water. You roll him over, the water streaming off of him re-splattering your already wet clothes with water and fresh blood. The boat dips a little with his weight, but it does not sink. You praise the Seven under your breath. He has a cut on the side of his head, one that requires medical care far past the simple fixes you’ve learned.
You try to dress it anyways. Ripping a long strip of cloth from the bottom of your underskirt, you wrap it up and pray he doesn’t lose much more blood. 
You can still hear the creaking of The Sandstorm, though any humans were sucked under long ago. It makes a melancholy sound, blending with the waves and the seabirds and the rain that has started pattering down. A lump forms in your throat as you gaze at the wreckage. Hot water slides down your face as you sit in your little lifeboat, waiting for death that will most certainly come for your throat. 
It’s about two hours of lonely drifting before the boy wakes up. He opens his eyes slowly, then they widen as he gives a gurgling shout.
“Augh!” You stifle a giggle, though your voice is still wobbly from sobs.
He notices you and sits up, bewildered. As he takes in his surroundings, you sit and watch.
“Who are you? Where am I? Where is Arrax?” 
“I am nobody now, and we are in the middle of the ocean,” You gesture to the water surrounding every inch of your sight. “And I don’t know who Arrax is.” He sure has a lot of questions, though you can’t fault him for it.
“Arrax, my dragon. I… I think he’s…” He doesn’t finish his sentence.
You stare at him in shock.
“Your dragon? The dragon that fell out of the sky in twenty pieces?” You question, voice heated. “The one that just killed a crew of fifty-two men?”
He’s silent for a moment. “So he’s dead?”
“Of course he’s dead, you imbecile! Did you not hear what I just said? He killed them. All of them. I’m the only survivor.”
“I’m sorry.” He mutters. He brings his knees to his chest and hugs them. “It was never my fault. It was him that killed Arrax, so it is him that killed your crew.”
“Who is him?”
“That bastard of a prince, Aemond. He and his dragon, Vhagar, chased us across the skies and attacked us in the air.”
Your hands tighten into fists as your throat constricts like you swallowed a spiny rock. You regret ever saving the boy, and you regret not slitting your throat when you heard of your betrothal to the murderer. Everything you’ve heard about Aemond is true. Your rage boils into hatred, and you swear that if you ever see him you will die and take him with you.
“So that must mean you’re a Targaryen too?” You say, trying to keep your voice level. It’s a skill you had to learn as a noble lady, but the hate building in your chest is almost too violent to quiet.
“Lucerys Velaryon, my lady.” He eyes you, taking note of your expensive yet ruined dress. He must know you’re not a commoner either.
You know the Targaryens are the only ones with proper access to a dragon, but you should have known that only someone descended from one could cause such absolute and utter destruction. It’s not Lucerys’s fault, you tell yourself. Don’t put the blame on him. Put on a smile and become your best even-tempered and kind self. But gods, the way you want to wring his neck for an event he seemingly had no control over.
“Why did he do it?” You ask. The tears from earlier start creating a pressure behind your eyes again. 
“Because I took his eye.” Lucerys’s voice is weak, but it has the strum of nobility that you know like a well-oiled harp. “He wanted revenge, an eye for an eye. So I ran. He found me in the sky and bit my dragon in half. I never meant to kill anybody.” So they’re all the same, the princes. Hardened and cruel and psychopaths. “Did you save me?”
“I suppose I did.” You want so badly to say ‘but I shouldn’t have’, but you hold your tongue.
“That is a debt I can never repay. Thank you. I’m truly sorry.” You shake your head. It’s not his fault, you repeat. You still cannot find it in yourself to forgive him. “What’s your name?”
You think for a brief moment. It wouldn’t hurt, you think, to tell him your name. That way when you both die, at least the man you’re stuck with will know the name of the woman that hated his family the most out of anyone in the world.
You speak your name, including your Martell family name, and he looks at you, eyes widened so much you think they will pop out of his skull.
“Aemond’s betrothed?” You are marrying into the greens, and Lucerys feels as though he should hate you for it. Unluckily for his honor, he cannot despise the girl who pulled him from the sea.
“Yes, what sorry luck.” You spit. “I would rather drown than go through with it.” You think of the promise you made to Finhard. “No, I would put poison in his chalice and watch him drink it.”
He laughs a bit, his voice ringing out against the repetitive sound of waves. “And I will buy the poison.” You allow yourself to smile. You hate it, but you smile.
You’ve always been the weirder daughter, yet the one that tries to talk with the lords and ladies and puts on a shining performance. That’s where the smile comes from, from all the times you’ve had to put your pearly whites on display. The morals have gone to shit, but the reflex is still burned into your person.
“You needn’t call me ‘my lord’. We’re even here, out on the sea.” He says. You can feel that’s not the only reason. A spark of guilt shimmers in the corners of his eyes. “Just call me Luke.”
“And you may call me by my name, Luke.” He’s right. There are no titles, only salt water and spray.
You watch the moon in the sky as it shines its beams down on your face. It sees everything. Every deal in secret, every promise you’ve ever made. It’s a gentle reminder that every person sees the same thing every night. You and Luke sit in silence, staring up at it. You wonder if your mother sees it too, from her ship. Can Finhard and the other sailors see it, from their watery graves? Can they forgive you for not saving them? For saving the life of a boy, whose mass is just under the weight limit of the boat? You glance over at him.
He’s staring at you, at how the soft rays of the moon highlight the curves and edges of your face. He feels a pit in his stomach, one that is not from hunger. It’s a gnawing feeling, guilt. He hates that he had to trade his life for fifty sailors. He thinks he would rather be at the bottom of the sea than see more tear tracks on your face. Another feeling eats at him, though he’s not sure what it is. It makes his insides churn and scrambles his mind.
He averts his eyes and looks at the stars once more.
You spend another two days floating in the water. You’re both sunburned and salt dried, and his skin is red and peeling. The conversation between the both of you had been dry up until today.
“May I have the flask?” He asks. You hand it over. For two whole days, all you have had to eat and drink is two flasks of water, a packet of dried fish, and some bread that has gone mushy from the water slowly seeping into your boat. You have to bail it out every hour or so.
“Do you think we’ll ever get out of here?” Luke questions, his voice rough. “Is anyone coming for us?”
You sigh. “I don’t know. I would like to think there are boats out searching, but truly, they must expect us to be dead. Besides that, we have drifted so far away from the shipwreck that we might not be found even if they were searching.” He shakes his head, hair stiff from the salty spray.
“I would like to keep hope alive.”
“You are the only one.” You hear a small laugh from next to you. 
“You know, I could not ask for a better person to be stranded with.” He screws the cap back onto his flask carefully.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you certainly know how to ration supplies. And your optimism is inspiring.” A giggle bubbles up from beneath your buried feelings. 
“Is that sarcasm, my dear lord?”
He smiles. You can’t help but notice that his smile is contagious, the kind that reaches his eyes. The kind you found yourself dreaming about, and the kind you are certain your betrothed never wears. 
“Only if you make it out to be.” He pauses. “So, what was your life like in Dorne?”
Your eyes narrow. Small talk? It brings you back to your past. Talking to potential suitors and bearing their questions as they try to judge if you’re worth their money. It’s almost nice, the reminder. Before the wreck, you had been happy. Cheerful, even. You were nothing like you are now, hardened and weak and so close to putting sand in your pockets and drowning you can taste the seawater. 
“Why do you ask?”
“I figured it would be nice to know you. To really know you.” His words bring an odd sense of comfort to you.
“It was much nicer than this. I had friends and family, that was the best part. I never wanted for much of anything. I suppose I felt out of place sometimes, and I felt lonely like nothing else, but it helped to know that I could always have a home with the people I loved.” He nods, and the waves push against the boat. The sun is setting, condemning you to another sleepless night. “What about you?”
“I love my home, my people, and my family. I never felt up to the task of being lord of Driftmark, though,” He confesses, “and sometimes I still feel like a fraud. Gods, I don’t know why I told you that.” He knows. There’s something about your eyes, something that makes him want to spill every secret he has ever had. He wants to tell you about the time he stole Aemond’s knife, causing Aemond to pick a fight with Aegon. Or when he heard an argument between his mother and stepfather, or when his older brother snuck a frog into the pocket of a handmaiden. Your eyes burn with stifled anger and buried hopes and love.
You look at him with an odd expression. “It’s alright. Might as well get everything out while you can.” You know the feeling of not being enough well. “I’m sure you’ll do wonderfully when we get out of here.” You find yourself comforting him for god knows what reason. You should be angry, full of hatred and buzzing bees, but you can only feel sympathy for the boy across from you.
“When we get out of here? Where was that optimism earlier?” He teases, making you smile.
“It was killed and brought back to life. I have decided that I’m not going to die.” His laugh rings out, showering you in a feeling that makes you shiver.
“That’s a good thing to decide. I swear it too, we are not going to die. Aemond will never kill our spirit nor our bodies.” He takes your hands, palms rough and calloused. It makes your heart pound in a way you never expected. “We will be alright.”
You nod, hope blooming in your heart. Suddenly, the world seems just a little bit brighter. That’s when you see it; the seagull flying overhead.
You gasp, pointing up to the sky. It lets out a sharp cry as it circles around, and soon Luke is looking at it too. You’re so relieved that tears well up in your eyes.
Land must be near. It has to be. 
“Praise the gods.” He grins, dropping your hands to shield his eyes from the sun. “We will surely reach the shores soon.”
“I can only hope.” You whisper.
You spend another day on the water, your hopeful eyes searching for mountains or fields. All you can see is blue water, blue skies, and Lucerys Velaryon. You found that you’ve grown to like him, as fucked as your past self might have considered it. He actually treats you like a person. 
He squints into the distance. “I still don’t see anything. Maybe… maybe the bird was a fluke. A gull straying too far from the shore.”
You hit his shoulder lightly. “Don’t think like that.”
“It seems we’ve switched roles,” He smiles, “you’re the positive one now.”
“We certainly have rubbed off on each other.” The corners of your mouth lift into a little grin. Truth be told, your own hope is starting to fade, but you will never let him know. 
You’ve begun to notice things about the sea that you have never seen before. Schools of small fish darting below the surface, the pattern of the waves, even how chilly the water is. As the sun shines down, the water is peaceful. Maybe it’s a side effect of the trauma, or maybe it’s just you growing more comfortable with the idea of salt water. In any case, you suppose you need to look at its beauty to fan the dying flame of light burning inside you. It’s far easier to love than to keep hating. 
“The day is quite beautiful, isn’t it?” You whisper. 
“I suppose it is.” He says, but he’s not looking at the sky.
You are infatuating. The way the sun glints off your eyes enraptures him and keeps him in a state of lovely drunkenness. “Do you wish to marry my uncle?” There’s a hint of something more behind his voice. It’s almost desperate, and the thought makes you shiver.
You hesitate. “Not particularly. It would bring honor to my family, that I am sure of. So I will do it, but I will likely not enjoy it.”
“I understand that. I myself am betrothed to someone I can’t see myself loving.”
“The lady Rhaena Targaryen?” You know of her. The idea of him marrying the girl painted by the gods twists your heart in a way you can’t even comprehend.
He sighs. “Yes. It is my duty, but I cannot see her as anything but a sister. That’s all she’s been to me my entire life.”
“Duty is a wicked thing,” You muse, “pulling us away from opportunities to enrich our own lives.”
He nods. “If you could choose, is there anyone you would want to be married to?”
You think for a bit but eventually shake your head. “Do you have a special someone?”
“I am beginning to discover one.” He says. What does he mean by that?
When you look at him, staring far into the distance, you start to realize.
When the days grow dim, you huddle into each other for warmth. That’s why you fall asleep tonight, softened by his touch. Finally, you sleep for more than half an hour at a time. Luke’s arms are wrapped around you, as the lifeboat leaves little room for comfort, and the rock of the ship lulls you into a dream.
You wake to a jolt. You have no idea how long you’ve been asleep, but the moon is out and there is sand underneath your hull. Sand. Ground. You scramble to sit up, pulling Luke along with you. “Sand! Luke, it’s sand. We’ve made it! Gods be good, we have made it to land.” You grab at the wet grains, letting them clump and filter through your fingers. He lets out a loud cheer and pulls you in.
Out of nowhere, as you still have earth in your hands, he kisses you. His lips are rough and dry, but so are yours. He tastes like salt water and love.
When he finally pulls away, he is grinning like a lunatic. “We’ve made it, my lady. We survived.”
“What happened to our no titles agreement?” You tease, still flustered. Your cheeks are as hot as the surface of the sun.
“We’re on land now. The rules of society apply again, I’m afraid.” His whisper ghosts against your ear like he’s almost afraid to lose the closeness he gathered over the course of the last few days.
“Of course,” You say, pressing your lips to his cheek, “I would expect nothing different from such a high-ranking and strong man such as yourself.” 
He places a hand where you kissed him. Your skin may be chapped, but that damned kiss was sweeter and softer than spun sugar.
“I’m glad we’ve come to an understanding, my lady.” A glint of humor dances in his eye.
He steps out of the boat and offers a hand to you. The ground wobbles under your feet and you almost fall, but he is there to steady you. “Wait, I know this beach!” He realizes as he gazes upon the scenery. “It’s the beach off Dragonstone. I’m… I’m home.”
“Really?” You feel hope bubbling through your body. “You know where we are?”
“I do. Dragonstone is there, above those cliffs. Come on, let’s go!” He tugs your arm just a bit too hard, sending you sprawling into the sand. You grab onto his sleeve and pull him down too, leaving you both in a fit of giggles. 
You’re both weak and tired and sore, but your flames grow brighter every second you’re on solid land. “Race me!” He yells, taking off from the ground on shaky feet. You dart after him, all your earlier burdens seemingly gone.
You probably won’t catch him, but it’s okay. Right now, your future is ahead of you, your rage is behind, the land pounds beneath your feet, and the boy with brown hair is calling for you to join him.
Reblogs are greatly appreciated!!
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Taglist (bolded means unable to tag): @mmmimilan @its-halleys-comet @savagemickey03 @persephonesportal @lovelyliliya @the-jess-life @spaceandstars @bbosica @hopelesswritergall @watercolorskyy
159 notes · View notes
insertdisc5 · 7 months
hey, I just wanted to say ur work has inspired and moved me so much. start again personally affected me a lot, to the point where it’s one of the few games to have ever made me cry (happy tears!) your writing and lens of viewing human interaction is just so uniquely touching in a way that i find difficult to put into words. I had fully given up on my own writing for a really long time, but seeing what you do makes me want to go back to it, in hopes of making other people feel how your art has made me feel
all this to say thank you for what you do, and I’m really excited for in stars and time.
this is incredibly touching. im always so stunned and grateful when people tell me ive inspired them to start or continue doing any kind of art. thank you so much, and i really hope you continue writing!!!! please continue putting your art into the world!!!!!
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obiwhat · 1 year
CAN I JUST SAY i’m soooooo in love with all of your fics. besides EVERYTHING i could say about the perfect characterization and how sweet erwin and levi are always written, ur style is so distinct and easy to get sucked into. maybe i’m biased bc hurt comfort is my fav thing ever but i just adore your fics. i think i’d had ‘appearances’ and ‘fix you’ bookmarked for years and then i found ‘rice porridge’ and i’ve been binging everything else since. (i hope u don’t mind a long ask lol i just rly needed to say)
as far as i saw, your requests are open, so can i request an eruri in canonverse in which erwin has just become commander, so he has a very very heavy workload. he promoted levi to his captain almost as soon as he had the power to lol, and so their relationship is new and levi has been working wayyyy too much (as usual) to help erwin. so he’s been forgetting to eat a lot.
(for context, levi is so used to feeling hunger pains from his time underground that he doesn’t really notice the signs, and he disregards his own health anyway).
erwin has been working so much he’s barely noticed. but then levi passes out in front of him or something like that? hurt comfort follows<3 even if u choose not to answer, thank u for all ur beautiful fics
helloooooo my lovely anon!!! <33 hope ur doing well!! thank u SO much for ur kind words, you made my whole month hehe
hope u enjoy what i whipped up for ya~
Catch Me When I Fall
warnings: eating issues (aka levi works too hard and forgets food is a thing)
Levi’s face was a bit hollow. His cheekbones; even more defined than usual. Of course, if Erwin had ready access to a mirror, he’d probably find the same appearance on his own face.
They were all tired. If he showed favoritism for his captain it would only serve to delegitimize his freshly earned position. However, he told himself that he would check in with Levi the next time they had privacy.
Although, the likelihood of that being any time soon was certainly dwindling.
Miche rushed in with another pile of notes, he mumbled something about them needing extra eyes on the field— a necessity he directed to Levi. But Levi seemed to hesitate, in fact, he hadn’t moved since Miche came into Erwin's office. Miche had to tap him on the shoulder before he blinked heavily and started towards the door.
Miche gave Erwin a look as Levi left, to which Erwin replied with a shrug. He got to work glancing through his growing pile of papers, threatening to topple off his desk.
The yard was cold. No, it was freezing. But Levi had hardly been outside ten minutes before he untied his cravat and unbuttoned his shirt. Levi was hot. He didn’t even care if the cadets gave him weird looks where he stood, pinned to the brick of the training yard walls. In fact, they should’ve been more focused on their drills. He should’ve yelled at them by now.
But he wasn't all the way there. The yard seemed to sizzle and blur underneath the beat of the cold winter sun, and if words wished to spring from Levi’s lips he knew he’d have to rack them right out of his chest. It was all far too much effort.
Another sharp pang shot through him. On the surface, of course, he hardly blinked. But inside, he felt like he might get sick. It had been happening again lately— those pangs, the dizzy spells, the nausea. Like he was that same sickly little kid again. It was just the stress of his new position, he knew that. That was the only explanation. He was just stressed.
But so was Erwin. And he’d be damned if he let Erwin think he couldn’t keep up. The man had curated a position especially for him, how could he spit in the face of that kind of honor? Levi had never been this high up before. To live above ground, to have a roof over his head, running fucking water too? He should’ve been grateful, not reeling with a sickly feeling in his gut.
Weakness was not expected of him, so he would keep it that way. He would fight through it, just as he did every time before. He’d keel over before he asked for a break.
With that in mind, he called out to his cadet group, leading them back into focus.
It wasn’t until hours after dinner that Erwin saw Levi again. Truth be told, he hadn’t even noticed the time pass by. Levi seemed to slip through his door, without a sound or word. It was a common occurance and for whatever reason Erwin felt comfort in the familiarity of it.
He felt Levi approached his desk slowly as Erwin continued to annotate.
“There’s the… uh—” Levi’s voice wavered for a moment, as if he were struggling to remember his next few words. He quickly tried again, “—the equipment supply report. We’re especially low on fuel. As per usual.”
“Excellent,” Erwin replied, although it was anything but. He scribbled down a reminder to mention this in his pitch to central command in the coming week.
Levi was still standing in front of his desk, a cue that Erwin had clearly missed for a few passing moments. “Levi, is there anything else you’d like to add to your report?”
“No.” Erwin could hear Levi clear his throat again. This finally got him to look up from his work. “Uh, no. Nothing else.”
Erwin’s brow pinched together. Was Levi swaying?
“Are you alright?”
Levi nodded shakenly but then frowned as if he were thinking rather pensively about something. Erwin did not recognize this look on his captain’s face. It was almost as if he were confused.
Then Levi huffed a humorless scoff, “It’s strange… There’s uh… there's two of you.”
Before Erwin’s brow could even begin to lift, Levi’s palms met his wooden desk with a bang. His eyes fluttered, then rolled back— his body going slack. Erwin was up in an instant, throwing his arms around Levi and wrapping him in his clutches as they fell together to the wooden floor.
“Levi!” His partner’s head was lolling listlessly in his arms, he was clearly struggling to grasp his situation still.
“Erwin… What’s…?”
“Shh… Levi. You’re alright. I have you now.” Erwin settled him to lay a bit more horizontal, so he’d be comfortable.
“I don’t… I don’t feel very well.”
Erwin huffed, “Yes. I can see that now, my dove. Is this better? Just lay out for me and breathe. Can you do that?”
“Mm,” Levi murmured, breathing through his nose and closing his rolling eyes.
Just then Hanji came bouncing into the room, slamming the door open. “Erwin! I finally finished–” Their eyes trailed around before settling on Erwin who looked at them with a terrified expression. “Oh shit.”
Their expression fell flat and serious as they kneeled next to their commander and his captain. “What happened? Is he alright?”
Erwin was pulled from his haze of anxiety and carefully placed a hand on Levi’s forehead. “A little clammy. I don’t think he’s unwell. He just… He fainted.”
“He’s skinny, isn’t he? Too skinny, Erwin. Shit, I didn’t even notice until…”
“Help me lift him.” Erwin felt like screaming. He felt like he might scream until his lungs burned to ash. “Help me, Hanji.”
Everything felt light when his eyes finally peeled open again. Just before shame and guilt could pool in his stomach from the reality of the situation he was in, Levi felt a sort of lightness. His head didn’t ache as badly but his body felt without use. Like if he lifted his hand he might just break away into pieces all together.
When Levi’s cool eyes settled on Erwin, he wished that he could break away. His commander was asleep, draped across Levi’s chest with a hand wrapped around his in a tight grasp, as if Erwin was willing him to stay even as he slept. Maybe especially while he slept.
He must’ve been exhausted. Levi felt a sinking feeling once he realized this exhaustion was partially his doing. How long had Erwin stayed by his side in the infirmary, waiting for him to wake, before eventually passing out like this? It had felt like a long dream. A deep sleep. And Erwin had surely been awake while Levi agonized him with his absence.
Levi involuntarily gave Erwin’s hand a tight squeeze. Maybe it was an apology of some kind.
“Lee…” Erwin whispered, or more so mumbled into the fabric of Levi’s hospital gown. His head turned and his sleepy eyes blinked, once then twice.
“I’m here.”
“Levi?” Erwin repeated himself, this time more clearly and with wide eyes full of instant relief.
“I’m sorry, Erwin.”
Erwin sat up straight, his hand relinquishing Levi’s grasp.
“You’ve been asleep two whole days. Unless I’ve just slept away another day with you.”
Levi nodded, noticing how Erwin let his apology roll right off his shoulders. As if he didn’t wish to hear it.
“You’re on strict IV fluids but when you feel up for it, the nurse will bring you a bit of bread, alright?”
“Erwin—” Levi released a sigh as he spoke, but Erwin was quick to cut him off.
“No,” Erwin seemed to rein in his irritation, as if now was not the time for it. “No, Levi. I won’t hear objections. Not now. Not after what happened in my office.”
Levi closed his pale, cracked lips. Erwin fiddled with his hands.
“You didn’t tell me you weren’t well. I could’ve done something. I mean—.”
“That’s not your fault. I… Erwin, I've never been good about remembering… this kind of thing. It slipped my mind.”
“You’re malnourished. Anemic. You lost consciousness, Levi.” His voice was near a whisper once he spoke again. “Two days.”
“And what does that have to do with you?”
Erwin may have his emotions sealed away but Levi was not keen to follow suit.
“I fucked up okay? I was pushing myself and eating right just fucking slipped my mind, what do you want me to say?”
“I’m your commander now, Levi. Your life is in my hands. I was overworking you. I was.”
“As self centered as that is, Erwin, I am my own person and when I make a mistake it’s on me,” he bit into the last word with bitterness. “This happens from time to time. I’m not good with… reading myself. Knowing what I need. Until I’m at a breaking point.”
“Like your body is in survival mode, all the time.”
Levi nodded weakly.
“I see,” Erwin sighed, putting his hand through his hair as they sat in the quiet for a long beat. “No matter what the reason, there had to be one for you to not tell me right then, before you passed out. Can you please just tell me that?”
Levi felt his very muscles tense.
“I’ve always been this way. I don’t want you to take it personally. I’ve been on my own so long, I’ve been down so long… I don’t know how to lean on someone. Especially when I’m not even sure what’s wrong.”
Something painful to witness pooled in Erwin’s gaze. He was hurt by this. In a way that Levi had never seen. In a way that Levi didn’t think was even possible.
If there was at least one thing Levi was certain of, he didn’t want Erwin to ever feel this pain again.
“But I’m willing to learn,” he whispered, hesitating as he pulled Erwin’s warm hand into his own again. “If you’re willing to teach me.”
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dollsuguru · 5 months
HI HELLO IM BREAKING INTO UR INBOX W TEARS IN MY EYES…………… 😭😭 i just read all ur tags on my sugu fics and when i tell you i CRIED YOURE SOO??? so so SO sweet and thoughtful????? I HOPE YOUR DINNER WAS THE TASTIEST EVER bc ur tags made my whole weekend <333333 literally every single thing u said made me go YES YOU GET IT like… im just gonna mention a couple things phsjdhs IM REALLY SOSO GRATEFUL <333 
FIRST OFF just . everything u said abt my writing in general??? is soooo unbelievably kind??? T_T like abt the setting and prose and etc!!! i got soooo happy every time u said u felt like u were really There LIKE THAT MEANS SO MUCH…. ”it’s like i’m living inside your words” ARE U TRYING TO KILL ME </3 sob. thank u :’< 
and aaa im so glad u liked all three fics even though theyre a bit different!! 🥺🥺 i just rlly feel like u understood what i was trying to convey w certain characters and lines and stuff and it means soooo much??? SUGU IS A DEVOTED LOVERBOY YESYESYES U GET IT!!!!! U UNDERSTAND!!!! ”devoted” & ”intense” are the PERFECT words for him i cant tell u how much i agree. AND SOO NURTURING YES WE’RE SO LINKED he’s so mother he’s so husbandwife <333 IM JUST NODDING ALONG TO EVERYTHING U SAY like genuinely. food as love was the theme for that particular fic hehe im so glad u noticed!!! 
AAAA AND UR TAGS ON THE CHILDHOOD BESTIES FIC ……. thats probably my fave sugu fic out of the ones ive written ngl i was sooo happy to see that u liked it 😭😭😭 U GET IT U DO… like their love could be platonic or romantic but it doesnt rlly matter bc they just love each other sooo much. HE’S A GHIBLI BOY YES i’m so glad u see the vision <33
IM SORRY THIS GOT SO LONG i just need you to know that i see you and i love you and i appreciate you <3333 tysm for reading my silly lil fics and taking the time to write such thoughtful tags!!! 🥺🥺 im tucking them all away into my heart hehe. wishing u the most wonderful weekend ever !!!! mwah mwah mwah <33
OMG PLEASENDNDNDND your writing is literally SO stunning methinks you have the best rendition of suguru out there… like it’s so TELLING how much you love suguru (and satoru bc TRUST i’m gonna be in the tags of those fics too) and also i just really like how much personality you give to the reader as well! like everyone just is so fleshed out & 3-dimensional like they don’t feel like Just Characters In A Story they feel like real people & honestly magnificent writing to me always makes me feel like i’m watching a movie - and your writing does that! as i’m reading i’m envisioning everything like a movie & that’s the best compliment i can give fr <3 again it’s a testament to your beautiful dialogue, scene setting, storytelling, and YES PROSE!!!!! THAT’S THE WORD I WAS LOOKING FOR THE ENTIRE TIMENFNFNFNF your PROSE is beautiful 😭 it’s very COZY & PRETTY i love it
& OMG I WAS ABLE 2 UNDERSTAND BC YOU CONVEY EVERYTHING SO WELL!!!!! i was never confused i was Always In It <3 AND YES YOU SPOKE #REAL bc sugu is the ULTIMATE devoted loverboy… & i love how his intensity is just innate to him like he can’t help but love fully and with his whole entire mind, heart, body, & soul! and i also like how it isn’t an uncomfortable intensity or overbearing in a bad way - it’s just like a really nice weighted blanket and i LOVE that. & omg i’ve come to love food motifs so much………. whether it be hunger for something, cannibalism to get to the core of someone’s being, peeling clementines as an act of selflessness/love for someone else, or just sweet soft feeding your lover in bed bc you want them to eat well… that’s some delicious fucking food. & YESSSSSS nurturing caretaker sugu my beloved………. i think i read somewhere i forgot if it was just a random post here but someone said that suguru has such natural paternal instincts and that’s so real… like he’s mother he’s father he’s husbandwife he’s Transcended everything… the ultimate DadMom of the group… i just know his tote bag has bandaids, water, & snacks for everyone and he’s just the One you go to talk to about anything (again just like your sugu <3) OH AND ALSO i really like how devoted the reader is too! i Myself am a devoted lovergirl so i Feel seen
THE CHILDHOOD BESTIES FIC WAS SO FUCKING &/@/$/&//@/&:! why’d i get transported to a quaint town w the boy i’ve been in love since childhood and now he grew into a wondrous handsome man… trust that for Me if it involves sugu i’m immediately going romantic mode like i’m sorry i’m so Desperately In Love with him i can’t be normal <3 that fic is so fucking rich and filled w real problems that teens/ppl in their twenties face! the fear of the unknown but it feels like anything is possible and doable with someone like suguru by your side! AND YES HE IS SOOOOO HAKU-CODED TO ME (my first bf since i was a kid… coincidence? methinks not…) and also i reallllllllly love your fic of suguru going to reader’s apartment to declare war but he instead goes & has tea & cookies instead… i think i read that fic ages ago on ao3 and i could never find it again so it’s so Poetic Cinema that i found it here and that it was YOU and that you created so many more amazing fics… like i’m so well fed omfg & i’m super excited for anything you have coming out next!
AND OMG IT’S ABSOLUTELY MY PLEASURE! THANK YOU FOR CREATING SUCH BEAUTIFUL STORIES THAT I WILL KEEP TUCKED IN MY BRAIN & HEART <3 i will never forget you twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat… for as long as i live 🫡☝🏼 BUT FR!!!!! thank you for creating such wonderful premises for stories! i’m ecstatic to read anything you come out with next <3 mwah mwah mwah
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^ me when reading your fics
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amyreads · 1 year
First off I just wanted to say thank you for infamous!! I can’t even pinpoint what it is but it has taken over my brain for the last week since I discovered it. Your writing/character development is amazing and you really are just a spectacular writer- you really know how to set up a scene and make it feel authentic. I absolutely love how open you are to hearing your readers wants/suggestions and it’s amazing that you’re already planning on doing POV chapters/bonus content, but I just want to make sure you don’t burn yourself out! Obviously you know what you can handle more than anyone else does, but I have seen IF authors get burn out and over extend themselves by trying to create extra content that will appease their readers and I would hateeeee to see that happen to you and Infamous! I am planning on supporting your Patreon as soon as it drops and I will obviously soak up any content I can, but I would rather not have any bonus content if that means you can focus solely on the book itself so you don’t have too much on your plate!! I hope this doesn’t come across as rude, as I said you know what you can handle and I’m grateful for anything you decide to create and share with us!! But I just wanna make sure you don’t get overwhelmed will all the extra stuff too ❤️
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Thank so much :,) First, I'm glad you like Infamous and it always surprises me when someone likes it shjsjsj and it makes me happy! Secondly, it's very sweet of you to look out for me that way. It's true I have taken a bit of a step back from answering questions on the main blog. I used to answer so many in one day but I feel like being so open has left me vulnerable to a bit of entitlement from rude anons. Trying to keep up the pretense of a very active blog has left me a little drained and made me realize I created Infamous for one thing: to write! So I've started prioritizing my space to just write Infamous without feeling like I have to be active all the time on the blog. I have a lot of fun talking about Infamous on amyreads because I feel like there's no expectations here. I can just chat casually about it without feeling like people will take my word as law and then start having OPINYUNS about it nshsids ofc this is about like....0.5 percent of the people on the blog, everyone else has been so lovely and great :,) but even the negative minority can feel so loud because my brain just latches onto every bad thing about me. yeah yeah
As for the bonus content, you're right! I do need to be careful ahh I think it helps that I *want* to write these POV chapters so it doesn't feel like much of an obligation. I've had a lot of fun being able to focus on one scene that's already written and I can just remix it. But yeah, I will make sure to be a bit more mindful of my own limits <3
and it's not rude at all! I really appreciate it, it's nice to know there's someone out there thinking of me! As for saying no...HSHDBSDH it's very hard i hate disappointing people but omg ur right, i have such a hard time putting my foot down i don't like the idea of someone upset at me hshhsdbsdh
once again, thank you :,) this was nice to read. i hope you like whatever i have planned for the story :>
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subskz · 11 months
crying again LMFAOOOOO actually crying even harder than bb4 the second y/n said “yr so good chan” i fucking lost it nah they are literally my babies. the way her thumb was hurting bcuz of chan’s cut,,, be so fucking serious rn i can’t do this
btw realizing tht when y/n tells chan “i don’t love you for what you can do for me” that’s prob the first time he heard her say she loves him bcuz he was about to pass tf out from sleep the first time,,, kmsing actually
i legit got no words for how beautiful that entire fucking scene was like i felt it healing me from the inside out idc how corny i sound rn everyone look away while i be vulnerable wit missus rin 🥹 everything they said 2 each other nd the way y/n FINALLY matched chan by opening up and that’s what made the breakthrough. nah i’m inconsolable this series is fucking everything to me
the smut. dawg. you alr know you got me chewing the iron bars in my enclosure every time but this was literally…. a bitch thought she’d get a break from crying during this scene but NAH IT MADE ME CRY TOO 🤣🙏🏽 the part that rlly got 2 me was the sentence about chan’s strength being used to protect others and never to harm,,, the most chanathan thing ever what if this was my last straw. and channie hidin his face, the fucken i love you’s over and over again ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE?!?!? QUICKLY
i can’t believe it’s over like i got no choice but 2 reread bb every day for the rest of my life actually i want to live inside this series. but i love you saur moch girlie queen thank you for writing this fr it changed the trajectory of my life forever nd i can’t wait to see what you do next 🫶🏽
NOOOO 😞 i owe you so many apologies haha i’m very sorry for the emotional turmoil this past week…i hope it was more of a happy cry this time at least! and yes i couldn’t resist such a golden opportunity for the reader to feel channie’s pain…they are connected in ways they don’t even know of!
THERE U GO AGAIN BEING OBSERVANT AS EVER ㅠㅠ you got it!! a very critical moment for channie to hear those words for (what he thinks to be) the first time! i’m thrilled u made that realization but that’s just our genius grindset isn’t it <3 thank you so much my dear you have no idea how much that means to me!! it was a bit of a challenging scene to write but knowing it could have that effect on you makes it all more than worth it, i’m really happy it touched ur heart! 💗💗💗 and that’s exactly it, the reader had to subject herself to the mortifying ordeal of being known just as channie did hehehe
the smut made u cry too 😭 i know it was incredibly sappy n soft i just couldn’t help myself w it being makeup sex n all…esp when the central idea was praising channie n making him feel loved HAHA i blacked out and suddenly 7k words of adoring chan were on my screen </3 i’m so glad u liked that line!! it’s what i love so dearly abt chan (and binnie!) that they’ve got such broad shoulders n muscular arms but such gentle kind souls yknow…their strength is for hugging and helping others and being steady enough to lean on 🥰
i kinda cant believe it’s over either it feels bittersweet…but i just feel so fulfilled overall to have finished this series and to have shared it w you! you uplifted me so much from day one and i’m so grateful to you! your feedback has made me giggle and smile every step of the way, so thank you so much for everything. i love you right back ♡
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lleldey · 1 year
hey!! i recently came across ur blog after a fic recommended by @lilliankoo !! i read your tribe jk fic and i was totally mind blown! i have never read something like that before! + ur writing is amazing <3 it was written sooo beautifully and overall like the flow of the fic was perfectly timed!! it’s totally upto you but i was wondering if u plan on writing a pt2? if not it’s totally fine as i respect that!! again, thannk u so much for ur hardwork 👏
Glad you found me! I saw they recommended TDMOE, and it caused sorts of boom effect - loads of you joining in, so I’m very grateful for the kind mention
Thank you for all the kind words ☺️ Enjoyed writing this one quite bit myself, so it’s nice you enjoyed it as well!
I’m gonna be honest, part 2 is going to happen (I have started writing it), but I’m not really inspired to continue it right now, so I don’t know when it will be published. A bit bummed I didn’t write pt 2 right after releasing first one, as I had loads of inspiration and ideas. But, oh well, it will be finished sooner or later.
Thank you for the sweet message, hope you stick around! 🤓
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onlyjaeyun · 4 months
hello my dearest zadie !! i really hope that this reaches u (and that u don’t respond to it😭 only sending this as quick reminder since u did say that u read the messages in ur inbox but don’t have time to respond them ! for this one i’m asking u to not to respond and just read it :] <3 ) after reading some of ur most recent posts regarding ur own personal life i just really felt the need to share this— i genuinely and from the bottom of my heart am hoping that you’ve been taking care of yourself and not skipping on any meals and also taking care of your sleep during these times of your exams because gosh i cannot imagine the absolute stress and anxiety you must be going through— and pls always take ur time to make new updates !! we’ll always be here waiting for your newest updates but please don’t risk your health or academic work for updates i beg :( you staying up to work on certain chapters really showed your dedication and effort yet i genuinely hope that you won’t do that again and instead leave us with no update and with a more energised version of yourself. i really hope that what i said doesn’t come off as rude or anything? because that genuinely isn’t my intention but as someone who’s been with you since hype boy, your health and academic work will obviously come first to me rather than your updates, we have all the time in the world to read about cold hearts !! so please don’t ever feel pressured to update or keep your updates daily / consistent :) and again i wish you the best of luck during ur exams !! may allah make all of them easy for you and give you all the strength, attention and focus that u need during studying and while taking the exams. and again pls take care of yourself as well !! never neglect ur sleep especially during exam seasons (had to learn this the hard way) anywho, sending u so so much love my sweet zadie and so many hugs & kisses !! <3
- a very calm ⁉️
🥺 now this definitely made me tear up a little and i cant even explain or put into words how much i appreciate messages like these 🥺💗
thank you SO much baby, honestly the fact you've been with me from the very beginning is smth i will treasure forever bc readers and friends like you make this journey so, so much more special 🥺 i really am so grateful to have you and i hope you know how much your messages mean to me. knowing how loved, appreciated and supported i am on this blog is what makes this my safe haven and i hope you guys are aware of how much i appreciate everything you send my way.
i really needed these kind of words and i feel like you always know what to say so again, thank you so much baby. sending you all this love right back and adding a fat kiss to it, i love and appreciate you SO much 🥺💗💕🩷
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oddinary4bts · 10 months
Hi, i know i have said it already that your writing become my comfort fic now on. But i just wanna leave a message to address how good u are as a writer personally! 💜I started off reading from Reign and i continued with others realizing it is under the same theme. I couldnt be more grateful than this knowing i stumbled upon ur writing. Thank you so much for sharing your work for us to reas, it was amazing😭 my heart is so full with love as i read such beautifully crafted work written by you! I hope you will find happiness in writing for a long time💜 as im in my writing slump since for 3 years now. Your fic really inspired me to pick up my pen and start writing again in the near future. Nonetheless, you are amazing writer ans may you find joy in whatever you do! And i will continue to cheer you from the sideline!
You are so sweet I’m going to cry🥹🥹 thank you so much for your kind words💜 good luck in your writing! May the writing gods bless you so that you can find happiness in writing again✨🫶🏼 I’ll be rooting for you over here💕
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tteokdoroki · 2 years
The tropes in She’s My favorite Girl are not my favorite either honestly, but anon did not have to come at you like that. And without a face no less.
Regardless of my tastes, I do very much remember getting absolutely sucked into the story once I started reading it. Like idk but the way you were able to so easily thread the relationship between Katsuki and reader was interesting. Like I could really feel all of the tension, the unsureness, the confusion, the love sickness you managed to convey. Like that was some IMAX 3D type shit. I was breathing that shit in like it was smellivision. Phenomenal writing that truly blurred boundary lines and had me screaming internally and rocking in my seat LMAO.
And I mean a tiny part of me is thinking back to it like teehee >:3 cus he doesn’t belong to ochako anyway~. He is ours forevermore 🥰.
You are an amazing writer and I’m glad that first and foremost you make the things you enjoy bby :3.
Whether or not people like a certain type of reader or storyline shouldn’t determine the entire writing space. It’s good to have diversity! And I’m glad that story exists bc I’m sure it’s made so many other people that think the same way as you feel excited and seen and happy uwu.
Kissing u sm Aali I love u love u love u preddy gworl 💋💋💋💋.
Remember to curate your experiences y’all!! If you find you’ve slipped up and gotten all the way through something you found you didn’t enjoy, that is not on the writer for simply creating it!
Sometimes the ick can be retroactive, which happens, but again don’t make it personal or take it personally. It’s just a story. Take the experience as a lesson in your preferences moving forward and go about ur day.
I hope I didn’t sound like a meanie in the beginning lol I love u I swear 💖💖💖.
DEREEEEEEE 🥺🥺🥺🥺 MY SWEET BABY thank you so so much for giving it a chance :(!! swear im gonna kiss all of your finger tips and then your nose!!! you’re so lovely and i don’t even have the words to describe how grateful i am that you like my stuff I WANNA CRY :((
and you’re totally right about everything else!! (and not mean at all baby!!) you’re so smart i would give you the world if you asked !!!!!
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garrandia · 2 years
Just found you that the print I ordered from you arrive home (I’m going back in 2 days) and I’m SOOOOO excited gar. I’m getting my first proper apartment and it’s going to dominate an entire wall by the fact that 1) it’s beautiful 2) it’s gonna be the only thing up there bc it deserves the spotlight and it might be the only piece of wall decor I have. Anyway thanks for everything you do and make that you decide to post and I’m really excited
aaaaaaààaaassah,heeei hai hi dear anon!!! I'm really thankful that u took ur time to message me
Uuuuuuuuuuuuuwuwuwww *sobs* the whole wall??just for me drawings?????🥺'literally melting' you honor me, anon🤲❤
big congrats on your new apartment! *my warmest hug to u*.take ur time w it, I wish u to fill it with laughter and love💃🕺💃
Aaaaaaw no thank YOU for sticking with me heheh, srsly tho I'm here for u and yall just know that I'm really grateful for it
aaaanywsaasssy please take care, stay safe and again thank u so much for a print, it means a world to me. Hope it will bring you as much joy as you brought me w ur kind words🤭💙
obligatory cattos 4 u
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gojosattoru · 2 years
hi ana! ♡♡ i believe this is my first time sending you a message and im not really active on here besides to rb while i make gifs but i just wanted to say how elated i am to know we’re mutuals! i didn’t start taking making anime gifs that seriously until i started getting really into it recently and I’m SO happy and lucky that i found your amazing blog filled with so much of your talents. when i learned that you also do it for work with the cute story time you shared i was in awe?? it led me to look at your cute icons and your past themes and omg ur such a sweet and talented soul. i kept forgetting to send an ask and seeing your latest text post gave the biggest reminder to also tell you that slumps or times that can feel like one is creeping up on you are not forever! i know that feeling of being overwhelmed with so many ideas and projects coming while having a huge load to finish but i always try to remember to focus on whats happening now than the past and especially future! and i srsly second what hyu said, isn’t she the best!?! <3 and it really helps to ground yourself in the moment - even taking frequent breaks like solo dates at a cafe or walks to find that spark back again. idk how many times I’ve felt super overwhelmed with everyone and reminded myself to go back to basics that can be as simple as taking a walk :) ILYSM!! remind yourself that you’ll be okay, easier said than done but remember that your unfavorable thoughts will never be true - they are not you! the real you is strong, SO LOVED, and can get through anything unscathed. i adore you, your energy, and art. 🖤
awwww sweetheart this literally made me tear up! honestly you are so so sweet and i felt so speechless when i saw your message darling!! ; A ; gosh i'm overwhelmed!! thank you very much for coming and send me your support too darling!! like you said we are recently mutuals and seeing a message from you to give me some of your comfort and love made me burst in joy bby! i adore adore ADORE your gifs and i was so happy you used my tracking tag hehe that gave me the opportunity to know you, see your awesome content and have the pleasure to meet and speak with you bby! *hugs* i'm super grateful to know how you enjoy my edits and icons, it's super super delightful darling really appreciate your love for them!! ; u ; and don’t worry sweetie, you can always send me a message whenever you have time ^^ this made the end of my week so much enjoyable i really thank you for that bby! it’s been tough and i’ve been trying to focus on what i have been working but my boss is always saying to stop what i’m doing and start on the new ideas so that’s why it made me feel so stressed lately... i just hope she won’t do this so much right now cause i really want to finish everything so that i can work on the new stuff in the future!! to start to sell merchandise we need to have enough stuff to begin our business that’s why i want to work on the projects she gave to me in the beginning and then when we have enough of it done, we can do the new ones.. *sighs* that’s why i am bit overwhelmed with ideas and feeling a bit tired.. but like you said i will rest this weekend and try go outside and go for a walk and enjoy myself! hopefully on monday i will be completely recharged and keep on doing my work 100% ^^ thank you once again for hearing me out, for sending me your lovely message and for being so kind darling! hope we can talk more in the future to know each other better hehe ^^ really will take your words to my heart and think on them whenever i feel down bby! ilysm too sweetie!! this means a lot to me seriously!! *smooches you all over* wish you a wonderful weekned and can’t wait to see more of your works <333 hehe take care too my love thank you again! this was so precious ; U ;
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moonhoures · 11 months
i just want to let u know that ur fic ‘honest’ hyungwon changkyun— is the best fic ever. i read honest first time on 2019 and i still reading it until now. u can say that i will make sure that i have spare time twice a week to read honest. idk i really love the fic. i wanted to thank you for this fic. OMG I DONT KNOW HUHUHU there’s something great about that fic that i cant explain, but just know that i have read a looooot of fics and nothing can beat ur fic, i love it so much :((( thank you soo soooo much for writing honest. if i have a chance idk when and where to cross path with u, i want to thank you in person, and i will give u three boxes of cookies, or chocolate? idk u can choose! <3 i am gonna read honest more in the future, dont delete ur account okay? and also, thank you once again, and i hope everything goes well for you, i hope your monday feels like saturday, i hope your pillow colds in both side, i hope ur blanket feels like home, i hope ur charger works in every angle, i hope ur battery is at 100% when u r out, i hope anywhere u eat feels like mama’s cook, i hope u will never get tired of ur fav song, i hope u get queue number 01 on concert, i hope u get all A in every assignment u do, i hope u win 50%+20% discount for ur amazon wish list, i hope everyone around u are nice to you, and i hope ur future will be so bright! <3 thank you so much
anon what the fuck this is one of the sweetest messages i’ve ever gotten???? hello???? what did i do to deserve the sweetest people on the planet following me on this dumb tumblr account??? 😭
seriously thank you so much, i have like no words rn for how grateful i am. honest is such an old fic, and truthfully, reflecting on it now, the writing could be much better 😅 but nonetheless i’m glad you still enjoy it! it holds a special little place in my heart. so this message means a lot to me 🥹 i hope my future fics give you just as much enjoyment 💓🫶🏻
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