#i wrote this in 2 hrs dont look at me
forlorn-crows · 7 months
i shared a mount/ifrit fantasy with @miasmaghoul today and my brain wouldnt stop thinking about it. so here's a lil nocturnal nastiness for you. @askingforthesun i said i should write more mount/if so . . .
cw for slight somno but it's of the wet dream variety and ifrit doesnt mind indulging in the side effects of mountain's filthy subconscious fantasies
Ifrit’s roused from a deep, dreamless sleep with two lanky arms locked around him and a stiffy pressed to the small of his back. He can feel Mountain’s breath on his neck—his drool too, where his lips are pressed half-parted just under his hairline.
Ifrit stirs. Mountain’s arms don’t give in the slightest. If anything, Ifrit feels him tighten a little more, rolling his hips all slow against his ass. 
“Mount?” the fire ghoul whispers into the dark. He rubs his hands against his face, waking up a little more. The only response he gets is a stuttered movement of his hips again and a huffed moan.
Completely asleep then. Asleep and clearly having a nasty dream. 
“Fffuu—” Mountain mumbles. A deep sigh follows as his cock kicks against Ifrit’s back. He has to resist a groan. The earth ghoul always sounds so pretty like this, vulnerable and soft as he is in his sleep. He moans again, high, feminine, and breathy, and the noise goes straight to Ifrit’s gut.
He should really wake Mountain up. Or pry his arms off of him, separate himself from the slumbering, horny giant. 
But sometimes, Ifrit is a selfish ghoul. It’s not like Ifrit’s doing anything to him. Who’s to say he isn’t also asleep, subconsciously affected by Mountain’s nocturnal fantasies? None of this decision to indulge is motivated by his rapidly chubbing-up dick, not at all. 
So he tells himself. 
Mountain shifts against his back, long arms drifting down to his middle. His fingers twitch against Ifrit’s stomach, ticklishly teasing just above his waistband. 
“Hh–oh,” Mountain breathes. He noses a little further up into the fire ghoul’s hair, snuffling loudly. He must smell something he likes because he whines after, thrusting three times in quick succession. 
Lucifer have mercy, Ifrit begs in his mind, biting his lip to keep quiet. 
“Mmpf—fu’ me,” the earth ghoul mumbles. “S’ good.”
Ifrit squeezes his eyes shut. Why do you have to talk in your sleep, too, you big beast, he curses internally. 
Mountain curls in on himself hard, letting out a full-voiced moan. Ifrit can feel a wet spot now rubbing against the sliver of exposed skin on his lower back. Clearly whatever he’s dreaming about must be good to make him so wet. 
“Huh-uh . . . Zephfffuu,” Mountain whines, hand roaming dangerously close to Ifrit’s now fully-hard dick. 
Satanas, he’s dreaming about Zephyr . . . fucking him? Ifrit swallows a groan, hips bucking a little of their own accord. 
For the next few minutes, Mountain continues in much the same way: humping against Ifrit’s ass, huffing random words, groaning and whining into Ifrit’s hair. It’s maddening—how he sounds, how he feels, how he smells. Juniper and sage wafting over him in heavy waves, peppered with the salty tang of his arousal and pre. 
Ifrit’s just about to pull his arms away and escape to the bathroom (he swears he is) when Mountain’s hand slips all the way down, and he fully gropes Ifrit through his boxers. 
“Shit,” he hisses. His eyes roll back, mouth falling open in a silent moan. Ifrit has to grip the sheets to keep from closing his hand over Mountain’s and forcing him to pull at him hard and fast. If Mountain wakes up now he’s absolutely going to fail at playing possum. 
“Gon’—yeah,” Mountain mutters. “Cum . . . ‘lease.”
Oh no, Ifrit thinks. Fuck, is he really gonna . . .?
Mountain’s hips stutter, and Ifrit can feel it jerk between his cheeks. The hand over his cock strokes him slowly once, twice, as if moving through water. He holds his breath, knows Mountain’s going to blow his load in his sleep right against his back. 
And fuck if he doesn’t throb just thinking about it. 
Mountain grunts, hand nearly squeezing Ifrit in a death grip. He squeaks at the pressure, feels a hot glob of precum well up at the slit as he arches into it.
“Cu—cummm, fuckfuu—” The earth ghoul tenses behind him and cums with a shuddering sigh, cum soaking through his underwear and coating the small of Ifrit’s back. 
Fucking seven hells fucking shit—
“Hah, fu—wha’ . . .oh oh shit.” Confusion seeps into his voice, thick from sleep and breathless from orgasm. If his movements are anything to go by, Ifrit would guess cumming woke him up, still rutting against him half-heartedly as he is. The hand over his dick squeezes again, but not so tight. More like a grounding touch, an attempt to locate where his limbs went while he was asleep.
“If—oh Lucifer,” he groans, shifting uncomfortably against the mess in his boxers. “Fuck, you—”
“Are you awake now?” Ifrit asks in the smallest voice possible. 
“Yea,” Mountain coughs, “yes.” 
“What were you dreaming about?”
Mountain stutters, voicing his jumbled thoughts. “I . . . did I . . ?”
“You did, and please for the love of Lucifer finish me off,” the fire ghoul hisses. 
“Finish you—oh.” Ifrit grabs Mountain’s forearm and cements his hand to his dick, thrusting up into his loose fist. “Fuck, Ifrit, sorry,” he rumbles. 
“S’okay, please,” Ifrit begs. He arches again, nudging the top of his head against Mountain’s collarbone. “Make me cum, Mount, please make me cum.”
“Shit, okay, okay—” 
Ifrit helps him slip his hand inside his boxers, letting out the most wretched moan when his thick fingers wrap all the way around his cock. Another bead of pre bubbles up, and Mountain spreads it around the head on the upstroke. 
“Faster unholy shit please,” Ifrit begs. “Can’t fucking take—shit, yesyesyes.” Mountain speeds his hand, matching the frantic tone in the fire ghoul’s voice. 
Ifrit really can’t fucking take it. His breaths turn to feverish panting, muscles tensing as he hurtles towards the edge Mountain’s unknowingly kept him on. He’s going to bust embarrassingly quickly. 
“You’re so warm,” Mountain breathes, almost reverently. His hand flies over Ifrit’s dick. “So big . . . you gonna cum?”
His balls draw up at just the suggestion, and Ifrit cries out that yes, he’s gonna fucking cum all over Mountain’s hand after he just creamed himself in his boxers while he was asleep and almost groped Ifrit to horny death. 
Ifrit muffles his shout into the pillow as he shoots hot and sticky all over his stomach and Mountain’s sleep-warm fingers, cumming so hard and fast he nearly sees stars. The earth ghoul groans into his hair, stroking him until he twitches from overstimulation.
“Sorry,” he whispers again, removing his hand and wiping it on the sheets.
“You,” Ifrit barks a dazed laugh, “you have an iron grip when you’re asleep. What’dyou dream about?”
Mountain snuggles closer, wrapping his arms back around the other ghoul. Ifrit knows it’s a trap, knows they’ll both fall asleep without cleaning up the more comfortable they get post-orgasm.
“Dunno,” Mountain yawns. Yep, big guy’ll start snoring soon, Ifrit’s sure of it. 
“Said Zeph’s name once or twice,” Ifrit yawns back. Damn him.
“Hmm. Riding me, I think,” he muses. He yawns again. “Wanted them to cum on my tummy,” he mumbles, sighing deeply as he tucks his face back against the nape of Ifrit’s neck. 
The fire ghoul grumbles, sleep already dragging him under. “Fuck that’s hot.”
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pup-pee · 1 month
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cainightfics · 6 months
can we get an update? are u doing ok? u had such crazy output last year and now u so suddenly stopped
hey! ya sorry i went so mia its been a busy year. im still working on fic but its slow. from when i last updated trotw to april i was working 3 jobs, taking a full uni courseload, and writing my thesis. the thesis in particular honestly burned me out on writing really badly but i did manage to write that one oneshot
then summer was just shit honestly lol. i spent the entire summer working at a restaurant to save up money bc i had to move away in september, and the shift i had started at 6am, so i was almost never awake during my peak writing hours (11pm to 3am). i lost 30lbs in 2 months partially because i was broke and partially because my eating disorder relapsed (probably from stress lol). during that time i was only eating one meal a day in the form of my free staff lunch at work, but the restaurant where i worked was INFESTED WITH MICE :))))) so half the time i was too disgusted to eat thinking there might be rodent shit mixed into my food lol. and then on my days off i just ate like eggs and rice and zucchini bc thats what i got from the food bank. in august i started really genuinely and consciously restricting my calories down to like 500-800 cals per day, plus working on my feet as a waitress doing like 20k steps a day as a result of the malnutrition and rapid weight loss my hair started falling out in massive clumps :))) and i started sleeping for like 12 hrs a day. im eating properly now ofc tho
i moved in september for grad school and am now living in one of the most expensive cities in the world lol so i spend a lot of time just financially struggling. i have a job that will last until the end of december but its under contract so i only make like $600 a month and have to rely on my $14k school stipend and meagre savings for the rest. ive been looking for another job but i either get no interview, have the interviewer ghost me, or most recently, get told i have the job and then just never get scheduled. i have 7 cents in my checking account rn lol. my rent is paid until next month and then after that who knows whats gonna happen to me
last years output was definitely a fluke and only happened bc i was VERYYYY financially stable and could fuck around a lot at my part time job, where i wrote most of trotw. those sunny days are gone 🚬🚬 lol but i dont intend to abandon my works and i promise they will come someday. if anyone here feels like paying my rent itll come EVEN faster!!!
thx for checking up tho, its nice to know i havent been totally forgotten by u guys <3
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tubapun · 6 months
fun fact be me three years ago have 3000 word summary / breakdown / analysis midterm on play. procrastinate write it all in the last 4 hours before its due submit @ 11:58 go to bed content and at peace with the world.
6 weeks later outlook goes Ding while i'm breaking down a crape myrtle in the backyard . prof has ripped out my jugular, "essay contains extensive evidence of plagiarism".
die instantly. freak out. generally no longer at peace with anything ever. dress up drive hours to prof's campus violently ill within 24 hrs of first receiving the email
omw there, outlook goes Ding while we're pulling off the highway. prof has replied to my "okay what would you have me do" email with "come see me during my office hours bring rough drafts of your work and any sources you may have referenced"
>did not reference any sources , entire essay was just interpretive prose on the subject from the stressed vacancy of my mind >cant even remember reading the play or even Writing the essay very much at all: it was 6 WEEKS ago and id written it all in one sitting while drowning in just-starting-3k-word-midterm-due-in-4-hours insanity >having written it all in one sitting, what else do i not have: Any Rough Drafts. At All
i do not reply to the email.
be me walk into prof office with no sources rough drafts or really any knowledge in ur brain about the topic you wrote your midterm about because you forgot it all within .2 seconds of hitting the submit button.
"i saw in your email you mentioned bringing in rough drafts - i dont have rough drafts. i wrote it all in one sitting"
"you. wrote it all... in one sitting."
needless to say he throttled me for not citing any sources on a midterm (though through the whole conversation i was knawing on my tongue to refrain from pointing out that i merely Had no sources to cite). and then gave me an 105 on the assignment.
cite your sources kids
I would post this with a funny meme of looking shocked but also last minute panicked writing with no sources is a thing I'm almost sure I've done, good on you for making it work
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furymint · 1 year
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2022 Creator Reflection
1. ppt meme
the thing im happiest with this year, tbh! i put a lot of work and care into each slide—and i think it shows. at the same time, this thing i made to help my writing be more accessible just became something that required a commitment to read from its length. i hope anyone that read it found it worthwhile! i love rereading it myself.
2. free
jillian’s prophecy attacked again. new florence + the machine song, new bri edit. my motivation to create things has been really low so i tried to limit myself to only devoting an hr or so to this simple edit. i think its cute
3. goal of the century
it doesnt look like i did a lot to this edit, but i added a lot of lighting to it. it was nice editing a picture of lselle and it reminded me a bit of how fun it was to have something i wanted to badly in the game as the seagull minion
4. the loneliest
this one took a few days to complete. i listened to maneskin a lot in the car this year to keep my spirits up, so its ironic that this is the only song i made something for. i used a lot of bad pics to make it so it was a greater struggle than it couldve been, but im still happy w the way it came out even if it didnt linger in my head afterwards
5. will it snow? [nsfw]
it took me a very long time to write this and, altho its not remotely close to my usual vibe, i think its well done. mostly i think it was a v good exercise for all that never made it into the final product. i wrote three different carriage scenes to find the heart of whole piece. 
❌ impulsivity > fury > humiliation > resolve
(hoare’s outside, nol jumps out w no plan but to confront him, realizes how stupid he is when hoare a) insults him or b) escapes him, and he determines that he can do nothing until the recital in the evening)
❌ impulsivity > rationale > protectiveness > calm
(hoare’s outside, nol jumps out w no plan but to confront him, realizes how stupid he is before he moves away, so he gets back in the carriage, still mad with adrenaline, embarrassment, and the #masculine impulse of protection all manifested in possessiveness, then a gradual lowering of hackles)
✔️ ostracism > fear > rationale > calm
(looping back to the fake community at the beginning, a return to his fear of societal expectations & his lack of a community where he can be himself, the value of secrecy, the joy of secrecy)
i always loved the original carriage scene and im glad i got to actually finish it. i didnt get to do armistice day this year and i also didnt finish may other things, but at least i have this.
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i have to confront more and more often that my drive to engage w ffxiv is almost depleted, and its a really really lonely feeling. i dont know what ill do in the new year about it. i know ill continue my literature work/research and keep drafting my outline for a complete transition of nol and eli into wwi austria-hungary. i want to write more!
past reflections:  2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021
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actualbird · 2 years
good evening !! i've wanted to send an ask here for the longest time but bc i was a tumblr-less twitter dweller until 2 hrs ago, i'm only sending this now
thank you SO MUCH for your writings and ramblings about luke and rosa. i have silently been reading your tumblr since ~when i started playing the game and am absolutely enamoured with your fics and character analyses!! im just. amazed at how well you write all the nxx members, it's like you just kidnapped them from canon and put them into text ? and OFC in particular luke and rosa with all their messy emotional baggage (i mean it in an endearing way, i love angst). anyway, yes. thank you so much, mr zak reptilianraven on ao3 dot com, where would we luke simps be without you TTATT
oh my gosh, HI YOGHURT TARTARDUCK waaa!!!! good morning!! (i think i got this ask last night but i was half asleep by the time i read it aksjhfkas) and welcome to tumblr :D
im ecstatic that i can now rb ur art here cuz i adore ur art hhh it's all always so SOFT 😭💞 rlly, ever since i saw ur art of nxx baby dos and donts way back when, ive always looked forward to seeing more of ur art on my tl on twt,,,and now i can see it all again here YEEEEESSS!!
and hHHHHHHH 🥺🥺🥺 this is so sweet, oh man, im kinda floored by how much good brain chemicals this gave HUHU.
dont tell hyv but i actually did kidnap all of the characters from canon JHVKJSDHF kidding kidding. it makes me rlly happy that my rendition of the team is enjoyable :'D!! and my rendition of luke and mc, my beloved mess of a ship just drenched in imperfection and devotion and---//continues listing traits for 2 hrs cuz i jus adore them
anyway hhh im rlly glad u enjoy the stuff i wrote 🥺 and thank YOU so much for reading my stuf and taking the time to send this sweet ask <3
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patchesjam · 10 months
MOROCCO ANON i am so annoyed i wrote out 4 paragraphs then tumblr deleted it anyway attempt 2 :) here you go warning dorry i got carried away its quite long
Marrakesh itself is somewhere i have always wanted to go, it looks beautiful! I would love to go to the Bahia Palace, its beautiful, but does get busy so perhaps go early!
I would love to see the Djemaa el-Fnaa, which is the main city square. In the evening a load of street food stalls go up and it looks amazing! I believe you can find a cafe with a roof on the square edge, which you can then sit on and look over the square which might be fun! Off of this square, there are a load of the main souks, including Souk Semmarine. This is very me focused, but there is an area that specialises in spices - the Rahba Lakdima square (there are other ones focused on like leather, silver, and woven goods).
There are so many more places as well, the Koutoubia Mosque is very nearby that main city square, and is stunning, and although the inside of the mosque itself is not open to non-muslims the garden outside looks so pretty and you can see the minaret and outside architecture!
Also in Marrakesh is Saadian Tombs and the El Badi Palace which both look really interesting, and the tombs especially has some quite beautiful architecture i think!
I think you said you like hiking (although not camping in the desert) and obv don't know how your getting around but there are so many guided tours out of Marrakesh if you would like, alternatively could probably drive out yourself to some of them!
There are a few main areas people go to from Marrakesh, the closer (~1 hr drive) to the Moulay Brahim Gorges and surrounding towns of Aroumd, Ait Souka, and Imlil I. lots of really good hiking there and not too touristy at all.
About 1.30 hours SE from Marrakesh is the towns of Ourika and Ouirgane, both nice, with good hiking too. Ourika is very isolated, not many tourists and some great hiking. Ourigane has a lake and also some great hiking, but might be a bit more touristy!
About 1.3 hours NE of Marrakesh is the Ouzoud Waterfalls, very touristy but very nice! Hiking to be done, and some waterfalls and a small lake you can get boat rides out onto, have been warned its really quite touristy though.
About ~3.5-4 hours from Marrakesh is the towns of Ouarzazate and Ait Benhaddou. Absolute trek to get there, but if you're interested in movies its where a lot of desert films have been shot! Nice Kazbahs and some beautiful valley views. Probably not worth going for hiking alone, there are just as nice places much closer.
All of these places are very easy (and quite cheap for full days) to get guides to, if you would like!
If you are interested there are also lots of trips into the desert from Marrakesh, i imagine the stars could be pretty incredible in the evening in the Agafay Desert, so would perhaps recommend if you are thinking about going out at all, you try and do an evening trip with dinner or something, for sunset and the stars :) absolutely dont have to camp and stay the night with this too!
Im sorry anon, your ask deleted so I cant remember if there was anythign else - but please if you have any questions this is quite literally my job now so i would be so very happy to help, i really enjoyed writing this out LOL! Hope you have an amazing time!
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kvgehiras · 3 years
can i request sleepover hcs with trickstar (separate)? i feel like they would be so much fun to be with... the new shuffle unit really woke up my inner trickstarP 🥺 (hope it's not too much to request all 😭)
HELLO !!! nd no it's ok !!!! it took me some time bcs i didnt . rlly know how to start out hokuto's part BUT IT'S DONE NOW !!!!!!! (also i hope u meant it in a setting where y/n nd the members r in a relationship (separately ofc) bcs that's how i wrote it so ye) hope yall like it ~
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
• he probably brought up the idea while u were accompanying him on a walk w daikichi
• u were talking abt how u brought these glow-in-the-dark stickers nd they remind u of him
• "it would b so nice if u could see it omg!!! but .... it's the best when u watch it right before u go to sleep.....nd ur probably busy :(("
• nd ur just like :0 bcs u cant believe this dumbass . he has a live to perform in day after tomorrow but he's gonna have a sleepover........what
• "dw abt my live !!!!!!! ill tell hokke nd the others that i can't come today but i'll practice extra hard tomorrow !! they'll understand dw (*・∀-)☆"
• they didn't.....actually...but he cut the call on hokuto before they could get him to attend so uh-
• "anyways!!!!!!!! ^^^^^^"
• yall bring daikichi over too. it's not even a question daikichi is literally yalls child at this point but anyways
• he probably looks for board games for a good hour or two while u get some food for daikichi nd then get some food for subaru nd urself
• (he doesn't find it)
• u peek at the doorframe bcs for a while u keep feeling like someone has been watching u for a while now nd then boom . u see the other baby (read : subaru . main baby is daikichi, ofc!) pouting at u
• u laugh nd wipe ur hands on ur apron before ruffling his hair nd he goes
• "i can't find the board games :((((( y/n :(((((("
• surprise guessing game : whos the actual puppy? akehoshi subaru or his actual dog daikichi??????? it remains a mystery
• anyways u help him look for them nd after u hand him over the thing u get food for the both of u nd force him to eat atleast a bite bcs this bitch is too busy trying to win against u in snakes & ladders 😭😭😭
• "subaru.....pls....the food is getting cold....."
• "no i Know im gonna win!!! the sparkly stars r my good luck!!!! i know it!!!!!!"
• he.... doesn't win .....for the 5th time....
• so manz just gives up, noms all the sandwiches visible (aka his portion bcs u alrdy finished urs an hour ago JDJDKDN)
• nd then sleeps, still sulking
• yes it ends up in u guys cuddling under the glowy stars
• nd subaru thinks that mayb losing against u isn't that bad after all (´꒳`)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
• unlike subaru, this was actually a planned one
• u both had homework to do, u especially had a test tomorrow nd subaru just ditched the rest of trickstar to go hang out w someone else instead of their practice so ┐(´∀`)┌
• hokuto appears at ur doorstep around 6:30pm, as discussed earlier
• "right on time!!!!!! so true hokke (´∀`)b"
• he chuckles a lil as he closes the door behind him nd takes off his shoes
• "(y/n) u keep sounding like that masked pervert whenever u say smthg like that pls"
• u laugh it off nd then get him to the living room, where u two get ur books out nd then start studying
• hokuto asks if uve studied any material before to which u quietly reply no nd hokuto just goes
• "oh, that's ok… i think it will be good practice for me too if i taught u all this, right? so let's start, hm?"
• HOKKEEEEEEE ๐·°(৹˃̵﹏˂̵৹)°·๐
• sasuga hokuto kyun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
• anyways !! u guys (finally) start studying now!
• except…..except ur alrdy falling asleep……
• hokuto doesn't even realise this till he looks over to his shoulder bcs wow it suddenly feels heavy! wonder why!
• nd then boom ur face is an inch away from his
• poor hokuto his face gets all red and his ears r burning nd when he realises that ur sleeping he just . freezes
• doesnt even move fucking muscle
• mentally too manz just checks out NDNDNDJDJKS
• poor guy he can feel how hard his heart is beating nd hes praying that u dont hear it nd wake up
• thank goodness ur a heavy sleeper……..nothing, nd i mean not even if boulder is dropped on u, can wake u up
• sasuga…..y/n……?
• anyways !!!!!
• u wake up at like . 2 or 3 am nd u find hokuto just closing his eyes shut, cheeks still bright red nd. WHYS HE SO CLOSE-
• o u fell asleep on his shoulder lol-
• u jerk back up nd apologise a million times for falling asleep even tho hes so desperately trying to teach u nd hokuto just tries to hard to explain that it's ok !!!!!!! (bcs he actually kinda . liked it . aaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAA)
• after much thought u guys just decided to go to sleep bcs ur too tired anyways so it's not like u would retain this info anyways
• nd it was a good decision bcs after waking up in the morning nd going thru his notes instead u actually aced the test !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so true y/n !!!!!!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
• this one….. it's like . neither planned or accidental?????
• it just happened????? yk?????
• he called u suddenly in the evening bcs he went to this new game shop that opened near his place right
• nd hes just like !!!!!!! y/n!!!!!!! uve got to check this game out !!!!!!
• nd so u go to his place to play the game nd u see that he just has everything prepared so u get the snacks that u got for both of u on a plate nd get some juice from his fridge nd start playing the game
• nd the game is rlly good !!!!!
• from the graphics to the boss music, makoto rlly knows ur taste
• (he blushes nd thanks u all flustered too hehe)
• nd after switching consoles nd playing the game for over 3 hrs, yes it's a pretty huge game, u finally reach the boss battle!!!!
• nd this . this scares u
• uve seen ppl on the net say that this battle will absolutely End u . periodt
• u never rlly understood why but holy shit u now do
• uve been trying to win against this bitch for AN HOUR at this point . why cant he just die
• poor makoto is just cheering u on in the bg bcs u refuse to let him help
• "y/n….(;´Д`)...... it's ok bb…...i'll finish this up for u…. it's like 4am we have class tomorrow- wait no it's actually today-"
• "makoto No u always help me in games let me finally win smthg for u !!!!!!"
• nd u point at his forehead nd poke it several times as u make ur point
• "ill win for u !!!!! ok!!!!! this stupid boss can never be as strong as my love for u !!!!!! (*`へ´*) 彡3"
• nd hes just . looking at u all worried but he . he trusts u . so he lets u do it urself
• yes u lost even more times nd cried a lil out of frustration
• so at one point, instead of directly helping u, he just starts giving u directions nd at this point ur too tired nd exhausted to say anything so u just follow him
• (u also have ur head on his lap nd hes combing thru ur hair nd looking down at u like :') lmao what a lovebird)
• but when u actually beat the boss, finally, nd the screen says "win!" in huge yellow letters ur eyes go O.O
• nd u jump out of his lap, while he's still spaced out, combing ur hair nd hug him v tightly
• nd hes like ????? huh ???? wh wh wh ?????????
• nd u explain that u finally won nd u guys just rejoice lol
• then immediately fall asleep. both of u
• (u guys were late to school next day . sigh)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
• unlike the other three, this man was actually dragged to ur place
• why? u might ask
• so after u guys r done w school, nd when u check in w his fam too that hes gonna stay at ur place (nd also that he has almost no work today, ofc) u drag him to an arcade nd hes like ???
• "today is a rest day!!!!!! so no work at all!!!!!!"
• u said this while pouting a bit so mao mostly thought u were joking
• but even after going to the arcade, going to the shopping mall nd getting snacks, going to the fast food place u guys visit alot nd getting food from there, his brain doesnt catch on that ur indeed not joking
• until it's been 3 hours at ur place, ur having the dinner that u guys had bought from the fast food place while watching a random movie that was airing on some channel that his brain suddenly went
• 'i know they were saying that this is a rest day nd ur not allowed to work probably as a joke but bro…. i dont think it's a joke anymore'
• this is so sad f in the chat for mao lol
• but also he doesnt bring it up bcs ur forcing him to watch musicals w u (some of ur favs) nd he... actyally likes it?
• he hasn't felt so ….relaxed in a very long time now that he thinks abt it
• nd he has to thank u for it yk
• nd so after the musical marathon ends, as he thanks u, he kind of just goes on a rant yk
• abt how he's feeling
• he never expected for this to happen but u tell him it's ok yk
• nd while he shouldn't burden himself w so much work, ur always open to listen to his thoughts, opinions, random bs, anything !!!!!!
• for hours u guys just have a very deep talk abt how guys have been doing nd mao feels like hes so so glad that u did smthg like this for him
• yall also go to bed early bcs mao alrdy has a bad sleeping schedule (so let's not make it worse!!!!)
• nd in conclusion, it was a v good day! now yall do this whenever either of u r feeling down or get burnt out lol
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7wanderingpaws · 4 years
Simply, yours (7) (M)
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Pairing: Baekhyun x reader
Genre:  family AU, hapkido teacher AU, PhD AU
Word count: 3.9K
Warnings: mature content, language, tiny bit of violence
A/N: Alright! BAEKHYUN SNAPPED! Its happening all now! And there is mature content! I never ever wrote this type of content before, so... it might be just bad and cringey. I apologize if it is too bad, I need to challenge myself in this one more haha! I always enjoy feedback so dont hesitate to reach out! <3 if you want to be tagged/untagged please let me know 💕 I am thankful for you all, who read this story!
Tag: @milky-baek @itsbaekhyunsbutt​
PARTS: 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7
“Hm, this dinner thing,” Sukyeong started, tapping her index finger on her chin as she was thinking, staring at the email sent by the HR office. You looked at her expectantly, your mind not exactly present because you were thinking about something completely else. However, guessing she would have a serious question for you, you made sure to pay attention, until she blurted: “What will you wear?”
Hehe, you thought skeptically, something that is not hugging my body TOO MUCH. “Dunno,” you dismissed, waving your hand and turning back to your computer screen and back to drowning in your worries. Your cup of freshly brewed tea was still next to your mouse, waiting for it to be sipped, but you had little to no appetite that morning. “We received the email literally minutes ago, Sukyeong. I don't even know what will happen today in the evening.”
Your stomach had been flipping ever since you woke up and Baekhyun's morning kisses didn't soothe any of your nerves.
Sneaking a glance at Sukyeong, who was still deep in thought about what to wear for the upcoming event on Friday, you were desperately trying to figure out if you could tell her your worries. And also, let her know that way about your pregnancy. Would she run her mouth before you would get to speak to your boss?
She definitely wouldn't go against you, that you could state for sure.
Your stomach made yet another flip. Once you felt sweat starting to prickle down your neck, you knew immediately it was one of those mornings. Quickly jumping up, you were fast like lightning, swallowing on a dry throat as you tried to suppress your gag reflex.
Soon enough, you were over the toilet, emptying every single thing that went into your stomach yesterday (and it seemed like all the previous years, given how severe your gagging was). Flushing the toilet with you trembly hand, you took a rest for a bit on the floor, thankful for dressing up warmer (plus a big hoodie to hide your front) that day. The winter was fast approaching, and you couldn't have been more thankful. More reason to wear thicker clothes.
You were still breathing heavily when someone entered the toilets with hasty steps. You heard your name being called out, recognizing the voice as Sukyeong's.
“Are you in here?”
You swallowed, ignoring the familiar pain of your raw throat. “Yeah, I'm in here.”
“Are you okay?”
Closing your eyes for a moment, you felt the tightness of your skin from the dried up tears. One breath, two breaths. Scrambling back to your legs, you opened the door of the stall, meeting a worried face of your kind co-worker. She was surprised to see your pale face and you spotted your phone in her hand. You frowned.
“Your phone kept vibrating; Baekhyun was looking for you and you weren't showing up for a while,” she said quickly and stepped closer to you. “Are you okay? Did you eat something bad last night?”
You shook your head, your heart jumping painfully at the mention of the father of the children you were bearing and complicating your life. Without realising, your chin quivered dangerously and you took in a shaky breath, diamond-shaped tears rolling down your pale cheeks. “I'm pregnant, Sukyeong.” 
There, it was finally out.
“Oh goodness, I knew it! I so knew it!” she squealed, jumping slightly before hugging you. “Oh wait, drink some water,” she said and grabbed a little paper cup, filling it with filtered water on the corridor. She came back and you quickly swallowed, refreshing your burning insides.
“But I have a huge issue,” you continued, wiping your cheeks.
Only now she seemed to realize that you were crying for real. Crying, because something serious was happening. She didn't hesitate when she replied: “What is it? I will help you.”
“That piece of shit… he really made you promise him that? What a fucking TRASH!!!”
“I think the best would be if you tell him after dinner. He should be in a good mood. He might not kick you out.”
“We need to figure out what you can wear to hide the belly. It's not big yet, but still!”
“Oh my gosh, you are already this much in? Let me touch youuu!”
Sukyeong's endless support eased up your troubled mind. You were able to be much more relaxed and currently, you and Baekhyun were waiting for her to show up at your apartment to help you “fix the clothes” - you said that to the unsuspecting, innocent face of Byun Baekhyun.
“You look so good in jeans,” you mumbled appreciatively when Baekhyun emerged from the bathroom in nothing but dark-blue jeans, black underwear poking out,  his hair wet, and a towel around his neck.
Wow. Being pregnant and swooning over your loved one hit differently.
Your breath hitched in your throat. “It's supposed to be a family-friendly dinner. You can't go like this, young man!”
He laughed loudly as he walked lazily to you, your eyes still trained on his toned stomach. Damn. “Hey, beauty,” he whispered once he was standing right in front of you, your face now looking up at him. “Let me clean up that drool on your chin.” Smirking like a total flirt that he was, he leaned in and he poked out his tongue, running it up your chin before he pushed it into your mouth, your silent gasp only encouraging him more. His hold on your cheek was gentle, feather-like whilst his kiss was dirty; the exact opposite. You didn't need to be told twice.
Grabbing him by the neck, you pushed him towards you, his body now pressed up against you and your small belly, a delicious moean leaving your mouth when he wrapped his other hand around the low of your back, squeezing you.
“You are so sensitive to my touches. I really like you like this,” he whispered into your panting mouth. You opened your eyes just a little bit; his kiss made you lose your senses for a second.
“Aching, throwing up, gaining weight, all of it?” you murmured as you stroked his cheek.
His eyes were wild,  yet so affectionate. “All of it,” he confirmed as he leaned back in to steal another kiss.
“Wait,” you quickly said and pecked him on the lips as an apology. He gave you a curious look. “I think…” you trailed off, too shy to say what was on your mind, “that I shouldn't be kissing you. Also, you shouldn't walk like this here anymore. The more pregnant I am, the more…” gulp, “I want from you,” you said so quietly, Baekhyun unconsciously leaned in with his ear by your mouth.
He chuckled and bit his lower lip. “You mean you are more horny?”
You nodded, blush creeping up your cheeks. “I don't think you can imagine what I have in mind.”
“Oh, I think I do know.” 
You shook your head but he continued: “My sweetest sweetheart,” he murmured and he made it a point to press his hips into yours as much as possible, given the belly was growing to be quite the restriction between you two. “I put three babies into you,” he murmured in your ear, his words and hot breath sending electric shocks into your southern parts. “Don't think I can't live up to your horny expectations. Nor do think I am not craving you every single fucking day. Because I do,” he sighed and pressed a wet kiss on the side of your neck. “You just look irresistible, and when you're naked… fuck,” his voice trembled, and his hand was already under your shirt, exploring, cupping, caressing, making you a moaning mess. Your head fell backwards in ecstasy and he sucked on the exposed skin on your collarbones. “So if you want three rounds,” he said and straightened up a bit to give you a lustful look, “I will give you three rounds. Each round for one baby.”
You were fast to throw yourself at him, kissing him desperately, needing him to satisfy the ache that only he was able to. The towel he had around his neck fell, his wet hair very slightly dripping still.
Thankfully, you were in the bedroom already. Gently placing you on the bed, Baekhyun crawled up and above you, while his hands were pushing up his shirt you were wearing since you couldn't stand anything that would restrict your movements). Your hands were fumbling with his jeans, but Baekhyun was faster and took them off along with his underwear while you pulled the shirt over your head, and discarded the panties. Bra was also something you wore as little as possible, your breasts being achy and growing, a bra was very uncomfortable. You had yet to go to some markets to get bigger sized bras for a cheaper price.
Baekhyun was back at your lips right away, his fingertips teasingly making their way down the side of your body, starting from your breasts, to the hips all the way to your butt before he hooked his arms under on knee. His other hand wandered off to the parts you needed him the most, by then practically begging him to just move on.
“Oh, wow,” he breathed, awed, “so no foreplay needed anymore, hm?” he purred, as he felt you dripping.
“Please,” you wailed, and he enjoyed himself way too much for your liking. “I will get seriously hurt if you keep the teasing up.”
That made him pay attention to you. “What? Is something hurting? What-”
You raised your head and laughed into his scared face before you put the knee he was holding around his waist, followed with your other leg and pressed him into you, the pressure building up. “I will hurt, if you won't do something,” you breathed loudly.
“Don't scare me like that,” he chastised, frowning momentarily as he brought his hand up to your cheek, into which you leaned in. Eventually, his features softened, and he whispered: “I will take care of you, mummy.”
You were so surprised at the word, you could barely gasp when he finally entered you, his forehead pressed to yours, your hand interlaced with his. He wanted to give you time, worries about hurting you or the babies forever present in his mind, but he barely made it inside and you were begging for more. He would lie if he would have said he didn't like it.
“You're so hot,” he rasped, hiding his face in your neck.
“And you're too slow.”
He laughed into your skin, biting you. “Impatience doesn't take you anywhere.”
You met his hips eagerly and you held his face, your eyes fluttering close. “Exactly. So work,” you said, letting out another wanton moan when he did as you wished. He would do anything you wanted him to, because you were pretty much his everything.
He brought you over the edge sooner than later, helping you ride out the ecstasy as if his dangerous kisses earlier didn't already cast a spell on you. He followed you soon, but you were nowhere near finished.
Before he had time to get back to his senses, you bit his shoulder teasingly, humming. “Darling, again.”
You meant it when you said your horny self was different from your usual one, and Baekhyun was definitely up for a ride except-
There was a knock on your door, followed by a doorbell.
Both of you froze, still panting loudly, still very much high on the quick love you just made.
“Sukyeong,” you finished, cursing before Baekhyun gave you a pointed look, still not moving from your naked body.
“No cursing with babies-”
“Baekhyun!” you said, “you need to move!”
“But the next round-”
You let out a loud laugh before giving him a loud peck. “If there is anyone frustrated, it's me, trust me,” you said as he slowly fell next to you and you sat up, seeing the mess you just made.
He reached to the floor next to the mattress handing you tissues.
Murmuring a thanks, you quickly wiped yourself up and put back the wrinkled shirt that was discarded so carelessly before.
Standing up, you felt a bit sore which made you sit back for a minute just when another loud knock sounded. Few seconds later, your phone was ringing. “Coming!” you shouted. You phone stopped ringing.
Baekhyun chuckled from behind you, still lying there, now covered with the bed sheets. “You look like you have been properly fuc-”
“Don't. Say. It,” you murmured.
He laughed and sat up, kissing the little piece of skin that was not covered on your shoulder. “Hurting?”
You nodded and turned your head to see him, still very needy but thankfully, you weren't as frustrated as you thought you would have been.
“Sorry, should have been a bit gentler,” he murmured, nuzzling your neck.
You snorted. “Are you really sorry though?” you asked, and when you saw his mischievous smile, you got the answer. Pecking him quickly, he leaned into you, attempting to prolong the kiss. “I really have to open the door,” you sighed, “once were are back from the company dinner tonight, you are all mine, you hear me?”
He stared into your eyes for a while, soft smile playing on his lips. “I love you.” His hand was caressing your belly from behind.
You felt like you could burst from happiness. “I love you, too.”
One hour later and you were standing in front of the mirror with baggy dress on that Sukyeong got from her older sister who used it during her pregnancy. The dress made you… a bit huge.
“You should wear a long sweater too, hm?” she said, as she took the mentioned piece and circled it around you, placing it on your shoulders. “It should be big enough to divert the attention from your belly,” she murmured in a low voice, knowing that Baekhyun was in the tiny apartment and had no clue about your sneaky plan of hiding your stomach.
You gulped and looked yourself over in the mirror. “It's good enough,” you managed to say.
“You look cute!” chuckled Sukyeong, covering her mouth.
“Is Chen coming sa well?” Baekhyun appeared at the door.
“He is! He will meet us at the restaurant since he is busy,” she replied with a smile, looking at your boyfriend. He nodded when his eyes looked you over for the first time. You weren't sure if you expected any reaction from him but what he gave you was not what you… expected.
“Nice dress,” he murmured, the slightest of frowns knitting his eyebrows together. “I thought you are wearing one of your other dresses.”
Sukyeong looked at me, little panic bubbling in her big eyes.
“Well, you know how I don't like anything that is hugging my body anymore,” you replied truthfully, meeting his gaze bravely. His lazy posture leaning against the doorframe, eyes raking up your body… ah, ah, he was too hot for you. Why were you this horny?!
“It diverts the attention from the bruise that you gave her!” snapped Sukyeong playfully.
You blushed while Baekhyun looked more than proud. “Oh please, I will hide it with makeup,” you said quickly, “but anyway,  how did you ever know that I am pregnant?” you asked and then looked at Baekhyun to clarify: “She followed me to the toilet couple of days ago when I threw up at work and she just said she knew I was pregnant!” you exclaimed with a shocked smile.
Baekhyun raised his eyebrows, curious.
“Please!” Sukyeong waved her hand. “I could smell baby all over you! I noticed your boobs and your morning sickness,” she giggled. “You know, woman's sense. But wow, you are actually expecting three babies... “
You stepped to Baekhyun, hiding your face in his chest out of embarrassment, while he laughed, caressing your back. “So if you noticed, it means others had to notice,” you mumbled but quickly realised you shouldn't go to those waters. Straightening back up, you checked the clock: “We should really finish getting ready! We will be late!”
The dinner was taking place at a very posh restaurant. You almost felt out of place in your huge, baggy dress and sweater. Well, at least you lived up to the fact that you were a penniless mother-to-be.
Hands intertwined with Baekhyun's under the table, your boss was on your left at the head of the long table that was filled with colleagues from your department while Sukyeong was opposite you with Chen right next to her. Everyone was in a pleasant conversation except you, because you were your boss's direct assistant and if he didn't talk, you definitely didn't feel like talking. 
Baekhyun raised his fork to your mouth to try the meat with sauce and you smiled up at him, gratefully chewing on the tender meat. He winked at you, satisfied when he saw you eating well. You just prayed he wouldn't say something related to your state, because then it would be… very bad.
“Oh, so cute,” cooed you boss from your other side and it made you snap your eyes to him. He didn't sound so genuine. “Aren't you two sweet. Does your boyfriend always treat you this well?” he asked, looking at you expectantly.
You exchanged quick looks with Sukyeong who smiled at your reassuringly. “Yes, always.”
“And you don't want to marry this man?” he asked, laughing.
You froze for a moment and you felt Baekhyun did, too. Feeling the nerves bubbling up in your stomach, suddenly it was churning in anxiety.
“I can't get her to say yes, sir,” replied Baekhyun simply, chuckling to ease up the situation.
You gasped, widening your eyes at your boyfriend. “When did you ever ask?”
Your boss shrugged, amused. “As long as it does not keep her away from her work.”
You bit your lip hoping Baekhyun didn't hear the remark, but when you saw him giving your boss a deadly look, you knew things were turning the wrong way.
You felt another strong pull in your stomach, and you just knew it was coming. Blood was draining from your face and you stood up slowly, trying not to cause a ruckus. Baekhyun gave you a questioning look laced with worry, and you simply whispered: “Toilet.”
He nodded once, and held your hand until he had to let go.
Once you knew you are out of sight, you took off, running quickly to the bathroom, barely making it into the stall, before the entire dinner came out. Since you just ate, you couldn't stop throwing up, retching sounds along with crampings of your stomach making it impossible to even sit down.
You flushed, heaving out a breath as you attempted to sit down before nausea overtook you again, making you gag and crawl back to the bowl. “Shit! Make it stop,” you whined quietly, tears streaming down your face as you tried to calm down.
“So, are you really not thinking of marrying any time soon?” spoke your boss to Baekhyun.
“Well, right in this instant we aren't,” he said slowly, not liking an inch the tone your boss was using, “but given our situation, we should do it as soon as it would be possible, right?”
Your boss gave him a surprised look and Baekhyun failed to notice the panic in Sukyeong's eyes when she sensed the direction of the conversation. “What situation?”
Baekhyun blinked once before smiling gently at the thought. “Well, we are expecting three next spring.”
Silence took over your part of the table. Sukyeong abruptly stood up, startling Chen and rushing to search for you, while your boss glared at Baekhyun. “Expecting three? You mean my personal assistant is pregnant?”
Baekhyun, unsure, nodded. “Yes. She is 14 weeks in.”
“What?” he snapped, startling everyone around the table.
Baekhyun frowned but didn't have time to respond, because your boss was looking at someone behind you, angry veins on his neck.
“Baekhyun,” you hissed, but it was too late. Trying not to faint right in front of everyone, you took your boyfriend by his hand but he stood up right away once he saw your pale face.
“You threw up again?” he asked quietly not happy seeing you like that.
Sukyeong nodded eagerly in reply.
“This is probably the last time we are seeing each other,” you heard your boss from the table, and your chin quivered. Baekhyun and Sukyeong both glared at him. “Since you signed the contract promising not to get impregnated but you obviously couldn't do even that!” he spit. “I knew you would be trouble!” he shouted, standing up and coming close to you. Baekhyun was fast to stand in front of you, storm clouding his eyes while Sukyeong gasped, squeezing your hand.
“Move, Mr Byun,” snapped you boss. “I need to talk to my personal assistant.”
You gulped, your throat still painful from throwing up. But Baekhyun wasn't moving an inch. “You talk to my girlfriend under my supervision only,” he said, his tone deep in warning. “Do not dare talk to her that way.”
“I hope you know that you don't need to be polite with me anymore,” retorted your boss and sent daggers your way. “Young people really can't keep it in their pants these days. Having kids without marriage? Disgusting! But even worse? You are useless and pregnant.” 
You squealed when Baekhyun landed a painful punch straight into your boss's face. You grabbed your boyfriend by his arm, trying to stop him. “Wait, Baekhyun, you know you cannot get into a fight!” you said just as he was about to land another punch.
Chen was by your side in a minute, dragging outraged Baekhyun away and you were hot on their heels as you tried to avoid people's intense stares.
Outside on fresh, chilly air, Baekhyun shrugged Chen off, fuming as he turned to you suddenly. “What the fuck just happened!”
You tried not to flinch at his voice, instead getting angry at him. “Are you nuts?! You know you cannot fight outside of your classes! Are you trying to get yourself expelled?!”
He was a hapkido master. Although not strictly, but if someone found out he used his trained strength against someone, his PhD title he was working so hard for could go to waste. And his teaching job as well. Basically, his entire career.
“This isn't about me!” he snapped. “I can't just stand there listening to him talking about you like that!” He was livid. “And what promise was your boss talking about? Was what I heard true?!”
When you weren't replying, your quivering chin was saying it all. Chen was next to Baekhyun to calm him down once again, while Sukyeong tried to calm you down as tears were rolling down your cheeks, your head extremely dizzy. “Yes, you heard correctly! He made me promise I won't get pregnant!”
“For what reason?” he laughed humorlessly as he ran his hands through his hair. “Why the fuck did you even agree to it?”
“Guys,” started Chen with a pleading voice, “you should go home and resolve it there. Baekhyun, your girlfriend is not well,” he added gently, nudging his friend to bring him to his senses.
Baekhyun went silent, taking in your shaky figure, teary cheeks and pale face. He hated the view. Heck, he despised it so much, more so because you were crying mostly because of his outburst. But he couldn't stand you being mistreated like that! And were you hiding stuff from him?
“We are going home, young lady,” he said, his voice uncomfortably levelled. “You have lots of explaining to do.”
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so i made a tumblr account just for this and it may sound crazy but i just need to get this out there. so lately my parents have been real assholes and its not like this was new this is something they have constantly been doing and i’m sick and tired of it. its affecting me mentaly and emotionaly for example a few days ago i worked my ass off for 2 hours just cleaning the house and she came downstairs and forced me to go do exersise because in her own words  i’m fat useless and stupid(said at differnt times hurtful none the less) i was super tired and  all she was doing was sitting in her room watching netflix while i was working and i was like but i worked 2 hrs can i just take a break but all she did was yell at me insulting me saying i’m a fatass who  needs to go outside and i’ve been kinda nervous about going outside cause of the rona and i was like can i just exersise inside but NOO she said i worry about the littilest things like i may just be a teenager but i care about my life i’m not ready to die just yet. and as if that wasnt enough for her i went into my room and started crying cause i was on my period and we i have quite the emotional baggage also she just insulted me so i think a crying sesh was needed but the thing is i dont cry alot its just not my thing i just go on the internet and look at memes its my coping mecanism(ps dont mind my spelling i’m terrible at spelling) then she came in my room and saw me crying then she was like why are u crying and i was like nothing then she was like WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY NOTHING U ARE OBVIOSLY CRYING WHY ARE YOU CRYING TELL ME NOW so i ended up not telling her but i just kept crying to spite her i mean she is making my life shit so what goes around comes around in this case the only time i would accept the coming around is if she dies and thats a tad to drastic.apperently my crying was making her uncomfortable and now i need a therapist to take care of the damge that they did(i only know this cause she kept yelling STOP CRYING YOU ARE MAKING ME UNCOMFORTABLE) then my dad came in and they started yelling at me saing its because i’m mentally unstable and its because i stay in my room all the time so i kept crying they still dont know that the reason i was crying was because of them but they’ll learn. In the mean time i’m counting down the years till i go to university cause that means i wont have to see them. after all of this its no surprise that i hate my mom now lets talk about my dad he’s WAYYYYY better that my mom but there is some set backs e.g he has anger issues. now lets go back to the main problem MOTHER she is not only making my like miserable she’s making EVERYONE in our house miserable like my little bro who’s 6 almost 7 was crying and she just ignored him and today he was having a tantrum and screaming i’m not happy but all she sai was i dont care i mean WHAT so my brother when to lock himself in the hallway closet and i had to calm him down. so idk about everyone else but if someone accuses you of something you didnt do you defend yourself right? well not in my case if you did something wrong and ur parents say you did it youdid it because afterall they know best!!!! well thats exactly what happend and now my only coping mechanism is being taken away from me. what happend was MOTHER made soap and put in in molds and one would do she asked me to go get an item from the basement i went and didnt find the item fastforward a few hours later she went to go check on the soap there was a mess she blamed the mess on me and i was like sorry to break it to ya but i did not do that and apperntly that was rude? so um my laptop is being taken away which is why i’m doing this because i dont think this is fair it may just be me. also she said she was gona disown me curse me and take me back to my home country(i currently live in canada) apperntly the situation to deal with a misbehaving child is to take them back to worse condtions so thats nice. as for the disowning um i already beat her to it but i will gladly make it offical that she’s not MOTHER anymore. i could name a thousand more senarios like there was one were she was arguing with me or more like yelling and spitting in my face and my dad was siding with me then she barged into my room and accused me of trying to ruin her marriage and that she gave birth to me i mean idk if i’m the only one but the holds the fact that i was born over my head every single time she’s like do you have another mother somwhere and in my head i’m like i fucking wish i just serched up if i can put myself up for adoption and sadly i cant so thats sad i’ve been looking for ways to make money so i can save up enough so when i’m 18 i can hopefuly move out i’m planning on going to university so i might just live in a dorm but that shit is expensive. i just dont wanna live with her anymore everyone in our house if FED up like my dad has practicaly given up she is making everyone miserable and she does all this and more then she’s always yelling at me about being on my laptop all the time or being in my room all the time and its cause of them and they dont see anything wrong with what THEY are doing its what I’M doing. everything i say is disrespecful everything i DO i rude so what the fuck do they want me to do DIE? i mean she makes me want to do that anyway. SO that is all i wrote this because i wanted to and she is taking away my laptop like i said before and i wasnt gonna give up cause i lernt not to allow the things she said get to me i just ignore it and dance.
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leafticket · 4 years
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madeira day 2!
i have a house! honestly im not lovin the green roof, i wish id known what color the door was gonna be before i picked it 😔 im sure i can change it later tho so i’ll just have 2 hold out for it
i donated a shit ton of stuff to blathers and my museum is opening soon (hopefully tmrrw cuz i have SO MUCH i need 2 donate and the area behind my plaza is a nightmare lol)
i got the pocket expansion, the pro custom designer (see: new sweater from the pre generated designs!!), and the upgraded tools! and i unlocked and funded the nook shop (i think it’s timmy who’s in charge of that? i can’t tell them apart lol but i like that one is the shopkeeper and one is like wandering the island for questions n stuff... we love character development)
things r goin good w my fellow islanders! charlise checked in w me and it made me cry and antonio said smth rly cute abt germs and i was like... sir in these times i wish it were that easy but i appreciate the sentiment. also i wrote both of them letters so we’ll see what happens!
im not sure where Norma is?? i invited her to madeira yesterday and I totally thought she’d be there but she was nowhere to be found and i haven’t heard anything from her. idk i hope she arrives soon 🥺
i got a shovel and a vaulting pole and explored around a lot! and i planted some stuff including a bell tree!! also i bought a slingshot and knocked down some cool stuff so I’ve almost paid off the first house loan, i think i have like 20k ish left so that’s rly cool
sir legend gulliver washed up on my island today and then he got left on read..... real king shit 😌☝️ every time i checked in on him his shipmates still hadn’t responded and it stormed for a few hours later in the day and I felt so bad for him omg but hopefully he’ll find his way home soon! otherwise i’ll pitch a tent 4 him so he can live somewhere he’s rly appreciated :”~)
i did two mystery island tours, one with a ticket tom nook just like. Gave me for free for some reason and one with a ticket I bought myself!! i met tucker the first time and curve-flattening icon raddles the second but i didn’t invite either 2 my island rip.... i feel bad but their aesthetics just don’t rly speak 2 me (and also i have tucker in corambo (my acnl town) rn and i wanna try n have diff islanders w me maybe)! i forgot to take screenshots of tucker cuz i was rly sleepy (i took a random 3 hr nap today idk what happened) but yeah i did get raddles As U Can See
Also idk what to think abt my plane name theory!!! Wilbur referred to the plane as “soaring rose” on the trip where i met tucker and “soaring hyacinth” on the one where i met raddles so idk. I guess it’ll b different every time?? or dodo airlines has like a fleet or smth? but i like it!
yesterday i was like crazy confident going fishing even tho my mental health was honestly In Tha Pits and today i was feeling better but somehow i had more anxiety abt catching fish and. 2 make a long story short i fucking broke my 52x streak for that one nook miles challenge thing and i will never forgive myself. also i tried catching wasps twice and... got stung instead twice LMAO and also i chickened out of going after a t*rantula and it just scuttled off and disappeared. queen of ruining my own life 😌
i caught an oarfish!!! it’s like a tiny thing i guess but it just made me rly happy cuz i wasn’t expecting it at all, the fish shadow size looked rly normal so i was pleasantly surprised by that hehe!
idk how to get a ladder but i rly hope i can soon! also im getting kinda antsy cuz the main part of my island is running out of space for new amenities and im rly hesitant to cut down trees / pull weeds bc it all looks so pretty but i might have to soon bc I don’t think islanders can access the upper layers or diff sections of the island and i dont want to put someone in a place where no one else can get 2 it 😔 like i need bridges and stuff and it’s stressing me out!!!!
i forgot to post this yesterday but heres the map of madeira.... the madeira map if u will. and also my passport as of tonight!
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klinger-io · 4 years
Close your office. Now. How to operate your startup under lock-down.
What a week.
The US declared the state of emergency. Many leading startups closed their office. And I expect that all startups in the tech hubs will have their offices closed by the end of next week – if they haven’t already.
You might not live in a hot-zone of COVID-19, and might be unsure if it’s too early for to do so as well. You might be based in a rural America, LATAM, India, Europe – in a region or city where it’s moderately safe right now.
No matter where you are based: I think you should
Close your office. Now.
Think of it as a test-run.
Most likely you don't need to worry about COVID-19 too much. You might not worry that it could get as bad as in Italy, maybe experts overreact or you are just lucky because your city has no cases and team is young and healthy anyway. But you should worry about being not fully operational in a phase that could be critical for your customers. You don't want your most important people laying sick in bed while this happens.
If everything goes well you have a week of experience with a wfh-setup that you can fallback to. If things continue to escalate, you ensure that your team and business stays healthy. And most importantly, you might help slow down the spread of a pandemic.
Close your office. Now.
In this blog post I want to share my minimum recommendations I think you need in order to continue functioning as a startup, and what you need to watch out for over the next several weeks.
I want to keep this document evolving so please send me your feedback and suggestions.
First up: We are the lucky ones
If you are reading this there is a high chance that you are working in a tech startup – maybe you even live in a high density tech hub. The majority of people like us are able to work digitally, safely from home.
It's worth reflecting that we are the lucky ones – this is a pure luxury. Many people worldwide aren’t able to stay at home to work, and will need to risk their health and personal safety moving forward.
While I want your your team to be set up for success during this time, I want you to also consider reaching out to the hourly workers that help you in your office. Your security, cleaning staff, cafeteria personnel, and anyone else who enables your office to sustain an environment and culture that employees want to work in. Continue paying their wages and see if there are other ways you can help them.
Let's get started…
As a team leader you have the following todo list
Right now:
Understand the situation
Own the moment and communication
Working from home - Help your team to optimize their daily routine
Remote work - Set your processes up to function remotely
In the next weeks:
Get ahead of the problems you might face next
Create confidence & focus by going the extra mile
Understand the situation
The current situation we face is not about “remote work”.
Right now, we face forced isolation and forced work-from-home during a global pandemic.
There is no point in sugar-coating this. This is stressful for everyone – including you and your team. Especially now in the first weeks.
Many countries will manage it properly, other might create a complete mess. But in any case this requires you to change how you operate as a company for the next few months.
Remote teams have years to optimize their internal processes, and everyone who joined them did so with a prior understanding about this work setup. Your team doesn't have this luxury right now.
Your goal right now is not to become a fully functional remote team overnight.
Your first goal is to establish an emergency work-from-home setup that sustains your productivity.
Own the moment and communication
Together with your HR and people team, figure out the right process for your startup. You want to tackle this head on and get ahead of the situation. Even if you are “just” a 10 person startup, this is a moment where your team is looking at you for leadership.
My Recommendation:
Read about the internal processes of other startups
Skip all the in-between steps and directly go to the most drastic approach
Close offices, stop traveling and introduce mandatory work-from-home for everyone
Put your HR/people team in charge and make this a CEO/COO issue
Implement a test week in which everyone works from home
At the end of the week decide if you want to continue like this (you should)
Expect this to last 2-3 months and allow planning accordingly
I hope this document can help with this
Working from home - Help your team to optimize their daily routine.
Day one this will be perhaps the biggest issue that your employees will face.
My Recommendation
People will realize how bad their internet at home is
Tell them to upgrade
Their home setup might not be useful for daily work
Create a stipend they can use to buy proper chairs or desks
Tell them to get equipment from the office (if it’s safe to go there)
Normal apple headphones are fine, fancy headphones are great
External monitors are a game changer
Advise people to have dedicated work and non-work areas at home
If possible with a door in-between
It's worth rearranging furniture to make this work
Recommend morning and evening routines
Eg walk around the block
Encourage them to have regular calls with each other (see below)
Create a slack channel in which your team can share with each other work-from-home-tips
This is not only a good source of information but also gives the people on your team, who have worked remotely before, a moment to shine and become the “go-to person” for private discussions
I highly recommend reading Benedikt Lehnert's omgwfh.com
Remote work - Set your processes up to function remotely
To minimize any initial shock:
Get a zoom and slack team license
Encourage daily calls for smaller teams (standups) in the beginning
If you notice that people don't pay attention switch to daily text updates instead
Consider having a #hibye channel
People check in and out and greet each other
If it doesnt work for your team stop doing it
Encourage video meetings
Have a video-on policy
Experiment with meetings that dont require people to be muted
But make sure to mute people who have loud background or bad mics
If you notice this to be a problem switch to muted by default
On the long run you will try to minimize meetings and synchronized processes but for now this help people to accommodate
Once you feel comfortable:
Set up one central place for all documents
I recommend Notion but you can use whatever you are used before
The goal is to have one place where people expect to find documents
Write every process down that you expect more than one person to follow more than once
Manage slack
Reduce channels so it’s clear where communication happens
People will otherwise feel anxious about missing stuff
Encourage public discussions instead of private chats
Ensure that complex topics/decisions are discussed in collaborative documents, not in slack
Run more efficient meetings
Have a lead for each meeting who prepares beforehand an agenda and documentation
Make sure that you write down decisions and tasks resulting from each meeting so that less people feel like they need to join it
Make sure that each team has at least one meeting per week so that ad-hoc meetings and long slack discussions can be avoided
Measure output (instead of time)
Make sure you communicate clear expectations around goals
Involve and trust your people
Make sure to read the recommendations from the best remote teams out there:
GitLab's “Remote Work Emergency Plan”. Darren Murph wrote a condensed version of all their learnings over the last years.
Doist’s “So You’ve Been Told to Work From Home. Now What?”
use.fyi’s remote work tips – Marie and Hiten did amazing work here
And there is a lot more. Go read the advice from the experts - everyone is trying to help right now!
Feel free to stop reading here
Focus on the parts above. Once you feel comfortable in your strategy come back here and continue reading. The following paragraphs mainly focus on how to get ahead of the problems you will face next.
Forced self-isolation and the feeling of loneliness
Over the next several weeks’, your employees might be worried about leaving their home and overcompensate by barely leaving at all – or if they do leave , experiencing high levels of stress while doing so.
Buffer and AngelList did the 2020 State of Remote Work survey. One of the biggest drawbacks even to successful remote teams is loneliness.
Given your team is not used to working from home, coupled with the added pressure of unclear semi-broken work-processes, this feeling of loneliness might become more prominent, sooner.
To minimize any initial shock:
Ensure they leave their house from time to time
Educate your employees about hygiene measures that should be taken, as well as how to behave safely when in public spaces
Encourage breakfast, lunch or evening walks outside
Crowdsource ideas from your team
Consider implementing happyhour-/lunch- or even cooking-zoom calls with no agenda
Start casual slack channels (Photo channels work very well)
Organize Online videogame tournaments or "show your pet/hobby/flat" shows
Being worried about family
Team members might have spouses or family members that work in hospitals, or parents or grandparents who aren’t healthy even on good days.
How you can help:
Evolve your 1on1s from pure functional discussions to focus more on the human side of work. Move the functional discussions and project updates to your team calls
Get to know the people reporting to you and what this crisis might mean for them
Allow taking time off now to get their stuff in order
Schools will get closed
Many people on your team might have kids, their schools will get closed or they might be forced to take them out regardless anyway. Help them figure out how to create time to focus while being a full-time parent.
How to help them
Offer to pay for any online courses or entertainment channels that kids can take during this time
If they have an option for private childcare (eg a babysitter) offer to pay for this as well (even if it’s a relative)
If your employees live close together, consider setting up a small-group Microschool so that education can go on and the burden of keeping their kids entertained while working gets shared
Have succession plans
You don't want your company come to a halt because your DevOps person needed to get into a hospital. You don't want your company to run into troubles because you are sick in bed.
Make sure decisions and todos are transparent
Have passwords shared in 1password
Have documents that explain what to do in case of problems
It should be obvious who jumps in for leadership decisions if someone drops out
Thanks to Rolf Veldman and Susanne Knoll for this one
Consider this part as nice-to-have. If you are reading this blogpost for the first time feel free to skip this part.
Your goal: Create confidence and focus by going the extra mile
My Recommendation:
Set up documents that outline and explain all information they might need over the next several weeks regarding their health benefits and plan
Link to every provider you use and outline what to do in which situations
Make it clear who they can reach out to if they have questions
Spend extra time staying up to date with everyone’s productivity and mental health
Set up a temporary emergency budget to cover budgets we mentioned above
Add online mental health counseling and online sport classes to your benefits if you haven’t already
Match donations to COVID-19 related foundations, or your local food bank or to the WHO
Send care packages consisting of the most basic and typical needs of your team
This could be hand sanitizer or simply someone’s favorite drink from the office in bulk
Sign up for Running Remote's Remote AID a free conference on all topics remote work
Optimize your engineering team for “single player mode” as i describe here
Ok, we are done… What next?
Once you have the short term under control focus on the long-term.
People will get worried about the economy and their jobs. Change the discussion from short-term crisis management to long-term strategy.
An extreme way to see this: Companies that try to keep the status-quo alive while the market goes down will go down with it.
Show that your company is here to stay
Don’t delay quarterly planning or ambitious projects
Create the vision that shows the WHY of your company
Your customers might need you right now
Your company might build the tools people rely on to continue their business.
Your services might help customers ease the burden of a potential upcoming recession
Or you might create the apps for a much needed distraction right now
Whatever your company's vision is. Make sure to continue thinking long-term
Thanks for reading
This document sounds a bit dramatic. I know.
I hope 90% of what i recommend won't be needed and this will all blow over without much fuzz.
Note that most of the suggestions in this blogpost are temporary and fairly cheap in comparison to your payroll but will leave a lasting impression. If your team's budget is more limited consider what you can do without breaking the bank. Not every good idea has to cost money.
COVID-19 will be over in a few weeks or months. But your team will always remember how you prioritized their safety and put in the extra effort to facilitate a healthy, comfortable, and productive environment for each and every one of them.
This is your moment to step up as a leader.
You got this.
PS: Please send me your improvement suggestions for this article
Thanks for reading Andreas ✌️
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maximoffcarter · 5 years
OKAY SO. Where to begin?
Okay…I’ll probably cry while writing this but I have to explain. To be honest, the first marvel movie I saw was of course spiderman, like the original; I remember loving him sm, he was my favorite superhero at the time and I couldn’t get enough of the movie. Then, Iron Man came and it didn’t really caught my attention at first so I didn’t watch it. BUT THEN, Captain American happened and I just felt like I had to watch it and I fell in love with it; with Steve, with Peggy, Bucky (broke my heart), just the whole movie. I loved Peggy and Steve sm I cried when I saw they couldn’t get their dance together. So then I started watching all marvel movies; I watched Hulk and Iron Man, then The Avengers came out. After that, it became a tradition for me and my aunt to go to the movies together every time there was a new avengers movie and we loved it. I was ashamed of loving them bc my mom was always mad for my love for superheroes, she said that was a boy thing but I just couldn’t stop loving them. I read some comics, I investigated to see all the versions of the heroes, etc. I watched almost every marvel show, I was super in love with Agent Carter that I was so disappointed when they canceled the show; I was pissed bc it wasn’t fair, Peggy was my favorite character from the whole MCU along with Cap and it hurt. When they announced Infinity War my god I was so scared, I didn’t know if it was good or bad that this movie was coming cause I was not expecting everything that happened and I remember how much I cried.
Now, Endgame. HOLY SHIT. When the trailers came out, I started wondering if I was really ready to watch it or not, if I really wanted to watch it or just wait for it. I had my theories, I had my doubts, I had so many thoughts of what was gonna happen. CAPTAIN MARVEL THEN CAME. My god, I didn’t think I could love her as much as I do. I wanted nothing more than to watch her on Endgame and I was kind of disappointed that we saw so little of her; but still I loved it. I really didn’t like the way they wrote Thor and Hulk it wasn’t them; I couldn’t really recognize them as hard as I tried, I just didn’t like it (pls don’t hate me). Tony with Pepper and Morgan…OH MY GOD; it was the CUTEST thing ever, I just loved seeing Tony as a father, I loved that he got what he wanted, it just made me so happy. Can we talk about Carol’s haircut? Like…I died. My gay heart. So I won’t get in detail with everything bc this is already long BUT I’ll just mention some parts of the movie. I loved that they went back in time, I loved that Tony and Steve had to go back to get the stone and Tony found his that and then STEVE SAW PEGGY. I WAS SCREAMING INSIDE, DYING INSIDE BC I COULDN’T BELIEVE SHE WAS THERE. I made up my mind that I wouldn’t see Peggy in the movie and when I did, god I died. Then Nat…okay, here’s the thing; since Avengers, I fell in love with Nat bc she was the only female superhero there, I hated that guys only liked her bc she was hot but they ignored the fact that she was strong, fiery, brave, just like all the guys. I was not expecting her to die. When they said they were going for the soul stone, I just knew one of them had to die but I swore it was going to be Clint, not Nat and that completely broke my heart, I wanted to scream cause it hurt so bad. Then, everything seemed alright and Thanos from the past came and I was shocked lol. The fight between him, Steve, Tony and Thor was just epic. I screamed when Steve graved Mjolnir, like of course he was worthy! And when he stood up again ready to fight everyone and THEN ALL HIS TEAM SHOWED UP AND THEY WERE ALL READY AND MY GOD! It was the most epic fight EVER. OF ALL THE TIME. AND THEN WANDA LIKE OMG SHE WAS SO FUCKING PERFECT. AND THEN THE GIRLS PROTECTING BABY SPIDEY! LOOKING ALL SO BADASS. And then…we come to the saddest part…Tony dying. I knew this was gonna happen but I didn’t think it would hurt as much as it did. I was crying so hard I couldn’t contain my tears anymore. The only thing I hated was that he had a funeral but Nat didn’t. And then my favorite part (all the movie was really but this was the top) Steve marrying Peggy and having his dance with her. I WAS NOT EXPECTING THAT. I swear I couldn’t believe it and I screamed and then I was crying again but harder this time of happiness and I was sobbing, LITERALLY SOBBING. I cried for like 2 hrs after that.
The whole movie was amazing and I am so thankful for having the chance to live this amazing experience. Thank you Marvel, thank you brothers, thank you Stan, just THANK YOU EVERYONE. This was more amazing than I expected.
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cookingbadfoodgood · 5 years
Whaddup yall its fuckin food tiiiiiiiime!!!!
Today I have a v special post 4 u and it it chiles rellenos con crema, which is Boyfs fav meal which his sister taught me how to make. It has been a rough week/month/year so I whipped up this bad boy for my bad boy (lol NOT SORRY) even though it takes forever.
This is. The good shit. Listen. Listen to me my friends this.... is authentic Mexican and you cant find it in restaurants, even before I moved to 2004. They will occasionally have chiles rellenos but they're breaded and deep fried and also good but not the same. Here I give you the entire recipe as I frantically wrote it down as Boyfs sister did everything lightning fast. Behold:
3 drumsticks 3 thighs
4 tomatoes (Roma works best but I've used others)
1 1/2 onions
8 cloves garlic
24 ounces sour cream
1/2 - 1/4 cup Milk
Knorr chicken bouillon
7 pasillo peppers
1 lb Queso cotija vallo verde 
Boil chicken 1/2 onion 4 cloves garlic in water 45 to 1 hr or until meat starts separating from bone
Broil peppers on high until slightly burnt (flip)
Dice tomato & slice remaining onion and slice cheese so it's easier to stuff into peppers
Place roasted peppers back in bag or plate with plastic wrap & steam until skin peels off
In blender put 4 cloves garlic & 1/4 cup milk and about 2 teaspoons bouillon, 1 tsp cumin (Can use molcajete to grind whole cumin and garlic) 1 cup sour cream, blend.
Vegetable oil to large pan (double handle) add sliced onion and layer of salt. Add tomatoes when starting to be translucent. Cook tomatoes on med high until they are mush.
While tomatoes are cooking, peel peppers and stuff with cheese
Add remaining sour cream to tomatoes and stir. Add blender mix & simmer. Don't be afraid to add more salt or cumin.
Place peppers into pan and spoon liquid over peppers. Simmer until cheese melted abt 10 minutes
After simmering, place chicken into pan and simmer for.... minutes......
Add salt and cumin to taste and two ladle of chicken broth  to tomatoes and cook 4 minutes ish
Now you'll notice that some of this is vague and that's because many of the questions I had were answered with *shrug* 'until it looks/tastes right'. So whatever questions you may have can be answered by looking into your heart.
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Here we see the spread - I've noticed I almost never need a full pound of cheese. The cheese pictured here is the only kind available in my area but luckily we had enough left of the good shit from last time Boyfs mom came to visit that I didnt need to use it.
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I've only ever seen this behind the deli counter at Mexican markets. It doesnt really melt so you could probably use like paneer or maybe like... parmesan?? If you had to?? It's crumblier than parmesan is so that would be in dire straits.
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Here are my peppers, peeled and stuffed!! Pasillo peppers are super mild and personally I like the flavor a lot more than say, a bell pepper. I take the seeds out before stuffing as personal preference and if you're sensitive to spice that would help. Peeling the peppers is hell on earth unless they're properly burnt and steamed - these steamed for like 10 minutes because my time management skills are bad but usually after like 5 they're ready to go.
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Hell yeah!!! Usually the onion is just sliced but Boyf requested last time that they be cut smaller so I quartered the slices and so everything was a stupid size but it was easier to eat. The tomatoes should be much mushier than this before you start adding the rest of the stuff, I meant to take a picture and FORGOT so my b.
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The final product! I had several issues with this motherfucker this time around: one, I fuckin defrosted what I thought were thighs but were in fact wings and drums so that's all that is in this bitch. Two: since we just moved into temporary housing we dont have our BIG PAN and that is fucking crucial let me tell you. I ended up cooking everything but the peppers and chiles in one pan and then doling it out to another pan so everything would fit. Three: I didnt! Have! A! BLENDER!!!!! so i ended up dicing the garlic and then kinda smashing it with a spoon into the other ingredients bc i also didnt have a mortar and pestle, which is basically what a molcajete is.
It came out fine though! I was a little worried bc of all the weird issues but its honestly a very forgiving dish which is great bc if it were literally any more of a pain in the ass Boyf would get it like 2x a year instead of like once a month. I think it needed just a smidge more cumin but other than that, it was pretty good!
I feel like I should have a rating system? 5/5 satiated dogs on this one boys
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deshnasharma · 5 years
My trip to Nag Tibba
`Hey guys! Today I am going to tell you about my first trekking trip! We went from Jaipur in the month of March 19, I’m a 9 years old girl and went there with my dad. We went from Jaipur to Dehradun by flight, Dehradun to Pantwari by scooter (access 125), and then on foot! We spent two days trekking. 
My dad didn’t want to take a package tour, because he said that takes away the adventure, so we did most of the work and preparations ourselves. It means we carried our own tent, food and other necessary supplies. Although we took some items on rent at Pantwari. Details follow!
So let’s start :)
We started to plan about the trekking trip in February 2019. We read about the mountains, and various options, and decided on nag tibba because everyone said it is a easy trek for children. We read some blogs. Here are some of the interesting ones, thank you the authors for the great help:
We realized that if we go on or before march, we will find snow! Also, since I never seen snow before, I was very excited!
We also found out the preparations needed, from the blogs.
We also downloaded offline google maps, so we can find directions even when we don’t get a mobile signal! This is the page where the author has given the google maps file for the whole trek route:
Also, to make our plane trip from Jaipur to Dehradun interesting, we downloaded the app “Flyover Country”, which shows where we are flying, and also shows interesting information of the ground below. It also shows us how high and how fast we are flying! It doesn’t need any mobile signal to work; the GPS works even without mobile signal! Give it a go on your next trip:
We saw that what things we need to do.Things and exercises, etc
We made this list:
First Aid
Fus Fus (old spice)
Pain balm
Crepe Bandage
Trekking Equipment
Tent, hiking shoes, head torch, torch, two fully charged power banks!
We also bought this useful water filter bottle which makes any water good for drinking. We used it a lot!
three pair undergarments, three pair clothes, winter jackets, thermals, balaclava,muffler, gloves and inners.
Bathing kit
comb, brush, toothpaste, tissue, shaving kit (for dad), soap
And lighters for fire
For writing
Copy, pen
poha, the ready to eat ones, waffy, snacks-peanuts,ceshwe,sweet corn, lite and fit,juice, cup noddles,Maggi ,glucon-d and B-natural (lichi,guava)
Umbrella,dishes-plates,spoons, knife, glass
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This is me with the list!
I neatly packed all things in two backpacks, one for me and one for my father, weighting total of 18 Kgs (of which 4 kgs was food).
The travel day!
It was 15th March 2019. We woke up at 4:00 am, had some light breakfast, and started our trip at 5:00 am. We went to airport with our scooter. We parked our scooter there, and entered the airport!
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Then we scanned our bags in X-ray. Then we checked in our bags. we got our boarding passes.
Our gate was M1, and we travelled with a Spicejet flight. The lady on the door was very kind and sweet, she greeted us and welcomed us on-board. Then we jumped in Spicejet plane. it was lot of fun when we sat in that plane. It had large fans on its sides. Dad tells me they are called propellers. Which help the plane to fly over. I travelled in such a plane for the first time. We met a little kid too. 
 Then we flew down in Deharadun we had a cab which dropped us to the scooter rental shop. We had a scooter on rent. 
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We started at 9AM after a breakfast which our mother packed with us. It was a curvy road. It was a lot of fun! We saw beautiful hills and reached Mussourie. We drove a long way on the curvy road after Mussorie to Pantwari. Someway later, we got confused if we are on the right route to pantwari. A lady guided us that it is after nain baag. Finally we reached pantwari at 3PM. There were many goats.We rented sleeping bag, raincoats, matress and blankets from Mr chouhan. 
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It was about 2 hr of trekking from Pantwari village, and finally we reached to a very beautiful place which was our base camp. 
<base camp photo>
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Please dont climb when you have eaten food and dont touch Bichu grass it hurts a lot.Then we reached the base camp of the mountain.It was night,we saw the sunset.After,we lighted the camp fire, we had aloo and mutter. Then we fell asleep.We woke up next day to a very beautiful morning.
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We saw a khacchar standing.
It was too fun when we saw the morning.We ready ourself and continue the trekking.Then we went to nag devta mandir.There was so much of snow!!!After the visit  of the mandir,we went into snow!!!!We slid and have lots of fun!!I love it when papa tried to throw a giant ice on me, he dint had a shot.Then we goin to damni top there was ice too. I made a snow man there. 
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The snow man name was mr snowman.Then we moved to our base camp and stay,eat food then we sit on rocky and wrote the points of blog.
Then we went in search of the pink flower,there was lots of hay.We slip, it was too fun!!Then we came again, there were many people who were shouting.Then we went to rocky sisters and brothers.We sit there and  looked to our photos.It was too long, we came back and played the song game.We enjoyed it a lot.Then we went into our tent, I felt cold on my legs. Then i slept into my sleeping bag.Papa got noodles for us.Then felt asleep.We waked up next day.We packed our tent and all.Then we went down for 2 hours then we got our scooter.We went to Mussorie we had our lunch there.Then we went to yummuna nadi water fall.And bath there.We went to kittus house.We went to guest house and slept there.Then we had a cab and going to airport.We saw the plane going up and up then we reached to Jaipur.
   My photos
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Mr snowman
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The snowy Himalayas
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Tiny flower
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Rolling down the snow
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The way
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Playing in the fluffy snow
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the horse
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Down the mountain
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bicchu grass
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The waterfall
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The Yummuna river
Thanks For watching
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maribelsawyer · 5 years
- ̗̀ * ( ella purnell + cisfemale + she/her ) have you seen ( maribel sawyer ) walking around campus ? they are a ( nineteen ) year old, studying ( journalism ). we hear they are in ( delta gamma chi ), and can be ( benevolent & impressionable ), maybe it’s because they are a ( gemini ). they sort of remind us of ( scraped knees , magnifying glasses , vintage oxfords ), maybe we can find out more ! *  ̖́-  + newspaper writer
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god okay looks like i’ve fallen in love w ella purnell and i want to b her. anyways maribel is my newest baby n im sorta making her up as i go so pls bare w me lmao
TW: eating disorder mentions, subtle abuse?
{she is not currently in that mindset ^}
gen. info
full name: maribel ottoline sawyer
nickname(s): mari, bell, lottie b/c middle name, etc. etc. just sawyer sometimes idk
b.o.d. - june 1st, 19 yrs old
label(s): the marionette, the demure, the prevaricator, etc. etc.
height: like 5′3″ prolly tbh
hometown: duluth, minnesota
sexuality: shit she don’t know
bio. info
her dad’s in the air force, her mom’s published three diet cookbooks and two different DVDs--maribel is the only middle child
one of those conservative, all american families, they were strict and definitely made it known that they were parents and not friends by any means
9pm curfew, not leaving the dining room until all ur food is gone, grounded if ur grades were below their expectations, etc. etc. 
her older sister can evoke emotions in others thru her acting like no other. has taken the hearts (and leads) of all her acting directors since childhood. her voice is broadway material.
and her older brother? has been the best linebacker on any high school team he’s joined; hopes to make it to the big leagues. but if he doesn’t? he’s been taking college-level classes since he was a sophomore.
maribel is...just, maribel.
for the longest time, there was nothing special about maribel
she couldn’t sing, or dance, or compose words in pretty prose
her grades were only satisfactory after hrs n hrs of studying everyday
homegirl can’t even cook w/o smth exploding
in short, maribel has never been good at anything. can’t draw within the lines, can’t follow the line, opens her mouth at the wrong time. etc. etc. shit? rough.
her family moves around a lot b/c of her dad, so she’s never really been in one place long enough to really prove herself? always been the quiet girl in class while her siblings brought home gold stars everyday
the kinda girl others would sorta push around n bully a lil bit bc she would never know what to say; prolly just cried a lot tbh
grew up w a lot of insecurities b/c of this
definitely doesnt help that her mother is obsessed w beauty n fitness n like
their mother p much forced her lifestyle onto her children, mari has a rough relationship w food b/c of it
ANYWAYS part 2
grew up always in the shadows of her siblings and their accomplishments, and spent a lot of her time tryn find something to be good at just so somebody could give her a stamp of approval
was always the ~wannabe~, the girl who would just endlessly suck up to the most popular girl she could find and try to mimic her to the best of mari’s abilities, just so she could survive her school experience
by the time mari was a freshmen in high school, her parents had divorced and she finally thought she could have a normal school experience and make something for herself
obv not. her mother shipped her off to a boarding school in nevada and that was it; her sister had already graduated and her brother was still in middle school.
it was finally just mari.
of course like she tried to suck up to others but it wasn’t really helpful, everybody was a lil too boujie for her and she always froze up when she tried to speak to the ~popular kids~
they only rly spoke to her b/c she’s got this knack for forging shit, like i dont think she even has her own handwriting; she always copies other people’S b/c she’s just. so used to tryn to mimic others n be them as much as possible
around this time she found herself fucking around in her computer class more often than not; it’d been the only elective left b/c she arrived in the middle of the year
but she surprisingly enjoyed it, like, a lot
her parents never really allowed much computer use b/c like. rots ur brain or whatever.
got into programming, but when she found out that u could ? hack shit ? kinda peaked her interest.
her shift into programming to hacking was subtle but before she knew it, she was fucking around on websites for the fun of it. never anything severe
computers became her friends, y’know
that was until her sophomore year and there was another loser fucking around on the computers during lunchtime
and like...they just started kinda talking, y’know? became friends, prolly mari’s first legitimate friend in...forever, really
the kid was kinda weird but she didn’t mind b/c fuck, mari couldn’t be picky n she didn’t mind weird
like...they were obsessed w conspiracies n mysteries n shit
it started to rub off on mari too, b/c homegirl is an idiot but. an observant idiot.
so she started getting reeeally into mysteries and shit. started acting like a mini investigator w/ her pal; solving stupid things like ‘who wrote ‘mindy is a whore’ in the bathroom stall’ and ‘does mr. roberts have a secret obsession w kpop’
no mindy is not a whore it was slander
yes mr. roberts is into kpop
ANYWAYS part 3
so they were these nancy drew, scooby doo, veronica mars knock off duo
by junior yr her partner started getting into like. drinking and minor drugs and other things that the other boarding school kids were smuggling in, y’know. 
this meant that mari was getting into that shit too, y’know. cant stay innocent forever.
became a lil bit of a pothead lmao
so like now theyre just stoners who go around solving shit and prolly also stirring shit up for the hell of it
so like . . . . . one night they were doin’ their thing, right? and her partner brings up this...completely wild idea
they live in nevada. y’kno what else is in nevada?
area 51
these fucking idiots want to go break into this fucking. air force base. to find area 51.
guess what they did?
they attempted to break into the air force base. like. of course they tried.
they failed like, super miserably, got arrested for trespassing and had to be bailed out of the county jail by their parents
her dad almost lost his job so he was mcfuckin PISSED esp once they figured out she was high as shit
her partner? disappeared. nobody knows where they went.
mari was moved from the boarding school to a public school closer to where her mother could, begrudgingly, keep an eye on her
kinda spent the rest of her high school career p miserable, she gave up on her whole ~detective~ thing and resorted to making fake IDs for her fellow high schoolers
was drug-tested like every week or so, too
around this time her mental health and relationship w food got worse, she barely made it to graduation. took a gap year to recover, worked a buncha jobs but usually gets fired from them b/c she’s really fucking bad like most things besides her two (2) unconventional talents that are decidedly useless
came to ucla b/c her mother p much made her, her mother’s a legacy and that’s about the only reason why she got into delta gamma chi
doesn’t want ppl to know she was a loser and also like . fucked up her dad’s life a lil, b/c it was def a thing that made the news and the only reason why her name wasn’t in the articles was b/c she was a minor at the time
so she like...lies abt her childhood a lot
tells a lotta lil white lies b/c she just. doesn’t wanna b her
uuuhh wanted to do computer science bc she loves it but her parents were both like ‘lmao we’re not paying for shit if u do that’ bc they don’t think it’s very ~ladylike~ n they still want her to like. just be submissive and obedient n shit.
so she took up journalism b/c neither her parents think it’s like a real career and they just want her to find a husband n get married n settle down n stop being troublesome
fun fact: she has a scholarship for being lefthanded so that pays for Some of it esp b/c she’s an out of state student
still struggles a lil bit w food but she’s like. doing a lot better. goes to group therapy, probably
uuuh that’s it for now i think ??
OH SIKE !! she’s a writer for the newspaper and writes ADVICE columns on various topics b/c she’s good at offering advice but only when she can sit down n think abt it lmao
^^she goes by an alias b/c she just. doesnt want ppl to know its her idk she thinks its embarrassing
other than that she’s probably like ... doing campus tech support b/c that’s her current job but who knows how long that’ll last lmao
knowing her she’s going to accidentally switch into her phone sex voice (another, old job she doesn’t do anymore) n get fired for tryn seduce a man with ‘did u try turning it on and off again?’
OKAY i think that’s all lmao
mari is just. awkward, man
i mean like...she’s sorta bad at talking to others a lot of the time??
like ppl r kinda like ‘how tf r u a delta gamma chi girl’ n she’s just like i mean u  h h h h 
prolly stutters a lil bit b/c she’s usually rly anxious
but she’s v v nice, like, she tries her hardest to be a good friend n everything
but she also kinda switches her personality to appeal to whoever she’s talking too ?? like she wants to be. likable. she’s not real w/ others v v often
if ur boujie yeah she’ll pretend to be boujie too
she prolly still sells fake IDs to high schoolers n some of her college peers, she has one herself n hasn’t gotten caught yet sooo
always fidgets like she can’t rly sit still often b/c she’s so nervous
is a lil bit of a stoner but i feel like u can’t ever tell tbh
a lil shy n hesitant at first i’d imagine, or maybe just always lmao
has a bit more of a personality once she sucks it up n gets closer to u but she’s always v v cautious abt befriending ppl just b/c she’s had a bad time w bullies n her one friend in life disappeared so like...bummer, y’kno?
can never say no. like, i dont think it’s in her vocabulary. she’s a yes gal.
will p much do anything u ask of her b/c she’s constantly seeking approval
can ramble a bit when she’s nervous which is always but she also apologizes like a lot.
squeaks like a mouse
present at parties but it’s always kinda like. who r u. n she has to remind everybody that she’s a sorority gal too
considers herself v v forgettable, like, just v unimportant
like she’s just rly insecure
still does computer shit n is still rly good at it but she hasn’t done anything srs w/ it so it’s just wasted potential
going to use her journalism degree to do investigative journalism and maybe escape her parents, eventually
she just. bends easily to other’s wills, y’know? she’s hashtag soft
even tho she’s like. shy n awkward n shit it doesn’t take a lot for her to like, laugh, or smile
like she tries rly hard to appear happy n an optimist n just like. unfettered
a lil plain jane we stan
i cant think of anything else but she’s. she’s a good kid
OH she’s rly good w numbers n math but like that’s abt it. she’s a whole dumbass on everything else sometimes
is bad w talking n giving advice like in person but like ?? in her column or ovr text or smth ? she’s good. she’s concise.
is a good team player/good w/ projects/etc. etc.
she’s rly observant n b/c she’s a lil bit of a compulsive liar she can usually tell when ppl arent honest
depending on how close y’all r she’ll prolly crack down on ur bullshit
but she’s also timid so like who knows tbh
this isn’t a personality trait but she wears like medium hoop earrings all the time n it’s cute ok bye
she’s so. fucking. clumsy. she will bump into everything. she’ll bump into the air. fuck, she prolly falls over just standing straight. usually has bruises n scratches from just being a clumsy idiot
like she can b a lil ditzy y’know ?? doesn’t have much common sense, sometimes, n can b naive but idk it’s all rly dependent on her n who she’s w n just. how i end up playing her lmao
lovs vintage. is cute.
wanted connections
her roommate uwu
ppl she’s interacted w/ during her childhood !! she’s moved around a lot so like . . . . they could kno each other
mmm sorority sisters
um gimme a ride or die or like a best friend or smth PLS she needs more friends
just more friends in general. she’s awkward but she needs ‘em
?? a one night stand ?? she’s not really . . . known for hooking up w/ ppl but i think an accidental occurrence would b fun!
idk somebody for her to just. crush on from afar. prolly stutters whenever they come near or talk to her or smth
^^i mean like an unrequited crush
fake friends too! use her for her ~kewl skillz~
bad influence
let her b a good influence
some kinda...skinny love idk what that means. a will they wont they. smth cute. smth pure
it’d be wild if her partner just popped up outta the blue like that b/c mari 100% thinks they were like killed by the government
ppl she gets high w n talk abt conspiracies w/ tbh
ppl she gives or has given advice to w her column pieces ! love it
idk partners in a class
enemies or smth. i want conflict.
a tutor for her dumbass
but also anybody who needs help in math? she can tutor u
idk like this we can work a lil smth smth out
i give u one penny, if u plot w me. pls. i am poor.
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