#i would like 2 add kyle rayner
gatorbites-imagines · 6 months
Can i request the continuation of jason todd and dick grayson yandere ask? Maybe add in smut aswell. (Don't force yourself!, Take a good care of yourself 💗)
-🥚 anon
Yandere Jason Todd x speedster male reader x Yandere Dick Grayson
Part 2
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Imagine sitting in a spinny chair petting a cat like a bond villain. I have wanted to write a part two for this for a while. Instead of reader just dating his og universes version of them, what if reader was dating multiple people 👀? Cuz you cant imagine the kid of Thawne being a nice person.
Ill refer to readers original universe as OG verse, and the yandere universe as yan verse cuz its easier to understand.
Part 1 can be found here
In part 1 yan Dick and Jason has pretty much abandoned their former dimension in smithereens after having wiped out the entire justice league, as they tried to stop them from crossing dimensions and tearing a hole in reality itself to find you.
So, when Yan Dick and Jason appear in your OG dimension, different procedures set up by the league notify them about the tear in reality and how unstable it is. They’d rush there and find two bloody and battered versions of Dick and Jason, and thinking they fled some battle or a doomed timeline, they bring them to the tower.
When Jason and Dick wake up, they immediately fall back on the many tricks they had been taught under their batman, who was apparently even better at lying than OG batman, as they believe them when they claim their home dimension was destroyed and they have nowhere to go.
It takes a while to work Yan Dick and Jason into the league and their hero roster, but they never suspect them of being anything less than heroes and stable. They start calling them Rick and Jay since it gets confusing with multiple people named the same thing.
They don’t drop hints that they know you, but they do try to figure out where you are and what you are doing at all times, but its harder than they thought it would be. Who would have thought trying to track a guy that can cross dimensions and time at will would be so difficult.
Rick almost bursts a blood vessel when he hears some of the younger OG league members talking about how “Mach 10 has been dating multiple people at once”, and Jay wants to curl up into a ball and disappear and tear himself apart.
Their obsession finally starts showing through the cracks as they use league resources to find you and stalk you. More and more cracks appear in their masks and fake personalities, as they see you going on dates with other people.
Jericho, Jamie Reyes, Roy Harper, Garth, Kyle Rayner, the list went on. You seemed to be dating multiple people at once, at the same time, as you used your powers to be in multiple places at once.
You weren’t a good person, so you hadn’t even felt bad when Jamie had cried finding out you were cheating on him with multiple people, you just shrugged and asked him what he had expected from Thawnes offspring.
It was common knowledge amongst the younger league members that you were down to a roll in the sheets with most, but there wasn’t a loyal bone in your body, and you could easily turn on whoever you were dating at the time if it was part of a plan.
Of course. Rick and Jay never saw you as the problem. How could you be? You were perfect, you were everything that mattered in the multiverse, and you could do no wrong. It had to be your partners that were the issue, they had to be neglecting your needs and leaving you having to resort to finding different ways to meet them.
OG justice league knew Rick and Jay had some issues, but they had always blamed it on coming from a dimension that had been destroyed by some unknown evil. But as time passed, they started to think that maybe the backstory they had been given wasn’t true.
It came to a head when one day Rick almost gutted Roy after he and Jay had followed you around Coast city, where you had met up with Roy and the two of you had gone on a date, ending with you two back in Roy’s apartment.
Rick and Jay were both cracking as they saw others put their grubby disgusting hands all over you and just doing whatever they wanted. Whenever they heard others insult you, they felt like repeating what they had done in their original universe.
After Rick attacked Roy, he was placed on probation. Jay was more subtle about his plans, as he wasn’t as blinded by rage as Rick and was more fueled by not feeling like he was good enough and blaming himself.
People didn’t even put two and two together for a while when your non league admirers started going missing, only to be found much later dead in many different ways. There was no way to tie the murders together, but it was clear there was a pattern, but no one could figure out what it was.
The league finally discovered just what type of people Jay and Rick were when you one day wandered into the tower. Maybe the league needed your help with something involving the speedforce, or the negative speedforce.
But the moment the two yanderes saw you, it was like they became completely different people, the masks they had been wearing for months shattered as they almost stumbled over each other to get to you first.
You just saw in your seat grinning to yourself as they clambered into your lap, vile threats of what he could do to anyone who touched to passing Ricks lips, as Jay warbled out apologies and begs for you to love him and appreciate him.
The league wasn’t sure what to do, but their suspicions only grew. It got to the point where they somehow track down the dimension the Yans originally come from, to see what really happened. Imagine their horror when they learn Rick and Jay killed all of them out of obsession fueled love for you.
But when they finally figured out the truth, Rick and Jay fully dropped their roles and started chasing you around like lovesick puppies again, butchering anyone who got in their way.
The league could lock them up, but they had also seen what happened when they were separated from you, and as long as they were around you and an had no reason to lash out, they seemed fine for the most part.
You had moments where you would peace out to different dimensions, especially when Rick and Jay started foiling all your attempts to mess around with other people, Rick always exploding in rage and Jay breaking down in tears and wails of misery.
Again, you were never a good person, and they annoyed you sometimes, but it was kinda cute to have them begging for scraps of your attention even as the league tried again and again to capture them and lock them away.
Rick and Jay never find a way to lock you away, you are just too powerful. But they at some point stumble across ways to make themselves stronger so they can keep up. Like making themselves speedsters, or developing gear to follow and track you, they come up with something.
But you learn an easy way to distract them is by piling attention on them for a while, get them comfortable, then you can peace out when they get on your nerves.
Jay is always easier to trick than Rick, as Jay is always aching for any tiny piece of attention and love youll give him, his knees always buckling when you kiss him or hold him, words almost akin to worship always tumbling out from between his lips towards you.
Rick is harder to trick, as hes always suspicious and angry, but an easy way is to dominate him in some way, like tying him up and then leaving him there, leaving him to get out on his own, or get help from Jay if he needs it.
All in all, the league is scared and cautious, but knows they wont be an active threat to the league as long as they have you. And your relationship with your yanderes is nowhere near healthy, with you only loving them like someone would love a pet or a toy, and them loving you way too much.
But what can someone expect from the offspring of Thawne, and two extremely unstable Bats.
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yellowocaballero · 1 year
i need seasons 2-4 of kyle rayners reworked adventures i am OBSESSED :o
OH BABY BABY ME TOO ME TOO OKAY. Believe it or not I'm trying to keep all of this as short as possible so the random little HCs are being left out, I might add some extra later.
So again this is a single season haha. Because a) it did not actually end up that short, I got a bit #poetic there, and b) Season 3&4 are a bit vaguer in my head and aren't as entertaining to tell! If/when I wrangle them into something much more interesting I'll share them. I know that there's probably a 1-2 year timeskip to Season 3 and a much, much longer timeskip to Season 4 AKA Green Lantern: Shippuden, which would have a different protagonist. Milagro Reyes, Blue Beetle's sister. Alright, that one I DEFINITELY have to elaborate on later...
Avatar: The Last Airbender Season 1 combo with Star Trek The Original Series but also the moral of the story is ACAB.
The moral of like this entire children's cartoon is ACAB, by the way, in case I was remotely subtle about that.
(By the way, I'm super embarrassed to say this, but I love thinking of stories hyper-specifically styled after kid's cartoons. In case you were wondering: New Wave airs on Kid's WB between Pokemon and Jackie Chan Adventures on Saturday mornings. Green Lantern airs on Cartoon Network, it's ridiculously over promoted because the network doesn't realize how ACAB it is. That one Legion of Superheroes Zoboomafoo show is on PBS. You get the idea. Stories ought to have clarity of purpose.)
Think the first season of Avatar: The Last Airbender, when Aang is searching for any remaining airbenders or a firebending teacher. Same energy.
The episodes are formulaic. Kyle's on a space road trip, searching for signs and survivors of a lost culture. Each episode Kyle lands on a new planet, digs up some rumor or trail to surviving Green Lantern rings, journals, records - anything that could prove what happened to Hal Jordan. Sometimes he finds a trail to an abandoned Green Lantern outpost. Other times he's fortunate enough to actually meet an ex-Green Lantern, usually while fishing them out of some trouble. Other times he's just landing for a pit stop and finds himself wrapped up in alien trouble. Kyle's lost as hell, in over his head, and has no idea where to even begin on this ridiculously ambitious journey. Kyle's always thrown himself into new situations and new places and trusted everything would work out, but space is a little bigger than America. He just has to trust that the answer's out there. He can't go home without it. He can't look Guy, John, and the Justice League in the eyes and lie to them. Even for BTS.
He has one guide in this journey: Kilowog's ring! It serves as his personal trainer on how to use the ring, advisor, teacher, and educator on alien species. It's gruff, pretty silly, but Kyle is depressed to learn that his ring is his closest friend now. It is the sole teacher Kyle has into the actual Green Lantern Corp - it always advises him on their creed, their views, and how a real Lantern would solve a problem. It is remarkably unhelpful on finding a damn Lantern.
Instead, all Kyle finds are problems. Every planet has a problem he needs solving, a person he needs to help, or a disaster to avert. Sure, none of it's Kyle's business - but hey, he's a superhero. Not a cop. You can barely even call him a Green Lantern. Everywhere he goes, citizens of the galaxy tell him about the GLs they met and used to know - how they hurt, how they helped, how they should have done better - and who they wished the GLs would have been. They wished that the GLs actually helped instead of enforced.
They don't have an actual GL. But they do have Kyle. So Kyle says - show me where to help.
He helps wherever he can. He sees everything and learns everything. He meets heroes, villains, and ordinary people just trying to get by. He meets heroes from all walks of life, sees every kind of civilization and culture and found the good and bad in each one. He talks to everybody, from the kings to the peasants, and learns from them all. He learns about the thousand systems of government in the galaxy, and learns about where they succeed and where they fail.
He makes friends. Brave people who fish his fat from the fire. Regretful ex-Lanterns who threw themselves back into being a warrior even without their rings - and embittered ex-Lanterns who resented the loss of their power and authority. He meets a princess who spent her entire life figuring out how to govern well, and the leader of a rebel cell who specializes in freedom. He meets people who are very good at explosives and people who have sworn never to throw a punch. They all have something to teach him.
Not even the ex-Lanterns know what happened on Oa. Kilowog's ring can't show the black box to anybody but its wielder. So Kyle keeps travelling. The ring picked up an unusual energy signal in the next system over - maybe there's an outpost there!
(The unusual energy signal was space vampires. That's how Kyle saved a space Transylvanian town from intergalactic vampire pirates.)
Kyle saves people, but he has to make decisions too. He solves problems. Kilowog's Ring tells him how the GLC would have solved the problem, and he usually takes it into consideration, but usually the episode is about Kyle learning how to solve the problems his own way. He learns how to judge the values of the GLC critically and think for himself, and how to admire not the institution but the good people inside of it like Kilowog. How to fight to promote equity and justice, instead of just fighting to maintain pre-existing systems of power.
Six months later, Kyle has finally defeated whatever (Zuko/Zhao/whatever) villain has been chasing him around (they join his space found family) and makes it to the (North Pole) Green Lantern Outpost At The Edge Of The Universe. This was it. He's spent a month following this trail, and he's risked everything. He's turned over every intergalactic stone, taken every risk. If there's anything, it has to be here.
But all he sees is an empty tower surveying an empty kingdom. And Kyle looks around and he sees nothing. Not the last guru he was promised, or a mythical member of the Guardian species. There's no heroes or warriors. Nobody helpful. Nobody to fix anything. Nothing that will help the people he's met who need help, nobody who will use the GL powers for good. Nobody can restart the Corp as it deserves to be restarted, nobody to turn it around and use their immense power as it was meant to be used. Nobody to avenge Kilowog and expose Hal Jordan for who he really was. The real Green Lantern isn't here.
Kilowog!Ring: "What are ya talking about, kid? The guy's right here." Kyle, dirty with sticks in his hair, has not slept in thirty six hours, going insane: "IS HE FUCKING INVISIBLE" Kilowog!Ring: "That guy is you, kid :)" Kyle:
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Well, Kyle feels like a fucking idiot. F to his hopes and dreams. But at least he's not scared anymore.
Kyle goes home.
Earth is different. Or maybe it's just Kyle that's different. Everything feels so much smaller but so much bigger, and when Kyle stands in the middle of L.A. he's captured by the beauty of the universe - the beauty of humanity as part of that universe, how humans are just another mundane strand in the great web of the universe, and how special they are for it. How he's not special, how he will always be a face in a crowd, just one insignificant person in a world of seven billion - but how amazing that is, to be among a proud seven billion! How improbable, to be the only Kyle Rayner! There are trillions of unique people in this universe, people who all have lives and stories and hopes and dreams, and there's no such thing as an insignificant soul. In an city where everybody has to be special, where everybody has to make it big and stand out and yell their names - none of them realize how special they all are just for living. Special just for being their fleshy, insane, amazing selves.
Kyle flies to the Watchtower and walks into the middle of a Justice League meeting. And he looks Superman in the eyes and says, "Hal Jordan killed the Green Lanterns."
Aaaand then he posts a video on his YouTube channel titled "coming clean" and the thumbnail is him sitting on a couch in his house.
Surprise bitch, he's pulling a Tati. Kyle spills EVERYTHING. He tells the whole truth and nothing but the truth. What the Earth's hero did, why he killed himself, and why it happened.
Kyle explains that the Corp was not destroyed by Hal Jordan - it was destroyed by its own greed and vanity. Its black-and-white and justice-above-all ethos took a grieving man and warped him into a mass murderer. A power such as the Green Lanterns should be used to help people, not control them. It should protect people, not impose law. So uhhh end video, I'm fucking off to space agan, Kyle out!
A year ago, a funky little blue man told Kyle "Help them." He could have warned Kyle about Rayner, told him what a Lantern was, but that was what he chose to say. Kyle never really understood what he meant. Superheroes helped people, right? That's what Kyle figured at first. Six months later, after learning the truth, Kyle believes that he must have been asking Kyle to help the GLC - find the surviving GLs, save the organization, help Jordan himself. But he never really understood until now. It took life on Earth and life in space to really get it.
The Guardian understood that the Corp failed because it cared more about fighting evil than doing good. Yes, it kept people safe, but it never helped them. The Corp was light and goodness in the galaxy, but it never put helping people first. And Kyle finally realizies that this is what the last Guardian wanted for him, and what he wanted for the Corp. This was the future the Guardian wanted. And that's what he's going to do. That'll be Kyle's ethos.
He'll help people. Nothing more, nothing less.
It doesn't matter if people believe him. It doesn't matter if the League believes him. He doesn't stick around to find out. Kyle returns to Oa and finds the ruined power battery, the same battery Hal Jordan used up in his own selfishness and grief and destroyed.
And, with the implacable will of somebody who's always known what he's wanted, who has seen how to create it and what must be created, who travelled the galaxy and back and helped people at every stop of the way, who knows exactly what he wants the GLC to become, he remakes Oa.
He reaches inside the battery and pulls out a handful of rings. Kyle is instantly convinced he's fucked up the whole thing already, because they're all different colors?! Orange ring, Black ring, what the hell? Why is Kyle so bad at this?! But he releases them, and they go zooming off. Somewhere, Guy and John get their rings back. Not the rings they wanted.
Kyle finally makes some normal-ass rings and gives them to his found family/supporting cast from the season (Gaang…Kyle Krew…we'll workshop it), people who all have different perspectives and methods and ways of problem solving but who are all equally dedicated to helping people. They will be the first vanguard of the new Green Lantern Corp.
If Kyle wants it hard enough, it can happen. And all Kyle wants to do now is become a good man, who leaves the right legacy. Season 3 is him running around like a chicken with his head cut off trying to run a gigantic space organization by himself but you know what he's doing his best.
Kyle, who has been writing space emails to Alex this entire time as a framing device: "Hey, honey, so I've been worldbuilding." Alex: "Cool, for the webtoon? Or for your next DND campaign?" Kyle: "No I mean I've been building a world. Should it have volcanoes? I want a volcano." Alex: "Kyle I cannot put you in charge of dishes much less a world what the FUCK are you doing." Kyle, crying: "I have no idea honey can you come here please I suck at this."
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do-not-careissa · 3 years
Now that Men in Black has reinvaded my mind so have new plot bunnies. So have 2 Jason joins the min ideas/options.
1. Sort of a Mr and Mrs Smith type thing, jaykyle, only sadder and angstier:
Post death and resurrection Jason wasn't picked up by Talia, instead it was MiB. Using their alien tech they're able to heal him and put his mind back together. They know who he is, just like they know who Bruce and the Justice League are (for how much the Kents believed no one noticed their sudden baby acquisition, they were wrong. MiB's known all along, if anything they're the reason the Kents and other alien adopters and adoptees have done so well at staying hidden.) They give Jason the choice to either return to Bruce, go with a normal family (in both cases he'd of course have his memories wiped), or stay and work with them. Now while Jason might not have the Lazarus Pits affecting his emotions and mental stability here, he's still a teen/young adult (say like 18 or 19 by the time he's healed enough to leave) and his last memories of the bats and his bio mother weren't exactly the greatest. Add on top of that the feeling of being forgotten/replaced that would undoubtedly come at seeing the addition of, what, at least three more people to the batfam. He doesn't believe there's a place left for him there, decides to stay, at least he can do some good while he's at it.
Cut to a few years later, Jason's moved up the ranks, he's one of the organization's best agents (could be just that branch, division, or overall) but of course the job doesn't really leave much for certain other needs. So on his rare time off he'll slink off to this nice bar or something and just enjoy himself, feel human, all that good stuff. And that's how he gets involved with a certain Kyle Rayner. The guy seems normal enough, an artist with laughably bad pickup lines but a smile and eyes that make you want to laugh with him rather than at him. They have a night together, and that one night turns into two, then three, and by the fourth Jason's sure he's making a mistake here. Regulation says to keep contact with non-mib individuals to a minimum and don't give them a reason to remember you if you have to interact more than once. He shouldn't be doing this, really, but he's also given up so much over the years, both to mib, to the bats, to the universe, can you really blame him?
Between the two of them rain checks are a regular, either one or both claiming a sudden work trip that couldn't be skipped. It made Jason guilty every time but he couldn't just not go. This was his job after all. And Kyle, well he was just a normal guy who happened to be a bit loose in the head sometimes, it made sense for him to forget to call off meetups and hookups, that's just what normal people their age did right? It takes far too long for him to admit that he's in too deep, that he's fallen for this loveable dumbass. But the same could probably be said for Kyle too.
The moment they meet not as Jason and Kyle but as MiB and Green Lantern you could hear a pin drop. Jason couldn't believe this, not in a million years. Kyle? A fucking Green Lantern? Are you kidding?!
Because you see, while the general population and even the capes might be unaware of MiB, MiB is more than aware of them and they have a very big problem with them, especially the Lanterns. Because they know the GLs and Guardians would argue that earth is their terf and that minehas not right to set up rules and protocol, byt MiB has been on Earth longer, they've existed since Roswell if not earlier, GLs haven't touched Earth til maybe 15-20 years ago. And MiB's work is to protect not just the humans of Earth but the aliens who've made a home here, or even just those ones that are here for a visit. Thanks to the GLs, and by extension the Justice League, not only is MiB and its agents in so much more danger of being exposed or attacked, but so are those aliens.
Suddenly Jason's happy go lucky secret relationship has been soured if not ruined. Kyle, he'd trusted him, even l-, he actually liked him as more than just a fuck buddy, but this? He's devastated, he's angry, and while he's sure Kyle's feeling something like that too, he doesn't get to, not when he's siding with the group putting innocent people in danger, not when he's siding with the bats and Tha Guardians and everything Jason stands against.
He manages to catch Kyle off guard, taking him down and neuralyzing him quick enough that him can't take him down too. It hurts to see that blank look take over Kyle's face once the light fades, but he can't let that affect him. Kyle made his choice, and he needs to make his.
Idea 2: much angstier in the "fuck Bruce and the JL" sort of way
Post rhato 25 and Roy's death, Jason's health is deteriorating quickly. Maybe he lied about how well he was out of guilt so Roy wouldnt feel like he had to stay with Jason instead of going to Sanctuary. Now with no one there to help him, along with the mental and emotional toll, Jason's body is shutting down. This is it, he's accepted it, he fucking hates that this is how he goes, but well, it's kinda poetic that Bruce would ultimately be the reason for his deagb this time wouldn't it? Between the physical injuries he gave Jason and the mental ones he's caused, everything all ties back to Bruce.
So Jason's just there, accepting his fate, but then out of nowhere these suits just show up and they've got an offer for him. They know who he is, what he's gone through, they know how to help him and keep him safe. They can heal him. But the only way they can let him know exactly what they're doing or who they are is if he joins them. They say they've been watching him for a while, we're actually planning on approaching him, but the situation with Batman and now with the League and Jason's health has pushed their time table up. He's obviously skeptical til they really go in on everything, breaking down mib, breaking down what they try to do, and you know what, he's in. Fuck Bruce, fuck the JL, fuck them all.
None of them stepped in to help him, none of them did anything to stop Bruce, no one except Roy, Roy who's now dead because of them. They don't get to tell him what to do anymore, they don't get to control him.
So they bring Jason in for the procedure, and there's a few ways this could go. A) They just use whatever alien tech they have that heals him no issue, maybe need to replace a few bones or joints or something, whatever it is he's healed. B) they need to meld his DNA to a sample from an alien species that heals quickly (personal favorite, could go down the route of this giving Jason superhuman abilities, or even something akin to energy absorption as the reason he's able to heal which would make him a massive threat to everyone especially the gls (imagine him just draining their rings in minutes and then using that power against them)). C) the Lazarus Pits are actually of alien origin, and since Jason's already been dipped in one before and had his brain and body altered/healed by it, it still remains dormant in his system, they just need to activate it.
Whatever they do it works, and soon enough we get Jason as MiB and Bruce and the others all believing Jason to be dead ala MiB​ tricks. Months or even years later there comes a confrontation, the "I thought you were dead!" Shit. Or the GLs/guardians learn about them and try to impose their bs on them, try to scare them into disappearing, and guess who MiB sends to deal with them? Why their star agent of course.
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top ten things comic writers fucked up
10) House of M ending with NO MORE MUTANTS, fucking up years of continuity and shattering the whole community and shit. Given the circumstances I add Wanda and Franklin Richards suddenly losing their status as Mutants for bullshit reason (In the case of Franklin it was due to that bitch Dan Slott being a petty bitch).
9) The Ultimate Universe, but, like, not all of it, just the worst parts. Like that one time the Blob ate Janet Van Dyne alive for starters.
8) That one time Peter Parker was sexually assaulted by the Spider-Queen or some shit, which lead to him getting pregnant with himself, turn into a giant spider before dying and giving birth to his human body. This is also here because his wife MJ berates him for being, again, sexually assaulted, which is bad.
7) House of M having Peter's big wish be about him being married to Gwen with kids and MJ is a rich famous actress (homo sapiens actress in a pretty much mutant ethnostate? A testament to her skills I guess). Like, just the whole "Peter doesn't REALLY want to date MJ and thinks he's be happier with Gwen" and "MJ would be happier and more fulfilled in her career if she was single" propaganda bullshit Marvel keeps to spout.
6) I'm pretty sure there was a thing with Arcade and underage people dying during some death games? Either that one or Sins Past but that would make this a bit too much Spider-Man centric tho.
5) Dan Slott killing off MC2 Peter as well as several happy MJ X Peter couples from different universes during comic book Spider-Verse because he is a petty bitch.
4) Civil War being pretty much a allegory of the Patriot Act and still trying to paint it as a good thing, while also enforcing shit like concentration camps and bomb collared villain slave cops and also child soldiers programs and shit.
3) That one time Dan Slott almost had Felicia get r*ped in a woman prison post Superior Spider-Man because he has a issue with women. In fact, Dan Slott general treatment of female characters really, with how he treated Silk (his creation too mind you) in the context of Peter, The way he treated MJ and had Superior Ock almost r*pe her, the way he writes whatever sexually liberated woman in general, and I guess him trying to pull the same thing he did with Silk and Peter, but with Johnny and Sky, but instead of using spider-pheromones he used magical alien bracelets of love instead.
2) Avengers 200 attempting to "kill off" Carol from the narrative by having a extra dimensional being r*pe her via mind control and get her pregnant with himself so they can remove her from the team and have her "retire" in the extra dimensional being's dimension without ONE avenger raising objection to that.
1) One More Day and One Moment in Time as a concept. Period.
0) The Clone Saga as a whole I guess? Like, pretty much nothing surpasses that in fucked up shit, so here it is as special mention.
DC Comics
10) Amazon Attack. Like, as a whole, but especially the Female Concentration Camps the US President set up during the invasion. With trains running on time and all that.
9) That one time Kyle Rayner's girlfriend got cut to pieces and stuffed in a fridge for pure shock value.
8) Like, I get the story Moore was trying to make, but The Brutalisation of Barbara during the Killing Joke was unnecessary and also dumb (who the fuck doesn't check the peephole of their door in FUCKING GOTHAM). The animated adaptation was also bad.
7) That one time they fucked up Cass' whole character. You know, the one where she implied she wanted to bang Tim and shot her dad with a magical flintlock pistol with two bullets in it for some reason.
6) I guess that one time they had Wonderdog be revealed to be a hellhound and have him murder Marvin in front of Wendy before traumatizing and paralyzing her for life, and just to do some edgy "this is NOT your grandpappy super friends!" Or some shit.
5) Deathstroke seducing Terra, a literal underage girl, and the narrative presenting it as either Normal or as her being evil or some shit, like, the whole thing was icky especially how they treated her and the fallout of it all.
4) The whole "Batman can't be happy AND Batman" bullshit they used to fuck over Bruce and Selina's wedding.
3) The treatment Wally West got at times. Like, him becoming a mass murderer recently for starters. Not him being best buds with literal Fidel Castro tho that was extremely "based," as the youngsters these days say.
2) Hal Jordan as a whole, either him being even more of a republican compared to the LITERAL CEO Oliver Queen (Socialist compared to him, him dating a minor and saying it's fine since her ring aged her up to "legal" age, or that one time some jackass wrote he had a threesome with two members of the Gail Simone's Birds of Prey because they were projecting.
1) That one time an Apokolips Dude used mind powers to shoot a porno with Big Barda and Superman, pretty much committing r*pe on them.
0) You know that one time Sue Dibny was pregnant and they had her get killed for dumb reasons and shock value? Yeah, this isn't about that. I mean, it's ALSO about that, but more specifically, this is about that one time they had Doctor Light become a r*pist and then fucked his mind to turn him into a joke. That whole thing was trash since it also had Deathstroke solo the new Justice League as if that's how it works. Also the whole "villains can't change it become better unless mind fuckery is involved" bullshit shit like this and similar stories did, which is indeed less serious than this mind you, but is still related.
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scandalsavagefanfic · 4 years
2/2 Also I have a question does anyone from Jason's harem have feelings for him, or they all just here for pretty boytoy?
I’m answering part 2 of this question first because I have some ideas for part 1. 
Short answer is, yes. Most of them actually care about him in one way or another. Not people like Lex of course. Slade doesn’t have feelings for Jason but he likes the kid as much as he likes anyone. But the Justice League love him and they’re very protective. The al Ghuls love him. Ra’s has more romantic interest than Talia but they’d both kill someone for hurting him.
And of course a certain Green Lantern gets sucked in, despite his best efforts.
Which brings me to the long answer. Here’s the first of two chapters about how Jason’s harem actually appreciates him for more than just his sexy skills.
PART 1     PART 2     PART 3
Part 4 - Read All Parts on AO3!!!
Words: 2085
Warnings: None
Nothing explicit in this chapter. Just softness. 
Kyle racks up a startling number of favors owed in a startlingly short amount of time.
If he’s honest with himself–which he generally tries to avoid on principle; if you can’t lie to yourself, what’s the point?–he might be more interested than he likes to let on. But he assures himself over and over that he’s not doing anything that everyone else isn’t doing. 
Hell, even Hal is hooking up with Jason. 
Though… Kyle doesn’t think Jason is purposefully trying to give Wayne a heart attack, he’s just doing what he needs and wants to do. But Kyle is positive Hal is definitely fucking with Batman as much as he fucking Jason. Kyle would bet his tiny apartment on the fact that at least 25% of the attraction for his predecessor is sticking it to the Bat.
Alright… maybe Jason does get a little joy out of Wayne’s discomfort.
That said, no matter what he tells himself, Kyle is all too aware of the fact that Jason gets something out of every rendezvous.
Except the ones with him.
They both know the favors were just an excuse, even if neither of them would admit it. 
It takes months before Jason finally starts calling them in. And when he does it’s in small ways. 
Requests for backup are expected when they come. 
But then Jason uses one to ask Kyle to pick up take out from Jason’s favorite hole in the wall in Hong Kong “on his way over”.
He uses another just to get to see Oa–the Guardians were not thrilled to have a “tourist”–and Kyle found it was actually enjoyable showing Jason around. He was amused and a pleasantly surprised when Jason hit it off easily with Kilowag. Far less surprised (and far less amusing) when they visited Guy and Arkillo and it was like the three of them had known each other for years.
Of all the little things Jason uses his favors for, Kyle’s favorites are the massages. They almost always lead to more and it hasn’t escaped Kyle’s attention that when they do, Jason doesn’t count it.
Even when it doesn’t lead to a round of increasingly… affectionate sex, he still gets to work pleasantly scented oil into the astounding number of giant knots plaguing the rippling muscle under Jason’s warm, scarred skin.
Both scenarios usually end the same way too. With Jason dozing off and snuggling close as Kyle uses his ring to get the lights.
He’s reasonably certain that none of Jason’s other arrangements get to stay the night.
They’re both intelligent, capable men. They know what this is. What it’s become. What it could morph into.
But Kyle’s too stubborn to voice it and Jason is too, even if he wasn’t cripplingly insecure about shit like this. 
Still, it hadn’t really hit him how bad he has it until now. Until he slowly crawled out of bed, careful not to wake the other man, showered, and exits the bathroom to what he can only describe as an ethereal view.
Jason is laying on his front, arms tucked under the pillow, breathing slowly and evenly. His mouth is slightly opened, a small dark spot on the pillowcase where he’s drooled a little. The sunlight pours into the room between the opened slats of the blinds. One band illuminates the mop of wild black curls, making the thinner edges glow golden like a halo. Several more stretch across the width of his broad shoulders, his rib-cage, his tapered waist. The soft cotton sheet has slid low, sitting atop the perfectly rounded rise of Jason’s butt, the sea-green edge perfectly angled with the blade of light. The last one shines warm and orange over his toes, peeking out from under the soft cotton sheet.
Sketching is like breathing to Kyle. He’ll doodle on napkins or receipts, anything with a little space, of anything with a little beauty. 
He doesn’t pay much attention to the paper he swipes from Jason’s open file folder. Just enough to note that there was nothing on the back. 
That’s how he finds himself drawing Jason while he sleeps. Painstakingly smoothing over the line for the arch of Jason’s spine, the curve of his ass. Lovingly capturing the shape of his lips, the thick, dark fan of his eyelashes. 
It’s while he carefully adds every scar from memory that Kyle realizes just how deep he’s gone. 
His hand goes still and he glances up to Jason’s face with the surprise of the sudden understanding. 
Then he jumps so hard he drags the pencil through the drawing. 
Jason is laying there awake, bright eyes watching but otherwise still as he was when Kyle started.
“Jesus,” Kyle hisses, trying to collect himself. “Scared me half to death. How long have you been awake?”
Not very long if the soft, groggy smile Jason gives him is any indication.
“Just a couple of minutes,” Jason answers, voice husky from sleep (and the way Kyle made him scream last night). 
Kyle cringes internally. A couple of minutes is a long freaking time to not notice. 
“You had your focused face on,” Jason continues, shifting a little to stretch like a cat. “I didn’t want to bother you.”
“My what now?”
Jason turns onto his side, clearly in no rush to get out of bed, and smirks at him.
“When you’re really into what you’re doing, your brow pinches and you either chew your lip or, honest to god, stick your tongue out. It’s cute.”
Kyle scowls. “Puppies are cute. I’m a badass, space cop.”
With a snort, Jason sits up against the headboard and runs his fingers through his hair. “Whatever you say, officer.”
And fuck if that doesn’t give Kyle all kinds of ideas.
“What were you doing?” Jason asks, attention trained down at the book Kyle was using as a hard surface.
“Uh… nothing.” He tries to think of how he can hide it from the other man. Even to an untrained eye, the emotion in it is obvious. And Jason knows a surprising amount about art. Kyle would much rather never become more than this than risk losing what they have.
Jason’s smirk turns mischievous and there’s an amused glint in his eyes. “Drawing me like one of your French girls?" 
The little huff of laughter Kyle manages does nothing to hide the rapid shot of color to his cheeks. His "no” is weak and unconvincing. 
“Well, come on, Rayner. Let me see?”
Kyle’s breath freezes in his chest and he hesitates, clutching the sheet of cheep printer paper closer to him.
“Dude, I’m sure it’s not that bad,” Jason taunts.
It’s not bad at all. That’s the problem.
It might be the best thing Kyle’s ever drawn.
He swallows hard and braces himself. Then gets up and sits on the edge of the bed as he hands it over. 
Watching the smile slip from Jason’s face feels like getting punched in the gut. 
It’s over now. Kyle got too serious. The Pit left Jason with something he can’t fully control and he doesn’t want or need a partner. It doesn’t matter that Kyle would understand that Jason would still have to… do what he does. It doesn’t matter because the last thing Jason needs is some useless serious relationship cramping his style.
“Is… is this supposed to be me?" 
The question surprises Kyle. Because it’s painfully obvious that the portrait is of Jason, down to the almost unnoticeable freckles across his nose and cheekbones. And the question is asked so timidly as Jason stares down at the sheet with wide eyes. Not an ounce of recognition. 
"I couldn’t have made it more obviously you if it was a photo,” Kyle says lightly, hoping head off the worst of things.
But Jason stares for long moments, expression confused, until finally he pulls his eyes away to look up at Kyle.
“But I… I don’t look like this.”
Kyle blinks at him. “What? I mean… you don’t have a big, dark pencil line through you but–”
“No… I mean… this is… this is so…” He huffs. “It’s too… pretty. Didn’t really think you were the type to romanticize the subject. Sure you didn’t have Dickface on the mind?”
It’s defensive. Using humor to armor himself. Kyle can practically see the walls going up in Jason’s mind as he tries to rationalize things. As he tries to make what he’s seeing on the paper–what Kyle sees–fit with his own idea of himself. 
Leaning in, Kyle takes Jason’s chin in one hand and pushes the book with the sheet of paper down to Jason’s lap while forcing Jason to look up at him.
“This is you, Jason. Every scar, every freckle, every bruise from last night. Just you. No one else.”
“No. It’s beautiful because you’re beautiful,” Kyle says gently. Then he smirks. “And because I’m really talented. But I promise. That’s exactly what you look like.”
“To you maybe,” he grumbles, trying to turn away. 
Kyle tightens his grip and gives a little tug to get Jason meet his eyes again.
“Yes. To me." 
Jason’s eyes widen and he stops breathing. 
"I don’t know what you see when you look in the mirror, Jason, but you’re objectively attractive,” Kyle continues. He looks into those vivid aquamarine irises and where once he would have bristled, felt the urge to challenge and compete, he softens. “And to me… you’re perfect.”
The room is deathly quiet. It seems like neither of them are even breathing. 
Eventually Jason gulps and looks back down at the drawing. 
Kyle glares at the headboard, kicking himself for letting things get this far; for having to come clean about his feelings; for putting Jason (and himself) in this awkward position. For letting their friends-with-benefits agreement slide into murkier waters. A lifetime ago, when he did have a stupid, ill-advised, youthful crush on Batman, he promised himself he’d never actually fall for any Bat. They were all bad news in one way or another.
So of course it’d be the asshole black sheep of the family, the biggest bad news of the bunch (except for maybe the punk kid who’s Robin now), who he’s going to have to get over.
An indignant noise from below him draws his attention back to Jason. 
Jason who is glaring up at him.
Kyle shrugs and splays his palms open in surrender. “What?”
The drawing gets shoved in his face. Only it’s not the drawing. Its the other side. The side emblazoned with the Coast City Police Department logo.
“You drew on my police report, asshole!”
He searches Jason’s face. The younger man isn’t kicking him out; isn’t telling him off. Hell, Jason isn’t even asking that they just keep things casual. Kyle knows he can be clueless about this kind of stuff (Jason honestly believes Ra’s is only interest in him is the sex) but there was obvious understanding in that gemstone gaze when Kyle spilled his heart.
“Those aren’t supposed to leave the precinct. You shouldn’t even have it,” Kyle retorts. 
Jason rolls his eyes so hard Kyle’s surprised they stay in his head. “No shit dumbass, that’s why I have to sneak it back in!”
Trying–and failing–to stop the smile tugging at his lips, Kyle says “Oh… whoops” and goes to shift back, put a little more space between them. But Jason’s hand snaps out and the next thing he knows he’s flat on his back with Jason towering over him, those fucking thighs straddling his hips
“Don’t worry,” Jason practically purrs, “you can make it up to me.”
“Oh no. What a great inconvenience,” Kyle smirks as Jason leans close.
The kiss is softer than usual. Less desperate; less demanding; less competitive. 
“And then?” He whispers it against Jason’s lips when they part to get some air. He can’t help it. He has to know.
Jason hums and mouths at the pulse point in Kyle’s throat.
“And then I’ll be hungry so you can take me to breakfast.”
He swallows hard against that talented tongue and the pointed roll of Jason’s hips against his groin.
“A favor?” he asks, hardly daring to hope.
Jason kisses his mouth again before answering, cheeks bright red and eyes averted. “A date… if you want.”
Kyle threads his fingers into the curls that stick up every which way and when he pulls Jason into the next kiss, it’s got all the desperation of the ones before and then some.
“I want.”
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 5 years
"A Halloween Mayhem" |DC Special|
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/326WQ1j
by xNightsilverx
"A Halloween Mayhem" - Jason Todd's guide to living through pumpkins, scarecrows and deranged clowns with crowbars, AGAIN.
  All hell breaks loose in Gotham City on Halloween and it takes more than a few heroes to get it back to normal. Angst ensues, creeps are running amok and this deranged Clown is still alive. . . .
  |WARNING: Jason Todd (he's his own content warning); BATFAM: blood; angst; whumpy stuff|
Words: 2317, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of Bats and Stones Won't Break My Bones
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Young Justice - All Media Types, Teen Titans - All Media Types, Titans (Comics), Green Lantern - All Media Types, Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics), Young Justice (Comics), Young Justice (Cartoon), Teen Titans (Comics), Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps (Comics), Green Lantern (Comics), Batman (Comics), Detective Comics (Comics), Red Robin (Comics), Batman and Robin (Comics), Birds of Prey (Comic), Nightwing (Comics), Shazam! (2019)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Roy Harper, Kyle Rayner, Selina Kyle, Bruce Wayne, Stephanie Brown, Artemis of Bana-Mighdall, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Cassandra Cain, Duke Thomas, Cassie Sandsmark, Donna Troy, Wally West, Bizarro (DCU), Starfire, Barbara Gordon, Joker (DCU), Scarecrow, Poison Ivy, Ra's al Ghul, League of Assassins (DCU), Penguin (Character), Kate Kane, Bart Allen, Jim Gordon, Talia al Ghul, Leslie Thompkins, Bane (DCU), Alfred Pennyworth, Diana (Wonder Woman), Clayface, Clark Kent, Harvey Dent, Parliament of Owls (DCU), William Cobb (DCU), Essence (DCU), Rose Wilson, Joseph Wilson, Garth (DCU), Freddy Freeman (DCU), Billy Batson
Relationships: Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Artemis of Bana-Mighdall/Jason Todd, Roy Harper/Koriand'r, Roy Harper/Donna Troy, Roy Harper & Koriand'r & Jason Todd, Artemis of Bana-Mighdall & Bizarro (DCU) & Jason Todd, Dick Grayson & Roy Harper & Wally West, Dick Grayson & Roy Harper & Donna Troy & Wally West, Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Stephanie Brown/Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Duke Thomas & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Stephanie Brown & Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake, Tim Drake & Kon-El | Conner Kent, Bart Allen & Tim Drake & Kon-El | Conner Kent & Cassie Sandsmark, Jon Lane Kent & Damian Wayne, Damian Wayne & Colin Wilkes, Dick Grayson & Damian Wayne, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Linda Park/Wally West, Alfred Pennyworth & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Alfred Pennyworth & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth/Leslie Thompkins, Barry Allen & Bruce Wayne, Kyle Rayner & Jason Todd & Donna Troy, Hal Jordan & Kyle Rayner, Alexandra DeWitt/Kyle Rayner
Additional Tags: Batbrothers (DCU) Bonding, Protective Batfamily (DCU), Batfamily (DCU), Batfamily Angst (DCU), Gotham City - Freeform, Gotham City Police Department, Gotham Knights, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Kind of Canon Compliant, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Court of Owls, All Caste (DCU), Jason Todd is Red Hood, Damian Wayne is Robin, Tim Drake is Red Robin, Roy Harper & Jason Todd Bromance, Protective Siblings, Titans are a family, Original Young Justice Comic Team, Depressed Tim Drake, Tim Drake is So Done, Tim Drake is Not Okay, Just give the boy his coffe, Nerdy Tim Drake, Jason Todd Needs A Hug, Jason Todd is So Done, they all are, Outlaws are a bunch of badasses, But Jason is the badass ultimate, All-Caste Jason Todd, He can use All-Blades, supernatural stuff, Supernatural Elements, Kettle boiling at midnight, Blood, Whump, Green Lanterns, Kyle Rayner is an Artist, and it shows, Alex is alive not dead in the fridge, Ghosts, nerf war, Batboys are a bunch of traumatized childer who want to goofy around from time to time, so they start shooting each other with toy guns, Tim Drake is a smart-ass, and a genius, Damina is a smol bean, Dick is everyone's favorite big brother, Big Brother Dick Grayson, They're all hurt, I have no f idea what i'm doing, it's a massive crossover, Halloween, nighmare, i've brought Colin back to DC, him Damian and Jon would make a great team, and maybe emiko, and JON IS STILL YOUNG, Zombies, why not, i'm creating my own Earth here, klet's all it Silver Earth, Silver Earth, it was supossed to be a one-shot, look it's a multichapter story, too many tags, BAMF Jason Todd, BAMF Batfamily (DCU), Scarecrow's Fear Toxin (DCU), Past Joker/Harleen Quinzel, Bisexual Harley Quinn, what the heck is going on in gotham, Billy and Freddy appearing for like a moment, Seriously who's not here, why so serious, i don't wanna tag, SO, More to add - Freeform
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/326WQ1j
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aftermathdb · 5 years
DEATH BATTLE Review: Ben 10 vs Green Lantern
Two guardians of the universe, clad in green. Though, one will be going home in blood-red stained clothes.
So, apparently  the reason it’s not Ben 10 vs. Beast Boy is because Ben  just outclasses Beast Boy with his variety of aliens.
Ben 10′s Preview.
Benjamin Kirby Tennyson started out as just your average ten-year old kid. But on a strange day for his summer vacation, an alien device did what it did, and stuck itself on his wrist with secrets that it hid. Now he’s got super powers, he’s no ordinary kid, he’s Ben 10!
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Look, the theme song is catchy. It would be a crime not to reference it in some way.
Anyways, the alien device was the Omnitrix, a portable library that houses all sorts of alien DNA. It allows Ben to “Check out” an alien to transform into and use their superpowers.
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From aliens that can control water, ice, electricity, and fire, Ben’s got it all. And if he finds an alien that isn’t in the library, the Omnitrix will scan and replicate the DNA, allowing Ben to have another alien to use.
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(Ignore that timebar at the bottom. I thought I had cropped it out).
Though, the Omnitrix has numerous defenses to fight back against anyone who wants to take it from Ben’s wrist.
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With all those superpowers, Ben also has aliens for smarts as well. Including Brainstorm, an alien who has an I.Q of one nonillion. That’s a one, followed by…
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THAT many zeros. And still not enough to beat out EXE’s record of highest number ever recorded.
But if Ben wants to just suck, he can turn into Walkatrout… Who is a fish… with legs.
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It’s easily his worst alien. And that’s saying a lot, considering he has an alien literally named “The Worst.”
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Though, if Ben wants some refinement, he can turn into Molestache. Boomstick’s favorite alien, who does fisticuffs with his moustache.
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The Omnitirx is easily one of the most powerful tools ever created. And apparently… Boomstick has one?
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But if there’s ever a weakness of the Omnitrix, it would probably be the cooldown timer.
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… Which is thankfully negated with Master Control, giving Ben unlimited access to everything.
But, there is one alien that blows the rest of them out of the water. Alien X.
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Alien X is a Celestialsapien, a being that exists beyond the universe, and has control over all of reality. It even once survived the universe being destroyed by the Ahnialarg, and then recreated it. Hell! Alien X didn’t just survive the Universe being destroyed, he basically didn’t even notice!
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HA! now we beat EXE’s record! Alien X managed to survive an event worth 4x10^69 Joules of energy!
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Ben even managed to get past the “Needs to come to a unanimous decision“ thing later on, making Alien X the most powerful being in his universe.
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And as Alien X, Ben has managed to fly fast enough to create a black hole.
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If there was ever any real weakness that Ben himself has, it would be his immaturity. Sure, he’s pretty great at ingenuity and thinking on his feet, but for a long time, Ben was pretty immature, and has a bit of an ego.
But when lives are on the line, you can set your clocks. Because there would be only one time it could be.
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Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)′s Preview.
Hal Jordan was just your average devilishly handsome Military Test Pilot. Until the day that destiny fell from the sky (sound familiar?).
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Upon investigating an alien crash landing, HAl Jordan found Abin Sur, an alien being who had a powerful device known as a Green Lantern Ring. This device belonged to a group of protectors known as the Green Lantern Corps.
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The Lanterns are essentially like space cops, and the universe is divided into sectors. Hal’s sector is designated Sector 2814, and he was given the prestigious job of Green Lantern.
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The GL Power Ring is the ultimate weapon against those who worship evil’s might. It has a variety of tools to help with a fight.
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Think of the Power Ring as the ultimate Swiss-Army Knife. Now think of that thing on steroids. Now think of those steroids as also being on steroids. Now think of the Swiss-Army Knife as having special treatment so as it doesn’t die from those steroids, add some more steroids, then times a thousand.
It gives Hal a bunch of different powers. From time travel, to matter manipulation, to phasing through objects, to a powerful shield.
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It can also protect his mind.
And Hal can also reasonably scale to other Lanterns, like the time when Kilowog survived the Crisis on Infinite Earths event.
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With all this power, you gotta be wondering: What the hell does this thing run on? And the answer is willpower. Part of the emotional spectrum that makes up sentient life.
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Red is linked to rage, Orange to greed, Yellow to fear, Green to willpower, Blue to hope. Indigo to compassion, and Violet to love (This isn’t actually mentioned in the episode, but I thought I’d mention it here).
And Hal is definitely a powerful Green Lantern. Like…
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With all that power, that definitely solidifies Hal as being the most powerful Green Lantern. It also means that he can irrefutably scale to other Lanterns.
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Hal also could move from the center of the universe to a planet in moments.
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This puts Hal in the high-end of the spectrum.
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And being so fast that you nearly enter the Speed Force is all kinds of impressive for someone not connected to it.
And one time, Hal was without his ring. Meaning that he had to fly a ship moving faster than light on his own.
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That is to say that Hal managed to avoid stars, planets, without the ring helping him.
And as a being who defeated the physical embodiment of willpower with his own willpower, Hal can do things that other Green Lanterns can do.
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Green Lantern Kyle Rayner once survived the Big Bang, since Hal did that previous thing, it’s reasonable to say that Hal can do the same.
But the ring aren’t perfect. They do have a limited power source, and the constructs are limited to the user’s imagination and confidence in themselves. If they aren’t confident enough, they lose their will.
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But there’s also a really big elephant in the room. An elephant painted yellow.
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Thankfully, this was done because Paralax had corrupted the Green Battery, and is now a non-issue. Not that it compares to the weakness of Alan Scott, who had a weakness to wood.
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But Hal is one of the best. Be it brightest day, or blackest night, no evil will escape his sight. Let those who worship evil’s might, beware his power…
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(That’s not the end quote, so I figured that I’d put it here).
The Battle Itself.
Zack and Luis (Animation director) on animation, Ben will be voiced by Nicholas Andrew Louie and Green Lantern will be voiced Bradley Gareth. , Jerky on sprites, Therewolf on music (Emerald Warriors), and audio is led by Chris Kokkinos.
So, as we know from the preview, Hal tries to take in Ben for having a “Class A” Superweapon, and Ben fights back. Which immediately makes this one of the better stories around, as it fits both characters and their roles very well.
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… I’ll put the reason why some people were put off by the use of kid Ben sprites in the “Overall Impression” part. Meanwhile, let’s look at this hand-drawn animation of Ben going Fourarms!
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But, given that Hal has handled stronger blows before, he takes it in stride. Leaving Ben to go for Heatblast.
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And one explosion later, Ben boasts that he could possibly beat Hal with Grey Matter… Which he turns into. But he quickly recovers and goes big. Way Big.
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Hal, obviously not impressed, creates a meteor to smash Way Big with. So Ben brings out the big guns.
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Behold! Alien X!
The fight is taken to space, where Alien X opts to just erase Hal.
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But, as he possesses a device that lets him take a retcon to the face, Hal doesn’t break.
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So Ben goes for a swarm tactic and tries to break Hal’s shield.
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Hal recites his Lantern Oath to break free and summon a weapon to attack with.
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This attack works, but Alien X rewinds time to knock Hal back.
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He politely reminds Hal of a thing that he forgot about.
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Which means that finishing blow in 5…
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I wonder if that was a size ten sorrynotsorry.
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I can’t tell if Present!Hal is talking about the battle wounds that he has, or the one-liner he made, and I’m okay with that.
Verdict + Explanation.
So, right off the bat, one of Ben’s biggest advantages was his absurd versatility in his transformations and his ingenuity. But Hal outclassed him in many areas.
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Sure Ben has an absurd amount of versatility, but here’s the thing: He can only use one alien at a time. Whereas Hal has his whole package in his one little ring.
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Essentially, even with Master Control, Ben is always playing catch up. Fourarms and Way Big are strong, but not on the level of what Hal regularly faces. Diamondhead is tough, but not planet busting tough. XLR8 is fast, but- You get the picture, right?
Alien X was really Ben’s best shot at winning. But Hal has not only fought alongside allies with that kind of power (Like Dr. Fate), but he’s also fought against that (Like Darkseid).
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And even then, Alien X is still vulnerable to damage (albiet, it has to be super absurd). Ben’s own fight with the Galactic Gladiator proves that Celestialsapiens can still lose fights. And the fact that Alien X failed to stop the Anihilaarg was because Ben was busy arguing with the other two personalities about what to do. In other words, Alien X isn’t omnipotent.
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There’s also no real evidence to suggest that Alien X could resist anything that Hal could either. Ben’s versatility put up quite the fight, but it wasn’t enough to match Green Lantern’s speed, strength, durability, tools, and literal willpower.
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And don’t be green with envy. That pun was Ten out of Bens… Yes, these are all of Boomstick’s puns.
Overall impression.
Overall, the fight is impressive. There are great hand-drawn moments in it, though I do have to knock some points for using Kid Ben sprites. Not only does the voice sound more appropriate for a teenager, these guys went on about how if the had “trimmed down Ben to his original 10-15, then it would be more fair of a fight to put him up against Beast Boy.”- That’s stuff that would lead people to think “Oh. So they’re going to use teenage Ben sprites.” This isn’t like using younger sprites of Jotaro or Naruto. The big heads never said anything about how “If we had used pre-Kurama friendship Naruto, then pitting him against Luffy would be fair” they just went straight into the battle due to power levels.
In short: Had they not made a big deal about it, then this wouldn’t be a problem.
Also, I think there’s a valid criticism about them primarily pulling from the classic-era aliens and only having Alien X from the AF/UA be the only one not from that era. Like… would have using Humungousaur instead of Fourarms been too much?- What about Atomix from Omniverse?- He’s delightfully hammy.
But, I can’t blame them for using so few. It would be a pain to try and animate all those alien forms.
But the spritework is nice, the research is solid, and it has great moments and callbacks to each character’s respective series. So it gets points for that.
Next Time…
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Y’know, the last time a RWBY character fought, an entire hate group for them sprung up on Deviantart (I’m not kidding). So, this will be fun. Please excuse me for my lack of enthusiasm, but I have bad memories of that hate group and I am not looking forward to having to go through that again.
Is there a fight that you want me to review? - Send an ask/request, and I’ll look into it!
Do you want to read my fanfic based around DEATH BATTLE itself? click here!
Thank you for reading, and I hope to see you next time for…
… Yeah, I got nothing.
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snowsse · 7 years
Tagged by the lovely @neganstonguething​ ! Thank you!!! <3
Rules: Answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
1. Coke or Pepsi: I’m gonna go with Pepsi Blue (controversial drink but it tasted so nice lol) 2. Disney or Dreamworks: Dreamworks. Man, The Road to El Dorado and The Prince of Egypt hold a special place in my heart 3. Coffee or Tea: Tea 4. Books or Movies: Movies. I’m a lazy picky ass with books. xD; 5. Windows or Mac: Windows BECAUSE FUCK YOU MAC for making some personalized software hard to use 6. DC or Marvel: Marvel because I’m salty af after what DC did with Kyle Rayner 7. Xbox or Playstation: Playstation. Because I like the exclusives better. 8. Dragon Age or Mass Effect: Neither. I don’t play them whoops. 9. Night Owl or Early Rise: Night Owl 10. Cards or Chess: FANORONA /gets kicked out -- I mean cards 11. Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla 12. Vans or Converse: Converse. I don’t own them but I draw them for my OCs a lot without knowing woops. 13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash or Adaar: I DON’T PLAY DRAGON AGE I’M SORRY DD: 14. Fluff or Angst: Gonna go with both. 15. Beach or Forest: Forest? Unless it’s a highly commercialized beach, then now we’re talking 16. Dogs or Cats: Dogs. Energetic babbus. 17. Clear Skies or Rain: Rain. Freaking love rainy weather. I love drawing it too. 18. Cooking or Eating Out: Eating out. I NEED TO GET OUT MORE. I feel like I’ve been getting cabin fever seriously. 19. Spicy Food or Mild Food: Mild food. I die at the smallest bit of spice. 20. Halloween/Samhain or Solstice/Yule/Christmas: Solstice/Yule/Christmas 21. Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: Forever a little too cold since I can always add layers. 22. If you could have a superpower, what would it be: does never aging and being immortal count? 23. Animation or Live Action: Animation. I mean, it’s sorta my field and all too... 24. Paragon or Renegade: I DON’T PLAY MASS EFFECT. AGAIN I’M SORRY DDDD: 25. Baths or Showers: Showers because it makes me imagine it’s rain. 26. Team Cap or Team Iron Man: TEAM TONY FOREVER. HUG THAT TRAUMATIZED BABBU. 27. Fantasy or Sci-Fi: I leeeean closer to sci-fi.
28. Do you have three or four favourite quotes ? If so, what are they: UM... I can only think of angsty ones atm. Woops. So I don’t really feel like putting them here haha.
29. YouTube or Netflix: Youtube. Netflix is useless in this country.
30. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson: Aaa I don’t read/watch both series. 31: When You Feel Accomplished: When I finish a thing? 32. Star Wars or Star Trek: Star Wars. It’s my freaking childhood that never went away. 33. Paperback Books or Hardback Books: Hardbacks. They look so nice on the shelf. 35. Velvet or Satin: Velvet. Satin kinda gives me the chills? 36. Video Games or Movies? : Video Games. All the way. 37. Would you rather be the dragon or own the dragon? Never been a dragon person... 38: Learning Chinese or learning Spanish? My first language is sorta close to Spanish, so I’m more curious to learn Chinese.
39. If you could spend one day with one famous person - who would you choose and what would you do for the whole day? Umm.. hmm. JDM? or RDJ. Since they both seem pretty fun. And IDK I usually let other people take the lead.
40. What is the most important for you, friendship or love ? And why ? I’m gonna be a pessimistic edgelord and say neither. I just. I dunno. They’re just topics I don’t really like thinking about when it comes to me.
41. Writing or Reading: Reading. I used to love writing, but idk.. It just gave me anxious feels after a while...
Big city or small town: Party in a big city, live in a small town.
And I’m tagging @hostilecrocodile , @sheisawantedman , @feelinglikealazyegg (it’s so hard to tag you ;w; your name doesn’t show) ,  @farewelltokings and everyone else I can think of already got tagged I think??? And feel free not to do it!!!
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ao3feed-kylerayner · 5 years
"A Halloween Mayhem" |DC Special|
by xNightsilverx
"A Halloween Mayhem" - Jason Todd's guide to living through pumpkins, scarecrows and deranged clowns with crowbars, AGAIN.
  All hell breaks loose in Gotham City on Halloween and it takes more than a few heroes to get it back to normal. Angst ensues, creeps are running amok and this deranged Clown is still alive. . . .
  |WARNING: Jason Todd (he's his own content warning); BATFAM: blood; angst; whumpy stuff|
Words: 2317, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of Bats and Stones Won't Break My Bones
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Young Justice - All Media Types, Teen Titans - All Media Types, Titans (Comics), Green Lantern - All Media Types, Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics), Young Justice (Comics), Young Justice (Cartoon), Teen Titans (Comics), Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps (Comics), Green Lantern (Comics), Batman (Comics), Detective Comics (Comics), Red Robin (Comics), Batman and Robin (Comics), Birds of Prey (Comic), Nightwing (Comics), Shazam! (2019)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Roy Harper, Kyle Rayner, Selina Kyle, Bruce Wayne, Stephanie Brown, Artemis of Bana-Mighdall, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Cassandra Cain, Duke Thomas, Cassie Sandsmark, Donna Troy, Wally West, Bizarro (DCU), Starfire, Barbara Gordon, Joker (DCU), Scarecrow, Poison Ivy, Ra's al Ghul, League of Assassins (DCU), Penguin (Character), Kate Kane, Bart Allen, Jim Gordon, Talia al Ghul, Leslie Thompkins, Bane (DCU), Alfred Pennyworth, Diana (Wonder Woman), Clayface, Clark Kent, Harvey Dent, Parliament of Owls (DCU), William Cobb (DCU), Essence (DCU), Rose Wilson, Joseph Wilson, Garth (DCU), Freddy Freeman (DCU), Billy Batson
Relationships: Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Artemis of Bana-Mighdall/Jason Todd, Roy Harper/Koriand'r, Roy Harper/Donna Troy, Roy Harper & Koriand'r & Jason Todd, Artemis of Bana-Mighdall & Bizarro (DCU) & Jason Todd, Dick Grayson & Roy Harper & Wally West, Dick Grayson & Roy Harper & Donna Troy & Wally West, Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Stephanie Brown/Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Duke Thomas & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Stephanie Brown & Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake, Tim Drake & Kon-El | Conner Kent, Bart Allen & Tim Drake & Kon-El | Conner Kent & Cassie Sandsmark, Jon Lane Kent & Damian Wayne, Damian Wayne & Colin Wilkes, Dick Grayson & Damian Wayne, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Linda Park/Wally West, Alfred Pennyworth & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Alfred Pennyworth & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth/Leslie Thompkins, Barry Allen & Bruce Wayne, Kyle Rayner & Jason Todd & Donna Troy, Hal Jordan & Kyle Rayner, Alexandra DeWitt/Kyle Rayner
Additional Tags: Batbrothers (DCU) Bonding, Protective Batfamily (DCU), Batfamily (DCU), Batfamily Angst (DCU), Gotham City - Freeform, Gotham City Police Department, Gotham Knights, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Kind of Canon Compliant, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Court of Owls, All Caste (DCU), Jason Todd is Red Hood, Damian Wayne is Robin, Tim Drake is Red Robin, Roy Harper & Jason Todd Bromance, Protective Siblings, Titans are a family, Original Young Justice Comic Team, Depressed Tim Drake, Tim Drake is So Done, Tim Drake is Not Okay, Just give the boy his coffe, Nerdy Tim Drake, Jason Todd Needs A Hug, Jason Todd is So Done, they all are, Outlaws are a bunch of badasses, But Jason is the badass ultimate, All-Caste Jason Todd, He can use All-Blades, supernatural stuff, Supernatural Elements, Kettle boiling at midnight, Blood, Whump, Green Lanterns, Kyle Rayner is an Artist, and it shows, Alex is alive not dead in the fridge, Ghosts, nerf war, Batboys are a bunch of traumatized childer who want to goofy around from time to time, so they start shooting each other with toy guns, Tim Drake is a smart-ass, and a genius, Damina is a smol bean, Dick is everyone's favorite big brother, Big Brother Dick Grayson, They're all hurt, I have no f idea what i'm doing, it's a massive crossover, Halloween, nighmare, i've brought Colin back to DC, him Damian and Jon would make a great team, and maybe emiko, and JON IS STILL YOUNG, Zombies, why not, i'm creating my own Earth here, klet's all it Silver Earth, Silver Earth, it was supossed to be a one-shot, look it's a multichapter story, too many tags, BAMF Jason Todd, BAMF Batfamily (DCU), Scarecrow's Fear Toxin (DCU), Past Joker/Harleen Quinzel, Bisexual Harley Quinn, what the heck is going on in gotham, Billy and Freddy appearing for like a moment, Seriously who's not here, why so serious, i don't wanna tag, SO, More to add - Freeform
read on AO3: https://ift.tt/326WQ1j via IFTTT
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ao3feed-timdrake · 5 years
"A Halloween Mayhem" |DC Special|
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/326WQ1j
by xNightsilverx
"A Halloween Mayhem" - Jason Todd's guide to living through pumpkins, scarecrows and deranged clowns with crowbars, AGAIN.
  All hell breaks loose in Gotham City on Halloween and it takes more than a few heroes to get it back to normal. Angst ensues, creeps are running amok and this deranged Clown is still alive. . . .
  |WARNING: Jason Todd (he's his own content warning); BATFAM: blood; angst; whumpy stuff|
Words: 2317, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of Bats and Stones Won't Break My Bones
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Young Justice - All Media Types, Teen Titans - All Media Types, Titans (Comics), Green Lantern - All Media Types, Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics), Young Justice (Comics), Young Justice (Cartoon), Teen Titans (Comics), Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps (Comics), Green Lantern (Comics), Batman (Comics), Detective Comics (Comics), Red Robin (Comics), Batman and Robin (Comics), Birds of Prey (Comic), Nightwing (Comics), Shazam! (2019)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Roy Harper, Kyle Rayner, Selina Kyle, Bruce Wayne, Stephanie Brown, Artemis of Bana-Mighdall, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Cassandra Cain, Duke Thomas, Cassie Sandsmark, Donna Troy, Wally West, Bizarro (DCU), Starfire, Barbara Gordon, Joker (DCU), Scarecrow, Poison Ivy, Ra's al Ghul, League of Assassins (DCU), Penguin (Character), Kate Kane, Bart Allen, Jim Gordon, Talia al Ghul, Leslie Thompkins, Bane (DCU), Alfred Pennyworth, Diana (Wonder Woman), Clayface, Clark Kent, Harvey Dent, Parliament of Owls (DCU), William Cobb (DCU), Essence (DCU), Rose Wilson, Joseph Wilson, Garth (DCU), Freddy Freeman (DCU), Billy Batson
Relationships: Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Artemis of Bana-Mighdall/Jason Todd, Roy Harper/Koriand'r, Roy Harper/Donna Troy, Roy Harper & Koriand'r & Jason Todd, Artemis of Bana-Mighdall & Bizarro (DCU) & Jason Todd, Dick Grayson & Roy Harper & Wally West, Dick Grayson & Roy Harper & Donna Troy & Wally West, Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Stephanie Brown/Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Duke Thomas & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Stephanie Brown & Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake, Tim Drake & Kon-El | Conner Kent, Bart Allen & Tim Drake & Kon-El | Conner Kent & Cassie Sandsmark, Jon Lane Kent & Damian Wayne, Damian Wayne & Colin Wilkes, Dick Grayson & Damian Wayne, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Linda Park/Wally West, Alfred Pennyworth & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Alfred Pennyworth & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth/Leslie Thompkins, Barry Allen & Bruce Wayne, Kyle Rayner & Jason Todd & Donna Troy, Hal Jordan & Kyle Rayner, Alexandra DeWitt/Kyle Rayner
Additional Tags: Batbrothers (DCU) Bonding, Protective Batfamily (DCU), Batfamily (DCU), Batfamily Angst (DCU), Gotham City - Freeform, Gotham City Police Department, Gotham Knights, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Kind of Canon Compliant, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Court of Owls, All Caste (DCU), Jason Todd is Red Hood, Damian Wayne is Robin, Tim Drake is Red Robin, Roy Harper & Jason Todd Bromance, Protective Siblings, Titans are a family, Original Young Justice Comic Team, Depressed Tim Drake, Tim Drake is So Done, Tim Drake is Not Okay, Just give the boy his coffe, Nerdy Tim Drake, Jason Todd Needs A Hug, Jason Todd is So Done, they all are, Outlaws are a bunch of badasses, But Jason is the badass ultimate, All-Caste Jason Todd, He can use All-Blades, supernatural stuff, Supernatural Elements, Kettle boiling at midnight, Blood, Whump, Green Lanterns, Kyle Rayner is an Artist, and it shows, Alex is alive not dead in the fridge, Ghosts, nerf war, Batboys are a bunch of traumatized childer who want to goofy around from time to time, so they start shooting each other with toy guns, Tim Drake is a smart-ass, and a genius, Damina is a smol bean, Dick is everyone's favorite big brother, Big Brother Dick Grayson, They're all hurt, I have no f idea what i'm doing, it's a massive crossover, Halloween, nighmare, i've brought Colin back to DC, him Damian and Jon would make a great team, and maybe emiko, and JON IS STILL YOUNG, Zombies, why not, i'm creating my own Earth here, klet's all it Silver Earth, Silver Earth, it was supossed to be a one-shot, look it's a multichapter story, too many tags, BAMF Jason Todd, BAMF Batfamily (DCU), Scarecrow's Fear Toxin (DCU), Past Joker/Harleen Quinzel, Bisexual Harley Quinn, what the heck is going on in gotham, Billy and Freddy appearing for like a moment, Seriously who's not here, why so serious, i don't wanna tag, SO, More to add - Freeform
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/326WQ1j
0 notes
ao3feed-batcat · 5 years
"A Halloween Mayhem" |DC Special|
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/326WQ1j
by xNightsilverx
"A Halloween Mayhem" - Jason Todd's guide to living through pumpkins, scarecrows and deranged clowns with crowbars, AGAIN.
  All hell breaks loose in Gotham City on Halloween and it takes more than a few heroes to get it back to normal. Angst ensues, creeps are running amok and this deranged Clown is still alive. . . .
  |WARNING: Jason Todd (he's his own content warning); BATFAM: blood; angst; whumpy stuff|
Words: 2317, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of Bats and Stones Won't Break My Bones
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Young Justice - All Media Types, Teen Titans - All Media Types, Titans (Comics), Green Lantern - All Media Types, Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics), Young Justice (Comics), Young Justice (Cartoon), Teen Titans (Comics), Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps (Comics), Green Lantern (Comics), Batman (Comics), Detective Comics (Comics), Red Robin (Comics), Batman and Robin (Comics), Birds of Prey (Comic), Nightwing (Comics), Shazam! (2019)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Roy Harper, Kyle Rayner, Selina Kyle, Bruce Wayne, Stephanie Brown, Artemis of Bana-Mighdall, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Cassandra Cain, Duke Thomas, Cassie Sandsmark, Donna Troy, Wally West, Bizarro (DCU), Starfire, Barbara Gordon, Joker (DCU), Scarecrow, Poison Ivy, Ra's al Ghul, League of Assassins (DCU), Penguin (Character), Kate Kane, Bart Allen, Jim Gordon, Talia al Ghul, Leslie Thompkins, Bane (DCU), Alfred Pennyworth, Diana (Wonder Woman), Clayface, Clark Kent, Harvey Dent, Parliament of Owls (DCU), William Cobb (DCU), Essence (DCU), Rose Wilson, Joseph Wilson, Garth (DCU), Freddy Freeman (DCU), Billy Batson
Relationships: Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Artemis of Bana-Mighdall/Jason Todd, Roy Harper/Koriand'r, Roy Harper/Donna Troy, Roy Harper & Koriand'r & Jason Todd, Artemis of Bana-Mighdall & Bizarro (DCU) & Jason Todd, Dick Grayson & Roy Harper & Wally West, Dick Grayson & Roy Harper & Donna Troy & Wally West, Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Stephanie Brown/Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Duke Thomas & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Stephanie Brown & Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake, Tim Drake & Kon-El | Conner Kent, Bart Allen & Tim Drake & Kon-El | Conner Kent & Cassie Sandsmark, Jon Lane Kent & Damian Wayne, Damian Wayne & Colin Wilkes, Dick Grayson & Damian Wayne, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Linda Park/Wally West, Alfred Pennyworth & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Alfred Pennyworth & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth/Leslie Thompkins, Barry Allen & Bruce Wayne, Kyle Rayner & Jason Todd & Donna Troy, Hal Jordan & Kyle Rayner, Alexandra DeWitt/Kyle Rayner
Additional Tags: Batbrothers (DCU) Bonding, Protective Batfamily (DCU), Batfamily (DCU), Batfamily Angst (DCU), Gotham City - Freeform, Gotham City Police Department, Gotham Knights, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Kind of Canon Compliant, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Court of Owls, All Caste (DCU), Jason Todd is Red Hood, Damian Wayne is Robin, Tim Drake is Red Robin, Roy Harper & Jason Todd Bromance, Protective Siblings, Titans are a family, Original Young Justice Comic Team, Depressed Tim Drake, Tim Drake is So Done, Tim Drake is Not Okay, Just give the boy his coffe, Nerdy Tim Drake, Jason Todd Needs A Hug, Jason Todd is So Done, they all are, Outlaws are a bunch of badasses, But Jason is the badass ultimate, All-Caste Jason Todd, He can use All-Blades, supernatural stuff, Supernatural Elements, Kettle boiling at midnight, Blood, Whump, Green Lanterns, Kyle Rayner is an Artist, and it shows, Alex is alive not dead in the fridge, Ghosts, nerf war, Batboys are a bunch of traumatized childer who want to goofy around from time to time, so they start shooting each other with toy guns, Tim Drake is a smart-ass, and a genius, Damina is a smol bean, Dick is everyone's favorite big brother, Big Brother Dick Grayson, They're all hurt, I have no f idea what i'm doing, it's a massive crossover, Halloween, nighmare, i've brought Colin back to DC, him Damian and Jon would make a great team, and maybe emiko, and JON IS STILL YOUNG, Zombies, why not, i'm creating my own Earth here, klet's all it Silver Earth, Silver Earth, it was supossed to be a one-shot, look it's a multichapter story, too many tags, BAMF Jason Todd, BAMF Batfamily (DCU), Scarecrow's Fear Toxin (DCU), Past Joker/Harleen Quinzel, Bisexual Harley Quinn, what the heck is going on in gotham, Billy and Freddy appearing for like a moment, Seriously who's not here, why so serious, i don't wanna tag, SO, More to add - Freeform
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/326WQ1j
0 notes
scandalsavagefanfic · 4 years
I LOVE your "Jason bangs the JL, and also the World" series SO MUCH, seriously. But now I'm also thinking about an AU in which Jason sleeps his way through the JL, the Wayne Board, various Gothamite socialites, etc. just to get Bruce's attention. Bruce is seethingly jealous and VERY bad at hiding it.
Hi there! I’m so glad you like that little verse!
I wrote something for this ask but it… well, it ended up going a much darker direction than anticipated 😬  So I’m going to post up to the point where things take a turn here and maybe add something nicer later, just so we can all pretend that I didn’t ruin this happy, lighthearted verse with angst and horror. But I’ll post the link to the whole thing on Ao3 so everyone interested in the dark ending can enjoy.
We’re also going to just go ahead and call this an AU of the “Jason bangs the JL and all the villains” AU so that that one can remain untainted 🤣
So here you go.
PART 1     PART 2     PART 3
Darkest Knight - just the good stuff 
[Read the whole darker story on Ao3!]
Words: 1110
Rating: Mature
Warnings: None for the following, but check warnings and tags if you follow the link.
It was already bad enough, knowing about the villains and his colleagues. But then Bruce sees a blurry picture with the unmistakable silhouette Vicki Vale and Jason’s signature jacket in a tabloid.
Still, he tries to stay calm. Tries to examine why he’s so angry about this when no one else seems bothered. 
Then he walks into Fox’s office to find Jason sitting on the edge of the desk, Lucius standing between his spread legs.
They’re not doing anything. They’re both fully clothed. But the flirty tilt to Jason’s head and the soft, affectionate smile on Lucius’s lips would have been damning even without Jason’s finger looped between buttons on the older man’s shirt, and Fox’s hand on the younger man’s thigh. Not to mention the way Lucius takes a quick but dignified step back and Jason flushes pink.
His first thought is that maybe Jason is purposefully flaunting it. Shoving Bruce’s face in his exploits just to get under his skin.
But Bruce had come to Fox’s office to let him know his “business meeting” in Norway had ended early and Bruce was back two days ahead of schedule. They couldn’t have known.
After an extremely awkward moment where they all just stare at each other, Bruce turns on his heel and leaves as quickly as he can.
This is ridiculous. He needs to get a hold of himself. Needs to find a way to let this go.
If he were smart, he’d try to encourage the obvious mutual feelings between Jason and the youngest Green Lantern. Try to nudge Jason into something more committed and… norm—healthy.
But something stops him. Something won’t allow him to entertain thoughts of Jason being serious with anyone.
Those feelings and anger boil inside him, getting hotter and hotter at every little hint of Jason’s… relationships. The way Clark can’t seem to look him in the eyes anymore. Jordan’s smug grin. Slade’s and Talia’s and Lex’s pointed jabs. 
The way Rayner seems to always just… be there now.
It’s Tim who makes him realize.
“Jesus Christ, Bruce. Stop acting like a jealous ex lover. Jason is an adult and he’s not being taken advantage of. You read the report from Ra’s. You know that.”
Bruce didn’t hear anything after “lover”.
As per his modus operandi, he spends the next couple weeks obsessing over Tim’s words. 
Then he plans.
Batman hides in the shadows, waiting for Jason’s guest to leave, and is unsurprised to find it’s the cocky Green Lantern (not that all of them aren’t cocky. Honestly, Stewart is the only one Bruce even kind of likes).
He doesn’t go in immediately. It takes another hour, give or take, to steal his nerves for what he’s about to do.
When he finally does, Jason’s security is fairly easy to bypass. Like he didn’t even bother to lock things down after Kyle left. 
Hovering over Jason’s bed watching him sleep is creepy. Bruce knows that. Especially with the smell of sex somehow still thick in the air. 
It does nothing but make that something in him go feral.
But he takes a deep breath, keeping his cool, and steps back. Just in case.
“Jason,” he growls. It’s a low, gravely rumble. Not quite Batman’s voice—he’ll only use that if he has to—but not his normal one either.
The younger man positively leaps out of bed, lights from the city beyond the windows glinting off the curves of his meticulously sharped kris. It’s wielded with obvious skill and comfort, despite being jolted from the middle of a REM cycle.
The light also casts flattering shadows across Jason’s bared form, cutting dark valleys in the dips of his muscles and glistening peaks at the swells. His ebony curls are sleep tousled and sticking up in different directions. 
“B?” Jason asks, voice thick and a little slurred with sleep. He straightens out of his fighting stance, eyes narrowed in confusion. Then he tucks the knife back under his pillow and runs his fingers through the streak of white at his forehead.
Bruce can’t stop his own gaze from flicking down or the way he licks his lips.
Even in the darkness, he can see the color bloom across Jason’s face as he realizes he’s fully exposed.
There is no conscious thought to move. Jason reaches for the sheet on the bed and suddenly the room blurs, a surprised yelp rings like sweet music in his ears. And when things clear, Bruce has Jason up against the wall, the younger man’s wrists in a steel grip.
Jason stares at him with wide, bright eyes, breath coming in short, shaky puffs that make his chest heave. Which draws his attention down to the dark metal bars pierced through Jason nipples. He hadn’t even known they were there.
It’s mesmerizing, watching them move slowly up and down.
“Bruce… wh-what are you doing?”
Jason’s voice is soft, breathless. Usually Bruce is good at reading people but he can’t tell if Jason is excited… or scared.
He steps closer, eyes traveling over the warm, scarred skin, connecting the dots from bite mark to hickey to fingerprint. 
“I want you stop,” Bruce finally demands. “I want you to call off all your arrangements and dates.”
“And when have I ever cared what you want?” Jason smirks but his body language, the tense line of his shoulders, out his continued discomfort. 
Bruce steps closer, takes both of Jason’s wrists in one hand and raises the other to lightly cup Jason’s neck, thumb caressing over the younger man’s chin and inching towards his lips. He feels it when Jason gulps.
“You used to. Once. When you were younger,” he purrs, enjoying the way Jason shivers when his breath wafts over the boy’s face.
“That was a long time ago, Bruce. I was different person. You were a different person. Things have changed. We’re not close anymore and I need—“
“I’ll provide everything you need,” Bruce rumbles. “Whatever you need. Anything you ask for; no questions, no strings. Weapons, intel, cash, Kryponite,” he slots his thigh between Jason’s legs, slides it high to feel the younger man’s cock, making Jason gasp and squirm. “Feeding the hunger the Pit left inside you.”
Jason freezes for a moment, eyes going wide again.
“You-you can’t be serious,” he grumbles and starts wriggling harder. Like he’s making a real effort to get out of Bruce’s hold.
Bruce just tightens his grip; squeezes Jason’s wrists hard enough he can feel the bones grind against his palm. “I am. Very.”
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