#i will make another one abt side characters perhaps
general-cyno · 8 months
I finally got to thriller bark and of course I'm having many feelings about it, so long ramble ahead. what makes this kind of sacrifice have so much impact narrative-wise is precisely bc of which character does it and imo there was no better choice than zoro.
while his life was certainly in danger, zoro still joined luffy's crew in way less dire circumstances than most of the other straw hats and he's someone that luffy actively sought out to embark his journey with. zoro's dream of becoming of the world's greatest swordsman is one that matches luffy's own of becoming king of the pirates. this doesn't lessen the importance of the crew's dreams, but imo it's clear that there's a reason why zoro's the first to join. why luffy trusts him to take care of everyone and lead them when he's otherwise busy fighting the biggest bads, incapacitated or just not present for whatever reason and why zoro does exactly that. why, for example, he trusted zoro's judgment abt usopp coming back even though luffy was initially ready to accept him without even an apology needed.
another thing to note, which I don't think is a coincidence either, is that zoro's either been mistaken for the captain or has left ppl wondering why he isn't more than a few times already, throughout the manga. zoro's strong, a very independent guy, who already had quite the reputation before he decided to be part of luffy's crew. ppl still call him the pirate hunter. he's got a dream he's hellbent on achieving, and it's not only his, but also kuina's. he's not afraid of dying for it but it's not like he wants to, yknow? and he's never one to go down without a fight. zoro also admits during the davy back ordeal that there's no point to him being a pirate if he's not part of luffy's crew. all of these things make thriller bark so special.
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is zoro renouncing to his dream, his promise to kuina, to his own life - not in battle, and certainly not as a way to achieve the very dream he's forfeiting - and he's doing it to keep luffy safe. bc zoro's absolutely certain that luffy WILL become the pirate king and if zoro has to cast all that aside to make sure of it, he will. this is zoro taking all of luffy's pain as his own while protecting luffy's life and dream, putting them even above his. which, to an extent, also guarantees (from his pov, at least) the rest of the crew's safety. that's huge, so much that even kuma questions his decision.
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and yeah he's protecting the crew, but it's very obvious that he's doing this for luffy. kuma points it out, as shown above, and he had already voiced out his intention to leave with luffy's head only, specifically. it's luffy's pain that zoro's willing to take on and die for.
also perhaps you'd think this seems a bit one-sided no? but if you ask me, zoro choosing to pretend nothing happened is proof that it isn't. sure, it's not like zoro's the type of character who'd boast or openly talk abt this kind of sacrifice, but this is what he said to luffy when he agreed to join him:
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luffy adores his crew. he's willing to die for them, protecting and saving them always, and he takes their dreams very seriously. zoro has witnessed this from the very beginning, and also took it upon himself to remind luffy of how much they all relied on him back when usopp left the crew, so that luffy wouldn't doubt himself. imagine how luffy would've reacted or even felt knowing that zoro had done this. for him.
in hindsight, this panel from the beginning of the arc is a bit of a tragedy honestly. (still cute though!)
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gwaaaaar · 4 months
breaking my silence...
whoever told me the second half of death note was trash... YOURE WRONG YOURE WRONG YOURE WRONGGGGGG 🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣 MELLO AND NEAR ARE WORTHY SUCCESSORS TO L YOURE JUST A STAN!!!!
near... sweet jesus baby they didnt deserve you !!! I was so pleasantly surprised to see how distinct he was despite people calling him "white haired L". LIKE hes a lot more cautious than L but isn't above being a sarcastic little shit and actively causing problems... i read a fan translation and he uses a lot of cuss words to refer to certain people he dislikes. I dont know if thats in the official translation as well but i do like the visual of this 7 yo saying "asshole" and "dickhead". I know hes 17-18 and this is average teenage behavior but gah hes so cute and moe and make little "vrooooom" noises when playing with his toys... 🥺 cant help but stan. Hes in his zone unbothered...
AND THE FACT HE CHALLENGES LIGHT IN FRONT OF OTHER PEOPLE SO BLATANTLY... no mind games no time for light to make his next move just fuck it we ball. Also very fond of the scene where he drops hundred dollar bills off the SPK building. He's unpredictable just like Mello is but in a different way and its fascinating i love this guy. Also enjoy the fact that his flavor of justice is that he doesnt really have one hes just doing his job. The verbal beatdown he does at the end about how lights just a crazy serial killer... GET HIS ASS NEAR !!! Hes not pretentious and its just... its just good you know? L wasn't very pretentious but he does call himself justice sometimes and stuff along the like(?) Near drops all pretense... cant help but stan
Also really fond that he actually likes mello its just mello doesnt like him... I know canon never explicitly states their relationship with each other, like if its a brotherly relationship or not (altho isnt there some cain and abel parallels??? Not sure). But i really do see a siblinglike relationship between the two. Canon doesnt really put any angst on their relationship bc near doesnt care lolol, but the two do remind me of certain siblings that have a strained relationship because of the pressure put on one of them (or on both. Again fuck wammys house all my homies hate wammys AND WATARI!!! ME WHEN I GET YOU!!!) I really would love to see the two interact... and maybe just be happy by each other/pl. Because god it really terrible to see how much mello hates near and its not even nears fault :,). AND FUCK THE CHOCOLATE BAR HE EATS AT THE END TO HONOR MELLO???? STOPPPP IM GONNA CRY... near the man that you are... they dont deserve you baby...
And smello... mello mello mello... I've heard more positive things about him compared to near bc hes more "interesting" and i can see why people take that angle BUT. God they still undersell him so much??? I feel like hes one of the few characters to have a goal besides catching Kira (or not getting caught) because of his inferiority complex. I do not mean to undersell any of the other characters when i say this because theyre all very complex! They all have their driving goals and the like. Its just that i argue that Mello's is more persistent and that it is not centered around the conflict but rather himself. Even if he caught Kira perhaps he would still never be happy with himself because Near is always "going to be better" because of the shit he went through in wammys. Theres a whole discussion to be had abt the ethics of wammys house... but ill save that for another post wwww.
Mello is also someone that isnt pretentious about his idea of justice bc hes a fucking criminal. (BTW i love the two opposing sides of the successors... one that tries falling within the law but still doesnt give a shit and the other that doesnt give any shits at all and eventually helps the law.) And its so... I LOVE YOU RUTHLESS CHARACTERS I LOVE YOU CHARACTERS THAT STOP AT NOTHING TO GET WHAT THEY WANT.
And the thing is ... Mello does have his own sense of justice because its not as if he sacrifices innocent bystanders to get what he wants he just does what is necessary. LIKE ofc its fucked up that he kidnapped sayu (and traumatized her...), takada (and the stripping... but at least she got a blanket:,) honestly tho id blame that on the misogyny of the authors) and the director of the police im not about to be a mello apologist (yes i am/j). But a. He probably knew no one was going to get hurt in the first place because hes just that damn confident. b. His remorse for matt and soichiros deaths show that he doesnt intend on sacrificing anyone and when things go astray it saddens him a little. And c. THE FACT HE PROBABLY KNEW HE WAS GONNA DIE AND STILL SACRIFICED HIMSELF TO HELP NEAR... near would "win" but mello prioritized putting kira behind bars and while i cant guess his motive, from my end it does seem like in extension he prioritized doing the right thing, which would be to sacrifice his life and pride to help near get the final piece to catch mikami... wow what a man im so deathly ill
After typing all this, i must say... is L really as complex as years of DN fans have said?? I think im about to get crucified for this opinion, but legitimately is he??? I think he is complex most certainly just... maybe not as much as others have said... i might just be missing details about his past + lore from external media so maybe thats why i have this opinion. But i feel like the successors *are* toe to toe with him despite their split screen time... idk tho :3 this is just my thoughts meow
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tokkishouse · 1 year
heyyy, okay so I read the cute lil Tighnari post and I died a lil (a lot actually, it was so cute pls my heart can't take it) If you have the time could you pls post more abt him 👁👁
I physically need more of that man, it doesn't really matter if it's sfw or nsfw or both. I just need more posts on this man or I will fall over and die 🛐
You 🤝 Me --> Needing more Tighnari content Say no more babes.
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(Sfw) Tighnari as a Boyfriend
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Characters: Tighnari x GN!Reader
Warnings: Slightly suggestive, subtle yandere themes
WC: 0.8k words
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Fennec foxes mate for life. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Tighnari is loyal to a fault. Some of the villagers and even fellow rangers may try to woo him, but his eyes are focused on you and you alone
This also applies in the opposite direction-- if anyone flirts with you, he's by your side and growling at the offender, canines bared and ready to bite. Poor Al-Haitham got a bit of a shock when an off-handed, semi-flirtatious statement earned him a bone-chilling glare from Tighnari and the feeling of claws around his neck. Please give this man all of your attention
Gets very excited if you groom his ears and tails-- he likes to keep them nice and presentable for you and what better way to do that than to have you preen as you see fit?
Speaking of grooming-- if you do a particularly favorable job at it, he'll purr. Idc if foxes cant purr, Tighnari can. It's barely audible, trading sound for power as it's strong enough to be felt all over your body. Once he's purring you've won-- you could ask him anything and he'll probably say yes to it
Always brings you something from his expeditions-- from flowers to unique plants and strange creatures-- as long as he's vetted it to be safe, Tighnari will bring it home for you to keep. His tail curls up in anxiety as he watches you carefully inspect the gifts he brings home, but it always relaxes when he sees your delighted smile and you look at him with such adoration keep your eyes only on him
Speaking of his tail, it's the biggest indicator of his mood. If it's still, he's either in a neutral state or very focused. If it's swaying back and forth, he's calm and perhaps happy-- the faster it sways the happier he is. If it drags behind him on the floor like it has no life, he's upset. And if it curls up very tightly he may be a tad excited.
It also naturally seeks you out. If you stand next to him, it automatically wraps itself around your leg, waist, or just all over your body. You're familiar and safe, and it's a way of staying as close and connected to you as possible. It does make for some unfortunate moments when one of you decides to move abruptly, tugging the poor thing hard and lightly spraining it.
He will lecture you if you get in trouble or hurt yourself, but not out of anger-- only frustration and worry. He loves you very dearly and he doesn't want to think of a world without you. Tighnari's lectures are just another way of him expressing his concern for you and your safety. This also means that before you go anywhere, even if it's down the road to a local merchant, he'll make sure you have an emergency pack fully stocked. He can't have you tripping over a root and injuring yourself, and without anything to self-treat, now can he?
The cooler seasons are the best time to cuddle with him-- the fur on his ears and tail get slightly thicker to adjust to the falling temperatures, which makes sleeping curled up against the tail all the more comforting. Its extra warmth makes cool breezes and nightly chills a thing of the past.
While he does have a nickname or two for you, he doesn't call you by it often. Saying your name is loving as it is-- it's your name. It carries the weight of your history and how far you've come-- who you are. To him, that is the most precious thing and every time he says your name, all that information floods his brain as he conjures up the image of you, his lovely partner. During more sappy and romantic moments though, he will throw in a nickname for you here and there.
He may tease and be sarcastic with you, but if you express your discomfort, he'll stop immediately. However, if you can match his snarkiness and shoot back your own witty retorts, you'll have him completely ensnared. An off-handed comment turns into a full-blown snark fest with neither of you willing to give up until you leave the other completely stumped. It makes those around you either annoyed or amused. After all, anyone that can keep up with Tighnari's wit is sure to make a worthy opponent.
All in all, Tighnari is a very caring boyfriend with his own quirks. If you're lucky enough to be chosen by him, you'll have quite the satisfactory relationship-- one that only inspires joy and free love. Just be mindful not to set off one of his more fox-like instincts. It often can get...messy.
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Requests (both sfw and nsfw) are open~! If you want a nsfw version of this lmk
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i was wondering if you write for kusuo saiki and if you do can you write abt him being yandere
like on the outside around you he acts like he doesn’t want you there and act like with everyone else but in the inside he’s freaking out he’s so close to you
and i also think he becomes a cat so you would give him kisses and hugs 🤭
Yeah, I do and I can ofc. Thanks for the request & idea, anon! Hope you enjoy!
Yandere Saiki Kusuo
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Warning: obsessive thoughts, implied threats (not towards reader), gaslight, controlling behaviors
- Here we go again... (As in another episode of Kusuo trying hard not to acknowledge his feelings and avoid you)
- The more he pushes you out his mind conciously, the deeper he's tangled in those thoughts. It's really meddlesome when falling hard for you ends up as another thing he can't control.
- Aware of the gravity his feelings could have upon you and the others, he tries to keep you away from him like he does with others.
- If the universe isn't going to push you into his way persistently unless he goes out of his way to meet you, Kusuo would feel a growing disappointment (+ guilt because you could be forgotten as a character in his world). Really now? He's annoyed and can't focus enjoying his time alone when he's filled with thoughts that you might be able to keep him company or he could make you come over. So he did.
- If the universe is somehow being kind to him, only allowing you to be by his side... well, he doesn't mind it that much as long as you're behaving yourself.
- Supposedly he doesn't mind. But now he wants some distractions aside being fixated on your presence like you're the only one matter in this world, at the same time he would hate to see others taking up your attention. You better not waste your time with a bunch like them.
- Kusuo would appreciate his inner feelings calming down by your attempts of distracting him to some desserts and coffee jelly, perhaps.
- (side note: inner because from outside he looks slightly irritated and more quiet than usual. If that put you off and you're thinking them as signs of him wanting you away from his sight since he was really cold & persistent in avoiding you, you're free to give him some space. He wouldn't stop you. When you already left, he would realize he didn't stop you. So, he brings the nearest fitting object to some island before butchering it up until it's no longer recognizeable. He stays in that island for an hour with a great storm happening.)
- After that, Kusuo would tackle most activities such as doing one of his/your hobbies with you. Once in a while, it's good to enjoy a quality time with a special someone. ...once in a while? Make that everyday, a daily routine so he could be rid of his sick feelings once and for all. he couldn't
- From now on, you're someone who often stay over to his house without anyone batting an eye. At this point, you're just like a resident of it and considered as someone fitting for Saiki by both his fussy parents.
- You feel like your life has become easier, not have a single thing or someone get in your way, it's like they're not there anymore from the very beginning.
- Saiki is also ready to face his older brother and won't let him touch a hair on your head, gets real serious and put him down whenever his brother tries to get close to you too.
- Everyday will not pass without him being close to you. Very few rare times he would show you affection are when you look like you need some comfort by a hug or a pat on the head.
- You don't need anyone to involve yourself with. Only him and his parents, maybe his friends too in your whole life, there's no things you need to do/talk with others beside the ones mentioned above. They wouldn't be making sense with their nonsensical excuses you can't do anything about.
Side story: Saiki cat/Psi ver.
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- What? Don't be ridiculous, even if he cherish you deeply, he wouldn't let you take advantage of his animal form.
- It's just for special occassion like your birthday maybe, wait patiently for that. Even then, his transformation would take two hours so you still need to wait at any rate.
- If you can't interact with him in the cat form, you ask him to let you have a stuffed animal of it at least.
- He won't allow it as it's not efficient when you can instead hold the real deal—no, not him, another cat.
- So then you get to pamper an orange cat named Anpu instead. Or he could go with you to a cat island.
- All the cats are really sweet to you and would bring you random items. When you're already distracted not to mind him or forget about the cat matter from before, two hours will have passed since then.
- The peak heaven is reached with him now included.
- Don't bring up about his purrs whenever you pet/scratch him, they're only automatic response of being a cat.
- I guess he could automatically nuzzle against you too as a return without you noticing.
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the-amazing-wonderss · 11 months
Waste it on me
A/N: ...OKAY SO NOT TWICE BUT BTS THIS TIME DONT@ME ABT MY SONG CHOICES 🤡‼️ Also my first time writing for Sakura because Mod 👻 wanted me to so i'm sorry if she sounds OOC, same with the others !! ⎯☠️
Content: Fluff, No gender specified for reader other than the terms 'lady/gentleman' used in Natsuhiko's part, yandere-ish behavior on Tsukasa's part, rushed and not proofread/edited. Summary: In which you are an anti romantic that's persistent to deny your feelings to them but they notice.
Characters: Sakura, Natsuhiko, Tsukasa
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You say love is messed up, you say that it don't work. You don't wanna try, no, no (you don't wanna try, no, no) ⎯ From pushing and pushing, you don't seem to budge from where you stand. Instead you're waiting there for me. Waiting for my answer that you've already predicated. Am I that obvious? Or did you predict this as well?
It's actually hard for you to even notice that she knows. With her stoic expression and all, as well as her unbothered attitude, you never would've found out about her knowing until you had eventually confess.
But before that can even occur, SAKURA would remain silent and resilient to whatever nonsense you had to say about love. How it's foolish, silly, a lie, etc.
However one thing she does notice when you start talking about it is how each time you mention something different about it, there's always a distant look in your eyes.
Whether it's mentioning the way some couples act sickly sweet to each other or how they'd bring their significant other to some place special, there was always this... Longing expression that you yourself might've not noticed, but she did.
The way you stared afar for a while, making it quite easy for her to admire the look on your face. It makes her a bit sadden to see how you weren't honest with your feelings, but also understand why you weren't so open about it.
That's why she doesn't speak up about it, or try to approach you on the topic. She's the type to wait for your answer, and if you still weren't willing to? Well one way or another she'll eventually draw the answer out of you sooner or later.
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I don't know your secrets but I'll pick up the pieces. Pull you close to me now ⎯ Why don't you leave me alone? Why are you such a thorn to my side? Can't you see that I hate you? That you make me sick? Just looking at you makes my stomach churn, so what's with that dumb look on your face for?
Oh he knows. He knows and he fucking loves it so much. Basking at even knowing but still chasing after your love is so exciting for him, especially when you kept trying to push him away and deny it all, he just keeps coming back.
NATSUHIKO as we all know him very well, is a romantic at heart ⎯ he'd go far and beyond to show his love for you, heck, even showing it off despite your counters against it.
And although he might not say it out loud for you or anyone to hear, he is a bit ... Hurt? For you, seeing as you weren't honest with your feelings and kept pushing it down, was it because of his previous acts of flirting to others that made you feel as if he'd toy with yours? Or was it perhaps a past relationship that made you see things the way they are now?
He didn't know, he wants to know but he didn't want to drag you into saying it.
So instead, he awaits for whatever your reason or answer might be while also still trying to court you in the best ways possibles for a lady/gentleman such as yourself.
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Treat me like a comma, I'll take you to a new phrase. Yeah, come just eat me and throw me away ⎯ I don't understand what's so special about me that makes you act like this, so childish yet so loving... Is this some kind of joke to you? Are you pulling on the strings of my heart simply because it's funny? You're cruel to make me fall for you even more.
He knows and he's pestering you about it. Upset that you're trying to keep it from him while also finding it so entertaining, especially about the little comments you make on love.
Why did it upset you? Why are you denying it? It's interesting to see how you shy away from his touches due to not 'wanting to be in love' but at the same time, looking like a love stricken fool.
TSUKASA doesn't necessarily take too kindly if you keep up with this act though, as it soon becomes more irritating than interesting for him. So if you aren't admitting to your feelings by the time he starts switching up, you might be in a lot of trouble and find some of your classmates going missing.
He sees no point keeping them around if you aren't willing to have him either.
But...if you do end up confessing to him before all of that could happen, he would be so overjoyed! Bouncing around and clinging onto you as if he hadn't just threatened demanded for your answer earlier!
It did came out as forceful... Maybe even a bit worrying from how he made you get straight to the point rather than beat around the bush for too long ⎯ but in the end, you did end up getting what you wanted, right? You have him now and he has you.
(Gonna add this extra part here just in case some readers aren't a big fan of yandere endings: But Sakura would talk to Tsukasa at one point about it and let him know of your feelings before you even got the chance to. Instead, having him confront you about it rather than the other way around ⎯ so that he could take the initiative and put the end to this cat and mouse chase.)
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gojowh0rcs · 1 year
anyway, imagine despite all precautions taken and how careful and vigilant the two of them might’ve been (save for that one very spontaneous emotionally charged night), gojo still manages to get his s/o pregnant. it probably isnt even smth that crosses the realm of possibility in gojo’s mind at first just BECAUSE of how cautionary they (he) would have been. having a kid isnt really on his agenda. so much preparation and thought would have had to gone into even entertaining the idea on normal circumstances. but gojo--what with everything going on pre-shibuya arc--would be too buried under his responsibilities to dedicate the proper time and energy into caring for a pregnant s/o. it’s probably pure denial and avoidance that halts him from delving deeper into the possibility at first. he doesn’t have the time so the universe wouldn’t be so cruel as to layer another obligation, especially one as important as this, onto his already sky-high pile---is what he thinks. but then he remembers the universe has never quite been on his side (perhaps terrible luck was the karmic balance of the strongest). being head of his clan and the sole pushing force of it does deem him a little freedom. there’s nothing anyone could truly force him to do, which is why he’s the nerve to be so rebellious in the first place (along with just being the literal strongest sorcerer---who gon check him? LMFAO). but gossip and social pressure from the higher ups is bound to aggravate him. he still has to stay somewhat within the lines of their politics. play a little by their rules. impregnating a s/o without any social standing or status in jujutsu society probably spreads rumors of diluting the gojo bloodline. he ignores it, ofc. lets them have that if they want. but he draws all lines at dragging his s/o and specifically their baby into that world. there’s a huge, steal wall of separation he builds thicker than before between his s/o and jujutsu society. no one is forcing his s/o into the gojo clan, no one is forcing his child into obligation or training either. he decides. this is his. and they belong solely to him. 
(that being said he’d definitely train his child regardless if they’re born with cursed techniques or not when they come of age. its just under his say not anyone elses :) SDJDSDFJ)
as for the relationship with his s/o, idk if he’d marry them outright just because they’d get pregnant. that entirely depends on the s/o and their own perception of marriage. if its important to them, then maybe. but i dont think gojo would want to put that pressure, and he doesnt really care about what society or anyone would have to say abt having a child out of wedlock either. actually it seems more in character for gojo to never actually legally marry but have a whole secret long-term relationship on the side that no one knows abt until he’s sealed and his s/o comes lookin for him 💀. when his students find out hes just like oops lol hehe silly me 
their relationship would definitely take a different undertone. gojo already regarded his s/o as his, but the pregnancy would make that x100000. he’d start making decisions on their behalf without them always knowing, takes more of a lead. might not legally take the title, but definitely assumes the role of a husband. a lot more protective, but its all very subtle. his s/o would feel the change in energy coming from him. he might move them out of their apartment and somewhere more safe and secluded. the city is crawling with curses, so the farther out they are, they less likelihood of danger. might set up a curtain that protects their home that keeps curses and curse users out when hes not there. he’s still not as present as he’d like to be, so his s/o might be left feeling lonely, but there is a notable effort in how much more frequent his visits will be (especially closer to the delivery date). 
gojo might  🤏 be a little more vulnerable than usual too. it might actually catch him by surprise. he thought he’d be just as vacant and as distant of a father as someone like toji. there’s probably a theory out there that jujutsu sorcerers make for shitty parents. they’re all too hardened to coddle the dearness, the preciousness of youth. hence why so many sorcerers are forced to grow up early and thus the cycle repeats. he probably rationalizes that he’ll be like that too. that even if he’d try, and god will he try, he’d still manage to fuck his kid up a little. it’s just how these things kind of go. but there will be so many nights that he rests his cheek against his s/o’s growing belly and tells their baby stories about his day, his students, his battles. he complains about the higher ups and their stagnant ways. he tells their baby that he’s the strongest sorcerer alive, and thereby the coolest dad in the world. and on nights where he’s troubled by things he’s too proud to divulge, he tells them that he will rip time and the universe apart for them with his strong hands. that no one could touch a hair on their head without his permission. that he’d do anything for them. that they were his, and he’d protect them for the rest of his life.
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wc-confessions · 1 year
i have a question for you. what’s your fav warrior cat. if so, tell me about them…
tigerclaw. ramble under the cut but basically hes a cool villain i think a lot about how he could have been better if the erins and the publishers werent pussies
anyway hes such a complex character and the result of how living by the code so devotedly can fuck up your views and just how terrible clan life is. there are many cats who are examples of this but tigerclaw is so special to me in his way of exhibiting this. if you really consider it, he truly believed he was doing something good and bringing the clans to how they should be. like he grew up with the code being heavily enforced and the adults around him that he idolized and trusted selfishly using the code to justify their actions and beliefs. like its not only thistleclaw if you think about the enviornment he lived in. whats more doesnt really help that he was already seen as a threat or a nuisance as a freaking kitten. of course hes going to grow older and assume theres a certain path for him, and that he should trust and encourage the code no matter what. i also dont believe him wanting to be leader or deputy was him being selfish or knowingly evil, rather, him believing he was truly meant for those roles. therefore it was only right for him to do what he must to get his way to make things as they should be. he viewed himself as someone rightously abiding by the rules established by his ancestors, someone worthy to set the clans in their places and lead them to rightousness. then having to witness changes to the clans def prbly set him off further, and he just knew in his head he was the one. i can admit that his actions seemed hypocritical considering his relationship with sasha and the way he went about things, but i truly believe they were like more than they seemed. for one i dont think he believed he was going against his beliefs or perhaps he recognized this but didnt think it was a bad thing if he was still making 'right'. then i think he also had this mindset that his actions were a part of a greater plan or what he believed to be a part of his plan, that he jad to do certain things make choices to reach his goal. additionally, becaise of the way he grew up, i think he believed it was better to sort of repress his emotions. like i think a lot of his actions were driven by his inner emotions and there are times where he kind of breaks the whole cold frame and we get kind of a different character (my Favourite scene is when he kind of expresses like a different, emotional side after meeting his kids again even if he doesnt outright share his feelings and for a moment as he witnesses this firestar sees him as a person not like the enemy in his story that drove him to that point. but then hes unsure if its some sort of ploy. then thats never brought up again bc the early wc the erins just Did That)(another scene i wanna talk abt is how prior to the reveal hes shown to be kind of fearful of ravenpaw giving away what hes done before he just plots to get rid of him does anyoneremeber when firestar catches him freaking out at the gathering and wonders why the fuck is he acting weird. i really think at some point he just got better at being evil lying cold etc it was never something he was good at or born with it it was developed and fed). it just makes you wonder if everything was better what kind of person would he have been. then his relationship with others ugh hes shown to be caring and hearty within the clan in the start even tho its SO MINOR. i believe it just says a lot about him. hes respected nd he likes his place he believes hes deserving of leading the clans to greatness he can do it and everyone makes him believe so but then there are those who want to change those ways theyre threatening him and his ideal way of the clans built so perfectly by the code and its pure people. i could go on and on but i dont want to make this too too long
but idk i feel like a lof of the things about tigerclaw early on are ignored because people focus on the depiction after tpb. in which hes another soulless power hungry bad guy also he hates his kids despite what we are shown before. because early on in the series you can see the erins wanted something interesting for him and his relationship with firestar with other characters, his way of thinking, the way he priorities the code, how his enviornment altered him. and yet thats all thrown away all the concepts are replaced its poorly developed and its just makes me go bangs my fist why why why we could have had it better fuck the erins
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wttcsms · 5 months
OK ROYAL AU IDEA where reader is the spoiled princess who happens to be the youngest daughter of a king who's ruling over a major kingdom. you are to be married off to some prince in another kingdom, and this is the first time ur father has ever refused a request of yours. he assigns character as the knight in charge of taking care of you and seeing that you make it to the other kingdom safely. of course, you're being a brat and you don't want this AT ALL, so the whole entire time, you're doing whatever it takes to prolong the journey. you're asking for frequent stops, complaining the whole way, etc. character already has a slightly bad relationship with royals and you don't help his distaste for them. (yea it's an enemies to lovers fic, what's new!!!) i just love this fic concept bc i've decided that it's all about the YEARNING. the slowburn!!! the (sexual) TENSION.
it's all about the enduring a long horse carriage ride with the person you currently despise the most. it's about the first inn the two of you seek shelter at only having ONE BED. it's about the next inn you guys stay at being owned by a conservative lady who only rents to MARRIED couples so the two of you have to pretend to be married!!!!!!! it's about you being difficult to deal with for the first half of the fic but despite his annoyance with you, he still fulfills all ur seemingly impossible requests!!!! it's about you learning how to be a better person and as a princess who's never had to say 'thank you' for anything but yet you find yourself realizing those two words don't properly describe the gratitude you feel towards him. it's about him always putting his life on the line for you!!!! it's about how you're the first person to hear abt his nightmares. it's all about the fact that in the beginning of the fic, you delayed the trip in any way possible but now HE'S the one subtly delaying the trip the closer y'all get to the kingdom because he doesn't want to see you marry someone else but also bc he's grown to enjoy your company. it's about how you request that your trusty knight stays by your side at least til the wedding. it's about the fact that he's the only familiar face in this foreign town and perhaps THATS why you want him near you always (even though you know that's not true; you know that it's HIM you wish to be betrothed to, but unfortunately you're already promised to another). it's about how during a banquet, someone makes a snarky comment about him and just like how he's defended you all those times, you're repaying the favor. it's about you forgoing all proper etiquette and absolutely seething as you tell the person who insulted him that "to speak ill of him is the same as speaking ill of me & everyone here knows the punishment for that crime". it's about the fact that you get drunk a week before your wedding & he's there to take care of you and that's when you beg him to make you his, in mind, body, and soul, but right now, more specifically, body. it's the way he's been dreaming of you underneath him far too many times to be appropriate, but he still rejects you because he's a man of honor; after all, you're set to become someone else's wife, and youre a princess and he's from a scorned family and even if that wasn't an issue, you're still intoxicated and not in the right state of mind but you're crying and asking him why aren't you good enough. it's about you waking up the next morning to find him sitting in a chair, fast asleep because he spent the whole night consoling you and watching over you and you tell him that everything you said that night was true, that he is the only one you want, status and family reputation be damned. it's about him dramatically objecting your wedding!!!!
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blamebonk · 1 year
uuu..... i tried to send an ask just now and i dont think it worked....... sorry if you get two in your inbox!!
But thank u for sharing HCs (not the original anon but just a hc enthusiast.....) i'd love to hear any more you have for Beel! Or perhaps Lord Diavolo.... he's a very fun character to me
ORRRR, perhaps, any takes on the Devildom/the realms, if youre into thinking about the worldbuilding side..... fank youuou ^_^ i give funny image in exchange
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LMAO THANK U!!! I’ll take ur image and give you world building thoughts because that sparked something in my brain
Devildom headcanon talk!
Devildom is so super fun so I like to think the demons come in literally every shape and size, some don’t look human and don’t really have a human form ( more like minotaurs or some deep sea creature). Like okay Beel and Diavolo are big but there’s bigger!
There’s also demons out there that are there purely to harm and kill and there’s no school program or threats from royalty that could change them. Demons like those are like…human world cryptids, a lot of biblical sort of horror too as well.
Now that I think about it ( pretty sure this isn't canon like at all??) but the brothers def weren’t the only angels to fall and I guuuessss some of those guys could have also turned into good ol human looking demons….but I think there’s more that don’t have any ‘humanity’ in them. Not powerful enough to fully survive falling in a way... they look like, freaky as fuck HAHA
Like imagine you’re the human exchange student it’s like your 3rd night here and you look out your window and YOO!! A figure at your window, it’s got a deathly complexion but you can almost feel it’s heart beating from here and it feels like you know them and they're telling you to open the window PLEASE just open the window- they need help- the window- there’s a pounding now it’s eyes are burning into your vision-- oh omg mammons here telling you to come out and eat dinner! Stupid human!
Like I’m not good at horror or writing but you get I’m i'm 'gettin at? more brain vom under here!
So there’s creepy scary demons in devildom and also ones that are spooky but you sit next to em at lunch!! Succubus, incubus, demons of ice, demons of fire, demons with two heads, some with six arms…. Demons the size of houses and some the size of Luke.. some chick you passed in the hall looked really slimy but that could have just been a potion accident ..?? And more with specific powers and stuff!
Maybe I’m injecting a little too much silly fantasy Halloween cartoon special into this but like…is that not fun to think abt? HAHAE
I don’t think ALL these demons go to RAD so I bet Diavolo takes Mc with him on a trip outside of the city one day and is like “ we’ll have a lovely brunch outside with Hebulaie !!” Or something and Hebulaie is 20x TIMES DIAVOLOS' SIZE? LIKE NO WONDER WE’RE OUTISIDE!!
One of Beel’s fangol teammates has a cow head and another looked completely human until he turned around and had warthog tusks.
Brothers aren't exempt either! they're some of the most powerful demons out there. they can't seem human forever. Belphie gives me boogey man vibes, you see the outline of some darker figure at right outside your door in the dark ass hallway and it's like not moving at all. you can sorta make out features but its warped and too dark.... then it fuckin MOVES and u freak the hell out. Belphie snickers at you and hops in bed. ( i would maul him immediately )
When you're trying to sneak up the stairs the attic to figure out why you've been having dreams that wake you up in tears, you get a weird feeling and look down the stairs and are met with Lucifer staring right up at you and directly into your soul eheh.
One of Mammon's poker buddies has an arm made of gold, they can't move it or brake it off since it came from a curse of greed. They will tell you the whole story about how the object that cursed him RIGHTFULLY belongs to him!! you think that's why they're still cursed.
All demons have a few forms too, not just the regular human one with wings or tail! Leviathan probably has a sea serpent form bigger than Lotan...Asmo with a centipede like form,, so many hands and legs...ouhrhhggg
there’s demons but there’s also mythical fauna and flora!!! Like centaurs, fairies, jackalope…but also strange shit like a goat that can eject it’s organs out and you’re like “what’s the purpose of that” ‘n Satan tells you “ it’s carnivorous”…as if that explains anything!!?!?
The gay plant from the white day event that specifically goes after demon noses GHAHA i like to think some devildom florist is probably growing some of and advertising them as a fun prank gift...also the amount of harmful things that target or can be used to target humans that are in every day demon life... so fun!!
you know the weird scenarios that happen in adventure time? like the episode where this group of blank eyed girls scare the hell out of finn and jake and it's just really strange but ultimately harmless? stuff like that happens all the time in Devildom LMAO tons of weird unexplainable things happen and most the time it's like,,,okay going to move on with my day now i guess.
I just realized you said REALMS so i wanna add that the human realm isn't devoid of these things. as much as Dia, Barbs, and Luci may try there are alot of demonic things that live in the human realm. I believe the Sorcerers Society + witch covens are a big part of cover up and 'care'. I like to think that makes Solomon's and Mc's time up in the human realm very interesting, especially when Mc becomes his apprentice! Mc gives the brothers SO many gray hairs.
That's all i have right now, i hope that's what you were askin for? I'd love to hear yours and others HC's and input too!! i'm also a HC enthusiast
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keclan · 1 year
hi idk anything abt those gay genshin people but your posting intrigues me so much can you tell me about them? <33 I'm like... ar30 and don't pay for it so I'm not likely to get to see it in game
edit: i made a new side blog for genshin, follow me @neuvalors instead of here
you can definitely see it in game without paying! they have scenes during the main story quest and alhaitham’s story quest which is unlocked by doing daily commissions :) genshin is actually pretty good about not paywalling actual story content.
ummm read more for length lol
alhaitham is introduced as a main character of the sumeru archon quest. he’s basically the secretary for the akademiya, the university that doubles as the governing body of sumeru, and he stumbles upon the government conspiracy in his work. he is a genius and deeply rational, and he has a straightforward way of speaking that makes his colleagues think him arrogant and rude. he continually states that he bears no ill will towards his colleagues, he just doesn’t care what other people think of him and he prefers to be alone, he becomes involved in stopping the conspiracy supposedly only because he has everything in his life exactly as he likes it and the conspiracy interrupts his 9 to 5. all in all, he reads as autistic and he has huge biceps, so i loved him instantly.
surprise and elation when my friend told me that alhaitham had a broke roommate who does amateur stage magic.
kaveh appears only briefly at the end of the archon quest and then for a slightly longer scene at the end of alhaitham’s story quest. most of what we know about him is what other characters have said and alhaitham’s lore.
kaveh is an architect and a genius equal to alhaitham, though otherwise his opposite. he’s emotional, expressive and empathetic, as well as fairly popular with his colleagues. however, he went deeply into debt working on his magnum opus, the palace of alcazarzaray, and was left homeless. he and alhaitham had known each other in school, and hearing of his issues, alhaitham offered him a place to stay, even though they argue incessantly.
before the most recent update, that’s as much as we knew about them, and there was a lot of speculation about their dynamic and history. the update established that they were friends in college, but after working on a joint research project, they had a falling out. the project itself was massively successful, and they were given joint ownership of the house as part of their payment from the akademiya. alhaitham moved in immediately, but kaveh sent a letter much later that he was forfeiting his ownership of the house. it was another few years before kaveh became homeless and alhaitham invited him to move in.
so this is where i diverge into my Thoughts and Opinions. it seems to me that kaveh is still very unsure what his relationship to alhaitham should be. they hadn’t spoken since their falling out, but alhaitham offered him a place to live. they spend a lot of time together, but they argue a lot. when asked if he’s alhaitham’s friend, he waffles, unsure of what to say. alhaitham’s perspective on their relationship is clear to him and is stated in his lore: he thinks of kaveh as his perfect mirror. kaveh is someone who can offer him different perspective and challenge him to improve and refine his worldview. he is perhaps the only person in the world alhaitham would willingly spend time with.
all this to say, i think kaveh is like “oh no i can’t let alhaitham know i have a crush on him or it will muddle our already unclear relationship and he could kick me out and i could be homeless again” and alhaitham met kaveh when they were teenagers and was like “yea he’s the one.”
kaveh thinking “don’t kick me out please i love you” song
alhaitham thinking “no matter the time and distance between us, you can always come home” song
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synthsays · 9 months
Wembley Backstory Headcanon
⚠ TW: mention of abuse ⚠
I wrote this a while ago so ignore whatever spelling or word mistakes it may have it was written on a whim in the middle of the night ;-; so without further ado here's my take on wembley's ✨️ f-ed up backetstory ✨️
So gobo is shown to at least frequently yell at wembley (assuming the cartoon is part of the canon) as well as the other characters with examples of him[wembley] covering his face and otherwise protecting himself from said yeller. This could mean one of two things, he has this as a natural reflex OR it shows past experience of someone who was yelling at him also wanting to cause harm physically. Now fraggle family dynamics are weird within the show. But fraggles are proven to have family because of traveling matt & gobo. Now Wembley is shown to be, most likely, the youngest of the group. And has been shown living with gobo since the beginning of the show. It is assumed the fraggles who are related live together, going off of gobo living with Matt since he was little. But Wembley shows no relation (besides being best friends) to gobo. Wembley might have been previously living with other fraggles, may or may not be his family, that verbally and possibly physically abused him. Going further out on a limb, this may have been the cause for his wembling problem, for one reason or another. To continue, Wembley may have run away from home to live with his best friend gobo, given he had a recent vacancy in his cave due to Matt leaving. Wembley is still yelled at by gobo every once and a while, but doesn't seem to mind besides "protecting" himself. One thing I forgot to mention earlier is a possible reason wembley's "wembling fits" get so bad.
Wembley is shown to desperately want others' approval aka for others to like him. This may also be a sign of trauma, perhaps. Because his friends yell at him he tries to make them happy by agreeing with them all the time. This causes problems however when he has to choose between them. Not wanting anyone to be unhappy (aka "hate" him) be basically short circuits his brain trying to decide. But then his friend yells at him for fainting or wembling too much. This may cause all of them to leave, or at least change their mind. They think of Wembley as a burden sometimes, even though many times he faints it's just from him trying to make everyone happy. In some instances they will gaslight or even bully him, which really can't be good. Not trying to be rude to the rest of the fraggle five, they've just made some bad choices regarding wembley. In some episodes it's shown that Wembley has low self esteem, but he still tries to look on the bright side. This low self esteem may be because of his friend's bad habits of making fun of him[wembley]. Wembley sang a whole song abt "who would want to love a wimp like me?" Poor wembley. Continuing my personal theories, this low self esteem may have also come from the previous abusive fraggles, not really mattering if they were related or not. If I remember correctly, I think Wembley thinks he deserves this, or at least that it's normal. Wembley is also often seen putting others before him, even if they may not have done the same. For a few rare times you can see Wembley snap from his normal happy self, crying or making angry outbursts at others. This may be a sign he bottles up his emotions, as well as gobo stating Wembley is sensitive. This may link to the "abuse" theory.
End Quote.
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kenobster · 9 months
please i just love u talking abt ur fics
From this ask game.
Ahhhh thanks so much, anon!!! I'm super flattered. :D
I'm still sloooowly working my way through the asks I have in my inbox, but this one luckily had great timing so I'm doing this one before the others. (Though maybe this isn't what you wanted, anon... in which case, my deepest condolences. XD)
🗣️ Talk about your favorite WIP
We are using this question as an excuse to talk about the Vader Mpreg AU, which is, in fact, my favorite AU, but also is convenient for another post I was gonna make today, haha.
For context, there are a few things you should know about me:
I did not watch The Rise of Skywalker until literally three or four weeks ago.
I have never written an mpreg in my life. (It's true that lizard brain craves noncon in a way that compels me to read the occasional mpreg... But while writing my own fic, I do try to keep lizard brain's demands as realistic and in character as humanly possible.)
Perhaps the most important thing to note: lizard brain always wins.
Anyway... this all started when I happened upon the RoS spoiler: "Rey is Palpatine's granddaughter" in the year of 2022. Having not watched the movie, I immediately wondered who the fuck the grandmother is (a question to which my actual RL mother ceaselessly chants "Mommy Mothmama" every time; do not ask me why.) Of course, lizard brain, being lizard brain, immediately headcanoned a dubiously consenting Darth Vader somehow being this elusive grandmother person. (The "somehow" was not important to lizard brain.)
For a year or so, I actually put off watching RoS — in small part because lizard brain didn't want its headcanons to be refuted. Fortunately for lizard brain, I have amazingly supportive friends who informed me that Rey is actually the daughter of a strand (aka a special Force clone) which was cast into the world only to hook up with some unknown female. Unfortunately for my friends, lizard brain realized that this information didn't refute its grandma!Vader headcanons at all. Quite the opposite in fact. 🙄
Thus, began the saga of lizard brain's precious Vader Mpreg AU.
In summary, Palpatine creates a synthetic uterus to host an ordinary clone of himself. Then, he implants the uterus into Vader's abdomen and fucks the shit out of him to get some perverse dark-sided Force magic going. Why, you ask? :) Well, dear anon, in order to transform this regular clone baby into a strand of course, lizard brain replies. :) :) :) To be clear, there is no creation of a vagina nor any other method to give birth. Instead, this strand baby, once ripe for the picking, is simply plucked from Vader's abdomen via c-section, and a newly prepped uterus is inserted in its place. After that, Palpatine repeats this process and all of its trial-and-error glory every nine months for the rest of Vader's life. (But don't worry; Vader will eventually flee to Obi-Wan, who is horrified to find his once-Padawan eight months pregnant.)
Honestly, excepting dubcon/noncon, this actually isn't that weird for me. Lizard brain already possesses a plethora of headcanons in which Palpatine modifies Vader's body. The uterus implanting kinda just feels like an extension of that. (For an example of these headcanons, urinary and intrarectal catheters have been installed into Vader's body, not out of medical necessity, but because it would be inconvenient for Vader to have to pee and poop while dressed in the suit. For another, maybe Palpatine put in a full-blown mechno spine replacement to eliminate bothersome nervous-system functions such as the registration of pain.)
In fact, while this body-modifying headcanoning won't enable live births or lactating breasts (for now.... please don't tempt my lizard brain), it will go beyond the uterus. :) For example... prepping Vader for sex sounds like an incredibly tiresome task, and it's not like anyone else can do it. Vader doesn't have any limbs, after all. Instead, Palpatine wonders, why not have Vader's anus be self-lubricating in way similar to that of a vagina? Why not scifi-gene-splice the shit out of that butt canal? Why the fuck not?
📝Share a snippet of an unposted WIP, with or without context.
I feel like the above AU description is pretty clinical, so I thought it would be fun to bring some emotion back to it via the use of a snippet. So, enjoy the wildly inappropriate noncon of a pregnant male villain:
At some point, he realizes the truth—that it isn't him being fucked into the mattress, face down, ass hooked on his Master's cock. Sidious isn't fucking Darth Vader or even his body. Sidious isn't even fucking Anakin Skywalker. In actuality, Sidious is fucking the uterus. The womb. The fetus. The uncast strand, the unborn infant. In actuality, Sidious is fucking himself. The truth of it has him choking on the respirator, on a dry and tearless sob, because this isn't about him, none of this was ever about him, it's about what Sidious wants, what Sidious likes, what Sidious craves. Vader is only the conduit of this ritual—far less than a pet or even a slave. Once, yes, he may have been an object of Sidious's obsession, and maybe he liked that, maybe he liked the way that Sidious took pride in what was once his greatest creation, in twisting Anakin Skywalker into this charred and rotten beast of a Sith. Because, even loveless, Sidious's pride burns value into Vader's flesh. Makes Vader feel as if he matters, as if he's worth something, as if he can live up to the magnitude of the pressure smothering him from the inside out. Punishment, after all, and pain and strife and sorrow, are their own kind of affection, ideal for the swollen carcass of need festering within his chest, and often better than the shame that blooms with praise.  Right now, as his sphincter clenches around the cock inside him, as the base of his spine shoots overwhelming pleasure upward, as a fetus kicks at its shrinking walls pressed against the mattress, Vader finds that he is being neglected. The absence of Sidious's intimacy leaves his furnace-heart chilly and black and hollow, and he chokes and sobs and chokes and sobs, and the monotonous blue-blue-blue of this bedroom becomes half-blurred and dizzy as a torrent of tears spills from his right eye's still-functioning tear duct. The thrusting crests, and tapers out. Sidious's breathing evens, but Vader's choked sobs just won't die.
I would say I'm sorry, but I am who I am lmao.
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dogt-eeth · 1 year
It's basically all the same, except the main cast is Human Adjacent (the watchdogs are Fauns, zbornaks are like centaurs) Wander and Hater are the only real humans. Hater has his evil magics, so he's only a little bit human and A Lot something else, Wander is fully human and he's the only kind in the whole Galaxy.
The main story divergence, outside of the minor changes so that the characters work w their new forms, takes place After season 3. It's also Mostly abt Commander Peepers & the Watchdogs. It's also less abt them being different shapes and more what I think a new, angsty season 3 could b abt
WOY spoilers under the cut
Dominator is Gone, for now, so there's a race with all the Galaxy's villains to fill the void left in her wake. After breaking up a few dogfights, Hater and Wander convince the other villains to team up to help clean the Galaxy instead. Hater and Wander grow closer and closer, as Hater begins to find that he actually LIKES to help people.
SO, with all the main villains mostly good, and Hater on the way to complete Good Guy Reform, we need another, NEW big bad to fill up the antagonist role.
Commander Peepers.
At first he's fine, helping them clean the Galaxy. It's a nice break from all the horror and what-not from Dominator almost destroying them all. He's content enough. It can't last forever though, and he's eager to get back into the planet conquering game, especially now that the planets are all new and uncharted! The one problem? Whenever he tells Lord Hater, Hater brushes him off. At first he assumes Hater is still tired. That's fine, Peepers tells himself.
Things begin to add up though.
Hater begins to spend less and less time on the Skullship; time he's spending hanging out with that Wandering Weirdo. Peepers pretends like he doesn't notice how Hater comes home late at night with flower crowns tucked into his pockets or the scent of campfire on his cloak, but after getting blown off repeatedly he can only hold out for so long.
Peepers blows up at Hater one night. It's a lot of pent up aggression on both sides. Hater is upset that Peepers is so un-accepting. Peepers though has been Betrayed, by his longest and best friend, his Leader, and he's Pissed. He begins to realize that it mustve been Hater who has been holding him back this whole time. That the Hater Empire- no, the Watchdog Empire- would have been able to have conquered the whole system, the whole Galaxy by now, if only Peepers let go of the one person holding him back.
He kicks Hater out of the Skullship during the fight. Hater didn't care about the Watchdogs, didn't understand them, not in the way Peepers did, and it was easy to command his army to get rid of Hater. They leave him stranded on a planet, and Peepers flies to the other side of the Galaxy, as far from Hater as possible.
For a while, probably a good few months, a year perhaps, it's Lord Peepers and the Watchdogs conquering planets upon planets. Without Hater, Peepers is competent, aggressive, and merciless. They find Westley somewhere along the way, and Peepers, furious that Westley did the same thing as Hater, locks him up in the dungeons for a while before re-employing him once they begin to get low on man-power.
Westley and Andy team up to call out to Wander for help. With Peepers in charge, and as angry as he is, life as a Watchdog is painful and exhausting. They send out signals occasionally, that can be traced to the location of the Skullship. Eventually Wander finds a phone and is able to contact Westley, and they work to cross paths.
Meanwhile, Peepers gets madder and madder. He can't get over what happened with Wander and Hater, and in his rage he grows more and more sporadic and cruel. He tears things apart and breaks things constantly in fits of rage. He's building a plan in his room, to get revenge on all who he feels wronged him.
Westley works as a spy, making Peepers "open up" by being the only one who pays attention to his mad rants and sitting with Peepers when he's tired enough to explain his plans. Westley relays all that to Sylvia, Wander, and Hater, who are doing their best to help those on conquered planets all while staying Under the Radar.
One day, though, they slip up. Wander can't resist helping someone or Hater gets into a fight with one of the Watchdogs left to keep order on the planet. Either way, Peepers begins tracking them. The typical shenanigans ensue, Wander and co sneaking onto the Skullship, bothering Peepers, running away.
It all makes Peepers Furious, though. One time he overhears Wander and the rebel Watchdogs conspiring against him, and that's the final straw for him. He pretends he doesn't know that most of the Watchdogs are planning to turn against him and continues with his invasion as usual. This time, however, he follows the Watchdogs. Typically he just drops off a few and leaves. This time, however, he's tailing them the whole time, walking easy and measured. He hasn't seen the sun in a while, and it takes a moment for him to adjust.
The rebellion is surprised, but Wander, Hater, and Sylvia stand their ground. Peepers walks up to them, and Wander steps forward, much to the chagrin of his friends. Peepers is covered in medals and hidden weapons, it's extremely dangerous to get too close. Wander waved them off though. They stand and talk, or Wander talks at Peepers, and Peepers stands still enough for Wander to let his guard down and get close.
Peepers LUNGES. He doesn't even bother to take out a hidden knife, his claws are enough. He punches Wander, pushes him into the ground. Peepers is smiling, manically, and raises his hand for the final strike- there's a crackle of energy, and Peepers flies back, away from Wander.
Hater had shot at him. Peepers coughs, reaches towards his very burnt chest. He really didn't expect that to happen, but he gathers his resolve. Peepers takes a moment to stand, lets Hater's final betrayal sink in. The crowd is hushed, watching him struggle to stand. Peepers manages, gets up, turns stiffly. He begins to walk back on shaky legs. Peepers gets a few steps, then promptly collapses.
From there, the Watchdogs take over. Westley orders them to take Peepers in, getting him immediate care. Wander and Sylvia and Hater begin living on the ship for a while, waiting for Peepers to wake up again. After he does, Hater and Peepers begin to work on fixing their relationship (very VERY slowly, Peepers is really mad for a While). Wander and Peepers talk together, too, and Wander helps him with Physical Therapy. Eventually they all make up and fix the planets Peepers conquered, but it takes a While.
That's all I got for now, and obviously less detail than usual (sleepy dead brain). There's a lot of small stuff w Watchdogs too, giving them more personality and interactions, but I don't feel like writing it all soooo
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ultrvmonogamy · 6 months
I may be dum or sumthing but what does ur last post even mean can you clarify plz? (about slander)
no i'm dumb bc i forgot to turn my anons back off 🙃
it's likely that i did not express myself v well at least for the casual reading audience, so plz don't think ur dumb on acct of my likely convoluted wording.
i just spent the better part of a couple hrs (more if u include the preparation of factual evidence) elaborating a particular situation to someone and am now fried n shaky n recovering from feeling utterly disgusted by it all. when and if i ever address that situation w a wider audience, i wish to do so in a manner that does not cause undue injury to anyone involved, all of whom as far as i know already feel personally harmed.
i made the post ur referring to, however, in a more general sense bc there has been a rash of similar situations (in no way related to me personally), especially of late it seems (although it could be that it's just always like this here but i simply was not as keenly aware until experiencing it for myself).
i'm not sure who will or won't be able to access the link i've pasted below, but i would urge literally everyone to at least give its contents a quick read (it's p concise and includes references) if u've not recently examined any statistics abt lying. in fact, it'd be wonderful if u were to do that (or search for statistics abt when, how often, n why ppl lie if the link doesn't work for u) before continuing to read this response:
ppl talk a lot of shit around here it turns out, n there seems to be no shortage of recent examples whereby they enter dms n make claims abt others that r undoubtedly sometimes valid n other times spurious, but if i were to guess then most often they fall somewhere in between. the thing abt that in between territory--which btw is where i would say most of life happens--is that it's incredibly easy to spin. half truths, curated portions of conversations, feigned contexts, emotionally charged appeals to principle n such can sway opinions 180º in an instant.
from there some portion of the ppl that received dms go on to further propagate and act upon what they were told, and much like the telephone game (is that even still a thing ppl know abt?) the message that's spread grows increasingly distorted. perhaps these next generations feel they r righteously fulfilling a duty to others by continuing to spread the message they heard (which is to say it might not even be the message they actually received), perhaps they connected to it on a personal level bc of their own past experiences, perhaps they simply enjoy spreading hurtful rumors, or perhaps they r driven by any number of other motivations. in the end i'm not sure to what extent that even matters.
but unlike in the telephone game where the original message's basis in reality is of no import whatsoever n the distortions that have occurred by the end of the chain only serve as often humorous examples to demonstrate just how lossy an unregulated flow of information can be, in this context of social media (and even more emphatically in the kink community where every last one of us is contending w some kind of emotional damage, baggage, disease, active abuse situation, or similar, every part of this misguided process has the capacity for absolutely grave consequence even extending far beyond personal character assassination.
each and every one of us here is vulnerable to both sides of this. i'd wager that each n every one of us has some trigger or another such that when confronted w some specific claim, our stomachs drop n our guts turn in a manner where logic n critical thinking go out the window n r nowhere to be found by the time we've acted on an emotional response, whether or not its premise is sound. and i'd wager just the same that all of us have aspects of our pasts and/or presents that if cast in a certain light can appear smth ranging from sketch to gross to absolutely vile. some of us were not involved of our own volition, some r haunted incessantly by regret or wishes that we'd known better or handled things differently, and some of us would not have entered into given situations if we'd known what we were getting into. some of us were understandably naive, while others of us should reasonably have known better. some of us were drunk or high or otherwise compromised in faculty. some of us simply brush it off n march on while others work w every breath to grow and do better and others still r simply awful human beings.
u cannot know a person's character by looking at a snapshot of their life. u cannot presume to know their motivations, which in fact they may not even know or have known themselves. and u most certainly cannot know the truth of what actually did or did not transpire based on someone's word alone. furthermore, it is quite possible that a person who has originally made a claim against another might at once be making such a claim in earnest yet also in error. on a personal level, i have wondered for what will soon have been 4 months whether or not a person who claimed smth abt me actually believes the thing they said to me and others--tho actually i do not know specifically what they said to others, but i do know what they said to me is incontrovertibly factually untrue (but to be clear i am disinclined to believe that they did so w malicious intent).
anyway, i digressed a bit there at the end, but my point is that the importance of due diligence in seeking the available facts, even if ultimately one can only make a subjective judgment call based on those facts, cannot be overstated. there's too fucking much at stake.
my quip abt ppl requiring more info in blog bios than they do before slandering is that ppl r relentless beating pots n pans and demanding genders and age ranges and political views and pronouns in a bloggers bio or else don't even fucking look at the blog bc it's not for u (although for some unclear reason it doesn't seem to matter if ppl's anons might be children or nazis or child molesters), yet some of the same ppl r apparently content to conspire in the shadows, load their own guns as they provide ammunition to others, n start pointing n shooting at they don't even rly know who or rly know why and (at least some of the time, which i know through personal experience) haven't even begun to invest any semblance of diligent investigation into the matter first.
so, yeah, i don't know who needs to hear it, but wrt the ppl who do need to hear it, i rly don't know wtf they imagine themselves to be doing and i feel v strongly that they need to put some critical thought into it all.
i hope that helps, and also i hope it's coherent n not riddled w confusing grammatical error n whatnot.
thank u for caring enough to ask (assuming u didn't ask w the intent of harvesting smth to use against me, bc yes y'all rly do have me that paranoid now).
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tiffanylamps · 2 years
📖 🌺✨for the ask game! :) (sorry i haven't done the other one you tagged me in yet but i'm thinking abt it-)
Hey friend, please don't apologise! Take your time, I'll read it once it's ready 😊Thank you for sending me this!!
[My Beyond Evil Emoji Ask List]
📖 Give me a fic recommendation I have two (out of three) fic rec lists here and here. I'm not sure how many BE fics you've read but here is my selection for you (one for each rating)
The objects of our affection by tawny_owl Rating: General Short and very, very sweet!
in bloom by synonemous Rating: Teen We have teenager Joo Won being looked after by Dong Sik. I normally don't like de-ageing fics, but this is a delight!
know that i would gladly be by rikli Rating: Mature jwds being dads, need I say more?
fractures by princesskay Rating: Explicit the events after that rain scene... it's intense and so, so brilliant!!!
🌺 Where are your favourite character(s) going next? Uhhhhh.... Okay, I am going to focus on one character in particular as I don't have the brain capacity to write about every single character I love.
So, Dong Sik, Dong Sik, Dong Sik.... My guy! One of my favourite headcanons for Dong Sik is that after his probation and getting court-mandated therapy (and actually finding it helpful), after selling Jin Mook's property, and renting his parent's home out to Jae Yi, he moves out of Manyang. I don't believe he moves very far, perhaps to Munju or a town nearby... perhaps to another smaller area on the outskirts of Seoul?? For a while, he struggles (in general) with what to do next career-wise. But with the help of his probation officer, he gets a job at a youth centre in a quieter part of Seoul.
(In reality, would he be able to do this with a criminal record??? I don't know, but I'm thinking strings were pulled and considering the crimes he committed and why he committed them, and blah blah blah, he's allowed)
He loves it. He's fantastic at it and it gives him a new lease on life. Dong Sik is a natural with those younger than himself and considering the difficult life he has led thus far, he has the skills, the personality and the life lessons to help guide teenagers/young people going through a difficult time. Picture him making stupid jokes in the recreational room, pulling the quiet kids to the side to have a chat about what's going on at home, knowing when parents/guardians are abusive, putting the Little Shits in their place when they get too cocky, etc
He stays late for the kids that have nowhere to go. He has a "great" relationship (it's complicated) with the police, so when one (or three) of the kids end up at the local police station, he's set it up so that he is called before their parents. The kids look up to him, they listen to what he's got to say (even the more difficult ones), and he's able to help guide them in a way he wasn't able to do for Yu Yeon and Min Jeong.
I love this idea so much that I have incorporated it in many of my writing projects, as I just adore the idea of him doing something that involves him being surrounded by community and life.
✨ Tell me one story from a character's childhood and one story from their later years
When Ji Hoon was ten, Ji Hwa picked him up from school. It wasn't common for her to do this, as she was often working, and their mother was usually the one left with this task. However, that particular day was different. The family had recently moved to a different area in Munju, meaning that Ji Hoon had been moved schools and the Oh sibling's mother was busy that day. So, on Ji Hoon's first day, Ji Hwa offered to do it instead.
Now, from my understanding and guessing, Ji Hoon is about 25 in the show (I'm probably wrong), meaning he's roughly 15 years younger than his sister. So, when a 25-year-old Ji Hwa rocked up to the school gates, Ji Hoon's new classmates mistake her for his mum.
Hilarity ensues for years to come (mainly just Dong Sik and Jung Je being absolute menaces about the whole thing).
When Ji Hoon is 35, his father passes away. He passes in March, leaving a community feeling empty without the beloved local taekwondo instructor. Ji Hwa deals with it as well as can be expected, but Ji Hoon struggles. One of the many reasons why he struggles is because in the July of the same year, he's due to get married, and the family believed they had enough time left together for his father to attend.
The family of four were all together when Papa Oh died and in the following months, Ji Hoon is supported through a very difficult time. His fiancé is brilliant and is able to stop him from falling into a depression. One of the reasons she's able to help him through this is because her own father passed when she was young, so she knows exactly what he's going through.
This sad turn of events leaves a missing piece in their wedding plans. As [insert name here]'s own father isn't able to give her away during the ceremony, Ji Hoon's father was going to do it instead. But now, without him there, they have to find someone new.
They ask Dong Sik.
Thank you again for sending me these asks! 😊 I have a lot of fun answering them! I hope the last bit wasn't too depressing. Also, people go on about jwds' age gap but not the Oh siblings, like... what's up with that?? Why is there such a big age between their births? Was one of them an unexpected pregnancy? Do they have different mums??? I wish we knew more!
Anyway, bye bye for now!
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voltfruits · 2 years
Character bingo, Aubrey? I assume you've perhaps gotten a lot asking for her tho haha, just another free opportunity to talk abt her tho cuz I like your opinions on her :3
haha you're actually the first person to send me a bingo ask, so i very much appreciate it!!
anyway fuck yeah aubrey time let's go
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ayy we got a bingo!! i will explain some of these under the cut 👀
so i was debating whether to fill in the "got done dirty by the fans" box, but i ultimately decided not to. fanon characterizations will never reach a 100% perfect consensus, and i've definitely seen some portrayals of aubrey in art and writing that make me cringe (i.e. not letting her show any emotions besides petty anger and embarrassment/never acknowledging the depth behind those emotions)—but at the end of the day, most auby content is good auby content :)
i think of aubrey CONSTANTLY while listening to music. i'm working on a playlist for her but i'm being such a perfectionist about it that i've never even shown it to anyone
do i actually think she needs more screen time? it's complicated. i actually kind of like how you don't really get to spend time with her and get to know her in the real world until one day left... she's a mystery for a couple days but then she gradually starts opening up to you and it's sweet :') i guess it's more the type of screen time; more content shedding light on how she fended for herself over those four years, or details of her childhood friendships (particularly sunny and basil, as i said in my post earlier today), or a scene on one day left focusing on her and hero's bond.
and yeah i honestly do think aubrey is the best character in omori, and there may be some personal bias going into that statement, but i also think she's the most effectively written character in the game. she feels so nuanced and we can learn so much about her just from obscure side quests and environmental storytelling. she's also one of the best representations of raw, unglorified trauma and mental illness i've ever seen in a work of fiction. her pain feels real and ugly and complicated and human. they didn't try to give her Stereotypical Cool Sexy Depression, and ironically i think she ends up even cooler because of that.
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