#i was feral watching this
hunnam · 6 months
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Luke Macfarlane Catch Me If You Claus (2023)
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pokimoko · 11 months
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I can't keep being fundamentally changed as a person by animated movies, it's just not sustainable.
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ghosted-jazz · 8 months
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Traffic Gals- Introducing Gem!
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cakeandchaos · 3 months
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Fey touched 🍄🍂✨️ another take on this design for my favorite goat lady
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lunarcrown · 27 days
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Tango can go buckwild as a treat 🙏😔
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mochipong · 5 months
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There you are, somewhere on a star
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lilfriezatyrant · 5 months
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Deer Man got me again and it is the same hype since years agooo 😩😩😩
@reptile--queen thank you so so so so much for watching and sharing this with me 🥺💜❤
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boromir's little sword twirl that he does>>>>>
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newvestroia · 2 months
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What will happen in the future? Do you think it will be better than today?
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ben-crytalker · 16 days
listen. listen. l i s t e n. listen. listennnn when penelope asks colin to let her help with his cut, and he only gives in when she says please, and he could merely extend his hand but instead places it directly into hers?? and while she bandages him he jumps between studying her face and their touch? she lingers for a fraction of a second but he curls her fingers into his before she can pull back??? they look up at each other and his other hand instinctively reaches for her too but can only just land on nervously playing with the fabric, not quite letting go???? and they're still holding hands until she mentions his writing??!! he's so caught up in her approval it takes him a second to remember how it came about?! what causes him to break away isn't embarrassment over feelings for her. she just unintentionally reminded him that the safety of his fake persona, the armor as violet later calls it, had been stripped away when she read his journal. he distances himself because in that moment he was still convinced the 'new him' was how he needed to be in order to somehow achieve some sense of purpose or belonging, and pen was drawing him back toward his old self, the true self he was desperately trying to cover up. and even despite this he can't help himself but make sure he'll still see her again??? the symbolism of the glass breaking around the candle? him trying to grab the pieces of the casing to build it back up, and being cut by it? penelope being the one to mend the wound it causes??? HELP ME I AM SUFFOCATING HE FELT TOO VULNERABLE AND EXPOSED AND LATER THE FLAME GOES OUT WITH THAT DUMB GLASS BACK AROUND IT LIKE HIS SPIRIT WITHERING IN THE RUSTED ARMOR HOW COULD ANYONE WATCH THIS SEASON AND DO ANYTHING BUT REVEL IN IT ALL
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javsarts · 1 month
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At some point, he made a silent oath to himself that someday, he will repay that girl’s kindness.
And he unknowingly did
Just a random HC of mine where a little Jenevelle did help a little Durge at some point, set in a time before Bhaal and Shar.
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spyskater · 2 months
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the way they watch each other while speaking
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yawnderu · 1 day
CW: mentions of kidnapping and stolen body autonomy.
Find a way in, kill the enemy, retrieve the hostages, leave. A routine of sorts that gave his life some sense of purpose to avoid going insane for the past two decades. Simon liked to believe he got over what happened in his past... truly, he did; and yet Manuel Roba’s horrors seem to haunt him no matter where how many years pass.
“C’mere.” Simon’s voice held no hostility, he made sure of it, yet your stiff position never changed. Legs angled to the right, hands folded on your lap, and eyes looking forward, refusing to meet anyone’s gaze even if it’s been hours since your rescue. Garrick, Price and Johnny have already tried to get you to talk multiple times, all of them with different approaches. 
Garrick was friendly, trying his best to seem approachable, a bright smile on his lips that you didn’t seem to notice, too busy staring at a wall no matter how much he tried to hold a conversation.
Price seemed fatherly, never once laying a hand on you even if it was itching to comfort you, and so he settled with telling you you’re safe now, how no one will ever get you again now that they're here. His words didn’t seem to do much, either. 
Johnny was… something else. His first attempt was a shitty pick up line, getting a reaction out of you for the first time— a nose scrunched up in disgust, but a reaction nonetheless.  
And Simon… Simon’s approach was different. The man was used to barking out orders and obeying them himself, not to deal with an unresponsive hostage. His behemoth frame was nestled next to you, putting a tray on the table and observing your reactions. From the way you swallowed thickly the moment the meal was presented to you, to the sound of your stomach growling. 
“Go on, then.” Your gaze follows his movements for the first time, the feeling of your stomach rumbling makes you more aware of your hunger, so many years being fed nothing but what was necessary to keep you alive by Manuel and his associates, so many years of being trained like a dog to obey to their very order. 
Simon can see the hesitation in your body language, too tense to allow yourself to dig in the way you wanted, yet no longer as stiff as before. There was a sense of relief at the fact that they didn’t seem to want to hurt you —unlike Roba—, yet years of non-stop brutal training can’t be erased within hours.
Roba’s training was engraved into your brain, and while the sense of security the SAS blokes gave you is something you’re thankful for, nothing guarantees they’re not working for him. You’ve seen other military men come and go throughout the years, always Roba’s friends, and always sharing the same disgusting, sadistic desires.
“Eat up.” The rest of the men watch the way you move, curiosity and amusement mixing at how strange your movements seem, almost robotic. Your forearms rest on the table, elbows away from the cheap wood as you attempt to hold your own cutlery— attempt, because it looks fully foreign to you, trying out different angles to make it work, and yet it's the first time in years you've been allowed to try and feed yourself.
Simon is the first one to catch on, having lived under Roba’s rules for long enough to know he enjoys taking people’s autonomy, to reduce them to nothing but a pathetic mess that depends on him. His gloved fingers are gentle as he takes the spoon from your hand, scooping up some food before holding it up to your lips. His full attention is on you, relief starting to make its way into his body as sees your rather soft lips wrap around the spoon, eating whatever he was feeding you. Lucky for you, this time it wasn’t an MRE… or beans on toast.
His gloved thumb wipes the corners of your lips every time you’re done chewing, and he’s quick to pick up more food from the plate, nothing but patience and kindness shown in his actions, so unlike the brooding soldier he's known to be.
“... two goldfish are in a tank…?” Johnny’s loud groan gets your attention for a second, yet you quickly glance back at Simon, curious eyes looking up at him, almost as if asking him to go on. 
“One turns to the other and says… ‘you know how to drive this thing?’” You can see the corners of his eyes crinkle before he even finishes his joke, clearly trying his best not to laugh at just how awful it was. A small smile hides in the corners of your lips, and Simon takes that as a victory, ignoring the questioning looks he’s getting from his team, for now.
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kkeke99 · 1 year
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GOOD. LORD?!?!?!?!?
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Gale 🥺
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luvrxbunny · 5 months
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mini blurbs ─ ★ joel miller x f! reader
a/n: so many joel thoughts! how could i ever take the time to make a blurb for each of them!!? 😱
wc: 1k
warnings: 18+ MNDI, a few handjobs, some piv
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-> you waking joel up with a handjob, it’s early so he’s sensitive, emotionally and physically, moaning and squirming. he keeps looking at you with this insanely fond look, something about it makes him look so soft. he also won’t shut up about how he feels. and he says it with so much force, willing you to believe him. “i love you, baby” “l-look at me? i love you so fuckin’ much.” “y’makin’ me feel so good. y’feel like heaven, my fuckin’ angel.”
-> joel fucking you relentlessly, and brutally because he needs it. you’re a good girl, you take it ofc. he’s grunting and groaning gruffly, barely talking aside to say “take it” or the occasional “just like that” but once he cums he’s instantly back to his usual, soft and loving self. “are you okay, baby?” “m’sorry, was i too rough?” “took it like such a good girl though, so perfect f’me”
-> you being unable to jerk joel off while he’s standing because his knees buckle and he can’t help folding in on himself or leaning into you, causing him to slip from your grasp and the same goes for going down on him— when although even when he’s seated he either cages your body in his completely, hunched over your head like he’s worshipping your mouth, or he’s spread out over the bed like he’s the god. (he is)
-> joel needing you from the second he comes home but still trying to make small talk. like he walks in and you hear him take a sharp breath once he lays eyes on you. his fists ball up and he’s so tense you can almost see him shaking as he takes a deep breath. you see movement around his crotch before he’s turning around to put his things away. “so h-how was your day? good, i’m hopin’. ” you entrain him even though you know he’s just trying not to seem desperate. “yea it was good, babe” he smiles. “are— are you tired..? or anythin’?” you make it a point to look in his eyes with a smirk. “never too tired for my favorite guy”
-> joel awkwardly thanking you after the post sex glow has worn off. he’s given you aftercare, cleaned you up and all that. as you guys are cuddling he starts to feel like he needs to do more so he just “thank you, baby. that— that was incredible. i— thank you.” you start giggling at him and he knows he’s being awkward so he gets all red and blushy, hiding his face in the back of your neck while telling you to shut up
-> just all the faces he would make while trying to hold his moans in. like when you guys first start getting sexual he’s still nervous so he tries to keep quiet. his brows furrowed, or tilted up. his eyes shut, rolled back, or fluttering while they try their best to stay on you. his lips bitten, pursed or sucked in. i think his hands would be everywhere too, covering his mouth, stroking over his beard, covering his eyes, running through his hair.
-> joel grunting, whining, and moaning lewdly above you as he fucks into you with the same neediness he’s been giving for the past 35 mins. falling into your neck and muttering “mm not yet. not yet. fuck” until you pull him away and question what he’s saying. maybe he has wetness on his lashes, from overstimulation, pleasure, or love “i don’t—“ he breathes out a sharp, shaky breath. “don’t wanna cum yet.” he lets out a shaky, broken breath. “you’re so good.”
-> the first time you get joel off in public he thinks you’re just trying to tease him but he’s too sensitive to handle it. so he warns you, “you—“ a shaky breath in and out as his hand comes up to cover his mouth. “you’re gonna make me cum” a smile spreads over your face but you keep looking forward, as his breathing speeds rapidly. you can see him glancing over at you every few seconds. “you— baby.” a whine almost slips out. “i’m- you’re gonna make me— i’m— fuck. i’m- i’m gonna c- holy fuck. please.” he whines and you hear his breathing become erratic.
-> the confused look on his face when you make him cum much much harder than he expected. i imagine you’re jerking him off, he’s sitting against the headboard with his arm around you. he warns you that he’s going to cum, his hips start bucking and his lip gets bitten by his teeth. he’s spilling over your fist in no time but once he expects his orgasm to stop, it just builds up to a new level of pleasure. his mouth drops open and his brows furrow. his eyes cast downward, watching your hand move over him and the way he’s coating you. then his gaze shifts to you and his expression looks like you’ve offended him before melting into one that makes you think he’s going to cry. that’s what let’s you know you’ve done a good job.
-> he begins to be able to tell when you’re gonna make him cum really hard and he starts to have a tell tale saying that alerts you. you’re not even sure if he realizes that he says it every time. his eyes shut and he runs his hand through his hair. he starts to shake his head lightly like he’s realized what’s going to happen and his hand slides down to your thigh, gripping the fabric of your pants before rubbing his hand over it, trying to soothe himself. “i’m—“ his head keeps moving back and forth as speaks. “it’s gonna get everywhere.” he groans under his breath, the sounds leaning a bit farther on the whiny side before he attempts to speak again. his hips shuffle upwards, sinking himself further into the chair while bucking himself into your fist. he gazes up at you with sex hazed eyes and confesses “m’gonna cum everywhere” before biting his lip harshly and burying his face in your neck, where his groans vibrate against your skin.
-> joel not being able to look at you while you guys are having sex. he’s so much more sensitive than you that every little thing pushes him closer to the edge, so it he wants to last long enough for you to cum on him, there ends up being a point where he has to fuck into you with his eyes cast to the side or shut tightly. he’ll be looking down at where the two of you meet before deciding he wants to see his pretty girl again. once he reaches you face there’s a shock of pleasure in his stomach before flowing down to his cock. he grips your jaw and forces you to face the opposite direction he turns his head, like he can’t even have you looking at him when he’s like this. he groans into his shoulder like he’s angry and mutters “too fuckin’ pretty. this shit ain’t fuckin’ fair.”
-> when he’s close, instead of telling you to stop, slow down, or distracting you with kisses, he tells you to “be gentle” he says it repeatedly, with hisses and whines in between. the closer he gets he starts to just “gentle, gentle, gent- oh sweetheart—”
-> he gets turned on by how turned on you get when he tells you that he’s close. he sees that light spark in your eyes when he tells you that he’s gonna cum and it makes him pulse even more intensely. like he could be on the outskirts of his orgasm but once he sees your reaction to his confession he’s got two seconds, tops, before he’s spilling all over you.
-> once you guys start getting sexual, it’s very easy to tell what he does or doesn’t like, what turns him on and what doesn’t. because he breaks out in goosebumps every time you give him even a bit of arousal. you could cook him a meal and when you come back he’ll have goosebumps spread all across his arms, all the way up to his biceps, even some across his neck. he tries to play it off as if you can’t see the way he’s fattening up in his jeans.
-> (for poc) joel loves the contrast of your skin to his cum. the first time he cums on you he has to have a serious pro and con session as to whether he likes cumming in you or on you more. he’s embarrassingly hard within the next minute after he cums on you. he’s just staring at it, maybe smearing it around a bit before jerking off right above you. he probably hasn’t even explained himself to you. he’s just been in a trance since his ropes landed on you.
-> you’re the first time he hears the phrase “cum for me.” and he loses his mind. it’s the loudest you’ve ever heard him and he cums so hard some lands on his chin. he spends the next few minutes shaking from the force of his orgasm and trying his hardest to regulate his breathing.
OKAY IM DONE!!!! pls show this some love guys!! it’s so long i feel like it should go in my main masterlist 💀
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