#i unironically liked the guardians movie what
comicaurora · 9 months
What are your thoughts on guardians vol.3? (If you have watched it) I went into it, expecting it went to the garbage like the rest of the mcu, but I was pleasantly surprised by its creativity, trope subversion, and how it wrapped up the previously unresolved arks of its characters.
That's what I've heard!
The thing is, Guardians 3 could be the most transcendent work of cinema ever made, and I'd probably still feel little to no motivation to watch it at this point. It's not Guardians's fault - it's just suffering from the same problem that superhero comics have been struggling with for decades: no matter how good an individual arc or run is, absolutely nothing good lasts or matters in the long term, and the stories are shaped in such a way that "the long term" is the only thing anyone gets to build towards.
Whenever I complain about the MCU I get a handful of people loudly complaining about my complaining, with the general thesis that if I don't like it I shouldn't watch it or talk about it - if I'm not having fun, just stop engaging with it. And the thing is, I have. I am intellectually interested in why this massive franchise is fumbling the bag so hard, which is why I still check in on it sometimes, but I've long since stopped turning to the MCU for uncritical entertainment. And even the good movies or shows with a lot of interesting ideas - good character arcs, fun concepts, interesting planting for future payoff - don't draw me in anymore, because they're hooked into a massive moneymaking machine that will scrap and squander anything if they think it'll make them more in the quarter. It doesn't matter how good the writing is, because the writers are not allowed to tell a complete, finished story, and they have no control over what happens to their characters outside of their own script.
Captain America's arc was set up from literally minute one to answer one burning question at the core of his character: does a world without a war still need Captain America? After that incredibly basic tee-up at the end of First Avenger, half a dozen movies failed to come up with a reason to say "yes," and now Steve is retired for good after getting fumbled through four different storylines that couldn't even pretend that they needed him (the unused Chekhov's Phone from the end of Civil War still haunts me). The foundational arc of his entire character never happened because nobody bothered to keep track of it past a single movie.
Taika did something interesting with Thor in Ragnarok - take away Mjolnir, force him to recognize what it means to be the god of thunder, give him a very Odin-y missing eye - and the very next movie undid all of it. Just kidding, never mind, here's an eye and a new weapon and also his old weapon again, and in one more movie we're even gonna give him his hair back, probably as an apology for all the completely unironic fatphobia we're gonna slather him in for two and a half hours. I'm not even surprised Love And Thunder was such an overblown mess that barely took itself seriously - why would Taika bother trying to give Thor another arc when the powers that be will just roll it back in six months anyway?
I hear Rocket Raccoon has a fantastic arc in this movie. That's great, and demonstrates that he's being written by a writer that deeply cares about him. But he's part of the MCU, and the MCU doesn't let anything end, so if current patterns hold, Rocket is going to continue to serve as quippy plushie-bait for the next dozen movies and none of that depth is going to come through in the long term. Hell, since they're making Kang noises for the Next Big Threat and Kang's entire gimmick is rewriting timelines, literally none of this is guaranteed to matter. By next year, it might not have even happened anymore.
The MCU has successfully shaped itself into a paradigm where the bright spots of good writing are overridden and lost as soon as the writers room turns over, and that makes it really hard for me to muster up the enthusiasm to watch even a really good movie that's locked into the exact same grist mill as everything else. I'm glad people liked it, I hope it gets to stay good this time - I just have no desire to watch it.
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andisupreme · 1 year
“Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves” is unironically a great time and I adore how faithful it is to actual DnD mechanics. Sure, the druid shouldn’t be able to turn into an owlbear but everyone’s pointed that out ahead of time. No one prepared me for the nerdy joy of being able to sit there and list off identifiable spells like “oh shit, green flame blade! Reverse gravity! Prestidigitation! OTTILUKE’S RESILIENT SPHERE! AAAA” Plus you could see people playing the game. When somebody rolls a Nat 1, what things are in-game jokes (You just know the whole table was screaming ”FAT BOYYYY” during That One Part.) I was expecting Guardians of the Galaxy levels of snark and not taking itself seriously but it really was very earnest and that was surprisingly refreshing. 10/10 movie I loved it ;u;
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Jack Frost Headcanons
Jack likes strong flavors, be they spicy, sweet, or savory. He likes mild stuff too- point is he'll try any food, pretty much.
Jack has good coordination and steady hands, and as such is very gentle when he handles most objects (and animals, and people).
Jack is a Ravenclaw with ADHD: he's not ambitious or trying to join the Guardians, who are powerful and well-known. His fighting style is more about maneuvering and strategizing than guts or power (unless you really upset him like when Sandy died). The being-easily-bored and good sense of humor would indicate intelligence as well.
Jack has a great sense of rhythm but dances like a dork on purpose.
Jack is a night owl.
Jack creates a proper hideaway for himself in Burgess after the movie. Something about the forming and confirmation of his identity in the movie makes me think he'd be ready to make a nice little home or even just a safe spot afterwards.
Jack's main love language is quality time, North's is words of affirmation, Bunny's is acts of service, Tooth's is gifts, and Sandy's is physical touch. Yes, I know North seems like he should be the gifts type, and he definitely does gifts like no one else- but he comforts Jack by talking with him, and Tooth tries to comfort Sophie with a (horrendous) gift.
Jack never yells during arguments. He's seen what it does to people who've been abused, watched kids and lovers be hurt and tried to stop it- so he refuses to even risk scaring anyone that way. Even before becoming a Guardian, Jack would never raise his voice in a fight- at the very least, never face-to-face.
Jack has a handful of scars, mostly from dumb accidents or crash-landings. He refuses to tell the stories. Everyone assumes they're horrible and traumatic, but in reality, Jack was just terrible at paying attention to stuff when he first started out as a spirit.
Emotions like anger, embarrassment, or attraction raise Jack's body temperature just enough for his blood to thaw and his heartbeat to get going. It startles him every single time.
Jack is fascinated by folklore and mythology and studied them extensively to try to track down other spirits to befriend, with little success.
Jack played at least one instrument in his past life (his hands would be suited to violin or piano, especially) and instrumental music still calms and focuses him.
Jack was a farmer in his past life and still has lean, strong muscle hidden under his hoodie. He could absolutely win an arm wrestle with Bunny.
Jack is a little insecure about his Adam's apple.
Jack's powers are stronger at night due to the lack of apricity.
Unlike the animosity that a lot of the fandom portrays Jack having with other potential seasonal spirits, I think he's buddies with the other seasons, they just don't see each other much due to minimal domain overlap. The spirit of autumn is his favorite, but he's very protective of spring (mirroring the fact spring relies on winter to nourish the earth). The other seasons all treat him like their baby brother.
Jack dips french fries in Wendy's frosties unironically. He probably dips their chicken nuggets in the frosties too.
Sophie made Jack watch gen 4 My Little Pony with her and he didn't think the songs were half bad. He would never admit this to Jamie or anybody else in a thousand years.
Jack thinks birds are cool.
Cats see Jack more often than dogs. He doesn't know why, but he's willing to pet most things that move.
Stay tuned for what will probably be a lot more of these-
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karkatting · 1 year
alphaswitch au - introduction
hi! here is some info about the alphaswitch au by @clockworkdrop​ and i, since some people expressed interest in it!
all of this is directly copied from the huge doc we have, and this post is mostly focused on the characters. not everything is set in stone/planned out yet, so some characters have more info than others. my plan is to update this post with new stuff as we figure it out lol.
general stuff
alpha kids and dancestor trolls are the ‘beta session(s)’
dirk and roxy live in the same year as jane and jake
alpha kids and dancestors are the same age (16 at the beginning, 19 by the end)
not a direct parallel of the canon beta session, some things are different
session lasts several months
the rest is under a readmore cus this shits long
alpha humans
server player: roxy
sprite: gcat + poppop
patron troll: aranea
receives guidance from meenah
guardian, dad (dad), john is deceased
meenah insisted on being her guide instead of aranea because of their connection
meenah tries to give relationship advice but since she’s jumping all over it’s not helpful
server player: supposed to be jane, ends up being dirk
sprite: dirkbot + ??
patron troll: kankri
receives guidance from aranea
guardian, jade, is deceased and was grown into a giant tree on the island
aranea became his guide after kankri fucked off and meenah stole jane from her
aranea tries to give him romantic advice but it kinda doesn’t work
server player: dirk
sprite: wizard doll + frigglish
patron troll & guidance: porrim
guardian, rose, is a prolific author whom roxy really looks up to, but she feels a sort of distance from her that she doesn’t know how to fix
often talks to meulin about cats and other things. roxy learns about the quadrant system from her
when her mom dies, has an aspect berserk moment similar to rose’s grimdark that causes her viewport to go dark
has some internalized homophobia, doesn’t know she’s not straight (yet)
server player: jake
sprite: a puppet i guess + dirk’s head
patron troll: latula
receives guidance from kankri & latula
guardian, dave, is a famous movie director and is rarely home. he leaves various items and notes around the house for him
secretly wants to be closer with him, probably kind of fucked up when he dies
still has lil hal who is just as much of a nuisance. maybe even more so
while his patron troll is latula, kankri quickly took her place as his guide both because dirk is the only one that can even somewhat handle talking to him and kankri finds him infuriating in an intrigued way. he also thought latula wasn’t “doing it right”
he still talks to latula, they get along well. she maybe helps him out with jake stuff cus kankri sure as hell isn’t going to. she is also more helpful with game stuff than kankri is
after dirkjake kiss, dirks head ends up in dirks puppet sprite so he has dirksprite (another splinter, he mad)
still glasses
just being so annoying to dirk
also to kankri
he figures out whats up with dirkkri before dirk does
eventually dirk is convinced to make the body for him, its a horse robot but it can also transform into a human body too. hal loves it unironically but dirk is using like 12 layers of irony to rationalize this being a good decision
session lasts 3 years (13-16)
won but just barely
still gave the frog cancer
tons of teen drama still
basically everything that was described in the comic to happen before the dreambubbles still happens, except the scratch
trollhandle: genesiologicalCancriform (GC)
genesiology - obsolete term for study of genetics/reproduction
cancriform - latin adjective describing crabs/cancers
in a neverending cycle of debate with his past and future selves
probably likes troll documentaries
panquadromantic like karkat, but just suppresses any sort of romantic feelings he has towards anyone. a lot of internalized… panquadrophobia???
pretends he’s not suppressing anything because all microlabels are valid but also shames porrim but he’s never been a hypocrite in his life 
his celibacy is more of a result of the hemocaste system on beforus rather than a genuine disinterest in romance - he wants to feel independent and not be “coddled” by anyone
picks fights/debates with dirk over stupid shit just for the hell of it
still has a crush on latula (at first)
pacifist, so probably relied on porrim to help him during the game (was mad about it though) (his plan was to lecture to imps and ogres to go away)
she teaches him how to use guns but he still rarely utilizes it
Still wearing the leggings until right when the humans arrive, when porrim gives him the sweater
arc: learning to listen to his friends instead of speaking over them, not be misogynistic and ableist, quadrant stuff, recognize some of the group don’t care about hemospectrum, learn to accept help from others (and hopefully get the rest of them there) (dirk helps with most of it)
trollhandle: catalysislAficionado (CA)
catalysis - a catalyst is something that provokes significant change or action, referring to her matchmaking
aficionado - she loves doing it
very invested in the love lives of the kids and tries to help them out with their crushes even if it has no chance of happening
idk i think she’s just taking them like barbies and smooshing their heads together
has a tendency to view others as characters rather than real people
causes problems through incompetence/obliviousness to others’ feelings
besties/eventual moirails with roxy
this catgirl can fit so many repressed emotions in her
arc: get away from kurloz (roxy), learn boundaries (also roxy?)
trollhandle: (CC)
feels connected to jane after going through her timeline, for reasons she doesn’t understand (yet)
tries to get jane to do dangerous stuff because she thinks it’ll make her a stronger player
constantly jumps around the timeline because she’s looking for exciting things to do
arc: meenah really cares about her friends but they all have strained relationships because she spent so long bullying them to make them stronger at the game, so a good place for her arc would be her becoming a good leader but not through like dictatorship and telling them what to do or whatever, but just by learning to better utilize how she cares and lead by supporting them. not feeling the need to steal things and gain power or something
trollhandle: ????Avicularia (GA)
avicularia - genus of spiders, specifically tarantulas. idk i thought it sounded cool
mastermind behind the dirkjake kiss
talks to the kids about classpects but like in a calliope way where it’s a little too literal
pushing jake hard to level up since pages are a “weaker class” (in the same vein of vriska with tavros and also john)
while vriska tries to learn a lot about the game so she can cheat to the end, aranea learns a lot about the game so she can know everything and make the best plan to win.
trollhandle: calibratingGriptape (CG)
calibrating - parallels terezi’s handle
griptape - grip tape is the material on top of a skateboard
prompted to give dirk relationship advice after seeing the dirkjake kiss. she thought it was very cool
even though kankri “took her place” as dirk’s guide, she still ends up helping dirk more because kankri kind of sucks at it
has a lot of thoughts about being pushed out by kankri but is trying not to show it (rad girl facade, etc)
arc: stop putting on the rad girl persona and be herself
Trollhandle: antevortianGirl (AG)
antevorta - roman goddess of childbirth and prophecy
girl - #girl
serves as roxy’s guide/patron troll during the game. helps her with actual game stuff as opposed to meulin who helps her with interpersonal stuff
arc: stop infantalizing everyone below her on hemospectrum, something something matriorb
trollhandle: (AA)
maybe talks to jane about how jake keeps telling her about their relationship and asking for advice, is just like “yeah, it sucks huh”
maybe drops the LE stuff during the alpha session? still causing problems on purpose though
not very invested in the kids, mostly causing problems on the meteor
she gets knocked out before she can doom the timeline, porrim (shes her main friend and also mom stuff) carries her to the door with the group. damara wakes up already locked in the meteor. maybe scratch messages her and tells her she failed and is also like really creepy like always. and then she watches jane stuff and is just like. yeah no this is the worst
jane and damara parallels. they are there
arc: recognize that others have gone through same stuff as her (jane), reject le, tell rufioh to knock it off (probably remain friends after that)(roxy helps), doesn’t have to forgive everyone else for their treatment of her if she doesn’t want to
trollhandle: (TA)
something something dirkjake parallels
dude’s a mess
trollhandle: (AT)
actually stands up to cronus
still dubiously godtier
trollhandle: (CT)
the stuff kurloz is involved in relates to see no evil (mituna) hear no evil (meulin) speak no evil (kurloz) but according to fridgestuck theres a fourth that's sometimes smell no evil (latula).
also caused cronus’s rejection of magic and belief in the prophecy
meulin and mituna friendship arc
something something kurloz is in charge of black ships and the conflict resolution quadrant is a black ship and kurloz is actively sabotaging them and maybe this is why they can't fix any of their problems at some point we gotta figure out what to do with him
roxy probably suspects somethings up with him (close to meulin and would recognize that she seems forgetful after seeing him, batterwitch), would probably be frustrated that meulin doesn’t believe her but would find ways to keep her away from him
crisis of faith when interacting with humans, leads to him ditching clown religion. no idea where that goes from there
someone figures out the mind control and other stuff, meulin, mituna, and cronus can decide if they forgive him or not
trollhandle: (AC)
roxy has a conversation with cronus, its bad
he literally JUST dropped the wizard act within the last year or so, so seeing her wizard stuff he probably makes fun of her or something
hates jake because he’s the hero of hope that might take over his place in the prophecies he felt entitled to
jake messes with him about human culture like the “telling caliborn what gay means” thing
leads to him losing ALL hope, leading to mituna fight
cronus hits on all of them and brings up the fact he is humankin a lot
gets the idea to be humankin from watching the timelines, was probably still doing the wizard thing until that moment, or had picked up a different persona in the session and switched to human then
arc: downward spiral from hopelessness (jake), become somewhat less of an asshole
beta humans
stuck in a void session for 6 years
in communication with the cherubs
 pre-retcon: ?? + ??
post-retcon: meulin + dirksprite (after reunion)
acting like there are no problems while actively looking at many problems
june realization at some point
pre-retcon: ?? + ??
post-retcon: roxy + frigglishsprite (after reunion)
having a crisis about relevance
is painfully aware that this session is basically set up to make them lose their minds
drinking arc (mom’s alcohol in house)
sprite: crow + doomed dave
plays with time loops a little but realizes he’s making eternity even longer so stops unless necessary
still does a lot of reflection about bro since he'd still be around people who care about him
coming out: rose knows pre-game but they probably never officially told each other. maybe he tells her in like year 1 or 2. but he doesn't come out to the others until he's like 17 at least probably. davesprite too
at some point he grows out his hair really long, but it’s totally not to look like nic cage so a certain someone who loves nic cage might be interested who would do that
(crushing big time on egbert)
sprite: bec + dream jade
happy to be around her friends and not trapped on an island, but she is also super frustrated that it isn't like what she saw in her dreams
first one to snap after keeping her frustration bottled up. after that, rose sets a rule that they have to be honest to avoid more of that. (obviously they don’t stick to that very well)
i guess she godtiers at some point to be dog
friendly to all of them
probably just similar to how she was to the alphas
(she probably still has to die 🙁)
they will save her
jeers dave the most
is upset that he is not like alpha male
kickstarts dave’s de-masculinity stuff
asks dave for art of his friends
dave just changes the colors of the making this happen picture
platonically hates all of them. if he does the "you're attractive and ugly" thing like with jane, that's at jade
egbert really hates his art
similar to the alphas, mostly focuses on the boys and avoids/is creepy to the girls. probably pissed about june stuff cus he sucks
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twinhood-2dot0 · 9 months
DC (Cinematic) Elseworlds
Now that I’ve detailed every single DCEU film, I’m going to get into James Gunn’s vision for the franchise, but since Sunday came upon me way too fast, I’m only doing the Elseworlds part today, James Gunn next week.
What’s Elseworlds?
So, DC Comics has a number of imprints, or rather, had apparently??? That’s news to me??? Yeah, I’m kinda behind the times, I seem to kinda keep jumping forwards and backwards. I read every Batman, Nightwing and Batgirl comic from 2009 to 2018, then I kinda went back to 1980s Batgirl??? When I desperately need to catch up to Rebirth Batman and Flash??? I’m dumb, I can’t do consistency. Anyways, wow, I really need to learn to reign in my tangents. I bet I have more tangents than actual content in my posts. It’s a wonder how I have like 60 notes. Maybe I should highlight tangents or something. Anyways, DC had various imprints that it uses to publish different kinds of comics, like my personal favourite Black Label, with darker themed stories about mainline superheroes outside of continuity, like HOLY HELL DCEASED IS NOT BLACK LABEL??? IT HAD SO MANY GRUESOME AND UNCENSORED DISMEMBERMENT AND MURDERS. Anyways uh Batman: Three Jokers, oh, oh, Batman: White Knight, Batman: Last Knight On Earth That’s a lot of Batman, I kinda don’t read much outside of Batfam and The Flash :P. So, Elseworlds was once an imprint like that, tackling“What if?” scenarios of superheroes. That is what The Batman and Joker’s retroactively called, Elseworlds stories separate from the main DCU.
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This is what it looks like. Look me in the eyes and tell me it deserves the name.) as early on as Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) and the first Avengers (2012) movie. It also makes an appearance in Captain Marvel which I completely forgot about.
The Mind Stone is a huge part of the plot of both Avengers and Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015).
The Reality Stone appears in Thor: The Dark World (2013).
The Power Stone appears in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1 (2014).
The Time Stone appears in Doctor Strange (2016).
The Soul Stone doesn’t appear in earlier movies.
So you see what I mean, even though the solo movies are mostly disconnected, they still serve the plot.
And Marvel has Kevin Feige to thank for this. He helped shape the narrative that he wanted to achieve using every Marvel film released. That is seemingly what DC wants James Gunn to do for them. I’ve already explained why I think James Gunn is so perfect for the role. The DCEU of old was so disjointed and messy, in complete contrast to Marvel, so I’m excited to see what James Gunn does for the franchise.
Elseworlds Films
Joker (2019)
A character study of the infamous Batman villain, the Joker. Aw man, Todd Phillips uses the word “woke” unironically. God help me. Dude made a movie about the failures of society, I did not expect this. Why does this happen so much 😭??? Thank god I didn’t adore him, unlike a certain author and a certain indie game dev I could mention. Is not hating people for no reason that hard? Okay, well, if there’s anything I learnt from history it’s probably that not hating people is hard. Anyways, politically charged tangent aside, the movie is an unreliable origin story through the eyes of Joker. Why is it unreliable? Well, the movie is from Joker’s perspective, and Joker’s alone. And some events make us question whether it actually happened or was a hallucination or Joker’s imagination or whatever. Here’s a great video if you wanna know more.Joker: An Unreliable Character Study and the One Scene That "Ruins" It
It’s an awesome movie. Joaquin Phoenix’s performance is stellar, and watching his slow descent into madness with everything in his life coming tumbling down. It’s a unique look on the character of Joker, and the unreliability adds to it, because of the multiple choice past and all.
The Batman (2022)
The Batman directed by Matt Reeves is the third live-action reimagining of the character in this century alone. A solo Batman movie for the DCEU has been in the works since 2014, and was set to be directed, written and produced by Ben Affleck himself, with influence from Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth, Knightfall, and Batman: Arkham Asylum, the game. Then in 2017 he announced that he was stepping down as director, but would still star. So, they brought in Matt Reeves to direct the film following Affleck’s departure. The movie was initially planned to be connected to the DCEU, but was later reworked to be earlier in Batman’s career, and then later was written to be in a separate universe altogether. Reeves wanted more of a recluse, like Kurt Cobain, because of “Something in the Way” by Nirvana, which is featured in the proportional material and in the movie itself and got a 1,200% increase in Spotify streams after the movie’s release. I still can’t comprehend how wild that is. Like, 1200%. Anyways, that resulted in emo Bruce Wayne instead of the playboy socialite Bruce Wayne every other movie depicts. The movie is also heavily inspired by the Zodiac Killer and other noir films, leaning into the “World’s Greatest Detective” side of Batman that most Batman films neglect.
Might be a hot take, but The Batman is probably my second favourite superhero film slightly behind The Dark Knight. Probably my favourite movie. As awesome as TDK is, this felt much more Batman-y. I’ve watched it like, at least 10 times.
Plot: Batman, in his second year of crimefighting, doubts whether he is actually making a difference, while he is faced with political killings perpetrated by The Riddler, who leaves clues at every crime scene for Batman. A small tangent, but each of them seems to be in something that looks like a greeting card, and good lord the Batman fangirl in me was bursting with excitement. It feels awesome to get like every single easter egg in the movie. Can’t find the pictures :/ but there were easter eggs galore to Hush, The Court Of Owls, Hugo Strange, comic storylines, etc. Anyways, I adore this movie too much to go into too much detail, so go watch it.
Upcoming Elseworlds Films
Just sequels for the previously mentioned movies. There are basically no details about The Batman’s sequel, but the Joker sequel is going to be called Joker: Folie á Deux literally madness [shared] by two.  It’s obvious what that means, that’s right, Harley Quinn, played by uhhh Lady Gaga??? Idk much about her except she’s an ancient singer, but ig it’ll be interesting to see.
Prepare yourself for another huge post that you probably won’t ever finish :)
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15 Questions for the writer
Tagged by: @bioniczaunites Tagging: @ionianelder @songofsilentechoes @thegoldentigress @regina-tenebris and whoever wants to
1: Are you named after anyone?
I was named after a Saint, Saint Nicholas of Bari. If I recall, the story was that my parents were driving through one church named after him, and my mom's religious and she liked the name. Ironic because I am VERY atheist. And yes, I am unironically named after the Saint that would inspire Santa Claus.
2: When was the last time you cried?
Last Thursday when I saw Guardians of the Galaxy 3. And I cried A LOT
3: Do you have kids?
HAHAHAHHAHAHA. Nope. I'd like to be a father, but in the future. waaaay in the future.
4: Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Ironically no? My humor tends to be about me being direct, and sarcasm is dancing around the subject. I do use it, but not that much.
5: What's the first thing you notice about people?
If they talk a lot. Not really a thing that's good or bad, but there are certain people that really REALLY like the sound of their voice, and it grates upon my ears. I am also a talker, but you have to be pretty close to me and I know when to shut up, so I can see how I handle that person.
6: What's your eye colour?
Brown and Green. Yup, Heterochromia, but very hard to notice.
7: Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings. Call me old fashioned, but I like it when stories end on a good note. Even if the good note is dark or bittersweet, I don't know, if the ending isn't good it feels like I just didn't finish watching the whole story.
8: Any special talents?
I have a very, VERY good memory. The issue is that it's very selective and not up to me as to what I remember or not, but I can quote you the 14 mins of Vaas time on Far Cry 3 or interesting war stories from World War 2. But if you want me to remember something I dislike? Oh no way.
9: Where were you born?
Argentina, in Capital Federal. I have...no love for my country and wish to escape whenever I can but for now I am content here.
10: What are your hobbies?
11: Have you any pets?
Noooooooooope. I do want to get a British Bulldog and call him Scrotum tho. (Cause Wrinkly, you see)
12: What sport do you play/have you played?
I played Tennis, Football (the real one not the American one) and Boxing. Out of all, boxing was my favorite.
13: How tall are you?
I'm 185cm , or around 6 feet I think? I don't know, I don't know walmart shooting units.
14: Favourite subject in school?
History. Always been my favorite.
15: Dream job?
I like my job as a designer. If I could, I'd like to learn and be more of an artist, but I suck at it.
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Anyways, anyone want a live reaction summary of that movie? Well here it is anyways
(Cw for mentions of all the stuff typical for a jumpscare horror movie)
They‘re unironically trying to sell the house of the first movie as a spooky lost place far off a spooky village filled with distrustful and unsettling people it. Such scary individuals like. A middle-aged lady looking at them though a window. Or five guys sitting on stairs. And emo teens. Spooky
The random old crazy guy who tells them it’s DaNgeRous here while laughing totally maniacally before going GET OFF MY LAWN because of course
Also, our characters: MC Arthur fanboy whose 18th birthday it is, MC‘s love interest who thinks MC should grow up, Logan Paul Hair and his bro Goatee guy, Token dark skinned funny guy, Glasses guy afraid of frogs who‘s kinda got the same outfit and speaking style to yours truly fr that’s just me, Glasses girl with camera, pretty blonde girl. Prediction: all of them except MC, Love interest and one of the bros die
Ok they arrived at the house, whimsical music plays as they look amazed at the trees blooming pink when it’s not even spring…only for the music to cut out when they see they’re made of plastic. Ngl that was kinda funny
Spooky black feather stuck in a secret small door leading to a basement that wasn’t part of the movie oOoOOoh
Now it’s dark, they’re making a bonfire outside, and there’s spooky Hippopotamus noises (that’s what they called them in the movie)
There‘s hidden figures in the woods with lanterns and this dude calls the names of some dudes they saw a lost place video of that house of. And when they suddenly all vanish he just goes back to bed
The bros are going to a river and glasses guy got lost in the woods while ominous music plays, Oh they’re absolutely not coming back F to them
Spooky random hole that’s seemingly endless but makes spooky sounds, check
There‘s suddenly spooky fog out of nowhere surrounding glasses guy. He touched a weird tree that had moss all over except for a part that looks like the outline of someone hugging the tree, and got punched in the face. Meanwhile the bros chill until blood drops on the one guy, aaaaand the filter switched to grey! 50min of nothing and then it escalates completely. This movie is 1.5h long btw
Turns out they found one of the guys from the video hanging from a tree after not seeing he‘s there for like 20min, dude steps on a super obvious bear trap trying to get him, but ngl the actors are doing a good job at acting as far as I can tell with the dub.
Holy heck these characters are actually kinda competent - nvm they’re
Everyone forgot about glasses guy tho lol
Ooaoaoaooh glasses girl is looking at a photo of them and there’s a spooOoKy guy visible in the window
OH HECK FIRST KILL. Glasses girl got killed by BEES.
GLASSES GUY IS GONE GUY. He hugged a tree headless. Literally, he‘s hugging a tree and his head is gone. Also wow token and MC aren’t reacting at ALL oof
Apparently the whole house is just built on random holes connected to slopes and LI happened to sit above one on a swing. SG cut the rope and she fell down, almost made it out, but then a spooky hand grabbed her down. Where did the rest attached to that hand go? Who knows, it’s SpoOky
omg. You know how in guardians of the galaxy and such that one character thinks he’s invisible because he’s moving so slow? And it’s played as a joke? Yeah they just did that unironically with a guy standing in front of a door all this time I can’t-
Yknow these guys who originally helped Arthur become a minimoy? Yeah they evil
"You wanna go into the world of the minimoys? The time had come, it’s a fUul MoOn!“ shows half full moon"No it isn’t“ "doesn’t matter lol“ <- that’s real dialogue
Surprise attack by a bunch of dudes dressed like Bokoblins from Breath of the Wild attacking everyone with daggers, turning this whole thing into a breakout Battle Royale, F blonde Girl
Aaaand now it’s randomly over. No signal or reason or anything, it just is.
Survivors: MC, MC‘s LI, and the token guy! A surprise twist!
…the explanation for all of this. Is Role-Playing.
A bunch of teens meeting each year to role-play a new theme. The year before it was Batman. This year it was Arthur and the Minimoys. And they go kill everyone like this because of drugs. Doesn’t explain all the stuff that was going beforehand. Or the secret basement. Or holes. Or anything really
OoOOoh Spooky Hoodie Guy is still standing at the window
(Also what happened to the deer imagery? They set that up for half the movie but the moment the forbidden ketchup starts appearing they completely forget all of it. ALSO the trailer showed spooky versions of the Minimoys. Guess what never makes an appearance.)
Conclusion: would give this movie a solid 4.5/10 for two funny lines and the guys playing the bros doing a pretty good job at putting emotion in
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caatws · 11 months
when it comes to shipping I notice with woc it's less common for people to ship them unless they are in an explicitly canon relationship. It's also pushed much harder for them to be single and have fewer close relationships if it looks like canon will he moving towards them having a relationship. After Endgame I saw a few people ready to write Gamora off because she didn't know Peter anymore. I'm not saying anyone has to ship her but it's definitely noticeable how easily some people gave up on her having any potential after vol 3. It's also not escaping my notice that some people, especially on places like Twitter, were quick to want it denied if she would continue to have even the slightest chance of ever being with Peter again or connected to the guardians.
This is why I was/am annoyed with Gunn's real family nonsense. It plays right into people looking for excuses to say Gamora isn't important. He left the movie in a way where possibilities were there for her to be more involved with the guardians and Peter(whether as friends or something more) and then went online to be saying things that don't line up with the movie. Like the Groot interaction. He said himself the audience can understand him because understanding means you're family. There's no way he forgot Gamora could understand at the end. It was a big deal in the movie when she couldn't and the ending created a small arc with her and Groot where she finally could and they both looked happy.
you're def far from the only one who notices that! fandom already tends to kick most female characters in general to the curb in favor of white m/m ships, but at least some white f characters can usually still be part of m/f ships, but then with woc it's just....crickets on all sides lmao 💀 (and moc have it pretty rough too)
ever since that first iw trailer where the gotg ran over thor in space dropped, it feels like some parts of gotg fandom have just become a battle for maintaining gamora's space in the franchise and fan works. it felt like way more white m/m ships ft peter and (insert any white male avenger here) were suddenly popping up—sometimes even straight up IN st*rmora tags lmao—and just a lot of content abt gotg characters in general just stopped featuring gamora as much, compared to characters like peter or rocket. and then us not getting any canon content actually featuring gamora, 2014!version or not, for 4 years, didn't rly help either. (what if barely counts since they cut the episode explaining why she was even in the position to be part of the guardians of the multiverse in the first place 💀💀💀) like, some viewers even misinterpreted the way 2014!gamora just kinda stops appearing on screen in endgame as her like getting snapped with thanos and the black order and co. (which i can't even blame them for, bc she just. does not get shown leaving onscreen? wlknlknsf it was cut, as part of the taking a knee scene) so it's just been a huge mess all around.
the last thing gamora needed was more reasons for ppl to continue leaving her out of the gotg or replacing her in her relationships. like bestie founded the damn team!!!!! if we can bend over backwards in canon to retcon shit or put random male characters in the same spaces how come we couldn't do it for gamora???? it just feels like gamora's been more and more erased on a lot of fronts—fandom, canon, etc—as the years have passed, which is just so frustrating for the first woc lead in the mcu ugh
you know those memes that are like "i've been listening to this super niche underground indie alternative band you guys have probably never heard of them"? well that is how i unironically feel abt gamora now, like actually lol. gamora has legitimately become my super niche underground indie alternative band that apparently no one's heard of.
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obstinaterixatrix · 2 years
What's osomatsu? I looked it up and found one manga suffixed kun and one san, and also a movie and a series?? I feel like the art is familiar but don't think I've read it... would you rec it? And if so where's a good place to start?
this question is like a loaded gun being pointed right at my face (lol)
so osomatsu-kun is an old gag manga series from like the 60s that got adapted into an anime in the 60s and 80s. it’s about sextuplets getting into shenanigans and several other reoccurring characters like the girl next door, a conman, a scrappy orphan, etc. and since it was pretty old and pretty popular there’s a fair amount of references to it nowadays (e.g. one of susie deltarune’s startled sprites is a reference to iyami’s signature pose). I haven’t read or watched a lot of it but from what I’ve seen it can be charming and goofy. I’m pretty sure someone gets held at knifepoint for some reason.
osomatsu-san is a 2015 gag anime that ages the characters up to early 20s and turns them into useless horny neets. while the original had the brothers as more of a unit, the new anime gave them very distinct personalities. the manga has extra stories based on the anime. it was really, really, REALLY popular like 5 years ago. each episode might have one (or more) of 3 types of skits:
mundane character skits (e.g. karamatsu monologues about everybody’s mahjong strategy! everybody picks out hypothetical pizza orders and relentlessly dunks on each other! osomatsu thinks one of the brothers stole his wallet!) (unironically these are some of my favorite skits)
slightly-to-extremely unhinged character skits (e.g. ichimatsu’s cat can read minds! jyuushimatsu starts thinking about existential stuff which starts breaking down the entire world into its semantic essentials! todomatsu is fired from the show and replaced by an american actor!)
completely unrelated skits that (usually) uses the existing characters as templates with varying degrees of characterization carrying over (e.g. jyuushimatsu is being interviewed by choromatsu for a job! karamatsu (who isn’t karamatsu) and a genderbent todomatsu (who isn’t todomatsu) go to an inn and meet a small girl who’s the guardian spirit of the room, osomatsu (not osomatsu)! an adaptation of a charlie chaplin skit!)
as for whether or not I’d rec it……….. n-no. that doesn’t mean it’s not good at all, or you won’t like it, but 1) I don’t really like rec’ing things with vulgar humor because it’s a huge hit-or-miss range, and 2) since it’s an irreverent gag anime with the premise of Ha Ha Useless Stupid Virgins there can be a bunch of different caveats episode-by-episode. it’s not EVERY skit but stuff like fatphobia or transmisogyny or suicide does come up as a punchline more than once and one of the genderbend designs for jyuushimatsu is supposed to be an extreme gyaru look but it comes across very blackface.
the way osomatsu hooks you in is that, with all the personalities of the brothers, if you’re someone that gets invested in a certain character archetype, or a certain sibling dynamic, there are a lot of very good character skits that show it off. if you look for it, there’s also some surprisingly good character consistency/development across some skits, e.g. during s1 karamatsu is mostly a doormat, during s2 there’s a skit where choromatsu tells him to knock it off and be more honest, during s3 there’s an episode where the brothers are asking what pizza he’d want and he’s like ‘haha! anything you guys choose would be fine by me!’ and when they push him for more he goes ‘fine if you want the truth I think this topic is fucking stupid I just wanted to end the conversation’. like they don’t change enough to disrupt the status quo, but there is attention to detail that shows the writers are genuinely aware of their own characters. I’ve also heard that the writers actually targeted a female demographic, and I can kind of see it in terms of… while it’s a horny gag anime with dudes as the main characters, it’s never felt as Gross To Watch As A Gal as some other stuff. I think it’s because it’s horny but not sexy. nothing about this anime is sexy.
actually hang on I recently sent a post to a friend that describes the vibe of the anime, here’s a reaction to the s1 finale (but I don’t think s2 or s3 ever reaches the level s1 did) (It Was A Lot)
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Oh actually one more fun fact, the first ep of s1 got completely redacted because it had a bunch of spoofs and parodies of stuff and—from what I’ve vaguely heard—some big name studio guy who is a big fan of anpan man got pissed off. You can’t find that episode at all unless you go to illegal anime sites probably (lol).
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thosch3i · 3 years
Fic Writer Interview Game
was tagged by @extraordinarilyextreme <3 thank you so much! was out all day and only got around to this now lol
name: emmy/thosch3i whatever u wanna call me, it’s all good lol
fandoms: currently, only dmbj but previously also zhenhun. most of my fics on my ao3 are still weilan but maybe one day i’ll kick my ass into gear and write more pingxie LOL.
two-shots: ......I only write one-shots i’m sorry LOL
most popular multi-chapter fic: ............i really do only have one-shots man im sorry. most popular fic in general is going viral, at 840 kudos. shen wei vs technology in covid-era online classes lol. glad all 840 of you were coping with this pandemic well(?????)
actual worst part of writing: getting ideas from brain onto paper. talking about fun angsty ideas in dms? awesome! actually writing them? uhhhhhhhhhhh [sweats] also lol finding time to write. i feel like i never have time these days but maybe my time management is just...terrible.
how you choose your titles: i write the entire fic and then panic throw a random line that sounds vaguely related as the title. idk what im doing, ever, dont ask me things. *lies down*
do you outline?: usually yeah. most of the time my writing goes horribly south from the actual outline anyway though. (everything’s fine folks i promise--) though sometimes for short fics i’ll just have a general idea and start typing. and then it turns into like 15k words and i despair
ideas you probably won’t get around to, but wouldn’t it be nice?: all of my old weilan fics lol. i had a huge 20k outline for a weilan x dbh crossover with android shen wei and Plot and Twists and Betrayal and Revelations and whatnot and honestly i was rly hyped to write it, i got 50k for nanowrimo two years ago but ehhhh i just dont have the brain for guardian anymore....im only capable of fixating on one fandom at a time. looking through my guardian wips i also have multiple other soulmate AUs, a literal ghost!sw + human!zyl AU with a whole other plot, urban fantasy demon!sw + human(?)zyl again with....more plot. lol i give up on life *shrugs*
callouts @ me: write faster and also read more fics in english instead of chinese because you’re forgetting how the english language works at this point, dumbass
best writing traits: i legit do not know. descriptions? fluff? pining? lol help
spicy tangential opinion: hmmm...mainly, i dont read much eng dmbj fanfic bc i dont vibe with most popular eng fandom fanon/characterization, sorry 😅 uhhhhh i also really hate it when people forget that xg & pz have their own friendship and relationship independent of wx......pz tends to bring out xg’s playful side at times, which un showed w their last couple eps and also there’s a novel extra where xg pranks pz (&wx but mostly pz bc wx sees through it p quickly) with a fake zombie turtle and it’s rly cute lol. anyway t3j’s relationship is the heart of dmbj and it can’t be intruded upon or broken up by others, esp by chongqi/rain village. uhhhh another spicy opinion: i vastly prefer huaxiu to hei///hua, sorry guys orz i blame tlt2...huaxiu are too cute ;;;;;; anyway ill stop there before the entire dmbj tumblr fandom blocks me LOL. (i also have too many Opinions(tm) about characterization.)
but anyway, so like im definitely a cranky judgy bastard at times, but in the end fanfic is fanfic so u can write whatever ooc crackship crack premise stuff you want, have fun with it. i certainly do too. as long as you’re having fun then that’s all that matters. tangentially related, dramas don’t have to be Objectively Good/Amazing or anything for you to like them. i definitely have very strong opinions on dmbj adaptations for example re: how they respect the novel and characterization of t3j especially, but they all have their own problems....(some far more serious than others). i could write an essay about that but i wont, to save your eyes LOL. 
(i mean at the end of the day i unironically love time raiders and that is like an objectively terrible movie.)
tagging: im so inactive on tumblr im sorry idk anyone anymore. i think lots of dmbj writers have already been tagged but also i dont read much dmbj fanfic so im not sure who else there is OTL @laireshi ik u already got tagged but if u choose to do this i wanna see :D otherwise if you’re a fic writer and you see this please feel free to tag yourself~
EDIT: im a clown sorry laire just saw u already did it lmaoooo
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jiminrings · 4 years
hi!! can i request a drabble of new personaltrainer!jungkook training a pretty awkward (and kinda chubby/thicc..?) y/n and its super fluffy and aaaa,, i love your writing aaaa 🥺
cloud nine
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pairing: jungkook x y/n
wordcount: 3k
glimpse: y/n finally gives into jimin the gymbro’s thoughtful push, and jungkook is sO close to barking back to his chihuahua the moment he gets home :D // gif isn’t mine but look at it it’s so cRISPY!!!
notes: thank you sO much babie!! here you go :D
okay that’s iT!!
you totally need something new in your life
you need a change of pace or whatever that’s called
all the days you’ve been having are all blurring into the same one and it just makes you feel so stagnant
the only difference you could point out are the sleep shirts you wear and that’s ONLY if you don’t try to repeat wearing them
you now have a list of people you’re in awe of
people who genuinely and unironically consider friends the tv show as a cinematic masterpiece because nOAH FENCE how do they manage to get entertained by laugh tracks and the same skit over and over again
ok maybe your slander towards it increased because hoseok (the guy you have a sorta crush on) likes it and he leaves you on read and sometimes doesn’t even open your message and thEN you’d see his instagram stories and they’re all just???? friends???? what was the reason
and second, jimin!
jimin’s your best friend and that just makes you awed even more because you don’t even know how the two of you got close
jk it was when your friends forced you to come with them at this inflatable water park and you were sCARED and so he held your lifevest and was like
“hEY do you wanna take this in the same pace that i’m doing it?? tbh i just wanna get back to my mimosas but my friends paid too expensively for this”
<3 he has been the guardian of your heart since <3
jimin’s just so well-paced and organized and knows how to have his fun that his daily life doesn’t seem like a mindless routine
you are actively YEARNING for that kind of lifestyle
and right now it just seems like the stars are aligning for you and are practically made for your existence alone!!
jimin’s a gymbro
he is the living breathing talking definition of gymbro and gymrat and gymgod or whatever it is
.... gymin if u will ....
okAy then
but he wasn’t the aggressive type of gymbro, not at all!
he’s a total natural!!
like he’s ripped but not excessively and exaggeratedly ripped
he doesn’t flex but the muscle definition and the physique are just wHew exquisite!!
he doesn’t talk in protein powder lingo but you aren’t surprised to see a giant jug of it inside his cupboard!!! after all he’s proud to say that it’s practically all-skill!!!
and to top it off.,.,
okay so jimin takes off his shirt right
the two of you are neighbors and you often come into each other’s places and it feels like home too
and you aren’t complaining!! you know that he runs a little hot that normal and you wouldn’t want him overheating
but he has this large tattoo on his rib that reads nevermind and it’s so cOOL and it just makes the gears in your head go creak creak because aha your best friend is the blueprint huh
you’re not surprised!! you really aren’t!!
after all, why would you be surprised out of all the things above when you already know that he owns a goddamn GYM??
the only regret that you have is not meeting him sooner :((
yeah sure pjm athletics does have a nice ring to it bUT WHAT ABOUT PARK’S GYMIN
you’ve always been.,., a lil curious ok
i mean your goddamn friend is the ownEr of a really well-known and well-praised gym!! how could you not??
you don’t wanna mooch off from him though no matter how much he offers you free classes and stuff
he always brings you home extra merch and energy drinks that you’re sure you can now have a tap for gatorade
he’s not dENSE!! he sees how you look at him whenever he does push-ups on your floor or when he does planks like no big deal
there’s this thought at the back of your head that y’know..,., what if THIS was the thing that’s gonna be your change of pace
lmao you’re looking for hardship basically
jimin’s finally had it when you sigh for the eleventh time while he’s doing pull-ups
you want to spend your own money and he knows you won’t accept any of his offers!!
that’s it he needs to be smart about this!!!
“woah jimin holy sHIT you’re having a 50% off your membership??? and it comes with a trainer too??? are you serious right now???”
he can now sleep in peace knowing his editing job for this flyer has paid off and he’s passed the “y/n’s not believing me” stage :))
if it wasn’t established enough there really isn’t a sale lol
here you are then,.,.
wearing workout leggings that jimin deemed to be reAlly great and it made quite a hefty dent in your wallet but you trust his judgement so ok
you’re not in the mood to wear anything besides jimin’s black dri-fit shirt because you really don’t wanna attract attention as the newbie
this is good!! you now have a gym membership AND a personal trainer!!
you dON’T exactly need them but you feel you just do y’know!! there’s no harm in trying :D
you didn’t want jimin to be your personal trainer and he basically sULKED for a whole week
it’s not a him problem!! it’s a you problem!!!
you know that it’s a given that the trainers shOuld be excellently to a degree to actually train someone else
but it’s now dawning in you that HE’S the owner and he’s so intimidatingly good!!! you would look like a raw egg that’s just dumped haphazardly into a pot and he’s the perfectly-boiled egg :((
oh my god
jungkook feels like he’s gonna throw up with how nervous he is
it’s his first day as a personal trainer!! :D
he’s half-excited and half-terrified because holy shit fIRST of all this gym was hard to apply to in the first place
everyone’s flocking it because:
a) it’s really great
b) even greater benefits for the employees
c) the pay is hUGE
d) the equipment?? the morals?? the testimonials?? the owner?? the whole thing??? FANTASTIC
and second omg jungkook won’t admit it to anyone but uHm he’s kinda scared ok
he’s not the type of person that’s comfortable with ordering people around??? even if that’s technically his job???
like what if his first-ever client is a guy like jason momoa and that guy’s a fucking UNIT for sure
imagine hIM telling jASON MOMOA to give him three sets x twenty reps of push-ups
“or i can do it for you, i-if you want?”
he’s bouncing nervously on the balls of his feet and swinging his arms around forward and backward to make them clap quietly
“there, you’re all set!! i already filled up all the forms for you the moment i gave you the flyer!!”
“your trainer’s... not me. but he’s uh, what’s his name again, jungkook!! what does he look like again — oh right!! i remember!!”
“he should be the guy with the big doe eyes!! has a lot of dangly earrings!! if he’s not wearing a sweater then he should be the one who has some tattoos!!”
“no jimin-“
“off you go!! i’ll be bouncing around but i’ll keep an eye on you, don’t worry!! okay now go and i’ll let you have a sip of my gatorade even if we have the same drink :D”
there goes nothing then
you’re about to keep your duffel bag close as a reason to stall to getting to the locker room but jimin’s already one step ahead and snatched it from you
you didn’t even get your towel :((
it had a little blue cloud embroidered at the middle of it and it’s your Emotional Support Towel by default
you’re kinda nervous since there’s some pairs of eyes on you because after all they just saw you have the most carefree conversation with the owner they’re a lil scared to talk to
you’re wringing your hands together as you try to spot this jungkook with jimin’s descriptions and-
jungkook looks so ????
he’s gorgeous like that is nOt up for debate
he looks so fresh?? effortless?? handsome???
jungkook looks like he smells like baby powder and freshly-washed sheets
the baby powder that you’re tempted to snORt because it smells so good which was the one you’d put on your chest bc boob sweat and to prevent ur thighs chafing
he had to do a double-take on you because the first time he glanced at this walking person he immediately shut down
like when something looks sO pretty that you have to look away for a second because you literally can’t take it
oR like when you have this favorite scene of a movie and you have to physically pause it before rewinding and doing that for another six times
“are you perhaps jungkook?? because i’m not surE and-...”
“jungkook i am. i-i aM jeon jungkook!! yes, right, jungkook!!!!!”
holy fuck he’s stopped working
your mouth’s a little parted because you didn’t expect him to go on that lil spiel cLEARLY but omg he’s adorable!!!
if he could punch himself he really would
it’s taking him a second to regroup but you take the initiative to introduce yourself :D
“i’m y/n! you’re my trainer from what they told me :))”
you’re a lil more awkward when it comes to social interactions like these but it looks like you’re acing it when put in front of jungkook
the both of you shake hands and then immediately put it behind your back because wow u just shook the pretty boy’s hand AND it’s not even 8 in the morning yet!!
you haven’t even started the workout portion yet but ur already on fire
( jimin’s looking at the security footage and even HE’S blushing from the secondhand embarrassment jungkook’s brough oh my god )
(( jimin suddenly wishes he could unlearn reading people’s lips ))
“so, what brought you here?”
it’s jungkook who asks but he alsO wants to answer himself to say it’s fate aha :D
he’s getting you to stretches and he’s doing them with you!!
“to be honest?? well there was like a fIFTY percent discount but you already know all of that”
what now
“a sale? what-...”
there’s an abrupt noise that goes through the whole gym and it makes the both of you flinch and you even yelP
if you see jimin lifting a 100lbs barbell only to throw it down and cut off jungkook from speaking THEN MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS
“you okay?”
jungkook asks you quietly and taps your shoulder and you’re about to faint right then and there of how you met like then minutes ago and he’s cONCERNED
the focus on today was flexibility plus easing you into working out!!!
stretches are the next best thing to working out and it’s a win-win combo bc you’re flexible aND you’re basically exerting effort = kind of a workout apparently
the bit of reaching your toes then doing a downward dog and the upward-facing dog right after to hear that satisfying grunt of your joints is a LITTLE awkward because jungkook’s looking at you
jungkook wants to look away but in the same time he can’t will himself to
one because he’s a young wide-eyed attracted man and twO he’s the trainer omg he needs to look at you!!!
“o-okay! just a set of jack jum — jUMPING JACKS!!! jumping jacks and we could start :)))”
no one told you.,.,.
no one told you where you should look when you’re doing jumping jacks
you can’t look downwards because that’ll throw you off and you can’t look up either because why?? what??? WHO are you seeking up there????
looking straight ahead is kinda awkward
the safe answer was everywhere at once according to you
you sneak a look at jungkook and you almost choke in your own spit with how handsome he still looks
you’re not gonna cope up with that fact probably ever
jungkook’s feeling a lil sweaty now because uHm he shouldn’t really be doing this with you technically
it’s usually a trainer doing it with you for like the first five reps and then letting you do it alone for the rest
but nO he’s doing this with you he doesn’t mind :D
he could feel a bead of sweat by his sideburns and he’s screaming internally to gO the fuck back where it came from
he wants to tear off his hoodie but he doesn’t know if he should since he doesn’t have a shirt underneath!!!
being shirtless to the gym isn’t new but you’re with him and nOW he feels nervous
honestly jungkook would rather overheat than to make you feel uncomfortable
news flash: you want to curl up into a ball and cry about thinking how you’d be sore the next day
you r about to give out and tear up a little bit because fuck this is nOT an introductory workout
you also don’t want to look like a wimp in front of jungkook because that is not a good look for your pride and you’d feel embarrassed for eternity
just two more to go!!
honestly fUCK fire hydrants!!! 𝕨𝕙𝕠 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕗𝕦𝕔𝕜 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦?? 𝕨𝕙𝕠 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕗𝕦𝕔𝕜 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦?? 𝕨𝕙𝕠 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕚𝕊?? 𝕨𝕙𝕠 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕓𝕖???? 𝕚 𝕕𝕠𝕟’𝕥 𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟 𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨 𝕪𝕠 𝕒𝕊𝕊!!!
you raise your head because you’re getting dizzy looking down
jungkook’s looking at you and he sees you looking at him and it dOESN’T help the way you look right now
with you sweaty and grumbling under your breath and ur baby hair all over the place and ur eyes unfocused and fix at the same time a-and ur lips parted and-
jungkook’s so nervous and flustered that his limp actually trembles with how hot his cheeks are and he’s rambling out of nowhere
“fire hydrants amirite??? most certainly inspired by dogs and stuff because cooky, my chihuahua, does exactly that when he pees and-...”
oh my god he should not have said that
jungkook’s beyond mortified wHY DID HE SAY THAT
you look speechless and you aRE
you’re just nodding at him with a tight-lipped smile and if he knows better that’s because you’re so spent and a little light-headed and less off from his nervous rambling
planks,,, just planks,,, the final bit of it all
you don’t wanna get dizzy at the last stretch so you’re trying your best to not pay attention to the blood rushing to ur head
jungkook’s so distracted with his thoughts that he wordlessly adjusts you
lifts up your core while adjusting your feet closer before pressing his hand to your back and-
you now feel like you can run a marathon right after that
jungkook now feels like he can compete in a twenty-hour triathlon
he’s praising you to no end that you did sOOOO good!!! you really did!!!!
meanwhile your face is hot not only from that but also because you’ve endured hardship that felt like hours <3
you’re breathlessly laughing because wHEW you really did do that and wow you’re proud of yourself!!!! it’s not even 10 in the morning!!!
there’s a towel that’s gently patting your face section by section
“you uhm, you didn’t have a towel with you so-“
jungkook pats at your neck to your nape and that’s when it hits that o-OH right i’ll leave you to that
you take the towel with a grin you’re fighting so hard and that’s when you realize that it’s not just a random gym one
but rather it was jungkook’s himself because it’s the same clean one he had in his hands awhile ago!!
you can smell him on it and you make sure to pat your face extra dry because you wouldn’t want to get your face sweaty now would you :D his perfume’s just a bonus, right :D
shouldn’t trainers be the cold and straight to the point ones and immediately leave right after you’re all done????
..... inch resting
“oh my gOD — mr. jimin sir-nim min jimin-nIM!!”
jungkook has the fright of his life when his boss appears from nowhere by his side
jimin laughs at how frazzled this guy is lmao but anyways he came here for you (as if he hasn’t been supervising from afar the whole time)
“want me to give you a ride home or?”
kook’s a little lost and he might just cry as he starts to think that oh wait a second are you guys-
“he’s my best friend.”
you whisper under your breath towards him and he unknowingly sighs in relief
“well did you get here using your jeep or your vespa???”
jimin has this jeep he passionately calls chimmy the jeep and he has a knack for naming things with a ring on it ok
and the other was a cream-colored vespa he bought like six months ago
he learned how to ride the bike a year ago and he was immediately let’s get this to the next level idc i’m getting a vESPA!!!
you have an iRRATIONAL fear of vespas
you’re okay with big bikes and regular motorcycles!!! in fact you find them less threatening than jimin’s motorcycle
the little wheels scare you and it’s just so??? it looks so bite-sized wHY does it look like that???? it looks like you could breathe an extra breath to your right and the vespa would steer to the right
ugh you hate his motorcycle sO bad
“well don’t you hAte public transport when you’re tired and all that???”
yikes you did
it’s true!! you’d call him to pick you up because the bus ride hits harder when you’ve had a long day and u feel every bump in the road possible
“i have a big bike!”
jungkook chimes in and he even raises his hand and that’s when he shuts up when he realizes his mistake
“no one asked mhmm i’m sorry jimin-nim sir hYung-nim”
your eyes widen as it sinks in you that oh my god he mIGHT be as into you as you are with him and that’s so ???? that’s such a heartwarming concept you can’t believe
jungkook has the same big brain moment and he takes your widened eyes as a signal to keep talking
“i have TWO helmets! but uhm one of them is for kooky and he’s a chihuahua, wait i already said that, so that means it’s just a tINY helmet i ordered from amazon but it’s okAy i can wear it!!! b-but i’m not forcing you or anything that i should take you home o-or no offense to mr. jimin-nim sir i am NOT underestimating you or-“
surprisingly, jimin doesn’t hate the idea of you and jungkook
ah he should probably adopt a dog and name them jupiter or sth,,, you and koo look like you’re gonna end up anyways
“okay. just bring her home in one piece.”
he’s oddly calm and that also makes YOU confused
jungkook isn’t confused however because the moment you turn, jimin mouths to him in korean and the rough translation was hurt her and i’ll kill you :D
you nodded your head and that meant he’s iNDEED taking you bome
he starts throwing things in his duffel bag (and he should still be in the gym but jimin jus gave him a free pass) and he’s wordlessly carrying yours too!!
he could feel your fist holding the back of his hoodie and jungkook just feels at peace :’’’)
wearing a ridiculous miniature helmet for dogs on top of his head that won’t do shit is tOTALLY worth it
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foxofninetales · 3 years
tagged by @hils79 and @psychic-waffles, thank you!
you can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. put your favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first ten songs!
So my favorites playlist is, uh, eclectic.  The main unifying factor is that they are all songs I can sing along to.  :)
Barrett’s Privateers - Stan Rogers (I love me some good folk music and Stan Rogers is amazing.)
Killer Robots From Venus - The Arrogant Worms (Canadian humorous music?  Canadian humorous music.  I have quite a lot of AW songs on this list.)
Dandy - Herman’s Hermits (I also have several HH songs on this playlist - such fun!  Side note, there is is an amazing Third Doctor vid set to this song.)
Poisoning Pigeons in the Park - Tom Lehrer (Do I need to justify this one?  I think not.)
OMG What’s Happening - Ava Max (I encountered this one on a TSOTMD vid and it’s a bop.)
If I Had a Ribbon Bow - (The particular version I like is a recording by Mora’s Modern Rhythmists that isn’t available on Youtube, but that link will take you to the original Maxine Sullivan recording.)
Sweet Violets - Dinah Shore (I LOVE a good nonsense song, and this one is so much fun to sing.  Plus the whole thing is one enormous play on words and expectations that DELIGHTS me.)
We Won’t Be Falling - Guardian OST (Yeahhh, I don’t have to justify this to anyone here.)
Dragostea Din Tei  - O-zone (Yes, it’s the Numa Numa song.  Yes, it’s included completely unironically.  This song SLAPS.)
Rainbow Connection - The Muppet Movie  (Kermit! Lullaby!)
No-obligation tagging @xcziel @tazzy-ace @jockvillagersonly  @merinnan
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abyssinalphantom · 4 years
Sonic 2020 movie spoilers ahead!
i just got back from the theaters and wanted to list some of my favorite parts and some of the weirder/funnier parts of the movie that i really enjoyed: -Longclaw, the cgi owl that looks wildly out of place with the cartoony child sonic and looks like she came from the Guardians of Ga'hoole movie. She also sports a valid warrior cat name. 
-Dr. Robotnik unironically saying “Look what came from my eggsack”  straightfaced and to a military general -Dr.Robotnik’s and Agent Stone’s relationship. Literally anytime those two were on screen I had no idea what was going to happen -Ben Schwartz being just the perfect voice for Sonic
-How pure Sonic was. Usually in media we see more of his cocky attitude, but in this movie he was very sweet
-Dr.Robotnik having a playlist called, “Songs of Anarchy” 
-The way Robotnik was prepared to just kill on sight immediately from the gate. I was honestly thinking he’d slowly rise to that, but nay. He’s out for murder of a blue hedgehog
-Stone surprising Robotnik and Jim Carrey screaming, “OF COURSE I WANT A LATTE. I LOVE THE WAY YOU MAKE THEM.”
-Jim Carrey doing Jim Carrey things -The iconic sounds the rings make when they fall.  -The way Maddie doesnt go flying off the handle when Tom show’s up with some alien hedgehog and patiently waits for him to explain everything then sticks by his side the rest of the movie. 
-The way the little girl after seeing sonic’s worn out shoes goes and just gives him a new pair 
-In my opinion the fight scenes were really good!
-100% thought they were going to let Tom just say, “You son of a bitch” without 
-Jim Carrey slowly morphing more and more into the Dr. Robotnik from the franchise towards the end of the movie
-Tails at the end! Sweet baby boi Tails! Leading up to the next movie I’d love to see everyone else’s fav moments too! Reblog and add on if you wish!
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I just finished Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal The Movie and I think I finally know Uryu's favorite movie. This.
I'm not saying this because I like it, he is a much bigger fan of the genre than me, and of the series ofc. Understands more about the all the symbolism in there and unironically enjoys every bit of the things I find silly. Like the pace and costumes and listening for minutes till they each shout their names, their crystal names, their super long and non-sense attack names, their planet names. ... I can almost feel his judgemental stare on me now reading "ignorant". He is really invested. Could talk hours about what a masterpiece this is and how it compares to the original series, new version and other movies, the genius choice of analogies and so on.... the nerd (¬∀¬)
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I think we don’t talk enough about Dirk’s mixed feelings about his bro, plenty of the things he says in chat and during his introduction are pretty telling
“You were practically raised by that puppet, he was a much better guardian to you than that Hollywood superstar Bro of yours ever was“
“ R.I.P. Stiller. Poor bastard. Had to go and get all tangled up with your brother's crazy, complicated life.”
“ if the world weren't so fucked up, you'd make a run at fame and fortune with your own puppet enterprises, just like your BRO did with all his weird shit.”
“ The statement did not go unnoticed by the Baroness, and soon the conflict between your brother's media empire and Crockercorp was a matter of public spectacle. Though the press has generally played up the rivalry as an extremely high stakes display of performance art. And knowing your bro, there is surely at least some truth to this.“
“TT: We come from different traditions. Someone needs to keep that racist southern asshole's legacy alive.
TT: There's dignity in taking up the work of our familial predecessors, even if what they did was insanely fucking stupid.
GG: Is that a note of bitterness directed at your superstar brother I am detecting?
TT: No way. He's awesome. ”
“ TT: I've told you, I don't begrudge any of his success.
TT: I've also told you he isn't my real bro even though I call him that. We're related through an esoteric process of genetic reamalgamation.
GG: Oh lordy. Yes, yes, I know. I don't need another ironic lesson in science fiction!
TT: Alright. My lessons are rad as fuck, but suit yourself.
TT: The point is, obviously his satirical methods have flaws, and whatever tempered brand of hero worship I might be practicing isn't keeping me from seeing that.
GG: Flaws?? Talk about understatement. Those movies are unwatchable.
GG: Unless your name is Jake English.
TT: Yes, spectacularly so. But they will have profound historical significance. Mark my words.
TT: And flaws aside, it's a legacy I'm proud to inherit. My duty isn't to appropriate his methods with absolute loyalty, but to apply reason and improve upon them. To leave my own mark.”
As far as I can guess, it’s implied that he thinks his Bro’s life work was unironically strange and his fame not very deserved more often than not but that it’s also the only way he has to feel connected with his only known family
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friendly-peep · 4 years
Which Homestuck characters would read Homestuck and their opinion
idk i’m bored. What’s Homestuck^2? What’s epilogues? We’re strictly Homestuck in this house. Also only doing main characters, I’m not going to dive into the Felt or caparacians, I want this to be done today.
Beta kids:
June: Avid reader. Got in early and read the whole thing. Got shirts, unironically liked it.
Rose: Got in late, but got into it. Loved the tarot deck, uses it to pretend she’s reading while she just tells people their truths. Noticed some narrative issues but overall liked it.
Dave: Got in shortly after June did, read for a while, but his irony poisoning led to him sassing the HECK out of it. Made a diss blog. Kept reading it “ironically” and cannot tell if he actually likes it or not. Got a god tier hoodie he wears at home. Sampled some of the soundtracks for his raps.
Jade: Loved it. LOVED IT. Got the full soundtrack. Made remixes. Got all the shirts. One of the blogs that posted “UPD8!” whenever an update happened. Big fanartist during the Gigapauses.
Beta Guardians:
June’s Dad: Tried to get into it to connect to his daughter’s interest, but the memes were too much, so he became the “Are ya winning, daughter?” dad. Very supportive but would need fifty slow paced “Homestuck explained” videos.
Mom Lalonde: Read it, but was too intoxicated to remember most. She holds obscure knowledge and will remember minute trivia, but don’t ask her about any of the large plot points.
Bro Strider: Too busy being A Mess Of A Human Being to sit down and read.
Poppop Harley: Too busy being A Dang Explorer to sit down and read.
Alpha kids:
Jane: Takes time to read it slowly. Has a blog of theories she constantly updates. Was upset about how some plot points got dropped and underdeveloped.
Roxy: Much like Jade, loved it. While Jade made remixes, Roxy cosplays. She has killer cosplays of most characters. Screamed about updates on twitter. No filter, accidentally drops spoilers left right and center.
Dirk: Deep, DEEP character examinations. Draws diagrams, writes essays. Unironically liked the potential of Paradox Space, may have even submit his own stories to be a guest artist.
Jake: Read the whole thing, liked it, missed many connections and plot points, was satisfied with the ending. Got some merch, can say “I read Homestuck” in public and be blissfully unaware of any positive and negative baggage that comes with saying so.
Alpha Guardians:
Jane’s Dad: Much like June’s Dad, tried to get into it. Unlike June’s Dad, watched and read his daughter’s theories (and Dirk’s explanations when Jane linked them to him) and became A Walking Homestuck Encyclopedia. Jane is unsure how to feel about this. He, however, does not reference it.
Roxy’s Rosemom: Too busy fighting the good fight to read. It’s in her radar but didn’t get the time to read it.
Dirk’s Davedad: Read it as a novelty. Sent Hussie a gold-plated Bad Dragon dildo. Put offhand references to it on his movies, but they were so oblique that even readers didn’t get it.
Jade English: Too busy running her own baking good company to read Homestuck. Not even in her radar.
Alternia Trolls:
Aradia: Much like Dirk, got REAL DEEP into it. Makes youtube vids explaining classpects and narrative points. Actually wrote a dissertation on Homestuck.
Tavros: Tried to get into it, but the first few acts were not to his taste so he never got to the trolls ironically enough. Likes the character designs though.
Sollux: Next level Dave. Critiques the FUQUE out of it on every platform he can. If Hatedom is a thing, he made it. He’s the founder. It’s him. But he read it to the end.
Karkat: Read it, loves it, does some interesting character relationship examinations. Predicted who would end up with who with 100% accuracy. Wasn’t a vocal fan, didn’t get merch, but still liked it.
Nepeta: The shipper who launched a thousand ships. She writes crackfic but with deep care, making sure it makes sense that characters would end up together. Got one of every homestuck shirt. Very into it.
Kanaya: Got into it only because her friends got into it. If Karkat hadn’t talked about it she would not have gotten into it but she did because she wants to be able to carry a conversation with her friends. Not a huge fan.
Terezi: She can and WILL correct you if you get trivia wrong. She did not sit through hours of text-to-speech pesterlogs for some scrub to get it wrong. Defiant Homestuck defender. She’ll cut you if you say you don’t like Homestuck (she won’t, but she’s judging you from the other side of the room)
Vriska: Skipped the first acts and jumped right into Alternia. Little context, little care. Pretends she didn’t, gets facts hilariously wrong which Terezi takes as an invitation to tease her. Fanartist.
Equius: Another fanartist. He made physical media as opposed to drawings. Slow reader, got into it late and didn’t finish until way after the comic had ended. Did not get to experience the comic without Random Paradox Arms all over the place. Loved by the community for his short reaction posts about what happened at the point he’s at.
Gamzee: Either first person to post “Update” when comic updated, or doesn’t read for months and then catches up in two days. Skips many chat logs, but still gets most of the plot no problem. Remembers exact phrasing of the posts he does read though.
Eridan: Another Character Analysis blogger. He dives into (pun unintended) why some characters are The Absolute Worst and writes fanfic of how they would be if they had a chance to be in a different circumstances. The Problematique fan, but only because people assume the worst of him. He’s actually pretty chill.
Feferi: Superfan, and Super Content Creator. Started making plushies and charms and eventually started selling them. Her stuff became a badge of honor and people posted themselves hugging their plushies during the gigapause.
Too busy caught up in their personal turmoils to read any of it. Except the Condesce. She sent Hussie a diamond-studded Bad Dragon dildo.
Beforus trolls:
Damara: Big fan, but doesn’t express it because of the crowd she’s with. But she has a blog where she tries to get in touch with new readers and is always open to answer questions others might have. Not a Big Name fan, but she’s much more vocal online than in person, and even then it’s through an alt account.
Rufioh: Got people into it, but he himself didn’t finish reading after the Scratch. Said he would but he just never got to doing so.
Mituna: Prone to ranting when updates happened. Very emotionally invested, nearly died when Game Over happened.
Kankri: The nitpicker to end all nitpicks. He critiqued everything, and hated that there were hero mode, simplified and silly drawings. Genuinely disliked all characters for faults that he himself has, yet never self-examined. Got a following that  consisted three-quarters of people who made fun of his rants and one-quarter of people who were as intense as he is.
Meulin: Big, BIG fan. Prolific fanfic writer, if a character pairing exists, rarepair or not, she wrote a fic about them. Likes all characters and as such thinks she must devote roughly the same wordcount for everyone she can. Disappears for months then reemerges with twenty new fics.
Porrim: Moderate fan, great cosplayer. The more complex the outfit, the more she wanted to make it. Routinely goes out in Jade’s Dead Shuffle and Three in the Morning dresses because she is incredibly proud of them.
Latula: Not a big fan. Knows most of what she knows through cultural osmosis because her friends got into it, but she’s not likely to ever read it herself. Likes how into it her friends are though.
Aranea: Much like Jane’s Dad, she’s the walking encyclopedia, except she memorized the content of almost every page, and if she doubts her knowledge, will immediately go to her computer and look up what she is unsure of. Tries not to talk people’s ears off and will only talk about Homestuck when asked about it.
Horuss: Super into it. To a maybe creepy degree. Doesn’t show in public but if you get access to his secret blogs it’s more like character shrines. Don’t dig too deep into it.
Kurloz: Read it, kinda into it, but not that big of a fan. He will talk about it but he’s pretty lukewarm about the whole thing.
Cronus: Read it to impress a crush, got genuinely into it, but isn’t a vocal fan.
Meenah: Didn’t read it, much like Latula learned about it because everyone around her talked about it. Unlike Latula, she mocks everyone for liking something she says is “for nerds”. Still kinda wants to read it to be part of the conversation but her pride of Not Knowing About Homestuck is too great to overcome that hurdle.
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