#i think i'd be james
satan-is-obsessed · 1 year
my biggest flex is my friend group is like gender swap marauders from au ff where pete is actually an angel
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OK but what if you're a baby animagus when you first do it and you need to grow into an adult form
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laststandx3 · 2 months
When Jesus pretended to be dead for 3 days it's a miracle and everyone is sympathetic. But when I, James Somerton-
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pappelsiin · 1 year
arthur !!! 
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flyingcakeee · 1 month
Oh god I'd pay money for Logan to tell James something super backhanded that gets broadcasted live and be like the next "James, it's Valtteri" because that would be amazing. Like, imagine Logan crosses the line in P9 and he's like, "James, I'm still replaceable, right?" Would pay good money for that.
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arttsuka · 7 months
More mermaid Spock (yes, more. Here is the previous post)
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show-tunes · 1 year
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So long to this wretched form
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mwagneto · 7 months
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JAMES GILLIES NUMERO UNO 🏆 🥇 🥇 🔥 💥 ☝️ 🏳️‍🌈 CAMPEÃO DO MUNDOOO 🏳️‍🌈 💥 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍🌈 💥 🔥 🏳️‍🌈
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hey-scully-itsme · 1 year
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congrats to the happy couple and a happy 'sherlock holmes is fully in the public domain' day to all who celebrate
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diazsdimples · 1 month
Why no I’m not here to encourage a ballet au… why do you ask???
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Hippo you absolute menace, why do I put up with you?? Having said that...
When Buck walks into the rehearsal room for the New York City Ballet for the first time, he can’t quite believe he’s made it.
Here he is, standing among some of the best dancers North America has to offer, and they’re treating him like an equal, rather than the usual upturned noses or judgemental looks ballet dancers have often perfected. A group of women stand by the barre, doing some warm-up stretches before rehearsal starts, and at the other end of the mirror stands two of the most beautiful men Buck has ever seen.
They’re fairly evenly matched in height and size, both lean and strong, their muscles not huge like some of the bodybuilders Buck is used to seeing at the gym, but sculpted, with rippling muscles that convey a subtle power, used for performing complicated lifts but looking effortless and graceful as they do so.
The shorter of the two looks up as he enters the room, and Buck’s mouth goes dry as a pair of warm, brown eyes, like two pools of molten chocolate, meet his. This man is gorgeous. His hair is silky and brown, with a few strands that flop carelessly into his face, and he’s got a light shadow of stubble over his jaw. He’s wearing a tight, black tank top that clings to his body like a second skin and shows every ounce of muscle in his arms. There’s a small, circular tattoo, with what looks like some loopy writing on his forearm, almost mirroring the delicate lines on Buck’s own.
Buck is still drinking in the first man when he leans forward and whispers something in the second man’s ear, and he turns around too.
Holy fuck. Does the New York City Ballet hire on looks first and dancing skills second?
This man is taller, probably by a good few inches, and while the first man is soft and gentle looking, this man is sharper, more defined, and radiating raw power in the way his muscles flex beneath his white tank. He’s a little curlier than the other man, with icy blue eyes that pierce into Buck’s own. He smiles at Buck, his nose crinkling in a way that’s nothing short of adorable, and beckons Buck over.
Buck allows his legs to carry himself towards the two men, his brain not coming online enough to even rehearse his opening line, before he’s standing in front of them.
“Uh, hi,” he says eloquently, his mouth feeling drier than the Sahara. “I’m Evan Buckley, new principal. But – uh – everyone calls me Buck,”
“Hey Evan,” Blue Eyes says at the same time Brown Eyes says “Nice to meet you, Buck.”
“I’m Eddie Diaz,” Brown Eyes says, holding his hand out for Buck to shake. “Playing the Nutcracker.”
Buck tries not to make it super obvious how star-struck he is right now. “H-hey Eddie, nice to meet you,” he replies, taking the man’s hand. It’s warm and Eddie squeezes Buck’s hand lightly as he shakes it, his long fingers pressing against Buck’s knuckles.
“Tommy Kinard,” says Blue Eyes, extending his own hand when Eddie releases his. “Rat King.”
Buck can’t entirely believe that here he is, on his first day as a Principal Dancer for the New York City Ballet, and he’s meeting the two male leads. He might need to pinch himself, if it weren’t for the fact that Tommy’s squeezing his hand a little harder than necessary, the slight pain enough to convince Buck that yes, this is really happening.
“You’re new here, aren’t you? Which part have you got?” Eddie asks kindly, leaning against the barre. His arm crosses over with Tommy’s making it look like their arms are almost linked. The way they’re standing, and the familiarity Buck could see in their expressions earlier, he can’t help but wonder if they’re in a relationship. Or good friends, at the very least.
He licks his lips before talking and wills himself not to sound like a total dork.
“I’m playing Cavalier,” he said threading his fingers together as he stands in a bastardisation of 4th position that his old tutor always used to yell at him for. “First time as a lead.”
Tommy smiles softly, his eyes raking over Buck’s body as though sizing him up.
“It’s not so scary once you get to know everyone,” he reassures Buck, placing a hand just above Buck’s elbow.
“Yeah,” Eddie adds, flashing a dazzling grin in Buck’s direction that have his joints turning a little gelatinous. “We’ll show you the ropes.”
Now sit there and think about what you've done
(Gonna cheekily tag a few friends to alert them that I've been bullied into starting a new wip) @theotherbuckley @daffi-990 @bidisasterevankinard @steadfastsaturnsrings @spotsandsocks
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pityroadart · 11 months
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"Forgive me. Emotional transferrance is an effect of the mind meld."
A commission for a friend: Kirk, post-mind-meld with Spock Prime, in the cave on Delta Vega
watercolour on paper, mostly a limited palette of Schmincke phthalo turquoise + vermillion, 7 x 18cm // August 2022
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jimmyspades · 2 months
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papa-evershed · 8 months
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Robert James-Collier as Daniel Watson THE INHERITANCE EP02
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myloveforhergoeson · 2 days
i really think one of the craziest parts of btrtv was their school situation like. yeah we never see them in school after the second season but in theory they were getting an education and i simply think the writers handled it in the only way they could. let me explain.
typically young people in the entertainment industry are schooled either through the company they work for or through their parents. obviously, since btrtv was aimed at a younger audience they couldn't just not have the boys go to school - what kind of example would that set for the viewers? moving to hollywood equals never having to learn again?
while i was thinking about this topic earlier i was trying to come up with some different ways the show could have gone about this but managed only a few examples:
jennifer could homeschool them. but when? she's barely at the apartment as is and would have to juggle two different curriculums, one for the boys and one for katie. we already know thanks to bt school of rocque she also isn't caught up on modern schooling practices. plus i feel like, though she is their mother in many ways, she'd have difficulty controlling those 5 for 4 straight hours. i feel like they'd always be able to convince her to run off on a tangent instead of actually teaching them anything. next!
the boys could have been enrolled in regular high school. in theory, this would work for maybe a few months. until their first tour at the very least but after that i believe it would likely be dangerous for them to leave the sanctity of the palm woods or rocque records and venture out into the real world. while this could open up plotlines like people only wanting to be friends with them for their fame, crazy fans finding out where they learn, the boys being in trouble for being a genuine safety risk to other students when the paps follow them to school... seemed like more trouble than it's worth! also pretty similar to the plot of jonas which was airing at the same time on disney channel. next!
school at rocque records... had potential i believe. if gustavo had put the proper amount of funding to a quality space and quality teachers, i think the boys would have (aside from generally hating school) been alright there. while not ideal, it could have served it's purpose for the whole four hours they'd have to spend in school. it's very similar to how most industry kids learn now. in addition, they could have worked hard to graduate early, as many industry kids do, but i also believe this would have been a hard plot point to achieve. overall, i'd rank this option pretty high for the guys - it could have had everything they needed, except for the socialization they so desperately craved. next!
online school? in the early 2000's? yeah right. next!
this brings us to what i see as the final option, being of course, school at the palm woods. while not ideal, it does serve all of the boys needs to the best of the writers abilities. i do, however, feel the need to speak on the quality of education they are being granted. no shade to miss collins, i know that poor woman is doing her best and juggling probably six or seven grades worth of curriculum in her classroom, but as someone who was in a split grade class (4/5 when i was in 4th grade, 5/6 when i was in 5th grade!) i can assure you she was not giving her full attention to any of the grade levels she was trying to teach. i'm so sorry they set you up for failure queen.
while this probably worked out in the end for the guys (logan can snatch all A's and look amazing on college/med school applications and his friends could just coast by on the grades they need to pass) i think the episode in which they come back from tour and earn their final grades speaks the most to the education they're afforded. no way they (logan really) did weeks worth of work in one afternoon and earned straight c's lol. hope the band lasts forever and ever and ever after btrtv ends because if not... yikes.
but at the same time... i think this was the best option for schooling both from a writers perspective and the band's needs! socialization, check! normal school events like dancing, check! adequate enough education (how much do they really learn in four hours anyway?), check! it always fits into their working schedules. and it's union-approved! while not ideal, at the very least it's something.
in all, good luck boys! hope miss collins offers some office hours if you ever have questions... maybe there's a reason we never got to see them graduate <3
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aceredshirt13 · 6 months
We'll never get a third Ritchieverse Holmes movie. But if we somehow did, this is what I like to think should happen.
I would absolutely love for the inciting incident to be that, since the reason Holmes faked his death was because he wanted to keep Watson and Mary safe, the reason he has returned from faking his death is because that backfired and Watson and Mary are very much not. Why aren't they safe, you ask? Well, because Moran is on the revenge trail. Typically, he didn't have much personal investment in the killing of his targets, but we all saw how absolutely furious he got when Watson nearly killed Moriarty and escaped with Holmes. Now Moriarty is dead, and Moran has no job, no purpose, no one in the world - nothing, save for anger and grief. He cannot kill Holmes, because he does not know Holmes still lives. But if Holmes took the life of the only person Moran ever cared about, then even if he's not around to suffer for it, he will do the same to him.
Except, naturally, Holmes is around to suffer for it, and this cues the ending scene of the movie where Holmes coyly reveals he's alive, and would pick up right from there. There would be action! There would be shenanigans! Holy hell there would be character drama! Watson and Mary are absolutely going to beat Holmes's ass within an inch of his life, but also Watson is so, so very glad to have him back... Mary's not forgiving him ever for what he put Watson through, but how can she - how can they - bring themselves to be fully angry when he went through this to the end in an attempt to ensure their happiness? Especially when, if one considers the reason he closed his eyes to be for Watson to be the last thing he saw if he died, Holmes wasn't even completely sure he'd successfully fake his death... And they can't just unpack that while sitting in a house somewhere talking about their feelings, because Moran and the remnants of Moriarty's wide-reaching organization are very hot on their heels.
How does the movie progress? Well, I'm not entirely sure. I would love for Moran to get betrayed by those he conspired with, and be forced to work with Holmes and Watson (and Mary, who is adamantly refusing to let these two do all this on their own when her life is as endangered as theirs) on some level, thus forcing everybody - including Moran - to actually talk to each other. I also want to show that Holmes is beginning to get tired of all this - he loves the adrenaline, he loves to exercise his genius, he hates being bored, but he's also tired of the people he cares about constantly being in danger because he knows he can't always protect them. He knows that, because of what happened to Irene.
How does the movie end? Well, I can certainly tell you that. As a significant portion of the fanbase and Jude Law himself will tell you, the Ritchieverse Holmes movies come off very, very strongly as romances. In most cases, I am not the sort of person who advocates for any given ship in a medium to be acknowledged as canon just because a lot of fans like it, especially since that can often lead to disastrous results... but Christ alive, these movies are leaning so ridiculously hard into Holmeswatson vibes that I can't imagine it was an accident. And, well, part of the reason I want Moran to figure so heavily into this movie is because I think there was quite a bit of potential exploration of what exactly his relationship was with Moriarty just in the few tidbits you saw of them together... perhaps through a few flashbacks sprinkled in after Moran confesses what they really were to each other. Because if there's one thing I love, it's parallels. Watson and Moran, the military veterans and crack shots who are so very attached to the often-difficult genius masterminds they love. Unlike the singly-devoted Moran, Watson's affections are torn, because he adores Mary with everything he is, and is constantly fighting himself and pretending he can give up Holmes for her even though he can't imagine a life without both of them in it - but he is no less devoted for it. In different ways, they both cannot see a way forward - Moran cannot without Moriarty, Watson cannot because he cannot choose. So, in terms of an ending, I want Moran not to have to be killed by our heroes, or die in some sacrifice, or take his own life. I want him to have to live, without taking revenge. To figure out some kind of life, now that he's been spit out by the Queen's Army, and has lost the new life he was given now. It's more interesting, and less cheap, especially if this movie serves to build up and add depth to his character. And as for Holmes and Watson, well, it's not 2009 or 2011 anymore, so what's to stop your loose action movie adaptation of century-old, now-public domain stories from just going ahead and having them admit they love each other? (Or, potentially, having Mary admit it for them, to one of them, because she is sick and tired of their bullshit?) Why not let them, after all this is over, finally, finally share a kiss?
And as for the epilogue, I think it would be super fun and endearing if it cuts to Watson and Mary finally moving into that country house in Sussex together. He and Mary love each other, they're happy, they'll do so very all right. Then they get a knock on the door to find that the old woman who lives in the house next door has come to bring them a housewarming gift.
Except it's not an old woman. It's Sherlock Holmes dressed as an old woman. He has gone into early retirement to keep bees, and he just so happens, by pure coincidence, to have bought the house next to theirs.
Watson and Mary are exasperated. Then they probably think it's really funny, while still being exasperated. And ultimately, what Watson needs to realize is that there is something in this world that is insistent upon keeping these three together. If all of them can put up with each other - as they have shown they can just manage to do, this whole movie - and if all of them care for each other - as they have shown they undoubtedly do, for this whole movie - then no matter what he was sure was the "correct" and "right" thing to do before, he does not, and has never had to choose. Holmes doesn't have to steal him away from Mary any more than Mary has to steal him away from Holmes, because the great lesson of the Ritchieverse Sherlock Holmes movies ought to be that sometimes, polyamory is the best solution. And they all live in Sussex together, and quibble incessantly, and remain there for the rest of their days.
P. S. The number one thing this movie is absolutely, positively not allowed to do is kill off Mary. I don't care if she dies offscreen in the books, these movies did not have so much of their character conflict be Watson's inability to choose between her and Holmes for that to conclude with the immensely cheap act of offing her - not to mention that that would mean killing the only remaining major female character left in the series, and that these movies are so far removed from the ACD canon anyway that they can literally do whatever they want.
P. P. S. I don't have anywhere else to put these since I'll certainly never finish an entire screenplay concept for this without help, so here are a few disconnected, inaccurate-screenplay-format snippets using this idea that I jotted down on my phone way, way, back. Enjoy?
Opening shot: pigeons.
It’s early morning, and a man sits on a bench with a small bag of birdseed. He takes a handful of it, and reaches out to them. They flock around him with enthusiasm, some perching on his arm and hand.
The pigeons know him, clearly. It is SEBASTIAN MORAN.
He turns to look over his shoulder.
Moran: Hey, Professor, do you -
He stops. There is no one beside him.
Something hardens in his face.
He continues sprinkling birdseed. But his movements are listless, and it is clear the act no longer brings him much joy.
Holmes: It appears that Moriarty’s death, while ultimately a public service to the human race, has unleashed a far greater and more unpredictable danger to you than I could have imagined.
Watson: A danger?
Holmes: Indeed. And so long as I was believed to be dead, I was sure you and Mary would be entirely safe from it.
Watson: What - ?
Holmes: But I am now very much aware that that isn’t so, and so I have returned.
Watson: What danger, Holmes?
Holmes: Sebastian Moran.
Watson: Sebastian Mor- What, Moriarty’s right-hand man?
Holmes: The very same.
Watson: But why would he come after us? His superior is dead, he hasn’t got any orders -
Holmes: This has absolutely nothing to do with orders, Watson, and everything to do with the precarious and emotional nature of the human condition.
Watson: For the love of God, Holmes, can you just explain -
Holmes: I mean to say that this is entirely personal. Moran did not just work for Moriarty, he cared for him. Though to what extent, I haven’t the slightest idea.
Watson: For Moriarty?
(A disbelieving chuckle.)
Watson: Delusional bastard. I can’t imagine Moriarty cared for a soul in the world.
Holmes: And he may not have. How fallible man is, hm?
Holmes: Nevertheless, I believe that the colonel is seeking revenge. And if he cannot get it on me, then he will not stop until he has slain everyone I have ever cared for.
Holmes: Thus, my return from the grave. But I’ve already said that, haven’t I?
Holmes: No. No more deaths. No more lives lost because of me.
Holmes: …Not after Irene.
Moran: You should have died like the dog you are.
Holmes: Perhaps I would have, if I hadn’t known that Moriarty’s dog still lived.
Holmes: I had - foolishly, perhaps - thought that were I to die, Watson and Mary would be safe. A life for a life - my life, for Moriarty’s. No more.
Holmes: But you weren’t content with that. Were you?
Holmes: You wouldn’t stop until you’d killed everyone that meant something to me, even though I wasn’t there to see it.
Holmes: What will you do, if you succeed? What will you have left? It’s not as if revenge will bring him back.
Moran: You’d do the same if you lost your bloody Watson, wouldn’t you?
(Holmes is, rarely, silent.)
Moran: …And I don’t know how to do anything else.
Moran: …You’re wrong.
Moran: Nobody was kind to me. Not until I met the professor.
Holmes: But of course. It behooves a smart man to take good care of his tools -
Moran: You don’t know anything! It was real, what we had!
Moran: …It was real. I know it was. Because he told me that he didn’t even want to like me, at first, let alone…
(He trails off, as if thinking better of it. But then he shakes his head with a bitter chuckle.)
Moran: …What’s the point? I’ll hang for all the murders I’ve done. Another felony won’t mean much.
Moran: I loved him. And you’re the reason he’s dead. So I’ll kill everyone you love, and then I’ll kill you, or I’ll die trying.
Okay, that's it. If for some reason you read this far, thanks for sticking around! And if you have any personal thoughts on a third Ritchieverse Holmes movie, I'd absolutely love to hear them. See ya!
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stevethehairington · 2 months
OKAY!! here it is!!! a lil peek at what i've been working on the past couple days! my first foray into the terror fic!! and subsequently the first dip of ny toes into 1800s prose fjsjkfj so PLEASE be gentle with me, i'm still figuring it out! but yeaH! here ya go:
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