#i really am not that high energy tbh
braisedhoney · 9 months
Heya Captain, I have a question 🙋
How would you deal with annoying people? (it's a strong word, but don't know how else to describe it)
Like fans who are just too much sometimes.
Would you ignore them, just tolerate them or deal with them somehow differently?
As a crewmate on this ship it’s important for me to do everything in my power not to be an annoyance o7 /j
But like I’m just curious on how creators deal with people they find annoying or fans who are just a bit TOO exited I guess. Like how other people deal with this kind of people without being rude or mean. Sometimes you just want the person to get off your back, but have no idea how to deal with it, you know?
If you don't feel comfortable answering this question I totally get it, you can just ignore this ask then
Thank you and have a honey day🐝
y'know, that's honestly a fair question to ask. it is kind of difficult to answer, but i know what you mean. i'll give it a shot.  
it's not that i'm really popular enough to have a huge group of "fans" (seems like too big a word!) but sometimes there have been people who just take it out of me a bit. i'm not a high energy person even if i do try, so i can't always match the enthusiasm—limited spoons and all that ;;
when i'm tired, low energy, or just generally not feeling the vibe, i just… trail off a little. not on purpose, i just do. my activity is already really sporadic, so sometimes i'll post art but not respond to things bc i post and go. it's just how it be. 
my only real piece of advice is this: do not spam. if someone is going to answer, they'll answer, but spamming them won't help. they might have other stuff going on or generally don't feel up to it—as a creator, you do still have the right not to mesh with people. spam won't make them want to talk to you more lol. being polite goes a long way! (this ask qualifies as polite, btw. very kind of you to worry <3)
just try to respect boundaries, and remember not everyone is immediately going to become your friend, creator or otherwise. life's funky and we all get through it our own way, but we'll be okay o7
(also aw, have a sweet day too, anon 🍯 hope you're alright.)
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magnus is that genre of Teenage Boy that has the frame of a lumberjack but the build of a wet spaghetti noodle. given 5 more years and consistent nutrition he would've been a certified Hunk Of Meat™️ but instead he is stuck looking like a particularly poorly made scarecrow for the rest of eternity. tragic.
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glompcat · 11 months
I am waiting rn for my new AC install, so while waiting in these humid conditions (I tried to move all the furniture near the windows earlier, which was a HUGE mistake) I decided to read some Xena comics. Below is a collection of some of my favorite panels so far:
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daydadahlias · 7 months
you’re getting a psych major and two minors
when do you sleep? O.o
omg great question!! i dont <3
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canadiangold · 2 months
some days I'll feel like I'm doing better then suddenly realize I've been listening to Linkin Park for three hours
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velviquinn · 7 months
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I thought i sent it but i don't think i did though... if i did then oops sorry.
Can i request more TWIST characters who carry reader on their shoulders?
I believe you've done a fair bit of them so I'm trying to remember which ones haven't been asked about.... I think Lilia, Kalim, Jamil, Malleus, Sebek and Riddle? Those are the ones off the top of my head tbh but DON'T feel pressured to do em all. I'm fine with whatever you want to write. I'm just listing stuff for ideas. You don't have to use any of these concepts if they don't resonate.
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Sitting on Their Shoulders (4) | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
Lilia Vanrouge
“Looking at it there’s no way we’re going to get that flag down without a stool or something.”
“Hey why not just get on my shoulders!
“Yeah just hop up on my shoulders and grab it! You don’t want to lose the game do you?”
“...Are you sure this is the way we should be doing this? Maybe you should go on mine.”
“Pft are you underestimating me, my little bat? C’mon I can handle you I promise.”
Despite your concern Lilia practically forces you to sit 
Ducking under your legs and standing up
You’ll be too busy regaining your balance to heed the moan he lets out
Too focused on the flag up high to see his eyes roll to the back of his head as you release your grip on his hair
He might toss you up claiming some lie he needs readjust his grip while squeezing your thighs together 
Practically smothering him
“I got it! Okay Lilia I’m ready to come down now! Lilia. Lilia?”
“I’ve decided we should stay this way for the rest of the game!”
“Yup so hold on tight sweet cheeks! I need to run off all the extra energy you’ve given me!”
He really does need to run off all his excitement 
Otherwise he doesn’t know he wouldn’t revert to his more violent ways should anyone break the precious skin-to-skin contact you were having
“(Y/n), I think I just found my favorite place to be!”
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Riddle Rosehearts
“How about I put you on my shoulders Riddle? That way you should be able to reach the sugar and we’ll have delicious tarts in no time!”
“...I’ll lift you up.”
“But you’re a lot short—”
“I’ll do it!”
He of course had not thought of himself in such a position lies+
But having his whole face swallowed in between your thighs as he balanced your weight awakens something in him
If there is any aching he has under your weight is dissipated by the overwhelming feeling of you
You, being all around him
Him smelling you with no end in sight
He’s used to imagining and guiltily dreaming about things such as this
It finally puts his intense dictatorship guarding of your friendships
No one should ever be given this 
No one but him
“Uh Riddle can we go to the right a little?”
“Riddle?..Am I too heavy?”
“NO! I apologize, I was distracted by the...heat….within this room. I’ll go to the left now.”
“Right. We need to go right!”
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lesbiandonnanoble · 7 months
ranking torchwood members by how nightmarish the blunt rotation would be. number 6 ultimate least worst is gwen but only because i love drama so much and don’t mind comforting people if they cry. any smoke sesh w gwen you’d walk away knowing the funniest most insane interpersonal drama on the planet. three hits in her eyes would already be getting red and she would lean over and say “SWEAR to me you won’t repeat this to anyone, but” gwen babygirl i am all ears. i would roll for you and just sit and watch you smoke it. at #5 honorary mention for suzie. she would find the perfect music for the vibe. she would roll an immaculate joint. the conversation would be heartfelt, pleasant. real.. by the time i realize i’m slowly dying and she’s gaining strength i wouldn’t even care tbh. ideal joint-sharing experience. #4 would be owen because i know that as long as i laughed at his jokes he would smoke me up indefinitely. his delusion that he’s cool and badass would get more embarrassing and apparent when high like mac it’s always sunny levels . and you might have to suffer some hero complex stories but i just know his very cool-looking bong has crystal clear water the second he knows anyone’s coming over. #3 is easily ianto. high chances of bringing a really uncomfortable weird energy to any smoke sesh. i once met a guy who said he’d been practicing rolling joints since he was a kid with paper and pencil shavings and then rolled the joint that fucked me the hardest i’ve ever experienced and that’s what smoking ianto’s shit would be like. except he’s just sitting there looking at you with wet dog eyes the whole time. his vibe would be still weirdly too professional, like the business major who tries to network at house parties. toshiko my lady.. second worst person to smoke with in torchwood not for any awful reason. her jokes would be the funniest out of all of them. her laugh would be enchanting. but you can tell she’s so nervous and trying too hard and the vibe gets more and more awkward and you desperately want to tell her it’s fine but you worry calling attention to it might make her feel worse and you stare at her and she stares at you, takes a beautiful bong rip, and says something so self deprecating you have to look away. the #1 most nightmarish person to share a joint with in torchwood is obviously jack. he pulls out a bag of purple shit, a strain he informs you is called ‘megacock OG’, and loads it into his 23rd century fucking instant vaporizer and promises it’s “got a hell of a kick” and you blink and it’s 20 minutes later and you’re flinching nearly shitting yourself every time his stupid fucking dinosaur swoops overhead ,sweating buckets, and he’s grinning slapping the table laughing opposite you while his genuinely cringeworthy sex stories, seemingly endless, ring in your ears like churchbells.
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psychelis-new · 1 year
pick a pile: "Who are/will be your friends"
take a breath and choose the photo or number that calls you the most to read about how your friends see you and/or how you may be meeting your new friends and what they will think about you/how they will see you. Also no offence for the pics choice, I love sheeps.
don’t take the reading too seriously. only take what resonates with you and leave the rest. if you're not called by any pile, let this reading slid as it may not hold messages for you. if you're called by more than one pile, there may be messages in each of those piles. remember that is a general reading and some things may not resonate with you. energies can change and readings are based on present ones (as you read); you're always in charge of your life.
(photos found on unsplash)
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pile 1
These are people that are pretty similar to you. You may be knowing them for a lot now, for some they may be childhood friends or something. You just need to look at them to be able to read their mind and understand what they think. Huge deep bond. For others, they may be part of your soul family or a past life partner/friend/connection. Okay there are two situations here: 1) you know them so deep down, every small detail about the other, that basically you are the same person and you support each other and care and really talk like 24/7 about any little thing that happens and you are very aware of how the other changed through the years (it could be also for new people: you talk a lot and tell the other everything about your life in a few days); 2) you have been knowing each other for long (or even just met) but you don't really know the other's favorite color, for example. It's a slightly different type of friendship. It's close, it's caring, but it's not as deep as one would imagine. You may even go a few days/weeks without talking and it's fine, when you meet again, it's like nothing happened. The care, the support, the help are there in whatever case. And it works for y'all, so why not. In both cases I think it involves you and another max. 2 people, not more (but it could be just 1). You may be kinda introverted people or just enjoy some time off occasionally, to recharge or do your own things. But you end up being there for the other if they need, no matter what. You may even sleep to each other's place to be able to share your experiences during the evening/night. For many of you I feel it's a same gender friendship for others is a different gender one, and for a few ones this person may turn into your romantic partner.
song: tú | maye
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pile 2
Very protective friends. They kinda shield you. If you meet someone new, maybe even a love interest, they are pretty jealous of you and need to know everything about this person before feeling okay with you going out with them. They may even stalk this person on socials? Masculine/boss energy, but it doesn't have to be a male person ofc (or people... actually I'm getting 3-4 people, so it could even be mixed). You may be knowing them from high school or college/university, for some of you they may be your colleagues. Very grounded, stable energy, I am feeling like those superhero that stand in front of you to protect you from a possible danger. This may turn into something toxic tbh, cause they should trust you and let you leave your life the way you need... it's just that they don't want you to suffer, probably cause you've been suffering a lot through your life. It's very nice and cute of them ofc, but it's also their codependency talking: be aware of this and talk things out with them if they are a bit too controlling and protective of you. They may be needing to work on themselves, on these parts of them, these triggers. The moment they realize all this with your help, things will change for everyone and be more easy to afford. Find a way to compromise, to come together to an healthier point with time and patience. They will change their approach and point of view on life and on you, and accept that you can and need to experience your life as you're an adult and you can take care of you too. And you can even get hurt while living. But you can survive, they'll know. And they'll be there to support you whenever you need. Huge older brother/sister energy. Even crush energy for a few (you are their crush).
song: boyfriend | dove cameron
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pile 3
Huge "squad" energy. You may be all the same gender and like to go out and enjoy all together. If someone is missing for any issue, you feel their absence and find ways to be with them anyway maybe through a phone call. Let's say one person of your team is ill, you may renounce to a night out and go to their place to cheer them up and be with them. You totally do anything together. I think it's about 4-5 people here, including you. You like to go out at night especially, go to parties/pubs and dance together. Maybe you like to make fun of guys/people trying to approach you (if applicable)? But sometimes it's different... I see you, not gonna go there with this reading, sorry. :) I think you may share courses too, maybe college or dancing courses, or play in a sport team (even cheeleaders?)... something like that. You spend a lot of time together also during the day. You like shopping together, eating together... you talk a lot too. There's some kind of sisterhood or brotherhood here. You're there to help each other, your are totally a group, like "bro's before ho's". Together you're stronger, like nothing can hit you and having the others' support is fundamental. But from cards it seems you don't always talk about heavy stuff or past stuff (before you got together), at least not with everyone there. That's probably something you may need to do, to be more open about anything you don't like or how you really feel inside. It's true that y'all enjoy being together but if you feel down, not all of your friends may notice or you (or one friend) may hide that. Your squad is strong, please find ways to talk about your mental health together: you can get out of any personal problem also thanks to your friends, you don't have to hide and push it all down night after night. Take courage and speak up, you will be understood by your friends (or ask your friends to speak if you feel something isn't right with them). None of you is a burden for the others, you should know that.
song: i choose you | mario
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pile 4
Your friends are or will be pretty different from you (etnicity, background, upbringing, culture, ideas, "social class"...). They are very caring of you, very kind and generous and indeed, very different even among them. They see you as very sweet and they kinda feel protective of you but in an healthy way. It feels like y'all complete each other. You learn a lot from each other too. Lot of fun times together, lot of laughs, but also nice talks at night even on heavy topics or sharing your lives' experiences. They may help you heal some parts of you that still need work (maybe some fears or insecurities about yourself and how you can be perceived by others/in relationships of any type), they'll help you be more focused and determined, more you. Very supportive group. They help you also working towards your dreams, finding your true call and desire and create your own dream outcome. They help you know yourself better too. Just by communicating with them, you find ways to reach your inner side more easily. They balance you very well, and help you stay balanced. It may be a spiritual connection too, they may be part (all of them or just a few) of your soul family, and you may be supposed to meet them at a specific time in your life. Some of you may be trying to manifest them in their life atm, it will happen the moment you let go and trust, especially yourself (work on your inner world to decide what you really want out of a friendship). There's no judgment here, it's a pure friendship. For some it may involve a slightly large group (around 5-6 or a few more people but no more than 8), for others it's 3-4 or less.
song: angel of mine | monica
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hyuniyz · 2 years
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PAIRING. stray kids!bf x female!reader
GENRE. fluff
🗒 NOTES. i am so sorry for the small post 😟 but here’s something while i finish up my exams!! also maxident is so good 😭 im getting the heart version delivered soon im so excited ‼️
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bangchan ( 방찬 )
★ best boyfriend me thinks
★ very protective but never overdoes it. he just makes sure you know that he’ll be there for you in case of anything.
★ always makes sure you’ve eaten etc
★ keeps you entertained even when he’s at work because he’ll update you about everything 😭
★ “oh han’s tackling felix rn” “they’re on the floor” “felix is screaming i’m tired” yeah you get to experience the chaos first hand
★ he regularly invites you over to the studio no matter how many times you protest that you fall asleep he doesn’t budge. he just needs you with him while he finishes up on some songs.
★ doesn’t say it out loud but he thinks he can really focus on and wrap up songs but only when you’re there
lee know ( 리노 )
★ he’s everything you could ask for as a bf
★ he’ll make you laugh, make you cry out of happiness and so easily have you absolutely smitten
★ you get to experience everything with him
★ he’ll take you to dance with him very often but you guys only play around until your stomach hurts from laughing
★ focuses a lot on your interests and if it’s something new/he doesn’t know about it, he’ll do his research so you guys can talk about it together ❤️‍🩹
★ YOU BOTH GO TO CAT CAFÉS TOGETHER !! i can’t stress this enough
changbin ( 창빈 )
★ he loves spending quality time together!! so he’s always looking for new activities you guys could do
★ regularly takes you to his workout sessions if sometimes you just sit and do nothing
★ he believes in his haste to impress you he completes the workout quicker 😭
★ always asks for your opinion on their songs! he does it mainly because he knows you only have positive feedback so it boosts his ego. but he also does it because he loves how excited you get while complimenting all components of the song.
★ he’s mainly big on pda and has a hand on you at all times wether at your shoulder,back, waist or your thigh.
★ he really adores just how small you are compared to him, so while cuddling he’ll sometimes cover your entire body with his, or he’ll marvel at the fact that your entire hand can completely be encased by his much larger one.
★ smothers you at every chance he gets 😟 does not care for his image he will snuggle into you when he’s tired don’t doubt him
hyunjin ( 현진 )
★ your perfect art boyfriend
★ i feel like he’d mainly show his love for you through handmade gifts like paintings etc
★ invites you with him while he finishes on a painting so he can enjoy the way you compliment his talent –he’s a sucker for compliments
★ he loves when he’s scrolling through his camera roll and all of a sudden he sees a picture of you
★ all the memories come back 🥹
★ swears up and down his favourite and most happiest memories are with you <33
han ( 한 )
★ your no.1 source of entertainment
★ it’s never a dull moment with him tbh 😭
★ especially if you manage to match his energy he’ll be even more hyped up!
★ ruins his image just to get a smile from you <3 very dedicated
★ he’ll have his soft, calm bf moments too though
★ he’ll be there to hold you if it has been a particularly tiring day
★ basically like a warm blanket
★ enjoys the rare serene moments he gets to spend w you 🫶🏻
★ adores you truly and doesn’t bother to deny it even if the members tease him like hell
★ “aww!! our han’s in love :D!!,” “chan hyung, i will yeet your laptop,”
felix ( 용복 )
★ sunshine
★ felix would ruin other men for you
★ like after him you’re standards are way too high
★ he’s just so endearing
★ loves spending time with you
★ blushes so quickly
★ like it’ll just be a normal “you smell nice today babe”
★ and suddenly felix is a red tomato while he rambles about how he ‘picked that perfume because he thought you would like it’
★ your emotional support system 🫶🏻
seungmin ( 승민 )
★ very attentive as a boyfriend
★ like he remembers even the smallest detail you mentioned casually
★ it’s so endearing when you’re talking about something and then all of a sudden he goes “oh yeah i remember, you told me already,” 🥹??? it’s not only me right
★ he’s very good at knowing how you feel
★ like if you’re in a position where you can’t voice out how uncomfortable you are, one look at your face will tell you and he’s already pulling you away
★ very much acts like a mother
★ wipes your face after you’re done eating, fixes your hair, kneels down to fix your untied laces
★ YOU GET ALL THE SMILES!! like whenever he’s with you he can’t control how big he smiles or how loud he laughs
★ loves you very much ofc
jeongin ( 아이엔 )
★ you guys are the best dressed couple !!
★ he makes sure you’re always matching somehow
★ he’s a really sweet bf
★ does all the typical relationship stuff
★ will buy you flowers randomly, brings you coffee/your favourite snack whenever he sees you
★ thinks about you a lot!! that’s why you’ll sometimes get random “i love you” or i miss yous during the day <3
★ like for no reason, he’s lying down beside you snuggled in your chest and just randomly starts.. giggling and blushing 😦⁉️
★ babygirlism in his veins it’s true 😔
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⠀© hyuniyz | fav && follow
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occultic-luna · 2 years
Hey y’all welcome to my 4th observations post : )
These are simply my observations and they don’t have to resonate with everyone.
Anyhoo here we gooo : )
✨🌙 I’ve seen Leo moon women show people their emotions through styling their hair. As y’all should. Show them how it’s done 😌
✨🌙 Taurus Mars can be extremely stubborn when they firmly believe in something. It’s sometimes really frustrating trying to get them to think otherwise. Or make them see from another perspective.
✨🌙 Mutable Mercury I’ve noticed adapt into new ideas very quick. Not a surprise tbh.
✨🌙 I know so many people say water placements can be prone to drug addiction but have y’all ever seen water placements addicted to maladaptive daydreaming? It gets worse than drug addiction.
✨🌙 A lot of the times from what I’ve seen Virgo placements and hygiene is really true even if they don’t care much for it, they are usually surrounded by someone significant that makes them care about it.
✨🌙 I’ve seen people with prominent planets in the 18th degree actually go through a lot of suffering in their lives.
✨🌙 Libra sign/degree midheaven can really fantasise about working in the arts or being seen as creative and boujee.
✨🌙 Cancer placements can show emotions but once they mature they can be great at hiding their emotions. If they want to you can never truly know what’s exactly going on in their lives.
✨🌙 Aquarius moon can actually have very high standards for themselves and when they don’t meet it, they can really get depressed.
✨🌙 Taurus moons, their moods can change depending on the music they listen too. One minute they’re dancing the next crying. I know that happens to everyone but I’ve seen it take a lot of effect on Taurus moons in specific.
✨🌙 Black moon Lilith in gemini can be into open relationships.
✨🌙 I’ve seen so many Capricorn placements that can actually “play the part” to attract potential suitors. Seen it happen way too many times.
✨🌙 Venus in Capricorn can’t deal with immature or overly emotional partners for too long even if it’s an arranged marriage there’s a time when they get fed up of the constant emotional outbursts. That’s why a lot of them look for emotionally stable partners in the first place.
✨🌙 This Pluto sextile Neptune cycle really bought a revolution in spirituality and bought hidden knowledge out for the world to see. Especially when Neptune hit Aquarius.
✨🌙 Moon in Capricorn have a lot of “links.” Like for example if they’re a student I’ve noticed that these people know someone at least from every course lmao. Somehow these people sometimes really manage to get work cut out for them. Can y’all get my work cut out for me too lol?
✨🌙 Aries placements can be fierce and whatnot but have y’all seen these people in love? Damn they can be cornier than a water sign. It’s true and cute lol.
✨🌙 Also Aries placements especially Venus have the ability to bounce back quick from a heartbreak or they like to act like it doesn’t bother them. It doesn’t have to be in love just any type of heartbreak.
✨🌙 Libra sun y’all are so stylish man teach me your ways. Even when you don’t put much effort you manage to pull it off.
✨🌙 Truth be told, once cardinal signs put their mind to something, it’s really game over for others.
✨🌙 Mars conjunct Jupiter, these people usually have a lot of energy when they’re young. These are the types of people you’d see doing multiple sports on sports day.
✨🌙 Moon in 1st house can be great actors/actresses. They’re able to truly immerse themselves in the role and their expressions can be really on point.
✨🌙 Venus in Pisces/ Pisces degree/12th house love with their whole heart. Usually people, lovers or friends don’t forget these types of people easily. Their love is pure and unconditional.
✨🌙 I am pretty much convinced that Gemini placements can be extremely open minded and they generally accept everyone, or at least like to show they do.
✨🌙 Libras can be really social people I honestly believe that’s where the people pleasing thing comes from tbh.
✨🌙 Aries moon, your passion when it comes to things is truly inspiring.
✨🌙 Scorpio Venus would give up everything when they’re in love. Not all but I’ve seen it play out a lot with this aspect.
✨🌙 8th house placements or scorpio placements can be very prone to sleep paralysis. Stay protected y’all.
✨🌙 Also 8th house placements and scorpio placements tend to get strong reactions out of people a lot of the times. I’d definitely say it’s the plutonic influence.
✨🌙 Sagittarius Mercury, a lot of the ones I’ve met have voices that can be recognised from a mile away. But these people are great at voice impersonation lmao it’s honestly funny how accurate they can be.
That’s the end of my astro observations part 4 hope y’all enjoyed!
Once again let me know what you guys think : )
Till next time!
Love, Luna ✨🌙
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thydungeongal · 2 months
apologies if this has been asked already, but I'm curious as to why you enjoy monsterhearts so much? you recommend it because the mechanics support narrative arc, due to the way the skins are narratively connected to a certain high school clique. but I found that to be the most frustrating part of the game, honestly.
I was constantly hitting my head against the narrative and my character because it felt like there was only one way to really play a skin and their arc. one of my favorite things to do in ttrpgs is to Subvert classes and tropes, but in monsterhearts your relationship to your class (and the mechanics that go with it) feel either static or inevitable. The Queen is always the Queen Bee, which I guess makes sense, but it simply feels boring.
your monsterheart post was in response to why everyone likes d&d warlock, and op said its because warlock's mechanics are strictly tied to its narrative, but i disagree: I think a lot of people, me included, like warlock because of the Choices and freedoms that come with the class. you didn't Have to play a warlock with a direct, antagonistic, and codependent conflict with their patron. because the game does not have any specific mechanics for patrons, you can kind of do whatever with them.
I always think that limits will make someone think more creatively in those bounds, and I was hoping monsterheart would have that sort of creative energy, but when I was playing it, I felt like I was wrangling the rules and my own moveset at every turn.
am i simply not viewing the game in the right way? is it just not for me? am i not being creative enough? I'm trying to get over the mindset that rules are the enemy, but idk. i just haven't been able to really get into smaller ttrpgs except like, troika! (which i do love a lot tbh), and i want to know what I'm missing. sorry for the long, rambling question
It might simply not be for you. For me the fact that the skins each represent a clear narrative trope within high school drama that has ways that the rules encourage them to act in (those ways being Bad because the point of the game is to produce explosive melodrama) is a net positive, because the character skins are not just "classes" but also archetypes. And while within a single skin the narrative arc of the character can feel like it's prewritten it never exists in isolation: there are always the other PCs, the rest of the school, and the town the characters live in, as well as whatever Threat threatens the town this time. All of those, in combination, are what makes the arc and what makes the narrative truly emergent. Monsterhearts really shines as a game where the PCs are at each other's throats and working at cross purposes, and because of that the best experience comes from approaching it via simply producing the most fun melodrama while trying to fuck with the other characters.
Also I do think there's something to be said for the freedom afforded by the Warlock in D&D in having the license to consider the character's relationship to their patron, but I also see that there being very little meat to the relationship with the patron, mechanically, means that there is also very little narrative weight attached to it. Because narratives in RPGs emerges from mechanics. The Warlock is a great example of a class that has well-established ties to the fiction of the world and that suggests drama, but still leaves all of that up to the group. Or, as @rathayibacter said in the replies to that post:
the thing that kills me is that, rules as written, your warlock patron doesnt actually matter. dnd gives zero tools to the players or gms for how to get a warlock's patron involved in the game outside a few vague suggestions. it's the best the game's got to offer, and its still 95% people bringing their own soup to the restaurant that only sells stale crackers.
Anyway, D&D also has strong character archetypes for the point of the game it's mechanically most opinionated about: combat. While people do complain about Rogues doing nothing but sneak attack all day, that's literally what the fiction sets them up to do, and a Rogue that sneak attacks all day in D&D is doing God's own work. So too with the Mortal who ends up in the middle of a romantic triangle/square/pentacle in Monsterhearts thus making the situation more fucked up, because that drama is what the mechanics of Monsterhearts are concerned with.
But yeah tastes on this do vary and some people are okay with background stuff being just suggestions, but I personally like it when it is actually in harmony with and supported by the mechanics, because that makes the fiction tangibly real in the game. But idk
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snipersfucker · 11 months
If ur still taking requests then I am curious on your take on how Mirage would go about a crush who is basically the opposite of him? Quiet, introverted, doesn't really live for the high life yet he still falls for them? I find him very attractive but I'd rather read a book than go on a joy ride lol, I'm afraid I'd only disappoint him
you just like meee but that would not be a problem for our boy at all, lemme tell you.......
i feel like he'd be a bit surprised? to come across such a quiet person. you know, not much experience with humans, being surrounded by loud sounds all the time, his fellow autobots always finding a way to talk back to him, scold him or just say random (very important, just not to him) stuff in general..... and noah talks a lot, too. he never shuts up.
he'd definitely observe you a lot, taking mental notes on your behaviour around people, on your responses to his words and everything
he'd find you interesting (always pictured him as the type of robot to perceive humans as wild animals in their natural habitat lmao)
you're reserved, introverted and he is absolutely mesmerised by the fact that you're so different than anyone he's come across before
i do feel like at first he'd either beg you to go and do stupid shit with him cuz that's just how he is, or trap you inside him and take you in a joy ride despite your protests
(he means well, he just wants to make sure you are having fun but by his definition lol)
but he'd gradually begin noticing how little to no interest you had for his type of time well spent. he wouldn't be disappointed per se, maybe just slightly..... hurt? probably thinking that you didn't want to spend time with him, that you thought he was too much and all.....
but he is hella wrong. and as soon as he realises you are just an exact opposite of him, not that you dislike his bubbly personality and cannot stand to be around him, he felt at least relieved
matter of time he'd start catching feelings. the fact that you are so peaceful, allowing him to just talk your ear off was much, much appreciated
he'd definitely try to spend as much time with you as possible, sometimes forgetting that you need some time alone
he'd literally agree to just sitting in silence with you if that's what you want, even though he always has at least three thousand thoughts that threaten to escape his mouth when the room's too quiet in his opinion
he wouldn't try to change you, the thought not even crossing his mind, not even once
he would understand your personality which was so different than his but that would be the reason he falls for you so hard, damn
i so so so see him with an introverted partner tbh
walk him like a dog energy. don't ask me.
if you are ever insecure about the fact that you're not a big fan of extreme shit like him and you think you disappoint him when you say no to his wild offers, he'd immediately reassure you that it's totally okay and that he won't push you to do anything you don't want to
"but i'll be there if you change your mind ;)"
(i kept messing up the tenses fsr tell me if thats too chaotic cuz lmao)
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brainrotdotorg · 5 months
i am moving into an unfurnished apartment next year and i've already gotta start saving for a bedframe and mattress + other stuff to help with rent and utilities, my job isn't giving me very many shifts before I have to focus all my energy towards the next semester
so some of you may know i write fic (i know, right, what a shocker) primarily disco elysium fic, but I do also do independent writing as well of original characters so if you want to get something from me don't feel limited to just disco fic! (though TBH if you do have an idea for a disco fic I would probs prefer it since it's what I'm obsessed about right now.)
i can't think of many other fandoms that I really write for because my entire writing example folder would just be. disco. anyway. let me write for you my prices are good
Drabbles for a dollar!
SFW fic prices: 10$ per 1k words with a max of 7k
NSFW fic prices: 15$ per 1k words with a max of 6k
i honestly don't have a super high threshold for objectionable content towards what I write but definitely talk to me about them and I'll let you know if I won't write it . if you're curious about what I am comfortable with writing then check the tags on my fics honestly. plus i don't have too many parameters on what pairings to write if you're interested in ship content, i love hearing about peoples rarepairs and headcanons so share with me what you'd really like to see that you think there's not enough of!!
(or if you just feel like tossing a buck or two my way) p//ypal: [email protected]
COMMS CLOSED! THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO COMMISSIONED ME! Once i am finished with them I will open these back up!
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applesooyoung · 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
NSFW! SUB!TXT WEARING SKIRTS Genre: Smuff (Smut + Fluff hehe) A/N: Afab!reader | a quickie reaction hehe ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Warnings: mommy kink to ease my stupid ass, crossdressing, mentions of pegging/thigh riding/fingering, pet names (I'll color code them cuz why not)
. . .
— Yeonjun A confident baby! He's pretty wearing it and he knows it. "Am I pretty, mommy?? Tell Junnie he's pretty, mommy" he'd twirl to show you how beautiful he looks "Yes baby, you do look pretty" he just loves to dress up for you and only for you,, he's ready to wear anything you want him to wear just to make you happy. And omg pls let him wear a skirt while he rides your thigh- it'll be the most beautiful thing you've ever seen.
— Soobin The literal opposite of yeonjun; he's so shy and you love how he looks so flustered half of the time. Just like jun, he just wants to look good and dress up for his mommy but the only difference is he's not as confident as his hyung so he feels vulnerable and needs assurance half of the time. "Such a pretty bunny for mommy, Bin" then coaxing his fluffy hair before clipping some bunny ears on him,, he'd be a blushing mess.
— Beomgyu Ok hear me out, hear me out !! Gyu would be so cocky and proud at first but once you use your intimidating mental game,, he'd lose that cocky facade and would ultimately give you control over him. He'd go from "I look scrumptious don't I, Y/n?" to "Can your puppy cum now, mommy? I promise I'll be your good boy from now on. Mrtgiojtrgijrttbr my ideal fit for him is a cute short plaid pink skirt with some thigh highs (and also wolf cut gyu? wearing this) before pegging your not-so-good-boy.
— Taehyun "Hyun, can you like dress up for mommy?" you said as you draw circles in his chest "noo" taehyun whines "pleaasee? I'd let you taste me if you do" that is basically how your conversation goes whenever you want him to dress up prettily for you because honestly, he doesn't really care what he looks while you fuck him all he cares is about how he makes you feel good and that is enough. But him dressing up for you is rarer than an occurrence of a blue moon so this one time is very special to you seeing him wearing it for you. "Do I look ok now...?" yes you do baby, yes you do. He'd look even better while you finger his tight hole.
— Huening Kai Hyuka honestly radiates major golden retriever energy and it shows; he's basically a ray of sunshine so when he heard that you want him to wear a skirt, he'd beam the shiniest smile in the world and his cheeks would be redder than the sun. "Look at me mama, it's the one you bought me, doesn't it look pretty?" "Of course angel, you look like mommy's bestest prince" tbh out of all the members, I think he's the most confident one to wear anything for you, such a good boy.
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shabbytigers · 26 days
so i know i'm not the first to mention something like this, but owell-
when i was in deutschland to learn deutsch, i found a way to progress at low effort:
select a movie you (think you'll) like, with sufficiently good dialogue
watch the movie in a language you understand easily
watch it again immediately after, but in deutsch and with the word-for-word subtitles
i did it with Ludwig (1973) (the full version) and gained like. a whole-ass month of progress. in a day. it's fucking ✨magic✨
(i also recommend listening to the swiss goth band Lacrimosa because: their songs are written in perfect and somewhat elaborate Hochdeutsch, the words are sung majoritarily in a decipherable way, the easily found translations into English are pretty good, it's more practical to listen to music than to watch movies while doing other things, and i fucking love them. (other music can also work ofc, just I know this enough to say the above confidently))
I do not doubt this advice.
You know how I’m obsessed with Wings of Desire / Der Himmel Über Berlin (1987), which is invariably ime shown in German with English subtitles? Given that the script is mostly somewhere between poetic and high, it’s wild how often having watched that movie a fair number of times actually helps me with my German. “Als das Kind, Kind war,” I mumble to myself as I deploy yet another subordinating conjunction, etc, etc.
You know what else has been stupidly helpful? Einstürzende Neubauten. Blixa’s enunciation is pellucid and I should really listen to more of the EN catalog more often.
Idk about Lacrimosa but I’ll certainly check them out. Probably yes beneficial to find another good movie in German I can do the thing with, too, only I am almost impossible to please wrt movies and tv (it net-drains my energy even watching stuff in English, tbh—it’s not a veg-out activity for me) so idk.
If a really great German movie comes out with reasonable enunciation and sound mixing—that is not mostly camera-shaking car crash and/or violence driven plots which tend to bore me witless since I am a caricature of an effete old metrosexual—could anyone who is reading this and happens to remember please alert me to go see it, thanks in advance!
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