#i need a Canadian passport
jellogram · 2 months
I have landed in Quebec! I still have a connecting flight but I made it through customs. Was questioned on why I was gonna be here for 91 days. I said I'm a digital nomad. Agent stares at me, clearly unaware what that means, and I stare back, with no clue how to say it in French. Was wishing I brought my Canadian citizenship papers. Then she just let me in. Not going to question that.
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achilleslyre · 1 year
this is so dumb why do i have to find a guarantor that has a valid passport. like what if no one i know has one (i’m waiting on two more responses rn) like what am i supposed to do then !?
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Argentina Entrance Requirements: A Guide for Travelers
Plan your dream trip to Argentina with confidence with my comprehensive guide on the Argentina entrance requirements. Make sure you don't miss any of the necessary requirements by using my handy checklist to make sure you're ready.
For many travelers, the breathtaking country of Argentina is a dream destination. With vibrant cities, spectacular national parklands, and an amazing food scene, the country has something for everyone. Whether you are visiting to explore the gorgeous Patagonia region in the South, see the jaw-dropping magnitude of the Iguazu Falls in the North, or spend time in one of the country’s amazing…
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southislandwren · 9 months
boss was asking me about my trip next summer and im realizing that im in no way prepared for this 7000+ mile road trip in less than a year. gas is going to cost 1300 dollars lol
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corporatefrog · 1 year
꒦‧₊ ꒷ Skateboarding w/ Team Stan [Headcanons] ✧.*
✧.* tags: skateboarding idk man, comedy, college au
✧.* Charactions: stan marsh, kenny mccormick, kyle broflovski, butters stotch
a/n: I was writing a different set of headcanons and started thinking about this and it got so long that I decided to just make it another post.
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Most skater aesthetic out of them all
even though he doesn't actually know anything
He bought the board because the like the IDEA of being someone who skates
But he’s too scared of falling down to actually do it
Much better at roller blading
but he'll NEVER admit it
mainly because people (cartman) would call him Ken because of the Barbie movie coming out
"Okay but why the fuck do you know that Ken uses roller blades in the Barbie movie?"
"Well actually that's none of your fucking business"
"Yeah okay dickwipe."
"It's literally pride month bro"
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Kenny on the other hand is the epitome of “I could do it this morning”
Makes you all sit around for 30 minutes while he tries to do an ollie
“Dude it’s okay if you can’t-”
Like okay bro you can do an ollie
Gaming sessions of Tony Hawk Pro Skater where he does a move and says "yeah I could do that"
Gets the most hurt
mainly because he doesn't care
worst cast- and i mean WORST CASE- he dies and he's back the next day
at least now he knows that he can't do a rail grind off the golden gate bridge
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Stan and Kenny try to teach Butters how to skate
turns out he doesn't really need their help
Butters ends up being 100x better than them INSTANTLY
Its the hawaiian blood
paddle boarding translates very well to skateboarding
“Woah! It’s so much easier when there aren’t waves coming at you!”
“I both hate you and idolize you right now”
“Stan close your mouth before a mosquito flies in”
You ask Butters to teach you and Kenny is AGHAST
Granted Butters is a shit teacher 
“Just picture the Hawaiian islands holding your hands to keep you steady.”
“What the fuck did they do to you there.”
“Well for one, we got absolutely plastered so they’re tripping balls 24/7”
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Kyle skates pretty fine
He and Ike were HUGE zeke and luther watchers fs
It was the only show they could agree on so sheila and gerald let them watch it 
He always wears elbow and knee pads though
The others (cartman) give him shit for it
But he’s the only one going home without any bleeding appendages so who’s laughing now
The only one that can actually do an ollie
Doesn’t brag about it but once everyone else goes home he’ll show you some pretty sick tricks
"So you're like the red head from the gay anime."
"Now we've just got to find a blue haired canadian- omg wait isn't your brother from Canada-"
"Planning the road trip right now. If you take your brother's passport I bet you can pass it off as yours."
"I regret telling you anything."
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I'd like to illustrate a problem here for a second about documentation and having ID expire every 5 years or whenever you move, while disabled in Canada, or at least Ontario.
To renew ID you need 3 pieces of documentation, one for proof of citizenship/status/immigration etc, like your birth certificate or registration etc, one for proof of residence like personally addressed mail, a bank statement or bill...
And the third, which must be separate, which is "proof of identity" for which the following is accepted:
credit card
valid Ontario driver’s licence or temporary driver’s licence
valid Ontario Photo Card
Canadian Immigration Identification Card
Certificate of Canadian Citizenship (plastic card)
Certificate of Indian Status (paper or plastic card)
Confirmation of Permanent Residence (Imm 5292)
only if signature is shown
current employee ID card
current professional association licence
Old Age Security Card
Ontario motor vehicle permit (plate portion only)
passport (Canadian or foreign)
Permanent Resident Card
only if signature is shown
Record of Landing (Imm 1000)
student ID card
union card
I have crossed out the ones I can't get as a disabled single adult with no dependents who was born here, is not elderly, cannot drive etc... Your average single young disabled adult born and raised here.
The certificate of citizenship I could [have, previously] technically get, but as a natural born citizen other sources will insist my birth certificate should be enough and I should never need this... And they STOPPED ISSUING THE PLASTIC CARDS LISTED HERE AS VALID ID!
I can't get a credit card approved because of my income.
The passport I only ever got because when I was younger I could travel, and it wouldn't get money taken off my pension etc... But most people in my position won't have or maintain this, and indeed mine is still with someone I took a trip with in my 20's and is lost to me, and I have had no real reason to renew it or report it lost. I can't renew it without getting the info off the old one and I can't apply for a new one without already having valid id AND BEING ABLE TO FIND 2 PEOPLE TO VOUCH FOR ME... Which I don't have, frankly, and I am going to go out on a limb and say that when you are more or less house bound and an inconvenient disabled who people are prone to abusing it is quite common enough to not be able to find 2 people to vouch for you. You also need a guarantor and someone to take photos! And sign them! And why would you? Why would you maintain a passport when you can't even travel??? It isn't accessible to me anyway.
So most people in my position, which is a lot, will ONLY have the photo ID card as "proof of id" which you NEED to 1. renew your health card, 2. renew the photo card itself.
My problem with this is that technically you need a photo ID card that's still valid, to make your photo id card valid again. They technically are not allowed to use your health card as this kind of ID.
I am disabled and therefor often things are LONG expired by the time I have the ability to get them renewed, so in addition to all this, my health card and photo id expire at the same time every time now.
They wanted to have a photo id alternative to the driver's license to help with issues like this to begin with, but they haven't made it much better.
The next issue is it's the only government Id that's of any use to me and that I am encouraged to get but it costs 35$ because it's treated as optional, instead of it being free like your health card is... So actually your health card does cost 35$ to maintain... Because you need your photo id card to stay valid... So actually our "free" healthcare has an out of pocket cost of 7$ per year minimum. That's not a lot, but that's not free if that 35 every 5 years stops you from being able to have health coverage.
I want a form of government ID, that counts as proof of identity, for the purpose of renewing my very important health insurance card, that doesn't bloody expire all the fucking time.
Because you're actually supposed to renew your health card every time your address changes... And when you are poor and disabled you tend to either be stuck with your parents, or stuck moving constantly to escape abuse.
And just... Do you know, how many times, for how many months I have been effectively between health coverage, in a country with free healthcare, and thus unable to seek medical attention, because my id has expired and I did not have the physical energy to go get it renewed? And that shouldn't happen!
Technically, by their own laws/policy they should have turned me away to renew my id, which would have left me 100% fucked with no existing valid ID to use to get other ID. That shouldn't be able to happen to you every 5 years or every time you move, especially when you are disabled.
And they shouldn't charge 35$ for it, considering you need it to get your health card renewed at all, technically speaking. It should be FREE! Especially if you are disabled!
If I still physically had my last passport I might be able to keep renewing it without this bullshit headache, but I can't without my old one.
They should have never switched to health cards that expire, I don't care if they wanted photo id, it was fine before, this is bullshit. This makes healthcare potentially inaccessible to the disabled because they have put it behind these stupid hoops you have to jump every 5 years and when you move.
And do you know how many disabled people have memory and mobility issues???
This is stupid.
And the kick in the teeth is that once they have my photo taken they will randomly chose to use older photos they have on file, because clearly my appearance hasn't changed enough through my adult life for them to even care how old the photo is! Why does the photo id have to expire if the photo can be over 10 years old according to their own records!? Their whole excuse for them expiring is that your appearance and address need to be up to date!
For those of you who don't know because it might have been before your time... health cards used to be white with a red stripe and no photo or address and they never expired. You only needed a new one if it was lost or stolen and that was fine. You could memorize the number on it and not even carry your card like you do with your SIN.
And then they switched us to the new photo ones to make sure everyone would have photo ID
And then they decided health cards couldn't be photo id because they didn't want to manage who got health care and who could buy alcohol with the same system for whatever reasons, so they came out with the "photo id" that you are expected to have as an alternative to a drivers license if you don't drive...
But they wanted money, so they charge 35$ every five years and make you pray to their monument of bureaucracy to get it.
Anyway fuck this my ability to make medical appointments shouldn't expire in a country with free healthcare. If they had a problem with people using each other's health cards before and messing up records, they should have made it easier to get your own health card, and not harder. And yes they should have made it so anyone even an illegal immigrant or someone who lost all their ID in a fire could walk into a clinic and still get basic care.
Not this bullshit song and dance.
So gee, if I fail to renew online just before these card expire you will hear me rant about this bullshit again in 5 years.
They could at LEAST give you a disability id card that never expires that you can use for shit like accessing the food bank or for proof of identity etc... Maybe even then it would be easy to have discount programs for anyone on a disability pension, maybe any groceries that are deemed basic necessities enough could be partially or fully subsidized without extra applications and headaches?
But no it's like they want to make healthcare inaccessible for the people who need it the most.
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what do you think of the tkachuk vs mcdavid "face of the nhl" debate?
since people magazine called tkachuk the "face of the nhl" butthurt hockey men are saying that will never be true because mcdavid is the face of the nhl. the way i see it, mcdavid might be the best player but he has the personality of beige wallpaper and tkachuk might be a rat but seems to have a fun personality
also, who do you think the nhl should market more to be the "face"? boring but the best players in the world (mcdavid, crosby, mckinnon etc) or talented fun personality guys (tkachuk, pasta, zegres etc)
I see it the same as you do.
No one can deny that McDavid is currently and will continue to be the best NHL forward - it is something every single person who gets into the world of ice hockey and consequently even the world of the NHL grasps and accepts as a fact.
However, just as you have said Connor has a personality of beige wallpaper (I love that term so much by the way). You see it every single time he is asked to do any sort of promotional content during the All-Star Week, before the season shooting, or during it. The outcome of that is always something you can hardly sell to his fans, who are die-hard supporters of the cult of "McJesus" - even those people oftentimes consider it as unwatchable - so now imagine what would people, who have no idea what NHL is, say if McDavid really was the face and his content would be the one, with which would the league be trying to expand its fanbase.
It's not that I blame him for being socially awkward, everyone has a different sort of personality and not everyone is born as a social butterfly with an undeniable charm, but the NHL and those fans who passionately defend his "face of the league" title need to realize that being the best player and the most marketable player thus the face of the league are two completely different roles and McDavid can play only the first one. Just like Crosby.
Simultaneously, you have to take into consideration that they are looking for primarily an American face of the league - that's market where they are competing with other big and more known leagues like NFL, NBA, and so on, you don't need that much promotion in Canada where it is a national sport or in Europe where you could definitely find many more fans but where you have the huge disadvantage of the time difference so you will never have thousands of Europeans watching the games at 2 AM when they have to go to work the next day. If you use a Canadian or European player as the face of the league, it won't register as big of a success as you would love to. This is the USA we are talking about, the most ridiculously patriotic country I know, they want an American face or else they won't support it.
That's why the league is pushing guys like Matthew Tkachuk or Auston Matthews (or at times even Zegras) because they are both players with actual talent but also a big marketability aspect and mainly with American passports.
Naturally, there are players who would be even bigger internet sensations if they were American - look at David Pastrnak, that man has been born a showman and a great player on top of that, he would absolutely kill the face of the league game if he wasn't from the Czech Republic and so would Mitch Marner if he wasn't Canadian, hell even Brad Marchand has an elite personality or Jaromir Jagr if he once again wasn't Czech. To this day Jagr is the most beloved player from the big guys (Gretzky, Lemieux, Ovechkin...) because he was and still is a f*cking comedian on top of being an ice hockey legend.
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beardedmrbean · 30 days
If you plan on flying around the country in 2025 and beyond, you might want to listen up.
You have about 365 days to make your state-issued driver’s license or identification “Real ID” compliant, per the Department of Homeland Security.  
The Real ID compliance is part of a larger act passed by Congress in 2005 to set “minimum security standards” for the distribution of identification materials, including driver’s licenses. This means that certain federal agencies, like the Transportation Security Administration or DHS, won’t be able to accept state-issued forms of identification without the Real ID seal.
It's taken a while for the compliance to stick, with DHS originally giving a 2020 deadline before pushing it back a year, then another two years and another two years after that due to “backlogged transactions” at MVD offices nationwide, according to previous USA TODAY reports.
You won’t be able to board federally regulated commercial aircraft, enter nuclear power plants, or access certain facilities if your identification documents aren’t Real ID compliant by May 7, 2025. 
Here’s what we know about Real IDs, including where to get one and why you should think about getting one.
Do I have to get a Real ID?
Not necessarily. 
If you have another form of identification that TSA accepts, there probably isn’t an immediate reason to obtain one, at least for travel purposes. But if you don’t have another form of identification and would like to travel around the country in the near future, you should try to obtain one. 
Here are all the other TSA-approved forms of identification:
◾ State-issued Enhanced Driver’s License
◾ U.S. passport
◾ U.S. passport card
◾ DHS trusted traveler cards (Global Entry, NEXUS, SENTRI, FAST)
◾ U.S. Department of Defense ID, including IDs issued to dependents
◾ Permanent resident card
◾ Border crossing card
◾ An acceptable photo ID issued by a federally recognized, Tribal Nation/Indian Tribe
◾ HSPD-12 PIV card
◾ Foreign government-issued passport
◾ Canadian provincial driver's license or Indian and Northern Affairs Canada card
◾ Transportation worker identification credential
◾ U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Employment Authorization Card (I-766)
◾ U.S. Merchant Mariner Credential
◾ Veteran Health Identification Card (VHIC)
However, federal agencies “may only accept” state-issued driver’s licenses or identification cards that are Real ID compliant if you are trying to gain access to a federal facility. That includes TSA security checkpoints.
Enhanced driver’s licenses, only issued by Washington, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, and Vermont, are considered acceptable alternatives to REAL ID-compliant cards, according to DHS. 
What can I use my Real ID for?
For most people, it's all about boarding flights.
You can only use your Real ID card to obtain access to "nuclear power plants, access certain facilities, or board federally regulated commercial aircrafts," according to DHS.
The cards can't be used to travel across any border, whether that's Canada, Mexico, or any other international destination, according to DHS.
All you have to do to get a Real ID is to make time to head over to your local department of motor vehicles.
Every state is different, so the documents needed to verify your identity will vary. DHS says that at minimum, you will be asked to produce your full legal name, date of birth, social security number, two proofs of address of principal residence and lawful status.
The only difference between the state-issued forms of identification you have now and the Real ID-compliant card you hope to obtain is a unique marking stamped in the right-hand corner. The mark stamped on your Real ID compliant cards depends on the state.
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infifi3 · 1 month
need a passport so bad i wonder if the canadians would b char,ed by my beautiful offputting aura and silly but not entitled foreign swag,,,
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Trying to change your gender marker on your ID and in public records is so unnecessarily complicated. You should just be able to self declare gender when you go to get a new driver's license or ID, you can do it with canadian passports, why not alberta government ID's?
I'll tell you why, because this province is full of too many backward hicks, they probably made it difficult on purpose to "discourage" transition. Literally in comparison to getting on hormones and getting my surgeries somehow just changing your gender marker on your license is harder than all that.
It costs 20$ and requires 5 steps to do, and the information and help around those steps is incredibly vague and confusing. I shouldn't need to find a lawyer just to help me decipher how to change a single letter on my ID. Not only is that a waste of legal resources for something that doesn't need to be as complicated as it is, it's just plain old discriminatory for those who aren't fluent in legalese. Bureaucracy *eyeroll*
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jrenvs3000w24 · 5 months
What role does “privilege” play in nature interpretation?
We’ve definitely discussed some heavy topics in this unit, however, it's important to shed light on these hardships.
 For me, I would define privilege very similarly to how it was described with the unit 3 material. I think that privilege means having some sort of advantage over another, in general I typically think this means having an opportunity or obtaining something that's not available to everyone equally. I really like how it was discussed within the unit and referred to as an “invisible backpack” where one can utilize unearned assets that not everyone has access to (Hooykaas, 2024). The idea of these assets being unearned is really important to emphasize, as privilege is certainly something that one can be born into. I think about the example of having a Canadian Passport. I’ve recently done some traveling, going across to the US and even Australia. There are signs at the customs and border crossing lines that divide individuals by the passports that they hold. I’ve noticed that there are lines for Canadian passport holders, along with a few other countries, that have their own essentially accelerated lines. This is interesting to me considering I did absolutely nothing to receive a Canadian passport yet still receive this privileged treatment. 
With regards to privilege and how it pertains to nature interpretation, I think we’re all very lucky in Canada  to have access to a variety of nature sites and parks. This can be seen specifically when looking at locations such as Guelph. I have access to areas like the Arboretum, Guelph Lake, Speed River, and a variety of hiking trails and forested areas nearby. Additionally, many areas around southern Ontario are like this, and not too far away.  Looking at Canada as a whole, there are isolated communities in Northern Canada which might not have the same availability to nature as we have here, and we need to recognize this as a privilege. . 
Additionally, when discussing nature interpretation it’s important to recognize the educational aspect that we’re exposed to, specifically as an environmental science student. Because of the different classes and labs I’ve been able to attend, I’ve likely been able to learn more about  natural processes and phenomena than the average person. Personally, when I leave the house, I can identify a variety of plant species and fully absorb what's going on around me. I can make connections between what I’m seeing and what I’ve learned in class. This certainly comes with a high degree of privilege as  many don’t have the opportunity to learn about these ideas, let alone make connections between what they’re learning and their real lives. 
I would love to hear everyone else's thoughts on this! I know I talked a little bit about my experience as an environmental science student, and how being able to apply and observe what I’ve learned in the classroom is a privilege, however I know many of us are in a variety of degrees. For those not in environmental science, how do you think your education has or hasn't impacted your ability to interpret nature? 
Hooykaas, A. (2024).Hooykaas, A. (2024). ENVS*3000 Nature Interpretation course notes. Retrieved January 23, 2024, from https://courselink.uoguelph.ca/d2l/le/content/858004/viewContent/3640017/View
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Brazil Entrance Requirements: What to Know Before Traveling
Make sure you meet the passport, visa, and immunization entrance requirements for visiting Brazil. Download my Brazil Entrance Requirements Checklist to stay organized and prepared.
It is home to one of the new wonders of the world, as well as one of the world’s most spectacular waterfalls. Not only that, but it also boasts many of the world’s most beautiful and famous beaches. In fact, there are so many things that draw millions of visitors to Brazil each year that it is impossible to list them all. However, before you can visit and enjoy this incredible country, you must…
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piratefishmama · 1 year
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oh goddamit. nooo i actually hate being wrong about these things it makes me super uncomfortable just knowing people notice region based mistakes that ive missed in my research cause i'm SUPER meticulous about it.
like, i'm british! the googling involved in writing anything based outside of the UK is extensive.
I just dont have any canadian friends to fact check shit 😩 i googled this beforehand it never told me shit about not needing a passport before a certain time.
stupid google.
imma fix it! cause if i dont it'll drive me INSANE.
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chrisevansonly · 1 year
You guys are like my family, you’ve constantly been there for me, checking in on me, as well as just providing so much support and love towards not only my work on here but towards me as well and there will never be enough words to thank you all for everything you’ve done for me.
Most of you know I graduate soon, June 14th I’ll be handed my degree, but i’m done April 12th, and i’ll be the first person in my family to graduate university. That has always been something i’ve wanted to do since I was little but always struggled to find my passion until I found Law and fell in love with everything it has to offer.
Another part of my story you all know or recently found out is i’m a survivor of abuse from my stepfather, and neglect from my mother which left me to fend for myself growing up, and looking after my younger brother as well who graduates high school this year and is moving to Germany. I never thought 1. I’d make it to 20 and next month i’ll be 24 and still here, still fighting for myself even if it hurts like hell. Watching my brother grow up to be strong, and resilient like me only helped pushed me to continue on with my journey, because I owed it to him to live my own life after looking after him for basically 18 years now.
It’s still crazy to me that I’m even here writing this news to share with you all because some of you genuinely have been with me through this whether it’s from tiktok or just tumblr.
Ive been debating this decision for a while, if you don’t know i’m british canadian, my father lives in the UK and I live in Canada, he moved back when I was little but since then he’s kept in contact with me everyday, and been a parent to me from across the world. I’ve had my eyes set on moving to the UK eventually, specially the London area to practice law and build my career and my life in a new place, a new city and a fresh start which I keep telling myself I deserve. So to stop rambling and being annoying, as I’m currently working on getting my British Passport, since both the UK and Canada recognize dual citizenship; the possibility and opportunity of moving is almost set in stone.
So basically it looks like i’ll be moving to London next year, and I couldn’t be more excited for this new adventure and for the sudden weightless feeling I have…i’ve always fallen behind and lost who I was and it just seems like everything is coming together and I couldn’t be more excited…my neighbours think i’m crazy with all the tears and dancing i’ve been doing all morning🥹😭
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oathkeeperoxas · 1 month
@adiduck prompted "reunion kiss" as a part of saintspy May, which of course I am more than happy to deliver
It’s below freezing outside and he’s been standing here for nearly four hours.
Ethan rubs his hands together to have something to do before tucking them deep into his pockets. The tiny airstrip has a small area that’s inside, but he’s not the only one here – there are families all chattering away in French, annoyed with the wait but still friendly, still too much, in a way that he doesn’t want. He’s trying to avoid drawing any attention to himself, which means that he has to stay away from the curious Canadians inside, and any questions they might have about a lone American out in the middle of absolutely nowhere.
The car that he’s rented is just about colder than outside because at least out here he can pace. He keeps the blood moving, thinking as he does, snacking at regular intervals in order to keep his blood sugars up and to keep the system moving. Eyes on the sky. Waiting, waiting, waiting. He knows this is a commercial plane, but still. Even he doesn’t think he was ever hours late when he was still up in the air.
He picks up a glimmer coming through the low hanging clouds just as it ticks over to hour five. He squints into the gloom and watches as the movement coalesces into the smooth lines of a plane. He’s read the manifest, knows the names of the crew and all twenty one passengers on board (well, the names of twenty passengers, and one fake passport). There’s a cry of triumph from inside that he hears even from here. Despite himself, his heart picks up in his chest. Soon, soon…
It’s another thirty-five minutes before people start spilling out and into their cars and trucks, big things with snow chains on the wheels to get through the icy slush that has moved over the land the entire time Ethan has been here. The person he’s looking for comes out in the middle of it all – not obvious near the front, not lingering near the back. But he’s the only one alone, and it’s clear that he’s drawn some attention anyway. This is the sort of place where strangers stand out.
It’s fine. Now that he’s here, they’re not going to stay for long.
Ethan doesn’t raise a hand, or do anything but watch as he comes closer.
“You look like you’ve gotten lost. Need directions?”
“Only if you promise you’ll take me to bed for it,” he answers. Ethan relaxes the smallest amount – code given and answered – and looks him up and down. Brown eyes and hair that curls at his face wispily, making him look younger than he is. Wrinkles at the edges of his eyes and his mouth. Hiking bag slung over his shoulder.
He keeps walking, straight into Ethan’s arms. Ethan curls his arms around him, feels their breath fog between them, against his lips before Ethan brings them together. He’s warm and generous with his kiss, moving their mouths together for a long, long moment before he pulls away and offers Ethan some chapstick out of one of his many pockets.
“That bad?” Ethan asks, laughing as he takes it.
“I’m planning on chafing those lips plenty over the next few days,” he warns. “I don’t want to ruin them just yet.”
“But by the end of the week?” Ethan asks, unable to stop from smiling. They haven’t moved apart, though he should probably turn the car on, get the heater started. But he can’t let him out of Ethan’s arms just yet.
“I did promise, didn’t I,” he murmurs. “It’s Tony, by the way.”
“Hmm,” Ethan says, leaning in to kiss Tony again, because he can. His partner is often Tony, to travel – the saint of travellers, so it does make some sense. “Hi Tony.”
“Hi Ethan,” Tony says. “Tickets in hand?”
Ethan snorts. “It’s all planned. Eager?”
“The season is unpredictable,” Tony says. “We want to get the best nights to see the lights, or I’m freezing myself out here for no reason.”
“Hey,” Ethan says. “I’m not the one who stood here while waiting for your plane.”
Tony softens, tucking Ethan’s hands into his jacket. His nose is already bright red at the tip. Cute. “I know. I’m sorry. Several of our passengers had a connecting flight that was late, and so we waited for them, which of course threw off our whole schedule…”
“You’re here,” Ethan says. “That’s what counts. You’re here.”
“In the middle of Canada,” Tony muses. “We’re here.”
“The place is nice,” Ethan says, pulling him back towards the car. Tony doesn’t disconnect from where they’re hooked up together, Ethan’s hands in his jacket, Tony’s hands in Ethan’s pants pockets. “It has a fireplace too, thankfully.”
“I made sure of it when we booked,” Tony says.
“You were the one who wanted to fly in at the last moment,” Ethan chuckles. “The cold isn’t that bad.”
Tony sniffs. “Speak for yourself. Besides…” His eyes glint. “You’re the one who I’m going to be cuddling up to when we’re out there, and you’ve already volunteered to be my portable heater.”
“I’m sure you’ll make me regret it,” Ethan agrees.
“No getting out of it now,” Tony says, eyes wandering over the car, the people who are leaving the small airport, and the clouds and light snow that’s falling from overhead.
“No,” Ethan agrees, fully satisfied. “Not at all.”
Send me a kiss for saintspy May 😘
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gushuwa · 2 years
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14.08.22 - so basically i need the passport, the canadian eTA, then i can simply book a flight (no biggie, im cool, not freaking out, not extremely fucking happy)
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