#i love kuzaang
maydaybytheway · 1 month
his HUH??
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kitkatperce · 1 month
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got too silly. the letters actually say smth (read aangs then kuzons) penpals
pretend kuzons letter doesnt say “whatd you get in trouble for” and instead it says “what chores do you have to do?” im too lazy to edit it….
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morrocoyconchuo · 2 years
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@thinkingisadangerouspastime wrote this... wonderful Kuzaang fic that I have re-read 4 times in 48 hours. It simply got my ass. And hopefully I can get theirs. So here's a snippet of what's coming soon on this blog. More ATLA art, this time focused on Aang's (and mine) eternal grief.
The other children that aren't established characters are briefly mentioned in the fic, idk what OP has in stock for them, but I know in my head something is afoot!
The song that sparked this one was 'Proud Corazon', you know, the one from Coco.
Promise Me (5018 words) by faerialchemist Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Aang/Kuzon (Avatar), Aang & Kuzon (Avatar), Aang & Gyatso (Avatar) Characters: Aang (Avatar), Kuzon (Avatar), Gyatso (Avatar), Monk Tashi Additional Tags: I Will Go Down With This Ship, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Pre-Canon, childhood crushes, First Kiss, Kissing at Midnight, (give or take the time lmao), kuzon cares about aang a lot y'all, aang has so many crises in this fic but he's fine dw about it, Holding Hands, What Could Have Been Summary: During their most recent interactions, Aang couldn’t deny that something had… maybe changed between them. To Aang, they’d grown closer than ever, holding hands and tackling each other into hugs on sight and finishing each other’s sentences. Sometimes a joke, sometimes planned, and sometimes not. Aang couldn’t go without visiting Kuzon one last time. Not when he hadn’t - he hadn’t - (A pre-canon Kuzaang fic. Fate is a cruel mistress.)
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kaligraphy · 2 years
Aang: Is there any cool slang that you guys use?
Kuzon, ready to completely fuck with his best friend: we do :)
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bat-circus · 6 months
me with some of my favorite things
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zutara christmas positivity tag
merry christmas zutara fam! to celebrate this festive period i thought it would be nice to do a positivity tag and celebrate our wonderful little community <33
rules: tag 10 zutara blogs (blogs that aren’t for zutara alone but ship zutara are fine!) and tell them something you love about them or their blog!
of course, i’ll start us off:
1. @stars-and-darkness-main ella my beloved your posts are always a slay. i love all the cool tidbits of information i get from your blog and of course, your taste in ships is *chef’s kiss*
2. @theotterpenguin bestie your metas are so well thought out and eloquent that i honestly don’t even need to read them to know they’re an instant reblog. if you’re not following el then... what are you even doing with your life? 
3. @kaligraphy my sweet child i adore your lovely headcanons. you singlehandedly made me a kuzaang and rozin shipper, and we all know atla would be so much better if you were in charge of it. 
4. @night-heron-writes as much as you slander me, darling lea, i love how incredibly knowledgeable you are (as your many AUs will prove) and for being the calm, level headed rock of the cillana family! 
5. @ilovegirlsgeneration dear jehona, thank you for your amazingly unique blend of chaos, and your talent at memes. even when i shake my head in concern, i can’t help but laugh at your antics. 
6. @thevictorianghost i love how much we share in common, and the wide array of media and topics we can chat about! i always look forward to seeing your messages in my DMs <3
7. @solborealis darling sol, where would we be without your cool headcanons and your heartwrenching angst (let alone setting up our wonderful server)? zk fandom truly has so much to thank you for. 
8. @katara-stan-club air, your blog just has everything a person could need. whether it’s zutara fanart, important information, or telling terfs to fuck off, i know i’ll always love your posts! 
9. @wingchunwaterbender i always look forward to your tags on my posts! the zutara content you post slaps every time, and i also love how much you discuss issues of social justice and use your platform for good. 
and of course, saving the best for last: 
10. @tiny-katara my beloved wife, i can’t even list just one thing i love about you and your blog because i love it all. from the way you slay anons to your wonderful taylor swift series that began our friendship to your excellent metas, your blog has everything a zutara stan could ever want. if anyone isn’t following cilla yet, do it rn because trust me, you’ll never regret it <333
edit: lmao i’m fucking stupid and forgot to actually tag anyone but i’m tagging everyone mentioned in the post and anyone else who wants to do it!
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itsmoonpeaches · 9 months
😀💋😨 spill
😀which of your fics did you not think a lot people would like but they did?
Oh, this one is a very recent one. That fic is Azure Flower. I am still getting some comments on it whether it's on ao3, tumblr, or twitter, but it surprised me how many people like the absolute angst of it??? This is technically speaking...a major character death fic (and an unrequited love-type tragic fic to be exact). But I guess people like that if it's from Fire Emblem.
💋do you have any guilty pleasure ships that you really want to write for but are scared to?
Guilty pleasure? I don't know if I feel guilty about any of my ships HAHAHA. But the ship that is most obscure and that I love that someday I'd write more for is Kuzaang.
😨 describe in FULL detail the first fic you wrote (yes I'm talking the wattpad shit we all did it).
So I don't write fanfic on wattpad, sorry, and never have. My fic writing days started on fanfiction.net. I know you've probably read my first fic, choco LOL but it's...well. It's a fic. No I'm not linking it here.
It was for Avatar: The Last Airbender when I was a kid and decided I wanted to drag out the angsty cliffhanger of Book 2: Earth. I wrote a short fic to fill in the gap between when Aang was unconscious to when Aang woke up on Appa's back. A kind of missing-scene situation but done horribly. Katara blames himself, Aang says he failed. There's crap like "It's my entire fault, Sokka!" that Katara says. Super OOC. The Earth King is there saying that the Earth Kingdom has fallen, Toph says Aang is shaky. It's angsty to the fullest and most terrible.
fic writer ask game
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Aang doesn’t believe it. Not Kuzon. Not now. Not like this. But his disbelief doesn’t change the facts: Kuzon stands before him, hands alight with those golden flames Aang once found so comforting, so warm, his expression cold as ice.
“This isn’t right,” Aang whispers, shaking his head. “You know it isn’t right.”
Kuzon’s jaw clenches. “You lied to me.”
— from the canon-divergent kuzaang au i’ll never write, where aang is 16 when he learns he’s the avatar and kuzon becomes part of the fire nation’s war machine
Made for Day 4 of Aang Rarepair Week 2022: Reverse Tropes/Last Time, hosted by @aangtheestallion​. Kuzon/Aang.
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rllymilerlly · 3 years
Thinking about Aang casually gushing about Kuzon to Gyatso
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turtleduckiie · 3 years
My brain apparently wants me to suffer and I refuse to suffer alone so I offer you this-
Aang trying to find Kuzon after the war, just wanting to find out what happened to his friend. Don’t think about if he found him, old and dying. Their reunion is Aang saying goodbye. Or worse... Kuzon having died only a day or two before Aang found him.
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avatraang · 3 years
2021 Year End Fic in Review
I haven’t seen this going around, so I’m starting it myself :))
How many stories did you complete?
7! they are as follows: worship the flame (azula x aang), a better companion (mai x aang), time is not a friend to them (kuzon x aang), intimacies only night air can bring (suki x aang), newness and change (sokka x toph), standing here, sharing (finnick x katniss), and the man on the moon (yue and zhao). pretty cool how many aang ship fics i wrote! love my king.
What is your total word count for the year?
32,082. Not that much in the grand scheme of things, but considering how busy and mentally overwhelmed i felt the majority of the time, I’m pretty proud of that!
What fandoms did you write in this year?
lmao, i deviated from last year and wrote one (1) fic that wasnt in the atla fandom. yay me! so, six atla fics and one thg fic. 😎
Did you write more, less, or roughly about what you expected?
More! I kept feeling like I couldn’t make one fic possible, but then I’d suddenly be overwhelmed by a surge of creative energy or my partner and friends would motivate me beyond belief and boom, the fic would be complete and I’d have started a new one. So yeah, definitely more, which is awesome 🥰
What’s your own favorite story of this year?
worship the flame. this fic took me the longest out of them all to write (the second one being my sukaang fic), and it’s because i had all these azulaang thoughts ruminating until i finally said “fuck it” and wrote it all. literally took me like, five months of thinking before i finally did it! but i’m so glad i did, because it’s definitely this year’s fave and a fave overall.
What is your most under appreciated story of the year?
standing here, sharing and the man on the moon have the least amount of kudos, but i attribute that to them both being new fics and being very rare pieces in their respective fandoms. honestly, it’s my tokka fic that is the most under appreciated this year imho. newness and change was published November 11th, but the stats are really off compared to the usual amount for tokka fics. In comparison to the sukaang fic I published a month prior, that fic has one more ku do than the tokka fic, and one more comment. Which isn’t a lot, but when you think about how sukaang is very much a rarepair while tokka isn’t, it is a big jump in stats. It kinda disappointed me that not many people are enjoying newness and change, because i worked super hard on that fic and it’s probably the fic i’m proudest of, second only to worship the flame. ultimately though, even though i perceive it as being under appreciated because of how much i love the fic, it’s alright. I’ll read it and enjoy it myself 🤣
What’s your most appreciated story of 2021?
worship the flame. it’s got the most kudos, bookmarks, comments, and hits. granted, it has been published longer, but i also think the success is deserved and warranted regardless of how long the world has had with it. definitely deserved, imho!
Biggest fanfic related disappointment of 2021?
That I couldn’t find that many everdair fics!! I thought for sure that finnick and katniss would’ve been popular in the thg fanfic world, at least as friends, but I was mistaken. That’s partly why I wrote my own everdair fic: standing here, sharing —it broke my heart that there aren’t many out there and i sorely want to help fix that.
Biggest fanfic related surprise of 2021?
the response on my kuzaang fic. I did not expect it to be as popular as it is! when i published time is not a friend to them, i thought for sure it would pass by the fandom like a ship in the night and be the quietest of the fics in the aang x everyone series that it belongs to. but no, it’s got pretty good stats and was very well received. super surprising but very happy it is so well liked!
Something you are looking forward to working on in 2022?
I’ve got some stuff that didn’t make the cut to getting published this year. Things that have yet to make it on paper and things that have yet to be completed. I’m looking forward to completing them in 2022, or at least getting more of it done, and of having fun discussing the process with my friends while i do so. That’s probably one of my favorite parts of writing in general, not just fic, and also one of the most motivating parts —talking about each other’s work with your friends or partner. I cannot wait to do this and more in the coming year. Cheers to ao3 2021 🥂, and greetings to ao3 2022 🤟🏼!
Tagging: @cats-and-metersticks @shifuaang @thetpot @twinkle-toph @azulaang-chakras
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Kuzaang HC
 This is a few years after the war when Kuzon is dead. (Kataang, Zukaang, or almost Zukaang, and obviously Kuzaang) 
I don’t know if it is canon but I think Kuzon is a noble/high ranking in the fire nation. 
For multiple reasons ANY sort of relationship between Aang and Kuzon would be frowned upon. Because of the homophobia and propaganda (i can’t think of the right word) against the air nomads. 
I think they were each others first kisses and they would have fallen in love fully if they had time. (not everyone will save dragons with you)
Kuzon was able to go a long time being a spy for the earth kingdom (working with Bumi). 
And the extent of what he did against the fire nation is never known about. 
What people did find out about was his relationship with Aang. (and other men maybe) 
This was the worst of both worlds to the fire nation. An air nomad sympathizer and gay. This uncovered the tip of the iceberg of his crimes. (see what I did there, iceberg) 
This is peak imperialist fire nation so the punishment was a dishonorable death. (meaning he didn’t get to fight)
His death, as a high ranking noble, was used as a scare tactic just in case anyone thought about stepping out of line. 
The fire nation also sprinkled a little propaganda against the Air nomads. As a treat. ( “he never would have turned against his nation until that air nomad boy corrupted him). 
This leaves us with Aang after the war has ended. 
There is some fancy banquet that the Gaang has to go to. And somehow a FN noble who remembers what happened to Kuzon is talking about the war. ‘giving advice to Zuko’ (hey that FN propaganda has appeared again)
“Don’t let air bender boys corrupt you. Stay loyal to your nation.” Zuko  is mostly tuning this out until he hears a familiar name. Kuzon. At first he doesn’t think anything of it, why would he it is a FN name. 
Saying Kuzon also brought the attention of Aang. Even while he was laughing with Sokka he was listening. And as the story went on he went quieter and quieter. 
Zuko is listening now. The story of Kuzon and how he loved someone of the wrong gender and the wrong nation and was killed for it. 
But it is not until he looks at Aang that it really clicks into place. That this Kuzon is Aang’s Kuzon. Zuko keeps glancing from the noble to Aang and back again. Noticing that Aang is listening too. 
His smiles are more forced and his eyes are a little glasses. (and his heart rate is through the roof, but only Toph knows that).
He gets quiet enough that the rest of the Gaang picks up on it and that leads them to listening to the nobles story. 
By the time the noble ends his story (that ends with the death of Kuzon). Aang is having a panic attack. (he can’t think and can’t move beyond scratching at his thighs.)  
Katara is seconds away from killing the noble even if she doesn’t know why exactly whatever he said hurt Aang and that is unforgiveable. The only thing that stops her is that Aang needs her more right now. 
While Katara is contemplating murder the gaang is getting the noble to tell to story again. And Aang is working on breathing exercises Gyatso taught him, he has always had anxiety so he is well versed in doing this. 
When Aang can move again he very politely makes up an excuse to leave. He needs to go somewhere open with fresh air, he wants to feel numb. 
Zuko being the only one who heard the whole story follows Aang out as soon as he can. Zuko is also the only one who made the connection that Aang is in the story. 
This is getting long I will make a part two starting with Zuko going to talk to Aang. Tell me if something doesn’t make sense.
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kitkatperce · 2 months
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damn you kuzaang
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shrinkthisviolet · 2 years
Iorek, Aang, and any character from TCW who isn't a main character in the prequels (I don't know how far along the show you are!) for the character asks!
(bear in mind that I haven't read the books)
favorite thing about them
How courageous and protective he is! He fights for the people he loves, and he's slow to trust, but once you have his trust, you have it in full. That's incredibly admirable.
least favorite thing about them
him leaving Lyra to cross that bridge alone was uh...ill-advised, considering they had no idea what she'd find on the other side. Yes, I know he couldn't cross, and this is more of a nitpick than anything else, and Lyra's very capable but...idk. Just bothers me a bit
(might be the older sister in me talking 😂)
favorite line
When he dubs Lyra "Lyra Silvertongue"!
Him with Lyra, and him with Lee!
I think he had a brief love interest that he was trying to win over, but since that didn't pan out...no clue
Him and Lee, or him and Lyra (romantically speaking)
random headcanon
When Iorek rescued Lyra, his first thought was to wonder where Lee was, because it was clear to him from the moment he first met Lyra (and re-met Lee) that Lee had a great fondness for the girl. And briefly, he feared the worst...and once he learned Lee was alright, he wanted to give Lee a piece of his mind for leaving Lyra all alone
(unfortunately, he never got the chance, because he never saw Lee again)
unpopular opinion
Not sure how unpopular this is, but I firmly believe that Iorek inspired Lyra as much as Lyra inspired him!
song i associate with them
"Gone, Gone, Gone" by Phillip Phillips!
favorite picture of them
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look!! look at how soft and sweet they are!!
favorite thing about them
His overflowing kindness and love and courage!!
least favorite thing about them
His outburst at Toph, and the way he was a little pushy towards Katara in TEP. However, Aang is still a kid (mature for his age to some degree, but still a kid), and he's also the kind of person to recognize and apologize for his mistakes!! And I firmly believe he did!!
(in this house, we love and adore Aang!!)
favorite line
"If we knew each other back then, do you think we could've been friends?"
I will firmly maintain that Aang befriending Zuko was the biggest step in ending the War, and it could only have been Aang that did so. It started as early as S1, because only Aang (still touched by the FN's cruelty in a major way but also inextricably tied up in them because of his deep friendship with Kuzon) could've extended Zuko that kind of understanding as early as he did.
Aang + any of the Gaang (+ Mai and Ty Lee and Teo)!
OTP Kataang! And @thinkingisadangerouspastime has recently opened my eyes to Kuzaang.
Romantically speaking...Zukaang, Maiaang, Sukaang, and Aang/Azula. You do you if you ship them, I'm just personally not a fan 😂
random headcanon
After the War, Aang takes Sokka's advice and makes jewelry as a side-business! It's a welcome reprieve from his Avatar duties, and one that he carries on into his adulthood and passes on to his kids (Bumi takes to it the best, but Kya's not half-bad at it, and Tenzin quite likes it as a form of meditation).
unpopular opinion
Aang was not in any way cowardly or naive for choosing to take away Ozai's bending rather than kill him. I'll die on that hill.
song i associate with them
"Hunting Happiness" by W. Darling!
favorite picture of them
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Aang in a flower crown!! <3
I'm not very far in TCW at all, so I'm gonna pass on that 😂 but rest assured, when I'm further along, I'll do one for some of the TCW characters! (I'm on a Marvel-Netflix & BOBF kick at the moment)
character ask game!
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kaligraphy · 2 years
you ship kuzaang, you love mint chocolate chip ice cream, and you enjoy *shudder* pineapple on pizza
and also mangoes ;)
wowie wow wow wow i wonder who this could be??? i guess I'll never know 😔 heeheehee
send me three facts you learned about me on anon!
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bat-circus · 5 months
I love kuzaang sm I wish gay people actually existed
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