#i love imagining kiba with a big family
tired-biscuit · 1 year
I can imagine Kiba just having a cuddle pile with the rest of his kids and suddenly you're dragged into the mix and now you can't move cause your husband and your little gremlins have you clinged to them. But you realize you're in heaven loving your chaotic family- 💕
i am going to SOB, that is literally the cutest thing ever!!
it’s you, him and your kiddos in the lovely home you’ve built together; watching a movie on a random channel he’s stumbled upon, because whenever afternoon turns to evening, daddy’s the one that gets the remote.
the sky grows darker with each minute, it’s getting late. there’s a soft whir of a fan blowing because it’s summer and it’s really hot out, as well as the occasional cricket chirping it’s little heart out just outside the living room window. the couch is so cozy, it’s morphed to accommodate your entire family over the years.
you’re all dressed in your comfy clothes — stretchy gym shorts and t-shirts whose logos have long since been washed out with detergent and the repetitive tossing in a washing machine. there are empty glasses that had previously contained homemade lemonade sitting on the coffee table; two regular ones for you and him, three smaller ones for your babies. the ice is still melting, it cracks from time to time.
huddled up in a pile, every limb is intertwined with someone else’s. your youngest daughter has fallen soundly asleep next to you from the way you lovingly stroke her rich, brown hair with your fingers. the second one is about to close her eyes any minute now as well, you can see it in the way her head drops to rest on her dad’s shoulder and the way she then sighs so deeply that it reminds you of the dog that’s laying outstretched on the carpet right next to the couch, trying to cool off.
your son meanwhile, shares the same side profile as his father. same dimples, shape of nose, even his eyelashes are getting thick like his. they both do the absent-minded lip nibble while they focus on the movie, their feet stroking the dog’s fur. it’s like he’s copied his genes, gotten rid of yours and plastered them right into the boy’s DNA.
when you glance to the side, you can’t help but smile a little. kiba has grown older over the years as much as anyone else has, but he’s still as handsome as ever. he’s slowly turning grey at the temples, but he’s warm, pleasant — no longer furious at the world. stepping into his 40s, he’s even gotten somewhat mature, despite the fact that he can still act childish as fuck whenever he feels like it.
there are smile lines etched into his skin from how much laughter he’s shared with you through the course of your relationsip and marriage, and he’s gotten even more tan, now that the warmer months have come around and you’ve taken the kids to the beach a couple of times.
his hair needs to be washed because it’s mussed and darker at the roots. maybe you’ll suggest that you take a shower together before bed, so that you can wash his hair for him and kiss him all over, and he can do the same for you.
yeah, that sounds nice. fair.
just like your entire dynamic.
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venerawrites · 1 month
Heya 👋
Can you do a pregnant s/o with neji, kiba, shino, Gaara??
Have a great day ❤️👋🌺
author's note: this is such a cute request, I really loved writing it! I actually wrote Gaara finding out his s/o is pregnant, where I kind of covered how he will be during the pregnancy, so I decided to cover only Neji, Kiba and Shino for this one. Hope you enjoy! <3
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➤  Neji
Given this is Neji we are talking about, I assume his s/o's pregnancy was more or less planned.
He and his partner have been trying to conceive for a while, since they've been married for a year already and the elders of his clan were already pestering them about children.
So when his s/o told him they are pregnant, he felt both rush of excitement and relief.
Probably one of the calmest and most composed men when it comes to his partner's pregnancy.
I imagine he has been preparing for this moment for a while by reading various books, consulting with some of the older women of his clan, as well doing his own research during his free time.
Definitely more ready and knowledgeable than his s/o about it.
I have always been of the opinion that Neji is very traditional guy, who dreams of having a family of his own.
As such, he is overprotective from Day 1.
He will accompany his s/o everywhere, help them with chores and would try to stop them from doing any missions straight away, worried that the risk of losing either of them is way too big. (I say try, because he will probably be unsuccessful till the last few months)
Has a tendency to be a bit paranoid and scold his s/o if he ever see them doing even something by themselves.
I feel his s/o would find all his efforts and worries somewhat adorable in the beginning, but as their pregnancy progress and their hormones start going crazy, they will start losing their patience with him.
I imagine the second half of the pregnancy may be a bit stressful for both of you (and everyone around you tbh!), since his s/o won't hold back their complaints about Neji's behaviour and in turn he will be annoyed about why is his s/o angry, when all he tries to do is to take care of them.
Treats his partner like an absolute ROYALTY tho
His s/o want a silk pillowcase, because otherwise they can't fall asleep? He will go around the whole Hyuga compound to find them one.
His s/o is craving his famous vanilla ice cream in the middle of the night? He is spending the hours preparing it from scratch for them.
Overall, his s/o's pregnancy would go quite easy, as he is very attentive and already knows quite a bit about what to expect and how to handle his s/o's mood swings.
➤  Kiba
Where do I even start with this one?
Initially, when his s/o told him they were pregnant, he was absolutely perplexed.
He knew they were not always super strict with the protection, but so far they have always been safe from incidents.
Like, he is not against becoming a dad - quite the opposite, he would love to have a house FULL with little Inuzuka babies, BUT he just was not sure he was ready at that point.
He is not really sure how to prepare tho?
Unlike Neji, he is not in the mood to go around and spend days reading boring books about childbirth and pregnancies, neither he felt comfortable talking with his family about it.
I imagine he is the type of guy that just grab his s/o's hand and give them a reassuring smile, saying: "It's okay, we are going to figure it out together!"
And they do. The beginning is a bit messy, both him and his s/o don't really know what to expect and if they should expect anything at all at this early stage.
I don't think he is going to treat his partner any differently, because for the first few months they look pretty much the same as before, so in his mind they should be perfectly capable to continue going on missions, do chores etc.
His s/o's period of throwing up almost every night and feeling sick every time they take a bite of food COMPLETELY throws him off and he is phoning Sakura almost every day, asking her to come to his house and check his s/o
When his partner gets their mood swings, their house becomes almost like a battlefield - poor man doesn't really know why his s/o is behaving that way and would constantly be baffled by his s/o's behaviour
"Why are you screaming at me? Don't you dare throwing that pillow-Ow! Dammit!"
I imagine that he will have to seek his mother's and sister's help in the later stage of the pregnancy, it is just TOO MUCH to handle
That doesn't stop him from wanting to have another kid pretty soon after his s/o gives birth to their first one - now that he has seen how they glow when they are pregnant, he plans to keep them like that quite often
➤  Shino
Our favourite boy Shino... his s/o is honestly lucky to have him during their pregnancy.
When they first told him they were pregnant, he didn't show much of an emotion, other than letting his lips curve in a small smile, before resting a gentle kiss against his s/o's temple.
He was definitely happy about the news, but as I always imagined him as a quite laid back individual, his reaction is actually pretty calm and relaxed compared to many other Naruto men.
In the beginning, his behaviour doesn't change much - he tries not to intervene too much with his s/o's freedom and let them do whatever they want.
If they want to continue doing missions - that's fine by him, even tho he may ask the Hokage to send him with them if possible.
If they want to stay at home - he doesn't mind taking a complete care of them, if this is how they are going to feel comfortable.
He is very attentive and always listen to his s/o's wishes and needs.
For this reason I actually think his partner is going to have pretty easy pregnancy - they would feel relaxed and comfortable in Shino's care, adopting his view that parenthood would just come naturally to them.
I don't even think they would have any pregnancy symptoms, even at the late stage - their behaviour and relationship with Shino remains pretty much the same. (I mean, even when hormonal, you can't really be angry at this softie, can you?)
Also, I imagine he may propose during his s/o pregnancy? He had always knew he wanted to officially make them their partner, so this felt like the perfect time to tie the knot tbh.
cc artwork: Pengzhen Zhang
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hellcifrogs · 10 months
The reason the leaf was founded was so that children could grow up in peace, safe from war
If this had worked out, what do you think the Konoha 13 would do for a living? Sai would still be an artist
We all love the idea if Sasuke being good with animals so I'm saying a wild life specialist who lives in safari clothes, he can just walk up to lions and other dangerous animals and give them scritches
This is adorable and the idea of Sasuke working with animals instead of becoming a cop like most of his family is *chefs kiss*
Imagine Sasuke starts by helping Kiba part time at Hana's vet clinic and falls in love with the job!!
Sakura could totally be a teacher, I can see it, I would love to see it!
Naruto would be an artist! He takes a liking to painting at first and experimenting with all sorts of colors and materials, then meets Sai and they could study together~ both having very different styles.
Kiba's a vet, so Shino could study insects, like his dad, he starts out by helping him in the village's research lab or something like that and just feels comfortable following his steps :)
Imagine Hinata would be raised by her dad to be a model or actress from a very young age, but she doesn't enjoy it and still wants to find something for herself.
And then Neji could work with pharmacy? Chemistry? Vaccines? He's like a young genius big nerd and takes Hinata to help, while she figures out what she wants to do with her life.
Ino obviously still works at the flower shop, BUT Gaara moves to work with her because life in Konoha is much better than his family life and gardening is great therapy!
I can't imagine Shikamaru really doing anything so he can become sort of a guide to his clan's deer forest, if Shino needs some data he takes him there, or if Neji is studying some healing property from the deer antlers he goes with him... Like that.
Since the Akimichi are one of the main/noble clans I wanna say Chouji still becomes a ninja, but only when he's older. I believe a few clans or some members would still be kept as fighters to protect the village or take smaller jobs as bodyguards and stuff.
Hear me out... Lee as a mail man! Which is the equivalent of a marathon runner! Imagine his attitude at making sure everyone got their letters and messages on time!
I think Tenten would switch places with Gaara and get herself some internship in Suna working with Kankuro and puppets~
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rosellerivers19 · 4 months
I'm trying to teach here!
Sasuhina; Anbu Captain x Academy teacher au inspired by @hanchu27 's art on twitter
Hinata Hyuga used to be an esteemed heiress but that title was stripped from her when she was young now at the prime age of 22 she was an academy teacher. The Kindest of them all some would say. Though her reputation,pride and family life had struck sore she found many beautiful things later in life one of them was caring for children making them feel happy and needed in a way she had needed when she was younger, in the way her sensei Kurenai and team mates Kiba,Shino and even Akamaru did when she had been at her lowest point.
There was nothing particularly exciting in her life after she became a simple academy teacher sure . . . she still had a teeny crush on a certain blonde from the academy and admired his goofy smile and enthusiastic attitude every now and then when he came to the academy to meet up with Iruka sensei, but even now she could only observe from afar.
"Hyuga sensei!" her class shouted waking Hinata from her thoughts.
"Oh sorry I spaced out again didn't I?" she said smiling apologetically as a few student giggled
"Yeah you did," Mai Taisu, a popular kid in the class snickered. Hinata was aware of Taisu's rude behavior but she made sure that no other students got hurt in any way because of it. Right now the child was just saying empty words so she'd allow the disrespect besides she was an adult that meant she was the responsible one.
"I think it's kinda cute"
The whole class turned around to see a man with a cat mask and black and gray attire. He was a regular visitor yet no one knew his name. Well No one except the teacher herself.
"Neko san!" Many of the students in the class cheered as the man in the Anbu mask walked into the classroom from his spot in the corner.
"Now,now don't let me distract you please, listen to Hyuga-sensei"
Hinata could already imagine the devilish smirk that hid behind his mask
‘The destruction is already done and he has the gall to say pay attention’ she thought irritably before turning back to her class plastering a smile.
"Kids I'm afraid it's recess time so if you can go outside in a single file lin--"
The class erupted with shouting and everyone scrambling to get out in a matter of minutes. It was quite the commotion but also quite common for the academy teachers.
I think they're more excited about recess than becoming shinobi Hinata thought as she collected the papers left on the students' desks
She felt the presence of the Anbu captain beside her seeing him at one of the desks through the corner of her eye.
"Let me help you with that" he collected the papers in lightning fast speed, handing them to her a few seconds after saying the phrase.
His hand was outstretched to return the papers to her yet she was careful not to actually touch his hand.
"Thank you Anbu san." she said quietly walking back to her desk
"You know you can call me Sasuke" he called out from behind her
"You are in uniform, it would be disrespectful to the Anbu if I referred to you so informally" she replied, reaching for a chocolate big she had stashed in her desk so the students wouldn't go rabid.
"Is that chocolates" Sasuke asked peering over her shoulder
"won't you give me a few?" he asked his left hand to directly horizontal to hers on the desk but with enough distance so he wasn't *actually* touching her.
"This... is not for you" she replied, her tone a bit more harsh from the close proximity slightly adjusting herself so they were further apart "And you HATE sweets" she said almost accusingly
"Hmm. Then I suppose that you will show me some love TONIGHT... Right? Hyuuga-sensei?"
"What did you say?"
"I said you'll make me some chocolates later today right? We do live next to each other" he said overwriting his previous words even though she *clearly* heard him.
"I suppose . . ." she said gruffly
The Anbu captain stuck around hidden in the shadows for the entirety of her lesson which annoyed her but she didn't say anything about it, his presence only conscious in the back of her mind.
"Well that's the end of the lesson if you have any questions--"
"Why don't you ever teach us any fun stuff Hinata Sensei" Taisu asked, her feet on her desk a sign of blatant disrespect but Hinata ignored it.
"yeah . ." a few other kids agreed. Hinata knew the lessons weren't always fun but they were a crucial part of history and to becoming a shinobi
"Well I apologize you feel that way but this information is crucial" Hinata argued
"You just don't know how to teacher correctly" Taisu scoffed "what else can be expected from a--" Taisu stopped mid sentence with Hinata looking at her sternly.
"that is enough Taisu your recess time will be cut in half tomorrow if you can't handle a few boring lessons you will not be able to handle being a shinobi" Hinata spoke sternly
"Class dismissed"
The children said hurried good byes and see you tomorrows to their teacher seemingly scared by her tone of voice
Taisu mumbled under her breath from the punishment but didn't argue as she left
Hinata then turned around
"Stop scaring my students" Hinata scolded the Anbu captain who looked at her innocently taking off his mask.
"What? I'm not even doing anything"
Hinata sighed in frustration "Sasuke san as much as I appreciate you defending me I can fight my own battles especially against my own students" she replied she knew his presence had frightened her students he tended to do that when they showed a disrespectful attitude towards her.
She then walked to the chalkboard briskly to erase the lesson plan
"Where are you going?" He smirks not at all fazed by her scolding from earlier, "I'm not done with you yet...Hyuuga-sensei." he teased walking behind her before she grabbed his hand
"I'll talk to you after class" Hinata responded guiding him to the door forcefully to get him to leave
"what--- no fair," he whined but Hinata had already pushed him out the door, slumping against the door's hard surface.
This Anbu Captain Was A Problem.
The References:
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Thank you so much @hanchu27 for the inspiration I'm looking forward to making more chapters with your art.
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puzzleemerald · 5 months
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Because Amaterasu and Sesshōmaru don't have much further art at the moment, I decided to share another couple who are most dear to my heart. YCH by the lovely Antodonatella on Instagram & DeviantArt.
Please don't reblog!
Keep in mind I will be talking about the FanFiction version of Ayumu in this post! The version of Ayumu I roleplay is her own separate deal! When her bio is done and put up on my Master Post, I won't only RP Ayumu interacting with exclusively Neji writers, lol.
Neji Hyūga is already a very recognizable character, being one of my very first crushes when I started really getting into anime as a thirteen to fourteen-year-old. In fact, he's the reason I later bought and read the manga... all hundred-heccin'-something volumes of it. Much like Sesshōmaru, it was his long hair, elegance, intellect, and stoic demeanor that won me over at first. It also amused me to watch him just be cool; he always felt like the definitive head of his team. Even if Lee wasn't to be sneezed at as a fighter, I saw more leadership qualities in Neji that Lee lacked. I also felt that he had the most interesting plight among the Konoha thirteen as someone from a branch in his clan where he was basically expected to serve and protect the head family deemed "above" him on the social-political totem pole the Hyūga were built on. Despite his innate talent rivaling the daughters of the clan's head at the time, he'd always be considered lesser because of his birth. In ways, he felt like more of an underdog to me than Naruto did—though that also has a lot to do with Naruto's characterization as the "optimistic headstrong protagonist" Kishimoto had going. (I kinda wish Kishi had leaned more into Naruto having some resentment towards the Leaf, but that's a post for another day)
So what'd teenage me do? Tailor an OC to be another half for him because GDI this man deserves happiness, not getting skewered like a redshirt on an overgrown splinter. If they had to have someone, ANYONE, sacrifice themself for Hinata... tbh, I wish it'd been someone on her team like Kiba or Shino, so we didn't have to basically do the thing he was "born to do" according to Clan tradition asfdhjrhyud—
Deep breaths. I'm calm. Suppress the fangirl rage.
So, as a result, I created Ayumu! Who was, by every definition, a Mary Sue at first!! (It was bad... oh god, was it bad...) But after I ditched her for a few years when I lost interest in Naruto, I returned to her when I turned seventeen and completely rehauled her. Leading to the designs she has now.
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This is Ayumu's Part 1/Naruto Design. The Settei was done by a friend of mine on IG called Sento.OC, whom I commissioned.
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Then, we have Ayumu's Part 2/Shippuden Design, also by Sento.
When designing an OC for Neji, I wanted to go more complimentary than contrary. It just didn't feel like it'd make sense for Neji to ever be romantically interested in someone with bombastic energy like Naruto or Lee—mans doesn't have the patience to live with that on a daily basis, LOL! So I thought, "Hey, Neji's a pretty traditional guy; why not give him a traditional woman?" and Ayumu ended up as a very grounded, calm, and analytical person. A bit more on the conservative side, similar to Neji. All the while having occasional bursts of warm, thoughtful moments where she lights up but doesn't explode. She's very, for lack of a better term off the top of my head, "normal" compared to Naruto's big personality, Sasuke's broodiness, Shikamaru's laziness, or Temari's ferocity. It's why I imagine her getting along very well with people like Tenten or Kakashi, too, who tend to be the metaphorical straight man to the more comedic characters around them. Characters like Gai and Lee and Naruto can only be funny, after all, if they're offset by some typically.
Ayumu is also a close-range fire-style specialist with a Kekkei Genkai related to it, so her style compliments Neji's pretty well imo. They can be in a shoulder-to-shoulder or back-to-back situation and cover one another while knowing the other is nearby and safely under their wing. Both characters have some insecurity and neglect issues but for very different reasons. However, this means they relate to one another over their feelings and traumas, and neither really feels a need to "fix" the other. It's what makes them last, in my opinion. They just quietly comfort each other (also slap whoever tries to put the other down, lol), and that's it. ...They did kinda try to scratch each other's eyes out at first, but that'll be its own post! Once they get over their big hurdle and understand each other, they end up just being a pair of supportive friends to lovers 90% of the time. The other 10% is them getting fucked with by the plot around them because Neji barely gets any screen time in Shippudennnnnnn! ;-;
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sophiie2000 · 1 year
Our Own New Year Celebration
Eek, first fic I'm posting for 2023!!🎇
If you've read any of the other posts on my blog, you may have noticed I got very excited about the Oops I Said Yes stories.♡♡
As such, it only seemed fitting, that the first fic I posted involved one of Voltage's, in my opinion, best LI's!♥︎♥︎
Kuranosuke Kiba x MC
Away on a business trip, MC misses out on sharing her first New Year with Kuranosuke. Yet would the blizzard let the New Year pass without some sort of celebration with his wife?
A whole lot of Fluff, and a little bit of Smut later on!
Disclaimer - Characters belong to Voltage Inc
~ 2615 words
01 January 00:01 am… they had missed seeing the New Year in together. This was the thought that intruded on MC as she gazed out of her hotel room window, watching the display of brightly coloured fireworks explode in the night sky. 
She couldn’t help but feel defeated. Downhearted to have been away from her husband for the New Year. She wasn’t a teenager anymore. It wasn’t the upset of missing out on that midnight kiss. It wasn’t even the missing out on drinking the night away. 
She simply missed him. 
This would have been their first New Year together as a couple. A funny thought, considering this time last year he was no more than her strict supervisor.
The blizzard. Someone she admired, but truthfully had never thought she would converse with outside of work.
Now, they were married. They could have started their own silly New Year tradition together. Like they did for Christmas. The special breakfast before opening their stockings. 
Would they have played a few board games? Shared some drinks? Danced in the comfort of their own home? Or would they have made plans with their friends or families?
These were the thoughts that niggled in the back of MC’s mind. Instead of being home, with her husband, celebrating the New Year… she was staying in a hotel 6 hours away from away. 
What was her husband doing? Had he made plans? Unlikely… he was probably preoccupied with a little someone. MC giggled as she imagined her strict husband turning to mush as he doted on their little kitten.
Expressions as sweet as the desserts he secretly relished so much. Nothing could melt her husband’s strict façade quite like Haru, their beloved kitten. 
There was 2 more days of her business trip. She had a meeting with a client. One, so important, it couldn’t wait until after the holidays nor be conducted over the phone.
MC didn’t mind, of course. She loved her job. But she couldn’t help but wish the meeting had fallen on a different day, been finished sooner, or her husband could have been present too. 
Should she send him a message wishing him a Happy New Year? She had typed various forms of the message out five or six times, only to erase it seconds later. Thinking her blizzard of a husband would be more exasperated in her spending her time daydreaming of him, rather than focusing on the companies very important client. 
This is an important meeting, focus birdbrain! She chuckled, she could easily hear his exasperation as she imagined his reaction.
Sighing, MC chucked her phone down onto the plush sofa, before throwing her weary body down into the thick, velvety soft sheets of the king-sized bed. A bed so big felt cold, and lonely without her husband’s warm body snoozing dreamily beside her. 
So, she built a Kuranosuke size pillow fort to fill the void. Silly, she knew, but it filled the large space beside her. Although nothing could ever compare to the real thing. 
Sighing softly, and nuzzling into the soft pillows, MC tugged the thick duvet over her head and closed her eyes. Welcoming the dreamland that was beckoning her closer so sweetly. Dreaming dreams of the side to her husband only she knew.
2 days later, MC’s important meeting had just come to a successful conclusion. 
“Thank you, Ms ___ for taking the time to meet us, especially during the holidays. Your designs envisioned our plans perfectly… in fact they went above what we had expected of someone, well so young! We very much look forward to working with Miyoshi Concepts on this project.” 
The lead client was excitedly shaking MC’s hand as they said their goodbyes. A sense of accomplishment filled her as she smiled brightly. 
“Sir your praise means a great deal. I just hope we can live up to your expectations. And it is no problem, we at Miyoshi Concepts remained open for the holiday period and so I was more than happy to come meet with you. Please, if you have any other questions for us, do not hesitate to contact me and I will endeavour to answer them all.” 
Bowing slightly, MC smiled to the client before heading back to the hotel to collect her belongings. A successful meeting with the client meant she would finally be heading home. A thought that hastened her steps.
It did not take her long to arrive back at the hotel. Having been excited at the prospect of returning home today, MC had packed her bags readily earlier that morning.
She felt like a lovesick teenager, excited to be reunited with her boyfriend. Jeez, it has only been a week… she thought, smiling ruefully to herself. 
Still, no amount of self-exasperation made her delay hurrying to the airport ready to catch her flight. On route to the airport, MC fired off a quick email to the team, which consisted of Kunihiro, Kuranosuke, Ukyo, Shu and Eiji to let them know the meeting had been successful and the client had given her designs the green light. 
And a couple of hours later, MC had settled into her seat, and was finally on a flight home. 
It was almost 7pm by the time MC had finally gotten home. She had tried to contact Kuranosuke to let him know she had landed and was on her way home but he hadn’t responded.
MC assumed he must have been busy working overtime. A thought that only intensified upon approach to their home, shrouded in darkness. 
Upon walking through the door to their home, MC was greeted by an excitable kitten. Giggling softly, and placing her bags down on the floor, MC gently petted Haru. 
“Shh, make sure you don’t tell Kuranosuke I left my bags in the entryway for a few minutes just to pet you, otherwise he’ll fine me for breaking the rules!” MC chuckled whispering to the cat conspiratorially. 
“Idiot. If you don’t want a fine, you shouldn’t leave your things around the house” A grumble came from the direction of the bedroom. The grumble of a man who MC had thought not to be here. 
“Kuranosuke!” MC startled. Jumping up from the ground. 
Her shock didn’t matter for too long, however. It was soon forgotten about when she made eye contact with her husband for the first time in a week. A smile immediately finding its way onto her face, before she lunged herself at him. 
“Woah… hey… MC!” Kuranosuke exclaimed in surprise, flustered as he just managed to catch his wife. Yet the surprise look was soon replaced by a gentler expression. A smile full of love. As he tightened his arms around his beloved wife, he nuzzled his face into her neck, inhaling her perfume. “Welcome home”, his whisper ghosted passed MC’s neck, sending a wave of goose bumps over her skin. 
“Heh, it’s good to be home!” MC smiled, slowly releasing Kuranosuke from her embrace. 
She was just about to venture into the bedroom with her bags when a panicked Kuranosuke blocked her path. She raised an inquisitive eyebrow in his direction, even attempting sidestep around him. Yet he only forced his body between her and the bedroom door. 
“Kuranosuke? I need to go into the bedroom now… you know, so I can put my stuff away?” MC chided, still eyeing him suspiciously. 
“No. You… uh… you can’t go in there right now…” 
Interesting… her husband was never this flustered or stumbled over his words.
“And why not?” MC asked, a teasing tone to her voice. She watched a Kuranosuke visibly swallowed. He was nervous��� but why?
“You… you just had a long flight, you should go take a bath! Yes, a bath! That’s a good idea. I will put your bags away for you while you relax in the bath!” Kuranosuke exclaimed, gently guiding MC into the bathroom.
When she turned to face him, Kuranosuke placed a quick peck on her lips and closed the bathroom door. MC was utterly bewildered. What had gotten into her husband? Her typically stoic, blizzard of a husband was acting out of character. And MC wanted to know why.
Ok, Kuranosuke… She thought… I’ll play your game.
A short while later, MC emerged from the bathroom with a short towel barely covering her assets. 
“Put some clothes on!” Her husband scoffed, a delightful blush teasing his cheeks.
“I would… if you had allowed me to enter the bedroom to fetch them before telling me to go bathe” MC teased. 
She enjoyed how her husband had been left flustered of her in such a state of undress. Still slightly damp from the bath. She watched as Kuranosuke eyed her up and down, deliberately. The tell-tale signs of desire evident in his eyes.
He slowly approached her. His fingertips ghosting her skin. Stroking patterns up and down her arms. It wasn’t just him who was emitting their desire. MC could feel the heat congregating in her cheeks. She could feel how her body responded to his featherlight touch. A week. It had been a week since they could touch each other, and it wasn’t taking much for her fire to begin to burn. 
“I missed you” She blurted the words out in her relaxed state. She wasn’t left with enough time to panic, thinking herself foolish for the vulnerability she had just shown. Kuranosuke tightened his hold on her.
“I missed you, too.” MC’s eyes widened in surprise. Annoyance flittered across her husband’s expression. “What? Why are you so surprised?!” Embarrassment clear in his tone.
“I thought… I thought you would ridicule me… say it was only 7 days…”
“Idiot. It was 7 days, yes. 7 days without the woman I love.” 
His eyes were filled with a fire. Neither had taken their eyes from one another since MC entered the room. The sparks between them were flying. The air was heavily charged with the sexual tension between them. 
As their lips crashed together, there was no denying the want or need in them. Tongues entwined together, hands dancing over each other’s bodies. It was obvious to MC where this was leading.
At least… it should have been.
Suddenly, Kuranosuke pulled away. They were both breathing heavily. Lust evident in their eyes. MC could see how it almost pained Kuranosuke to stop. Which was why there was a ball of concern beginning to coil inside of her. 
“Kuranosuke?” Her whisper etched with concern was barely audible. 
“Do you trust me?” Kuranosuke asked.
MC froze. What a heart rendering question to ask at such a time. Of course she trusted her husband. But his weird behaviour ever since she got home, in addition to his sudden question gave her pause. Nonetheless, she nodded decisively. 
“Good…” Her husband smiled, before slowly turning her around and covering her eyes. “You do not need to worry, I will guide you slowly.” His words breezed by her ear. The sudden loss of sight, heightened her sensitivity to touch. The affect his whisper had on her was evident in the way the hairs on the back of her neck stood up.
True to his words, he slowly guided MC. Even though she was blindfolded, she could tell the direction they headed in was the bedroom.
He had been adamant earlier this evening she could not enter the bedroom. Knowing she would finally be witnessing whatever he had been hiding, caused her heart rate to skyrocket.
The sound of the door handle turning sounded louder to MC’s ears. As they entered the room, MC was engulfed by a nostalgic aroma. Floral in smell. 
“Ok… are you ready?” Her husband’s honeyed whisper coaxed MC’s attention back to him. She nodded, suddenly both excited and nervous. 
Kuranosuke’s warm hands pulled away from her eyes, and for a moment it took her a second to readjust to the change in lighting. 
But when she did… her eyes went wide. Scanning the room in complete, and utter, awe. 
Candles were lit up along the windowsill. Hundreds of orchid petals scattered around the room, and across the bed. And finally, on the table in the corner of the bedroom, a plate of various dessert pastries just calling out to be eaten. 
“It… it’s amazing! But why?” MC turned to face her husband, who smiled sheepishly while scratching his neck.
“We couldn’t be together for the New Year… so I thought we could have our own New Year celebration tonight…” Kuranosuke murmured, suddenly seeming unsure of himself.
“I love it, Kuranosuke. Thank you! What made you scatter all those petals though? You hate mess!” MC asked, curious.
“They’re the petals of the Phalaenopsis to be exact… it symbolises happiness, vitality and longevity…” Kuranosuke explained, desperately avoiding looking into MC’s eyes. The pink blush on his cheeks matched the shade of the petals perfectly.
MC, having become slightly teary eyed at the thoughtfulness of her husband, approached him. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pressed her lips to his. Lingering slightly before, pulling back. A slight pout formed on her husband’s lips, as she failed to continue or deepen her kiss. She chuckled at the view. A view only she, his wife, was privy to. 
“I love you, Kuranosuke.” She finally spoke the words, her lips still close to his, sending a shiver coursing through him.
“And, I love you” He replied, before colliding his lips with hers, picking up where they had left off earlier. 
This time, there was no stopping them.
When Kuranosuke ran his tongue along MC’s lips teasingly, she happily opened her lips and welcomed him inside. Their tongues twirling around each other. Enticing. Soft gasps of pleasure escaping.  
MC felt her body begin to float in the air, as Kuranosuke carried her bridle style across to their bed. The way he chucked her onto the bed, was much less elegant, but MC didn’t care. Both of their excitement was increasing, and MC could feel her husband’s desire as he pressed himself to her.
The feel of him inspired MC to roll her hips against him, luring him to her. The act receiving a grunt of gratification from her beloved, delighting her. She was suddenly in the mood to tease him.
“Wait!” She quickly placed her hands on his shoulders. Kuranosuke’s signature frown was on his face, clearly displeased at being stopped at this moment. 
“What is it?” He asked, concern knitting its way into his brows.
“What about those tasty looking desserts you got us? Don’t you think we should eat those?” She smiled at him.
She enjoyed teasing him. She believed she had the upper hand once again. Until she spotted the mischievously, naughty glint in his eyes. 
“Ah yes, those. While they do look absolutely delightful… I think I would much rather devour you first!” 
Kuranosuke began peppering her neck with biting kisses. Soothing each nip with his tongue afterwards. MC began to wonder whether he truly would devour her.
Yet that was all he needed to say for MC to know the games were over. Her husband was in beast mode, and she wasn’t going to deny their desires any longer. Neither did she want to. The truth was, she wanted him just as much as she did. A fact, both of them knew very, very well. 
The rest of the night was spent eliciting sultry moans, while tangled up in one another’s sweat glistened bodies, sharing words of love.
Their first New Year together was celebrated late. But both of them hoped, every New Year would be celebrated in much the same way. Sharing words of love, while wrapped up inside one another’s warm embrace. 
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kamyru · 1 year
Side characters that have a big role in my "Oops! I Said Yes?!" OCs' world
Kaisei Ito
Name: Kaisei Ito (伊藤諧征, Ito Kaisei)
Marital status: Married to Yuki Ito
Age: 31
Date of birth: July 14
Place of birth: Tokyo, Japan
Height: 188 cm (6'2" ft)
Weight: 83 kg (183 lb)
Ethnicity: Japanese
Nationality: Japanese
One sentence description: Kaisei is a force to be reckoned with despite his calmness and politeness.
Relationship with Shirayuki Kiba: Even from the start, Kaisei had tried his best to take care of the teenager Shirayuki. Now, he can't imagine his life without her, thinking of her as his little sister.
Relationship with Noemi Daimon: They both tend to take care of everyone. And being older than her, Kaisei tries his best to be the older brother Noemi has never had. Moreover, he simps for Togo, even if, at first, he hasn't liked him very much.
Relationship with Kuranosuke Kiba: Kaisei doesn't trust Kuranosuke enough. Also, he has guilty pleasure in making fun of him by trying to intimidate the architect.
Relationship with the youngest Kiba: During his sports days, there were rumors that Shirayuki, Kaisei, and Kiba were dating. After Shirayuki and Kaisei ended their sports career, Kaisei became closer to Kiba. Now they are best friends.
Yuki Ito
Name: Yuki Ito (伊藤雪, Ito Yuki)
Marital status: Married to Kaisei Ito
Age: 35
Date of birth: January 1
Place of birth: Okinawa, Japan
Height: 163 cm (5'4" ft)
Weight: 65 kg (143 lb)
Ethnicity: Japanese
Nationality: Japanese
One sentence description: She is the mom of the group who has enough nerves to put up with her "kids" and enough strength to help them when needed.
Relationship with Sua, Shirayuki & Noemi: Yuki thinks of the trio as her daughters, and no one in the world is better at scolding them than her. Also, the trio loves her endlessly but is still afraid of her rage. She has a very special relationship with Noemi, because she was the one who had taught her how to take care her of chores by herself. And thanks to Yuki, Noemi got more approachable.
Kuranosuke's younger brother
Name: Waiting for the official name from Voltage
Marital status: Dating Kana
Age: Waiting for the official date from Voltage
Place of birth: Saitama, Japan
Height: 183 cm/6'0 ft (He has to be taller than Kuranosuke, who's around 175-178, I think)
Weight: 80 kg/176 lb
Ethnicity: Japanese
Nationality: Japanese
One sentence description: The funny friend who is unexpectedly reliable.
Relationship with Sua Hasunuma: Kiba wasn't aware of Sua's past crush on him. However, they are pretty close now.
Relationship with Shirayuki Kiba: Kiba considers Shirayuki his sister and close friend. They spend a lot of time together. And he can't stop teasing Kuranosuke that Shirayuki is way out of his league.
Relationship with Noemi Daimon: At first, Kiba saw Noemi only as a PR project to become more famous as a dancer and entertainer. However, he understood Noemi better, and they got close. Kiba is one of the few people outside Noemi's family, Sua, and Shirayuki, who knows what's Noemi's true character.
Relationship with Togo Daimon: Kiba and Daimon haven't interacted, but Kiba is afraid of him because he hurt Noemi a few times during their training. However, Kiba thinks no man is better for Noemi than Daimon. He also likes him more than his brother and teases Kuranosuke with this.
Relationship with Kaisei: They are bros. Kaisei even lets the youngest Kiba use his cafe as a filming spot for his MyuTube videos. And Kiba never forgets to advertise the place for his friend. Kuranosuke finds it strange how these two different people connect so well.
Relationship with Kana: The youngest Kiba had a crush on Kana from school. However, he didn't have enough courage to ask her out. Only after they met again, his crush finally turned into reality.
Name: Shiori
Marital status: Dating Inomata
Age: 32 (However, still waiting for the official date from Voltage)
One sentence description: Too precious and unlucky for this world.
Relationship with Sua Hasunuma: Shiori and Sua are childhood friends. But they fought after Sua debuted, and Sua's haters spread rumors about them dating. However, she regrets it and wants to befriend her again.
Relationship with Shirayuki Kiba: Shirayuki and Shiori know each other because Shiori was Ansetsu's girlfriend and first love. Shiori cared a lot for Shirayuki when she was together with her brother. She even learned sign language for her. Moreover, Shiori was one of the few people with whom Shirayuki was verbally talking. When she found out that Shirayuki was the one to save her from the accident and hurt herself, she felt very guilty.
Relationship with Noemi Daimon: Noemi doesn't have a past with Shiori, unlike Shirayuki or Sua. However, she is one of the few people to know that Shiori was the one whom Shirayuki saved. It's unlike Noemi's personality, but she hates Shiori for being careless and putting Shirayuki in danger. Shiori is the only person with whom Noemi is openly hostile.
Riyuki Shikichi
Name: Riyuki Shikichi (敷地璃雪, Shikichi Riyuki)
Age: 15
Date of birth: July 29
Place of birth: Asahikawa, Hokkaido, Japan
Height: 166 cm/5'5 ft
Weight: 68 kg/115 lbs
Ethnicity: Japanese
Nationality: Japanese
One sentence description: The cheeky sister who causes more problems than anyone could have thought.
Relationship with Shirayuki Kiba: Due to her parents' influence, Riyuki didn't like Shirayuki. After she got older, she understood that her parents had made a mistake and reached out to Shirayuki. She even ran away from home to meet her sister. Now, Riyuki visits her more often than her parents want and thinks about moving in with the Kiba family.
Relationship with Kuranosuke: Unexpectedly, they are on pretty good terms. Riyuki doesn't like his rules and has told Kuranosuke this a few times. However, Kuranosuke finds her entertaining and lets her do whatever she wants. The real reason is that he cares a lot for her, due to Riyuki being so important to Shirayuki. He is the one who has told her about the possibility of moving in with them after she finishes middle school.
Relationship with Konan: They met a few times when Shirayuki, Noemi, and Sua were still living together. It's safe to say that they are best friends. However, Riyuki is a tsundere and won't ever acknowledge in front of Konan that he is important to her.
Konan Maki
Name: Konan Maki (槇虎男, Maki Konan)
Age: 16
Date of birth: November 25
Place of birth: Asahikawa, Hokkaido, Japan
Height: 175 cm/5'9 ft
Weight: 65 kg/143 lbs
Ethnicity: Japanese
Nationality: Japanese
One sentence description: If Togo Daimon had a child, they would be less like him than Konan.
Relationship with Noemi Daimon: Konan loves Noemi and is ready to do everything for her. He is one of the few people with whom Noemi can take out her mask and be the silent and calm person she is.
Relationship with Togo Daimon: Daimon is the only person Konan teases. The boy knows that Togo is a good person. Don't forget that he convinced Noemi to marry Togo. Yet, Konan can't let him have Noemi so easily and wants to make sure that Togo gives her what she deserves.
Relationship with Riyuki Shikichi: Konan has a little crush on Riyuki and gets even shier when he is near her. However, his therapy dog is the calmest when these two are together.
Relationship with Kuranosuke Kiba: Kuranosuke likes Konan more than he likes Noemi. The boy even had a few sleepovers at Kibas' with and without Riyuki. They have a lot in common, being the put-together members of their family. Only because of Konan Kuranosuke's opinion about Noemi got better.
Kana Kato
Name: Kana Kato (加藤泰, Kato Kana)
Marital status: Dating the youngest Kiba
Age: The same as the youngest Kiba
Date of birth: September 28
Place of birth: Saitama, Japan
Height: 160 cm/5'3 ft
Weight: 60 kg/132 lbs
Ethnicity: Japanese
Nationality: Japanese
One sentence description: An oxymoron who can be wild with calm people and calm with wild ones.
Relationship with Shirayuki Kiba: Sometimes, Kiba thinks that his girlfriend likes Shirayuki more than him.
Relationship with the youngest Kiba: Kana also had a crush on the youngest Kiba during high school but thought he was too popular to like someone like her. Now, she is the put-together person who keeps Kiba in order.
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cuteconsortboys · 2 years
The mere though of the heirless empress having to go to war and trying to assure a heir last minute is a bit funny like
Empress, coming out of Naruto's room: ok, that was today's second consort. It should be enough
Adviser: like we talked in the meeting you should try and lie with as many of your consorts as possible. It would be optimal if you managed at least half of your harem
Empress: do we miss the little detail that i have 10 consorts?
Adviser: you wanted to marry so many times, not me. Next should be kiba, even if he isn't specially high in the harem rank his family tends to have twin girls, get a drink and I will be waiting to tell you the next one when you come out
This is hilarious!!
So, the Empress has to lead troops in the war, so they need as many possible heirs cooking before she leaves? Comedy gold.
I think the Empress gets 7 days to try and ensure there's an heir. It's top priority. Especially because the father of that heir will work with the head advisor to rule the country until the child is old enough if the Empress dies. So, this is very much a big deal.
10 consorts and 7 days..... That's tough!
And I absolutely love the adviser giving an order based on perceived fertility 😂😂
They just walk in with a list like, "Naruto has Uzumaki blood and rumour has it they can get pregnant if you look at them for too long, so I think we should start with him."
"We?" you mutter to yourself, vaguely concerned by the length of the document your advisor was reading off.
"Then we have the Inuzuka boy. You know, all of his cousins have at least six children. Each! So, we should definitely go for him next. Aburame are known for their very small families, so Shino should go somewhere near the bottom, the Hyuuga are also fairly small, but they're all so miserable, I can't imagine they get laid much, so maybe that means they have a good try to success ratio? Neji can go near the top. The Naras are about average fertility, but they have a rather insane leaning towards male babies, so I'll put him at the bottom. And Gaara... I don't know much about Suna, but-"
You stare in growing horror as your advisor listed off all of your husbands in order of possible fertility.
"So, for the top half of the list, I think you should aim for three tries for each, and then only one try for those on the lower end, that would be the most efficient use of your time I believe."
20 times at least in one week??!!!
Better get started then...
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animeomegas · 3 years
Hello! I wanted to dump a kinda sad headcanon of mines onto you!
I was wondering about how the Naruto boy’s alphas would feel about being the protector of the boys. As an alpha they are there to provide and protect that’s just how they were raised. When they get with their respective omega I feel like they don’t feel like and alpha. They are insecure in their own abilities to provide for these omegas who look like they have their lives together. All the protecting and providing are up to the omega and they feel like they should be pushing out pups instead.
Sasuke is a warrior he lives to fight. That was his own calling and he follows it daily. His alpha ninja or not rarely sees him and isn’t able to protect him. Sasuke also isn’t your regular omega he is fierce and independent. So they feel like they have no reason to be there but to provide an heir for his clan.
Naruto is the hokage he was the strongest in his generation. His alpha feels like a wimp compared to him they were not the strongest and they are supposed to be the alpha. They watch him be great and bring home the big bucks while they try and catch up. They feel like a house wife/husband. It just makes them feel less alpha for their omega to be providing more than them.
Neji is not a ninja anymore but he is dominant with the decisions. He chooses what his pup does and how they live. How the house is cleaned and how it should look. He just has the aura that you wouldn’t think an omega would have. He makes his alpha feel useless and invalidated when it comes to their family.
Shikamaru is careless and rarely checks in with his alpha. He’s selfish sometimes and forgets about others feelings or pushing them aside so his feelings can be validated. His alpha is tired and rarely has the mental stability to allow their alpha nature to check Shikamaru(in a safe alpha way).
Lee is a cheerful omega and loves his alpha. But sometimes his alpha feels like Lee is giving them to much of something that they can’t give back to him. It breaks their heart that he tries to hard for them and they barely make enough to pay for groceries.
Kiba is a dominant omega as well. He tries to mansplain and tell his alpha right from wrong. His alpha feels less everyday because they let their omega run free and flirt freely too. They just feel invisible.
Sorry but I needed a little bit of angst today!
-Short stack
Oooh, this is an interesting (and angsty) take! @voodoogoul
It might make sense that, in a country that pushes a lot of toxic alpha ideals, that an alpha might get insecure (even if it was irrational) if they were obviously not the protector or the head of the house. Yes, it's a little silly, but I can understand why those sorts of feelings would creep up.
Sasuke's alpha would likely be one of the most affected. Sasuke doesn't really open up easily, he isn't extremely outwardly affection, he doesn't stay home with his pup, he leaves the village all the time for long periods. Also, I feel like some people in the village would make jokes about Sasuke coercing them to stay with him, which make the alpha mad and also feel infantilising.
Naruto is the Hokage, as you say, so that goes without saying, so I think he would be another one that could stir up emotions. Same with Gaara.
Neji maybe a less strong candidate, but I can see there being some small points of contention. I mean, the home is traditionally the omega's domain, so that probably would be okay. But Neji is so picky about his pups that it could cause problems. For example, if Neji's alpha brings home a plastic toy for their pups, Neji would... probably throw it out ngl. That could cause some issues.
Ooh, Shikamaru I could also definitely see. I think you're right, he's quite selfish, especially when he's younger, and that could cause some issues. He's a very independent person, which is fine, but he lacks some crucial communication skills to balance that out.
Lee is probably the easiest to quell the inadequate feelings with. He's very powerful sure, but he's nowhere near as influential as the other people on this list. He also probably does missions part time while his pups are small, so he's around at home quite a lot too. I think his alpha would have to be either very traditional (which I can't see Lee liking that much) or very insecure to feel so useless as an alpha. I imagine everyone would feel a little useless motivation wise though lmao.
And Kiba, yes, I could see the issues that you've mentioned! I think the crux of the issue could very easily be his clan. He's very close to his clan and they have lots of traditions that his pups will all be included in, but that his alpha might feel left out of. But yes, I could also see him being a little flirty and that could set off some serious alpha instincts that the alpha doesn't like.
Thanks for sending this in, it was so much fun to explore! 💓
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torivikachu · 3 years
wanna play by the rules and entertain the idea of straight ships in Naruto?
I couldn't sleep so - apparently, yeah.
the only canon ship that makes sense is ShikaTema. like really. thats like my second best ship apart from SNS but if we consider the straight world - I'm gonna go with that one. they are so made for each other its not even funny its freaking adorable!!!! Shikamaru what-a-drag-women-amiright Nara x Temari I-like-dorks-who-I-can-dominate Sabaku is the power couple we deserve. and she is like the only married woman apart from Sakura who hasn't completely abandoned her work? she is an ambassador of Suna. right? or wait. was it just fanfiction? nevermind, she is a badass anyway.
I don't know about Karui and Choji... I mean, they are okay. maybe. I just have no idea how they could've ended up together. AT ALL.
moving on, there is SaiIno who I both adore to the depth of my heart and believe to be the low-key SNS. even though they don't make much sense too thanx to the plot, I do like them together. Ino always chased after Sasuke, but more cause everybody did... and honestly after all Sasuke has done you have to be a total idiot to still love him (I know two of those can you guess who). Sai - while looking similar - is handsome, smart and weird in his own way, and has this enigma fleur about him so I can totally see how he could have caught her attention, and she is a pretty girl who can kick ass and not afraid to stand up for herself, and if we entertain the idea that Sai has a thing for blonds after Naruto brought him out of his shell then maybe it makes even more sense. but what do I know...
I am really struggling to remember other ships (at least regarding rookie 9+3) so I'll just jump to the major ones I take issue with.
SasuSaku and NaruHina.
first of all - I don't hate these ships solely cause I like SNS. i honestly wouldn't ship them even in a completely straight word where no rainbow has ever appeared (that was lame but I am sleep deprived so back off wouldya).
they just DONT MATCH.
yeah Sakura was smitten with Sasuke and Hinata with Naruto for like... 700 episodes.
that doesn't make them good couples. lemme explain why.
Sasuke is broken. okay? he.is.not.interested.in.family.
he doesn't connect with people. he can't! he broke the bond with Sakura when he left the village and that fragile shadow of it they established after the war is just not enough to build a relationship on. the only person he hasn't broken the bond with is Naruto and even relationship with him wouldn't be easy.
but we're in straight world, so I would assume he'd like to avoid human contact as a plague whatsoever. mb have a child or two to keep Uchiha bloodline, but no strings attached.
oh wait! sounds exactly like what he did.
hell, mb SasuSaku makes sense after all (SARCASM)
NaruHina is more likely.
but Hinata is so damn boring.
I mean... she isn't that boring. she is strong, relentless, stoic, brave and shit. but.so.boring.
Naruto would love playing house for a couple of years sure. cause he always wanted a family, yeah. but he also needs someone who can match him. at least on some level.
unfortunately, she cant.
she doesn't even seem to have a personality outside of Naruto. newsflash, that ain't healthy. I mean even though Sakura reduces to a blushing mess around Sasuke, she is pretty badass when he is not around.
Hinata is not. she could be! she damn well could be.
but she is not.
the only straight couple that makes sense out of these four is NaruSaku. yeah honestly. they have matching personalities, they would be a fun couple! both strong enough to not be consumed by each other, having a long history of friendship to support their love... even though they didn't have the best start, Sakura learnt to respect and like Naruto and he always adored her. their banter would keep things between them heated... damn, that's sorta even healthier than SNS in some ways.
but I really don't like that Sasuke is left out in this picture so I'd still go with SNS. Sakura can land any other guy.
or just bear Sasuke's child. that'll do nicely if she'd be satisfied with it.
but it doesn't seem likely.
so I'd leave her with Lee? or she can be alone. or InoSaku is pretty interesting but oh right thats a straight world. she could be with Sai though. but that leaves us eith a big issues of Ino being too good for any other guy out there so I am like really lost here.
Hinata would be okay with Kiba? probably. but I feel like Kiba needs somebody more... lively? though... they have been on the same team for a long time. I am pretty sure Kiba and Shino know her better than anybody else. so maybe... MAYBE Kiba would be a good match for her.
please don't ask me why I don't consider Shino cause honestly the guy is just a big buggy enigma for me I can't really imagine with anybody.
that's pretty much it with the straight ships.
I hope I can sleep now.
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tired-biscuit · 5 months
mean stepbro kiba is my absolute favorite and I want to see him feel rejected and insecure for once in his life! Need to see him get some sort of payback ie his hot friend showering reader with attention or reader studying for a big exam or certification for work so she is actively ignoring him and it bruises his ego but he won’t admit it because that’s embarrassing as fuck that he’s relying on you for anything
oh my god, he’d definitely blow up your phone with (kind of rude?) text messages and would get all into your space and would try basically ANYTHING to shift your attention back onto him! however, if you’d call him out for it, he’d pretend like he doesn’t have a clue what you’re talking about because did you really think that he cares about ‘a pathetic little thing like you’ so darn much?
on the other hand if you’ve already been kind of messing around with each other sexually, i do imagine that he’d actually push away his own greed for once and would try to nose his way between your legs while you’re studying just so that he can eat you out for ages.
i’m talking about these slow, almost mocking flicks of tongue that are accompanied with an occasional nip of teeth on your inner thigh, as well as soothing kisses to brush the pain away. just so that he can make you break and reach out to him first instead of he to you from how horny he somewhat forces you to be.
he also plants subtle — but visible — hickies if you’re planning on going out with someone. he holds you down when you try to escape him before he marks you, using his weight and size to his advantage. and then when you get pissed off and yell at him, he just says that you deseved it for whatever bullshit reason he tosses your way — but not because he’s jealous, no, no!
he’s actually a lot more insecure than meets the eye because he knows you can’t be together and that he can’t have you unless you defy your own family. so he’s trying to get you under his control as much as he’s able to, and for you to rely on him just like he secretly relies on you while you’re both still living under the same roof, so that even if you do leave and maybe get with another man, you’ll still come back to him.
when he’s alone, he’s borderline pathetic because of you. you go on a date and he doesn’t sleep well and loses his appetite because the thought of another guy touching you makes him sick to his stomach. he’s so in love with you and you make his hormones go batshit crazy and the whole thing is so messed up that it just makes him so fucking angry, you know? like, he looks at your face and gets pissed off from the way it makes his heart race. it’s the reason why he pours all his frustrations upon you as a result even though you haven’t done anything to stir him up; at least not on purpose!
by the way, i do actually think that he’d get into a fight with his friend under the pretense of ‘not my sister’… he makes it clear to his buddies that you’re untouchable, but what they don’t know is that that’s only because he wants to touch you first.
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babybottlepop96 · 3 years
Tattoos at First Touch (Soulmate AU) Shino Aburame x Reader
Summary: Once you turn 16, the first touch you make on another human being, your name will appear on your soulmate, exactly where you touched the person. Hopefully it won’t be too embarrassing.
Warning: Swearing, Accidental groping.
a/n: This idea came from another blogger who had a dream/idea about this, and I got permission to use it! They will be tagged at the end if the story!
Your parents always told you, "once you turn sixteen, be careful of your first touch on another human being. Your soulmate will get a tattoo of your name where you touch another person and vice versa." Your birthday was coming up in a few days and you were praying that your clumsy ass could make it through without something bad happening. I mean, just the other day at school you accidently touched someone's ass because you slipped on a singular bead someone missed when they were picking up the pieces to a broken bracelet. A singular bead. Yeah, it was awkward. You would rather not have your name tattooed on someone's butt cheeks thank you very much. You stared down at your arm, staring at the name that had been tattooed on there just a couple years ago, meaning he would be around eighteen now.
Unisex name, so you had no idea whether your soulmate was a male or female, not that you cared, they were your soulmate after all. You would love them no matter what. Shino is also of Japanese origin meaning Stem of Bamboo. Which also gave you no indication of what your soulmate was like. It drove you insane trying to figure it out, but there was only so much you could do, especially just by a name. But you were glad the name was on your arm, imagine having a tattoo on your boob. Like, why are you feeling up other people, Shino? But you stared at your arm for what felt like hours, daydreaming about the day you would finally meet the one you were supposed to be with for the rest of your life.
"(Y/n)! Time for dinner!" Your mother called from down stairs.
"Coming!" You called and made your way downstairs. You and your family sat around the table eating the food prepared and made some small talk.
"So," your sibling started, (y/n), your sixteenth birthday is coming up." They smirked and you groaned.
"Yes, I know." You put your head on the table. Your family has been teasing you non stop about it for a year now. "I'm clumsy, my name could be somewhere weird, I get it." Everyone laughed and continued on with dinner and some more teasing.
It was here, the day you had been worried about. Your birthday. You were so careful, you swear on your great great grandmother's grave you were being so dn careful. You had avoided everyone. But the universe just had to give you the finger and laugh in your face. 
You were carrying your lunch tray towards your normal spot with your friends when someone pushed their seat back standing up. You pumped into them and not only did your food land everywhere, you fell on top of him. Your face on his side, your left hand on the floor and your right hand? Directly on his dick. Yeah, you read that right. The first touch on someone else on your sixteenth birthday, had to be an accidental dick grope.
You blush profusely and apologized and ran. You fucking ran. Not to the bathroom or to class. You ran all the way the fuck home. You burst through the doors startling your parents. Your parents came around the corner, looking ready to beat someone (probably thought it was an intruder). But once they saw you and your red face, they got worried. "Hey, pumpkin. What happened?" Your father asked.
"MY FIRST TOUCH WAS AN ACCIDENT I SWEAR I DIDN'T MEAN IT!" You shouted, once again startling your parents. They looked at each other and back at you.
"Where did you accidentally touch someone?" Your mother questioned.
"His… his…. PENIS!" You covered your face from embarrassment. Your father busted out laughing while your mother scolded him while trying to suppress her own laugh. You ran to your room and locked yourself away. "I am so sorry, Shino!" 
When Shino got home from lacrosse practice, he decided he was going to take a shower. He was sweating and sticky and just felt nasty altogether. He stripped down and went to the sink to set his sunglasses down when he noticed. "What the…" he held his dick and looked at it. "(Y/n)" the name read. His face turned red and he was so confused. Why was his soulmate's name on his…… dick? Suddenly his phone rang and he answered it while still holding his dick, looking at the name. "Hello?" He answered.
"Shino! Dude! I finally got my soulmate's name! Right over my heart! Like fuck that's the perfect spot!" His teammate, Kiba, practically shouted through the phone.
"Yeah, I got mine too." He answered, not really paying attention to the fact he said it.
"Bro! No way! Where is it?!" Kiba asked, excited that his best friend finally got his name too.
"Oh, umm… well… it's not important. I gotta go. Getting a shower." He hung up the phone and sighed. Well this was just great.
Two years have passed and you still haven't met your soulmate. It was kind of infuriating at first, but you just thought that it would happen eventually. And boy did it happen. 
You and your friends were walking through campus heading towards your classes. You were taking entomology classes as a minor to your criminal justice major. Bugs always fascinated you, even if they were a bit creepy. But it was always a big help in your major, so you figured, why not? 
It wasn't until you tripped on your untied shoelace and fell into a tall man. Both of you toppled over. Your friend's called your name has his friend's called his. You laid on top of him and realized that his hand had grasped your arm, right over the name and your hand, yes… on his dick. You both blushed and you quickly got off of him.
"So, you're my soulmate huh?" Shino asked, blushing madly. Not that you were any better off, your face also felt like it was on fire.
"Y-yeah, (f/n) (l/n). Sorry about the uh.. tattoo.. actually it happened almost like this." You laughed nervously and rubbed the back of your neck.
"Shino Aburame. And it's quite alright." He blushed a bit more. "What class are you heading to? I can walk you there."
"Entomology, room seventy-six." You answered more confidently this time.
"Same, shall we?" He held out his arm and you took it.
(Yes, I googled what Shino meant, lol) @underworldsheiress
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gayger · 3 years
"Summer in Konoha was ending and it was ending fast. With the end of that came the beginning of the end of Sakura's journey in high school. While it wasn't too rambunctious or anything of the sort, Sakura did have one regret: a high school sweet-heart. She didn't get to experience that all encompassing adoration being shown in the school halls, being yelled at by teachers for showing pda, or even the awkwardness of a first kiss. A part of her longed for that feeling - for that experience.
Those thoughts penetrated her mind as her eyes bore outside of her window, over at the open water of the ocean. Sighing, she dares to look away for a second and to her journal on her desk.
'Sakura's Dream Book!'
She smiles softly. She definitely got to cross off some of those dreams, though she wasn't sure they were the ones that she found of importance now.
Knock, knock!
"Sakura! Hey, Sakura!"
Sakura sighs, looking over at her window where one of her best friends was waiting outside patiently, perched up on the old oak tree that was beside her bedroom window.
Making her way over to him, she scowls at him slightly. Why couldn't the blond just knock on the front door like a normal person? Opening the window, big and honest blue eyes stared into hers excitedly.
"Did you forget? We're going to the beach today!" He shouts, a grin on his face. Taking in his tan sleeveless top and neon orange swim-trunks, she could only smile good naturedly. She forgot how much he was looking forward to this.
"I didn't forget, you're just early," she says as she shakes her head. "Go back down the tree and I'll get ready." Sakura pauses before she turns away, giving him a serious and dangerous look. "And Naruto?"
He gulps slightly, knowing what she was probably going to say. "Yes, Sakura-chan?"
"Don't even think about peeking or you are dead meat." She smiles sweetly, flexing her knuckles slightly. Naruto nods quickly, repeating a mantra of "Of course, anything for you - not that I was going to peek because that would be creepy!" And other things of that sort.
Eventually he had made his way down and she could hear a few of her other friends yell "Watch it!" and "Don't fall, you idiot!"
She laughs softly before getting ready.
Her highschool life may not have been everything she had hoped or wanted, but at the very least she had gotten through it with some of the best people.
~ ` ~ ` ~
"Mom! I'm heading out with some friends, we're going to the beach!" Sakura shouts, opening the front door and not stepping out until she hears her mothers resounding "Okay, be careful!"
"It's about time, forehead," snarks her other best friend. Sakura's eyebrow twitches, but she ignores the pretty blonde's snarky remark anyway. "Are we all ready to go?" She asks, a smile on her face as she adjusts her bag. It isn't like the walk is very far, it's pretty much just across the street so if they did forget something, her house was just right there. Pretty convenient if she's honest.
As they start walking, Sakura can't help but notice that a little ways down the street there was a movers vehicle in front of a big house.
"Hey! Someones moving into old man Madara's house!" Shouted Naruto, apparently spotting the same thing that she did. "Yeah, I guess so," Sakura hums out. She wonders if they were family members of Madara's or if it was simply sold. He passed away about a year or so ago, so it has been vacant for awhile now. Whoever it was, she hoped that they enjoyed living there. It was a beautiful house, Sakura had to admit.
While she was gawking at the house, her other best friend, Ino, let out a squeal.
Plugging one ear with her finger, Sakura gives her a look. "What the hell, Ino-pig?"
"Oh, come on. You aren't telling me that that super perceptive eye of yours didn't notice the really cute guy over there?" Ino swoons, "I hope he's single." Sakura rolls her eyes, but decides to take a look at who she could only assume Ino is talking about. It was just her luck that when she did, he decided to look over in their direction as well.
Her heart pounds and her cheeks flush slightly when he smirks at her and winks. "Ino, oh my god.. He saw me look - I'm screwed!" Sakura whispers quickly, pointedly looking away. The blonde could only laugh at her friend's predicament. It was just like Sakura to be put in a situation like that.
"I don't understand what the big deal is," Naruto says with a confused look. "I mean, he's super pale and his hair looks like a duck's ass."
"Nice one, Naruto," Kiba snorts, high-fiving him.
Feeling pretty embarrassed, Sakura just quickly starts walking towards the beach again - to their usual spot. Ino gave one last look in the mysterious and handsome boys direction before following her. "Hey, wait up!"
The two boys were left to follow once they were done laughing.
"So, why couldn't Hinata come?" Sakura asks as she lays out her beach towel next to Ino's. The blonde sat down, digging through her bag while answering, "Her father said that they were having family coming into town. She probably won't be able to hang out with us for awhile, from the sound of it."
Sakura juts out her lip slightly, "That sucks. She's really good at keeping Naruto calm."
"Yeah, I know - but, hey," Ino grins, "You've got me. I'm sure we can handle these two morons on our own for awhile." Both teens laugh, stretching their legs out as they applied sunscreen.
Off in the distance, Sakura noticed Naruto and Kiba going ahead into the water with no hint of sunscreen at all. She shakes her head, willing herself to not think about the atrocious sunburn both boys would be sporting later on today.
"Can you believe we are going to be seniors this year?" Ino says off-handedly, moving her blonde bangs away and behind her ear. "I feel like it was just yesterday that we were in middle school fawning over the band Akatsuki."
Sakura nods in agreement, "I know. It's honestly crazy but.." She trails off, a troubled look on her face as she recalls her journal. "I feel like it all went too fast. I didn't cover nearly all of the bases that I wanted to."
"You mean from your journal?" Ino questioned, looking at Sakura in interest. "What was left unchecked? I'm pretty sure you made it your mission to have everything done and dealt with. I mean, you have been the top of our class and our student body leader practically every year."
Sakura's cheeks turn slightly red as she looks away from Ino, hurriedly standing up. "It's.. Just stupid stuff, you wouldn't understand!" She says quickly, trying to exit the question. She practically runs to the water, Ino following after her trying to protest the abrupt end to their conversation.
As soon as the cool water reached across her feet, Sakura let out a soft sigh. She slowly walks out deeper until she's about knee deep, letting her head fall back as she relishes in the feeling of the cool water. Sakura loves the ocean. It was her calm, it was her escape. She can't count how many times she came out here just to wade in the water whenever she was troubled.
Off in the distance, Sakura could see Naruto on his surfboard riding the waves. The guy was a total goofball, but she had to admit that he was one of the best surfers at their high school. He genuinely enjoyed it. It was the only thing (other than the lovely Hinata) that he would give 100% his focus.
"Hey, Forehead. You can't just take off like that," Ino shouts with a scowl on her face as she finished tying her long hair into a bun on top. "Why wouldn't I understand anyway? We've had many of the same experiences, I don't think there is much that I have done that you haven't."
"You would be surprised, but even so.." Sakura sticks out her tongue at her, "You will never know."
"Fine!" Ino pouts, "Be like that."
Sakura laughs, shaking her head and Ino joins in. She really was her best friend.
~ ` ~ ` ~
A few hours later, the four teens are all sprawled out on their beach towels laughing.
"I can't believe you wiped out just right after you were boasting about how you are the best," Kiba howls.
Naruto scowls, shaking his fist at Kiba in protest. "Hey! It happens - you wiped out way more than I did today, anyway dog-breath!" But even with the name calling, he too cracked a grin.
Sakura only watched with a fond smile on her lips. She looks up at the sky, noting that it would be dinner time soon.
"We should probably get going soon," She hums out. She lived just across the road, but she knew that Ino lived quite a walk away and she didn't want her walking in the dark. She knows that Naruto lives a block away from her and would walk her home if it did get dark, but Sakura would rather be safe than sorry.
"Yeah, you're right. I'm beat!" Ino yawns, covering her mouth in the process. Despite all of the sunscreen she plastered on, the blonde was still beyond burnt. Sakura could only imagine the horrified look on her friend's face when she looked in the mirror later.
"But, but-" Naruto pouts, hanging his head. "We've barely seen each other the last few days."
"Hey, Naruto, look at me." Sakura sighed, shaking her head fondly. "How about we all have a sleepover tomorrow night, okay? Then we can all spend plenty of time together."
He immediately perked up, but Kiba rubbed at his hair some in thought. "I wish I could, but Akamaru is going to the vet tomorrow. He's going to need me all night." Naruto gives him a disbelieving look but Kiba quickly waves his hands. "Don't give me that look! You know how much of a baby he is."
"Well, whatever the case may be.. I will be there and I'm sure Shikamaru and Ten Ten would be down to go, too. Ten Ten especially, she was really upset that she hasn't been able to spend so much time with us because of college and her job."
"Sounds like a plan, then." Sakura says, clapping her hands.
Heading towards the sidewalk, Sakura slings her bag over her shoulder. She's chatting away with Ino when she hears him.
Ino nudges her slightly, shutting the pinkette up for a moment and pointing in the direction of the voice. "Is he talking to me or you?" She asks, softly, before putting on a big and flirtatious smile.
"Hey yourself, I'm Ino," she introduces herself while holding out her hand.
The black eyes of the boy from down the street doesn't even spare Ino a glance, instead focusing on Sakura's own emerald orbs.
"I was hoping I'd catch you, I'm Sasuke." He introduces himself, giving her a small smirk and offering up his hand. Ino huffs but looks Sakura over and notices her red face. Sighing, she nudges her in the small of her back trying to get the pink haired teen back on track from her short circuit.
"I'm, uh, Sakura." She finally says, lamely, while holding out her hand. He takes it and she goes to shake, but instead he bows down and brings her knuckles up.. And he presses a small, light kiss.
Sakura could have fainted and Ino picked the worst time to pat her on the shoulder, "Well Saks, I'm gonna go ahead and head home. Text me, okay?" Before the blonde bounds off, waving cheerily.
Sakura retracts her hand, trying to regain focus, not even registering that her friend left her.
"Well," Sasuke pauses watching her face as he spoke, "I was hoping that I could maybe get your number and perhaps an agreement to meet me tomorrow?" Sakura couldn't believe her ears. For once, in her life, a cute guy was asking her and not Ino or hell, even her asking him.
"Uh, um.. Sure," she says as she pulls out her phone. She fumbles with it slightly nearly dropping it which draws a laugh from him as he effortlessly pulls his own phone from his pocket. She was starting to feel bad for all of the times Hinata has gotten nervous or messed up in front of Naruto or anyone, really. "Here," she says as she hands him her phone and his in return. They place their numbers in and once done, he gives her a cool smile.
"Alright then, I will talk to you later, Sa-ku-ra."
"R..Right," she says softly as she waves bye and he turns to leave. After he's long gone, she just stands there kind of dumbly. She couldn't believe that really happened but her mother opened the door to their house and shouted "Sakura, stop standing there like a dumbass and get inside!"
Snapping out of it, she immediately crosses the street to enter the house.
"Why were you just standing out there?" Her mother asks, shutting the door behind her. Sakura smiled sheepishly, tightening her hold on her bag.
"I was talking to someone and I was just lost in thought. No biggie, really."
"Talking to someone?" Her mother questions and Sakura nods, starting to head up the stairs.
"Yeah! But it was no one important, honest!"
Mrs. Haruno was unconvinced but let her go up the stairs. She was sure she would be able to get some information from Ino if needed.
Plopping down on her bed, her bag on the floor, she lets out a sigh. That really just happened. Pulling her phone up to her face, she notices that she has two messages. One from Ino and the other… from him.
Her face slightly pink, she opens up the one from her friend first.
From: Miss Piggy
Subject: Duckbutt
To: Billboard
Girl, you better tell me all of
the deets! Not a single bit of
information left out (6 p.m.)
Sakura snorts at the subject line. She figured that the comment Naruto made will not be forgotten anytime soon - especially since he was right, to a degree. Quickly, she writes out a response before opening the message from Sasuke.
From: Sasuke Uchiha
Subject: Meeting
To: Sakura
How about tomorrow at the ice
-cream parlor up the street at 1?
(6:10 p.m.)
Sakura thinks to herself quietly, trying to map out a time-line for tomorrow. She knows tomorrow that it is the sleepover which means most of them will be coming around 4 or 5, but she also knows that Ino likes to get a head start above everyone else which means she could pop in at any time.. This was tricky, but maybe she could time it just right. Besides, it's just for ice cream. It's not like they are going to be there for hours.
Quickly, she types out "Sure! Sounds great :)".
She deletes the smiley face a couple of times, but at some point she accidentally sent the message while it was on there. Innerly she cursed herself, but what could she do? It already sent.
"Honey?" Sakura's father knocks on the door, opening it up. He was finally home and Sakura couldn't help but smile as she stood up from her bed. "Dinner is ready, come eat."
"Coming!" Sakura says cheerily, meeting her father to walk down the stairs.
Her father worked in the oil field, so he was only home one or two weeks out of a month. So family dinners were precious to her heart. She just wished he was home more, but she understood why he chose that field. While it wasn't reliable, it paid pretty decently. It paid the bills and allowed them some luxuries. One of those being Sakura's growing college fund. It is because of this that Sakura felt a little more pressured to make sure she succeeded and did something worthwhile. She didn't want all of his hard earned money to go to waste.
She just hoped it wouldn't be for nothing.
~ ` ~ ` ~
Sakura knew what she was expecting to see when she woke up in the morning. The very same view that greets her every morning: her ceiling with her stars and solar system stickers. Instead, she got bright blue eyes staring her in her soul and a cage made from blonde hair. Accompanied by a headache, of course, because why would Ino do anything quietly?
"Get your lazy ass up, forehead!" Ino yells, hands on her hips as she pulls back from her face.
Sakura groans, rolling around onto her side and stuffing her pillow onto her head. "Go away."
Ino tsks and the only thing running through Sakura's head is shit. Ino grabs a hold of her foot and yanks as hard as she could, dumping Sakura on the floor by her bed. Sakura glares up at the blonde, scowling. She was having a good dream.
"Damn, it is never this hard to get you up. You're usually up before sunrise to watch it," Ino mumbles out. Sakura blushes, shaking her head. Ino didn't need to know that she stayed up practically all night with anxiety as an obnoxious bubble in her chest.
"Sorry," Sakura mumbles nonchalantly while her eyes look for her clock. Her eyes widen when she realizes it says 12 p.m. Hurriedly, she scrambles up, panic clear on her face.
"Woah there, what has got you so eager to get up all of a sudden?" Ino questions, eyebrow raised as she watches the pinkette hurry to her closet and pull out outfit after outfit. Then it clicked. "Oh. My. God!" She squeals before enveloping Sakura into a tight hug. "You're going to meet him aren't you?! That's why you were acting all weird last night when I was trying to see when I could come over!"
Sakura's face is bright red and she taps her arms to get her to let go. "Fine, yes. We are supposed to meet at the ice cream parlor at 1."
"Then there is no time to waste! Here, let me help!"
~ ` ~ ` ~
It took a matter of 30 minutes, but Sakura was well on her way down to the ice cream parlor. She didn't want to run because she could just hear Ino griping in her head about how her 'perfect' work would be absolutely ruined. Nervously, Sakura tucks a loose strand behind her ear. The parlor comes into view and she quickens her steps, grateful that she opted for simple sandals that fit her comfortably instead of Ino's bright idea which was heels. Her feet would be killing her, she is not like Ino who could dead-sprint in stilettos.
She could see him outside of the parlor, leaning against the wall. His eyes catch hers and her heartbeat quickens as her cheeks flush. Sakura stops in front of him and he gives her a small smile.
"Hey," he says and Sakura's genius murmurs a quiet, "Hi."
Sakura looks anywhere but him for the simple reason she felt very self conscious, but it all stopped momentarily when he offers her his hand and he leads her inside the parlor.
"What kind of icecream do you like?" He asks her as they approach the cashier to order. Sakura hums, thinking, and she smiles before answering: "chocolate as of right now."
Sasuke laughs quietly, "As of right now?" He questions and looks at her amusedly.
"It changes," she supplies before looking up at him, "How about yours?"
They didn't stay at the parlor long, instead they found themselves at the beach. They walked along the waves, Sakura's sandals in one hand and the other hand locked with his. The sunlight against their skin was refreshing and added to the warmth of the situation, the wind carrying her laughter as they talked.
"So.." Sakura trails off, her eyes slowly looking up towards his, "What brought you and your family here?"
"My great uncle left it to my brother Itachi in his will, but it's a big house and he wanted to share it with the rest of us." Sakura hums, watching the brief coldness flash in his eyes when he mentioned his brother. She didn't question it, this date… Was that what it was? This date was going well and she didn't want to ruin it by prying into his family life.
"I had no idea he had any relatives, if I'm honest," Sakura says thoughtfully and smiles. "But, I'm happy to find that he did. My friends and I made it a habit to drop gifts and say hi during holidays." Sakura rambles, leaving out the 'because he seemed so lonely' due to her not wanting to offend him.
"Yeah.. He wasn't much for big family gatherings."Sasuke shrugs and then looks down at her, taking in the way the sun brought out the many different shades of greens and spots of blue in her eyes.
"You have very pretty eyes."
She blushes, looking away. "Thank you," she says softly and can feel her chin being lifted up by him. His gaze was heavy and the world stopped around her, nothing but their breathing and her heart beating ferociously could be heard with the gentle lullaby of waves.
"Don't look away from me, Sa-ku-ra." His thumb gently rubs against her cheek and she half expects him to kiss her but instead, he drops his hand and re-takes her hand in his.
"Shall I walk you home?"
Her mind is blank and it takes a minute for what he said to process. A little bit of disappointment bubbles in her, a fear that maybe she said something wrong. "Oh, uh, sure," she says softly and she guides him to her home which is across the street.
Once they arrive, she lets go of his hand and fidgets, unsure of what to do now. Sighing, she looks down at her feet before slowly looking up at him. "Look, I'm sorry if I said something wrong-" Her words die on her tongue because he does something so unexpected and peculiar.
He poked her forehead with his index and middle finger, effectively catching her off guard.
"I had fun, Sa-ku-ra," he removes his fingers and Sakura watches, dumbfounded. "Let's do it again sometime."
"Okay," she replies and a pretty blush forms on her cheeks, she shyly watches him leave with a small smile on her face.
She turns around and briefly catches blue eyes peeking through the blinds of the living room window and she sighs, shaking her head. Of course she would get no privacy.
Stepping inside the house, she is greeted by her mother and Ino laughing obnoxiously on the couch. Not at all suspicious. Sakura places her hand on her hip, looking at them expectantly.
"Did you guys sate your curiosity looking outside the window?"
"I have no idea what you're talking about," her mother states innocently before her expression turns devilish. "Buuuutttt, since you're here. Mind sharing the details?"
Sighing, Sakura gives in and decides to tell them about everything - with the exception of what happened near her front door. That, she had decided, would stay secret for her sake. Or as secret as it could, considering she was being watched the entire time they were out there."
- "A Proclivity for Love" chapter one.
Want to read more?
You can find it on AO3 and Fanfiction,net. There are 23 chapters!
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hoe-imaginess · 4 years
I really really liked your dad headcanons! Could I request some dad headcanons for Naruto, Sasuke, and Kiba please? Thank you!
•He’s between being overprotective and being a dumb idiot. No middle ground. His kid wants to go outside and play after dark? NO. Not safe. Not safe at all. Even if it’s just in the front yard, no....... 
•........ His kid wants to get the waffle out of the toaster with a metal fork?... Yeah that looks like it’ll work, go for it
•When his kid is acting like a little shit, Naruto doesn’t understand why people say “I mean, he/she gets it from you”, because excuse him?? He’s not that bad, right?.... RIGHT?
•Calls them “kid” or “dummy” when they’re getting scolded 
•On a rare and angsty night, he sits in bed and thinks about the fact that he’s raising his kid in the shinobi world, which is inherently dangerous with risk at every corner. Sure, Naruto’s doing what he can to keep the peace, but it’s not always going to last. How is he going to make sure his kid stays safe? How can he be there for them at all times to make sure no harm comes to them? He gets in these little moods where the worries start to spiral. Poor guy
•At the end of the day though, Naruto decides he can’t dwell on the negative. His childhood pretty much sucked because he didn’t have anyone, and now that he’s got a chance to provide a better upbringing for his kid, he won’t let dumb anxieties jeopardize that
•It’s not that he doesn’t like his kid(s) okay he loves them they’re his blood, his offspring, his family. He loves them and wants to protect them 
•He’s just... not always very good at it? 
•He’s definitely not an affectionate father either. He has his rare, sweet moments, but he doesn’t like feeling... vulnerable? Even with his child. He worries sometimes, hoping his distant behavior doesn’t end up negatively affecting his kid when they grow up (and it probably does). He just doesn’t know how, okay? It’s not easy for him
•He doesn’t feel fit to be a dad, really. He has a lot of pride and rarely ever admits his faults, but he 100% knows he was not cut out for fatherhood. Doesn’t mean he’s not gonna try though
•He has some dumb™ energy sometimes when it comes to his kid, especially when they’re toddlers. Like, okay yeah, say he’s been out on a mission for a few weeks and when he comes back suddenly his kid is crawling and Sasuke is like!!! Um!!! Are you?? Supposed to be doing that?? Since when??! He’s just standing there wide-eyed, wondering if he should like... stop them? Or?? Let them keep going?? He’s like ‘Oh, okay, that’s nice that you’re learning—AH. THE EDGE OF THE COFFEE TABLE. PLS WATCH OUT’. Rational baby-care kind of... eludes him. Babies are so damn clumsy he literally doesn’t know how they survive
•The rebellious teenage years absolutely floor him. One day his kid is running down the stairs to give him a big hug when he comes back from a long trip, and the next it’s like he doesn’t even exist? Like hi child I’ve been gone for a month how are you?? And when they don’t answer Sasuke is like. Oh... ok... I guess?
•And the fact that that’s literally how he acted his entire childhood completely slips his mind
•I just imagine him in the delivery room with his s/o while they’re giving birth, screaming because uh a whole ass person is coming outta them—but Kiba is screaming too for some reason. It’s funny. He’s so dumb
•His kid probably spends so much time around the Inuzuka dogs that they’re late learning how to actually walk. They crawl around on all fours pretty efficiently 
•And everyone is like “KIBA TEACH YOUR KID HOW TO BE A KID” and Kiba’s like NO. I respect my kid’s canine rights.
•He’s generally excited to be a dad but there are some days where it’s really hard—baby crying too much, chaos because the house is a mess, can’t find the pacifier, oh no the baby won’t eat even though they’re clearly hungry.... Those days are rough, but it’s all worth it 
•... Except changing diapers. He’s got a really sensitive nose okay. It’s... hard for him... 
•If his kid wants to be a shinobi then hell yeah he’ll train with them. He’s between being a little butt hurt and a little proud when they end up kicking his ass one day
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AU where the Nara are eldricht horrors.
There's no dramatic backstory : the first Nara, who at the time didn't have any name that we could pronounce, was dimension-hopping, stumbled upon the Ninja world and decided that they liked it here. So they stayed. That's it.
After centuries in this world, the Naras are very very good at faking being human. There's still something unsettlingly wrong about them, but they can't help it and most of the humans think it's because they manipulate shadows (which is in itself not wrong), and most ninjas tend to not notice it since most of them are used to dark auras. That's a game for Nara children : who can be the better human. The Naras don't exactly have "kids", the kids are just young eldritch horrors who are barely a century old and were interested by the Ninja world, so they decided to come here. There's not really any outsiders, for obvious reasons. The Naras that "married in" are just others eldritch horrors (but older than the ones that play kids) that were also interested by this world. They obviously change their appearance, not only to look human but also to look like they grow up and become old. When a Nara becomes too "old" to continue their human life, they fake their death and come back with a slightly changed appearance as a "cousin". They all look the same because they're the same people each generation. Most of them are ninjas because that's a very interesting thing to be but some of them are actually curious of the normal civilian life. The ones that chose to live like a civilian usually become the cryptid of their neighborhood. The young Naras are costantly napping because restraining their true form is actually tiring. The older ones handle it better but also nap to establish the reputation of a lazy clan, so their young actually have an excuse to always nap : "it's a Nara thing" and nobody asks questions. (also they're all agender/genderless because they don't get gender, what the fuck is gender, they just choose the physical appearance that they like. Some of them change appearance from time to time when they feel like it so I guess they're something-fluid? I was gonna say genderfluid but they still don't get what gender is they just take whatever form they like)
They're still very not human and tend to do some little non-human things - not on purpose and not enough to people to know that they're not human but it's here. Like not blinking for several minutes - they tend to close their eyes while talking to people so they don't notice that. Or looking at things or people with a disturbingly intense gaze - it makes people feel like prey, which... They are. Technically. Or blending in the shadows - that one they can use their shadow manipulation as an explanation. Or having too dark eyes or too many sharp teeth - ninjas tend to not notice these ones because a lot of ninjas look weird.
The only ones to know what the Naras are are the Akimichi and Yamanaka clan. Their centuries-long friendship comes from the fact that the first Nara learned how to act human from the first Akimichi and Yamanaka, who were maybe stilghtly crazy at the time so not so phased by a eldritch horror. Said eldricht horror was grateful and decided that their clans would be allies, and the Akimichi and Yamanaka had no reason to refuse, so... The kids are told the Nara's secret as soon as they're old enough to understand it and not say it to anyone.
The Naras have a weird relationship with the Inuzukas : on one hand, they're much more sensitive (and animals) than most ninjas so most of them feel the wrongness of the Naras much more sharply than anyone else, but they also understand what it is to be not completely human. The Inuzukas don't really know what the Naras are, but they won't tell anyone. They have a sort of understanding : the Naras know that the Inuzukas know there's something wrong with them, but they're thankful that they don't tell anyone. Some of the Inuzukas are actually very good friends with the Naras because they get their non-human side : with those Inuzukas, the Naras don't have to perfectly imitate a human and can let go a bit (like by not blinking for an hour). It's a weird sort of friendship (because half of the Inuzuka clan is absolutely terrified by the Nara) but it works.
The Akimichi and Yamanaka as a whole are mostly desensitized to the Dark and Wrong aura that the Nara have : some of them can even witness their true forms without losing their mind. Ino and Choji don't even notice when Shikamaru does something very not human, like not blink for several minutes. They're used to it and are actually fond of it. Sometimes when Shikamaru doesn't wants to walk he slips onto their shadow and for someone else such a foreign presence might feel weird, like there was something big and dark looking at you, but not to Ino and Choji : they've done this so many times the weight of Shikamaru in their shadows feels like a weighted blanket.
Shikamaru's and Kiba's relationship is as weird as any friendship between a Nara and a Inuzuka is. Kiba's animal side is not afraid of Shikamaru, by exposure : he's used to Shikamaru's wrongness. Akamaru took years to not bark at Shikamaru but it's better by the time they graduate. They bond over sometimes not understanding human things (which Shikamaru can't do with Ino or Choji) and eating their meat raw and kinda grossly because sharp teeth and the SMELLS, Shika, did you smell that??? What the fuck is this perfume??? I know, Kiba, It stinks. Troublesome. They aren't best friends, but they get each other in a way that only their clans can.
Honestly I was thinking about the Naras adopting Naruto in this. They would feel there's something wrong with him (Kurama isn't exactly wrong the way eldritch horrors are, but at the time his Chakra was very dark and angry so) and go "!". So they adopt him unofficially. Maybe he grows up raised by Shikaku and Yoshino, as Shikamaru's brother (I just love to imagine them brothers : they're so opposites it's just perfect). And he gets that there's something wrong with his clan (when he's old enough to not tell anyone they tell him what they are) but he doesn't feels bad or uneasy (because of Kurama, whose Chakra is the closest of an eldtch horror as possible without being one). He thinks that it's super cool that his family are dark monsters! A bit creepy, but the cool kind of creepy! Also he wouldn't be bullied by the people in the village since he'd be protected by the Naras. Overall, he'd have a way better childhood, a family and maybe become a bit weird himself, because you can't grow up with the Naras and not be weird.
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tenzoyamato · 4 years
Had a brainchild moment hit me with the image of what a Modern AU Forest Ranger Tenzō would look like. Then with the most amazing contributions from @nki-stories and @rengonemad on the @tenzoscabin Discord server, this AU has came to life with a name and some delicous meaty bits to it!
Your Turn To Stay
What we have so far is:
Tenzō the Forest Ranger, he enjoys befriending the wildlife and protecting the forest, helping out visitors, saving the stranded as well as [but not limited to] informing adults and children about the different ecosystems, flora, and fauna.
Shapeshifters come into the mix one day when Tenzō’s out in the forest taking in the scenery on his lunch break. Turns out the wildlife he was befriending and enjoying are mostly shapeshifters.
It’s a happy accident because they all show Tenzō their appreciation for him protecting the forest and their habitat.
This is when Tenzō meets Kakashi the wolf shapeshifter, and leader of the Hatake pack. [The Hatake pack is made up of various shapeshifters, not just wolves.]
Naruto is a fox cub shapeshifter who was adopted by the Hatake pack. [Feel free to send in additional suggestions for other Naruto characters as shapeshifters and members of the Hatake pack!]
Kiba is also a wolf, but he’s of the Inuzuka pack. [Which is mostly made up of his family of shapeshifters, but they also take in a few strays as well.]
Next we have the Akatsuki Hunters. Their goal is to hunt down and steal the souls of the shapeshifters. It’s believed that when you drink the soul of a shapeshifter it gives you unbridled strength/powers, preserves your youth, and you gain an amazing healing factor.
Kakuzu’s only goal is to collect their pelts because money. 🤣
By now it’s been two years and Tenzō has spent so much time with his new shapeshifting friends that he’s fallen in love with the leader of the Hatake pack, Kakashi.
One day, somewhere not too far away from the Hatake pack’s land [which is also part of the forest in which Tenzō patrols], the Akatsuki Hunters manage to get their hands on a Inuzuka shapeshifter who was trying to save a young boy [Sai] from drowning. They managed to pull him from the river, but they ultimately they were knocked out and captured when they were caught off guard. The unconscious boy is found later that evening by another Inuzuka pack member who went out searching for their brother and brought the boy back to the den to be cared for. Unfortunately, Sai is sick with hypothermia and they’re not sure he’ll last the night so they turn him into a shapeshifter to save his life. 
The next day, before Tenzō leaves the station for his patrol, he is informed that poachers [the Akatsuki Hunters] have been spotted in the area. Tenzō tries to get to Kakashi and his pack as fast as he can to warn them, but he runs into trouble. Right when Tenzō is far enough into the woods, he is ambushed by Kakuzu and Jūzō. They don’t want any witnesses to their business, and the only reason Sai was left alive was because Hidan didn’t realize what the Inuzuka shapeshifter was doing. He simply thought they were getting a drink of water from the river.
Tenzō is stabbed in the back and stomach then left for dead [or so he thinks], but Kakazu and Jūzō know that shapeshifters are cautious when it comes to the scent of blood and that they’ll investigate it. 
Kakashi gets a whiff of coppery scent first, then the familiar scent of Tenzō and he tells his pack to run and hide while he goes off to investigate. Of course Kakashi is panicking because he’s in love with Tenzō too [but they just haven’t admitted it to each other yet]. When Kakashi gets there, Tenzō is already unconscious and he’s ambushed by Kakuzu and Jūzō. 
Shapeshifter Kakashi is a forced to be reckoned with and the pair sent out to this area can’t keep up with his attacks. It isn’t until Kakuzu realizes that Kakashi is protecting the Forest Ranger, he see an opportunity to save their own skins as well as some prized pelts. Clearly, the shapeshifter has softspot for this person to which he can use to their advantage. He tells Jūzō to stop fighting, but he doesn’t listen and Kakuzu can’t stand it. He tells him two more times, but by the third time he strikes Jūzō down, killing him. That’s when Kakashi stops, shocked that the Akatsuki Hunter would turn on their own partner and now that Kakuzu has Kakashi’s attention he quickly grabs Tenzō and tells Kakashi that if he wants the Ranger to live, he best come quietly without fighting him. Kakashi doesn’t see any other recourse so he begrudgingly agrees.
Once they make it back to the Akatsuki Hunter’s hideout, Tenzō and Kakashi are placed in a cell together. Unfortunately, Tenzō isn’t going to wake up because he’s lost too much blood and the only thing Kakashi can think to do is turn him into a shapeshifter [I have am still mulling over if shapeshifters become the same animal as the person that turned them, or if they shapeshift into the animal they’re more akin to].
Tenzō’s life is saved and he wakes back up finally, but when he does, he’s no longer human [Either he turns into a wolf, bear, or a big cat? I welcome thoughts, suggestions, and speculation on this! Halp!]. He can’t turn back into a human yet, not until he’s healed up some, and even then he doesn’t know how.
Kakuzu comes in with Kisame and Itachi to show them his catch and he’s satisfied that his impromptu plan paid off. Now they have two shapeshifters for the price of one, which means another pelt for him and another soul for the Akatsuki Hunters [I totally imagine the Akatsuki Hunters being an occult now. Lmfao! 🤣] 
That’s all we’ve got for now! If you wish to ask any questions, want to add to this, make suggestions, or comments, please feel free to send them in! 💜🌱🙆‍♂️
@superbacongirl @hades-bitch @tenzosnewleaf
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