#i like to think once everything calms down he and cole have a talk about how he's feeling
spinjitsuburst · 3 months
watching secrets of the forbidden spinjitzu while i get some stuff done and i like to think wu's overly harsh vibe at the beginning of the season is him trying to reclaim SOME sense of authority after his ninja literally had to raiSE HIM FROM A CHILD GFDHKJGKJ
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r0-boat · 4 months
mother to a werewolf child
Head cannons for my dilf werewolf OC being the father of your kid.
Feat. The cannon ship kid with reader: Forest.
Cw: babies, being pregnant, mental health struggles, PTSD, anxiety, hurt/comfort, domestic life in the woods, baby fever, uhh brief non graphic description of birth.
[Author's notes: Forest was created because I thought it would be fun for me to give you a ship kid with my OC. Forest is the only one that's Canon if you ever want to kid. They canonically look like the with reddish hair. so they can be anything you want, and they can be any gender you want too]
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Cole is heavily damaged by the trauma that his ex-wife gave him after she had kids with him, so for some reason, the Deep anxiety is telling him that you will soon leave him too. Before his ex left him, when she found out he was a werewolf and he never saw his children again, he cut all contact with her in exchange of her not letting out his secret to everyone she knows.
He wanted to have a child with you. All he wanted to be was a father, but now here you are pregnant, and he's having a panic attack. Silently in his wolf form, he whimpered underneath furniture just enough for his big size. When you tried talking to him he almost didn't recognize you snarling and almost biting you but you wouldn't leave your husband and the father of your child alone. You gently stroked his head as the whining slowly stopped. He apologized for the outburst as a man he knows he should be much stronger than this and he also apologizes for almost biting you.
The pregnancy for the werewolf child was rough. You swore it was almost as if you were turning into one yourself, and your cravings for meat only intensified into raw game meat. Cole was happy to provide his instincts once again, tapping into the urge to provide for his hungry spouse with the child in their tummy. Your hormones are out of control, and you're physically weak. This child is sapping all of your strength.
Your husband, before this point, said his favorite thing to do when the chores were completed was sit down on the couch and watch TV with a beer. He stepped up, he vowed to take care of everything, he cleaned the house how you would clean it, he did everything and more. As much as he'd hate it if his side gig for hunting weren't bringing enough to feed you, he would go back and work driving hours to the nearest small town and work any job they would give him.
He has never felt like this before, and honestly, he loves it. The feeling of being relied on always felt oddly comforting to him. Maybe that's just his werewolf instincts he'd never know. It was tiring. But it was all worth it seeing your smiling face as you finally try to muster your strength to get out of bed. This inhuman child demanded so much of your energy. The person who gave you that beautiful demon spawn was at your beck and call. Cole, in the future, what, annoyingly uses this as an example of what masculinity should be. Men give it their all to take care of their wives.
One night, two crooks broke into your house, and before they could do anything, once they found you helplessly on your shared bed, your husband found you. In danger and potential, Danger got flashbacks to how his ex found him as a werewolf protecting her, and he lost it. He could have killed them that night if it weren't for him holding himself back as the Intruders ran shit scared. He held you tightly, his hand, your stomach, calming himself down. " so what's that like?" You ask. Call scratched his scruffy chin before answering, "It's hard to explain, but it's like having tunnel vision. All I could think about was you being hurt, as if I was in the moment. All I could see was you being hurt and pure anger."
Cole, with nowhere else, put you to deliver the child. He had to call a person who knew how to do it his mother. A werewolf just like him, a kind, gentle red-haired lady. You had met her before and she knew you were the right one and before long you had a wonderful child.
When Cole held his child in his arms, he had flashbacks to win. He had to bust his ass to make sure you were well and fed throughout your pregnancy, and he cried tears of joy. Never once would he forget and regret that day
Forest was... Wild they are intelligent and learn very quickly; however, raising them was like having a little puppy with the intelligence of a human child. However, your dumbass husband was prepared. You had to double-take when you saw the plastic bag with the PetSmart label on it.... it worked... as long as Forest wasn't chewing on the furniture.
Forest in their wolf form looked exactly like their father, albeit with a more brownish-red tint from dad and with one floppy ear.
Cole was beaming with pride he swears it won't be like the last time he'll protect Forest with his life. Cole, we'll teach them everything they know how to find edible plants and hunting. Father and child running through the forest feeling the wind in their fur with you on Cole's back traveling to a small creek to play in the cool water need to go home and fall asleep in Cole's arms snuggling you close, lovingly protectively
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traffic-light-eyes · 8 months
They say love is the best medicine. Kai has never once believed that; how could love, a mere concept, help? He couldn't understand.
When he scraped his knee as a kid, did his absent mother kiss it better? No. When he burnt his hand forging a sword, did his father clean him up? No. Love is nothing but a nuisance, a petty attempt at making something out of nothing.
He knows this. He knows this, but why does he make those attempts for his little sister, Nya? Why does he have to kiss he wounds, to clean her up, to love her? Why can't he help it?
Kai all but drops everything for her. She can not turn out like him: jaded, ruinous, unloving. He won't let it happen. He'll teach her love, a concept he could never quite grasp. He'll learn it, fake it. All for her. His baby sister.
Love doesn't heal. It doesn't have magical powers that instantly cure an illness. Love doesn't heal.
When he sits alone in the bounty, stressed and upset, he has no medicine to fix it. His arms ache from the endless training he forces himself to endure; he has to get stronger for Nya. He has to. But it hurts. He finds his body isn't what all that aches.
A deep devastating ache resides in his chest. Heartache. He has no medicine for this. He can't fix this. He can't he can't he can't. He's so useless-can't save his sister; can't protect that stupid brat, Lloyd; and he certainly can't solve his own damn issues. Useless.
He feels the warmth next to him before he feels the hand on his back. He won't look. Another hand joins the first. His head is cradled against a chest, one hand holding the nape of his neck gently, the other his lower back.
He cries for the first time in a while.
It isn't fair. It isn't fair. It isn't fair.
"I know," Cole whispered, a gravelly rumble grounding him in the moment. Kai hadn't even realized he had been speaking. "I know, Kai. Just let it out. FSM knows you deserve it."
He cries. Sobs. His body jerks with each moment, breath hitching, limbs clutching onto the nearest surface.
It takes a while, but he calms down. His face stays in the crook of Cole's neck, soft puffs of air giving him goosebumps. In a normal situation, Kai would yell at Cole for touching his hair, but in this moment, Kai practical purrs at the soft, gentle carding of his recently washed hair.
When he finally gets his voice back, it crackles like a vintage radio, but he speaks. "How did you know I was here?"
"I didn't."
"Oh," Kai said dumbly, "Then why are you here?"
"Well, I wouldn't just walk away after seeing you like an abandoned puppy-dog."
Kai scoffs, removing himself from Cole's warmth. "I didn't ask for your help."
"I know."
"I didn't need it. I would've been fine."
"I'm sure you would've."
"Then why the heck did you stay?" Was he pressing too much? He shouldn't ruin a good thing. Why did he say that? Oh, fsm, he should really learn when to shut his big mouth.
"I think I told you already," Cole joked, "but I could be wrong."
Kai scoffed again. He pinched Cole's elbow with a glare.
"Yowch!" Cole jerked away, slightly laughing while rubbing his injured elbow. "Okay, okay, I yield."
Kai pushed himself further away. He doesn't know if he wants to hear this. He knows what's coming: 'Oh Kai, you just looked so sad and pathetic, and I'm such a great perfect person, so I just had to come and help you out! But since you're so weak, I'll have to talk to Sensei Wu about kicking you out. Sorry, not sorry!'
"Kai, we haven't known each other for long. Barely a month or two, really. But I've come to care for you. And that includes caring for you when you're upset like today."
"You're part of the team now. We take care of one another. We love each other. Yes, even when Jay eats the last pancake."
"Kai? Are you good? You haven't blinked in the past two minutes."
His body jerks, face flushing. "I'm fine, thanks."
"Alright," Cole laughs. "I'll see you soon, then. I'm gonna go grab whatever delicious food Zane is cooking up right now."
"Yeah," Kai said, "see you soon."
He leaves. Huh.
Love is stupid and useless. He doesn't remember the last time he felt it. But with the warmth of Cole's embrace lingering and his face still flushed, he can't seem to remember why that mattered.
He feels better. He used no ointment or pill, but he feels better. Love. Love was his medicine.
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mouschiwrites · 7 months
hi i was the one who asked ab the character match up thing but i also have a request!
could you write headcanons of being best friends with lloyd garmadon (and a slight unaddressed undertone of them having crushes on each other maybe)
like they’re really dumb and make fun of each other all the time but would die for each other easily and they have starfarrer marathons and play video games together and all that junk
totally fine if not though!! ⭐️🌟
Ninjago - Being Lloyd’s Best Friend (?) ;)
You guys met when he was on a mission
The ninjas were on the hunt for an ancient magical artifact, which you just happened to remember finding as a child
You guided them through the wilderness, secretly doubting your own navigational skills
That and the fact that you weren’t sure it was even there anymore made you obviously anxious
Lloyd, who was following the closest behind you, noticed the way you chewed your cheek and wiggled your fingers
You locked eyes once, and the look he gave you was the gentlest, most trusting yet understanding look you’d ever seen
Your anxiety melted away as you gazed into his deep green eyes
Then, realizing you were staring, you giggled awkwardly and apologized
That was how your very first conversation began
Lloyd was just trying to keep you calm so you could focus, but he completely forgot his goal when you mentioned Starfarer
“You like Starfarer?”
“Yeah, haha. I know it’s a little childish—”
“I love Starfarer!”
“No kidding?!”
Honestly, you had no idea where you were at that point
You were just taking random turns while you gushed about the series
(Much to the annoyance of the others following close behind)
By some miracle, you eventually found the artifact
On the way back, Lloyd explained what it was and what he needed it for
You thought he was so cool
You demanded to have him update you when the mission was completed
You exchanged numbers before finally departing
Less than five minutes after he left, you guys were already texting up a storm
You found out you actually had much more in common than being Starfarer fans; for one, you both loved video games
You compared which games you’d played and which you hadn’t, making vague promises to get together and play the ones you hadn’t
Needless to say, you guys text a lot
Lloyd is frequently gone on missions, but he always keeps his phone nearby
Calling you is his favorite way to pass the time when traveling
You keep him updated on more worldly matters, like when a new Starfarer comic is going to be released
He tells you about his fantastic adventures in return
Secretly, you both think to yourselves as the other speaks: Man, they’re the coolest person in the whole world…
Lloyd tries to visit whenever he can
Playing video games and goofing off with you always makes his day
He’ll lie awake at night recollecting your jokes and bursting into laughter all over again
You lie awake at night envisioning him on his missions, your heart racing as you picture him escaping peril time and time again
So, when one of you texts the other late at night, you’re both awake anyway
Your late night texts are different from daytime texts
You talk about deeper things: life, death, your pasts, anything and everything
You don’t really do this when you meet up; no, that time is reserved for teasing and goofing off ONLY
But you both sort of wish you did talk like that in real life, though neither of you bring it up
You just push down that stirring in your chests when you sit just a bit too close, or when you stare for half a second too long at your friend’s face
A rather pleasing face…
anYWAY you guys also share a huge sweet tooth
Snacks are a must whenever you hang out
And if you bake… oh man
You will immediately become Lloyd’s favorite cook
Even if you’re nowhere near Cole’s or Zane’s level, Lloyd will stand by his opinion that your goodies are better than theirs
You guys would ABSOLUTELY go to fan conventions together
Matching cosplays!!
If you cosplay a ship, you’ll awkwardly agree to do cute poses together when people want a picture
Again, just push down that stirring in your chest when you hold each other…
The other ninjas don’t tease Lloyd about you being his s/o
Mostly because they aren’t sure if you guys are actually dating or what
Lloyd doesn’t notice their skepticism though, he’s too focused on being silly with you :)
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Thanks for reading! And thank you anon for the request :) take care guys <33
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cemeteryspider · 4 months
Just A Little Mysterious
Mysterio!/Quentin Beck x Vigilante!/ Wife! Reader
*Set during the events of Spiderman 2*
Summary: What-if Quentin Beck had a wife during the events of Spider-Man 2, and helped Miles fix the situation
Trigger Warning: Kidnapping, Unconsciousness, Violence, and Emotional Distress
Word Count: 1243 Words
Quentin Beck was rushing to the main Mysterium in the Coney Island Fair. A work of art expertly designed by him and his team.
Although hesitant at first of using the Mysterio name and image to advertise and promote the new form of entertainment, Betsey and Cole told him that they were remaking his image and showing the world that he is not a bad guy, just that he had done bad things in the past. When his lovely wife Y/n got hold of this information she just about burst.
"God, they can't just force you to be someone you're not anymore. This is ridiculous. You are Quentin Beck not some super-villain. You've done so much to move past that life and to dredge that up for some ad-revenue, it's sickening"
She furiously started typing on her phone presumably to Betsey or Cole or both. Carefully I removed the phone from her frenzied hands and turned it off.
"Sweetheart it's okay. I think it will be good to give a new life to Mysterio. Show the world that people can change. Maybe inspire some others to change along the way"
Quentin wrapped his arms around her gently and started to sway. He could feel her anger drip away with every deep breath she took.
He knew she learned this technique from the same therapist he was court mandated. When she was calm enough she gave him a big squeeze signaling she was ready to talk and that she wasn't going to speak out of anger.
"Sorry, I just know how hard you've worked to separate Mysterio from Quentin. I just don't want to you lose progress over some buisness decision someone forced upon you"
"I know but I understand that Mysterio is an act I will put on to help the world now. Quentin is the man behind the mask who deals with the paperwork and who has a loving wife to come home to"
She smiled up at him with her soft lips. He leaned down to give her a quick peck.
"As long as you always come home to me"
"There is no one else in the world that I rather would"
He should have listened to her that day. Took himself and his former villain name off the menu. Now he was running to save his wife from what ever mess he had got her into in the first place.
Once Beck arrived at the Mysterium he was swiftly deal with. Told to put handcuffs on and his (now former) business partners would lead him to Y/n.
Only, once he was standing in a maintenance closet, and he turned around to demand to know where his wife was, he was swiftly knocked out with the butt of a gun and his head smacked against the cabinet beside him.
He could only hope his wife was okay wherever she was.
Inside a stupid snow globe of New York with nothing to do except hope to find a way out. Which for however long Y/n was in there, she couldn't find.
Frustration brewing, she preemptively started her breathing exercises. She wanted to call out to Quentin, but knowing exactly who was behind the mystery now it seemed useless.
Her friend Miles Morales asked for her help with solving the cases with the Mysteriums, which she happily obliged. She knew this would help Quentin and Spider-Man solve the case laid out before them. However, the more they uncovered the more her husband seemed to be the culprit, but she knew him like no one else.
She saw him cry when he came home from work, and get frustrated at the technology as well as his co-founders. Never angry enough to do the things the dev tapes insinuated.
Then she thought back to the day when she lost her cool in front of Beck. He calmed her down and everything was starting to make sense. Then she went to confront the two women, Quentin had once called friends, and she landed here.
In a snow globe.
Just as she was starting to lose hope Miles crashed into the tiny New York City and a fight ensued.
She knew what Miles thought, after all he dismissed her help and told her to stop looking into the case. "Conflict of interest", he stated. But went he saw her in the same predicament as him, he understood he had the situation pegged wrong.
She gave him a little wave and they got to work. He was taking out the Mysterio floating around while she was taking out the green goons on the ground with a baton and her Red Room training.
Once Miles turned Mysterio to green mist, he grabbed her hand and we swung towards the portal. Her hair swung around as they whipped through an upside down New York City.
When they swung through the next portal Quentin Beck was standing there holding his chest and breathing heavily in his Mysterio costume.
Y/n was running towards him and held him up a little. He smiled at her and brushed a strand of hair behind her hear.
"I'm so glad you're okay, Darling" He quietly whispered in her ear.
He did his best to turn to Spider-Man, and said the best advice he could,
"Keep fighting. Keep doubting. It is the only way to defeat him"
After a bright flash of purple both Y/n and Miles were in a Coney Island graveyard facing multiple Mysterios. Together they made quick work of the copies finally facing the 'true' Mysterio. The fight was happening fast and Mysterio held Y/n is a chokehold and threw her into a gravestone.
While worried about her the fight for their lives continued. In one final punch Mysterio disappeared and they were in the main room once again.
The illusion broke for the final time, and Miles finally saw Y/n sprawled out on the ground, unconscious. Quickly, he broke the door down to reveal Cole furiously typing on a computer and Betsey yelling to get the illusion back on.
Miles made quick work webbing them up, and inspecting the bumps coming from the closet door.
"I knew you'd find us"
As the police took Betsey and Cole away. Quentin took Y/n to a nearby ambulance, which she was trying to resist but eventually gave into.
Miles rested on top on the Mysterium roof. When Y/n was getting checked out Quentin appeared on the roof next to him.
"still have a lot of questions"
"this should clear things up"
"so can I tell everyone Mysterio's a good guy now?"
A small laugh escaped Beck's mouth.
"Mysterio will always be a villain. Just as Spider-Man always be a hero. It's when you start looking at the people behind the masks that things get messy"
They both looked at Y/n who was laughing at Quentin's jokes, and when Miles turned to look at Beck he was gone.
"Are you truly okay Darling?" Quentin asked as they closed the door to their apartment.
"Yeah I promise I'm doing just fine"
He looked deep into Y/n's eyes and held her close to him. He breathed in the scent of her hair which mingled with sweat and blood.
"I almost lost you"
That's when the tears started to make their way down his face. She held him a little tighter.
"I'm here and I'm not going anywhere"
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xiaoheart24 · 4 months
An Angry Blindness 2/2
Is time all one has or is time the last you expect to lose.
After getting dried Cole went to Garmadon, trying to understand what Nya meant. 
“That’s stupid Kai” A voice came from behind getting the attention of Cole, looking back at the hallway leading to the bedrooms.
“Can’t be that stu-” 
Cole was at a loss of words, looking in the direction he knew Garamdon was waiting for him then back to the hallway where the voices keep talking.
“I’m gonna pull a Jay” Cole thought dumbfounded and turned his body around heading for the sound.
“Leaving is unnecessary” Cole whole body froze. “What?!” 
He tiptoed his way slowly to Kai’s bedroom door where the voices got louder, opening the door gently he peeked in and inside he saw Nya arguing with her brother who was packing his bag!!!.
Kai wasn’t wearing his gee anymore but had options on a simple dark red jean, plain white shirt and a black jacket, even his hair had changed! What was once was spiky messy hair like a fire was now down and in a ponytail.
“It’s not like I'm leaving for good” He says, pulling the bag on his back. “It'll only be a few days” He smiles at Nya who only sends him a disapproving look.
“I just need some time to think” He comments, then turns his attention to the door, giving Cole only seconds to hide. 
A moment of silence.
"Take care" Cole peek in again to see Kai open his window stepping through.
Before he jumps out he turns to his sister with a smile. “See you again lil sis” He waves goodbye then jumps out, leaving silence.
Cole was half mined to reveal himself but fate had other plans.
He froze even more, craning his neck to see Garamdon looking suspiciously at him.
“What are you doing there?” 
"Busted" He thought, looking like a deer caught in a headlight.
“Meeting room- Gather them” Was all Garmadon said in a tone that left no room to decline.
Nya went past him without comment closing the door, heading after Gramadon.
Left alone in silence, Cole could only look down as he made his way to summon his team.
“I'm done for it”
“Any sign yet?”
“Sigh’ Empty” The tired voice of Cole came 
It’s been over a week since Kai disappeared and Cole couldn’t even begin to explain how crazy the week had been, between Gramadon giving one of his all to know lecturers and the team contacting every person that could help in their search for their brother. 
But after countless tries and zero progress with their hotheaded brother being nowhere to find, the team was about to throw in sword. 
“That‘s it!” Jay flopped down on the couch after another day searching. “That boy is not to be found”
“Maybe we can tr-'' Nya couldn't take her eyes away from the monitor screen going over Ninjago map.
“Nya” Placing a hand on her shoulder Zane gave a sad expression.
“Perhaps it’s best to leave it alone”
“But Kai -” She turned around to face Zane but he interrupted her.
“Isn’t required to be open,” Zane resured. 
“Kai is not obligated to tell us everything in his life, and is allowed to go out” Zane continued.  “Kai will be back, we just gotta go about our ways and be patience” 
Nya started back at Zane for what felt like an eternity but the ice master didn’t stay bothered as long as he got her to calm down.
“Sigh” Nya lowered her head before turning to the computer and turning it off. “Okay”
While the rest was having lunch back home, the master of earth was still looking for his brother. His search had led him on a wild goose hunt to many places, all which in one way or another was connected to Kai, from his old home to Skylor’s noodle restaurant to his favorite shopping mall and the park Kai used to take walks on but to no luck in finding him.  
Cole’s comlink beeps multiple times during the day, his family trying and failing to get him to come home and take a break but he ignored their advice and continued his search for his missing brother.
“Come on dude” He leaned to the edge of his dragon rock ytrying to spot Kai in the crowd below. “Give me a sign”
Cole pulled at the leash to stop his dragon and try to spot where the yell came from.
Then he saw it.
“Lucky I am” He said in a flat voice rubbing a hand over his face as he saw the trouble. 
Down in the park by the pond was the same guy that the team had fought against a week ago and put in jail looked to have broken out alongside some few other people and was traumatizing the people again. 
As if on cue his comlink beeped.
“Cole, an alert ha-” Cole took his comlink and replied, 
“I see it,” With that he maneuvered his dragon to fly down.
Twitching his dragon Cole managed to grab one of the guys  by his collar and sent him into the pond gaining the attention of the other’s.
“YOU!” The leader yelled.
He jumped off his dragon. “It’s me. Time to go back home to jail” He replied.
“Oh sooo scary” Waving his hands. 
“I don’t think so” The man moved to the side revealing one of the guys holding a hostage. 
“Let them go,” Cole demanded.
“It seems we have a problem in hand” Pulling out a gun aiming at the hostage head. “As I have plans and I refuse to be bested by some kid” He growled. 
Time seems to have stopped and before Cole could react his body was moving on its own, running straight into the guy holding the hostage sending the three rolling down the hill. As they came to a stop the hostage began running away but failed to notice the other guys aim their weapons at them but Cole abandoned his opponent who he had managed to knock out and dove for the person using his body as shield.
Cole waited for the end strike but it never came.
“And you call me selfish” A new voice came, sounding amused bringing the familiar smell of smoke.
Cole lifted his head to look in shock and joy at his hotheaded brother standing infront of him with a smudge look. “I leave for a week and yet you need my rescue in the end” He teased.
"Kai!" Cole got up, taking a good look at his brother.
Kai had his gi pants on and with his jacket tied around his waist leaving him in a sleeveless white shirt, he had multiple scars on his arms and one on his cheek. His hair was still in a ponytail, Cole could also see something hanging from his left ear, his angel prevented him from seeing exactly what. 
“How about we finish this, then talk? '' Kai interrupted Cole’s thoughts, turning toward their attacker who was making their way to them.
“R…ri…right” He complied, slamming his hands.
The battle went fairly fast surprisingly, the others hadn’t even made it there before the group was escorted into the police van.
“Cole” Cole was talking to the cop, once he noticed his team making their way over he excused himself which the police officer nodded.
“Bad guys stopped and headed on a one way trip to Ninjago prison” Pointing a finger at the van leaving. 
“Good job” Lloyd patted his shoulder. “You did very well”
Cole's smile grew. “Well… I had some help” He murmured then stepped aside.
They all shouted as they saw their fury brother stand tall and happy infront of them.
“Hey guys” He waved. “Did you mis- Uhmp'' 
Kai didn’t get to finish before he was engulfed in a big hug sending him stumbling to the ground, his sister thighing her hold.
“You big dummy,” She mumbled.
A small laugh escaped Kai before returning the hug. “Yeah yeah I’m your big dummy” 
“Kai,” Kai lifted his head to meet his team's relieved faces. 
Kai gave a smile waving his hand. “Bring it you guys” Needing no further words the team all piled in the group hug.
“You gotta tell us what you did with your time away,” Jay asked out of the blue.
He was met with a scoff.
“Like that’ll will ever happen,” Kai replied.
“Aw man” 
More laughter filled the air.
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localguy2 · 1 year
Random headcanons about how the ninja recover from something traumatic after losing thier shit, because boredom is a bitch:
- Cole and Zane have never lost thier shit once, but there's a first time for everything, and so when eventually something broke the two of them, they barely talked to anyone for an entire week.
Cole resorts to completely locking himself in his room for a week straight, not coming out unless it's for the bathroom or getting food, the only thing he really ever says is like "hey" when he accidentally walks into a room with someone in it.
And Zane just completly stays silent, going about his usual day but without uttering a single letter, and with a completely stoic face, while occasionally getting lost in thought and staring at nothing, he also doesn't sleep, rather just keeps thinking about it (which is a rather creepy sight to behold, who knew catching one of your closest friends in a room while they were staring into nothing in the dead of night is unsettling and creepy, especially when they're a nindroid with glowing blue eyes)
- when losing his shit, Jay doesn't deal with it properly, even in the days following the traumatic experience that caused him to lose it in the first place, he doesn't cope well.
He would have regular panic attacks or breakdowns over it, and the best way to help him calm down is just to sit besides him and comfort him, while giving him a hug, and Jay is REALLY clingy, like you'd have to sit there hugging him for about 30 minutes before he would let go, but they usually don't mind it that much since it's helping Jay, that's actually how I hc Jay losing his mind in Hunted, even with Zane and Cole trying to calm him down, the circumstances were too much for him
(Nya and Cole and Zane all may or may not have volunteered themselves to be "Jay's emotional teddy bears")
- Kai's way of dealing with it is... Interesting, he'd be more quiet and reserved then usual, but he would also talk about it, he knows that getting so worked up over it would do him no good, but it's still hard to cope and get over it.
He has broken down before because of traumatic experiences, but usually it's when he knows it's all alone, he doesn't want people to get that worried over him (even though the others have told him that it's okay to ask for help)
- Nya's way is just to, work.
She'd Literally do anything to distract herself from it, and she's really good at hiding it as well, because her "working" tone is just so damn specific.
even when in a bad mood, the "working" tone stays the same, so the others have a hard time figuring out if Nya is okay or not (except for Zane and PIXAL, but they have refused to spill the beans on the way they know if Nya is doing well or not, because they promised her not to tell the others when they found out the first time, although they have tried multiple times to change her mind about it)
- PIXAL's is probably the worst out of the bunch.
Just pretend nothing is wrong, and overwork yourself almost to death.
The others have told her how much of a bad idea this is, but she can't help it.
Unexpectedly Zane in particular was the most concerned and mad about it, but he really couldn't scold her that much for it since he knew his coping mechanism wasn't that much better (ignoring everyone's attempts to help you)
So when PIXAL eventually had her first breakdown, Zane stayed there next to her for the whole day, hugging her every 5 minutes, and it took her a few days to get back on track (since yknow, it's a first time and she's never really felt this way before), and Zane for those next few days basically ignored everything in favour of helping PIXAL?
He'd be cooking food then Nya tells him PIXAL isn't feeling well and then "huh? What's that? My nindroid GF isn't feeling well?" *drops everything* "fuck it, Cole even though you're horrible at cooking you're finishing the food"
So yeah, overall Zane is the one that mainly supports her, since he knows her so well, but Nya's occasionally there as well
(this part may or may not have been Pixane propaganda)
- Lloyd's way is probably the most normal out of all of them, he actually seeks out help instead of just trying to cope alone, usually with Wu being his "therapist" (who needs an actual therapist when you got a kick ass wise asf uncle), and he occasionally seeks help from the others, although to a limited capacity, usually being stuff like "can I get a hug?" and almost immediately evryeone answers with "YES."
Kai and Nya are the most likely to comfort him if Wu isn't around, with Cole being the "go to" guy for really personal stuff, and with Jay and Zane and PIXAL not really knowing how to properly help Lloyd but somehow always managing to give him an inspirational and short heart to heart speech
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feyhunter78 · 1 year
Targaryen Inc (3/?)
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Description: Helaena talks with her dad and unintentionally spies on Jacaerys' fight with his girlfriend.
Helaena scrolled through her email, marking the urgent ones when her father, Criston Cole, knocked on her door. She got up from her fuzzy pink desk chair and swung open the door, ushering him in.
“Dad! Have you come by for tea?” She asked, moving to the shelf where she kept all her mugs. Criston wasn’t her biological father, but he’d married her mother when Helaena was six, a few years after her biological father had died.
Her father looked around her office. “Did you redecorate again?”
Helaena smiled, “I just added some more plants.”
As Head of HR, her office was a safe space, and she aimed to make it as comfortable as possible for anyone who visited her.
 One wall she covered with floral wallpaper, and her desk was a warm brown color with a small rose gold lamp, her computer, and teardrop shaped terrarium with a tiny village inside sitting atop it. The terrarium had been a gift from Alyra, and Helaena smiled every time she looked at it. A large bookshelf sat behind her desk. She decorated said bookshelf, a gift from Aemond, with plants, small pieces of art and pictures of her family.
Criston took a seat on the plush pink couch that sat in front of her desk, with a fond smile. “You’re just like your grandma, a green thumb through and through.”
Helaena busied herself with making them tea while he continued speaking. “Your mother’s father is downstairs. Harwin and I are going to take care of it, but your mother wanted me to let everyone know to stay upstairs until he’s gone.”
Helaena swallowed hard. She remembered the screaming matches between her parents and her Grandfather Otto. He was paranoid, claiming that her Aunt Rhaenyra was going to try and squeeze them out of the company once Viserys retired. Her mother didn’t believe him, and told him so, causing Otto to turn his back on them.
“Do you think he’ll cause any trouble?” She set the mugs down a bit too hard, her hands shaking.
 Her father caught her hand, his grip warm and reassuring. “Helaena, nothing is going to happen, Harwin and I will escort Otto out, and then everything will be back to normal.”
Helaena gave him a weak smile. “If you say so.”
Her father wrapped her in a tight hug. “I know so.” He pulled back and kissed her forehead, “I’m not going anywhere.”
Helaena blinked back tears. He always saw right through her. Her biological father had been killed over a gambling dispute, and Helaena could still hear the sound of gunshots whenever she saw poker chips or smelled cigar smoke.
She hugged him once more, then let him go. “At least wear a bulletproof vest, you and Uncle Harwin, grandfather owns a lot of guns.”
He promised her they would and left, taking the mug she saved especially for him when he did.
She waited until he’d disappeared from view, then collapsed onto her couch, curling into a ball. She blew on her tea before taking a sip, relishing in the way it burned on its way down. Her father would be fine, her grandfather would be fine, everyone would be fine.
Panic struck her, and she stood abandoning her tea and made her way down the hall turning right past the conference room, heading for Jacaerys’ office. His warm eyes, and calming voice would soothe her nerves, then she could get back to work. She froze at the sound of raised voices, pressing herself against the door of the file room, careful not to be seen through Jacaerys’ office window.
“You do this every time, just admit it, you don’t care about me.” A shrill female voice accused.
“Sarah, I do care about you, but I’m busy. This is my job; I can’t just drop everything every time you need me.” The frustration was evident in his voice, and Helaena sympathized with him. Legal was always busy, whether it was dealing with Aegon, clients, or making sure The Aemma Fund was being managed properly.
“What a liar. I bet you’re cheating on me, and that’s why you never answer my calls.”
“You’re one to talk about cheating. Remember your friend, Dale?” Jacaerys fired back.
“You’re just jealous because he fucked me better than you did.” Sarah snapped, her voice loud enough to cause Rhaenyra to crack her office door and poke her head out.
Helaena gasped at Sarah’s words, and her hands came up to cover her mouth as her eyes widened. So, this was the infamous Sarah. Her office being next to Lucerys’ she heard him complain about his brother’s girlfriend quite often, but she resolved to give the woman the benefit of the doubt, seeing as Lucerys had never liked any of Jacaerys’ girlfriends.
When Rhaenyra raised an eyebrow at her, Helaena removed her hands and mouthed, “Jacaerys’ girlfriend.”
Rhaenyra rolled her eyes and went back into her office.
Helaena wondered if she should beg her aunt to let her hide in her office until Sarah had left, but soon, she heard shuffling from Jacaerys’ office. She pulled the file room door open, pretending she’d just come from there when Sarah stormed out, not even looking at her.
Jacaerys was standing in his doorway, hair mused from running his hands through it, and she gave him a small smile. “Everything alright?”
He laughed bitterly. “It’s over with Sarah.”
She fought back the delighted expression that threatened to form, and schooled her features into one of sympathy. “I’m sorry to hear that, do you want to talk about it?”
He shook his head and held out a hand to her. She took it, and he pulled her into his office. “It’s not worth weighing you down with.” Their hands were still joined, his thumb gently rubbing circles into the back of her hand. “I’m sure you’re nervous about Otto being in the lobby.”
Her heart melted, he’d just fought with his girl—ex-girlfriend, and he was still thinking about how she might be feeling?
“I’m a little nervous, but I talked to my dad, and they’re going to be careful.” His father was going down there too, and while she doubted her grandfather would try anything, she couldn’t help but worry.
Jacaerys nodded. “They’ll be fine, they’re trained professionals.”
Both their fathers had served in the military, then worked in private security before their mothers signed on with Targaryen Inc. They often joked how funny it was they’d never crossed paths until that day.
“And my grandfather is an angry old man with too much time on his hands.”
Jacaerys laughed at that, his breathtaking smile returning. “Have you made your afternoon tea yet? I find myself craving some blueberry tea.”
“Not yet.” She lied, butterflies fluttering in her stomach. Jacaerys rarely had time to join her for tea, but when he did, it was the best hour of her week.
“And then she accused me of cheating.” He said, an expression of hurt and disbelief on his ruggedly handsome face.
Helaena had already heard this accusation, but when he was here, sitting on her couch, knees brushing hers, she wouldn’t care if he tried to explain everything, he learned in law school to her.
“You would never.” She said, tone soft but earnest.
“Exactly, I could never break someone’s trust in that way.” He explained, taking a sip from the novelty mug he’d bought her that read, ‘hug dealer’ in big block letters. “And she’s the one who cheated on me.”
Helaena let out a scandalized gasp. “No, why?”
Jacaerys shrugged, his face tinting pink. “I don’t know, she wouldn’t tell me.”
Helaena bit her lip, of course she would never tell Jacaerys she heard his argument with Sarah, but a part of her wanted to reassure him there was no way this Dale could be better than him. At anything. Not that she’s slept with either man, but she just had a feeling Sarah had lied in an attempt to hurt Jacaerys.
Jacaerys’ thumb freed her bottom lip, and she felt her face heat up. “You’ll bruise your lip if you keep that up.” He warned, his chestnut brown eyes fixated on her, his thumb still resting on her lip.
Her eyes met his, and her breath caught in her throat at the intensity within them. “I’ll be more careful.” She whispered, not wanting him to retract his touch.
A knock on her door had them jumping apart and Jacaerys stood opening the door. Her father stood there, a confusion look on his face when he saw Jacaerys instead of her. “The ex-employee has been removed from the premises. Everyone is now free to visit the lobby if they wish.”
“Thanks, Dad.” She said, relief filling her veins. No one had been hurt.
Tag List: @nyctophilic0vitnir
@svtansdaddyx I know you didn't request to be tagged, but I still thought you might want to be notified that the new chapter is up!
(let me know if you'd rather I not tag you, or you want me to take this bit out, it won't hurt my feelings at all <3)
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jinxedyaart · 9 months
A little too Similar part 6
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A/N Careful of mindless skin picking out of boredom and nerves. Just a little heads up before you start this new chapter!!
Just as he found Cole, the cowboy called out to him. Motioning his arm to the cyborg to come closer. He was sitting down on a couch with a few other people surrounding him. All conversing between themselves. Farreha with Zayra, Hana with brigett and Cole. Or well Cole was but now he could add in genji to the mix
"There ya are. I was wonderin why ya didn't follow me here."
He chuckled as genji grew closer. Genji moved around the room to sit down next to his friend. Dusting off his sweats before getting comfortable on the couch.
"Yes, Leo asked me to show them around once they finished the meeting with winston and angela... They wanted someone more quiet to be with as they toured around the buildings.. I guess.."
His tone wavered a bit, showing he was slightly nervous. Not exactly sure how to take of it. He said yes to be nice but in reality he was a little hesitant. They seemed a little off when they first met and his head blared alarms no matter what they said.
"Maybe they'd like to get to know ya better genji. I mean heh Angela did tell us she specifically chose you for this mission.. Plus they don't seem to be harmful or dangerous if that's what you're fretting about."
The cowboy responded back, taking note of his friend's slight jitters about Leo. Trying to calm his nerves down. Genji looked down at his hands, rubbing his 'sweat' off of it on his sweats. Maybe he was overthinking this. As he took in his friends words, the ninja nodded to him and to himself.
"Their files from what Angela could tell me is similar to my own. Just tweaked differently here and there and minus having a new body from a sense of rebirth.."
He whispered out, remembering the small bits Angela could give him about their life. All she said was to talk to them more and not be afraid to ask..
"Cmon they seem harmless Genji. Like a corn snake. They look dangerous but really aint much. Don't fret it."
Cole spoke out, nudging him slightly with his elbow. The cowboy was trying to ease up his friend but all genji could do was think about it more and just let the conversation drift to something else. Maybe he will ask Leo a bit more about themself if they felt comfortable to chat about it that is.
Meanwhile Leo finished up packing and putting everything away clothes wise, they stashed away their luggage in a corner between their bed and bureau. Carefully placing their sketchbook close to the corner of the bureau closest to their head pillow. In case they have some doodle ideas at night or something of the sort. Shifting around in their room on their knees, scuffing their tights and shoes in the process. Grabbing the closest side of their bed to push themselves on their feet, motioning to the door. Hesitating before even opening the door, wanting to test something out. Or well someone.
"Athena? Right? Um where is genji's.. actually where's Winston at this moment?"
They called out, jutting their head around the room, trying to find where exactly they should speak out to. Trying to find either speakers or even a small disk shaped thing in the room. Jumping out of their skin as she replied, her voice encasing the room.. Mumbling a small 'oh jesus..' as they held their chest, right hand over their heart.
"Genji is currently in the living space, conversing with Cole and a few others about the mission as well as other subjects. Winston is currently with Angela in his office. Would you like for me to call him to assist you Captian?"
She informed back to Leo before ending with a small comment Winston made on his way out. Confirming that she infact did hear everything just outside the door or even the whole building. Making a small mental note to be wary of what exactly they say and to whom..
"Yes, and um after the meeting.. can you ask genji to meet me just shy of the hallway after the meeting is done.. uh please and thank you."
They spun around confused as to where exactly her voice came from. Nevertheless, they paused their personal charades. Just as Athena confirmed, they opened the door to face the hallway. Coming out of their room to lean against the side wall as they awaited their company now empty handed. Turning their right hand back and forth, bending their fingers as they examine their nails to pass the time. Going underneath each nail to clean out any gunk shoved in there. Deeming the action finished once each nail was able to see just the yellow tips of it. Then promptly taking their glasses off their face and clean the lens on them with their sleeve. Gazing up as they heard a mix of feet slapping the floor and heels clicking away next to them.
"I'm assuming you weren't waiting too long for us"
Angela pauses just before getting to close to Leo. Moving the clip board in her hands to her side instead. Putting her full attention to Leo's face with a smile. Winston standing with a welcoming smile on his face as she spoke.
"Dr. Angela!"
They paused to open up their arms, pulling Angela close to their body gently for a hug. Squeezing their torsos closer to the other without meaning to. Pulling away chest first from the doctor to look into her blue eyes. Both arms still placed on the doctors upper forearms in a gentle grip.
"I'm sure you've been reading over my documents for my modifications. Peaking your interest in them?"
They tilted their head as they ended their statement. Their black eyes finding a peaking curiosity in the doctor black pupils. She was curious as can be when it came to something she had no knowledge about. Letting go of her arms fully to give her some space.
"Well of course something like that has me intrigued by it. I've never really dealt with your specific request but I will try my best to learn from it. Maybe later today you can stop by my office and tell me how it was made."
She glowed as she spoke with interest. Ocean eyes shining with a want of information. Both pulling away from the other with a smile. She fixed a lose blond strand of hair, pushing it to her ear with her free hand. Turning her body to the direction she came from.
"First we shall first better inform you about the mission ahead in Winston's office. As you and one other person would need a good set up for it if we want this to go generally smooth."
She slowly started to walk awaiting Winston to continue on the conversation. The pair guiding the newer addition through the halls to a different part of the building. Both heels clicking at different times, echoing through the halls as they walked.
"As I've told you on the phone it is a grabbing Intel undercover. We gotten some information of some talon associates going to a club in Paris. We have some plans to get hotel reservations for you and the other agent under a fake alias. I said to pose as a socialite and their body guard."
He continued the conversation, passing doors and halls as he talked. Opening a set of doors on the lower level before walking up the stairs to his office. Pushing his body with one arm as the other started to do some normal talking motions. Pausing to concentrate on opening his door. Pushing it open then shifting to the side of it for the other two to go in first. Lastly closing the door behind him. Pulling over a chair for Leo in front of his desk. Typing away on his computer, pulling up the suspected guest and the info that connects him to talon. Another omnic who seems connected to Maximilian. A close friend it seems, having a few pictures of the two together having different conversations it seemed. Their eyes narrowed as they scanned the screens. Grabbing the handles of their chair and jumping it forwards to read everything. Kicking away the peanut butter jar lids away from their chair as they jumped. Noticing that Winston was similarly messy when it came to his eating habits.
"So you want me to try and seduce an omnic as a Socialite with what power to my name? What exactly would he want from a woman?"
They asked, leaning back in their chair. Left hand stroking their small chin in thought. Picking at their cheek pimple scars. Forcibly breaking the scab open subconsciously. Flicking the dead skin under their nail away from them and onto the floor. Feeling a liquid ooze out of the now re- opened wound.
"That's where you would come in in-advance. As you in the club, you're gonna try and chat with him to have you some more information. You'll be sent there in a few days in advance to start to get a lay of the land."
Winston clarified a little more. Not focusing on what they were doing beside him. Typing a bit more to show more information of the entire plan he had and as he finished all info dumping, Leo interjected.
"So who would be my body guard?"
They asked openly to the pair. Scratching their lower right cheek lightly with their long nails. Turning to the gorrilla in the room, expecting a response from him.
"We chose genji to be the best pick. I personally think with his overall silent attitude and the mask helps with the body guard idea."
Angela anwsered this time with a pip in her voice. A big proud smile on her face as she informed. Surprising Leo in the process from the suddenness.
"I've already talked to him about it and he's fine with it."
She stopped and turned to Leo with a smile. Almost proud of her personal choice. Her clip board now infront of her thighs, both hands holding it there. Her entire aura dripped with pride over him. She knew genji was a little nervous about Leo but an old charismatic seducer and an overall charismatic seducer for a couple mission is a good mix in her mind. Plus they would talk between themselves and figure out the other isn't so different. Both files nearly mimic one another but there was still big differences between the two in their respective backgrounds but that's a line they will cross together.
"I-... I mean I don't mind it.. I uh how do I say this nicely...Why not Cole or something? Like a big beefy dude like Reinhardt or even winston.."
They asked back, freezing their nervous tick in genuine interest. Why not the cowboy or even the big Reinhardt dude?
"Cole doesn't exactly have the strong silent type down. Reinhardt would be another good pick for one physical day but he can't be scary if you see how he is often times and everyone knows winston is the newest leader of Overwatch so that is a no...sooo genji is the best pick in my eyes."
Angela shot back, clearly confident in her pick of her friend. Genji is a good pick and Leo wasn't too sure but if she knows better than she knows better than them. Who are they to argue with the team doctor about what's best.
"Alrighty then. I'll start to have more one on one time with Genji then."
Leo laughed out, shifting in their chair. A little nervous about having more one on one with the ninja. They didn't know much about him, just what the papers gave which left it with some scratches of info. All blackwatch information given to them only gave bits and pieces of how truly controversial that part of overwatch was. Few had gang affiliates and other where just born to become criminals or something like that. They has heard the occasional story here and there about the shimada but unless asked they will only assume or take everything with a grain of salt.
The meeting was only a few hours, 3 max with all Leo's questions on how far is too far and what all backup plans are in case of emergency. What if we need a medic, mercy will be on call always and ready to fly over there. Require some extra hands of a good tone of music, Lucio can send over some files. Need extra hands for a fight, Cole and the others are ready for a backup call. Etcetera, etcetera.. Ending the meeting with a few nods here and there and a few files printed out for Leo to review the mission notes in their own office and time. Finally being able to leave the room was what they wanted most but information is key in this situation. So they would take the files happily. Trying to make sure the papers weren't creased against the door lock as they closed it. A soft sigh leaving their body as they relaxed a bit before turning to the stairs.
Genji stayed leaning against the wall, awaiting at the end of the stairs for Leo. Arms crossed in front of his chest. He only got there a few moments ago since Athena told him to start his way there as the meeting was about to end. His mind wondering off on assumptions of the newest part of the pack. Having his thoughts pause as he then turned his head in the direction of the sound of heels clicking against the ground. A door closing as well in the same direction with a soft 'have a good night you two' being muttered out. A two toned 'you as well' reaching just past the door. Once fully shut, the heels clicking got closer and closer to him. A few chains clanging against each other also could be heard in the quiet large room.
Seeing Leo walking down the steps with their head pointed to the ground. Their right hand grabbing onto the railing for extra balance as they stepped. Reaching the final step with a gentle sigh, looking up at the ninja with a shy smile. Both of their hands covering their front with the papers. They were a little out of their element as they were now a guest instead of host.
"So you will be my partner for this mission huh? Angela seemed proud of it."
They started to try and fill the silence before it consumed them with worry about everything their doing. Starting the conversation with a small tilt in their head as they looked at him.
"Aha yes, she said it would be a good match for us to go."
He responded back as he bumped himself off the wall. His tone a little shaky but it was from nerves and slight worry. He stood still until Leo was the first to show signs of wanting to start. Pausing as an awkward silence filled the air. Clearing his throat as he continued.
"Uhh.. Where exactly would you like to see first?"
He asked slowly, looking around first to try and find Angela's gaze but she was too focused on Winston to notice the ninja gazing up at her. Slowly letting his attention fall to Leo's face whose attention was pointed to the side of him.. or behind him.. he couldn't exactly tell where but it wasn't him.
"That's the thing I.. uh hah i don't exactly know where to start.. we could start outside in? Or well start here then end in my office? No! Actually end it at Angela's office. She wanted to chat about my mods before I call it a night."
They spewed out nervously. Not wanting to seem rude but both were clearly nervous about the other for different reasons. What caught genji's attention was the fact Angela wanted to chat with them and so he took that comment and ran with it. As he started to walk to show Leo around he began a different conversation. Remembering Angela's words of encouragement.
'They aren't so different from you genji. Just ask them about different things and you'll see you aren't so different and you have nothing to worry about. They aren't like your family..'
He took in a shaky breath and started to ask.
"So.. your mods. Why exactly did you want them anyways? If you don't mind me asking. Ive never heard of someone wanting to change their voice."
He looked down at them to see their black eyes shine just a tad at his question. A small smile creeping up on their lips as they formed a response. A shine of white light surfacing their black irises, a reflection of the ceiling lights above the pair as they walked.
"I didnt change my voice, just enhanced it. I wanted to be able to do what sirens do.. how even some singers were able to connect with people through their voices and songs... I've always had a desire for that same ability. I wanted to be able to connect with my voice, to be able to change people with my voice. However once the omnic crisis began, my desire of what my voice could do changed a bit from something stupid to something helpful."
They joked as they were withholding something else but bit back their tongue to not say the full reason. Their head started to wander about as they walked. Nervous to make eye contact with the ninja out of fear their eyes might accidently tell him to inquire more about the reason. Their small frame leaned away from the ninja almost as if they were a bit embarrassed by the first reason.
"Really? So at first they were just for a new singing voice?"
He teased, changing the nervous air surrounding the two. It came out so naturally as if he wanted to cheer them up for some reason but it wasn't a thought in his mind for now.. Smirking underneath his mask as he peered down at Leo's expression who was still pointing their eyes at the floor until they heard him tease them. Shooting their face up at him in shock before a wide smile took place.
"Hahaha hey! Nooooo.. it wasn't just for that. I wanted to enhance my voice, not change it. I was praised often for it and I won't lie. It gave me an ego.. So i made a mock up mod for it and when I was like 17 or so, I got a mods specialist to make one for me."
Their throat produced a weird noise, almost like a coughing up snot from the base. Nudging the ninja with their small frame, only knocking his balance off for a second before he was able to regain it. Taking in what they said. Now the air was a bit more playful for the pair. Their tone an equally teasing one at first that slowly drifted to a more sweet one. The ninja was slightly taken aback from the playfulness the two had gained in such a short time.
"A mods specialist? Like a real one or back ended?"
He was trying to keep the conversation going as they passed the halls. He kept teasing so comfortably now with them. Now he was walking slower to keep this going as long as he could. His interest being tickled with bits of information he was curious about.
"Well it was a 'acquaintance' of my eldest brother if you catch my drift. So I don't really know if she was one or the other. She was just a sweet lady who offered up to do it for free. Ever since then I've gotten it fixed here and there of course. Better than what I was given but for something that was free. It did what I wanted it to do at the time."
They shrugged off the comment, looking over their shoulder to see him peering down at them with.. interest? They couldn't exactly read his face since he was wearing his mask. His mind filled with a weird mixture of emotions. Pity? No.. maybe it was sadness and embarrassment of that phrase.. he knew they meant he was a player.. just like genji in his youth but none would do something for Hanzo unless asked.. But the fact they were open about how they even got the mods slightly improved his perception of Leo. They just answered the question without any real hesitation.. they even confirmed it wasn't government doctors just some random lady.
"My brothers always pushed me to do the things I always wanted to do so this was his way of trying to make it come true. Of course Fernando had a funky way of making sure I get settled well but he always meant well when it came to family. Sure when he was in his younger true Casanova phase,-"
They raised both arms above their head, making a rainbow like moment with both after the word casanova for an emphasis. Looking up to the ceiling as they walked, putting both hands down at their sides again once they finished.
"-His life was anything but calm. So in those moments of peace, the girls who flocked at his feet gave him whatever he asked for.. but one offered something to his family and he slowly changed from that day forward."
They stopped as their expression softened at the memory of their brother alive and young again.. The ninja empathize with them, seeing how the topic of their brother had them make the same expression as Hanzo. Like an over barring sorrow filled them as they reminisced the past.. They sighed gently from the thought, turning to gaze up at the ninja who was already looking down at them. Slightly tapping his arm with the back of their left hand.
"But enough about me and my things..What bout chu and the mask? Is it like a culture thing or did something happen?"
They quickly tipped their head towards the ninja, pointed at his face with their chin subtly. Quickly pointing at their face, making a circle motion around it as they asked him. Pointing at the metal piece covering his mouth. It looked slightly rude but he had a feeling they didn't mean to make it sound that way. Their expression quickly changing back to a playful one with a rehearsed ease.
"I just feel comfortable behind it, is all.. Plus I think I sell the cool and mysterious look with it."
He shrugged back, bringing up his hand to brush along his neck. Dragging it down to his hoodie strings, he shifted slightly away from them. He didn't want to say the exact truth either..
'Ah he also got nervous ticks here and there.'
Leo noted the motion of his hand in their mind as he spoke. Watching his human hand fidget with the ends of the ties before letting it go. Giggling a bit by his end comment as once he finished. Under the mask was a little smile on his scarred lips that they couldn't see.
"I'm sure with everything I don't know about you, you sell it to me. That's for sure."
They switched off the papers in their left hand to the right. Bringing up their left to play with a strand of white curly hair. Another nervous tick of their's. Twisting the end around their pointer finger and thumb, feeling the rough texture of it between their fingers. Another mumbled laughter leaving their painted lips. Their face now pointed to the floor with a smile. And just as they were about to say something else, he froze.
"So here we are at Angela's office."
He coughed out a little awkwardly in response to their action. Both hands going up then down quickly, pointing to the door infront of them. His mind started telling him that they aren't trying to flirt..
'Maybe it's just a small nervous tick not a flirting action..'
He sighed softly as he focused on the door. Hearing a few knocks from infront of them. Startling him away from his thoughts. Looking down at his hands to make sure he didn't subconsciously knock on her door without meaning to. Shifting his head to the side to see a small hand balled in a small loose fist.
"Dr. Angela? You in here?"
Leo called out waiting a reply from the behind the door. Hand still up in front of the door, hesitant to knock again. Ultimately putting their hand to their side before propping their body up on the tip of their toes to see into the small clouded glass window on the top of the door. Their heels clicking on the ground everytime they try again on their toes to see through the window. And everytime they are just out of reach of it.
Genji stuffles a silent chuckle at the notion, finding it slightly amusing yet adorable at the fact they were too short to reach the window.
"Yes Captain. Come in!"
After hearing the confirmation, they opened the door with a smile. Turning back to gaze at genji, a shy flirty smile gracing their soft features. Normally their black eyes would take his energy the more he looked into them but this time a strange warmth fills him as he nodded back hesitantly. Maybe it was because Angela was right there in a small space just peaking out of his view. But maybe he wouldn't be that bothered by it as much as he was before having this small talk.. The mysterious way they acted in the first meeting now being slightly understood in his mind. Slowly connecting the dots that family is a big thing for Leo.
"Ah before I forget, thank you genji for the walk. I hope you're not bothered by the next time I bug ya to walk with me."
All he could do was nod again as he mumbled out a small 'yeah that's.. fine'.. as he closed the door infront of him to give the two privacy. It wasn't his conversation so he would just wait until Leo leaves before going in to chat with Angela. His mind now ran wild with what exactly just happened between the two of them. The conversation was only turning sour once they asked about his background. They shared bits and pieces to those who ask but still try to dance around the topic with just enough to leave him wanting more information about them.. maybe it's something they learned from their older brother without realizing it but it worked subconsciously or not.. Genji was a bit more comfortable with this new addition, now having a genuine interest in them even if it's just for a moment.
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Our boys are really industry heavyweights at this point, aren’t they BPP???? They really just out here casually collabing with their favorite artists growing up like Hobi just dropped the news that he collabed with The J.Cole the day before his single drops 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Am I wrong to think that they really earned these artists respect for them to even think to collab with them????Like I doubt J.Cole needs Hobi/BTS clout lmao and even Erykah Badu came out to do a song with Namjoon and I’m convinced Chris Martin is in love with Jin atp lmao like atp I’m convinced that RIHANNA X RAPLINE OR BEYONCE X JIMIN ISNT A FARFETCHED DREAM OF US DELULUS LIKE ITS NOT AN IMPOSSIBILITY BUT A REAL POSSIBILTY NOW
Ask 2: OMG I LOVE THAT TEASER MELODY!!!!!!! I think Imma love that song!! I'm so excited (and sad. AND WITH JCOLE HIS INSPIRATION OMMMMGGGGG I'm so happy. I'm SO giddy. lol I'm really glad to have this music. I needed them cuz I'm doing a competition on release day. I was feeling anxious. If it's going to be blue side esque, I'll just listen to this nonstop to calm myself down. Also Jimin Tiffany?? He looks fantastic. I hope there's ads, I'll go to the shops just to see him (I HATE both usually lol)
Ask 4: Jermaine Lamarr Cole respects Jung Hoseok and made a song with him fuck I'm gone. Bpp, how you feeling?
Hi Anon(s),
I don't even know where to begin.
I just wrote possibly what is my most effusively adoring Jimin post and maybe it's also the lack of sleep making me slightly delirious but I nearly burst into tears just now trying to reply to you talking about Hobi. Because y'all, my emotions are completely fried right now. Hobi has completely wrecked and destabilized me with On The Street. Part of the reason I'm here is because of how happy I feel, and it is 100% the result of his music, that song in particular, and what it confirms to me for the umpeenth time about who Hoseok is.
Y'all, I'm so happy for him. Like I'm sitting on my couch, wig off, feet up, running my hands down my face every two seconds through my hair clutching my fro to ground myself while On The Street plays on surround sound.
Everything about On The Street is perfect. I'll write an actual review once I've calmed down but Jesus it's so fucking good.
J Cole is an artist notorious for pulling no punches and being real with the music he makes and who he makes it with. Like Jermaine is one of a handful of rappers that Kendrick gives full cred to. I've been fighting the urge to scream since this song dropped like y'all have no idea how incredible, how legendary this collaboration is precisely because of the sort of artist both J Cole and J-hope are, and I can only imagine how Hobi feels right now.
All the guys are meeting their heroes and rather than it being an unpleasant experience, they've all developed so much as artists already that their first collaborations with their heroes is mutually satisfying and underpinned by mutual respect.
Everything about this song is so beautiful and I hope you're able to enjoy listening to it very often.
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princessbxtch-rps · 2 years
Give me back my hometown
|| Six Months Later ||
closed starter for @invsiblestrings​
That night replayed in her mind for days after, until the words he said became like song lyrics, playing on a loop in her mind. At first they were overwhelming, filling her every thought, invading every moment. But over time she was able to push them into a box in the corner of her mind, only to come out in her weakest of moments and the late hours of the night. Her life with Dan, her boyfriend, had continued on. It felt like a perfect match more now than ever before. He was comfortable: she knew his patterns, knew he wouldn’t try climbing her fortress. The things he seemed to like most about her were things that weren’t even her - that she was docile, quiet, but beautiful enough to get his finance bros jealous. It was their arrangement: he had his freedom, she had her protective layer.
She had planned on continuing on like this for the foreseeable future. She had articles to focus on, having been promoted to a full-time writer. She mostly wrote for the website, but a few of her publications had made the magazine. She could have continued on like this, a shadow of her before…but fate had other plans. Or more specifically, Winnie, her closest female friend growing up. She had gotten engaged a year prior, and had asked Reagan to be in the wedding. Of course she had said yes, thinking seeing Cole again might not hurt that much. But then that night happened, and she never wanted to see him again. Winnie hadn’t taken her many excuses well, mostly because Reagan refused to tell her the true reason.
So here she was, at the local dive bar for the first night of the four-day long festivities; a welcome party, hosted by Winnie and her fiancé. Cole was here, and it took everything in her to not look at him. Instead she focused on her alcohol: a moscow mule here, a cape codder there, some straight up tequila shots. Dan had actually wanted to come, making some comment about wanting to make sure everyone knew she was his. A statement he had stuck to pretty closely. His hand had been on some part of her all night: holding the back of her neck as she talked with old classmates, above her knee as they sat at a booth, and wrapped around her waist, nails digging in when someone casually mentioned Cole. He knew of Cole; that they had been together briefly in high school, grew up together, and that he had been the one to show up in New York. That night had been one of the only times Dan was angry, and she did not want to see that again. “You know, Reagan, we had always thought you two would be the first to get married.” Dan pulled her even closer as a classmate made the comment, his hand moving slightly down to her ass. She sucked on her drink, desperately trying to keep calm. “Yeah, right. Have you seen her? He’s lucky he even got her once. I don’t plan on letting go anytime soon.” He laughed, and instead of feeling joy, Reagan’s stomach dropped. Even though her eyes were squarely focused on her drink, she could swear she felt a pair of eyes on her and Dan.
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banannabethchase · 11 months
Set the World Alight: Chapter 11 - also on AO3
Matt has a bunch of important conversations. Nick has decided dealing with Matt is a curse bestowed upon him from a previous life and he wishes he didn't love her so much.
Notes: Two teenagers, in a committed relationship, discuss sex. Once again, there is nothing shown "onscreen" or anything, but I wanted to make sure this note was in here. They are awkward and in love and so, so dumb about it. Like all teenagers.
Sunday, March 1st
“I think I’m gonna tell the team today,” Matt says, tying her hair back into a ponytail.
Nick drops his toothbrush. “What?!”
“I’m going to tell my team,” she repeats. “Today. After the game. What? Is that a problem or something?”
“No! No, it’s – you know it’s not, Matt, jeez. I’m just surprised you haven’t told them already. Since, you know.” Nick shrugs. “The whole you’ve been talking about your new boobs to anyone who’ll listen for the past few weeks.”
“I – have not!”
“You absolutely have,” Nick says. He decides to keep talking as Matt fumbles through the next few words. “Any reason to tell them today?”
“New month, new me,” Matt says. She finishes brushing and shoves her toothbrush into its spot, water dripping onto the counter. Nick waits for her to explain more, but Matt just adjusts her ponytail one more time. “There.”
“I thought you’d be bothering me less in the morning now that you use the loft bathroom,” Nick mutters as he mops up the water from Matt’s toothbrush.
“The mirror in the garage bathroom fell off the wall last night, and I couldn’t fix it.” She turns to Nick. “Do I look okay?” She fiddles with the end of the ponytail. It’s way high up on her head, like how Nick always imagined cheerleaders to look.
“You look annoyingly nice, as always,” Nick says. “You’re ready to tell your friends?” He makes his way down the stairs behind Matt, who turns toward the garage.
“I am,” Matt says. She rolls her shoulders back and juts her chin out, like she always had when she’s pretending to know everything. She continues her way into the garage.
“Let me know if you need me for anything,” Nick calls down the hallway.
“I will!”
Nick waits in the kitchen with a Red Bull as Matt finishes getting dressed or whatever in her room.
“You’re gonna make us late,” Nick yells. “You’re lucky it’s a home game!”
“I’m coming. Calm down!”
Nick hears the thumping of steps from the garage and Matt comes into the room.
“Your hair looks stupid now that you took out that ponytail,” Nick says. He takes another sip of his drink.
“Asshole,” Matt grumbles. “It got caught on the zipper of my shirt and I had to take it out.” She pokes at a bump. “And now I’ve got this weird cowlick. Thing. Also, you’re one to talk, Mr. founding father low ponytail.”
They bicker the entire drive to the school, escalating to Matt screaming, “It’s not my fault I’m better than you!” as she parks.
“You are not better than me,” Nick says, stomping his way out of the car. “You’re just louder and more annoying.”
“I’m not annoying!”
“You absolutely are,” Nick fires back.
“What the hell is wrong with the two of you?”
They turn to see Mox walking over to them. “Nothing,” Matt says, folding her arms over her chest. “Nothing’s wrong.”
“You guys are fighting like toddlers. Jesus.” Mox grabs Matt and yanks her under his arm. “You, come with me. Leave your brother alone.”
“Oh, even you’re talking his side?!” Matt shrieks.
“No,” Mox groans. “Nick, oh my god, go – somewhere else, before the two of you start pulling hair or something.”
“Gladly,” Nick says. “Bye, Matty. Try not to be annoying!”
He half skips away from the way Matt starts freaking out. It’s not his problem.
“What’s with the two of you?” Cole asks, sliding up next to Nick. “Matt’s all weird lately.”
Nick knows exactly how to answer it, of course. Matt’s still figuring out her hormones, Nick’s annoyed about the whole Adam thing, and the two of them have always fought like bratty little puppies when either one of them is annoyed.
“Matt made a mess in the bathroom this morning and made me pick it up,” Nick decides to say. “And then decided to make it my fault or something. I’m not sure.”
Cole sighs. “No, that’s not it. He seems…happier? More confident?”
“That seemed happier to you?” Nick asks.
Cole laughs. “I mean, that, no. But everything else with lately.” He shrugs. “I think Matt’s just figuring – figuring himself out, you know?”
Nick nods. “I guess.”
The game is better than the previous few weeks, and they win, securing their way into the playoffs. Matt nails her halftime routine and Nick gives her a hug as she goes off the court.
“Good job,” he mutters into her hair.
“Yeah, you did good too, I guess,” she replies, “asshole.”
“So, why’re we all here in the parking lot?” Athena asks. She’s seated on the hood of her car, swinging her legs.
“Matty called a meeting,” Willow says. She’s next to Matt on the hood of Matt and Nick’s sedan. “So, whenever you’re ready, Matty.”
Matt exhales slowly, then looks up. She scans the group, this team of hers who has had her back every dance since she joined the squad in freshman year. And then she looks over at Mox and Nick, who are in Mox’s truck, waiting. Just in case things go wrong.
“So, I want to tell you all something,” Matt says, kicking her legs. She can’t lift her head, can’t make herself feel more confident. She doesn’t want to admit she’s scared. She doesn’t want to admit how much this moment could break her.
“What’s up, Matty?” Willow asks. She scoots closer to Matt, bumping their shoulders. Matt thinks Willow already knows. That she gets it.
Riho sits on her other side, resting her head on Matt’s shoulder. “Talk to us.”
“I’m trying,” Matt laughs. She’s not crying. Not yet. But it’s coming. She forces herself to lift her head, to look at this team who has had her back through every gay joke, through every mean comment, who has let her be the star even when she can be incredibly annoying. If they don’t love her, Matt’s not sure who will. “I’m, um.” She squeezes her eyes shut. Maybe this will be easier if she can’t see their reactions. “I’m a girl.”
The silence is less startling then when she told her parents, she thinks. Shorter. She opens her eyes slowly to see everyone with little smiles on their faces. No one seems mad, or grossed out. Nobody seems like they’re about to hit her.
“You are?” Britt says, studying Matt. “Cool. Do you want to borrow my skirt for the next game?”
“No, it’ll be too long,” Riho says. “Maybe mine?”
Athena shakes her head. “I think she’s got a little more hip than you do. Matty, how about we do, like, a fashion show and you can pick whichever skirt fit you like best?” She pulls out her phone. “Is it okay if I text Coach Rayne? I can just ask her to bring some extra skirts. She won’t ask more questions.”
“Ooh, I have an extra from freshman year!” Willow says. “That might work, too.”
Matt darts from person to person, from where Willow holds her hand to where Britt’s digging through her bag and Athena’s checking her phone. “What?”
“You’re our girl,” Willow says. She looks around at the whole team. Everybody is looking through their bags and pulling out skirts, or smiling at her.  “We’re your girls. We love who you are, and nothing’s going to change that.”
“We’re really honored that you told us,” Riho adds. “I know it’s got to be hard and scary. But we’ve got your back, Matty.”
And it hits. Matt bursts into tears. She’s always been a crier, ever since she was little, but something about the new hormones in her body makes it feel like she could cry at anything and everything. Now, though, this is a real reason to cry. She’s suddenly overwhelmed with the love of the people in this room, the girls who have helped her become who she is. Who have helped her be brave.
“You are the best,” she chokes out through sobs. “Oh, god, I love you all so much.”
“Hey, Matt, Mom called – why is Matt crying?”
Matt lifts her head to see Nick standing, with a carefully arranged expression, next to Athena’s car. She hadn’t even noticed him walking over. “Oh, hey, Nicky.”
“Why are you crying?” he demands, glaring at everyone. “What did you do?”
“Oh, my god, it’s happy tears, Nick,” Britt says, rolling her eyes. “Jeez. Leave your sister alone.” She smiles. “She’s with her girls.”
Nick exhales so hard he slides to the ground. “Oh, good,” he says, voice a little hysterical. “I thought I was gonna have to beat up a bunch of girls, and then I would have died.”
“We wouldn’t have killed you,” Willow says. “Just maimed.”
“It’s cute you think you could beat us up though,” Riho adds. “Charming, almost.”
“Matt, you are the bane of my existence and being your brother is a curse,” Nick laughs.
Matt shrugs. “That’s fine. Only the strong can handle me.” She smiles down at him. “I’m calling you weak.”
“Oh, shut up.”
Saturday, March 8th
“I’m coming, shut up!” Matt yells. She’s halfway through her second French braid, determined to get two perfect French braids in one go this time. “You can wait!”
“I can’t!” Nick yells in the door, pounding knocks again. “I really need to pee.”
“Go downstairs!”
Nick groans. There’s a thud, and then muffled cursing.
“Next time don’t kick the door, dumbass,” Matt yells.
“Eff you! This isn’t even your bathroom anymore!”
“Eff you, and Dad’s bad piping means the toilet is leaking again!” Matt finishes the braid and ties it, draping it over her shoulder. She looks pretty, with the way the braids frame her face. She looks right.
“You don’t need a toilet to do your hair, unless you’re stupider than I thought!”
She really can’t stand her brother sometimes.
Matt walks out of the bathroom and makes her way back to her loft, making sure to close and lock the door before Nick can come in and be annoying, and gets dressed. And then she freezes.
Coach Rayne had cheerfully encouraged Matt to wear a skirt when she’s ready. Willow had given Matt her old skirt, and it fits right. She’d said it was up to Matt whether or not she wants to wear it.
Matt picks it up, running the smooth fabric through her fingers. She holds it up to her hips in the mirror, wondering how it would look.
“I can do this,” Matt says, exhaling slowly. She practices her breathing, four in, seven hold, eight out.
And she decides this is the day.
She’ll wear the skirt. She deserves to wear the skirt, doesn’t she.
She pulls it on over her hips, letting the waistband sit where it belongs. It doesn’t look like it does on Willow or Riho or Athena, with their perfect curves and bodies that Matt secretly covets. But it looks cute, and she thinks she can pull it off with a little confidence. If she believes in herself.
On a whim, she pulls out her phone and takes a picture of herself in the mirror. It takes a couple of attempts, a few different angles and lighting setups, but she gets a shot she likes.
What do you think? She texts to Mox alongside the shot she thinks looks best.
She waits for longer than she wants to for the text message, half bouncing on her toes with anticipation, before Mox texts back a string of letters and exclamation points that make no sense but even so convey the meaning. Her phone rings.
“Oh my god,” Mox says. “You’re at the game today, right?”
“Yeah,” Matt says. “Of course I am.”
“Do you have time beforehand?” he asks. “Like, now? Like, can I pick you up now and we can make out in my car?”
Matt laughs. “You like the skirt.”
“I like you,” Mox explains, “but, yeah, also, you look really good in the skirt. I didn’t realize it was so short. It doesn’t look as short on the other girls.” He clears his throat. “What was I saying?”
“You were being horny over my skirt.”
“Over you,” Mox insists. “Seriously, though. Um. I’m gonna come pick you up and Nick can take your car or whatever.”
Matt tries to calm herself down a little. She bounces up and down on her toes as she practically skips down her stairs, through the house, and back up the main stairs. She bangs on Nick’s bedroom door. “Hey! You’re driving yourself to the school. Mox is picking me up early.”
Nick swings the door open, still in pajama pants and an old DARE tee shirt she’s pretty sure is hers. “What? Why?”
Matt can’t quite meet his eyes. “Um.”
“Ew,” Nick says. “Oh, god, that – I don’t like what your face is doing. Don’t – go be gross somewhere else. I don’t want to hear it.”
“Great!” Matt says, backing down the hallway. “See you later! Don’t want to keep you uncomfortable or whatever.”
“Go away!”
Matt makes her way outside, grabbing an energy bar from the snack cabinet as she practices twirling and spinning the skirt. Paired with the braids, she feels like the quintessential high school cheerleader. Sure, it’s a bit of a stereotype, but maybe she deserves to be a stereotype. Maybe she deserves to be the expectation of a girl, after so much time without it.
Mox parks in the driveway and his jaw drops when he sees her. She thinks she can see little birdies flying around his head.
“Hey,” she says, pretending to be cool and calm as she swings the passenger door open. She’s figured out how to haul herself into the giant truck now without even thinking about it. It takes a bit of a running start, which makes her skirt fluff up a little.
“I think I may start believing in a god if they created someone as hot as you,” Mox mutters. Matt’s not even sure if she was supposed to hear it. “Sorry. What? Hi.”
“Hi,” Matt says. She can’t help the giggle that bubbles up from her chest. “I, um. I’m going with the skirt for the game today.”
“Yeah,” Mox says, eyes on her legs. “I noticed. Short. Short skirt.”
“You said that already.”
“I’m saying it again,” he says.
Matt intentionally crosses her legs as she settles into the car so the skirt hikes up her thighs a little more, pretending like she doesn’t notice the way Mox fidgets and squirms during the drive. The built in bike shorts are technical at best, and do very little for modesty. To her delight.
“Um,” Mox says, voice tighter than usual, “so, you good with, like, just. Parking over by that, um, the park?”
Matt sighs, tapping her fingers on her thigh, pushing the skirt up just that much higher. “I like that idea a lot.”
They slow to a stop when a light turns red, and Mox turns to her. “You are killing me.”
She grins. “Good.”
Mox slides into a parking spot under a tree, and Matt watches as he misses the button to his seatbelt four times. “Damn it. My hands stopped working.”
“That’s a shame.”
Mox makes a weird high pitched noise. “Just – get over here.”
Matt slides next to Mox and grabs his hand, putting it on her thigh. “Better?”
“Somehow more dead,” he says, dropping his head back against the headrest. “I don’t know if I can handle you wearing that skirt in public. I’m worried I’m gonna do so many obscene things.”
“Maybe I want you to.”
The look Mox gives her almost burns. “You are being so unfair right now.”
They make out for longer than they probably should, out in public like this. Mox’s hands slide under her skirt, grabbing her ass, and Matt thinks this might be heaven.
“Um,” she says, pulling back as her alarm goes off on her phone, “so, we probably need to start heading to the high school.”
“Right,” Mox says, “right. Yeah. School.” His pupils are blown black. “I’m gonna need to look at pictures of something really boring right now. Like the Constitution.”
“Me too,” Matt mutters. “But, I want to. To talk about something.”
Mox freezes. “Okay.”
“I’m not breaking up with you or coming out again,” Matt says, flashing a smile toward him. Mox relaxes. “I just. If you want to – have – sex. I want to.”
Mox lets out that weird sound again. “Matty, baby, this is doing a terrible job of being something boring.”
“I just want to make sure you know,” Matt says. “Like, we talked a little, but I know you think we need to talk a little more.” She shrugs. “So I figured I’d tell you. So we. Talk.” She pauses. “I mean, you know I’ve had sex before, you know, and so.” She shrugs. “I really like you. Like, really like you.”
Mox nods. “God, me too. Like you, I mean.” He exhales slowly. “Love you. Just. Um.” He wrinkles his face up. “What – sex?”
“Did you just ask me what sex is?”
“No, oh my god,” Mox says, voice practically a whine. “I just mean. I don’t want to push you into anything you’re not comfortable with. Like, I’ve had sex a couple times. But with me and Eddie it was all blow jobs in the back of movie theaters, Renee and I had sex all over the place, and Seth and I managed a couple hand jobs back in freshman year, but. I mean.” He pauses, like he’s searching for the right words. “There’s a lot of…options, I guess. And I don’t want to make you think I expect anything.” His eyes go soft as he reaches out and takes Matt’s hand.
Matt half wants to cry. “That’s ten times more considerate than Cody was,” she laughs. “I told you he insisted that blow jobs and hand jobs don’t count as sex?”
“You did. That’s still so gross of him,” Mox says. “Hand stuff is sex. Blowjobs are sex. Cody is stupid.” He rolls his eyes. “Knew there was a reason I hated that guy.”
“Yeah, well,” Matt says, shrugging. “Found out I liked it. So. He was good for one thing.”
Mox’s cheeks blush a near neon pink. “You – what exactly did you like?”
“Like,” she feels her face burn pink, “bottoming? It’s my thing.”
“I need to sing the pledge of allegiance before I come in my pants,” Mox mutters. “Okay, we’re going to bookmark this conversation for when I don’t need to play a sport in front of a bunch of people, with your brother, okay? Because.” He pauses and laughs. “Jesus, you’re hot. I’m so glad you’re my girlfriend.”
“I’m glad you’re my boyfriend,” Matt says. She hops back into the passenger seat, adjusting her skirt back down her thighs. “We’ll pick up this conversation later, okay?”
“Yeah, of course.” Mox flashes one of his own, beyond sweet smiles at her. “I love you, Matty.”
She can’t stop smiling the entire way to school.
“What are you so happy about?” Nick grumbles, glaring at her. “Oh, right. You weren’t there this morning to help Dad fix your bathroom. Lucky.”
Matt shrugs. “I was talking to Mox about having sex.”
Nick trips over his sneakers and falls directly onto his face. “What?!”
“You heard me,” she says, tossing her braids over her shoulder. “And I’m wearing a skirt, and everyone will see I’m a girl, and I’m – I’m happy.” She exhales. “I got this.”
A few heads turn as she walks into the room, people noticing her. But nobody tries to say anything, and nobody comes over to do anything.
Until, of course, Adam walks in.
“Hey!” he says, eyes lit up all bright. “Matty, you look great!” He takes her in. “Love the skirt.”
“Thanks!” Matt says. She glances around, a little worried. “I, um. Nobody’s looking at me weird, are they?”
“Everybody always looks at you weird,” Nick says from the player bench. “Today is no different.”
“Be nice to your sister,” Adam says firmly. Nick’s eyes widen and his cheeks turn a little pink. “She’s doing a big thing right now.”
Matt is tempted to say something snarky, but she decides to focus on the compliment. “Thank you, Adam. I feel pretty. And I figure,” she looks down playing with the hem of her skirt, “I figure this is easier than to tell every single person, right?” She looks at Adam. “If people see me like this, they’ll know who I am.”
Adam opens his arms and Matt gives him a big hug. “You’re so fuckin’ cool, Matty,” he says to her.
“Nah,” she says, warm and fuzzy. “I’m just me.”
Matty's the bravest girl in the whole world and I'm using this fic partially to manifest a kinder world for real life people like this version of Matt. I feel like I've said this before, but transphobes need to get shoved into a cannon and shot into the sun.
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igrofox · 2 years
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James: There was also a red car with a remote control! Megan: I see that you really liked her. James: Yes, I want the same only black. Megan: Well, if you're good, you'll get it for your birthday. Glad you enjoyed this park. Leah: Can we go there again? Megan: Of course, as soon as Grandpa is free, we all go there together. Leah: Let's call Summer with us. Megan: Well, I'll ask Miley what she thinks about this. \Noise in the kitchen.\ James: It's dad! He is back! Megan: Jamie, don't run so fast or you'll fall again. James: You're not dad. Who are you? And who let you in? Cole: I-I... Megan: Calm down sun, it's your dad's friend. Cole: Hello, Mrs. Stanfield. *your dad's friend?* Megan: Hello Cole. But I'll also ask, who let you in? Cole: I met Felicity on my way to your house. And she said that Brad should come soon and let her wait inside. She went upstairs. And this... Megan: Ah.. Meet James and Leah. They're... well, they're the Bradley kids. James: I don't like you. Megan: James! Do not be rude. Bradley: I'm back! Leah: Daddy! Bradley: Hello my star. I missed you so much. Megan: Bradley, I think cuddling with your daughter can wait. Bradley: What can interrupt my hug with Leah? Cole: I'm afraid Mrs. Stanfield is hinting at me.. Bradley: Snowball... Megan: I think you'll have to explain and discuss everything first. Let's leave you so you can talk. Leah: But I want to stay with my dad! Bradley: Star, go with grandma. Once we're done, I'll play with you.
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gnattyplayssims · 1 year
1935 Pt2 - A New Camp
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"Oh my gosh that guy is so cute! Do you think he's married?"
"Ugh, Bella! Just leave the poor guys at the station alone!"
"Aw he's got a kid with him.."
"I can't take this anymore, I'll be back when the train gets here." The man disappeared into the crowd.
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Knox watched the interaction uncomfortably. He'd been waiting for Kailee forever and the station was becoming overwhelming.
"There you are" Kailee greeted when she found him outside, "Everything okay?"
He stretched, "I'm fine thanks, did you find the guy you were looking for?"
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"Hang on!" Knox jumped up and a moment later returned with a bowl of soup and a slice of pie which they split. "So who were you meeting with?"
"Oh...no one important. Just someone interested in buying produce. If there's one thing Mizrahi's are good at it's farming"
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Knox and Kailee spent a few more hours browsing the market stalls at the station and picking up some things they needed for the camp. It also wasn't too uncommon to pick up some extra homeless folk and that day there were some...characters wandering around the station.
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"Hey there, your son is so cute! How old is he?"
"Look lady, I've seen you watching me since we walked in here, and I'm not interested. Please leave me and my brother alone."
"Do you think he's on to us?...no he couldn't know that we like him...we just asked about the son."
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"Bella! What have I told you about approaching strangers? Leave that nice man alone."
"Calm down, Cole at least she's not stealing this time. Come on Bella our train got delayed and we found some nice people willing to let us stay in their camp."
"Goodbye cutie! Till next time"
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As the sun went down on Evergreen Harbor the newcomers settled into their little camp. Kye was not too thrilled with the sudden insurge of guests and he disappeared to go fishing until the sun went down.
"Don't mind him, he's just...not in a great place right now."
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While most of the group sat around the fire, Bella just wandered around in her own little world talking to herself.
"It's whatever at this point. Being a homeless, single, dad is what that guy deserves. Ugh who does he even think he is. Oooh good idea doggie, I do feel better!"
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It started to get cold once the sun disappeared and the Marshall's headed to bed since they had to catch an early train. "So tell us about yourself Kent."
"Me?" He shugged "Nothing to tell. It's just me and my brother leaving the past behind." Kent wasn't willing to share more.
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Soon winter set into Evergreen and the tents weren't enough to protect them from the worst of the weather. Thankfully their new friend Kent knew of an abandoned shipping container that they could clean out and settle down in for the season so they packed their few things to move.
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The space was a mess and they didn't have time to get it all cleaned out before the first storm. Knox was pretty good with recycling and eco-living and soon had a small greenhouse built into the back so they wouldn't starve. Kye made sure to take good care of Anabelle's plants.
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"Ah be careful with that, you almost scorched my dress!"
"Aw don't be such a hot-head. That kids been making fires longer than we've been living in a tent."
Kailee frowned and Knox chuckled. "Careful Kye, don't want to hit her pride or you might be next."
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The brothers had quickly become part of their little family and Kent started opening up a little more. As Knox and Kailee started getting closer he spent more time with Kye. Kye would dream about Anabelle returning and Kent would dream of meeting the perfect girl someday.
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"Knox what is all this?"
"I just found some candles and I thought they'd make some nice mood lighting, do you like it?"
"What kind of mood?" She asked coyly but he just picked up his guitar and started singing a sweet love song. It was getting harder to control her impulses.
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She clapped her hands as he finished and he put down the guitar, "Dance with me."
"Without music?"
"We don't need music, trust me" He pulled her close and started humming his own tune. His deep voice rumbling against her chest and making her heart pound as he sang in her ear.
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He kept humming as he led her around the room. "Knox?" She whispered near his ear, pulling back to look at him. "Hmm." Her breath caught as he looked into her eyes and she tucked her face into his shoulder. "Nothing. Keep singing." He pulled her closer and did as she asked.
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For awhile they just danced, the light from the candles playing off the dirty walls and shining on the snow outside. The smell of the basil plants filling the room. Knox stopped singing and just swayed. The atmosphere made Kailee dizzy. He looked at her and started to lean in.
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She pulled away, taking a moment to clear her head of the intoxicating atmosphere. Knox recovered quickly, playing it off as he twirled her under his arm and brought her back against him. "I really like you Kailee."
"I like you too, but I'm not like Kye...I want something real."
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"This is real." He spun her around "I'm not trying to play with your heart Kailee. We'll do it right. Marriage then...kids"
She blushed at his implied meaning. "Okay"
"But can I kiss you now?"
"Okay" She whipered as he moved his hand through her hair pressing his lips to hers.
1936 - Kailee's Concern
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xiaoheart24 · 1 year
Were the Silent breaks Part 1
Lego Ninjago Master of Spinjitzu was created by Michael Hegner and Tommy Andreasen the owners of the series.
This story was inspirert by justbirdie, Huge thanks to them.
I do not own Ninjago
This is my first story hope you like it.
It's been 6 months since the defeat of the crystal king and his minions, peace is once again back to the people of Ninjago, all thanks to the brave heroes. After the defeat the people of Ninjago demanded that the mayor stop hunting the ninja and after some talking the mayor finally agreed to let them go. People have already started to rebuild the city again while our heroes are still fighting evil, even with the bigger threats gone there are still bad guys out there that need to be stopped.
We continued the day with the ninjas arriving back at the monastery on a calm night after stopping a bank robbery.
Jay enters the living area with a huge smile, Nya not too far behind.
"Another day rescued by the ninja" He fist pumps the air while jumping up in the air in his excitement.
"Relax dude, it’s just a robbery" Cole rolled his eyes at his friend's stupidity.
"Right, ~but~ we still beat the bad guys," Jay replied back as he sat down on the couch.
"You missed my point dude," Cole said bluntly, shuffling forward and plopping down.
Zane came in smiling at his two brothers arguing. "Some things never change" he thought.
"After everything that has happened to this city, you think they would learn a lesson" Said Lloyd, annoyed.
Looking at his little brother with sympathy Kai snickers. "We could've saved the world another hundred times, I doubt they would've learned" He crossed his arms.
"Yeah.. well" He punched Kai's shoulder lightly "It would be nice if they did''
"I'm proud of you all" Wu entered the room with Garmadon. (He got turned back to human after the crystal king was defeated. P.S I know that's not what really happened but it’s my story so I go at it =D)
Everybody turned towards the two."Even when the odds were against you, never stopped you from fighting"
"It’s our pleasure," Lloyd replied.
" I don't know about you guys but I am starving" Jay began patting his belly.
Cole gave a big smile. "Then you are in luck, cause it’s my turn to cook" He said with pride.Jay's face seemed to lose all color.
"Oh Nooooo" Cole looked coffended at Jay’s answer.
"What you mean Oh No!?
""No big offense man…" Jay knew he was gonna regret this, but it had to be done or he would die.
"Your cooking can be a little……bad" Jay scrambled behind the couch.
It became quiet as all eyes were on Cole.
"It's not that bad!!" He offered.
"You literally broke Zane last time," Nya replied.
There was a split second of silence, then the whole room broke into laughter, even the two masters themself.
Cole crossed his arms as he turned around mumbling something about his recipes being appetizers.
After a few minutes of laughing and making sure the master of earth didn't kill the master of lighting, Kai went beside Cole, pulling his arm over his shoulder as he led him into the kitchen.
"Come on, we'll cook together," Kai said.
Even though Cole loved to cook his favorite recipes, Kai's style of cooking was good old homemade meals, instead of big fancy meals like Zane likes, his meal was simple but delicious. If Cole had to give up cooking he would be happy Kai was the one taking over, next to Zane of course nobody could beat Zane's cooking.
"Fine," Cole said, while Kai gave him a smile as they entered the kitchen.
"Okay, dude" Pulling out a cooking book he turned to Cole. "Let's start"
A few minutes later they began to cut vegetables, while Kai was cutting some carrots. If he had looked an inch to the side he would see Cole looking at him with worried eyes.
When the crystal king was finally defeated and things began to calm down in the city for some random reason the other startet to wonder about Kai, when something bad happens.
It wasn't that he was acting sad or heartbroken. No, he was acting far too casual, maybe alittle angry and silly but that was normal. From different moments in his life, from catastrophic mission to losing someone, he'd shrugged off almost any concern the others showed towards him, simply stating that he was fine and began making sure the others were okay.
But to them it wasn't…. normal.
After everything he had encountered, especially after they lost Nya to the sea.
One would expect Kai would be devastated and heartbroken, with Jay he had locked himself in dr Julian's old tower to mourn her death even Lloyd quit the team to be a window cleaner because he was scared. The two explain it was never the same without her. Kai's reaction however shocked them, he wasn't mourning her sacrifice at the blacksmith with his parents, he had in the start but it didn't last long. Nya's death had effectet him that was true but not in the way they had first anticipated, and interaction between Kai and Jay had brought out a new view.
It really had them all thinking back all the time anything tragic happened to them, Kai was almost always there for the others, whether it was during the night or day, he was always there to lend a shoulder to lean on or an ear to listen to.
But it also raises the question.
Who checked on Kai?
Not once could anybody ever recall talking with Kai or if he was okay after missions, the few times they did were mere small moments. He had almost always denied their support in any way possible and in due time they thought he was just being stubborn or thinking he was telling the truth so they never really brought it up.
Everybody wanted to ask him but hasn’t found the time and dare they admit courage to ask.
"Once you're done cutting the onions could you make the sauce?" Kai's voice startled him, interrupting his thoughts.
Blinking a few times Cole hesitated. "Y..Yeah, dude" Dark brown eyes flickering away momentarily before returning to his task.
×××××Time Skip×××××
After 30 minutes of cooking, Cole finally gathered his courage.
"Hey Kai" He started carefully as he placed the last plate on the table.
"Sup, dude" Kai replied happly, not taking his eyes off the stew he was steering.
Taking a deep breath and straightening his body slightly.
"Do you…." He hesitated. "Regret joining the team?" He asked.
Kai froze at the question, Cole couldn't withhold a wince as he heard Kai's neck crack as he turned to look at him.
"Maybe this was a mistake?!. Maybe I should've just kept quiet? Maybe it wasn't the right time" Cole thought as Kai kept staring at him.
"What?" Kai asked.
"I just wondered" He ran a hand through his hair. "I asked everybody else and I wanted to hear your answer" A small lie, but he had to make up something to cover his tracks.
Kai hesitated for a moment.
"Look.. you don't have to anw-"
"I'm not completely sure," Kai interrupted.
He turned off the stove then went to lean on the counter. Kai sighed, running a hand through his hair as he stared at his boots.
Cole sat slowly as he waited for Kai to tell him.
"To begin with, I joined this team to save my sister," He began.
"But after that… I followed the path of a ninja" Kai managed a strained smile, crossing his arms
"I will admit. It was a crazy time" Kai snickers. "But I had a blast. All those adventures and all those battles we had the friends we made along the way, I would never trade for anything else" Kai looked at Cole.
"However" His smile fell. "We also had alot going on, bad things" "It made me wonder if it was worth it"
He averted his eyes to look out the window."Was it worth all the pain? There were times when I wanted to quit the team, a part of my brain told me to just take Nya back to the blacksmith were it was safe and forget this whole mess and live our life like before"
"Why didn't you?" Cole asked.Kai looked back at Cole with hesitance.
"There was more need here," He replied.
Cole was left speechless, Kai however, was uncomfortable and turned back to the stew.
"Let's get this done before Jay starts fussing over us," Kai said, his happy spirit gone.
"S..Sure" Was the only reply Cole gave.
×××××Time Skip×××××
It was around dinner time and everybody was enjoying eachothers company alongside the meal Cole and Kai made.
"Mmmmm" Jay stuck a mouthful of food in his mouth. "This so good"
"Indeed" Zane gave the two chefs a smile. "Thank you dear brothers for this meal"
"Your welcome man," Kai replied. "But I couldn't have done it without this man" He bumped into Cole.
Cole smiled at him.
Suddenly a phone broke that moment, Kai suddenly stood up looking guilty .
"Sorry. Must be my dad" Waving his phone, he left the room.
A silence took over. But that silence was quickly interrupted by Lloyd who looked uncomfortable as he asked.
"What you think Kai meant?"
Cole nearly choked on his drink. He put it down as he coughed.
Nya leaned over and patted Cole on the back to help him.
Cole recovered and said, "How did you know?!"
"I was passing by" Lloyd said guiltily, he hadn't meant to eavesdrop on their conversation, it was an accident.
Cole was quiet as the other turned to him confused.
"Cole, what is Lloyd talking about?" Nya asked, worried there was something wrong with her brother.
He didn't get much time to think before Kai rentered the room, still on the phone.
"Okay dad, I'll be out soon" He hung up the phone and looked at his second family with a sorry expression.
"Sorry I gotta cut my dinner short" He told them.
"What's wrong brother?" Nya Ask.
"Nothing to worry sis. Dad just told me, he's here to tell me something, " He replied.
"I'll be back soon" He then left again.
They waited until they heard the door close then turned their attention back to Cole.
Cole didn't know if he should, but in the end the others would find out one way or another.
So with a deep breath he told them what Kai told him. To say shocked was an understanding, but there was also confusion, after a few minutes of silence everybody tried to find out what to do with this information.
"I mean yeah I get the dude" Jay began rubbing his neck. " But even that doesn’t explain much doesv it"
"No it doesn’t" Zane replied.
"So what do we do?" Lloyd asked.
"I don't know," Cole said.
"Maybe we can look in his room?" Jay suggested.
"ARE YOU CRAZY!!" Everybody yelled at Jay.
Each ninja knew Kai didn't like people in his room, and they respected that, alongside the fact that Kai would lose it if anybody did try to enter his room.
"Jay, you know Kai hates it when people enter his room" Nya said, sounding very warily.
"I know, but what other option do we have?" Jay replied back as he was already making his way to the sleeping quarters.
"JAY!" The other followed after Jay, while the masters stayed behind.
"Dude this is a bad idea" Cole said. "We should just wait for Kai to return then ask him
"They stopped by Kai's bedroom door, while Jay went for the door handle.
"Listen dude. I want answers as much as you do" Lloyd began.
"But this is not the way," He said angrily.
"It's worth the risk" He said as he opened the door and stepped in, the others following him.
The room wasn't messy as they had expected. It was very simple compared to the others who either had a big television or huge bookshelf or alot of decor. Kai's room had no television or bookshelf, his room contained a medium window with red curtains, on the windshield was some few pictures and a simple plant. In the room was also a simple desk, two small shelves above the bed with a few books, beside the bed was a small desk with two cabinets and a wardrobe, a small light was giving a soft glow to the room.
"I really thought the room would be filled with pictures of Kai," Jay joked.
"Atleast, it’s not as messy as yours," Jay '' Cole replied funny.
"What you mean? It’s not that messy!!" Jay yelled.
"Have you seen it dude!" Cole rolled his eyes. "I never seen anything like it"
"Guys don't lose focus" Lloyd interrupted looking out the door to make sure Kai wasn't returning.
"Okay" Jay started to look around. "If I was Kai, where would I hide stuff?"
"Well find it!" Lloyd was getting worried.
From the corner of his eye he noticed a loose plank. "Bingo" He bent down and pried it open to reveal a small room with some few items, among them was a book.
"This most be it guys!" He yelled triumph.
"Okay let's see" He didn't get to open it before it was snatched from his hands.
"HE-" He turned to yell at whoever took it from him but shrunk down when he was met with Kai's furious face, he didn't even hear him enter, Jay noticed the others had their head down in shame behind Kai.
"Found anything good" He growled.
"Yoooy d..dude" Jay got up.
The others looked at eachother before exiting the room leaving Jay with a furious Kai.
"Briefing Room.Now" He pointed at the door, Jay felt small at the gaze Kai gave him.
"Okay I can exp-" He tried.
"Save it Jay" His voice startled him. It sounded so… angry and so… sad as Kai pointed at the door again, looking more furious.
With a defeated sigh Jay left, he winced at the door slamming hard behind him. As he made his way to the briefing room Jay started to have regret and wished he'd listened to his friends.
Upon entering the room, the others had gathered together talking.
"I knew this was a bad idea," Lloyd said.
"How angry do you think he is?" Cole asked.
"I don't know," Nya admitted. Never had she encountered anything with her brother to that scale.
All eyes turned to the door as both master Wu and Garmadon entered the room with Kai behind them still mad."I think we have some issues to take care of, '' Wu declared calmly.
Before he could continue the alarm sounded.
"NINJA'S" Borg's fantric face came on the big screen, he looked to be hiding under something and everyone could hear the chaos going around him.
"Borg, what's the emergency?" Lloyd answered, immediately going to leader mode.
"A bunch of intruders are attacking borg tower"
"We're on ou-" Before he could finish the screen went black with Borg screaming face the last thing they saw.
"Team let's go" Kai was the first to sprint out.
"We will talk when you return," Wu said.
Everybody nodded then left after Kai.
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jaybirdss · 2 years
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divider creds
🛼kai x gn reader
warnings; a slap, reader verbally abuses Kai, angst(?) with a happy ending, argument, I think that’s it
starts below the cut !!
y’all this hurt to write and then I got super lazy at the end :,) but I hope you guys enjoy it cos ik I did.
“Oh, you’re gonna hit me? Do it. I dare you, Kai. I dare you!
“What’s wrong, Kai? too pus-“
And everything froze.
What just happened? Everything was blurry and moving slow.
You blinked and you were being pulled up by Cole, and Nya was pulling Kai to a different room.
You huffed, moving away from Kai. He kept trying to touch you and you just weren’t in the mood to be touched. You weren’t in the mood for anything, really. Not talking, not touching, hell not even hearing. Everything was too much and you just couldn’t handle it anymore.
“Is something wrong, Y/N?” Kai asked you, moving closer, but not touching you. You closed your eyes and exhaled, obviously something was wrong.
In your silence, Kai put his hand on yours and asked again, “Y/N? are you okay?”. You just snapped.
“Do I LOOK okay, Kai?”, you snatched your hand from his, disgusted at the touch. Kai backed up, confused at where your sudden animosity came from.
And you only moved forward. “I mean, honestly, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out somethings wrong, Kai. Are you THAT dense that you have to keep asking?”You yelled, gaining the attention of the other ninja.
“Are you serious right now Y/N? I didn’t DO anything” he asked, voice tight. “All I did was ask if you were okay”. You’d never been so hostile to him, a million and one things ran though his head, wondering what he did wrong.
“Oh, SURE you didn’t Kai. You NEVER do anything, do you?” you ask, poking at his chest. “it’s never you, Kai. Why can’t you accept that I don’t want you to touch me! Why is that so hard to get through your thick fucking skull?” Kai stood, frozen. What we’re you talking about?
“God you’re so fucking self absorbed. It’s ALWAYS about YOU! Why can’t you just leave me alone for once!” by now you’d backed Kai into the wall, yelling in his face.
Kai wasn’t even listening anymore, he didn’t want to hear the venom you spewed.
He decided he should just leave, and wait for you to calm down so you could talk to him about it later. Kai brought his hand up to gently push you aside, but you took it as something else.
“Oh, you’re gonna hit me? Do it. I dare you, Kai. I dare you!
“What’s wrong, Kai? too pus-“
And he snapped, too. He didn’t mean to. He didn’t even think about it. It just happened.
He slapped you across the face. You stumbled back, frozen in pure shock. Everything moved so slowly for the both of you. You blinked up through bleary vison, seeing tears spill from Kais eyes.
And then you were pulled gently up by the arm by Cole. He rushed you to your room quickly, and you watched as Nya pulled Kai away.
Now you sat with Cole investigating the red, angry hand print on your cheek. Your tears were a nonstop river of pain. Not even because of the sting from Kai’s slap. But because you said all those horrible things to Kai.
How could you be so awful?
Your tears came to a near stop, and then your eyes over flowed with new found anxiety.
You burried your face in Coles chest, wailing to him about how terrible you were, how Kai should leave you for someone better. That you didn’t deserve him.
Cole shook his head at all these things. It just wasn’t true. “Y/N, that’s not true” “But it is!! I’m awful, Cole. How could I say that to him? I love him so much, I-I don’t know what came over me”
Cole rubbed your back, holding you tight. He knows you didn’t mean any of what you said. He knows what happened, he knows why you reacted like that.
He sighed, waiting for you to calm your breathing again. “Y/N, have you told him yet that you get overstimulated?” You shook your head slowly, knowing where this was going.
“Did you actually tell him that you didn’t want to be touched?” again, you shook your head.
He sighed, “Well then. That’s what you’re gonna tell him when you two talk, kay?” you nodded.
You can’t believe you didn’t tell him sooner that sometimes you just can’t handle being touched. It must have slipped your mind, you think.
You wipe your eyes and start working on exactly what to say when you see Kai.
As soon as the door to Nyas room closed Kai started crying. He didn’t even know why Y/N was mad at him, he really didn’t do anything. They didn’t tell him to not touch them, he just wanted to check on them.
Nya rubbed his shoulder.
“I don’t understand..I really didn’t do anything! They just snapped at me and..and I..” he started hiccuping on his words, his breath becoming erratic.
How could he hit you?
“what if- what if they break up with me, Nya? I need them. I love them so much and I..I HIT them, sis. I hit them!” Kai balled his fists, biting his lip.
“Kai, i’m sure Y/N will understand. They were in the wrong too. They shouldn’t have talked to you like that, and they shouldn’t have poked you or egged you on” Nya said, rubbing her brothers arm in a comforting gesture.
Kai frowned. He just doesn’t understand. What did he do? Surely he did something to make Y/N that mad. It doesn’t make sense for them to just..snap.
“Kai, don’t get too in your head. Y/N is sensible enough to know they were wrong. You are too, you shouldn’t have hit them, but Y/N knows they aren’t clear in this situation either” Nya said, combing though Kai’s hair. “It’s gonna be okay, brother”
Kai sighed, entering his mind and thinking of when he should talk to you and what to say when he does.
it’s around nine pm now, and you lay awake in your bed. You decided that when Kai comes to bed, you’ll talk to him.
But you’ve been waiting for an hour now, and Kai has shown no signs of coming to bed. You begin to worry, does he not want to talk..? You couldn't blame him, you did a lot of bad and if you were in his shoes you wouldn’t want to sleep with you either.
You bite your nails, listening closely for Kai’s foot steps.
Thirty minutes pass and still, he hasn’t come to bed. You decide not to wait anymore, and toss your feet over the edge of the bed. The door opens.
In its frame, Kai stands.
“oh uh- I can leave if-“
“no! I uhm. I need to talk to you. I need to apologize” you say, looking at him with hopeful eyes.
Wordlessly he closes the door and sits next to you. You take a deep breath, preparing to speak, when Kai grabs your face and gasps. He thumbs over the still puffy mark on your cheek, and tears up.
“Oh, baby…i’m so sorry, I-“
“No, I’M sorry Kai. I fucked up, not you” you cut him off, taking his face in your hands. “I should have never said those things to you, you don’t deserve that. You aren’t stupid, and you don’t make everything about yourself. I snapped at you and I hurt you and i’m so, so sorry”
Kai shakes his head, “But, I just have done something to make you snap. it’s my fault, Y/N”
“No, Kai. you didn’t do anything. I should have told you sooner that I get overstimulated by touch and sound, and sometimes I can’t handle it. I should have told you that. And I should have communicated that I didn’t want to be touched. But I didn’t and i’m wrong for that
“And..I shouldn’t have poked you. I’m..i’m really sorry I should have told you, Kai. If I had told you then-“
“Hey, what’s done is done. I know now, don’t I?” you nod. “see, I know now and now we can prevent this from happening again” Kai said, thumbing over your cheek.
“I’m still sorry..” you mutter, putting your forehead to his. You crack a small smile, and then begin to cry.
“Hey, hey hey what’s wrong?” he asks, concerned.
“I jus- just lo- oove you so much. You’re too good to- to me” you bawl, arms tight around his neck. You never wanted to let him go.
There was a lot more to discuss, a lot more to work on. But at this moment, neither you or Kai cared. All the two of you wanted was each other, and you’d both do everything to keep eachother. No amount of work needed for the two of you to work would drive you apart.
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