#i like it because even if it's cotton it has a bit of a wool feel to it 😔
coffeeworldsasaki · 2 months
The specific type of grief that using good out of production yarn brings
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skylarkspinner · 3 months
fiber art adventures in egypt
I recently got back from a trip to Egypt & finally got around to organizing some pictures to share. One of the things I was most excited about was seeing what I could find on fiber arts and textiles.
Dropping everything under a read more, 'cause this will be a long post haha
first visit: the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization (NMEC)
At the time of visiting, they had a special textiles exhibit. It covered Pharonic Egypt all the way up to modern times, although I only had time to check out the dynastic & a bit of the Coptic portion of the exhibit (which was what I was really hoping to see anyways)
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Was super excited to see this diorama in person. I knew about it but had never seen good pictures of it. From the little I've seen of ancient Egyptian spinning, spinning with two spindles seems to be the norm rather than a master technique? It also shows up in tomb art, which the exhibit also shared:
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They also used a different fiber preparation (splicing to create a rove of fiber, no traditional drafting to my understanding) so that probably made a difference? Regardless I really want to see if I can replicate the technique, especially because their spindles look so similar to modern spindles??
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I took so many pictures of spindles, guys, and I fully intend to either have a few replicas made or to learn to make some myself. Also, although they were unlabeled... I'm pretty sure those are beaters for weaving? That was a bit of a trend with this trip, so much stuff was unlabeled :( I would've killed to at least get some date estimates for some of the stuff they had on display. I was nerding out in here though, and my family took a few pictures of how excited I was getting. A bit embarrassing, but eh haha
The exhibit also had a section on natural dyes used with a fun visual;
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There was several diagrams specifically describing each dye source, but in the interest of not overloading on pictures I'll just list them out. For blues; woad, Yellows; turmeric, safflower, saffron, or yellow ochre; reds; madder, henna, pomegranate, and kermes. I originally thought kermes was another way to say cochineal, but it only seems to be distantly related.
next visit: Ramses Wissa Wassef Art Center
A small art center dedicated to hand-weaving wool and cotton tapestries. All of their work was museum quality & awe inspiring!!
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Was even invited to their back rooms to watch a few of their weavers working; no I don't have room to put a room-sized loom anywhere but heck do I want one now
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Our guide that took us through talked a bit about the natural dyes they use (all of their dyes are dyed in house with what they grow in their dye garden!!!) and got excited to hear I was also interested in natural dyes! He seemed a bit disappointed I'd never worked with indigo and. while indigo scares me, I'll take it as a sign that maybe I should try some time this year haha.
final visit; the Egyptian Museum
we really had to rush through this one which was a huge shame because it's packed full of artifacts. Also, the lighting in there is atrocious, so apologies for the not great pictures ahead.
They had a fascinating display of textile tools, more than what the NMEC had;
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(Hand for size reference) I want all of these spindles! So badly! But a few of them look so much like a few of the spindles I own already?? A few of them had a spiraling notch, that's so cool? But also, what's going on with the one with two whorls? I have no idea. I'm fascinated.
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Look at these whorls!! Although again, I'm a bit confused; the lack of labeling strikes again. Unsure why some of these "whorls" have two holes, or what the metal object with the wooden handle is. The display implies sewing needles, and some of them do look like it, but others.... really don't look like sewing needles. I'm absolutely enchanted by this little whorl though. I think it has birds on it?
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More objects that I'm baffled by- the signage doesn't really indicate what some of this stuff is, if it's even known. Also confused by the object wrapped in white string in the right pic; it looks like a distaff but to the best of my knowledge the (ancient at least) Egyptians didn't use distaffs. It probably popped up in later times and was put in this display since it was still relevant, but I'm still not sure.
I have so many more pictures & thoughts but I'll save those for more specific future projects. I've been doing research outside this trip on ancient Egyptian spinning techniques and desperately want to go deeper into that, this trip just solidified how excited it makes me. If you made it all the way through this, many thanks for reading!
Bonus; look at this ancient linen 🥺
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murder-cookie-dust393 · 6 months
Battery anon again, yes self aware au is still strangling me.
I feel like a neat idea is combining the Yandere au with it.
Imagine- MC has been playing crk for a while. The cookies from newer updates would be more normal, and frankly quite alarmed in regards to the other Yan's behaviour, while some from the earliest are pretty much too far gone.
Or, if we don't want to go that route, tie it to a game mechanic, the more times a cookie gets ascended or levelled up, the more yandere they get.
The leveling up part reminded me of my Jimin cookie that's level 17 from working at the sheep farm constantly help-
Tw: nothing really, except creepy cookies
Ok I did a bit of update research, and the Odyssey is roughly the exact middle point.
So all cookies from that release are like mildly obsessed. They say voice lines that sometimes accidentally mention you directly. Any gachas, they'll try their best to be pulled rather than the new cookies.
Now those from like the earliest updates like Pure Vanilla or even Espresso straight up are menaces. They always try to hack the game developers into changing the whole course of the game. (Pure Vanilla would definitely make it a Fight Dark Enchantress game while also a dating sim story with him istg)
The early update cookies also try to get buffs in their power/skill. So that you use them more in the arena or anything really. (Remember when Cotton was the best healer? Then all of the sudden it became Pure Vanilla again because of a buff? Hm- suspicious isn't it? /hj)
Meanwhile the new cookies are absolutely confused, and don't know what to do. (Until they slowly notice you...)
I actually really love the leveling up idea.
Your arena cookies are definitely the most down bad. They'll give you all the creepy voice lines after every win.
Also, every time you feed a cookie, little hearts float around for a split second.
Oh and ascensions? They're all heart eyes.
(I can't stop laughing at the image of my Jimin cookie asking if the wool he's farmed is perfect teheh)
- Celina
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trashpandacraft · 4 months
What are your cats' names? I love them very much 🥹
you are my favourite person. thank you so much for asking this and giving me a chance to talk about my cats, my precious terrible babies.
we have three cats, as you can see in this photo of them supervising me watering the garden yesterday.
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the brown tabbies are brothers, and are two years old. the grey one was adopted at the same time, but is younger—about eighteen months. they're terrible. i adore them.
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this is darcy. he's impossibly beautiful, so full of beauty that there's absolutely no space left in that precious little head of his for anything as trivial as thoughts. look at those eyes. his mind is absolutely empty.
darcy enjoys hanging his chin over things, feather toys, helping me manage any wool products that i'm using, sunbeams, yoghurt, tearing apart cardboard boxes, and being lightly thunked along his sides. does he like being pet like a normal cat? not really. what he loves is when you aggressively rub his sides up and down like you're trying to towel off a very wet dog, or when you play bongos on his ribs.
darcy is our babiest boy, and also the fanciest and most beautiful boy. he doesn't walk, he prances. his tail is an enormous peacock plume. his mouth is so so so pink. he's also our most timid boy—very friendly, but very cautious, especially when it comes to anything physical. big jump? no thank you, darcy will simply hop down to the floor and take the long way. he's our longest and probably our sturdiest cat, but he does not care to put that to the test.
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this is bingley. you may notice, in these photos, that he's missing the paw on his front right leg. this is because he put every single one of his ability points into soft and didn't leave any for paw. he feels like this was a reasonable trade, and is entirely unbothered by its absence.
bingley likes sofa, plush fishie toys, biting and biting and biting his siblings, cotton, being tall, getting onto the bed by jumping directly on my face, and trucks and machines of all types. you have a spinning wheel? this guy is obsessed with spinning wheels. garbage is being picked up? he is tearing into the office so he can watch it out the window. toddler-ass behaviour, frankly.
darcy and bingley are brothers, and when we went to the shelter, we were told that they were a bonded pair, and that darcy relied on bingley for a lot of social cues. this was, at it turns out, 100% correct. darcy is timid and anxious and very reluctant to trust his own abilities; bingley is confident and loud and knows absolutely no fear. this cat has opinions, and by god he's gonna tell you about them. bingley makes the biggest jumps, and is the cat who figured out that he could jump from the knee-high cat tree to the top of the more-than-two-metres wardrobe. i'm honestly glad that he's missing a paw because i feel like if he weren't a tiny bit nerfed, he'd be A Threat. he is also far and away our smallest cat, even though he sometimes makes himself look quite large in photos.
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this is goblet. goblet is rightfully called silver—my child named him, thus the thematic disconnect—but i have to admit that i've almost never called him that. you see, when we got him, he was very young, and he had hilariously oversized eyes and ears, which made him look like a goblin. a very small goblin. a goblet, if you will.
goblet likes food, the plastic bottle caps from sports drinks that he fishes out of the garbage, being in things (baskets, drawers, cat beds, etc), headbutts, having his belly rubbed, and sitting with his front paws tucked up very politely.
he's our most skittish boy—if there's a loud noise, he's gone—but also the snuggliest. which is great, because he's also the most trustworthy when it comes to craft supplies. if i pull out my knitting, there's like an 85% chance that he'll appear on my lap within ten minutes or so, and then he'll just hang out there. i've used his limbs to tension yarn before and he just purrs. he's sort of middle of the road on the bad life choices scale—too skittish to have bingley's eyes closed, three paws, can't lose attitude, but more confident than darcy. he's also the smartest cat.
additionally, he has weirdly, freakishly grippy paws. he's not polydactyl, but he very much uses his dewclaws like thumbs. he really holds on to things. it's messed up but also very charming, because he holds on to everything.
anyhow, thank you so so much for sending me this ask and giving me an excuse to tell you way more than you wanted to know about my cats!
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imjustwritingg · 1 month
Other than wanting to wrap Hailey in cotton wool and give her the biggest hug, how are you feeling/what are your thoughts after last nights episode?
This turned into an unofficial review of sorts and it got rather long, so I’ll post it all below the cut for those that want to read my thoughts.
I might be in the minority here, but I really enjoyed the episode. I kinda loved it actually, and it might be one of my favorite episodes. I enjoyed everything about it…the writing, the directing, the acting.
Gwen Sigan wrote the episode, but I gotta give her credit where it’s due because it was pretty damn good in my book. It reminded me a lot of her writing days prior to her becoming show-runner and I miss those days so very much.
I think the tidbits of Hailey’s past are coming way too late, but I still really enjoyed getting to peek into her life a bit more. Just wish we could have gotten more of it along the way and not three episodes before the character is gone.
I loved Kevin’s blatant callout to Hailey in the first minute of the episode of how she’s dealing and if running is helping her. He asks this question of “how are you doing…really doing?” with no words and just one look, and then we’re given the answer by Hailey deflecting and avoiding yet again under the guise of wanting a sugar fix. I think that was brilliant. It conveyed everything you needed to know about Hailey’s mental state in one short moment.
No Voight in the episode was such a gift.
Hailey being in charge and leading this particular case was the right move and she handled it so well. I’m bummed we probably won’t see her leading her own unit someday.
Also back to the no Voight thing just for a moment to say that it’s interesting to see how the dynamic shifted with the team versus him not being around and Hailey being in charge. The team felt lighter to me, like in the sense that they weren’t on edge, walking on eggshells in a way. Everything just felt calmer. There was still an intensity and an urgency to solve the case, but rules were followed, there was no off the book cowboy bullshit, and it felt like everyone followed Hailey and trusted her, whereas with Voight they were obeying orders that were barked out to them. I don’t know. It just felt really different and so very satisfying to me.
I love Kevin and Kim’s ability to communicate with one another with just one look between them. Makes me think of the early days of them being partners and being on patrol. They still work so wonderfully together.
This case was sick. A mother doing that to her own child is demented. Where these writers, and Gwen specifically, come up with these ideas is beyond me, but someone should probably do a wellness check on her. Like girly needs some serious therapy and R&R.
Josephine Petrovic. I had some hesitation with her at first as you usually do with a new character as you try and suss them out, but I’ve gotta say, I like her. I like her and I hate that I like her and I hate that she only just came onto the show because I would love to see what happens with her if she were to stick around, but I can’t watch this show without Tracy or Jesse — mostly Tracy — but neither of them? I just can’t do it. I have some other thoughts on Jo, but I will save them for another ask I received.
I obviously saved the elephant in the room for last…Jay. I really don’t think the mentions and nods to him in this episode were “bad” in any way because it’s stuff that has already been said about the character…Gwen’s version of him at least, but I do think there is a reason why he is being brought up and why there are so many nods to the marriage. Hailey insisted she wasn’t angry with him in the premiere. She signed the divorce papers, sent them off, and that was that and she washed her hands of him. Except she didn’t. Because she is angry, she hasn’t moved on in the year and a half he’s been gone now, signing the papers didn’t give her any closure…hell, even him signing the papers didn’t give her any closure, (I will die on the hill that he only signed them because it’s what he thought she wanted). I personally do not think she will get any closure whatsoever if she doesn’t have a conversation with him, if she doesn’t confront him and all of it head on…the anger and resentment and confusion and the love that is still there. You can’t turn that shit off. You can’t just push it away and be like, “okay, I’m done with you now, goodbye.” Life doesn’t work that way. Emotions don’t work that way. Grief sure as shit doesn’t work that way, and I feel like that is the stage Hailey is stuck in right now. Grieving the loss of Jay and her marriage and stuck in a limbo that she doesn’t know how to navigate on her own while dealing with childhood trauma that she actually isn’t really dealing with at all. And she is without a doubt on her own. That is the one thing that has been made clear this season. She has no family, not any friends other than co-workers, and right now, she doesn’t have Jay. I respect the “independent woman, gonna stand on my own, I don’t need anyone” mindset, but I don’t agree with how we got here and I also don’t fully agree with the notion that she doesn’t need anyone because everyone needs someone. You can’t do life alone. You need someone in your corner, someone by your side, someone who gets you in ways you don’t even know yourself, and for Hailey, that person is and will always be Jay Halstead. I think she will realize she needs to get out of Chicago like her brothers, like Jay, like Will, and I hope that wherever she ends up, Jay is there waiting for her and the two of them can just start over without Chicago and their past looming over them like a dark cloud. And for the love of God, let them both go to therapy…together and separately.
Brenna Malloy directed and it was just…perfect. True cinema if you will. The close-ups of the actors’ faces during certain scenes and how the camera would pan to them at just the exact right moment for a reaction, the no background noise and intentional pauses during scenes that allowed moments to feel heavier and more real, the ending shot of Hailey and her teary eyes…I feel like it was a story that was so delicately handled and crafted by Brenna, and I’m just really impressed.
Tracy Spiridakos. I mean, what more even needs to be said? The woman is a powerhouse. It always amazes me knowing how much of a goof she is on set and then you watch an episode like this and it’s just like…WOW. Her range of emotion and the way she makes you feel every single one of those emotions is truly something that needs to be studied. You cry with her, you smile with her, you laugh with her, but the biggest thing is you feel for her character, and I think that is something that not all actors are capable of doing with an audience. Tracy knocks it out of the park, across the highway, into the next town every time, and her execution is consistent every time as well. No one is doing it like her, and I love and respect the hell out of that woman and her talent.
I think the same also needs to be said for Bojana Novakovic. I have been surprisingly impressed by her and kind of adore her. I’ve really been enjoying the character of Josephine Petrovic and I hate that she’s only coming into the show now right when Tracy is walking out the door because Bojana alone is incredible, but her and Tracy together? It’s like magic to me. Their chemistry as scene partners and the way they bounce off each other is absolutely insane, and then their ability to pull you in and keep you locked in…ooof. I think it’s something special and I’ve really enjoyed seeing them together on-screen.
As for how I feel…
I feel good? Okay? The episode didn’t do much for me in the grand scheme of “what is Hailey gonna do” or “what’s gonna happen” because we already anticipated her leaving Chicago. That wasn’t ever in question. But the actual reason for Hailey leaving is still muddled to me, even more so because she hasn’t resolved anything in her life. She still has these demons, a past filled with trauma she hasn’t found peace with, she has no closure with Jay, she has questions and zero answers, and she is already and literally running from her problems.
So, is she supposed to leave Chicago and start over somewhere and her problems are just gonna go poof? Magically disappear? Because that’s not how that works, and I think that would be yet another injustice to the character and more lazy writing. I do think the episode (finally!) laid the groundwork for Tracy’s exit, but it should have started in episode 1, not 10. Tracy gave them an entire season to wrap up Hailey’s story, and I feel like they wasted so much time and it’s gonna be another rushed exit once the curtain falls. It’s not that I’m surprised in that regard, but I am disappointed (again!) especially considering how much of a fuss Gwen made about “it’s so generous of Tracy to give us a whole season.”
If Gwen’s plan was to make Hailey’s exit about her family and her childhood trauma then the seed should have been planted long before now, and Jay shouldn’t still be a sore subject for her. I think we’re in for a really emotional ending to the season, not just for Hailey, but for the first time since season eight I’m actually looking forward to a finale again.
In conclusion and a very long story short…I loved the episode, but Gwen Sigan is still on my shit list.
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downundergarfield · 9 months
OMGG medic getting turned on while he’s tryna heal you because you’re whimpering and moaning in pain because you’re wounded 🤭🤭🤭
It's a sin not to do this, the idea is great!!
The Medic × GN!Reader who turnes on the Medic with their sounds while he treats their wounds.
Tw/Cw: wounds, pain
NSFW! under the cut
Evening on the Badlens. Only two tired figures were sitting in the infirmary. The fights are long gone and the Medic has patched up a lot of people today. But you stayed. You had a lot of wounds on your back from an enemy spy. Some were deep, some were not, but in any case, all needed processing. A cotton pad falls on fresh stitches and you clench your teeth, quietly moaning and writhing.
"- I know, komerad, it hurtz, but you'll have to be patient a little."
"- yes, I know, it's just a little easier for me when I make sounds.."
You clarify. And he understands, quietly nodding his head.
"-gut. I will keep it in mind"
The procedure continues. Unpleasant, but bearable. Cotton wool sometimes leaves threads sticking to the skin, and you make a quiet "ah" when the Medic pulls the fluff out of your wounds.
"- Pardon... We need more liquid on cotton wool."
You quietly agree.
Soon, wet cotton wool is passed over your back. You tremble and stretch out quiet moans, because on your back, inflamed from cuts, the wet cotton wool feels quite cold. You feel the antiseptic creeping cold drops down your back and it does not go unnoticed by you. You make more noises and he seems a little confused. And you even like it. So you decide to "exaggerate" your feelings quite a bit. When a fresh cotton wool touches your injured back, you again stretch out a quiet moan, feeling his hand twitch. Great, your plan is working. A few more minutes of treatment, cotton wool, disinfecting, your exhausted back. His touch becomes more sluggish, then more insistent, as if he is trying to hide something. And you know what it is. In any case, he didn't last long. Your back burns a little, but this feeling is immediately dulled when you feel his hands on your chest. He squeezes your breasts, not hard, but persistently, stroking the nipples with gloves. You sigh, turning to Ludwig, his face literally burns, an bessoted look does not come off from persistent actions on your chest. You giggle, feeling the pleasure spreading through your body and sliding down each vessel and each wreath, making you want only more. You moan more clearly, already with pleasure. He's crazy about your voice, and you know it perfectly well. Welp, the doctor can't wait any longer, it's time to admit that he wants you. Right here. At the workplace.
How unprofessional.
But does anyone care?
Ludwig kisses your neck from behind, burying himself in your hair and closing his eyes, he caresses it with his lips and tongue, not hiding his intentions at all. Sometimes his lips touch your wounds, but he tries to deal with them more carefully. Still, don't want to bring some kind of infection along with saliva.
Very soon you find yourself on a cot. He's sitting on it, you're on top. You feel how his boner rests against your waiting pussy. You kiss his forehead, and he strokes your exhausted back. Soon, the clothes are no longer an obstacle, the Medic quickly rushes into you, stretching the tender hot flesh and filling you. You moan on him and he goes over your wounds. It makes you groan already from the pain, and Ludwig grins from this. He starts pushing into you, over and over and over, already picking up the pace, quite arrogant and hungry. You grab the back of an arrogant doctor. His pace is not going to slow down. You feel like you are being stretched over and over again, as his cock plunges deep into your insides. Not surprising. Playing with a Medic like that? Did you expect something different?
"-Ich bin so verdammt nah dran"
He turns you over on your stomach, pressing you against the treatment table, grabs your hair and slaps your buttocks. You feel how he fills you, and after him, you come too. You hear his broken groans and hisses through his teeth, and then, his grip loosens. Red-hot passion is replaced by affectionate kisses in the back. He bandages your torso to prevent the wounds on your back from giving too much power. Then, he takes you to your bedroom. This path does not shine with conversations, but only because hot sex with you has sucked the last of his strength out of him.
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marchsfreakshow · 10 months
Can I Sew Into Your Heart? {Dandy Mott x Reader}
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Requested by a wonderful @randodummy <3
You work closely with Dora at the Mott Mansion, and in the winter, Gloria has asked you to sew something for Dandy because of how sensitive he is to the cold.
No one's perspective
You were sat in the kitchen, distracted, and Dora was making dinner. She was your mentor and only friend in the Mott Mansion. The big and empty place had plenty of empty rooms so you slept in a different one every night. Gloria never seemed to mind and she was kind to you, even if she was a bit naïve to her son's own problems.
The only difference between you and Dora is that you mainly did the sweeping and cleaning now. Dora kept on the food and laundry. Equal chores for both of you kept you happy. Sometimes though, there was always a time when you felt bored and tired since you managed to keep the place so clean. So, you sewed. Sewing was your favourite thing to do, and it kept you busy before Gloria employed you. You sewed Gloria and Dora jackets, small hats and gloves. They were small, never a big project like jumpers or a winter coat.
Until, one cold day on a dark December, Gloria came into the room you were currently sleeping in as you were reading. "Y/N, I need you to do something."
"Sure Ms.Mott, what needs doing?"
"Sew Dandy a jumper. He's sensitive to the cold, and has been dealing with a sniffle." She smiled slightly at you, and you nodded to just go along with it, but inside you felt like this was going to take up too much of your time. Begrudgingly you got up once Gloria left, and opened one of the small boxes by your bedside. It held different types of wool, cotton, needles and threads.
Thankfully, however, Gloria bought you a brand-new sewing machine. You were never able to get one, being an orphan had its downsides. Many, downsides. They were never kind to you, but you were kind to those who offered you calm, sweet silence, instead of yells and shouts. Karma would hit those people soon, you always thought. Karma exists.
Despite your busy mind, remembering where you came from, you turned the machine on. You grabbed everything from the open box and got to work. Whizzes and brrrs filled the quiet room. The door couldn't stop the loud machine from making the mansion sound like it was a construction site. Although, everyone left you alone. Dandy was simply out, probably to try and talk to the freaks again. Gloria, most likely was watching television or reading. Then Dora, out of everything, was in the kitchen, washing vegetables and preparing dinner for the evening.
So, truly, you weren't disturbed in the slightest. To busy your mind even more than it was already, you hummed songs. In The Mood was the first one to come to mind. It was a fun song, and you danced with Dandy to it once. The man-child was being a brat again, and you took his hands, leading him to an empty room with a record player. "Y/N what is this? I don't care about what you're trying to do!" He asked grumpily, as always. You just smiled your sweet smile that made Dandy melt inside, (he'd never tell you that of course) and took his large hands towards the record player. Putting yours on top of his, you both placed In The Mood on the record player. He hid his smile, but Dandy knew you liked the song, so he let you lead the dance.
"Dandy darling, pleaseee come on join me!" You chuckled, dancing around awkwardly. A few seconds went past before Dandy took you in his arms and started to dance with you.
"You're a horrible dancer."
"you love me." A giggle escaped your lips as Dandy and you danced around the whole room, not missing any corner. "I love you." You whispered to Dandy. The song ended, and he dipped you down for half a second. He held your waist and gently placed a kiss on your lips. Once you returned back, a hand on his face.
"I love you too."
But the whirrs brought you back to reality. Already you were done with the sleeve, somehow it didn't look terrible despite being in a dazed state the whole time. It was a dark blue, mixed with some blacks and shades of grey.
Your own humming continued as you kept sewing and still, the machine was louder than ever. But soon enough, you heard the door slam shut. Dandy was home. He walked towards your door and opened it quickly, seeing you sew with the machine. "Turn that off!" He shouted, somehow louder than the sewing machine itself.
Quickly, you did so, and looked up to Dandy, confused. "Is it too loud Dandy?" He sniffles a bit. His nose was red, and he was shivering. "Oh dandy...my love you know to not go out in this weather." You shook your head, getting up and hugging Dandy close. He was freezing, and sneezing.
"I don't care. I wanted to see the twins."
"Dandy..." You just take his hand and up the stairs to his room. It was warm and it was best for the cold man. In both ways. "Come on, let's get you warmed up." Dandy just nodded, wiping his nose on some tissue. He was cute to you, even if he was a massive brat at times.
"I'll go and get you some soup okay? Tomato with some toast." Tired and cold, Dandy just nodded again and accepted it while you placed a blanket over his shoulders. He was clingy so it took you a while to just get to the kitchen. Dora smiled at you and held out a tea kettle.
"Are you taking a break Y/N? I've made some tea." Dora poured you a small cup anyway.
"Thank you, Dora. I was going to make some quick tomato soup with toast. Dandy is freezing, and a sniffling mess." You sighed but smiled. Dora was too kind to you sometimes. She opened up some cupboards and took out ingredients. Salt, pepper, tomatoes, red peppers, cream, etc. Everything was fresh since you and Dora went out a day ago to get groceries.
"You gonna be alright makin' it? I know he can be horrible and ungrateful at times."
"I'll be okay Dora, thank you though. I know how to put him in his place." You chuckled a bit and winked at Dora, who just rolled her eyes, smiling before walking off. Everyoneeee heard how you 'put Dandy in his place' and it was obvious to them he wasn't the one in charge.
You brought yourself out of your fantasy though, starting to quickly make up some soup for the sniffly man. After a few minutes, it was smelling nice, and it was warming you up, even though you weren't the one eating it. It only took a few minutes for the soup to be done, so you placed some in a bowl, put that on a tray along with some hot cocoa, and brought it up to Dandy who was still sniffling away and reading comics.
"Hey love, I made you the soup. Plus some cocoa." You smiled and it melted you inside as Dandy immediately grinned and sat up, placing the comic down next to him. "Tomato and red pepper."
You placed the tray on Dandy's lap, and he started eating immediately. But he dropped his spoon back in the bowl, cringing and placed a hand over his mouth. "Burnt my tongue."
"Well, it is hot, baby. C'mere, just leave it for a bit to cool down, then take small sips okay?" Running your fingers through Dandy's hair, you giggled slightly, and Dandy just looked annoyed before kissing your head as an affirmation of your words. The silence was long, occasionally broken by a kiss so Dandy felt better. Soon enough though, you took the spoon again and helped Dandy eat. The soup was finished in a matter of minutes along with the cocoa.
"..thank you Y/N." He said, shrinking back down into his duvet.
"You're always welcome my love. I'll be back soon okay? I'm still making something." You grinned and kissed Dandy's forehead. Picking up the tray and taking it downstairs, you immediately thought about how to continue making the jumper.
You had hoped Dandy would stay in bed and rest now he had eaten, but you could never be too sure. Sighing to yourself, you went back into the room and started to sew again, distracting yourself with songs in your head.
Time had passed more quickly than you thought and you had a look at the clock. "5?! Shit!" Then you looked down at the machine, an almost finished jumper in the machine. There were a few embodiments that needed to be added, so you made fast work of that. "Jesus Christ, I should have an alarm clock built in me or something." You got up and jogged into the kitchen, to find a little plate on the counter with a note.
' Y/N, you were so distracted with your work all day, I couldn't disturb you. So I made some extra for you, eat it whenever you can. - Dora.' You grinned and took the plate with some cutlery, and sat in the kitchen, wolfing it down as swiftly as you could. As soon as you finished, you washed everything up and put them away. You walked back out, seeming alone in the house. Shrugging to yourself, all you did was go back to your room and finish off the jumper.
It ended up being a navy colour, with hints of a lighter blue in it. It was so big, but you hoped Dandy would like it anyway. "Y/N?" Oh perfect. Dandy called out to you from upstairs, you ran up to him with the jumper in your hands. "What's that?" He asked through small sneezes and coughs.
"It's a jumper for you baby. You're so sick, and you need something to keep you warm." You sweetly cooed, holding it up. Excited, dandy took it in his hands and immediately put it on. "That looks great on you sweets." You clapped and grinned.
"I like the colour." He said, admiring it on his own body. Soon enough though, he picked you up and placed you next to him, cuddling you in close. "You're sleeping next to me tonight."
"I'd love that my darling." You answered, Dandy keeping you tight and close to his own body. "Are you still cold?"
"Mhm." He nodded.
"My sweet boy, I'll warm you right up." You just kept smiling at him, moving yourself to lie on top of Dandy. You also put the blanket over yourself, you kept Dandy and yourself warm. "I love you, sweetheart."
"I love you more."
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ohbo-ohno · 6 months
A Helen of Troy-Esque Au where Soap is chosen by the gods to decide xyz thing and picks Ghost who promises to give him the most beautiful woman in the world and he ends up picking Reader. And now both of you are Ghost’s pets because he decides he likes you too much to let you go. :) or a Hephaestus/Aphrodite-esque au with horribly disfigured Soap who wants nothing more then the beautiful goddess who smiles at him from across the room. And one day he begs you to come to his forge, says he has a surprise for you, a beautiful golden throne he spent days making. Gold and iron and silver roses decorating it all around with the softest looking bear skin filled with cotton and wool to act as a cushion. Except when you sit on it and try to relax, suddenly cuffs come up from arms and keep you trapped. And they’re so strong threat no matter your kicking and squealing, you can’t get out. Can only cry as Soap licks up your tears, palming himself with one hand as the other gropes your tits. Guess Ares!Ghost will just have to come save you! (And end up joining in the fun) - 🕸
ok wait wait i see your aphrodite!reader idea but i think you've got it switched. i feel like ghost as hephaestus and soap as ares makes more sense
ghost, who's so ugly that he wears a fucking mask because he's tired of the pity he gets from the other gods. ghost, who's married to the goddamn goddess of beauty because of some sick cosmic joke (aka idk who hera would be)
consider: ghost who's never even met his wife. he has an image of her in his head already and he just can't imagine she's anything but a vapid, shallow bitch who wouldn't give him the time of day. giving incel vibes tbh
and reader, the goddess of love who's husband couldn't have less interest in her. hurts like hell, but eventually she decides Fuck That guy and finds her own love, with the charming-but-cocky god of war. #PowerCouple
and soap is like oh fuck yeah, a beautiful woman wants to be his and he gets to fuck with ghost at the same time? oh buddy things couldn't be going better for him. so he makes sure he's seen constantly with his pretty goddess, starts wars for her and fights in her honor, does absolutely everything in his power to make sure ghost sees that soap's the one with his wife on his arm
this could go a few ways but im thinkinggggg maybe ghost decided Oh Hell No. he may have always had a bit of a thing for that punk god of war, but he cannot let Johnny flaunt his wife all over olympus. so he starts a very slow (and frankly awkward) courting process with his own wife
and poor reader, she's so conflicted :( she's definitely in love with johnny, but the more her husband pursues her the more she feels for him, the more she really wishes their marriage was real
one day he lures her back to the forge with promises of gifts and, just like you said, locks her to his throne :(
hours, maybe even days later johnny storms into the forge, determined to drag his pretty pretty girl away from the asshole god of fire, only to find her naked and slick, tied to a stunning throne, with ghost knelt between her knees
and she cries out - in ecstasy or relief? - when she sees him, begs - for help or for more?
and she's truly convinced that johnny will help her, will tear her brute of a husband away so she can storm up to olympus and demand retribution
but instead he just moves forward and slowly sinks to his knees beside ghost, eyes locked on her cunt
(it can't be the worst thing to share, can it?)
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Fit's brain and throat and nose are made of gunk, and he can only praise Hausmaster that Ramon has been preoccupied with something in his room and not wanting to come out the past few days. His beautiful baby boy has his cookies for the week, a good supply of food, and absolutely does not deserve any of this. Not being made of cotton wool, and not being so dizzy getting up is impossible.
He has tried to get up - being sick is not an option, being sick gets you found and killed and killed again - but didn't even make it to the door. In defeat he dragged himself back to bed, burrowed under the duvet, and consoled himself with the fact at least this way he has the element of surprise.
And a sword. Can never underestimate the power of a trusty sword.
He dozes, rather than sleeps, already too vulnerable for his liking but unable to stay fully awake.
His sneezes wake him up. Its gross, and its messy, and he can barely find the energy to grab a tissue and care.
It's as he's trying - failing - to get the gunk out of his nose that he hears footsteps. He freezes for a second, then hides himself back under the covers.
Don't look.
Pretend to be asleep.
Maintain the element of surprise, or die.
He listens, and waits, and after a little bit there's a knock at the door.
Pac. That's Pac's voice.
Fit isn't sure why he relaxes at that, but he does. He tosses the tissue at the bin, misses, and calls a very stuffy "come in, Pac."
Pac enters shoulder first, using his elbow on the door handle while he carries a tray. There's a bowl, and a spoon, and a glass, and a bottle.
"Phil said you weren't feeling well last night" traitor "Then you weren't there and... I have soup?"
"Soup sounds lovely, Pac."
Fit keeps his thoughts about Philza's meddling to himself, and struggles to sit up instead. Pac quickly puts down the tray, scooting over to help him get comfortable against the cushions.
"I wasn't sure what sort of sick you are feeling, so I bought all the medicines," he gestures not just at the bottle, but the sheets of pills around it too.
"You're too good to me, Pac."
Pac blushes a bit in reply.
It's a little too much to process. Fit waves a thank you and asks, "soup first?"
"Of course, of course," Pac shifts the tray over, balancing it on Fit's lap. "Do you need help, or...?"
"I'll be fine," Fit reassures - its just a stuffy head cold. "Try not to get sick?"
"I think Richas already has it. If I'm catching it, I've caught it," Pac shrugs. "Toast?"
The idea makes Fit a little queasy; he shakes his head.
Is it good to know some virus is spreading around the island? No, but at least there's someone else to blame if Pac does end up sick. Richars probably caught it off one of the other kids in turn, germ factories that they are.
A hand reaches his forehead, resting there a second as Pac scowls. Fit lets him be, focusing on the bowl of soup in his hands.
Chicken, and there's some sort of noodle in it. The noodles bits are a little much for his throat, but the liquid itself is good.
"I don't think its a fever?" Pac eventually concludes. "So, um..."
As Fit eats a little more soup, Pac starts picking out some of the medicines. A sneezing fit later and he's handed a handful of tablets, and a glass of juice.
Fit hesitates.
But then he looks up at Pac, and decides he is going to trust him.
He takes the handful of pills, swallows them dry, then sips at the juice to quell the anxiety of /something/ in his throat.
"Thank you," Pac says, and really shouldn't that be Fit's line?
Instead he's struggling to keep the medication down, not because of sickness but panic.
A familiar hand reaches out, rubbing his shoulder. It feels good for a moment, before suddenly it pulls away.
"Sorry, sorry," Pac mutters.
"You're good," Fit replies, and stuffy nose warping the tone.
More hesitantly, the hand returns. Fit gives the medicine a few moments to settle, and finishes the juice. Shakily he lifts the tray back up, only for Pac to swoop down and take it.
Fit slumps a bit into the pillows.
"I'll be back when you can have more medicine...?" Pac suggests.
That's good, that sounds good; Fit doesn't want Pac staying and getting sick too.
So he nods, and scoots back down below the cover.
Just as he begins to doze, there's the brush of lips atop his head. And Fit...
Fit isn't sure what to do, so he pretends not to notice, and allows himself to slip back into fragmented sleep.
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padfootastic · 8 months
please say more about jilypad + diverging parenting styles... perhaps even a possible scenario >:) i imagine harry has very cunning tactics for using this to his advantage
helloooooo <3 thank u for this ask bc i love talking about these three and harry. i went looking thru the archives to find this post; my first foray into this side, and really, i’ve never looked back after that.
so i’ve talked ab this a bit before but i fully think that james was a very overprotective ‘mother hen’ type parent. i tend to read his behaviour in lily’s bday letter to sirius as being scared of his child on a broomstick and i fully, fully think he’ll never be able to let go of that as harry grows up. he’ll be anxious and suspicious and paranoid, and his first instant will always be to wrap harry up in cotton wool and hide him away. (i low-key connect this to his childhood as well; going from being spoiled and sheltered to dropped in the middle of a war, black & white thinking, living in extremes etc etc makes it v hard for him to be Normal about his child. as he shouldn’t be, really, but yeah) that’s why he thrives during the initial years; he never minds the hard parts of being a new parent, loves it in fact, and it makes it better that he can keep harry close to him at all times w/o coming off as a helicopter parent (not that the notion bothers him ofc).
it’s good, then, that he has two partners to even the scales, no? i think lily was the most…balanced out of the three. she had a relatively normal childhood, grew up in a working class family/neighbourhood and had to deal w adversity from a young age so she’s developed a nice, thick skin. she also has a sibling with whom she has a v rocky relationship so she knows that kids are, ykno, a bit unhinged. and a little bit of hardship is not a problem. i hc her as needing time to get used to parenthood, unlike james who stepped into it natural as breathing, or even sirius who loved harry on much on first sight that it made up for everything else. ofc lily loved her son, but it didn’t come w the same blinding intensity of her partners and made her feel really shitty in the beginning. but, i think she’d shine during his teen years actually, because she’s not overbearing or intense and becomes the quiet, calm strength that a hormonal, spotty teen boy would probably need.
and sirius <3 our poor baby falls in love with harry, perhaps even more quickly than james, with such startling speed that it shakes his entire foundation. he doesn’t regret it but he’s constantly discombobulated. i also imagine that…it takes him longer to settle into the role of parent, esp bc he’s not biologically one ykno? not like it matters to anyone, ofc, but it takes him a long time to truly accept his authority and place, to believe that he has just as much right as j&l to be there, to parent harry. this has the consequence of him always being more indulgent than the other two; after all, he considered himself a godfather before a parent and a lot of that thinking stayed. he lets harry get away with stuff the others might not (and the little mf figures this out later); some of it also comes from sirius seeing so much shit, and facing so much shit himself, that he rationalises a lot of stuff as ‘well, this isn’t the worst it can be, so what’s the harm’ (because his life has been such a roller coaster that he’s forgotten that not everyone’s like that, if that makes sense?)
its obviously not this clear cut but i imagine harry looks at it like this: if he needs unconditional love, he goes to james; rationality and logic, lily; acceptance and calm, sirius. when someone has to be beat up for hurting harry, james steps in. if he needs help burying a body, it’s sirius. dealing with some asshole boss/teacher/classmate’s mother who’s making harry’s life hell? lily. i can keep going but,,,u get the idea, right? this makes sense, i hope lol
i actually think harry’s first birthday is a great example. sirius pushes the boundaries by gifting lil harry a broom; james loses his mind running after him; lily places an industrial sticking charm on harry’s butt, leans back with a glass of wine, and enjoys the show. even as he grows up, lily and james act as the disciplinarian, and sirius is the emotional outlet. all of them fill in each other’s cracks so well, and it’s only when harry grows up that he realises how effortlessly they worked off each other to parent him.
also oh man o man. harry being cunning is,,,,,see, i’ve not considered it this far but it makes perfect sense. i think canon harry actually had so much manipulative energy and it’s often overlooked for his goofier traits but! this is the same dude who used his dead parents to trick slughorn into revealing sensitive info! imagine if that could be channelled into his jilypad interactions 😈
it’s like, it takes him a bit, because his three parents r so smooth, but once he realises that all of them have certain weak spots, he does NOT hesitate to exploit them. (it has the unintended consequence of truly strengthening the jilypad relationship into an unbreakable one bc one thing their kid taught them is to have ironclad communication going at all times so nothing they’ve said, or not said, is used against them). so like, he knows if he wants to sneak out to a party, it has to be sirius and in a specific way—‘i’ll be totally safe, papa, plus i really wanna see what it’s like and idk when it’ll get a chance to again’. if he widens his eyes to pitiful levels, pouts a little, and blinks faster than usual, then james is putty in his arms as long as he’s separated from the other two. divide and conquer becomes the main tool in harry’s arsenal, actually. lily’s the toughest nut to crack, purely bc she doesn’t run on emotions or irreverence, but harry soon learns that if he comes up with a solid, logical case that proves his argument has unbiased merit then he has a good chance of getting her to say yes. (this is good, bc u can arrange words in the correct order, but u can’t always control emotions)
so overall yeah, you’d think one kid + 3 parents would be an easy bet, but harry keeps them on their toes all the fkn time.
#sirius black#james potter#lily evans#jilypad#harry potter#i knew before i even started this that it would be ridiculously long lmao#i just cannot bring myself to shut up#wrt lily and harry’s baby years#i feel v v strongly ab motherhood not coming naturally to her#and becoming a very sore point for her. bc she sees james and sirius and she keeps blaming herself for being an unfeeling robot#when she’s not. she just thinks more logically than them and doesn’t feel as strongly. that doesn’t make her a bad mother#and no matter what j & s say a small part of always thinks like that. until the teen years. and suddenly the dynamics r reversed#bruh i think i need help it’s not even funny how not hinged i am for this trio lmao#there also! padfoot!#a while ago i wrote a lil thing. but i fully believe that whenever harry was emotionally distraught he’d actually go to padfoot#bc he needed someone to just. sit. and be there. while he’s processed emotions#and lily would be too ruthlessly logical and james would be fretting and trying to fix it and sirius would panic. just a little.#but padfoot is a warm comforting weight agains this side and he just lets him be. it’s grounding.#so harry always. without fail. does that#it’s actually 3.5 parents lmao#i do wonder what their parenting fights would about if any. hmmmm. my glasses are too rose tinted for me to consider it#a thought for another day#anyway. hope this endless rambling made sense! and that u liked it!#would love to hear ur thoughts too <3#pen’s notes#pen’s asks
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djs-horny-blog-lmao · 6 months
Be a good boy and...? an OC hypnofic
this is the hypnoporn that let me win my nanowrimo. yes theyre kind of OCs it's kind of a from a crossover au if you have questions u can point fingers at me but:
Jamie (he/she/they) (late 50s( has been worming her way into a circle of rich friends, hypnotising, brainwashing and reprogramming them all into being good little hypnosub sluts for him. Aeor (he/him) (early 60s) is demisexual/romantic, though he has a husband and a wife who he loves very much (he took like 20yrs to fall for them) (he is sex favourable), but Jamie is persistent. Plus, y'know, a little brainwashing to speed up the process.
Jamie's testing out the triggers they've been slowly programming into Aeor, and seeing how ready he is. Turns out, Aeor's more than ready to break <3
about 4.8k words. contains hypnosis/brainwashing, programming, mantras, orgasm control, trigger phrases, dubious consent. Use of 'good boy'.
--- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Aeor isn’t sure how… or when, really, he became okay with Jamie sitting this close. But… Jamie has come to sit on the couch beside him, pressing a whiskey into his hand, and Jamie sits so close to him, thighs pressed together, and Jamie practically draping themself over him.
And… Aeor doesn’t mind? Aeor should mind. No one else can do this to him, apart from Martha. And Thomas.
But Jamie is taking this space. And… a-and Aeor is letting her. Aeor feels their fingers drag down his thigh, and he shudders but sips his drink anyway, watching Jamie from the corner of his eye.
“What…?” he finally asks, once his glass is empty, once he’s sure Jamie is watching and waiting for his reaction. “What are you doing?”
“I’m just testing,” Jamie says, and his voice purrs, and Aeor bites his lip because it’s just a nice voice to listen to, okay? Aeor didn’t think he had a thing for voices, he didn’t really think he had a thing for anyone (other than Tom and Mar), but Jamie gently strokes his thigh again and smiles at Aeor. Something dark. Something hungry.
“Be a good boy and part your legs for me?” Jamie asks.
Oh… Oh, a lot of things happen at once in Aeor’s head. His mind… his mind goes a little quiet, like it’s suddenly been enveloped in cotton wool, and any concerns or questions or worries he’d had – especially about what Jamie was doing – melt away. His mouth hangs a little open, his eyelids droop – though not fully closed, and he looks at Jamie through half-lidded eyes, and… and his thighs part.
“Oh, good boy,” Jamie tells him, and Aeor…
Aeor moans.
His eyes flutter open a little wider, he flushes red and covers his mouth even as his cock does throb, and he wasn’t sure he- he didn’t know he liked to be praised like that? How did Jamie know? Why is he not telling Jamie to stop?
He doesn’t want Jamie to stop, something in his head points out. This feels good. He’s safe with Jamie, and he can be good for her.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Jamie frowns, leaning in and taking Aeor’s wrist gently, pulling his hand away. “Don’t hide your pretty noises. I don’t want you to hide anything from me. We’re here now, and this feels good and comfortable, doesn’t it?”
Aeor nods slowly. I-it does.
“Good,” Jamie smiles, and his smile is a little sharp, but Aeor doesn’t question it, he just watches Jamie closely, waiting for what Jamie will do next.
Jamie studies him back, and their smile widens.
“How do you feel, Aeor?” she asks, putting Aeor’s wrist down and watching his arm flop back into a neutral position, and she watches Aeor’s jaw work until he gets words together, or… he does his best to.
“…Good?” he says. “Feel… fuzzy?”
“Oh, that’s normal,” Jamie tells him, and relief pools in Aeor’s stomach at her words. “That’s perfectly normal. All good boys feel a bit fuzzy when they hear how good they are.”
“Yes, Aeor. You’re a good boy. Especially when you obey. You like to obey, don’t you?”
Aeor blinks slowly. It’s all he can manage. …What?
“Like, if I said…” Jamie trails off, making a show of thinking, before they smile at him prettily. “If I said ‘be a good boy and touch your forehead for me’,you would, wouldn’t you?”
Aeor’s hand is already moving. His hand raises slowly, and he watches the movement, following it with hazy eyes, feeling like he’s moving underwater, and his hand comes up to his face and he extends a finger and presses it to his forehead, between his eyebrows.
H-his eyes roll a little? They roll a little when he does that.
“Good boy,” Jamie praises, and okay, Aeor is hard now, he doesn’t really know what’s going on but Jamie keeps telling him he’s good and that feels good and he keeps his hand at his head until Jamie says otherwise. “Relax now. Let your hand fall. We’re going to make sure you understand everything I want from you.”
Aeor nods slowly even as his hand falls, even as he slumps back against the sofa.
“You obey,” Jamie tells him, and Aeor nods. He does. Look at that whole hand thing he did before. Aeor wasn’t motivated to do that, he just did it because Jamie asked him to.
“You feel good when you obey me.”
W-well, that’s true too. He feels turned on and feels good and the praise is nice and he likes Jamie’s hands on him, actually, and he’d like more of that, but he feels too shy to ask. He nods.
“Obeying feels good. Obeying turns you on.”
Aeor nods slowly. It’s true.
“When I say ‘be a good boy and,’ you will do whatever I ask you to.”
Aeor nods.
“Good boy,” Jamie says, smiling. “You’ve taken to it so well. Now be a good boy and take off your pants.”
Aeor… yeah, alright. Aeor can do that. Aeor can see why Jamie’s asking. Aeor’s clearly turned on, and his pants feel tight and uncomfortable now, and he stands slowly, undoes his belt and his fly and lets them fall. Jamie helps him step out of them once it’s clear Aeor’s just a little too out of it to be fully in control of his limbs.
“Sit down, now, Aeor.”
Aeor sits down on the couch with a big wmph.
Jamie rises to their feet, and comes to stand between Aeor’s parted thighs. Aeor watches her, unable to rip his eyes away. Jamie puts his hands on his hips, and looks down at Aeor.
“How do you feel, Aeor?”
Aeor swallows hard. It takes a lot of effort to get words out. “Good,” he manages to say. “Safe.”
Jamie pauses for a moment, before her expression softens just a little.
“That’s right, Aeor,” they say. “You’re safe with me. I’m not going to hurt you. I’m never going to hurt you.”
Then, Jamie grins at him. “Unless you ask me to, of course,” she jokes.
Aeor blinks, before a slow frown spreads across his face.
Jamie bites her lip, clearly trying not to laugh. “I’ll explain later,” they say. “Don’t even worry about it.”
And he doesn’t. The frown leaves his face. It makes Jamie laugh a little more, but this time, it sounds fond.
“What do you want, Aeor?” Jamie asks.
Aeor’s eyes fall from Jamie’s face. He- well, he does know what he wants. He wants Jamie to touch him. But he can’t just ask that! He… he doesn’t really know. He wants Jamie to touch him, and he wants something to be done about the erection he’s got, but he could do that himself, should he ask to leave…?
But he doesn’t want to. His lip wobbles, and suddenly, there’s a hand on his chin. Jamie tilts Aeor’s head back up to look her in her eyes.
“Be a good boy and be honest,” they instruct him. “You can trust me. I will not judge you. I will not hurt you. Tell me what you want.”
“Touch me?”
It tips out of Aeor’s mouth before he can think of whether he should say it or not. He wasn’t going to, he was going to keep that to himself, but… Jamie told him to be honest. And it feels good to do what Jamie says.
“Oh, good boy,” Jamie says. “Where?”
Aeor shivers, and puts his hands lightly over his own ribs. “Here…?”
Jamie’s expression softens again. He nods, and Aeor blinks as Jamie clambers into his lap without hesitation, settling there, and she quickly and easily undoes the buttons of Aeor’s shirt.
“Oh, you’re wearing layers,” Jamie comments, only surprised for a moment before they take it in stride and smile about it, slipping Aeor’s shirt off his shoulders. “Alright, Aeor, lets get this singlet off you too.”
Aeor feels a little too leaden to move properly, but he does shrug his shirt off, and Jamie shucks it aside.
Then, Jamie tilts her head.
“Aeor,” he says. “Be a good boy and take off your undershirt?”
Aeor’s body moves before his mind thinks. He sits up, tugging the thing over his head, and Jamie whistles low when it comes away and Aeor’s bare chest and stomach is revealed.
“Wow,” she says, and she runs her hands over Aeor’s stomach even before he’s dropped the shirt, and it makes Aeor gasp and flinch just a little before he melts back against the sofa, letting Jamie lean over him, letting Jamie take up his personal space. “Wow, you weren’t kidding when you said you were strong.”
Jamie’s hands trail up his body, and Aeor moans again when they squeeze his tits.
“Do you like being touched like this, Aeor?” Jamie asks. “Be a good boy and tell me the truth.”
“Yeah,” Aeor replies instantly, his head tipping back against the back of the sofa, and Jamie grins as she squeezes and pinches his tits. “Y-yeah… I like… I like being f-felt up…”
“Good boy,” Jamie grinds down on him, and Aeor gasps and moans and bucks up against Jamie without hesitation, he does it mindlessly. God, the contact feels so good. He wants more. He wants whatever Jamie will give him.
Jamie gasps when he does that, though, and grinds down on him again, slower this time.
“Oh, Martha wasn’t lying,” Jamie whispers. “You’re big.”
A little fuzzy thought pokes at Aeor, then. Martha said? Martha h-had talked about… about how big his cock is to Jamie?
“Be a good boy and don’t worry about it,” Jamie tells him, and those thoughts don’t worry him anymore. Aeor offers Jamie a soft little smile instead, and it makes Jamie’s expression sharpen into something hungry. God. Jamie wants him. Jamie’s looking at him with desire.
Aeor’s still n-not used to being desired.
Well, he can expect it from his spouses. Because they chose him. They married him, for god’s sake. They’ve proven their want over the years over and over again, and Aeor trusts that. But he thought… what? That he was lucky? That he’d found the two people in the whole world who could have seen him that way?
But here’s Jamie. A newer friend, but a fast friend, and this is happening now and it feels right and Jamie’s looking at him like that, and… and Aeor trusts that too. Aeor wants Jamie’s hands. Aeor feels desired by Jamie, and… that feels good.
“In fact, good boys don’t even really need to think,” Jamie continues, even as she continues to play with his chest. “Good boys tell me what they want, and don’t worry about anything else. Good boys obey their instincts. Good boys obey my words.”
Jamie grins down at him.
“Are you a good boy, Aeor?”
“Yes,” Aeor arches his back, pressing himself into Jamie’s hands, begging for more, really. “Yes!”
“Good boys tell me they’re good boys,” Jamie says as she lowers her head, and Aeor can feel his breath ghosting over his nipple, and it makes Aeor whine.
“I’m a good boy,” Aeor tells Jamie, mouth moving automatically. He didn’t even have to think, it just… happened. “I’m…?”
“Say it again,” Jamie tells him, voice husky with want. “Keep saying it.”
“I’m a good boy,” Aeor repeats. “I-I’m a-!”
He cuts himself off only to groan, as Jamie finally latches their lips over his nipple and sucks. God, that feels- it feels weird but it feels really good and Aeor’s hips buck up again as Jamie pinches the other nipple, twisting it in their fingers as they suck on his tits, and fuck!
“A-a good boy…” Aeor manages to finish, even though he’s slurring his words now, and he’s struggling to swallow. “I’m a good… g-good boy.”
Jamie swaps nipples, and runs his spare hand down Aeor’s side for good measure. Aeor’s mouth just feels like it’s permanently hanging open.
He swallows again. The movement is slow and lethargic.
Jamie’s eyes were fixed on his face, and they pull away from his tit with a smile.
“You can drool if you want,” Jamie tells him. “It’s something that happens to good boys. They feel so good and think so little that they just drool all over themselves. You can do that. You should.”
Aeor nods slowly. Jamie sits up, now, swapping to playing with his nipples with her fingers, and leans in, studying his face, before she smiles again.
“Aeor,” she says. “Do you like kisses?”
Aeor nods.
“Do you want me to kiss you?”
Aeor nods again.
“Be a good boy and ask for it.”
Aeor lurches forward a little, managing only a slurred, “Kiss me?”
It’s enough, though. Jamie smiles and leans in the rest of the way, slotting their mouths together, and Aeor moans as Jamie escalates the kiss immediately. They’re a good kisser. They’re a very good kisser. His tongue is- it’s so good, Aeor can’t even think about how good it is, he can only just try to clumsily keep up, and he wants to touch Jamie, too, he wants to put his hands on Jamie’s hips-!
When they break away for air, Aeor chases the kiss, and even as he’s still panting against her lips, asks, “c’n I touch you?”
“Do you want to?”
“Uh huh,” Aeor whines, nodding just a little so his lips don’t have to leave Jamie’s more than needed. “Wanna hold you.”
Jamie takes a moment, before she nods too.
“You can touch me,” he says. “Good boy for telling me what you want.”
Aeor shudders, and puts his hands on their hips, pulling Jamie in closer so they’re pressed together. Jamie gasps as Aeor moves her easily.
“Woah,” they say. “God, you are strong.”
“Kiss?” Aeor begs again, bumping his nose against theirs.
Aeor feels their smile as Jamie gives him what he’s looking for. The kisses feel so good. Aeor moans into it as Jamie just… takes what he wants from Aeor. And Aeor wants to give it. Aeor wants t-to…
They break the kiss.
Jamie leans back, breathing a little hard herself now, and smiles so sweetly at Aeor.
“What do you want to do now?” she asks. “Anything you want.”
“I want to obey,” Aeor replies honestly.
And the look on Jamie’s face! Jamie’s eyes widen and sparkle, that smile grows more genuine and amazed, and she practically shines with delight.
“You do, do you?”
“I do,” Aeor says, nodding. “I want to obey.”
“You’re such a good boy,” Jamie coos at him. “Fuck, you’re so fucking good. Shit, Aeor, I could just fuck you stupid and you’d let me, wouldn’t you?”
Aeor nods. He’d let them do anything.
“Good boy,” Jamie says, hungrily. “God, you’re so good. Be a good boy and take off your underwear.”
And Jamie scrambles off him, starts shedding her own clothes with great speed, their intent clear. Aeor practically just… lifts his hips, wiggles out of his boxers and kicks them off, and… he’s… he’s naked now. On the sofa. With Jamie.
God, he’s so hard.
Jamie turns back, and whistles again.
“Holy shit, you’re huge!” he exclaims. “Aeor, you were holding out on me.”
Aeor blinks slowly, before he looks down too, just… yeah, he is, sure. It’s just because he’s a big guy. Everything about him is big. He’s bigger than… well his only other experience is Thomas. And he’s bigger than his husband. But his husband and his wife expressed surprise and delight too, so it must be odd.
Aeor’s used to being oddly big. But h-he likes it when it’s something they …like.
Jamie settles across his thighs, wraps a hand around his cock and grins as Aeor bucks up into their grip.
“God, Martha must look amazing taking this,” Jamie muses. “And Thomas too? Damn.”
“Y-yeah,” Aeor admits even as his eyes roll. “T-they both look s-so good.”
“You’ll have to let me see sometime,” Jamie grins, and shifts forward, starts to line herself up over his cock.
“W-wait,” Aeor’s hands go to Jamie’s hips, and hold them there, stopping them from sinking down.
“What’s wrong?” Jamie asks, studying his face.
Aeor has to really reach for the word. “…C-condom?”
Jamie blinks once, twice, before a wry smile tugs at his mouth.
“You’re so conscientious,” they say. “Alright, we’ll use a condom. You got one on hand?”
Aeor nods, lifts one hand off Jamie’s hip so he can point at his abandoned trousers.
“Wallet,” he says.
Jamie climbs off him again, and picks up Aeor’s pants, fishing around until he finds Aeor’s wallet. Flipping it open, she finds… a few condoms in the section for storing notes.
“You’re prepared, Aeor,” she jokes, and takes two of them for good measure before dropping the trousers and the wallet on the floor and approaching Aeor again, who hasn’t moved but is watching her closely.
Jamie casts one aside on the couch, and rips the other one open, rolling it down Aeor’s length with the ease of someone who’s done this many times before. Aeor whines as Jamie’s fingers barely touch him, and Jamie laughs as his cock twitches.
“Good boys let their minds fade away,” Jamie tells him, and Aeor can’t bring himself to close his mouth as he just watches Jamie keep talking. She moves slowly, settling back into his lap, lining Aeor up.
She slowly sinks down on him and Aeor lets his nails dig in.
“G-good boys fuck their minds away,” Jamie says, as they take their time, moving at a snail’s pace. “Good boys have cock for brains. Good boys obey.”
Jamie hilts themself on him, now. And she holds herself there, bracing himself on Aeor’s pelvis as they have to take the time to adjust.
“Fuck,” he whispers, and Aeor moans as Jamie’s walls clench around him. “Fuck, Aeor, you’re so big…”
Aeor… Aeor whimpers. This feels so good. This is what he wanted, he thinks. Or… no, he doesn’t think. He just knows that he should be doing whatever makes Jamie feel good. And Jamie looks like he’s enjoying himself, full of Aeor’s cock.
“I…” Aeor says, and Jamie looks up at him, clearly not expecting him to talk. “I’m a good boy.”
Jamie’s eyes widen before she smirks at him, sardonic and sharp.
“You are,” she says. “You’re such a good boy. Be a good boy and hold still, now, okay?”
Aeor… Aeor blinks, his mouth slack, a-and the drool pooling there finally tips over. H-he… he had expected to be told to... to fuck them? He wants to.
Jamie braces himself on Aeor properly, and slowly starts to ride him.
“Shit,” Jamie moans openly. “Fuck, you feel fuckin’ amazing, Aeor. I’m so fuckin’ full.”
Aeor can only hold on, watching and drooling as thinking gets harder and harder. It’s gone from cotton wool to… to…
He can’t… he doesn’t have the words to describe it. It just feels warm and soft and good, and Aeor can sink into it.
“T-that’s right,” Jamie purrs. “Be a good boy and sink for me. Drop deep. All that matters is me fucking myself on your cock, and my pretty words. You’re such a good boy for me, Aeor.”
Aeor wants to fuck Jamie. The rougher kind of fuck that his spouses like – he wants to do that, but he can’t… he can’t move. All that energy feeds back on itself, the simmering arousal, and Aeor moans louder and louder as Jamie keeps her rhythm so goddamn slow.
“You want more, don’t you?” Jamie grins at him, even as their voice shakes as they hit a good spot. “I c-can see it in your eyes. You want me to go faster, you want to flip us over. We’ll do that next time. But the first time is important, Aeor. You have to prove how good you are to me. You have to prove you’re ready. That you’re not going to fight my control. Be a good boy and let me use you how I want.”
Aeor crumbles. He slumps back, his grip loosening. Any desire to take control of the situation drips away. Drips away like the drool down his chin.
It becomes hard to focus, now. Jamie keeps talking, but the actual substance of what they say starts slipping away. Aeor watches her lips move, watches the way his cock sinks into her over and over, and his brain just… empties.
“’M a good boy,” he says.
…Jamie must have prompted him.
“M’a good boy…” he says again, and it’s true. He is. He’s a good boy and he does what Jamie says, even when he doesn’t understand.
His eyes roll back into his head as they clench around him, cumming. Jamie’s nails dig in, and Aeor hears him moan, but otherwise, he’s hardly aware that Jamie has orgasmed, so lost in his own empty-minded bliss himself.
“I-I’m-!” he whimpers, and he has the passing urge to fuck up into Jamie, but his body is so heavy and the desire melts away as Jamie starts to ride him again, now a bit faster. “I-I’m a good boy! I’m a good boy!”
“Listen to me.”
Aeor hears them, tilting his head back up to he can look at Jamie with hazy eyes. He feels so good. He feels on the edge of orgasm. H-he wants to cum. He wants to cum.
Jamie’s face is flushed, glinting with sweat, but her eyes are bright and alert, and she grins at him even as she pants.
“You’re a good boy,” they say.
Aeor nods desperately.
“You do what I say.”
More nodding.
“You’re a good boy. Good boys obey.”
Aeor keeps nodding.
“If you can say that three times,” Jamie grins at him, breaking rhythm to grind on Aeor, which makes him whimper and whine, “then I might let you cum.”
Aeor gasps, and tries to remember what Jamie said.
“Aw, it’s so hard for you,” Jamie pouts at him, teasing, and they kiss his nose. “Don’t worry, I’ll help you. Repeat after me.”
Aeor nods.
“You’re a good boy.”
“M’a good boy…”
“You do what I say.”
“I-I do what you say.”
Jamie looks so triumphant. “You’re a good boy.”
“I’m a good boy!” Aeor has that one down.
“Good boys obey.”
“Good boys obey,” Aeor slurs. Oh, it feels so good. That feels nice to say. And the rhyme… it’s, um, fun.
“You know what that is, Aeor?” Jamie asks, and Aeor manages to shake his head. “It’s a mantra. It’s something you can say for me over and over, that you know is true, so you can remember how to be a good boy for me. Be a good boy and say it for me, all on your own.”
Aeor manages to swallow, trying to reach through the fog and haze to string multiple sentences together.
"I'm…” he takes a shuddery breath. “I’m a good boy… I do what you say.”
Jamie tweaks his nipples. “Keep going,” she orders.
Aeor’s cock twitches inside her, and it makes her grin.
“I-I’m a good boy!” Aeor sounds so desperate right now, even as his body is so slack and relax, and he can’t do much more than speak. “Good boys obey!”
Jamie latches back onto his nipple, but just before she does, he prompts Aeor, “one more time.”
Aeor’s eyes roll and cross and roll, trying to ground himself in an overwhelming sea of hazy bliss, that’s boiling into desperate arousal, and he’s losing himself in it, falling and falling as he says Jamie’s mantra – as he does what he’s told.
“I’m a good boy, I do what you say.”
Jamie moves their hips even faster.
“I’m a good boy, g-good boys – fuck!” Aeor’s drooling, Aeor’s crying, he doesn’t know when the tears started, he’s so fucking empty and he’s so fucking needy and he wants and he wants and he wants. “Good boys obey!”
Jamie pulls her mouth off Aeor’s chest just to openly moan as she cums again. Their head throws back, his back arches, he clenches around Aeor, and Aeor practically sobs.
“I’m a good boy!” he begs again. “I do what you say! I’m a good boy, good boys obey?”
Jamie, even through the euphoria of orgasm, opens her eyes as the afterglow sets in, watching him curiously.
“I-I’m a good boy, I do what you say.” Tears are flowing freely now. J-Jamie had promised he could cum, he wants to cum. “I’m a good boy, good boys obey!”
“Fuck, that’s so hot,” Jamie whispers. “You’re so fucking good.”
Aeor’s chest heaves with his sob. He wants nothing more. His whole brain, his whole being is centred o-on obeying Jamie, on being good enough for Jamie that Jamie will let him cum.
“I’m a good boy, I do what you say, I’m a good boy, g-good boys obeyyyy.” Aeor’s hands tighten on Jamie. “Good boys obey. Good boys obey. G-good boys obey!”
His whining. He should be ashamed. He can’t be, though. There’s no way he can be. Not right now.
Jamie tuts at him.
“I’m being so mean, aren’t I?” she hums, cupping his face, thumbing away his tears. Aeor stares back at her, whimpering pathetically. “I’m being so mean, and you’re being so good. Do you promise to obey? To fall deep into this trance when I ask you to?”
“Yes,” Aeor promises, not even sure what she’s asking, but if it means he can cum, if it means he can be good, he’ll say anything. “Promise.”
“You promise to fall into such a deep trance when I call you a good boy?”
“Y-yes! I’m a good boy!” Aeor wishes he could move. It’s a fresh kind of the most perfect agony to not be able to move right now, even as Jamie- Jamie isn’t even riding him anymore. She’s warming his cock, waiting for him to give in and give them everything. “G-good boys do what you say!”
Jamie rakes her nails up Aeor’s chest. He cries out for it. Everything feels so much, he feels on fire.
“You promise to be mine?”
“Yes!” Aeor practically screams. “Yes! Yours!”
Jamie leans in. He kisses Aeor’s throat, kisses the seam of his jaw, kisses under his ear. T-then they lick the shell of his ear, and Aeor shudders, it makes the feeling of their breath there so much more obvious.
Aeor shakes with anticipation, his face scrunched up right.
Jamie purrs it into his ear, into his brain.
“Be a good boy and cum for me.”
Aeor screams. It hits him so hard and good and his vision goes white, he cums, he empties himself into the condom, and Jamie groans deep in her throat and rubs her clit frantically, trying to milk one more orgasm himself out of the sensation of Aeor cumming in them. And she manages it, and it makes Aeor cry and moan as their clenching walls draw his orgasm out even longer. Aeor d-doesn’t even know which way is up and which way is down. He just knows he’s good, and he’s Jamie’s.
As Aeor’s cock finally softens, as he begins to come down from his high, Jamie pulls off him, carefully removes the condom and ties it off.
Aeor can’t move. He just melts there, bonelessly.
“This was a very good first session,” Jamie says happily. “You’re a very good boy for me, Aeor. We’ve got a lot of fun ahead of us.”
Aeor can only moan in response. His brain is still fuzzy and hazy and empty. His cock manages to twitch just a little, but he’s so spent. He’s exhausted.
“Can you say your mantra one more time, just for me?” Jamie asks, and she’s… she’s back in his lap.
Aeor’s eyes are open, but he’s not looking anything. He stares glassily ahead as he drones, “I’m a good boy… I do what you say. I’m a good boy, good boys obey.”
Jamie kisses him.
“Good boy,” she croons. “Go have a shower. Tidy yourself up. Put some clean clothes on. When you finish, you will forget everything that has happened. But you’ll remember how good I make you feel when you obey, when I tell you you’re a good boy and you drop for me. Do you understand?”
Aeor nods. It’s all he can do.
“Good.” Jamie climbs off him, stands there with his hands on his hips. “Be a good boy and do as I say.”
Aeor stands mechanically. He pauses to gather his clothes off the floor, and – still naked – shuffles his way towards his and Thomas’ and Martha’s bedroom, and more importantly, their ensuite.
Jamie watches him go with a wicked grin and the satisfaction of a job well done.
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Question, could I request the riddlers with s/o who has sensory issues? If you feel comfortable writing for it
Riddler Party x Reader With Sensory Issues
OH BOY, DO I... You came to the right place I have PLENTY of personal experience with sensory issues. Nightmare. Lots of Riddler parties lately! Seems like you guys LIKE them or something.
For those unaware, I'll be referencing sensory overload which is a common experience with neurodivergent people where certain sensations become Too Much and sets off an intensive reaction emotionally and/or physically. For example, me being autistic, when I personally experience overload I first get really irritable and uncomfortable which can quickly turn to hyperventilation/feeling like I cannot breath if i can't resolve/get away from the source of the overload. I tend to have issues with a bit of everything sensory wise, but it can be a little different for everyone with certain sensations being much more likely to trigger or be upsetting than it is for others.
TW: Ableism mention, self-harm relating to bad sensory issues
Oh does he know all about it. He's the one who is definitely on spectrum and experiences the most outward symptoms. The worst for him is the sensations of bad touch and textures. Fortunately smell doesn't bother him much considering his old line of work. Yet if it's something that bothers you, he'll be happy to keep some coffee nearby! Coffee contains nitrogen, which helps neutralize odors. So it's a natural deodorizer! If.... If that's what bothers you.
The most sympathetic to sensory issues because he knows what it's like. He's also very aware of the consequences of too much turning into sensory overload. You'll notice a lot of his clothing is rather sleek, more of a silken or cotton texture. As a child he had this wool sweater his father would make him wear until Edward scratched himself to bleeding. Anything slightly itchy on his skin will send him over the fucking edge. Maybe you relate.
He will get overprotective about you getting set off. A little baggie of coffee beans, ready to cut the wiring on lights that are too bright, maybe even shoot someone not willing to turn the goddamn music down! Excuse me, this dish has x and that has a bad mouth feel so they NEED to take this back and remake it. If it's you, you deserve the fuss.
Not related to sensory issues per say, but this is the man that would make the highest tier fidget gear for you. You can bet he would be equally attentive to satisfying sensory issue situations. Get ready for weighted blankets and a room that is basically a sensory cocoon for you to escape to when things get to be too much. It's not a devoid space, it's just a room set up for you that he'll never put air fresheners or candles in, it has some light sound proofing and it's own thermostat. He'll call it your "office."
He already modified most of his place to be adjustable at the drop of a hat, but now he polishes it off and gives you the remote. Dimmer type switches for all the lights in the house and you can shutter up the windows, too. He's ready to cater to whatever it is that irritates you in particular.
If you ever get a sensory overload in public, he's the one who will notice and quickly whisk you away to a quiet and safe spot to help you come down. Breathing exercises that he made sure to look up for you, hugging pressure if that's what you need and a soft voice to ground you.
You are going to need to remind him a lot. It's not because he doesn't care or won't do anything for you, it's because a lot of his life is kind of nightmarish sensory-wise and he's just used to that level of chaos by now. He does everything big! Big lights, big sounds, you get it. Plus he doesn't really know a lot of neurodivergent people so it's not something he's actively aware or thinking of.
That being said, however, he's doing the equivalent of taking his jacket off so you can cross a puddle- but with sensory issues! "Oh! Pretty thing, do cover your ears, this might be loud." Mentally keeps a list of foods or ingredients that you don't like the texture of. Just in case he notices before you! Then he gets the bonus of being your knight in armor looking out for you.
If anyone were to be rude about it or uncompromising, he'd take it as a personal offense. Likely give them a witty riddle, a slight scare and then plots to ruin their day/life in the near future. No one is going to mess with you and get away with it.
Zero Year
Undiagnosed, but lowkey has the Tism. He's INCREDIBLY picky about the food he eats because of related sensory issues. It can't be too mushy, it can't be too grainy, it can't be too hard to chew- the list goes on. He's an expert at sending things back in restaurants if it bothers him, so he'll definitely do it for you.
Just know that at times he will be too self-involved and might unintentionally set you off before remembering last second. He'll be apologetic when he does it! Try to suck up and get back on your good side. Remember all the times he went out of his way to do NICE things for your sensory issues!
He will be downright obnoxious if someone else is setting off your sensory issues, however. Do you know the statistics of the population having sensory issues and YOU'RE playing loud music in your tiny shitty establishment? Do you know what that's like for someone who is sensitive to auditory issues? Maybe a little experiment is in order...
Do not ask what the experiment entails unless you want graphic details.
Has sensory issues himself but would never admit there could be something "wrong" with him, so he downplays it a LOT as if it's just a regular experience. It's one of several reasons why his hideouts tend to lack the noise of other people. He also immensely dislikes physical touch unless he initiates it himself or it's you. So when you explain it, he's both understanding a little surprised.
Of course there's a name for it. There's a name for everything and he knew that- but also... knowing there's a phrasing to explain what he's been experiencing is enlightening to say the least. Considering this is the man that would make fidget rings and the like to keep you occupied if you also stim, he's going to try and be attentive to sensory stuff.
If it's something like aversion to his machinery noises, for example, while he's not going to stop making things... You find a set of noise-cancelling headphones waiting at the door when you enter the hideout. He won't stop specific behaviors of his for you, but he'll try to find ways of making it okay for you. Compromising! It's definitely showing his way of loving you since anyone else he'd tell them to fuck off if they didn't like how he lives his life.
Don't take this the wrong way but at first, he's going to think you're just being overly sensitive/picky. Because you're his partner, he's not going to be intentionally rude about it. If something is bothering you, he'll try to take care of it. Whether it's a sound or smell or feel on your skin- He doesn't mind taking whatever steps to try and resolve it.
Likely he won't take it seriously until there's A) A sensory overload or B) You really have a conversation with him about why it's a big deal. Mentioning how it's not that different from his OCD triggers would be helpful here. Then he gets it.
His grand narcissism still effects his perception of other people's issues, even when it's the one he loves. Once he has the realization, however, he'll be getting on the ball and will torment anyone who doesn't take you seriously. What are your needs? He wants to have the full discussion. Because, whatever it is, he plans on you having it from now on.
While it might not be sensory issues exactly, he knows the sensation of being mentally and physically overloaded in a way that could incapacitate you entirely. The moment you tell him, he's almost apologetic. Are you telling him because he did something that triggered your issues? No? Oh, thank god.
If it's related to touching, it'll be a little hard for him at first. He really wants to cuddle and be physically affectionate but he will respect your boundaries if it really bothers you. Otherwise, this guy is going to have the softest blankets and pillows for you to burrow in after a hard day. He can even lay on you or the blankets for a weighted component! Matching cozy sweaters and socks that are soft on your skin.
Sensory overload will scare the shit out of him the first time it happens. Such an intense reaction and you seem so distressed! Afterwards he'll be learning the signs that it could be starting with you and your triggers so that he can shut it down before it gets bad. He is not above murder to stop the trigger if need be. It's for his angel, after all!
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vinceaddams · 2 years
Top 5 WORST fabrics
1. that fuckign. synthetic knit that some of the sport coats at work are made of. I don't know what it's called but I hate it. It's polyester with barely any stretch and is. so. DENSE. Worst thing to alter. Damn near impossible to get a pin or a hand sewing needle through, and sometimes it makes the machine skip stitches. A lot of the sport coats are half lined, and if you bring me one of those ones with the side seams pinned to take in, I will just take in the centre back seam instead because I DO NOT want to hand sew the lining back down to both entire side seams on that horrible impenetrable bullshit fabric. Sometimes it has a woven looking pattern printed on it, as if to mock me.
Some of the shirts at work are made of a slightly softer version of the same stuff, and I once tried to mend a small hole in one of them using a zigzag stitch and it shredded the fabric and ruined the shirt. They had to go find the customer an identical replacement shirt, because the stupid fabric couldn't hold up to a few tightly spaced zig zags. Bullshit, bullshit garbage fabric. I hate it, I hate it I hate it I hate it. Everyone should stop manufacturing it immediately. Stop making it and destroy the formulas so nobody can ever make it again. It's not even a particularly bad texture to touch, relatively speaking, it's just a nightmare to sew.
2. Faux fur. To be fair, there is some decently nice faux fur out there, but most of it is just such an icky plastic-y texture and it sheds so much. So so much, and then you're worried about breathing in floating fuzzies of plastic. And it can also be really hard to get a pin or needle through the base fabric, depending on what kind it is. I remember I had some scraps of white faux fur that I used for craft projects as a small child, and it was like that, and there was some kind of finishing (presumably to help glue the hairs in place) that made the back of the fabric all crusty. It's the kind of thing that's awful to touch if your hand is even the slightest bit sweaty. I dislike polyester fleece for the same reason. No fleece sheets or pyjamas for me, ick!
3. Really loosely woven boucle. Who would invent a fabric that frays so gotdamn much? Look at this. (image source) Awful. Falls apart if you sneeze at it. Unpleasant texture, and not even nice to look at. (Yes I chose an ugly picture on purpose, but it's not a look I like even if it is in nice colours.)
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Where's your structural integrity?? You can have weird lumpy fabric and still weave it decently tight! Especially if it's wool and you felt it a little bit. I shortened a skirt for a co-worker and it was made of similar stuff, and I was worried I'd damage it because it was so loose and shifty. What happens if you walk by a tree or something and snag a thread? Whole thread comes out and deforms a big patch of fabric? Well that's what you get for making all your threads just acquaintances instead of best friends. (I hate poly chiffon for similar reasons.)
4. Poly/cotton blends, because they feel like a betrayal. You could have been 100% cotton but you aren't :( Could have been a nice comfy shirt or nightgown that could eventually be used for firestarters once it's too worn out, but no, can't use blends for kindling because the polyester part melts into nasty little black plastic blobs. Not like 100% cotton or linen, which burns nicely and leaves basically no ash. And I hate pilling, horrible hell texture, and synthetics tend to pill way more.
5. Anything with glitter on it, because it's contagious. Small sequins are also bad (see blog post linked in poly chiffon line) but at least they're sewn on and only come off where you cut them. I think we as a species have moved past the need to glue glitter onto fabric, because it does not stay glued. We have foil print, and metallic ink, and beading and rhinestones and metallic thread and all kinds of other ways to do the sparklyshiny. No more sticking glitter on things that might go in the wash.
Generally speaking I dislike synthetics and Bad textures, though everyone's opinion of bad textures is different. I'm also not fond of stretch knit, but it has its uses.
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any headcanons about daeron ii's and myriah's sons?
WAUGGHHH YEESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They’re probably gonna be a bit shorter than the girlies because…….. I hate men I guess /j
- Surprisingly the most normal of Daeron and Myriah’s kids even though the pressure placed on him since birth must’ve been I N S A N E. Probably would’ve snapped at some point if the brown haired gene didn’t come in clutch and neutralize the crazy in him
- And even tho canon tries to imply him having brown hair and a broken nose doesn’t make him as pretty as the other targs……… ignore them king, I KNOW there were probably hundreds of people writing some crazy rpf about this man!!1!1!!
- I also like to think he, Daemon and Daenerys were pretty close as kids. Like, yahhh ik their relationship probably rotted because Baelor was meant to feel inferior to Daemon and vice versa for differing reasons but…. Maybe I wanna make myself cry a bit. Maybe I wanna imagine them playing knights and dragons and stuff 🥲
- Definitely cared for Maekar a lot as his baby brother but also had a lot of trouble not seeing him as anything as his baby brother whichhhh….. probably made him come off as condescending a little okay he’s trying his best
- Asexual AND autistic, sorry I don’t make the rules and I’m not projecting onto him I swear don’t listen to what anyone else may tell you I-
- And the thing is, I’m sure he would’ve absolutely pulled a Vaegon if he could’ve, but honourably decided to stay behind for the sake of securing political allies for the throne (the citadel rejected his application because he cited his only strength as “reading”)
- Poor dude probably had some absolutely shitty sight due to eye strain, reading by candlelight in the dark is all fine and dandy until that becomes the only thing you do
- Ngl probably the biggest social outcast out of his brothers, I think the primary reason he trusted Brynden to handle everything when he became king was because he didn’t have that many friends/allies outside of Aelinor (not a big politics person), Shiera (witch girlie and also Brynden’s kinda gf) and Brynden himself so he was willing to go with whatever they wanted within reason
- Mans has no canonical death despite being a king so I’m personally gonna diagnose him with….. tetanus via iron throne in one of the few times he actually bothered to do king things
- I kinda like to think he was an artistic guy, really loved painting and drawing and probably would’ve tried out other mediums like pottery, embroidery and weaving if people didn’t stop him from doing so <3
- Probably dressed a lot more simply as an adult because he hated most fabric textures. Velvet and wool were his least favourites but tbh the only thing he could wear without getting fidgety in ten minutes would be cotton
- Also really hated when people touch his hair ngl! Dude has that really pretty targ men hair gene where it’s really long and flowy but that’s because he doesn’t like cutting it
- Okay tbh I like him but I don’t have that many thoughts on the guy 💀 I like to headcanon he drew a lot of dragons as kids and really liked telling his family what their dragons would look like and what he should name them and all that. His dragon would be light purple with red wings and gold horns and he’d call her Myrri after his mom :)))
- Absolutely the tallest and most athletic out of his brothers but absolutelyyyy suffering from an inferiority complex. No it doesn’t get any better when Baelor dies, if anything it gets much worse :(
- Had an unfortunate habit of getting people to dislike him, not completely his fault tho a lot of folks were just predisposed to thinking him to be kinda intimidating!!!
- Didn’t have a favourite with his kids, but Rhae was absolutely his baby because she was a lot like him when he was little in both looks and attitude lol
- Feeling a little angsty so I’m gonna say he had some memorabilia of Dyanna that he’d keep with him at all times. Like maybe a bit of her hair in a locket, or a portrait he’d keep in his room 🥲
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jedi-bird · 5 months
Welcome to the wonderful world of birdy's opinions on yarn post. This particular post will only deal with 100% cotton yarn from various companies, in both cake and skein form.
A few disclaimers to start. I am in no way or shape being compensated to talk about these things; I'm just very opinionated about certain things. This post will only be dealing with cotton yarns; I have nothing against the use of acrylic yarns, but because of skin sensitivity I can't wear anything made out of acrylic, wool, or alpaca, so I'm using mostly cotton at the moment. Also, I only know how to crochet; I've tried to learn to knit and keep failing, so if you knit you might find very different experiences with all of these.
So. Let's talk yarn.
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The above are only a fraction of what I currently have to use; I have at least 8 more brands of cotton, cotton/silk blend, and bamboo blend yarn to test out. At some point, after I have worked with them, I'll make an additional post (don't expect it for a while though).
First up, Dahlia, Dahlia Halloween (limited edition), Cotton Kings Sultan, Cotton Kings Sultan Shadow, and Black Friday yarn. I'm including all of these in one list because they are basically the same yarn under different brand names being sold by Hobbii. They all have the same yardage (800m/874yards), but each come in vastly different color lines.
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Both Black Friday and Dahlia Halloween are limited releases each year and will be available until they sell out. Some color schemes don't return each year, which is a bit sad, so order early if you want something specific. The rest are available year round and are only subject to being out of stock at times. Sultan Shadow will always have black as it's outer color; there is another line called Sultan Pastello that has white instead of the black, but I currently don't own any of them.
All of these yarns are four strands that are not twisted together. Some people have difficulty with this, so the advice is to thread the yarn through a bead to keep them close together while working with it; I've never had an issue and haven't tried this method though so I can't speak for it. The color change is fairly subtly, but not completely even. Unlike their counter part Sultan Deluxe, these will skip parts of the color change. Each change is fairly even though, and it works up quite soft. Should definitely be used with a yarn bowl or in a container, as they are prone to collapsing and tangling as more yarn is pulled from the center (I use an old plastic food container because it works just fine for now). Weight is listed as a 2/Fine.
My rating: 9.5/10. I just wish the cake were a bit longer, but overall I've liked them for shawls and wraps.
Next up is Cotton Kings Sultan Deluxe, also from Hobbii.
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As with the above, there are a lot of color combinations to choose from. These cakes tend to be bigger (1000m/1093yards), which I prefer. The strands are twisted together, which makes it easier to work with. It's also very soft straight from the skein and works to quite nice. The color changes are much more subtle and makes a great ombre or rainbow effect. There is also a version that comes with a metallic thread twisted into it to give it a subtle shine. Yarn bowl is also recommended for this. Weight is listed as a 2/Fine, which seems accurate.
My rating: 10/10. This is my preferred yarn at the moment. Lovely for blankets and shawls, and someday I plan to make a coat for myself out of a horded color I've buried in my yarn storage shelf.
Next on the list, Yarn Arts Rosegarden.
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I'll be honest. I hated this yarn the first time I worked with it. It's thinner than Sultan Deluxe and far more prone to splitting, which frustrated me at first. However, I did grow to like it and enjoyed working with the purple and pink cakes, so the odds of my buying it again increased after the second project. The color changes are not as subtle as the Dahlia and others; it's a bit more abrupt, but still works up nice over a large project. It's very soft right at the start, which is a plus. In terms of length it's the same as Sultan Deluxe, and it does have the benefit of being available through Amazon if that's easier for you; it's also generally cheaper than Sultan Deluxe, as far as I've seen.
My rating: 8/10. Like I said, it grew on me and my rating might go up the more I work with it. Made nice blankets, though I've yet to try other things with it.
Now onto Etrofil Re-Public.
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I wanted to hate this yarn when I first got it. Compared to all the others, it was pretty rough feeling in skein form; I wound up loving it the longer I worked it with and ordered several more skeins in various colors before I finished the cardigan I was making. It's made from 100% recycled cotton, which is nice. It does feel pretty stiff at the start, but in the course of working with it, it soften up the more it rubbed against things; I'm sure after washing it, it will be nicer still. There was no weight listed on the wrapper, but according to Amazon it's listed as a 1/Fingering weight. This is a lie. It is much closer to a 4/Worsted weight, which is good because I've been struggling to find a 4 weight cotton yarn I like. Color change is less subtle but I had no problems with splitting so it worked out fine.
My rating: 9.5/10. Only downside is that most of the colors at sold out on Amazon and don't seem like they'll come back in any time soon.
The last random color changing yarn I've tried lately is Candy from Stenli.
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This will be the last picture added to this post, because mobile apparently hit it's limit. So. Anyway. Candy. Fairly soft straight away. Color changes are not subtle; it's a bit blockier and more noticeable when it changes. Claims to be a 2 weight but is also closer to a 4. I liked working with this one, except for the fact that it's only 900m per skein. And I can no longer find it online easily, so once I use the final skein I'm probably done with the brand.
My rating: 8/10. Made a nice shawl, just wish it was longer in yardage.
The following deal with mostly solid color cottom yarns, which for me are more suitable for amigurumi and decorative granny squares.
Bernat CottonTots. I honestly hate this yarn, lol. It's loosely wound with only a thin string around the strand and if you pull on it too hard it tends to rip (so it's not suitable for sewing amigurumi pieces together). It does seem pretty strong once it's crocheted together but getting there irritates me. It's also got a texture that I don't enjoy but only I seem to notice. I'm only using this because I had some from years ago that I want to use up, but the odds of me buying it again is low.
My rating: 2/10
Lion Brand 24/7 Cotton. This one is a mercerized cotton. It is fairly strong but works up stiff unless you use a larger hook. I've made a few amigurumi with it and it's... okay. My personal experience is that the colors are not the same in real life as on their website; I've started looking at it at Joann's in person to get an idea of the true color and then ordering it from the Lion Brand website because it's cheaper that way. I'm thinking it will make nice clothes than toys, so that's my next experiment with it. Weight is a 4/Medium/Worsted, which is accurate.
My rating: 6/10. I don't think I'm a big fan of mercerized yarn but we'll see.
Hobbii Rainbow cotton. So this one is interesting. There are three types of Rainbow yarn. 8/4, 8/6, 8/8. I mostly use 8/8, which is listed as a 3/Sport weight, but is close enough to a 4 weight that is blends in nicely. Lots of colors to choose from and Hobbii offers a discount for buying in bulk as well as offering color packs. Works up quite nice, soft, and strong. Only downside is the 8/8 only has 75m/82yards per tiny skein. There are occasionally cones with longer yardage available, but for the best color selection go with the small skeins.
(Currently there is a new brand from Hobbii called the Friends line. I haven't tried it yet, but it promises to be the same color across all is various yarn types (as much as possible). I'm hoping it won't replace Rainbow because I love the color selection and no other brand offers the same range.)
My rating: 10/10
As an added bonus, the Hobbii brands, Etrolfil Re-Public, and Candy all come with easy start tags (Hobbii and Etrofil use stickers, Candy came with a wooden charm). I love easy start yarn. It definitely lessens the chance of a yarn barf.
If anyone want to know more about a specific listed yarn in the post, feel free to ask and I'll make a separate post with more photos about it. As I said at the start, all of this is merely my own opinion and your experiences may vary. Hopefully someone finds this informative or at least entertaining. Have a great time creating lovely fiber arts projects and feel free to share them.
Tagging @not-available-for-comment . If anyone else wants to be tagged in future posts, feel free to ask.
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w1ngedv01d · 1 month
Various Info About My Lamb x Leshy Verse
Thinking about calling it Cult of the Camellias bc,yknow, Leshy, and the fact my Lamb wears a camellia flower on their cloak. Thoughts?
Lamb and Leshy one day have a child who takes mostly after leshy but instead of green leaves, it's white cotton-like "wool". They're nicknamed Poof
Heket is aro and bisexual because I am aro and I like her. She does also eventually have a kid
Narinder and Forneus used to be married, but decided to part ways when things with the bishops started to deteriorate. She was with child at the time, and didn't know until after they split. Shamura took the very young kittens shortly after Narinder was sealed away so he wouldn't get lonely, and so they'd know their father (this did have the side effect of them not really knowing their mother, unfortunately)
Baal and Aym live mostly in the Cult, but their mama also has a guest tent where she stays part-time, and the boys do travel with her off and on. Forneus and Narinder have a respectful but distant relationship, mostly talking about the kids and for "custody" purposes. She does not blame him, he is very clear that he had wanted the boys to stay with her and had not wished for them to live in a white void their whole life, and she believes, at least, in that
Forneus is welcomed by the lamb to make the cult her permanent home, but she desires to travel too much for that
Narinder starts dating that rabbit named Hoppy purely bc I find it funny
Poof, as a toddler, bit Aym, and his default response was to bite back. Now, even when Poof becomes an adult, they just bite each other all the time as a form of violent affection
In a weird turn of events, Lamb bevomes a third, psuedo-parent figure to Baal and Aym. They do not mind this
Narinder's exact response to finding out Leshy and Lamb were official after 100 actual years was "thank fuck"
Kallamar has had several short-term relationships, but as of yet hasn't gained a stable partner
Heket has 3 people she regularly has sex with, who all know of each other, and are all aware she is not interested in a romantic connection. They are all very close nonetheless
I would tell yall the name of Heket's daughter if I had figured it out yet
I haven't gotten much into it yet, but Lamb and Leshy are like, universe-destined soulmates
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