#i know he'd do this pose just for dramatics
wilwywaylan · 1 day
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Happy Barricade Day where our lovely characters have fun in the park and go to a protest that goes perfectly well before going to the park and laying in the grass and everything is perfect and...
I had that idea floating around since Feuilly's week last year, and this is as good a Barricade Day drawing as any :D I call it the "Because" drawing because of the pose they used during the song "Because" in the movie "Across The Universe".
That one took "only" 19 days to do, and I'm very, very proud of it !!!
Bahorel's awesome shirt comes from @crow-songs-at-dawn.
Happy Pride, everyone !
That one also has a text by @crow-songs-at-dawn that goes with it !
Nothing or no-one could resist Prouvaire's puppy eyes. This was a well-known fact among the Amis : when their resident dreamer wanted something really, really badly, he'd use his ultimate weapon. Even R knew to stop ranting about the bleakness of life and the futility of the cosmos when those heterochromatic eyes turned to him. So when Montparnasse felt the puppy eyes turn on him, he crossed his arms and shook his head.
No. It's not happening.
A picnic in a park with all your friends sounds like a special kind of hell. Will I have to sign a petition?
Three, at least.
Oh joy.
Must you be so dramatic? It's just for an afternoon, it'll change from your usual nightly hobbies, I know. Montparnasse rolled his eyes and :
I'm not sure I'd enjoy spending all that time having Enjolras look at me like a disapproving parent, or lecturing me about something or other that really doesn't need to be his problem.
I know he can be intense.
He likes the sound of his own voice. A bit like - whatshisname - Alphabet Boy. Prouvaire cocked his head and tried to hide a smile.
You're just being difficult on purpose. You like R and don't even try to deny it.
Not enough to share a martini with.
You don't share martinis with me, either.
You don't like martinis.
I like you when you've had a few, though…
Flirting won't get me to say yes to -
But Prouvaire didn't let Montparnasse say another word before pushing him down on the bed and kissing him. They were still undressed and it was a sunny summer morning, and kissing Montparnasse was always one of Prouvaire's favourite things to do. Usually because it got his grumpy night-owl boyfriend to mellow out and smile. Ah, there was the smile he was looking for, along with a crinkle in those dark eyes.
Me trash-talking your friends turns you on a little, does it?
Only because I know you're not really serious.
Is that a challenge? Alright then. Someone really should tell Pontmercy that the entire "starving student with a heart of gold" aesthetic wasn't cool even when it was.
No-one says "cool" anymore, 'Parnasse.
Of course they do. What they don't say anymore is anything on the lines of "fantastic" or "amazing", or whatever else Mothman seems to have read in Pride and Prejudice. Or those wierd interjections Joly seems to emit like some sort of human shaped infrawave.
Prouvaire couldn't help but smile and placed a kiss on Montparnasse's collarbone.
You're horrible.
Promise, I won't tell them you find me hilarious.
I'm dating a criminal, I like to live dangerously.
I applaud your bravery. But I'm still not spending the afternoon with them. Seeing so much sweetness makes my teeth ache.
Cosette and Marius are adorable, I know.
Still amazes me she'd choose him, she seemed to be the only sensible one of your group. I suppose appearences are decieveing, she chose Eponine as well, after all.
So did you at some point, if rumours are true. Did Montparnasse feel the tell-tale signs of a blush creeping up his neck? If he did, he ignored them and countered with a cocky grin.
The same rumours like those who say you and Muscle Man had a burning romance before he turned his sights to the resident squirrel?
Well, you've seen the muscles Bahorel has, you can understand the attraction.
Hmmm… I've seen more attractive since.
Now who's attempting flattery?
Prouvaire managed to slip out of bed and out of Montparnasse's arms. It was soon going to be time to leave if they were going to be on time for the picnic. Everyone would be bringing a dish and he'd spent a good chunk of the previous evening making rice salad and some special brownies. Enjolras would frown at the extra ingredient but even he would eat some because he was nowhere near as tight-laced as Montparnasse tended to think. Rummaging through his drawers while getting dressed he found something he'd forgotten he ever had and threw it towards the bed, smiling as the other young man caught the object. And then turned those pretty brown eyes towards him.
How are heart-shaped sunglasses supposed to make me change my mind?
They're not, I just think you'd look really really good in them. You'll be turning heads.
I do that already.
Sue me for wanting to show you off. There came an almost amused laugh. This was a very good sign - he could read Montparnasse like an open poetry book and they'd be on their way to Montsouris Park together. He just needed a little more time.
Come on, get up.
Jehan. I'm not coming.
Please? Don't you want to see how verbose R can get after a couple of space brownies?
Does the man ever shut up is the thing I'm more interested in.
Bossuet and him have been known to talk an entire night, I've been witness to a few of those conversations, and Musichetta has said so herself.
Why are all the women in this friend goup attracted to wierdos?
Says the one who dated Eponine.
Better dating 'Ponine than, I don't know, Pontmercy. I'd have died of boredom.
Oh, you'd have found a thousand ways to spice things up. So, will you be wearing black, or black to our little picnic?
I hate you so much.
Montparnasse finally relented and got out of the messy bed and started to dig through his clothes. Those damn puppy eyes had won again.
I swear if Gavroche says one single thing about these sunglasses, I'm gone.
You get riled up so easy by a ten year-old.
He's extremely annoying. Perhaps Feuilly can take him on his next boring museum trip and lose him there. Prouvaire came closer and grinned, playing with the heart-shaped sunglasses on Montparnasse's nose.
You're finding less and less reasons to rag on my friends, it's funny.
Some are less annoying than others.
You didn't find anything to say about Courfeyrac, I noticed.
He wears a bowtie.
The audacity~
Happy Barricade Day, everyone :D
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temis-de-leon · 4 months
Pick me girls and OM! Brothers - Part 1
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon and Levi (x reader, separately)
Part 2 - Satan, Asmo, Beel and Belphie (x reader, separately)
Part 3 - Diavolo, Barbatos, Solomon and Simeon (x reader, separately)
CW: pick me girl behavior, suggestive, mentions of sex between the brothers and mc, mentions of violence, a bit of magic, mentions of cheating (not actual cheating), mammon and mc taking a shower together, jealous mc, some fluff, some hurt, some comfort, kinda ooc but i had so much fun with this
Wherever you went, rumor followed. Haven't you heard? The mighty Lord of Pride has a significant other. Who could it be? Maybe the prince or his butler? Both of them? Or perhaps it was just some random demon? Surely not the human... right?
"Of course not!" said the witch, surrounded by both curious and jealous nobles.
You weren't in the balcony, but you could still hear the conversation in your spot near the open door. You could also hear the gasps and the murmurs. It was ridiculous.
What to do next? You could interrupt the gossip and make your relationship public; after all, it was only a matter of time before someone spotted you both in Ristorante Six or an empty hallway in RAD.
Ignoring them was the better option, however. No words sounded aggressive and yet polite enough to get the witch to shut up without making a scene. Plus, Lucifer was looking exquisitely fine that night. His wings did wonders to his appearance.
"Then who?" the voices asked while you walked away towards your boyfriend.
"Well, I wasn't supposed to say anything..."
Oh no she did not.
"But we're just so in love"
I'll be damned, you thought. She did.
The wrath you felt was primal and it provoked a worried glance from Satan, who was chatting with one of his many contacts in the other side of the ballroom.
You wanted to make an entrance, a dramatic one, but you could only watch as the witch talked and talked about her supposed first date with Lucifer, their first kiss, their first time, his performance in bed (which... No. She was so wrong about that one).
Finally, you opened your mouth.
"You don't say?"
But that wasn't your voice.
Beside you stood Lucifer in all his glory, with a smile that didn't reach his eyes and a hand hugging your waist. The floor trembled under your feet as he walked and, if it wasn't for his tight grip, the magic induced vertigo would've send you to the ground.
You could tell he was trying not to harm you too much, but the group in the balcony wasn't so lucky. All of them were on their knees and some even coughing blood.
"Do tell all your stories tonight, by dawn you'll have no tongue to keep lying"
The witch had tears in her eyes, too focused on her own pain to be aware of her surroundings or his words. Was he being serious? You wanted to ask what would really happen to that woman, but Lucifer was always two steps ahead.
He cradled your face and kissed you, slowly yet firm. His cold skin felt good against yours, already blushing under his half lidded eyes.
"Dance with me?" he asked, caressing your bottom lip with his thumb.
Damn, did he know how to distract you.
"You're dating the Great Mammon!" he'd said with his characteristic smile, both of you eating ramen in your bed while watching bad romcoms "That's something to be stoked about! You need to tell everyone about it!"
Of course, that translated to: please, please, please, I need people to know that I bagged YOU and YOU chose ME.
So, there you were, chatting with his makeup stylist and some other models while he posed in front of the camera. It was better than you expected, actually. You thought the fashion world in the Devildom would be full of self righteous assholes and insufferable divas, but you couldn't be more wrong.
Well, of course, there's always an exception.
There was a demoness in the other side of the studio, taking selfies with a pout in her lips and a fake, nauseating, innocence in her expression. She looked toxic from a mile away.
And yet, your boyfriend dated her for three months; three long and excruciating months, yes, but still. They'd dated.
And you were cool with that. So so cool with that. You were chill. A freezer, even. You loved Mammon and everyone and their mother could tell Mammon loved you. Everything was fine.
Except... well...
It was easy to forget the brothers were famous and popular bachelors, princes of hell, that, just like in every human monarchy, had fans to spare. People that would support them no matter what they did and no matter who they dated and people that would hate everyone they dated because... You don't really know why.
You just had some haters.
And this bitch was taking advantage of this, you knew it in your heart.
Rumors of Mammon cheating on you with one of his model coworkers had been there since the beginning of your relationship. It was something you just had to live with, one of the reasons the Avatar of Greed doted on you with everything he had.
Mammon loved you.
So why did you panick so much when he stood up in the underwear he was advertising, getting ready for the next picture, and the demoness took a selfie of her lips with his half naked body behind her?
"That whore" whispered another model behind you. You liked them.
But it was okay, you didn't mind. No, really. You didn't.
Except you did.
And so did Mammon.
Everyone looked at him and you could swear his demon form was starting to show, blending with his siluette in blurred edges.
"Delete that"
She could've laughed at him, like everyone tended to do. She could've ignored him and tempt fate, but it was not a wise idea.
There was static in the air, black mist barely clouding your vision and a faint voice whispering in the back of your brain. The sound of feathers filled the room and soon crows started to surround the studio outside the window.
After a couple of sickening minutes, a loud pop settled the place back to normal and caused the birds to fly away.
The demoness gasped, letting her DDD fall to the ground like it burned her. Looking at her smoking hands, it probably did.
After that, everyone acted like nothing happened. You, however? Your whole body was buzzing, leaving you paralyzed with feelings you needed to explore in the future and making Mammon look at you with a knowing smile.
"...sick of those rumors..." he'd say hours later while he washed your hair in the shower "and you dumbass humans believe everything you see, even if it's stupid"
He'd wait until you were both in bed, ruminating about every little thing that happened back there before talking again.
"Because it's stupid, you know? I'd never cheat on ya. The Great Mammon would never do that to you. I mean, I'd never to that anyway, but specially not to you. Keep that in mind, human! You catched the best demon of all hell! Lucky you!"
Lucky me, he wanted to say instead.
You understood him anyways.
@/f3istyk1ttenuwu sent you a message!
You stared at the screen and the screen stared back at you.
Reading the user name physically hurt you and you'd lie if you said you weren't worried about it. Did you trust Levi? Yes, absolutely. Did you trust f3istyk1ttenuwu? Not really, no.
So (this time voluntarily), you opened the gates of hell.
It was the Devildom version of Discord, which was worrying enough, and the user's pfp showed a cute pinked hair girl with dainty horns and half of her boobs out.
With a frown and your heartbeat in your throat, you opened the chatroom.
@/f3istyk1ttenuwu: r u lone?
@/f3istyk1ttenuwu: did ur frend leef?
@/f3istyk1ttenuwu: their a party pooper
@/f3istyk1ttenuwu: didnt let u join the grp
@/f3istyk1ttenuwu: :(
@/f3istyk1ttenuwu: leviachsn?
Oh, heeeeell no.
First of all, it was leviachAn. Second, YOU were the only one who could call him THAT.
Ignoring the voice of reason, you checked the door before investigating the previous messages. Levi was in your room, retrieving your nightwear as punishment for not letting you win in Devil Kart YET AGAIN, so, knowing how flustered he got everytime he saw you in the Ruri Chan's inspired piyamas he got you for your birthday, you were sure you had another couple of minutes alone in his room.
@/f3istyk1ttenuwu: thx 4 sving me !!
@/f3istyk1ttenuwu: we shld team more
@/f3istyk1ttenuwu: were zo good 2gether
wEre Zo gOoD 2gETheR
You couldn't help but mock her in the privacy of your mind. Did she think writing like a 10 year old was attractive? If so, what the fuck?
@/f3istyk1ttenuwu: call? brke my pc & cn't fix it alone \(-o-)/
"Call a fucking tech" you whispered to yourself.
You turned around like a deer in headlights. Levi's cheeks still wore a furious red, but he remained quiet at the door when he saw you snooping through his private conversations.
Fuck it, you thought after some uncomfortable seconds. If someone could understand jealousy, it would be him.
"Who's this girl?"
Levi frowned and got closer to you, leaning over your shoulder to see his computer, probably giving you the closeness he'd crave if he was in your place.
"Oh, I don't know" his final answer disappointed you "Some girl the others wanted in the party"
But why was she talking to him like that?
"And why is she talking to you like that?"
He shrugged his shoulders, knowing that both of you knew the answer. Then, he straightened like he had an epiphany, and looked at you with shining eyes and a smile too big for his face.
"Are you jealous, MC?"
Levi jumped in happiness before you could say anything, unable to truly express how happy he was upon his sin affecting you.
"My Henry is jealous!! Because of a yucky disgusting otaku like me!! This reminds me of that anime: 'Help?! My crush snooped through my pc and now they're jealous because someone else is flirting with me??'"
It was obvious by now you had nothing to worry about, so you let him be. You let him appreciate how much you loved him.
In the end, you had to shower his face in kisses to shut him up and, for great measure, you also changed into that extra large Ruri Chan t-shirt in front of him.
Hours later, both of you were sweating in the comfort of his bathtub and Levi was completely sure you fell asleep.
And if you saw how he offered himself to fix this girl's computer only to hack her camera and post her real face all around the internet, no you didn't.
Tagging them lovely people: @hello-gloomy @the-sassiest-toaster @hero-nii-blog @yourlocalyin
Hope you like it!
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No Nut November; How Long Will They Last? (Genshin Edition)
♡♡-Request: NNN w/ genshin men.
Content: Sexual themes, MDNI, Kaveh, Zhongli, Alhaitham, Itto, Wriothesley, Neuvillette included. Gn!reader.
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Almost Immediately
I think he'd try, but honestly? I find him too needy and horny (and dramatic). Plus, I feel like you'd tease him just to get him to lose. It wouldn't go well (for him). He'd be begging you for some sexy time after a day or two.
You know me, sensitive Neuvi enthusiast. So I don't see him lasting very long, especially since he doesn't know what it is. But being denied some sexy time with you? He can't handle it. Even if he's busy he'd still beg you to please just help him out. He misses your lips wrapped around him. ):
Half-Way Through
Bless him. He was more than game to do this when you asked. He likes a challenge. And he does pretty well, too! Sadly, you're just too attractive for him to resist for too long ): around the halfway mark, he's pleading, asking if you both can just forget the challenge. He wants to feel you.
I think this is mostly due to how busy he is. He doesn't get a chance to see you very often, especially now that you're actively trying to avoid it in order to win. So it's out of sight and out of mind until it isn't. You stop by when it's been roughly half the month, teary-eyed, asking him if you both could please have sex. He couldn't possibly deny you then.
All The Way
Perplexed by what this is. Why should he do a day like this? And when you pose that, he's scared to even tempt it. Normally, Zhongli isn't competitive but you kept insisting that he couldn't and that's why he didn't wanna try. It backfired on you. You thought maybe doing this, he'd fuck you to shut you up. Nope. He lasted the whole month. You did get fucked December 1st though and you'll be sore for weeks.
He thinks it's dumb. But can't help his curiosity, so that's why he lasts this long. His mind is always brimmed with curiosity and hypotheses. So it only makes sense he'd take notes during this. When it was particularly hard for him to resist but did it anyway. You're struggling the most through this though. He'd do little...experiments and it'd ultimately end up making you lose. He still won though!
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moonstruckme · 3 months
Hi 💜
I sent a request a while ago about Spencer x reader academic stress. It was absolutely perfect. Thank you so much 💗
I just read the james one about reader skipping meals (it was so sweet and lovely) and I tend to do that myself sometimes not eating anything between dinner one day to the next simply because i got busy with classes and forgot until i get a migrane or get a bit dizzy. So, I was wondering if you could do a similar prompt with Spencer and reader being busy all day with work or classes or whatever and simply forgetting to eat until a migrane / dizzy spell occurs and he finds out.
I just feel like he'd be so kind and give facts about importance of not skipping meals for brain function, while coddling, feeding and spoiling reader, maybe cooking or handfeeding too I don't know whatever works for you. Thank you 💕🌸
Sorry if i wrote too much😅
Thank you for requesting lovely (and no sorries necessary) <3
cw: mention of skipping meals, dizziness/nausea
Spencer Reid x bau!reader ♡ 1.2k words
Spencer finds you sitting down in the stairwell. You recognize him by the sound of his footsteps, lighter than Morgan’s but less clicky than JJ’s heels. Neither of you typically use the stairs, so you can only imagine that he’s come looking for you. 
“Hi,” you say to let him know you’re alive inside the tiny cavern you’ve made of your own body. You’re bent over to rest your forehead on your knees, one hand on each of your temples as you breathe slowly to steady yourself. Overall, it’s a pretty dramatic pose. And you’re definitely getting the butt of your slacks dirty on these stairs. 
Spencer’s footsteps pass you, and for half a second you think he really is just using the stairs. He stops a few steps below you. You can feel him scrutinizing the top of your head. 
“Are you okay?” he asks in that soft, careful voice of his. “You just disappeared.” 
You had sort of fled the scene. You still feel too new to the team to feel fully comfortable, and with Strauss here for the case everyone is on their best behavior, so when you’d all been walking in the hallway and a dizzy spell had nearly collapsed you into the wall, you’d dropped back from the group and stepped into the first door you saw rather than risk bringing attention to yourself. 
“I’m fine,” you say through an exhale, lifting your head from your knees. “Sorry, I just got dizzy and didn’t want to cause problems.” 
Spencer’s eyebrows bunch. He lowers into a crouch in front of you, looking up into your face. “Dizzy—do you know what caused it? Is this something that happens often?” He bypasses your rudeness in abandoning the team immediately, and the questions come almost too fast for your addled brain to keep up with. You think you need protein. Or carbs, or something. 
“Yeah—I mean no, it doesn’t happen all the time,” you say. “I just forgot to eat lunch.” 
The notch between Spencer’s brows digs in and he brushes a piece of hair behind his ear. “What happened?” 
You shrug, embarrassed. “I packed a lunch so I wouldn’t have to take a break, and then I just forgot about it. I’ve been…” you glance up at Spencer, but his eyes are too safe and open to even contemplate deceiving. “I haven’t been keeping up with my work like I should. I didn’t want to take a break, and I didn’t even remember my lunch until now.” 
“It’s on your desk?” he asks. 
You blink. “My work?”
“Your lunch.” 
“Yeah,” you say. It comes out curved like a question. 
“Okay.” He straightens, lithe limbs extending until you’re craning your neck to look up at him. “Wait here.” 
You turn, starting to protest, but Spencer sets a pacifying hand on your head as he passes. Objections acknowledged, but ignored. Following him is out of the question; just pivoting sitting down had sent your head swimming again. 
The door bangs shut after him, and a minute later he returns with your sad paper bag and a bottle of gatorade. 
“I saw you have water in here,” he says, sitting back in his place a couple steps below you, “but I thought electrolytes might help more.” He twists the cap off and hands it to you. Rather than passing you your lunch bag, he sets it in his own lap to dig through the contents. “You want your sandwich first?” 
You lower the gatorade from your mouth, wiping self-consciously under your lower lip. “Yes, please,” you say, and Spencer hands it to you. You set the gatorade down beside you. “Do we keep these in the fridge?” 
“Morgan does.” You must look as horrified as you feel, because Spencer goes on quickly, “He won’t even notice it’s gone. He likes the blue ones the least anyway.” 
You nod hesitantly, raising the bottle to your lips for another sip. “I’ll get him a replacement in case.” 
His smile is understanding, and you’re reminded that before you, Spencer was the youngest on the team. You imagine he knows how it feels to be constantly wary of getting on someone’s bad side. 
“You really don’t have to,” he says anyway. 
You take a bite of your sandwich, shrugging. “Thanks a lot for this, but you don’t have to stay here with me. Won’t we get in some kind of trouble?” 
“I think we’ll be okay here for a little while,” Spencer says. “Actually, I don’t think most people on the team even know where this door goes. None of us ever use the stairs. And they might not have noticed we’re gone yet.” 
You give him a deadpan look. “They’ll notice you’re gone.” 
He shrugs. It’s not a denial. “I don’t mind waiting with you.” 
It means more to you than it reasonably should. “Thanks,” you say quietly, and take another bite of your sandwich as an excuse to look away. 
You haven’t even polished it off yet, and Spencer’s already dipping into your bag for more. He takes the cap of a container of grapes. 
“Here, have some of these.” He holds it out, and you shove the last bite of sandwich into your mouth to take it from him. “You probably need some vitamin C,” he muses. His eyes fall to the nearly full bottle at your side. “Don’t forget to drink.” 
You almost grin, covering your full mouth with a hand as you speak. “I can’t actually do all this at once.” 
“Oh, sorry.” He looks abashed. “Take your time.” You do, swallowing before lowering your hand to give him a small smile. It’s returned. “You know, skipping meals is actually pretty dangerous.” 
Your smile fades, but Spencer holds your gaze. His eyes are gentle. 
“I know you just forgot, but low blood sugar impedes brain function. We need to be able to think clearly and quickly to do our job. So, being nourished is really important to that.” 
You nod, chastised. He taps the container of grapes, and you pop one into your mouth. 
“Are you going to tell Hotch?” you ask him quietly. 
Spencer blinks, brows twitching together. “No,” he says. “It’s not really that big of a deal, and anyway I think Hotch would just tell you the same thing. I just think it’s important for you to know.” 
You rub your lips together, bobbing your head again. “Okay, thanks.” You look at him seriously, dropping your voice into a terrible imitation of Hotch’s deep timbre. “I won’t let it happen again.” 
Spencer grins, surprised by you, and you mirror him. You’re a bit surprised by yourself too. 
“Are you feeling any better?” he asks. 
You nod automatically, not taking even the barest inventory yourself to see whether that might be true, but Spencer can obviously tell. His brown eyes search yours, scientifically probing, like they might tell him something you won’t. You’re well aware that Spencer’s a certifiable genius, and yet you’re still learning not to underestimate him. 
“We can probably go back now,” you tell him. 
His stare holds yours a minute longer. You feel pleasurably crushed under the weight of his attention. 
After a few seconds, Spencer’s expression settles into decision. “Let’s sit here for a minute,” he says. “You should finish your food. You’re owed a lunch hour anyway, no one’s ever stipulated when or where you have to take it.” 
You crack a smile. “What about you?” 
“I’m staying with you,” he says matter-of-factly. Like it’s the only option even worth considering. “I don’t want to leave you here by yourself, and it’s probably best if I take the gatorade bottle back up with us. If Morgan sees, it’ll be easier for me to take credit if I’m holding it.”
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animemensblog · 11 months
Gojo x gn!reader
Summary: what happens when Gojo meets someone who is immune to his six eyes?
No warnings :)
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It was a hot day, sun beaming down and causing sweat to build along your hairline. Your headphones weren't helping with the soft muff cupping your ear and rubbing against your skin. Although it's tolerable in the shade, that means nothing when you decided today all your errands would be done by walking or train.
As you turn the corner you notice a small convenient store with a huge sign advertising 'buy one get one' on all cold items during the summer. The choices were clear; spend more money to cool off or finish walking home and die the second you enter your no ac apartment.
When you opened the store door you could feel the vibration of the bell and a faint ringing that seemed to last forever. Your feet were sore but weren't dragging, they almost felt like they were floating. You reach down in the fridge, grabbing water and a juice. The condensation quickly dripped off your hands and onto the ground, as the drop falls it splatters and hits your leg.
You stare at the water dropping towards your ankle, soaking a part of your sock. It quickly becomes uncomfortable, and what better way to ignore it other than changing your playlist?
You start shuffling to the counter, standing behind a tall white haired man waiting in line. As it moves forward, you can hear the cashier and the customer talking very loudly. As if their heads are against your chest and yelling into it, the vibrating and thumping echoed in your lungs and stomach.
As you click on a new song, an awkward laugh in front of you erupts, shortly after the stranger turned around and hit you. His arms had swung and threw you to the ground, along with your drinks and phone which managed to disappear. When you look up he's standing there, staring like he saw a ghost, his eyes were blown wide and his mouth partially agape.
At first, you thought he was just shocked. I mean, wouldn't you be if you hit someone to the ground? Then, you noticed your shorts slid down your thighs, revealing the rather brightly colored underwear peaking through. Your legs shut as you stand up, giving him a nasty glare and a meek "pervert".
Gojo on the other hand can't grasp how he didn't notice you, or even hear you behind him. His six eyes are supposed to help him, right? So how did he miss you approaching, standing there for minutes and managed to throw you to the ground? It didn't make sense.
"I'm not a pervert" Gojo says as he follows you around the store
"Your stalking says otherwise"
His pace picks up so he's less than a foot behind you, "ha! I bet you wish that's what I was doing!" He says, striking a small pose in hopes you'd notice. "Really, I just want to make sure you're ok-"
You turn around, almost chest to chest. Usually he'd be excited someone so pretty came so close but that look said maybe he shouldn't be happy. "Leave me alone" you spit before going back to searching, he watches as you turn into the isle to the right and follows.
"I can help you, ya know! I've been told my sight is the best" he boasts, turning into the isle he saw you go into.
"Really? Because you didn't see me at all before" you mumble behind him, once again he quickly turns around to find you kneeling.
"How are you doing that?" His tone had switched, it sounded like he was worried, concerned. Almost upset.
"Kneeling?" You question
"No! That's not what-" He shakes his head and sighs, they're just a normal person he thinks to himself. "Nevermind" he sighs again, then went back to looking for your drinks.
You think finally, he's gonna leave me alone. Thats until he's yelling for you from another isle, "ohhh strangerrrr!" He says dramatically, "I found your drinksss!" You can see him waving his lanky arms over the shelving.
"Most annoying man I've ever met, and I've known him less than an hour. This is some bullshit for an already bullshit day.." you continue mumbling as you almost stomp to the other side.
When you turn the corner, he's still waving his arms. He truly looked ridiculous with that big ass smile, jumping up and down like he's done the impossible. You sharply inhale before getting a running start- if he isn't going to acknowledge you when you're in the same isle, you'll just have to get it back on your own.
Despite how loud the impact of your feet was, to everyone else they were silent like paper landing completely flat on tile floor. You jump up as soon as he comes down and yank the bottles from his hands then landing before you hit the fridges. The only sound anyone else heard was you landing- the running, deep breaths and mumbling had gone unnoticed.
For a third time, the Gojo Satoru couldn't see or hear you. You. A normal person he just happened to run into while he was picking up snacks for himself, Geto and Shoko.
"You're quite annoying, you know that?" You ask as you make your way back down the isle towards the counter. Gojo doesn't realize when he started walking, gravity was just pulling him towards you. It was screaming that he needed to know who you are, how you operate, every detail a human can possibly know about themselves. More specifically, he wants to know if you're good or bad, if you're loyal or untrustworthy, if you're single or taken.
He marches up beside you with (and you hate to admit it) a charming and bright smile. He nudges your hands out of the way and pays the cashier, then turns to you and only gives you one of the bottles.
"You can have the other one later!" He says smuggly before snatching his receipt from the guys hand.
"You're a cute couple" the worker says.
"What? Ew no" you argue while leaving Gojo at the counter. He's embarrassed to say the least and only shrugs as he follows you, again.
He silently, and blindly, followed you halfway back to your apartment before you turned around to acknowledge him. "Are you actually a stalker or something?" He takes a step closer to hover over you, placing a tiny flick to your forehead.
"How are you going to hear my answer if you're wearing those headphones?" He softly asks
"I can hear perfectly fine, unlike you." Your eyes narrow at him and he chuckles. That gentle laugh has your heart skipping a beat or two.
He hums as he opens your water and takes a gulp. "Hey! That's mine you creep" you say as you try to grab it.
"I'm not a creep!" He laughs, raising his arm above his head.
"You wouldn't be following me if you weren't" you say inbetween jumps.
He once again avoids the question, this time by walking around you. "Where we heading?" He asks
"I'm heading home, you're leaving me alone."
"Aw why can't I come?" He pouts, you scoff at him while you cross the street.
"Isn't it obvious? You're a strange man following me like a lost puppy. Of course you don't belong in my house."
"But I want to go!" Gojo whines
Why does he want to, he wonders, is there even an appropriate answer?
"I wanna know you" he mumbles as he looks down at you, waiting to see your reaction. He imagined it as cute, sweet maybe, instead your eyebrows are furrowed and you looked mad. And yet, you let him follow you. In silence, of course.
Your mom did say make friends. I mean, she never said bring strangers into your home, especially when they borderline harassed you. But you can't shake him off, plus he's seems nice? However nice someone can be after bothering and assaulting you.
You turn onto your street and stop, "how do I know you're not going to hurt me?" Your voice sounded weak to him, even softer than when you called him a pervert earlier.
"Why would I hurt you?"
"Why would you wanna get to know me?"
He chuckles, "why wouldn't I?"
You wanted to gag. What was this, a love sitcom?
"I'll tell you what-" you take a deep breath, "I'll give you my number and if I decide you're not a creep, or a pervert or a stalker, or-"
"I get it" he says as he rubs the back of his neck
"If I somehow decide you're not any of those things, I guess we can hangout."
"Hangout?! It'd be a date!"
You pull out a pen from your bag and grab his arm, "Just because you're not a disgusting man, doesn't mean I'll go out with you. It just means you can get to know me, like you said."
"Yeahh but I meant like I'd take you out to dinner or something."
"Then tell me that." you chuckle, a sound that was music to his ears.
"I'd like to take you out to dinner, or something."
"You're weird" you laugh and walk away, when you hear him following you shooed him away and disappeared down a small alley.
When Gojo looks down at his arm, ready to immediately put it in his phone, he sees '9-1-1' and "get help <3" written.
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ivyjupiterwrites · 3 months
TW: Slight mentions of blood & violence
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"Roach, I need to use your phone." Panicking the sgt handed his phone over and sat there while Ghost did what he needed to. As the seconds lurched forward, he couldn't help feeling that Ghost was doing more than just 'looking at something'. And much to his dismay, of course he was correct.
(I like to think of it like when your Dad asks for your phone 'to do something' then just goes on a lil cruise, cause privacy is irrelevant.)
"What the fucking hell are these pictures?" well that certainly wasn't the first thing Roach had been expecting him to dig up, but they were just hanging out in his gallery.
Ah yes.
The pictures.
The ones he had taken--of you, for you, at your request because you were doing something on the side. That being selling photos and videos to whom he could only assume were weirdos--considering how much they paid to see you drizzled in fake blood with skimpy lingerie.
"Ummm they're pictures of (y/n)?" Was Roach's weakly uttered response, not really knowing what else to say. There wasn't anything more in his mind that could be said.
"No shite." Ghost spat in return, he could blatantly see that--he had been wondering more so about the nature of the photos.
"Listen," explaining the best he could, Roach motioned toward his phone that was still firmly grasped in Ghosts hand. "She called me up, she asked me to come over and take photos. It ended up being this." he gestured to you, half undressed in a patch of greenery with fake blood squirted all over you. "And now that you've reminded me, I have to send those to her and delete them. They keep jump scaring me every time I open my damned camera roll--and giving me nightmares."
"What're they for?" when Ghost didn't hand the phone back, Roach begun to internally chuckling to himself. While only posing quite small questions, Roach knew when his lieutenant was intrigued.
Even if it was the slightest bit.
Ghost was a strictly need to know kind of man, if he didn't want to know, he wouldn't of asked. That was the basis he went off of for nearly everything, and it made life much easier for Roach.
Ghost was a man of pure minimalism. Conversation or otherwise.
"Well look who's a curious lil kitty cat~" not sharing the same regard for his teasing humour, Roach carried on as he received a rather nasty glower. "it's some sorta side thing she does, for like cults and stuff she gives them photos...Ya know, I'm not really totally all that sure, she just promised they paid well. That I would be compensated for my time served."
"I see." Was his superiors response, then Ghost was quiet. Staring down at one of your pictures for a thoughtful moment before flipping through a few more. "If I told you I could make you go missing, how scared would you be?"
"Very. And would 110% believe you. Why?" Eyes flickering around nervously, Roach then lurched back from the darkly brooding man dramatically. "Oh Jesus... You've already decided haven't you?--I'm already dead aren't I?"
"No." He shook his head, "not yet."
"Anything I can do for you to stay on the particularly alive side of life?" The sgt offered in consolation, if there were anyway to sweeten the deal he'd do it.
(He's picturing how he's seen Ghost do shit like this and S W E A T I N G.)
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"Send me these," Ghost handed him back his phone as nonchalantly as possible; yet the smouldering rage in his brown eyes that sent a polar shiver down Roach's spine suggested otherwise. "and never tell a damn soul about it--including (y/n)."
"Sir yessir." Saluting him Roach hustled away from the scarier than hell lieutenant, snickering to himself while he sent Ghost the requested goods.
Of course this would be his thing.
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shmolish · 2 months
One shot idea since I got a guess aaaaand I just wanna see your version but I'm curious if shadow milk would ACTUALLY be like this or no? If not I wanna see how he actually acts buuut just to show you my guess on what shadow milk is like:
Shadow milk when he is sick: lalala! I'm perfectly fine! Just cuddle me and I'll be okie dokie, darling! Hehehe! Never stop the fun! (Or short meme version: I sleep)
Shadow milk when y/n is sick: bed, soup, medicine, love, sleep, now! Can't have my beloved feeling all icky! No playtime, only naptime! Sleepytime! You get all the cuddles you want if it helps you sleep but no games, just relax and drink your soup! (Second part of meme version: real shit)
Tldr: shadow milk when he is sick treats it like a joke and a game and not serious...he stops treating illnesses like a joke the moment his s/o gets sick. Think he is gonna joke around when his s/o feels like shit? Nope, he is keeping his s/o relaxed and napping and constantly giving them their favorite soup until he is 100% sure the sickness is out of their system!
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AN: I'm pretty sure both of you suggested similar things, which was a shadow milk cookie x sick reader. Been waiting to do this one!!
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Shadow Milk Cookie x Sick! Reader
Oneshot (Headcanons below)
Warnings: (Kinda a part two to the sick shadow milk cookie, so some parts might be a little confusing.) One dirty joke 😔 (I couldn't resist, sry)
-Take Care-
"I just have to spend some time alone, haha. Nothing out of the ordinary!" You would say with an awkward smile.
Shadow Milk Cookie would look at you with an unbelieving look.
"Doll, you're not a very good liar," He'd say while crossing his arms.
"Come on, just- for like a few days?"
"A few days? How am I supposed to live without you for a few days when I can't even live without you for a few hours!?"
Shadow Milk Cookie would put a hand on his forehead, feigning a dramatic pose.
"But seriously. What's wrong?" He cupped your face and look at you with those concerned eyes.
The eyes you were in love with, and the eyes that you didn't want seeing your weak and sickly state.
Your face was was much warmer than usual, but he didn't think much of it.
"Ah, could it be-? You just don't like my company!"
"No! It's not that!" You would refute quickly, backing away from him.
"Then what's wrong? Come on dove, you know you can tell me anything."
You sneezed shortly after that, but didn't say anything.
Everything clicked in that moment for Shadow Milk Cookie.
He would instantly start panicking, beginning to look around the house for different types of medicine and other things that might come in handy.
"It's not really that bad- I can take care of myself..."
He would pick you up bridal style and take you to a couch, wrapping blankets around you.
"My little doll shouldn't need to lift a finger while they're sick. Please, allow your favorite jester to do the work for you!"
He kept digging through cabinets for medicine and ingredients for a soup he'd eventually end up making.
"How come you're taking my sickness so seriously when you didn't even take care of yourself last time?"
He came back with a bunch of ice packs, like.. twenty of them. You didn't even own twenty ice packs.
"Why wouldn't I take your illness seriously? I must make sure that you are safe and happy at all times, and I can't do that if you feel icky."
He offered one of the icepacks to you, which you accepted and just held for a while.
"I don't need this many ice packs, Milk," you would tell him.
"You can never be too sure! And of course, I offer my 200% when it comes to my most beloved."
"I don't even own this many ice packs."
"Now you do! ...Don't look into it that much."
He skipped off to the kitchen again, looking as cheerful as ever.
Of course, it was just a facade. Internally, he was panicking. He barely knew how to care for himself, and now you were sick. What if you died?! Okay, he was probably overreacting, but normal cookies are so fragile. That's why he had to do everything in his power to keep you healthy.
He didn't know what was and wasn't needed, so he just took a lot of everything.
Came back with one of each medicine type that you owned.
"So uh, which one is the one you need?"
You pointed to one of the bottles, and Shadow Milk swiftly measured the correct dosage.
"Alright, so I got you an ice pack, blankets, and you took medicine. What else do you people do while sick?" He would ask while putting a hand on his chin.
"I don't know. Normally they eat soup," you told him.
"That's right! You are so smart, button. Alright, I'll do just that, then." He gave you a kiss on the forehead before wandering off into the kitchen.
Did he even know how to cook? You've never seen him try before, but he's lived for so long, that surely he knew how to... right?
Oh well, he did eventually end up coming back with the food. It actually ended up looking edible.
"Ta-da~ It looks amazing, right? Of course it does! It was made my yours truly." He sat down on the couch next to you, scooping up some soup in a spoon.
"Now, say 'ah'" He held the spoon infront of your mouth, waiting to feed you.
"I'm not doing that."
"Yes you are. Now open your mouth before I shove the spoon down your throat."
"You can shove something else down my throat."
"Haha, very funny. But maybe when you're feeling better~"
Eventually, after a lot of back and forth, you ended up finishing the soup. It wasn't half bad, actually.
Now, the both of you were cuddling on the couch. A movie was playing in the background, and Shadow Milk Cookie was resting his head in your lap.
"Doll, how come you didn't tell me you were sick sooner?" He would ask.
"I just didn't want to be a burden, I suppose."
"You would never be a burden to me. There's a reason I treat you so much better than the others, and it's because I care for you. I know I'm all about deceit and stuff, but this is the honest truth, okay darling?"
You couldn't help the smile on your face. "Okay."
《☆》 Fin
He's panicking 24/7
Even if you tell him you don't want to get him sick, he says he doesn't care
Everything has to be ready for you, and you have to be comfortable
Absolutely no chance of you going out that day
Legit coddles you or is always near you
Even if it's just a small cough, he's canceling all of the things you have that day
Bro is so paranoid
If you're ever bored he performs small puppet shows for you
Makes you go to bed early
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avianyuh · 2 months
Hey can i get one with nct127 members, commenting their gf ig posts<3
NCT 127 Commenting on their Girlfriend's Instagram Post
[A/N: Because of the public nature of social media, I would assume that in this scenario, the relationship would be public, so that's how I'm writing this piece, hope you enjoy!]
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You had gone on a trip with a few friends for the weekend. Taeil had stayed home. He missed you even though you were texting back and forth the whole time. You had gone to a series of places with your friends, taking pictures of all of them.
It wasn't until the last day of your trip, two weeks without seeing Taeil, that you had posted your favorite pictures onto your instagram account.
Since Taeil is usually pretty quiet, he doesn't normally comment on your posts. But when your phone started blowing up an hour after you had posted your trip highlights, you were surprised to see a comment by your boyfriend.
Looks like fun!, Was all he commented. And of course, his fans were all in the replies which made you smile. He really must miss you.
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You had just been out shopping with Johnny and was excited to try on this new outfit that you'd bought. You ran straight through the door when you got home and immediately tried on your new outfit.
Johnny stood outside of the bedroom door as you changed.
"Are you done yet?", he called out.
"Yep. Close your eyes", you said through the door.
You opened it, sticking one leg out first before fully emerging. You stood on your tippy toes and uncovered Johnny's eyes.
"Voila", you said with jazz hands for dramatic effect. Johnny playfully raised his eyebrows beofe swiftly pulling out his phone and taking a picture as you posed, playing along.
Johnny is definitely the type to be all over your instagram. As we all know, this boy loves his fashion. So, no surprise that he's the type to want to get all dressed up with you, take a bunch of photos and then comment on your pictures with something like:
Where did you get the inspiration👀
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Taeyong is definitely one of the more vocal members when it comes to social media. So it was pretty common for him to leave a few comments on your posts.
In this particular instance, he had left a comment to take credit for a photo you had posted that he had taken of you.
You had been out at a restaurant while on vacation together. You had been looking over the menu and kept pointing at different things you wanted to try. Getting all surprised and gasping every time you read something out that seemed interesting to you.
This was all very amusing to your boyfriend who decided to sneakily grab his phone and take a photo of the moment. He didn't show you the photo until you guys were back at home and looking through all the pictures you had each taken from the trip.
You had laughed and at first asked him to delete it. But it seemed to grow on you since you ended up posting it.
Taeyong's comment read: Hey, you forgot to credit the photographer!
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*I'm divided on if he'd be the type to be loud and proud about his relationship or would want to keep things private. Personally, I think he'd lean toward the private side*
Yuta rarely comments on your posts. But he does like all of them, which nctzens always take notice of. In this instance, you also weren't big on posting a lot on social media. But after spending a day at home with your boyfriend, one that you wanted to remember by capturing a picture of the two of you on the couch...you had no intention of posting it.
UNTIL, it was your anniversary. Like many couples do, you posted multiple photos, the first one being that picture from the day off you had spent together.
And because it was an anniversary post, Yuta responded: I love you
*Yeah I see him as the type to be straight to the point. The man can tell a joke but with you, he just loves to make everyone aware of how much he loves you*
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Also very subtle, doesn't really comment on your posts usually. In this case, he had been busy with work and hadn't seen you in awhile. Don't get it twisted though, you spoke on the phone, FaceTimed and texted as much a possible. But he did miss you a lot and so did you.
He had been scrolling through his Instagram one day while taking a break during practice and saw your new picture.
Just one of yourself, smiling into the camera.
He couldn't help himself, his fingers immediately began typing: I miss you, save the smile for me!
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Pretty boi here is no stranger to Instagram. Actually it's usually you commenting on his posts, not the other way around.
Long story short, the two of you had gotten in a fight. Funnily enough, you didn't even remember what had started it. However, you do remember Jaehyun storming out and not returning your call the next day.
You knew it would pass but you were still worried that he was mad when you hadn't heard from him. But that was until you had gone out with a friend to get your mind off of the fight with your boyfriend. You had a nice dinner, but you drank a little too much and drunkily posted a picture of your friend and you.
The next morning after you woke up, you checked your phone to see that it had been blowing up with notifications.
I hope you had fun👍 was all his comment said, bit you knew it was his weird way of saying he was ready to talk.
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The two of you had gone on a date, taken some pictures and uploaded them. Fans connected the dots, noticed the locations were the same and were uploaded on the same day.
Jungwoo thought it was a funny situation so to add to the fans hysteria, he commented:
That was fun!
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Mark, though never shy with you in private, was very shy when it came to PDA. So he never really commented on your posts.
However, when you uploaded a photo you had taken of yourself, nothing fancy, he couldn't help but support his girlfriend.
He would comment something like:
So beautiful
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Would definitely be pretty open about your relationship, which would show a lot on instagram.
I think he would comment on your posts all of the time. In this case, it would be a photo that you posted of the two of you together. And I think Donghyuk would be pretty comical when it came to his comments.
I look better than you in this
[A/N 2: I haven't used gifs in awhile and let me tell y'all. Why are the gifs lacking so much now? So I tried my best to get some good gifs that went with the prompt. Anyways, this was kind of short but I have a lot more requests to fill for NCT and Baekhyun. I think the next one in my inbox is an NCT fic so that'll probably be next. Love youuuuuu and thank you to anon for the request!]
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dlscenarios · 8 months
Thief - Akira Kurusu/Ren Amamiya x Reader | Persona 5
I have started pretty much EVERY format P5R comes in & I have finished NONE of them—
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Things started getting weird when the infamous transfer student came to Shujin. He was the talk of the school. Everyone would whisper about how he's a criminal, how he "definitely killed someone", that he was "involved in drug deals."
When he walked into your homeroom class, you couldn't pull your eyes away from him. He didn't look like someone that would commit crimes.
Soon after, word got around that he and renowned troublemaker, Ryuji Sakamoto, had gotten in trouble with Kamoshida. Days later, a bright red card was plastered across the school. You took one off of the board and read it.
The note stated that whomever wrote it knew of Kamoshida's crimes and would make him pay for his sins. Putting the card into your bag, you walked away only to notice the transfer student, Ryuji, and Ann Takamaki whispering to each other. You sped away before they could notice you.
Everyone knew Kamoshida was evil, but the day he burst into the gym and confessed caught everyone off guard. This started talk of the "Phantom Thieves" being real.
Before leaving the gym, you approached the group of misfits, tapping the transfer student's shoulder. You asked him to meet you on the roof after school, which he agreed to.
You paced the roof in circles until the boy came through the door. After exchanging hellos, the two of you sat at the group of desks.
"We haven't officially met yet. My name's Y/N." You started, fidgeting with your fingers.
"I'm Akira. Nice to meet you." He gave you such a sweet smile. It was hard to believe this was the guy students were weary of. "I have a feeling you didn't want to meet here for just introductions, right?"
You shook your head, "No. It's about Kamoshida."
Akira perked up, adjusting in his seat before nodding for you to continue.
"Those cards from the other day. Signed the 'Phantom Thieves of Hearts'. Were they from you? I saw you, Ryuji and Ann talking close by. Plus, word is that Kamoshida wanted to expel you right before those cards showed up," You paused to pull out the calling card you had in your bag, "It says that they will make him confess his sins. The next day, he didn't show up to school and then today, he confessed to everything."
"Maybe the timing was just a coincidence." Akira responded, briefly glancing at the card.
"But it's suspicious! You showed up and it was like Shujin got flipped upside down! Kamoshida's been abusing students for years and if anyone opposed him, he ALWAYS won. Then you came and, magically, Kamoshida crumbles. It's too strange to be a coincidence."
Akira smirked.
"What if I WAS involved? You didn't want Kamoshida to stay the way he was, did you?"
You jumped out of your seat, "Of course not! I'm glad he's getting locked up! But...if you ARE a part of the Phantom Thieves, I won't tell anyone. I'm your ally."
Akira stood. "In that case," he gently placed his hand on your head, "Glad to have you on our side, Y/N."
You turned your head, "Yeah yeah. Just let me know if there's anything I can do to help you guys."
After that rooftop encounter, you grew closer to Akira, Ann and Ryuji. You even grabbed the attention of Mishima, who asked if you could assist him with his Phantom Thieves website. You were there to greet the new thieves as they joined the squad. Akira had even asked you to hang out with him one-on-one numerous times.
Slowly but surely, you've begun to consider the band of misfits your friends.
One night, you were at Leblanc after Akira called, wanting you to try the coffee he'd learned to make.
You sipped, careful not to burn your tongue, and hummed. "It's delicious. You're getting better at this, 'Kira."
The black-haired boy smirked, dramatically posing.
"Guess you could say I've stolen your tastebuds."
You burst into laughter, grabbing onto the bar as to not fall off of the stool.
"That is the dumbest thing you've ever said to me!" You took a breath, trying to steady your voice, "Aren't criminals supposed to be sly?"
Akira shrugged, "Maybe I'm just special."
You rolled your eyes. "Yeah, maybe you are."
The thief leaned on the counter, looking at you with a soft gaze.
"You're special too, you know?"
"Let's see. You were the first person to know we were the Phantom Thieves, you are willingly helping us even though it's dangerous, and you-" He gently booped your nose, "-are the cutest person I've ever met."
"Mmh." You leaned on your arm, ignoring the heat rising to your cheeks. "You're cuter. Do you know how many students say you're the hottest criminal they've ever seen?"
Akira lowered himself to your level, looking into your eyes. "They don't have a chance with me though. I've already got someone I'm interested in."
"And who is that?"
"You." Akira rose to place a kiss to your head before walking away, taking off his apron. You buried your face in your arms.
Suddenly, you perked up and called out to Akira.
"Maybe you ARE a thief, because you've stolen my heart!"
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starfirewildheart · 3 months
Chapter 18
Summary: Sy and his lady both retire from the army but not before tragedy befalls Sy. He slowly tries to adjust to life again on their ranch.
Pairing: Sy / OFC
Word count: 2,353
Rating: mentions of war; being a POW, death and animal abuse. Nothing graphic I promise but if the fic continues (if y'all like it) I'll add warnings for each chapter.
Chapter 18
Deb yawned and stretched, smiling as the soft blanket slid down over her naked body. She took stock in herself noticing the knee brace had been reattached and her body ached in all the right places but she was alone. “Sy?” She called out.
August heard Debbie's soft voice call out and rushed to check on her. “Hey.” He bit back the smirk that was itching to spread across his face as she blushed and covered her pert breasts with the blanket. “Sy and Geralt went on a couple errands. Do you need anything?”
She bit her lip. “Did he say how long he'd be gone?”
“I figure about an hour, hour and a half.” He noticed her squirming. “I can help you if you need something. “
“I..I need to use the bathroom please.” Her face flamed all the way to the tips of her ears.
“Ah, no problem.” He walked to her side of the bed and started to reach for her and she squeaked.
“No, wait! I need some clothes. In the dresser, on the left side are some sleep pants and on the right are some of Sy's t-shirts.”
August gathered the requested clothes and took them to her. He smirked when she looked at the sleep shorts he handed her. They were very short. “Easier to get over your cast darlin. Want me to help?”
“No! Just wait outside the door please?”
Just before he pulled the door closed he looked back over his shoulder. “No standing on that leg, young lady or you're in trouble.” He chuckled when her jaw dropped. 
After cleaning up in the bathroom, August carried her to the kitchen and sat her on the island countertop and handed her a glass of juice and some pills.
“What are these?”
“Anti-inflammatory, muscle relaxer, and antibiotic.” He pointed to each one as he listed them. She tossed them back with a sip of the juice. “Good girl,” 
Deb blushed and grinned shyly at the praise. August picked her up again and instead of carrying her with her legs, well good leg around his waist and his arms under her bottom like Sy, he carried her on his hip like a toddler. 
He settled them on the sofa with her bad leg across his lap and flipped the t.v on finding a show for them to watch. 
“So is there a girl somewhere waiting on you?” She arched her brow at him.
“Personal much?”
“Very, but you dressed me in booty shorts so it's fair,” She smirked.
He sighed dramatically and rolled his eyes. “I'm sure there is one, somewhere but I'm never in one place long enough to form attachments.“ She was shocked at his honest answer instead of his usual smart-assed avoidance when the conversation turned to him. It was a common theme with all the guys in the unit. They all traveled so much that they didn't have anywhere to call home after leaving the military. “Don't give me that look, princess,” he shook his head at her.
“There's no look,” She held up her hands in a universal surrender pose. 
“Attachments are weaknesses and weaknesses get people killed.”
“Do you really believe that?” 
“Yes,” his voice was adamant. 
“And you think people who have them are weak,” She added.
She nodded and chewed at her bottom lip. “That's why you didn't like me. You see me as a weakness for Sy. You think I make him vulnerable.” They were all statements, not questions. When he didn't respond she knew she was right. “All of you look up to and respect Geralt like he's the father or big brother you never had. He doesn't see love as a weakness.”
“It's different with Sy. Geralt really does act like a father to him and he wants Sy to be happy.”
“He wants you all to be happy,” She countered. “Why do I make Sy weak?”
He moved her leg and stood. “We aren't having this conversation.”
“I'm being serious. I need to know,” She pressed. “I love him and I don't want him to make a mistake.”
August turned to her, eyebrow arched. “Even if you're the mistake?”
“Yes,” She answered without hesitation. “I want to protect him as much as you do.”
“So you can do something stupid like run away? I get the blame and suddenly you're back together? I'm smarter than that girl.”
“I wouldn't run. Sy made me promise him after our very first disagreement that I wouldn't run until we talked out our problem.”
“Not a person to stick around when things get tough?” He leaned his shoulder against the bookshelf with his arms crossed over his chest looking down at her.
She squirmed under his judgmental glare but decided it was only fair to get asked tough questions if you were going to ask them of someone else. “No, I mean, not the way you think anyway. I've never thought I'm good enough for Austin. Always felt like he deserved so much better than me. He disagreed then and still does. When we first got serious I promised myself that I would tell him everything, every dark, dirty little secret and he would see for himself and leave me but  h… he didn't. He told me that I blamed myself for…” She stopped. “The story isn't important but he made me promise to never try to push him away again and not to run because he would chase me to the end of the world if he had to and I believe he would.”
“Sy's on a ranch now. He's out of the game so it's different.” He tried to brush it off. They both looked at the front door when they heard Aika barking.
The door opened and the furry missile darted through the room and leapt onto the couch covering Deb in kisses. Soon enough there were squeals and giggles of laughter.  “Mercy! Mercy,” Deb gasped between licks from the wet tongue of Aika.
“Akia, heel,” Sy gruffed in a commanding tone. Akia instantly went to him standing against his leg. “Good girl, yea such a good girl,” he praised giving her love and scratches. He moves over to the sofa and sits down next Deb giving her a kiss of her own. “You feeling ok?”
She nodded, “August helped me in here cause I was tired of being alone in there.”
“You were resting so well I didn't want to wake you but it's payday for the hands,” he explained. 
“Did you bring me the books?” She asked, preparing to work on the payroll.
“Amy stopped by earlier and brought all the paychecks. She's been keeping the books since you were in the hospital,” Sy explained. “She jumped in so we could keep the horses fed and cared for and I could focus on you.”
“Oh, that was really nice of her. I'm sorry she had to do that but I'm all better now. I can go back to work.” All three men turned and looked at her like she'd grown a second head. “What? I am. Well I can,” She pouted and crossed her arms.
Sy kissed the top of her head and snuggled her close. “Uh-huh, that's adorable. You're getting better but no, you aren't well yet and if you even think about trying to work you won't be able to sit or stand,” he grinned, squeezing her ass for emphasis. His blood rushed south when she looked up at him with big eyes through her lashes. He cleared his throat trying to distract himself from how bad he wanted to take her right there.  “Bet Auggie picked out these little shorts, huh?”
Geralt's bark of laughter echoed from the kitchen and August’s ears turned red as he sat several cans of soda on the coffee table. “I , she told me to get them!”
“Sleep pants!” She corrected. “And Sy's shirt.”
Geralt came back from the kitchen with paper plates, pizza and breadsticks putting them all on the coffee table. “It's OK little one we all know August is an ass man. He's been trying to get a look at you in tight pants since he got here,” he winked at her before grabbing some pizza and sitting down in a chair on the right side of the sofa.
They all laughed and Deb secretly winked at Sy. “I need,” She leaned over Sy's lap stretching to reach the end table lifting her bum up a little bit. She collapsed in a fit of giggles when Sy lifted the t-shirt up showing off her butt.
August growled as he flopped down in a chair at the opposite end of the couch with his food. “Fuckin teases, all of ya “ he huffed but couldn't  hide his smirk. 
 They all ate their pizza while they joked and laughed,  even watched a couple of movies before August left to go to Walt’s. Napoleon had a job to do for a few days so August was going to take his shifts with Mike until he returned. They cleaned up their messes and all turned in for the night. 
Will went through the house checking the doors and making sure everything is secure one final time for the night before he is off shift since August was there to take over. As he was walking toward the guest room he noticed Mike's light on and Door ajar. “Everything alright?”
Mike shrugged then grimmaced; fuckin shoulder. “Yea.”
Will stepped into the room  and sat on the end of the bed facing Mike. “You know it's OK to say no, right?”
“So people keep saying,” he had to fight not to roll his eyes. He knew they all meant well but they didn't know what he was going through. They didn't understand. “I just need all this to be over so I can figure out what's gonna happen to me.”
Will's brow furrowed. “You're gonna be ok Mike. You've got people who are willing to fight for you, to take care of you.”
“I..,” he shook his head, “I can take care of myself. I just have to get out of here to do it. Do you think they really need me to testify? I mean they have Debbie and as far as my old man goes, his dealing with the gang should be enough to convict him, right?”
“If you don't want to testify,  you don't have to. I know that no one has talked to either one of you about any of that yet. I think the hope is that there is enough evidence that it will speak for itself,” Will explained. 
“Do you think they would let me visit my dad?” Mike focused on picking some invisible lint off his jeans.
“Walt can..”
“He said he didn't think it was a good idea,” he cut in.
“Did he say why?”
He shrugged again and growled out “fuck” grabbing his shoulder. “He doesn't think it's good for me. I guess he thinks I can't handle it.”
Will thought about his response for a moment.  “I've only known Walt since the rescue so I won't say he's out of line. I'm sure he means well but I think you need to talk to Sy and Debbie.”
“No, I don't want to bother them. They have enough to deal with.”
“Kid, you know they just got home today right?” 
Mike nodded. “I'm glad she's finally healed enough to go home.”
“They called as soon as they found out she was being released. You know that right?” Mike shook his head. “They told us to get you packed up so we can bring you home to them tomorrow.”
“I..I don't think that's a good idea. I should stay here.”
“Why wouldn't..”
“I'm pretty tired. Think I'm gonna try to sleep now,” he cut him off.
Will sighed and nodded. “Good night.” He headed out to talk to August.
Sy jumped when Geralt stepped up beside him. “Slipping wolf?” the white haired man chuckled.
“Apparently so,” he finished fixing the coffee pot for the next morning. 
“Security company will be here tomorrow at ten to start the security camera install. They've been checked out and approved of course.”
“I can't thank you enough, all of you…”
“Stop. You don't thank family, Syverson.” Sy smiled and nodded, crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned against the counter. Geralt mirrored him, leaning against the island. “You ok pup? Do not lie to me,” he warned. 
“It's better since we've been home. It helps when everything is familiar and having Aika.” She hadn't left Sy's side at all. “I'm sorry you've had to deal with my bullshit. I just didn't want to dump it on Deb with everything else.”
“PTSD isn't bullshit,” he scolded. “Besides, they haven't been full episodes, just the oncoming panic. You..” 
They both jolted and ran to the master bedroom aa Debbie's screams echo through the house, Akia even running and growling. All three burst into the bedroom. Sy turned the light on and went straight to Debbie while Geralt and Aika searched for foul play. “Hey, hey, shhhhhhh,” Sy soothed as he woke her from what was obviously a nightmare. She flailed her arms, fighting an invisible attacker until her panicked eyes slowly opened and locked onto Sy.  “Hey, there's my girl,” he kissed her head and hugged her and could feel her body trembling as she clung to him. He repositioned them so they were laying on their sides facing each other, Deb curled against him. “I've got you baby.”
“T..they were t..t..touching me again.” Her voice was nearly a whisper. “try hurt you again,” he promised.  “I know that doesn't change what they've already done but it's over now.” 
Gearlt and Aika came back from doing a perimeter check. He walked up to the bed. “Everything's secure. Need anything?” He asked Sy.
“Try something?” He asked and Geralt inclined his head. “Lay down behind her?”
“I don't know if..” Geralt started but Debbie turned over and grabbed his hand before he could retreat. Those sweet blue eyes locked with his and it was like she could see into his soul and he couldn’t deny her anything. Kicking off his boots he climbed in behind her.
She snuggled between the two huge bodies and slowly started to calm down when they were all pounced and she was covered in wet doggie kisses. “Aika!” She chuckled as she scratched her ears. Once Aika was sure her human was OK she laid dowcryn on all their legs. Deb's shaking eased up and she turned so that she could see them both as her eyes got heavy .  “Safe,” She said, yawning as her eyes slid closed.
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so just as any besties do, @teddybearbutchh and i were talking about the whole 'shax wears a cobra belt' thing, and we might have just dreamt up The Most heartstopping thing to date... but couple of key notes first:
i know people have remarked that shax most obviously wears the belt in the modern scenes, indicating some kind of power play that she pinched it from crowley's flat. issue is - im fairly sure that she wears it in 1941 (you can see a glimpse of it at the end when she's present in the audience between furfur and dagon), which would suggest it leans more towards herons-eat-snakes symbolic explanation. taking one step further, im regarding this as some kind of foreshadowing that there will be some kind of direct conflict between her and crowley
shax is either a social climber, or has incredible amounts of career ambition - probably a bit of both, but im leaning towards the latter. im still also of the mind that the reason she has the ear of the council is because she's an informant (and a good one at that) and her MO is to recruit others to do the dirty work for her... so when she tells furfur that she'll pay him back if he ever gives her information that she can use, it stands to reason that she'd be pretty miffed re: furfur seemingly going maverick to catch aziraphale and crowley in the act. i feel like her smirk at the end of the ep, plus how cold furfur is towards her in ep5, would support this somewhat
^but shax is still armed with the knowledge that there's something between aziraphale and crowley (furfur might not have hard proof anymore but he obviously wasn't lying, not when you consider his confidence from shax's perspective), and to catch them would be tantamount to a promotion
chekhov's gun #1: the derringer
chekhov's gun #2: zombies still roaming around london, with one of them presumably still having access to the bookshop if aziraphale invited her in when she posed as an MI operative
chekhov's gun #3: constant mentions in both 1941 flashbacks of 'the paperwork'
shax makes a point in the bentley to separate out the statement that there were rumours that aziraphale and crowley were "an item", which arguably is a good hop, skip and a jump away from "consorting and collaborating" as furfur termed it
a bit about the holy water: crowley first asks for it in 1862, after an indeterminate number of times/length of time in hell, probably under some kind of torture. he and aziraphale then presumably don't speak until 1941, but he remarks again how easy it would be to get holy water from the church, "it doesn't even have guards!". then it's in 1967 that he plans the heist to rob a church. now believe me, i love the explanation that crowley was simply inspired by good, ol' 007 to make getting the water as dramatic as possible, but. if he was that desperate for it, why not just... tempt someone, or even just ask someone for a bottle of it? from a church? i can't imagine that he'd purposefully wait 26 years for something that he felt was literally life-or-death (so to speak), and then only be reminded of it when JB came out? so, what was keeping him for a quarter of a century?
herein lies the batshit part 3 spec of 1941. shax takes advantage of the situation, to get ahead on the greasy pole; goes up to earth, finds the zombies, recruits them one last time to get into the bookshop - possibly to get ahold of the photograph and take the credit for furfur's scheme. 'lo and behold, aziraphale and crowley are low-key about to jump each other (waving the tired and battered 1941 truther flag), which is just plain excellent for shax - and would fuel the 'rumours' that they were an 'item'. but zombies give themselves away before anything juicy really happens (boo), and some kind of fight ensues.
derringer gets pulled out of the mystery book (bonus points if it's a bible, or something like sense and sensibility), crowley gets shot, probably trying to protect aziraphale, gets discorporated. he's summarily trapped in hell, sorting through the fucking paperwork, until sometime in the 1960s. reinvigorates his scheme to get his hands on holy water, aziraphale hears about it, and gives it to him (now having been confronted with The Direct Consequences hell will have for crowley if anything like this ever happens again), and wards him off from getting too close to aziraphale, because of the danger it poses. "you go too fast for me".
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izzysillyhandsy · 7 months
A cool death - Ed's theatrical, performative suicide
"You know, I thought I'd have a cooler death than this. Something like being eaten, eaten by a tiger, or massaged to death by mermaids, or… belly-flopping into a volcano."
It seems I'm not done analysing The Scene from S2E2. It is a wonderful scene, perfect for rewatching - the music, the lighting, the double meaning of the things being said and the things unsaid, and the way it almost feels unreal, artificial and staged.
This is Ed's arranged suicide and he is playing by his rules, expecting Izzy to go along with it (as per usual). And at first, Izzy responds to it.
It is obvious to everyone that Ed is a highly dramatic person who loves the fantastical, symbolism and storytelling; he has a rich imagination and loves to perform. With Izzy, this is more hidden (especially in S1) but in S2 it becomes clearer and clearer that, in that regard, he is not that different from Ed. Both of them creating Blackbeard (their greatest fuckery) is only one example. The Kraken and the Shark is another.
For almost their whole lives, Ed and Izzy have been performing, creating theatrical illusions of their preferred realities to keep them safe, in charge and help maintain a certain lifestyle. But these illusions also helped in covering up their weaknesses (Ed can't kill, Ed can be unstable, Izzy loves Ed far too much, they're incapable of letting the other go, etc).
So is it any wonder that Ed, at his lowest point and just wanting everything to be over with, views his own suicide as a form of fuckery? He needs someone to kill him (the no killing rule extends even to himself) and so he arranges reality in a way to make that happen.
And for Blackbeard, it can never be an ordinary, boring, basic death. His death has to be cool and pretty intense.
Luckily, he has just the right person for the job - the master of real, sincere intensity: Izzy, who would do anything for him, who'd play along and follow him right into the fantasy, who has been with him for so long that he'd just get it.
And Ed makes it completely clear from the start - "I had a dream about you last night. I dreamt that you killed me." - this is about Ed and how Ed wants to die, dreamt up to the last detail. He holds Izzy's gaze. "It was good for me." - please do this last thing for me. He softly touches Izzy's (ungloved) right hand while standing up and getting into position - "I was standing. Just like this."
Izzy, probably half delirious from bloodloss and pain, follows Ed's every move with rapt attention.
So, how does Ed arrange his death? How does he imagine his last ever fuckery, his last shared fantasy with Izzy?
The execution of a mythical creature
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Ed positions himself very carefully, at a good distance to Izzy and between Izzy and the stairs leading up to the door, with rays of sunlight coming from above.
From Izzy's POV, Ed must look like an angel ascending to heaven. Ed's posture and especially the way he holds his arms - almost a crucifixion pose - add to the impression. The sunlight frames him like a halo.
Contrary to the beginning of the scene, Ed turns his back to his executioner and calmly closes his eyes. He stands tall, proud and beautiful, accepting his fate with grace.
Perfect, beautiful and untouchable
Ed might be at his most beautiful and sublime in this scene. He is calm, dignified and regal. Izzy isn't granted the same status.
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While Ed is a statue of perfection, Izzy lies on a filthy bed below him, drenched in his blood and god knows what else.
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He's sweaty, his hair sticks to his face and his clothes are rumpled (and Izzy is normally so well groomed). His leather vest and even his omnipresent right glove are missing, as well as half a leg. He's so weak, he probably wouldn't even be able to sit up properly.
Also, in stark contrast to Ed, Izzy is almost hysterical. He's laughing maniacally, his face is contorted, and he's wildly emotional.
Ed is above it all, tragically beautiful and serene.
Surrendering to his fate
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Ed almost projects the image of a hero or a revolutionary being executed by an evil henchman. He's Ed here - not the Kraken or even Blackbeard. His fate is decided by Izzy, Blackbeard's first mate. I think in Ed's mind, it is fitting that the man who "egged Ed on" to stay in his Blackbeard persona finally kills him when he can't do it anymore.
When Stede left him, Ed returned to Izzy without any plan what to do next. When Izzy kind of decided for him (at least that what Ed tells himself I think) Ed realized that he couldn't be what Izzy wanted him to be any more. He escalated the Blackbeard fuckery to become essentially Izzy's worst fear and nightmare.
Now, at the end of it all, he's back to being Edward, Edward who just wanted to be himself. And the man who had controlled him for decades gets to execute him. One last time, Ed is at the mercy of Izzy.
It is a compelling fantasy.
And Izzy finally, finally decides to stop playing.
At the beginning, Izzy seems entranced, a little hopeful, nostalgic and maybe even elated (even if everythings fucked to hell, at least this Ed wants to share with him). But as soon as Ed gets into position and expects Izzy to act executioner to his theatrical, arranged suicide - he just can't do it anymore.
Izzy could never kill Ed in any circumstances, but this must have been like a slap in the face (or, to be as dramatic as Ed, a dagger through the heart).
Izzy destroys the fantasy by essentially treating Ed like a little kid - "Ooh, you scared, Eddie?" and "Clean up your own fuckin' mess". He's not playing the part Ed chose for him, this is not who he is.
Izzy is not Ed's executioner. He is not a maniacal puppetmaster. He's not a higher power and Ed's not at his mercy. Ed is not a perfect, untouchable mystical creature and Izzy is not a hysterical wretch.
When Ed leaves (slightly disappointed, but not surprised, maybe even grudgingly approving), Izzy kills himself. Without any fuckery, theatricality and without an audience.
With his trusted scene partner gone, Ed immediately abandons his dignified hero fantasy. He throws himself into his next fuckery - the deranged killer. I'm quite sure that one wasn't as meticulously planned.
But when Izzy inexplicably comes back, the tables have turned. Izzy, who has finally taken control over his part in their shared destiny, appears on deck in the midst of lightning strikes and thunder. Now it's Izzy who is calm, dignified and untouchable - a mythical creature himself. Back from the dead, indestructible, disarming Ed with an impossible shot.
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And Ed? Ed is visibly impressed. God I love those two. For the last time, Izzy is giving Ed what he wants, but on his own terms.
Finally, the crew kill Ed in the most dramatic way possible, in the middle of a fucking storm, on a ship doomed to sink with every soul on board.
Ed and Izzy can be proud - this was the most impressive fuckery of their lives.
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dotster001 · 1 year
Hey I decided to try your event request! For TWST, I was absolutely stuck between Vil and Malleus, but ended up choosing Vil. I’m a simp and both appealed a lot to me, what can I say? Right now, I still use him in battles and him occasionally on my home screen, but he shares the spot with Malleus. Although if I have to be honest, Diasomnia is my fave dorm and I consider Mal my husbando more, with Vil as secondary fave.
I like to think that Vil eventually got his revenge by playing hard to get, because his birthday and Halloween cards both forced me to hit pity before I pulled him. On the other hand, Malleus was more shy and took me forever before I got any of his SR cards.
I honestly truly love both and have difficulty deciding which one is my favorite. So overall, I’d like maybe a playing hard to get Vil, whose also trying to show off, while Malleus is secretly (obviously) pining from afar and trying to be aloof, but failing. I feel like the two may get competitively petty, so I’d like to see that! Overall, a cute but lovey dovey romantic battle! Make it so that they’re consistently trying to one up each other.
Other details about me: I’m kind of shy when it comes to romance. Not easily swayed by material goods OR words, but rather actions. I dont mind light yandereness.
( Hi boo! Thanks for participating! I hope you enjoy, your petty competitive men! Side note, I love how many of you have already built up stories based on your card draws. It's cracking me up 😂)
CW:soft Yan!content. Mostly just unhealthy possessiveness.
A Tale of Malleus and Vil Competing for their Lover
Vil’s morning routine had always been long. But these days it took at least two hours, with lots of new products added to his arsenal on top of his already extensive product list. New products included a hair spray that made his hair shimmer, nail polish that changed color to the viewer’s favorite color, perfume that was whatever scent your beloved found comfort in, and a lipstick that made it very hard to resist kissing him. And those were only a couple of his secret weapons. 
After preparing for the day, he left the dorm, making sure his form fitting shirt and pants had plenty of the perfume on them. It was the weekend, so he knew he could find his target hanging out in the courtyard. He may or may not have scheduled a photo shoot in said courtyard, but he was generous, and would let you remain in the area. 
He arrived just in time to see the photographer trying to shoo you away. Vil scowled. He knew the photographer was trying to help, but he was ruining his plan.
“Potato,” He said to the photographer, “What seems to be the problem?”
"This student is going to be in the shot."
"I can leave if you need me to. I didn't know you'd be here today, Vil," you said, your eyes trained on his lips subconsciously. At least his lipstick was going the way it was supposed to.
He gave a dramatic sigh. "As long as you stay out of the way, you can stay. I do better with an audience anyway."
You nodded and went back to where you liked to sit, your eyes following his every movement. 
He really did do better with an audience. If the audience was you. He felt alluring, and sexy, and stunning with your eyes trained on him as he posed. 
A couple more shots. Then he'd take a water break. He knew the perfect angle to accentuate his profile in the sunlight and….what was he doing here?
"Take five," he snapped at the photographer as he made his way to Malleus, who was taking a  seat on the bench across from yours. He seemed to be reading a book, but Vil knew better.
"Draconia," he said, voice full of venom. "There's a shoot happening here. Please read elsewhere."
Malleus looked up at him, his eyes flashing with emerald electricity. 
"Schoenheit. I am not in your way. I am just reading."
Vil was about to snarl something nasty when you spoke up.
"I can help you find a better spot to read, if you want Tsunotarou," you spoke up.
Both men looked at you in shock.
Malleus recovered first, with a satisfied smirk.
"I'd rather not disrupt your activities, Child of man," he hummed.
"It's alright, I have some homework I'm supposed to be doing, but Vil's photoshoot is too distracting. It's hard to focus on anything but him," you said with a laugh.
Both men clenched their jaw, for different, but similar, reasons.
But Malleus knew that he had won this battle, so he closed his book, stood up, and held out his arm.
"Lead the way, Child of man. Show me a better private place."
Vil seethed as you both walked away, but said nothing. He'd lost this battle, but the war wasn't over. 
"I'll win the next one, Draconia," he hissed quietly.
He knew it wasn't possible that he could have heard him, but the booming laugh Malleus let out was quite the coincidence.
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emeraldspiral · 8 months
Thinking about the progression of Zim and Dib's relationship and who would/did fall for the other first. Like, I know I already said Dib would be the first to recognize and come to terms with their feelings because he doesn't rely on denial nearly as hard to avoid dealing with uncomfortable truths as Zim does. But I'm talking about like, the subconscious development of feelings and how they progressed throughout the show and the comics.
With Dib, it was obsession at first sight. Which makes sense. To Zim, Dib was just some random earth native he knew nothing about and needed time to evaluate. But to Dib, Zim was everything. Zim was proof that he wasn't crazy, a way to win his father's respect, a ticket to the career he always wanted, and the key to unlocking fathomless knowledge about outer space, other worlds, and advanced technology. Zim was everything Dib had ever dreamed of.
So Dib was down bad straight from the Nightmare Begins, but on Zim's end it took awhile for him to really reciprocate. Dib proves to be a problem for him as early as the second episode when he breaks into his house and snaps a photo of him in NanoZim. But Zim has multiple chances to do away with him for good starting with that episode, but never tries to actually off Dib until episode 8. Bad, Bad Rubber Piggy is the first time that Zim makes an actual attempt on Dib's life, and when he thinks he succeeded he doesn't seem to regard it with any gravitas. So I think up until that point Zim didn't really regard Dib as an equal, just a pest he thought he could get rid of as easily as Keef. But by the end of that episode, Zim realized that he'd underestimated Dib. Dib was so determined death only made him stronger, and left Zim with no choice but to completely abort his plan. This is notably also the first time Dib actually beat Zim, unless you count driving him out of his house in Planetjackers. Gaz was the one who defeated him in NanoZim and Zim trounced Dib in Dark Harvest, The Wettening, and Rise of Zitboy. So it makes sense that Zim didn't really take Dib seriously until BBRP.
Then, what happens in the very next episode? He tries again to get rid of Dib in A Room With a Moose, and it's in that episode where he explicitly acknowledges Dib as a Worthy Opponent by declaring him the only one who can appreciate his plan and implying that he enjoys being challenged by Dib.
So Dib's been obsessed from the first episode but it wasn't until BBRP that he won Zim's respect and Zim began relying on Dib's validation to boost his ego. This is further reinforced in the next episode, Hamstergeddon, where their dialog with each other is more relaxed and respectful, like they've really begun to see each other as equals.
The thing is though, at this point Zim and Dib are both fixated on each other, but they don't feel the same way about each other. Zim can see qualities in Dib that he likes, which is why Dib's opinion matters to him. He thinks Dib is cunning and intelligent so he crafts plans that he hopes Dib will admire. He starts hallucinating about the "Gangsta Specter of Defeat" and then gains the resolve to redouble his efforts in Door to Door only after Dib taunted him, because he didn't want to lose face in front of his rival. He's unable to resist Dib's obvious manipulation when he claims to admire the cleverness of his revenge in Bolognius Maximus. By the time of Mopiness of Doom, Zim is completely dependent on Dib's validation to motivate him to continue his mission, and in the comics more the once he outright says his plans are "for" Dib. Then of course, there's the more overt indications that Zim likes Dib and wants Dib to like him back. Most obviously, that time he was baffled that having him for a brother wasn't a dream come true for Dib, or programming Clembrane to think Dib loves him, or posing dramatically just especially for Dib when he finally decided to come out of the toilet.
Dib on the other hand, doesn't seem to have the same sort of open-secret admiration for Zim. He stands up for him to Tak's ship and claims that his Zim is the best since he beat Zib and all the other Zims in the Zimvoid, but it's framed as just him coping because if he admits that his Zim sucks then what does it say about him if he hasn't been able to defeat him? Dib's only ever really expressed any kind of admiration of Zim a handful of times. Aside from the aforementioned instances in the Zimvoid arc, he was impressed the first time he saw Zim's base in Bloaty's, admitted that he liked his boots when pressed to say SOMETHING nice about him, and complimented his work in ETF. Notably, ETF is the only time he really had anything nice to say about Zim. His boots and his base are just things he has, and insisting that he's a genuine threat isn't really a compliment. It's indicated at the end of the Virooz comic arc that Zim takes the fact that Dib considers him a threat as enough of an admission that he must have some respect for him, but ETF was the only time Dib ever verbally confirmed that he thought any of Zim's plans or inventions were any good and therefore that Zim himself has a respectable intellect.
Where Zim's fixation on Dib seems to be based on Dib having actual qualities Zim likes, Dib's obsession seems to be based on pure objectification. Dib does not view Zim as a person, but a means to an end. A way to get his dad's respect, a way to jumpstart his career, a way to get validation, and a punching bag to vent his frustrations. He sees Zim as pure, uncomplicated evil. No redeeming qualities, no feelings worthy of consideration, and no "humanity", for lack of a better term, worthy of any dignity or decency. Which conveniently means he doesn't have to worry about the ethics of wanting to dissect him or experiment on him, let alone bullying him at skool. But to be fair, Zim is entirely complicit in this. He wants to be seen as pure evil. He calls himself and his plans evil all the time. He nods along when Dib outlines to Chammy how they can never be friends because Zim is an irredeemable monster incapable of any emotions except gluttony and warlike ambition. Zim wants to be objectified because he's been socially conditioned to think of himself as an object. A machine with some organic hardware bred and programmed to be a cog whose only purpose is to serve the Empire and those in charge of it.
ETF is the first time Zim is ever vulnerable in front of Dib and it's very uncomfortable for him because it goes completely against how he's always viewed Zim. It's the first time he's seeing Zim as a person with feelings, and feelings he can relate to no less, and that's hard for him to process. That's why he's so quick to accuse Zim of faking it after he betrays him. Because it's easier to go back to that simple, comforting, uncomplicated idea of Zim as pure evil rather than try to integrate the idea that Zim can do the things he does while also being person with feelings and pain that Dib can sympathize with. But this isn't the only time in ETF Dib's perspectives of the people around him are challenged. He thinks his sister just hates his guts but it turns out she doesn't, and she won't kick him when he's really down and will support him when he needs it. He thinks his dad doesn't respect him or have his back and he needs to work for it to get him to be proud of him, but he finds out he was wrong about that too.
Overall, ETF was a big coming of age movie for Dib where his perceptions were challenged and his black and white views became more nuanced. The comic Dib's Dilemma would continue to show Dib's evolving perspective of himself and his father and his quest to prove himself.
So it seems like Dib is on track to shed his more childish views and understand the world with more nuance like anyone else does as they grow up. I know some people like the idea of Maladjusted Adult Dib, and that's a perfectly valid concept to explore. But I feel like the evidence is pointing us in a more positive direction. Like, as of Dib's Dilemma he's already begun to realize that his dad is imperfect and that he can make the conscious choice to be better than him, and specifically better about treating others with more empathy.
So to summarize the evolution of ZADR:
Dib was obsessed at first sight, but the person he's obsessed with doesn't exist. He's only barely begun to see the real Zim through the cracks in his facade as of ETF. But there's reason to believe that he is capable of eventually seeing the "humanity" in Zim and recognizing that he is a victim.
Zim meanwhile, initially didn't peg Dib as a significant threat until BBRP, at which point he began to respect and admire him, which grew into something of an infatuation to the point that the need for Dib's validation is about of equal importance to the Tallest. He even has the exact same reaction to Dib abandoning him as the Tallest.
But Zim is still wrapped up in delusions and denial 24/7 and convinced that he is incapable of love like all good Irkens should be, while Dib is growing and maturing and changing his beliefs according to new information. So I stand by my earlier assessment that even if Zim is the one who started to catch feelings first and Dib's barely even beginning to start thinking of him as a person, let alone a person he has any kind of affection for, Dib's the one who's going to be able to recognize and come to terms with whatever feelings he develops way before Zim will.
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random-thoughts4u · 1 year
Headcanons about how Hizashi Yamada (BNHA), Shota Aizawa (BNHA), and Toshinori Yagi (BNHA) would confess to gn reader?
I hope I am able to properly write them for you Anon! Thank you for the request! I'm basic me fashion, I will be adding how you met as well! Also I'm not sure if you wanted AllMight or smallmight so I went with both!
🎤Hizashi Yamada🎤
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The first day you met him was one that changed your life forever. You were absolutely bombarded by paparazzi, showering you with flashes from their cameras. The only thing with the same fame as heros, are famous artists.
YOU were the top hot artist of the week once again, making this your second month in the number one spot. It came with the hearts of many fans, including someone you were also a fan of.
As you waved off the fanatics with a friendly smile, you entered the arenas V.I.P. area. That's when you saw him standing their.
A huge grin stained his face as his hands balled excitedly at his sides, playfully shaking in excitement. Pro her Present Mic!
His normal tall standing hair laid flat against his back as he adorned his favorite pair of golden hued glasses.
You felt your heart skip a beat as you find yourself being starstruck.
Unable to stop your movements, you let your mouth drop as you quickly shuffled over to him.
"PRE-PRESENT MIC?!" Was all you stuttered out as he reached his hand to you, offering a polite shake as greetings.
"That's the name baby, wear it out if you can!"You shook his hand firmly as he snapped a finger gun in your direction. Something about him in person shone so much brighter to you than when you had caught him on TV.
"I gotta ask, would you be free to do a duet with me sometime? Your pipes are TO DIE FOR!" He posed dramatically at that last part before getting on one knee, keeping his hand on yours.
A light blush covered your cheeks as you accepted.
Months had passed, and you found yourself spending more and more time with him. He'd always show up at your studio with random gifts. He'd shower you in bad pick-up lines.
"Damn baby, you've gotta be a battery because you are ELECTRIC!"
"A pro baker must have designed that cake you carry." You chuckled as he tossed his hands in the air, wiggling his fingers.
His pickup lines were always so fun. They always had a way of making you blush.
One night, you heard a knock on your door. Knowing all too well who it was, you adjust your outfit, smoothing out every wrinkle before swinging open the door.
There, he stood with a large box of chocolates in one hand and a trembling bouquet in the other.
His smile was tense, and he had a sweat beading along his brow. It was odd seeing him so nervous since he was always so confident.
"Look, (Y/N), I know we've only been friends for a short time now, but being with you just sets my soul ablaze. You make the song in my heart stronger each time you smile. You picking up what I'm putting down?"
With that, you move aside, letting him in much to his confusion. That was until you placed a gentle kiss to his now crimson red cheek.
That was the start of a beautiful relationship.
💤Shoto Aizawa💤
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■ It had been another long and tiring day at the office. Manely due to the negligence of your coworkers leaving early when they still had a mountain of work left to do. That was soon pushed on you by the boss.
■ It was close to midnight by the time you were able to leave the office. No surprise there. The rain peppered down lightly around you, misting along your coat. That's when your eye caught a small light inside of a convenient store.
■ The grumble of your stomach ached and pleaded for you to get something for the walk home, just to relieve its pain. You did just that.
■ As you walked into the store, you reached into your pocket to retrieve your card, making your way over to the coffee pot you knew would be waiting for you, as you'd been here many times.
■ Just as you stepped into the aisle, a large figure harshly bumped into you, causing your paperwork to splash from your arms, colliding with the mud caked floor tiles.
■ "Tch..sorry about that.." A gruff voice mentioned from above you as you leaned down to grab the papers. You were more enamored by the papers than the man beside you. Until you saw a scared hand reaching down to retrieve a few of the scattered sheets.
■ Your eyes looked towards the figure, following the arm up to find a rather handsome, tired face, looking at the work you'd done.
■ "You study the heroes in the area? This is impressive work on us." The word 'us' wrang out to you, and within seconds, it clicked. You were staring down a pro hero and teacher and UA. Eraserhead.
■ "No, please, it's my fault, I was so busy fumbling to find my card. I didn't watch where I was going...If I may?" You held a hand out to him, watching as he handed back your work.
■ "The information on the second page is wrong. About Mount Lady." He remained by your side but glanced off in another direction before sipping the coffee that had somehow ended rlup in his grasp.
■ You raised a brow at him before the coffee pot pinged for the next available customer to be serviced. "Would you be willing to share some advice?" Was all you got out before you started pouring your own cup.
■ "Just because I'm a teacher doesn't mean I'm available to teach everyone... but since I messed up your work, I guess I can help." Woth that he slips you a small paper and heads out of the door.
■You peered down at the note, spotting his number and enough cash to cover your coffee. A light blush consumed your face as you made your way to the checkout counter.
■ A year had come and gone, as did him coming by each Friday. Seeing the pro hero had become a regular thing. It was long before you felt the magnetic pull towards him. You knew you'd be in trouble if he caught wind of your feelings. So you bottled them up.
■ Friday night had once again started, and there you sat staring at the clock. A familiar voice sounded behind the door before he entered your living room with a spare set of keys you'd given him. Once you were focused on work, you tended to space out and left him standing there for an hour before. The phone was on silent so you didn't receive his calls.
■ Aizawa made his way over to your desk, sitting a small coffee on the table before he took his usual spot beside you. His body sunk into the comfy armchair as he watched your pencil dance along the paper.
■ His eyes focused on yours, paying extra attention to the way your brows knit together in concentration as you worked. You Doon noticed his stare.
■ "You're not one to stare. Something on your mind?" You asked him lightly. Without skipping a beat, he was standing beside you, Lightly placing a hand along your shoulder.
■ "I'm not sure what you do to me." His voice came out soft, almost scared. If you didn't pay much attention, you'd have missed the fear behind his tone.
■ "You're on my mind. All the time. I don't even know what it is about you." Pink dusted along your cheeks as your pen clattered against the desk. Your eyes were now on his. Awestruck and locked on his expression.
■ "May I?" Was all he asked as he gentle cups your face. His thumb traced the base of your jawline as he leaned in. You nod in response.
■Letting yourself go, you immediately allow your eyes to fall as you feel his lips press against yours. The tender touches of his hand gracing your cheek along with his velvety kiss was enough to make your heart soar.
■You were his now.
🟡Toshinori Yagi🟡
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The summer breeze against your skin was enough to make you shudder. The pale waves on the beach you frequented sighed in the wind as they welcomed you.
It had been a while since you'd seen the ocean look so vibrant. The sparkling blue of the sea shone like diamonds as they splash along the beach.
Thats when your eyes spotted something.
A large muscle bound man poses in front of a group of people. You couldn't really see who since it was rather far away, so you ignored the entire fiasco.
Over an hour had passed since then, and you were lost in your book. Reading along the beach was one of the most relaxing things you could do.
Just as you were getting to your favorite part of the story, you felt a hand on your shoulder.
"Hey, you've gotta move. I need this spot." You peered up at a rather oddly dressed man in a long coat as he stated down menacingly at you.
Peeking around the area, you noticed there was no one else around you so you stayed put.
"There's plenty of spaces around you to pick from. Do that." You spat out before going back to your book.
"Oh I don't think you get what I mean fucker. I. WANT. THIS. SPOT. " He pointed down, specifically at you. Your eyes widened in panic as he showed you a large gun in his pocket that seemed to be connected to his flesh. His quirk must be a gun type.
Nodding, you gulped as you quickly picked up your items. Your eyes scanned the area for anyone to see what was happening before you were hoisted up roughly by your arm.
A harsh squeal of pain left your lips as your arm popped from the socket. Tears brimmed your eyes as he shoved his hand over your mouth, hushing you.
Within seconds, the wind around you tossed your book aside, and your towel soon followed. You stood there realizing the pressure was gone. As was the criminal.
"Well, well, well! We seemed to have found another criminal scavaging the beach for change? Have you ever considered a metal detector?" A booming voice echoed out besides you as none other than All Might stood holding the criminal up by the waist under his arm. Almost like a father carrying a child.
He gave you a small thumbs up before waving down the areas' lifeguards. Beach patrol had soon arrived to detain the criminal.
"A life of crime is no way to live, young man! Consider turning your future into a bright one!" The man scoffed at him as police took him away. Thats when his eyes met you.
"I seemed to fail to notice you were injured. Allow me to escort you to the hospital!" You blushed and nodded just before being scooped into his arms as though you weighed nothing.
He stayed by your side the entire time, even going as far to walk you home. Ever since he was involved with the school, he seemed to be more personal with the public. It was endearing.
You found yourself bumping into him all too often at the beach after that and decided it wouldn't hurt to ask him out for a drink. He gladly accepted the offer.
Months had passed, and you both had grown very close. It was obvious to the public. Now, even tabloids were writing stories on you both, speculating whether or not you were together.
This quickly caught the attention of villains in the area, while some left you be, others hunted you down. Toshi knew he had to keep you safe. This was his fault, after all. He knew the risks and still took a chance.
Knocking on your door, he decided it was best to surprise you in person with the news.
Quickly allowing him entry, you made your way over to the couch you bith shared frequently. By this time, you had learned of his issue and allowed him to rest from his hero form at your house.
He ran a hand over the back of his neck nervously as his blue orbs locked onto you.
"This may seem rather sudden since we had only met a few months ago, but I want to let you know I do intent to keep you safe."
Your eyes widen as he took your hand in his.
"I know more than anyone my time is limited, but I want to spend it with you. Will you give me the honor?"
His hands trembled as you gave him a lighthearted smile. That was all you'd wanted to hear from him for a while now.
"I would love to." Was all you said before placing a small kiss along his cheek.
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shmolish · 3 months
AN: I'm so annoyed rn bc I saved 3 drafts of this and NONE OF THEM SAVED. I EVEN FINISHED THIS ENTIRE FIC. 😭 anyways, enjoy 😔
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Prune Juice Cookie x Sick! GN! Reader. ONESHOT.
Warnings: idk, germs?
"Please just drink the potion!" Prune Juice said while clinging to you. Your boyfriend had been begging you to drink a potion he had made for a little over five minutes now. He claimed it would make you feel better.
"I don't want to. Your potions are always bitter." You would tell him while pulling the blankets over your mouth.
"I made this one taste sweet. Would I ever give you a bitter potion on purpose?"
You gave him a glare remembering a certain prank he pulled a while back. He caught on.
"That was a one time thing, love. I made this one taste less vile." Prune Juice said with a sigh.
"..." You didn't believe him.
"Oh, I know what will make you drink it." He said with a grin. You saw as he took a sip of the drink and gave you a kiss. The medicine soon found a way into your mouth.
"Make sure to swallow all of it." Your boyfriend said, his eyes never leaving you.
A crimson red would appear on your face as you reluctantly swallowed all of the liquid.
It was sweet. Just like he said it would be.
"See? Was that so hard?" He asked as his hands could be felt around your waist. Prune rested his head on your shoulder with a smile.
"I'm going to get you sick," you would tell him.
"It would be an honor to catch a cold from my most beloved," he would say back.
You rolled your eyes. "And you'll miss classes."
"They're too easy for me anyway. You are much more interesting," Prune would say back, placing a kiss on your cheek.
"Anyway, are you hungry?" He would ask you.
"Sure." You said with a sigh.
"I'll just make soup then. Don't miss me too much, I'll be right back."
He got off of the couch and walked off into the kitchen. He was back in around 20 minutes holding a bowl and spoon, then sat himself next to you.
"Ta-da~ I made this just for you. Now say ah!" He held out the spoon for you.
"You don't need to spoon-feed me."
"But I want to. Now open your mouth."
Reluctantly, you opened your mouth and drank the soup.
It actually tasted really good.
"Do you like it?"
"I didn't think you would know how to cook."
"I'm hurt that you'd think so lowly of me-" he made a dramatic pose with his hand on his head. "But, it's not that different from potion making. And besides, soup is easy to make." He held out the spoon once again for you to take. This process went on for a while until the soup was all gone.
Now it was much later in the day, and the two of you had just finished watching a movie. Both if you were cuddled up on the couch with blankets and pillows.
"The monster in that movie was so scary~ You'll have to protect me if we ever meet it in real life." He'd say jokingly.
"I will, don't worry."
He would kiss your cheek.
"I love you." Prune would say.
"I love you too." You would respond.
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