#i keep flip flopping on whether or not i like how it’s coming out
orowyrm · 1 year
if i post a gdocs link to the silly little thing i’ve been writing off and on about laz causing problems on purpose in duviri and his horse being the pettiest bitch alive and lodun having a terrible horrible no good very bad day would you guys want to see it or would you point and laugh. be honest
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tossawary · 7 months
You know, the more I think about it, the funnier I find the concept of Monkey D. Luffy /& Boa Hancock (especially paired with Aro-Ace spectrum Luffy and Aro-Ace spectrum Hancock) just for what it must look like from an outsider's POV.
For the record, personally, my favorite Luffy ship is Zoro/Luffy - also with Aro-Ace spectrum Luffy, that's basically non-negotiable for me, I don't care whether he's sex-favorable or sex-repulsed, but he's definitely ace. It is so funny to me to think about Luffy's incredible pull with aro-ace spectrum folks. People who once thought "sucks for you fuckers obsessed with sex and/or romance, I'm built different" (Roronoa Zoro, Koby, Trafalgar Law, Boa Hancock, Bartolomeo, etc.) find themselves fascinated by this little rubber man, who regularly declares war on the government and can swallow a roast chicken whole. Some of them are happier about this than others. Some of them WISH they just wanted to fuck or marry him, that would make more sense than this shit.
But, okay, back to Luffy and Hancock (as a friendship or queerplatonic situationship, whatever, doesn't matter). Like, let's pretend this is some kind of Modern College AU (Luffy is probably not IN college, tbh, he's just there to hang out with his friends and for any food anyone makes the mistake of leaving out). You are on your way to class and you see this woman walking down the street and she is - hands down - the Most Beautiful Woman In The World.
Super tall, with incredibly long, muscular legs in shockingly high red heels, a short skirt, artful cleavage, a waterfall of sleek black hair, beautiful face, striking makeup, gorgeous jewelry. Looks too old to be an undergrad student. She looks like if a martial artist became a supermodel. Walks like that too. The phrase "please step on me" comes to mind, but not to the lips, because that's sexual harassment, and also this woman looks like she could stab you through the heart with a kick and her shoe heel, killing you instantly.
She sees someone and her entire face lights up. She runs forward (how is she running in those shoes) squealing in excitement and embraces this guy you didn't even notice before, shouting about how much she missed him, and kisses him on the lips. He is... uh... three-quarters of her height at the tallest. A real Mr. Short King.
Wow, he has a babyface. And a scar on his cheek and on his chest, which you can see because he's wearing an open button-up, in eye-searing rainbow colors and decorated with monkeys, and jorts with fur at the cuffs. And mismatched flip-flops on the wrong feet. And a straw hat on a string around his neck. It looks like he hasn't brushed his hair today. It is impossible to judge his looks because his outfit is too distracting. Now the Most Beautiful Woman in the World is blushing bright pink as she clasps one of his hands in both of hers. Mr. Short King is using his other hand to pick his nose as she talks.
They walk hand in hand together over to where an incredibly expensive-looking bright red car is parked. Mr. Short King opens the driver's door for the Most Beautiful Woman and she apparently nearly swoons at this chivalry. She climbs into the driver's seat and he gets into the passenger's side (Luffy cannot legally drive and also cannot actually drive). They drive off together. What the fuck kind of Roger-and-Jessica-Rabbit-ass Sugar Mama relationship did you just witness?
Boa Hancock keeps a photograph of Luffy as her phone background and also on her desk at work. Everyone is always like, "Is that your... son?" And Hancock is like, "No, that's my number one choice of future fiancé! Isn't he sooooo handsome?" And people can only be like, "...Okay, but why are there police lights in the background? And something is on fire? It kind of looks like he's in the process of being arrested..." And Hancock responds dreamily, "They didn't catch him! He climbed into my exercise duffel bag and I carried him out."
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What if Aziraphale wasn't on earth between 1941 and 1967?
What if, the same way Crowley was brought back to Hell in 1827 Aziraphale was recalled to Heaven in 1941?
Hear me out: Aziraphale has been making slow but steady progress within his character arc right? In 1941 at the end of the night, sharing drinks with Crowley in the bookshop, Aziraphale was willing to accept that things are not always black and white and sometimes there is room for shades of grey (albeit very light grey). Compare this to his thinking concerning Elspeth. Aziraphale kept flip flopping back and forth over whether Elspeth's actions were good or bad. He didn't seem to consider her actions were ethically complicated. In his mind they could either be good or bad depending on whatever information came to light in the moment.
It also seems that after the church, the magic trick, and the shades of grey discussion, Crowley and Aziraphale are back on good terms with one another. At the very least, talking and willing to spend time together again. Other than the mention of how easily accessible the holy water is in the church, Crowley doesn't seem to mention or allude to his request again. However, in 1967, it feels like their interactions are strained again. Aside from the awkwardness and tension in their conversation, it's also strange that Crowley is surprised to see Aziraphale in the Bentley (despite being PARKED IN FRONT OF THE BOOKSHOP) and that Aziraphale is only aware of what Crowley is up to through second-hand means “I work in Soho, I hear things." (You don't need to 'hear things' when Crowley is conducting those things IN FRONT OF THE BOOKSHOP)
So what happened? My theory: Aziraphale has been serving out a punishment in Heaven since 1941.
Fandom consensus seems to be that there is a 1941 pt. 3 coming next season and many are hoping for a kiss or something undeniably romantic (I am too ngl). But what if it's actually a scene where Aziraphale gets dragged back up to heaven?
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Shax said that 80-90 years ago was the first time that she heard about Crowley and Aziraphale being an item. We can assume that this 80-90 years ago was during Furfur’s failed evidence presentation to Dagon and F(r)iends.
A lot of demons were hanging around in that scene. It wouldn’t surprise me if one of them (or Shax herself) got in touch with an angel in Heaven and let them know about the rumor downstairs of Crowley working with an angel on Earth.
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Obviously, Heaven can’t allow that, and who else could it be other than Aziraphale? He’s the only angel down there, so they recall him. Without evidence though, and given that (1) it's a demon's word against an angel's; (2) less than a century and a half ago, Gabriel awarded Aziraphale a medal for his work on earth (bookstore opening cut scene); and (3) as far as we know, Aziraphale hasn’t had any major offenses other than frivolous use of miracles, I don’t think Heaven can really do much. That doesn’t mean they don’t do anything, I just don’t think they do anything like use hellfire on him or make him fall.
Despite the lack of evidence, Heaven still has to make an example out of Aziraphale for getting caught working with a demon. I think whatever punishment Heaven doles out, keeps Aziraphale up in Heaven for a long time.
(Small tangent: If it can be traced back to one event rather than a slow progression over millenia, this rumor is also probably what makes all the archangels be so cruel to Aziraphale (or at least finally gives them permission to act on what they’ve been wanting to do for ages). Maybe this is when they start looking into Aziraphale’s past endeavors and notice Crowley everywhere.)
It could be worse, if there had been evidence, it would have been worse. Still (Aziraphale might think), this is Heaven, 'the side of good', they wouldn't take it too far. He probably received a trial before his punishment began. And yeah the trial is more for show than anything else, but it's not like Hell would have bothered with any of that. Hell would probably delve right into whatever torture they'd decided for punishment. His time spent in Heaven, no matter how intense the punishment, would have been a breeze to tolerate compared to what Hell would do to Crowley. Speaking of which...
By the time Heaven lets Aziraphale back down to Earth, I think he would be a mess of mindless worry. He had just come to terms with his feelings for Crowley after all. Maybe this is why Aziraphale decides to give Crowley the holy water after all. He's had more than enough time in Heaven to realize that as much as he wants to protect Crowley and keep him safe, all that intent means nothing if he's stuck in Heaven because of his own carelessness. In Aziraphale's absence (or destruction), holy water could keep Crowley safe, at least from Hell, even if it is dangerous. Once Aziraphale is back on Earth, when he hears what Crowley was plotting, it probably further cements his decision to give it to him.
If Aziraphale got taken up to Heaven right after the magic show, he probably has no idea if his palming of the polaroid worked for sure. The bookshop is a safe place for Crowley to be away from Hell, but how long will that last? Is it still an embassy with Aziraphale up here in heaven? Is Crowley defenseless against the other demons down there? Did Hell come for Crowley after all even without evidence?
So how long is Aziraphale gone for? We already know that after Crowley got sent back to hell in 1827 and Aziraphale didn’t see him again for “a very long time.” The next meeting we, as an audience, see between them is the holy water request in 1862. So at worst, Crowley's been in Hell for ~30 years. Heaven probably would have taken Aziraphale back for a similar amount of time. And wow look at that, 26 years ago by between 1941 and 1967.
There’s enough ambiguity in the set and dialogue to allow for this length of absence as well. I already wrote a post about how ridiculous Aziraphale is for saying 'I work in Soho I hear things' in 1967 when the whole scene takes place outside the bookshop and how equally ridiculous Crowley is for seeming to think Aziraphale wouldn't notice him prancing around the block plotting to steal from a church. But maybe Crowley conducting his holy water heist business all over Aziraphale's corner of Soho is because as far as he knows Aziraphale isn't around anymore. In my post, I point out that the bookshop is blocked off by the "Striptease" and "Love Shop Cinema" signs but that you can tell it’s the bookshop because of its pillars.
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I admitted that it was weird to cover up half the windows, but didn't really have any diegetic explanation for it. Maybe the explanation is that Aziraphale’s bookshop has been abandoned for years. In which case, I think Crowley might be hanging around Soho caring for it and the books, making sure it doesn't get vandalized, protecting it from snooping humans, etc. (tangent: this could also be why Aziraphale says that the bookshop is both of theirs. Maybe the "plenty of use" he said Crowley got out of it was while Aziraphale was away. Maybe Crowley used it as a pseudo base of operations.)
Aziraphale being gone would also explain why, suddenly, 105 years after his initial request, Crowley is plotting to steal holy water from a church. Aziraphale has been gone a long enough time that Crowley is starting to get antsy. Maybe he’s starting to think that Aziraphale is gone for good (not dead, he is an OPTIMIST DAMMIT). I think Crowley is spurred to start the holy water heist because he thinks Aziraphale isn’t going to be assigned to earth any more and whoever they're sending down next is going to be more of a smitey kind of angel. And if Aziraphale isn’t around anymore, then the demon-proof-except-for-Crowley-bookshop/embassy is also likely not going to stop any demons from getting to Crowley whenever they want. If Aziraphale is really not coming back, then Crowley is alone again, on his own side, for the first time since they saved Job's kids. He's gonna really need that insurance now more than ever and unfortunately, he has no one else to rely on. He’s gonna have to procure it himself, even if it’s dangerous and dumb.
Aziraphale's absence (as much as I am loathe to let go of the theory that Aziraphale and Crowley are just being incredibly dramatic idiots) can also explain some of the dialogue from the 1967 scene.
“What are you doing here?” might seem a silly thing to say when Crowley is parked outside of the bookshop, but makes sense if he's reacting to seeing Aziraphale for the first time in years, so damn close it can’t be a dream, right inside the Bentley.
“I work in Soho, I hear things,” is not just a way to give the audience exposition that Crowley wouldn’t need but a way for Aziraphale to explain why he’s there.
The barely concealed desperation in Crowley's voice when wanting to give Aziraphale a lift home (despite being LITERALLY OUTSIDE THE BOOKSHOP), or to take him anywhere he wants, makes a little more sense if he hasn’t seen him in years, wants to catch up, and doesn’t even know where Aziraphale would be staying if not the bookshop.
If this theory is true and Aziraphale has been absent between 1941 and 1967, it could explain why we don't see the bookshop in the 1967 scene even though everything else in the scene points to it taking place on that corner, it would give Aziraphale a reason for deciding to give Crowley the holy water after all even though hes been stubbornly opposed to it for more than a century, and it could also explain why even though he was making a lot of progress character wise to, it felt like he was regressing again.
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winchesterandpie · 2 years
Adore You
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Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x reader
Word Count: 1875
Warnings: none, this is just incredibly soft Jake
Requested by anonymous
A/N: I was going to post this yesterday, but it was a really long day. so you're getting it today. I adore writing soft Jake Seresin, so I hope you enjoy reading it!
Jake was sick, and though it wasn’t the worst he’d ever felt, it ranked up there. Mostly because he very rarely caught anything. 
The one bright spot for you in his whining was that he finally let you dote on him. Usually, he insisted on taking care of you. While it always made you feel special, you sometimes wished he would let you do the same for him without turning it around. You knew it stemmed from his discomfort with genuine, focused attention, but that didn’t stop your desire to just love on him.
When he was sick, everything flipped on its head. He was so soft and clingy, and you had even managed to get him to lay with his head on your lap.
Both of you had long since stopped paying attention to whatever show played on the TV--Jake because he had fallen asleep and you because you couldn’t stop looking at him. 
Your fingers combed through his hair, scratching lightly at his scalp. He hadn’t ever let you touch his hair before, always claiming he had spent too much time styling it. His golden locks stuck to your fingers, sweaty from his slight fever, but you could still tell how soft it was. You scanned his face, noting happily how the flush was fading from his skin at last.
“You don’t have to stay,” he murmured, shifting his head to press his face against your thigh.
“I like being here with you,” you replied softly, brushing a few strands of hair back from his face. 
He hummed, tipping his head into your hand when your movement stalled. “Keep going, please? Feels good.”
You obliged, and he drifted back to peaceful sleep.
A week later, you still couldn’t get the feel of his hair out of your mind. He had recovered quickly after that one day and hadn’t let you touch his hair since then. Not that you had asked.  You were too nervous to ask and you weren’t sure why.
Tonight, however, it looked like you might get to anyways. Jake came to your apartment from a long day of flight maneuvers and plopped down on the couch, dropping his head onto your lap with a grunt. You leaned down to kiss the side of his head.
“Hey, handsome,” you greeted him quietly.
“Hey, darlin’,” he returned, the words muffled by your shorts.
“Long day?”
Jake grumbled an affirmative as he shifted around to find a comfortable position. You smiled softly at him, though he couldn’t see it. In an effort to comfort him, you squeezed his shoulder then traced your hand up and down his spine.
Internally, you debated whether you actually dared to muss his hair. He still seemed disgruntled, shifting around every few seconds. It was possible that he would only get more upset if you messed with his carefully styled hair. On the other hand, he might actually relax like he had when he was sick. And it was already a little messed up from how he flopped down…
Coming to a decision, you let your fingers slide up his neck and into his hair. You took a moment to revel in being right about how soft his hair was. Something about the slow, steady movement set you even more at ease than you had been, and it did the same for him. Jake took only moments to settle, the tension finally bleeding out of him.
You allowed yourself a triumphant grin as you massaged his scalp. He was nearly purring in your hands. While you had expected him to relax, you had not expected him to enjoy it quite this much.
You were glad he was letting you fiddle with his hair. You hadn’t had the best of days either, and between his warmth and the steady weight of his head in your lap, you were unwinding there on the couch too.
Eventually, you both needed to go to bed, and you had to shake him gently awake to move. Jake was always holding you when you were in bed, but tonight he was even cuddlier than normal. It was like playing with his hair unlocked the softest side of him. He nuzzled into your neck as you fell asleep together.
You weren’t sure if he was even aware of the extra soft side. So instead, you just took advantage of every opportunity to play with his hair without pointing it out to him.
Those opportunities seemed to come at an ever-increasing rate when you moved in together. Tonight, for example, you had come home to find Jake in the kitchen making dinner. You had offered to help, but he just chuckled and lifted you onto the counter.
“I’m almost done,” he had told you, pressing a kiss to your lips before moving back to the stove.
You might have grumbled more if you weren’t so happy to just observe him in the golden light of the early evening. The light complemented his bright grin so perfectly and you couldn’t help but think that he was sunshine personified. 
It seemed especially true when he paused every few minutes to kiss you silly. He started to pull away to go to the fridge, but you pulled him back to steal one more kiss. You swallowed his laugh gladly, giggling yourself when you let him go at last.
“You’re lucky you’re cute,” he teased, shaking his head at you as he opened the fridge.
“Wait, you think I’m cute? So embarrassing,” you returned. “For you, I mean.”
“Sometimes I wonder why I love you.”
“Wonder all you want.” You shrugged, hiding a sly grin. “You’re stuck with me now.”
He stopped by you again on his way back to the stove, resting a hand on your thigh. “And I thank my lucky stars for it every day, gorgeous.”
You couldn’t resist the urge to lift your hand to his hair, brushing a lock back from his face. It was rather fitting, you thought, that his hair matched the golden light that he brought into your life. Jake’s grin softened, though it was no less bright.
“I love when you do that,” he said quietly, sliding one arm around you to pull himself closer. “I don’t want you to stop, but I really need to stir that pan before it burns.”
“Good thing I’ll still be here when you finish with that.” You combed your fingers through his hair one more time, nudging him to tilt his head down so you could kiss his forehead. You sighed as the warmth of his arm left you. “You told me once that you didn’t like people touching your hair.”
“I… yeah, I was wrong.” Jake looked over at you. “But I only like it when it’s you. It’s relaxing.”
“I’ve noticed. You are the softest man I’ve ever seen when I play with your hair,” you admitted. He looked a little bashful, so you hurried to reassure him, saying simply, “I love your secret soft side. I adore you, Jake Seresin.”
He pulled the pan from the stove and turned the burner off, crossing the distance between you in a few long strides to hold your face in his hands. “It’s too early for me to propose, isn’t it?”
“Maybe just a smidge,” you said, ducking your head a little to hide a laugh, “but I think we’re on the same page about going in that direction.”
“I love you so damn much,” he said, then cut off any reply with his lips on yours.
You returned the affection eagerly, winding your arms around his neck to hold him to you. Not that he needed any convincing to stay close. Jake’s hand moved to your thigh, his grip tightening to mirror your fingers tugging in his hair.
“Dinner’s getting cold,” you mumbled when you parted to breathe.
He recaptured your lips briefly before responding. “Don’t care. We can reheat it.”
You kissed him twice more. “But you put so much work into it.”
“But I wanna kiss you,” he pouted for a second, nudging your nose.
Your hand in his hair tugged him back just enough to really look at each other. The sight of him was something you didn’t think you could ever tire of, especially like this. His hair was messy from your fingers and everything about him emanated warmth and love. You hoped he could see just how much you loved him too.
Time away from Jake was always hard on both of you, whether you were separated for a day of work or for weeks or months of deployment and assignments. Jake especially found it hard to sleep without you playing with his hair.
Naturally, that meant that he shuddered in your arms when you hugged him and your hand found its way into his hair. You just smiled into his shoulder and held him tighter. Neither of you mentioned any damp patches that may or may not have appeared on your shirts.
Late in the evening, in the privacy of your own bed, you lay on your side, facing each other. His arms were warm and secure around you, holding you to his chest. You tilted your head closer to him, tracing the side of his face. 
You could see him fighting to keep his eyes open as he watched you. On one of the rare occasions he had gotten to call you, he’d mentioned he had trouble falling asleep, so it made you happy to see him relaxing so quickly.  It also was difficult not to smile just from having him in your bed again. Your hand traced higher up his face, up to brush back some of his hair.
“Would you marry me if I asked?” The words slipped out of him, barely a whisper.
Stunned, your mouth opened and shut a few times soundlessly before you finally responded. “Do you mean that?” You were almost afraid it was just a side effect of post-deployment exhaustion.
“I mean it, sweets,” he huffed a soft laugh, curling his arm tighter around you. “I have a ring, and I’m still going to officially propose later. But I can’t wait any longer to know, so what would you say?”
“Yes.” The answer to his question was so undeniably simple. You loved him so much that there was no other answer. “Yes, Jake. Yes!”
His lips were on yours in a heartbeat in an excited, albeit sleepy, kiss. You tasted his smile, tangled your fingers in his hair, and pulled him closer. You kissed lazily, slowly processing everything that had just happened.
He murmured your name when you pulled apart at last. “I have no idea what I did to deserve you.”
“You’re pretty special, Seresin,” you replied softly, nudging his nose with your own.
His thumb rubbed slow circles on your hip, and you could feel by the rhythm that he was starting to fall asleep again. “Love you,” he mumbled, fading fast.
You played with his hair a little longer, just until his breathing evened out, then shifted to set your arm around his middle. Your final thought as you drifted off was that you couldn’t wait to spend forever with your sweet sunshine of a man.
Top Gun Taglist:
@malindacath @army24--7 @mads-weasley
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iwaasfairy · 6 months
ahhh congratulations on 15k!!! you deserve every last one <33
for the event could i maybe ask for uncle ukai?? whatever you think up for him, i just need some keishin content pretty pls
Thank you so so much sweet pumPKINNNN AND ofc ofc ofc keiSHIN BELOVEDDD
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tw incest, breeding/pregnancy mentions, unhealthy behaviour
You still love staying over to enjoy the edges of Miyagi city, and your mom always drilled that outside air was good for growing kids. So when grandma’s house became Keishin’s house, it was only natural that most of your summers would be spent here. It was fun when you were a kid, but you think it’s even more fun now that you’re old enough to understand him- to appreciate his sacrifices for the family.
You think it’s more fun now you’re able to see that helping out in the store is a good reason to keep you a little closer to him than he’s willing to admit. You never really minded it, to be honest. You always got along with Keishin before, and the older you’ve both gotten, the easier it has seemingly become.
You wrap your arms around your knee as you sit on the edge of the porch and hang one of your legs to dangle. You watch how he holds the cigarette between his fingers, taking impatient drags before the smoke leaves his lips - and his low voice rumbles through the bit of silence the garden allows, spreading out over the acres of fields surrounding you both. When he hangs up the phone to -presumably Tatsu-san who’s been keeping tabs on the store all week- his gray eyes find you and his drag of air becomes slower, before he blows the cloud over his shoulder.
“I told you to stay inside, didn’t I?” His slight annoyance at the sight doesn’t stay long enough to convince either of you, before he stomps the butt of the cig out under his lazy, plastic flip flops and walks up as he slides the phone into his pocket. “Come to watch me, did’ya?” When he stops before you, you smile just a little, and you swing your foot left and right before looking up.
“I got lonely, and your TV is shit. There’s nothing else to do but people watch.” As soon as you say it his frown gets deeper, before he grabs your cheek to squeeze.
It’s only by the way his gaze softens right back up when he releases you, you know he doesn’t take any of it to heart. “Brat.” He bends to lean in, and your mouth finds his much too comfortably— letting his tongue push our lips open and meet his own, and the kiss is only made deeper when his coarse, work-damaged hand wraps around you neck to pull you closer. When he pulls back you whine, but still can’t help scrunching up your nose.
“You really stink of tobacco, Keishin,” you whine, so he frowns as he sits down. His blond head of hair’s hidden by a baseball cap, but you reach up to pull free a few strands anyway, and tug it gently between your knuckles. “Didn’t you say you’d make an effort to stop.”
“If you would’ve stayed inside you wouldn’t have known whether I had or hadn’t.” His mouth curls into a slight grin, before he wraps one hand around your lifted wrists, and squeezes the other one behind your leg to rest it on your belly. He makes a slow appreciative circle there, and then goes to lean back into you. He does smell like tobacco, but he also smells like him, a little rough and sweaty and so familiar— and you never really minded having him close like this. His mouth’s soft against yours, even when his slight bit of stubble isn’t.
“I’ll definitely stop before the baby comes,” he then whispers into your mouth, and you find yourself agreeing wordlessly to pull him closer and let him start positioning you onto his lap. Tugging until you’re seated on his muscular thighs and his heat fills you up top to bottom where your lips connect. You should really stop watching him before the baby comes, too. Hands start groping your thighs and ass as he pulls you close, and your kisses travel to his jaw and ear and down his throat.
“Uncle Keishin~” You find yourself rolling your hips even before he makes you, and your pussy already feels like it’s aching for more, coating your panties in slick. “Show me again. Show me again how to make a baby? Please?”
“Ever since I put one in you, you’ve been relentless, huh. We went twice just this morning.” His breathy laugh against your collarbone does nothing to quell the need in your lower half. He dips a hand under your shirt to brush over your stomach again, before softly grunting out your name and pushing the fabric up. “Well, guess we might as well make use of the peace before yer mom finds out. Wanna be filled with more of my kids, huh?”
Your pussy clenches around nothing as answer, and the porch is filled with the sound of your moans and clothes being pulled off. It’s so nice and peaceful at the edges of Miyagi. Too bad you can’t stay hidden away here forever.
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bussyslayer333 · 2 years
Heart Out
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summary: your boyfriend proves his love for you on the beach, so you prove yours in the hard deck bathroom.
pairing: jake seresin x penny’s niece!reader
word count: 2.8k
warnings: smut at the end once again,, but it’s jakes turn this time :0, some swearing, and mentions of dilfs/daddy issues LOL,, MDNI 18+
ps this is my lil continuation of jake x penny’s niece!reader bc i love them <3
((it can be read separately ofc !!))
requests are open as always !!!
Today had been dreadfully boring. Your aunt Penny was out all day at the Hard Deck working on accounts and you couldn’t even pester your little cousin Amelia because she had also been out all day with friends. You’d thought about visiting Jake at work but you weren’t sure whether you were at that stage of your relationship yet. So instead, the best option seemed to be lounging around in your underwear watching Desperate Housewives reruns in the living room. As you flopped over onto your front trying to escape the San Diego heat that you still weren’t accustomed to, a notification popped up onto your phone.
cowboy ❤️
come join me at the beach?
You opened the message to a selfie from Jake in what appeared to be the Hard Deck bathrooms. He was stood shirtless flexing his arms into the mirror doing a little pouty face staring down the camera. You giggled at his stupidly handsome face that somehow manages to look good no matter what he was doing.
are you not at work? ❤️
cowboy ❤️
annual dogfight football baby
With that message accompanied a picture Jake had taken over his shoulder of Rooster and Mav shirtless and covered in sand. Suddenly it clicked why your aunt had travelled to the bar to complete tasks which definitely could have been finished at home. Deciding to wind Jake up you replied to the second picture he sent, ignoring his first selfie
how does mav still look so good? talk about dilf 🤤
Giggling as you sent the message you put your phone down and decided to finally peel yourself away from the couch to start getting ready for the beach.
Flipping through the variety of swimsuits you had bought with you, you wondered which one Jake would like best. Although Jake would like to call himself a man of taste, when it came to his girl his taste in her clothing was sparse to say the least. Settling on a blue two piece with strings that tied it all together, you moved to pick up Jake’s button up that you had kept since one fateful night in his truck. It was light blue and quite fitted on him but it hung nicely on you and could work as a cover up if the sea breeze became too strong.
You span around to look at yourself in the floor length mirror in the corner of your room. Jake was going to love this. You plucked your sunglasses from the bedside table and placed them on your head so you could finally make your way back downstairs to your phone and tote bag.
Picking up you phone you smirked at Jake’s many replies.
cowboy ❤️
shut up
you’re not being serious right?
because i don’t know the ins and outs of your relationship with your father for that to be a funny text
that emoji makes it seem like a joke
i mean yeah ig he keeps it tight for a guy who gets senior discounts
You interrupted his next text by gracing him with a response.
shush jake obv im joking
….we will talk later tho
You then sent a photo of yourself in the mirror near the front door, chest pushed slightly out. You knew your audience.
cowboy ❤️
ur such a tease
see u soon flyboy <3
The drive down to the Hard Deck is brisk, not much traffic for a midweek afternoon in Miramar. As you pull into the Hard Deck’s parking lot you recognise a few of the pilots cars and you pull in next to Rooster’s bronco, scoffing at the fuzzy dice hanging from his rear view mirror. That boy was seriously stuck in the 70s.
Moving out of your car, you walk down to where you can see your aunt ‘working’ on one of the benches outside of the Hard Deck that faces the beach front. She slowly averts her gaze from Mav and smiles up at you,
“Hi darling, I wasn’t expecting to see you here?” You giggle as her attention slips from you again when Mav throws the ball particularly well over to Payback.
“Yeah, Jake text me asking if I wanted to join.” She giggles at your dreamy smile and pulls you down onto the bench next to her. Once you’re sat and your belongings have been placed down next to Penny’s you scour the group of pilots to find your boyfriend.
However, as you rake over the group you come to the realisation that he isn’t stood with them. That put an odd feeling in your stomach, Jake was never ever one to miss out on a competition. As you were about to question you aunt, you saw Bob approach with an uneasy look on his face.
“Hey, are you looking for Jake?”
You nod, spurring him on.
“He’s a little further down the beach, with um.. those two girls,”
Your gut twinges again as you look to where Bob is facing, lo and behold Jake is stood pointing something out to two tall slim girls. You weren’t jealous per se, you had no real reason to be. He wasn’t doing anything out of the ordinary, as annoying as it was, girls always seemed to flock to Jake. You weren’t jealous because Jake was the one to express his interest in you first, he knew what he wanted and it was you. Still your gut twinged. You looked to Bob, then stood up abruptly.
“Pen, do you mind looking after my stuff?” You turned to ask your aunt and she hummed absentmindedly, still entranced by her boyfriend. You took the hum as a yes and kicked your slides off ready to go find your boyfriend.
Bob took this as a sign to take off back to the group still playing football and watched your figure retreat to where Jake was standing with the two girls, smiling as they laughed at something he had said.
One of the girls smacked Jake’s chest lightly as she laughed far too hard for what Jake had said. This was when you began to feel slightly angry, you knew that type of laugh. You’d used it before. On Jake nonetheless. No man was ever that funny, especially Jake.
As you came into Jake’s view, his smile widened which made you falter slightly, in what was quite a stompy walk. Reminded of the fact that you were wearing his shirt and his favourite bikini you tried to style out your march into more of a cool girl saunter.
Jake lifted his sunglasses once you were stood in front of him and sucked in a breath as he took in your attire. He lifted his hand from his side and started to play with the hem of his shirt which hung from your frame.
“Hey baby,” you smiled at him then turned to the two girls who appeared slightly confused by what was occurring in front of them.
“And you guys are…” okay maybe you were slightly snappy, but did these girls still have to hang around when they now clearly knew Jake was taken.
The brunette one of the two spoke up, “Jake, are you not gonna introduce us?”
Jake looked up and scoffed slightly at the girls audacity, he shared a look with you that had you holding in a giggle.
“…right, Brianna, Stace, this is my beautiful girlfriend.” At his statement you smiled up at him, bashful at his compliment and at the thought that you had previously had in which he completely ignored you in favour of his two new friends.
“Hi..” you smiled at the girls with more pep in your step.
The red head (Brianna?) then spoke up, “Oh.. this is your girlfriend?” With distaste on her tongue which made Jake seethe.
“What I just said.” He spoke shortly back to her.
Her friend clearly sensed the tension bubbling and tried to smoothen out the situation, “I think she just means we weren’t expecting to meet her,” she smiled apologetically at you.
You smiled back appreciatively and spoke up, “Well we should really be getting going, I have a game of football i need to see my boyfriend win, it was nice meeting you girls!”
Jake had already began to move away, dragging you along with him as you waved at the two girls when Brianna (?) spoke again,
“Wait Jake! Didn’t you want my number?”
You both turned back to see her friend look confusedly at her and Jake scoffed once again,
“Yeah, no thanks pal.”
You struggled to hold your giggle in again at Jake’s passive aggressive word choice and continued your walk back towards the rest of the pilots who were now taking a break from their game.
“God can you believe them?” Jake asked you exasperatedly, “you look so unbelievably hot right now by the way doll, is that my shirt?”
“They weren’t tooooo bad..” you giggled and nodded at Jake. He continued on,
“I mean they dragged me from the group asking where the closest place was to get food that wasn’t made behind a bar but then when I tried to point places out they just kept going on and on and on and on and-”
“Jake shut up would you?” You said as you finally reached the group sat outside the Hard Deck.
“Hey!” He said and smacked your ass lightly to emphasise his annoyance. You turned and stuck your tongue out at him as Rooster spoke up,
“Finally able to shake you two new best friends then ?”
Phoenix snorted and turned to you, “Babe you should have seen the way they were eyeing Jake up before they finally went in for the kill.” You giggled along next to her at her interesting choice of analysis for the two girls.
Jake had started his own conversation with Coyote and Bob when you finally turned back to look at him and finally realised you hadn’t got the chance to admire how handsome he looked right now. You suddenly couldn’t feel it in you to be angry at the girls and their failed attempts at flirting. The late afternoon sun was warm against your skin and made the remnants of sea water on Jake’s chest glimmer. His dark navy swim shorts hung dangerously low on his hips and his ray bans were sat just slightly too far down on his nose so he had to bring a hand up to push them back upwards, afterwards he raked said hand through his windswept hair and you embarrassingly felt you stomach flutter at the action.
You laced your fingers through his other hand which was still resting low on your hip and squeezed. He turned his head slightly indicating that you had his attention whilst he still managed to listen to Coyote’s ramblings. Standing on your tip toes you whispered into his ear,
“I’m going to go into the bathroom in the Hard Deck in a second and your going to follow in after me in about two minutes, okay?”
Jake looked down at you and smirked at your playful expression, he tipped his head up slightly in a showing of understanding and he dropped his hand from your hips to let you excuse yourself.
Jake watched your retreating form with his eyes trained on the sway of your hips and a smile plastered on his face. He pulled his phone from the pocked of his shorts and checked the time. 16:43. Two minutes and he could follow in after you.
Those last two minutes of Jake’s life seemed to be the longest he’d ever lived through.
He followed your previous path towards the bathroom at the back of the Hard Deck and knocked on the locked door. You open the door to a smiling Jake Seresin.
“Hi doll,” he smirks down at you. You pull him into the bathroom and lock the door behind him, wary of your surroundings.
He has one hand placed on the side of your face with the other groping your ass making you whine out at the contact. Jake leans down and kisses you slowly and sweetly, he goes to slip his tongue into your mouth but before he can you’re pulling away to shed yourself of his shirt and pull your hair up using the spare hair tie on your wrist.
Jake watches with his mouth hanging slightly open as you drop to your knees in front of him smiling sweetly.
“Not that I’m complaining sweetheart but what on earth did I do to deserve this ?”
Tugging at the drawstring holding his shorts up you stare up at him, “you defended my honour in front of those two wenches, oh valiant solider!”
Jake rolls his eyes at your dramatics, but he can see that you truly are grateful for his actions. The thing with you and Jake is that he always understands what you truly mean, even if you mask it behind layers of dry humour, built up for your protection.
You finally undo the knot holding Jake’s shorts so low on his waist (and make a mental note to tease him later on for his navy level drawstring knot) and look up to Jake for conformation.
“Please baby,” he almost whimpers down at you .
You smile at his whiny tone and pull his shorts down enough to release his cock and kitten lick against his leaking tip, making him shudder slightly in pleasure. You grasp him with you right hand and start slowly stroking, watching carefully at what movements make Jake react the most.
He begins to fiddle with the tie at the back of your neck which holds your bikini top together to try and distract him from letting out a groan too loud which could alert anyone outside of your whereabouts.
You lean down again and spit onto his tip, using you tongue to spread the wetness of your saliva and his precum along the length of his cock.
After spending your first night with Jake you realised he had enough of a reason to be so cocky. He was big. (not that you felt the need to tell him and boost his ego even further).
Sinking your mouth down onto him you breathed carefully through your nose and let him hit the back of your throat. Jake released a throaty groan in response to the action and moved his hand into your hair to pull at it lightly causing you to moan onto his shaft. The vibrations make Jake whine even louder into his fist. Spurred on by his noises you continue to move up and down on him sloppily, clenching your thighs at the sounds being pulled from his throat.
The final straw for Jake was when you looked up at him through you long wet lashes as you pulled off of him, with a long string of spit connecting your lips to the tip of his cock.
“Fuck baby, I’m so close.” Jake whimpered.
You take him back into you mouth and trace the vein on the underside of his cock with your tongue. You sloppily continue to suck as Jake’s whines reach a crescendo and he spills into your mouth with a deep grunt. His grip on your hair loosens and you pull your mouth away, careful to keep his cum inside of your mouth. Some slips out the sides of your lips as you swallow and you allow it to drip down in between the valley of your breasts for Jake to admire.
“You are too fucking good to me doll,” Jake speaks breathlessly, helping you up onto unsteady feet.
You giggle up at him, “You can repay the favour later cowboy don’t worry.”
He smirks down at you and rights his shorts swiftly. As he looks back up he uses his fingers to collect his seed that collected in between you breasts and pushes them into your mouth for you to suck clean. Once you finish he pulls you into a searing kiss and licks his tongue around your mouth, moaning at the taste of himself on your tongue.
You pull away, slightly light headed and turn to the mirror to right yourself. Jake stands behind you in the mirror and pulls his button down onto you, smiling at your reflection. You turn around and peck him quickly and reach for the door to let yourselves out.
Walking into the main area of the Hard Deck with Jake behind you, you notice your aunt looking at you with her signature smirk on her face and you blush under her gaze. She wonders when you and Jake will finally stop defiling her property.
a/n: i love these two, jake is much less suckier than he is in my first fic bc i think he is actually so boyfriend !!!!
hopefully you all enjoy this!!! and thank you so much for all the notes on my other two pieces !! i promise i will get to any requests as soon as :)
pls reblog and comment and tell me what you think <333
- honey :0
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egophiliac · 9 months
Hello! Sorry to bother but do you have any digital art tips? I’m quite new to it and any tips, tricks or advice would be helpful! Your coloring style is very beautiful and I love it a lot!
thank you! 💚💚💚 sorry this is a bit late, hopefully there's still something helpful in it!
(also, it got pretty long, sorry!)
I think the biggest thing is to just take things slow -- digital art feels different than drawing traditionally, and it's SUPER easy to get overwhelmed by the billions of cool features that the digital world offers. (I say, as someone who spends a lot of time downloading cool brushes and textures...and then never using them ever.) there is a ton of really cool stuff you can do digitally, but because there's so much, I think it's really important to take time to figure out what is and isn't working for you. spend some time doodling without any intent to do a finished piece, figure out how you like to hold (or not hold) your tablet, what keyboard shortcuts you end up using a lot (and therefore might want to map to your pen/tablet buttons for quicker use)...that kind of thing!
everyone's workflow and preferred program and style are different, so it's hard to give hard-and-fast general advice. but the things that I think of as the essentials for learning digital art programs, and what I think of as a good order to focus on learning them in (although YMMV, especially depending on what kind of art you're doing):
brush customization (e.g. flow, opacity, softness)
layers and layer masks
selections and transformations (e.g. scale, rotate, flip horizontal/vertical, skew) (skew is underrated and I will die on that hill)
blending modes (e.g. multiply, screen)
adjustments/adjustment layers (e.g. hue/saturation, curves)
and I think most stuff after that is gravy! often very good gravy though! but yeah, as overall advice I recommend just taking things one little bit at a time, spending some time just drawing and messing around with each feature and what you can do with it. whether or not you end up incorporating any of it into your workflow, it's always good to try things out and just see how they feel! :D
and just so there is at least a little more concrete helpfulness in here, here's a few more specific things that I think are super important to keep in mind!
use! your! tablet/pen buttons! I mentioned this earlier, but they are extremely useful for keyboard shortcuts that you use often! most programs will also let you create new shortcuts for other things -- personally, I use the magic wand tool to fill in big color blocks a lot, so I made shortcuts for 'expand selection' and 'fill' and then mapped them to my tablet buttons.
flop your work horizontally often! when you're working on something, you get used to the way it looks, so seeing it mirrored is a quick way to see it with fresh eyes! in my experience, it often feels like this:
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(a common thing is to find that everything is sort of 'leaning' too much one way, which is where skew really comes in handy!) (seriously, I love skew, it is my savior)
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if you're working with color, keep a hue/saturation adjustment layer (or a layer filled with black or white and set to Color) on top and toggle it on occasionally to check your values! a lot of people who know a lot more about color than me (and are better at putting it into words) have written about why values are so important, so all I'll say is that the rule of thumb is that your image should still be readable in greyscale:
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there are some exceptions and grey areas (do ho ho), but it's a good general rule to keep in mind! (some programs also have a colorblind mode, so you can check to see how your work will look to someone with colorblindness!)
and finally, here's some digital art programs I recommend, if you're still looking for a good one!
free: krita, FireAlpaca
paid: ClipStudio, Procreate (iOS/iPad only)
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
Howdy! May I request Caine and Jax with a reader that comes back from abstraction but doesn’t remember anything about them or themselves? I think it would make for some good angst material. Have a good day/night!
Back from the 'Dead' (Caine and Jax x Mended!reader)
i dont know if the fandom has made a term for unabstracted people for fic stuff but i like the way mended sounds anyways YES MORE ANGST!! yipee! gonna probably be flip flopping between answering requests and finishing my art wips tonight so!! listened to this song while writing this, feelings were made jack stauber // just take my wallet
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You wake up on the floor, not knowing where you are. Everything before you opened your eyes is a quickly fading blur of darkness, far too fleeting for you to grasp and make sense of. Your body hurts, a dull ache seeping down into your core. As your sight clears, you can't make out where you are... you appear to be on a stage of sorts. You can't bring yourself to move, even after the pain becomes bearable. You feel so tired. Eventually, someone approaches you
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youre torn back to reality as a loud chattering voice fill your ears, talking almost a mile a minute. looking up you see a short man with a set of teeth for a head. he keeps repeating something that, after a few seconds of processing, sounds like its meant to be your name
hes also throwing in names of endearment, namely "My Dear"
you cut him off mid sentence after he fails to pause between his words, asking who he was and where you were
in an instant he stopped speaking, jaw hanging open and hand paused mid gesture
he doesnt ask if youre joking, i dont think caine would be in that kind of denial
on one hand, i can see him trying to jog your memory, but on the other hand i cant help but feel that he would accept it. maybe its because he doesnt want to stress you out more when youre already in a murky space, fearing that he would accidentally undo your sudden mending
its so weird for him, you were his first love and first partner; and now hes grieving your loss. except youre still here. you still have your mannerisms, but none of your memories. he truly doesnt know how to go forward
gone, blanked, erased, deleted even
he has to stop himself from calling you the nicknames he once called you
he still tries to foster a new relationship with you, but whether or not you would fall in love with him again is up to you
bonus angst, imagine you do fall in love. just not with him. like can you imagine how much that would hurt
the longing looks, the way he would attempt to reach out to you only to stop with his arm half-outstretched, the stumbling of words as he tries to stop himself from spilling how much he loved you
even if you ever abstract again, or you somehow leave the digital world, he would still go on to love you just the same. in fact, i dont think he would ever move on from the heartache
theres a visible change in demeanor in him, too, he seems a little more. fake?
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he sprints towards you, he doesnt care at all if someone hears his footsteps pounding the ground, just as long as hes there to make sure its really you. and sure enough, it is
similar to caine hes asking you how you managed to come back, not even noticing youre confused and uncomfortable face as he placed his gloved hands on your shoulder firmly and pulled you up
similar to caine as well, you have to cut him off in order to get him to stop talking, having to assert your voice firmly in order to get him to back off
you ask him who he is, where you are, and what he meant by 'coming back'
this man would be in denial i think
like deep down he knows theres something going on with you, but he doesnt want to acknowledge it
hes not really outright romantic with you, since he doesnt want to actually. screw his chance to reconnect with you up, you know. i mean he can kind of see it from your perspective, you just wake up and some guy is already trying to make out with you? yeah no, he would be put off too
i think jax would have more luck trying to rekindle something with you simply because unlike caine, he doesnt carry the same fear of you abstracting again
i think, as an added thing to think about it jax's feelings of hurt and grief coming to a head and he kind of. unintentionally snaps at you, telling you to stop messing around and drop the act
overall sad stuff
constantly trying to get your attention through being a nuisance, kind of like when you guys first met and he started catching feelings
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pacifymebby · 1 year
Peaky boys and reader who teases them all day and then gets a portion of flip flops or rough fuck.
My morning starts with me going to your profile and watching updates. And my heart blazes when I see that something has come out. You're great!! 🖤
Ohhhh lovely what a sweet little message! Im sorry i know u sent this ages ago but im only just getting round to it now!! I’m so so sorry its taken me so long. I hope you'll like these <3
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🌿 Not a forgiving man. At all. He can hold a grudge and he does not appreciate being teased... 
🌿 Especially not when he’s told you 100 times that he's busy, that he’s got a lot of work he should be focussing on, yet you still insist upon visiting him in his office, sitting yourself down on his desk so that he has no choice but to focus on you and not the work in question. 
🌿 When he asks what you’re doing and you can hear the impatience in his voice so you open your legs slowly to show him you aren’t wearing any underwear, he struggles to hold back his temper... he can’t believe you’re really messing with him right now...
🌿 He also can’t believe he’s managing to resist you right now. 
🌿 Sending you away is the last thing he wants to do but he does, his hands firm on your knees as he pushes your legs back together and refuses to show you how much he wants you. 
🌿 If this is the game you want to play and you really think you can push your luck teasing him, then he’s going to tease you back twice as hard.
🌿 He’d lure you in, bringing you so close to him, then he’s whisper something incredibly dirty in your ear. He’d tell you to go home, go to your room, undress and wait for him, he'd promise you he wouldn’t be long
🌿 “If I come home and you have so much as a sock on you’ll be in trouble and not the kind you’re hoping for angel...”
🌿 And then he’d make you wait ALL day as punishment so that you weren’t sure whether he’d forgotten about you or not. 
🌿 But trust me when he does get home you’re in for the roughest fuck of your life. He’s going to exhaust you so that you’ll know never to interrupt him and tease him again. 
🐻 Loves winding you up more than he cares to admit. In fact, the more he can tell you want him the more he wants to tease you. 
🐻 He knows you so well that he can tell just from the smallest change in your demeanour that you’re pining for him... and he will use that against you. 
🐻When he notices out the corner of his eye that you’ve dropped something on the floor on purpose so that you can bend down and give him a view to remember, he will make sure not to let you catch him looking, in fact he’ll make a show of busying himself somewhere else so that you know he really isn’t bothered by your efforts. 
🐻He can keep this up all day... if you want him, you’re going to have to straight up beg him because he will purposefully ignore all your hints and subtleties just to torture you
🐻And if you don’t give up and start begging he will basically corner you into admitting to your tricks. 
🐻 “Are you alright there poppet? You look like you want to tell me something... yeah actually, you haven’t stopped giving me those eyes all day... why don’t you come here yeah...”
🐻He’ll let you think for a moment that you’re finally going to get what you want but that isn’t how this is going to work. He’s going to tease and tease and tease. 
🐻He’d turn his chair, pull it away from his desk and towards you, “Come on then darlin, come sit here in your old mans lap, talk to me yeah... don’t just float around my office giving me them eyes... you never know, I might be able to help...eh?”
🐻He’d make you sit in his lap, make you balance with your legs either side of one of his thighs and he’d make sure to apply just enough pressure making you squirm in his lap as he spoke to you. Then he’d draw it out, he’d have his hands on your waist and hips holding you still and in place, smirking at you, knowing he’s stopping you from being able to rub yourself on his thigh. “Now then poppet, why don’t you tell me what's going on... what you looking at me with those sad little eyes for... what do you want?” 
🐻He’d be trailing his fingers over your skin, the cool metallic touch of his rings leaving goosebumps wherever they went. 
🐻 He won’t let you go until you’ve admitted to what you want, and even then, he’d just lean back in his chair and tell you to show him how badly you wanted it, he’d make you get off grinding on his thigh, or have you sit on his desk and touch yourself, the whole time all you want is for him to touch you. 
🐻 Might give you what you want if you put on a good enough show, but the chances are he’s going to make you edge yourself for a very long time before he decides you’ve earned a spoiling. 
🍂 You don’t really believe you’d get the chance to tease him?
🍂 Seriously, the first attempt at teasing him and he’s going to flip you over his desk and fuck you till your mind is blank and hazy. 
🍂 He might seem on board with at first, he might laugh when you sit in his lap and grind on him before getting up, trying to leave him with a hard on and no satisfaction... but he isn’t going to let you go and you know it. 
🍂 “where do you think you’re going darlin... get back here...”
🍂 If you don’t do as you’re told you can expect him to respond with force, getting up and following you out of his office, picking you up and slinging you over his shoulder, carrying you back and throwing you down onto his desk ready to teach you a lesson. 
🍂 “You want to play games do you darlin, you thought you’d come down here and try to tease your Arthur did you? Well love, that ain't how this is gonna work...” 
🍂 He’ll fuck you, hard fast and rough, fucking you from behind and spanking you, bending over you so that he can growl in your ear, so many degrading things. 
🍂 “Wanted to try and be a little slut did you, wanted to play at being a fucking whore well I’ll make a whore out of you yet love, I’ll make you a fucking good whore...” 
🍂 Won’t be quiet about it and will definitely use the racket you’re making to further your humiliation and punish you for misbehaving. He’ll remind you that everyone can hear you making all this noise, that everyone will know now how much of a little whore you are. 
🌼 He can’t lie, he likes it when you try and tease him, in fact he loves it when you try to tease him. He likes all the effort you go to, he thinks its cue how desperate for his attention you are. He will ignore you at first just to make you work even harder
🌼 And, he’s a bastard about it, because he loves to tease you right back. Every time you make a move and try to tease him he’ll out manoeuvre you, luring you in, making you think he’s falling for your tricks and then just when you think you’ve won hell make his move, trick you into letting out a little moan for him when he slips his fingers between your legs and catches you out, or when he drags his teeth over the sensitive place on your neck only to push you away and pretend he’s hardly noticed you at all. 
🌼 He will do it all day and what's worse, he’ll laugh at you. The more sexually frustrated you get the more he’ll tease and laugh because it’s so entertaining to him seeing you get flustered and frustrated and needy for him. 
🌼 He doesn’t know why you always fall for his tricks either, you’d think a clever girl like you would know the fifth time he tells you to come sit in his lap and tell him what you want, that you’d tell him to fuck off. That you’d know he was only going to kiss your nose and smirk like a teenager saying something like “too bad sunbeam, that ain’t gonna happen...” and yet somehow he manages to dangle just enough hope in front of you that you fall for it every time. 
🌼He’ll keep it up until you’re all teary eyed and sulky, until you genuinely look a little bit like you can’t take his teasing anymore. But before you get what you want he’ll have you on your knees beneath his desk looking up at him with wide doe eyes, telling him you’re sorry for being a tease and begging him to let you get what you want. 
🍀 He's just as impatient as Arthur and he doesn’t like playing games however, he won’t respond at all like the Shelby because a) he isn’t about to lose his temper over sex and b) he would be worried about scaring you or being too aggressive with you
🍀 Also he knows what you’re like, he understands this game you like to play and he knows that if he’s patient and bides his time then he’ll get everything he wants and more. 
🍀 He won’t really let you tease him though, at least he won’t let you frustrate him. He’ll enjoy how tactile you are with him and of course he’ll let his eyes linger on you when you walk with those swaying hips or you let the collar of your blouse slip down to reveal your shoulder. 
🍀 He’ll let you inspire that possessive nature he has when it comes to you, he’ll let you wind him up and up and up until he’s about to snap and then when he’s really riled up he’ll steal you away somewhere the two of you can be alone. 
🍀 There’ll be no words at first, just his body trapping you between him and the wall, his lips on yours his tongue pushing its way into your mouth, teeth colliding, biting your bottom lip. 
🍀 He’d be just as desperate for you as you are him and he’d definitely take control, fucking you against the wall one hand on your hip the other on your throat. 
🍀 He’d be so soft dom! about it, getting as close to you as he possibly can, holding your wrists above your head with one hand, making you look into his eyes the whole time, telling you not to close your eyes, talking you through your high with little demands and lots of praise. 
🍀 If anything he’s rewarding you for being such a little tease. 
🍀 The one thing which would potentially have him snap would be if in order to tease him you tried to flirt with another man, or you ignored Bonnie in favour of talking to other men, even if you weren’t flirting with them. That would bring out his competitive side and his jealous streak and then you’d really be in for it. He’d fuck you hard until you could hardly think anymore all the while telling you that you’re his girl, you belong to him. Asking you who you belong to, making you say it and then forcing you to quiet with his fingers or tongue in your mouth.
🍀 Overstimulates you as "punishment" he'll keep making you cum over and over, not letting youbrest, watching as your eyes roll back and your body shakes. He loves watching you loose control and exhaust yourself cumming for him and when you're sobbing and mumbling all tired and fucked out that it feels "too good" he'll talk so soft and sweet to you, "good girl, just one more baby you can take it, i know you can, just one more for me little dove,"
🐀Doesn’t like being teased by you, you’re his girl and he wants you to be obedient and respectful. 
🐀 That being said he loves it when you show him how much you want him, how desperate for his attention you are. He knows that because you’re desperate for him you will do whatever he tells you and he loves the control over you he has
🐀 So if you’re being particularly naughty that day, trying to distract him, or trying to flirt with other people in front of him to draw his attention, he will snatch your wrist and take you to the bedroom where he will command you down onto your knees, deep throat fuck you until you’ve tears running down your cheeks. 
🐀 But here's the thing, once he’s cum he’s going to coax you back up to his level, he’s going to let you think that he’s about to take pity on you and reward you for being so good for him and then
🐀 he’s going to sit down, pour himself a glass of whiskey, and have you climb into his lap, sit on his cock... when you’re expecting him to fuck you he’ll just smirk and shrug. 
🐀 “Not just now eh love, someones got to teach you to be patient,” and then he’ll have you cockwarm him indefinitely. He’ll sit there with you balanced on his cock, forcing you to feel him going soft inside you, making you squirm and holding you still so that you can’t grind against him or get any satisfaction yourself... you’ll have to sit there being very still and well behaved even when you feel him getting hard again... every now and then just as you’re beginning to settle down in his lap he’ll twitch inside you and wake you right back up again
🐀 Then finally he’ll ask you whether you’re sorry, make you promise to be a good girl from now on. He won’t let you cum though, he’ll just say something like “maybe next time sweetheart,” and then leave you on your own to teach you a lesson. 
🐀 He'd better not come back to find you trying to satisfy yourself or there will be serious trouble
☘️ Doesn’t like to be denied anything because he’s lowkey spoiled and entitled. If you try to tease him he’ll be like... “the audacity :o” and he won’t know what to do.... at first
☘️  He’ll be pretty quick to think up a way to punish you, the whole plan being to make sure you know never to try and tease him again
☘️ At first he’d straight up ignore you, at least he’d try to, he isn’t very good at hiding the way he feels and his frustration would be so clear on his face and in his demeanour. So you would know you were winning. 
☘️ Then he’s start his assault on you, subtle at first, little caresses and touches, double meanings when he whispers something dirty in your ear. 
☘️  It won’t matter whether you’re alone or in a room full of other people, his tactics will be the same
☘️  He’d slide his hand up your skirt slowly, really slowly, maybe making it a little further up every time he tried it, before dragging it away and pretending as if he hadn’t done a thing. 
☘️ He’d have you sitting beside him, opposite Tommy Shelby, forcing you to try and keep quiet when his fingers have slipped between your thighs and are stroking over the lace of your underwear.
☘️  he has so many little tricks to build you up and up and up only to deny you satisfaction every single time. Each time he tries something its more intense and yet still with no reward.
☘️  By the end of the day you don’t know what to do with yourself, you’re up and down so much you’re exhausted, your poor heart and clit cannot take much more of these acrobatics. 
☘️ He will not let you sleep, once you’re in bed together thats when his fun and your punishment really begins. He’ll keep bringing you up, taking you so close to your high only to pull away and give you nothing, leaving you begging for him to let you cum. 
☘️ He’ll edge you like that until you’re crying and begging for him to stop but like Isaiah he won’t let you cum, he’ll make you suck his dick and have you apologise for being a little tease and then afterwards he’ll ask you whether you’ve learnt your lesson. 
☘️ “Are you going to try all that nonsense again y/n or do you think you’ve learned your lesson now?”
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pawnshopbleus · 2 months
Miller's Girl
Chapter Three - The Meeting
Professor!Joel Miller x Fem!College Student!Reader Very Loosely based off of the new movie, Miller's Girl, starring Jenna Ortega and Martin Freeman
Summary - Your landlord decides to raise the rent in your studio apartment the day you are fired from your job. In need of money, you sign up for a babysitting service your friend suggested. You didn’t expect to get an offer so quickly, and you also didn’t expect to come from your professor.
Series contains - cursing, mature language, teacher x student relationship, age gap, smut, fluff, angst, non beta read chapters and everything else I forgot to mention
Authors Note - after i dont know how long and several fights and bomb and shooting threats at my school, i'm back. I wrote this at 12 am so I hope you can understand it.
College, no outbreak, and modern AU
The Miller residence was a cozy two story home in the suburbs of Austin. The exposed brick fireplace climbed up the side of the black and white home. The green grass was a little too long for the pristine way Professor Miller held himself. 
You walked along the concrete walkway to the front door. You wiped your sweaty hands on your black pants and knocked on the door. You hoped that Professor Miller wouldn’t notice the circles under your eyes or the fact that you wore these exact pants to class two days ago. 
When the door opened you didn’t see Professor Miller towering over you. You didn’t see anything until you looked down a little bit. Standing there in all her might was a little girl no older than thirteen. 
“Sarah! What did I tell you about opening the door without asking who it is?” you heard Professor Millers stern voice yell from somewhere in the distance. 
“Sorry Dad but I think the babysitter is here!” Sarah yelled back. 
Sarah looked at you and shrugged her shoulders before skipping away. You stood still, not wanting to enter the home uninvited. The door was left wide open and you could feel the cold air wafting out of the home. The pay as a professor must be stacked to keep the AC running in the middle of October. 
“What are you just standing there for? Come in,” Sarah says with a hand on her hip. 
“Did your dad say it was okay?” you ask, not wanting to make your professor and future boss angry. 
“Yes, I did.” Professor Miller says from the stairs. 
He’s wearing something much more casual than what you are used to seeing him in. The blue jeans and white shirt that are sticking to his body make him look like he does something physical for work. If you didn’t know any better you would have thought that he was some sort of contractor. 
“Professor I-” “When you’re here it's Joel. Just Joel.”
You nod your head and look at your shoes. Your beat-up Converse aren't exactly appropriate for a meeting with your future employer, but it was these or the flip flops that squeak every time you walk. 
“Go ahead and sit on the couch. Sarah, go to your room.” 
Sarah stomps up the stairs and into her bedroom. Joel walks over to the accent chair across from the couch and sits down. He huffs as his body hits the soft velvet of the furniture. He leans back and spreads his legs, almost as if he were making room for someone to sit on his lap. 
Your eyes roam from his lap to his grey eyes that are staring back at you. You’ve just been caught eyeing your professor like a slut. Whether he minded or not didn’t come up as he gets straight to the point. 
“Look, you are the most qualified person for this job. Your resume and experience are great and you seem like a nice girl, but I don’t know if I can trust you with my daughter.” 
“Look, Joel, I know that my being late to your class could have affected your perception of me, but I think I would be great with your daughter. She was wearing a Madden Boys shirt when I walked in, right? Well, I saw the Madden Boys in concert just last year! I think having a cool babysitter would do her some good.” 
“Did you just call yourself ‘cool’?” Joel asks. 
You open your mouth to say something and then close it as nothing comes out. 
“How about I give you a trial week? You’ll get paid a flat rate and if Sarah likes you then you can stay.” 
“That would be wonderful! Thank you, Joel.” 
Your peppy attitude threw Joel off. When you first arrived at his home, you were cautious and timid but now you were smiley. He has never seen someone with such a bright smile. All thirty-two teeth were on display as you shook his hand and thanked him once again for this opportunity. 
Your hands were also unbelievably soft compared to his calloused hands. The same hands that cramp when they hold a pen for longer than fifteen minutes. 
You leave his home after that, your mysterious scent lingers in the spot where you once sat. Joel jogs up the stairs and almost trips on his daughter who is sitting on the top step. 
“I like her,” Sarah mumbles, her voice barely audible as her face rests on her knee. 
“Well, we’ll see about that kid,” Joel says as he walks to his office and closes the door behind him. 
As much as Joel wants to not like you. As much as Joel wants to blame you for being late to his class, he can’t. He could tell how sincere you were when you apologized to him. Your soft eyes begged for his forgiveness while he tried his best to not look into them. It was like a siren's call, slowly luring him into a trap that he didn’t want to be in again. He loved one woman and she left him alone with a baby and no money. 
The optional homework he assigned burned a hole in his desk. The key word was ‘optional’ and still almost all of his students did it. As much as he loved it when his students took advantage of every opportunity they got, he hated that he had to grade the work. 
After almost a hundred essays on why Victorian architecture is important, Sarah knocked on his door. She opened the door and placed a basket of cookies on his desk. The basket looked like Easter came very late. There was plastic wrap covering every inch and crevice of the pink and white basket. Pink and blue bows stuck to the top and bottom of the basket. Inside the basket held what looked like two dozen cookies. 
“The babysitter came by and dropped these off. She said that there's a note in there but only you can read it.” 
Joel peered around the basket for a sign of the note but couldn’t find it anywhere.
“Can you hurry up and open it? I really want a cookie.” Sarah crossed her arms over her chest and leaned her weight on one hip. 
“Sarah Miller, are you rushing me?” Sarah nodded her head. Joel shook his with a smile on his face. He loved that his daughter felt like she could be sassy with him. This type of banter made him feel like he was a good father. 
Unwrapping the basket was Joel's idea of hell. The texture of the wrap felt weird under Joel's hands and the bows and glitter fell to the floor, making a mess. A pink bow fell into his black coffee which made him groan. He would have to make another. 
Sarah snatched two cookies and skipped her way to her room. Coincidentally, those two cookies were hiding the note that he was looking for. The small white square of construction paper housed five words. In loopy writing, it said ‘I hope you like cookies.’ It was so simple yet it made Joel close his eyes and rest his head on the back of his chair.
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thanotaphobia · 7 months
this was written before purgatory......... im devastated pissa nation, WHY WERE THEY SPLIT APART.................................
crossposted to AO3
It’s four in the morning and Missa is staring at Phil’s wings.
Ever since the first time he’d seen them, he hadn’t really known what to think. At first, Phil had been casually cagey about them, not bringing it up in conversation. Missa hadn’t been sure how to even ask. So he hadn’t– they’d continued on with their lives together like two orbiting stars, caught in each other’s gravitational fields. Missa had kept the feather, and that had been that. Life went on.
And then Missa left for a while. Came back to their son missing. He left again. Came back this time to something in Phil missing, a part of him broken in a way Missa wasn’t sure he could fix.
So he stayed this time. Hanging around Phil’s house and doing little things when he could. Phil hid the broken parts of him fairly well, but it was in this time that Missa started to see the cracks. Whether or not it was intentional, he’s still not sure, but Phil started… letting him in, strangely. They still never really talked about anything, but Phil had told him that he’d needed him, and so Missa stayed. 
The first time they slept in a bed together since the eggs went missing, Phil kept his shirt on. The second– not so much.
It starts with both of them coming back to the house exhausted after a late night out with a few of the other islanders. They’d fought back sleep for a while together, and Missa had stayed late with Phil because even though he knows Fit and Tubbo can handle him just fine, he worries. Phil’s twitchy these days, and with Forever missing even more so. It’s weird, being stuck together like glue when they’d spent so much initial time apart, but neither of them mind. Missa certainly doesn’t. His heart lights up every time Phil so much as smiles at him.
They get home, and Missa almost collapses on the couch before Phil grabs him– just by the arm, a casual over-the-shoulder touch, but the action makes Missa shiver a little. 
“Come sleep in a proper bed, mate,” Phil insists, and Missa can’t say no.
So that’s how he ends up here, at four in the morning, staring at Phil’s wings. They’d crawled into bed together and at some point in the night, Phil had shed his jacket and shirt and had fallen back asleep without them on. Missa had woken up for no good reason at all– maybe a noise outside had startled him awake, but he’d come to in groggy stages only to find inky black feathers brushing against his arm.
He lies there, staring quietly at the shape of Phil’s back in the dim morning light of their bedroom. His shoulder blades rise and fall, a softer kind of darkness edged by nighttime. His feathers are smooth and soft and Missa, almost unconsciously, reaches out and smooths a hand down the flat edge of one. Phil doesn’t seem to wake up, and in the dark Missa can hear his breathing almost settle.
It’s nice. The lying here, together. He likes it. He wants more of it. He was such a stupid fucking fool to leave like he did, leave Phil here to deal with all of this alone. They were supposed to be partners, weren’t they? Husbands. And despite his absence, Phil still calls him his. Missa presses one of his hands to his face and takes a breath, forcing himself to calm down in the darkness behind his eyelids.
Something shuffles– feathers ruffle, the sheets shift, and then Missa feels a heavy arm on top of his own.
“You okay?” Phil asks softly, breaking the silence between them.
“I didn’t mean to wake up,” Missa breathes, his stomach flip-flopping. Phil’s bare skin is warm against his own, and the hand on his arm curls a little tighter.
“It’s alright,” Phil says, still in that soft tone, like he’s afraid to speak any louder for fear of shattering the night. “I wasn’t really sleeping anyway.”
Missa keeps his face hidden behind his hand. He knows Phil hasn’t been sleeping well lately. It’s hard not to tell, given the state of his gaunt face. He keeps his hand at the level of his eyes when he asks, “What do you dream about?”
“When you do sleep,” Missa clarifies. “What do you dream about?”
He hears Phil shouting himself awake, sometimes. It’s just one of those things they don’t talk about. He’s not sure why he’s asking now.
But despite the breach of their unspoken agreement, Phil just… sighs. His hand squeezes Missa’s arm and he lowers his hand from his face, but keeps his eyes closed anyway. It’s very nearly a surprise when Phil answers him.
“Chayanne,” Phil says quietly. “Tallulah. Cucurucho. And– a birdhouse.”
Missa thinks of Phil’s wings, and the harsh cut of the primaries against their bed.
“I’m sorry,” he says.
“It’s not all bad,” Phil says. He sounds tired, his voice hoarse. He shifts his weight again and the whole bed moves with it, one of Phil’s feet poking at Missa’s. He pokes back, and he doesn’t have to open his eyes to hear the smile in Phil’s voice. “I dream about you, sometimes.”
“What?” That surprises him enough that he opens his eyes. Phil’s head is a foot or so away from his, and the smile is there, mischievous and soft in the dark. Missa blinks at him, then looks down and away, staring at the puff of black feathers over his shoulder instead. “Why me?”
“I don’t know,” Phil says. Missa can’t help himself– he looks back at Phil’s face again and finds him searching for something in Missa’s gaze, eyes intense and dark. “Usually I lose you.”
“I’m staying,” Missa says, fiercer than he feels. “I told you, I’m not leaving again.”
“No, I know,” Phil says. “In the dreams it’s not– it’s usually not your fault. But I can never… get there in time.”
“I’m sorry,” Missa says again. Phil just sighs, long and labored, and doesn’t look away from him. The hand on his arm curls, and then drags him a little closer. Missa squeaks but lets it happen, feeling hot breath on his forehead as Phil just keeps him there. Selfishly, some part of him is squealing with delight the way a teenage girl does when seeing her idol. But another part of him aches with a sadness he can’t chase away, a sadness for Phil, a want to push all the nightmares away and let him sleep peacefully for once.
They lie there for a while, saying nothing. It takes Missa almost five minutes of working himself up to shuffle his arms around and bring them up around Phil in turn, caging in his torso and laying gently and unobtrusively on the rough skin that runs a valley up the middle of his wings. The musculature of Phil’s back is unfamiliar, avian-like, but warm. In response, Phil just hugs him a little closer. 
“I wish I could do more,” Missa breathes out on a whim, tucking his chin down and closing his eyes. “To help.”
Phil laughs, the movement rustling between them. “You’re helping plenty, mate.”
“Like this?” 
“Yeah, this is… nice.”
“You didn’t think it’d be nice?” Missa is pretty sure he’s thought about hugging Phil every damn day for the past three months. 
“No, I did, I guess I just…” Phil trails off, “Actually. There is something you could do to help me, if you, uh. If you wanted.”
Missa’s stomach leaps into his throat. He licks his lips to make sure they’re not as bone-dry as they feel. “Sure,” he says. After a second, Phil pulls away from him and Missa is left cold for a moment as he sits up. A second later, the lantern switches on and now he’s cold and blind. “Ah,��� he says, bringing a hand to cover his face. “Warn a guy!”
“Sorry,” Phil says, laughing. Missa blinks, eyes adjusted to the light after a moment, and sits up to look at Phil. He’s got his back to Missa, one wing pulled around in front of him, fingers carding through his own feathers. “Take the other?”
“The other?” Missa asks, sitting up and blinking a few more times.
“My wing,” Phil says, giving the feathers a fluffy shake. “The island is constantly springtime. I can’t tell my shedding cycle for shit, but it’s been itchy lately.” The way he speaks is so casual, so bland, but Missa can see the anxiety behind his words. He’s too focused, too careful about how nonchalant he’s being. For a second Missa hesitates, hands ghosting over Phil’s too-short feathers, but then he internally slaps himself and shouts PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER, PENDEJO. He can do this. Phil is asking him to do this.
“Okay,” Missa says a few seconds too late. Phil is looking at him now over his shoulder, and Missa gently takes his wing in hand. “How do I…”
“Look for loose feathers. Tug, but not too hard. If they’re ready, they’ll come out,” Phil tells him, and Missa starts to gently tug. “It feels nicer when they lay flat and aren’t so messy, too.”
“How come I never see you do this?” Missa mutters, carding his fingers absently through the feathers. They’re soft– he knows the texture, has spent hours of his life running the feather from the first time he’d seen Philza’s wings through his hands.
“It’s not something I show off,” Phil says quietly. “Not with the fucking Feds lurking around.”
Missa plucks a sheared feather and scowls at it. That, he can understand.
“So why show me?” he asks. He knows why, he thinks– honestly, he just wants to hear Phil say it. A weird little part of him is greedy for Phil to admit why Missa gets to see.
“I trust you,” Phil says. Missa picks a piece of grit out from between his feathers, and delights in the way Phil’s shoulders relax minutely. He does it again, and again, and smiles when he hears Phil sigh.
“I want to see you fly someday,” Missa says, and Phil lets go of his other wing and stretches it out wide, the muscles flexing and feathers shifting. Then he sets it behind him, and Missa understands both of them are now his job. He doesn’t mind. Not one bit. Phil leans forward and braces his arm against the wall, holding himself there.
“Sure,” Phil says. “Once my primaries grow in again, whenever that happens to be.”
“What do you do with the loose feathers?”
“Throw them out. Or you can keep them, if you want.”
Missa looks at the small pile of plucked feathers he has beside him now, and imagines keeping all of them. A special backpack, just for Phil’s feathers. He holds one up in front of his eyes and commits the shape and color of it to memory– a smooth, silky indigo, with a sharp quill that bends a little to the left towards the end of it. 
They sit in silence for a while after that, Missa systematically working his way through Phil’s wings and getting better and better at the job as he does. It’s not often he feels useful around Phil. Usually, Phil is the one doing things for him. But here, Missa is the one doing the work while Phil relaxes, tension slipping from his shoulders like rainwater off a duck’s back, his eyes closing a few minutes in and not opening for a while after. The bed is soft beneath them, Phil is warm in front of him, and Missa’s chest feels so full. It’s not perfect– their children are missing, and that ache never disappears, but right now in the early morning light with Phil golden in front of him, Missa thinks he feels okay.
The love bubbles in him and almost without thinking, Missa cards his fingers through the feathers and leans forward– presses the lightest, softest kiss against the middle of Phil’s back, near the top of his spine and just below his neck.
He sees the way Phil’s muscles twitch and shiver, watches the progression of the movement down his bare back and the way the downier, softer feathers puff up. He feels, for a moment, powerful.
“Let me do this more,” Missa says, riding that wave while he has it. He’s still close to Phil’s back, and tips his head so he’s speaking by Phil’s ear now. “Yeah?”
Phil laughs– his eyes are still closed, his face half hidden in his arms, but he looks better. Not perfect, but better. His laugh sounds just a little bit brighter.
“Yeah,” he says, turning to smile at Missa with an expression like the sun. “Yeah, I don’t think I’d mind that.”
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starstruck-cupid · 1 year
The Sweater
Part two of my Charlie fic. Currently unnamed
(part one)
A/N: this has not proofread but was edited by a grammar bot. I'm trying my best to keep everything consistent and not giving to many specifics about the reader. I'm experimenting with formating. If anyone has advice or constructive criticism, please share.
(edit: name change. Formerly unnamed)
TW: mentions of stalking (?), Spoilers for the movie Psycho, I think that's it
I can feel the warmth of the early morning sun. I sit up, rubbing the sleepiness out of my eyes. I slept hard. Looking at the clock, it was only 8:30 a.m. I slowly drag myself out of bed, walking to my bathroom. 
It's cold.  The window is open. Did I leave that open? I could have sworn I closed it. It's not uncommon for me to. You'd think I'd be more weary considering I live in Woodsboro. The crime rate here is surprisingly low, if you ignore the Ghostface incidents. 
I began to analyze myself in the large mirror. I was still in the oversized sweater. My hair is messy, and there's an evident dusting of darkness under my eyes. 
I leaned towards the window and pulled the curtains to the side. Charlie is at his window. He's sitting at the desk in front of the window. He's staring at me. I climb into the bench of the window and wave. He doesn't wave back. Instead, he pulls his phone out.
I hear my phone ping, reminding me of the unread texts from last night. Sliding off the bench and walking into my room, I grab my phone off the nightstand. Two texts from Charlie, and two from an unknown contact.
Opening Charlie's texts, they read
3:00 am Can we talk?
9:00 am Can I come over?
Despite being embarrassed at the reminder of last night's events, I quickly texted back. Charlie should know that he's always welcome. 
Throwing my phone on the bed, I search for bottoms. Grabbing and slipping on a random pair of pajama bottoms, I hear the bathroom window being slid up. It's been squeaky for a week now. It served as a nice warning that Charlie had entered. 
As he walks into my room, I move towards the stack of DVDs. 
"What do you want to watch?" I asked Charlie, looking over just in time to see him flop down on my bed, face first, making my phone jump into the air. No answer. Deciding to throw on a classic, I slide a stolen copy of Psycho into the DVD player.
I shuffled over to the bed, sitting next to his head. I softly ran my hands through his hair.
"What's wrong, sweet boy?" I asked in a gentle manner. I wasn't expecting a full, in depth explanation. In fact, I wasn't sure I'd get an answer at all.
"Kirby" was all he said. That's all I needed to know. I continue to silently massage his scalp. In this case, it was best not to say anything. Charlie has had a crush on Kirby for longer than I've known him. Kirby was nice, maybe a little reckless. She was beautiful. I could absolutely understand why he liked her. Still, it hurts. I don't know why it hurts, but it does.
Charlie flipped around to lie on his back. Looking up at me with his light, tired, puppy dog eyes. Charlie is easy to read. You can see his emotions through his eyes. 
Except in this case. The emotion in his eyes is unrecognizable. I've never seen this emotion flash through his eyes. 
As if he noticed me analyzing his eyes, he quickly looked away. He lays his cheek against my thigh and pulls at my sweater.
"I like when you wear this," he said, softly, yet bluntly. 
My face got warm. Quickly, I turned my head to the tv. Watching as Norman stabs Marion while she's showering. Still focused on his comment, I almost don't hear how Charlie mumbles something about how I'm wrong in thinking that Psycho was the first slasher.
Charlie and I are always debating about movies. One of the most common debates is whether Psycho or Peeping Tom was the first slasher. I know he's right. He always is. I can't let him win, though.
Letting out a small giggle, I started flattening out the hair that I had fluffed up. I felt him smile against my thigh. Leaning back against the wall, I looked at my phone. 
The unknown texts.
I forgot about those.
Grabbing my phone, I open the texts. There was no contact name.
3:30 am You really shouldn't leave your windows open. Can't put a girl with such good movie taste in danger.
That doesn't make any sense. I open the video
It's me.  It's a video of me in bed, in just my sweater and underwear.
"What the fuck?"
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lfghughes · 1 year
comforting trevor when he is sad?
a/n: heres some cuteness for you!
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Trevor being quiet was unusual. When he was home he talked nonstop, you always teased him saying he would talk a mile a minute and that you couldn’t keep up. On the ice all he would do was talk whether he was happy or angry. What you didn’t like was when Trevor was silent. That was a clear indication of something being wrong.
He got home from his practice and quietly walked through your place, placing his keys on the counter before flopping down onto the couch. “Hey babe.” His voice was soft and you knew something was clearly wrong with him. You moved on over closer to him on the couch, his own body moving to make room for you to lay with him and for you to be the big spoon.
You were thankful he wasn’t shutting you out. You didn’t want to come just right out and ask him what was wrong because you knew Trevor and when he wanted to talk about something he would but when he didn’t, you gave him his space until he was ready. He was pretty upfront about his feelings but only when he was ready to be upfront about them.
Your fingers went through his hair, his eyes shutting at the feeling and the comfort you gave him. “Want me to put on a movie for us?” You asked him and he nodded in response, his eyes still shut. Grabbing the remote you flipped through all the different movies on Netflix before settling on one he liked. Your fingers continued to play with his hair, every once in a while you would press a gentle kiss to the side of his head.
About 30 minutes into the movie he turned his body so he could look at you. “I’m not good enough. For the league, for you. I’m just an annoying kid who can manage some cool shots every once in a while.” His words stung, not because they were hurtful to you but because they were hurtful to him. You hated when he thought like this about himself.
Everyone always assumed that Trevor was just a silly goofy kid and people would forget he has feelings too and just like everyone else that words cut deep with him. You didn’t know who had said that but you were sure he had seen someone on Twitter or Instagram who commented on something about him. “Hey, hey. None of that. You’re going to let a few comments here and there tell you who you are? What about all the ones praising you?” You asked and he just shrugged, stubborn as ever.
“Trev, I mean I might be a little bias but you’re my favorite player and I think you’re talented but I also know I’m not the only one who thinks this.” He placed a kiss on your lips, a good way to show you he was finally becoming less stubborn and finally listening to your words. “You are definitely bias but you do know how to make me feel better.”
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rai-chuuuu · 3 months
╰┈➤ nct (127) mini drabbles
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acts of affection drabbles (0.8k words)
pairing ; every member x gn!reader
warnings ; fluff , silly stuff , literally everything else you could imagine in a post called "nct (127) mini drabbles; acts of affection" , the whole deal ykyk
I keep forgetting to write stuff so take this while you can.... I also can't promise that these are good and AREN'T cringe, so proceed with caution? maybe????
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Taeyong - One thing about Tyong is that he enjoys shopping, whether it’s as a way of destressing or if it’s for you. Another thing about him is that he’s forgetful… Personally, I feel like he’d buy you a surprise gift but put it somewhere and then forget about it. Sometimes, it gets to the point where you find it weeks later and get apologetic because of it. I believe he'd write lyrics about you or your relationship and try to slip them into songs. Maybe he’d make a meal for you every now and then as well! 
Taeil - One of Taeils hobbies includes listening to music, so I wholeheartedly believe he gives you song recommendations. To add to this, they’re songs that remind you of him. He would enjoy having movie nights with you, as that’s something else Taeil enjoys. Every time you have pictures together, they’re going into his wallet. I’m sure he would love spending personal time with you, and it’s really the little things that matter to him. He’s probably the most loving guy out there. I may be biased, but it’s true! Taeil for the win honestly!
Johnny - Taking pictures is something Johnny likes to do, so the chances of him taking pictures of you are common. I feel like if you were to ask to see them, he’d get all giggly and flustered. Johnny also dabbles in books, so he could also give you recommendations. This could be flip-flopped, so he’d read whatever you seem to talk to him about. Maybe you two would go on cafe dates, considering his liking for coffee! I think that’d be extremely cute (I want that so bad).
Yuta - Like Yuta once said, he would date this partner on a date to an amusement park. It’s a really fun experience, assuming you don’t have motion sickness and enjoy riding roller coasters. Or extremely expensive food... But that’s the fun of it all! As long as you’re spending time with Yuta, right? He also likes jewelry, specifically earrings. I feel like matching accessories would be cute, you know? I think matching in any sort of subtle way is always really nice. I’m kind of running out of words to say, but trust me, it’s a nice experience, I hope.
Doyoung - I am 87% sure Doyoung likes to sleep and enjoys beds more than the average person, so my first point is taking naps with you. In my opinion, this is absolutely amazing because not only do you get to sleep at night, but you can also take naps throughout the day with someone. Who wouldn’t want that? Something else about Doyoung is that he dabbles in scented candles. There’s not much else to say about that, but I’d like to add that maybe he’d cover a love song. I like to keep my imagination open.
Jaehyun - Cuddling! He has a habit of hugging the blanket while sleeping, so, knowing how conniving this guy could be, he’d probably hug you in bed but pretend he didn’t know. This doesn’t work because his ears turn red when he lies. A girl can always dream! Jaehyun also plays piano, so he’d probably show off his skills every once in a while. I feel like he's one of those “This one’s for you!” guys when it comes to basketball, but I’m saving that for someone else. (Totally take your guesses guys!)
Jungwoo - Watching soccer. He makes you watch while he plays soccer. It’s not the most romantic thing, but Jungwoo’s happy if you just pay attention to it. Plus, who am I to judge? I used to do the same thing. He’s one of the members with the biggest appetites, so assuming you can cook well, he’ll happily eat your food. You have to make enough for the both of you, but mainly Jungwoo. Food is food, man, so I totally get him.
Mark - When I think of Mark, he’d probably get matching outfits for you guys! The only bad thing about that is that it’s those cringey, “I’m his, I’m hers.” galaxy wolf hoodies. It’s up to you if you want to believe if it’s serious about it or not. His rebuttal would be something like, “But bro, don’t you think it’s cute?” word for word. It’s diabolical, really. On the bright side, his lyrics about you and the relationship are definitely something for the books. Honestly, he’s like modern-day Shakespeare.
Haechan -Out of everything he could ever do with you, skinship is probably the tamest out of literally any activity the both of you could resort to. Maybe there’s something better, but this is the first thing that comes to mind. It’s just self-care, but that’s always nice to do with someone else. On the other hand, I can really imagine harmless pranks coming out of Haechan. The only problem is that most of them aren’t as harmless as you’d like them to be. It’s not like anyone’s coming out of a hospital, but someone almost gets hurt.
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daenerysies · 5 months
I think Olivia is really pushing for Rhaenicent to become canon because it’s the only way she can stay popular with the general audience. They don’t like Team Green but if Alicent abandons her family for Nyra she thinks they won’t associate her with the faction. Do you think the writers will give in?
i’m not entirely sure if the writers would give in specifically because of olivia wanting it, but i do think they have this idea in their head (and this is mostly in regards to how they keep claiming their writing is ‘super feminist’) that if they push these two women together as hard as they can they’ll be able to reach a ’broader’ audience with the tragedy that would be that failed friendship. never mind the fact that every other character and relationship will (and already do) suffer greatly from this decision.
they don’t seem to care about the bigger picture when it comes to the dance, and it’s heavily evident in season one. there is absolutely no way that rhaenicent could ever work at this point (or really at any point) in the story. rhaenyra found out her father was dead and her throne was usurped, causing her to go into pre-term labor and lose her daughter. then luke was murdered as a messenger by aemond. all of this happens within a few days of each other (another glaring mistake but that’s a topic for another day.) alicent being able to abandon her family (which she would never do, and completely defeats the purpose of them having her steal the throne to protect her children’s lives and not just for power) and go on to beg for forgiveness from her arch nemesis whom she has caused so much grief to is borderline insanity. not to mention that blood and cheese are most likely happening in episode one, and while we the viewer/reader know that rhaenyra most likely didn’t have anything to do with it (and even that is still up for debate), alicent will not.
so they’re basically saying that luke’s death doesn’t matter, jaehaerys’ death doesn’t matter, helaena succumbing to her own anguish from choosing maelor to die over jaehaerys (we also don’t even know what’s really going to happen with b&c because there is no evidence of maelor having ever existed in the show, either he’s suddenly going to appear or helaena has to choose between jaehaerys and jaehaera instead.) nothing matters except alicent and rhaenyra becoming besties again; because let’s be honest with ourselves, if this is the route the writers have chosen they’re just going to continue their queerbaiting rhetoric and not confirm them being together/having genuine feelings for each other.
i firmly believe that olivia deserves better out of the fandom, but rhaenicent needs to be shelved. immediately. it’s doing nothing for hotd besides dragging it down. i flip flop every other week on whether the writing is going to be actually worth our time, and with george stepping in to help salvage season two i do have higher expectations. on the other hand if condal and hess are involved it’s pretty safe to say that something is still going to go wrong. hope for the best and expect the worst is the mentality to have right now, unfortunately.
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finkinthisfrew · 8 months
Anything (Pt.40)
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cw: jokingly territorial-Matty
"No, that one's too sexy," Matty called to me from across my bedroom where he stood propped up against the jewelry box that sat on the dresser in my bedroom.
I turned to frown at the perfect image on my phone, but faltered slightly, enamoured by his handsome face. I tried to ignore how cute he looked, his chin propped up on his hand attentively with his brow furrowed in concentration as he watched me pull on a simple black tube top.
"You said that about the last fifteen tops!" I yelled back to him from where I stood in my closet.
"Too sexy!!" he repeated himself. His little scowl made my stomach flip flop, he looked so unbearably cute. 
He was sitting on the balcony of his new hotel room waiting for the car to come pick him and the rest of the band up for the concert tonight. He sat on the wrought-iron patio set in a tank top and I relished the way his strong, broad shoulders looked in the light of the setting sun. His hair was slicked back, a single curl which escaped from the dozen times Matty had run his fingers through his hair since he'd finished gelling it 15 minutes ago dangled perfectly across his forehead. I sighed loud enough for him to hear before pulling off the top and diving back into the closet for another option.
I knew I didn't have to keep changing- that Matty was just being funny and complimentary, but I was enjoying the bit, and I was determined at this point to find something that met his approval. 
I pulled on a very cute tie-dye long-sleeve mock neck that I loved- I bought it on sale years ago at my favourite vintage shop back home and it still fit me like a glove. I turned around in the door of my closet to show Matty, raising my eyebrows along with my hands in question.
"Hmmm..." Matty hummed thoughtfully. "Yup. Too sexy."
I couldn't help but laugh at his unreasonableness.
"I'm starting to think it doesn't matter what I wear, you're gonna think I'm too sexy regardless," I retorted as I yanked off the shirt and turned back to my closet. 
"Someone's starting to catch on."
I whipped my head back to find Matty grinning cheekily from ear to ear at me. I ran over to grab my phone and flopped onto my bed, pointing a finger at him sternly.
"You are insufferable!" I whined as a smile tugged at the corners of my lips. I propped my own chin up on my hand to match him and he only smiled wider at me.
"Correction- I am suffering. You are insufferable," his eyes danced playfully on my phone screen. 
"What?!" I exclaimed. "Why am I insufferable?"
"You look gorgeous in everything you wear- it's too much! I can't bear it half the time!" Matty complained.
I shook my head and rolled my eyes as my cheeks flushed, overwhelmed by his candid compliments.
"I guess I'll just have to stay in and hang out with you before and after your show," I said in fake disappointment as I shrugged my shoulders. 
When Matty first Facetimed me after sound check earlier, we spent the first half hour of our call debating whether I should go out tonight or not. Matty was team 'going out' and I was team 'not'. Eventually, he won, but I still wasn't completely convinced.
"Oh no way," he scoffed. "There's no way you're not going out and getting nice and drunk with the girls tonight." Matty looked up at the sky wistfully, "I'm weak in the knees just thinking about what your drunk texts will be like- don't take that away from me!"
"Well I can't go if you reject every item of clothing I own, Matty," I complained playfully as I rolled off the bed and propped my phone back up on my dresser before walking back to the closet. "Unless you'd rather me go completely naked?" I teased over my shoulder.
"Oh you love me getting feral, I forgot," I heard him say darkly in the distance. I didn't turn around, but I could hear the smirk on his face, the lust in his voice sending a shiver down my back.
"Why is it that I can't be slutty but you can?" I changed the subject as I rifled through my closet once again.
"What do you mean, love?" Matty asked.
"According to you, I can't wear a silly little tube top to a bar without you, yet you're literally about to wear a tank top in front of thousands of girls who scream your name in bed. How is that not a double standard?" I asked sassily as I shut my closet and returned to the dresser to search its contents for the perfect option, sneaking a glance at Matty who was shaking his head.
"You North Americans are bonkers. Why can't you just call it a vest like the rest of us? Tank top sounds so silly," he said with another frown.
"Matty. You literally just said the word bonkers. I think we can have tank top," I replied reasonably. 
"Actually no. You cannot have a tank top, sorry," he pouted, "too sexy."
I opened my mouth to protest, but was interrupted by my own swooning as Matty smiled at me cheekily, then winked, those crinkles around his eyes in full effect. 
I dove back into the drawer and continued to rifle through my shirt options when a brand new top I'd stuffed in the back of the drawer out of sight caught my eye. 
"Oh hell yeah. I have just the thing," I said proudly, holding up the shirt out of sight from Matty.
"What is it? Let me seeee," Matty whined. I only smiled in response before stepping out of the frame.
I pulled the t-shirt on over my head and grabbed a pair of dark blue straight-leg jeans, tucking the front of my shirt into them as I ignored the string of complaints emitting from my phone. I snuck a pair of simple silver hoop earrings out of my jewelry box and put them on, then glanced in the full-length mirror by my bed, making sure to pull out the necklace Matty had gifted me so it hung over my shirt before stepping back into Matty's view. His jaw dropped when he saw me.
"You did not!" Matty said in astonishment.
"I did," I smiled smugly back at him.
The shirt was oversized, all black, with simple white text on the front. 
'lol ur not matt healy' it read. 
The day after Matty first played for me in his living room, I'd Googled the 1975 and was immediately intrigued by their website. When I'd seen the shirt on their merch page, I ordered it, then stashed it away so Matty wouldn't find it, saving it for a special occasion to surprise him with. Waiting had paid off.
I watched him intently, his face slowly revealing his growing desire for me as his eyes drank me in. I savoured the way Matty bit his lip in indecision.
"...I can't decide whether to tell you how over the moon I am to see you in that or to scold you!" he said, his teeth letting go of his lower lip briefly to speak.
"Scold me?" I repeated.
He nodded deliberately. 
"Yes. For two reasons: first, you don't need to buy that stuff! I can get you whatever you want for free- I don't need you spending your money on my merch," he explained guiltily.
"What's the second reason?" I asked.
"Well, you're wearing my merch while you're on the other side of the world... And I'm just supposed to sit here and be okay with not being able to do anything to you?" he said, his voice turning husky as his eyes drooped slightly with lust. "You know what seeing you in my merch does to me..."
I blushed at the thought of what he would do, but before I could reply, he shook the lust from his voice and looked at me with gentle eyes.
"You know that I'm just being funny about the tops, right? That I don't actually care and you can wear whatever you want?" Matty asked lightly, his voice tentative.
"Of course, Matty," I responded warmly. "I know you'd never try to control me or anything," I reassured him.
"Good," he said, his voice tinged with relief. "Because even though I do mean it- that you look too sexy in everything- that's something I accepted early on in our relationship," he continued as he shut his eyes proudly, "that you're simply a sex goddess who's intolerably gorgeous and beautiful in everything she wears, and I just have to bear it."
"Matty, I'm literally wearing a giant t-shirt and jeans!" I replied loudly in exasperation, gesturing down at my baggy outfit.
"And you look fit. as. fuck!" he replied seriously. "And no yelling! I'm the victim over here, with my sex goddess girlfriend taunting me over there in that filthily promiscuous shirt." I couldn't help but laugh as he continued to rant, "I haven't demanded you board a flight and come back here even once- not once! Considering the misery you've caused me, I'd say I'm much more worthy of some sympathy here." 
I giggled bashfully at his now wide puppy dog eyes. 
"Poor you," I cooed, watching his chest puff up in validation. "That sounds like a rough life, being the boyfriend of a sex goddess," I said sympathetically.
Matty nodded sadly, speaking earnestly.
"It's a big sacrifice, but I'm willing to make it," he said gravely as I giggled to myself. He knew just how to make me laugh while also feeling incredibly special and wildly beautiful. 
I took a deep breath in and sighed quietly to myself, careful to make sure it wasn't audible to Matty. I really did wish I was spending the night in with him- my heart ached with the pain of missing him so much. I felt so lucky to be able to miss someone as special as Matty.
"Now," Matty started, interrupting my train of thought, "Stand still for me so I can take a billion screenshots and decide which one to make my new phone background tonight while I wait for you to text me about how big of a crush you have on me," he said as he smiled at me cheekily, winking away any remnants of sadness.
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