#i just want attention lmao
vivisvalley · 7 days
i'm gonna end it
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i think if someone made fanart/fanfiction of my RP blogs and/or fanfics, i think i would actually die /pos
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thelemonsnek · 2 years
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Edited the pce base so Eclipse looks like Eclipse!! First image is how she looks on site, second two are my designs for her
[image id: the first image is a screenshot of the pixel cats end bases, which is the same cat in five different poses: sitting, standing, playing, sleeping, and rolled on their belly. This specific cat is an orange and black tortoiseshell with a white spot on her chest. She's wearing a flower crown with yellow flowers, ruby anklets, and violet tail beads.
Image two: the same pixel cats end base, but colored differently to match Eclipse, who is a cat with unnatural colors and patterns. She is half yellow and half purple, with sun and moon patterns around her eyes and a tail that gradients from bright purple to orange.
Image three: the pixel cats end bases again, still colored like Eclipse, except this time wearing clothing. She is wearing a yellow wildflower crown, a starfruit necklace, red crystal anklets, violet tail beads, and she has yellow petals and purple glitter falling around her. End id]
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14dayswithyou · 1 month
💖 Day 3.5 is now available! 💖
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For the last couple of months, only Server Boosters had access to the 3.5 update... Buuuuut now it's available for everyone to play in the 14DWY Discord — and soon itch.io once I'm happy with the QA and state of the game — so please don't feel pressured to join unless you want to!!
The full devlog + even more screenshots are under the cut ^^
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What's been added to the 3.5 version?
📺 Streamer Mode!
I've been told that it's difficult to stream and monetise age-restricted videos on YouTube and Twitch, so I added an option to remove the sexual content and strong language used in the demo.
Now y'all can invite Ren into your bed for cuddles without putting your streamer career on the line /silly /lh
This won't affect the 18+ rating or dark themes/elements of the game, however! Although Streamer Mode will prevent you from seeing any "gruesome" CGs in the future, most of the core elements of the game will still be tied to the choices and decisions you make. So you won't miss out on the overall experience by using streamer mode!!
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⚙️ Custom Pronouns!
It only took me one entire year to get around to it, but you can finally choose your own preferred pronouns (or use a set of pronouns instead)... At the cost of being able to change them mid-game ^^;
Since the original pronoun screen wouldn't update until a new scene was displayed, I temporarily disabled the feature. But once I find a workaround, I'll bring it back!
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💗 Choose how others perceive you!
You can now choose how the cast and narration perceive you! Originally, the narration was kept strictly gender-neutral (outside of pronouns and genitalia picked by the player), but this will soon change in future updates.
For more clarity: you don't get to choose the words specifically, but you can choose between masculine, feminine, and androgynous terms!
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📋 Separate top and bottom genitalia!
You can now choose your tatas and pps separately! >:3
Alongside that, you can also choose your preferred body type!
I removed the "both" genitalia option because a few players still assumed it was an obscure version of "intersex". That wasn't my intention and I don't want to mislead anyone, so I took it out for now ^^;
I also didn't want to include a screenshot of the new genitalia choices in action (because it's NSFW), so y'all get the same character menu screen for the nth time instead lmao
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📱 Relationship Screen Overhaul!
You can now change your own status for more immersion, and long-term Server Boosters will eventually be able to submit and use their own icon within the game as well!
Stalking finding your friends has now become easier by using "Buddy Maps"; a new app that allows you to see the location of all the cast members!
I want to offer players more incentive to check the relationship screen since they tend to miss the status updates, so hopefully this might help ;v;
It also says it "updates every few hours" so folks don't go overboard and check every 5 seconds to see where Ren is gdsghf (also keep in mind that he's a hacker lol)
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🖤 Additional Scenes Update!
Day 2 received a brand new CG!!!!! Originally, I planned on only adding a few CGs sporadically throughout the game, but it didn't feel right to leave Day 2 so... empty... so I added a brand new CG to (hopefully) make things feel more balanced and natural!
If you decline Teo's offer on Day 3, Leon will now call and try to convince you to reconsider. However, players are still allowed to decline, and if they do, they'll reach a dead end.
After listening to feedback on itch, I changed some of the dialogue during Days 1-3 to make it seem more consistent! They're only small changes though, so it's honestly not worth looking for sdgjssga
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🎶 Updated BGM and SFX!
I wanted to try out a different style of music to see if it fits the vibe of 14DWY more! The BGM features more acoustics to suit the "beachy" theme of Corland Bay, though I made a conscious effort to include piano elements as well to stay true to the original!!
I figured it'd be better to give players a live example before I make a poll (to see if they prefer the change or not) and publish it to Itch.
Some new SFX have also been added, though it's very minimal and honestly not that noticeable.
How to download and play the update?
(warning: clicking on the following links will open Discord!!) To download the Day 3.5 update, simply join the 14DWY Discord server, verify your age, and visit the "14dwy-updates" channel!
Alternatively, you can also wait until the update is publicly released on Itch to play it as well!! (It normally gets released shortly after a round of QA testing/getting feedback from the server, though I may release it earlier if I feel like it hehe ^^)
#14 days with you#14dwy#💖 — 14 days with queue.#🖤 — updates.#🖤 — spoilers.#I'm not gonna say much about my current doxxing situation because I've got it under control now + it's being handled privately#Plus I don't wanna give it/the people involved any unnecessary attention. I just wanna announce the update and Get Back To It™️#(''it'' bein the grind 💪 It never stops lmao /silly)#OG followers will also know that these topics aren't the vibe I normally have on this blog (or any of my accounts); so I don't think I'll—#—make ANOTHER public post about the situation and bring more attention to it (when I just want everything to be over and put to rest ^^;)#However I also don't want people to think that I'm... ignoring?? the situation entirely (because gettin doxxed is a very endangering thing)#So I DO want to quickly acknowledge it here and say that it's all currently handled + I'm safe and okay + this won't stop me from—#—continuing to work on 14DWY (and other future projects). I also don't want to give these awful people more power and incentive to continue#—this kind of pathetic behaviour; so the less attention and encouragement being shown will ultimately be better in the long run :3#Aaaaaanways!! 😮‍💨#My other accounts will be restored shortly and my askbox will be opened once I feel comfortable. I'll get around to following folks—#—again in my own time; so please don't feel offended if I unfollowed you during a moment of vulnerability and anxiety!!#This is all EXTREMELY overwhelming and scary for someone with SAD/AvPD; and I /gen can't handle seeing it all over my timeline ;v;#Sorry this got ranty and personal again hjdsgjsdh T_T I said I wouldn't say much; so I'll shut up now hehe#🖤 — shut up sai.
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a2zillustration · 5 months
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Tragically the in-game tone for this scene was way more serious, Gale got SO UPSET and I felt SO BAD. I hope he doesn't hold it against Croissant.
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onesidedradiostatic · 13 days
can we talk about how the weirdest part of staticmoth isn't even the fact that they're toxic to each other?
it's how they both react to each other's toxicity with nonchalance.
like. first, during val's tantrum, val throws a glass at vox, or well, in his vicinity.
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then vox just... steps away like it's nobody's business, barely bothered by it.
and later, when it's vox's turn to be angry, he roughly pulls val down, shakes him, and shouts at his face.
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then val just... shrugs it off.
usually when you think of a toxic relationship, you'd probably think of person A being toxic to person B then person B biting back just as toxic until it's a back and forth of toxicity, a full-blown fight.
but that. that's not staticmoth. staticmoth is fucking weird in that when one is acting toxic towards the other, the other acts nonchalant and doesn't retaliate. then they switch roles on who the toxic one is and who the nonchalant one is.
I am not at all denying the toxicity in their relationship, but they certainly are a really fucking weird brand of toxic that is just. so hard to describe.
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fexiled · 4 months
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@stanuary Week One: Lost & Home
ran out of time for color so you get this one as-is uwu
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solargeist · 11 days
I love when you draw watcher mom holding baby Grian, it’s so cute!!!! Also question does aether just subconsciously pick up and hold Grian without any thought, like does she just walk past him and scoop him up into her arms without asking or does she always ask him if he wants to be carried?
ehhehe its very fun to draw, hes so tiny, i remember Gohan when i draw him so it makes me happy <3
But yes ! At first, Aether asks to pick him up, since hes a random little kid, but after taking care of him for a bit (literally a few hours) she does just start grabbing him without thinking abt it, sometimes you Have to pick them up suddenly, could be in danger !
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But in other situations, like any kid, if they don't want to be picked up or held, they'll go limp or wiggle, push and argue, so you gotta just put them down !
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otherrrr times he does feel comfortable sitting on her
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sandeewithtwoe · 8 months
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Training is important…. But talking about your favourite show is important too
Blue belongs to PopcornPr1nce
Ink belongs to comyet/ myebi
Dream belongs to Jokublog
In case you can’t read my handwriting:
Blue: Huh, that’s weird. Dream is late for training
Ink: Wait, IM not the one late? That’s new!
Blue: Maybe we should check if he’s alright
Blue: Dream, wake up! There’s no time to be a lazybones!
Dream: uh… hey guys! What’s going on-
Ink: Please please please tell me you’re a brony too!
Dream: A… brownie?
Blue: OMG you have so much to learn!
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120percents · 9 months
i just think it’s so funny that zoro does not even wanna comment on the usokaya situation when usopp explicitly asks and he very pointedly looks away when they kiss and yet he proceeds to butt in every single time sanji flirts with a woman or implies he knows about romance to redirect attention back on himself like god i wonder where your interests lie…
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In Cleo's episode for secret life, Cleo asked who Etho wanted to kill first, and the obsessed man straight up said "Joel" and his reason was because he's "very cheeky."
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noyoudidntbye · 2 years
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fickle-tiction · 11 months
also have we considered
Clark intentionally trying to rile Bruce up, as is his right as goblin bf, and Bruce trying to ignore him. The childishness is contagious though and Bruce murmers "bite me" and Clark is too happy to comply, nibbling on his neck and driving him nuts. Bruce trying his damndest not to laugh, because he's a stubborn dork. Clark Wraps an arm around his waist so he can't go anywhere. Bruce using both hands to try to push the immovable head away from his sensitive neck.
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villain-byteniwoha · 2 months
it's ironic that accounts saying they "block klk shippers" and "don't want to interact with proshippers" can always find something to say in my posts/reblogs. while I, a kaeluc shipper, personally have the "ragbros" tag blocked because I do not want to accidentally share something with a romantic context in mind, in case op is uncomfortable with that.
because I know how to put my own, as well as respect other's, boundaries in online spaces.
because I know that every single thing isn't meant for me and everyone has their own preferences.
because I know it's not only weird but also rude to go out of my way to put someone down for their interests or hard work.
but sure, call me the immoral one here for liking a fictional relationship between two fictional characters—who, keep in mind, I first started liking on the grounds that they were previously sworn brothers.
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wigglebox · 17 days
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Arrival! [original characters Max and Jude]
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beanmochiii · 5 months
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third life ending so poetic man
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