#i just realized how shitty links are on tumblr
jacobbyart · 2 years
title: bathroom breaks for the broken-hearted ship: steve harrington/eddie munson tags: angst, hurt/comfort, reconciliation, getting together, drunkennes words: 2,517 summary: eddie finds steve drunk in a stranger's bathroom.
There were two exits. The front door behind him was closest, but it had already clicked shut before he could think of turning back. The second exit was a few feet away through a throng of partygoers that held their drinks close to their chests as Eddie came into view. The music didn’t suddenly stop the way he imagined it would, nor did the chatter falter, but the pairs of eyes following his every move still unsettled him enough to make him want to sink into himself. Not that he ever would, but maybe parking his van a block away hadn’t been the best idea he had all night. Then again, it was close to midnight, and he was running on very little sleep.
A steady hand squeezed his forearm and pulled him up the stairs firmly. The cuts and bruises from yesterday’s scuffle protested in pain under the sleeve of his sweatshirt, but Eddie only bit down the string of expletives on the tip of his tongue and marched on.
“Jesus Christ,” came a voice from atop the stairs. It was a guy he vaguely remembered from school. “This is your backup plan?”
“Yes.” It was Nancy, he realized, that had a grip on him. He frantically looked around for Robin, a habit from the paranoia borne from having just saved the world—or, at the very least, their small town—and found her close behind him.
The guy from school shook his head and then motioned for them to follow him with a flick of his wrist.
“Sorry, Eddie,” Robin slurred. “It’s—Nancy and I—” She released a shaky breath reeking of alcohol and smoke. Eddie had never been one to judge, but both Nancy and Robin bit off more than they could chew coming to this party. Declining their invitation might have been a bad idea, but they got him to come regardless.
“I’ll get us home, okay? Just sit tight and don’t stray too far.”
Robin frowned but nodded.
They stopped in front of a door as the guy from school pulled out a key ring. He tried for the doorknob once, rolling his eyes when it wouldn’t budge, then slotted the correct key in and pushed the door open.
Eddie prepared for the worst.
It was a bathroom. Large. Dark. On the other end laid a bathtub, and the glow from the hallway washed over limbs splayed over the lip of the porcelain.
“All yours,” said the guy from school.
Eddie had to swallow a bitter laugh.
The door behind him closed as he took the first few steps in. He stood near the sink, counted a few seconds before feeling for the light switch behind him. The light flickered and hummed.
“I wasn’t supposed to drink,” Steve mumbled. “Figured they’d call you.”
“That’s not very kingly of you, Steve,” came the immediate reply. He pressed his lips shut almost as quickly as the words came out.
“That’s my shirt.”
The fabric of Steve’s sweatshirt seemed to burn him. He tugged at the sleeves and then rolled them up, but when the ugly splotches of black and blue revealed themselves, quite loudly in Eddie’s opinion, he pulled them back down. Steve hadn’t been looking at him anymore, thank God, although a pang of hurt still shot through his chest. “I didn’t have time to change.”
Steve scoffed, a nasty wet sound. He pressed the heels of his palms to his eyes.
“Steve, we have to get you home. You’re drunk.”
“No, shit.”
“C’mon, Steve—”
“You’re kidding me, right?” There was a sour smile on his lips that Eddie wanted to kiss away.
“The girls… they’re outside waiting—”
“I don’t think I can stand you right now, actually,” Steve said a bit too calmly. The smile hadn’t faded, hadn’t faltered even as Steve faced Eddie. “So if the girls are waiting, take them home and leave.”
“Stop saying my name.”
Eddie didn't notice he was nodding, hanging on to Steve’s every word until he realized that he couldn’t stop. Yeses and okays played on loop in the back of his mind and the only reason he hadn’t spilled them all out yet was because he was biting hard on his bottom lip. It was a miracle he couldn’t yet taste blood.
The metal rings on the shower curtain slid noisily around its rod, shielding Steve from view, but Eddie could still make out the blurry silhouette from behind the curtain and could hear the soft shaky breaths and muffled sniffles. It was the soft sob, guttural but stifled, that brought pinpricks to Eddie’s eyes and a tightness to his throat, his tears threatening to spill.
He had no right to cry, especially in front of Steve.
Instead, he turned the light off. He had no plans of getting out without Steve, not that the girls would let him anyway. He was glued in place, still by the sink, beside the mirror he was so careful not to face. A part of him wanted to walk away, wanted to let Steve be, and just check in the morning to see if he was safe, home or otherwise. But there was no leaving, no walking away now at the sight of Steve broken and wrecked, at the sound of him spilling his heart out. Once was enough for Eddie, and that in itself almost unraveled him in ways he hadn’t expected to.
It was still a mystery to him how he could possibly be the one responsible for doing this to Steve; how he was able to elicit this kind of reaction out of the Hero of Hawkins himself, out of the King, out of Steve. A name he couldn’t say out loud anymore, because Steve told him not to. Eddie would sooner bite his tongue off than break that silent promise.
“I’m still here,” Eddie said instead, a reminder for Steve and himself. “I’m still here.”
Steve cleared his throat as if telling Eddie he heard, as if telling him he was listening, though that could just be Eddie’s nerves convincing him Steve wasn’t completely throwing him away just yet. Eddie decided to cling to his nerves.
“You weren’t,” Steve said. “For a while, you weren’t here.”
“I’m sorry,” Eddie whispered. “I’m sorry I ran away.” He closed his eyes as a pregnant pause lulled the conversation to what he thought was a complete stop, but then, Steve huffed.
“I just thought I meant something to you.”
“You do.” Eddie’s voice broke at the last word. A single teardrop fell and he immediately wiped it away with the back of his hand.
“Not as much as I wanted to.” He cleared his throat again as he shifted around in the bathtub. “I can take rejection, you know? I’m not delicate.” Steve drew the curtain a little to take a peek. Eddie could see the shine in his eyes under whatever glow cast itself in the bathroom. “I knew from the beginning that I'm not the kind of guy you would usually go for. I’m not that much of an idiot to not see how different we are.”
“That never mattered to me.”
“I don’t care, Eddie. Just get on with it.”
“Get on with what?”
“Tell me you never liked me the way I like you. Tell me you hate me. Tell me you pitied me when you kissed me. God, anything. Tell me anything, just… end this, please. I can’t watch you walk away again and leave me hanging like this, Eddie. I can’t.”
“I didn’t kiss you because I pitied you.”
“Do you still think you’re some sort of experiment to me?”
“I know that I’m not.”
Steve laughed hysterically before sinking further down into the bathtub. “This is worse than the head injuries.”
“Hey, Ste—um, can I turn on the light?”
Steve made a non-committal sound.
The hum of the light was quieter this time around, as Steve’s words still rang in his ears. Eddie slowly made his way towards the bathtub and kneeled in front of Steve. He hadn’t been this close to him for two weeks, though it felt a lot longer. He had steered clear of Family Video for the most part, and when Steve had tried to visit his newly government-reinstated apartment, he climbed out of the back window and stayed in the nearby alleys for a good few hours. Hell, he even avoided Dustin, which he reckoned he should apologize for sooner rather than later. But that was a problem for another day.
“I have something to show you.” He fiddled with the ends of his sleeves. Any more of that and they’d be fraying at the seams. He wouldn’t want to ruin what could be the last of his mementos from Steve. “Is that okay?”
Steve was looking much worse than Eddie anticipated. His eyes were red-rimmed, dark circles and heavy bags circled them. His hair could use a brush or two, though Eddie suspected that was less of days’ worth of neglect and more of a result of the evening’s spiel. “What?”
Eddie rolled his sleeves up and winced at the sight of his gashes and bruises. There were bandages on a few of the deeper cuts. Nothing serious, but if Eddie wasn’t paying attention, he would scratch at the scab and reopen the wounds. “I got this yesterday.”
Steve jerked up and Eddie had to raise his hands, hovering them over Steve’s shoulders to reassure him.
“Who did that?”
“A bunch of nobodies tricked me into doing a deal with them. I didn’t… I knew fighting back would be useless, but they dragged me around before I could run away.”
Steve didn’t touch his bruises, but his hand was so close to Eddie’s skin that he could feel its warmth. It felt especially warm during a cold September night, and Eddie wouldn’t care less whether it was the alcohol or Eddie himself that caused that. He allowed himself, for a moment, to believe that it was him anyway. The red on Steve’s cheeks only made him smile.
“Are you guilt-tripping me?”
“What? No!” Eddie almost scrambled to say. He pulled his arm away, hiding it from Steve. “No, no, Steve, that’s not it at all.”
Steve chewed on his lip, lost in thought. “Somebody already took care of you.”
“Are you already with someone else?”
“Steve.” Eddie clasped his mouth with both his hands and groaned. He looked up at the white ceiling, counting the specks of water damage as he willed for his heart to stop beating too fast and too hard. This was not going the way he thought it would. “Jesus Christ.”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to imply that you would kiss me when you—”
“No, I know.” Eddie shook his head, then rested his forehead on the cool porcelain of the bathtub, hiding his face from Steve. “I’m not. With anyone, if that wasn’t clear. I don’t think I can be with anyone. Especially not you. Can’t you see what’ll happen if you get too close to me?”
Steve kept his mouth shut.
“You get hurt. I’ll get you hurt, Steve. And I don’t want that. I don’t want that for you.”
“That isn’t up to you. That’s not your fault.”
“I don’t care if it is. I just don’t want you to get hurt.”
“Eddie.” Steve leaned closer now, touching Eddie’s jaw, urging him to look up at him. “I can’t just unlove you because you think being with you will get me beat up in the street. You can’t make that decision for them and you can’t make any decisions for me. Not you. Not you too.”
“Steve, I’m not—”
“All my life, my parents, this town, they decided that they knew what was best for me. Be a Harrington, be King Steve, have good hair, do sports, keep up appearances and I’ll do great. And now you…”
Eddie opened his mouth to say something but his tongue was frozen in place.
“You can’t do that to me. You can’t be a part of them.”
“I’m not.” Eddie put a hand over Steve’s and grasped his fingers tightly. “I won’t.”
“So you either reject me. Tell me you don’t want what I want,” Steve said sternly, both hands now holding gently caressing Eddie’s cheeks. Steve’s face softened. There was a smile on his lips. “Or you could take me away.”
Eddie sighed around a sob.
“Please take me away, Eddie.”
Eddie didn’t bother fighting the urge to kiss Steve. It wasn’t the most comfortable, nor the best position to be in for a kiss. Steve tasted like alcohol and greasy food and a night well spent partying and getting hammered, but Eddie couldn’t find it in him to care.
It was only when Steve’s body convulsed in a fit of cries, lips still locked with Eddie’s, that Eddie pulled away. He gently pulled Steve up from the bathtub, and Steve went with the motion. Steve tried his best to lift his weight but ended up leaning onto Eddie when he finally stood. Steve wrapped his arms around Eddie’s torso, too tightly to only need the added support, and Eddie embraced him back.
They stood there, in some stranger’s bathroom, hugging and crying for a good few minutes. Eddie wanted to pepper in small kisses into Steve’s temples, his hair, his cheeks, and his jaw, but he didn’t feel like he earned it just yet. For now, he was content with the warmth and the proximity that Steve gave him, and he reckoned, for a little while, it should be more than enough.
Rounding Steve out with the girls was easier than he anticipated. Robin told the man—Joel, he had said his name was, and that he and Eddie had once had Chemistry together—that Steve would pick his car up first thing the next day. And with that, they were off. Steve walked close enough with Eddie that Eddie could easily steady him if he swayed too much, and the girls followed behind them.
In the end, they exit through the back door. The walk to Eddie’s van was met with a few grumbles about it being too far. Eddie could only agree.
He dropped the girls off first, and he didn’t drive away until they were safely in their homes.
The way to Steve’s was quiet. When Eddie spared a glance at the other boy, he found Steve fighting off sleep, which endeared Eddie to no end.
“I can’t unlove you too, you know?” he heard himself say.
“Hm?” Steve looked at him, eyes droopy, but it seemed to do the trick of waking him up, his posture now more alert.
“I don’t think I can unlove you even if you decided that I wasn’t worth it after all.”
Steve smiled. “But that’s not the decision I made.”
“No,” Eddie said quietly, “it isn’t.” And Eddie still couldn’t understand why.
“Stay with me?” Steve asked when Eddie pulled his van to a stop in front of his house.
Eddie nodded. “Always.”
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hekettled · 2 years
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lovelytsunoda · 5 months
i can't get no satisfaction // mick schumacher
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summary: camping out in the library after hours, and too stressed to retain information, the student librarian has an idea about how take all of that stress away. and it doesn’t involve reference books.
pairing: college librarian!mick x student reader
warnings: sex in a library, semi-public sex, this is so fucking filthy, mick is a sweetheart but he has a dirty fucking mouth. mentions of masturbation and sex toys. why does this man bring out the feral in me? the terms ‘librarian’ and ‘sir’ used in a sexual context (but in a playful way…for the most part)
authors note: now tell me why I can add a song here but tumblr won’t let me add ‘shallow’ as a song link to my angsty top gun fic and I had to publish it without?
there was a reason she always picked that table. a reason she’d started coming to the library in tight tops and cutoff shorts.
it gave her the prime viewing across the old library, beyond the green tiffany lamps, at the perfectly coiffed head of of blonde hair that rested behind the check in desk.
mick fucking schumacher. he was the reason most girls came to the library, if she was to be honest.
however, there was no time for that today, astronomy textbooks strewn across her table as she poured over star charts. she didn’t realize how late it had gotten, her test review notes only half filled out and an exam creeping up on her.
her ballpoint pen trailed across the computer paper as she recorded the names of the main theories behind how the moon formed, mumbling to herself in an attempt to remember the facts better. she had one Bluetooth earbud in, playing jazz music softly to prevent her mind from wandering.
it was all hands on deck if she wanted a chance in hell of passing her elective course.
two hands clapped down on her shoulders. she started, yelping as her pen trailed a thick black line across her page before clattering to the floor. heart racing, she yanked her headphone out, head whirling to see who had interrupted her.
“oh my goodness, I’m so sorry.”
mick. he stood behind her, clad in tight black slacks and and untucked dress shirt, the top few buttons undone and the sleeves rolled up to just before his elbows.
and, oh god, were her nipples perking up underneath her halter top?
“no, no, I should have paid more attention.” her voice was shaking, cracking slightly. “did you need something?”
“we closed like, fifteen minutes ago.” mick said sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck. “I didn’t want to disturb you, but I’m not getting paid overtime and I kind of wanted to go home.”
she sighed, massaging her forehead wrinkles with her fingertips. “yeah, okay. sorry, I didn’t realize how late it was getting.”
her stomach sank to the floor. she felt guilty for keeping him, and a sense of crushing dread when she realized how little information she really retained.
and under the student librarians gaze, his stunning ocean eyes boring holes into her skull?
she’d be damned to admit it out loud, but she felt horny as hell. she was so stressed with exams, and so wired from trying to study that masturbation was the only way she could get herself to go to sleep: tire out the body, and the mind will follow.
but her fingers didn’t cut it any more, nor did the tiny vibrator her roommate made her buy on a whiteclaw-fuelled trip to the local spencer’s.
“okay, just give me a second and I can help you put all of these away. I feel bad for keeping you now.”
mick helped her gather her things and tidy the table, offering her a metal shelving cart to load full of all the textbooks she didn’t need. they moved in an awkward silence as the blond reshelved the books and she pushed the cart.
“so, astronomy?” mick clicked his tongue, shelving a book on star charts.
“yeah, it’s a shitty fucking elective, that’s what it is. it’s causing me more stress than my actual subject major.” she snorted, sliding a few other books into the shelf. “I’m pre-law, but I’m not even sure if law school is what I want any more. right now, I just want to shut down, if I’m being honest.”
she stepped back from the shelf, moving to go around the cart when mick spoke up.
“so is that why you barely looked in my direction today?”
she stopped cold, her foot thudding against the side of the heavy metal cart. she bit back a curse, stumbling as mick caught her, pressing her body up against the shelving cart.
“I know you have a crush on me. I think it’s cute. you’re cute.” his voice was husky, and there was barely any space between them. her heart was beating faster, heat rising in her cheeks. “there’s a reason I always work at that desk too. seeing you makes my day.”
he was so close to her that she could have kissed him if he wanted to. all she would have had to do was press up on her toes to match his height, and gently touch her lips to his.
“don’t hide from me, pretty girl.” mick whispered. “I know how pent up you are, I can see it in the way your body responded as I ran my hands over your back. I want to help you. let me help.”
she swallowed, thoughts racing as she gripped his arms, looking up into his cobalt eyes.
she needed this.
needed him.
when mick kissed her, it felt like all the air was leaving her lungs. he was intoxicating, the heady scent of his cologne overwhelming her senses. she moaned into the kiss, aching and longing for human contact.
“my sweet girl.” he mumbled, trialing kisses up her jaw and over behind her ear, hands coming up to knead her sensitive breasts as she leaned back against the shelving cart. “when was the last time someone treated you right?”
“s-six months.” she stuttered, panting heavily.
it was pathetic, mick had barely even done anything and she was seconds away from whining for him.
he clicked his tongue, gripping her waist and pushing her back further against the cart. a few reference books fell to the floor, but neither student noticed. his breath was warm against her ear, the tip of his nose brushing her cartilage and making her shiver.
“that’s just won’t do. whenever you came in here, I bet you were thinking about sitting under my desk and using your cute little mouth the keep my cock warm.”
noticing how her body tensed up, the boy changed his tune. “or maybe you’re not into that. maybe you just wanted me to whisk you away to the rare book room and press you up against the bookshelf, have my way with you. our dirty little secret”
ah, yes. that was the reaction he was looking for, her thighs clenching at the thought as he slotted his knee on between her legs.
“that’s my girl.” mick cooed as she grinded against his thigh. “you just need my cock to fill you up, don’t you? those fingers of yours just aren’t the same, are they?”
she opened her mouth to respond, forehead resting against his, when she leaned back too far, the cart tumbling out from behind her.
mick caught her by the waist, smoothly spinning around and returning her to her feet, ignoring the toppled cart. nose to nose, the absurdity of the situation dawned on her.
and she laughed.
and he laughed with her.
that was what she needed from a man. someone who could laugh with her, even during their most intimate of moments, someone who let all the best parts of his non-bedroom personality shine through while also knowing exactly what she needed him to say to get her off.
a gentleman.
and that’s what mick schumacher was.
he carried her bridal style back to the long mahogany table, placing her down gently and sweetly before giving her a sweet kiss, his tongue teasing the seam of her lips.
“so, pretty girl, the ball is in your court now.” mick began, taking her warm hands in his cold ones. “whatever you need me to do, I’ll do.”
“I mean, I’ve heard the rare book room is super sexy. the smell of old books is like an aphrodisiac for me.” she said in a sing-song voice, thinking about his teasing from earlier. “then again, so are the vaulted ceilings in here.”
“I bet I could make you come so hard for me that you can see those stars on the ceiling fresco with your eyes closed.”
“wanna bet, pretty boy?” she was confident in her decision, but there was still nervousness behind her eyes.
she’d felt the way his dick pressed up against the seams of the zipper on his slacks. taking it was going to hurt.
he kissed her nose softly, fingers reassuringly rubbing circles on her skin. “I’ve got you, princess. you just need to relax and let me fuck all of that stress out of your pretty little head.”
she kissed him again, one hand on either side of his neck as she tried to press her body up against his, body flushed with need.
he gently turned her around, guiding her body so that she was bent over the table, the wood cool against her body.
mick playfully smacked her ass over her denim shorts.“such a pretty girl for your librarian, aren’t you?”
instead of the expected response, mick was delighted to get a laugh out of her. her giggles made him high, heat rising on his skin.
“was that supposed to be sexy?” she giggled, one hand reaching behind her to cradle his, thumb passing over his knuckles.
“maybe.” mick chirped. “baby, you’ve gotta let me have my other hand so I can get your shorts off.” she let go of his hand, allowing his smooth fingers to undo the button and gently draw the denim down her legs. “and for the record, I think that librarian is a damn sexy title.”
“but it’s not really a title.” she laughed, enjoying the feeling of his hands on her body, massaging the flesh of her ass before tugging her cotton panties to the side.
he smacked her ass again, cock perking up at the tiny moan she let out. “it can be whatever I damn well want it to be, princess.” his voice was playful, and it made her wet to no end.
she needed this adorable idiot to fuck her.
there was little warning as he slipped two fingers into her, the cold of the rings on his fingers making her squeal as he started to flex his digits.
his fingers were so fucking long. they felt so much better than her own fingers did, that was for sure.
“that’s my pretty girl, taking my fingers like a goddamn champion. you’re fucking dripping, princess.” mick cooed, moaning at the sight of her arousal running down his wrist, the sound his fingers made as he scissored them inside of her. “atta girl, so good for your librarian, aren’t you?”
“yes.” she panted, bucking her hips against his fingers with a cry, reaching back to grab his free hand with the hand that wasn’t holding her steady on the desk. “oh, fuck, sir.”
god, she needed this. and for a nerdy guy, he sure fucking knew how to use his fingers.
she felt his hand come down on her ass again. “what did you call me?” his voice was light, with the hint of a smile behind it. “I want you to say it again, princess.”
“mhm, yes sir, please, I need more.” she exaggerated the moan, a playful smile on her face as she played right into micks hands.
she liked this banter they had going, this carefree way of looking at something most people took so seriously. no, this was an experience that felt uniquely her whereas other guys she had been with just did what they always did, not caring about what she needed to get off.
but with mick, yes, that dominant demeanour was still there, but in a gentle ‘let me take care of you’ way.
and that was sexy as fuck.
she whined as mick withdrew his fingers, tapping her side with two of his fingers. “turn around, pretty girl. I don’t like not being able to see your stunning face.”
while her thighs tingled, her chest bloomed with affection and love at the thought that mick thought she was pretty.
and it was true. the library was dim, the warm lighting from the tiffany lamps framing the flyaways from her hair and the pink in her cheeks. the cupids bow of her lips, and that gorgeous fucking smile.
he was so down bad for her, it made his cock ache.
she perched on the edge of the desk, wincing and attempting to hide her embarassment at the wet patch she was leaving on the old table, the unshaven landscape of her thighs (and between her legs).
goosebumps rose on her arms as she watched mick lick her juices off her fingers, moaning at the taste like it was his favourite thing in the world. sensing the goosebumps, he ran his hands up her arms to warm her up.
“you decide how far we go tonight, love. how many orgasms do you want?”
oh fuck.
mick laughed sweetly, seeing the overwhelmed look on her face. he kissed her forehead tenderly, brushing a lock of hair behind her ear. “how about we start with one and see you feel from there.”
“yeah. I’d like that.” she answered shyly, feeling the cold creep in.
the old library was drafty, yet kept to a very specific temperature. she expected to be overheating from how hot this encounter was, but alas, the air conditioning system just had to go and ruin it
“here.” mick said softly, undoing his shirt to expose the silver chain that rested below his sternum, a pendant with an orthodox saint carved into it.
he undid the shirt slowly, allowing her ample time to rake her prying eyes over every perfectly sculpted part of his body, right down to the tent in his pants.
sliding the shirt fully off, he used both hands to drape the soft fabric over her body. she swooned at the motion, letting him flip the collar up against her neck.
“don’t want you catching a cold now, do we, sweet girl?” he said sheepishly, his face flushed pink and a sheen of sweat on his abs as he cupped her face, leaning in to kiss her softly.
“mick.” she whined. “I need you now. I’m aching for my librarian to make me feel good.”
“I’ve got you, princess. I’ve got you.” he hummed, undoing the button on his slacks. he pushed down his boxers, erect cock springing to life.
“holy fuck.” she hummed.
his dick was impressive. all seven thick inches of it, resting against her thigh when she opened her legs and pulled him closer. she wasn’t even sure if it was possible for a dick to be pretty, but if it was, micks cock was the very definition of the word.
“so wet for me. I’ll slide right on home.” mick said, gripping his cock in one hand and running it all along her slicked up opening. now she knew her goosebumps weren’t from the cold, but from the anticipation of what was to come next.
“please, I need your cock.” she whined.
“whatever my girl wants, she gets. you just relax and let your librarian fuck all those little worries away.”
he slid in slowly, letting her adjust to take him inch by inch. the stretch burned slightly, and she found herself opening her legs wider with every inch. she had a white-knuckled grip on the table, her breaths coming out in a mixture of strangled moans and pants.
when he finally slid fully in, his heavy balls resting against her ass, she opened her eyes and changed a look down at where they connected, a moan leaving her mouth.
“that’s just what you needed, isn’t it love? a fat cock to fill you up and make you feel good.”
it was a question he didn’t expect an answer from as he started to thrust in and out of her, hands gripping her thighs to pull her in.
“oh, god!” she whined throwing her head back, breasts bouncing under her top as mick slammed into her. “feels so good, mick.”
“that’s my girl.” his voice was low and husky, but also soothing. his hands on her body was a grounding presence.
her fingernails scraped down his chest, leaving pink marks in their wake as she moaned, babbling incoherently about how good mick was making her feel.
it was heavenly. he overwhelmed every one of her senses. it was an out of body experience, if she was being honest. something out of her wildest dreams.
mick kissed her again, groaning into her mouth as he pistoned his cock in and out of her. she was practically dripping everywhere, but had no time or energy to worry about the mess she was making.
all she could think about was how good she felt with mick inside of her.
“just breathe, darling. you’re doing so fucking good for me.”
he shifted her position on the desk, maneuvering one of her legs over his shoulder. she yelped in pleasure, nails sinking into his shoulders as she screamed a curse.
“fuck, that feels so good!”
the new angle was dizzying, his length brushing up against her spongy walls with every thrust. her eyes rolled back and her vision went blurry from pleasure as she meweled under his touch.
“that’s it, pretty girl. come for me. come for your librarian.”
“oh, fuck, mick, I-“ her words tapered off into a hearty moan, micks shirt lying in a puddle behind her as she wrapped her arms around his torso, burying her head in his chest as she came with a cry of his name, tears leaking from her eyes. “mick.”
“I’ve got you, I’ve got you.” mick cooed, kissing her forehead as he slowed his thrusts, gently working her through her orgasm. “there we go, you’re safe here. just breathe with me, can you do that, princess?”
she nodded, out of breath as mick gently eased her achy leg off his shoulder and back down to the table. he slid out of her, and the empty feeling made her whine. he gently shushed her, covering her face in kisses.
“mick, you never finished.” she pouted
“don’t worry about it, princess. this was about you. all that mattered to me was that you got your earth shattering orgasm.”
she rolled her eyes, reaching for his still-hard cock. “let me do something nice for you, dumbass.”
and who was mick to complain when she was doing such a good fucking job stroking his cock? her hands were smooth and soft, and the angelic way that she looked up at him, that sweet smile on her swollen lips while her hands worked him to the edge?
within minutes he was bellowing, spurting thick measures of come over her hands and down her arm, his entire body shaking.
“Jesus Christ.” he muttered. “you’re good at that.”
“when you hate giving blowjobs, you learn how to give a damn good handjob.” she smiled softly, unsure what to do with her sticky hands.
mick scooped her up gently, carrying her away from the desk and down the long hall to the staff bathroom. “come on, love. let’s get you cleaned up.”
after they were somewhat presentable (because, after all, there’s little you can do about the flushed skin and sex hair when you’re still in a public library), they gathered the last of their belongings and started to shut the library down for the day.
“what about the shelving cart?” she asked shyly, gesturing to the cart they had knocked over.
mick laughed. “I don’t work tomorrow, so it’s someone else’s problem.”
she watched with a soft smile as mick turned all the lights in the old building off, before he linked his arm with hers and they began the walk out of the parking lot.
“I hate to sound presumptuous,” mick began “but you’ve been here all day and I haven’t seen you leave to get food or anything. you must be starving. there’s an all night diner about two blocks from here, and I’d like to treat you to dinner.”
she smiled, kissing his cheek. “I’d love that, mick. thank you.”
and they both knew that this was going to be the start of something wonderful.
as soon as exams were over, of course.
the rest of the student body’s female population was not going to be happy when they showed up at the library and found that y/n y/l/n had finally captured their librarian’s heart.
@magnummagnussen @libraryofloveletters @diorleclerc @twinkodium @thatsdemko @httpiastri @sidcrosbyspuck
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cowboyellies · 10 months
august e.w. (1)
summary/ author’s note: hello! this is my first tumblr fanfic (also my first post because I’m not really sure yet how this website functions lol) I decided since it’s august to write an ellie fic inspired by the taylor swift song! (and the folklore love triangle in general) for those already aware of the story, ellie is supposed to be james, dina is betty, and the reader is augustine.  the characters are all supposed to be in the summer before they start college (18) so a slight difference from taylors lyrics. other than that the story is pretty much the same (aka angsty with a sad ending for poor reader </3) this is gonna be a multiple part fic so buckle up!
for those not knowledgeable in the folklore cinematic universe: after an awful fight with dina right before the start of summer (and dina’s three month long summer trip) ellie is left with unanswered questions about her and dina’s relationship and their future. ellie then meets you and pretty soon you begin a summer fling, leaving you questioning whether she was ever yours to lose?
warnings/themes: angst!!lots of it, cheating (womp womp), ellie is stupid and kind of a dick, reader is delusional and a little pathetic (me core), alcohol and weed use, eventual sexual themes (prob not in great detail because i suck at writing smut) talk of non consensual groping, homophobia (fun!)
word count: 2.1k
you decided to leave the prom an hour and a half early. the music was lame, the tacky decorations didn’t do nearly enough to mask your public school’s moldy gym, and your date, who you had made sure to inform multiple times that you were just going as friends, tried to stick his tongue down your throat in the middle of the dance floor. you said goodbye to your small group of friends who were still partying with their dates, and made it to the exit of the sweaty gym, making sure to toss the lame corsage you had been given in the trash on the way out. since your debt ridden public school had cheapened out at the last minute and moved the prom’s venue from a nice event hall two towns over to the gymnasium, your friends decided to skip the whole overly expensive limo thing and just take your cars. you made your way to your old but lovable station wagon and began driving the opposite way from your house. you knew if you came home this early your mom would bother you with questions so you figured you’d stop and get a slurpee to pass the time.
and that’s when you saw her, the girl you had seen earlier in the night awkwardly standing near the punch bowl fiddling with her thumbs while her date danced energetically with her friends. you had seen ellie williams before but never paid much attention to her. she had a famously close friendship with dina woodward, probably the most beloved girl in your small town yet she herself kind of flew under the radar. It wasn’t until tonight when you saw ellie in her black suit, arms linked with dina as they entered the dance that you realized they were definitely together. given your small town’s outdated views and ridiculously rampant gossip mill they could obviously never label themselves as together publicly, but you could tell. you knew the small town closeted lesbian look all too well. 
you noticed now as you approached the reddened stop light where you both would be waiting for the next minute that she looked really sad. her posture crumpled as she trudged along the broken cobblestone, a look one could only describe as heart broken across her face. Impulsively you felt your fingers moving to roll down the car window. you weren’t the type of person to involve yourself in anyone’s personal problems, but the mixture of your own shitty night and ellie's grim expression moved something in you to open up that window. 
“hey!” you called out to her across the sidewalk. her saddened daze broke and she looked up at you surprised, so lost in thought she forgot anyone else in the world existed. “get in!” you yelled, shocking yourself in the process. you watched as her face changed from confusion to wariness. you watched as she mulled the proposition over in head, registering your prom dress as a sign you had come from the same place as her and therefore most likely were not trying to murder her, only give her a ride home. she hurried over to your car before the light could turn green, shutting the door with intense force behind her making the both of you slightly jump. soon after the light turned green and you began driving to the 7-11 which was only a couple of minutes away, a 90s song quietly played in the background as you nervously tapped your fingers on the wheel, starting to regret your decision as you weren’t sure what to say. 
Ellie opened up her mouth a few times to talk, but realized she wasn’t sure what to say either. This night had worn her down to exhaustion and for the first time in hours sitting silently in your car provided her with a surprising sense of calm. as your car finally pulled into the neon lit 7-11 parking lot you finally turned to look at her. her expression while still sad had lightened a little and you noticed now under the intense lighting how pretty her freckles were. 
“do you want a slurpee?” 
you and ellie sat on the hood of your car quietly sipping your slurpees, yours a mixture of cherry and coke, her’s blue raspberry. the parking lot where you sat was vacant, the only other car there was likely the worker of the 7-11 behind you. 
“so…” you began to speak, putting an end to the comfortable silence. “prom was pretty great huh” you joked. she shook her head and smiled lightly, turning to look at you the first time that night. she noticed quickly that you were very beautiful, a fact that hadn’t crossed her mind in the midst of her heartache. she wondered suddenly why you had left the prom as early as her, another thought that hadn’t crossed her mind. 
“so um, dina, was she your date?” you asked, trying to keep your voice as nonchalant as possible, already knowing the weight behind your words. you noticed her body stiffen and soon regretted bringing it up. 
“sort of yeah,” she replied, her voice harsh. an awkward silence rested between you two until she began to speak again. “what about you, no date?”
“I wish, I had a date, jamie dawson. I thought we were just going as friends until he tried to grope me during the cha cha slide,” you cringed, taking another slip of your slurpee.
“gross. he’s a dick.” she replied. he was a dick, ellie had thought so ever since she caught him looking at dina’s ass while she cheered at last year’s fall pep rally. she wanted so badly in that moment to yell at him, inform him she was taken. but of course she couldn’t.
a similar situation is what led to her current shitty mood. she showed up to dina’s that night, crumpled corsage in hand as she nervously knocked on her door. she was greeted by dina’s dad. mr. woodward had always scared ellie since the first time she had met him in eighth grade. he made his disdain for ellie clear to his daughter, as he disapproved dina having such a close relationship with a girl like her, a girl who skateboarded around town in her dirty converse and boyish clothes. he hated how close they were and even though they had always done their best to hide the real nature of their relationship, he always suspected something was going on between them. when mr. woodward saw her at the door standing in her thrifted suit, his face crumpled in contempt, the first hindering in ellie’s confidence that night. 
she brushed past that as she made her way into the woodward’s foyer where dina and her friends resided. ellie knew most of the girls due to cheer performances and all the time’s dina had dragged her along to events like this, but she was never really close with any of them. along with dina’s friends stood their dates, most of them douchey football players who were among the bunch of boys who found pleasure in shouting homophobic insults at her in the school halls. the one nice one among them she recognized was jesse. ellie knew him from her astronomy class and had always liked partnering up with him for group projects, his sense of humor was similar to hers and they always found themselves being scolded by the teacher for laughing during lectures. 
she creeped inside awkwardly waving as the crowd eyed her entrance. dina wasn’t in the room and she quickly began to panic until jesse snapped her out of it by dapping her up. 
“ELLIE!!!” he shouted as he wrapped her in a bro hug. she found herself being thankful to whichever cheer girl brought him as her date. 
soon after dina descended from the stairs, scanning the room to see if ellie arrived yet. when her eyes landed on the auburn haired girl she broke out into one of her signature bright smiles. when she reached ellie she quickly wrapped ellie in a hug, making sure not to let the gesture linger considering her parents were in the corner setting up their fancy digital camera. “took you long enough,” she teased
“sorry I forgot your corsage and had to go ba-” 
“I’m just teasing you, I don't care,” she replied gently, reaching down to grab the plastic corsage container. ellie blushed, noticing since she’d arrived all of dina’s friends sporting much fancier corsages. “I love it!” dina beamed. opening the box for ellie to put it on her. dina’s parents eyed them from the side of the room, suspicious of the intimate gesture. The only reason they allowed dina to go as ellie’s “date” was because dina told them no one had asked her. that was a blatant lie, there was a day the week before prom where three boys had asked her in one lunch period. 
the group lined up for group pictures and ellie stood nervously, trying to look as platonic as possible posing next to her girlfriend of almost two years. soon when people began branching off to do couples pics, dina’s parents beckoned her over. ellie stood in her original position but could clearly hear the whole conversation. 
“we noticed that nice boy jesse is going stag, why don’t you two pose for some pictures together?” dina’s mom prodded, stroking dina’s hair. ellie tensed. 
“mom n-” 
“come on sweetie, when you're older don’t you want to show your kids pictures of your date from your senior prom? not pictures of you and your friend,” her voice hardening on the word friend. dina began protesting more but suddenly mrs. woodward was calling jesse over to them. ellie watched in the corner as the woodward’s began posing the two of them together. dina sported a tense smile while jesse, confused by the situation but happy he got to be in that close of a vicinity to a hot girl smiled brightly. 
after the pictures the group made their way into the big limo dina’s parents had rented. dina linked arms with ellie and quickly noticed her tense nature. “hey, i'm sorry about that,” she whispered softly. 
“s’ okay” ellie replied, forcing a small smile. she knew dina wasn’t at fault for her parents' insane actions, but that didn’t stop her from hurting whenever they pulled stuff like that. 
the rest of the night continued on regularly. ellie still felt awkward amongst dina’s friends but tried her best to put on a front for her. as she and her friends danced energetically to early 2000s hits, ellie stayed to the side, letting her girlfriend enjoy the night without having to subject her to her awkward dancing. she figured she would pop in during the slow songs, the light swaying they required being the only move she could handle. that’s why when the ridiculously corny ed sheeran song that for some reason dina loved came on, ellie began making her way to the dance floor. she stopped suddenly at the edge of the floor when she saw dina smiling as she swayed with jesse. ellie’s heart dropped when she saw their joyful expressions, jesse spinning dina at a completely different tempo than what the song called for, both of them laughing hysterically
in retrospect ellie should have known this supposed act of intimacy she had walked in on was just jesse dicking around and trying to ruin the slow song for the rest of the couples on the dance floor, but seeing her laughing and holding onto his hands made ellie want to hurl. so much so, she quickly exited the gym. trudging alone in the dark scraping her doc martens on the rundown cobblestone street until you came along, offering her a ride.
you watched as ellie finished her slurpee, her face bitter as she recalled the night's events. you didn’t press her on it any further, knowing by her expression whatever had happened was bad. 
“where do you live? I’ll give you a ride. I have to kill time before I get home anyway,” you said as you slid off your car's hood and began unlocking it.
“thanks,” she replied, mimicking your actions. after she got in the car she began thinking back to your last sentence. “why can’t you go home?”
“don’t want my mom asking annoying questions. you know, worrying about me and shit,” 
“I get that,” she thought of what joel would say when she returned home, all bleary eyed and disheveled looking. she realized she should probably wait to go home until she knew he was asleep. “actually, um if you don’t have anywhere to be… could we just drive around for a bit?” 
you smiled softly and placed your hand on the ignition, “sure.”
authors note: sorry not much happens in this chapter I promise it will get good in the next one I just wanted to introduce the story a little and try to explain ellie and dina’s relationship before I got into writing more about the reader and ellie🫶
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wolfnanaki · 5 days
Hey, hope this isn't an odd use of an ask or anything (kinda new to tumblr) but after seeing you post about the game again, I just wanted to say thanks for being one of the few people actually openly defending Goodbye Volcano High a while ago.
As someone who started realizing they were trans as well around the time it was about to come out it was genuinely disheartening to see so much of the discussion surrounding it be people putting it down and trying to shill for the Garbage-ass, queerphobic knock off version.
I honestly feel like seeing some of yours and others posts from back then kept me from just completely losing my mind over the whole issue when it felt like a large portion of the rest of the internet was just completely ok pushing openly bigoted 4chan nonsense. It's a bit of a small issue, sure but I guess im just glad I'm not the only one who thought it was kinda shitty how the internet responded to this game.
Thank you so much for this wonderful message. It really means a lot. 🥹💖
I had been quietly frustrated about this issue for a while. And I guess most of all, I was sick of the... I don't know what to call it... "collective gaslighting" maybe? Where we're shown screenshots of obvious anti-trans messages and being told "this isn't transphobic at all, actually", and I had to speak out about it. Especially after seeing how much this backlash was impacting the mental health of GVH's developers. In the end, my biggest motivations were my desire to stand up for queer developers, wanting more honesty regarding this situation, and to push for accountability towards the people who have caused so much harm.
And... after all the retaliation I've gotten, from the run-of-the-mill Anons telling me to off myself, to the doxing, to Cavemanon themselves calling me a man and linking to Kiwifarms posts about me, it's been harder to deal with than I've been letting on. But I've gotten so many kind messages like yours, and hearing that I helped or inspired people makes all of it worth it.
So, seriously, thanks.
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kedsandtubesocks · 1 year
erika dear 🥺 tell me why this... somehow makes me think of my mando bakugou ??? i think it's because of the high neck maybe !!! it's so casual but idk !!! when he takes it all off maybe...😏 BUT MAYBE I JUST ALWAYS HAVE HIM ON MY MIND ALRHAODHAKKA
My darling Willow why is tumblr like this and not sending the link I’m gonna SHAKE THIS BLUE SITE WITH MY BARE HANDS!!
(edit - Willow sent me the link via messages we are so blessed: https://www.tumblr.com/vaporzzz/715171240310128640/happy-birthday-bakugou?source=share)
But the visual of a high neck…it’s too real because the mandalorian flight suit that most of them wear is thick and covers up a lot so it’s not risqué in any sense but it still reveals so much at the same time??
Like can you imagine the first time you notice it?? It would be when you have to heal his grumpy metal head. A blaster shot had managed to snag the sweet spot between his neck and shoulder not covered by his beskar shoulder pauldron. He goes feral, angered that he is wounded. And when you use the force to heal the wound, after having to snap at him, your hands press against the wound. It’s then you realize he wears a full layer beneath the armor.
But the actual time ever seeing him fully just in the flight suit?? OOF!
It’s late one night when a mandalorian cruiser ship returns back to the home planet but in a screeching clash. It shakes up the entire community. Everyone, including you, runs out into the night to check on the ship and it’s crew.
Thankfully the ship took most of the damage and everyone inside makes it back rather unscathed.
You help the medics with anything they need and even use the force to move debris getting in the way. In the heat of it Bakugou yells orders the entire time.
He is a fierce but strangely enough comfort during the whole ordeal. You can’t help it. You turn to check on his loud metal ass.
Bakugou stands hands on his hips talking with the pilot of the ship, his loud voice now composed and even comforting.
You think maybe it’s not him at first because he is not in full armor. The black painted beskar and white strip out lining the t visor is the dead give away that it’s him. However, it feels as if you are seeing him for the first time. No…it is the first time seeing him and realizing that he is a man. You wonder maybe a wild rancor has rammed into your stomach because you have to catch your breathe.
The black flight suit completely covers him, doesn’t even allow an complete image of how toned his arms are. It instead extenuates his broad shoulders. You notice his tapered waist and how sturdy his entire chest appears.
Bakugou looks strong, built, maybe even stronger out of armor and it does not make any sense! It makes you want to scream!
You should not be down right staring at this man, this mandalorian, especially not just during a time like this. And ship crash accident or not, the lightsaber quiet on your hip is a silent judgmental weight and reminder why you should not be thinking these thoughts.
With a firm inhale to keep yourself composed you jog over to help Kirishima and a few others.
The rest of the night you avoid even glancing at Bakugou. Even when he yells at you-
“Shitty Jedi, you alright?”
“Yeah I’m good!” Is all you yell back. You don’t even turn towards him because it is taking so much strength to not simply turn around and stare at him.
You even have to force yourself not to just think about Bakugou or image of his shoulders, or the way you want to imagine how sturdy his chest feels-
A horrified panic seeps in from just thinking of that and it closes your throat.
All you can do is exhale loud and shakily.
“Hey, you okay?” Sweet Kirishima asks and now you’re embarrassed even more.
You turn to him with a bright nod. “Yup all good.”
A lie, an awful poisonous one you need to find anti venom for and fast.
This feels like a test from the force and you hate that it’s one you might already be failing…
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fiercehildr · 1 year
I read something about someone stealing one of your commissions but I haven't seen anything about it on tumblr. What happened???
Hello, nonnie! ❤️
That's going to be a long post... so buckle up.
Basically a commissioner took one of my old elucien piece (one where we see Lucien and Elain's head as a ying and yang and features related to their characters like flowers or autumn leaves circling around them and linking together) as "inspiration" for a commission of theirs except it became a complete plagiarized piece.
It looked like it could be the other side of the mine and the commissioner took all the credit for the "concept" in the comments.
To explain the whole situation:
I woke up at 6 am to an artist friend of mine sending me a DM telling me to "not stress but someone plagiarized you" and my first thought was "leave me the fuck alone *sigh*". I went and checked it out and yeah, indeed.
I showed it to like 10 persons to make sure I was not crazy, some of them being family members who have no idea that this fandom even exists, and they all confirmed the uncanny similarities.
So at first, I was mad and made a story about it. I was sure that this person was one of my old bully since their IG name were so close. Turns out I was wrong here.
The story was made in anger ( but no name dropping or picture) and so I deleted it when I realized my mistake. I was also just... exhausted? Like... here we go again. Obviously, that was done on purpose.
I decided to send this to the artist and basically told them "here is a piece which I think was plagiarized from our commission." and she ended up making the relation between the "shipwar" and "trying to bother me" all by herself and she's not even in the fandom.
I wanted her to decide by herself about the best course of action. Do we do something? Does she? Do we keep silent? All up to her. I care little about this shipwar now so it obviously wasn't about this stupidity but about the audacity and the nerve of it.
In all honesty, except for a few game polls in my instagram story or some gwyn mermaid commissions, I have little to no interest in this book series and even less in the shipwar now.
Our conversation was like... 6 messages and I never talked about how this person and I had conflict. I didn't even talk about the commissioner themselves.
Now I'm saying this because the other commissioner then made a public story (sent to me in DMs by friends who were following the story) which accused me of unfairly antagonizing her.
I had to unblock this person to go check for myself becauseI had them blocked for days now (I like "curating your own internet experience" by blocking accounts my for you page propose and which are not my jam. Shocking I know.)
In this story, they basically accused me of spying on their account. Now I found this funny because:
1- I couldn't give less than a fly's shit about their entire existence.
2- Clearly I have more relevance in their life than they do in mine and it's very funny to me that they thought the contrary. Sorry but who stalked and copied here? Hmm?
In this story, this person also said I made this fandom toxic (me, not the person who plagiarized an artist to purposefully get a reaction) and that I was basiclly a shitty person for telling the artist about this situation.
They also said that they needed to write this story because they basically found it incorrect to involve artists in shipwar situations which was ALSO very funny:
This was only a shipwar situation for them. I don't care about elriel. Do your stuff, love what you love. I don't give a fuck anymore. I'm only a low key elucien shipper who mostly made this commission for a friend of mine (@amandapearls). If my commission was Slauren initially and they had done this with Emilia and Wrath, I would have STILL told the artist.
If the roles were reversed they would have done the same as me and possibly worse.
They should have thought ot the artists (and the consequences of their actions) before pulling this.
They also provided pictures of references that they apparently used. As a commissioner of some time now, I can assure you that these pics would not have given this piece in the end. It was pretty clear to everyone, sadly for them. And I just know that every single person who defended them did it as a loyalty move because you can't be that blind.
When I realized the commissioner had brought this in their stories, where everyone could see, I figured that shots were fired and I had to defend myself and my honor.
I made my own stories, where I said everything I said here and even showed the two commissions next to one another. I repeated again and again that I tried to handle this discreetly (in DMs and between the artists) but that she wanted otherwise (obviously, I suspect it was bait ayway)
Then came the friends of them. Here are the stuff they said:
*goes on with the same repeated arguments no matter my answers*
*implies that I'm an horrible person for answering their public story*
*implies that I shouldn't have opened my mouth*
*gives infomation about how the artist handled this which don't concern me anyway and with no receipts of course*
*tells me a friend of mine vague posted about the commissioner in their story and it's super mean and scared her*
*implies that me letting the artist decides of the steps to take was no good and I should have go to the commissioners' dms*
*tells me that the commissioner is considering leaving the fandom because of me*
*insists on my past experiences and how I'm 'not like that for real' (turns out they don't follow me at all and only know of my past bullying because they were friends with my bullies lol)*
*tells me that for someone who was bullied, I bully too (refers to me answering the story by one of my own)*
*implies that I scare her and insists that she's full innocent and that I have no proof that it's copied (it's a copy paste and several artists and commissioners reached out to me that it was "fucking wild")*
So yeah, I blocked these people and that's the end, really. So just another bait to insult me over and my mental health took another hit but I don't hear much about it, funnily enough, so I'm just answering this one ask. I think everything is here anyway.
Thank you to everyone who supported me, even when I was feeling really low at this moment. You all rock ❤️
Have a lovely day, Nonnie. ❤️
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dial · 2 days
Boyfriend lore that absolutely no one asked for nor cares about.
We went to high school together, and I had a crush on him. I invited him to my birthday party, I was going to ask him out but he never showed up because he got the day wrong.
So instead I talked my best friend into inviting him to a big sleep over right around the time summer break started, and we slept together on a blowup mattress. I made up some weird lie like “Oh… I cuddle people in my sleep!” & I got one of my friends to back me up and agree. So I awkwardly tried to pass off putting my arm over him while I slept. I wasn’t smooth. Man has no finesse.
Day after the sleepover I asked if he wanted to go to the aquarium with me, he said yes & my moms brought us. We had a very good time, I associate aquariums with him and have for years. He slept over at my house that night, we went walk after to a park and got super overheated so my stepmom had to come get us. Then… we fell off for a few months? A year?
I contacted him again after Twitter like… synced my contacts and I found his account, his Tumblr was linked and he was already my fucking mutual. We never told each other our Tumblrs when we hung out or when I went to school with him. I was deep in the kin Tumblr cesspool and never told him about it, so this was honest to god just a random occurrence that the kinnie on Tumblr dot com I was mutuals with was my high school crush. We even shared a kin source. 16-17 year old me was losing it.
The second I realized it was him I spam texted him. I went to his house that same night, like thirty minutes after texting again. The first visit was so awkward, but I loved it. I made him listen to Coheed and Cambria on my shitty iPod touch, out loud in his bedroom. We started hanging out excessively. We started talking a lot. I am glued to his hip and even surgery couldn’t remove me from his side.
There’s a few things I’m leaving out because it’s messy relationship drama because we were stupid kids and obviously there’s a break in between since I’m planning on getting a divorce from someone who’s not him but I will never be able to process how those events lined up that way. Like. What the fuck.
Also if he’s reading this hi.
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lucyjung · 8 months
I forget my talent is writing, and not as much drawing, so I forget how I’m supposed to even express myself. I was always told it was drawing. Then I some things for an assignment and it ended up being published. Anyways, I am getting off topic. I grew up on your Tumblr, and i have been here since the very begining. The world around was shitty and it was my break from everything. I was afraid my au was way to similar to yours and then I found one way it wasn’t. And then, pretty hilariously, that one way didn’t last a month, and I thought that if i made an account it’d look like I was copying you. Pretty hilarious in my opinion, knowing I’m not nearly as good at anything as you. Then there was the point where I couldn’t find your blog on google anymore, so I searched forever for links on pinterest that allowed me to scroll for at least 3 seconds before a pop up telling me to sign in appeared. Then, as that got harder, and i realized there were other blogs like you that reminded me of my stuff coming into light, I decided to make an account just so I could view it easier. Only this year (maybe, my since of time is warped), did i think of actually i n t e r a c t i n g and then it hit me: you literally don’t know me. I don’t know why it never came to me before. I tried to draw fanart and send things in, but i have two issues: being way too silly and having the worst sense of humor that is just begging to be taken in the wrong way. Literally. I tried to draw fanart
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This proves how fucking talented I am. My goal was to show dolphin something and it ended up as whatever this is. If you do somehow remember my interactions, I am scared for my life because my sense of humor means you probably think I’m weird, Or blocked me, Because I am that. Fucking. Silly.
Basically what I’m trying to say is I I love you, and I freak out about every little detail and I need to know your thoughts on me so I can finally sleep I want to be you’re friend way too much and I hope you have a wonderful day and I am panicking and I don’t know what else to put and I am blinking two times for help ok and now I am going to the bathroom after I ask this if it even counts as an ask and oh stars why did I say that and seriously I have been so worried about this that I haven’t slept for months (mostly due to ptsd actually, but I’ll still count it) and why did I say this and why did I say that and wow you’re amazing
Eh.... I don't think you are silly or weird. And i don't have much thought of you. So I don't know how to say about this. (It's not bad meanings) I'm just feel thanks that you drawing fan arts of my aus, so uh, yeah.
And if you think you're copying me you can just tell me on DM. Just feel free to tell.
And also, I'm not good at comforting so.. I want to say don't worry about this and I hope you sleep tight.
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sophieinwonderland · 1 month
You missed the best part Sophie (sorry! Didn't realize we'd make a tumblr essay, oops):
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Hmmm. Also, we said it just now on discord but:
We say "coding" in the screenshot because
Guren is the only one referred to as 'having multiple personalities' in the anime, and of note — we could be incorrect, but we THINK from what we saw he is also the only one who seems to have a more equitable relationship with his headmate? He is also the only one who seems to remain without weird mutations.
Iwrc his demon was actually ORIGINALLY a human which is...kinda fucked up considering the other thing about the demon also being his ex-girlfriend but LOL that is the least fucked up thing here in this emtire series so far
This is despite the fact Yuchiro gets pretty damned close by the end of the series to having similar.
It's fine you can just say Yuchiro also have "multiple personalities" because of his literal demon we're giving this a pass because the series was made in 2015 based on the wikipedia page, and if we know how minority coding works this could easily have been the *only* way to pass off Yuchiro as a system is to Fucking Make him extremely similar to Guren but Less Shitty We know it's barely acceptable even in fuckin 2024, so we can hardly be mad atm
Gonna link to the whole thread for anyone missing the context!
I'm not familiar with Seraph of the End, but I absolutely love the detailed analysis of the plurality! Thanks for sharing! 👍
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teaveetamer · 1 year
No hate here, I just want to point out that I think part of why Raxis keeps at it is because he's getting attention. I keep seeing several users talk about him and his actions, and as deplorable as they are, I think he isn't stopping in part because he knows people are talking about him and that he's getting attention. He's going well out of his way to anger people and entire communities if possible, so I think the best thing to do would be to ignore him. Giving him attention will keep him seeking out people to harass.
I know the Edelgard critical community is discussing what he's doing because it's so bad, but I suspect he's thriving on that attention because so many people are talking about him whenever he does something. If he did those things and never got responses from his targets or others who know those targets, I don't think he would keep coming back because he'd realize people are just ignoring him. When bullies see that their victims get upset, they keep doing it because they get a reaction. I think, for anyone who harasses other users, if they didn't get reactions that they would get bored and realize they're just wasting their time.
Don't get me wrong, I think these people are horrendous human beings who take advantage of the internet and how people don't know their real identity to be hateful and harmful to others, but I think the reactions they're getting every single time they do something to someone and how far it spreads within a community is exactly why they keep doing it.
Thank you for being so supportive of the people who are being attacked and are just trying to get away from this kind of thing. Imo I think everyone against the harassers should focus on giving positivity to the content the harassed are creating, like reblogging their art/ideas/fics/etc, and just not even giving the haters the time of day. Imo we should make the people they're hurting happy and give them support, and just ignore the shitty people.
Okay first off, "Edelgard Critical" is not a community, it's a search function. I know he likes to pretend like we're the Tumblr equivalent of r/Edelgard, but it's not a community. It is a search function that many users politely adhere to so people like raxy, who don't like seeing negative takes about Edelgard, can avoid negative takes about Edelgard. I cannot stress this enough. I do not know everyone (or even most people) who use the tag, nor would I have ever known the ones that I do if we didn't all go "hey... wait a minute... I think we're all being harassed by the same guy?"
Anyway anon, here's the problem with this whole "just ignore him!" tactic.
He started harassing Nilsh. We didn't say anything, and we all took the policy of just "ignore him and he'll go away". Many of us (including myself) even blocked him. Then he started spreading Nilsh's name to other social media sites. I'm not even kidding, I got linked to his blog numerous times on Reddit from people I've never even seen or spoken to before and told to go "read what an idiot this guy is". We all ignored raxy for months and if anything it just emboldened him to spread the harassment further and further until Nilsh couldn't take it anymore and quit social media altogether.
Then we thought, alright, maybe it's done now. And then Raxy started harassing Moonlit. And we didn't say anything. We all took the policy of just "ignore him and he'll go away". Then he started spreading Moonlit's name to other social media sites. People mocked their takes and sent hate to their inboxes and in their comments. They literally couldn't even mention Fodlan without getting dogpiled and accused of just awful things. We all ignored raxy for months and if anything it just emboldened him to spread the harassment further and further until Moonlit couldn't take it anymore and deleted everything. And then the stans took over their URL and bragged about what they'd done.
And in the meanwhile, everyone I regularly interact with at this point was getting constant harassing DMs or asks in their inboxes. Sometimes daily. Like, to the point where it was comically obvious that they were all coming from the same/similar people (if not raxy himself).
Then we all called him out on his shitty behavior. Lo and behold, after that his harassment subsided and the anons trickled down over time or stopped entirely.
Raxy starts up, he gets called out, he looks bad, he hides in his hole for a while longer until he thinks the pressure has died down.
Seeing the pattern yet? Ignoring him doesn't stop him, calling him out does.
He's certainly doing this for attention, but not from us. He wants clout from his fellow Edelstannies who feel like he's "doing something" by "knocking us down a peg". He's not discouraged by us ignoring him because that actually makes his clout chasing easier if we aren't saying anything back or defending ourselves from his harassment. It allows him to spread whatever false narrative he likes completely unimpeded, which creates a feedback loop where the harassment begins justifying itself completely independent of anything we do.
I don't think he actually likes getting attention from us. He wants all of us to shut up and stop looking at him so he can continue collecting clout for demonizing us just like he was before. I cannot stress this enough, none of this would be happening if he'd just left us all alone in the first place. We have opinions, they disagree with his, and that literally makes us deserving of psychological abuse in his mind. He's a grown ass man in his mid 30's throwing temper tantrums over the fact that some people on the internet disagree with him. It's ridiculous that I even have to talk about this at all, but, well, here we are.
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rottingbxy · 11 months
30 days fictionkind challenge
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but all in one post because if i do it day per day i'll probably forget about it
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1: What is your fictotype? Are you a specific character, a nonhuman species, or both?
i'm specific character(s)! i have a few otherkins aside anyway
2: Do you experience dysphoria? How so?
just wanting to look more like my fictiotypes, in hair, contexture, face, etc
3: Who are you open about it with?
a very few friends that i know won't judge me for it
4: Do you participate in the fandom of your source? How do you do so?
kinda??? i don't usually interact with fandom generally, but i interact with a lot of content creators and do some comments sometimes
5: Do you fictionflicker?
6: When did you realize you were fictionkin? How long have you been in the community?
starts of this the year i'm not mistaken?? i've been discovering new types since then
and about the community, a month after finding out!
7: What was your introduction to fictionkin?
tikok people, unfortunately...
8: Are you similar to your fictotype in personality? How so?
i assume you mean the `canon` personality, hmmm, yeap! i share a lot of traits with the canon in a way or another,
9: Are you similar to your fictotype in appearance? How so?
again, assuming you mean canon, EEEH, most of them are skinny white boys with short hair, so, nope
10: Link to/tag your favorite fictionkin Tumblr
one, two and three! (the third one support endo systems, but i generally agree with their opinions and love the advice they give)
11: Have you ever met other fictionkin? In real life or online?
just online, and some of my mutuals here are ^^
12: Have you ever met canonmates? In real life or online? How did it go?
i have known 2, but i always end up cutting contact with them because, i'm not good socializing suffer
13: Have you ever met doubles? In real life or online? How well did you get along?
not a single one... I LOVE DOUBLES SO MUCH, doubles pls interact
14: What are shifts like?
sometimes is just a mix of all my fictiotypes, it feels blurred, i also feel very nostalgic and even dysphoric sometimes, my shifts happen rarely tho
15: How do you deal with kin-for-fun?
i just ignore them, actually idc about them
16: What are your thoughts on symbols, flags, etc.?
LOVE THEM!! i'm a hoarder so i can't help it
17: Does fictionkinity connect to spirituality for you?
yes and no
18: Does fictionkinity connect to neurodivergence for you?
i'm questioning some neurodivergences (points at autism and bpd), generally i don't think so? but my dissociation, derealization and depersonalization affects a lot of my identity, including my fictionhood
19: Do other people notice your similarity to a character or species?
yeap! mainly with mark and the overseer (aka swap stanley)
20: How do you express your fictotype? Clothes, merch, cosplay, maybe even name?
clothes, names and doing fanart/writting some things
21: What’s something about the fictionkind community that you wish was different?
a lot of the discourse, how folks judge other folks for having problematic characters as fictionkins or having problematic neoma/memories, the spiritual vs psychological kin stuff, exclusionism towards the fictives (i haven't seen it a lot but yes quite a times), folks being shitty towards doubles, forcing labels into people, etc
22: What’s something about the fictionkind community that you appreciate?
the people in it, the flags, flags and terms, being yourself freely, compression between the folks, sharing your experiences without feeling that you're going to be judged, etc (specially people over 20 being fictkins, reconfirms that it's not a 'weird teen shit')
23: How do you approach consuming your source? Analytically, obsessively, casually, reluctantly, etc…
it depends... with tmc i do it obsessively, with madeleine phantasms i do it reducedly, etc
24: What’s the worst anti-fickin take you’ve ever seen?
" y'all are delulus, you CAN'T be a fictional character 💀" <- average tiktok user argument
25: What’s the best anti-fickin take you’ve ever seen? Respond to it
i haven't seen none unfortunately
26: What are some songs that remind you of your fictotype or source?
cracks knuckles
27: What are some other characters/species that remind you of your fictotype?
BUNNYS. and divine creatures
28: Do you have a favorite piece of fanart? (Better to reblog for this day, do not repost someone’s art.)
linked one, two, three, four and five
29: Do you have activities that connect you to your source? (Food, hobbies, interests, etc.)
studiying, reading, eating desserts, taking naps (lmao), wearing comfy clothes, drinking coffee/tea, feeling tired or stressed, writting in my journal or random thoughts
30: Talk about what it’s like to be your fictotype.
don't get me wrong, i love being myself, but i really miss my family, my home, my friends, i really miss it all, it's heartbreaking knowing that i'll never see them again, that i'll never go back to my home, but, it's lovely at the same time, even if it's involuntarily, it helps me to feel more attached to myself, i also love this community, love a good part of my neomas and memories, love expressing myself, using the terms and flags, sharing experiences with others, i love most of it ^.^
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brightgnosis · 1 year
Why You Need To Stop Using The 'Read More' Feature
Got this question in a DM and wanted to answer it publicly because I do this a lot:
"Just curious, what’s your issue with read mores? Only reason I ask is because it makes tag browsing a Lot more eye-friendly and less word-wallish".
I realize a lot of people are new to Tumblr in the last few years, and therefore likely don't know this about the way Tumblr's formatted. But with the way Tumblr is set up? If you put something behind a "read more", it effectively means the ONLY accessible copy (period) will only ever be on your blog. Ever.
With the way Tumblr's built, if anything ever happens to your blog- Tumblr deletes your account (intentionally or accidentally, the later of which happens a lot more often than people think); you delete your account (maybe you just don't want to be on Tumblr anymore); even if you simply just change your username ... It's gone. Permanently.
It's gotten better these days in regards to regaining access after a username change specifically. It didn't used to be like that, however, and this is a recent change in the last couple of years. But sometimes it's still difficult, and tumblr doesn't always properly reconnect the read more to the new username.
References to the post and its content will always exist on the site, of course, because people have reblogged the main text with the read more inclusion. But clicking through the read more will no longer connect to the post. It will connect to a 404 ... There is no way to access that content ever again unless someone else has retained a copy of it outside of the read more; that content within the read more is permanently lost the second your account is gone.
As someone who lived through Tumblr's truncation era, where it would truncate a post on its own if the reblog chain got too long, and turn it into a "return link"? It literally makes it frustrating and outright impossible to engage with content (new or old, since accounts are always changing) on this site sometimes.
And y'know ... Sure. If you're a personal blog, then that's not a big deal. Who care's if your journal post is lost except maybe you. And that's good! It has a really good use, there, actually, as an additional level of safety and privacy; I 100% support its use in this instance!
But 99% of the time, what gets read-more'd isn't personal posts. It's important "long posts" with a lot of really good, often important or useful information; stuff like financial 101 info, posts about how not to be shitty Human Beings, worldbuilding info, sewing tutorials, or just general good advice and what not; etc. Things which are knowledgeable, and helpful, and should be retained.
These are often also predominantly things which mobile culture, in recent years, has started outright shaming people for making "too long" and therefore tricked people into thinking it's "a courtesy" to truncate and make as short and hypersimplified as possible when it's not; because ultimately our attention spans have gone to shit and we'd rather whine about having to scroll past longform content (which often actually isn't even that long when viewed on a proper platform and not from a phone screen) that someone we followed (presumably because we enjoyed what they repost) posted ... Rather than, say, learn a new skill or read something interesting or more engaging than the same regurgitated, simple-minded, easy to mindlessly engage with / consume bullshit we always see.
It's also an utterly asinine courtesy in the end, given the fact that Tumblr has explicitly given us the option, in recent years, to self-truncate posts very easily with a lovely dashboard setting literally called "Shorten Long Posts". A setting which people could turn on of their own volition- rather than demanding everyone else conform to their own short-attention-spanned ideas of false "courtesy" ultimately borne of shitty Mobile Dominance and a MicroTech Supremacy that needs to actively die.
Regardless of what it is exactly, anyways, this content is often stuff that deserves to be kept in the public sphere irregardless- especially if you wrote it for public access in the first place and effectively intended for it to be some kind of creative commons content to begin with. Yes, even if it's in an outdated format- and especially if there has been commentary and / or criticism added. Because people deserve the context for that commentary.
This is why you always see me automatically pull that content out of the read more and use that tag. Because there needs to be a secondary accessible copy somewhere just in case. And I will always stand by this; I will always be anti-read more and anti-mobile dominance and anti-microtech supremacy, and its affect on our internet culture. Especially after being on this site for 13+ years (and on the internet in general since I was 8).
Creators should stop putting their posts beneath read more's ... If individuals want shorter posts on their own dashes, then they can use the "shorten long post" dashboard feature themselves, that Tumblr introduced to the dashboard settings.
This is an opinion piece. If you found this helpful or interesting, please consider Tipping or Leaving a Ko-Fi (being Disabled, even $1 helps); you can see my other "Original Content" here.
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mongrel-mage · 1 year
Something that I wish I'd known about before starting testosterone was how differently I would feel socially. While I could talk about what happens now that I pass and whatnot, what I specifically mean is the emotional downsides of being perceived as male re: my relationship with other people. Growing up being socialized as female, I took for granted the amount of physical affection I was free to give and receive. I could greet my friends with a hug. We could lean against each other, link arms, hold hands, fix each other's hair or clothes or a hundred other little touches that nonetheless conveyed emotional closeness. There was so much platonic affection that I never thought about. It was the same with family members. I could hug them, cuddle against them, express the need for affection.
I almost never get hugged anymore, not unless I ask for it, and more often than not it is assumed that I'm only doing so because there is something wrong. I've had my grandparents ask me if it was still okay for them to hug me, to kiss me on the cheek. I don't feel like I can hug my friends as a greeting or a farewell for the fear of being seen as Less Of A Man. What used to be an oasis of human contact is now a void. Not only that, but think about how often women/femme people are able to compliment each other. "You're so pretty," "you look great," "love that color on you," and so many other things. When I presented as female, I was the recipient of compliments from friends, family, sometimes people I didn't even know. That hasn't happened a single time since I transitioned.
The only sort of emotional and physical affection a man is socially allowed to receive is from an intimate partner. Nobody else, or you're somehow Less Of A Man, you're perceived as gay, you're called any variety of shitty things.
Masculinity includes emotional starvation. There is a great post that I'll link that talks about this more eloquently than I can, and I want to give credit where it's due (will include a transcript below the cut).
Does this mean that I regret my decision to transition? Absolutely not. Does it mean that I wish I was still perceived as a woman? Hell no. But the potency of this loneliness took me by surprise, and I think that it's something that we need to talk about more.
[Tumblr user skaldish]: Still bothered by the US cultural idea that men can only be non-romantically intimate with one another in war-like or competitive circumstances.
[Tumblr user skaldish]: I'm pretty quiet about the fact that I'm a transman usually, but holy shit I need to tell you about the culture shock I'm going through because it's blindsiding me.
There's a huge sense of social isolation that comes with being perceived as male, because now people are subconsciously treating me as a potential predator. All strangers, no matter their gender, keep their guard up around me.
It made me realize that there is no inherent camaraderie in male socialization as there is in female socialization--unless, of course, it's in very specific environments. And the fact that I don't amnbiently experience this mutual kinship in basic exchanges anymore is an insanely lonely feeling.
You know how badly this would have fucked up my mind if I had grown up with this?
[Tumblr user skaldish]: It's 4:30 am and I'm mourning the loss of a privilege I didn't even know I had.
[Tumblr user skaldish]: Anyway, I'm going to figure out how to navigate this. Don't know how yet, but I'm gonna.
[Tumblr user azaloset, in a comment]: If you figure it out, can you share your insights? This is a fundamental as to why I'm in the closet.
[Tumblr user skaldish]: Absolutely, because it's an extremely sticky issue.
Frankly, this is something I would've never understood without living the experience.
It's now blatantly clear to me that most cis men probably experience chronic emotional malnutrition. They're deprived of social connection just enough for it to seriously fuck with their psyches, but not enough for them to realize it's happening and what's causing it.
It's like they're starving, but don't know this because they've always been served 3 square meals...except those meals have never been big enough.
This deprivation comes from all sides of the aisle, by the way.
In the case of women: When I'm out in public and interact with women, all of them come across as incredibly aloof, cold, and mirthless. I have never experienced this before even though I know exactly what this composure is--the armor that keeps away creepy-ass men.
As someone who used to wear it myself, I know this armor is 100% impersonal. Nobody likes wearing it, and I can say with absolute certainty that women would dump the armor in favor of unconditional companionship with men if doing this didn't run the risk of actual assault. (Trust me when I say women aren't just being needlessly guarded).
But I only have a complete understanding of this context because I've experienced female socialization. If I hadn't, I would've thought this coldness was a conspiracy against me devised by roughly half of the human population. Even now, with all that I know about navigating the world as a woman, I'm failing to convince my monkey-brain that this armor isn't social rejection.
And as for male socialization? Again, it seems taboo for a ma to be platonically intimate with men for reasons I have yet to fully understand, but I think it boils down to a) the fact society teaches boys that it's not okay to be soft with one another, and b) garden-variety homophobia. Our media only shows men being intimate with one another when they're teamed up against a dire situation, and I'd bet real money it's a huge reason why men gravitate toward activities that simulate being teamed up against an opposing force.
But men are not machines of war. Yes, testosterone absolutely gives you Dumb Bastard Brain, but that just makes you want to skateboard a wagon down a hill or duct-tape your friend to the wall, not kill someone.
The human species looks so much colder standing from this side.
I can see how men might convince themselves that their feelings of emotional desperation is personal weakness as opposed to a symptom they're all experiencing from White Imperialism. Because this human connection, this frith, is as essential for our wellbeing as water is.
So sick. How sick. I want to destroy this garbage.
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f1-motogpobsessed · 1 year
Chapter One of My Fabio Fic <3
Hey my lovelies! So, I decided to try and gain some exposure, to post the first chapter of my Fabio Quartararo fic here on tumblr, in the hopes of interesting y’all enough to head over to wattpad to read it :3 
It’s called Along for the Ride, and it’s about a girl named Rose who meets Fabio and had no idea who he was, and he loves it because he gets to be himself around her. But with the upcoming season about to start, theyre trying to figure out how to manage their relationship, or situationship for the time being :)
Enough blabbering on from me, enjoy the first chapter! I’ll link the story at the end :) 
Chapter One - They Meet
Rose’s research papers, notes and flashcards were scattered all across the table that she’d managed to snag about two hours earlier. The coffee she had ordered had been sitting in the same spot for so long that the condensation had started to drip down the side of the cup and was inching toward the surrounding papers. 
She decided that having a break was probably a good idea at this point, and that getting up to get a fresh coffee was her best bet.  She’d closed her laptop and made her way to the register, placing her order with the barista who looked thankful it was just one simple drink. She waved her down to the end of the counter where her drink would be when it was ready. They’d continued talking as she made her drink, absentmindedly talking about the weather, and how if it wasn’t raining outside there would probably be more customers. While she can’t say that she minded the lack of people, it made working on her final paper that much easier. A slow coffee shop so close to Los Angeles was a hard thing to come by, and she was taking as much advantage as she could.
As the small talk lulled, She kept glancing at her table to make sure all her stuff was still there. There wasn’t anything she needed to be worried about, unless the 75 year old man two tables over decided to ditch his coffee and newspaper to steal her laptop. Highly unlikely, she thought to herself, but the thought was enough to make her smile. The barista called out her drink, and gave her one last smile before heading back to the register to handle the person who had just walked up.
If she hadn’t been so focused on looking at her table, and grabbing her coffee she might have heard the door to the coffee shop open, and the footsteps behind her. But because she didn’t, she grabbed her drink, hastily turned around and immediately collided with the body of the person standing right behind her. 
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry!” she said awkwardly as she stepped away, realizing that they had stayed touching for a moment out of shock from what had happened. She immediately dropped to the floor and tried to scoop up what she could of the ice and put it into the cup, and noticed the man walking right past her and all I could think of was that he was leaving. God, that would be bold as hell, but so shitty. She turned to look at him and saw that he was already heading back over holding napkins that he’d grabbed from the counter behind her. He crouched in front of her and began helping soak up the spilled coffee. 
“No, I'm sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was going.” He said hastily. She had noticed an accent but couldn’t place it right away. 
“I guess that makes two of us,” She replied, trying to ease the tension. He looked up and smiled at her kindly while gathering wet napkins in his hands. She offered the mostly empty cup to him to place the napkins in and he gladly accepted. 
“Either way,” He starts, “I do think that I’m more sorry, seeing as it was your coffee that took the fall.” He had a kind laugh, and she could finally piece together where his accent was from, he’s French. 
In movies, whenever a French person is portrayed they always have this thick, harsh accent that is almost always unintelligible. But this man was soft spoken and seemed quite gentle. 
“Well actually, I think you’re right. I’m not as sorry anymore.” This made him smile as he took the cup from her hands and put it in the trash beside him. “My name is Fabio by the way. I thought you might want to know the name of the man that owes you a new coffee.” He’s definitely cute, She’ll give him that. Smiling, she said, “Well, Fabio, my name is Rose. I would say that It’s nice to meet you but I could think of a few nicer ways.” Rose extended her hand, and he gladly accepted.
“Rose,” he repeated, “Please let me replace that drink of yours.” She nodded appreciatively and they headed to the register. She reordered her drink from the barista who originally took her order, and he added his drink after.
“Thank you, Fabio.” She said as they walked over to the pick up counter, “It’s my pleasure.”  he stated, coming to a stop right before the scene of the coffee spill. “So, can I ask how your day is going so far?” Fabio asks, She assumes to  try and fill the silence that fell over the two of them. 
“Well,” She tried to  think of something more exciting than what she was actually up to, but failing, she decided the truth was her only option. “I was finishing my last assignment for a class I’m taking. Once I’m done, I’ll officially be on my winter break.” She motioned to the messily organized table across the cafe. 
“You’re a university student then?” He asks interestedly. “Yeah, I thought that being in a public space with others around might force me to just get this assignment over with, so I can finally start my vacation.” She replied. He nodded in understanding. 
“Can I ask what brings you here today?” She asked, “Other than spilling a stranger's coffee.” She added quickly, smiling so that he knew she was joking. He returned the smile, “Well, I was supposed to be meeting some people here, but they canceled on me just as I walked through the door. That’s actually what had me looking at my phone when I so rudely bumped into you.” 
As he finished his sentence, the barista called out their drinks. He handed her her drink, and she thanked him with a smile.
“Well, if you have nothing to do now, you’re more than welcome to join me,” she said, causing him to smile. “While we finish our coffees of course. You just have to promise not to spill mine again.” He laughed and nodded in agreement. “I think I can manage to control myself.” 
She guided him over to the table that she had been occupying all afternoon. “I’m sorry for the mess, I promise I’m usually more organized than this.” She hastily tried to fix the papers and wrangle the notecards, and he helped her stack up the papers and asked, “So, what topic are you researching?” 
The rest of the afternoon was spent talking and getting to know one another, almost as if it was an impromptu first date. Rose shared that she’s a cultural studies student in her last year of college, and she was very interested to find out that Fabio was actually in town for meetings with sponsors for his racing team. He races motorcycles for Yamaha sports. She wasn’t even aware that was a thing, her extent of racing knowledge started and ended with NASCAR, she was embarrassed to admit. Though according to Fabio, MotoGP, as it’s called, is kind of a big deal all around the world. More embarrassment for her.
While they’d been talking, the daylight was leaving, or what little light there was coming through the storm clouds. Rose managed to finish and submit her last assignment,
“So, I guess it’s starting to get late.” Fabio started, as he was helping Rose put her notes away, and gathered up the small bits of trash that accumulated from straw wrappers and empty coffee cups on their table. She nodded, “It is, I hope that I didn’t keep you too long with all my talking.” She realized they’d been sitting there for so long, and truthfully neither of them had looked at their phone much at all. He laughed and got up to throw out the trash he had collected, “All of the talking we have done has been so refreshing, It’s been so nice just having a regular conversation with someone.”
She smiled, grateful that he wasn’t showing any signs of regret about sitting there with her for so long. “I will say though, I will have to call an uber to get back to my hotel. The people I was supposed to be meeting with earlier were going to be my ride back.” Rose looked at the time on her phone, “It’s nearly 5 o’clock, I doubt any Uber would be here quickly because of the afternoon rush.” she grabbed her bag and turned to face Fabio who was staring anxiously at his phone. “You’re right, all of these cars say they're 35-40 mins away!” he exclaimed. “Well, if you’re comfortable with it, I wouldn’t mind dropping you off, it’d be so much quicker than waiting all that time.”
He looked at her with surprise, “You would do that? My hotel is about 30 mins away, though.” Rose smiled while grabbing her keys out of her bag. “Well then I guess we’d better start driving.”
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anendoandfriendo · 1 year
10 and 25?
10. How did you discover your system? What was the process?
Well, you see, y'all, we had this on Twitter but the first sign we were plural was when we were sorely disappointed to hear that, no, most people do not get better at drawing without practice, in less than ten seconds. We were probably about ten, and did not draw often, so of course that cyndaquil was absolutely, positively shitty-looking on both iterations, but just so y'all know here —
We had weird obsessions of "what if X character was in this world?" questions that at first glance may have been just a weird Autistic asking weird fandom questions but it was very persistent; and also there's probably the fact we had a weirdly gravitational-repulsive relationship to characters like Kirbopher/Zetto from T.O.M.E (we were sorely disappointed to find that this character was "just one person" and had NO CLUE WHY once we did get around to watching it, and we were always kind of watching and hoping we would not any plurality tropes at the same time for these types of characters).
Anyways, it took until about university before everything sort of clicked. We'd heard the term "endogenic" in high school on a more inclusive blog, on our last year there. Keeping in mind we graduated early in high school that would have been between six and eight years ago.
Uhh, we think we played with the idea a little our second year at university but sysmeds and anti-endogenics specifically had us repress ourselves a lot (side note that this is the reason we will always stand by the fact that anti-endos are, and will always be, inherently ableist and maybe even fascists, even if we were to hypothetically turn around and realize tomorrow we were not endogenic).
It took at least another year? Maybe a half a year? before we realized, and the only reason we did is because, well...this is a little embarrassing to admit but we had come out as a system previously within our university's anime club a semester prior, but Kusuo projecting nemself into the table and very obviously announcing nyr presence as a soulbound was probably what got us to accept it more formally and wholly.
RIP now our offline friends who also follow us here know the reason we were trying our best to NOT be staring at the table after that Saiki K episode. 🤣☠️🤣☠️ Whoopsies.
25. What is something you wish singlets knew about plurality?
A lot of your problems would be solved if you asked yourselves "is this a way that I would treat them if they were a singlet???" and if the answer is "no" then you should either ask or shut the fuck up. One example we tend to think of is the way y'all use parts language to describe us, it's fucking insidious. Sure, your friend is "part of the group" but you don't treat your friend as an extension of your limb, that would be abusive.
More headmates and alters does not an unhealthy system make. Shut the fuck up.
On that note: multiplicity is not inherently disorderly. I will not elaborate on this one.
I am very specifically asking singlets to shut the fuck up and start supporting us when we choose to not drink the koolaid that sysmeds gave us and try to aim for healthy multiplicity instead of final fusion, and that is assuming we somehow ended up disordered in the first place. I am very specifically asking them to learn history on shit like the empowered multiplicity movement (web archive because...paranoid until we can move this thread to our tumblr) so they know sysmedicalists and anti-endogenics are lying. They are lying when they call it ableist. They are lying when they say calling them sysmeds or drawing comparisons between plural and queer communities is transmisic. The TPA may have legitimate reasons to be criticized, as @delgado-master put in the previous linked post, but it was also much worse for us as a community before they existed. Anti-endogenics, in particular, are liars and anyone who puts any caveat onto endogenics existing, weather they "believe in us" or not, is not someone who is going to give you accurate information.
Related to the above: learn what dogwhistles are, and learn how sysmeds and anti-endogenics use them. Saying you're anti-misinformation but then lying about your own marginalized community makes you the bigot, and it's especially telling when they have to thinly veil their hatred the way TERFs veil their hatred as "concern for women," and similar.
I want y'all to be able to arm yourselves so you can call these ableists' asses out when they pull the shit they do — and LOUDY. PUBLICLY. Endogenics, their supporters, and anti-ableists in general have enough emotional and intellectual labor going on. It would be nice to free some of that energy up to do something more effective, and I think that is where singlets can help.
There is a lot more I want to say, but I don't think I'm going to have time to list everything lmao. I would be here all day if not longer if I could keep going.
- Silva
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