#i hope u understand
nordidia · 1 month
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having a very rough night so raph doodles needed to be made
when in need, mash two interests together
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bandy-andy · 1 year
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He's ready for his stay at QSMP!!!
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fala-alfredo-pasta · 7 months
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grown ass man looking for employment as cat
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elliot-bee · 9 days
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skyeofloxlay · 1 month
It's been a long time, huh?
Well, it's been almost 3 years since I logged here the last time.
I had forgot about everything here.
But, Everbyte started posting new things about the new game moonvale, and it made my fire for duskwood light up again.
I will not promise that I will definitly come back with my blog, but I really missed talking about duskwood with another people.
My life is very busy lately, but I think I can try post something here sometimes.
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carehounds · 1 year
I think the 2014 tony is completely separate from all the other tony designs. Hes tony but hes been doing his own thing now hes not even tony anymore. Hes just some guy whos blue and strange.
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bilvy · 1 year
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shandyykh · 5 months
Sam's goggles r like cat eyes when u shine light on them
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zimnawodka · 1 year
Czemu jakaś część mnie przejmuję się tym, że cię nie ma. Nie tęsknie za Tobą z teraz tylko za Tobą kiedyś, brakuje mi tego, jak byliśmy dla siebie dobrzy, lecz czemu mam się przejmować kimś kto nie ma szacunku do mnie? Nigdy nie zobaczysz moich wpisów, ale mam nadzieję, że jesteś szczęśliwszy beze mnie, bo mi jest tak lepiej. Życie bez ograniczeń jest piękne, jak człowiek może być na tyle głupi, żeby pozwalać na takie traktowanie? Żyję z myślą, że na świecie czeka ktoś kto mnie będzie szanował. Również mam nadzieję, że się nie odezwiesz z prośbą o powrót, to przecież ja miałam ‘ostatnią szansę’, którą ty zniszczyłeś. Dzięki Tobie dzień kobiet ZAWSZE będzie się źle kojarzyć. 
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evaunit-00 · 4 months
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these images are related btw
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elliesgaymachete · 1 year
SPOILERS FOR NEW CR EP THIS IS NOT TAGGED FOR REASONS BUT: Ok like I’ve made it very clear on this blog my thoughts on ess*k. (If you’re a newer follower and you like him I promise you’re fine as long as you’re chill and normal about it😂). I actually really liked him before fandom got way too high key about him. He’s not a core member of the m9. People need to chill about him. But he’s not a bad character when I can separate him from his rabid fans (which, especially right after the end of c2, couldn’t happen much)
His appearance in the reunion was like. The ideal outcome for me personally lmao. He wasn’t a part of the Reunion or Final Battle so hopefully his stans will now understand he’s not a Main member of the m9. But he got a cameo at the end and a little ship moment. I’m good with that.
And it did seem like Matt/Liam had maybe talked or planned to cap off the episode with that which is why Matt went out of order at the end and talked to Liam last. I think was a really nice way to include him while not overshadowing the rest of the m9
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rusty-gloinks · 9 months
btw, I don't know if you are still working on it and if you aren't that's okay
but if you are still drawing that au art, you don't need to use the designs I posted for the au, it isn't necessary
I'm also sorry, I feel like I'm bringing this up a bit too much and I don't wanna pressure you...
I’ve only gotten around to coloring ONE of the 3 characters and honestly might not finish to piece. Since I still have to color everything else, shade, and then render I don’t really think I have the motivation (sorry if this sounds like I’m making up a bunch of excuses to never finish it, it just don’t really like how it looks that much anymore. Also I still have to adjust Uzi’s position or remove her?????? I was confused still)
The least I can do to make up for it is to doodle/draw one of your au designs if you don’t mind me doing that!!!
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hlxtn · 1 year
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This song suddenly made me draw Suna smoking a blunt and taking a selfie with a goofy cat filter
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heewongirl · 10 months
me after projecting me projecting onto kdj onto kdj -> B)
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adhbabey · 2 years
Im a girl in the not cis way. I hope you understand.
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I'm sorry for not posting frequently the past few day's qwq
I'm in a mental hospital right now. I'll be there for 2 weeks and after that they decide how much longer I'mma be there. So I'm not at home except for 1 day at the Weekend and I'm dealing with life and my mind right now so please forgive me y'all, I'm still drawing stuff! I just don't know how much and when I can post it!
Have patience with me,please 🙏🥺
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