#i haven’t actually posted that much about Johnny Depp recently
vlads-fangs · 2 years
Wonka imagine #1
Alright well, this is a bit different than what I’ve posted in the past.i will still post Yondu stuff but I also have other interests I’m going to start posting more about!
I love Johnny Depp and all his works, not just as an actor but as a person as well. Recently I’ve thought of writing a willy wonka story, and well, I did :) I haven’t written in a WHILE so please don’t judge for it being a bit messy.
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Idea: Wonka helps you out, making you feel comforted and happy to be with him
"Over here, dear, in the inventing nom."
You followed the sound of Willy's voice,
trying do Keep track of him though the twisty
and turny walls in his factory. He had been working in the inventing room a lot lately, so he was excited to show you what he had recently created. You were always interested in learning about new candies and treats he had in the works.
"'I got the correct formula the other day, it
just needed a little more sugar. Here, try this."
He reached for a glass vial looked to be part of a science experiment. He handed it to you with a giddy smile on his face. You took it from him and smelled it first.
"This isn't going to torn me in to the hulk
or anything, right?"
The laughed softly at your or question, shaking
his head.
"Most likely not."
You gave him an annoyed look. He chuckled and motioned for you to go ahead and give it a try. You sighed and put the vial up to your lips, dinking it all down at once. It..it was actually good, great even.
"Willy this is-this tastes really good. Is this what you’ve been working on?”
He had a proud look on his face, going back to filling another vial with the same stuff and placing it over a flame. While he worked, you decided to explore. This was one of the rooms you hadn’t seen very much. All the different contraptions were very interesting, but you had NO idea how they worked.
You backed up alittle, leaning back against
a counter so you could take in the brilliance of the room. Unfortunately you leaned against a counter with more experiments, and some of the hot liquid dripped from one of the tubes onto your hand. Pulling back almost immediately you gasped and held your hand in pain.
“Ow! Ah- damn it..”
Willy heard you and rushed over, taking
your hand into his to inspect it.
“No worries, dear.”
He picked up a cold damp cloth he used on
himself for the same reason earlier that
day. Holding your hand with one of his and
used the other to put pressure with the
cloth. Your hand started to feel better
from the towel and from how sweet Willy
was being.
He removed the towel and looked at your
hand, seeing it wasn't as red. He smiled
that same sweet smile as he always did, giving you a sense of comfort.
“See? All better, like it didn’t even happen.”
His thumb rubbed the top of your hand gently, giving you another sense of comfort. Willy squeezed your hand and gave it a sweet small kiss. You smiled and squeezed his hand back.
“Why thank you, Mr Wonka.”
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jaskiersbard · 4 years
The Fantastic Beasts Franchise and JK Rowling
Alright, so...hi everyone.
I don’t know how many people follow this blog anymore because my main blog of operation is now @alwaysahiccupandastrid - I still try to keep this blog relatively active though, just because it was my original blog, I’ve had it since I was 13, and I have so many memories attached to it.
I’m aware that a lot of the people who follow me, especially since late 2016, do so because a) I was a loud and proud Fantastic Beasts fan, b) I wrote some Newtina and Jakweenie fic, and c)...I don’t know. I literally don’t know why people bother following me anywhere because I don’t feel like I have a lot to say. But, anyway, many people probably follow me due to Fantastic Beasts and my posts/fanfics within the fandom.
Those who follow my active blog will already know my feelings and thoughts, but because of the fact many things about this blog - me, the posts for the last four-ish years, the url itself - are Beasts related, I felt it was necessary to come and write an actual post here instead of just reblogging things and calling it a day. I’ve always been very outspoken online, but I’ve been avoiding a certain topic of conversation on this blog for years now, and I’m finally in a place where we can discuss it.
I am, of course, talking about the hot topic that is JK Rowling.
Back in the days between FBAWTFT and FBTCOG, I was a very outspoken defender of JK Rowling and her decision to defend Johnny Depp’s inclusion in the films. Now, this is something I still stand by to this day, and due to the evidence that has since come out, I’m even more steadfast in the opinion that keeping Depp was a great decision. I am fully in support of him and the way he’s currently battling against his abuser. But that’s not what I’m here to talk about right now. As I was saying, back in the day, I was outspoken about the opinion that “we don’t know the full story” etc., and as a result I received very colourful anon messages. Now, to my knowledge, none of these were about JKR being a TERF/transphone, but I think it’s important to mention that at the time I scoffed at the idea she could be one. I openly admit that I didn’t listen to what other people - including actual trans individuals - were saying about JKR and her transphobia because I frankly didn’t want to admit it. I didn’t want to admit that the person who wrote something that saved my life could be so hateful and a bad person - that, and at the time I passed it all off as “wokeness out of control”.
It is now 2020. Up until last Saturday night, I was still in support of JK Rowling - I didn’t agree with some of the stuff she had said, but I was trying to be positive and have hope by telling myself that she didn’t mean to be transphobic, that she just didn’t know what she was doing was wrong, even though the evidence clearly showed otherwise (I.e. her liking transphobic / radfem tweets). I said to my followers on my Beasts page that instead of cancelling people outright, we should be attempting to educate them instead, and if they choose not to learn then fine. And, being 100% obvious, I didn’t want to admit it because I frankly already was feeling annoyed at two different Beasts cast members for different reasons: Ezra Miller (for choking a girl) and Dan Fogler (for his tweet about BLM - admittedly that was probably him being well intentioned but not saying it right). So yeah, I didn’t want to cancel another member of the Beasts “family”.
I had JKR’s tweets on notifications, and for the most part over the last few weeks, it was all about the Ickabog. However, on Saturday night I noticed that she had suddenly tweeted something completely different, and I looked at it. Given that I had adamantly defended her and said “freedom of speech” for so long, it’s telling that my first thought upon seeing her tweet was literally “for fuck sake, Jo, why”.
I won’t post her tweets here but to sum that first tweet up, it was her being annoyed over the term “people who menstruate” being used in an article instead of “woman”, and mockingly saying “there used to be a word for that” before pretending she didn’t know the word. She knew that tweeting it would start arguments and anger, and yet she still made the decision to do so. Her follow up tweets frankly dug the hole deeper; she tried to defend herself by saying, to sum it up, “I have a butch lesbian friend who agrees with me” “I just care about women’s rights!” And “IF trans people were marginalised I’d march with you!” (“If”, of course, being the real kicker here because what do you mean IF. They ARE. Every DAY.)
Since then, JKR has written an essay on her website defending herself and her opinions, and yes, I read it. I read it a few times, in fact. At first, I felt my anger simmer and felt I had been too hasty to make anti JKR jokes, that I was wrong...but then I read it again properly and realised that what she had written was a piece that turned herself into the victim, and that despite putting on the appearance of her saying she supports trans people, including the phrases “I support trans people” and “of course trans women are real women”, she still spewed much transphobic vitriol and hate. She cited no sources for any of her proclamations or statements about statistics, implied that trans men transition to escape their “womanhood”, that trans women are men in dresses, that trans women are dangerous to “real” women (aka cis women) and shouldn’t be allowed into women’s changing rooms or toilets. There was also the autism comment, and the implication of autistic girls somehow not being able to make decisions or whatever.
I’m going to get straight to the point: I don’t support JK Rowling or her radical feminism.
As someone who is a proud feminist (libfem?), I can honestly say that never have I felt threatened or like I was being silenced by the inclusion of trans women in feminist spaces or conversation. Never. In my second year at sixth form, I was in charge of the LGBTQ+ club until a new leader with better leadership skills could step in, and - put simply - that year, the club was made almost entirely of first year transgender students. Even though I had called myself a trans ally for years, I realised there was a lot I didn’t know, and I learnt quite a lot from these students. I continue to still learn today. They were some of the nicest and most intelligent people I got the chance to meet, and I can truly say that at no point was I ever worried to be in a room alone with a trans woman, nor was I concerned about which bathroom they went in - bathrooms are bathrooms. Speaking of bathrooms...when I was at uni during a particularly tense rehearsal a few weeks before our final show last year, a guy in our group made me cry and I ran to the women’s bathroom to escape. Not only did the other girls come to comfort me, but you know what? The guy came in and apologised profusely to me. Did any of us girls give a shit about having a guy in our toilet? Absolutely not. It’s a fucking toilet. And, on that note, I was never worried about a trans woman or even a cis man attacking me in the toilets. You know who DID attack me in the toilets regularly? Other cisgender women.
As a feminist, I fully support trans women and am not threatened by the inclusion of trans women in women’s spaces or in women’s rights discussions. While I agree that cis women and trans women inevitably go through different struggles, at the end of the day, we all identify as women and are women. I think that if your feminism is so threatened by the existence of trans women - TERFs, RadFems, JKR, looking at you - then your feminism is flimsy and not feminism at all.
As a woman, I find it highly offensive that JKR and many RadFems focus so much of womanhood and feminism on an involuntary biological function that, frankly, many of us would rather do without. Yeah, I’m talking about periods - no matter how proud I am to be a woman, I still fucking hate periods and would get rid of mine if I could without erasing my chance of having kids someday. I can hear the RadFems accusing me of “internalised woman hatred” for saying I hate my periods, but you know what, they suck and they hurt and fuck them. The fact that JKR (also the the radfem movement) reduced “women” to just people who menstruate and can have children, and vice versa, is incredibly offensive and misogynistic. For a start, trans men menstruate, intersex people can, non binary can etc. Next, not even ALL cis women have periods - women who are menopausal, young women who haven’t started puberty yet (some do start very late), some women don’t have regular cycles, some women have medical problems that affect their cycle, some women are on birth control that can stop their cycles. So the idea of women being defined as “those who menstruate” is offensive not only to trans/intersex/non binary individuals but also to cis ones too.
As I write this, I’m a 22 year old woman who is still learning and changing every day, and one of the things that I’ve found myself thinking about recently - especially since we’re in lockdown and we have nothing BUT time to think - is about myself and my identity as a woman. What prompted this was when I saw Greta Gerwig’s adaptation of Louisa May Alcott’s beloved book, “Little Women”, which I’ve since read, for my birthday back in January, and I left the cinema feeling exalted and powerful with my own identity as a woman. (I’ll be returning to LW in a bit)
After some thinking, I’ve realised some things. For me, my identity as a woman is not just because once a month my uterus decides to shed; I do not identify as a woman just because I have certain physical features. I am not a particularly feminine person either, and I’m what some may call a “tomboy” (a phrase I actually don’t mind but I know a lot of people do for understandable reasons since it’s a phrase designed to differentiate people who don’t conform to society’s expectations etc) because I prefer video games and more geeky stuff to shopping or dressing up or make up.
For me, there is no one way a person has to be or appear in order to identify as a woman. Women are beautiful, complex human beings; we are not defined by our genitalia, by an involuntary biological process. Women are strong, intelligent, and interesting people - no two are the same. For example, some decide to raise families, some choose to pursue a career, some do both - all of these are valid and none are more “feminist” or “womanly” than the others, because it’s our as women. I guarantee that if you lined up every single woman in the world - cis AND trans - no two would be the exact same.
I mentioned “Little Women” earlier, and as I was pondering over what makes me identify as a “woman”, I thought a lot about a certain quote from the 2019 film that has stayed with me since it was first said in the release of the trailer. It’s spoken by Jo March to her mother, and I’ve started to understand what for me makes me a woman.
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For me, being a woman is all of this: having minds, hearts, souls, ambition, talent, and being beautiful each in our own ways. Women are capable of love and empathy, capable of desire, capable of the most complex and human feelings and emotions, and coming out the stronger for it.
Sex is one thing; gender identity is another.
I won’t dissect every single thing JKR wrote in her essay, but I will just say this: her comments regarding autistic girls are extremely tone deaf and she does not speak for those with autism. I’m going to be honest and admit something here I haven’t before: I have not been diagnosed with autism or aspergers but I AM currently on the waiting list to see someone who COULD diagnose me. Apparently I show signs of a potential diagnosis, so...we’ll have to see. But I have friends who are autistic, and they’re disgusted by JKR trying to use them to support her TERF arguments. Autistic and other neurodivergent people are absolutely capable of making decisions and are NOT people who need to be babied or have their hands held, to be told who they are. It’s incredibly ableist of JK Rowling frankly.
I would also like to point out... I’ve seen people saying “but she doesn’t hate autistic people, Newt is autistic!!!” - yes, but JKR didn’t write him as autistic. Eddie Redmayne chose to play Newt as autistic - JK Rowling didn’t do shit.
It’s also time that I acknowledge that both Potter and Beasts inevitably hold JKR’s problematic views, and that by denying her ownership of her work, we’re not holding her accountable for the horrible things she’s done. This includes - but is not limited to -:
Anti-Semitic stereotypes in the goblins
Lycanthropy being used as a metaphor for AIDS - an illness that is heavily associated to the gay community, and also there was the panic of the AIDs crisis in the 90s where much misinformation and homophobia was generated and spread because of it.
Adding further to the lycanthropy point, one of the infected individuals - Greyback - is stated to have a sick preference for infecting children. Not only are werewolves tied to harmful gay/AIDs stereotypes, but also to the disgusting and frankly wrong notion that gay people are pedophiles.
The only Asian character is called Cho Chang. Cho Chang. That’s two steps away from outright just calling her “Ching Chong”. It’s not a name an actual Asian person would have.
The Goldstein sisters are probably distantly related to Anthony Goldstein, who JKR confirmed (on Twitter of course) is Jewish, meaning that Tina and Queenie are most likely Jewish too (and Goldstein is a Jewish surname). However, despite the fact that the first FBaWTFT is set DURING Hanukkah in 1926, there’s zero signs of them celebrating or observing it. Maybe that’s more on set design than anything else, but come on - if I, a fanfic writer, can do some research, JK/the crew of a major movie can too!
Adding on from that, gotta love how one of the JEWISH main characters then decides to join the Wizarding world equivalent of Hitler. I already had problems with Queenie’s characterisation in CoG, but that’s the icing on the cake.
POC/Black characters - in both series but since I’m a Beasts blog... Seraphina Picquery, a Black female president serving a term during a MAJOR wizarding world crisis, is severely reduced to have only 3 lines in CoG. Nagini’s only purpose is to be the only friend of Credence, a white man, before he joins Wizard Hitler and abandons her; she’s also an Asian character who we know one day permanently becomes a SNAKE, and who goes on to actually have a piece of Voldemort’s soul inside of her?? And some do see her as his slave, though you could argue that she’s actually the only being that he holds any love or respect for. Leta Lestrange is a half-black woman who is killed/literally sacrifices herself for TWO WHITE MEN, and who’s death was literally confirmed to have been added in last minute.
Also, the whole Lestrange storyline was fucking nasty: white Lestrange Sr imperius-ed a black woman (Yusuf Kama’s mother), raped her, and she then died in childbirth. I’m sorry, what the fuck??
In Harry Potter, Seamus is a terrible stereotype of an Irish person - he likes to blow things up. Look up the IRA and their bombings. Fucking Irish stereotype. As someone with Irish grandparents and who is proud of their Irish heritage, this really pisses me off.
Let’s not forget the whole Native American cultural appropriation. That truly speaks for itself.
So here is where I speak candidly to everyone who follows me and/or sees this post. While Beasts is no longer my No. 1 fandom these days, it and Potter still hold a huge piece of my heart. I have 5 wizarding world tattoos, so much merchandise, and I can safely say that being a fan of both series has shaped me as a person. Both of those series helped me get through the darkest days of my life, including bullying at school, my Nan passing away, and my mental health struggles.
This is why what’s happened has impacted me so much and broken my heart. For me, it feels like it’s tainted now because of Jo and her views. I know that we should separate the art from the artist, but when her views are so clearly woven into the very fabric of the Wizarding world, it’s a huge problem.
Here’s another part of the dilemma - I do not wish for the Beasts films to be cancelled. I’m well aware that the *cough* people who dislike me will say I’m trying to be negative, trying to boycott the series blah blah blah, but that’s truly the last thing I want. I still love the story, the characters, the soundtrack, and I want to know how it ends, if only for my own piece of mind. It’s also important to add that by boycotting Beasts, it’s also harming the hard working thousands of others who worked on the films: the cast, the crew, the extras, the musicians, etc., not to mention the fans who actually are invested in the series and have taken solace in it. It’s not fair for them to all suffer over the actions of one TERF.
This is one of my biggest worries, however: the Fantastic Beasts films do NOT have a good reputation as it is. The second film was boycotted by some due to Depp, and now there’s talk of people boycotting number 3 because of JK Rowling. Lots of people already talk hatred about it, and this will only fire that hatred up even more.
There’s also talk of Eddie Redmayne potentially being kicked from the franchise due to a “leak” that he doesn’t want to work with JKR anymore, but this could be sensationalist news reporting. But if it came down to it, I can honestly say that I would rather continue to have Eddie play Newt than keep JKR as a writer. Eddie has done more for Newt than even JKR has, and if he goes, then that will be the last straw for me within the fandom. That will be when I take a sharp exit out, sell my FB merch and have my tattoos covered.
To add, the Fantastic Beasts scripts are...not great. Or, at least, what we saw on-screen wasn’t. Maybe that’s David Yates being the literal worst (fuck you, Yates, you suck) and cutting all the parts with strong female characters, but I honestly don’t think that JKR can write screenplays well at all. I think she’s clearly better at writing books, and that’s fine - books obviously allow for more time to explore characters and story/plot arcs etc, and film scripts offer way less of those chances. I don’t think screenplays allow her to write what she needs to in order to tell the story she wants to, hence why CoG was kind of a hot mess. So maybe it’s just that she’s not suited for screenplays and should stick to books.
Honestly, I kind of just wish that WB would hire another person to finish writing the Fantastic Beasts movies - obviously they’d have to keep JKR on board to tell them the actual plot, but get someone who can actually write screenplays and not be problematic to write them.
By now I’ve gone on long enough that I’ve forgotten my original intent while writing this, so I’ll try to sum up and end now. In short, I am extremely disappointed in JK Rowling and do not support her or her views any longer.
I don’t know how any of you guys are feeling but I would be interested to hear other people’s thoughts, especially other Fantastic Beasts fans. I want to also add that, as always, my DMs and inbox are always open - if not here, then always at @alwaysahiccupandastrid where I’m more active nowadays.
Finally, you guys don’t need me - a white cis woman - to tell you this but you’re all valid and magical and fuck JK Rowling. Her characters would all be ashamed of her, and the characters we grew up with would not stand for the bigotry and vile hatred she spreads under the guise of ““protecting women””. Several of the amazing actors from Potter and Beasts have spoken out against her and her tweets: Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Bonnie Wright, Katie Leung, Chris Rankin, Eddie Redmayne. Some have been...less inspiring (Tom Felton, Evanna Lynch, looking at you two 👀)
I’m sending love to everyone right now. I wish I could say something more useful but I’ve spoken enough - I’ve made my opinion clear. I love you all, please stay safe.
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24 notes · View notes
lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
A How artistic are you? I’m not at all. Do you want to go to Africa? I’d love to stay at Giraffe Manor! AC/DC or Aerosmith? Aerosmith. 
Do you know what Armenia is?
 What’s your beer of choice (if any)?  Blech, none. Do you know the title of Buffalo Springfield’s one-hit wonder?  Okay, I didn’t recognize the name so I Googled it and yes, I am familiar with their one hit wonder. I actually wasn’t familiar with the song title either, but after reading the lyrics I quickly realized what song it was. Do you have a brother? (Do you like it that way?) I have two brothers, and yes I love them. Which bank do you use?  Not sharing that. C
 Which comedian do you most enjoy?  I think Kevin Hart is funny. Would you ever live in California?  I have all my life. Is it possible/likely that you’ll become a cat lady?  *Dog lady, but yes. How many different countries have visited? Just one. D
 Do you believe there’s a devil? Yes. But demons maybe?  Yes. Does eating dessert often make you feel guilty?  Nope. Can you legally drive?  I’m definitely old enough to have my license, but I don’t.  What have you been diagnosed with (if you don’t mind sharing)? Depression, anxiety, and other physical health stuff. E
 How often do you drink energy drinks?  I like to drink Starbucks Doubleshot energy drinks often. 
Where did you live when you were 11 years old? The house next door to where I live now, ha. We had our big move to the house next door to us haha about 10 years ago because our landlords wanted to install new flooring and stuff to our house, but since they had just finished this one they offered for us to just move in here lol. Do you like the actor who played Edward Scissorhands in that movie?
 Why not just say Johnny Depp? Anyway, yes, I think he’s a very talented actor. Have you ever felt an earthquake?  No, just aftershocks from one. F
 When was the last time you saw your father one-on-one? Yesterday. Do you think French is the most beautiful language?  I don’t know what I’d say is the most beautiful language. Is Friday your favorite day of the week?  No. All the days are the same for me, so meh. Have you listened to Jimi’s song ‘Fire?’  Doesn’t sound familiar. G
 Do you have real gold jewelry?  No. How often do you watch ‘Gossip Girl’?  I never have. Is Google your homepage?  Yeah. 
Do you like Geico’s commercials? Most of them are annoying. The gecko character is cute, though. H
 When did you last feel happy? Uhhh. Do you prefer Hollister, Hot Topic, or H&M?  Hot Topic is the only one I shop at now, but I used to shop at the other 2 as well. Did you dress up last Halloween?  Nope. I stopped doing that a few years ago. Would you voluntarily watch the History Channel?  Yeah and I do if there’s something of interest on. I
 Have you ever been on an island?  No. I live on one in Animal Crossing, though. ha. Would you be able to locate Indonesia on a globe?  I think so. Do you know if Iceland or Greenland has more ice?  Greenland. I remember it’s the opposite of their name for some reason. 
Did you watch the last presidential inauguration?  No. J
 Do you enjoy jogging?  No. On which instrument could you most easily play ‘Jingle Bells’?  I’ve played it on the piano. How much do you know about John Lennon? *shrug* I know some stuff. Do you know how Jell-O is made?  I know how to make Jell-O with the mix, but no I don’t know how the mix itself is made. K
 Have you tried Krispy Kreme doughnuts? (Was it love at first bite?) Yeah, but no they’re definitely not my favorite. They’re not real donuts to me, they’re just pure sugar.  
How many pairs of khaki pants do you own? “Uh, khakis?” ha, if you know, you know. Anyway, I don’t own any. 
Have you ever been a fan of the Killers?  Yeah. L
 Does it bother you when couples are lovey-dovey in public? No, unless they’re having like full on makeout sessions, straddling each other and feeling each other up and whatnot lol. Hand holding/locked arms/arm around each other, hugging, little pecks, and just being playful with each other is cute.  
Do you have your own lighter (why or why not)?  No. I don’t have a need for one. In how many languages (besides English) can you count to 100?  I can in Spanish. What’s your favorite lollipop flavor? Not a lollipop fan. M
 Do you believe in miracles (why or why not)? I do because I'm a woman of faith. What do you think of shows like Maury and Jerry Springer? I used to like watching Maury, Jerry Springer was just for laughs.  
Do you care that Mars (the candy co.) uses deadly animal testing? I haven’t heard that... I’d have to fact check. How did you form your opinion of marijuana? Based off the research supporting that it has a lot of benefits. I was especially swayed when I saw how it helped cancer patients.
 How often do you sleep naked?  Never. I wouldn’t find that comfortable at all, I very much like being clothed.  Do you actually check the Nutrition Facts before eating something?  Not usually, but I sometimes will just out of curiosity. 
Who is your favorite musical artist/band beginning with ‘N’? Nirvana. 
How nerdy are you (in what ways)? I’m socially awkward, for one. I also cared about school and did well, which is often considered nerdy. Also, a book nerd, Star Wars nerd, Marvel and DC movies nerd...  I enjoy those things so I don’t care, but they’re deemed “nerdy.” What do you think about olives?  Black olives are good, green olives are gross. Are you much of an outdoorsy person? Not at all. The only time I enjoy being outside is when I’m sitting out at the beach. How big of an Oprah fan are you?  I don’t really consider myself a fan. How often do you shop online?
  Quite often. P
 Are you looking forward to your prom? If you already went, how was it? My prom was over a decade ago D: Anyway,  I danced with the guy I had a huge crush on at the time, so hey it wasn’t too bad. How are your local policemen? I think they do a pretty good job overall.  What is your ideal PB&J sandwich like? Just peanut butter and grape jelly, pretty simple. What do you think of the movie ‘Pineapple Express’? I could not get into that movie at all.  Q
 How true is the saying, ‘quitters never win and winners never quit’?  I mean, can’t say “never”, but the main point from the saying makes sense. Do you prefer Quiznos or Subway and why?  I’ve gone to Subway many times, but I think I’ve only been to a Quiznos once or twice. Have you learned the quadratic formula yet? (Do you remember it?) I think I actually remember it. What is the one question you most want to ask someone and who?
  I don’t know. R
 How many rooms are in your home?  2 bedrooms. 
Do you like raspberries?
  Nah. What’s one of your best memories from during a rain storm? Hmm. I don’t know, but I just really love that kind of weather. 
Have you actually read Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo & Juliet’?  Yeah, my freshman year in high school. S
 Do you know any Sign Language?  I know the alphabet and a few sayings. What is your sleeping schedule generally like?  Oh, my sleeping schedule is an absolute joke. How well do you sing? I can’t sing well at all. How often do you listen to 60-70’s music? Now and then. I actually have several songs on my main Spotify playlist from those decades. T What do you think of Twitter?  I like being able to post my random thoughts and following certain celebrities and just interesting people for funny and interesting stuff. How much do you value the Ten Commandments?  I value them a lot. Are there many trees where you live?  Not really. 
How much taller/shorter do you wish to be? “I wish I was a little bit taller.” 🎶
 Where do you usually buy your underwear?  Various places. How do you define ‘ugly’?  It goes a lot deeper than just the outer appearance. Do you like to shop at Urban Outfitters?  I’ve only been to an actual store a couple times and I’ve checked out their website a few times, but I just think they’re ridiculously overpriced. V
 Would you like being described as ‘voluptuous’? No one would use that word to describe me. 
For listening to music, do you like to crank up the volume or keep it calm? I like it at a reasonable level, I don’t need it blaring.  Do you ever watch the annual Victoria’s Secret fashion show? They cancelled that a few years ago, but I never had any interest in watching that. 
Would you agree that ‘variety is the spice of life’?  Yeah. W
 Are you currently on wireless Internet?  Yeah, that’s all I have. I haven’t had to connect to a wifi router or whatever with a cord in a very long time. Can you recall memories of learning how to whistle? I still can’t do it. Do you go to White Castle or just vicariously through ‘Harold & Kumar'? I’ve never actually been to one cause they don’t have one anywhere near me (they’re on the east coast, I’m a west coast gal). I’ve only had the the White Castle burgers from the store that you cook in the microwave. I actually like them, but I’m sure the real deal is even better. X
 Why did you need your most recent x-ray and what were the results? I had to get a CT Scan a couple years ago. When it comes to ‘xoxo’, do you interpret ‘x’ as the hug or the kiss?  It’s hugs and kisses, so the X’s are hugs. What does X stand for in Roman numerals? Can you write the previous number?  X is 10, IX is 9. Why do you think xylophones are only popular with young children? That’s true, that is a pretty common baby toy. At least it was when I was little. Also, I played the xylophone in music class in elementary school. I don’t know why that’s a thing with kids. Y
 Can you explain the meaning of the yin-yang symbol? Opposite, but complimentary principles. Like, you can’t have good without bad, lightness without darkness, etc. It’s about balance. Do people more often mistake you as being younger or older than you are? Younger. Did you know that yawning is contagious?  Yeah.  Would you like a bottle of Yoo-Hoo or it’s not really your thing?  I actually like Yoo-Hoo, but I prefer it in the little carton or whatever with the straw (kinda like a Capri Sun, but it’s a box carton). It’s the perfect size, not too much. The strawberry one is my favorite. I haven’t had one in a long time, though. Z
 How many places’ zip codes do you know by heart?  Uhh, not many. What comes to mind when I say ‘Zero to Hero’? Disney’s Hercules movie.
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periilune · 5 years
Answer all 200
damn okay you asked for it:
(this was asked a long time ago and its just being posted now bc its 200 fuckin questions f u kars jk love you)
1. What is your middle name?
2. Do you have any nicknames?
Liz, Laur, Lau, Squid, Koala, Rhyne, Babe
3. Do you have any allergies?
Not to my knowledge
4. What is the longest your hair has ever been?
Too long,, like I could sit on it
5. Apple or PC?
6. Favorite flavor?
In general probably some kinda cheese but for sweet stuff is cookie dough
7. Have you ever been on a blind date?
Bold of you to assume I’ve even been on a date (no I haven’t)
8. Are you friends with any of your exes?
2 of them actually!
9. What kind of car do you drive?
I can’t even drive,, but I have a Toyota Avalon waiting for me when I can
10. How grammatically correct are you when you text?
It really depends, I’m very correct when texting adults, decent when texting acquaintances, absolute disaster with good friends
11. What foreign country would you most like to visit and why?
Probs the UK or Italy, the UK bc I have several friends there and its very nice, and Italy for good food and good views
12. Creamy or chunky peanut butter?
Creamy all the way
13. Favorite food to pig out on?
14. DC or Marvel?
15. Disney or Nickelodeon?
God idk,, probably Nickelodeon
16. Do you have any stickers on your laptop computer?
Yes, one from Kiawah Island (very nice place) and a couple random ones
17. Name/author of the last book you read cover to cover. Do you recommend it?
The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan, considering that was like my 3rd time reading it yeah I do
18. Do you read any magazines?
19. Coffee or tea?
Not a fan of either, I guess I’d pick coffee
20. What is your go-to Starbucks drink?
Red Velvet Frappucino
21. How many things can do with your weaker hand?
Oh You Know ;) in all honestly not much, I can catch because I used to play softball
22. Last show you binge watched?
Currently binge watching My Hero Academia!
23. Dogs or cats?
24. Favorite Disney princess?
Mulan or Moana I think
25. Do you like fast food?
Generally yeah
26. Favorite thing to cook for yourself?
Pasta and some type of garlic or cheesy or toasted bread
27. Favorite song to sing in the shower?
Currently Morning in America by John Bellion
28. Have you ever butt dialed anyone?
I don’t think so
29. iPhone/iPad or Android?
30. Any styles of music you do not like?
Most country tbh, excluding John Denver n Carrie Underwood they’re both great
31. Have you ever kissed anyone of the same gender? If so, did you like it?
Not quite, but pretty close. We were dating so I’d say I liked it
32. Have you ever gotten a ticket while driving?
I can’t drive so no!
33. Favorite emoji?
💖 or 🍒 I think
34. Showers or baths?
Showers for convenience, but the occasional bath is nice to relax
35. Is there anything you regret buying?
Some clothes I have I don’t like, my fake airpods that don’t work
36. Are you fluent in more than one language?
Not yet, but I’m learning Spanish!
37. Any movie(s) you can watch over and over again and enjoy just as much every time?
Black Panther, The Last Unicorn, any of The Lord of the Rings trilogy
38. What is the heaviest you have ever weighed?
Around 155-160 pounds
39. Do you have any tattoos? If so, how many and where?
Not yet
40. Have you ever uttered a spoken hashtag?
41. Favorite school subject?
I used to love English but not so much anymore, right now in in Psychology and its really cool tbh
42. Favorite non-chocolate candy?
Fuckin uh,, airheads are pretty good
43. Name one celebrity you dislike.
Johnny Depp is a shitty abuser.
44. If you could have one superpower, which one would you most like to have?
Telekinesis I think
45. From 1-10, rate your singing ability.
46. From 1-10, rate your dancing ability.
47. From 1-10, rate your cooking ability.
48. From 1-10, rate your driving ability.
49. Are you religious?
I’m really not sure, I was raised religious but I’m questioning a lot atm
50. Do you drink soda? If so, which one is your favorite?
Yep, I like Cherry Coke
51. Have you ever locked your keys in your car?
No, but I’ve been with someone who has
52. Spring or autumn?
53. Do you play any sports?
Not now, but I’ve played soccer, softball, and basketball in the past
54. Can you play any musical instruments?
55. Are you more introverted or extroverted?
56. How easily do you cry?
My dude,, so easily
57. Last musical artist you saw live?
My Lord and Savior Avi Kaplan
58. Favorite YouTube channel?
Not 2 be That person but I genuinely like Markiplier tbh
59. Star Wars or Star Trek?
Star Wars
60. How long have you known your best friend?
Well 1 of them funnily enough our moms knew each other when he was a baby and I was unborn, but we really met in 6th grade. My other best friend I met  about 3 years ago :)
61. Have you ever voted for a reality show?
I think so
62. Last CD you bought? uhhhhh maybe a pentatonix cd dunno which one 
63. Have you ever ended a romantic relationship?
Nope I’m the one who gets dumped 
64. Have you ever been broken up with? See above (3 times) 
65. Have you ever been in the audience for the taping of a TV show? Nah 
66. How long was your longest relationship? Are you still with that person?
A year and 3 months currently, and yes
67. Have you seen any Broadway plays or musicals?
68. Have you ever acted in a play or a musical?
Yes! I’ve been in The Wizard of Oz (twice!), Little Shop of Horrors, Seussical the Musical, and the Little Mermaid 
69. How flexible are you?
Not very 
70. Have you ever sexted? Yes…  
71. Do you own any clothes from garage sales or thrift stores?
72. Real or fake Christmas trees?
We’ve had a fake one my whole life, but I’d like to have a real one some day
73. How many pillows do you sleep with? 2-3 
74. How well can you write in cursive?
Not great, but I can get the job done 
75. What is your political affiliation?
Not officially affiliated, but rather left 
76. Do you like any boy bands?
The Backstreet Boys duh
77. Have you ever broken any bones?
Just a couple small ones in my toe 
78. Have you ever gotten any stitches?
79. Do you have any piercings in places other than your ears?
Not yet
80. What is the oldest piece of clothing you still wear and how old is it? One of my favorite pairs of shorts is pretty old 
81.Do you like wearing hats?
Depends on the hat, I have a handful of baseball caps I like 
82. Have you ever dyed your hair?
At one point I had the tips dyed purple, but now I regularly dye it to make it slightly lighter and redder 
83. From 1-10, how competitive are you?
Like 8 probably, I’m not very athletic but I’m competitive about other things   
84. How long have you been at your current job?
Since November 2017   
85. Have you ever studied abroad?
86. Phrase you say the most?
87. Have you ever quit a job?
88. Have you ever gotten fired from a job?
89. Have you ever won a trophy? If so, what for?
Yes! For cheerleading competitions, 3rd place in making a video for a club, in a soccer tournament, and probably some others idk 
90. Have you ever been a Boy/Girl Scout?
I was a girl scout but that was a while ago 
91. Last thing that made you laugh?
Uhh last night some dumb meme my boyfriend showed me
92. Do you eat meat?
93. Are you more of a morning or a night person?
Night person, but I’m also old so it’s hard to stay up late
94. Worst habit?
Chewing fingernails, isolating myself from people when I’m sad
95. Deepest fear?
Uhhh that everyone who says they care about me is actually lying and talking about me behind my back
96. Do you believe in ghosts?
Yeah pretty much
97. If you could take home any animal from the zoo, what animal would you take?
An otter! I love them
98. Do you consider rapping singing?
I wouldn’t say it’s singing bc its different, but it’s certainly an art form and it has every place in the music industry
99. Favorite costume you wore for Halloween? How old were you?
When i was a ninja that was sick, i was probably 12-13
100. Favorite store to shop at?
For clothes? Maybe Plato’s Closet (nice secondhand place) but I also do a lot of online shopping
101. Have you ever given anyone CPR?
102. Favorite Pokémon?
Cresselia is dope but also Eevee
103. Do you own any homemade clothing?
104. Do you drink alcohol at all? If so, what is your drink of choice?
I’ve drunk once, vodka mixed with Hawaiian punch and it was p good
105. Have you ever skinny dipped?
No i’m fat
106. Favorite type of cookie?
Warm chocolate chunk
107. Favorite flavor of ice cream?
Oreo or chocolate chip cookie dough. The best thing i’ve ever had was a red velvet oreo milkshake tho
108. Biggest pet peeve?
When people interrupt or ignore me
109. Are you still friends with anyone from high school?
I mean I just graduated so yes
110. Favorite literary character?
Oohhhh, maybe Sam from LoTR? He was the realest friend ever
111. Are your birth parents still together?
112. Do you wear or have your ever worn glasses?
Nope, 20/20 babeyyyy
113. How many of your Facebook friends do you actually hang out with?
Like 6, one of those being my mom lol
114. Have you ever been the victim of a prank?
Not that I can remember
115. Do you belong to a fraternity or a sorority?
116. Have you ever taken a nude selfie?
117. Are you adopted?
118. Favorite fandom?
Ugh fandoms r gross, maybe the rwby fandom? 
119. Oldest memory?
Trying to strangle myself at pre-school aged 4 lmaoooo
120. Have you ever snorted when you laughed?
A couple times
121. Can you drive stick?
Can’t drive at all!
122. Favorite Disney song?
How Far I’ll Go, or maybe Go The Distance
123. Random boy’s name.
124. Random girls’ name.
125. How often do you eat out at a nice restaurant?
Once a month? Not often, I’ve done it twice in 3 days recently tho bc it was my birthday
126. How many people are in your nuclear family?
3, me and my parents
127. What accent do you consider the most attractive?
Gosh, not to be basic but probably British, although I don’t really know many others
128. What is your Myers-Briggs personality type?
INFP i think? Maybe INFJ
129. What is your astrological sign?
Leo! (capricorn moon and cancer rising)
130. Biggest regret?
Trying to make someone care again who had no intention of doing so
131. What type of shoes do you wear the most?
My checkered vans, I swear I wore them every day of senior year
132. Do you like any soap operas?
133. Do you listen to talk radio?
Not often
134. What sports team(s) do you root for?
SF Giants, Carolina Panthers, Charlotte Hornets, Duke, Kentucky
135. Describe your sense of humor.
Ridiculously stupid, inside jokes
136. Have you ever been hit on by someone of the same gender?
Yeah, my ex-girlfriend lmao
137. Favorite video game?
138. Name a moment in your life when you were pleasantly surprised.
When i got a mf perfect score on my ACT
139. Do you believe in serendipity?
I had to look that up but I guess so
140. Have you ever left a movie theater before the movie was done?
I don’t think so, one time the movie malfunctioned and cut off like an hour in and we had to leave
141. Have you ever felt you were born in the wrong period of history?
Nah, everything has always sucked, but now is somewhat less sucky than before bc we have the internet
142. Is sex before marriage wrong?
143. Have you ever gotten a song you dislike stuck in your head?
Yes omg, fuckin Girls Like You, fuck you Adam Levine
144. Can you handle spicy food?
Only slightly spicy
145. Have you ever called a non-lover a term such as darling, honey, babe, or dear?
I call my friend Ryker babe all the time, and call most of my friends “love”
146. Do you like MTV?
Nah not really
147. Where on your body are you the most ticklish?
Probably ribs area
148. TV show or movie you quote/reference the most?
The Princess Bride is so quotable, so maybe that idk, I quote memes more than anything
149. Have you ever lived with a roommate you didn’t get along with?
Can I say my parents? I’ve never lived not in my house, but I’m about to go to college and I hope I like my roommate
150. Where do you think is the best place to meet a new lover?
Either school or through mutual friends?
151. Have you ever successfully been on a diet?
I mean I’ve lost weight but it wasn’t a diet, just not eating lol
152. Favorite thing to do outside?
Have a photoshoot, jk I love looking at flowers, also swimming is good
153. Where did you go on your last vacation?
Kiawah Island, for grad week
154. Do you say “y'all” at all?
Yes, I live in the south and started using it ironically but now I can’t stop
155. Have you ever lived on a farm?
156. Do you believe in evolution?
There’s scientific evidence for it, so yes
157. What TV channel do you watch the most?
Honestly HGTV those houses are awesome
158. Favorite Beatles song?
Hmmmm, Maybe A Day In The Life or Eleanor Rigby, I Am The Walrus is always good too ngl
159. Have you ever been on TV?
On like the local channels for school awards and such
160. Have you ever been to Disney World or Disneyland?
I went to Disneyland last summer!
161. Do you like horror movies?
Not really, I’m a pussy
162. Do you like to go fishing?
163. Have you ever been hunting?
164. Do you take medication for anything?
Yes, for ye olde depression
165. Name one item from your bucket list.
Get a novel published
166. From 1-10, how much do you like children?
3 maybe, they’re kinda annoying
167. Have you ever thought about your wedding?
Yes, but my ideas have changed over time
168. Have you ever been bungee jumping or skydiving?
No, but I’d like to
169. Favorite flower?
Hmmm Sunflowers? or Snapdragons, or the pink magnolias
170. Do you collect anything?
Enamel pins, and rwby blind box figurines (it’s not an addiction I swear)
171. Who was the last person you told a lie to?
My mom probably
172. Have you ever been a bridesmaid or a groomsman?
173. Have you ever had a fortune cookie fortune come true?
Not that I know of
174. What was your favorite toy to play with when you were a child?
Hmmmm I had this little Narnia figurine set that I loved, also a bunch of littlest pet shop toys
175. How good are you at math?
Pretty good, I took AP Calculus in high school and got an A, doesn’t mean I liked it
176. Have you ever learned anything from a how-to YouTube video?
Not that I can think of right now
177. Have you ever participated in a science fair?
Yes, it was required in 6th grade
178. Have you ever wished you were born the opposite gender?
Womanhood is difficult and I often wish I did not have to bear it, but I’ve made peace with it
179. Have you ever participated in a public protest?
No, I’m scared
180. Do you have a pool at your house?
181. Have you ever hosted a wild party?
No lol, the wildest was probably my birthday party when we all got high and then had a 1 am McDonalds run because munchies
182. Do you like karaoke?
Not really
183. Have you ever written a love letter?
Kind of yes, I’m rather sappy
184. Have you ever ran a marathon?
God no, I’ve done a lot of 5Ks though
185. How often do you get mad at yourself?
So much, I suck
186. Any guilty pleasures?
Probably shitty old Warrior Cats AMVs, those are great when you’re bored and need to remember your roots
187. Fruits or vegetables?
Vegetables solely because potatoes fuckin slap
188. Do you live in a house or an apartment?
In a house, but I’m about to move into a dorm
189. The countryside or the suburbs?
Suburbs, I’ve lived in them my whole life, also listen to Subdivisions by Rush it’s great
190. Worst job you’ve ever had?
I’ve only had 1 job so I guess working at Chick-fil-A
191. Do you hang out with any of your co-workers?
Yes, one of them was my friend from school as well so I hang out with her regularly
192. Were you ever voted homecoming/prom king or queen?
Nope, but my good friends were prom king and queen!
193. Were you voted a “best” or “most likely to” in high school?
No, but I was “Most Likely To Be President - Girl” in elementary school so take that
194. Have you ever gotten detention?
No I’m a good kid
195. Have you ever babysat?
Yes, we watched disney movies and played dress-up
196. Have you ever taken a road trip just for the fun of it?
Nah, but I’d like to
197. How many drinks get you tipsy?
Idk, I was a little funny after 2 vodka spiked punches so
198. Were you a part of any academic clubs in high school or college?
Certainly yes, Technology Student Association, Beta club, Book club
199. Have you ever given a public speech, aside from your schooling?
I did the sermon one Sunday at church, but I’m not a big fan of public speaking
200. How long have you been on tumblr?
5 years in november! (God thats awful)
@officieel i did it bastard
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that-shamrock-vibe · 5 years
Movie Review: Dumbo (Spoilers)
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Spoiler Warning: I am posting this review the day after the movie is first released in the U.K, so if you haven’t yet seen the movie, go and see it and then read on.
General Reaction:
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/I have fallen in love with Tim Burton’s take on Dumbo, the character not the movie. He is so adorable in places just so full of innocence that it is impossible not to fall in love with him by the end of the movie. The movie is a slow-burn I think depending on your level of enjoyment of the 1941 animated movie as well as your willingness to believe in the Disney magic. I always at least a toe in the pool of Disney magic with any Disney movie I see and that 1% of pure belief actually thought Dumbo was real.
Now when it comes to the movie as a whole, I had a good time. Just like I would if I went to the circus or an amusement park in real life, I enjoyed the spectacle and the wonder what the movie offered me. However, the fact the original animated movie is just 64 minutes whereas this 2019 version is 112 minutes did flare up red lights for me as I didn’t know how exactly they were going to add pretty much an hour of extra content to a movie that pretty much drags as it is from what I remember.
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I haven’t seen the original animated movie for about 15 years if not more, but by memory the movie was “A stork brings baby Dumbo to his mother who is part of a travelling circus but he has big ears so everyone sees him as a freak and dress him up as a clown-act. He befriends a mouse who gets him drunk and he sees pink elephants, they both discover he can fly with a feather after meeting a quartet of racially-stereotypical crows who help him reunite with his mother...end of movie”. This was definitely a more fleshed-out and, in my opinion, more adult adaptation while still maintaining Disney’s family-friendly nature.
Focusing on more human characters than just the one ringmaster when you haven’t got that first-hand perspective of talking animals is definitely the right decision, and fortunately they did not pull focus from the start that is Dumbo himself. However, all the main human characters were rather compelling and charming in their own way and all of them simply aided to making Dumbo that much more adorable and cute.
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When you hear Tim Burton is directing a movie, you are looking for the wonder, the macabre and the unique Burtonisms that brought us Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman and Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter....in the first Alice movie. However, for the first half of this movie I was not seeing what I was expecting from him, until Dumbo’s first circus performance where we and he see the acts before he goes on...including Burton’s reimagining of the pink elephants. With the original Dumbo had Dumbo drink and see them, I was slightly Burton was going to make a live-action baby elephant drink, fortunately thought it was merely part of the circus performance with pink elephant bubbles that somehow came to life, believe in the Disney magic!
The scene that had me on the edge of my seat was the clown scene when Dumbo was trapped on that ledge with the fire and I was holding my breath so worried for him. When a movie can make me care that much about a CGI elephant it’s something special.
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Also, it is slightly concerning that the villain of the movie is essentially Corporate America, in the shape of Michael Keaton. If there were villains in the original I feel it was simply humanity in general whereas here they showed the good, the bad and the corrupted sides of humanity and that, to me, is a lot more realistic and better storytelling.
But when you consider that Keaton’s amusement park “Dremland” is very similar to the theme parks of today and this inspires Danny DeVito’s ringmaster of the circus character to make his circus more family and animal friendly whih also seems to be a very early version of DisneyWorld is either Disney commenting on themselves or on theme parks in general.
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Aside from the animals, you had many supporting human characters both in the Medici Bros. Circus and Keaton’s business associates. Front and centre is Colin Farrell who is surprisingly a WWI soldier who lost an arm during the war, this was a surprise because it was never revealed in the trailers and the only shots we see of him are most likely with the prosthetic he has. I thought the loss of his wife wasn’t as heavily felt in the movie but his for for his kids was.
The kids were okay, I am not seeing anything great here but I never really see anything great from kids in Disney movies usually, with the exception of Mowgli in The Jungle Book.
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Eva Green was fabulous in this movie, I have not yet seen her star power fully shine yet because I am still seeing Helena Bonham-Carter-lite probably because Burton seems to be turning her into that. I thought the French “Queen of the Skies” they created for her was very well used in the context of the movie, the only thing I believe will hurt the character, and Eva Green, is the fact that we have very recently seen a flying trapeze lady with Zendaya’s character in The Greatest Showman and while Colin Farrell’s Holt and Zac Efron’s Phillip Carlyle are different characters, both fill that kind of middle-management/underling in their respective circuses and while Holt and Colette never explicitly have a romance in this movie it does just draw comparisons.
Danny DeVito as a circus ringmaster calls back to his turn as The Penguin in Tim Burton’s Batman Returns because Cobblepot there led a circus troupe although slightly more demonic than this group. Also, from when we first meet Medici, I had so many callbacks to his other Disney role as Philoctites in Hercules with his talk about “Rule number 1″.
As I said Michael Keaton is the villain and reasonable as a villain, although I do feel it draws more on campy than threatening at times. There are a couple of moments when he enters a room and almost sing-speaks to the point where I thought he was going to burst into song, being a Disney movie. But fortunately the only song in this movie is Baby, Mine and not sung by him.
The actual troupe are great diverse characters, however much like Shazam! it does seem to be where the diversity is.as the main cast are all Caucasian. The snake charmer, the strongman and the mermaid are the three that stand out and surprisingly the mermaid is Rae from My Mad Fat Diary. Interesting to see how far people come. She was very wooden, particularly during the song, but she was passable. I particularly loved the elephant breakout plan at the end of the movie as it felt like they all used the strengths that made them circus performers in the first place.
Going Forward:
Because Disney does only really seem to be wanting to be showing updated versions of these animated classics, I don’t see this movie going anywhere after the conclusion of the film. But honestly, that scene where Dumbo and his mother are freed from the amusement park and find safe haven in India along with a herd of their kind was beautiful and seeing Dumbo flying around the grove was the moment where I welled up because it was just so perfect an ending.
However, if they wanted to somehow attempt to link up these live-action movies, they could have had an adult Mowgli appear looking over the grove or seeing Dumbo fly by. I know it may never happen but it would have been exciting, even as a mid-post-credits scene.
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I had a lovely time watching this movie, I never felt bored or like I wasted my time. I would gladly see it again and do remember most of the key moments. If you are someone who wants to believe in the Disney magic then you will see it here, if you are someone who wants an updated version of the animated movie then you will have that. If you just want a great family-friendly movie then you will definitely have that. Just go and have a great time.
Overall I rate the movie a 7/10, it’s a good live-action adaptation ahead of Cinderella and Oz but below Beauty and the Beast and The Jungle Book. Somewhere on par with Maleficent and 101 Dalmatians. I enjoyed myself and I am glad I saw it.
So that’s my review of Dumbo, what did you guys think? Post your comments and check out more Disney Movie Reviews as well as other Movie Reviews and posts.
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yenneferw · 6 years
Can you please rant about jk Rowling she’s fucking awful with her queerbaiting, racism, and transphobia. Like I need someone else to validate me for not liking her
absolutely i hate her!!!!! this is a REALLY long post but she’s written so much and she’s been in the spotlight since her books got famous so like… there’s a lot to talk about i guess. anyway @ jk rowling get ready to be called out 
first of all on this valid bitch of an i hate jk rowling post, the ilvermorny houses. it’s like…. Big cultural appropriation of native american ideas and stories, twisting them to fit her narrative for harry potter and completely disrespecting their history and origins. the history she creates for north american wizards is shit too, saying that native americans would “primitively” practice magic until europeans civilized them with wands (even tho…. it’s like really impressive to do magic without wands in her universe??? like sounds like the native americans were way ahead of europeans, but ofc she twists her own narrative to make the natives primitive). her whole history or north american wizardry also apparently just follows white wizards immigrating to north america and shit…… 
this video is……. a really good poem on the stereotypes and fetishization of cho chang and there’s no way i can reword what the speaker says bc she says it too good so,,, watch it
jk rowling is also really good at speaking out about racism when she wants to on twitter and yet all of her canonical poc characters in the books are background characters. i know hermione is black in the cursed child play, but that feels a bit like the dumbledore thing to me, like they never actually talk abotu it in the books? and if she wanted hermione to be black why didn’t she have any protests about emma watson being cast? if she wanted harry to be brown why didn’t she have any protests about daniel radcliffe being cast? i don’t know if she had any say in that, but i guess she had a say in insisting that the actors had to be british, so if she cared about making a main character poc, why did she not have any qualms about the cast, even in retrospect, even respectful ones like “i love daniel and emma to death but in retrospect i wrote them as characters of color”?
like she didn’t have to push dean and cho and the very small characters of color to the side but she did. she didn’t have to stereotype cho but she did. there are no poc in fbawtft, or there aren’t in the movie at least – and if she’s so happy about johnny depp and can speak out about that relentlessly, but she wanted there to be characters of color in fantastic beasts, why can’t she speak out about that? 
like the cultural appropriation is enough to see that she’s clearly a racist asshole who doesn’t care about the cultures of people who aren’t white, but it’s also clear to see in the background of her writing that she doesn’t care about research for shit if it’ll help to respect people of color in her stories, and she certainly doesn’t care to ensure that there are important characters of color for people to look up to when they read her books or watch the movies about them 
i guess she liked a terf’s article on twitter? like i dont’ knwo how reputable my sources on that were or if she meant to, but if she did, yikes
and from what i saw of the article it was Deep Terf Rhetoric, and tbqh i wouldn’t put it past her to have meant to have done that
i’ve seen ppl saying harry potter has transphobic aspects to it as well but i couldn’t find anything under all the times she’s “defended” trans ppl on twitter like idk i can’t take anythign she says on twitter by heart bc everything she does feels performative and fake af, and i haven’t read the books in like four years so i can’t say for sure based on my own memory 
also she wrote a trans woman in a more recent novel and she’s apparently totally impulsively violent like wow great way to conform to nasty stereotypes about trans women lmfao
like esp bc of this i wouldn’t put it past her to be a terf
homophobia & queerbaiting
saying! dumbledore! is gay! after! the fucking! book series! is not! representation!!!!!
even if she HAD make him gay during the series, he’s not good rep??? he was a manipulative asshole who let a child stay in an abusive home becuase he was too big of a dumbass to think about a way around the issue so that a little boy could live in a home full of people who treated him fairly. so uhh?? the cishets can fucking have him, i don’t WANT him in the goddamn community. 
but she thinks that she���s not homophobic bc he’s the only gay character who never even got to talk about being gay, who we never see in a relationship with a man. like throwing gay ppl scraps isn’t?? rep??? it’s queerbaiting you dumb bitch @ jk rowling…. 
she specifically said herself that werewolves are meant to represent diseases like AIDS, and characters like fenrir greyback are predatory werewolves who want tos pread around the AIDS-like disease, conforming to 1980s homophobic stereotypes against gay people for “wanting” to spread around AIDS like how can you in one breath say you want to bring light to diseases like AIDS and in the next make a character who literally models homophobic stereotypes with the same disease?? 
also, remus was supposed to be gay apparently, but he “changed and fell in love with tonks” like ok first of all bi people exist, second of all why would you write a straight person who’s supposed to basically have AIDS when that sounds a hell of a lot like “predatory gay man infects poor straight kid” like there’s SO MUCH wrong with that, and yeah you kind of have to dig into it a little bit to get there, but when you’re writing about risky topics and you literally admit to it, you need to be WELL-VERSED on what you’re writing about!! and to say you’re writing about AIDS is deeply mixed with gay history! and to say that the main character who is a werewolf was SUPPOSED to be gay and then pretend you’re NOT associating it with gay people is just… such cognitive dissonance, or maybe really ridiculous ignorance
also, dumbledore is dead. so even if he was good rep, and it was within the books, he’s fucking dead. another buried gay, fuckos! pile em up! 
and i’ve heard there’s a shit ton of queerbaiting between harry’s son and draco’s son in cursed child? which like…. may just be subtext, but there’s a huge section of the fandom who’s all about harry x draco (i have not good feelings about that ship personally but to say it’s not popular is to never have seen anything in the fandom), and she must know that? like she’s not oblivious is she? so why would she like…. put subject between their sons? ?? it feels like it’s a bone to “hey i never gave you harry x draco, so here are their sons, who i’m also never going to give you” 
also? if grindelwald WAS dumbledore’s bf at some point, what does that say about what she thinks about queer men? he’s deeply predatory and preys on credence in a very creepy way that plays on stereotypes about older gay men preying on younger gay boys, and he’s also a disgusting villain played by johnny fucking depp, an abuser (who SHE SUPPORTS) of all people. what does that say about what her mind goes to when she thinks about gay men????? 
i don’t actually know her role in those films, but she has said she loves depp, what he’s done with the character, and where the darkness of grindelwald is going in the first movie and its sequels, so even if her role is very little, she supports what is being done. 
also…. um apparently newt scamander created a werewolf registry…. a little honest to god werewolf registry in the fucking 40s….. ??????????? what r we supposed to think here, about a registry of discriminated ppl in the FORTIES…….????? and that’s the protag of fantastic beasts… cool it’s fine it’s fine
when talking about irredeemable characters like voldemort, she literally said that “whether it’s a personality disorder or illness” they’re not redeemable…. !!!?? here is a post on that subject with links to the sources of the interviews she said this in. 
i don’t know where to put this bc this could be any number of things but i just thought about this so i’ll put it here: the thing that’s created in fantastic beasts, where it’s like basically a personification of anguish from suppressing magic – that’s quite blatantly a reference to any number of minorities, like gay people suppressing their sexuality, trans people suppressing their gender, the mentally ill and disabled pushing themselves too hard or trying to ignore/hide it… and credence was vilified and killed and the protags weren’t even… really sad about it?? and the ministry of magic never really THOUGHT About that they just killed him….. and that’s okay…. that’s fine… they’re just going around killing a bunch of KIDS who are inconvenient to them and who basically symbolize a whole number of oppressed groups. cool, it’s fine
you could also make a point that werewolves also represent the mentally ill, and all the same fucked up shit basically applies here
she also said that everything that muggles can get can be cured by magic, thereby effectively giving some bullshit reason for not actually having any disabled or mentally ill characters, also assuming that it’s not totally ableist to just…. “cure” all that? she didn’t say it specifically about mental illnesses and disabilities, but it’s clear to see that with her attitude on “irredeemable” mentally ill people, she would 
most fat characters in harry potter are shitty people. the dursleys, pettigrew, and umbridge – all characters we’re supposed to find deeply wrong, the ones we’re supposed to hate the most other than, like, voldemort. like…..? a lot of the other fat characters are all “matronly” like molly weasley or stubborn and “lazy” like cornelius fudge who allowed voldemort to rise to power. like what’s that supposed to say about what she thinks the extent of fat people is? stubborn, evil, or motherly? 
she actually has a character grow fatter and fatter based on how shitty she acts towards harry because of a magic mishap. she also usually describes the nice fat people as “plump” and “pleasant,” while she describes dudley as “so much like a pig” that he couldn’t even be turned furhter into a pig when it was attempted, or as a “killer whale,” or vernon dursley as “having no neck”
her fascination with abusers
exhibit a: she loves johnny depp, she loves him for the part of grindelwald, she praises what he’s done for the character, she praises his casting. he’s abused his wife..................
exhibit b: she loves dumbledore. he is constantly manipulating harry and not actually helping him get out of difficult situations at home or at school, putting him and the other kids in danger multiple times, not talking about important information to keep them safe, like?? 
exhibit c: snape. a fucking nasty ass creep to lily. neville’s GREATEST FEAR. like i dont’ even need to talk about this, we all know snape, dumbledore, and johnny depp are shitty lmfao
and yet she named harry’s kids after dumbledore and snape, like they didn’t fuck harry’s life up, especially snape, who terrorized him and his friends. 
in conclusion fuckos
she’s nasty!!!!! i was going to do a section on sexism but i can’t find anything – i think she’s too much of a White Feminist to be sexist, probably. likely she cares more about researching feminist issues than she does about researching native myths before she steals them for her own gain lmfao. there is the fact that she supports an abuser like johnny depp, tho! 
she is constantly like… going against all this on twitter too lmfao, like it’s hard to find good articles on her shittiness on the first page of google bc most of it is “jk rowling defends trans people against transphobic tweet, jk rowling defends muslims against islamophobic tweet, jk rowling defends [this group or that group]” and yet she includes so much bigotry hidden in the details of her books and what she says about her books. like i know some of this isn’t quite on the surface, but ultimately when you write a book with subjects you don’t really know about, your inherent biases are going to be apparent under the surface, and since she’s such a famous author with so many books and so much spotlight on her, if you dig in a little you can make easy conclusions/clearly see what she thinsk about minorities. so it’s really fucking annoying that she’s so “good and progressive” on twitter because it’s obviously performative so she can get the progressive points required for more people to buy her shit. like that’s the best word i can think of to describe her: performative. 
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starlitsea · 6 years
I’m shit at live-blogging TV/movies apparently. I pretty much gave up on doing Star Trek though I do still have that second ENT episode and drafts of 1.5 episodes of TOS that I haven’t posted. On the other hand, I did binge-watch Star Trek movies 2-9 before they expired on Hulu (I’ve watched 1 like 3 times and the only thing I can remember about it is that it’s deathly boring, and 10 is only available through Cinemax, WTF) and lemme tell you, Insurrection is waaaaaay shittier than I remember. It’s like two terrible episodes of TNG were somehow made into a movie for the big screen. Like, I don’t care about your random romance at all, Picard? Why are we spending all this time on this random kid when crew members like Riker, Troi (autocorrect changed it to Trip lololol), Crusher, and LaForge could actually be getting screentime? Why does Worf get to randomly be there and not O’Brien too? Why is Starfleet suddenly Super Evil(TM)? (The villains are also cartoonishly bad???) Also, you’re gonna spend nearly a year of leave on the youth rejuvenating planet, Picard? 🤔 Why don’t they just build a resort on the other side of the planet away from the 600 inhabitants, WTF, c’mon.
Also, when are they going to talk about Sybok in DSC? That must’ve been reaalllly awkward for everyone involved with the three kids growing up together? Like, Sarek, your first kid is a revolutionary, your second kid is a mutineer, and your third kid is Spock (which, yeah, Spock), but . . . his soul is the “most human.” 🤷🏻‍♀️
I also have -ugh- ~feelings~ about the newest Star Wars (but understand that I grew up with the EU so TLJ Luke was never gonna be the way I saw oldman!Luke). I do love the new trio but everyone was a dumbass in this movie, okay? Except for Leia, but I also have :/ feelings about that. Okay, actually, Paige is not a dumbass. And the fish nuns. Ugh, don’t wanna blog about it but prolly will end up doing it somewhere down the line. I also have no strong feelings pro or anti porgs if that’s where y’all are drawing your lines in the sand.
Other things I watched recently:
Bram Stoker’s Dracula too. It was really terrible. Like, wow, terrible? Man, could not stop thinking about Hideyuki Kikuchi during the vampire brides scene though? In Vampire Hunter D that exact scene would happen but then it would turn out that you’re turning into a dream at the same time. Dracula’s hair was also the worst thing I’ve ever seen. Mina, why are you and Dracula secret sex friends? He took you to a porno on the first date - you should’be known this was something you couldn’t sweep under the rug. You can’t have sexy times with Gary Oldman channeling Johnny Depp then run off to marry Keanu who is recovering from a BRAIN FEVER only to regret doing so immediately??? Also WHY do you have a copy of the Kama Sutra for light reading? (Okay, we know why.)
Valerian: thought it would be much worse from the reviews. Yes, the romance is super cringeworthy, and it is also concerning that almost everyone involved with our two main characters dies and they seem to feel very little remorse, but the CGI is pretty good and it gave me the alien worlds feeling I was craving from Star Wars that TFA and TLJ failed to deliver on. Also lots of cool alien designs! Extra bonus, Cara does the best wide eyes shocked face look, I need a gif. 7/10.
Kingsman: The Golden Circle (Full disclosure, watched this because Redbox spit out the wrong movie and immediately stopped working afterwards): Woooow, this was terrible. My brother and I actually skipped over the controversial scene because my mom was watching with us (so I can’t comment as to exactly how bad it was but I’m sure it was baaad), but as to the rest of the movie . . . WTF. My mom laughed her ass off though because she was like OMG, Mr. Darcy! So stupid! Hahahaha! Also Elton John’s part was so big???? The villains and plot and everything were so bad I can’t. I say this as someone who enjoyed the first one, JUST SAY NO.
Batman vs. Two Face: why does Burt Ward sound EXACTLY THE SAME? I actually slept through most of this because we started watching it around 11 PM and I’m old now and can’t stay up, but nice to see Harley Quinn (couldn’t they have her sound more professional as a doctor) in 60s Batman. William Shatner was also Two Face? (IT ALL COMES FULL CIRCLE.)
The only other thing I’ve been doing is binge watching Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy which is a show about three idiots, their idiot fathers, and the awesome women and terrible men that surround them? I might talk more about it once I’m through the family banquet from hell episodes. 😒
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weekendwarriorblog · 5 years
I apologize for taking last week off, but I really needed a break, especially considering how late I was running on writing anything for the column. I also worry that the fact I write so much about the wide releases over at The Beat -- hitting the ‘net in about an hour -- means I don’t have so much to write here, and I don’t want to disappoint those who click on the link.
Hopefully, some of you are using this column to check up on limited releases and repertory screenings. Feel free to drop me a line or hit me up on Twitter if that’s the case, as I hate working in a vacuum.
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Sadly, I don’t think there’s been much buzz for MEN IN BLACK INTERNATIONAL (Sony), the attempt to revive and reboot a franchise without the original movie’s two stars. This has rarely worked in the past, and Will Smith is so well-liked, as seen by the success of the recent Aladdin. Directed by F. Gary Gray (The Fate of the Furious), the new MiB are played by Chris Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson, both popular thanks to Thor: Ragnarok and the recent Aven gers: Endgame but not quite up to Smith when it comes to being a box office draw. I’m happy to see Emma Thompson back, although I’m sure she’ll be better used in this week’s expanding release Late Night, while Liam Neeson can be fun when given the right part.
Mini-Review: It’s officially the summer, so studios are starting to hope that film critics will go easier on their movies meant to be entertaining summer “popcorn fare.” That was certainly true of the original Men in Black, which combined a simple premise of an alien-fighting government agency with the charm of Will Smith.
Men in Black International has the same premise, but this time, instead of Smith, it has Tessa Thompson as Molly, a young girl who discovered the presence of the Men in Black. Twenty years later, she wants to become one herself. If you’ve seen the trailers and commercials, you already know that she’s accepted into the group and paired with Chris Hemsworth’s British Agent H.
There’s no point getting further into the plot, because it really doesn’t matter. It’s the exact same rookie MiB agent trying to keep up with the more experience agent who is having none of their youthful shit, as they encounter weird and often deadly CG aliens.
There’s a good reason Tessa Thompson has been cast in this movie, and that’s because she has a likeable personality in everything she does, and presumably, that’s enough to carry an MIB movie.  Similarly, I like Chris Hemsworth as an actor, but right now, he’s in danger of turning into Johnny Depp, basically famous and popular for one character then trying to imbue every character after that with what he thinks works with his audience. In Hemsworth’s case, Agent H is another arrogant and dumb dope always getting things wrong and being corrected by someone else, in this case Thompson’s Agent M. Those looking forward to seeing this movie for Emma Thompson or Liam Neeson may be disappointed by how little they actually appear in the film.
I certainly don’t entirely fault director F. Gary Gray for the movie’s problems, as he clearly was working with what he was given and doing the best he can. The CG and action are well done and so well-blended there’s no problems there, although the only alien that doesn’t seem like a rehash to previous MiB movies is the one voiced by Kumail Nanjiani, who gets in a few fun jabs at Hemsworth.
The best part of the movie probably comes in the third act when Rebecca Ferguson turns up as an alien arms dealer (with extra arms, of course) and somehow, the combination of her with the other three actors delivers some of the movie’s strongest moments… and then it goes back to the tired plot that didn’t really seem to be going anywhere
I’m sure plenty of people will enjoy Men in Black International just fine, but one really has to go into the movie with lowered expectations to think it’s any sort of improvement even over the worst of the previous movies (MiB 3).
For the most part, Tessa Thompson shines in an otherwise uninspired and mostly unfunny reboot that really doesn’t give much hope for the future of this franchise.
Rating: 6/10
I have to admit that I also wasn’t a very big fan of Tim Story’s SHAFT (New Line), which reunites Samuel L. Jackson and Richard Roundtree 19 years after the previous Shaft movie, which I also never really liked. Joining them this time is Independence Day: Resurgence star Jessie T. Usher, who also will be appearing on the upcoming The Boys series on Amazon. You probably won’t know it from the amount of coverage you’ll be seeing from me this week, but hey, work is work, and who am I to pass up a chance to interview Jackson and Roundtree, not once but twice? No idea when that coverage is running but I’ll post links here when it does.
Adding a bunch of my features on the movie:
I’m always excited for a new Jim Jarmusch movie, even though I’ve been mixed on some of his more recent films, including Only Lovers Left Alive, his vampire movie starring Tilda Swinton and Tom Hiddleston that I seemed to be one of the few people who wasn’t that into it. With THE DEAD DON’T DIE (Focus Features), Jarmusch explores the world of zombies, and I think the tone and mood of this one are more in line with Jarmusch’s earlier work but also with Romero’s zombie movies, although there isn’t as much zombie gore as some might hope.
My Review of The Dead Don’t Die from The Beat
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Also expanding nationwide this weekend (presumably) is Amazon Studios’ LATE NIGHT, the Mindy Kaling-penned comedy co-starring Emma Thompson. I was mostly bummed about not doing this column last week because it meant delaying my review, but I do hope that people will go out see this very funny movie based on Kaling’s own experiences in late night. I think it’s one of Thompson’s best performances in a long time, although I did think she was great in last year’s The Children Act, a movie that was sadly overlooked by most film critics/writers.
Mini-Review: Anyone who has ever underestimated Mindy Kaling from her TV work on The Office and The Mindy Show will never do so again after seeing Late Night. I’m saddened to say that I’m one of those who has learned that lesson the hard way.
The premise is simple with Kaling playing Molly Patel, a young woman with dreams of being a comedy writer, something that becomes more possible when she’s hired as a writer on the prestigious talk show “Late Night with Katherine Newbury.” What Molly doesn’t know is that she’s a bit of a “diversity hire” once Katherine (Emma Thompson) realizes her writing room is all white males. Molly has troubles fitting in at first but her bright personality proves to be what Katherine needs to start examining her own life, as the network tries to take her show away from her.
Directed by Nisha Ganatra, an indie filmmaker whose work I have sadly overlooked until now, Late Night is a great example of the quality of work that can be created when an actor is allowed to make her passion project.  It’s immediately obvious what Kaling has brought to her television shows as a writer, performer and producer as Late Night.
Kaling and Ganatra’s impeccable storytelling includes many characters around Molly and Katherine that add to their story without taking the attention away from them.Thompson has always been a fine actor but in Katherine Newbury, she’s been given a present that will bring her back to the forefront come awards time. Thompson creates a character that can be funny in the same was as Meryl Streep in The Devil Wears Prada but also quite sympathetic, and that’s a hard balance to create.
Overall, Late Night is just a joyous breakout film for Kaling.  If you can imagine a cross between Tina Fey’s “30 Rock” and Kumail Nanjiani’s The Big Sick, then you may have a better idea whether Late Night will be your thing. Rating: 8.5/10
Interview with Director Nisha Ganatra
You can see how I think the above movies will fare over at The Beat.
Although the big news this weekend is Late Night (presumed) expanding nationwide, as well as the wider-than-usual release for Jim Jarmusch’s latest, there are still a number of movies opening in select cities I want to draw attention to.
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One of my favorite films from this year’s Tribeca Film Festival was Jeff Chan and Andrew Rhymer’s PLUS ONE (RLJE Films), which stars Jack Quaid (from The Hunger Games and the upcoming The Boys series) and Maya Erskine from Pen15as long-time best friends Ben and Alice who decide to accompany each other to an upcoming round of weddings, acting as wingmen to help the other one pick up men and women. As you can imagine, it only works out to a point.
I’m not embarrassed to say that romantic-comedies are a bit of a guilty pleasure with me, and Plus One is a really good one, since it’s both funny and romantic, which isn’t something we often get from studio fare in this vein. I absolutely love Maya Erskine, though I haven’t had a chance to check out her Hulu series just yet; there are few actors who are so talented at being hilariously funny but also delivering on the drama when necessary. I feel like Quaid is trying to keep up with her. If you’re the type of person who gets dragged to weddings every other weekend, this movie is definitely for you.  Plus One will be in theaters and On Demand this Friday, and I definitely recommend seeking it out, especially for a fun date night movie.
Another really good drama coming out this weekend is Sienna Miller’s AMERICAN WOMAN (Roadside Attractions/Vertical), which stars Ms. Miller as Debra, a 30-something woman whose teen daughter goes missing, leaving her to care for her grandson. She’s able to deal with the loss with the help of her sister (Christina Hendricks) and mother (Amy Madigan), but also ends up with a series of bad men until she meets Aaron Paul. Directed by Jake Scott, Ridley Scott’s son, who made the drama Welcome to the Rileys back in 2010, this movie lives or dies on the performance by Miller, and she is pretty fantastic in a role that covers 11 years in this woman’s life. This is definitely a smaller slice-of-life movie that covers the things her character goes through in order to find her best self, but I generally liked the entire cast, which is quite diverse, including Will Sasso (from Mad TV) and the underrated Pat Healy as one of the most abusive men with whom Debra ends up.
Opening at the Metrograph Friday and in L.A. on June 28 is Sophie Huber’s documentary Blue Note Records: Beyond the Notes, a terrific look at the classic jazz label that’s still going strong thanks to current President Don Was (yes, he of “Walk the Dinosaur” fame) but is also branching out into other jazz-influenced genres. I really dug how Huber told this story, featuring new interviews that’s framed by a recording being done by the current incarnation of the Blue Note All-Stars. If you like jazz or  even have a passing interest, it’s good to know the history of the genre and Blue Note’s part in it.
A movie I’ve been wanting to see but just haven’t had the chance to is FRAMING JOHN DELOREAN  (Sundance Selects), directed by Don Argott (The Art of the Steal) and Sheena M. Joyce and starring Alec Baldwin as the visionary who made his way up through the auto industry only to be disgraced when charged with drug trafficking. Also starring Morena Baccarin, Josh Charles and more, it opens in select cities on Friday.
Miranda Bailey’s BEING FRANK  (The Film Arcade) features comedian Jim Gaffigan as the title character. Set in 1992, it stars Logan Miller as teenager Phillip, who wants to leave his small town to go to music school in New York, something his father (Gaffigan’s Frank) forbids. Philip decides to go on a wild spring break but he then discovers that his father has another whole family in another town.
Jay Stern’s SAY MY NAME  (Electric Entertainment) opens in select cities and on VOD Friday. It stars Lisa Brenner and Nick Blood as two strangers who have a one-night stand that’s interrupted by a robbery, sending them across Wales to try to retrieve their stolen property.
Thomas Stuber’s German drama IN THE AISLES  (Music Box Films) stars Franz Rogowski (Transit) as a guy who just started working at a big box store where he becomes obsessed with a co-worker (Sandra Hüller from Toni Erdmann) but when he starts delving into the secrets she’s keeping, he begins returning to his own dark habits. It opens at the Village Eastin New York on Friday.
Less than a month after her last film Poms bombed, Diane Keaton is back in Joel Hopkins’ HAMPSTEAD  (IFC Films) starring opposite Brendan Gleeson as Emily, a widow in an expensive apartment in the title London neighborhood that she can’t afford. Gleeson plays Donald, a gruff loner living in a cabin who just wants to be left in peace, but when his home is threatened, Emily has found her new cause. Based on a true story, it also stars Lesley Manville, and it will play at the IC Center this Friday.
Kat Rohrer and Gil Levanon’s award-winning doc Back to the Fatherland  (First Run Features) will open in New York (Cinema Village) and L.A. (Laemmle Music Hall). It deals with the friendship between the two filmmakers despite their different backgrounds – Kat is the granddaughter of a Nazi officer while Gil is that of a Holocaust survivor – and they seek out other grandchildren of Holocaust survivors who have moved back to Germany and Austria.
Opening on Wednesday at the Film Forum is Muayad Alayan’s psychological thriller The Reports of Sarah and Saleem (Dada Films) about the clandestine affair between an Israeli café owner from West Berlin and her Palestinian bread vendor from the East, made more complicated when their spouses find out. So it’s sort of a retelling of Romeo and Juliet set in Israel? It actually sounds intriguing.
I’m bummed that I didn’t get a chance to see divisive Mexican filmmaker Carlos Reygadas’ latest, Our Time  (Monument Releasing), but at three hours, it was just hard to find time to watch it. This one is about a Mexican family living in the countryside raising fighting bulls who is torn apart by the woman of the house falling in love with another man. No, I have no idea why this story had to be three hours long, but it will open at the Quad Cinema in New York Friday.
Lastly, there’s David Hackl’s Daughter of the Wolf  (Vertigo), starring MMA star Gina Carano as a military specialist who comes back from the Middle East to claim her inheritance only to find her son has been kidnapped.  Also starring living legend Richard Dreyfuss, it opens in a bunch of theaters, but this is more of a VOD special.
Premiering on Netflix (and in select theaters) Wednesday is Rolling Thunder Revue: A Bob Dylan Story by Martin Scorsese, an amazing film resuscitated from 1975 as Scorsese goes on the road with Dylan during his 1975 fall tour. (Besides streaming on the network, it can also be seen in select theaters like New York’s IFC Center and Film at Lincoln Center.)
Also, Adam Sandler is back with his latest comedy MURDER MYSTERY, reuniting him with Jennifer Aniston as a couple who go on a trip to Europe where they’re invited for a party on a yacht by a billionaire (Terence Stamp) who ends up being murdered with them being the prime suspects. So Sandler, a New York detective, needs to work with a local crimefighter, played by Luke Evans.
Also, the doc Life Overtakes Me which looks at the Resignation Syndrome being suffered by refugee children in Sweden as they end up in a coma-like state for months and years with their parents having few options to help them.
A few decent festivals are starting this weekend, a couple in New York and on in Chcago, but the one that definitely shouldn’t be missed is the annual BamCinemaFest, which kicks off tonight with Lulu Wang’s amazing Sundance favorite The Farewell, starring Awkwafina. Unfortunately I didn’t get to nearly as many of the screenings as I hoped, but I’m sure you can find one or two gems in the line-up this year.
The annual Human Rights Watch Film Festival will kick off at Film at Lincoln Center this week with a wide variety of documentaries, dramas and foreign films. I haven’t seen any of the movies but really, with this festival, you can rarely go wrong in terms of learning what’s going in the rest of the world.
Kicking off in Chicago this week is the Cinepocalypse Genre Film Festival, which features a wide variety of genre films both old and new. It kicks off on Thursday with the World Premiere of Glenn Danzig’s Verotika and in a similar vein, there will be events like Gwar vs. Rock ‘n’ Roll Nightmare and Gwar vs. Cinepocalypse plus there’s lots of vintage genre including Tammy and the T-Rex from 1994 and Joel Schumacher’s Flatliners (1990) in 70mm! Some of the big horror films from other festivals like Villains, The Lodge and Satanic Panic will also get their Midwest Premieres. It’s a fairly robust schedule that runs from June 13 through the 20.
The Jim Jarmusch retrospective continues through the weekend with Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai (1999) with Jarmusch in person Thursday night, and 1991’s Night on Earth as well as a couple reshows. Late Nites at Metrograph will be screening the action-comedy The God of Cookery (1996) starring the amazing Stephen Chow, while Playtime: Family Matinees will screen Jimmy Stewart’s 1962 film Mr. Hobbs Takes a Vacation.  Sine Sunday is Father’s Day, the Metrograph is screening a couple father-friendly baseball comedies like the 1962 movie Safe at Home!, starring Mickey Mantle, as well as John Badham’s 1976 comedy Bingo Long Travelling All Stars and Moto Kings, starring Billy Dee Williams, James Earl Jones and Richard Pryor.
The Wednesday matinee is Alfred Hitchcock’s Marnie (1964), starring Tippi Hedren and Sean Connery, then the Weds-Thursday double feature is Dean Martin’s The Wrecking Crew co-starring Bruce Lee with Hammerhead, both from 1968. Friday and Saturday will be screenings of Stanley Kubrick’s classic 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), then Sunday and Monday is Sergio Leone’s Once Upon a Time In the West (1968). (Not sure if you noticed a trend there but all four movies are from the same year!) The weekend’s KIDEE MATINE is the Japanese sci-fi film The Green Slime … from 1968! Friday’s midnight movie is Tarantino’s own Inglourious Bastereds while Saturday is Journey to the Far Side of the Sun (1969 – changing things up a little).  Monday’s matinee is The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford  (2007) from Andrew Dominik, and then Tuesday’s Grindhouse double feature is Model Shopand They Came to Rob Las Vegas.
Opening Friday is a new restoration of Jennie Livingston’s Paris is Burning  (1991) which looks at New York in the ‘80s from the perspective of the African-American and Latinx drag scene. The movie ran for six months back in 1991 when it first played at the Film Forum. This weekend’s Film Forum Jr. is Spike Lee’s Crooklyn from 1994. The Jewish Soul series continues this weekend with Maurice Schwartz’s 1939 film Tevya, while Alain Resnais’ Last Year at Marienbad will continue playing for another week, as well. Also, if you haven’t had a chance to see Gillo Pontecorvo’s The Battle of Algiers, it will play as part of The Hour of Liberation series which also ends on Thursday.
Cassavetes & Scorsese: Love is Strange, the series that just won’t end, continues on Friday with Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymoreand A Woman Under the Influence, both from 1974 and a pretty good double feature actually.  On Saturday from noon until midnight, there’s a Camp Void 6-Film Marathon, co-presented by Cinematic Void, which includes a number of classic genre films, as well as a couple comedies from the ‘70s and ‘80s.Kubrick’s long-time assistant Leon Vitali will be back to present a screening of The Shining (1980) for Father’s Day. Although it’s already sold out, the Egyptian will have a special John Woo double feature of Hard Boiled  (1992) and Face/Off (1997) with John Woo in person!
As with New York’s Quad, the AERO is sharing the Pauline Kael centennial love with The Pearls of Pauline: Kael at 100 with Children of Paradise (1945) on Thursday, a double feature of Bonnie and Clyde (1967) and Thieves Like Us (1974) on Friday, and then Diner (1982) and Melvin and Howard (1980) on Saturday. For Father’s Day Sunday, there’s a special Indiana Jones TRIPLE feature of the first three movies, all in 35mm with the third film Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade celebrating its 30thAnniversary.
Because I had to skip last week’s column, I wan’t able to write about the Quad’s amazing new series Losing It at the Movies: Pauline Kael at 100, which pays respect to the film critic who would have turned 100 next week. The movies being shown this weekend include Brian De Palma’s The Fury (one of my personal faves from 1978), Clint Eastwood’s The Gauntlet  (1977), the horror classic Re-Animator (1985), Woody Allen’s Hannah and Her Sisters (1986) and more.
Waverly Midnights: Parental Guidance  goes with David Lynch’s Eraserhead  (1977), Weekend Classics: LoveMom and Dad will screen Vittoio De Sica’s Bicycle Thieves  (1948), while Late Night Favorites: Springgoes with Ridley Scott’s Alien(again), Suspiria (again), The Holy Mountain (again).. and Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction.  Seems like Bicycle Thieves is the best bet in terms of stuff that isn’t shown a lot.
Besides the Human Rights Watch Film Festival, the Upper West Side theaters are beginning an extensive Ermanno Olmi Retrospectivethat includes films from the Italian director ranging from 1958’s Time Stood Still and 1961’s Il Posto through 2014’s Greenery Will Bloom Again. I honestly don’t know if I’ve seen any of his movies but it’s an amazing series with two screenings of each movie.
On Saturday, MOMI will screen Burt Reynolds’ Hooper  (1978), directed by Hal Needham, in 35mm, as well as Sidney Lumet’s musical movie The Wiz (1978) starring Diana Ross and Michael Jackson as part of a StarringDiana Ross series. That series also includes Lady Sings the Blues (1973) and Mahogany (1975), both screening Saturday.
The extensive Jean-Claude Carrière will finally conclude on Sunday, and as before, I have nothing to add about it.
Richard Donner’s The Goonies (1985) will be shown on 35mm on Friday and Saturday
This Friday’s midnight screening is the 1987 film Hard Ticket to Hawaii.
Next week, Disney is back to dominate with Toy Story 4 as Woody and Buzz Lightyear shouldn’t have too many worries facing the return of Chucky in Orion Pictures’ Child’s Play.
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gretamaya · 7 years
Title: And We All Fall Down, Chapter 5
Summary: Everyone deals with Krennic's latest bullshit.
Notes: From @operaticspacetrash‘s celebrity fake relationship au mood board.
AO3/1842 words
Cassian hadn’t seen Jyn in awhile - she had stalked out of the bathroom, ordering him not to follow her.
He had heard something shatter while she was in there, and after she left he went to discover the pieces of his phone. He looked for his sim card while picking up the pieces, but couldn’t find it. Cassian sighed. He had a backup somewhere, but it wasn’t on him. He was going to have to contact someone about getting a new phone, that someone being his agent, Kay, but he didn’t feel like it at the moment.
He used the hotel phone to call Leia. The studio could pay for the international call.
“What am I supposed to do?” he asked, after explaining the situation to her.
“Knife Krennic?” Leia suggested helpfully.
“That sounds like something Jyn would do.”
“Oh, there’s a long list of people besides Jyn who wouldn’t mind seeing Krennic take a knife in the back. Or front. Or head. They’d push it in further.”
“Are you one of those people?”
“Are you not?”
Cassian wasn’t prone to violence and didn’t like hurting others. He hated doing his own stunts, for fear he’d hit someone accidentally. His thoughts about Krennic revolved around trying not to think about him alternated with wishing he was somewhere he couldn’t hurt others.
Cassian sighed and closed his eyes. “I just don’t want anything to do with him. But if I have to, for Jyn’s sake…”
“I know. I’m sorry. I’ll do what I can to make sure you don’t have to deal with Krennic.”
Cassian thanked her and hung up, unsure what Leia could do. This was more personal than professional. Though he knew not to doubt or underestimate her.
When Jyn returned it was very late. Cassian was still up, worrying. He had spent the last hour wondering if he should call someone and who should that someone be. He had thought about calling Jyn, but he knew the number that would appear on her phone wouldn’t be one she recognized. He didn’t want to upset her more than she already was.
He was out of his chair as soon as he heard the door open. He wanted to ask her if she was alright, but at the sight of her he couldn’t say anything. She held out something to him. “Here’s your phone. I’m sorry I broke your old one.” He took it from her, astonished, but before he could say anything she handed him a heavy plastic bag. Peering inside, he found it was full of Japanese candy. So Jyn had noticed his delight at trying new sweets wherever their travels took them. More, she had remembered, even after what had happened earlier today. And she had decided to get him some.
Cassian recognized this move. Placing both phone and bag of candy on the bed, he turned and took Jyn’s face in his hands. “Hey,” he said. “It’s okay. I’m not upset about the phone, but thank you for getting me a new one. I’m glad you’re o- here.” He almost said ‘okay’, but realized that wasn’t appropriate, and he knew she wouldn’t like him using ‘safe’.
Jyn brought one hand up to lock around his wrist, the other grabbing his belt. “I didn’t mean to worry you.”
“I know.” Cassian let his forehead fall to meet hers.
“We should go to bed.” By this point, Jyn’s fingers had worked their way between his shirt and pants, and were pressed up against his skin.
“Did you talk to your father?” Cassian wanted to take the words back as soon as they were out of his mouth. They didn’t need to talk about this right now.
Jyn didn’t take the question badly, though. “No, I thought about it, but I wanted to be calmer, first.”
Cassian once again found himself wishing he and Jyn had separate rooms. He felt the least he could offer her was privacy. Though considering the way she wrapped herself around him, entangling her legs with his, she didn’t seem to mind him being there.
This was a great way for Krennic to get at both him and Jyn. He wouldn’t look great when he broke up with her, though he didn’t care about that. He did care that it would be difficult to be supportive of her if he was supposed to be dumping her. He wondered if Krennic had guessed their relationship was arranged by the studio, but he realized Krennic probably hadn’t had to guess. Krennic was really well connected, it was how he kept getting jobs. It felt to Cassian like all of Hollywood knew his secret, but only half were turned off by it. The rest protected Krennic. He made them money, that was all that mattered.
The next morning, when Cassian had made to leave the room to give Jyn privacy for her call, she had just shaken her head, saying she would appreciate it if he stayed. If Jyn had stripped and said she was going to run naked through the morning commuter traffic of Tokyo, he would not have been more astonished. But he did what he could to hide it, and sat in a chair next to hers while she made the call.
“Father? Yes, I saw what- no, no, fuck Krennic, I know he’s lying.” A pause. Cassian was close enough that he could just make out Galen saying he had recently shut out Krennic, that he no longer listened to him. Galen thought Krennic was doing this to get back at him. “I’m glad you’re not on good terms with him, but he’s not doing this just to get back at you.” She told him about the contract she had been close to signing, to working on a movie with Krennic, but had backed out when his casting had been confirmed. With the success of her recent movie, Jyn was finally high profile enough for someone like Orson Krennic to leech off of. What better way for him to do so than by claiming he was her father?
Cassian noticed Jyn left him out of it.
When Galen said something Cassian didn’t quite catch, Jyn looked at him nervously, briefly, before saying, “Um, I don’t know, I’ll think about it.”
“My father wants me to come see him when the press tour is over,” Jyn said, when she hung up the phone.
The fact that she hadn’t immediately said no told Cassian that she did want to go. So much for their planned post-work getaway. “I can go with you, if you want,” he said hesitatingly.
Jyn frowned. “We’re supposed to break up.”
“The studio’s not going to care if it’s a few days later. They didn’t even give an exact date, just ‘after the press tour’.”
“It’s not going to look good for you to break up with me in the middle of all this.”
“I’m a man. They didn’t stop employing Johnny Depp because he physically assaulted Amber Heard.”
“You’re not American, though. How much did you have to pay for letting the paparazzi photograph you with someone else?”
Cassian shrugged, trying to play in casual. “I could afford it.”
“That’s not what I asked.”
“I… don’t actually know. Kay took care of it.” His agent Kay was very good, too good, at dealing with his problems. Well, except his Jyn-related problems, because Kay couldn’t quite understand Cassian having feelings for anyone. He could see where Jyn was going with this, though, and didn’t want her to be punished for breach of contract. “We’ll think of something.”
Jyn nodded in agreement, looking very much like she had already made up her mind about what she wanted to do.
The plane flight from Tokyo to Beijing wasn’t a lot of fun, as they spent it strategizing on how to handle the questions they were sure to get about Krennic and his outlandish claims. Draven suggested she just say he’s a lying asshole, which is what everyone wanted to say about him anyway. Jyn had never quite appreciated Draven so much. He was incredibly hard on his actors, but he always stood up for them, too. As long as they weren’t Krennic.
Cassian could only watch and admire as Jyn laid out what they had discussed for their interviewer: “I don’t want to justifying his claims with a paternity test,” Jyn stated when asked. “It doesn’t matter, as my father is the man that raised me. Our estrangement has nothing to with Orson Krennic’s existence.”
Cassian cut in when the interviewer kept pressing.
Which got Cassian what he wanted, the interviewer’s focus off of Jyn. She might just come out with Draven’s suggestion if she kept being pressed. Which wasn’t the worst thing, but that sort of statement could bring more attention to this, when they were trying to do the opposite.
The unintended consequence of diverting the interviewer’s attention was that it was now focused on Cassian, and his least favorite topic: Orson Krennic.
“You used to work with Mr. Krennic, Mr. Andor, what did you think of him?”
“I was very young,” Cassian said, not wanting to get into his personal feelings about Krennic with anyone. Honestly, he’d rather talk about his dead parents. He was very young when they died, but his memories of them were entirely positive.
“Surely, you must have some opinion of the man who could be your father-in-law.”
Cassian’s heart hammered in his chest, but he could hardly explain that to his interviewer. “I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Erso.”
“I was talking about Mr. Krennic.”
“Krennic is a lying asshole,” he said flatly. He knew he should not have said that, should not have let the interviewer goad him into such an answer, but he was just happy he didn’t growl it out.
“We’re here to promote a movie, not talk about my parentage,” Jyn cut in.
“People want to-”
Jyn shrugged. “None of their business. Next question.”
The interview ended shortly afterward.
“You okay?” Jyn asked him, as soon as they were out of site of the interviewer.
“Yeah.” That was supposed to be his line. “You?”
She nodded and then looked past him. Cassian turned to see Draven approaching. “How did it go?” he asked. When they were done explaining their interview to him, Draven reached out and put his hand on Cassian’s forearm, giving him a squeeze. “Don’t worry. I called Krennic a lying asshole in an interview, too.”
Cassian patted his back and Jyn gave him a small but real smile. While they all could use some time to decompress, they were whisked off to their next engagement instead. They had a few more weeks of this to go. Cassian would do his best to make it more enjoyable for Jyn. After that, he didn’t know what would happen. He tried not to mourn the loss of his winter holiday with her too much. She was with him now and still seemed to like his attention, despite what was going on.
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I love celebrities and I love spending my money in inadvisable ways (I’ll never own a house regardless!), but I think the only thing I have actually purchased at the direct suggestion of a famous person is a pair of $80 Adidas Superstar sneakers.
These are the shoes Lorde wore in her “Green Light” music video and the Vevo-sponsored video for the choral arrangement of “Hard Feelings/Loveless,” and on many other occasions, including when she had the flu at the 2017 VMAs and appeared totally unhinged.
Do I regret this? Obviously not. It’s a classic, reliable sneaker, and Lorde is so beautiful and talented. I bought another pair after the first one got ruined by New York City’s hellish streets.
But it did make me wonder about a question many brands would like a clear answer to: Will people buy things just because celebrities tell them to? More importantly, will they do it more than once? Basically: When Lorde puts on a pair of Superstars, she’s not doing it for money. But would it be worth it for Adidas if she did?
Lorde performing at the 2017 VMAs in Adidas Superstars. Kevin Winter/Getty Images
This is trickier to answer than it seems on the surface. The status quo would say “yes”: Rappers are still getting paid to talk about Sprite, and thin people are still getting paid to talk about flat tummy tea. But it’s actually fairly opaque; a quick search turns up dozens and dozens of marketing and advertising executives and strategists asking, “Does influencer marketing actually work?”
We know that Coach has paid Selena Gomez $10 million and seen results as vague as “a significant spike in engagement and followers,” and we also know that brands are increasingly turning away from famous people and toward the far cheaper resource of thousands of normal people to do their outreach for them.
So what does the world of celebrity-influenced spending look like on the micro level? What are normal people — the people I work with, live with, or occasionally tweet at — spending their money on, and who told them to? I need to know! To that end, I asked them all the same question: What’s the silliest thing you’ve ever bought because of a celebrity?
Off the top, what I find interesting is that nearly every person who responded to my request started their admission with, “Not sure if this counts,” as if I were going to reply, “Actually no it doesn’t count; what you did is rational and smart not like all the other idiots I’ve been talking to.”
Sorry, friends! Not the case. If you bought something for no other reason than that a celebrity talked about it or wore or used it or was affiliated with it, it counts.
Here are the most ridiculous celebrity-inspired purchases my friends, colleagues, and Twitter acquaintances have ever made, from $3 bottles of juice to $95 cologne to a five-digit government loan.
Justin Bieber in Germany in 2012, in a sweatshirt. Just Jared
“Doing Real Stuff Sucks” sweatshirt, Justin Bieber
In 2012, while employed at a teen magazine, I bought this sweatshirt because Justin Bieber was photographed wearing it. The typography was good! The message was funny! (In retrospect, though, was it? Chalk it up to post-grad angst.) After some internet research, I figured out it was made by a Polish company, to which I promptly paid 169 Polish zlotys ($50) for a version with white lettering. The fit was weird, but I wore it anyway.
—Julia Rubin, editor at The Goods by Vox
Dior’s Sauvage cologne ad campaign featuring Johnny Depp. Dior
Dior Sauvage cologne, Johnny Depp
Two years ago, I was Christmas shopping for my dad at Macy’s and saw that Johnny Depp, an objectively terrible person, had endorsed a cologne called Dior Sauvage. [Note: This costs $95!] Intrigued by Depp’s rakish pirate looks in the in-store promotional displays, I stopped, spritzed one of those little paper strips, and inhaled. It smelled amazing — rich, spicy, dangerous. Exactly like a dad should smell.
I bought my dad the cologne, which he loved, and a year later, I was in the market for new cologne and bought it for myself. I continue to go on first dates with guys who tell me I smell amazing.
I am filled with shame.
—Casey Newton, Silicon Valley editor at The Verge
8Greens dietary supplement. 8Greens
8Greens dietary supplement, Min Jin Lee
I bought these 8Greens fizzy tablet supplements ($14) because I saw them on the Strategist three times under their “What [X celebrity] can’t live without” column. I love the Strategist, I love being told what to buy, and I will happily click on affiliate links. Anyway, I didn’t really care the first two times I saw these tablets because the recommendations came from Brooke Shields and Molly Sims. Brooke Shields has vouched for some shady products in the past, including those serums that are supposed to grow out your eyelashes but could spell big trouble for your eyes if it gets in there.
But the third time around, it was mentioned by Pachinko writer Min Jin Lee, and I was like, “You know this HBIC doesn’t play around when it comes to sensible goods.” Also, it was included on her list among other boring items like very thick socks and earplugs, so I felt like I could trust her.
I was vulnerable to purchases around this time because I was just on the edge of getting a cold, which is exactly what these tablets are good for. I haven’t taken them yet because I felt better by the time they arrived, but now I feel prepared for when I feel like I’m about to get sick.
—Dami Lee, tech reporter at The Verge
Kylie Cosmetics Lip Kit, Kylie Jenner
I bought a Kylie Lip Kit in college. [Note: This sentence was originally relayed in all caps.]
Candy K. I think it cost $29 plus shipping, which was, like, a full shift of my part-time job. I was enraptured by the idea of a lipstick that lasted all day, and Kylie’s Insta was the first time I had heard of matte liquid lipsticks. This was when they first launched and there were only a few colors, but they always sold out immediately, so I’m pretty sure I logged on during class to buy it [this phrase was also in all caps!] when she announced the next release.
But it turns out that to wear matte lipstick, your lips cannot be even a tiny bit chapped, and it dries them out even if they aren’t. So I hated it and am still confused about how it looks so good in pictures. Then I found out that her formula is basically the same as ColourPop’s and theirs cost, like, $6. But I didn’t even like it enough to buy any of those.
—Katie O’Brien, media publicist
Kim Kardashian West’s latest Kimoji perfumes. Kimoji
Kimoji perfume, Kim Kardashian West
At this point, I own three different Kimoji perfumes — the first one was a gift that I love, because 1) it’s a Kimoji heart and it’s genuinely adorable, and 2) it makes me smell like a cotton candy orgy. But then [Kardashian] stopped selling them and you can’t buy the Hearts series anymore, which made me anxious because I hate change.
When Kim released her next set, I bought the Kimoji Cherry perfume right away. It didn’t smell as good. Then I bought the Kimoji “vibes” perfume. It definitely didn’t smell as good.
Now I have three different Kimoji perfumes that I douse myself in sometimes before bed. They’re $45 each. I like to smell nice when I’m falling asleep, but also I just feel like a dumbass for spending so much money on Kim Kardashian fragrances. Perfumes last a long time. I’m going to smell like Kim well into my 30s.
I never watched Kim’s show but respected her as A Business. With recent Kanye events — since she’s married to him — and her becoming a weird PR mouthpiece for President Trump, I wouldn’t call myself a fan anymore. But she’s one of those people who’s too big to ignore because she has a hand in defining our larger pop culture.
Is she still a smart businesswoman? Absolutely. Am I complicit in a system of hero worship that has both helped fund her empire and given celebrities like her unprecedented political power? I reek of it, literally.
—Megan Farokhmanesh, culture reporter at The Verge
Merch from Kanye West’s 2016 Saint Pablo tour. sohosoles/eBay
Saint Pablo T-shirt, Kanye West
Kanye West made me spend $100 on a long sleeve Saint Pablo tour T-shirt. At least now I have something to wear when I go to a barbecue at my MAGA hat-wearing uncle’s house.
—James Rainis, music publicist
Marilyn Manson’s absinthe brand. Mansinthe
Mansinthe absinthe, Marilyn Manson
My ex and I once split the cost of a bottle of Marilyn Manson’s absinthe. It’s called “Mansinthe,” and it costs $66.66. I don’t like absinthe. I don’t even like Marilyn Manson! Still unsure as to why I did it. I think I’m very suggestible, or something about the idea of owning a whole bottle of absinthe appealed to me. For the record, we did drink all of it, but I still regret it.
It tasted like watery licorice. I felt like an idiot every time we took out the bottle and realized just how much it cost, but the good news was that it wasn’t exactly enjoyable to drink and also didn’t really get you drunk, so no one ever wanted more than one glass of it, and the bottle lasted us for, like, six months. So an okay investment, I guess? This was in college, and I would rank it as probably the second-worst investment I ever made in college, right after buying a pet snake.
—Shay Collins, information specialist at Cornell
Michael Jordan visiting his alma mater in North Carolina. Streeter Lecka/Getty Images
Undergraduate degree at the University of North Carolina, Michael Jordan
I went to the wrong college. [Cost: $55,000 in student loans]
—James Dator, producer at SB Nation
Martinelli’s apple juice, Aziz Ansari
I started drinking Martinelli’s after I saw Aziz Ansari talking about how good it was [on Master of None]. A few months after, I realized, “Huh, this isn’t discernibly tastier than regular apple juice, a beverage I’d never purchase. Over the course of, like, three months [I probably spent] approximately $90. They’re, like, three bucks a pop and I drank it semi-regularly.
I feel a little silly because I could have been drinking cheap-ass Minute Maid apple juice the whole time or, better yet, going with a beverage that isn’t so rich in sugar. But it’s not a steep enough purchase that I’m full-on embarrassed, which isn’t a coincidence. I don’t think I’d buy anything really high-stakes based on celebrity persuasion. [Note: Congratulations!]
—Charles Bramesco, freelance writer
Victoria Beckham at a book signing in 2001. Anthony Harvey/Getty Images
Asymmetrical bob, Victoria Beckham
I spent years and [lots of money] getting and maintaining the Victoria Beckham asymmetrical bob (you know the one) in middle school. For years, I lived in shame for having fallen prey to such an aggressively heinous fad and for having ruined five years’ worth of photos, but now I feel proud to have stanned one of our living icons in her earlier, tackier years. She also has one of the best celebrity memoirs, which I spent money on. Also, earlier this year I considered purchasing a watermelon cake, which she posted on her Instagram for her birthday. VB forever, one of our best celebrities for two decades strong.
—Tamar McCollom, publishing assistant
[embedded content]
Oakley sunglasses, Tom Cruise
I 100 percent asked for Oakley sunglasses for Hanukkah [at age 11] because Tom Cruise wore them in Mission Impossible 2. I think they were, like, $80. They were really expensive for kids’ sunglasses. Then I realized I looked like a dumbass and basically never wore them.
—Seth Rosenthal, writer at SB Nation
I am not trying to embarrass my friends. I only copped to having bought the Lorde sneakers, but quite honestly, there are so many celebrities whose taste and opinions I have cared about deeply for all of my adult life that I can no longer see where I end and they begin. I can tell you some things I almost bought at the urging of famous people, because most of these almost-purchases still live in my Chrome bookmarks, for another day when I’m weaker and needier and have a lot more discretionary income.
—Randy’s Donuts gray hoodie (price unlisted, and you can only order them over the phone?) because Harry Styles was photographed wearing one on July 4, 2016.
—Calvin Klein Eternity perfume ($73) because Jake Gyllenhaal was announced as the face of the campaign in October 2017, and I spent one calendar year of my life writing a weekly newsletter about him at no one’s request and for no money or acclaim.
—Airfare to Atlanta ($500) to visit 2 Chainz’s Haunted Pink Trap House ($65) and buy a souvenir T-shirt on which 2 Chainz is styled as Freddy Krueger ($30), because I love Halloween, I love spectacle, I love Wes Craven, and I love this iconic photo of Lil Wayne having to stand on top of a couch to get up high enough to put 2 Chainz’s tuxedo jacket on him at his wedding. He’s so tall!
—Kim Kardashian’s coffee table book of selfies ($23) because someone on Twitter — who has a lot of followers and a handful of New Yorker bylines — said that if Kim were to photograph herself naked every day until she was 90 years old, it would “actually” be really important performance art.
—A smiley face manicure (approximately $50) from Los Angeles nail artist Britney Tokyo because Playboi Carti has it and it makes him look rich and whimsical.
I don’t need any of these things, but typing them out, I still want them. What I love about Seth’s Mission Impossible story is that it has exactly the same logic as all the other stories, except it took place when he was a child. Buying something because a celebrity says so is childish — a doofy decision-making process based on nothing except whim and delusion of grandeur and failure to have a solid opinion of one’s own. And it’s really fun!
It’s also — as I hope these anecdotes illustrate — very hard to predict, and brands should not try.
Original Source -> Lorde’s Adidas sneakers, Marilyn Manson’s absinthe, and other things celebrities compelled us to buy
via The Conservative Brief
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recentnews18-blog · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://shovelnews.com/the-nerds-watch-the-best-sci-fi-and-fantasy-streaming-in-september/
The Nerd's Watch: The Best Sci-Fi and Fantasy Streaming in September
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Scott Pilgrim is coming to Netflix.Photo: Universal
You can get comprehensive lists of everything coming to streaming services anywhere. But half of those titles you don’t care about, and the other half are terrible. Where’s the good stuff? io9 is here to help.
Below you’ll find what we deem to be the best sci-fi and fantasy movies and TV coming to Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu in September.
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Wakanda forever…streaming on your TV.Photo: Disney
Available September 1
Groundhog Day – Harold Ramis’ genius time travel comedy was a little under-appreciated when it was released but in the decades since, it’s become more and more revered. Deservedly so. It’s insanely rewatchable, funny, and heartwarming.
King Kong – The Netflix press release just lists this as “King Kong,” but we’ve confirmed it’s Peter Jackson’s 2005 take on the giant ape story. Obviously, it isn’t the best version (that honor goes to the one that came out back in 1933), but it’s not too bad.
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy – No, it’s not as good as the book, but this adaptation of the wonderful, inventive Douglas Adams novel is about as good as you can get. It’s funny, it’s weird, it’s got a great cast, and it’s definitely worth a rewatch.
September 2
Lilo & Stitch and The Emperor’s New Groove – Besides the fact that these are both Disney animated films, they really don’t have much in common. But each is noteworthy in its own way and will make any kids in your orbit very happy, especially the charming, Hawaii-set extraterrestrial tale Lilo & Stitch.
September 4
Black Panther – The highest-grossing U.S. film of the year—and one of the most entertaining, well-made films of any year—comes to Netflix, and now Wakanda really is forever.
September 7
Next Gen – To be fair, we don’t know if this Netflix original is good. But the trailer suggests a theatrical-worthy animated adventure about a young girl who befriends a killer robot. We’re intrigued.
September 16
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World – Edgar Wright’s amazing, kinetic adaptation of the Bryan Lee O’Malley comic book series may be not just one of the best comic book movies of all time, but one of the best video game movies of all time too, despite not being about a video game. Also, much of the cast has gotten insanely famous since this movie so rewatching it has an added layer of awesome.
September 17
The Witch – If you’re reading this column, odds are you’ve seen The Witch already. If you haven’t, though, mark down this date. It’s one of the creepiest, most gusty horror movies in a long time, and is about a Puritan family being stalked by an ancient evil.
September 21
Maniac – Again, we have yet to see this Netflix original limited series, but based on the brief glimpses that have been released, it feels safe to assume that Cary Fukunaga’s latest, which stars Emma Stone and Jonah Hill, will be pretty great.
September 25
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl – Though many things have changed about the Pirates franchise over the years (Johnny Depp’s public image, increasingly bad sequels, etc), this first film remains a modern miracle: a theme park ride that became an incredibly exciting and funny movie that holds up over repeat viewings.
A Wrinkle in Time – The reviews on Ava DuVernay’s recent adaptation were pretty mixed. But now that it’s coming to Netflix, it feels like a good time to either revisit it with fresh eyes or see it for the first time, if you missed it in theaters.
September 26
The Hurricane Heist – Of all the great movies coming to streaming this month, this may be the one I’m most excited about. I haven’t seen it yet, but it feels like it would be the perfect, dumb film to stream and enjoy.
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Kevin Costner’s Robin Hood is coming to streaming.Photo: Warner Bros.
Available September 1
Beowulf – I haven’t seen Robert Zemeckis’ performance capture retelling of the famous poem since it was released in 2007, but I loved it back then. I’m sure the effects don’t hold up 11 years later but I’d imagine the performances and script do. And now that it’s on streaming, I can check.
Big Top Pee-wee – This sequel to 1986’s Pee-wee’s Big Adventure isn’t quite on that film’s level, but it’s still worth a watch. The weirdly wonderful, circus-set story is different and still perfect in a Pee-wee way.
Double Impact – Two Van Dammes for the price of one? Yes, please. Double Impact is undoubtedly one of the most memorable films of the action star’s career. Is it one of the best? Debatable, but it’s well worth a stream or two. (Also available on Hulu.)
Dragonheart – From the director of The Fast and the Furious as well as xXx comes this Dennis Quaid-starring fantasy adventure that was nominated for an Oscar for its CG dragons. It’s not all that memorable but it’s entertaining and exciting to be sure.
Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters II – The original Ghostbusters is an all-time classic. The sequel isn’t, but still has its moments. Either way, Ghostbusters II on its worst day is one of the best movies coming to streaming, and if you can watch the original, too, that’s even better.
Prancer – The 1989 Christmas tale Prancer is one of those movies you definitely saw when you were growing up, really liked, but probably haven’t thought about in 20 years. Now it’s on Amazon to help you jump-start that nostalgic Christmas spirit.
Pumpkinhead and Pumpkinhead II: Blood Wings – Halloween is just around the corner, so it’s cool that one of the lesser-known horror franchises is coming to streaming. Only the first film, directed by Stan Winston, was released theatrically, but if you want a good cult horror series to dive into, here’s a great start. (Also available on Hulu.)
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves – This Kevin Costner film is probably best known for its uber-popular theme song by Bryan Adams (“Everything I Do, I Do It For You”) but for a certain generation, like mine, it was also our formative Robin Hood. It doesn’t hold up particularly well, but it’s still full of 1990s awesomeness.
The Amityville Horror – Famous for being based on an alleged true story, this 1979 film starring James Brolin and Margot Kidder is not only good and scary, it’s historically significant for starting a horror franchise that’s alive and well to this day. (Also available on Hulu.)
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Two Nicolas Cages for the price of one. Photo: Sony
Available September 1
13 Going on 30 – This Jennifer Garner romantic comedy isn’t just delightful, it’s got a Marvel-ous supporting cast including Mark Ruffalo as the love interest, Andy Serkis as the boss, and Judy Greer as the frenemy. It’s a movie you can watch again and again.
Adaptation – When was the last time you watched Adaptation? Even if the answer is “yesterday,” now is a great time for a revisit. Charlie Kaufman and Spike Jonze’s imaginative adaptation of Susan Orlean’s The Orchid Thief is meta, hilarious, profound, and perfect.
The Bone Collector – It’s always disappointing when a film with two of the biggest actors in the world, in this case Denzel Washington and Angelina Jolie, doesn’t live up to that level of talent. The Bone Collector is like that, but it’s not terrible, and the combined charisma of late-1990s Denzel and Angelina is worth a lot.
Field of Dreams – If you stream it, we will watch.
The Fly – David Cronenberg’s creepy, gross, but oh-so-awesome film about a scientist( Jeff Goldblum) who fuses with a fly has to be seen to be believed. And if you’ve already seen it, see it again.
Miracle on 34th Street – This 1994 remake of the 1947 Christmas classic is actually pretty great. Richard Attenborough plays Santa, John Hughes co-wrote the script, and while the story doesn’t change much, the modern setting and budget make it feel even grander than the original.
Poltergeist II: The Other Side – While this sequel is certainly inferior to its original, it brings back the first film’s cast and continues that story. For that alone, if you like the original Poltergeist (and who doesn’t?), this is worth a watch. (Also available on Amazon)
Signs – Signs came out at the height of M. Night Shyamalan hype and was a huge hit, but doesn’t really get the same love as some of his other films. I think it should. It’s got big ideas, a great ending, and some gorgeous filmmaking.
Unbreakable – While Signs might be good, Unbreakable is great. We’ve written about it extensively, especially with the sequel finally coming out, and now you can catch up before Glass hits theaters in January. It’s one of the best and most inventive superhero movies ever.
What Dreams May Come – This sumptuous Robin Williams movie about a man going to heaven never quite lives up to its expectations, but it’s crazy ambitious and worth a stream for the visuals and lead performance alone.
Source: https://io9.gizmodo.com/the-nerds-watch-the-best-sci-fi-and-fantasy-streaming-1828427005
0 notes
lexietravel · 6 years
Brussels Comic Con 2018 held at Tour & Taxis in Brussels, Belgium was a successful event of the year. Although we are just starting this year’s first event. There are definitely more conventions that are approaching.
For the one day tour in Brussels Comic Con 2018, as I’ve mentioned from the earlier post. By that time being that I was there, Atom Stage was presenting the Cosplay Competition.
Brussels Comic Con 2018
The first day was intense, with all the people roaming around and the cosplayers too. For this specific event, there were actually more and more cosplayers around.
I mean people or visitors can dress as they would like to. But it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are officially a Cosplayer. I have seen a bunch of these people around, some of their works are pretty impressive and eye-catching.
As a veteran of cosplayer presentations, I would say there was some novice/beginners cosplayer around. There were some intermediate works that were greatly done and there were those who surpasses my expectations.
In summary, I will show you those cosplayers that I think who stand out from the crowd and those who’ve I’ve bumped with. Lastly, I would say a huge “Thank You” to the Cosplayers for their stunning works and patience during the event.
The Eye Catchers 
First up is these gals who were just right after the entrance area. As we’ve entered the place I’m astounded to see people gathering together to take pictures of these two. I’m sure you are familiar with these two special characters. Who wouldn’t be?
The one from the left side is Jawas character and the one beside him is one of the favorite characters of all time in Star Wars films. No other than Chewbacca! These two just pulled it off! they cosplay work are just amazing!
Sheriff Woody
Just right after Jawas and Chewbacca, the next cosplayer that stands out from the public is Sheriff Woody. I saw him soaring, trying to position his body on at the wall.
A photographer asked this cosplayer to pose at that specific space. That was really courageous of him doing that favor for a photo. I was right beside the other photographer and grab that chance to take some shots of him.
If I was the photographer with him, I wouldn’t risk asking the cosplayer to pose up there because it might turn into a catastrophe.
Belle and the Beast
The Beauty and the Beast were the third ones who captured many audiences. Not just audience but photographers as well. On our way to see the geek markets, there was a quick commotion in the middle of the area.
As I approach, I saw some photographers taking photos of this lovely couple. They were so adorable to look at, especially when Belle looks at the Beast. It reminds me of the recent movie Beauty and the Beast with Emma Watson as Belle that I’ve watched.
Wandering around the area, I have seen this eye-catching red dress from afar. I know there’s something special out there that I must find out. In the end, I have truly found her and Wow! This pretty lady has just made a big upgrade to Sabé’s image.
You’d stop by for a while and be awed of her cosplay work. That headgear though it looks like super heavy. What a sensational work!
Jack Sparrow 
Mr. Jack Sparrow is in town, he just captured my heart. Honestly one of the best and close to the image of the character. He is just perfection! Even his actions though It gives you that impression that you are with the real Jack.
It’s so captivating to see cosplayers like him who give so much effort to move and act like the real character. I wonder if he’s a she or a he, who knows there’s a lot of cosplayers out there who do “Genderbending”
Movie Characters
From the other side of the halls, somewhere in the Dealers Labyrinth, I’ve bumped into this amazing cosplayer. At first, I’m confused about her character cause her face reminds me of Bellatrix Lestrange from Harry Potter. 
But the moment came when I saw her hands, I know its Edward Scissorhands from one of Johnny Depp’s films. Her makeup is precisely done, and the scars all over the face. Johnny Depp will surely be happy to see this one!
The Ant-Man
Moving to the next movie character is the well-known Movie way back 2015. Do you still recognize him? he is Marvel’s Ant-Man. One of my favorite Marvel movies, Paul Rudd was the perfect actor for this character. I hope they will release a new film soon.
Power Ranger
Power Ranger Green was also there at the event. Well, there were a lot of the same costumes, I saw 3 of them and I gently ask one for a photo. Since Jason David Frank was there, I was expecting many will come with Power Ranger suit and Yes! they were there not only 3 but more.
Guardians of the Galaxy
Who wouldn’t recognize him, Drax the Destroyer from Guardians of the Galaxy 1 & 2. I just love his character especially the second part where he met Mantis.
Ego, Star-Lord’s Father from the Guardians of the Galaxy 2. Delightful cosplay works from these two characters. You can say that they play their roles as the guardians in this event Brussels Comic Con 2018.
Loki, the brother of Thor from the movie Thor. Nice suit and pose for this guy! I bumped at him in this isolated area at the restaurant. Glad to have him solo this time.
The Duo’s
Here we have Leia Organa and Anakin Skywalker from one of the famous movie of all time Star Wars. 
The couple Spiderman and Spidergirl. 
Batman and Batwoman. 
It is noticeable that there were a couple of cosplayers and duo’s who came together to present their works at Comic Con Brussels 2018. Which duo’s do you think stood out the most?
Sincerely, these cosplayers are admirable! my favorite? I think all of them were super cool to look at. In terms of poses during shots, I would say the Spidy team.
Comic Con Brussels 2018 Pre-Catwalk
Getting around the geek markets, suddenly there was a call-up to all cosplayers for the Catwalk Parade. We were adoring a souvenir piece (Going Merry ship from One Piece) from a booth at that time.
So we decided to take a look at the cosplayer that will participate in this parade on stage. We have seen a bunch of Cosplayers having fun before the program they were even dancing on the stage.
I went to this group of cosplayers bubbling with each other and gently ask for some photos of them. They were so kind to give my request, out of the three cosplayers only Mr. Iron Man gave his business card to me.
Well, I presume that the rest of the group aren’t official cosplayers yet. If you wanna see more of Iron Man’s work you can check him out in his Facebook account Aegidius Designs.
After those taking pictures of those three cosplayers, my hubby told me that there’s a Mccree Cosplayer just behind them. As you know we are a big fan of Overwatch Cosplayers.
Seeing one of them here in Brussels Comic Con 2018 is the happiest feeling.
Mccree was the first Overwatch Cosplayer that we met here. I wonder if where are the others, I haven’t seen any other Overwatch characters yet.
My Favorite Cosplayers
From the Atom Stage where Cosplay Competition held. I’ve seen this Crusader Cosplayer from Diablo. She was sublime, her costume was really nice and she looks fabulously beautiful.
Finally, another Overwatch Cosplayer. What makes it more special? it’s Zenyatta my favorite character (my main). I do play overwatch online and him? I do play him a lot of times.
Besides, Zenyatta is not very easy to create in terms of costumes. I remember last year in Made in Asia or F.A.C.T.S. no one did this cosplay yet. That’s why I’m super contented to see one at Brussels Comic Con 2018.
Other Cosplayers at Brussels Comic Con 2018
Once again a big “Thank You” to all the Cosplayers for their generosity of posing everytime people ask them too. Thank you for coming to Brussels Comic Con 2018 and presenting your works with us!
Thank you to Brussels Comic Con 2018 organizers! Job Well Done!
For those I haven’t taken some photos, hopefully, next time we’ll bump into each other. Please do let me know if you know any of these Cosplayers. I would love to tag their Facebook Page or Instagram.
Lastly, for cosplayers, If you need a copy of your photo don’t hesitate to ask. I’ll send it to you via email for free. See you next year!
Brussels Comic Con 2018 Magnificent Cosplayers Brussels Comic Con 2018 held at Tour & Taxis in Brussels, Belgium was a successful event of the year.
0 notes
1. How often is it that you make a post on any sort of social media, and then delete it soon after? Why? Hardly ever. Sometimes I’ll delete it halfway through if I can’t make it sound as good as it did in my head though 2. Have your ideas and expectations about adulthood changed as you’ve gotten older? Yes, I thought I would feel more adulty and know what the fuck I’m doing. Also, I always thought I would move to a different state because that’s what my parents did but I like my state and idk where I would move to  3. Have you ever taken time off to focus on your mental health? Are you the type of person that is able to take a break or are you more likely to bury yourself in responsibility? No I haven’t. I do take breaks throughout the day but a long time of having no structure would drive me crazy. Usually my limit is about the length of summer break, by the end I’m bored 4. Do you enjoy keeping track of, rating, and reviewing the media you consume? No
5. Are you constantly on the lookout for new movies to watch and books to read or do you tend to just wait for something to pique your interest? I wait for it to pique my interest since I already have a huge list
6. Do you have a different group of friends on a site besides this one? I have a kik chat of people in the choices fandom but I heard about it through tumblr 7. If you are or were in college, when you share your major with people how do they usually react? If you are not in college, how do you explain your job situation to others and what is their reaction? I majored in film and psychology and they always think it’s an interesting combination 8. If you are or were in college, do you find that you have many things in common with others who share your major or not? If you are not in college, have you ever made friendships with people at your job who are not coworkers (e.g., clients or customers)? I actually wanted to distance myself from a lot of film majors because they were all into experimental crap and thought everything mainstream was stupid 9. When you watch competition shows, do you feel an automatic support for a competitor who’s from your state or region? Yeah 10. Do you ever fantasize about saving the day or being a hero (e.g., you are near some children playing by a river. You imagine one falling in and you saving them)? Not particularly 11. Which season do you enjoy dressing for the most and why? Summer because I’ve got a lot of variety in dresses and tops, whereas if I have to wear a coat it covers it up and is annoying 12. If you are familiar with any science fiction, what sort of science fiction future do you think is most likely to actually happen? Feel free to predict without the impact of existing sci-fi, too. Probably none of the above 13. Do you think it is possible that eventually humans will create enough technology to completely or nearly completely automate work and free up people to a new experience of social relations without “jobs” as we know them today? That’s an interesting thought
14. Do you find yourself becoming more afraid of unlikely situations when they are broadcast by the media? For example, are you more afraid of going to the movie theater after the recent shootings, or are you more afraid of contracting a rare illness if the news highlights an outbreak? A little bit
15. Do you enjoy taking selfies and do you enjoy looking at other people’s selfies? I do take some but I’m not crazy with it. and I don’t care too much about other people’s 16. First, list a few of your negative personality traits. Second, when you notice others displaying these traits are you more likely to be understanding and forgiving because you can relate? I’m bad at talking to people, I’m a procrastinator, I overthink things. For some of them I am understanding because it’s relatable, but for some minor ones like talking in a weird way or being awkward it makes me want to distance myself from people who share those traits 17. Are there any songs that you enjoy, but the lyrics are problematic/downright offensive? What about films with shady directors or plot points? How do you negotiate liking art or artists that represent offensive ideas or that have problematic politics? I do. I think that nothing is perfect and negative points don’t negate positive ones. So you can still like the thing. I also think that I can appreciate art even if I don’t agree with the artist because I separate it. But I also maybe support things too much that maybe I shouldn’t, like still enjoying Johnny Depp movies and finding him attractive. I don’t know if it’s ok to and I feel a little guilty for not caring enough to stop liking him. But even a person with bad qualities isn’t an entirely bad person 18. Have you ever used a dating app? What was your experience like? If not, what is your impression of them? Yes, but most of the time I don’t find anyone I’m interested in. It’s hard to feel chemistry in that context 19. When it comes to politics, what is your opinion about voting for the “lesser of two evils”? Would you rather vote for someone you hate less (between 2 main parties), someone you truly believe in but who won’t win (3rd party), or abstain from voting altogether? Lesser of two evils I guess, because it’s a two party system and I know in this day in age no independent candidate is going to win  20. If you are in school, do you tend to take a lot of similar classes or classes on the same topic even if it’s not necessary for your major? I kind of took a variety 21. What is your opinion on protest marches? What about different tactics taken by activists such as boycotts, shutting down highways, sit-ins, and even blockades of trade ships? What do you think is the best method to actually enact change? I don’t really participate. I don’t have a strong opinion. I think it depends on the context. I think that the way tumblr boycotts certain media that they find problematic is annoying because telling people not to watch it also doesn’t allow them to make an informed opinion about it 22. Do you believe in parallel universes or infinite possibilities or do you tend to believe that what we see and know now is pretty much it? I'm not sure. I would need more evidence of parallel universes in order to believe it 23. When you think about your past are you more likely to have a rose-colored view and remember happy and nostalgic moments and kind of forget about the bad or is the opposite? Rose colored view 24. When online shopping do you tend to leave your cart full for days or even weeks waiting for a good sale or coupon, or do you generally buy what you want at that moment? Buy what I want at the moment 25. Have you ever had a specific moment when you were extremely glad you are not a celebrity or when you were relieved to be a nobody (e.g., when some dirt on you was exposed or you acted obscenely in public)? Yes, because you can go places without being mobbed
0 notes
Happy 70th Birthday Stephen King: The 10 Best Horror Adaptations
New Post has been published on https://nofspodcast.com/happy-70th-stephen-king-heres-10-best/
Happy 70th Birthday Stephen King: The 10 Best Horror Adaptations
Today our father who art in horror Stephen King turns 70! And I for one thank Maturin, that great big turtle in the sky, every single day that Stephen was born. Just ask yourself “Where would we be without him?” In fact, what would horror be without him?
Stephen King was born in 1947 in Portland Maine. He sold his first professional short story “The Glass Floor” In 1967 while working in an industrial laundry. In 1971, King started teaching high school English, while at nights he continued to write short stories and work on his novels. In 1974 Doubleday published Carrie.  The resulting income allowed him to leave his teaching job to write full-time. Over the next 40 plus years King went on to shape the horror landscape by releasing many genre defining novels including The Shining, Cujo, IT, Salem’s Lot and many more. King has amassed sales of over 350 million books to date, and thankfully isn’t showing any signs of slowing down.
Stephen King is also responsible for some of the most horrifying and nightmare inducing movies ever made. Many of his novels have been adapted into some truly iconic and recognisable horror movies in modern cinema; The Shining, It, Carrie, Christine, and countless others. To celebrate his birthday, a sacred day on my horror calendar, lets countdown my our 10 Stephen King horror movie adaptations.
Selection Criteria
a) Only Horror Movies: – I will only be selecting Stephen’s scary sh*t, so there will be no Green Mile, Shawshank Redemption or Stand By Me. We’re a horror site.
b) The rankings are mine, and are based on how much I liked the film- Not the scope of the cinematography or the maturity of the score blah blah bah. My list. My criteria.
c) I have only ranked movies I have seen. For all I know, Children of the Corn V: Fields of Terror could be the greatest movie ever based within the King-verse, but I haven’t seen it so it’s not on the list!
And without further ado, The List!
  10 – Carrie (1976)
Hi Carrie, rough night?
Carrie White is a shy and sheltered girl, who after a particularly cruel prank unleashes her deadly telekinetic powers to get vengeance at her high school prom.
Let’s face it. This film is bleak. Sissy Spacek plays awkward so well that you grimace at her every interaction. Add to this the fact that she has clearly been systematically domineered and abused by her religious mother whom I’m pretty sure is the most evil character since Joan Crawford in Mommie Dearest. In fact the most uplifting moment in Carrie is when Mrs. White gets graphically and ironically killed; impaled on her own symbolism.
Anyway, Carrie kills everyone and lives happily ever after or something.
For me this film boils down to three scenes ranked by how much they terrified me as an 8-year-old boy.
3. The prom scene = mildly freaking out.
2. The hand out of the grave scene = big jump scare made me close my little eyes.
1. The pig murder scene = didn’t sleep for a week. Every time I closed my eyes i heard that poor piggy crying.
  9 – Secret Window (2004)
Wait, what?
Uh oh, early controversy! This probably won’t be a popular choice, but I loved this movie, and remember: My criteria.
Secret window is a psychological thriller about an author named Mort. Recently divorced, he moves to his upstate New York cabin to work on his writing. While there he meets John Shooter, who accuses him of plagiarism and proceeds to torment him seeking justice.
Johnny Depp and John Turturro are easily two of my favourite actors named John. I will eat anything these two dish up and probably ask for more. Their chemistry really carries this film and Turturro’s accent is just plain fun. The mystery aspect of this movie however is the weak point and by the time the twist is revealed, you’ve probably already guessed it. But the way it’s handled is so entertaining that I didn’t begrudge it at all.
  8 – The Dead Zone (1983)
Whoa Chris, Your sex is on fire!
5 years after a car accident leaves him in a coma, Johnny Smith (Christopher Walken) discovers he has the ability to see people’s secrets through any physical contact. With some deeply unsettling visualizations of his premonitions, we follow Johnny as he attempts to navigate his “Dead Zone” and prevent the untimely deaths of those around him.
If you need more incentive? (ahem, CHRISTOPHER WALKEN) it is also directed by David ‘freaking’ Cronenberg! Don’t even bother with the rest of this list, if you haven’t seen The Dead Zone. Cancel your plans for the evening and watch it now.
  7 – 1408 (2007)
Should’ve got the suite upgrade.
*This movie has two endings and while both versions are good, I only have eyes for the darker ending.
Mike Enslin (John Cusack), a paranormal debunker decides to stay in the Dolphin Hotel’s infamous room 1408.  Not long after checking in Mike learns that the stories surrounding room 1408 may not be as embellished as he first believed.
SPOILER ALERT! this hotel room is really f**king haunted! After he ignores the hotel manager’s (Samuel L Jackson) extremely convincing and rational speech, it doesn’t take Mike very long to realize his monumental error. This movie is tense and unnerving from start to finish. 
  6 – Christine (1983)
Dope ride bro!
A nerdy teenager (Arnie) buys a vintage car (Christine) that has supernatural abilities and a sinister, violent nature. As Arnie’s obsession with Christine develops, his friends notice that the car’s not so pleasant nature is starting to influence its owner.
John Carpenter directs a movie about a kick ass red car, that actually seems possessed by a demon, but don’t let this seemingly campy premise put you off. This movie is awesome as Christine is evil. The badass Red Plymouth Fury owns every scene it’s in with its larger than life presence, deep rumbling voice and inherent menace.
  5 – Pet Sematary (1989)
I’m never making waffles again.
Behind a family home, in Maine, there is an old cemetery that holds the secret to life and death. When Tragedy strikes the Creed family, the lure of this power becomes too tempting to ignore.
Pet Sematary (spelt wrong on purpose) is a movie about a family who move into a new house that’s on a surprising busy road. Soon after they lose their small child in a tragic accident. Louis (Dale Mikiff) learns of the old pet cemetery and it’s apparent ability to bring the dead back to life (yay!) but they also seem to come back a little evil (boo!). This movie is full of fantastic nightmare fuel. I still cringe every time I think of sweet little, creepy AF child, slicing open poor old Jud’s Achilles tendon.
  4 – IT (2017)
So much happiness in one place…
The newest film on the list, and it was only through sheer force of will it wasn’t number 1. For those of you who live under a rock, IT is about a group of kids called ‘The Losers Club’ who are taunted by a monster in the form of an extremely disturbing turn-of-the-century era clown.
This movie is so much fun. Sure, its full of terror. Sure, I haven’t slept in a week. But, it captures the innocence and humour of being a kid so perfectly, it almost made me wish I grew up in Derry….except, of course- for the evil clown trying to eat everyone.
  3 – The Mist (2007)
Oh God, no!
You guessed it- This one is about a strange Mist that descends on a small town (probably in, Oh I don’t know- Maine). Along with the unexplained weather pattern come terrible monsters that pick off the town folk one-by-one. No one knows where it came from or how to get rid of it.
We spend the majority of this film in a grocery store, where the monsters outside are not necessarily the biggest threat. A great creature feature, The Mist is fun, action packed and dramatic (especially that ending!). Actually, maybe you should just press stop once they drive into the mist near the end, because the last 5 minutes is so dark,  it will definitely break your heart.
  2 – Creepshow 2 (1987)
UNCONFIRMED photo of Miley Cyrus at the kids choice awards.
I’m sure this one needs no description, but Creepshow 2 is a horror anthology of tales based on Stephen King stories. The first segment follows a cigar-store Native American statue coming to life to avenge the death of the shop owner and his wife. The Raft features a group of sexy teens travel to a secluded lake to swim and have fun. Problem is there is an evil organism living in the lake that is hungry for some nubile flesh. The final installment follows a woman who hits a hitchhiker with her car and decides to flee the scene, but the victim isn’t inclined to remain dead.
This was my favourite movie growing up! A brilliant collection of twisted, and timeless vignettes. The wrap around animation is a lot of fun too, telling the story of little Billy and his bullies.
  1 – The Shining (1980)
You could’ve just knocked, Jack.
There is no other number one.
In The Shining, Jack Torrance (Jack Nicholson) takes a job as winter caretaker at the isolated Overlook Hotel in Colorado, hoping to cure his writer’s block. Psychic premonitions plague his son Danny. As Jack’s writing goes nowhere, young Danny’s visions become more intense. Jack discovers the hotel has dark secrets and he begins to unravel, terrorizing his family as he spirals downward into madness.
The pamphlet for the Overlook Hotel should just read: Overlook Hotel, where a bunch of jerk ghosts live. Poor Danny, his “Shining” ability along with a childish love of exploration, open him up to some serious spectral harassment. This movie builds tension to perfection. In fact one of my favourite characters in the film is Dick Halloran. When Dick is on-screen there is usually a slight respite from the heavy tension. 
This movie is a classic that every horror fan needs to see at least once.. no, twice.
  Honorable Mentions
Misery, Creepshow, Silver Bullet and Cujo
  Thanks for making my life more entertaining Stephen! And please, keep the nightmares coming! Let us know in the comments below your top Horror Adaptations from Stephen King!
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omar-199x-blog · 7 years
first and last time ill post about myself (maybe)
* 1: name omar * 2: Age 19 * 3: Fears oblivion * 4: 3 things I love Food, Art, my girl * 5: turn ons my girl * 6: turn offs everyone else * 7: My best friend savannah then james 2nd just cause he knows me well * 8: Sexual orientation i am a male. penis and all. * 9: My best first date dont remember * 10: How tall am I 5'7 ish lol * 11: What do I miss the way holidays use to feel * 12: What time were I born an inconvenient one * 13: Favourite color lol black, red, grey * 14: Do I have a crush no i have a gf * 15: Favourite quote you get what you give * 16: Favourite place i hate crowds lol but i love the city especially during arts festivals * 17: Favourite food anything home made, steak and seafood are both at the top * 18: Do I use sarcasm when im using english * 19: What am I listening to right now Migos * 20: First thing I notice in new person how much they talk and what about * 21: Shoe size 10.5 US * 22: Eye color brown * 23: Hair color black * 24: Favourite style of clothing ummm... shit if its black, fits loose and is casual enough for hang outs but also stylish for dinner dates, you set * 25: Ever done a prank call? once and the cops came saying it wasnt funny * 27: Meaning behind my URL its my name and i was born in the 90's *shrug* * 28: Favourite movie i love all kinds of movie its hard to pick a favorite * 29: Favourite song gold steps / Neck Deep * 30: Favourite band BMTH/NeckDeep/Deftones * 31: How I feel right now annoyed as always * 32: Someone I love savannah marie * 33: My current relationship status almost a years worth of lovin * 34: My relationship with my parents all up in my life * 35: Favourite holiday christmas/thanksgiving * 36: Tattoos and piercing i have none and none but coming soon * 37: Tattoos and piercing i want a thigh piece that'll be across both a chest piece of the quote i put up there ears and nose but my girl dont like the idea of my nose * 38: The reason I joined Tumblr it was cool in 2013 * 39: Do I and my last ex hate each other? lol kat is a bitch for leading me on into a relationship i thought she was actually gonna dedicate to * 40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? texts and phone calls from my gf * 41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? all the time * 42: When did I last hold hands? last time i saw savannah * 43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? depends on where im headed to * 44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days? not in the past 19 years * 45: Where am I right now? on bluemound omw to work * 46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? savannah we usual go out together * 47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? loud unless we chillin and talkin * 48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad? about to be neither in like a week but my dad * 49: Am I excited for anything? moving out, tattoos, painting, cooking, working out * 50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? savannah * 51: How often do I wear a fake smile? ehh if im mad u can tell * 52: When was the last time I hugged someone? told my grandparents bye while leaving for work * 53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? id go crazy and probably kill both of them * 54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? lol yeah cause he dont keep secrets well * 55: What is something I disliked about today? i didn't see sav * 56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? André3000, Big Boy, Johnny Depp, Lenny Kravitz, and Post Malone lol ;Posty because he from round my city so we could vibe easily * 57: What do I think about most? life and how im failing or acing it * 58: What’s my strangest talent? it wouldnt be strange to me so idk * 59: Do I have any strange phobias? fuck caterpillars, fuck slugs, and snails whatever phobia that is * 60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? haha both but im usually behind it * 61: What was the last lie I told? im not hungry * 62: Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online? otp cause idk what to do with my face on facetime * 63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? yes and yes theres greater and more advanced beings than us and also souls dude they can choose to stay or go so like duh * 64: Do I believe in magic? yeah * 65: Do I believe in luck? ya * 66: What’s the weather like right now? breezy i work outside so perfect * 67: What was the last book I’ve read? i start books and halfway start another * 68: Do I like the smell of gasoline? FCUJ YES lol idk why its like dude i should be getting high of this smell but its not making me high wtf * 69: Do I have any nicknames? omii (oh-me) , catfish , choncho * 70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? broke my arm, nose, and ankle * 71: Do I spend money or save it? both when needed * 72: Can I touch my nose with a tounge? no * 73: Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me? what? no * 74: Favourite animal? red pandas * 75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM? at work * 76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is? sama * 77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? hey ya / outkast * 78: How can you win my heart? being sav * 79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? "See ya later losers" * 80: What is my favorite word? trudge * 81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr um idk their specific url's but i follow a graffiti one, a music one, a painting one, and some others similar to these * 82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? stop with all the hate man, if someone isn't harming you or effecting your life specifically let them be. let people do what they want to do and dont harm. thats it. * 83: Do I have any relatives in jail? did, he passed away. * 84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? teleportation * 85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? if im hungry because its a yes 100% of the time * 86: What is my current desktop picture? my uncle who passed away * 87: Had sex? ya * 88: Bought condoms? ya * 89: Gotten pregnant? not possible * 90: Failed a class? ya * 91: Kissed a boy? no * 92: Kissed a girl? ya * 93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? ya * 94: Had job? ya * 95: Left the house without my wallet? yes * 96: Bullied someone on the internet? lol ya * 97: Had sex in public? no * 98: Played on a sports team? ya * 99: Smoked weed? ya * 100: Did drugs? ig * 101: Smoked cigarettes? yea * 102: Drank alcohol? yerp * 103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? nah nah i love steak * 104: Been overweight? still am * 105: Been underweight? yea * 106: Been to a wedding? yes * 107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? i guess maybe * 108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? yea * 109: Been outside my home country? yes * 110: Gotten my heart broken? i suppose * 111: Been to a professional sports game? yes * 112: Broken a bone? a couple * 113: Cut myself? by accident * 114: Been to prom? yea * 115: Been in airplane? yes * 116: Fly by helicopter? nah * 117: What concerts have I been to? Kevin Gates, Big Sean, Jeremih, Carnage, RaeSremmurd, Post Malone, Russ, Future, J Cole * 118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? hella nah * 119: Learned another language? spanish * 120: Wore make up? for theater * 121: Lost my virginity before I was 18? yes * 122: Had oral sex? yes * 123: Dyed my hair? no * 124: Voted in a presidential election? no * 125: Rode in an ambulance? recently * 126: Had a surgery? yes * 127: Met someone famous? yes * 128: Stalked someone on a social network? no * 129: Peed outside? yes * 130: Been fishing? many times * 131: Helped with charity? yea * 132: Been rejected by a crush? dont think so * 133: Broken a mirror? no * 134: What do I want for birthday? an apartment * 135: How many kids do I want and what will be their names? 4 - 2 boys first 1girl then another boy i only know my first sons name will be Aiden * 136: Was I named after anyone? no * 137: Do I like my handwriting? hell nah * 138: What was my favourite toy as a child? headphones * 139: Favourite Tv Show? shameless, Friends, family guy * 140: Where do I want to live when older? on my own * 141: Play any musical instrument? no * 142: One of my scars, how did I get it? forearm surgery 2 plates 11 screws * 143: Favourite pizza toping? pepperoni * 144: Am I afraid of the dark? sometimes * 145: Am I afraid of heights? no * 146: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? yes plenty * 147: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? eh life * 148: What I’m really bad at life * 149: What my greatest achievments are finding my gf * 150: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me: idk * 151: What I’d do if I won in a lottery get tf outta here and go be alone * 152: What do I like about myself theres only one me * 153: My closest Tumblr friend none * 154: Something I fantasise about eat food from around the world * 155: Any question you’d like how was my day? eh i woke up at 2pm and haven't had any food yet so im pretty grumpy
0 notes
AK Monthly Recap: February 2017
After a quiet January, I got back to the road in February with two trips that were out of the norm for me. A trip to Florida and a cruise — two very typical American vacations, but not the usual kind of trip I take. Even so, I had a blast on both trips!
Best of all, these were trips with friends — a road trip through Florida with Cailin and a cruise through the Caribbean with Jeremy.
Punctuated with some fun times at home in New York, it made for a very satisfying month. Here’s everything I got up to in February!
Destinations Visited
New York, New York
Orlando, Islamorada, Key Largo, Tavernier, Marathon, Key West, and Miami, Florida
Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Favorite Destinations
Key West is one of my new favorite places in the United States!
San Juan is a fabulous city and I was happy to return.
And I’m just discovering how awesome Miami Beach can be.
Having fun at Universal Orlando. Universal Studios was the main reason for our Florida trip. Cailin is an ambassador for the park, and part of her partnership is that she gets to bring friends with her to experience the park for themselves. She kindly invited me and I was happy to join her. We had a great time!
Some of the highlights: throwing out beads on a Mardi Gras float, going to the actual Moe’s Tavern from The Simpsons, wearing our hot pink BEST FRIENDS shirts, experiencing The Wizarding World of Harry Potter (and doing a hilarious Bertie Botts Roulette video on Facebook live!), having breakfast with the Minions, riding The Mummy over and over (flying around in the dark, fiery explosions, Brendan Fraser demanding a cup of coffee — what’s not to love?), and THE FOOD. Seriously. I did not have high expectations for the food at Universal but the restaurants at CityWalk were excellent, especially Antojitos. They made the best salmon over sweet potatoes…
Road tripping down the Keys. The Florida Keys were amazing and both fulfilled and defied my expectations. They were absolutely beautiful, gritty in all the right ways, and surprisingly a lot like New Hampshire…
Having a little too much fun in Key West. Let’s just say that at age 32, Key West is for me what San Juan del Sur was at 30, Vang Vieng was at 26, Las Vegas was at 23…it’s a fun place. And wild. And incredibly beautiful and historical as well, but still — this is a place where you come for fun. The highlight was our sunset cruise with a bunch of rowdy Boston sports fans and unlimited rosé…
Trying all the key lime pie. This was my major diet fail this month — but I did eat clean otherwise. Cailin and I decided to go on a quest to find the best key lime pie in the Florida Keys and we sampled eight different top recommended pies across the archipelago. Stay tuned for a post on the best slices!
Kicking back in South Beach. We had two nights in Miami at the end of our trip and decided to just chill out — we ate ceviche, relaxed on the beach, and vegged out at the W’s pool.
Enjoying my first cruise ever. Jeremy kindly invited me to join him on a weeklong cruise on the Carnival Vista. The cruise was split between February and March, so it seems a bit weird only writing about the first half of it here. I’m still on it as I write this, and I’m having a blast. It did take some getting used to (it was SO OVERWHELMING at first!) but once I found my zone (balcony, adults-only deck, fitness center, spa, and sushi bar), I was happy as a clam. And my favorite part was getting to know the staff. I’ll be writing more about my introduction to cruising in the future, so stay tuned.
An awesome catamaran ride in Grand Turk. We booked only one official shore excursion and it was a good one — a catamaran ride with snorkeling and a visit to a private beach. The water in Grand Turk is an UNREAL shade of blue and the beaches are fine white sand — Jeremy and I definitely chose the perfect excursion.
Revisiting Old San Juan. Jeremy and I had both been to San Juan previously, so this day was about wandering the town, revisiting some of our favorite places, and taking photos. Puerto Rico is a fantastic place and I’d love to return for a third time and see new spots (Culebrita, yo vengo!).
Meeting up with blogger buds for the first time. This month I met Hannah and Adam from Getting Stamped at Universal Orlando and Gloria from The Blog Abroad came to visit me in Harlem! It’s so nice to meet blogger friends in real life.
I also got some nice plane views over New York en route to Orlando. So pretty!
As far as months go, there were no major personal challenges, and for that I am grateful.
From the “learn from my mistakes” files — Cailin and I decided to save money and have me be the sole driver on our Florida road trip, but we really should have paid more and shared the driving. Orlando to Islamorada took six hours and was a slog, especially through traffic around Miami!
Post of the Month
You may have noticed publishing was much lighter than usual this month. I only have one non-recap post, but it’s a good one: Where to Stay in Barcelona: Best Neighborhoods and Accommodation
Most Popular Instagram Photo
This is a bit of a misnomer — my actual most popular Instagram photo was the recipient of roughly 2,000 fake likes from a spammer that has started targeting me and a host of other travel bloggers. (Their method: give 2k bogus likes “as a gift” and then ask us to sign up for their paid service. No thanks. Plenty of travel bloggers use bots to artificially inflate their Instagram numbers, but I refuse to play that game.)
But this is the most popular photo minus the spamming — one of Key West’s legendary sunsets.
For real-time updates from my travels, follow me on Instagram and Snapchat at adventurouskate!
What I Read This Month
Whatever Happened to Interracial Love? by Kathleen Collins (2016). Kathleen Collins was one of the first prominent black female filmmakers, and she died in her 40s in the 1980s. This collection of short stories she wrote was only recently found among her belongings and published last year. Some stories read like poetry, some like prose, some like plays.
More than anything, this book is about how black women love and the sacrifices they make as a result. I loved these stories of women who fell in love, women who stayed by their cheating men, women who attempted to carve out a life of their own. You could call it a companion piece to Beyonce’s Lemonade. It’s a relatively quick read and one that I highly recommend. Category: A book by a person of color.
When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi (2016). I was afraid to read this book for a long time, despite its stellar reviews. I tend to avoid books about confronting death and grief (the same reason why I haven’t read Joan Didion’s The Year of Magical Thinking), and I didn’t know how I would handle reading about a brilliant young neurosurgeon diagnosed with terminal cancer. This book is about how he evaluates his life prior to diagnosis and his outlook afterward. I shouldn’t have avoided it.
This book is written so beautifully. The best memoirs are fascinating stories that are told well, and this absolutely fits the bill. Dr. Kalanithi wrestled with whether to become a doctor or a writer, and tentatively planned on leaving medicine to focus on writing later in life. But what a way to leave the world — this book is a treasure. I read it in one sitting. I’m grateful that I got to know Dr. Kalanithi, if only posthumously. Category: A book about a difficult topic.
What We Do Now: Standing Your Ground in Trump’s America by various authors (2017). This book, obviously published quickly following the 2016 election, is a collection of essays by liberal leaders talking about what needs to be done in the resistance against Donald Trump. Some of the authors include Elizabeth Warren, Paul Krugman, Bernie Sanders, and the first Somali-American legislator, Ilhan Omar.
I had read a handful of the essays before, including Warren’s and Krugman’s. Everything was organized by topic, from LGBT rights to the environment. And honestly, this is a very preaching-to-the-choir book, especially if you’re a liberal who follows the news, but I enjoyed reading it nonetheless and got some new insights. Category: A book with multiple authors.
Wendy Darling, Volume II: Seas by Colleen Oakes (2016). My cousin Colleen is an incredibly prolific author and the mind behind two young adult series of retold fairy tales. My favorite books of hers so far are the Wendy Darling books — a dark retelling of Peter Pan from Wendy’s point of view. These books are visually lush and much more mature.
In the first book, Wendy realizes that both Neverland and Peter Pan are far more sinister than they appear, and she escapes with her brother Michael. In the second, she joins Captain Hook and his crew as they sail Neverland, trying to stop Peter Pan with the help of bloodthirsty mermaids and deranged fairies. And if Peter Pan was sexy in the first book, CAPTAIN HOOK was sexy in the second! I love Colleen’s view of Neverland! Category: A book involving a mythical creature.
Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie (1934). I’ve actually never read a book by Agatha Christie in my life (!) but I needed a book that’s becoming a movie this year, and I got excited when I saw that not only is Murder on the Orient Express going to be a movie in December, but Leslie Odom Jr. (a.k.a. Aaron Burr from Hamilton) will be in it! It has an awesome cast: directed by and starring Kenneth Branagh with Odom, Johnny Depp, Penelope Cruz, Daisy Ridley, Michelle Pfeiffer, Josh Gad, Willem Dafoe, and DAME JUDI MOTHERFUCKING DENCH.
This iconic mystery takes place on the Orient Express from Istanbul to Calais in the 1930s. A passenger is murdered and the train gets stuck in a snowstorm, which means the murderer is one of the passengers in the car. Good thing detective Hercule Poirot is on board and is able to deduce who the killer is.
One thing I didn’t expect…the surprising amount of casual racism about Italians and Italian-Americans. According to one character, the Italian must be the murderer because Italians love to stab people…That said, it’s a reminder that Italians and Irish were once treated with the prejudice and scorn that Muslims, Latinos, and Africans receive in America today. I’m eager to see how they modernize the film. Category: A book that’s becoming a movie in 2017.
What I Listened To This Month
“Etunnel” by Primary feat. Gaeko. Another one of Spotify’s picks for me (seriously, Spotify knows my tastes inside and out), this is a lovely Korean electronic/hip-hop song with a touch of Burt Bacharach. Give it a listen; I bet you’ll love it!
Fun fact: I didn’t even know it was Korean until I looked it up just now…
What I Watched This Month
I’ve started watching Santa Clarita Diet on Netflix. This comedy stars Drew Barrymore and Timothy Olyphant as boring-yet-happy realtor couple living in the suburbs with a teenage daughter — until one day Barrymore’s character suddenly turns into a zombie and starts eating people.
It’s not the sharpest or most cutting-edge comedy of all time, but it’s wacky and I love it! The cast is great, and it has a very sweet message of doing everything you can to protect your family, even if that means killing people you can’t stand in order to eat them.
What I Cooked This Month
No pics, but I am cooking these turkey spinach burgers all the time. They’re super healthy and a good source of protein, and I love making four at once so I have a few ready to go in the fridge! Plus, they look like Oscar the Grouch.
Four pieces of advice: 1) This recipe calls for a truly insane amount of spinach — just go with it. 2) Be very gentle when mixing the turkey; if you mash it too hard it will be too dense. 3) They will fall apart if you grill them, so bake them in a glass dish. 4) Top them with avocado or guacamole — it’s the best! Avocado is my main substitute for cheese these days, and I find it just as satisfying.
Fitness Update
I’m still working hard on my fitness and I think I’ve been making progress at a much faster rate lately. Something has shifted — I work harder and better and am feeling great!
That said, this was also my first month traveling since starting my fitness regimen, and it was challenging to keep up workouts and eat well on the road. I could have done better with both, but I’m glad neither trip turned into a gluttonous free-for-all, as it would have in the past.
I tried two new classes this month — Pon de Flo with Oneika, and IMAXShift with Beth. Pon de Flo is a Caribbean dance class in SoHo that includes HIIT segments — think Zumba but with more push-ups. IMAXShift is a spin class in front of an IMAX screen located in DUMBO — you ride through space and lasers and the sky.
I only lost a few pounds in February, but I don’t mind — according to my body analysis I’m gaining a ton of muscle, which is heavier and cancels out a lot of fat loss. Weight isn’t as important as you think. More important is that I look and feel different — especially in my face, my upper arms and my thighs. And I’ve lost three inches off my waist since December.
Also a bonus: I went bathing suit shopping and found three suits that I loved and felt great in!
Coming Up in March 2017
I have a few more days on the cruise at the beginning of March, and beyond that, I have no travel plans scheduled in March. Which, once again, is great. I feel like I’m actually starting to live my goal of traveling 25% of the time or less.
I do have a lot I want to do in New York this month, including visiting the new Golden Girls cafe in Washington Heights, so stay tuned for more local coverage!
Plus, Cailin is coming to stay for a few days (amusingly, she’ll already be at my place when I get back from the cruise). I’m also looking forward to hosting my book group at my apartment, which is shockingly the first time I’ve invited more than two people into my apartment simultaneously!
What’s coming up for you in March? Share away!
via Travel Blogs http://ift.tt/2lqKh0E
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