#i have waited a literal month for this essay back
zaddyazula · 2 months
i finally got my english essay back and it got read out of the class and i get chocolate from my teacher!!!
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theawkwardone6 · 1 month
Anyone else just scrolling through the watcher tag and laughing
We could just buy the subscription or unsubscribe from the YouTube channel bc we disagree on principle but instead let’s fight😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭it’s so funny. And the fact that they’re STILL fighting. Like how are you surprised by this in the slightest
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beybaldes · 6 months
*・゜゚・* high key just procrastinating my essay but…*・゜゚・*
sejanus plinth as your oblivious bestfriend
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- this man is minding his own business too hard, like, doesn’t even take the fact you might like him as more then a friend as an option because he figured if it was, something would’ve happened by now (he’s deathly afraid of rejection)
- literally so happy to spend his entire life doting on you even if it’s just as your best friend
- you will literally walk around the academy holding his hand and press kisses to his cheek or forehead everytime you have to part ways and this man still thinks you’re ‘just friends’
- literally so beyond shocked when Coryo asks if the two of you are together and hits him with ten thousand questions about why he thought that
‘what do you mean, Coryo? Why would you think we’re together?’ Sejanus’s whole face had paled and his sandwich was getting crushed in his hand. What had Coryo seen that he hadn’t? Surely if anyone was going to notice something about you, it would be him, not Coriolanus.
‘they kissed you goodbye, Sejanus.’ Coryo scoffed, eyes rolling at his friends frantic behaviour. ‘And they definitely don’t do that for anyone else.’ Sejanus wanted to ask if Coryo was sure, but he couldn’t get the words out without becoming a stuttering mess. He’d never thought about it that way befriend.
- spends months waiting for you to reach for his hand before he takes initiative and does it for himself the first time, and you totally freak but are super good at hiding it. Sejanus just takes this as he was right you were only being friendly.
- Coryo starts getting more and more sick of it, and finally decided to intervene by concocting a plan that would make even the shyest and sweetest of people (Sejanus) confess
“but I don’t get why.” you stressed, not really understanding coryo’s ‘plan’ that was supposedly going to push you and Sejanus together. it made enough sense but you weren’t sure it would actually help anything, not when you weren’t going to get anywhere when Sejanus only liked you as a friend. “if you want me to kiss you goodbye as well Coryo, you could’ve just asked.”
“it’s not about that, what I’m trying to say-“ Coriolanus didn’t have time to finish his works as he noticed Sejanus coming around the corner and into the corridor the two of you were stood in. “Kiss me, kiss me now, quick.”
more then anything, you wanted to be with Sejanus, and if Coriolanus truly thought this would make that happen, then you were willing to give it a try. Leaning up onto the tips of your toes, you pressed a long kiss to his cheek, making sure Sejanus had seen it before you pulled away. The second your lips left his cheek, he ducked his head and forced a blush to his face, hoping it would make Sejanus jealous enough that he would act on his feelings. However, Sejanus never said a thing, instead giving a pointed glare to Coriolanus and grabbing your hand tightly, pulling you away from the scene of the crime. As you turned to look back at Coryo in confusion, he simply gave you two thumbs up and a wicked grin.
- after Sejanus sees you press a kiss to Coriolanus’s cheek when you’d never done that for anyone else but him, some kind of switch inside of him had flipped
- low-key made him realise he’d never felt like this before and that he definitely saw you as more then just his friend (but had no clue how to go about telling you that)
- so he continued holding your hands and accepting your cheek kisses but now he felt more confident returning them.
“okay, I’ll see you later.” Sejanus had pressed a fleeting kiss to your cheek then turned and left the lunch table without another word, mainly in an effort to hide his flushed face but also incase your reaction was not what he’d predicted.
Coriolanus let out a loud laugh as he looked at the scene before him, your hand ghosting over where he’d just planted a kiss on you and a star struck look in your eyes. “Sejanus just kissed you.”
“Sejanus just kissed me.” You repeated in a far off, airy voice, a bright smile curling on your lips. “Sejanus just kissed me!”
- things only continued to escalate from there
- and since you were now certain he returned your feelings, you knew the only way you’d be able to make him understand was to be completely straight forward with it (because anything otherwise would just go over his head)
- it’s a gloomy, winter, Monday morning when it happens
you march through the doors of the academy, standing tall and proud with the confidence that what you’re about to do is going to give you the one thing you’d only ever dreamed about. it helps that your pretty sure things are going to work out in your favour too.
you walk straight past everyone from you classes, ignoring calls of you name from classmates in search of homework answers and a particularly belligerent Felix Ravenstill, who you’re pretty sure is trying to ask you to be his date for the winter formal. no one mattered right now except Sejanus. But then again, when had they ever? So, you aimed straight for him, not noticing the way Coriolanus seemed to try and ask you something as you approached the two, only taking in Sejanus who turned around to face you with a bright smile and a loving, “Good morning!”
“Good morning.” You replied closing all distance between you as you cradled his face between your hands and brought his lips to yours in a kiss. Sejanus takes a long moment before he begins to reciprocate the kiss, but when he does he drops his note books to the floor in favour of gripping onto your waist and kissing you back harder.
When you finally pull away from him, Sejanus looks totally frazzled - hair mused and lips red, face flushed and a smile so wide that his cheeks hold deeper dimples than usual. “What was that for?” Half the academy is currently staring at the two of you but this time Sejanus doesn’t have the mind to care. “I don’t get-“
“I like you, so, so much.” You tongue darted out across your lips for a fraction of a second but it was enough for Sejanus to find his gaze upon your lips once more. He could lean forward and kiss you once again but he wanted to listen to what you had to say - he figured he’d quite like it. “I want to be yours, if you’ll have me.”
Sejanus doesn’t know the word for it right then and there but it’s love that he feels for you, and that he will feel for you until his very dying breath. “Without a single doubt I am yours.” He answers, leaning in to try and kiss you again, though you pulled away as he moved in trying to meet his eyes. “I already have been for a long time.”
you let him kiss you when he leans in again.
- if Coriolanus had been annoyed by you and Sejanus dancing around eachother, he found himself even more annoyed now that you two were actually together
- somehow more handholding and kisses then before??? and you won’t leave each other alone???
- previously, if you had a class Sejanus didn’t, you’d leave him with a kiss goodbye in the canteen, but now that you were together, Sejanus would spring out of his seat the second he noticed you were grabbing your things, barely saying goodbye to Coryo as he took your hand and offered to walk you to your class
- Coryo was definitely jealous he was third wheeling so much harder then before (though jealous of who, he couldn’t decide) but was glad he didn’t have to deal with the two of you being in denial at least
An: hope you enjoyed!! If even a single person wants me to write Sejanus as your oblivious boyfriend I will <33
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littlelordfuckler0y · 1 month
Felix catton x reader Instagram au [part2] [part1]
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yourusername proofreading my essay (he’s about to descend into madness)
fe1ix_catt0n There were some rough patches I’d say…
yourusername uh huh
yourfriend Exploiting English major friend perks 🙄
yourusername he offered alr
annabel_ he doesn’t even proofread his own essays lol
Felix sat in the library with legs crossed across y/n, these days he just happened to be in the library when y/n was. Just happened to be there to finish his reading assignment whilst she studied. He saw the frown on her face as she seemed to be stuck on something against the white light of her computer. They couldn’t group study as in help each other with assignments given their majors were entirely different but they had study sessions, finish their respective work together. “What’s wrong?” He asked, by now he was used to her patterns of difficulties, it was generally ‘thermodynamics’ and even though he didn’t understand it listening to her rant about it was somewhat cherished by him.
“This fuckass essay” she said with a sigh and deadpanned herself.
“Oh you’ve to write essays now?” Felix asked leaning forward in his seat given this was something he could help with.
“Not really, it’s just for the robotics seminar remember? There are supposed extra points if we submit an essay on how excited and emotional we are about partaking in it…” she trailed off as she stared at her screen “As if the model isn’t enough.”
“But you have been excited about this for months?” Felix mentioned tilting his head, “what’s the problem?”
“This essay, this is my third final rough draft and it’s so exhausting” she replied and slouched back on her seat crossing her arms.
“Let me help” Felix offered as she turned the computer to his side as he sat across her. Just going through the first paragraph his eyebrows knitted together trying to make coherent sense of it. Stem majors write the worst essay stereotype was now more than a stereotype to felix. “So” he paused going through it “You’ve just left gaps here with ‘something’ in the middle-what? What’s that for?”
“Oh yeah I’m supposed to put a fancy word there so it looks pretty.” She mentioned with a shrug.
“Just a fancy word? As in randomly?” He asked puzzled as he scrolled through her essay thoroughly and found she’d actually done that. Halfway through a sentence she’d added big words with some context.
“Not randomly no, just, put one in those places.”
“Oh-alright see the second body of the essay is well done, you’re talking about the system of your model and the workings of it, it sounds smart but isn’t the essay supposed to be about how you feel? I mean the assigned title is literally on it.” He explained “It doesn’t align with the main objective.”
“So what? I’ve written about my model which I’m entering IN the seminar.” She reasoned leaning back up on her seat as he shook his head and motioned his with his chin for her to come around the table and next to him.
“Yes but it barely covers the feelings aspect, which is what you have to write the essay on. It literally says that here” He said pointing to the middle portion of the screen where her essay was displayed as she stood beside him.
“I don’t read the small print” She said. Felix paused to look at her a are-you-serious look on his face and waited for her to catch on his disappointment “What?” She asked.
“Okay let’s see, you’ve just kept ‘something’ in quotes at places, which is fine for your first draft-”
“Draft?” She interrupted him with an obvious scoff “Oh no this is the final one. I don’t do drafts.”
“What? What do you mean you don’t do drafts?” He asked somewhat confused.
“I write then I proofread and cut, honestly I don’t know why you’re wasting so much time it’s just for extra” she shrugged so casually, felix felt like stem majors had an entirely different set of brain cells when it came to anything literary.
“This is going to take it a while.”
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fel1x_catt0n Congratulations to Y/n and team! Great work guys ❤️
yourusername aweee thanks felix 🕺
fel1x_catt0n much deserved, angel
katie_ congrats
annabel_ did felix attend the nerd convention today? 😂
fel1x_catt0n it was very interesting despite your generalisation
farleigh_start Congrats girl!!
The whole science seminar was initially optional, even with such there was a lot of competition and a crowd. The crowd was mainly the college professors and seminar conductors and some juniors who had to volunteer for extra credits. However the crowd seemed huge from the stage minimising everyone into a small dot given the auditorium space was gigantic. After the prize distribution y/n and her team had gotten first place for their model. A big deal amongst a handful of people because not a lot of stem majors themselves cared about extra irrelevant to their portfolio projects. But well there were some. Y/n was very giddy, laughing amongst her team of three people as they walked down from the stage and through the auditorium amongst the crowd. They were then approached by the only student dressed in a full on tuxedo, not even a stem one. Felix.
“Felix?” Y/n blinked as she stopped in her tracks as she saw him approaching her direction with a giant bouquet of flowers and hugged her. She was confused and amused at the same time, she recalled telling him that the project was a big deal to her but she didn’t think he’d show up actually. “Woah you showed up?!” She asked giggling as he wrapped his arms around her even tighter and kissed the top of her head.
“Of course I did silly” he scoffed as he pulled away and handed her the flowers, “congrats smarty pants, all of you.” He spoke to her group as well with a victorious smile as he kept his arm around her shoulder.
“Thanks!” They said one after another, assuming Felix and y/n were perhaps a thinking. However the way Felix was dressed was rather funnier to them. They made their smell talk and went on about their way still snickering amongst themselves.
“Strange what was so funny…” he trailed off looking back at y/n as the rest of her team left.
“Your tuxedo” she replied with a small chuckle.
“What’s wrong with it?”
“The only set of people who’re wearing a tuxedo at this function are our professors, it’s just blazers I guess you’ve done out-dressed everyone” she jokes as she fixed the bow tie of his shirt and he playfully rolled his eyes at her.
“The invite seemed fancy, fancy attire for fancy invites isn’t that how it’s supposed to be?” He reasoned for himself.
“What invite?” Y/n questioned.
“The one on the function website” Felix replied.
Initially y/n had just forwarded the message she got from her group about the timings and venue as a vague invitation because zero art majors are interested in these events “what? We have a website?”
“Yeah. I looked it up” he answered with a shrug, he wanted to look just perfectly suitable for her event because it seemed to be a big deal for her, so he did his research despite failing miserably at fitting y/n found it to be a very heartwarming gesture.
“Wow? Such dedication…”
“Of course my love” he said with an obvious huff, hoping his hints would pass through her.
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yourusername the one and only. tuxedo at da science centre.
yourfriend he was out there outshining professor john’s Maxwell theorem themed necktie🤗
yourusername LITERALLY?
teammate1 bow tie AND cufflinks…
fel1x_catt0n I see I’ve gained a reputation
teammate2 jokes apart you two are such a cute couple 💖
annabel_ LOL they’re not dating!!!!
yourusername yeah haha ^^
“are you serious?!” Y/n friend exclaimed as they spun around the flowers felix have in their hands. “He gave these? They’re bigger than our torsos man”
“Yeah…yeah…” y/n trailed off with a shrug trying to downplay it somewhat.
“AND he came in a tuxedo, AND he posted you…do you have zero situational awareness or what?” Her friend scoffed as they gently whacked the flowers on y/n’s forehead.
“Look, felix is a friend’s friend. He’s the most friendliest of them all. Stop trying to induce romanticism in me, he’s a great friend. Very outgoing, giving, sweet…that’s how he is.” She explained.
“You are most definitely blind are you not seeing these!” They pointed to the ever so gigantic bouquet of flowers, “helping you with your essay, bringing you snacks, wanting to hang out with you all the time-”
“That’s what we do too.” Y/n reasoned.
“Girl.” They took a deep breath. “I hate you and I never want to hang out with you.”
Y/n snickered falling back to her bed, “Yeah sure. I hate you too.”
“That’s not the point-we’re us and Felix is a completely new person in your life who’s doing all this for YOU.”
“Yada yada” Y/n said rolling her eyes at her friend as they once again whacked her with the flowers.
“You pull shit like this and that Annabelle will steal him from you. Dig your own grave.”
Y/n burst into a hearty laugh at that, “Steal felix? What are you on about we’re not a thing to begin with and Annabelle is his friend just like me.”
“YOURE NOT EVEN LISTENING TO ME” Her friend said with a sigh as they crossed their arms.
“BECAUSE YOURE NOT MAKING SENSE.” y/n said back with a high pitched tone, this was their normal between the best friends when one couldn’t get a point across, not just normal, civil even.
“OF COURSE IM NOT BECAUSE YOU ARE FUCKING BRAIN DEAD.” They said as they forcefully throw the flowers in her direction.
“YOU WANNA HAVE A GO AT ME OKAY.” she seethed and threw back a pillow, “Fucking come here” she said as the set of, almost grown ups, fought with one another in the most figurative sense with a pair of pillows aiming for most harm.
“Not my hair-not my hair you gangly uncoordinated bitc-” the wrestling match was interrupted by a knock on the door.
Followed by the familiar voice “everything alright in there?”
“What the fuck’s he doing here?” Y/n whisper yelled as her friend pushed her to go open the door, straightening her hair out hurriedly as she walked up there.
“Felix…Hi” y/n said as she caught her breath and smiled at him, despite of the disheveled state of her room.
“Hey…I was just passing by and I thought you were fighting-?” Felix asked with a soft smile as he leant on the doorframe of her dorm. It was as if he never needed an invitation.
“No we were just, er what is it we-we were” y/n looked back at her friend to jump in with an answer.
“Roomie wars.” Her friend shrugged off. “Ya know…where’s my candle, where’s my ramen from yesterday”
“Oh…” Felix trailed off with an understanding nods. “Yeah I get it.”
“Funny you were just passing by, through dorm hallways, when yours is—three buildings down isn’t it?” Her friend intervened with an accusatory chuckle receiving a disapproving look from y/n.
“Yes I was actually here for y/n.” Felix said, he would never be put in a situation where he’d get awkward, blatantly open and confident he didn’t truly care for implications if they were correct. “Do you have any lectures this evening.”
“No.” Her friend answered quickly before she could.
“Yeah no I don’t.” Y/n replied with a tight smile at her friend.
“Great then I’ll pick you up at 5 yeah?” Felix said.
“Wait-for what?”
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yourusername this man is drowning in pussy
fel1x_catt0n this is so foul
yourusername the cats wuv you
fel1x_catt0n yet your caption is that of a comedic genius
yourfriend I have no words
farleigh_start just not yours…
HIII I am sorry I don’t update regularly I promise I will now, I am going through a very difficult and traumatic time in my life it’s so so so hard to cope at the moment.
Any comments on this or opinions would help me a lot more than you think either ways if you’re here and read this thank you so much <3
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ikissjae · 1 year
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PAIRING … jung jaehyun x female!reader
THEMES … college!au. angst! lot more angst in this one. smut.
LENGTH … 7.7k.
WARNINGS … thigh riding. dry humping. virgin!reader and fuckboy jaehyun. cheating. please let me know if i missed something! MINORS DNI.
NOTES … i wrote this fic literally years ago as a someone i don't acknowledge anymore fic lol! this is a prequel to "During the Fall" and a continuation of "The Start of Spiring" which I will link in the source link below! hope yall enjoy! rbs, comments, and asks are always appreciated ♡
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ㅤㅤㅤ© ikissjae 2023. translating and/or reposting is not allowed.
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Jaehyun: hey
Jaehyun: are you up?
You looked up from the patronizing word document to see the texts lighting up your phone. You rubbed your eyes a little before grabbing the device, blinking a few times at the bright screen. Of course, you were up, you had an essay due before 5:30 AM and here you were at 2 AM struggling with a conclusion. You leaned back against your headboard scrolling through the texts you had previously shared with Jaehyun, a smile appearing on your lips when you saw the blurry photos of him from the party where you two met.
You haven’t seen Jaehyun since that party, so almost a month now, which you didn’t mind. He’d text you at least once a week, and he’d send you cute selfies on Snapchat, so he did keep his promise. He didn’t forget you. That’s all you really wanted from him. You could tell he wasn’t the ‘relationship’ type if you were being honest neither were you. It wasn’t that you didn’t want a relationship it’s more like you have these weird commitment issues, you would rather be alone forever than have your heart broken. Weird, yes, but it was safe, you liked being safe.
You: yah i’m up
You: why are you even up go to sleep big head
Jaehyun: my head isn’t even big ://
Jaehyun: i miss you i wanna see you
You stared at your phone, brows furrowed as your eyes glanced up at the time then back at the bubbles sighing quietly. You never had a boy in your apartment after ten, except that one time when you and Doyoung were cramming for finals last semester, and who knew what Jaehyun had on his mind at 2 AM. You sighed quietly reading the message for what felt like the tenth time before slowly typing out your response.
You: i mean…if you really miss me….you can come over
Jaehyun: ……..are you sure
You: come over before i change my mind loser
Jaehyun: alright alright i’ll be over in ten minutes
You felt your stomach twist at the last message but there was an unexplainable excited smile on your lips. Your eyes landed back on your almost-finished essay, you knew you should just throw together a pathetic conclusion and turn it in, but you couldn’t even focus on that. Jaehyun was coming over to your apartment. You were gonna see him again.
You were back and forth from typing a mindless conclusion to staring at the door for the past ten minutes. You managed to finish your essay, it was shitty but it was finished, you were now staring at your now screen sighing quietly looking back up at the door waiting impatiently with a quiet sigh.
It wasn’t that you wanted Jaehyun here, you were bored with nothing to do, Jaehyun was going to be something to do. Suddenly, there were a series of rhythmic knocks.
You squeaked excitedly, jumping up off the bed with an equally excited smile practically skipping to the door. You hated how excited you were to see him, you shouldn’t be this excited to see a boy who wasn’t even your boyfriend, but you were practically bouncing to open the door.
When you opened the door you were greeted with the beautiful sight of Jung Jaehyun wearing a large black hoodie with matching black sweatpants, his hood was up but you could see his highlighted hair falling on his forehead, he looked cozy and welcoming. He made your heart stutter a little bit, you couldn’t help but giggle softly up at him which made him smirk down at you.
“So that’s what you look like without fake eyelashes.” He teased tapping your nose sweetly with a deep chuckle. You scrunched your face up before you realize you were sporting a bare face, your hair was in its natural waves, and you were wearing some baggy sweatshirt. You probably look like a different person than the one he met at the party, a softer more comfy version, you were wishing you at least put on some concealer while you were wasting time staring at the door.
“Shut up.” 
You giggled stepping to the side to let him walk into your small apartment smiling softly. The boy took one long step inside the room, he looked around a soft smile growing on his lips as he took in your messy room.
“Who would’ve guessed you’re an actual wreck.” He teased pointing to your messy makeup corner with a soft giggle, you opened your mouth to defend yourself but he was right. You were, in fact, a wreck, if that wasn’t already apparent by you finishing an essay at 2 AM.
“I mean…You’re not wrong.” You shrugged kicking a few t-shirts into a corner with a small almost nervous chuckle as you looked up at him, a bright smile forming on your lips. You used your foot to close your door, sauntering over to him with a shy smile on your pink-tinted lips.
“I missed you, whore,” you told him quietly causing him to laugh softly, resting his hands on your hips , smiling down at you.
“I missed you too, virgin.” he laughed softly pinching your sides, making you squeal quietly, shoving his hands away laughing quietly, looking up at him as you took a step back sitting on your bed staring up at him.
“Virgin? Come on, Jaehyun you can do better.” You patted the space next to you, watching him sit down with an almost tired smile, playing with the fraying edge of your sweatshirt.
There is a silence, almost uncomfortable but not quite there, he let his fingers brush your thighs softly as he continued playing with the loose strings. You smiled softly at him, you could feel your heart swelling as you looked at him, slowly letting your hand push his hood down humming softly when you saw his dirty blond hair.
“You got highlights.” You smiled running a gentle hand through his hair, which was soft and silky, making him nod a little letting his hand drop. 
“You like it? I was having a crisis.” He chuckled letting his hand fall onto your thigh causing you to tense up a little, but you let it happen even resting your hand on top of his taking a step out of your comfort zone.
“It’s cute.” You tell him with a slight nod, blushing softly as he laced his fingers with yours. He smiled happily at your compliment, squeezing your hand softly pulling your hand up to press a soft kiss to your palm.
“I like dark roots a lot. I’ve always wanted to go blond with some dark roots, but I’ve never been bold enough to do it. I don’t know how I would look as a blond.” Jaehyun tilted his head at you, letting his hand grab a lock softly, twirling the strands around his finger, he smirked softly at the thought of you with blond hair.
“I’d like to see you as a blond. I think you’d look really hot, especially with the dark roots.” He tells you with a subtle wink making you blush softly, shoving his hand away softly.
“Shut up,” you told him weakly with a soft laugh looking up at him before quietly resting your head on his shoulder, humming softly into his hoodie.
“How have you been, baby?” He asks quietly running a hand up and down your spine, giving you a soft squeeze as you shrugged softly.
“I’m tired. I’m ready for summer break, ready to go home, ready to sleep regularly.” You told him honestly with a restless laugh.
“Where’s home?” He asked you before quietly patting his lap, waiting for you to move there. You look up at him scooting hesitantly towards him, you felt your stomach twist tightly as you slowly climbed into his lap keeping your back towards him. 
“America.” You told him as you situated yourself on his thick thighs nodding at your answer.
“America?” He pondered out loud, “Are you all by yourself here?” He was asking a lot of questions, you couldn’t imagine him really wanting to know more about your life, he only wanted to fuck you right? You nodded a little, letting your fingers skate softly over the black fabric, feigning an unbothered smile.
“Yeah, I do but it’s fine. I love Seoul, it’s beautiful.” You nod looking back at him before looking back down with a small shrug. 
“Where is your home?” You asked out of courtesy turning your head back towards him to see him smiling lazily at you, you gave him a subtle eye roll before squeezing his thigh in hopes of a response.
“Here. I was born here but moved to Connecticut when I was five for my dad’s work. I came back three years later. I never really left.” You watched his lips move as he talked unsurely about his time here, you looked back up at his eyes smiling a little at how his brows furrowed in concentration.
“So, do you have, like, an English name?” You tease, smiling down at him as he turns his face away from you, a bright smile on his lips.
“I actually have three names.”
This time your brows furrowed but in confusion. Three? This boy had three names? 
You wiggled to reposition yourself to be facing him. Jaehyun took this opportunity to grab your hips, pulling you towards him till your chests were pressed together making you blush softly. You put your hands on his chest to keep some distance between you two, but with hips flush against each other you were feeling everything.
“Tell me about your three names.” You inquire softly, squirming in his hold till you were comfortable again.
“I have my birth name, my name, and my English name.”
There’s a pause. You tilt your head a bit in curiosity, a small chuckle leaving your lips.
“Birth name? You changed your name?”
“Yeah. I wanted a name that meant something. It’s a bitch to legally change your name though so I just use Jaehyun more often than not.”
There’s another pause but this one is filled with quiet giggles and cheesy smiles. Your hands held tightly onto his hoodie smiling down at him, before letting them slide down to let them rest under the fabric feeling his invitingly warm skin.
“Tell me your names.” You felt him jolt back a little at the touch, but he soon relaxed against your palms making your heart beat a little faster.
“Well, my birth name is Jaehyun, my name is Yoonoh, you know that, and my English name is Jay.”
You let the name roll off your tongue a few more times before chuckling a little, letting your hands rest around his waist, thumbs rubbing soft circles into the flesh.
“Yoonoh.” You just about whisper to see his reaction, eyes trained in on his face your smile now faint. His eyes flickered with something you couldn’t quite read, he looked almost helpless, but the moment of weakness only lasted a second before it dissipated back into his usual cocky grin.
“Haven’t heard someone call me that in a while,” He reveals quietly, “I like when you say it. I like when you say all my names.”
There was a tense pause where you two just stared at each other’s lips, waiting for someone to make the first move. 
“I really missed you.” You tell him quietly, you can feel him grab your arms, pulling them out from underneath his hoodie, and placing them on his wide shoulders.
“Did you, princess?” He whispered up at you a soft smile leaning up to nuzzle his nose against yours, you blushed softly before nodding softly. “I missed you too. I’ve missed your mouth a lot.” He told you while tangling a hand in your hair to hold you in the current position.
“Of course you did.” You giggled squeezing his shoulders a bit before tapping his arm signaling him to let go of your hair which he did, his large hand sliding down your side to rest on your hip squeezing softly. 
“You’re kind of a slut, Jaehyun.” You joked pulling your head off of his laughing quietly as he scoffed looking up at you with an amused smile.
“And you’re kind of a prude, _____.”
You gasped quietly furrowing your brows, your face contorting a little in mock offense.
“I am not a prude, Jay.”
“So, you suck dick in a bathroom once and you’re not a prude anymore?”
He let out a boisterous laugh looking up at you with the brightest cleanest smile. You adored his smile, you have many screenshots of blurry snaps of his wide white smile. You could stare at him all day if he would let you. You let your hands cup his cheeks softly with a bright smile, making him smile even wider than before. You swear you could feel your heart practically fall out of your chest at the sight.
You wished Jung Jaehyun was different, you wished you had met him without knowing the copious amount of girls he fucked and left in the dust, but here you were with a tainted view of him that you couldn’t shake away no matter how many times he made your heart nearly fail. He hummed up at you, his hands skimming up your sides till his fingers collided with your exposed skin.
You shifted a little at the touch, he held tighter onto your waist smirking softly up at you. “What did you miss about me, baby?” He whispered letting his thumbs glide over your ribs softly, leaning up to press his forehead to yours. Your throat went dry, you could feel your stomach tighten at how close he was. Your hands dropped from his face to his shoulders blushing softly.
You opened your mouth to tell him how much you missed his lips, how you wanted to kiss him again, how you’d been thinking about him for weeks, but nothing came out your cheeks just burned brighter making you bury your face in the crook of his neck. He giggled squeezing your sides sweetly pressing a soft kiss to your forehead, his hand skimmed up your back to tangle his hand in your hair to pull you back with a bright smile.
“Did you miss my fingers, baby?” He questioned smirking up at you with a small head tilt. You stared down at his lips nodding dumbly at his words, you heard him hum up at you leaning in to nuzzle his nose against yours sighing softly.
“Or did you miss my lips?” He whispered, “Did you miss kissing me? I missed kissing you.” He tilted his head to let his lips graze over yours to test the waters before he finally gave you what you wanted. His lips were still the softest pillows you’ve ever laid upon, you whimpered softly at the overwhelming burst of unrecognizable emotions in your stomach.
His lips were so soft, so sweet, so intoxicating, you missed kissing Jaehyun. He wrapped his arms tighter around your waist as he moved his lips against yours, you held tightly onto his hoodie trying to keep him close. He groaned softly as he pulled away to roll on top of you, manhandling you till you were against your pillow as you tried to catch your breath but his lips were reattached to yours in a matter of seconds. He made himself at home between your legs, you kept your grip on his hoodie tugging softly at the fabric.
“Take it off, Jaehyun.” You muttered pulling away, managing to catch your breath huffing quietly as he sat up not even hesitating before pulling the black hoodie off. Your hands were attached to his skin like a magnet, you wanted to feel him, you wanted to keep him close. You wanted him.
Oh god, you liked Jung Jaehyun.
You stared up at him with big almost panicked doe eyes, he leaned down to press soft kisses to your slightly exposed stomach. You let your head fall back with a small whine, you were going to lay there and let him do whatever he wanted. You’d let him do whatever he wanted to you. Scarily, you trusted Jaehyun a lot.
He wasted no time tugging down your sweats down to your knees, you swallowed thickly tugging softly on his locks to pull him back to your lips making him groan against your lips. He hummed softly into the kiss, pressing his hips into yours moaning softly. There was an amazing friction that made you shiver a little, digging your nails into his back with an airy chuckle.
“Keep doing that.” You whispered up at him causing him to smirk softly down at you. He rolled his hips into your clothed core, you could feel his growing length press against you which made you moan softly against his lips.
“You’re so adorable, baby.” He whispered pressing his wet lips to your jawline, nosing softly against your cheek. You bucked your hips into him with a deep shaky breath, he slid his hands up your sides to slide them under your top easily taking your breasts in his large hands.
You gasped softly at the contact, your hands skimming up his back to dig your nails into his skin looking up at him with hooded eyes. He rolled his hips into your clothed core causing a pleasant but short wave of pleasure to wash over you. You furrowed your brows at how good this was feeling, it was almost painful how short the waves lasted with each roll of his hips.
Holy shit, how did he always manage to make you feel so good?
He groaned gruffly against your neck, holding tightly onto your hips, continuing to rut against you his nails leaving crescents imprints on your skin. Soft grunts and gentle gasps filled your little room, red lines forming on his skin when your nails ranked down it, the slow burn in your stomach was starting to grow more intense every time he rolled his hips into yours.
“P-Please kiss me.” You whispered lazily draping your legs around his hips, sighing quietly feeling him kiss up your neck to finally press a soft kiss to your lips.
The tight tension in your stomach was growing uncomfortable, you whined softly into the feather-like kiss feeling his fingers wrap around the hem of your hoodie. You quickly shook your head with a thick swallow, trying to find your voice as you held tighter onto his shoulders.
“I-I want to keep it on.” You finally got out before the fabric could be lifted over your head. He looked down at you with a look of confusion for a second before nodding a bit, his hands falling to your waist smiling comfortably.
“That’s fine. That’s fine. Do you want to take a minute?”
You laced your fingers with his sighing softly as you wrapped your legs around his waist, tugging his hips flush against yours with a thick swallow. 
“I-I was really close. Whatever you’re doing, it feels really really good.” You nodded looking up at him with big eyes, a smug smile tugging at his pink lips as he nodded a little.
“I like making you feel good. You look so pretty when you cum, you know? I want to see that face again.”
Your cheeks burned once again as you looked up at him laughing softly, your eyes looking down at the bulge growing in his sweats.
“You’re really hard, Jaehyun.” You whispered chuckling softly at the sight, he looked up at you with a loud laugh pressing a soft kiss to your forehead, smiling against your skin. His hands skimmed down your sides to hold onto your hips groaning quietly.
He pulled away from you, pulling you up by your hips to place you in his lap, manhandling you till you were straddling his thigh making you gasp softly. He leaned against your wall smirking up at you as he slapped the back of your thigh, squeezing the flesh softly before motioning down towards his thigh.
“Want to take your panties off, baby?” He whispered burying his face into the crook of your neck, peppering soft kisses to the sensitive skin as you nodded slowly. You lifted your hips letting him slide the soaked fabric down your legs, smirking cockily when his digits brushed over your slick folds.
He moved you back on his thigh making you gasp softly, digging your coffin-shaped acrylics into his chest. Jaehyun groaned softly looking down at the pretty pale pink nails, he bit his bottom lip holding tightly onto your hips.
“Ride my thigh, baby.” He whispered leaning in to kiss your lips softly, his hands moving up to hold on tightly to your hoodie.
You didn’t waste any time before rolling your hips against the rough fabric of his sweatpants, loud whimpers falling from your lips into his as your hips moved desperately against him. He pulled away from your lips to watch you pathetically rutting against him, a cocky smirk on his lips chuckling softly as he leaned his back against your wall.
“You’ve done this before haven’t you?” He whispered grabbing a fist full of your hair tugging harshly, making you cry out softly as you dug your nails into his stomach.
Your cheeks glowed with at his question, brows furrowed as a pathetic whimper fell from your lips. Visions of those lonely nights with your pillow between your legs desperately rutting into the pillow, thinking about the quick yet explosive pleasure that eventually lolled you to sleep, but you couldn’t say that to Jaehyun not without wanting to die a little inside.
“Aw, look you’re blushing.” He whispered lowly the same smirk on his lips, “Do you hump your pillow, princess? Do you think about me?”
You only whined in response shutting your eyes tightly, trying to lean into him but the grip on your hair was unforgiving. He kept you still with the iron grip on your hair waiting for you to answer, flexing his thigh underneath you with a cruel smirk on his lips. You whimpered loudly as your hips rolled deeply into his hard thigh, your nails dug deeper into his skin crying out softly.
“Answer the question, _____.” He growled pushing you down till you were looking at him, face redder than before and you could only feel yourself getting redder under his intense stare.
“I-I do. I think about you all the time, Jaehyun.”
He chuckled darkly at the way your voice shook as if you were near tears. He liked seeing you like this, basically falling apart before of him, because of him, was so arousing and erotic his head was spinning. Jaehyun hummed in response, his fingers finally losing on your hair letting your head fall onto his chest, his arms wrapping around you with a quiet sigh.
“Tell me what you think about. Tell me everything.” He whispers into your shoulder, kissing the flesh gently. You kept your hips moving into his thick thigh, your eyes blown wide as your clit brushed against the rough fabric.
“I-I think about your dick. Holy fuck, fuck, your dick is so big and thick.” Your voice was whiny and shaky as you held on tightly to him, “I think about y-you inside me, stretching me out so good, f-fucking me till I’m shaking. Wanna know what makes me cum?” You questioned smirking softly at his bewildered eyes as he nodded quickly, a soft moan leaving his lips as he looked up at you.
You moaned loudly as he flexed his thigh under you once again, his tongue poking out to wet his lips as his eyes stayed trained on your lips.
“I think about you filling me up with your cum.” You shut your eyes tightly, your nails dragging down his chest watching his jaw drop a rough moan fell from his shiny pink lips.
“Fuck, Jaehyun–oh my god–Yoonoh.”
You cut yourself off when you feel the wave of pleasure wash over you, back arching into him as your moan catches in your throat, body rigid and nails deep into his skin. His hips jerked up a few times, low trembling moans ripping through his body as he held tightly onto your hips, you knew there would be bruises by tomorrow. A familiar groan filled your apartment, you were too overwhelmed by the short ripples of pleasure still rolling through your body, mindlessly nuzzling into his chest.
The room is full of heavy breathing, his hands letting go of your hips to rub softly at your thighs. You swallowed thickly against the crook of his neck, pulling away slowly to look at him with raised brows.
“Did you...Did you cum in your pants?” You asked moving your hands to his face, your thumbs stroking his cheeks when they glowed softly. He blinked a few times, brown eyes looking down at his sweats which were wet in multiple spots now. You watched a cute embarrassed smile appear on his glistening pink lips, his cheeks glowing brightly at your question.
“Y-You look so good when you cum. I couldn’t help it.”
You tilted your head at his weak tone, he looked so wrecked borderline pathetic from his orgasm. You felt something spark inside you seeing him like that, something that you’ve never felt before.
You wanted him.
Quietly you swallowed the urge with a small sigh, hands gently brushing his hair out of his doe eyes. You brushed the thought away, tossing your hair over your shoulder with a quiet hum. He groans softly looking up at you, cringing softly when he shifts his hips a little bit.
“Fuck. I feel gross. I feel really sticky.” He whispered his head falling back against the wall sighing contently, eyes fluttering shut as you ran your hands up and down his marked chest.
There was a blissful silence. A silence that you never wanted to end. You were the one to break it, pulling away to look at his blissful face smirking wickedly at him.
“You came fast and untouched. You must really like me, hm?”
“I liked the way you said Yoonoh. No one has ever said it like that.”
“No one has said it while cumming before?” You giggled stroking his hair softly, smiling at him gently. His eyes fluttered open to stare at your lips before looking up at you, swallowing thickly at the sight of the wet patch on his thigh.
Another silence filled your room, he leaned down to press soft kisses to your collarbones. You rested your cheek on the top of his head, nuzzling against his soft hair humming quietly as he brushed his nose against your throat. You wanted to stay like this, you wanted to keep him close, you wanted to stay in his arms, doused in his warmth as you both recovered from your orgasms.
You cleared your throat, untangling yourself from him as you slid off his thigh taking a deep breath with a soft huff. You looked around to find your underwear, you felt him move from behind you grunting uncomfortably as he stood up off your bed.
“Can I shower here? I don’t want to walk back with cum in my pants.”
“You walked here? Where’s your place?” You questioned sliding your underwear back on and turning towards him with a small head tilt. He turned towards you a soft smile adoring his pink lips, your eyes adoring the bright red lines on his tan chest.
“I live in the apartments a few blocks away.”
You nodded a bit trying to envision what his apartment looked like. Was it messy? Was it put together?
You could see shirts scattered across his floor, his bed unmade, and dishes in the sink. Maybe Jaehyun was a clean freak with a tightly made bed, spotless floors, and a pristine kitchen where everything is organized. Your eyes scanned over him quickly with a small smile, your chest aching a little at the sight of him.
“You can–” You turned toward your clock, the intimidating red numbers telling you it was nearing 3 AM. You couldn’t let him walk alone at 3 AM even though you knew he’d be just fine, but still, you’d be too worried to let him walk out of your apartment this late.
“You can…Stay the night if you want. It’s–um–it’s really late, you shouldn’t be walking alone this late.”
He looked a little surprised at your offer a soft chuckle left his lips as he thought about spending the night with you. He shrugged his broad shoulders with a small nod, a soft smile forming on his lips looking down at you.
“I would like that. We can finally–”
“Hold it, Jay. You’re sleeping on the floor.”
“Oh come on, prude. You know you want to snuggle with me.”
You rolled your eyes a little bit at the way his smile turned into a soft smirk. You aggressively pointed towards the small, pathetic, excuse of a bathroom you had, it was more like a closet with a shower in it. “Go shower. The cum in your pants is probably dried now.” You teased with a soft laugh, only laughing harder when he shot you a playful glare before turning around to disappear into your closet bathroom.
You dug through your drawer to find the lone pair of boxers you bought as an experiment last month. He’ll only need new underwear, right? You slowly knocked on the flimsy door, poking your head in the warm room, your eyes falling to the floor when you hear him pull your curtain back a bit.
“Couldn’t help yourself?” He teased smirking softly at you, running his hand through his wet hair as you blindly tossed the boxers on the sink. You only looked up to shoot him a slightly disgusted look, you watched him laugh at your expression before winking playfully tilting his head a bit.
“Thank you.” He tells you sweetly, an even sweeter smile on his lips, “I’ll be out in a minute.” He nods closing the shower curtain.
You closed the door behind you humming softly as you went to your closet, getting on your toes to pull down the extra blankets from the top shelf. You laid the blankets down for him next to your bed, grabbing one pillow from your bed to drop it on the ground. The makeshift bed on the floor was a pastel pathetic mess on your floor but he’d probably be fine, right? You stared down at the blankets almost leaning down to straighten them out, but there was a sudden vibration from the edge of your bed.
Your head shot up to turn towards your bed, seeing the fabric of his hoodie light up. You paused for a moment just staring at the glowing hoodie. Who was texting him at 3 AM? Without letting yourself hesitate, you pulled his phone out from its pocket sitting down on your bed to scroll through his notifications.
Every contact name was just initials. You found it odd but also didn’t question it. Jaehyun was a fuckboy after all.  You furrowed your brows at the screen.
q.k : if ur going to leave at two am pls be quiet when you do it
l.m.h : do u have the answers for the review i’m dying dude
k.d.h : baby i miss you :(
k.d.h : ik it’s late but i want to see you
k.d.h : jaeeeeeeee 
You blinked a few times at the messages. Who was k.d.h? Why were they texting him at two am? You heard the shower water stop, you quickly shoved the phone back into his hoodie, hands slightly shaky and mind racing. You shouldn’t be thinking this hard about someone he wasn’t even with right now. You shouldn’t be thinking this hard about Jaehyun in general. He should be an afterthought, he shouldn’t even be here right now, but here he was showering in your apartment.
When he walked out of the bathroom, toweling off his dripping locks looking up at you smiling sweetly at you before looking down at the mess of blankets beneath you.
“Is that my bed for tonight?” He asked adjusting his boxers as his eyes stared down at the pallet, his hand rubbing his stomach. You nodded a little forcing a small smile as he lay down on the floor, grunting softly as he rolled around trying to get comfortable.
“Stop being dramatic, oh my god.”
You teased reaching over to turn your lamp off a sudden wave of darkness swallowing your room. Tucking yourself in, you tangled yourself in your cold blanket sighing quietly as he rolled around with a series of small grunts. He reached up to place his hand on your bed trying to get your attention, tapping his fingers against your mattress waiting for you to pay attention to him.
“Go to sleep, Jaehyun.”
“I can’t.”
“You haven’t even tried, you crackhead.”
“Maybe I don’t want to sleep. Maybe I want to keep talking to you.”
“Oh my god, shut the fuck up.” You groaned shoving his hand off your mattress with a small eye roll. He sat up to look at you, you could make out a disgruntled look on Jaehyun’s face. You weren’t looking at him. You didn’t want to look at his giant shoulders and beautiful face, not with the daunting question of  “Who’s k.d.h?” racking your brain. He stared at you do a second, running a hand through his damp hair as he tilted his head a bit.
“You’re getting…hostile again. Is this how you act with the people you like?”
“I don’t like you.” You quickly denied with furrowed brows, “Like that. I don’t like you like that.” You lied with a thick and hard swallow.
There was a silence that made your stomach twist and turns, you finally looked at him with furrowed brows sighing quietly. “Don’t look at me like that.” You whispered looking down at him with a soft sigh, slowly letting your hand drop down to rest softly on his shoulder. You rubbed circles into the taut skin waiting for him to say something, but he just stared at you with his big eyes making you sigh quietly.
“You don’t like me like that and you know it.”
He scoffed quietly before shaking his head. “You’re so…You’re so aggravating.” You frowned your brows at his word choice, shoving his shoulder harshly with a huff. 
“I am not. You’re the aggravating one.” You snapped sitting up to look down at him with slight irritation on your face. He looked up at you with an equally as irritated look, laughing bitterly as he got on his knees to be closer to your level.
“You act like you know me and everything about me–”
“Don’t start that shit again please.” You groaned rolling your eyes. He raised his brows at you in slight shock that you interrupted him. You mocked his shocked expression trying to get a rise out of him. You wanted to see him angry, you wanted him mad, but you weren’t getting it from him. He just stared at you, brows furrowed and lips tightly together, as he tilted his head a bit at you.
“I know enough about you to know you don’t want to date me, Jaehyun. You can say you just want to fuck me and it’ll be fine. Just stop acting like you want something more from me.”
“That’s-That’s not true. I like you. I don’t want to just fuck you. I want–”
“If you like me so much who’s k.d.h?”
There’s a sharp and heavy silence. He stared at you with frowned brows he looked confused, angry, and guilty at the same time.
“You looked through my phone?”
“It was kind of hard to ignore seeing k.d.h was texting you every five minutes.”
“You looked through my phone?” He repeated more sternly this time standing up to look down at you suddenly making you feel ten times smaller than you already felt. You averted your eyes awkwardly as he turned on your lamp, you flinched at the burst of dim light keeping your eyes down. He leaned down getting dangerously close to you, his face too close to yours for your comfort.
“Answer me, _____.”
“I did.” You finally whispered, shoulders slumped and eyes focused on your floor taking a deep breath. His stare was finally getting the best of you, you could feel your chest tightening, your stomach dropping, and a burning sensation in your eyes. You felt like a child being scolded, you hated this, you hated him for making you feel this way.
“Who is she?” You asked pathetically, blinking a few times trying to ignore the tears brimming your eyes. You looked up at him, head tilted sympathetically as your eyes begged him for an answer. His face softened at the utterly depressing look on your face, slowly resting a large hand on your bare thigh making you huff softly dabbing your eyes with your thumb.
“Her name is Kim Dahee. She’s…She’s my girlfriend.”
Your jaw dropped a little when you heard her name and the title she carried. He swallowed thickly looking down, sighing quietly, squeezing your thigh a little as your bottom lip quivered a bit. 
You felt gross, you felt used, you felt like a bad person, oh god, you were a bad person. 
“You-Your girlfriend?” You asked quietly, brows knit together feeling your chest get painfully tight at the fact this conversation was happening.
“We’ve been dating for around four months now.” You finally turn away from him wanting to throw up at the fact you were the other woman. Were you really though? You didn’t even know what the other woman entailed, so did you really fit the mold of the other woman?
“Oh, my god. Oh my god, you fucked my throat in a bathroom while you had a girlfriend! Y-You came over to my apartment, made out with me, came in your pants because of me, you tell me all this-this bullshit about liking me and you have an entire girlfriend! How fucking dense are you!”
You exploded shoving his hand off of your thigh, wanting no physical contact with Jung Jaehyun for the rest of your life. You’ve never felt so dumb in your life. You were an idiot. A dumb slut. You really let yourself fall for some dumb boy with a girlfriend. God, you felt disgusting.
“Hey, hey, calm down baby–”
“Don’t. Don’t call me that. What the hell is wrong with you?”
You snapped turning away from him to wipe your eyes with a frustrated groan, you shook your head sniffling softly. Hot tears were running down your cheeks, you couldn’t seem to stop the steady streams from dripping onto your sheets.
“You fucking preach how I don’t know you, how judgmental I’ve been towards you, and you’ve been cheating this whole time?” He pursed his lips together, not being able to say anything just sighed quietly looking at his feet. For the first time you left Jaehyun speechless, he was just standing there like an idiot.
“I should’ve known. I did know. I knew who you were, I knew you didn’t care about me or anyone but yourself, and I still––”
Your throat closed up a bit, letting out another frustrated groan, and looked up at him with a shake of your head.
“I was right about you.” You whispered looking at him with teary eyes, your chest aching a little at how hurt he looked at your words. You pretended you didn’t care, you knew he deserved it, but that didn’t stop it from causing an uncomfortable tightening sensation in your chest. There’s this heavy silence, one where he just stood in front of you guilt all over his beautiful face. You swallowed thickly, climbing back under your blankets holding tightly onto the comforting soft cover as you turned your back towards him.
“I want you out by seven.” You deadpanned staring at your white wall the light suddenly going out darkness consuming your room once again. “Alright.” He mumbled laying back down on the flimsy palette, sniffling softly as he rolled on his side.
Another heavy silence.
“You…You won’t tell her, right?”
You thought about it for a minute. You were never good at confrontation, especially with girls, you couldn’t imagine even approaching the stunning angel that was Kim Doyeon let alone telling her all the things you had done with her boyfriend. Her boyfriend. Jaehyun was her boyfriend. He was never going to be yours. No matter how hard or quietly you wanted him, he would never be yours.
“I won’t.” You whisper turning on your back to stare at the ceiling, the last of your silent tears running off your cheeks and onto your pillow. “Jaehyun,” Your tone was so weak and soft you hoped he would actually take you seriously, “I-I don’t want to do this if-if you have someone.”
Another damn silence.
“Okay. Okay, I get it.” You blinked a few times trying to get the sting of his agreement to get disappear, sighing softly at how heavy you felt. You at least thought it would be lighter after the resolution, but it only seemed to make everything heavier.
“Goodnight, ___.”
You didn’t respond. You couldn’t respond. You just stared at the wall, eyes heavy, but you couldn’t find sleep even though you desperately wanted to. You tossed and turned for what felt like hours, blankets tangled between your legs, Jaehyun’s even breathing the only sound filling your room. Your eyes looked up at your window seeing a faint ray of orange streaming into your room.
You blinked your heavy lids before looking down at the sleeping boy on your floor, a sad smile on your lips when you glanced over his relaxed figure sighing quietly. He looked beautiful sleeping, his long limbs relaxed and sprawled out on the floor, his lips relaxed and slightly parted, he was so beautiful. Slowly, you laid back down closing your eyes, trying to coax yourself back to sleep.
Suddenly there was a loud ring through your room, one you flinched at but didn’t say anything about it. You heard him groan and shift around, stumbling through your room to find his clothes, grumbling inaudible things as he gathered his things trying to be as quiet as he could. You kept your eyes closed, pretending to be asleep not wanting to deal with him or the inevitable goodbye that was to come.
The shuffling sounds grew closer till you felt his hand on your cheek. You couldn’t help but jump away a bit before leaning into his palm, knowing if you opened your eyes you’d be met with those doe eyes that made your chest want to explode. Slowly, you felt tentative lips press against your forehead, making your chest want to explode as usual. Without hesitation you let your eyes flutter open, staring up at him with tired yet wide eyes swallowing quietly as you two made eye contact.
You two just stared at each other, you could feel him begin to rub soft circles against your skin. He sighed quietly at how tired and sad you looked because of him, you finally adverted your eyes from his brown ones letting them focus on his wrist as you slowly place your hand on top of his. He was dressed in the clothes from last night, his hair was a wreck, and his eyes looked tired but he was still mesmerizing. It was way too quiet for your liking, it was weird for Jaehyun to be this quiet for this long but you understood.
You sensed him leaning in again. You almost let it happen, you almost let your lips collide with his, but even when his plush lips just brushed against yours you felt nerve-wracking guilt wreck through you. You turned away last second, your chest aching with want when you did so. You wanted him. You wanted him so bad but not like this. He rested his forehead against the side of your face, sighing quietly over the rejection before pressing one last soft kiss to your cheekbone.
He didn’t say anything, just grabbed his phone and walked out just like you expected him to. You slowly leaned down, grabbing the pillow he slept on with a soft sigh, pulling it to your chest with another quiet sigh nuzzling your face into the plush pillow. You inhaled the fading scent of him, your eyes growing wet as he filled your senses nails digging into the pillow.
There was a moment where you let yourself cry into your pillow. You let yourself mourn over a relationship that wasn’t even real, you could feel your eyes begin to burn at the steady flow of tears running down your cheeks. You finally lifted your head to wipe your eyes, sniffling a bit as you forced yourself to stop crying over Jaehyun, causing you to hiccup a little bit.
You checked the time on your phone rubbing your eyes till they were red and wet, blinking a few times to see your screen more clearly. It was only 7 AM. You could fall asleep and wake up before noon, get something to eat maybe, then make it to your study group by three. You put your phone back on your bedside table exhausted, burying your face back in Jaehyun’s pillow, hiccuping once again. You slowly fell into a weak sleep longing for him to be beside you.
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nvrsaidiwasinurcloset · 4 months
im not sure if youre necessarily comfortable with this, so feel free to ignore this if you're not, but GOOODDD i just thought it was the cutest idea ever. possibly a series idea?
imagining reader finding out she's pregnant with ethan's baby after the costume frat party, due to quinn's suspicions bc of how sick reader was for almost two weeks then. though being unable to tell ethan, due to the whole ghostface thing pretty much ruining whatever chance she had to tell him, especially bc the group were SUPER suspicious of him and wouldn't leave him alone with her (prob bc reader told the group during the whole dinner before ethan, as gf attacked the apartment but left reader alone) but time skip a little, ethans put in a psych ward for a couple months to deal with the trauma from his dad & just being pressured into being ghostface, and he decides to go back and visit his girlfriend because he didn't really have anywhere else to go, but when he arrived at her front door, the last thing he was expecting was to see her with a small baby girl in her arms. (in this essay, i will expand more on my girldad! ethan landry age-) BUT reader doesn't necessarily trust ethan around her at first, and for good reason to, considering he literally tried to kill her and the core five (reader was apart of the woodsboro group, was possibly dating amber??) and ethan has to pretty much work his ass off to regain her trust again. just fluff, to angst to fluff again
I hope you like this!!!!!💕
Flames - Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader
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This is going to be a series! It'll definitely have a lot of angst and fluff for those kind sweet souls that have been asking me for it:)
Part 2, Part 3
Warnings: Pregnancy, mentions of death, suggestion to sex(but not graphic:)
Summary: After surviving Woodsboro, attacks are happening again to your friend group in NYC.
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It’d been a little over a month since the infamous Halloween frat party. That night was crazy, especially after Sam tazed some loser’s balls. When the night was cut short, you decided to go back to Ethan and Chad’s dorm while Chad was going with Tara. You hadn’t had much alone time with Ethan, so you had to take advantage of every opportunity you got.
When the condom broke that night, you went out to get a Plan B the next morning, knowing you and Ethan weren’t ready to be parents yet. What you didn’t know was that you were ovulating at the time, and that the future-saving morning after pill wouldn’t work.
When you started to get sick every day, Quinn started to pick up on it. She had her suspicions and asked you to take a test. Your heart sank when you saw the plus sign, but you had no idea how to tell Ethan. Especially when Mindy was so convinced that he was one of the prime suspects in the most recent killings happening around campus. You didn’t know what to believe, especially after your ex-girlfriend was one of the people killing off your friends in Woodsboro the year before. She even tried to kill you, but you were saved after getting stabbed four times.
As you sat at the table with your friends, you couldn’t keep your secret any longer. Quinn already knew, but you had to tell the rest of them.
As Chad started his “Core Five” speech, and Sam confessed to her fling with Danny, you decided it was the right time to let it out.
“I’m pregnant,” you blurted out, the room instantly getting silent.
Everyone exchanged glances as your cheeks turned red.
“Wait…what?” Chad asked, his shocked expression very similar to everyone else’s.
“Is that why you keep getting sick?” Sam asked, before Mindy spoke up.
“Okay, this is one of the main rules. You aren’t supposed to have sex!”
You rolled your eyes, “It’s a little too late for that advice. Shouldn’t that rule be updated, though? Everyone is sleeping with someone.”
“But you’re the one sleeping with a killer,” she smirked, “Sweet, dorky Ethan is Ghostface. Just like Amber.”
“You don’t know that,” you said, as she scoffed.
“Where is he right now?” she questioned, everyone’s eyes landing on you again.
“He’s at Econ.”
Everyone’s phones started to chime. It made you all feel uneasy, your heart pounding as you saw the picture of Ghostface with Quinn.
You all jumped up, standing outside of her bedroom door. You were hoping it was some sick prank, but after the events that happened in Woodsboro, you knew it wasn’t.
You didn’t have much time to think of a plan before the masked figure threw Quinn’s body out of the room, resting against you before she fell to the floor. When Ghostface charged out of the room, you were in the direct path, but they went around you. You noticed Chad and Tara running out the front door, following them to what would hopefully be safety. The second you made it out, the door slammed behind you, and you heard the numerous locks on the door click.
“Fuck, guys!” you yelled to Tara and Chad who were a few sets of stairs down from you. “They’re still in there! The door just got locked!”
They ran back up, the sounds of Chad’s fists banging on the door and the screaming coming from inside the apartment echoing off the walls.
“I don’t have my keys or my phone,” you panicked, tears flowing down your cheeks.
“I don’t either,” Tara said, pounding on the door and screaming for Sam.
After a few minutes, the screams became fainter. You started to lose hope, thinking that all your friends inside were dead. The three of you were crying outside of the door, before Chad spoke up.
“I need to get you two somewhere safe,” he said, nudging you and Tara towards the stairs.
When you made it outside, you bumped into Sam, Mindy and Danny. Mindy was sobbing, and Sam’s face was somber.
“Where’s Anika?” you asked, as Mindy cried harder. Your eyes went wide, “No…”
“Anika and Quinn,” was all Sam could get out before getting choked up.
You all cried as you hugged each other on the sidewalk when the cop cars pulled up. Everyone was questioned before Detective Bailey arrived. He was closest to you because you were the closest to Quinn. He treated you like a daughter, regularly taking you and Quinn out for dinner. You tried to comfort him as he cried, but you didn’t know how to. He’d already lost one of his children in a car accident, and the other was murdered in the room next to yours.
When the ambulance arrived, they kept trying to find the source of your bleeding. You started to feel faint as you tried to explain that it was Quinn’s blood on you, your vision getting spotty. You dropped to your knees, unable to keep your balance. When Sam told the paramedics that you were pregnant, they put you on the stretcher and monitored you as the sun started to rise.
“I’m okay, really,” you said, after an hour of laying there. They were in the process of giving you an IV, hoping the fluids would help with your extreme dizziness.
“The bag’s close to empty. You’re almost done,” the paramedic said, hooking you up to the machine to check your vitals for what felt like the hundredth time.
You watched Mindy get her stitches, completely unfazed. She was so heartbroken, and you just wanted to hug her and tell her everything was going to be okay. You could only imagine what it would’ve felt like if you were in her position, and Ethan was the one laying under the tarp.
As your IV was finally getting taken out, Ethan pushed through the crowd of people and lifted the caution tape to walk over towards everyone. Chad jumped up, having a heated exchange with Ethan as he shoved him against a car.
“I had Econ!” you heard him yell, his eyes scanning the friend group. “Where is she?”
“Ambulance,” Chad said, as Ethan’s eyes connected with yours. He ran towards you, before Mindy stopped him.
“Stay the fuck away from her, Ghostface,” she snapped, as Ethan looked back towards you.
“Jesus Christ, I had Econ!”
“It’s okay, Mindy,” you mumbled, as she moved so Ethan could join you in the back of the ambulance.
“Baby, are you okay?” he asked, grabbing your hand. His eyes were filled with panic.
“I’m okay, I just got really dizzy earlier.”
“Thank god, I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to you.” Mindy scoffed at his words, thinking about Anika.
After checking out the abandoned theater, and Gale getting attacked, you decided that you needed to head back to Woodsboro. You needed to be with your family, and as much as you wanted to be there for your friends, they were all supportive of you going home. You didn’t have just your own life to think about anymore, so you needed to be somewhere safe.
Ethan was really sad when you left, crying as he said goodbye to you at the airport while the rest of your friends watched. They didn’t trust you alone with him, they all had their suspicions that he was the cause for everything that was happening.
“Please be safe,” you said, hugging Tara.
“You too. Let me know how everything goes after you get back home,” she said, alluding to the current situation, not wanting Ethan to overhear and wonder what she was talking about.
“I will.” you said, “I love you guys,” you waved, walking towards security.
You couldn’t tell Ethan about the baby, even though you were terrified that something could happen to him, and he’d never know he had a child. There was this awful feeling in the pit of your stomach. It could’ve been the trauma from your relationship with Amber, but you had no idea she was behind the Woodsboro murder spree, when you thought you knew everything about her. You thought you knew Ethan, but now you weren’t so sure.
When your plane landed, it felt surreal. Woodsboro was never a safe place to be, and now it was. When you made it to the entrance of the airport, your mom was crying, so happy that you were okay. You hadn’t told her about the baby yet, not wanting to send her into shock. She wanted to take you out for dinner, which you agreed to. The lack of food over the last couple days made you feel weak.
“Do you have anything special you want to do when you get home? Do you want to watch a movie or something?” she asked as she sat across the table from you.
“No, I really just want to sleep. Maybe tomorrow,” you smiled, taking a bite of your food.
You pulled out your phone to see a few texts from your friends, all of them checking to make sure you made it back okay. Then you noticed one from Ethan.
Ethan: I love you so much, and I miss you already. I can’t wait to see you again.
You: I love you too, baby
“You okay?” your mom asked, noticing the sad expression on your face.
“I can’t stop thinking about last year…about Amber. How could I have been so wrong about her?” you sighed, your mom’s sympathetic eyes meeting yours.
“She was sick, baby. I’m not trying to downplay it, because she killed two of my friends…and I know you were devastated when Wes and Liv were killed. She just had issues and needed serious help.”
Your mom got sad every time she talked about Dewey and Judy, you did too. You hated when she mentioned Wes because that was the death you took the hardest. Liv was the one Mindy suspected last time, and she was wrong then. You wanted so badly for her to be wrong this time, too.
When you made it home, you went upstairs and crawled into your bed. You felt safe with the alarm set downstairs, and your parents close by. You were finally able to get some much-needed rest.
Your mom woke you up the next morning, wanting to make sure she told you the news before you woke up and saw it yourself. Your heart broke as you listened to her speak about the few details that had been released. You checked your phone to see a text from Tara.
Tara: We’re okay, Chad’s in the hospital…but Ethan was in on it.
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reminiscences2 · 4 months
𐙚 -DRAFT #1
☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ lazy miles1610 x reader fluff, slightly suggestive
idk bro i'm bored and there's no more miles1610 x reader fics ☆⋆。𖦹°‧★
miles had been staring at his blank paper for the last ten minutes. he was supposed to have been starting his english essay due monday, but he only managed the title and his name. "damn, i'm bored." miles muttered to himself, spinning around in his swivel chair. he threw his head back, sighing as he tried to find some interest in the dorm ceiling above him.
meanwhile, i was actually on the way to his room. i had just finished up all my due work, and i was in a cheery mood. i knocked gently at his door, waiting for a response. i didn't have to wait for anything past half of a second for miles to appear at the door. "hey, [ y/n ]!" he blurted out quickly, opening the door with superhuman speed. he wasn't even trying to hide how much he had been wanting you to visit. "hey babyyy," i greet him, leaning in for a short kiss as i held his face. he seemed to shiver at my touch, his ears heating up at the nickname i gave him. "s-so wassup? how you been?" he asked awkwardly, closing the door as i walked in. his arms looked as if he didn't know where to place them, and he was acting as if we hadn't been dating for the last seven months now. i chuckle gently at his attempt of being smooth. "nothin', i finished my work for the weekend and i wanted to see your stupid face." i quip, tilting my head teasingly while intertwining his hands with mine. his face lit up into a giant smile as soon as you started holding his hands. "aww, really? even though you see it literally every single day? that's nice," he said, jokingly trying to pretend he didn't love hearing those things from me. i could obviously tell he'd already gotten back to his sassy demeanor. "i'm sorry, for me that just translated to 'leave', so i guess i'll get goin'" i remark with the same unit of sassiness, letting go of his hands and turning towards the door with a smirk. that made him scoff, grabbing your hand and pulling you towards him. "stoppp, i was kidding. please don't go," he pleaded, rolling his eyes as he found himself once again begging me for something. "i'm dying of boredom, mami." he groaned, tugging me closer.
"maybe watch the tone then?" i tease, raising an eyebrow. "maybe stay and not act like a jerk?" he retorts mockingly, tilting his head down towards me. "cmonnn, i need attention," he whispered, squeezing my hands as if he would die if i didn't listen. he groaned in response, covering his face with his hands in defeat. "pleaseeeeeee, just five minutes," he whined, his words sounding more like a baby than anything, which made him cringe even more. "mmm... okay, i'm convinced," i announce, my smirk still plastered on my place. there was something so satisfying about seeing him like that. "c'mon, sit here." i mutter, crawling onto his bed and settling onto my knees to pat the space between me, and the pillow for him to sit at. i was glad i'd come over in just a tank top and sweatpants, so i didn't have to worry about anything else. miles grinned, quickly clambering onto the bed and settling into the spot i'd left for him. he seemed to greatly enjoy this position, loving how i felt on top of him. "damn, you're fine," he muttered under her breath, hesitantly settling his hands around my hips. he was quickly snapping back into his normal self. it sort of surprised me how fast he went from shy to turned on in a few minutes. "it seems like you are asking for a different kind of attention here, baby." i tease, shuffling closer as i laugh. "well, when you look so good, you have to expect it," he replied, a smirk plastered on his face as his eyes looked me up and down. he was back in his cocky little persona now, which was honestly what i wanted. "oh?" i hummed, trying not the laugh at the sudden switch in personality. i could clearly tell the way his face heated up at my change in tone, along with that same dorky smile. "where'd this come from? i thought you wanted to cuddle? now it's sounding like something else?" i tease, giggling.
"shut up, this is still cuddling. see?" he replied quietly, lifting his head up again to look into my eyes, "is this not a nice, peaceful cuddle?" he teased back with a smirk, his hands still wrapped around my hips. i could just feel the sarcasm in his tone.
☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ i might return to this later, i quit for now, lemme know if yall want more
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decolonize-the-left · 3 months
Rewatching Bo Burnham's Inside.
I'm never ever gonna get over how everyone watched this and wrote essays and how even liberals were watching it and how white people STILL posted tiktoks about how THEY were socko (a clear representation of PoC experiences in liberal spaces) and now people are like vote for Joe Biden!!
Like I???????
these people could literally have the problem blasted directly into their fucking brains and treat it like a personality for a month and they would STILL yell at me when I say our government is the problem and that we need to address it from outside their white comfort zone. That their comfort zone is in fact holding progress back.
I frfr can not believe the reality I've found myself in as a disabled native
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'What can I do to help?'
'Read a book or something, I don't know Just don't burden me with the responsibility of educating you. It's incredibly exhausting'
'I'm sorry, Socko. I was just trying to become a better person'
'Why do you rich fucking white people insist on seeing every socio-political conflict through the myopic lens of your own self-actualization? This isn't about you. So either get with it, or get out of the fucking way'
'Watch your mouth, buddy. Remember who's on whose hand here.'
'But that's what I- Have you not been fucking listening? We are entrenched in a way- (starts to put Socko away) Wait, wait, no please! I don't wanna go back, please! I can't go, I can't go back. Please, please, I'm sorry!'
'Are you gonna behave yourself?'
'Yes, what?'
'Yes, sir'
'Look at me'
'Yes, sir'
'That's better'
Like what level of dystopian is that this was Everywhere just a few years ago and STILL people are saying shit like 'i think the brown ppl's expectations should be more realistic cuz we definitely need to vote to keep killing them overseas to save the white gays on us soil'
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jishyucks · 3 months
Out of Snow, Out of Mind – ksm
‣ pairing: kim seungmin x reader
‣ genre: fluff, frenemies to lovers?
‣ wc: 2.8k
‣ summary: After cursing the city and their poor excuse of cleaning the streets, you eventually swallow your pride and call your friends to help you free your car from the snow. And out of all the people that could have come, it really had to be Seungmin…
‣ warnings: nothing really!!, reader has poor knowledge of car care, mistletoe cliche, thts about it?, half-assed proofreading
‣ an: it's the literal way I was supposed to post this in January but my life said fuk u and your hobbies so just pretend this isn't like 2 months late thank you,, please enjoy!
Series Masterlist
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You’re tired and you wanna go home.
That’s it.
You’ve been awake since six in the morning to get ready and get to school and now, just shy of five in the afternoon, almost twelve damn hours of using up your energy, you were ready to head home and take the nap you’ve been craving the entire day.
It really did not help that the sun was already setting. It already feels like it’s late in the evening when really, this was the time that most people would be returning home from work. It shouldn’t feel like it was an hour past dinner, but of course, winter meant shorter days and longer nights.
The cold weather causes a shiver to run up your back as you stiffly make your way down the neighbourhood near the university. 
Anything to not pay the overpriced parking, you always remind yourself. Besides, the parking wasn’t too far from the campus grounds. It was just far enough for you to tolerate the weather. 
You hadn’t realized that your face had been moulded into a scowl until you finally spotted your car parked and nestled against the curb. Muscle memory allows you to unlock the vehicle from the keys in your pocket before you carefully step off the sidewalk to get into your car. 
A sigh of relief leaves your mouth in the form of condensation, the interior of the car cold from sitting there all day, though it wasn’t as cold as you thought—probably from the works of the sun. You immediately start your engine, plug in your phone, and turn the heat up toward the windows so they can defrost.
The last playlist you had playing starts playing over the hum of the engine and you let yourself sit back and wait until the car was warm enough for you to actually move. It gave you time to recollect yourself, thoughts only occupied by the nap you’ve been wanting to take once you finally get home and then the essay you had to half-assedly begin because it was due in a week or so. 
The second you stop shivering, you sit up in the driver’s seat and huff, mentally preparing yourself for the careful drive home. 
That is… if you can even get out of your parking spot. 
You test the gas again, gently pressing your toe against the pedal to make sure that you weren’t just being a dumbass and stepping on the brakes. But when you audibly hear your wheels struggling to dig your car out of its place, you feel your heart drop to the pit of your stomach. 
Fuck, just try again, haha, maybe it’s just… a little bit stuck! 
You let out a nervous chuckle and then you try again… and again… and again… 
And no matter what you tried—backing up and accelerating forward, angling your wheels in different directions, hell, you even tried climbing onto the curb for some traction—nothing worked.
You step once more on the gas, “Oh, c’mon Nimby please just go, please!” (Yes, your car was named Nimby. It comes from the word cumulonimbus because it was white like a cloud).
You were stuck. 
And from the looks of it, the road around you was practically empty, there was no one around who could help you. 
You hit the steering wheel and decide to get out to see if you could scope out what you could do to get out. 
The cold air hits you once again and all you want to do is jump back into your car where it was toasty and cozy. Yet, the desire to be an independent adult and figure out what the hell was going on keeps you outside.
You inspect the outside of your vehicle, waddling around it like you were protecting territory, and surely enough you spot the very reason why the car wasn’t budging at all. 
Your front left tire was flat. Or at least it looked flat. 
“You better be fucking kidding me,” you mutter. You check on the tire, using the tip of your boot to press against the rubber.
Yeah, it was flat. So now you were both stuck and you had a flat tire. 
And you had no fucking idea how to get out of both problems. 
The first person you think of calling was Chan, simply because you knew that that man had knowledge for practically anything. And if anyone could get help you get out of shit, it would be him. 
You dial his number, and slide back into your car, letting out a sigh as the persistent heat greets you again. The phone rings several times before diverting to Chan's voicemail. You decide to end the call.
Okay, so Chan wasn’t an option. 
You huff and scroll through your contacts, right down to the Ms because your next option was Minho. 
The phone rings once… twice…
“What’s up?”
“Are you busy right now?” You’re chewing on your bottom lip and your other hand is playing with the ripped-up receipts in your pocket. 
“I’m at the vet for Soonie’s checkup,” Minho replies, “Why?”
“Um… car trouble? I was wondering if you could help me out.” You hated the feeling of asking for help. It felt as though you were begging for money despite knowing your friends never minded helping out. 
“I mean… I can but I just got to the vet’s so it could take a while.” At the other end of the line, you can hear the voice of a woman and Minho replies with Soonie’s name. 
You frown. Surely, you could wait for an hour at most, but you really didn’t want to. He could be the last resort if none of your other friends could offer help. 
You hum, “I’ll call the others first and if none can’t, then I’ll just text you?” 
“Of course, Y/N,” he says through the phone, “I’m sorry I can’t come sooner.” “You don’t need to apologize,” you frown, “You didn’t do anything wrong… I’ll talk to you later. I’ll ask the others.”
Minho makes a sound of acknowledgement before you both hang up. 
At least now you have an option. 
You scroll through your contacts, hitting up every friend you think might know a thing or two about cars, hoping one of them can swoop in at the last minute to rescue you. And from what you’re understanding, this was the worst time to get your car stuck. 
Changbin and Hyunjin were out on some outing, Yeji was stuck doing group work with Lia, Felix was sick, and Jisung wasn’t answering. 
Now you’re down to two final options.
In this situation, you knew Seungmin was a better option than Jeongin, simply because you were well aware that the man had better car knowledge between the two. But were you that desperate to ask Kim Seungmin for help? When Jeongin was still a pending option?
Your thumb hovers over Seungmin’s name and your heart starts to beat erratically simply by the sight of his name. 
No, you weren’t that desperate, but a small part of you wanted to see him again just because you needed to confront him about the Christmas party a few weeks ago. Besides, you’re sure you weren’t the only one itching to talk about it. 
⋆⁺₊❅⋆ ⁺₊❆⋆
“Kiss! Kiss!” 
The feeling of your heart falling to the pit of your stomach was absolutely sickening—especially when you had specifically told Jisung to keep you and Seungmin out of his shenanigans. But when Jisung had clues clear as glass that indicated your blooming feelings on the boy you claimed to ‘strongly dislike’, he knew he had to take action.
You hate the way the voices practically echo, bouncing from one wall to another. All eyes were on the two of you, Jisung standing further back as he held the mistletoe high above and between you and Seungmin. And you couldn’t do anything but stare at Seungmin in pure shock.
“Don’t be killjoys!” Someone hollered from the back. 
You gulped and blinked at Seungmin, “A… a peck wouldn’t hurt?”
The expression on Seungmin’s face was unreadable, features flat except for the way his mouth was slightly parted, “It wouldn’t…”
⋆⁺₊❅⋆ ⁺₊❆⋆
You cringe at the memory. 
Not because it was disgusting… but because you were the first one who had suggested going through with the kiss… you were the one who leaned in first… and you enjoyed it. 
Worst part of all was the fact it’s been almost three weeks since the kiss and you’ve been thinking about it ever since. 
You shake your head, consciously scrolling away from the S’s in your contacts and back up to the J’s, not even hesitating to tap on Jeongin’s name.
“Hey, Y/N!”
You let out a sigh of relief, greeting the boy back with half his energy before you go on to explain your situation. “And you’re practically my last resort!”
Jeongin’s end of the line is silent because he knows that you know he sucks with all things cars. Then he speaks up, “Have you called Seungmin Hyung?” 
“...No.” It’s funny because you know what Jeongin is implying. 
He sighs, “Send me your location.” 
You thank him and quickly follow his request, making a side note to yourself to give Jeongin the tightest hug when he arrives. It was honestly so heartwarming knowing that he was willing to help despite his limited car knowledge. 
As expected, you think. 
You feel your stress begin to ease, a newfound sense of optimism washing over you as you settle in your heated seat. For the first time today, you finally get to relax, drowning yourself in your music as you wait for Jeongin to arrive.
You’re later pulled out of your thoughts the second you see a car turn onto the road you’ve been sitting on for the last twenty minutes. The way it slowly inches closer causes you to perk up, sitting up straighter in your seat just so you can watch it approach you through the rearview mirror. 
Then, it parks right behind you. 
“Hm?” The inner ends of your brows almost touch when you realize that the car is not Jeongin’s. No, you couldn’t name his exact car model, but you knew his car was a dark blue. This car, however, was sleek black, looking like it had just run through the car wash even though the streets were covered in dirty, slush-like snow. 
Your eyesight fails you when you squint to figure out who this is, ocular muscles trying their absolute best to focus on the face of the car’s owner. And then…
“What the fuck?” 
You hastily open your car door and get out, the owner doing the same, “What are you doing here?” 
Seungmin is planted behind his opened car door, using it as a barrier between the two of you. His flat expression doesn’t budge, “You needed help.” 
Your heart is pounding simply because you weren’t mentally prepared to actually see Seungmin right now. If Jeongin had warned you that he was going to be sending him, you would have at least run lines in your head of what you could be saying to him. 
“Not from you,” you shake your head, “Where’s Jeongin? You can go.”
Seungmin takes a step back and shuts his door, “Just show me what you need help with.” The tone in his voice was considerably serious and you know that no matter what you did, he wasn’t going to leave you without his help. 
The air is a tinge bit awkward when you both stand there before you finally choose to reply, turning around without bothering to wave him over. You kick at the nuisance of a tire and explain your situation for the millionth time today. And when you look up at him, Seungmin’s already looking back at you. 
“Did you get all that?” you ask.
He nods and quietly squats down to inspect the tire. Then, after a while, he lets out a huh before standing up to open your door. You’re not entirely sure what he’s doing, but you let him do whatever he needs. 
Seungmin says something to you over his shoulder but you don’t catch it. He pulls himself out from inside and then stands stiffly in front of you, “Did you pump the tires when it said low tire pressure?” 
Your eyes widened, “No…?”
He puffs his cheeks, “That explains it.” 
Your brows fall closer together and your lips tighten, “You came to help me and you’re choosing to be mean to me?”
Seungmin brushes past you, heading straight for his car, and for a moment, you fear he's about to leave. You hesitate to stop him, mainly because you don’t want him to leave. Sure, he’s offering you help, but you haven’t seen him since the party. 
But as he reaches his car's trunk instead of the driver's seat, a wave of relief washes over you. He pulls out a metal box, a rubber coil poking out like a tail. 
“You should’ve pumped the tires while it was warning you,” Seungmin says quietly, twisting off the cap of your tire. He forcefully pushes the air compressor’s hose onto the valve stem and then flicks the machine on, “It leads to flat tires.” You watch as you visibly see your tire inflate, the front end of your car rising along with it. 
“Get in the car and slowly press on the gas.” Seungmin flicks the machine back off and pulls the hose off, twisting the cap back onto the stem, “I’ll push.”
The third time Seungmin walks straight past you, it dawns on you that he is avoiding eye contact, keeping his gaze at your feet or at his toes. 
There was no way he wasn’t. No one could go that long conversing with someone without making eye contact. 
“Are you sure you can do it on your own?” Your hand’s already hovering over the door handle. 
He nods, eyes flickering toward you before he redirects them to the back end of your car, “You wanna go home, don’t you?”
Then you pause. 
“I do,” you answer and then swallow the spit that’s been pooling in your mouth, “But—”
“You’re wasting gas, you know,” he interrupts.
 “Let me speak,” You groan, air visibly leaving your mouth. “Are we going to talk about the kiss?”
“There’s nothing about it that we need to talk about,” Seungmin mutters. His Adam's apple bobs up and down, “Now, hurry up.”
“What do you mean?” Your brows furrow, “What are you implying?”
“I mean you only did it to please everyone, right?” He shrugs, “It didn’t mean anything, right?” 
“What makes you say that?” Seungmin was pissing you off. He can’t be speaking cryptically and consciously choosing not to explain himself. 
“I don’t know,” Seungmin mumbles, “Can you just get in the car so we can get out of here?”
You clench your jaw, frustration bubbling inside you like a pot ready to boil over. Why the hell did Seungmin choose to help you out if he had no intentions of confrontation? "No, Seungmin, I can't just ignore this," you retorted, your voice firm. "We kissed, and pretending like it didn't mean anything isn't going to make this… this whatever it is go away."
Seungmin’s shoulders tense and his gaze flickers to his feet. "Look, I don't want to have this conversation right now," he says, his tone bordering on exasperation. "Can we please just deal with the car and talk about this later?"
“Did that kiss mean anything to you, yes or no?” you say bluntly. Your hand drops to your side and you fix your eyes on him.
Seungmin's gaze holds yours for a long moment, his expression unreadable as he processes your question. The tension between you crackles in the air, the weight of the moment heavy on both of you.
Finally, after what feels like an eternity, Seungmin lets out a slow breath, keeping the muscles in his face as still as possible. He attempts to keep his expressions at bay. "Yes," he says softly, his voice barely above a whisper but clear as day. "Yes, it meant something to me."
The words hang between you, and the silence that follows is filled with possibility and uncertainty. You feel your heart race in your chest, a rush of emotion flooding through you at his admission. And although you had mentally prepared yourself for either answer, imagining the answer was far different from actually hearing the words. 
"I like you, Y/N," Seungmin continues, his gaze unwavering as he meets your eyes. "More than I thought I did."
The confession sends a shiver down your spine, a surge of warmth spreading through you at his words. For a moment, neither of you speak, the weight of his confession hanging on a thin thread between the two of you.
Then, slowly, almost hesitantly, you reach out and take his hand in yours, the touch sending a jolt of electricity through you. And softly, you tell the boy the thing you’ve been keeping to yourself for months. 
"I like you too, Seungmin.”
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taglist: @tytrackfebreze @hoonieji @niinjo @dinonuguaegi @ariadores @reignessance
an: 11/12 im almost there
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ghostykapi · 1 year
lover’s rock
chou tzuyu & fem!reader // fluff
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it's no secret that you like someone for a while. the paper cuts on your hands were always evident, your eyes straying to a certain direction during a very particular class, the flushed face you sport every time you're asked who this mystery person is.
"it's someone" you cheekily reply each time despite the red hue on your face "someone lovely"
only a few people know who it is, considering they see the flowers right outside their apartment each day. going through every flower you can think of that relates to her in different colors. frankly it's even a bit bold of you to do that, knowing it could be directed to any of them, but you don't fail to let those flowers come by with a note every time. each note having her initials on the upper right on each scented note
even on weekends where exams loom by, you add in small snacks with the flowers with extra notes that you leave your special stamps in. it's even more puzzling on how you aren't caught yet when you're one of the few people who take up that business course that has an avid obsessions with stamps and wax seals. they kill your wallet enough that you sometimes resort to cup noodles on some nights.
tonight is no different, your hands familiar with the folding of paper and your eyes focused in on your work. the pens and paper for the note set aside for later, and the flowery sent of your perfume lingering already on the papers.
it barely takes you 15 minutes and your done with all of it, only having to wait for the stamp of the butterfly to dry out on the paper. a classic violet donned in different shades, accompanied with a lavender colored note.
satisfied, you tuck it in neatly in your bag for tomorrow and get ready for bed. it's only halfway through your nightly routine that your dormmate barges in with the loudest voice she can, startling you out of your mind
"YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT SOMEONE JUST HANDED TO ME" your certified best friend of a roommate, shin ryuin, is someone who you trust with your life. maybe just not tonight
"i would if you can calm down" you look at her hands, eyes stilling at the box she's holding "what's that?"
"i don't know" ryu grins, like she's found the greatest answer to how to do that project that's been burning her braincells to dust "but it was just outside our room. in a box full of goodies. just for you"
"just for me?" you ask, confused to why it would be to you
"duh, i mean just look at it" she turns the box around, showing the neat handwriting of 'to my sweetheart, y/n'. "it literally says your name"
inside the box is a bunch of books you were eyeing for months and those snacks you've been craving for so long, leaving you shocked at how personal and well thought of these gifts were
"wait" you look up at her shit eating grin, baffled by the situation "you said someone just handed it over to you?"
"yeah nayeon unnie just gave it to me, whining about how she's become the delivery person" ryujin laughs as your brain tries to connect the dots "i mean, sure she's old but if she starts complaining about that more then i'm sure her back must be sad"
"if she hears you then you're dead" you sigh, a bit dejectedly but mostly out of fondness "well i have to sleep early tonight, got another essay to cram at the library"
"sure you do" ryujin knows your route every morning by now, and all the reasons behind it
before you sleep however, you stare at the box for a good while, along with the note accompanied with it. her neat handwriting starting to burn into your eyes as you reread every word that it has.
‘come early sometime. i'll make you that coffee you always like’
you think about it on the way to her apartment. you think about it as you hold the package on your hands. you think about it as you hold the flower, standing right in front of the apartment door
and yet, even if the note is burnt into your mind, you can’t help but not knock on the door. you just can’t go though with it. everyday you go though this same routine and yet
you can’t go through with it. you can’t break it off and confess to her
is it the fear? the fear that plagues your mind when you see her reflect every person in campus? is it the fear that drinks your soul every night when you see her look somewhere else, maybe at someone you refuse to even see
is it the fear of not being chosen?
the door open before you can even walk away. standing there in all of her glory is chou tzuyu, still dressed in her cute pajamas, her doggies beside her.
"wait" she calls out to you and suddenly you're shy, you didn't think that it would be this soon that she catches you
let's face it though if she wanted to, she could have confronted you after a week of that.
"don't go" tzuyu whispers, holding onto your hands, even if you’re holding all the things she’s been looking for “i just got to you”
“well” you start, even if you don’t trust your own voice, because you don’t trust that you can talk to her after you leave “i was just about to knock”
“sure” she knows better, and you know she knows “and i know you’re just in time for coffee”
your eyes stare back at hers and maybe you wonder if you really do trust yourself not to be a fool
“i don’t know” you look down, shoes pointing to each other despite your straight posture “do you really want to have a morning with me?”
“of course i do” she says, shocked and a bit offended with the way “is what you think of yourself?”
“no!” you blurt out, ready to let the earth swallow you whole “i mean-like-i just think that-well i always think about this-that you deserve the best and i’m not the best but i want to give you the best-because then again i’m not the best-“
“you don’t have to be” she grabs you by the shoulders, cutting you off. you can see how she’s getting closer to you, and how you’re immobilized to your sport as her fur babies circle around you
“you always give me paper flowers every morning” tzuyu looks down at the flower you’re holding “paper flowers that never left my room, paper flowers that can mean something, paper flowers that you never fail to deliver since we became classmates since the start of this semester”
you’re breathless as she gently takes it away from you. the sparks dancing around you both finally meet at her fingers that brush against yours, making you feel electrified with butterflies
“you don’t ask for a lot too even if i’m running out of places to put your flowers” she continues “just always a ‘hello’ or ‘how are you’ and it’s never ever anything that makes me feel uncomfortable. you always smile and encourage me in class, never asking because i know it’s hard. i know it’s scary to ever even try to ask a simple question”
“tzuyu” you wonder how much you can take it anymore, but it seems you don’t even have to ever take the plunge that drives you crazy when someone you always love asks-
“so i’ll do it” tzuyu softly confesses to you, as the red string of your hearts pull together, as the timer on your wrists ticks down to zero, as the color seeps in back into the world around you, as the petals stop flowing out of your mouths, as the scribbles on your arms match forever and ever
“i’ve loved you since you gave me that first flower, so be my girlfriend?”
maybe it’s everything that finally clicks together but chou tzuyu can confidently say that she was over the whole galaxy when you give up and give her the kiss that truly wakes her up that morning.
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muxshwriting · 2 months
first time
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George Weasley x reader
summary: a surprise meeting in the library spawns a new nickname, baby || words: 841 || masterlist
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You were in the library, trying to get your potions homework done and out of the way. You wanted to get some practise in for the quidditch try-outs happening in less than a month. Unfortunately for you, the book that you needed was on a shelf that you couldn't quite reach. You glance around, wondering if there was anyone you could ask to help. When you saw no one there, you sigh and try once again to reach the book.
A red-haired boy wandered into her section and began browsing for a title on one of the lower shelves. He plucked a book from the shelf and tucked it under his arm. As he turned to leave, he seemed to notice that you needed some help reaching her book. He walked over to you and reached an arm up to the book shelf you couldn't reach.
"Which one do you need?"
You point it out to him. "The Secrets of Potion Ingredients and Properties. I need to get an essay done for Snape by Monday."
The boy pulled down the book and handed it to her. "Ouch. Snape's essays are always the worst."
He let out a small laugh as you reply. "Yeah. I think you Gryffindor's have it harder than the rest of us. He really seems to hate all of you."
"Yeah, maybe. You a Ravenclaw then?" He took note of your tie.
"Yes. Thank you for getting my book."
"No problem, mystery Ravenclaw girl."
"No problem Y/N." He smiled.
The boy walked away from her, a small sway in his step that wasn’t there earlier. 
"Wait!" You said after him, louder than you should in a library. "What’s your name?"
The boy turned back to her. "I’d love to tell you, but watching you try to find out would be better, bye baby."
You were left standing in the library, completely distracted from your work, staring after the ginger boy as he ran away. He looked familiar to you but you couldn't place a finger on where you knew him from.
It was two weeks later that he passed you in the halls and caught your eye. Then he winked. He fucking winked at you and then continued walking as if nothing had happened.
It took another week until you realised where you knew him from. He was one of the Weasley twins, the beaters for the Gryffindor quidditch team. That day, you quite literally ran into him in the hallway and he knocked you to the floor.
Before he could even speak, you started the conversation. "Which one are you?"
"Excuse me?"
"Which twin? I figured that out but not which one you are."
The boy smiles wryly. "Alright you caught me, I'm George."
"It's nice to meet you George."
He smiles even brighter, if that's possible. "I'm glad to hear it baby."
He's running off before you can reply, once again leaving you standing and watching him leave.
The weeks change everything and you find yourself seeking out George in your free time. He finds your eyes from across the great hall and will pull you aside in hallways, trying to persaude you to skip so you can hang out.
Breathing is easier with him, living is easier with him. But you can't get him to stop using that stupid nickname, 'Baby'. It annoys you everytime he uses it but there's a stupid lovesick look on his face whenever he says it.
But then things get serious. Quidditch season begins and as players for rival teams, your Captains would grill you if you were friends with the rivals. George could tell something was wrong as soon as you joined him that afternoon, discomfort written all over your face.
"What's wrong baby?"
You frown at the nickname, once again. "Don't call me that."
"What's wrong?" He's still smiling, trying to cheer you up.
"I can't hang out with you anymore. Quidditch season is starting and if I'm friends with other players, my Captain's gonna start asking questions."
George laughed under his breath. "You're worried about quidditch."
"I was worried about losing this, and now I am. I know you care a lot about quidditch and I don't want to-"
Now it was George's turn to be serious. "Y/N, I couldn't care less about a stupid game!"
"I don't give a shit about quidditch. Especially if it's making you worry this much."
"Then what do you care about?"
Silence filled the room. 
"Me?" You ask again. 
George laughed slightly. "Yes, you. I care about you baby, you're a cool girl. I don't care what Wood has to say about it. I want to spend time with that cool girl."
You laugh. "Alright. Me and you Weasley. Screw the Captains."
"Screw the Captains." He agrees. "Who are they to tell us who we can be friends with?"
"Yeah! Me and you, friends except during quidditch."
He winked again. "Maybe even more than friends baby..."
"Sure thing, lovebug." You tease back.
"Lovebug? I like it."
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taglist: @aoi-targaryen
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redgoldsparks · 4 days
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May Reading and Reviews by Maia Kobabe
I post my reviews throughout the month on Storygraph and Goodreads, and do roundups here and on patreon. Reviews below the cut.
The Crane Wife: A Memoir in Essays by CJ Hauser 
This essay collection focuses on human relationships, many of them romantic, but also with grandparents, parents, sisters, best friends, COVID-isolation pods, and with the children of romantic partners from previous relationships. The title essay interweaves the experience of a broken engagement with a scientific expedition to study the dwindling population of whooping cranes in the Gulf Coast of Texas to devastating effect. Another experience, covering the DARPA Robotics Challenge trails, in which teams test out potential robotic first responders, speaks to the author's own desire to both save others and be saved by a string of problematic men. The author dated a lot of men and a few women in their twenties and processes them through the lens of media (the film The Philadelphia Story, the TV show The X-Files,the novels Don Quixote, Rebecca, We Have Always Lived in the Castle) and the perspective gained with time. I really loved this whole collection, but the piece that keeps rolling around in my mind is "The Fox Farm", about trying to recreate an archetype of a child's fantasy house (full of animals, friends, gardens, infinite rooms) in real life as an adult. I left this book wanting to know more- when did the author start using nonbinary pronouns? Have they resolved their feelings about their tits? Is that guest room in their big upstate New York house still available for visiting artists, and if so, how do I apply for the position of resident writer/new friend?
American Teenager: How Trans Kids are Surviving Hate and Finding Joy in a Turbulent Era by Nico Lang
Queer journalist and author Nico Lang traveled around the US to meet 11 families of trans teens and see how anti-trans legislation is impacting their daily lives. Each family has different circumstances; one teen fears his top surgery will be indefinitely delayed, while another had surgery already and has joined the boys swim team at his high school. Some teens are moved to become activists while others want to just live their normal, low-profile lives. With humor and compassion, Lang shows trans teenagers as they really are: kids trying their best, day by day, to grow into their truest selves and fullest potential. The various chapters are by turns deep, silly, introspective, sweet, and smart, just like teens themselves. I was able to read an advanced copy of this book- pre-order it now, or look for it on shelves in October 2024!
Fool’s Assassin by Robin Hobb read by Elliot Hill
NO ONE IS DOING IT LIKE ROBIN HOBB. NO ONE! After a disappointing journey up the Rain Wilds River, baby we are BACK! And by back, I mean, back in a first person POV and back with FitzChivalry, one of my literal favorite fictional characters ever. This is the 7th book about his life, and the 14th overall book in this series, so I won't be summarizing it. Let's just say that Fitz found his happy ending (minus a few key soulmates) and then his life kept going. More problems, more politics, more magic, maybe stranger than ever before. A new character introduced in this series swept in and stole my heart. I can't wait to dive into the next book very soon!
Rose/House by Arkady Martine read by Raquel Beattie  
A brief murder mystery set in an fully conscious AI house in the southwest desert. This story feels in conversation with Ray Bradbury's story The Veldt and has many elements I enjoy, but a somewhat unresolved and slightly unsatisfying ending. I'm honestly still simmering on my thoughts, but looking forward to discussing this in book club soon! Edit post book club: a discussion helped me clarify what I thought was working in this book (tone, setting, themes) and what was not working (too many red herrings for such a short book, and an ending twist that seemed to undercut the book's main premise). I still think it's worth a read for Arkady Marine fans, but it is not as strong as her full length books.
Dances of Time and Tenderness by Julian Carter
In 2016 Julian Carter, a queer author and long-time participant in San Francisco's dungeon kink scene, received an invitation to be part of an archival matchmaking project. The project paired artists, activists, and scholars with specific issues of OUT/LOOK: The National Lesbian and Gay Quarterly. The assignment was to use the issue as a jumping off point to think about queer history and make something "new and provocative." Carter's assigned issue was from Winter 1991, the year the CDC announced 1 million American were HIV positive and AIDS was the 3rd leading cause of death in people aged 25-44 years. One of the many who died in 1991 due to AIDS related complications was Lou Sullivan, one of the first trans men to publicly identify as gay. From this starting point, this book traces paths of queer lineage, both proclaimed and obscured, traveling through history, memory, and poetry. Carter is linked, through friendship or scholarship, to Susan Stryker, pioneer of transgender history, to Zach Ozma, who edited Lou Sullivan's diaries for publication, and to Lou himself. Casting a transgender eye back on a queer history divided sharply into gay and lesbian, Carter allows himself to claim as ancestors sailors, skeletons, writers, lovers, and reaches forward in time towards students, readers, and artists. Including me. I was fortunate enough to be gifted an early copy by the author, and read it back in February back in one delicious rush. I already want to read it again, and more slowly, this time underlining and annotating it. This is a book to savor, but is easy to devour instead. It's sensual and surprising, formally precise, and made me want to dig around in a mess of queer historical papers and also contribute my own to the pile. It's out on June 4, 2024; give it a pre-order or look for it on shelves soon!
49 Days by Agnes Lee 
Kit, a young Korean American woman, wakes up on a beach with a map and a watch telling her she's already late. For days, she clambers over rocks and up trails, reaching for an undefined goal. Slowly, the book begins to flash back to Kit's childhood and family, the people she loved and left behind after her accidental death. In Buddhist tradition a soul travels for 49 days before rebirth, and this book follows one version of that path, the grief and slow healing that follow a loss. Drawn in a very simple yet evocative style, the spare ink lines and limited color fill this journey with meaning.
Early Riser by Jasper Fforde read by Thomas Hunt 
What a bizarre and delightful novel. It's set in an alternate history in which ice-age level cold spells cause the majority of humans to hibernate every winter, which has ripple effects on the development of technology, societal rules, culture, and family structures. Charlie Worthing was born in a "pool" in the independent nation of Wales, or a group home in which nuns dedicated to reproduction birth and raise dozens of children, in returns for credits from those who can't or don't want to have their own kids. Charlie has very few job prospects, especially ones that will give him access to morphanox, a drug which helps most people survive their months-long winter sleeps. The drug also turns about 1 in 3000 into a brain-dead zombie, but this risk is considered better odds than sleeping without it. So Charlie volunteers for the Winter Consuls, the law-keepers and problem-solvers who stay up all winter to safe guard the majority. There he has to face the three well documented dangers of winter- Vacants (zombies), Villains (the British) and Winter Volk (fairies, whose reality is debated), as well as rumors of a viral dream. The humor in this book is a close cousin to Terry Pratchett's work, in which absurdity and invention mask some pretty biting social commentary and anti-capitalist motives. I did think some of the twists at the end didn't quite pay off, however, I had such a good time with the ride this book took me on that I'd still recommend it.
Blue Flag vol 2 by Kaito 
This vol has already taken a kind of melancholy, bittersweet narrative tone which might put me off the series. I still really like the characters and overall think the writing is very effective, out I wish the humor and sweetness of book 1 would last farther into the series!
Critical Role: The Mighty Nein Origins: Jester Lavorre by Sam Maggs, Laura Bailey, Matthew Mercer, Hunter Severn Bonyun, Cathy Le, Ariana Maher
Short and sweet, this prequel comic shows Jester's first meeting with The Traveler, the prank that caused her need to flee from Nicodranas, and a window into Jester's relationship with her mother. It's a slight story but I loved the artwork, especially the outfits and the beautiful city views.
The Book of Love by Kelly Link
Kelly Link, one of my favorite short story authors, debuted a novel 650 pages long. I bought this the day of release but it took me a few months to actually crack it open. I'd seen it described as slow, but I think I'd say leisurely. It opens with an intriguing premise- four teenagers come back from the dead, not knowing how they died or why they were brought back 11 months later- and have to solve a magical problem if they want to keep living. But the book is less a mystery than a close examination of the teens lives in a small New England town in December. The teens include Danial, oldest of many step-siblings, who rejects his new magical powers and just wants to live a small and ordinary life. There's Mo, who lost his parents young, and was being raised by his grandmother, a famous Black romance novelist- who herself died during the 11 months he spent in an underworld. There's Laura, a musically ambitious teen, who comes back to her single mom and sister Susannah, who seems somehow entangled with the magical ritual that killed and might save her friends. And then there's a fourth person who none of the others know, who snuck out of death on their coat tails and has no name and few memories. The book rotates POVs every chapter, with more than 15 different POVs, some of whom only appear once in the whole volume. I love Link's writing style so this worked for me, but I can see how this choice to linger over details not directly related to the plot might not work for some readers. I really enjoyed this but it did take me 3 weeks to read it and I suggest other readers pick it up when ready for a slow burn of a book.
Plain Jane and the Mermaid by Vera Brosgol 
This original fairytale opens with teenage Jane mourning the recent death of her parents, after she already lost her younger brother to the sea as a child. Because there's no male heir, Jane's horrible cousin will be kicking her out of the house in a week. The only option she can see is marrying within the week so that she can access her dowry. So Jane walks down to the fishing village below her manor and proposes to a beautiful but shallow fisherman's son. He accepts- then is immediately lured under the waves by a mermaid. Jane runs into the town asking for help but only an old woman with witchy vibes is willing to aid her. The crone gives Jane a potion so she can breathe underwater, a stone which will allow her to walk on the bottom of the ocean, and a shawl to keep her warm in the depths. So armed, Jane walks into the sea after the boy who feels like her only hope. Under the waves she encounters allies and enemies, learns the true power of her own will, and realizes she might have more choices than she's realized.
Blue Flag vol 3 by Kaito
Well, I started another book because the last one ended on a massive cliff hanger, but I think I'm setting the series down after this one. I still think it's very well written, but the main character has such low self-esteem that he shouts at other characters that he sucks, he's a jerk, he doesn't deserve their friendship and they should leave him alone. I bet the arc of this series will be building this character up to where he believes he deserves their love and friendship, but I just don't feel like dwelling in this character's self-pity at the moment. I would have eaten this shit up as a teen though! Especially with the queer characters.
The Free People’s Village by Sim Kern
Set in an alternate timeline in which Al Gore won the 2000 election and declared the War on Climate Change instead of the War on Terror, this novel is an interesting mix of hopeful and dystopian elements. The main character is Maddie Ryan, a white high school English teacher working in a primarily Black neighborhood in Houston, TX. The novel is Maddie's written account of a tumultuous year in which the grungy music warehouse where her punk band practices and performs is threatened by a proposed high way and oil line which will rip up not only their art space but also a historically Black neighborhood. Maddie starts attending activist meetings which quickly morph into a full blown protest encampment surrounding the warehouse. Dubbed the Free People Village, this protest movement goes viral and is met with the exact same kind of violent police response as the current student encampments protesting for Palestine on college campuses. Woven through this depressingly accurate political forecast are multiple queer love stories, interracial friendships, a 101 crash course in anarchist philosophy and bracing look at what long-term activism takes. Folks with more of an organizing or activist background than I might find some of this book a bit basic; but I was completely drawn in by the relationships and conflicts of Maddie, Red, Gestas, Angel, and Shayna. This book feels almost painfully timely, and I hope a lot of people read it and gain both courage and perspective.
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dimepdf · 2 years
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masterlist. / taglist. / any request? synopsis. when Armin first attended his English lecture, the last thing he expected to get from it was a girlfriend that just couldn't keep her hand away from him.
pairing. college student!armin arlert x college student!reader
genre and warnings. +18 nsfw under the cut. minors dni, established relationship, pwp, really fluffy, mutual pining, college au, soft!armin, black coded reader, shy flirting, femdom, movie talk, reader being a FREAKY GYAL, chair sex, needy reader, unprotected sex, whimpering, slight sub/dom, creampie, smitten couple, inspired by me writing this instead of finishing an essay, not beta'd cause i literally wrote this in a hour | — feedback is always welcomed & don't forget to reblog 🤍
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Armin absolutely adored everything about you being his girlfriend, from the curve of your smile to your signature scent of coconut oil that lingered against his pillows anywhere you would lie down.
At first, Armin thought he was a bit too interested in you because of the way his heart would flutter at the sight of you. Even after a full year of being together, you were constantly all he would think about.
He considers himself too lucky to have you sitting next to him during his first year lecture. With the professor running late, all the other students could do was make conversation or entertain themselves until time passed.
Armin, being the introvert he was, just kept his head down, already drained from getting into an argument with his ignorant roommates about their lack of taking care of cleaning the place.
The last thing Armin wanted to do was snap at some innocent stranger just trying to make conversation to pass the time. So Armin used his free time to wind down with his AirPods, drowning out most of the noise in the room. He hunched over the table, resting his chin in his palm with his laptop open playing a movie commentary YouTube video.
What he did not expect while stretching was to see you out of the side of his eye trying your absolute hardest to make it seem like you weren't focused on what was playing on his screen, your eyes flickering from your phone up to his computer when you thought he wasn't paying any attention to your interests.
Armin decided to help you out a bit, adjusting his brightness and even turning on the captions so you could tell what was being said without headphones, and much to his surprise, it had turned into an afternoon routine with you.
He waited to hit play once you sat down next to him every day, even spending time after class making a playlist dedicated to videos that he thought you’d enjoy. He even had the courage to let you use one of his AirPods, leaving the case open beside him, hinting that he very much wanted you to use it.
The routine would silently continue on for months, still not yet on speaking terms with each other until the start of the holiday break. 
Just when the lecture was over, just about to walk out of the room, you pulled him aside and he swore his knees almost went weak at the sound of your voice.
"Hey, I know this is kinda random," you said with a small smile as you adjusted your bag strap and looked up at him, his face flushing red as your hand remained gripped around his forearm. "But do you maybe want to watch a movie at my place later?" 
Armin had managed to contain himself enough to give a proper response, but still, you did most of the talking, not that you seemed to mind. 
After getting his number, all you two did was text back and forth until you nervously invited him into your apartment. Armin tried to make himself look as comfortable as possible, but it was starting to get difficult to hear the movie playing on your flatscreen from the sound of his heart trying to escape from his chest.
He had let you have a choice of what to watch, surprised that your pick was some newer films he hadn’t heard of because one of your favorite actors was in the cast.
"How the hell do you not know who Kid Cudi is?" Your excuse of having two other roommates made you move the movie party to your bedroom. 
Armin mentally noted how you rearranged your furniture and decorated your space with little trinkets that seemed to fit your personality so clearly, from the vines hung from your ceiling to the dark pink led strip lights that gleamed your posters to a neon bright color. 
Your posters cluttered walls throughout your entire bedroom, setting a vibe. Armin was a boy laying down in a pretty girl’s room. He felt out of place even with you snuggled into his chest, your head resting on his chest, feeling how tense he truly was.
He knew that you could hear how fast his heart was beating and was happy that you never showed any acknowledgement of caring or pointing it out. Seven, as you shifted closer to him, your thigh hitched in a more comfortable position, bent against his leg Armin was praying, begging, that you would stop moving before you would feel his erection growing through his jeans.
When you went wiggling about, Armin genuinely found the start of the movie pretty interesting. He was the type of film nut that pretty much praised the art style that most films produced under A24’s production put out.
He slowly but surely was able to unwind the further the movie continued to play out. Nodding his head when you would grasp his shirt a bit tighter when an actor that you recognized came on screen trying to explain which other film you had seen them from, even chuckling alongside as you spoke in a shitty impression of the thick accents of the actors to each other, but then the premise of the movie finally set in…
Armin’s glance shifts constantly to the screen to you laying there nonchalantly playing with the bottom hem of his shirt, oblivious to his anxiety-ridden state. Watching the two actors rail against each other on screen was not something he had thought to consider when 20 minutes before the movie started, you were telling him about how the actors were so talented.
Then you have the nerve to ask if he’s okay and wants to change the movie. "No, it's fine, it's a good movie so far, just wasn't…expecting that." He reassures you not to ruin the mood.
“Then…do you maybe wanna try to do what they're doing?” 
On the first date, Armin quickly found out that you were, in fact, very interested in him in the events that had unfolded during your first night together. Since blooming, a very interesting relationship dynamic that included him being himself and you being extremely turned on by every cute little thing that he did.
As if you and he were stuck together like glue, Armin loved spending time with you. Just being in your presence was enough for him.
Moments where you would come to his dorm and just lay silently on his bed in your own little world, scrolling through your phone while he sat at his desk finishing up the last of his essays, lazily typing away at his laptop, but then you would get bored changing the narrative, crawling into his lap with a content sigh.
Pulling his attention away from the screen, sometimes Armin thinks that you don't realize that you are the most attractive woman he has somehow gotten the pleasure of dating, because if you did, you wouldn't act so surprised every time you brush against him and only minutes later notice that he had an erection.
Just a simple brush against his skin and it was all over him, still not used to your touch and affection, being the touch starved nerd that he was. You were his first everything, from kiss to sex. It was like you had unlocked a whole new world for Armin to explore, all thanks to the fact that you couldn't last a week without jumping on his bone.
Times like now for example, how you would crawl into his lap faking innocent intentions. Combing your fingers through his hair, peppering light kisses down his jaw, even tracing your fingers over his collarbones, were all just a play to get attention all to yourself.
Armin didn’t really mind much about your neediness. Being single for the majority of his life until you came along, he had certainly had some years of sexual fantasies to catch up on and was a complete mess realizing that you too were just a horny mess waiting for him to give the nod before turning him into a whimpering, begging mess.
You knew what you wanted and made sure to get that out of him, which Armin was completely okay with. He very much loved the control you had over him, and he loved the way you would tease him all the time until he could barely take it.
The time you two would spend alone always ended up with him struggling to hold back his moans for his roommate's sake while you had your way with him under the blankets. 
This time wasn't much different. 
The blood from his brain was already draining down to his dick, throwing him into submission the instant your hand grabbed his chin to deepen the kiss that made his body jolt into a pathetic whimper vibrating against your lips.
"Shh!" you whispered, your fingers trailing down his chest. "You don’t want them to hear, do you?" Armin knew that he would die from embarrassment if he had to acknowledge his roommates in the living room hearing him.
Practically begging your name but it was sometimes very difficult to be as quiet as when he was completely at your mercy, with your dangerously wandering hands freeing his erection from the zipper of his jeans and that alluring glint in your eyes as you hooked aside your panties, lining his mushroom tip with the lips of your cunt.
You weren’t one for patience. Armin had quickly gotten to know you never sugar coated anything, and was always clear about what you wanted and when, and right now you wanted him, right there in his desk chair.
Using one hand to stabilize yourself perched against the armrest of the chair, as the other held your palm against his lips, the force of you dropping against his lap made the metal of the chair squeak under the constant shift of weight.
Armin’s feet were planted flat on the ground to keep from rolling around the room, his head leaning back to watch you at work with squinted eyes, his hands holding the bone of your hips with such strength that he knew would leave bruises later on.
He could tell from the way that you looked at him that you had enjoyed how pathetic and needy he looked just because of the things that you were doing to him. How easily he could come undone just from being under your control, that smile that sent him into a frenzy knowing that you got off just by him trusting you enough to let his guard down so much.
Armin was practically in a mess when he had cum undone, his hips rutting up against yours to chase after that feeling of being buried deep inside of your pussy as he released everything he had inside of you. He whimpers your name as if it were a plea against his tongue, begging you for mercy.
Your orgasm would quickly follow his, loving the way his arms wrapped around your waist, hugging against his chest as he let you overstimulate him to the point of tears just to make sure you were truly satisfied.
"Maybe…we should get our own place," Armin mentioned soon after he had caught his breath.
"Yeah, but I kind of like the idea of your roommates catching us." And with that, Armin was ready for round two.
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tengens-4thwife · 1 year
way to go nerd — katsuki bakugou
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a post-homework katsuki drabble(ish) for @ifonlyitwasmidnight ! in which katsu pays the reader to do their homework with something better than cash. (college AU) content warnings: smut, fem!reader, praise k!nk mixed with just a smidge of degradation because its katsuki???, public sex, marking, all characters featured are 18+ notes: please don't repost or translate! feel free to reblog & leave feedback! no proofreading/alpha/beta so I expect there are some mistakes! now playing: moonlight — THEY. banners/dividers: @cafekitsune
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"You fucking nerd." Katsuki mutters from where he's reading over the paper you wrote for him in the student lounge. "This is actually good." It's late so the place is deserted except for the two of you, relaxing on the overstuffed sofa in the corner of the room, hidden from anyone who could walk passed by a massive bookshelf. At first, you weren't really sure about Katsuki. He was loud and kind of full of himself, but then one day he approached you while you were studying in the library and asked for your help with the homework for your history lesson.
"I hate this stupid subject, what do I gotta know about history for?" he grumbled, kicking back in his chair. "When I'm the number one hero they're gonna write these damn books about me—knowing history is for extras!"
You sighed. You didn't really have time to listen to him—but then he offered you a fat stack of cash in exchange for writing his papers for the rest of the semester. That was four months ago. Four months of quiet meetings like this, where he would lay back on the sofa, his muscular body stretched out as he read over your most recent essay. You're sitting on the floor with your knees pulled up to your chest as you scroll your phone, watching TikToks on your phone while you wait for him to finish.
You are absolutely not noticing the way that Katsuki's t-shirt has rucked up to reveal the deep v of his hips and a glimpse at his cut abs. Because that would mean you'd have to admit that the crush you'd been fostering was real. And that you were actually a little upset that after tonight, you'd have no reason to talk anymore. Katsuki sighs, sitting up to grab his backpack, tucking the paper you wrote for him away neatly. "Way to go y/n," he grins, and you feel your heart squeeze. There's just something in the way he says your name. "Thanks to you, I actually passed."
"Well," you said slowly, clicking your phone screen off. "you don't know that until you submit this one, right?"
"Guess so," he huffed, running a hand through his blond hair. "But you're so smart, there's no way that isn't at least a B."
You nod, but its tense. Now that you're looking at him head on you can't help but feel disappointed. You stand up to leave, grabbing your bag and Katsuki frowns.
"Where are you going?"
"Home," you say tightly. "That was the last paper for the semester, right? That means that we don't have any reason to talk anymore."
Katsuki blinks up at you, his red gaze filled with confusion.
"What the hell are you talking about? Are you stupid or something?"
"Didn't you just say I'm smart," you say, rolling your eyes and turning to go
"I know what I said y/n," he said hotly, standing from the sofa and grabbing your wrist. His hand is so big that it circles the whole thing, his fingers overlapping as he turns you to face him. You have to tilt your head back to look into his eyes. "But now you're acting stupid. Don't you know we're friends?"
"Friends?" you scoff. "Bakugou, you literally only call me if you want something." Katsuki's eyes narrow and the tips of his ears turn pink, his jaw clenching. "That's not true."
"It is," you insist. You don't know why you are goading him. Maybe because you want to prove to yourself that you'll be fine without Katsuki Bakugou in your life, and pissing him off is a sure-fire way that he won't come back asking for more homework help that will lead to months of you pining for him.
"Y/n," Katsuki rumbles, pulling you to his chest. "Since the fuck when do you call me by my last name?"
You swallow hard. Like this, you can feel his body heat. It would be so easy to stand on tiptoe, to bring your lips to his. But you aren't like that. He doesn't want you like that. He's just mad because he thinks he's lost his ticket to good grades for minimal effort—right?
While you're pondering this, Katsuki grows more impatient, grabbing the back of your neck and crushing your mouths together in an unexpected kiss. You groan against his lips, wrapping your arms around his neck and rubbing your chest against his. "Katsuki—!" you gasp as your lips part, and for a moment, you can see the hero that he's going to be in the cocky tilt of his lips.
"That's better, y/n. Was that so hard?"
"No," you murmur, and just like you'd been thinking about you rise onto tiptoe to kiss him. With every pass of your lips, your breaths are coming shorter, the pair of you panting into each other's mouths as the desperate haze of wanting takes over. Katsuki lifts you by the waist and you instinctually wrap your legs around him, letting him haul you over to that stupid couch you'd been meeting at for months, dropping you onto it so he can cover you with his body. He presses you to the cushions and you can feel his growing erection through the material of your clothes, Katsuki's hands disappearing under your cropped hoodie to grab for the skin at your waist. His tongue slips into your mouth and you suck on it greedily, throwing the need for being careful out the window.
This might be the only chance you get. You aren't going to waste it worrying.
"Do you do this with all your friends?" You gasp as he breaks the kiss to nip your jaw, kissing a path down your neck so he can suck a bruise into the side of your throat, making your squirm and whine under him.
"No," he grunts, admiring his handiwork. "Jus' you." Katsuki pushes your sweater up, his rough thumb grazing over your nipple through your sports bra. As he makes a move to pull the fabric away you stiffen.
"What if someone comes in?" you breathe, your parted lips puffy from the intensity of his kissing. Like he was trying to mark your mouth too, ruin you for kissing anyone else.
He shrugs, pushing your sports bra up from the bottom to free your breasts. "I'll kill them," he says it so easily, like it was obvious, that you question if he's serious. But before you can get too deep in your head, Katsuki's thick fingers are pinching your nipples, his mouth returning to yours for a nibbling kiss.
Your hands drag down his back, interrupting your kiss briefly as you yank off his hoodie, his t-shirt coming along with it. For a second all you can do is just stare. He's covered in scars already and he's not even a pro-hero yet, his body a tapestry of hard years of training and working. It's fucking glorious.
"Whatcha lookin' at, nerd?" he growls, tweaking your nipple and making you cry out for the way your pussy throbs for him. If your neglected cunt doesn't get some attention soon, you think you're going to snap.
"Stop talking," you insist, grabbing his hair and leading him to your nipple. He takes it into his mouth for a long suck and you shudder. "Please—Katsu—I need you."
He groans and pulled back just enough to get his hands around the short's you're wearing, pulling them down to your knees. There will be time for exploring you with his mouth later—right now, Katsuki is too desperate to fill you up with him. You struggle to yank down his shorts, the pair of you laughing when Katsuki pop's the button for you, helping you to free his perfectly long, fat, and slightly curved cock.
He swipes his fingers through your folds, shivering at how wet you already are for him. "Such a needy little thing," he teases. "All of this is for me?"
You blush and turn your face but that same hand, fingers slick with your arousal catches your chin as he notches his cock at your entrance. "Look at me." he's demanding, but it sounds a lot like begging.
You look into his red eyes, finding a mirror of your own crushing need in his eyes.
Katsuki might be on top of you, but you are now painfully aware that you are the one in control here. That he's just as desperate for you as you are for him.
He takes him a few slow strokes until he's fully inside you, your tight cunt gripping him so tight that he's counting backwards from then just to stop himself from busting right there.
"Please," you beg, the rest of the sentence unsaid between you. Fuck me. Make me feel good. Use my body to make yourself come. They're all true.
Katsuki jerks into action. He's fucking you so hard that you can barely breath, the couch creaking with every punch of his hips as his swollen cock fills you again and again. Your fingers fly over your clit, desperate moans and whimpers escaping your lips with every breath. "Good girl," Katsuki grunts into your ear. "I want to see you cream all over my cock. Can you do that for me?"
Just like that you muscles tense, the intensity of his punishing fucking never slowing as he fucks you right through your orgasm.
"So good for me," he praises. "
You drag your nails down his back and he grunts, holding himself up with one hand on the arm of the sofa he's crushing you against to fuck into you even harder. "Going to paint your insides with my fuckin' cum, baby. Make you look real pretty for me."
You can do little more than cling to him now, your legs wrapped around him, heels digging into his ass to spur him along.
Katsuki's hips stutter and he growls, like he's irritated that his climax is coming. "Fuck," he groans punching into you with a few more erratic, scattered thrusts before he's stilling. "I—I wasn't—done yet." You know he's come, felt the hot splash inside you as climaxed, but Bakugou is still going, like he was personally offended you brought him to bliss so quickly. "I'm not—done!"
"Katsu—" you whimper, your eyes rolling back as he toys with your clit, you moan loudly when you come again, legs trembling. But still, Katsuki won't stop his onslaught. It's too much.
"Katsu— Please! We can do this again."
Katsuki stills then, his expression guarded as you look dreamily up at him. "...That so?"
"Yes, you idiot." you sigh, wrapping you arms around his neck and pulling him down for a clumsy kiss. "You're right,"
"Obviously," he scoffs, a little out of breath. Sweat is glistening on your bodies, he rubs his temple against yours, leaving you wet with him. A couple seconds pass, and when you don't continue he narrows his eyes on you. "About what?"
"We're friends."
Katsuki scowls. "No the fuck we ain't. You're my girlfriend, nerd."
You kiss him on the nose and he softens, his eyelids drooping in post-orgasm exhaustion. "Sure, I'll be your girlfriend."
"I wasn't asking." he insists, snuggling in closer to you.
"No way, don't fall asleep here, dickhead! Let's go back to my dorm." you insist and he groans.
"Okay, fine. Five more minutes."
"I swear to god Katsuki if you fall asleep—" you start but he's so cute while he cuddles you that you just let it go. If someone catches you, they catch you. Your boyfriend will beat their ass.
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dracuno · 9 months
"i told you i'd come back, right?" — matthew joy
✧ in the heart of the sea; matthew joy x wife!reader
✧ notes: this. that's literally it🫶 also below the cut id the actual reunion between you two, the first part is kinda weird but it's only bc i wanted to put some context TT u can skip to below the cut if u want ! also not proofread since i wrote this while writing a college essay TT
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"It's okay, Peggy." You say as you walked with your friend and her daughter through the crowd of people. "I'm sure it's going to be alright."
"I hope so." She replies, nervously.
You and her have been friends for a long time. Both of yours husbands are childhood friends, so of course this also meant you two being acquainted and forming a friendship. A few months ago, both of then were handpicked to be first and second mate for the voyage of the Essex. A little while back, you both received the news that the ship had been either lost at sea or sank of whatnot, all you both (and what they) knew was that the ship and the crew were nowhere to be found.
Obviously, you two were devastated, but Peggy was pregnant and you needed to find things to calm you down and distract you during this whole thing, so you were helping around at her house and all, spending time with Phoebe Ann, her daughter.
This morning, however, you both were contacted by the Maritime office that survivors of the Essex had made it back to Nantucket in nothing more than a few boats and your husbands were both survivors, so here you both were, at Nantucket Harbour, waiting.
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As Phoebe Ann was holding the hands of both his mother and you, you kept hold of hers when you saw Owen approaching his family. Peggy let go of her daughter temporarily as she flung her arms around her husband as they reunited.
"Y/N." Owen greeted and you let go of Phoebe Ann to hug him. "Glad to see you still up and running." You joke, but you were really glad to see him.
"Matthew, is he...?" You didn't know how to finish your question but Owen just smiled at you. "He was right behind me earlier."
When his attention shifted to his daughter and Peggy, you walked away from them and your eyes searched the crowd. There were dozens of people at the harbour, all crowding around to see the survivors of the lost ship Essex, so it was a little difficult to push past them for a bit.
But when blue eyes met yours, you felt everyone blur around you as all noise faded into nothing.
There he stood.
He had nothing in his hands, as the small possessions he brought onboard were lost in the sea, but he would have dropped anything he was holding when he saw you.
He made his way to you and at first, it was silent. You didn't know what first to say and he seemed to be at a loss for words as well. Your eyes scanned his face for a moment and you swallowed before speaking up.
"It's really you?" You ask, your hands cupping his cheek as your fingers ghost over his face, not quite believing your eyes.
He was here.
"It's really me." He smiles as he places his hand over yours and moves his face to kiss your other one.
Matthew was here.
Standing in front of you. His hair was definitely longer (although not quite as long, since you noticed him and Owen were pretty cleaned up best they could before they were here) and he looked a little disheveled, but none of it matterer. His eyes scanned over your face, like he was seeing you again for the very first time. He took in everything about you — your eyes, the way your hair was styled, the dress you wore that was one of your more simpler dresses but he always thought you looked stunning in, and the necklace he gave you that you never once took off when he left.
"I told you I'd come back, right?" He asked softly, to which you chuckled lightly, tears streaming down your face.
"You did." You replied, "And you're not going out there for a little bit for a while, okay?" You joked.
He laughed lightly and then slowly engulfed you in another hug, his one arm wrapping itself around your back as he brought his other to hug your head, patting you softly. He kissed your forehead, "I'm not going anywhere for a little bit."
You hugged him back and you felt you never wanted to let him go. You opened your eyes and they met with Owen's, who wasn't that far away from you two with his own family, and you saw him smiling at you.
"Thank you." You mouthed to him as he stood up and held his daughter's hand for the first time as he nodded his head at you.
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tagging: @butlersluvbot bc here u go bae i wrote it😎
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chthonicgodling · 3 months
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welcome to an Elysium Drama Update tHAT IVE BEEN VAGUING AND HYPING ABOUT FOR THREEEEEEEE MONTHS 😱 yes you ARE reading this correctly! After all this time of spiraling deeper and deeper RECENTLY and after the VERY long tumultuous past of the previous decade-ish - the Taki Fuego Trifecta Trio (their tag here) is HAVING AN ENTIRE BABY BY CHOICE AND ON PURPOSE— oh mmmmYYYY GGGGGGGOD—
All five of these illustrations feature completely canon dialogue dating back from January when they first started trying for a baby. now that Loki finally confirmed that he’s actually pregnant a few weeks ago - clearly out loud and in words - it is finally time to reveal this news to all of YOU!
Congratulations YOU are now part of a select few! NO ONE ELSE IN THE PALACE KNOWS YET.
The baby Loki is now incubating is sired by Tory!! with Maci of course knowingly and delightedly pulling all puppet strings “behind the scenes” aka like, to the left of them or whatever on the bed.💞How did this even fucking happen you may be asking??!!! They went from fun bedroom dynamic to let’s have an entire babBY?!?! Well- just like the way these playfully suggestive drawings (every one of these convos took place during…… during. uhhhhhhhhhh) are slyly ambiguous in the way I chose to draw them - let me explain the decision of this baby in the same,, extremely sanitized way:::
Maci and Tory.,,, will say.,,, literally anything. And During one such occasion,, it dawned on Loki - and them too, honestly — suddenly with a full record scratch that — wait are you actually being serious?? WAIT DO YOU *ACTUALLY* WANT A—
As nudged upon here and also in my many recent lore essays, please remember that Loki’s ~antsy~ when it comes to his pregnancies and history of children; due to the prior tragedies that had befallen the first six he’s always made it a habit of just vanishing, paranoid and anxious, each time he’s found himself pregnant. However Maci and Tory unequivocally and wholeheartedly asking him to make a baby with them because 💞love💞 and 💞lust💞 and 💞clingy vibes💞- again LITERALLY the first EVER baby ON PURPOSE EVER- was enough to IMMEDIATELY make him go starry eyed. Even though over these past few months since Tory first initiated the talk Loki had…. Still has……. refused to admit that and continued to be his usual vaguely hostile and suspicious self but….
As of today he’s six weeks pregnant (he can always, magically, tell right away) and he has not yet disappeared.in fact he hasn’t even left their BED or their SIDE in THREE MONTHS. 🥺 mhy god hellO., Loki you’re so full of shit and they’re onto you. Maybe stop blushing so much.
and so now begins the countdown to NEW MYSTERY BABY and the shenanigans that will follow; ONCE AGAIN I am FLOORED and THRILLED and WATCHING all this with my jaw on the FLOOR. ‼️they’re not a throuple this is just uhh fun things to do with your platonic friends!‼️ (oh my god I’m gonna lose my mind for fucking real—)
All the dialogue in the orange bubbles + Tory himself of course belong to @fenixethekid , hiatused, once again trying for real to kill me im pretty sure.Maci & all pink and green bubbles are mine; EeL is mine too idc; do NOT tag this with the m word; I hope this has been worth the hype (and I’m pretty sure I was EXTREMELY obvious about hinting at this so?!?!?! GOLD STAR IF YOU’D ALREADY GUESSED THIS NEWS!)
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