#i have some doodles backed up maybe i'll have to post them soon
s0ckh3adstudios · 1 year
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You're always wishing and wanting for something
When you get what you want, you don't want what you get,
And though I sit upon your knee, you'll grow tired of me,
'Cause after you get what you want,
You don't want what you wanted at all.
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rainbow-burst · 4 months
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I being so fucking normal about this fit on him rn I'm beingsofuckingnormal I'm beingsofuckin nor-
#you have no idea how fucking long I've been drooling crying begging and just screaming for them to do a Lost boy kill count#like I just watched the podcast maybe like a week ago and I'm just like rocking back and forth on my bed like they're going to post a video#<--real soon#and oh my God I watched the video of the kill count in there's so many things I wish they talked about on there but I'm grateful to get it#they did talk about the sequels and.....ekkkk... I mean it's only based off of high demand so let's hope to God no one talks about it#or send any emails for them I mean if they talk about the remake that's fine I haven't really seen that one I know Sebastian stan is in it#oh my God I feel like I'm about to be so fucking annoying about the movie again I think I'm going to just start posting random shit about it#also lately I've been more happy to be posting and drawing again than usual#so I might be back on doodling and drawing random shit or actually I've been having more confidence in myself to start posting doodles#why do I bring that up because oh I don't know...wink wonk 🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤗🤗 😉😉😉😉😜😜😜#my laptop kind of sucks now so I'm going to buy a new one probably this month or next month so I'll be drawing and posting doodles#I'm also thinking about posting some of my recent sketches I have in my notebook but don't expect any Picasso or Vince Van Gogh for me#I know I'm good but like I'm not that good lol im jking kinda sorta maybe not relaly okay yeaj am BUT!!!#I feel like I'm back on my drawing shit again and if I don't finish your drawing I'll just still post it because why the fuck not I'm young#let's fuck around and have some fun why not huh#man I can't believe I'm actually really rambling here but yeah I'm happy to say that I'm going to be back on my stupid shit ❤️#kill count
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gengarartblog · 4 months
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Not really phases of the incident but more like different concepts of what could have happened? These are mostly scrapped now but I figured I could post them since they were technically almost done. This is again leaning into the "what if Dalv was the Integrity SOUL's final boss fight" idea I had. Maybe if I figure this out I'll make a doodle page or something.
Ramblings below the cut for my thought process atm when it comes to me trying to figure out the timeline of events with the Snowdin Incident. Because I am fucking STRUGGLING with this one.
Enjoy the scrapped concepts and, if you read it, the rambling below the cut.
All I know that I have to work with is:
-Kanako was unharmed -Dalv was injured, bad enough to be traumatized by it. He's also aware of the integrity human dying. (He mentions that day just repeating for him, which is probably flashbacks.) -Chujin knows that Dalv was injured, and instead of comforting his daughter or helping Dalv, he sends Axis after the human only to arrive to an absolute mess of a scene when he finds Axis and the remains of the human.
So the first issue:
Did Chujin and Axis show up before the human ran? Chujin was told by the other Snowdin residents about the human and he definitely found Kanako and Dalv at least. I'm actually starting to lean towards him having not arrived before the human ran since Chujin mentions that Kanako had no one to protect her (technically incorrect, as Dalv was 100% there and likely would have been protecting her. BUT if he had died then she would have been next with no one to save her). This would mean that for Kanako to be unharmed and for Dalv to be still alive, one of three things had to have happened:
a. The human decided to spare Dalv. Maybe because they didn't want to kill in front of another child or because they just decided to spare Dalv after beating him up. They then ran to waterfall because that was the next area they needed to go to get to the castle, and had no idea that Axis would be following soon.
b. Dalv managed to deal enough damage that the human decided to flee. He does mention holding back against Clover, and he's one of few monsters that live long enough to speak a few sentences after a fatal hit (like Starlo, Ceroba, Papyrus, and Undyne to name a few examples, who are all stronger regular monsters). And as we've seen from Undyne, even regular monsters can hold their own against a human if they're protecting someone or something. Hell, with Undyne we even have to run from her to be able to spare her in UT. The problem with this is that Dalv mentions that he won't run away this time ("All I know is that somehow... you found me. Sorry to make things difficult but I'm not cowering away this time"). But I'm not sure if he means the snowdin incident or if he means when he ran away twice from Clover in the dark ruins. Because while he's mistaking Clover for the integrity human here, he did run away from them in the dark ruins. However the pillar fun value event has Dalv running away???
c. Dalv and Kanako ran when they had the chance. But then why did the human run to waterfall instead of just wiping out snowdin? Sure Dalv and Kanako could have been the last monsters the human encountered before waterfall, but then Chujin would have likely encountered the human before Dalv and Kanako did. Not only that but from the sounds of it, Dalv stuck around for a bit probably due to injuries since Chujin mentions that he should have stayed to help calm Kanako down and to help Dalv with his injuries.
So what the hell is the timeline of events here? Like. Was the human already past Snowdin and went backwards for some reason at some point? Maybe they found out what happened to some of the other humans and that upset them to the point where they started violently defending themselves? I dunno.
The second issue:
Who the hell is the "friend" that Dalv mentions in his journal that apparently "doesn't exist"? I'm guessing it's whoever was leaving the corn right? Maybe Kanako since he said it's been a year?
I have no idea. I'm gonna go back to trying to figure out more stuff and put a timeline together for this. See ya.
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determunition · 3 months
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hi gang!
it's been a while but i just wanted to sort out my progress on everything i'm working on rn ^^ especially since i've been getting quite a few new followers recently! welcome welcome to you all btw, i'm super happy to have you here ^w^
OLD_FOLKS HOME: as you might expect i've had a bit of trouble getting back into writing for OFH, but i'm finally on my way! chapter 23 is fully drafted save for some minor edits, and i've just cracked into chapter 24. the tournament arc will be four chapters in total, and once those are done i'll drop them on a biweekly basis! thanks so much for your patience on OFH, it's far outgrown its original scope but i truly do love working on it and can't wait to show you guys all my ideas ^^ if you've not checked out OFH or if you wanna catch up, now's a great time to do so! you can find it right here on ao3: [Link]
Storyboards: i'm on my way to being finished with a pretty big inscryption-based storyboard project! it's about as long as the digital affection animatic, but it's far more silly than cinematic. with any luck i'll have it out by next month! i'll be dropping it on youtube first, so if you'd like to subscribe or otherwise keep an eye on my channel for that you can head over to my channel right here: [Link]
Prints: if you're new to this blog or missed my recent announcement, i started selling some prints of the canon scrybes and my swap scrybes on etsy! they're $15 each and i'm all stocked up, so you won't be waiting too long for delivery ^^ huge shoutout to those who have ordered so far! shipping is still within the US only but i'm planning on changing that sometime soon, so i'll keep you posted. in the meantime you can check out the prints here if you're interested!: [Link]
Misc: Until these projects are done (especially the boards), it's gonna be mostly sketches on the blog proper! i've been in a massive scrybeswap mood lately so that won't change anytime soon, but you can also expect some retyrement and maybe a couple wildcards here and there; hope you enjoy every silly lil doodle i throw up here! i certainly enjoy sharing them haha
and that's basically it for now! a lot of inscryption as you can see, so if you're here for that, lovely news all around! but for those of you who like a bit more variety, know that i've got plenty of shovel knight and a bit of deltarune in the oven too...well, maybe not in the oven; more like uhh cold proofing in the fridge lmao
thanks for reading my lil ramble if you made it this far and another big welcome to all the new folks on the blog! happy to have you here and hope you enjoy yourself ^^
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allisonbeacomic · 1 month
Main artist for comic here, just gonna be talking about where I am mentally, where the comic is, where the comic will be going. All of this pertains to the random stop in posting, I know there really isn't enough of an audience for my absence to even be noticed, but as this is something I'm really passionate about I kinda need to do this just to lift some weight off my conscience. If you don't care about that just enjoy the little reference doodle that I'm attaching, I don't mind, I know I can be a bit much when I get to talking.
My mental health has not been doing great, I've mostly been sleeping in for the past month, I've been suffering from major art burnout to the point where I don't even have the will to plug my mouse in to try most of the time. My usual process is just having an idea, sitting down with it, doodling it in Krita's comic template and adjusting until I'm satisfied with the rough vision in front of me, and then finally cleaning it up into what eventually becomes the final post, this takes me about an hour and a half, on really good days I could have a backlog set up for a couple weeks. As of late I'm having trouble getting clear enough ideas to even feel confident sitting down with them.
The comic, as it is now, is literally just the passion of one woman with a mouse and a vision, just little silly doodles in a style simpler than my usual one that are designed to make you smile and then move on with your day. This works, but lately I've been thinking that maybe this isn't the best I can do.
First of all, I'm just collaborative in nature, I like making things with people, bouncing ideas with them, seeing the kinds of things they make, it takes some organization to get here, but once I get it all sorted out I instantly find myself having a better time overall. I've pitched the idea of making this comic a collaboration with @illustraintions @yaboidax, and @mogdoodles (by the way please check them all out, their work is awesome), they all seemed to be on board, so maybe at some point expect to see some contributions from them as well!
Second, I'm considering making the comic have a more coherent story, I don't plan on making this a really deep thing, but just making sure there's a bit more of a continuity from comic to comic instead of them being totally isolated from each-other, I think this will make for a more engaging read overall without compromising its simplistic charm.
Finally, I'm thinking of transitioning the comic to be a bit closer to my usual lineless style (you can see what that'd look like below). It's a lot easier to make adjustments to, I think it just is a lot more dynamic to work with. I'll see how it works in execution.
That's all I have to say for now, thank you for your patience. Hopefully I'll be back on track soon.
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taikk0 · 2 years
old art dump!?1!11?!! [part 1]
yeah I really wanted to post these at some point but they're so fcuking ugly they don't deserve to be posted out in the open for all to see 💀💀
like if I were to ever post these one by one I think my dignity would take a huge blow, and that's coming from someone with a massive crater in their chest where their ribcage once was because all their self-respect got absolutely THWACKED out of their body the moment they started simping for the krang. SPOILER ALERT I'm that someone
anyways they're all under the cut peer at your own risk
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I know I already posted this here on my improvement post but fun fact: this was the very first fanart I made this year getting back into Rise
also yes there will be commentary, I will always feel the need to explain myself when it comes to things I would greatly want to apologize for 🧍‍‍♂️
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I literally do not remember the context of this at all. not sure if it was a continuation of something, but if it was I can't find the rest of it
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don't know how to draw the turtles???? MEME REDRAW BABY
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character development is finally realizing Mikey isn't a literal circle lIKE????? WHY IS HE SO BOILED EGG
this was also in my "I have no idea how to properly color" phase, which explains why it's so monotonous compared to the colors I tend to choose now. Everything just looks so murky.... like dirty paint water.....
the mystic door symbol thing doesn't mean anything, I think past Michael just wanted to fill in the space
mikyomix name reveal real?? jk it's always been out, I just haven't mentioned it here, anywho yes hi it's me a Michael
might redraw this soon actually, who knows
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this was the very first time I ever actually drew Donnie right, where he didn't make me nauseous just by looking at him, and IT WAS FROM THIS WEIRD SPECIFIC ANGLE FROM SOME REASON. If I ever drew him in a way that looked good it was almost always THIS angle, especially in doodles, it was never ever Donnie actually facing front, it was just him with this weird slouch and his back turned slightly.
am I using too many of whatever "," is, listen I almost flunked English I can't punctuate for crud but I'm trying my best over here ok
(side note: the file name is called "dunkin donuts"???)
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this was never supposed to see the light of day, but I think this would be considered fanart of a fanart?? I saw taytei 's species swap au on pinterest before I knew who they were and decided "yk what?? yeah I'll steal it but only for me because I'm bored"
which brings me to the next few drawings
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we're moving on I don't like looking at these they're gross 💀
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I made a joke about Donnie giving Leo his own tablet because he kept stealing it based on a very old drawing back in 2019 and it led to the idea of Leo turning into an Ipad kid, crusty screen and Ipad case in all its glory
if it wasn't obvious the background is a png of McDonald's because of course they're at McDonald's
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ok, this is gonna sound so stereotypically ADHD of me but listen it makes sense lemme explain
so basically, I had a silly thought in my head that I've had for a long while about Donnie being British for no reason with no explanation as to why, it's not a headcanon it's just a funny thought I like to think about (so maybe it's an AU idk)
and I was binging Jack Whitehall (who was British) and it got to the part where he went on a schpiel on Robert Pattinson where he was talking about what it was like to go to school with him and there was this one section where he talks about being in school theatre with him.
and I thought.... "man wouldn't it be funny if that was the disaster twins..." and everything spiraled from there.
I made up this whole Yokai school they would have gone to if they didn't live in the sewers. Donnie is the head of the drama club, he always plays and casts himself as the main character in his own productions that he himself directs because he's just that good at his job. Leo joins the drama club and shows Donnie up, making him a little bit jealous. Leo is only let in because of the club members vouching for him, Which then leads to Donnie treating him poorly and casting him as a tree (SEE WERE COMING FULL CIRCLE) this obviously upsets Leo and ends up giving him more of a reason to become the center of attention, What was supposed to be a drag ended up helping Leo more than harming his chances of ruining Donnie's plans.
Everything then spirals into a competitive back and forth as to who is the better actor. It stops being about who gets to play which part and more about who comes out of this feud alive with a prestigious acting role tied to their name.
That was everything I thought about at the time though I just thought "HAHA DISASTER TWINS HIJINX" and that was it
someone send me that Donnie toy with the big head and maybe I will start writing fanfiction/JJJJJ
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I had this idea of Donnie adopting a dog from Todd because it had an attitude and then the dog ended up being just as smart as him helping him solve equations and stuff and eventually it became his lab partner
yeah that paired up with the RotTMNT drama club thing I sound like I have a very weird brain we're moving on
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I have to admit this because I really didn't wanna post this without a heads up but yes this is inspired by that one drawing made by h*bermen right before I even knew about what they did and I feel guilty about this one sometimes just by the sheer fact that it's even loosely associated to them :/
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I have nothing to say about this one other than I suck at rendering
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this drawing of the boys fighting over their childhood blankie was supposed to be a bit of a concept for a comic I wanted to make but never got around to even writing it out,
the gist of it was that the lair was starting to get a bit messy with the things they've hoarded over the last couple of years, so the turtles+splinter decided to clean everything up, managing what to throw away and what to keep
they come across a blanket that they used to have as kids (which was the same blanket from the flashback in hidden city's most wanted) The individual turtles are hesitant at first and decline wanting to keep it, but overtime they start to realize just how much they want their childhood blanket back. They start making excuses and stealing the blanket from one another, insisting that they needed it for something important, which was very much not the case.
soon everything ramps up to the point where their methods of trying to take ownership of the blanket start getting wilder and wilder and hijinx ensues, not long before everyone overtly starts fighting over it like their life depended on it at the climax of the episode.
I didn't really have a plan yet as to how it was going to end, but if I were to make something up on the spot I'd say either:
A.) it's revealed that the blanket was actually splinter's old bath towel that he doesn't use anymore, the turtles are disgusted by this and stop fighting over it. That is until the twist at the end where one of the turtles comes back for it and takes the towel for themselves when no one is around. gross.
B.) Mikey stops the fight before it gets too serious, calling him and his brothers out for acting like savages over a blanket. Soon everyone realizes that the blanket isn't important, the blanket may be of great significance to them, but their memories together will always be more important, and they can't let a simple piece of cloth tear them apart.
and then after everyone else has left and made up, turns out that it was actually Mikey's plan all along to have them stop fighting to keep the blanket for himself.
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this is more of a doodle but I had to bring this one up because it's just funny to me
basically, I was drawing Leo and I had two separate layers, I drew Leo photogenically on the layer above with the deranged Leo invisible underneath, and after some time I completely forgot what I drew on the layer below and made it visible again
yeah you can imagine my soul leaving my body
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white-eyed Raph freaks me out,,, where did the yellow go,,,,
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this is the only non-turtle drawing in this whole post I think
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okay, a bit of a backstory on this one, this was my very first actually finished RotTMNT animation. It was for a trend on TikTok not too long ago where artists would be drawing a character and the character would move to let the artist continue drawing them
This one animation has single-handedly given me so much clout, like holy crap it's literally at 5M views now and it scares me a little 😭😭
for anyone wondering, its this one
or whatever month it was, I have no idea what 5-5 is supposed to mean I can't read tiktok dates
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not rise related but oh my word I absolutely do not have an actual art style 💀
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donnie gets trolled
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very eyestrainy. this is a WIP screenshot from an animation meme I never finished
I still have the Krita file btw, so maybe one day ill get to show u guys the full soon if I ever get around to finishing it
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I have no idea why I formatted this the way I did, but I'm assuming this was most likely a doodle right on top of the animation meme I mentioned earlier and I just didn't bother cropping it
yeah idk why I drew them with really big eyes
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he's sleep-deprived and done with everything he's about to go apeshit
also, weird brush
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when I tell you guys I was SO READY to see Leo die in the movie before any information on it came out
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vine reference in 2022 baby
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I'll have you guys know this was completely by accident
Anyways that's as much as I could fit in one post!! I have a bit more but ehhh maybe sometime later
these are all in the order I made them in, which explains why it kind of gets better the more you scroll, so I hope your eyeballs have been cleansed even slightly by the newer ones jfdsjfkI
I have no idea how to end this post uh like and subscribe
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mcalhenwrites · 11 months
Full time writing career goals ;)
So there are some things I'm getting in order! I have two questions, if anyone here reading my work doesn't mind answering them: 1. Despite the plot holes, should I keep posting Stargazers' Hill to AO3? I have no plans to rewrite it, and the character interactions are meaningful - Ambrose and Thaddeus, Ambrose and Evelyn, CORA IS IN IT HELLO - so maybe people still want to read it! 2. I found out there's a site like patreon that allows nsfw (subscribestar adult) and I'm tempted to look into making tiers there. It even has a free tier! I don't write exclusively erotica or draw too much kinky stuff, but I do sometimes and would like to be able to include it. I won't be able to open it until I move (which won't be for some months) and sort my banking and address out, but is there any interest in that? Again, there is a free tier, which I'm excited about. If so, I'll have to sort out what I want to share there. More on this later, really, but it would be nice to have patrons! I'll also have to update my ko-fi when the time comes, too, but I do post public entries when I remember. :') I have made an official deadline for finishing my editing of Geckos, Automata (which was supposed to be published months ago, but Seasons consumed my brain instead), and I'll publish it soon after that! A reminder that no one is obligated to financially support me, times are tough, but it'd be awesome if you like my writing and want to see more of it, since being able to make a living on it means more time for it/less time focused on a job. (If I can even get one of those. sigh.) I'm also getting back into art, so I'll be able to draw more OCs. I have little desk space atm, but I do have a tablet, so when I move, maybe I can also extend that practice to digital! Until then, I just sketch/doodle/whatever on paper, and it's not an art pursuit, it's mainly a side dish to the writing, essentially? Same with crochet! Oh, and I miiiight be publishing a book of crochet patterns down the road, but that will require a ton of work and formatting, since photos will be required. I no longer crochet those items, so maybe they can be of use to someone else...! (Like my tortoise and sea turtle patterns and such.) If you have feedback/thoughts/answers to my questions, feel free to comment on this post, reblog it with a response, or even send an ask if that's more comfortable! Oh, and I meant to add that if you're someone who is here bc you read Seasons and liked it, you will still see the chapters on AO3 and that's not something I plan to profit from. I miiight share art on places like ko-fi and whatnot that are from it, but the main story will be up on AO3 to read. In case that concerned anyone/brought about any fears. It's something I just wanted to share with y'all for free.
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narbevoguel · 5 months
Hello guys. It's been a while since I made a post like this, but today I wanted to talk about my art. I haven't posted something proper in forever, and to say I haven't spent this entire time at least doodling a thing or two would be a lie, but there's a reason why I haven't been posting much and just keeping my art semi private, or multiple, let me explain (I'll have a TLDR at the end if you don't wanna bother with this, but written awfully):
First, I believe you guys deserve more than some stupid sketches. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy sketching, aesthetic aside, drawing multiple sketches a day is how I pushed myself to experiment new things and just get better overall, plus I draw them fast, so I could pull a bunch of sketches in the time it takes me to color just one, so I could spill one silly idea after the other. I don't know why or exactly when I started to feel like this is just not worth it for you guys, that you deserve more from me than what I put out, that maybe I disappoint you immensely. This isn't even about reach, I don't care about that, this is about me showing something worth to see.
Second, is how I chose to spend my time. Last year was a very busy year for me overall, my job became increasingly demanding at times, lotsa personal issues that stressed me out immensely, which resulted in me using my remaining free time doing other activities, including spending time with people I shouldn't have been so permissive with (except my gang, that's why I made it a New Year's Resolution to annoy you guys more, you know who you are), it became a thing where I was even afraid to say no to them in favor of my art or other me-activities in fear of them taking it the wrong way, which, in a weird way, ended up happening anyway and resulted in long term passive aggressive conflict, and well, all of this negativity and then some, especially combined, made me reluctant to pick my pen up most of the time, which leads me to my next point.
Third, not drawing as often made me lose my momentum considerably. I could draw stuff comfortably without much artblock, if at all, or something I thought looked ugly. It just came out naturally, sometimes without even using references, it was crazy, but I feel I lost that momentum; don't get me wrong, I don't think my art looks worse than before, far from it, I did a comparison a couple of days ago and I noticed that despite all these issues, I have indeed improved a lot, thing is, I still feel it doesn't look good, I can't seem to know where I want to go with it, or what I want it to look like, I have no idea how to describe this feeling of "I hate immensely what I've been doing", maybe I'm beating myself up too hard and this is a result of not sharing anything with you guys, but I want to be comfortable with the characters I always draw before I bring them out again (although for some reason Purah's perfection always makes my doodling easier, she has become my ultimate comfort character it seems, hah).
All that said, I want to change things this time. I'm not sure if I'll post more like I did before, or if I'll post less than I used to, but I want to post things again. Maybe won't start soon, but will definitely do it. I've even been stocking up on traditional materials to pick the pen back up in other ways as well (haven't done this since my college days, so I'm a bit excited), I don't want to make promises I can't keep (you guys know I'm terrible with keeping up with stuff lol), but I will try my hardest to post more finished pictures and less sketches. It might result in me posting less art and/or jokes as before, but we'll see where that leads me. I'm still not sure if I'll continue to keep the sketches to myself or not, but one step at a time, step one is to just stop beating myself up, turns out my negativity knows how to throw hands. If you read ALL to this point, my most sincere thanks, I know it isn't easy to put up with my crap, and if you didn't it's fine, I still love you, in fact, I'll sum it up for you below.
TLDR: I'm a stupid piece of crap that didn't know how to manage my free time which resulted in me developing a very serious case of imposter syndrome and I'm throwing hands back in hopes, no, in expectancy of walking out of it a victor, for my sake, and for you guys as well.
Anyway, thanks for reading, short or long version, and remember, a Purah a day, keeps uh, the heart happy and brain mushy, or something like that.
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gamebunny-advance · 2 years
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Grab Bag Doodle Dump
Oh, what's this feeling? The feeling of wanting to explode because I haven't posted sketches in a while? Well, I better post something then~
I haven't been as productive as I'd like since work picked up, but it's starting to slow down again, so hopefully I'll be able to work on some more personal stuff. I've almost finished Kun3h0's new model, I just need a little extra tweaking and then maybe making a few extra emotions and I'll be good! We're also only 20 followers away from the next milestone here, so hopefully requests will open soon too.
Anyway, here's the usual notes under the cut:
1-2) Clay Face sketches. I gotta couple more plushies to upcycle, a monkey in a rainbow hat and a purple bunny. I'm actually gonna try to sell these, so I do hope that y'all will consider taking a look and/or spreading 'em around once they're done ^o^! The monkey is gonna be party/clown themed, and I'm gonna try to make the bunny magical girl themed, but they might turn out generic. More info at a later date~
3-4) Potential plushie upcycles. For the first bear, the pallet and theme is Yinu inspired, but I'm taking some inspo from this song too. I want to cover them in yellow roses since I got a few during a Michael's clearance sale, but I've yet to come across a yellow bear for it, so this one is gonna be on the back burner until I stumble across one. The other one is a MikuxNoid fusion to finally use that pink Kpop bunny I got forever ago. This one is just for fun since I actually already have an idea for that bunny, but I still wanted to sketch the concept.
5-6) Kun3h0 x 1010 ver 2. I like the designs I made for both, so I doodled them again. I gave 1010!Kun3h0 her rabbit ears back since they're important to her design, I just changed the shape a little to match the 1010 aesthetics, so they're sharper and don't have the globes at the top. Kun3h0!White is basically unchanged.
7) Soda Shop!Green. I will finish this collection someday. Hopefully. Maybe.
8) "Ghosts". A XIO doodle I never got around to finishing. I'm still evolving the idea, but I'm starting to think of XIO's personalities as their own separate people that just happen to occupy the same body.
9) Kindergaten AU. I dunno, I thought it was a cute idea, and I have some scenario ideas for it, but I feel very silly about it since it's just fluff. I dunno if I'll ever make anything based on it. Maybe someday when I'm less self-conscious.
10) Build-A-Goat: So I never actually set up my tent this year, and I don't think I'm gonna. I'm just too unmotivated~ That said, this was the original plan for my tent rather than the Tamagoatchis.
11) Gemu doodle. I wanna draw him and the retro gang again ;3;
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hall0wedwyrm · 9 months
screw it the brainrot is too strong
Welcome to my sort of big post about my MCSM AU thing.
So a week or so ago I mentioned my idea of Jesse being Alex and Herobrine's child... and now it's spiraled into this.
The AU doesn't have a name yet. I kinda wanted to make a smart name but I couldn't think of anything. I'll think of something eventually (maybe like a short thing that the AU is about in the style of the names of the Episodes?? idk)
So... what is this AU about?
it's what it says on the tin, my friends.
Jesse is the child of Alex, beloved secondary human of legend, and Herobrine, feared King of Monsters and supposed Ruler of the Nether.
The two of them met through Steve, the first human and also widely beloved, who accidently introduced them to each other when they had an encounter with Herobrine. The two of them immediately took interest in each other (much to the distaste of Steve) and eventually... gradually got together. They've been inseparable since... until-
Anyway this isn't about them. This is about Jesse reconnecting with their parents, and all of their friends learning about who they are. Along with everyone else having meltdowns over Herobrine being related to Jesse.
When does this AU take place?
Post Season 1 is were it technically begins, but Post Season 2 is where it actually starts.
Post S1 is when Herobrine reaches out to Jesse for the first time since he had to leave. He writes a letter, detailing basically what actually happened (which I'm going to include in another post with all my Minecraft Lore) (I have a lot of Minecraft Lore.), and he expresses how sorry he was when he had to leave and he never stopped thinking about Jesse and Alex. He also says he's going to visit Alex soon, and hopes she'll understand too. He signs off saying he hopes they can all meet again, and maybe even Steve will be there too. Jesse makes a little response, basically saying everything is forgiven and society and they hope they can meet him too.
Post S2 is when it really begins. Jesse begins by asking Herobrine about the Admins, out of curiosity. Hero tells Jesse about when he had met them in the past and how he kind of thought they were show offs. "With their fancy, flashy powers and their overly-vast abilities. I don't think even they knew what they could do." Jesse asks some other questions, (if Herobrine knew the Old Builders, and the Order of the Stone) and they ask back and fourth for a while.
Jesse and Herobrine do meet up, as well as them meeting Alex and Steve.
Other things for the AU
I don't particularly have anything planned for this AU at the moment, but I do want to do some refs or doodles. Mainly because I LOVE Minecraft Story Mode and I haven't really drawn some of the cast?? and I want to so nows my excuse.
if I make a follow up post I'm gonna add it here (I definitely will)
If anyone wants to ask questions... PLEASE ASK ME!!!! ILL BE GLAD TO ANSWER!!!!!
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artistic-calathea · 1 year
These ⬇️ were over the span of about a week, and I finished it just a day or 2 ago !!
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I drew these ⬇️ last month in aprilll?? I think?
I kinda just worked on it whenever I didn't have any other inspiration which is why there isn't too much
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I also want to rant about these and the process n stuff a little bit so I am going to :)
Making the first one I started redrawing old stuff from a sketchbook (the person in the pretty dress, person in the sweater), and then I got distracted watching qsmp vods and drew Dapper and Juanaflipa!!
It was the first time I drew them not as eggs (so they might look totally different next time I draw them sorryyy) and it was super fun !!!! Im working on drawing all the qsmp eggs but it's not gonna be done for a bit since I am also not caught up on whats going on
the last stream I saw was a few days after the Brazilian members crashed and now I hear of France?? Idk but I'll prob try to catch up this week and finish the drawing soon :)
Also all the nature !!!! Literally my favorite thing to draw ever. I could just sit by a plant and draw it and never get bored
Sadly there are not many plants near my house so I might just have to go into the woods and look for cool plants to draw this summer heheheee oh nooo if it's the only way I guess... I just have no other option than going into the awesome woods with the nature and no other people and loud music in my headphones 😔 /sar Im so excited ajauvsv
THAT WASNT EVEN ABOUT THE PROJECT SORRY I always get distracted and ramble when talking about art (I am not going to stop doing this though its so fun!!)
Nowww about the project art,
Short version, these little sillies are being included because when I actually start the project in a few years I wanna look back on this and see how my art improved and how the story changed!
"the project" as I've been calling it, is a goal of mine in life to create something emotional and meaningful that matters to people and can maybe help someone feel less alone :)
It is not that right now though ! At the moment it's just an idea since I don't really have the resources or skills to make it the way I would want to, but these sketches and stuff help me keep track of the idea while I get ready to make the thing
I have some papers with project stuff that I might post if anyone seems really interested in the project as it is right now (they are messy and hard to understand so I don't currently plan on uploading them anywhere)but if not I will likely just keep quietly working on it :3 and I'm definitely gonna change up a few things !! Some things on that page may not even make it into the actual project 👁️👁️
That's all I have until I draw more ! :P (also if you read all that you r automatically very cool and nice and you get 🪲 🐛🐜🐞 bugs :) /pos bug s good)
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iggurichan · 5 months
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now that 2023 is over (and i didnt overslept like yesterday), i figured it was time to properly talk about my thoughts during the year. back in early march i decided that i wanted to make my art accounts more active by doing weekly drawings. honestly i thought i would've stopped after the first month, but surprisingly i kept up the weekly upload schedule up until the end of september. obviously i didnt keep up with my weekly schedule after that, but it is pretty crazy looking back on all of the drawings i did, easily the most i have done in a single year. just looking at my archive on tumblr speaks for itself when you see the content from the years.
as for what's next in this year, it's hard to say if i would keep up the weekly schedule since it probably isnt too realistic without leading to eventual burnout like last time. however, i do enjoy drawing whenever and that is something i dont want to stop doing, i just wont be too hard on myself with deadlines to avoid that same mistake like last year. i also decided that this year i want to start up a small comic that i will be doing throughout the year, obviously im not expecting a lot of people to read it but hey it would fulfill that desire i had last year of keeping my art accounts active while doing something im interested in. i havent decided how the pace of the comic will go yet and i dunno how soon i can get that started, but maybe it will start in february? dont hold me to that, i get distracted easy whenever it comes to any side project as some people might know (doesnt help that i've recently been playing granblue versus last month). also i have a few unfinished sketches i never finished last year, i dont really have any plans on finishing them, but at the very least it cant hurt to share them.
however, i also decided that weekly i'll be answering some year old questions i have in my tumblr ask inbox as a way to buffer some doodles while working on the comic. though i only have 4 or so questions to last me a month, so if you want to ask me anything (within reason), feel free to ask me anonymously if you want to ask me multiple questions, i have no idea it would be you anyways. just know that your question wont be answered until february since i want to answer these really old questions first. this lets me do some fun doodles while keeping my art accounts active during drawing downtime. speaking of accounts, i still gotta post my past drawings onto bluesky, pixiv and etc, i've just been really lazy so honestly it's hard to say when those will be at the same status as my twitter and tumblr. but they'll serve as more options to show my art in the scenario that either site randomly dies one day. whenever i do update them, i'll also make a new pinned with my current accounts to reflect that as my current one was just a placeholder so my pinned wasnt a wall of text like this one is.
thanks everyone who checked out my art last year, it means a lot to me. doing drawings is a fun hobby and i enjoy looking back on the drawings i've done.
tl;dr upload schedule wont be consistent for my sanity, but i plan on making a comic this year, also ask me questions on tumblr to give me an excuse to do doodles weekly
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tekni-kali · 6 months
Day 225
09:57p, Saturday, June 09, 2023
Uhm....soooo 176 days since I typed out a post for the blog. Coooooolll.....I made my way back...eventually? Let us see how long I stick around this time. I would like to try my best to make something somewhat consistent.
We'll see...
I revived my iPod Mini today. I took a picture of my desk and thought it looked neat, so that's kind of what brought me back here...Here's the picture:
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Things I see:
Apple iPod Mini
Left Nintendo Switch Joycon
Nintendo 3DS XL
USB Extender adaptor thingie
Cup of Pens
Digital Pen for computer graphic drawing doodles
Christmas lights plug
My Cup!
4 stickers of my art
Hollow Knight stickers from amazon
The desk mat
the hdmi splitter button
Warm ikea lamp
Monitor stand!
Okay...thats enough of the things I see in the picture. I like the idea of using the iPod mini again. I wore it on the walk to 7/11 and it worked out really nicely clipped to my shirt and holding the bag in place....I didn't have to fiddle with it at all!! The one thing I may try to investigate to replace for improvement is the headphone/earbud situation. These hot pink jlab beauties were on clearance for eight fiddy at the local wal greens. The bass is distorted but the noise isolation is nice.
Now I am curious as to whether there is a bluetooth adaptor that I can connect my earbuds to then plug the 3.5mm into the ipod to play through it....
That's what I'll look up next. I'll come back in a bit maybe.
10:25p -
Well...that was fun. I didn't look that up yet but I did want to come back and write a bit about my day...so maybe I'll try to do that?
I washed the dishes. I did a driveby someones house to pick up free chairs from their front lawn. I panicked and drove away....then came home and re-arranged my music files and revived the iPod. I collected Behb from work we'd made plans to go to the state park again....by the time we left the house we would've gotten there at 4 and the park closes at 5:30.....traffic was very bad because of all the holiday events. They had every turn around closed so I essentially just spent 30ish minutes driving around what normally should be a 5 minute square. I was very annoyed.
When we got home I boiled two eggs, fucked up peeling one of them and just threw it away. Then Behb suggested an idea for an activity...popcorn and movie night! He didn't think we had popcorn, I told him there was some in the pantry....it was too expired to eat so we walked down to the gas station and bought a bag to pop deciding along the way that we'd watch Die Hard....cuz...christmas movie - holiday festivities and what not.
I strung up lights last night! First I stuck the command strips to the glass on the window and they didn't stay....then I stuck them to the wall and clipped one of the three wires in there and they haven't fallen down yet! I also strung some over the picture and hung up the two christmas arts his family gave us last year...those combined with the christmas tree wax warmer and we're officially festive!
But newai....
When we returned home, we learned that Die Hard isn't streaming on any of the streamy services we have, and we didn't want to pay $3.99 to rent it once.....so I started scrolling....and suggested: Scooby Doo Movie (2002ish) or Jumanji (1995 w/ Robin Williams).
Behb popped the corn, brought a beer, and picked Jumanji. Turns out....ITSA CHRISTMAS MOVIE TOO! At least...Christmas was in it....so...that counts. I honestly don't think I'd seen it before...but it was a good watch and I was entertained so I'm glad it worked out.
Tomorrow is Behbiversary! It will be 4 years since we swiped n started conversing. I am glad we are progressioning together. I'm going to look for strawberries and chocolates for us to make after he's off tomorrow. He got me roses ^_^. Okay...gonna go click around...I think I'll be back soon...I think I want to add some more...but a break now would be nice. So...ye...brb
You know...I just thought...I can probably use the 3.5mm aux cord to plug the Mini into the JBL Flip....then I get iPod muzik on loud speaker....that will be a tomorrow try...I do want to get up for my earbuds now though....IDK, it just seems silly using it in the apt.
I got my earbuds! and found sum muzik:
I think I'll get some screenshots off the switch to post up here. I think I decided I don't want to put pictures in this post...but I"ll work on organizing them to post separately like I did before....but...ye...this seems long enough...so...I'm gonna post it now.
Catch ya later!
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lieutenantselnia · 11 months
I don't post WIPs very often but I'm finally on my way of breaking out of artblock hell and drawing again, so heres a little sketch. It's not the best and I still feel super rusty but I love them so much😭💖
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Not sure if I'm going to colour/finish this soon, on one hand I think sketching and doodling a lot of different scenes might be better to get back into the flow (and would also help me to get my ideas out of my head), but on the other hand I want to do colouring, shading, and even lineart, because I find those parts of the process really calming sometimes and also just want to improve my technique and experiment with new things as well. But for that I also need sketches first😂
More rambling under the cut in case you want to read it⬇️
I drew this yesterday and planned to continue on it this evening, but I ended up not really making progress because I was in my "just dreamily stare at your f/o's face" phase xD I often have that when I draw one of my f/os (usually during the sketching phase - maybe I could also try out just cleaning up the sketch a little and colouring it👀)
In hindsight it was probably not the smartest idea to start out with a profile view drawing - I like them in some ways but they're also difficult. I admittedly had to trace Heinz' face a little from one of my older drawings (that I did back in January) because I just couldn't get his face proportions quite right :') I'd like to practise them more but right now I just wanted to have a cute picture because I missed him so much😭 Also I didn't quite figure out how to draw his hairstyle in profile view yet, so I just left it like the old one for now. But his hair is actually supposed to look slightly different now, if I decide to clean up and finish this drawing I'll hopefully find a solution for that👀 Plus I also tried out a slightly different signature - not sure yet if I'll stick to it but I thought it might be better to include my whole username in it.
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sysig · 3 years
I’m actually quite fond of the term “brainrot” despite how harsh it sounds, now that I’ve looked up what it means
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azurityarts · 2 years
Your Pmd OCs are really cool! I know one is called Skye and one is called Brooke, but what are all their names?
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Daily Doodle #77
An Improper Proper Introduction
I spent. Way too much time on this.
Rescue Team
Liselotte (Lilo)
I'm going in order of the games, but I actually played Explorers before Rescue Team! Gotta say, I absolutely loved the Friend Areas; they definitely made the world more engaging and expansive!
As for my team though, Arcas was actually an adaptation from a D&D character I made; a Dragonborn monk iirc. I don't quite remember where I got the name Lilo for a Cyndaquil from, though I recently retconned it to be a nickname of sorts. Names are fun!
In terms of playtime, Rescue Team is definitely the lowest for me. That being said, I've gotten more attached to these two little shits over the course of my doodles and shitposts than I ever thought I would.
Explorers was my first ever Pokemon Mystery Dungeon game, though not my first exposure to the series. Specifically, I managed to pick up Explorers of Sky some years back, and that copy holds as my oldest PMD game.
And the fact that it's "old" helps explain my team's names; unlike my other teams where my initial goal was turning them into characters, my Explorers roster was just named after me and my old best friend. I just put our old usernames, but I still find it ironic that my old name is still appropriate given the "silent protagonist" trope PMD games usually run. Due to personal reasons though, both are now characters!
Explorers holds the title for the time I've sunk into PMD games, and it isn't even close. Incredible story, postgame, music, characters, and more; there's a reason why Explorers is considered the best entry in the series. Over 70 hours I've put into the game, and I don't intend to stop anytime soon!
Gates to Infinity
Gates to Infinity was my first exposure to PMD? Is this a shocker? I'm not actually sure, but yep, the first time I had set my eyes upon this series was Marriland's playthough of GTI. I loved his voices as a kid, and I'm very happy to have finally gotten to play the game I idolized as a kid.
I had originally planned for Brooke to be another "quiet type" protagonist, but I noticed that the hero in GTI talks a lot more than in previous installments, and is also a bit sassier? Really glad I got the opportunity to give someone a more lively, snarkier personality that I don't often give my characters. Axdrew was a name given by a friend, and I've recently considered "Drew" as a hypocorism, but I'm still debating on that one.
Gates to Infinity gets so much flak, and maybe I'm just biased due to my history with the game, but it does NOT deserve the amount of hate it does. (There seems to be a theme with Gen 5 getting bashed before getting beloved tho...) I've sung the praises for GTI in old posts, so I won't be going on another rant (this is already the longest section here), but even if everyone pulls up with pitchforks and torches, I'll still hold this game close to my heart.
Super Mystery Dungeon
So, uh, this is awkward? I haven't actually played through PSMD yet. ^^; Between school, life, art, and other stuff going apeshit recently, I haven't had the time to start a new game. I'm excited for when I do though, since it apparently links all of the previous installments together. (Although I am still particularly upset that nicknames for recruits aren't a thing anymore ;-;)
Original OCs anyone? Yeah, I'm not too sure anyone's that interested in a random Absol or the 3817th Umbreon OC, but I've had these two for the longest time, even before I started playing Explorers! I guess it doesn't count to include them in this list, since they're not explicitly PMD-related, but I've been trying to write a story of sorts with 'em for a while now (though I've not got a clue if it's any good lol). Both of them have gone through a lot of changes and tweaks over the years, but they're definitely here to stay. :)
If you've made it to the end, thank you for reading! I've been meaning to introduce these fellas for a while now; my original plan was to showcase each of them individually through reference sheets, but that stuff takes way longer than I anticipated. ^^; I've always been nervous when it comes to really explaining the who for my OCs, but I'm really glad this ask came through to push me to make this. Thank you! If anyone's interested, y'all can ask my OCs things! I've seen a bunch of different PMD ask blogs and they're really cool- I'm completely new to this kind of stuff, but I'm willing to experiment! :D
Credit to Nicely Olo for the PMD Badges used in the background!
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