#i have so many ideas but so little time </3
racew1nn3rs · 1 day
hello luna !! i’m in love with your blog & vibes <3 i hope you are having a lovely day and would just like to request or just let out my thoughts really:
charles and a (fem) reader who really just loves to be spoilt and coddled, whether willing to admit it or not, and treated like the pillow princess really both in and out of the bedroom bc honestly i’m just craving some writing or thoughts on my favourite monégasque boy absolutely just indulging in me. thank you lots sweets!
18+, MDNI!!
out of the bedroom charles is just such a genuine sweetheart that yes, he will hold your bag, and of course he'll hold your shoes, and obviously he'll buy you that necklace. youre his girl, taking care of you isn't only natural it's a must. and he feeds into it so much, like truly to a ridiculous extent.
he's the type to still hold your hand and use it like his own while doing things that require both hands so he doesn't have to let go just because he knows you want to be held at all times at all costs. all it takes is some well-timed puppy dog eyes and anything you ask for is yours in an instant. he's just so happy at the prospect of making you smile that he can't fathom telling you no or letting you go even for a second.
in the bedroom, he's nearly the same. anything you whine or plead for sounds so pretty he just can't tell you no. you want more, he's giving you so much you can't even handle it. you want it harder, softer, slower, it doesn't matter what it is he's immediately groaning and complying. he is not one to say no to his girl, even if it means overstimulating you both to high hell in order to do so. he never makes you work for it, and he never teases for long, because he wants to hear you moaning and blissed out ASAP.
he also never falls short on aftercare. he's taking a bath with you, feeding you snacks and water, and cuddling with you for the next 5 hours (fuck his responsibilities 🙄 his spoiled princess comes first guys dw)
anyways i love this i had so many thoughts but this is what i had off the top of my head.
i was so excited to see an ask 😭 so please keep sending in ideas guys i love making fics (especially smau LMAO)
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rqbossman · 3 days
Hey everyone, I thought it would be a good idea to establish some ground rules to guide interactions on here so without further ado: 1) I get to change and or ignore my own rules as and when I like. It's my blog so tough. 2) I won't even consider answering an ask unless it meets the following criteria: a) I haven't been asked it before on Tumblr. b) It is worded as a question. c) It does not ask me to rule on canon for content I make. d) It does not ask for takes on real people. e) It has a positive tone (seeking to become positive counts) f) It is not a callout (e.g. why are you so rubbish etc.) g) It is not asking for confidential information on business and/or Intellectual property h) It is not just rephrasing a previous question because people didn't like the answer. i) It's respectful. j) It is not just a veiled story request (e.g. why don't you make these characters kiss etc.) 3) This is not a press conference or an interrogation. If you want to ask serious questions about Rusty Quill and other proper topics send them to [email protected] 4) If you DM me I will ignore it on principal. Not because I don't like you but because I am receiving so many that I can't be fair with it and it's just generally unwise anyway. 5) Remember we are all human. That means we can make mistakes, change our minds, be flippant, have a bad day and give bad advice. Please show a little grace rather than trying to catch people out. I do not support dogpiling in any situation. 6) Be kind. The fastest way to get yourself blocked by me is being unkind even if you are in the right. Some of the cruellest and regrettable actions I have ever seen have been fuelled by righteous indignation. 7) Be wise. Internet culture moves fast. Not everyone knows everything you know and not everyone needs to know everything you know. You aren't helping me if you appoint yourself "chief brainbox educator supreme" and try to school people on how things should be. Let's just all keep it chill yeah? 8) Be patient. This is not my job. This is barely even counts as a good idea! I run my social media when I can but I don't have deadlines and I don't have sociability quotas. I might do a flurry of activity when I have time then go quiet for months. Just go ahead and assume if I am not posting it's for a good reason.
This is hardly a complete or exhaustive list and no doubt I have made some tragic tumblr newb error but it'll have to do for now. I am happy to take constructive feedback on these but don't expect quick turnaround on anything.
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pinksobg · 2 days
su-su-su-supernova 🌠🎀
What's good is coming next?
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I hope you enjoy the reading! for reflection. thank you 🌠🎀🌌
pile 1: hii pile number 1! all good? a moment of stagnation will be transformed. We see here movement in some area that was previously at a standstill, for your good, for your prosperity in an area. other people can also benefit positively from your prosperity, it could be your family, your friends, your partner, your community; with community work or something like that. We see here a movement towards your own prosperity, to fill your own cup, but it also seems that what comes next will also be very beneficial to others. How intriguing, isn't it? It may be your joy that radiates, because you will return to movement in something that was previously in stagnation, which may even leave you in distress previously, or with internal conflict. This joy that you radiate will be good for you and others around you. Amazing! Another case too, this area that was at a standstill, could actually have something in common with serving others too, it could be about spiritual gifts, working in care, treating people with love and kindness, etc.
In short, something will change, a positive movement in something, a snap, an inspiration, a change perhaps in your well-being, in your energy, which will become more positive. Therefore, you will be able to move something in your situation, in your environment and/or in your life that will be very, very beneficial. both for yourself and for others. Congratulations on this great news, pile number 1! Take good care of yourself, stay hydrated, get a good sleep, ask for help if necessary and you feel like it. thank you! 🌷💌
Cards: I forgot to write them, I apologize my pile number 1.
pile 2 - woah! pile 2! you probably went through a tower moment, something changed internally and/or externally. We see here that it is a positive change. With the Lovers Card and the 7 of Cups, you will have many options that will sharpen your eyes! I think there are a lot of love opportunities here, perhaps you are or will be arousing interest in several people and soon you will be able to choose. 👀 hmm, interesting.
Cards: the tower, the lovers, 7 of cups.
Anything else? Furthermore, your ideas and mind will be sharper during this period. allowing you more clarity and good ideas, good projects and also providing you with willpower, inner inspiration. Cards: page of wands, king of cups.
Advice: 10 of pentacles, wheel of fortune. truly accept past events in your life, past cycles. With the work of acceptance, your personal prosperity will flourish greatly. So, accepting and letting go really isn't easy, it can take time, practice - but it's something that can be learned, isn't it? Don't give up, good luck on your healing journey. Seek help and inspiration whenever you want. thank you! take care of yourself, pile number twoo. ❤🌷
pile 3 - the sun! oh, finally. some weight will be left behind, recentness, hurt, something you've been waiting a long time to release. It's as if things finally fall into place with ease and a weight is lifted from your shoulders.
In the past, you may have had to choose between two things, with the two of pentacles. Your intuition guided you a lot on this path. I wanted to talk more about the positive things, but I was called to attention. Maybe it would be good for you to reflect on something, write about your feelings, your points that led you to the decision you are making/or made at that moment, if it's your case.
The oracle cards tell you:
love surrounds you. The Spirit is there for you.
There is also more advice from oracles, among them, avoid disorganization; If you feel that you are not capable of something or a mindset, improve yourself little by little and believe that part of you is already like that, the way you want to achieve it - and/or "fake it until you make it" kind of thinking if that is healthy for you and do you good in your situation.
Cheers, pile number 3! ☀☀☀ now is the time to feel loved, free, light and supported by the Universe. "Got your back!" ☀🌼🌱
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ohcolinbridgerton · 9 hours
if bridgerton characters had instagram part one
summary: a social media au of the bridgerton characters based on part one of season 3
a/n: this is my first ever post so hope you all enjoy. just a fun little idea of what i think the bridgerton characters would be like if they had social media (this is based on part 1 of season 3)
warnings: none
colintravels posted a photo!
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liked by theviscountbridgerton & 478 others! colintravels: Spain, you have been rather splendid. location: spain
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theviscountbridgerton: When will you be home brother? -> colintravels: Uncertain. I've many more cities to explore. -> theviscountbridgerton: I'm sure the cities have grown bored of you by now...
benedictpaints Oh christ. Not more letters to read.
mummybridgerton: Come home soon! We miss you dearly.
eloisereads: Stay in Spain a little longer please. ->colintravels: You insult me.
ladywhistledown posted a photo!
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liked by theonlyladydanbury & 1203 others! ladywhistledown: This author will be returning soon...
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eloisereads: No one will be reading.
prudencefeathers: Please can you write about my marriage??? -> ladyportia Lord, help me now.
thecressidacowper Oh delightful! How I've missed the gossip...
queenlottie Anyone who knows the identity of this forsaken wordsmith you will be granted a sum of five thousand pounds! -> brimsleydances Yes, a sum of five thousand pounds! -> queenlottie Back to work now, Brimsley.
theviscountbridgerton posted a photo!
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liked by viscountesskate & 590 others! theviscountbridgerton: Life as newlyweds has been bliss. tagged viscountesskate
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viscountesskate: My love! -> theviscountbridgerton My everything.
mummybridgerton: My beauties. I adore you both!
benedictpaints: Dashing pair.
colintravels: I hope you both enjoyed your honeymoon! -> theviscountbridgerton: I would have enjoyed it more without your hundreds of letters...
eloisereads posted a photo!
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liked by musicalfran and 220 others! eloisareads: Friends can surprise you. tagged: thecressidacowper
view all 16 comments
thecressidacopwer: Let's promenade later!
colintravels: What on earth have I missed?
thegirlwiththepen: 😲
benedictpaints: Rather crypic, little sis.
prudencefeathers posted a photo!
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liked by phillyfeathers and 50 others! prudencefeathers: Happily married and excited for more yellow fashions this season!
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mrdankworth: Beautiful darling.
phillyfeathers: Is that my necklace??? -> prudencefeathers Finders keepers...
ladyportia: You can't be making me an heir if you spend all your time on Instagram!
musicalfran posted a photo!
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liked by benedictpaints and 110 others! musicalfran: Playing my way into my debut season.
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mummybridgerton: You shall shine, my Francesca!
eloisereads: Please stop playing pianoforte, I'm trying to read here...
thegirlwiththepen: Good luck on your debut! -> musicalfran: Thank you, Pen. We miss you in Number Five! ->eloisereads: Speak for yourself.
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liked by colintravels & 74 others! thegirlwiththepen: Looking for some new fashions...
phillyfeathers: 🥱🥱🥱
delacroixdresses: You know where to find me!
colintravels: Pen, have you received my letters?
colintravels: I've not heard back from you in some time.
colintravels: They must have gotten lost... -> theviscountbridgerton Or perhaps like the rest of us she grew bored of what you scribble...
colintravels posted a photo!
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liked by mummybridgerton & 490 others! colintravels: Back to the ton I go!
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eloisereads: Oh for god sakes.
mummybridgerton: I await your arrival with open arms, dearest!
musicalfran: Good to have you back, brother.
benedictpaints: Bet you fell off that horse.
randomdebutante: Are you looking for a wife this season???
ladywhistledown: 😱 😱 
a/n: hope you enjoyed this short little social media au of the bridgerton characters. i plan on doing more parts based on season 3 if you all enjoy <333
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akutasoda · 1 day
Single parent reader x Argenti pls save me single parent reader x Argenti...
Just like, a retired command/general reader that has just the tiniest most cute little sunshine for a kid.
The reader is this imposing, scary, and striking strong-ass person (bonus points if they have scars) who is nothing but a gentle cat after they retire, especially around their kid...
Argenti had heard of you before, the stories that people told with your name.
"I've heard they took down a whole army alone!"
"My brother was one of their soldiers! He told me (reader) was nothing but ruthless..."
Since he had stepped onto that planet, Argenti already heard and seen many things, captured and admired the beauty of the life it adorned, but, there was always one thing that kept gnawing the back of his mind.
"Who is (reader)?"
It wasn't until the day the city hosted its yearly celebration for winning the war that the question would be answered.
Standing by the side of the crowd Argenti watched, his heart filling with cherish as he watched the smiles of the people as they enjoyed their day. Ah, the beauty of commemoration.
His thoughts were quickly interrupted by the sound of laughter, a child's giggle that was so pure it could cleanse even the darkest of minds. Turning around to catch a glimpse of the little angel who had such joyfully blessed his ears, The knight was met not only by the sight of one— if not THE cutest little bean of sunshine he had ever seen, but also by the striking gorgeousness of their parent. Suddenly all he could feel was a tightness in his heart.
"Falling in love at first sight is an unexpected experience, it is as if your heart learns how to beat for the first time since your existence.
You were just... magnificent in his eyes, and he shamefully stared at you, even forgetting to blink at times. Your face, your body, your everything made him feel as if he was looking at the personification of beauty itself once more.
The way you stood tall but not towering, how the wrinkles around your eyes only framed them, and especially how gentle you were with the kid in front of you. The way you held their hand and twirled them around filled Argenti's heart with nothing but pure adoration.
Were you really the ruthless person everyone gossips about? How could someone who looked so delicately at their kid could have such a brutal past to carry in their back? He didn't doubt that you were strong, not at all! But, he couldn't help to be so curious about you. He wanted to know more, to get to talk to you and hear the dozens of stories you held inside your heart.
I give up here LMAO
My exams are over!! (For now) it's been sooooooo long since I've written something I feel strange lol
Hope yours have been good! :3
(you're brain is absolutely beautiful)
i absolutely adore this idea! the way argenti would become absolutely infatuated with everything about you..
it would probably take you quite off guard at the fact that this (rather gorgeous) stranger was so open with compliments, especially after being so used to the fact that people spread rumours behind your back. fortunately for you both, your over excitable child would become so intrigued about argenti that they would eagerly ask you to bring this stranger to a 'tea party' - and how could you say no to them? your child would become an unknowing wingman as they would drag you both from stall to stall at the festival to gather preparations, all the while it became much easier for you and argenti to talk. sometimes argenti couldn't help but be at a loss for words at the fact that someone as beaitiful as you was talking to him right now...
and if you did have scars, oh how argenti would want to trace each individual one and praise them for adding to your ever growing beauty. how they told stories of your brutish past yet made so beautiful on the canvas that was your skin.
i could also imagine how completely baffled the locals would be at this visitor shamelessly complimenting and talking to the general and witnessing you talk back in such a calm way-
congrats on the exams!!! im still suffering my way through mine but i only have ten left and i absolutely can't wait to finish :')
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houseofevanbuckley · 15 hours
Part 1 : https://www.tumblr.com/houseofevanbuckley/752195378776064000/just-saw-a-post-on-twitter-and-now-i-have-ideas
Tommy left. Of course he did.
Who would stay when Evan “Buck” Buckley fucks up again, uh?
He’s back in his room now, in his bathroom, getting ready for a shower and he’s wondering if he can avoid cleaning his lips and his birthmark so he can pretend to still feel Tommy’s touch. Tommy’s lips.
What a teenager.
He slams the door of the shower behind him and lets the water drop on his face, visualise it erasing Tommy’s kiss, his touch, like it never happened.
He doesn’t cry. It’s not his first deception. He knows how to deal with it.
He knows !!
Ok, maybe he doesn’t know. It’s been 2 weeks and his eyes still wander around every rooms he goes into. Around every venues.
Maddie has been on his ass as soon as he dropped his mug at the news of Tommy’s leaving.
And everyday she looks at him suspiciously. She even pulled his best friend Eddie and his son to try to have Buck to come out with it, whatever it was.
Her words. And he almost lost it laughing at the “come out” part. If she knew.
Maybe she should.
It’s been 3 more weeks. Five weeks in total and he called Maddie in his room.
“He kissed me.” He blurts as soon as she’s sitting down.
It’s a sign of how close they are that she doesn’t even need anything else to know what and who they’re talking about immediately.
“Did he force you?” she asks serious.
“What? No, no absolutely not! Why would you even think that?”
“I dont know Evan, maybe because you’ve been hurting for five weeks and now you tell me your bodyguards kissed you before running away and-“
“I liked it Maddie, I liked it so much,” he says, and his eyes fill with tears.
She looks at him for a few seconds before her face finally clear. He knows she gets him. He knows she already knows or guessing what he’s not saying yet.
“Oh Evan,” she says before standing from her seat and comes around to hug him.
They stay like that for a while, before she breaks the silence of the room.
“What happened ?”
“He kissed me. He came into my room, I was freaking out because I said “he” during that show. Because I couldn’t stop thinking about him, and he knocked and he came inside. And he kissed me. And when he asked if it was ok I… I just told him that I was sorry. And then he left. And he really left …”
They stay like that for a long time.
“Why did you say no?”
“Please Maddie… it’s been hard enough for us. Yes mom and dad helped a little but we struggled. YOU struggled so I could have my music lessons, my voice training, my recordings. Everything you did for me…. If I come out now? As what? Bi? People will freak… they’ll hate me. And through me you. They’ll destroy what we built together. What we fought for.”
Maddie looks at him and instead of the understanding he thought he’d see on her face he only see sadness, “Evan … do you truly think that your happiness is not my priority? That I wouldn’t drop everything here if it meant that my baby brother could have all he wants?”
“Maddie… you shouldn’t sacrifice anything for me.”
“And I don’t intend to, but I’d do it in a heartbeat. And I’m sure many of your fans would still love you. Yes maybe we would have shows in smaller venues, but you always said that you liked them more, that it gave you a better bond to your fans. Or maybe you’ll be the first bi-icon of country music here and you’ll explode. We don’t know what the future holds. But we know what you always looked for. We know why your eyes always wander around in a room. What if Tommy is that person that will always be here for you ?”
He can feel the tears sliding slowly down his face.
“How was that kiss, Evan?”
“It was like when I first played on my first guitar…” he says looking at his sister, silently pleading for her to understand what’s the significance of it is. And he sees on her face that she gets it. Like she always does.
“Let’s get your man”
It takes some time. They know where Tommy works easily enough but the tour is now in Canada and Tommy is all the way back to California, to Los Angeles where he works apparently for the Rams.
The fact that they’re away and can’t come back ends up working for them as Maddie put a plan together so Buck can talk to Tommy, and convince him for a second chance.
They’re finally hitting a two weeks break in the tour and they’re back in LA. Buck is looking outside to the game being played.
They’re close to the halftime and he’s getting ready. He knows Maddie is around there, texting Chimney consistently while her husband has the job of keeping Tommy focused on him and close to the playfield so he doesn’t try to run away when he realizes who’s singing.
Of course Chimney was made aware of their plans and it was only his love for romance that probably kept him from blurting it all out to Tommy already.
When the halftime is finally announced and they say that a surprise entertainment has been put together Buck leaves the room and goes outside to get on the stand they put together for him.
He knows where Chimney and Tommy are supposed to be. He knows exactly where to watch. And for the first time he’s scarred of what he’ll see if he let his eyes wander around to find Tommy.
But he still does it.
And here he is. Looking back at him.
Even from where Buck stands he can see how tense Tommy look, and he still drowns in his blue eyes.
He hears the music start and the years of training and experience make him act. He grabs his guitar and start to play.
This time when he says “he” it’s not a mistake.
This time when he says “he” it’s with intention.
This time when he says “he” he shouts it.
And he shouts it again. And again. And again.
His voice never wavers. His eyes barely blink, scared of missing any hints of Tommy’s reaction.
When he switches to a second song, a silly little song just to distract the crowd he sees Tommy moving his head a little. Like he did when he took care of Buck at the venues.
He always pretended to not like Buck’s songs. To not like music at all, but Buck saw him enough time mouthing the words of his songs to know it was just an act.
And when he starts the third song, he can see Tommy singing words for words. He only stumbles a little when Buck says “he” again and he smiles. He smiles at Tommy, and he shouts louder. And louder.
The last notes are still resonating when he shouts a thank you to the crowd that applaud. This time he doesn’t care. The show wasn’t for them.
It was for him.
And he leaves the stand and he walks toward Tommy. He walks across half the field. It’s not what he’s supposed to do. It’s not how the artist is supposed to leave. He had an exit. The same that he used to enter the field.
But Maddie is supposed to have cleared that with them. He doesn’t really care to be honest.
Not now that he’s in front of Tommy and he sees Chimney walks quietly away.
“Hey,” answers Tommy, his face inscrutable.
“I’m so sorry,” says Buck, taking the few more steps that separate them. He can feel the heat from Tommy’s body now. “I’m so sorry,” he repeats.
“I made a mistake. It was ok, Tommy. It was so ok. The okayest”
Tommy huffs, his lips quirking up, “the okayest,uh?”
Buck nods, he’s not sure what he should say now. The plan was to sing for Tommy. To meet him again. To tell him that kiss wasn’t a mistake. That he liked it.
But now in front of Tommy, he feels his lips moving but no sounds leave them.
He doesn’t have to. Not when he feels Tommy fingers rub his jaw, retracing the same pattern they did after their kiss. He rubs his face on that hand like a cat, closing his eyes and then he feels it again. Tommy’s lips.
This time the world goes silent. It goes still. Only Tommy is here, Tommy and Buck.
And when they separate to breathe, the first sound he hears is the little exhale from Tommy and he vows to one day be able to recreate it through music. But now he just pulls Tommy closer to kiss him.
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dazaii-osamuu · 3 days
in celebration of this little menace's birthday!! (totally not a social experiment about a mass suicide pact haha)
> On a more personal note, this event will be containing the usual subtle horror aspect such as violence, drug use, and more.
—Oh! Who said that?
I prepared some activities, food & drinks, plus feel free to invite guests~ (PLEASE DO NOT BRING THAT MANY TO THE PARTY okay? this time the attempt HAS to work you guys need to understand) If the place is being chaotic, then I have to apologize! But that'll be exactly what I want.
In addition, you can use the tag below in order to check in a few things along the way~
Here's the schedule~
(Note; my time zone is UTC+09:00. so it may differ if you live in another continent.)
06.13th, Day 1- Sleepover & spin the bottle //
06.14th, Day 2- Food, aka the cake! //
06.15th, Day 3- A game of "Never have I ever" & betting /
06.16th, Day 4- (yet to be revealed) //
06.17th, Day 5- Recollection, beer & music //
06.18th, Day 6- (yet to be revealed) //
06.19th, Day 7- Car ride //
INVITATIONS TO THE FOLLOWING DAZAI'S BELLOW! (However, if not mentioned and or would like to be participating, feel free to tell me.)
Hey everyone~ remember those asks I sent a long while back? You should be getting an idea on where's this going.
@local-wasteofgoodbandages @su-c-de-lover @skibidazai @suizai @royalbandages @yearningfortheend @suicideprofessional @swimminginyokohamasrivers @corrupted-bandages @suicidol-dz @suicideenthusiast @long-death-dazai @never-gets-sick @dazai-mackerel @prince-dazai
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tac-owo-sensei · 19 hours
Outdoor Borrowers
This can also apply to fairy’s, but the idea of outdoor borrowers sound cooler. Let me elaborate.
We’ve seen many stories that explored indoor borrowers, but I want to see wild borrowers. Borrowers that are a little more animalistic like Spud in Arrietty, or maybe not animalistic, but I personally headcanon that wild borrowers are probably tough as fuck, and feral to at least some degree. I want to see outdoor borrower communities, or maybe just an outdoor borrower alone. Borrowers that instead of having to face one gigantic monster (humans), have to face many sorts of unpredictable monsters (wild animals). I want to see this borrowers entire hunting schedule get ruined because of a human who suddenly starts taking nature walks and sits on a rock nearby the borrowers home almost everyday to just enjoy the nature. Unfortunately for the borrower, this means that they have to be incredibly sneaky when exiting and entering their house during their time. I would also imagine that said borrower is pretty fearless, and the first meeting would go something like:
“Hey hey hey, it’s okay, I’m not going to hurt you.”
“No, but I might hurt you.” And maybe this interaction could happen because the borrower got badly injured by a wild animal and was limping towards their home when they saw the human, but before they could hide, the two made eye contact.
Also I imagine that outdoor borrowers during the colder seasons would either become indoor borrowers, migrate like a bird, or have a pet bird they ride on when it’s time for them to migrate.
And then imagine the size swapping potential- Like the borrower is intimidating enough at their small size, imagine them as a giant- and the borrower is already accustomed to this life, so when they see the human freaking the fuck out, they’d be like. “Dude, it’s me, why are you so scared?” Probably not those exact words and, but you get the idea, and you know for a fact that they probably do not know how to handle such a small and fragile being because they are not used to having to handle and living creature that’s this small and fragile-
So this ended up becoming more of an oc idea rather then a concept, but you know what? It’s fine. Point is, we need more outdoor borrower and human dynamics <3
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medialog april 2k24
ok. sick day catch up part two
monkey man - this was gnarly and fun and dev patel, quite simply the hottest man ever to live, is upsettingly hot in this film, like SO hot oh my fucking god
white room - this was a VERY weird movie that (as per the filmmaker q & a) totally flopped at a film festival and never received distribution... you can kinda see why but i more or less liked it. it's about a weird sheltered repressed dude who accidentally sees the murder of a mysterious pop star and then accidentally befriends and falls in love with the woman who was actually the reclusive songwriter and voice of the act... the filmmaker described it as a "journey through genres" and it was very artistically ambitious in a way that maybe didn't totally work but it had some really good stuff about art/consumption/fame/women (my jam) and it frequently looked gorgeous and also all of the mysterious/reclusive pop singer's songs were big late 80s/early 90s style upbeat synth-bombast numbers with lyrics taken from emily dickinson poems which is soooooo funny and a great idea
alien - this is like die hard in that if i'd seen it ten years ago i would not really have understood the hype but seeing after i had a backwards education in film by watching all of the mcu movies and developing curiosity about the question of why they were bad and ugly in such distinct ways and from there developing a nascent and unsophisticated appreciation of the filmic qualities of film i'm like, wow what an incredibly fucking well made movie!!!!!! some things in particular i liked were (1) no substantive backstory for anyone, no dark secrets except the one that really counted, no traumatic pasts, no explanation for how this world works or why anyone was here except needing a job, just giving us the bare minimum to understand the situation the characters find themselves in and trusting the story to do the rest (2) very good spaceshippy spaceship (another way it's like die hard is lots of great Texture, another thing that the MCU lacks which like many other MCU traits was actually a totally fitting design choice for tech bro billionaire tony stark in iron man but simply did not need to expand to Everything...) (3) sigourney weaver so good! ian holmes also very good (4) lots of suspense through silence which is one of the most lost of lost arts in the realm of big expensive Cool Shit Happens cinema!
roy cohn/jack smith - this was a filmed recording of two monologues performed by ron vawter, a gay actor who died of AIDS, each in the character of another gay man who had AIDS - the notorious roy cohn & the experimental cinema icon jack smith. i don't really have much to say about it but i feel very lucky to have seen it and vawter was incredible - i'm glad also that he happened to come to our attention a few months ago because he played the therapist in sex lies & videotape.
mad max: fury road - ok i kept putting this off because the way people talked about it on the internet frankly emphasized to an off-putting degree the ideas in this movie and did not adequately convey to me personally the most important thing about it which is that it Fucking Owns Lmao Wow. we happened to pause it for some reason like 50 minutes in and i swear to you i would have guessed 15, maybe 20 minutes had passed, that's how much it flies by... the coolest shit ever, i wanted to live there forever! also lottie yellowjackets is one of the wives????
mission: impossible 3 - the worst movie in the entire world. we only revisited this one as part of our ongoing marathon with some friends and we spent the whole time complaining about jj abrams' totally inept camera work... seriously watch this movie and look out for (1) every time an already fast sequence is torn up with a zillion stupid little cuts some of which actively prevent us from seeing something that could have been cool (2) every time we get to a new location and the camera starts aimlessly drifting to the side literally immediately because he's afraid we'll get bored if we sit in a location for one whole second (3) every time 3 people are having a conversation and the camera spends the whole time just purposelessly wafting back and forth side to side for, i cannot emphasize this enough, no reason at all. literally nothing in this, an installment of the Stuff Looking Cool franchise, looks even a little bit cool even one time. people hate on 2 for the male gaze of it all re: thandie newton but her character has more personality and agency than ethan's sexy lamp wife in this. the closest to a redeeming value this movie has is that it really feels like part of the goal was to remind everyone of how even though tom cruise jumped on that couch one time he's actually a very normal american heterosexual man (he passes out at one point and flashes back to his wife in her underwear sdksoeroser it's SO dumb) but because he's tom cruise (a total insane freak) he can't convincingly portray that at all and just comes across as insane and maybe a sociopath. "what about philip seymour hoffman" i'm not going to give abrams credit for knowing PSH was a good actor, that's like saying defending a doctor accused of malpractice by saying he knows that feet generally have toes. be serious. i will give a shout out to simon pegg, who is in this less than i remembered but who comes across as the MVP (across what should be a deep bench of a cast!) of making abrams' horrible comic-book-bro-patter come across as something a human might say, mostly so i can also share my friend's insight when i said that which is that it makes sense pegg is suited to the task given that he cut his teeth largely on movies that are parodies of shitty action movies.
mission: impossible - ghost protocol - a wonderful and perfect treat :) i've gone on at length about this one before and really have nothing left to say but it's so good and so specifically good at all the things 3 sucks ass at... my friend was physically squirming next to me on the couch during the burj khalifa sequence, as is right and proper :)
beautiful losers - this is a novel leonard cohen wrote in the 60s that is very weird and experimental and i'll be real with you and say i did not get it. it's about a guy whose wife and best friend he had a weird sexual relationship with are both dead and now he's kind of obsessed with an iroquois saint... i am not sure how to describe it but i guess i would say if you think the music of leonard cohen is too optimistic and insufficiently horny for you maybe you would like this. it is probably the most aggressively sexual book i've ever read but not in an erotic way... it's very like about the nastiness of sex and bodies... which i admire ideologically on a certain level but it's really quite unrelenting with it... occasionally there are snatches of deeply beautiful writing though.
sourpatch, stagger & fade - nick put on the vinyl of this and i was like oh that sounds nice and i wound up listening to it a bit... fuzzy indie rock (i'm not educated enough to parse genres more finely than that) that makes for very pleasant background listening
ariana grande, eternal sunshine - i've never kept up with ariana because i just find her voice kind of annoying and i had never heard a song to challenge that UNTIL we reviewed "we can't be friends" at singles jukebox and ariana teaming up with max martin to do kidz bop body talk era robyn turned out to be everything i wanted from her... unfortunately the rest of the album was incredibly boring lol. love that song tho!
maggie rogers, don't forget me - i don't know that i find this one as interesting as her last album or quite as likable as her first (although that might be me somewhat overrating her first because i love "light on" sooooo much) but she's such a capital-M Musician she's always a pleasure to listen to. "drunk" was an early fave but recently i found myself returning a lot to "the kill"
girl in red, i'm doing it again baby! - girl in red comes a lot when other people are talking about the g*yl*rs as one of the actual queer artists they should support but first of all they actually love her and second of all i listened to this album twice straight through and have let some of the songs play on shuffle since and i could not hum you one single line :/
taylor swift, the tortured poets department - speak of the devil! i mean i've talked about this. i like this album a lot - at this point i'm ready to call it easily her best work except for maybe folklore, and honestly i find it hard to assess folklore out of what a special lockdown treat it felt like at the time. i don't expect a world insistent on calling 1989 pop perfection to eventually agree with me but i think people will mellow out about it in time and forget that it was so divisive on release much as has happened with reputation (an album far worthier of scorn if not without its occasional merits) and at the VERY least i think in like 5 years it will be more or less consensus that it's better than midnights.
the starting line, say it like you mean it - i listened to this album mostly to fact-check claims i was making about emo in the taylor swift piece but then i kept listening to it cuz it was kinda full of bops!
fall out boy, take this to your grave - @voidofcourse recommended this as a stepping stone from the starting line for loud guys offering bops and indeed it too was full of bops!
an enemy of the people - i saw this on broadway, yes, 1000% literally just because my boy my king my number one guy jeremy strong was in it. the production was interesting and good if not flawless, and although i think some of the younger cast members got a little lost in the old-fashioned theatrical language (even in a new translation) and could have used some direction towards really pulling out the meaning of individual sentences they were saying, the more seasoned actors all did a great job, including, of course, jeremy strong, who got to be shoved into a pit and have pretend ice thrown at him, i'm so happy for him. also the play was incredible? like as a play? i said as much here after seeing it but basically it's about this doctor who discovers that the town baths that are about to open have a contaminated water supply that is definitely going to result in people getting sick and some of them dying, especially since they are being advertised partly for their health-restoring properties for people who are already not doing well, and he's like, wow, good thing i caught this thanks to the help of science so we can change plans, and then everyone else in town is like, but have you considered that would be expensive? why do you hate poor people? (there's a thread specifically about the editor of the radical leftist newspaper going from being the doctor's number one champion to being totally coopted out of both politics and self-interest that was particularly brutal to watch...) like it was truly SO incredibly specifically relevant to some Extremely Contemporary Issues that i was just agog and also it was incredibly fucking upsetting to watch! really really great playwriting, such a clean example of how a work can best encompass & comment on ideas by developing them through character and dramatic action rooted in wants, needs, choices, conflict, etc., a lesson many people could stand to learn. i kept thinking it had burrowed as deeply into the core issues as it could and then it found another layer. this ibsen guy... he really knew some stuff about stuff....
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seeminglydark · 16 hours
How did Caro go about figuring out their gender identity when they were on their own? You mentioned that they tried "they" and "he" pronouns before settling on "they" - can you talk about that more?
Sure can! In case theres some reading this who may not have read my comics or know the background but stumbled on my art on accident, ill give a little breakdown of their journey. Caro grew up in a really small town with really restrictive parents. They start out knowing they are not a girl. but not really having any idea what that means exactly, and not having access to the resources or a safe place to find out. They start out using he/him because at the time (16 in most of the stories i show them in their teenage years) they arent actually aware theres more of a spectrum than just a binary, they think being a boy is the only way to not be a girl. Their friend, Sully, while being openly gay and having a bit more of an idea about some things, doesnt know much about gender expression or gender-queerness either, so he does what he can to support what they both think is the right fit. apparently neither if them thinks to go to a library. After sully leaves, Caro is left to struggle on their own. They know they are trans, but they are still nervous about exploring things without someone holding their hand, ptsd from extremely intense helicopter parents perhaps and being kicked out for knowing at the very least, they arent the girl everyone always forced them into. They meet their current agent, Goldie, somewhere around 20 years old, at this point they have not revealed their face or gender even in their podcast (for those who listen, ive kept those things very vague since its supposed to be canonical with their life journey). Goldie encourages them to explore more what feels right to them and helps them get in touch with gender affirming resources, 'He' felt close, but it was never really that aha yes its me! moment. They learn about nonbinary, genderfluid, etc through research and help from other people in the community they meet through Goldie, therapy resources and also people they meet via their podcast. They actually do try out a few things, canonically they go from she to he to genderfluid (any pronoun) to they, which feels the best for them. present day Caro doesnt mind 'he' either, they just mostly stick with They. i WILL be exploring this in the podcast, so that story will be told in more detail as time goes on as well. Bonus answer: the reason why i wrote their journey like this, is because Caro is how i explored MY gender identity. They started out as a tool i used to try on different hats and research in a safe space (a fictional character), meet and talk with people to find what gender expression worked best for me, also going from she to he to fluid (any) to nonbinary (they.) i did not have restrictive parents or come from a small town, but im in my 40s, and there wasnt a lot of resource available where i grew up for trans kids in the 90s. i knew i wasnt a girl, and for me, boy seemed like my only other option until i learned that gender is not a binary and i actually had many ways i could go, until i found what felt right to me. and honestly, it was as simple as someone calling me 'They' in passing because they werent sure how to refer to me. Hit me like a ton of bricks. I was in my mid thirties and frankly, it was so relieving to finally have a pronoun that felt like ME! I think perhaps it was as simple for Caro as well. Unforch I cant give you a solid answer as to WHY they felt right for me or Caro. i just know it did, i think perhaps that an individual feeling for everyone who is figuring things out. Some people just KNOW, and others like me, know *something* and find out what the means for them along the way. <3
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vixien11 · 2 days
My thoughts on the new Helluva Boss episode [Spoilers!!] (doing a big ol' post for this one)
Okay here's some early take aways n ideas (I might fuck up some lore so please correct me if I do) The Song (When I See Him) I don't have too many notes, but I do like the purposeful play on words as they are switching between Blitzo and Stolas
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it's funny as hell, but the facial expressions were definitely more telling then some of their words. Eye twitches, very furrowed eyebrows, wrinkles, yada yada. Overall I think this song covered all the foreshadowing and looming senses of dread we TOOOOOTALLY NEEDED.... MHM... Definitely needed more emotions about these fuckers. The Cherubs OMG the Cherubs are spiraling. Stealing and lying. It's very clear they are getting Collin to go along with it by convincing him that they "saved a soul".
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I believe that Collin will eventually break off from the other cherubs. They may kick him out, or he may leave through his own volition, but he is far more of a good person then Keenie, who is snappy and impulsive, and Cletus, who is manipulative and hypocritical. Collin's main character flaws is that he is meek and quite. Those aren't exactly sins. He is a little cynical too, but so are most angels, especially when it comes to demons.
The Portal
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Okay, I need to talk about this. ahem... HOW THE FUCK!?
"Wawawaaa fictional universe bububuuu... Humans have been trying to do this stuff in so many stories bluh bluhhh..." I DON'T CARE. This is power that has to be granted to lower power demons from demon royalty and deadly sins. Like- think about that! I guess government funding helps a lot, but I think the sins are NOT going to be happy about this.
Y'know who else won't be happy about the portal? Heaven. I mean, the idea of humans going to hell and tampering around while still being mortal must be fucking scary for angels. Do you remember what happened last time a living human was in hell?
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YEAH. I'm bringing hazbin into this. No one BUT the humans and three banished cherubs are happy about this. Suffice to say, I think the portal will become a lot more important later on. So, duly FUCKING noted. I will be covering my thoughts on the argument at the end of the episode in a separate post, but here's some little notes I had.
1 - I love how Fizz is like "Look at my buddy! He's boutta have sex! I'm heeeelping!! And he's gonna do great. I'm so proud!!"
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2 - This armor is cool. Like I want to say something more intuitive, but how am I supposed to analyze it super well? It badass armor based on I.M.P. What do you want from me? Reference scrutinization? Grow up.
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(Bonus shot of human Loona)
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pokepollsters · 2 days
Best Pokémon Protagonist Tournament- Stats Breakdown!
After many weeks of voting, we concluded that Tumblr's favourite Protagonist is Akari- but we still have a lot of other data to sift through that we can learn from! Read more to find out about the most and least popular matches, the averages, and maybe most importantly- who won the biggest sweep?
As usual, let's start with the total number of votes across the whole tournament. This time it was 15,433 votes over 25 matches for an average 617 votes per match- slightly lower than our last tournament (20,353 total and 727 average) but still the second most popular tournament we've run. If you include the preliminaries, however, the total number of votes increases to 21,204 over 35 matches and 1 tiebreaker- an average of 589.
Next up, a look at the average votes a contestant brought in- who was a bigger draw than the others? Who inspired the most enthusiastic voting? When we rank them, this is how it stacks up:
Hilda- 494 (2,472 votes across 5 matches)
Akari- 461 (2,304 votes across 5 matches)
Dawn- 374 (1,868 votes across 5 matches)
Serena- 330 (989 votes across 3 matches)
May- 328 (1,641 votes across 5 matches)
Rosa- 319 (958 votes across 3 matches)
Hilbert- 315 (631 votes across 2 matches)
Red- 314 (629 votes across 2 matches)
Gloria- 310 (930 votes across 3 matches)
Lyra- 308 (617 votes across 2 matches)
Kris- 278 (278 votes in 1 match)
Leaf- 248 (248 votes in 1 match)
Ethan- 234 (234 votes in 1 match)
Selene- 223 (223 votes in 1 match)
Lucas- 209 (209 votes in 1 match)
Rei- 189 (189 votes in 1 match)
Juliana- 155 (155 votes in 1 match)
Elio- 139 (139 votes in 1 match)
Nate- 125 (125 votes in 1 match)
Brendan- 112 (112 votes in 1 match)
Chase- 109 (109 votes in 1 match)
Calem & Elaine- 103 (103 votes in 1 match each)
Victor- 88 (88 votes in 1 match)
Florian- 80 (80 votes in 1 match)
Through this ranking, we can get a general idea of the top ten (according to our voters anyway), and yes, as we all observed in the tournament, the girls are far more popular! 80% of the top 10 are ladies, and only 2 men are in the top half at all- 3 if you include Ethan sitting in exactly the middle.
Of specific note, the top 3 are indeed our medal winners, though Hilda and Akari are swapped in position- and we're about to see that same phenomenom in the next list. And poor Florian sits at the bottom, only 80 votes to his name, proving beyond a doubt that the girls are more popular when his counterpart who wears the exact same outfit sits several places higher in 17th.
Okay! On to average vote share. When comparing our contestants, who- on average anyway- took home the biggest proportion of the votes within their matches? And yes, I've already given you a little spoiler about our top two.
Hilda- 68.7%
Akari- 67.7%
Gloria- 64%
Dawn- 60.1%
May- 56.8%
Rosa- 56.4%
Hilbert- 54.3%
Lyra- 53.4%
Serena- 52.5%
Red- 44.7%
Leaf- 42.9%
Kris- 42.4%
Lucas- 40.9%
Rei- 38.7%
Ethan- 35.3%
Selene- 35.2%
Elio- 29.4%
Nate- 21%
Chase- 19.7%
Brendan- 19%
Elaine- 17.9%
Victor- 17.8%
Calem- 17.2%
Florian- 16.5%
Juliana- 16.1%
With a few notable differences, this list is largely similar to the last- in fact our top 10 are identical, albeit with the rankings shifted around a bit. Dawn loses her 3rd place spot to Gloria, and Red is barely hanging on to the 10th spot, but he's still there!
As I mentioned before, Hilda tops this list, not Akari- it seems increasingly clear that with how popular she is, only Akari could've beaten her for that gold medal! Down at the other end though, Florian manages not to be last, this time only losing to his female counterpart- perhaps the girls aren't always popular after all? But it's hard to argue against the same proportion of boys in the top half as before- only 2 (with that coveted middle spot now going to Lucas instead of Ethan).
Now time for my one and only graph! I think it's nice to have some data in a visual form, but I try and keep the important stuff in text form so it's easy to read and more accurate. But here's our lovely pie chart of what proportion of the total tournament votes each contestant got.
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Last but by no means least, it's time for individual match stats.
The most voted on match was Round 1: Match 8, Juliana vs Hilda, with 964 votes- just shy of 1,000. Closely following behind it was the finals, with 939 votes. On the other end, the least voted on poll (outside of the preliminaries, which had on average lower votes anyway) was Round 3: Match 3, May vs Gloria, with 483 votes. With only 3 votes more at 486, was Round 2: Match 7, Florian vs Hilda.
Individually, the person to gain the most votes in a single poll was Hilda, once again in that Round 1 match where she got 809 votes! Poor Florian in his Round 2 match got only 80 votes, however- the least in a single match.
The last thing we always look at is margins. For the closest match this competition, we look to Round 2: Match 3, Red vs Lyra. While it shares the exact same 4.6% margin as the final match did, the vote margin was smaller, with only 30 votes separating them (compared to 43 in the finals).
And now- the biggest sweep. Here we specifically look at margins, not votes, but in this case it's one and the same. The match we keep mentioning- Round 1: Match 8- ended in a huge 67.8% margin, or 654 votes. Hilda may not have won the gold in the tournament porper, but she absolutely swept the competition in these stats, and earns herself a spot in the biggest sweep hall of fame.
After all that, we're finally finished. Thank you so much for sticking around through this competition, and I can't wait to see you back here again soon for the next one! Currently a poll is up to decide what that tournament will be, so don't forget to vote and share it, and we'll be back with more polls very soon!
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notsad · 3 days
Sad that i didnt got the time to doodle today >:( so we makin ship analysis babyyy.
Something about Beheaded, Drifter, and V1. Ultradriftcells?? Dv1ftcells?? (Saw these on tags)
Anyways, theres a common theme i see in these 3, and that is existential dread, my favorite soup. Bobby cant die, thus he is well aware of how time will feel faster than before and how he would outlive so many things, that is why attachment is his downfall. Drifter is dying and have so little time, that is why he has little regard of himself, and always tries to focus on what he can do before his time runs out. V1 fears dying, that is why it is the best at what it is doing, a killer machine that continue to perfect its skill, all in the name of blood, fuel that is limited. It is aware that nothing is reserved for their kind on the other side, but it cant do anything but to follow its survival instinct and keep itself feeding.
Ive been blabbering and making comic of driftcells so some of u already know whats up. V1 and drifter, i already shared a few ideas, but the way how drifter disregards his life and v1 clearly values themselves makes an interesting dynamic. V1 cant seem to grasp how drifter can act so nonchalantly about it, after all the drive to survival is so engraved deeply in its code. Drifter somehow sympathizes with v1, knowing he was somehow like that in a way. He knows what it means to dedicate yourself to one thing despite how much blood you coughed up. In a way, they are both cursed under the quarrels of gods and creators.
Beheaded and v1 both find delight in the thrill of combat and bloodshed. That is possibly their way to cope on their own mental dread. Beheaded sees v1 as an elegant being, swift and clean with its work, a being that cant be infected by any disease. V1 finds beheaded very fascinating, considering he is immortal, and in some instances they desire it. They a lil messed up but they got the spirit lmao.
Though perhaps there are a bit of quarrel between the 3. Maybe how beheaded sees how v1 treats drifter. Because for the most part, v1 still sees drifter as a means to survive. Beheaded is clearly attached to drifter. But also drifter's selflessness gets the better of him and sometimes gives too much to both beheaded and v1. The 2 would sometimes retaliate drifter due to them having self preservation in mind, and might had told him that he should act a bit more selfish sometimes
Take away from all of these. These 3 are messed up and are so different from one another, but all of them make up for their own flaws.
Im very normal about them as you can tell.
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luv-sims · 11 hours
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၄.၃ ݁ ˖ִ ࣪₊ ⊹˚ songs that remind me of enha (hl) ˖ִ ࣪₊ 
lee heeseung, park jongseong, jake sim, park sunghoon <3
warnings ˖ִ ࣪₊ me. I am the warning. I wrote this at 2am and had major brainrot, I got very emotional, (again everything im saying is a joke) not edited.
pls don’t take this seriously, it’s very random:c
(anything I say, is not irl or true at all and is just all jokes!! also ik the cover is different from my usual ones, I got lazy and I couldn’t find anything with the hyung line 😞, enjoy 🫶🫶)
(a/n) here’s something short and stupid until I finish my next heeseung fic🤗🤗 also short little beomgyu fic coming vv soon!!
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lee heeseung
sweet night , v
baby come home 2 / valentines , the neighbourhood
hidden love ost ( forever star ) - zhang yihao
^ I strongly recommend watching hidden love and adding this ost to ur playlist!! so cute :c
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
- when I think of heeseung, I get major angsty vibes like it’s genuinely a me problem. IDK WHY☹️☹️
- when I think of hee in a trope, I think a miscommunication type-thing, right person nd wrong time.
- I think it’s bc I’ve read sooooo many angsty things abt this man LIKE I LITERALLY REMEMBER A WATTPAD STORY I READ IN 2021. It was like the girl was suicid@l and hee was like “give me a month to make u wanna live” it was CRAZYYY. neways.
- BUT ALSO… *spoiler for my one of my ideas for a heeseung fic>> he gives me older brothers best friend trope vibes, like i recently rewatched the cdrama hidden love and he would be such a perfect duan jiaxu!! the vibes are there‼️
- im so sorry heeseung i luv u so so so much this isn’t personal :c </3
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park jongseong
love on the brain , rihanna
my kind of woman , mac demarco
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- jay gives me like home vibes. Idk if that makes sense. pls bare with me.
- I feel like he would be like rich ceo kdrama man who falls in love with his secretary type trope☠️ the ceo vibes go HARD
- like when I see him, I genuinely feel comfort.
- he reminds me of like- anything romantic in the world, it’s giving husband material, gentleman (all of them r gentlemen but jay is oozing gentleman)
- it’s like when I see jay, I just feel warm😞
- (example; holding a cup of hot chocolate on a snowy winter day) yes I gave in example. this is jay.
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jake sim (be prepared)
style , ts
labyrinth , ts
call it what you want , ts
little freak , harry styles
nobody gets me , sza
i.f.l.y , bazzi
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
- lolz guess who my bias is🥲⁉️
- I warned u guys!!!
- I could genuinely talk abt this man for hours.
- my man my man my man my man my man my man my man. HE IS SOOO LOVER BOY MATERIAL LIKE I CANNOT FORM WORDS. like cmon guys yk i had to put ts on here. HE IS HUSBAND MATERIAL, BF MATERIAL, EVERYTHING MATERIAL.
- literally jake fits any trope, this man is so perfect.
- childhood best friends to lovers with jake is absolutely amazing and magical and it hits EVERY SINGLE TIME.
- he gives me childhood best friends 2 luvrs vibes bc he’s just so like… idk the word but this man is my everything.
- he is literally the lyrics, labyrinth is so him, call it what you want IS HIM, style is literally made about him⁉️little freak is what i feel about him (like the song is so good it gives u a rlly emotional feeling where u wanna sob) and nobody gets me….. yes that was personal.
(i sincerely apologize for this mess, I couldn’t hold myself back☹️)
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park sunghoon
ocean eyes , billie eilish
cars outside , james arthur
line without a hook , ricky montgomery
consume , chase atlantic
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
- sunghoon…😞
- he reminds me of a first love.
- he just gives me such sentimental bittersweet vibes when it comes to this stuff.
- im struggling to find words rn bc suddenly im emotional thinking about sunghoon. he’s giving me I want u but I can’t have u vibes (help me)
- he ALSO gives me very rich ceo vibes, and the amount of rich ceo fics about sunghoon i see tells me ppl agree🔥🔥
- I also added consume bc he also gives like supernatural fic vibes (he’d be a rlly hot vampire or demon someone pls make one and send it to me🤗) and that song just fits the trope SO WELL.
- he’s so quiet and shy and looks like a sad man, and trust me I do not mean this in a way where im saying he’s depressed (yk the sexy sad men in movies?)
-sunghoon deserves sm and more, he’s such a gentle soul he reminds me of a bubble bath (idk what im saying anymore it’s 2am)
- he’s so cute. he’s my everything. he’s mine.
(sorry this is actual brain rot atp🤗)
- ok im done this made me sad i luv them all sm
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lovvecherrymotion · 2 days
ooohhhh for that ask game: jance + au where they work on a cruise ship, nace plays in one of the entertainment bands and jan is a chef in the kitchen :3 (or other jobs if youd like idk how this game works but i think this would be fun)
OHHHH this was so fun to think about (i've never been on a cruise ship and have no idea how they work but)
also this got out of my control, i'm sorry 😭
let's reverse the roles a little bit, shall we? jan is the new guy - he's worked in several restaurants but he's not quite sure what he wants to do in life and his dad knows a guy and that's how he ends up in a cruise ship cooking boring food for a bunch of retirees (he has nothing against them, personally, but after the first two weeks he's pretty sure this is not what he wants to do)
anyway, he mostly keeps to himself. he's met some of the staff and he really hit it off with jure, who's in charge of repair work, and has led a pretty interesting life (worked at his parents farm for a couple of years, then as a camera man, then as a mildly successful drummer for a slovenian band called apokalipsa...) he's nice, doesn't ask too many questions and jan feels pretty comfortable spending his free time with him, while listening to jure talk about whatever it is that's going on in his life
(he hears about bojan and nace, who work on the cruise ship as well, as part of the band, and his friend martin, who was also a part of apokalipsa with them, and is now working in IT, and kris, bojan's on and off boyfriend and also best friend - it's too complicated for jan to keep up, honestly)
eventually jure decides this isn't enough though and starts dragging him around - he starts befriending more staff members and eventually he meets the famous bojan and nace. bojan is warm and friendly and accepts jan with open arms but it's nace who catches jan's eye (and despite a bit of an awkward first meeting because jan very much Does Not Know how to act around someone he finds attractive, they quickly become very very close)
and as they get closer, jan finds himself with a crush. a crush on nace, with his tattoos and stupidly handsome face and his loud laugh that makes jan feel butterflies in his stomach. nace who's always so kind and listens to jan ramble for hours after a particularly stressful day and somehow always knows what to say. nace who has somehow carved a place in his life without even trying and says his chicken soup is the best one he's ever had and-
jan realizes he's in love with nace the night before he's supposed to make a decision about his future. he's been giving the chance to stick around because they like him there and he's competent and his dad's friend is happy to offer him a new contract. jan had been pretty sure he didn't want to stick around any longer than he needed but, when the realization hits him, he's not sure what to do. he doesn't love the work he does, but he can no longer imagine his days without nace around - he doesn't want to imagine his days without nace around
(he signs a new contract the following afternoon and when they all get together at the end of the night, and he's safely tucked in under nace's arm, a blinding smile on nace's lips, as they all celebrate jan staying with them, he knows he's made the right decision)
Leave an AU and a pairing in my ask and I’ll give you the plot of the fic I won’t write for it
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good-beanswrites · 2 days
One more scene from Fuuta-Es convos with @waivyjellyfish for now :3 I liked exploring Es' post-canon mindset as an ex-murder investigator... Like my other drabble, I don't have the details worked out but Milgram is over and they're living at the Kajiyamas' now.
What Fuuta didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him.
It’s what Es told themself as they slipped into his clothes. They’d spotted the outfit at the bottom of Fuuta’s closet a few days ago, then decided to bide their time. With Fuuta and his sister downstairs having breakfast, there was a small window of opportunity now.  
Es stuck their arm through the red-striped sleeve. They still didn’t know what possessed them to put it on. 
Was it the appeal of something familiar? In a world devoid of all memories, they enjoyed the idea of putting on at least one outfit that they’d seen hundreds of times on their little music video screen. Is it possible to be comforted by someone else’s memories?
Was it old habits? They’d spent each trial doing anything and everything to feel closer to the prisoners. To take a peek into their minds. To step into their shoes. This was taking it a bit literally, they knew. Although everything was over and they had no reason to connect so deeply to any of the prisoners, Es couldn’t get away from the duty they’d obsessed over for so long.
Maybe it was just their troublesome curiosity, always driving them forward. There was a small part of them that hungered for more information, no matter the reason. They were perfectly aware that putting on Fuuta’s red and blue tracksuit would probably offer them absolutely nothing new, but they had to try. Something might be revealed to them, and they needed to know. 
Es stood in front of the full length mirror. They turned one way. They turned the other way. They shifted their arms. They cocked their head.
Sure enough, nothing. 
They took note of the little details. It was a little big on them, (though  it wouldn’t take them long to catch up to Fuuta’s size). It was neither fashionable nor tacky. The material wasn’t exactly comfortable, but at least it felt warm.
But, did it make them feel any closer to Fuuta?
They contemplated a moment, thinking of all that he may have done in the outfit. There were so many classes these pants had walked to, so many arcade coins that these pockets had held. Es wondered if his friends ever nudged the shoulders of the jacket playfully. Maybe they weren’t the type. It had probably seen it’s share of all nighters. And also lazy days spent in bed, or sick days laid up on the couch.
They puffed their chest out, thinking of the confidence Fuuta may have had wearing this. They pulled the hood over their hair. It had likely seen just as much as his hesitance. How many times had he sunk into the thick material for an escape? Or was there an opposite effect – did he feel so comfortable in this that he could commit murder?
Es stared at themself.
There came some shuffling out in the hall. Before Es could move, Fuuta was shouting to his sister and bursting into the room.
“Will you get out of my fucking hair if I bring it to you right –” he froze. “Now...”
Es, too, was frozen in place, their eyes wide. 
“I-I’m sorry.” They started unzipping the jacket. “I saw it and… I didn’t mean to –”
“ – It’s fine,” Fuuta muttered. He waved his hand dismissively. He started shuffling things around in his desk drawer, angling his head down, out of sight. His voice was strained, though it wasn’t as angry as Es had been expecting. “It’s not like I’m ever gonna wear it again.”
Es carefully folded the jacket over their arm. “I wasn’t trying to bring up the past. I was just…” What had they been doing? 
“I said it’s fine.” 
“I know it’s not.”
“You don’t know anything. Wear it every day for all I care. I was just gonna toss it.”
“You still can. Or, I can.”
“Nah.” Fuuta retrieved what he was looking for. He paused in the doorway, taking one last look over his shoulder. “Looks better on you, anyway.”
Es straightened in surprise as he left. They took another look in the mirror. They allowed themself a small smile. They might have undersold how comfortable it was.
Now that they were thinking of it, they did look pretty cool… Maybe that was all there was to it.
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