#i have so many fandom playlists so feel free to explore
sadderghost · 10 months
in honor of the rwrb movie coming out i offer my henry and alex playlist if you dont shuffle the playlist when you listen to it the song order follows their relationship's arc (specifically based on the book's plot)
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Hello... again! Are you hyperfixated on RedactedAudio?
Do you want (need) to know who to follow to cultivate your dashboard and feed your gremlin brain good, good boyfriend roleplay content and my first recommendation post of magnificent fan-artists and fan-writers wasn't enough dopamine for you?
Cool, I’ve got you, and I’ve got even more hyperlinks. Buckle up.
(Note: This is by no means a comprehensive, objective, or complete list, as I have biases and favorites and limited time. If you feel I've missed someone, please feel free to reblog with your additions! I just would have loved a guide like this when I got into the fandom back in August 2022 and wanted to spread some positivity~!)
@agentplutonium: they/them
Pluto is just one of the many gorgeous people who've migrated to Tumblr now that Twitter is, ya know, on fire. I've been following them on Tiktok for ages, and I'm so pleased they joined us on tumblr now! Highlights: "Constant" and "Inconvenience" mean the world to me, because there are just not enough aspec headcanons in the fandom, we could always have more.
@angelicaether: they/them
Aether is a fucking gem unto this fandom- not only do they run Sky Side, a friendly, closeknit (hehe) server for 21+ Redacted fans but they also were who we have to thank for Redacted Kinktober 2023, bless them~ Highlights: New Job Posting is magnificent if you’re in the mood for some David/Angel smut today and this cute couple crossover fic if you’re feeling more SFW!
@caelumsnuff: they/them
Phoenix is magnificent, creative, and endlessly sweet. I also respect the hell out of anyone that can take the anon hate that they get with as much grace and attitude as they do /gen /pos Highlights: I love this gift for the Quinn-fuckers they wrote, I do, but I have to admit I'm partial to the Imperium!Vincent/Imperium!Asher piece they did, because their tension and hatred was just too palpable to deny, I needed it.
@empydoc: any pronouns
Empy's Soul Eater AU has not only taken over my life but has also got me deeply wanted a Soul Eater rewatch. God forbid xe succeed because this post has already been delayed enough /j Highlights: I love the Marcus/Asset post, because that's my favorite pairing but also because Asset as both an android and a weapon is so, so interesting. Blake/Bestie's is also a particular gem, because being a meister just gives him a new dimension to his manipulation and I love it.
@floofdeloop: she/her
Not only is Floof a beloved fic writer but she's also one of the adored DJs of the fandom. Are you really a fan if you haven't looked up Redacted on Spotify and saved all her playlists? /j Highlights: Her whole playlist page is literally so good, but I love the cute, domestic vibes of this Geordi one or the tragic, angsty, Britrock vibes of this Porter playlist~!
@joshusten: they/them
Sten is one of if not the writer that comes to mind when you're looking for amazing Guy/Honey content! Highlights: Bitter Melon is my personal favorite of their work; what can I say? I'm a sucker for a little jealousy in my fics. You also can't miss Honeysuckle, their most recent piece which gets into Guy's canonically less-than-pure mind~
@pinksparkl: she/her
Gosh, where would we be without her? Pink never has a bad word or thought for anyone and just persists in being a delightful, sweet presence in the fandom. Highlight: I can't decide what I'm more obsessed with- their Adam-centric fic exploring the Progeny/Maker bond or their nsfw Gavin-centric with his tail exploring Freelancer nudge nudge wink wink
@redlikeredacted: they/them
Just as their blog says, they are the CEO of Dasher. In my head, they are the president of both the David/Asher and the Autistic!David fan clubs, and I'd vote for them a second and third term okay I love Red Highlights: Their "David bottoming for the first time" fic is everything to me okay I am here for nothing but this except maybe this Milo fic where he gets Aggro~
@teafairywithabook: she/they
A lovely writer, voice actor, and person, Cheri does it all! With a whole 34 Redacted works on AO3, they are a must-follow. Highlights: I'll provide the masterlist of previously mentioned works, but I must recommend her nsfw Avior/Starlight fic keeping us sated until we finally get an Avior BA and their fic of Alexis's POV of Sam's turning I couldn't not okay I'm just a person I have biases
@tepid-judas: he/they/it
My favorite Adam stan, my friend, and the person who converted me into an Adam/Brighteyes shipper, I thank Judas every day for that. Highlights: I love their series of epistolary fics, because who doesn’t love a good letter, but I would be remiss if I didn’t rec his DAMN polycule plus Xavier fic cause fuck canon let's add frosty the snowman to the orgy /lh
@themonotonysyndrome: she/her
Lady, my dearest friend and greatest foe~ How else do I describe the gorgeous, sociable, friendly person who bought Alexis/Christian into the world and ruined my life? (affectionate) Highlights: Let these two assholes in love take you on a ride, fall in love with them too. If that's not your vibe, I cannot recommend enough her insane, gen z Bright Eyes being an absolute fucking terror /pos
Can YOU believe Penguin's only been posting art since, like, December? I certainly can't, because it's like they've drawn every boy at this point and each is as smoochable and adorable as the last. Highlights: Their Porter is one of my favorites; what can I say? Who can resist this high ponytail and cape combo? I also love their Hush, cause look at him~! He's adorable! Penguin gives all these boys such luscious, floofable hair; I love them!
@cute-brainz: she/they/it
Kindly, lovingly, respectfully, Cute's listeners designs reduce me to a sniveling, simpering puddle of a simp. I become nothing but a humble, simple straight man, and none of you came blame me good god their listeners are hotter than all the redacted men- Highlights: Like, look at their Lovely: the hair, the singlet, the VIBES? Fuckin irresistible; like Vincent, I'd give them anything their heart desires. And their ANGEL? The MINUTE David Shaw fumbles that bag, I'm on my knees with a ring hello earth angel will you be mine
Darl has been posting art for only a month and a half at the writing of the post, and yet I feel like I've loved their Solaires for forever. They, as a unit, are hot and tragic as fuck, and I love them. Highlights: I am obsessed, particularly, with the Solaire family portraits, but maybe that's because my girl Alexis is up there, and I love her. There's also this bust compilation of more Redacted boys in case you didn't find your favorite in the Solaires~!
@free-boundsoul: she/her
Okay so, like, vibe with me did you ever love Lisa Frank products with the bright, saturated colors and sparkling eyes but wish instead of cuddly animals that there were really hot men? Then Savvie is the artist for you~ Highlights: One, it's fun to see a Regulus that's not blue, okay? It's thinkin outside the box. Two, the CRACKS? WITH THE GOLD PEEKING THROUGH? I'm inconsolable my god. Speaking of daemons, Fool!Gavin is sort of everything to me. He's just really rocking that sweater vest!
@hotmcrodz: he/they
I know for a fact that I'm not the only one obsessed with the way Jai draws human anatomy. I have unironically seen a Jai piece in the tag and gone "WOWZA" like I'm Jim Carrey in The Mask; that's what they do to me. Highlights: This Milo was one of the pieces that made my eyes pop out my head like a cartoon wolf; I think it's the shirtlessness plus the muscle pose. I just couldn't handle it. I also reacted like that to their Babe because I am an equal opportunity pervert /hj
@izzuku: he/they
Izzuku designs characters with the most realistic and gorgeous body types; like, I love the soft jawlines and how warm and touchable they draw skin. Every Izzuku design is kissable as hell. Highlights: I have to recommend his Regulus and Hush designs, obviously, they're my favorite men. However, I can't let the world go by another rotation without recommending this special Halloween version of Vincent~!
@kilarthmac: she/they
In case we needed another reason to love and appreciate the iconic timestamping account we all recognize from the Redacted comments, we cannot neglect their fanart! Highlights: Like, look at this brought-back-wrong Vega! This Hush with his cute face and off-putting air! He's so cute and so weird! I also love this piece they've done for one of my favorite rarepairs, Imperium!Lasko/Adam~
@latenightsleeper: he/they/it/she
My kinfolk and my beloved, one of the few people who understand me and the vision that is beautiful, blonde, dumb and lovable Christian. They will give you so many feelings about Darlin and Christian, and they will cause you agony /pos Highlights: Obviously, I'm obsessed with the Tank/Christian art like this one (Christian is just so cuuute), but we're all obsessed with this Sam/Darlin animatic set to Eat Your Young.
An amazing artist that I'm so glad we managed to get to migrate to Tumblr from Twitter so I could put them on this list~ Highlights: I am obsessed always with their Indigenous character designs, especially David. Like, look at him, he's indescribably beautiful, outshone by no one except maybe Max's Imp!Vega, because oh my god look at him~
@nortyourself: she/her
I don't think there's anyone who's not obsessed with at least one of Rachel's pieces; like, I believe she'll get to every Redacted man with the speed and beauty she works. Even Reticuli has gotten the Rachel treatment and been made hot af. Highlights: Technically, this Imperium!Damien just takes me breath away; like, it would be blown up and framed in his palace (for all of his short and tempestuous reign). Personally, her Hush has a dear and special place in my heart. He's just my favorite~!
@penncilkid: any pronouns
One of the most gorgeous and darling and non-stop creators in the space! They're a true triple threat, kicking our hearts in the butt with their art, their writing, and their audio roleplay series~ Highlights: With so many mediums under their belt, it's so hard to choose. If you're looking for purely Redacted content, their art is prolific and so creative, I've got to share the whole gallery. If you're in the market for a new VA to fall in love with, you've got to check out their youtube channel~!
@pycth: any pronouns
I dont have anything creative or profound to say here- all of pycth's designs are smoking hot and would render me selectively mute with a glance, 'nuff said. Highlights: How can I PICK? Ugh, hottest of the hot that comes to mind has got to be their President Moore art; like, this pose isn't FAIR. On the other end of the spectrum, if you want your heart kicked in the butt, I don't think any of us are over this Sam piece or ever will be.
@rainingcatsandjune: any pronouns
Another new artist who's only been here since April, and yet- I would die for his and his fine-ass, touchable Sam. Like, hell, render any man pretty like that, and I'll die for him. That's how pretty this art is. Highlights: Like, look at him. How does one do anything but look at him, especially in this pose? Again, look at him! Look at the hands. The soft, touchable glow and how it lights and shades his and Darlin's skin. The broad shoulders good god~
@sainthowlzon: they/he
You can't turn a corner on tumblr without seeing some of Howl's adorable Scribble Dolls or Icons! (Or any other social media actually. I feel like I've deffo seem some of Howl's icons on Tiktok too.) They're cute, they're iconic, and there's one for almost everyone! Highlights: Here's that full set of icons for your perusal; my personal favorite is Asset's. And here's the full set of Redacted Scribble Dolls; my favorite is Regulus, I think, because of his freaky vibes, but it's so hard to pick!
@sincerelywhistler: any pronouns
Like everyone with a working set of eyes and a beating heart, I am obsessed with all of Wes's designs; like, who wouldn't fall in love at first sight with all those beautiful and often shirtless people? Highlights: There's honestly too many to pick from, but I'll TRY. Their Gavin is an absolute must, I share it with the Discord on sight, he's that it girl if you will. Oh, and one cannot neglect Avior's HBS piece; I'm not even an Avior girlie, and I was like daaaaaamnnnnnnn~
@slushiepizza: they/them
Where would all the guy-lovers be without Slushie and their absolute cornucopia of Guy and Honey delights? Like, where else would we get our homemade, MacGyver'd serotonin? Highlights: The "Everyday" series is everything to me, and I mean everything; Guy has become too relatable and has struck me right in the heart. If you're not in a Guy mood, I'm also in love with their older, cozy Anton~!
@s0lairee: she/they
Jo's style is just so clean, so cute, and I really love it when they play with lighting in their pieces. Like, we are almost, almost there to making me stan Vincent if you're gonna drape him in moonlight like that... Highlights: ...thought, if I had to pick, I'd probably lean more towards Vincent's partner. They're rocking the red eyes, I love them! I'm also obsessed with their freckle-y, sweet Lasko, because who isn't?
@strawberrybouvine: he/they
The artistic equivalent of gourmet candy, I am absolutely obsessed with the gorgeous colors of Jasper's art and cannot get enough of the sweetness! Is this sugar running through my veins or unparalleled cuteness? Highlights: I'm not even a David stan but, like, jesus christ, the long hair and hairy chest makes me want to go feral. Don't even get me started on the cuteness of his chibi art, I really will start foaming at the mouth.
I don't know exactly what medium Haylin uses or what colors or effects they use, but goddamn it makes those men so dreamy. I'm not even a Sam stan, but that's a smoochable man right out of Gilmore Girls /pos Highlights: Like, are you seeing the Gilmore Girls vision? That's a handsome man from a wholesome show geared for women- almost as handsome as this art of David. I see this smile in my dreams; it's so beautiful.
@venuslove-28: any pronouns
Venus's art is strawberry and vanilla soft serve injected straight into my heart; it's so familiar and cute, so charming, and I want to stim and bounce in excitement when I see it. Does that make sense? It'll make sense when you see it. Highlights: Personally, I have never and I will never stop thinking about this Huxley, I am simply not capable. Their Avior is also cuter than all get-out, I must admit.
I don't think anyone does cute and colorful and pastel and kawaii quite like Cupid. You can't help but look and admire all the eye-catching colors and then want to hug their cheery, dynamic characters! Highlights: I'm highkey obsessed with their Freelancer and DAMNily and all their d(a)emons in general. Like, look at this! Minh is such a cutie and a simp, I love them! I'm also constantly thinking about this art in particular, because look at all these PRICELESS EXPRESSIONS!
@yoteako: he/it
Would you like stunning, high quality art and tragic, old man yaoi on your dash? That's a silly question; of course you do which is why we're going to follow and love on Yote. Highlights: See how beautiful, doomed, and intimate this multi-page comic is about two characters who've never canonically spoken? That's devotion. On the less forsaken side of the narrative, their Gavin/Lasko ship art is embedded into my heart.
If you’re reading all the way here, I hope you found the post helpful and smiled while making your way through it! Or both! The RedactedAudio fandom is truly one of my favorite spaces on the internet; it’s so intimate and creative, and I’ve found some amazing, perfect friends here, so I hope you will too 💖
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Love Booth Challenge
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Love Booth for underrated characters.
Ikemen version
Hello and welcome to my first challenge. I am proud to present to you the Love Booth challenge, a month long exploration of love for the underrated characters of the Ikemen games.
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General Rules
Works and art of all forms are welcome! Fanarts, fanfics, headcanons, moodboards, playlists and everything you can manage to think of is included. 
Limited to Ikemen fandoms and to certain suitors, due to popularity of some characters more than others I have decided to host a challenge exclusively for the less appreciated.
I had this idea since forever what took me so long to post it was the creations of the prompts I created in association with my lovely friend MO @xxsycamore.
I did my best to include most of the less loved characters from the Ikemen games exclusively with an English version.
That said if you think about other less popular characters, belonging to one of these games or to other Ikemen games that are not out in English yet, You are allowed to use these prompts as inspiration.
The main focus is to show love to characters not so loved by the fandom/game all year around without limit for this reason I won't make a masterlist.
When posting your works, use the tag #love booth challenge - you can as well tag me @queengiuliettafirstlady in your posts! It will help find other creations for those interested to check them out.
Posting to other sites is allowed - as long as you mention the challenge and its creators.
Reblogs are appreciated!
Content Rules
This challenge features a list of prompts, and dialogue prompts which you can match to your liking, if you want to. You can create more than one work for the same prompt, too!
Under the cut, you will find the prompts linked to the characters included in the challenge, that can be mixed up with prompts from other challenges happening around the fandom in the same month.
Any additional rules are up to the artists. You are free to choose the rating (make sure to mark your NSFW works accordingly, and if you’re minor, make sure not to interact with such!), and also the genre (the challenge’s main focus is romantic love, but it is not obligatory for your work to be of such genre), all characters and ships included are up to you (OCs, character x MC, character x character, etc.)
You’re free to take requests from your audience using these prompt lists, again please make sure to mention the challenge and its creator.
You’re absolutely free to post your works for this challenge whenever you feel like.
The final and most important rule is to have fun and not pressure yourself about full completion of the challenge. Do only as many works as you wish! :)
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Here is a free-to-use banner/header for the challenge!
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If you have any additional questions, I’ll be happy to help. There is no such thing as a stupid question, so don’t hesitate to get in contact with us! I wish you happy creating!
Ikemen Vampire
Dazai - Storyteller - A walk under the cherry trees.
Jean - Monster - "I am not worthy of love."
Mozart - Music - "You are my muse."
Sebastian - Secrets - "My composure is an act."
Shakespeare - Bard - A poem for my lover
Faust - Alchemy - "Behave for me."
Charles - Obsession - "I wish we could stay like this forever."
Isaac - Scholar - "I don't understand people at all ... yet I found myself quite curious to know everything about you."
Ikemen Prince
Keith - Duality - "Trust me."
Luke - Bear - "I will protect you."
Jin - Sweets - "All I need is our love."
Rio - Pet - "I will love you always and forever."
Sariel - Discipline - "It will do good to remember I am quite a strict tutor."
Nokto - Facade - "Were the truth lies ?"
Licht - Scar - "No matter what I do this scars will not heal, but your presence made me forget about them."
Yves - Fashion - "Would you like to get ready together ?"
Ikemen Revolution
Zero - Identity - "I am human because of you."
Harr - Magic - "I only want to keep you safe."
Loki - Abandonment - Seeking comfort on a rainy night.
Blanc - Gentleman - "Do you remember what I warned you about when you came in Cradle?"
Mousse - Dreams - "You are the subject of my dreams. I want to know even more about you."
Dean - Strict - Stern gaze softening upon an endearing sight.
Dalim - Flirt - "You shouldn't have trusted me."
Oliver - Creativity - "The best part about my creations is seeing you smile."
Ikemen Sengoku
Kennyo - Revenge - "You make me feel complete with your love."
Ranmaru - Loyalty - "I will always be there for you."
Sasuke - Companion - Fanning over the fanboy.
Mitsunari - Knowledge - "Let me take care of you."
Yoshimoto - Beauty - Admiring art together.
Kanetsugu - Strategy - "I found quite difficult to keep my composure when you are around."
Hideyoshi - Devotion - "You're my number one priority."
Ieyasu - Teacher - Collecting herbs together.
Once again Have fun and Happy Creating! I can't wait to see all your creations. 🧡💟💌🤗
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callivich · 4 months
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Just a reminder for anyone new or anyone who has been lurking:
I know it’s difficult coming into a new fandom but everyone in the Gallavich fandom on tumblr is very friendly and kind, so don’t feel nervous - just jump in and say hi.
Make an intro post and check the #gallavichintro tag to find fellow fans!
Like seriously just send a message or reply to a post. We’re here to have fun, the idea of new people is great because it means more engagement.
When I say people are nice, I mean it. I’ve been in so many different fandoms over 20+ years and this is genuinely the kindest group of people I’ve ever encountered online in a fandom space.
Give your blog an icon. People tend to assume that ones without are spam blogs and may block immediately. Here are some great icons you can use with credit: here / here / here
If you’d like a Gallavich banner for your blog, send me a message - I’d be so happy to make you one! I’ve got ones free to use here / here.
Please don’t steal gifs and repost them, here’s a great post explaining why. And another one explaining the gif search function.
Reblog content you enjoy and write in the tags or reply to the post - how much you liked something or if you have other thoughts…..creators love to hear this!
Use the tags. They’re the best way to get your posts noticed if you’re new- #gallavich #ian gallagher #mickey milkovich #ianxmickey any or all of these will work. When you make a post, you should see a little grey box that says something like add tags to help people find your post, just type in there. (You don’t need to use the # symbol. Tumblr automatically does that.)
There are so many brilliant active communities that you can take part in - I’ve done a roundup post here & I will update it with new communities.
If you feel creative? Got for it. Don’t worry about what people think, just share your work. Write that fic or headcanon or meta, draw that art, create that gifset, design that aesthetic piece, share that playlist. Chances are that a lot of people will enjoy your work!
Don’t feel shy about promoting your work either - tag it with #gallavich & the tags mentioned above.
Recommend what you’ve enjoyed! There is no time limit on sharing links to fic, art, headcanons, gifsets, posts of any kind…..reblog/share what you love and keep sharing it. Whether it’s brand new or years old, sharing the work is great idea.
Go back and explore things. Older fics on ao3, gifsets and art from years past, moodboards and headcanons that are years old. None of these things have an expiration date. So reblog them, share them, let people experience them for the first time and allow people to enjoy them for the 2nd/3rd/4th time.
Comment!! It’s such an important thing to do in fandom. Whether it’s on new work or old work, whether you write long comments or just a keyboard smash and emojis - it’s great way to share love to creators, to support/encourage/inspire them and to get involved in fandom. Check out Ian and Mickey’s guide to commenting and other posts about commenting: here // here // here
Share your ideas. Whether it’s headcanons or meta or fics or art, share it. Feel free to explore your ideas. There’s always room for discussion, analysis and creativity.
If you see ask memes or tag games going around, take part! Or even reblog one of these games and tag some people you’d like to get to know better! Don’t feel intimidated, it’s always nice to be tagged.
Keeping reblogging posts. Not just once or twice but again and again. The queue is there for a reason. And each time you do? You’re sharing it with your dash.
Remember, pretty much everyone starts out as a lurker and when it comes to being creative - everyone starts at the beginning. Those writers and artists and creators that you are in awe of? They all started out at square one. Everyone practices and creates over and over again, that’s how it goes. The more you write or draw or create, the better you get. And fandom loves to see it.
Need ideas or inspiration? I’ve got lots and lots of prompts for you!
This is a relatively small-ish fandom but it’s active and there is nothing nicer than new people joining, so don’t hesitate - jump in. It’s so much fun and we’d love you to join us! 💖
If anyone has any tips or encouragement they’d like to share, please reply to this post! 💖
And if you have any questions about using tumblr, send me an ask!
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This is a poll tournament for original characters- Specifically, for antagonists and villains! Do you have an original character who's known for evil, who you love to hate and hate to love? Pit them against other people's villains and see how well they fare! Audiences love a good heel, after all.
1: The character you submit must be yours. You cannot submit other people's characters for them. If the character is shared between two or more people, all owners must sign off on submitting them into the competition.
2: Fandom OCs are NOT allowed. We all love fandom OCs, but for this competition I don't want fandom bias to get in the way. The character must come solely from your own mind. It can draw inspiration from other media, but it must still be an original character.
3: While this is a tournament for bad guys, please keep in mind I want to avoid certain triggering subjects. Murder and violence are allowed, but please avoid submitting characters who's stories involve bigotry or sexual violence. While there is a time and a place for exploring those topics, this is not it. This is supposed to be silly evil fun!
4: While you can submit multiple characters separately, only one can be selected for the tournament. This is to avoid one person having multiple chances to win. This also means you cannot submit groups or multiple characters who are paired together. Every match up should be one on one!
Propaganda is allowed and encouraged! Once the characters have been selected and announced, there will be a period before the actual match ups start where people can submit propaganda! This can come from the creators of the OC's or even from friends of the creator who are familiar with the OC in question, if they so choose! Propaganda can be anything from art, to writing, to playlists, etc! All propaganda will be tagged as propaganda and as the character's name!
I do not yet know how many will be participating in this tournament. I won't know until I start to get submissions and see how many people are interested! If I ever decide I get too many I will officially shut down submissions, but until then, feel free to go ham submitting!
This blog was inspired by @group-oc-tournament and other blogs like it! If you're seeing this, please go check it out!
Hope to see you there, you scoundrels!
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hot-take-tournament · 10 months
I've been collecting all your vocaloid recommendations in one place, so everyone can take a listen!
And if like me you knew nothing about vocaloid before that nuclear discourse, maybe you'll find a hidden gem you wouldn't have found otherwise! <3
Submitted anonymously
Thought I'd add to the Vocaloid discourse by pointing out that several "irl" bands actually started out by using vocaloids. You can find a few who talk about it in the Hatsune Miku live concerts (super cool use of holo developed for those too!). That's really the crux of what sets vocaloid apart from much of the machine discourse; it's CREATED oppourtunities for small musicians instead of taking it away. Specifically by not just supplying a synthetic voice program to work with, but by tying a star identity to each voicebank that makes people more willing to explore obscure artist music. It also distincts the works made by the vb's from the artists who were paid to voice them, so you can't make them say things that sounds like you're putting bad takes in the original artist's mouth. Everyone knows and understands it's a fake version for the purpose of artistic creativity, not an attempt to steal the voice of the original singer.
Anyway since we're doing Vocaloid recommends now:
Giga - BRING IT ON (Inferiority superiority) ft. Kagamine Rin & Len
"Hop! Step! Instant Death! A Happiness Dance Death-Trap" and "The Path to Eternal Happiness...I Found It" both by Utata-P
Entomologists, Appetite of a people pleaser and Rotary Dial by GHOST
VIRAL ft. Meika Hime and Melancolia ft. GUMI by QueenPb
(note - Melancolia contains flashing images right from the start)
And last but not least, my personal Vocaloid feels song, TELL YOUR WORLD by kz, who sums up some of the beauty of the Vocaloid fandom pretty well
Submitted anonymously
Ok, I know the blog was kinda overflown of vocaloid discurse asks. So instead of discussing I brought RECOMMENDATIONS❗
Because, like, Defoko is pretty known in the Utau world, but she may be one of the worst examples of "human-like voice".
So to bring some counter examples of voicebanks that do not have much of a robotic vibe, I have here:
Some utuaus
【Namine Ritsu】-ERROR 2018ver.【UTAU Cover】
【Sukone Tei】Love Me, Love Me, Love Me (Music box ver.) 【UTAUカバー】
Some not so known vocaloids
[Aoki Lapis] Circus Monster [VOCALOID]
[Mayu] VOCALOID 3 ~Kodoku no Bannin~ Guard of Loneliness
【Galaco】 The Beast. 【Vocaloid3 Cover】
【MEIKA Mikoto】 Cantarella 【カバー】
And some slow songs, that require whisper-like tuning <3
【24 VOCALOIDS CHORUS】 Hirari, Hirari ひらり、ひらり 【HD】
Kamui Gakupo A Doll's Voice
Submitted by @indigo-flightly-falls
If we're doing vocaloid recs, I'm here to suggest A Crow's Trial!
Vane - A Crow's Trial (ft. Dex & Gumi Eng.)【Vocaloid Original】
it's one of my favorites and has some Vibes. It's a bit hard to understand the story but the last verse lives in my head rent free :D
Submitted anonymously
speaking about the vocaloid debate- they haven't submitted the playlist yet, but if they listened to English songs using Japanese/Chinese/other voicebanks then it'll inherently sound a little off. different languages and different voicebanks have different pronunciations needed for speech, and are thus recorded for the voicebank. use a Japanese voicebank for an English song and you won't get the right words pronounced right, or you'll get an accent, etc etc.
also some vocaloids only have one or two voicebanks and that's it. Big Al only has one (i might be wrong on that, but i know his is for V2 software), whereas Hatsune Miku has every single voicebank made over the years (V1-V5) and has versions made to sing in Japanese, Chinese, and English. she has so, so much more variety than other vocaloids and can be more fluent and clear compared to lesser known vocaloids.
and since we're sharing favorite vocaloid songs to convert the submitter, here's two of mine because i have too many favorites to share:
Carnivore - OrgansDotOrg
this one has Big Al as supporting vocals and it absolutely slaps, also OrgansDotOrg is my-all time favorite artist pleaseee go support them!!!
Seraphim on the Ring - Mitchie M
seriously, if you're looking for realistic vocaloid vocals then go listen to Mitchie-M!! Katio and Len just speaking in this one sound just like real people
Fools are attracted to anomaly - Utsu-P
vocaloid is not all pop and 'kawaii', vocaloid metal is some of my favorite to listen to
some other producers i also like:
Submitted by @ssilly--ssadass
utau is underrated. not a hot take just my segway into giving you utau covers [also covers cuz nobody gives anybody but teto good originals. pick up the slack people. also sidenote no teto. cuz i was priortizing other utaus only to realize i added too many songs and couldnt fit a teto one in. sorryn't]
Aishite (covered by Defoko)
GHOST RULE (covered by Defoko)
Bug (covered by Chanchopin V1 and Giga Lacan)
Darling (covered by I think Darling- I dont know this utau and am going off the description being like "lmao Darling utau covers Darling maretu heehoo")
Corpse Dance (covered by Defoko)
ECHO (covered by Defoko)
(note - ECHO contains flashing images)
Submitted anonymously
really funny hearing the take about how vocaloids/voice synths can't have singing styles when there's multiple voice synths explicitly modelled after particular styles. prima (opera), sachiko (enka), and maiko hakaine (screamo metal) are just the ones i can list off the top of my head. and even if a voice synth isn't modelled after a singing style, they can still be tuned that way!
anyway, for song recommendations! gothic and loneliness is breathtaking (it's also a nightmare in project diva lol)
Gothic and Loneliness [Kagamine Rin] - Narushima Takashi
Submitted anonymously
oh wait can we still send in vocaloid recommendations? if so…
• koisuru beam by kyaami/cillia : this song is so cute and rin’s tuning here is some of the best i’ve heard
•jitterbug by hachiya nanashi - goes hard as hell and i adore the mv the song has
•lost and found by sasakure.uk - i only recently heard of it (idk how i only just found it) and it’s mesmerising i love it
uhh i can’t think of anymore right now but uhh i hope that if u hear these u will like them
<3 <3 <3
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shealwaysreads · 2 years
This is gonna be really random but I am so delighted that you have 30s in your bio. I'm 23 and at that point in my life where I'm entering adulthood and I've thought of my involvement in fandom and how that would change as I journeyed further into adulthood. And most of the time, especially on new platforms like tiktok, it's mostly younger people who are making fan content so it's amazing to see people actively enjoy fandom content as they become full adults. It's very freeing 💜
This was such a lovely ask to receive, I’m so touched and so glad that you reached out! You’ve tapped into a subject I have a Lot of Feelings about, so forgive the incoming ramble ❤️
I have had friends of all ages in fandom over the years, and those friendships have been more important than perhaps I gave them credit for at the time. I’ve been fandom-ing since I was about 14 and its been a hobby that’s brought me huge joy and allowed me to get to know so many lovely humans. They’ve modelled ways of living that I didn’t know about, have generously shared their time and knowledge and expertise and experience, and have been examples of preserving one’s joy amidst the reality of growing up and of living in an adult landscape that can become barren if you don’t intentionally enshrine what’s important to you. (The actual you, the one that lives in your heart.)
The narrative of ‘you’ll grow out of this’ or of setting aside your pleasures as you become an Adult™️ is incredibly pervasive and incredibly damaging. There is even more pressure on young women in particular, and I’ve seen so many instances of ‘oh my god you’re 30 why are you reading fanfic, shouldn’t you be married/mothering/doing your taxes?’ 
It’s easy to get tricked into believing these social strictures are rules that really mean something, but reducing yourself to something prescribed by….who, exactly? (The people and structures that are interested in keeping us small, and bored, and tired, and empty-hearted, and too worn out to argue when they want to take more of our money and eat into more of our precious time here on this precious planet with all of these precious people) It’s a losing game! How much do you think you would need to give up to please the anonymous Life Police who are apparently out to make sure we’re all living the most stripped-back life we can?
If something makes you happy, if it gives you pleasure or comfort or inspiration, then it has a meaningful place in your life. This isn’t hedonism, it is a fundamental basis for a life worth living. 
Fandom is fundamentally about fun—it’s a small word for a big phenomenon, full of community, and friendship, and connection. It’s a folk-space where there is room for everyone, where you can explore the subversive and the comforting all in one blog. It’s where all of us can contribute—making art of all kinds, celebrating each other, inspiring each other, debating each other, stepping out of our daily lives to indulge in the essential, essential, work of imagination and creativity and enjoyment.
Play doesn’t stop being important when you stop being a child, or a teen. We’re human: telling tales and making marks, and sitting together around the fire enjoying it all is in our DNA. Fandom is just another circle of humans joining together to listen to stories and be together.
So. Enjoy being 23, but don’t fear 33, or 53, or 73!
You’ll be yourself; wiser and older, and more well-lived, but you’ll still be yourself. You’ll still laugh, with love, at your childhood and teenage embarrassing moments.
You’ll still remember when that actor did that movie, in that outfit.
You’ll have playlists full of music that brings back summers and parties and heartbreaks, and you’ll still know every lyric of all of those songs.
You’ll have new hobbies, and you’ll have your old hobbies, and maybe you’ll leave them for years at a time but you’ll come back to them unexpectedly and joyfully.
You don’t have to give anything up, not if it still makes you happy!
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manweweek · 5 months
What kind of event is Manwë Week?
Manwë Week is a week-long fandom event dedicated to Manwë Súlimo from J.R.R. Tolkien’s Silmarillion. Time to make our way to Taniquetil and celebrate the King of the Valar!
When is Manwë Week?
Súlimë (March) 11th - 17th 2024.
How do I participate?
No sign-ups are required for this event. 
You can create all sorts of fanworks, be it art (digital or traditional), fanfiction, moodboards, headcanons, playlists – whatever you like! Be sure to tag this blog (@manweweek) when you post and put “manwe week” or “manweweek” in the first 20 tags. 
Do I have to participate every day?
No. You can create as many fanworks for as many days as you like. Interacting with and sharing the fanworks of others is also highly encouraged and appreciated!
Are there prompts and do I have to use them?
Yes, there is a prompt list, but you are not required to follow these prompts. They are mostly there for inspiration. 
Can I feature other characters as well? 
Yes, you are welcome to feature other characters (OCs included) alongside Manwë in your fanworks and explore all sorts of dynamics and relationships, but always keep in mind that this is Manwë Week so he should be one of the primarily featured characters.
Can I post NSFW, dark themes, dead dove, etc.?
Yes, but please always tag your posts accordingly and put works featuring these themes under a cut so those who don’t wish to interact can opt out.
If you are concerned about Tumblr flagging and/or deleting your work, we recommend hosting the fanwork on another site (for example AO3) and making a post linking to it. 
Can I post in-progress works? What about late submissions?
Yes, you can post WIPs/unfinished works too. If you finish your work after Manwë Week has concluded and would like to post it then, you can also do that – we will be sharing late submissions too. 
Why has my contribution not been reblogged?
If you feel like your contribution may have been missed, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Depending on how many submissions we receive, it may take a while for everything to be shared, but it’s always possible that we haven’t seen it yet. 
General code of conduct:
Please be kind and respectful and leave any drama or feuds at the door. 
Don’t like, don’t read/view/interact. 
Respect different takes and interpretations of characters. No ship hate. 
No reposting of other people’s works without their explicit permission.
Any sort of bigoted behaviour or promoting of bigoted ideas (sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc.) is not welcome.
Violation of these rules will result in you getting blocked.
I have further questions!
Feel free to send an ask or DM!
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artielotl · 5 months
thanks @landoom for the tag!! finally one of these i get to do (i keep getting tagged in wip ones and uhhh i write my fics in one sitting i do not have wips)
Star sign:
Favorite holiday:
i don't really like holidays. i romanticise christmas the most so i'll pick that, but christmas day itself is horrible.
Last meal:
i just cooked a lovely quorn & chickpea curry and had it with some rice for dinner
Currently favorite musician:
i'm a basic white girl, taylor swift. i have been exploring the basic white girl genre though, listening to maisie peters & carly rae jepsen also. side note that it's also eurovision season so my usual music taste is mostly out the window for national selection songs (if you're curious, here's my playlist for my favourite national selection songs)
Last music listened to:
currently playing is my ai by super rob and erika norwich
Last movie watched:
descendants. it was a bop!
Last TV show watched:
technically tv i guess! the nrk mgp artist announcements. give me 20 minutes and it will be mgp semi final 1 :D
Last book/fic finished:
no idea on book, i don't think i've finished one in 2024 yet. last fic was of course the last jet lag fic to be written: restless night
Last book/fic abandoned:
christmas for beginners by carole matthews. it was bad.
Currently reading:
one night in italy by lucy diamond. it is a stretch to say i'm currently reading it though. it's on my bedside table looking at me longingly whenever i doomscroll myself to sleep.
Last thing researched for writing/art/hyperfixation:
uhhhh i think it was going back to rewatch some of jet lag season 7 to check on adam's disguise in germany
Favorite online fandom memory:
there's so many oh my goodness - i'll go for a recent one though. learning how to edit and adam finding (and really liking) one of the videos i made. he's such a sweetheart.
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Favorite Old Fandom You Wish Would Drag You Back In/Have A Resurgence:
doctor who. i haven't followed it in a while and keep meaning to get back into it. star wars too, but i'm still too bitter about what disney have done to come back into it.
Favorite Thing You Enjoy That Never Had an Active or Big "Fandom" but You Wish It Did:
i'm saying jet lag the game, because our fandom is me and like four other people and i want more friends to talk about it with! i need more people to write fics and make beautiful art!!!
Tempting Project You're Trying to Rein In/Don't Have Time For:
*gestures wildly at my whiteboard of fic ideas* a specific one would be a sci-fi jet lag au that i've been brainrotting over for a week or so now. i barely have time for what i'm writing now, i don't have capacity for another au. no matter how cute it would be.
Tagging (feel free to ignore): @autumnwaste @jetlaggedtomz @vroombeams @dontrollthedicesideblog @jackredfieldwasmyjacob
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Thanks @real-life-senshi for tagging me! I rarely do these kinds of 'get-to-know-you' posts but why not?
The Rules: Tag (9) people you want to know better and/or catch up with, then answer the following:
Four Ships:
Victuuri (Victor Nikiforov x Yuuri Katsuki, Yuri!!! On Ice): I got pulled into the YOI fandom when someone I was following started posting what I thought at the time was an annoyingly excessive number of YOI-related memes and gifs. I ended up watching the series out of curiosity to know what the hype was all about and enjoyed it a lot, which led me to find other people equally interested and talking about it around here, and ultimately led me to the wider world of AO3 where I found many talented writers both in this fandom and others. So I would like to take this opportunity to formally thank the aforementioned YOI-meme poster who unwittingly introduced me to the fandom: @rosepetalrevolution please receive my most heartfelt thanks and this metaphorical gift basket 🎁
Judiki (Julian x Dick Kirrin, Famous Five): If you've been around my blog lately, you know I've been introduced to this pairing by the lovely and talented @sweetsorcery and @majormcnerdy-geekinfantry-blog. This pairing was an unexpected and delightful find that is now living rent free in my head.
Zeus x Ganymede (Greek mythology): @littlesparklight is solely responsible for my discovery and enjoyment of this ship! This prolific writer has also produced many different works around various Greek myths, both shippy and non-shippy, and I can only urge you to visit her AO3 page.
Writers x Readers x Artists: I love collabs. I love when a reader makes a comment that sparks a future idea for a writer. I love when an artist surprises a writer with art for their fics, or when a writer makes a snippet based on a piece of art. Just keep that virtuous circle going!
(I just realised that the 3 ships I listed are all MM but that's not exclusively representative to my tastes. I equally enjoy MF or FF or any other combinations!)
Last Song: The Eurovision 2023 playlist that I listened on repeat for my ratings. I don't really listen to a lot of music on my own; I find it too distracting when I'm reading or looking stuff up on my computer. I listened to music a lot more when I used to draw, though; I always had music as a background then.
Currently Reading: Bill Bryson's The Body: A Guide for Occupants (non fiction) ... as well as a lot of ongoing fics on AO3 -- mostly original works but some fanfics too.
Last Movie: That would be Alexandre Astier's Kaamelott (Premier Volet), based on the legend of King Arthur. It started as a short-format humoristic TV series made of 3-minute episodes, then evolved into 50-minute episodes as the plot got more involved and explored deeper concepts, and the conclusion should now be in the form of a movie trilogy, the first one of which was released a couple of years ago. For a long time, my awareness of the franchise was mainly about the earlier 3-minute humoristic episodes, as they benefit from regular (but out of sequence) reruns on TV. Only recently did I watch the full 6 seasons in the order they were meant to be watched, which greatly enhances the experience. I hope they can get the final two movies made!
Craving: TIME. Seriously. Give me time to read the growing pile of books sitting on my 'to-read' shelf. Give me time to re-read books I've enjoyed in the past and see if I have the same outlook now as I did then. Give me time to read and re-read and comment on AO3 fics. Give me time to resume drawing and learn how to properly use digital art tools. Give me time to practice the piano again. Give me time to exercise so I can feel fitter and stronger in my body. GIVE ME TIME.
Tagging: Absolutely no pressure doing this! Just tagging some of my mutuals and people whose posts and contents always brighten up my dash :) @moonwhing @proantagonista (whom I have not mentioned above but whose YOI fic "Winter Song" was one of the earliest I read and convinced me there was really good stuff to be found in fanfic) @sweetsorcery @majormcnerdy-geekinfantry-blog @littlesparklight @rosepetalrevolution @happyheidi @somethingyoirelated @sheepskeleton-art
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fumifooms · 6 months
Hey fumi do you have any fics in the work?
Hi! I always have a ton of wips and prompts on the back burner, but as for whether I have any fics right now that I’m actively working on… Yes! Although I don’t know from what fandom you are from anon (I’m guessing Dungeon Meshi) so I’m just gonna talk about my general fic plans regardless of what they’re for.
Tldr: Currently I’m working on two fics for Harahara Sensei, but after that I want to try and continue some wips I started and left unfinished, besides all the other wips I want to try and get done asap alongside that for a bunch of fandoms.
I’m working on two oneshots simultaneously for Harahara Sensei/Timebomb Teacher! I’ve been alternating between which of the two I’m focusing on which uhh certainly is a choice. One is gonna be pretty short like uhh 2k words while the other I’m anticipating to be around ~5k words maybe? Harahara Sensei’s a manga that’s not even been translated into english and my last fic for it got no attention so I’m def not expecting anyone else to rejoice about it but I’m having a great time. I’ve been considering machine translating them and put them on Pixiv though, there are a couple of fics for it on there so if it’s readable to others that’d be fun. Harahara Sensei has been having a grip on my brain again lately I tell you… I listen to my spotify playlist for it and I weep
— Unlike my last Harahara Sensei fic though these are feel good and not ungodly angst! The shorter one is gonna be centered around ice creams/popsicles, themes of empathy and being ice cold with others and mayybe stolen childhood considering canon, with a motif of winning and losing popsicles— You know that thing in japan where if there’s winner written on the popsicle stick you get another popsicle for free at a store. This might sound like a far fetched concept but canon just had a field trip with this I could talk SO MUCH about popsicles in Harahara Sensei and how Yoroizuka loves them omg. The way he tossed a winning stick in a fire- The way it almost mimics the look of a smoke- The way he eats them because he never had the chance to as a kid- So much I could say and so much I could spoil and so much I could theorize and rant about it makes me rabid!!!! Is this a good time to mention Harahara Sensei is about yakuzas — The longer one is about them going out to eat at a restaurant together after vol 2, pretty chill, learning to know each other beyond their usual um, "professional" setting. Unlike the ice cream one it’s less vibey and more straightforward, shooting for dialogue and neat moments. Its name is gonna be Death Tolls and Dinner Rolls which I have such a shit eating grin about, it’s so perfect and hilarious to me it feels like my brain is huge. Here below the summary tidbits for the fics + a canon extra page about Yoroizuka so y’all have a visual idk. Oh I don’t go into it in the pic but there’ll def be a death toll-adjacent convo in the fic and not only dinner rolls, I don’t lie on the label
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You know, I noticed lately how the theme of food is pretty prevalent in my fics in general. Like, even before reading Dungeon Meshi! Both of my Harahara Sensei wips here were started before reading it, funny how that works. My first posted fic ever is about baking a cake hah. With Dunmeshi it’s only getting worse here on out I’m afraid. My thing with Harahara Sensei fics so far has been to do a lot of animals metaphors and comparisons because dehumanization is a big and cool theme in it and OUGHH that’s so fun. Rat races… Brb sobbing. Also I’d be making faster progress on my fics if I didn’t overthink everything and insisted on researching how rare benches are in Kabukicho tbh. Please god let them sit down……
Listen if you’re a oomfie you knowwww I have so many marchil wips… But I also have a ton of other dunmeshi wips as well. So real talk for the moment I feel like fic wise I’ve done a explored marchil a good amount, I’d like to work on smth else as a palate cleanser after a month of working on the same fic oughh. But yes I’ve done angsty unrequited during canon marchil, I’ve done bittersweet-ish fluffy post-canon slow burn-ish marchil, if I were to focus on a marchil fic soon I think it’d either be 1) a quick gen/platonic fic set during canon where Chilchuck lends her an ear and comforts her after the dungeon rabbits incident when she gets nightmares, 2) Marcille and Chilchuck on a date post-canon, ice skating and dancing and shenanigans, or 3) either Marcille invites him to a fancy social event at the castle as her plus-one (aka emotional support) maybe already dating maybe on the verge of confessing OR they’re already dating and then Marcille’s mom visits them and it’s very sweet and then maybe a marriage proposal happens too~, in both cases Chilchuck is going through so much stress. I’ve done many flavors so far but what I reallyyy want to do rn is just Chilchuck’s heart on the edge of giving out, going through the five stages of grief over the banquet not having his favorite kind of alcohol and Marcille not letting him be an ornamental plant in the corner of the room and doing the bare minimum. If it doesn’t show I’m most excited for 3)…
BUT. Before I fell down the marchil rabbithole I was working on a couple of laimar ideas, including one where Marcille makes Laios read The Daltian Clan because she’s soo desperate for someone to talk about it with even if Falin didn’t end up getting into it. The plot twist is that Laios DOES get invested, but in all the different ways. Laios is less into the drama and romance and politics (haha have fun being king my guy) that Marcille is into but is more invested in the action/war and he roots for the monster hordes enemies and whatnot. They have diametrically opposed favorite characters and allegiances. He hyperfixates on a minor side character. Shenanigans happen in short and they heatedly discuss the latest chapters that Laios read and stuff. Marcille always end up some mix of enraged at his opinions but overjoyed to have a fellow fan around. It’s supposed to be 3 chaps long, have one chap set during canon pre-relationship, one chap set just after canon with some canon divergence & feelings blooming and then one chap set post canon & canon compliant with established relationship. I don’t have a name I’m satisfied about for it hnng, have some fun wip bits though, this summarizes the vibes well
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An effect of writing up most my laimar ideas before Dungeon Meshi ended is that in many of them Marcille goes to prison oop, I do think that’d be a fun possibility to explore though, so at some point I’d like to at least include it in a fic. I even wrote down a laimar idea where it’s them pining with the other being oblivious to it BUT it’s narrated from Chilchuck sensing the romance in the air and seething (no jealousy at ALL just Chilchuck being a hater, being like ugh!! Young people in love. Ugh!!). Here are some other laimar-marchil ideas I find presentable, esp the second one I’m really endeared by it I wanna do a short soft nighttime fic about cherishing your loved one…… I want it to be marchil but dragons are more topical for laimar ugh 😔 I love Marcille being a canonical big spoon
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But tbh I want to write gen/no ships fics for dunmeshi a lot. I have plans for Mithrun-centric fics, and I want to write at least one about Cithis as well. Here are a bunch, I thought of the Laios & Falin one lately while rereading that page where Laios tells about when he went to see Falin at the academy and I love it sm rn, I want to weite about Falin jumping into his arms and breaking his back, imagine your brother who you haven’t seen in years unexpectedly shows up at your window while filthy and disheveled. I need to write that, also yay Falin pov :)
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Oh it’s gonna sound crazy but I also had a phase of wanting to write about Shuro, and particularly Shuro & Izutsumi as siblings who deal with their home situation in diametrically opposed ways and influence each other positively to be less at the extremes of propriety and allowing your shackles to a family vs rebelling against it. Lotsa lil snippets and maybe even a multi chap fic. Oh also a farcille one where Marcille helps bathe and brush Falin because she sheds feathers a lot post canon, just some domestic fluff. And even this is far from all my dunmeshi prompts so hopefully you see what I mean when I say I have soo many wips at all times. Which brings us to…
After that:
As with most end of the year periods, I’m feeling like I want to finish all the loose ends I actually started. I have a list with my priorities but besides Wild Side which I have the first chapter up for (Camp Camp fic) and there’s also an asaden Chainsaw Man I reallyyy planned on finishing last december for Christmas so… Second time’s the charm? It’s called Hachiko & Hot Chicken and it’s just about them going on a Christmas date in Shibuya. Ahh yes there are also two kimbliza Fullmetal Alchemist ones I started, besides the soapmaking Invader Zim zagr one from years ago that I left mid-writing the last chapter. Other fun ones are an Animal Crossing one centering around the player character & Redd going bug hunting, and a Long Way North one about sleeping on a rocking ship and bunking in together in the dead of night, both from years ago too. Man, my recurring themes truly do be sleeping and eating.
Okok time to end this post dayum. I warn that I’m a pretty slow writer, both in general averaging at like 15 words per minute if I’m generous, and in the broader life schedule. I am unreliable af and I have no clue when my next fic is coming out at any given moment. Many of my readers have spent months or years waiting for the next chapter… Which is why I tend to stick to oneshots heh. If I focus well enough on writing, maybe my Harahara Sensei oneshots will only take me one week each hmm. Too many ideas too little time Honestly though I’d also like to focus on tumblr posts some soon, I got some asks and big posts I’d like to finish up~ Oh but I have to admit lately I’ve been focusing more on fanart and just original art as well. Sorry for the novel but ty for the ask~
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thedamagedss · 8 months
Hi! I apologize but this is lengthy!
You can call me Peri. I’m 33 years old (female - she/her). I’ve got 23 years under my belt in writing both stories and roleplaying (started in 2000). I’m a multi-para to novella writer who prefers 3rd person. I only write as female characters and I don’t double. I only use real face claims and I’d prefer if you did the same. I am fine with F/F and M/F storylines.
Some very common themes in my writing are angst, trigger warnings, dark themes and a treasure trove of drama. I really enjoy gritty roleplays that dig into the core of characters. That being said, I also enjoy the fluff, the romance, the funny and the sweet moments. I often will throw characters through the ringer but I often love them dearly. I just believe a good story has peaks and valleys to contrast one another. I am smut friendly but it should never be the central idea. I need to plot and have a story that just so happens to include those passionate moments between characters…. Not a smut filled story that I need to plot around.
Looking for a few long term partners to write a few different ideas on Discord. Must be at least 21+ as SFW & NSFW themes are involved in most of my writing. As I stated, I’m fine with F/F ships but as of right now, I’m really only looking for someone to play a male/masculine character to my female/feminine character. I ask that there be literacy and decent grammar. I’m not perfect and make mistakes but please at least use the correct punctuations. Also, Idc what your real-life gender is. Just be respectful please. And don’t make me carry the entire thing alone! I need something to work with.
The good thing is I have quite a few ideas in my arsenal that we could explore!
Some genres I adore are:
Biblical (Hebrew & Christian - angels and demons)
Historical (Ancient Greece/Ancient Rome are my bread and butter)
Mythology (Greek/Roman mythology is what I know most)
I prefer to create my own characters, world build and so on however, there are some fandoms I’d be up to playing (and the characters I’d play beside them). I’ll also include potential characters to play against:
Game of Thrones (Daenerys Targaryen) || (against Khal Drogo or Robb Stark or OC)
Troy (Briseis) || (against Achilles)
The Last Kingdom (Aethelflaed) || (against Uhtred)
These fandoms can be canon or AU or divergent. Just talk to me and I might be up for it. My partner can choose an OC or Canon character. They can also alter characters as they see fit, I don’t mind. I love taking these stories that are established and making it our own!
Now, I’m not going to list every idea I have here so I’ll just tell you, I have soooooooo many ideas and things that I’m inspired to write at the moment and I’d love to discuss them. Some of them are very well fleshed out and others are stories we can flesh out together and may only have basic ideas to them.
Please, I ask that you be patient and understanding with me as I have ADHD, I’m on the spectrum, I have a full time job, I’m married and I have a young child so my ability to be active varies but I can post most days at least once, sometimes more frequently if I have the time and/or the inspiration.
I'd like to add one last thing. I often shower my writing partners with gifts like manips/edits, gifs, pinterest boards, aesthetics and playlists/songs for our roleplays and characters. I love to muse and talk OOC and create fun headcanons about our characters. I like to do things to help keep the inspiration alive as my ADHD makes it easy for me to lose interest.
If you have any questions or are interested in anything here, please like this post or feel free to message me and I’ll reach out as soon as I can! ☺️
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Rules + Request Info Masterpost
Since this site has gone largely mobile-oriented I figure we should post all our info in a pinned post now that we’re back!
Please make sure to read all rules before making a request!
We do not do requests for factives, factkin, or factkin-adjacent kintypes (ex. Hamilton, “Dark” Youtubers, etc.).
This is only for fictives and alterhuman/otherkin identities, not RP muses/OCs/general fandom stuff! (Unless of course your muse or OC is also a kintype!)
We can’t do requests for you if you don’t give all the indicated details.
Our moodboards are made with royalty free images and official art from kin sources only; we don’t feel comfortable using fan art without explicit permission from the creator. You can forward your own art if you’d like it to be included in a moodboard though!
If you ask on anonymous for something we can’t/don’t feel comfortable doing (ex. if we aren’t familiar at all with the source, there isn’t enough detail to complete it, etc.), we most likely will just not add it to the queue. If you ever want to confirm a request status with us, feel free to send a message!
We are okay with exploring dark themes/trauma in requests, especially playlists.
Mood Boards [Open]
A 5-9 image collage of photos, official art of your kintype, and/or quotes/lyrics catered to a certain mood or theme. When requesting a board, please tell us: -Kin source -Kintype name -The mood/emotion you want the theme to be (ex. relaxed, cheerful, sad)
These are optional but helpful! -A color, flower, or general color temperature (hot/cold) you’d like -Any particular types of symbol, iconography, photo, etc. you want included (ex. lightning, trees, the ocean, stones) -Anything in particular you absolutely DON’T want -Any text/lyrics you want included (we can come up with something we feel fits if you want lyrics but don’t have any specific ones in mind!)
Pride Icons [Open]
A set of one or two icons of a character with either a pride flag background or overlay. When requesting a board, please tell us: -Kin source and kintype name -If you want two separate icons (by default we will do just one) -What identity/identities you want represented with a flag -If you want an overlay or a background edit (overlay has the flag juxtaposed over the whole image, a background edit will have the character cut out and displayed over the flag).
Playlists [Open] A playlist of ~30-60 minutes of music. When requesting, please tell us: -Kin source -Kintype name -A mood/emotion/theme you want the playlist based on -What genre(s)/songs, if any in specific, you absolutely want included -Any genre(s)/songs, if any in specific, you absolutely DON’T want **These are made on Spotify by default, so if you would prefer a YouTube playlist please also let us know that!
Pokemon Teams [Open] A set of 6 Pokemon to fit your kintype. When requesting, please tell us: -Your source and kintype name -Any type preference you have and/or specific Pokemon you absolutely want -Any Pokemon or types you absolutely DON’T want, if any -If you would prefer Legendaries be included (by default we won’t) Digimon Partners [Closed] A set of 1-3 Digimon that fit your kintype. When requesting, please tell us: -Your source and kintype name -Any category and/or type preference (ex. virus, beast, bug, etc.) -How many you want (3 max) -If you have a preference for stage of evolution (fresh/baby I, in-training/baby II, rookie/child, etc.)
Pendulum Readings [Closed] A simple divination reading for yes/no questions. (Pendulum readings are by no means definitive, but rather a means of seeking guidance in finding answers.) When requesting, please indicate you want a pendulum reading and provide a question which can be answered with yes, no, or maybe. Tarot Readings [Open, single card readings only] A tarot divination for to help answer simple questions or provide guidance through evaluations. (Like pendulum readings, tarot readings are for guiding you to an answer, and should be considered as such rather than a definitive answer conclusion.)
These are currently being done by Mod S, using the Thoth deck. For a Single Card Tarot Reading, please indicate you want a tarot reading and give us a simple question. This should be something that is in the realm of a yes or no answer, or a “vibe check”. For a Mind, Body, and Spirit Assessment, please indicate you want this type of reading and if you would prefer a private answer (off anon only).
For an Advice Reading, please give us an overview of the problem or situation you are working through, and if you would prefer a private answer (off anon only).
About the mods
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kkrazy256 · 1 year
AO3 wrapped!
Respond to this with what you would call the top 5 fanfics you’ve read in 2022. Any genre! Any ship! (Bonus points: if you’re a creator, make this a 5+1 and include your favorite fic you wrote in 2022!)
Then leave this in your friends’ asks too. Let’s give creators one more spotlight before the year ends, and share some of what we’ve enjoyed along the way!
Hiii mikey!! Had to go dig in bookmarks and deliberate how to narrow it down to five, that is so little to account for all the amazing ones I’ve read this year 😭 so I’ll try to put a few from different fandoms. 
politicians in my eyes by jaigeye. A Fox kills Palp fic, but I will know it as THE Fox kills Palp fic. This fic still lives in my head rent free all the time. It’s amazing. I remember reading it while listening to the accompanying playlist. A whole different experience. Remi’s writing is just, I can’t even explain it. Amazing amazing stuff. 
their days are darker by Cal. CAL FIC BELOVED. Thank you so much for hyping this fic up on the dash when it was ongoing. Because I would have never seen it. The first cal fic I read and how I got to meet Cal. Holding this most belovedly because e mo tions. 
The Last Time I'll Abandon You by professor of naruto. Just holy shit. I’m in the process of re-reading it right after catching up because I can’t put my thoughts about it in words just yet. Because it’s just so so SO good. I went through the entire thing like, ‘oh god everything happens so much to him. Oh god someone PLEASE help him’ It’s :(((( I’m so emo. It’s so good. I love the way they’ve written each character, especially Rin. This fic hurts my heart and I love love love it.
Dance of the Dog God by Tartarun. AU where kks went rogue before Kannabi. And Obito adopts Naru and Sasuke. Cool exploration of how different everyone’s dynamics would be in this situation. Awesome mission arcs. The words they string together are breathtaking. Sometimes I just reread certain lines like wow. I need to print these words out and eat them. The worldbuilding of Uzushio is so so cool. Very highly recommended. 
Disco Elysium
10,000 Things According to Will by Lepak. Kim reconnecting with his Seolite heritage and all the mixed feelings that come with that. This one made me genuinely cry and feel so homesick. There were so many moments in this one where I had to stop and say, ‘hey, I’ve felt this. Hey, I’ve had this dish before’. Just very genuine and beautiful writing. 
My favorite this year of my own writing is Of Hair Dyes and Dolls  This was my first time writing Sabine and Rebels fic in general. But I really loved the way I wrote this. It felt like a little movie, and I’m so glad I was finally able to convey that grandpa granddaughter relationship between her and Remedy. 
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callivich · 1 year
Just a reminder for anyone new or anyone who has been lurking:
I know it’s difficult coming into a new fandom but everyone in the Gallavich fandom on tumblr is very friendly and kind, so don’t feel nervous - just jump in and say hi.
Make an intro post and check the #gallavichintro tag to find fellow fans!
Like seriously just send a message or reply to a post. We’re here to have fun, the idea of new people is great because it means more engagement.
When I say people are nice, I mean it. I’ve been in so many different fandoms over 20+ years and this is genuinely the kindest group of people I’ve ever encountered online in a fandom space.
Give your blog an icon. People tend to assume that ones without are spam blogs and may block immediately. Here are some great icons you can use with credit: here / here / here
If you’d like a Gallavich banner for your blog, send me a message - I’d be so happy to make you one! I’ve got ones free to use here / here.
Please don’t steal gifs and repost them, here’s a great post explaining why. And another one explaining the gif search function.
Reblog content you enjoy and write in the tags or reply to the post - how much you liked something or if you have other thoughts…..creators love to hear this!
Use the tags. They’re the best way to get your posts noticed if you’re new- #gallavich #ian gallagher #mickey milkovich #ianxmickey any or all of these will work. When you make a post, you should see a little grey box that says something like add tags to help people find your post, just type in there. (You don’t need to use the # symbol. Tumblr automatically does that.)
There are so many brilliant active communities that you can take part in - I’ve done a roundup post here & I will update it with new communities
If you feel creative? Got for it. Don’t worry about what people think, just share your work. Write that fic or headcanon or meta, draw that art, create that gifset, design that aesthetic piece, share that playlist. Chances are that a lot of people will enjoy your work!
Recommend what you’ve enjoyed! There is no time limit on sharing links to fic, art, headcanons, gifsets, posts of any kind…..reblog/share what you love and keep sharing it. Whether it’s brand new or years old, sharing the work is great idea.
Go back and explore things. Older fics on ao3, gifsets and art from years past, moodboards and headcanons that are years old. None of these things have an expiration date. So reblog them, share them, let people experience them for the first time and allow people to enjoy them for the 2nd/3rd/4th time.
Share your ideas. Whether it’s headcanons or meta or fics or art, share it. Feel free to explore your ideas. There’s always room for discussion, analysis and creativity.
Keeping reblogging posts. Not just once or twice but again and again. The queue is there for a reason. And each time you do? You’re sharing it with your dash.
Remember, pretty much everyone starts out as a lurker and when it comes to being creative - everyone starts at the beginning. Those writers and artists and creators that you are in awe of? They all started out at square one. Everyone practices and creates over and over again, that’s how it goes. The more you write or draw or create, the better you get. And fandom loves to see it.
This is a relatively small-ish fandom but it’s active and there is nothing nicer than new people joining, so don’t hesitate - jump in. It’s so much fun and we’d love you to join us! 💖
If anyone has any tips or encouragement they’d like to share, please reply to this post! 💖
And if you have any questions about using tumblr, send me an ask!
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izabellwit · 1 year
im sorry im sending so many of these feel free to ignore some if you already got em <3
these answers got kinda long so dhjfgj under the readmore it goes!!
🤡What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
Hunter manages to shove all the junk into one corner and make the start of a fairly presentable bed in the other corner by the time the human re-arrives in the Boiling Isles and throws open his door hard enough to smack it against the wall.
“You took my advice!” shouts the human, at the top of her lungs.
“Hiiiiii,” says Hunter, hands over his ears. The human takes a deep breath. Hunter closes the door in her face. “Byeeee.”
(From this fic!!)
There's a lot of lines I've written over the years that make me laugh, but Hunter and Luz as a funny sibling duo…. Every time I reread this fic I giggle at this scene. 
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
OH ABSOLUTELY there's a few lil ones… I think the one I do most often is namedrop other fandoms/charcters? This happens a lot in my KH fics. Like I'll have a TWEWY reference or character show up for like one second and then never again. Just for funsies and also flavor and also bc I love twewy. 
Sometimes I will also set up scenes specifically to make readers think the worse happened/some guy died or whatever and then it gets revealed its something funny instead. I do that a lot too djhsfgkj
🎢Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
LABYRINTHS OF THE HEART. I love all I've written but nothing will ever come close to Labyrinths. It was freshmen year of college and stuff was happening irl and that fic just. Went places. I had so much fun with it.
✨Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
AAAA. UM. Oh god. Uhhhh I think I do pretty well with characterization / character voice? Also a lot of my fics I write for me and im always very happy with them… they are exactly what I wanted to read. Does that count??
🎶Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
YEAH. For certain fics I'll make a whole playlist, even! As for a song on loop.... this one! Inkpot Gods by the Amazing Devil never leaves my brain haha
🍦What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
Ohhh gosh. Okay so its either Klee meeting the knights of Favonius or Hyakkimaru and Dororo comedy fic hjdfgkjgh
💖What made you start writing?
Oooo I gotta think about this one... hmmm, I think, I've always been a daydreamer and as a kid I used to be annoyed I couldn't "reread" my daydreams like I could my favorite books?? so I decided I just had to write them down eventually I think jhdfkgj
Of course in my mind before i could write down my ideas I had to actually get GOOD at writing (kid brain. My logic is silly, write whatever and whenever u want, u do not need "skill" to get started but ANYWAY) that's also how I started writing fic, for writing practice!! And now years later I'm still at it haha
🎯Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share which?
Oooooh, a lot of readers in Labyrinths guessed the final plot point, which is that Varian will become the moondrop… most of my fics don't tend to have major twists though, I think…? There's one other fic I've written that has a HUGEE twist, but it hasn't been revealed yet and no one's guessed it yet, so ;)
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
i have a player and xehanort on the island fic in the works (exploring his possible childhood, character study and legacies kinda thing), and its still veeeeeery rough draft (like. basically still just notes) but I do have this exchange!!!
-do you think they’ll like me?
-the friends from my dreams. I’m not— do you think they’ll like me anyway?
-of course.
-but how do you know? What if they don’t? What if— what if I go out there and no one—
-he stops. He doesn’t know where he was going with that.
-silence. And then his teacher leans forward, and holds him close. I love you, they say. I love you very much.
-that isn’t what I asked.
-but it's my answer. They press a hand to his head. You’ll understand, one day. 
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
The above exhange: "i love you / that isn't what I asked / but it is my answer" has actually shown up in a few fics! It's a common theme I guess u could say... its a conversation that means something to me and I think it is changed slightly by the context of every story, so I keep bringing it in jhdfgkj
Other things that crop up a lot....Found family for sure! Uhhh the phrase "rolling the thought like candy on [their] tongue" shows up a lot without my meaning it too djhfgjkh
Oh!!! Honey!! Honey shows up a lot. I think honey is fantastic. Did u know it lasts forever? Also it has great medical properties--Anyway I think you get the idea haha
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27801085/chapters/68061658 hehe
Anyway. The woods whispering fic may be completed but I think about the fucked up found family relationships in that fic 24/7. The moment i posted the last chapter i had to stare at a wall for a bit haha
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