#i don't really care about voice acting quality so i didn't really mind. but like. why tho.
sicksweetcreamy · 2 years
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Magitober 2022 22. Fav MG - Ashley Taylor "Now that was KAWAII! Time for my signature pose!"
General Thoughts on Ashley: well animated transformation and full of personality, it's so fucking cute. Simultaneously a design I wouldn't consider in line with my preferred aesthetics but also totally one of my favs.
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kumanosuke on the soles of her boots couldn't figure out a perspective that would let me draw this (as in, it would be a pose too a for me to draw) so this PSA is my way of letting the world know.
Good battle motions, "let's go kumanosuke; yeh! Wow! I'm gonna gurokawa you up good! Looking good! <3" Serviceable doppel design, but could be better. Disappointing attack.
The self-insert Mary Sue of our dreams, i love her sm
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akutasoda · 3 months
The voices in my head fighting with each other to decide what live language each male character has;
Argenti: words of affirmation (no one is impressed)
I mean, this one is so obvious lmao 😭 that man will spend HOURS just complimenting you and saying how beautiful you are and stuff. He is your number-one fan and simp.
Jing Yuan: Physical touch (nobody saw that coming omg)
This guy is 24/7 glued to you. You two are walking? One arm wrapped around your waist or shoulder or he's holding your hand. Mid work? Good luck trying to! This man is probably hugging your back or nuzzling his face against you. At home? You are NOT leaving the bed, not when two giant cats are squishing you. (Mimi got jealous and joined)
Blade: I would say its either quality time or physical touch.
We all know Blade doesn't talk too much, neither does he know how to express his feelings well.
So, in my opinion, he enjoys spending time alone with you. No need to talk or something, he just wants to have your presence next to him.
Physical touch is more by the fact that when you two get REALLY close, he becomes more touch-starved. This man is in dire need of comfort in his life and I feel he would seek that by constantly having his hand touching you.
Gepard: (there was a war happening in my head to decide this one) Quality time, words of affirmation or acts of service.
Can we consider this man a malewife or he's still babygirl? (LMFOAOAOAO)
Gepard doesn't have much time to spend idly in his life, having to constantly deal with possible threats, guarding, or training recruits takes a lot of time and energy. So I feel like quality time and physical touch would go together for when he's finally free to spend time with you.
He finally has some time to spend with you and Gepard is not going to waste it. That man is following you around like a lost cat. He just wants to be around you for as long as he can.
While being rather shy, I think Gepard would like to constantly be touching you. Either be simple hand-holding or cuddling.
This man likes to help you around the house, helping you clean, cook, etc. Gepard wants to show you that he cares and is here to help you either inside with mundane things or outside by protecting you.
This poor guy has been through way too much recently, please just let him stay near you for an undisclosed amount of time. Just the two of you alone while he reads for you (or you read for him), having a quiet tea moment as he just hears you yap about how your day was. He just needs to be near you. Please don't deny him this.
i can get behind all of these.
and i feel like gepard is definitely a malewife and a babygirl, he can only be both. i personally feel quality time is probably his biggest mainly because while he does do acts of service, he feels it's too much like his work and fears you'd only see that as him doing his duty as captain and not yout lover. words of affirmation are the same.
don't mind me adding some of my favs-
gallagher - similarly i feel gallagher would be like gepard in that sense. he is one hundred percent quality time as his job as security under the bloodhound family gives him very little time to be with you. and while he definitely gives you gifts often, he sometimes feels as though he's only doing it out of obligation and not genuine affection and so when he does give you gifts he makes sure you know how much he cares about you. he's also a classic romantic.
luocha - i feel he would only be quality time if you didn't travel with him. but otherwise he would be acts of service or maybe physical touch. travelling with him would mean he'd always keep an eye out for you and ensure your comfort and safety and so if you ever wanted to do something anywhere he'd make it happen. physical touch would be minimum but it's still something he'd want, and im mainly talking about how he'd just want to hold your hand. like constantly. he'd need that reassurance that your safe.
aventurine - i'd have to say he's physical touch and words of affirmation, perhaps quality time but i'd mainly go with the previous two. physical touch mainly because he needs it, after he's finally found someone he can trust and be himself around, he needs that reassurance that your here. that your real and in his arms, someone who can love him. which would also be where words of affirmation would come in, i would say he'd very much need it to be both ways. after all the struggles and hardships he's been through he needs those words of reassurance and a part of him would want to ensure you also have that same happiness in knowing how much he appreciates you.
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oliversrarebooks · 7 months
The Rare Bookseller Part 28: Fitz's Capture
June 1905
TW: mind control, captivity, restraints
"And wake." Snap.
Fitz's eyes popped open, as though he'd just closed them for a second -- but that clearly wasn't the case, because he was no longer backstage. Nor was he in his bedroom, on his couch, in someone else's bedroom, on someone else's couch, or in prison, which covered all the places he was likely to wake up unexpectedly.
No, instead he was in a sterile looking room, almost like a doctor or dentist office, perched on top of a table. His arms were restrained behind his back, a pair of handcuffs that he was sure he could easily get himself out of. Lily was standing in front of him, serene and confident.
He'd been a bad judge of character many, many times in his life, but he had a sinking feeling that this would turn out to be one of his more spectacular mistakes. He crushed down the little voice telling him about how he'd been stupid, so stupid, and tried to plaster an unflappable smile on his face.
"Did you have a nice rest? It seemed like you could use it," said Lily.
Fitz's eyebrow twitched with the amount of questions flooding his brain. He hadn't really even believed in mesmerism, and yet somehow she'd put him to sleep and taken him to a location that was clearly not anywhere in the theater. It didn't seem possible, and yet, here he was, trying to remain calm, act like he belonged here and that he knew exactly what he was doing.
"It seems I lost the bet," he said. "Good trick. Mind telling me where we are now?"
"Care to guess?"
He frowned, looking around the room. There wasn't much to go on, just a few chairs and tables. There was an odd post in the center of the room, and the table nearest him had what looked like medical tools on it. He hoped those were just decorative.
"Oh, it's beyond obvious that you've kidnapped me for ransom," he said, picking the most likely option and bluffing his way with the rest. He just needed to keep her talking while he worked his hands free of the cuffs, quietly so she would not hear. "A terrible decision on your part, really. I realize that it's hard to believe, but my family has no appreciation for my talents. They're not going to part with a single dime on my behalf. If anything, they'd pay you to keep me. Not that I expect you to listen to my sage wisdom, but you'd really be better off releasing me before this business gets any uglier."
"Don't worry, I know that your family has left you for dead. I wouldn't have taken you if I thought anyone was going to look."
Now that was actually worrying. "What exactly do you mean by that?" he asked, mostly to stall for time since he didn't think he'd get a real answer from her. 
The door was right there, slightly ajar. Lily was smaller than him and didn't look particularly strong. He could overpower her if needed, especially if he caught her by surprise. And the sooner he got out of here, the better, before he found out firsthand why she didn't want anyone to come looking for him. One of his hands twisted free.
"I mean that I'm not interested in ransom. I'm going to make money from you in a much more surefire way." She grinned, and Fitz was sure he saw fangs there. That couldn't be right -- he had to be imagining things.
Still, she had somehow mesmerized him entirely. And she was very, very pale...
"And how do you intend to make this money?"
"I'll be selling you in an auction. An auction where you're going to be in very high demand. You see, your family's blood is extremely high quality, but it's too risky for us to take anyone whose disappearance might be investigated. That is, until you did the courtesy of divesting yourself of your pesky family. Really, I should thank you."
Fitz's mouth was going dry. "Did you say my blood? You mean my lineage? Because that --"
"No, I mean your literal blood." She was way too close to him now, and when she grinned, her fangs were very sharp and very obvious. How had he not noticed? "Haven't you figured out that I'm a vampire, yet? I thought you might be sharper than that."
"A vampire?" A chill gripped his heart. The evidence -- but no, there was no way. He forced himself to arrogantly laugh in her face. "You do realize I spend most of my time in the company of performers, magicians, occultists, fortunetellers, carnival freaks, and circus acts, don't you? I've rapped on the table during seances. I've been to a dozen rituals to trick rubes. Your vampire act is good, no doubt, but it falls a little short of believable."
She leaned back, and Fitz could see the door again. He slipped his other hand just free of the cuff. "You don't have to believe if you don't want," she said. "What you think hardly matters, especially when I'll be changing your mind. Now let's --"
He took his chance, leaping off the table, pushing her aside and bolting for the door. Fake vampire or no, he wasn't about to let himself be sold at any sort of auction. Thankfully, she clearly wasn't expecting him to slip the cuffs, so his escape should be --
His blood rushed to his ears as he was grabbed and slammed into a wall, with enough force to hurt but not enough to seriously injure him. Lily, the mousey woman a head shorter than him, with arms like fragile twigs, was effortlessly pinning him.
"You get one free attempt," she said. "Mostly because I like you, and you're far too valuable to harm."
Fitz kicked his legs uselessly, his struggles not even seeming to register with her. His panic was growing as he tried to think of an angle behind her apparently supernatural strength and reflexes and came up short. He'd never seen anything like this.
An actual vampire.
Yes, this was one of the worst of his mistakes.
With how effortlessly she'd stopped his dash for the door, escape probably wasn't an option as long as she had him in her sights. That meant his efforts had to go towards survival. Bluff and charm and stall and hope a better opportunity presented itself.
"Can you truly blame me?" he said, hoping his terror wasn't too obvious. Could a vampire smell fear? "I'm a magician. It's my instinct to try and escape. But I've learned my lesson, now."
"Have you?" she said, cocking her head. "You don't strike me as the type of man to learn his lessons easily."
"Perhaps not, but I am the type of man who would rather not be thrown into the wall again."
"That, I can believe," she said, releasing her grip. She walked over to a nearby cupboard, keeping her eye on him all the while. She pulled out a white linen shirt and slacks, tossing them at him. "Now, little magician, be nice and obedient and put these on without a fuss, and your body and mind can remain intact for now. How about it?"
"You want me to change in front of you?" Fitz asked, earning him an impatient glare. "Yes, yes, no fuss, lesson learned. I hope you enjoy what you see." He began unbuttoning his shirt, never breaking eye contact with Lily. He didn't like the sound of "intact for now." Nor did he like the implication that his mind would be harmed. She had him completely over a barrel, and all because he thought he could easily outwit a mesmerist. Stupid, stupid, he'd been so stupid.
He tried in vain to crush down his thoughts by making a great, dramatic show of whipping off his shirt, which gained no reaction whatsoever from Lily. "You know, you were quite good at being part of my magic show," he said as he stripped off the rest of his clothing. "And you have impressive talent as a mesmerist, not to mention your surprising strength. You could make a lot of money in vaudeville."
"I can make a lot of money selling humans."
"Vaudeville's a much easier paycheck, I would think."
"I wouldn't say that. It was awfully easy capturing you, wasn't it?"
Fitz couldn't help but scowl. There had to be some angle here. "Don't you feel a twinge of remorse, doing this? Kidnapping innocent people? Not me, of course, I'm hardly innocent, but surely others..."
"Oh, I do, at times. But my remorse pales compared to the size of my paycheck, not to mention my hunger for blood like yours."
"So that's it, then? Some vampire is going to drain me dry and leave me for dead?"
"Oh, not at all. With how valuable your blood is, it'd be extremely irresponsible to leave you for dead," she said. "No, more likely they'll leave you in a half-lucid state for years while they feed from you whenever the mood strikes them. If you're lucky, you'll get to keep enough of your mind to be a servant."
Stupid. Stupid. He'd been so stupid. "Well, doesn't that sound..." His composure broke, unable to think of a retort. Trapped by vampires, having his mind taken, being forced into servitude -- he always knew his life would lead him to some kind of bad end, but he didn't expect this sort of fate worse than death to be waiting for him. "Doesn't that just sound charming," he finished pathetically. 
The uniform was uncomfortably itchy and ill-made, and he was glad he had no mirror. "Well? Do I look the part of your prisoner?" he said, striking a pose before Lily.
"It'll do. You'll get a more thorough physical examination later," she said. "But it's almost sunrise, so for now I'll get you to your cell. Any funny business and I'll put you back to sleep."
"I think I've had enough charmed sleep for one night," he said, offering no resistance as Lily gripped his wrist and pulled him out of the room. They walked down a sterile corridor and through a set of metal double doors, the guard glaring at him as he passed through. The doors opened to a long row of prison cells, most filled with people in various states of misery. Some curled up, some sat on cots and stared vacantly at the wall, one woman was pacing and muttering to herself.
The reality of it all began to sink in. This wasn't a nightmare, or a trick, or a joke. He was actually a prisoner here, and he had no way out. It was all he could do to keep from fruitlessly struggling against Lily's grasp, knowing it could only make his situation worse.
She led him to an empty cell and motioned him inside, and he took a long look at the doors before reluctantly entering, the door closing behind him with a definitive clang.
"Meals are three times a night. The faucet water is for drinking and bathing. Use the bell if you need the chamber pot cleaned or if there is an emergency. Lights out means quiet. Noise during lights out, abusing the bell, or harming yourself will all be punished."
"What's the punishment?"
"Anything we like, so I wouldn't recommend testing it," she said. "Oh, and you should know that I am planning to keep your mind intact. I have an old friend who I think would appreciate your antics. But if you attempt to escape, that plan will change. Is that clear?"
Perhaps he had indeed learned a lesson, because he didn't doubt that she could do that. He had to do whatever it took to stay alive here. "Crystal clear."
"Good, I'm glad we can understand each other. I can tell we're going to get along well, Phantom Fitz."
"Like a house on fire," he said bitterly.
"Anyway, I'll leave you to stew in your many regrets. See you next evening."
As Lily walked away, Fitz flopped down on the meager cot with the rough mattress. Even his bed in the tiny room he'd rented was better than this. He couldn't help but think of his old family home -- the luxurious bed, the sumptuous food, the gorgeous clothing. He'd run away from it all to pursue his freedom, to live a life away from constant criticism and expectation. He'd been broke, slept in the nastiest of flophouses, gone hungry, begged, bartered, and stole. 
It had all been worth it when he was up on the stage, in his element. It was all going to be worth it when he made it big, when he basked in the applause of adoring crowds and rolled in riches every night. Approval he didn't need to wring out of his parents like blood from a stone, money that wasn't doled out with withering glares.
And now, that dream could all go up in smoke. A servant to a vampire. So much for freedom, fortune, and fame. If he had known...
He was stupid. So stupid.
Part 27 >> Masterlist >> Part 29
Thanks for reading this story of a down on his luck stage magician. Back to Oliver next.
@d-cs @latenightcupsofcoffee @thecyrulik @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @wanderinggoblin @whumpyourdamnpears @only-shadows-dwell-where-we-are @pressedpenn @pigeonwhumps @amusedmuralist @snakebites-and-ink @xx-adam-xx @ivycloak @irregular-book @whumpsoda @mj-or-say10 @pokemaniacgemini @whumpshaped @whumpsday @morning-star-whump @shinyotachi @silly-scroimblo-skrunkl @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @pirefyrelight @theauthorintraining-blog @whump-me-all-night-long @anonfromcanada @typewrittenfangs
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visionsofmagic · 1 year
could you write heimdall falling for a midgard human reader and him being really protective over them 🥰
heimdall x midgard&human!reader
tags: fluff, injury, wound, healing, protective!heimdall, kissing, touching. enjoy!
wc: dunno, but not so long.
heimdall never mind your presence in the asgard even though you were a mortal; a midgard human who was in all-Father's service thanks to high-quality medical treatment you give to aesir gods and goddess by using a high level magic. being a mortal didn't make you weak, it made you powerful. you were indeed a mortal who would die in some day, one of the things that make heimdall so protective of you, but it didn't mean you were invisible to eyes. no, everyone in asgard knew you, they knew how you treated wounds and pain with your delicate hands.
in the first years that felt like ages were normal. he was joking with you wherever he saw you, you were teasing to him whenever he came to your treatment place, asking if he needed a medic like anyone could hit him.
that was making him angry in that days but slowly, he understood how he enjoyed your presence, hearing your teasing since there wasn't so many individuals who could tease him without thinking its consequences, seeing how your delicate and beautiful hands working fastly and strongly.
you were a strong woman indeed but because of being in love with you, his protective side increased from day to day, 'till it made both of you realize it like the sunlight.
you remembered how you asked him about this after a certain day. in that day, you were trying to heal an outsider god, probably from vanaheim, who had a bad chest injury. vanaheim and asgard were enemies but sometimes they came to here to find health. odin was giving them home in their own realms since he was trying to show his peace supporter side.
why you were in the asgard was complex. you didn't like odin that much, no, but indeed you loved heimdall who became your beloved with time.
as this stranger entered to your working room, you were talking with heimdall who came to you intentionally but acting like he didn't realize how he ended there.
one valkyrie helped man to reach the room and the moment he entered with a bloddy shirt on, you gently cut the conversation with heimdall and rushed towards the man.
whenever you saw someone in pain, your heart was shaking because of feeling so bad. no matter who they were, you felt the same.
so, when you saw the man in pain, moaning lowly, hardly finding his place on the bed you designed for patients. valkyrie left the room as she saw heimdall after giving the information about the man's wound, how he got that and where he got that. she even told where he was from.
after hearing vanaheim, heimdall suddenly came to your side as you kneeled down to bed's level in order to do a better treatment for the man's wound as you picked up his shirt's edges.
"sir," you said, trying to take man's attention, "you need to take this off I am afraid."
he nodded silently, getting a little up to remove his shirt, tossing it to floor, closing his eyes in pure pain.
the wound was occurred because of a magic - magic that had poison in it.
working on his wound, touching his build chest, you heard heimdall's voice behind you.
"do you need to touch that?" he was referring to your hands on the man's chest, traveling around it to break the magic firstly. he didn't like when you both interacted a dangerous magic with poison in it and touched another man even if it meant for medical care.
"don't. he needs a treatment now. we can speak later."
giving him an angry look, you turned to the man again as his eyes began to open slowly, feeling better after you broke the spell.
taking a deep breath, you began to heal the open wound that created by a sharp sword as valkyrie said before. your hands were traveling on man's chest when his hands suddenly held your wrists roughly, making you cry in sudden pain you felt.
before you or the man say something, heimdall's sword found its way on the man's neck, speaking with a deep and dangerous voice, he said, "leave her or I will cut your head."
the man who looked so confused and afraid left your wrists slowly, breathing deeply.
as your hands found their freedom, you gently touched heimdall's shoulder. "it's okay. he is in shock. it's understandable. so, take back the sword."
heimdall's angry purple eyes looked at him for a few times before putting his sword back in his place, taking a step back to give you a space to finish your treatment.
you told the man how he ended in here while giving him last treatments he needed.
he nodded, looking at your hands shyly, "I am sorry."
giving a little smile, you said, "It's okay. now rest in here for some time. when this blue marks on your chest dissappear, you can leave." getting up, you gave him a bottle that had some herbs in it to boost his health. "take this and drink it before getting up. the wound will heal with time."
he nodded, taking the bottle. "I am glad for your help. thank you -"
"y/n." you said.
"thank you y/n."
then he closed his eyes to rest without sleeping.
you turned to heimdall who was watching you in pure annoyance. he never liked how you treated outsider. he didn't trust them. whenever there was an outsider you had to heal, he was being so protective over you. but, this had to be talked between you two. so, you held his hand, knowing very well he would let you - maybe letting you only even to touch him openly, then, you walked 'till you reached your personal room that was close to the your working room but had two corridors between.
closing the door behind, you turned to heimdall who began to play with your medical supplies one by one like he didn't know why you came to here, like he didn't read your mind at all.
"heimdall." you said, standing right behind his back, leaving just an inch to touch him. he turned his head a little, making you see his side profile which was looking so attractive and good. his purple eyes traveled on your face as you touched his shoulder with your chin, making your faces standing so close to each other.
it was so good to be able to looking at his eyes this close.
"why are you doing this? I am not all-father, you know it. you need your protection, not me."
you left his shoulder, going to your bed that had a high level, reaching till your knees. sitting on it, you heard heimdall's low voice.
"no." he said, approaching you. "no." he said again, more sure this time.
"what?" you asked the moment he reached your bed, standing right in front of you. when his stomach were on your eye level, his hand touched your cheek, lifting your head higher to make you make a contact with his eyes that made your heart warming and beating faster.
"I need to protect you too." he said, slowly caressing your lips with his thumb, making you close your eyes. "not only all-father has a space in my heart."
a question hit your mind, creating a huge blow that was full of hope and happiness; was he confessing his love?
"I couldn't imagine how much you would meant for me, but, here we are sweetheart; you are being in my heart with a huge space."
yes, he definitely was!
you opened your eyes to see his smiling one. heimdall who was cocky, the only one you had in asgard, in your life, confessed his love - he had a love for you.
not believing this, you tried to say," heimdall - "
then, he kneeled down, connecting your lips together with a joy that he brought with it, transferring it from his lips to your heart.
moaning shyly, your hands placed on his shoulders, pulling him closer. you realized how you waited for this moment - for so long. you really love him before he even realized your presence. you loved every detail he had. you loved how you waited for him to visit you in your room, every one of them, and you loved how he treated you differently than others, closer and further.
so, when you finally had him, it took a great time to leave him.
when you broke the kiss finally, he smirked, not leaving your side, being close still.
"I love you." you said, feeling a huge joy. "I love you entirely heimdall."
"I know sweetie, I know."
taking deep breaths, you asked, "so that's why you were so protective, huh?"
"about time your brain works cutie."
slapping his shoulder, you rolled your eyes, "how you can expect me to understand your, well, complex behavior."
"I can end every man's, woman's, creature's life that has a threat to your being. I kill thousands just for you - just for knowing you are safe and well. is it the complex behavior, huh, dummy?"
smiling to him, you held his golden hair, caressing it gently," now you talk, huh, cocky?"
he left a smirk lastly before kissing you again, "and now, I will act."
this was the last thing you remembered from that day, following with lots of unholy things with it.
since that day, heimdall always found his way to sneak into your rooms to well, doing lovely and nasty things while protecting you from everyone, having a protective behavior with the love he felt for you in his heart.
the end.
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seabysiren · 1 year
more streamer au! 141 task force.
part I
when he's not streaming, simon works as a day labourer in contruction. simon likes it because he can just. work. it helps him keep in shape without having to be a desk job or a cashier somewhere.
it's physically tolling but rewarding. he used to work every single day without rest, but with his new channel he takes sunday off to record and check in on his mum.
when simon turned 18 was when everything turned into gear. he had enough money saved up to rent an apartment his mum and brother could move into. away from his drunk, abusive father.
that's why he worked his ass off every day to support his recovering mother and his drug addict of a brother.
but despite being a streamer, his family and friends take first priority. doesn't matter how much or how little he makes. what matters is that his mum is in a better place and that his brother can get help.
he had moved in with you a few months ago because it was an easier commute to work that way. closer to the city, but an easy drive over to his mum's apartment in case of emergency.
he still uses the pc setup in your room, but it was starting to feel a bit inconvenient. simon didn't care as long as he got the job done, but you knew this setup was going to get worse with the limited amount of space and random recording equipment.
so while he was off at his job, you had one goal in mind. renovate the empty basement into a proper streaming room. that included running around and buying those funny styrofoam pannels that's supposed to go on the wall.
it took a few hours to buy what you wanted. you got this really nice desk, LED lights, and a high quality microphone from ikea. bless ikea, because really this little project wouldn't have been possible without it.
you painted the room before you set anything else in it. you knew that simon liked monochrome colours, so you had a different variations of light grey, dark grey, grey and black around the room.
you set up three pcs in the room. all decked out with nice microphones and double monitors to make it easier to see the recording and chat. you really don't know why you bought three setups, but you just had a feeling.
with two pcs you could play together with simon.
with three pcs you could do... something.
you'd figure that out later.
turns out simon had figured that out without even having to talk to you.
there's this new fella on the construction sight. strange scottish man without a filter and a loud, loud voice.
he says call him john.
simon calls him johnny.
and he's an absolute muppet.
simon scowls everytime he gets paired up with johnny, but johnny only breaks out into a big grin while he talks.
"looks like i'm with you boss!"
cue simon's famous death glare.
"don't call me that."
despite the fact that simon barely talked, johnny talks for the both of them. he likes to ramble about his home town in scotland.
"scotland foreva!" simon just hit him over the head the first time he did that.
"we're in manchester you bloody muppet."
johnny loves to ramble. talking about his old neighbor who seemed a little like a drug dealer. or his theory on mattress buildings being fronts to laundering money.
"cause come on! have you 'ever seen someone in there? selling mattresses?? and they never go out of business. there's this one store in my hometown that has been open for over thirty years despite no one ever being parked in the lot."
he's gotta point though.
simon's gone from calling him johnny to soap. because he only has shower thoughts twenty four seven. it never stops.
despite acting like he's a nuisance, simon likes johnny. its nice to finally talk to someone other than yer mum or yer flatmate.
but by god. soap for the love of god cannot stop with his scottish slang. something that sounds less and less like english and more like he's having a stroke.
"yer off yeir heid!"
"do you need to go to the hospital? ya' sound like yer havin' a stroke."
johnny did not have to go to the hospital. but from the amounts of times he's hit his head has simon wondering if he has a permanent concussion. or that his brain is really small and rattling around like a plinko game.
the joke is a scot and a brit walked into a bar.
there's no punch line.
because there's no bar.
because your house is not a damn bar.
lets do that again.
a bloody scot and a brit stomped into the front door.
you are estatic that simon's made a friend. cooing over him embarrassingly as you look the scot up and down.
"omg simon you did it. you made a friend."
"that's enough." johnny snickers in the background, earning a glare from simon.
you and johnny click instantly. the bro code or something, he claims.
the both of you thrive off the chaotic energy. simon just looks at you exasperated.
johnny also likes snooping around. instead of asking for a house tour he's shot off like a rocket. trying to find simon's room so he can steal something.
simon's running after him.
they both look like maniacs.
johnny thought simon slept in the basement. because he has that vibe. the monochrome palette. his sarcasm. the way he constantly squints when the sun gets past noon. because damn it has no reason to be that bright.
instead the two are met with the sight of your newly finished project. leds light the ceiling in a soft purple, illuminating softly pulsing lamps sitting on nice, dark wood desks. the monitors are all off, but the sheer amount of technology in this room makes his jaw hit the floor.
"ya got a stream room??"
simon looks at you in confusion too.
you smile sheepishly while you rub the back of your neck.
"yeah. had to do somethin' with the basement. and since simon needed more space."
johnny's eyes grow bigger than his damn brain.
"you??? stream????"
shocked pikachu face.
because johnny would've pegged you as a streamer with your light and teasing personality. not silent, brooding moody simon.
plot twist. simon's famous.
johnny's immediately begging for his channel name. cause come on, he has to have proof.
"ther' no way yer a streamer."
he is, in fact, a streamer. one that's rapidly growing with his feral fanbase.
johnny is still gawking by the morning.
one thing led to another, and it turns out johnny loves to record too. you had this dumb little idea to see if johnny could be a little guest on the channel. because don't get me wrong, simon's popular. but he needs a bit more. like company.
its ghost. and soap. and you, their little editor.
the chaos of these two when their recording together. simon let him onto the server once and suddenly half his house is blown up and soap's got an army of dogs.
he enslaves all the villagers and kills off half the farm.
or when ghost just wanted to relax and answer some Q&A questions that were long overdue.
he talked a bit about what he likes, favorite food, his opinion of communism.
and soap turned it from a question stream to a shower thought stream.
"ya know the ocean's a soup rite?"
simon sighs into the microphone.
"got the base of the soup. like the seaweed. got a bit of meat and fish. vegetables. sea cucumbers."
you had to write a warning that you cannot, in fact, just drink salt water out of the ocean. because it doesn't work that way. dont drink the forbidden soup.
chaos trio.
ghost, the chronically tired parent. and his two leash children mr soap "omg i just got a thought!" and you, who likes to edit the captions so that ghost is called babygirl.
he's not amused.
you and johnny now call him babygurl.
and half his fanbase too.
it's never gonna go away.
the ghost force had evolved from just this brit to + scot + editor + chaos.
you just put a warning in the beginning of any video that soap's in. because the scot himself needs a warning label.
blurb I
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captain-mj · 1 year
Gonna use this to also fulfil another request I got.
Price slipped his belt from its loops and held it loosely in his hands, noticing how tense Graves became as soon as he noticed.
"What happened? Where did all that confidence go?" Price chided, looking him up and down.
Graves swallowed thickly. "I... um..."
"Come on, Phillip." He popped the p at the end, knowing that Graves hated that name. Could see it in the way it made him squirm. "What were you yelling at me about?"
Graves shook his head slightly. "Nothing, sir." He licked his lips, glancing at the belt and then back to Price's face.
It was a fun game. Price always won.
"What are you going to do with that, sir?" He asked it innocently, like he didn't know exactly what was about to happen. Price grinned.
"Graves, be a good boy and undress."
"Sir, we have a meeting in an hour and..."
"And what?" Price stared at him. "Lock the door while you're at it. I don't want any interruptions." He lit a cigar, watching him ferally. Graves couldn't say no. He followed every order, locking the door and taking off his clothes, folding each item and putting them on his chair. A flush was growing on his body, but he did as told. Even bent over the bed without having to be ordered.
Price smiled. "See you're getting better. Trying so hard." He teased condescendingly, watching Graves squirm more. His hands went behind his back and Price gave in to the urge to ghost his hand over his back, loving the way he leaned in and tried to get every touch he could.
"Isn't this better than being a brat? Can get what you want a lot easier this way, ya know?" He folded the belt in his hand. He grabbed a handful of his ass, taking his time to just admire him. "Really are a pretty sight when you're not acting out."
"Maybe if you gave me enough attention, I wouldn't have to yell to get it." Graves mumbled and Price immediately used the belt on him, making him whimper. The red stripe looked so nice against the pale skin and Price bit back a groan. He took a moment to take a puff of his cigar.
"Keep quiet. Don't want the whole base to know what I do to you in here." He hit him again, watching the flush grow redder on his cheeks. His eyes were already glazing, teeth digging into his bottom lip.
"You're on two, sir." Graves's voice had a breathy quality to it, almost a whine. It was intoxicating, just how easy Price could break the man down like he was nothing.
"Good boy." He watched Graves preen under the praise, adjusting his ass so it was a little more on display. Cute was the first word to come to Price's mind as he patted his hip before hitting him again.
"Three..." Graves whined. Price hit harder each time, enjoying how bright the marks could get.
Price got him up to seven before Graves started to tear up, voice trembling the tiniest bit as he took another hit. And then another. Then the tenth.
"Ten... How many more, sir?" Oh, Price loved that tone. The soft voice, the way he looked up at him with big blue eyes.
"That's all for now." Price grabbed him and flipped him on his back, shoving his legs open. "Now I get a reward for putting up with your behavior." This was far more teasing and Graves knew it, smiling slightly and tilting his head back. It gave Price room to bite and nip along his throat, making large marks that would take days to heal. Graves wrapped his legs around Price's hips, trying to pull him closer. Price took his cigar and put it in Graves's mouth, watching him hold it carefully.
Despite the hard treatment, Graves was hard against Price's stomach, begging for attention. Price quickly got his clothes off, Graves helping him with his shirt. He grabbed the lube and coated his fingers, letting Graves wrap his legs around him again.
Not wanting to risk it, he snubbed the cigar and tossed it on the bedside table. Normally he'd be more careful, but Graves was whining and hesitantly feeling up his sides and how could a man think?
Graves's mouth fell open, just the slightest bit and Price pressed his thumb to his lip, letting him press his tongue to the digit. All the while, Price's fingers pushed their way in and started to pump inside him, getting him prepped.
"Please, sir." Graves mumbled, hands resting gently on his shoulders. Ironically, that was something Price was trying to break him of. In his previous relationships, Graves had been told not to touch too much.
Price guided one of his hands to his hair and his other to his back, pulling his fingers out of him. Graves pulled him down for a kiss, trying to pull them impossibly closer.
It was an awkward position at first, but Price didn't want to pull away either. He pushed into him slowly, hearing Graves moan at the feeling.
"Doing so well. You know, if you like being spanked so much, you could just ask."
"Where's the fun in that?" Graves kissed him, pushing his tongue in his mouth. He tasted like a mix of the cigar and the tea, the iced kind that Price hated on principal, he always drank and Price couldn't help the tiny groan that slipped out.
"One day, I'll get you to behave." Price pulled away, keeping a grip on Graves's hair to prevent him from leaning back up. He rolled his hips, watching Graves relax and moan softly. He avoided his prostate and took it to slow for Graves to enjoy it. It took the man longer than it should to notice and he was immediately whining about it.
"Sir please... Fuck me properly." Graves panted, chest shuddering slightly.
"You should get more tattoos. Maybe one of my name." Price ignored him, continuing the slow drag of his hips.
"Anything you want just please..." Graves whimpered, turning his face away. He tried to clench and grind himself against Price, but it was ineffective, mostly just ignored. Price smiled softly at him, watching the man below him become more desperate. "What do you want? Anything! I'm telling you exactly what you want like you tell me to do."
Price hummed. "You are... I suppose I should be rewarding good behavior."
Graves nodded immediately.
"So what do you want?"
Graves paused, having just enough thought to realize a trap. "Fuck me harder. Please. Sir."
Price nodded and grabbed his hips, slamming into him. Graves let out a strangled shout and twisted his head away. His hands though, were roaming all over Price's body, desperate for every touch he could get.
Price was rough, grabbing his hips and fucking him harder and harder. Graves started crying, whimpering. He finally hit his prostate and Graves fell properly apart, nails digging into Price's arms as he desperately held on.
Price kissed him hard, teeth clashing against each other and Graves's legs wrapped tighter around him, pulling him flush against his chest.
"May I, sir?" Graves sounded shaky, ruined and pathetic. Exactly how Price liked his men.
"Since you asked nicely, you can." Price purred at him, watching him make a mess of himself. Graves held him close, letting him use him until he finished as well.
"Shit. We're going to be late."
Graves whined when he said that but let him pull away, looking up at him. He took all of his directions from him, first they got cleaned up, then dressed and finally acted like Price hadn't just fucked every braincell Graves had out of him.
"Don't yell during this meeting and I'll spank you again." Price lightly slapped his ass and Graves winced, still sensitive.
"Yes, sir."
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echantedtoon · 7 months
Charlastor Week Day 6
Day 6 (3-6): Hurt / Comfort
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There are many things the great Radio Demon was known for. Fear, terrifying deals, his many blood shed rumors-..But that's life for a tyrant in H*ll. His latest deal with the princess had been most benefictial. Many victims have fallen into his clutches. It was almost too easy. The princess herself was almost too easy to manipulate. He had gained her trust after all and her sweet nature was also something he used to his advantage. He just had to worry about that Vaggie character. She seemed highly suspicious of him. But no matter. He'd find some way to deal with her. Right now he had other business to attend to.
"What seems to be the problem my princess?"
The princess had been found by him slumped over the table in the hotel's mini library and she jumped back startled. She was still skittish around the crazy tyrant and seemed to force her small smile.
"O-Oh...Hello, Mr. Alastor. Yeah. Im just fine. Y'know just going through the motions." Her aganizing smile widened.
He rose a brow and kept his eyes on her. Eventually his gaze made her look away, still with her large fake smile."Hmm. You don't look too hot. What's on your mind, my dear?"
Before she could answer, he pulled out a chair and sat down across from her. Crossing his legs and setting his staff next to him(which somehow stood straight up by itself) before leaning towards her ever smiling.
"I promise you I can be very helpful when need be." She gave him a confused look, but sighed and leaned back. Rubbing her hands across her face. "Really. I'm fine. Just dealing with some.....moods."
He continued to stare. "....You know what's the best quality I've developed being a 'helper to the people'?" She stared at him so he continued. "It's being able to tell if one's lying to my face. Let's me know when one's about to....'exit' their half of the deal. Now my dear..." He leaned forward more, raising a brow. "Would you care to tell me EXACTLY what's bothering you?"
She still sat there frozen, but eventually looked down in shame or maybe embarrassment."...Do you ever think that maybe singing is useless?"
This caught him off guard for a moment. Singing? Useless? What an absolutely silly idea! Why some of his best performances included his lovely voice. Some of the best acts he's SEEN included singing. Why the way one's voice could just go over notes and pitches was just beautiful. It's what first made him see the princess as a likable person.
He blinked. "Now who would put such a silly, silly idea into that pretty little head of yours?" He held his arms out. "Singing is an art, my dear. One of the most passionate ways of expression. If it was silly there wouldn't be people with careers based off it."
She thought over what he just said and gave a small smile. "Heh. I guess...." She frowned again. "But, I guess it's easier for you to say that."
This made his eyes narrow. "You still didn't answer my question. Now, I'll ask again." She gulped slightly under his gaze. "Who put such a silly.....silly idea into that pretty little head of yours?" She froze under that fanged smile. It was like she couldn't look away and she didn't even know the words left her mouth when she stuttered out-"K-Katie."
His eyes unnarrowed instantly and he leaned back straight up in his chair like that never even happened with a more relaxed smile. "Oh, her. Don't take anything she says too seriously, Dear." He waved a hand dismissively. "That skank couldn't possibly compare to that lovely picture show performance you displayed. It was one of the things I found attractive about you."
".....You really find me attractive?"
It seemed he froze up upon realizing the error in his comment. The princess gave him a look that one would have when they were waiting for something. Most likely an answer from him. But he wasn't lying. Her singing voice was one of the better ones he'd heard while in h*ll and it was attractive to the ear.
Thinking quickly, he relaxed back and said, "Well, of course. Like I said, my dear princess. You have one of the more attractive voices I've heard-"
He stopped when he heard her giggle. A bright smile was adorned on her face....which made his chest tight for some reason.
"It makes me happy someone thinks so. Hmhm. Thank you."
" For....what if I may ask, My dear?"
He didn't move when she got up and walked around the table and over to him. Two arms wrapped around him in a platonic hug from her, but that didn't stop him from freezing.
"For making me feel better, Silly. You're right! I shouldn't be so gloomy about it."
He gave off a chuckle. "O-Of course! After all, it's only natural to-"
A small warmth was made present on his forehead when she gave him a thankful kiss for cheering her up. A sudden static sound, like a TV suddenly going crazy from a lost signal, startled her and made her look at him. His eyes like radio gauges spun as his body shuddered and twitched. She watched shocked until a final sputter sent him face palming the table.
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nootqueen404 · 2 years
Eddie Munson HC: Having a Chronically Ill Partner
Yes this is purely self-indulgent, leave me be okay?! Bare in mind that much of this is based on my own experience as someone with multiple chronic illnesses. I have Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Chronic Anemia, Small Fiber Neuropathy, and Pre-Load Failure.
Even though you knew Eddie was the non-judgmental type, you were still scares to tell him about being disabled. Obviously he wasn't phased.
But on the inside all he can think about is “what can I do? What can I do to help y/n? How can I make their life easier? How can I let them know how much I love them?”
Eddie is best friends with Dustin, so he has a little experience with medical stuff. Part of the reason they are friends is because Jason Carver tripped the freshman on his first day and Eddie seriously though Dustin broke something. Eddie wound up in detention for fighting, but he still snuck out to check on Dustin and leaned about his CCD. The rest is history.
But yeah, Eddie tried to ask Dustin for advice. Dustin just acts like a smart ass and roasts him for assuming he knows anything because you and him are disabled and "must know each other." Eddie panicked and apologized profusely (we know how much he HATES confrontation,) but after he realized they Dustin was fucking with him Ed gives him a massive wedgie.
The internet didn't exist yet, so research is hard to come by. So Eddie does the next best thing - ask his Uncle Wayne for advice (he just reminds his nephew that the library is a thing.)
He probably asks Nancy too because "Hey she's pretty smart." She does help a lot actually, mostly by being the voice of reason and encouraging Eddie to learn from you.
Eddie asks A LOT of questions at first, enough to where he learns about one of the most common symptoms - brainfog and cognitive fatigue. Now he just asks the doctors you see.
Speaking of doctors he acts as your personal chauffeur to all of your appointments, even if you have a drivers license and a car. He knows you're more than capable of driving yourself, he just doesn't want you to put more stress on your body then you need to.
He's also not afraid to speak up on your behalf if a doctor or nurse tries to gaslight you. He remembers early on in your relationship of you coming home an appointment, just sobbing your eyes out about "no one believing you." That lit a fire under his ass.
He's threaten to throw hands with said doctors. But most of the time he just passive aggressive.
You've tried to explain Spoon Theory to him ("Why the fuck is it spoons?!?") So he changed it to a Health Bar, Hit Points, and Mana because he's a giant fucking nerd like that. Honestly it made more sense to both of you.
He's a lot more cautious now when it comes to his dealing, either cutting back on making deals to keep both of you safe, or triple checking the quality of his product. If what he deals could help someone, someone like you, then he knows it needs to be perfect.
When you tell him that some of the stuff he sells can help with your symptoms he makes sure he keeps the really good stuff in a safe place for you. Only the best weed for his baby.
Eddie stocks his kitchen with all of your favorite snacks and drinks, much to the annoyance of his uncle. Wayne bought him a mini fridge just so Eddie wouldn't overstock the main one with nothing but Gatorade.
Eddie is always worried if you're too hot/cold (In my personal case I'm always cold).
Too hot during those grueling summers in Hawkins? BOOM! Kiddie pool! BOOM! Pedialyte popsicles! BOOM! Umbrella!
Too cold? He keeps a bunch of regular and electric blankets in his closet.
You almost never use them because Eddie is a human space heater.
He keeps extra clothes and extra bottles of your meds for you if you don't have the Spoons/HP to drive home.
Could he drive you home? Yeah, but taking care of others is his love language.
You've made fun of him for this, but he keeps a mini cooler in his van filled with water and Gatorade because "you never know."
The pharmacists use to hate Eddie (cuz ya know) and were a little afraid of him with all of the rumors going. But after you two start dating they LOVE him! Whenever either of you need to get medical supplies the old ladies gush about how sweet Eddie is and the old guys try to hire him because he "knows so much" about different prescription medication.
They also give you and Eddie deals on supplies because they know you're both struggling financially.
After a while Wayne let's you sit in his recliner to help with your circulation.
Speaking of which, Wayne also loves you! He's skeptical at first, but all of that goes away after he sees how happy you make Eddie. Plus, he loves that Eddie is now using his dealer status to help people.
Eddie broke his own personal rule: the only people allowed to sit in his throne at Hellfire Club is him...and now you. The others did complain a little, but after Eddie explained your situation they backed down. When you need to shit you’re going to go sit wherever you can.
For your One Year anniversary Eddie gives you your own throne. The other members helped brainstorm and decorate it.
When you start needing a ramp Eddie enlists the help of all of your friends to help build it all. Everyone got a kick out of painting the ramp, but it caused a lot of in-fighting over how it would look. This is another way you bond with Eddie’s Uncle.
Eddie and the others helped you raise money for a motorized wheelchair and/or service animal by doing car washes and Corroded Coffin doing charity gigs.
You thought the crew fighting over the ramp was bad, wait until they get the idea to customize your mobility aid!
Team Eddie's Hot rod flames and skulls vs. Team Erica's Glitter and rainbow stickers.
Whenever you go to concerts with Eddie he makes sure you can have somewhere to sit away from the pit.
If its one of his shows he has you seated right off stage and with one of your friends - usually Steve and Robin. The best seat in the house!
Eddie LOVES bridal carrying you everywhere (Even though it isn't always needed.)
And giving you baths! Some times he’ll even join you! He will sit behind you and wash your hair while you cuddle up against his chest. One word: HEAVEN!
Not a day goes by where Eddie doesn't tell you he loves you for who you are - in sickness and in health.
Eddie is super cautious during sex now after you passed out one time (I had this happen to be irl. It terrified my boyfriend, but I thought it was hilarious!)
You use the Stop Light Method to check in on each other. Green = keep going, Yellow = slow down, Red = Stop
"Who needs lingerie when you have compression socks?" is a running gag for you two.
Repeats after Eddie: “Hydrate or die-drate!”
Aftercare gets an upgrade in the form of baths together, “post-coitus” salty snacks, and snuggling while watching TV.
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miss0atae · 1 month
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Random thoughts about SOTUS episode 2 :
In this episode we’re still seeing the consequences of the tough hazings the freshmen have to endure. Some of the students are able to face it easily while others have a harder time. This episode gave us more insight on secondary characters.
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▪️ Among the students who have a harder time dealing with the hazing and also the seniors' attitudes, Wad is the first one that come to mind. We learn from him about his past when he was bullied by seniors from his high school and was suspended because of what he had to face. You can see how it shaped his views on what is seniority and how you can't really trust any seniors because they might hurt you. The episode don't go too deep on this matter, but it helps us understand Wad more. Bullying is still a high topic, especially in schools and I believe all around the world. I don't know if it's a sensitive issues in Thailand, too. Now, we get it, Wad had a good reason to not feel connected to the gathering and why he prefers to avoid it when he has the choice.
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▪️ On the opposite team, aka the seniors, I feel we got more info about Prem. I felt like he had some anger issues. He lashed out so fast and was so hung up on the idea he wasn't given the respect he deserves. He made a huge fuss about Wad not giving him any “wai”. So, I knew, in Thailand, greetings are accompanied by a gesture, but before the series, I didn't know the name of this gesture is “wai”. Since then, I also learned a “wai” is often more than just a greeting, as it indicates the level of respect for another person. There are different levels and variations of the “wai”. Obviously, Wad ‘s wai wasn't enough to show his respect to his senior and Prem lashed out on him. In this episode, it felt like he was a tickling bomb ready to explode. I wonder if he is really that annoyed by the freshmen or is it because he has his own issues.
▪️ While I watched the show I also made a quick note on Bright and Knot. It seems Bright is the coming relief among the senior group and Knot is the voice of reason who can take a step back to analyze any situation. I already knew Off from other BL's shows that I watched before SOTUS and I have to admit these kinds of characters are not my favorite one from him. I prefer him in more serious role like in “Not Me” or a softer character as the one he played in “Cooking Crush”. As for the actor who played Knot, I've never seen him in any other series, but I looked on internet to see what he became and it seems he is not acting anymore.
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▪️ Obviously the star of this episode remains Kong. The more I watch the series, the more I like him. He clearly understands he needs to be always prepared when he comes to the gathering because he is already on Arthit's radar. I have to admit I was impressed by him when he knew all of this about M. Okay they are friends, but I would never be able to recite the ID number of my best friend. Kong is also the kind of person who is not shy to apologize, as he did when he couldn't remember the name of his classmate, May, even though he is not really at fault. Who would be able to know all the names of their fellow classmates?! Especially as they are not a small group. I think Kong has good qualities: he is sociable, he is caring and he is also a nice person. In addition, he is not easily impressed of frightened. His self-confidence allows him to stand his ground and helps others.
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▪️ I also like how he seems to have a better understanding than his fellow classmates of the true meaning of the hazings . When bonding with Wad over basketball or when he was drinking with his friends, he told them how to act. Do not be afraid and There is probably more than you can see. I can understand why the other freshmen would be lost because some of the activities the seniors force the freshmen to go through seem so pointless. They tell them it will create unity among the group but I failed to see how running would help get there. I wish they gave them better things to do, but it wouldn't be hazing, I guess.
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▪️ This episode showed us a softer version of Arthit. In the first episode, I saw him as a domineering senior who seems to get off when he can intimidate his juniors. However, here, it felt like he was putting a mask to blend more with his role as the leader of the hazings. It also seems he is under some pressure to do well. His domineering personality is just a facade. He is a softy inside. I can remember two times where it showed a lot: first one was when they had a meeting with all the seniors and he admitted he did wrong at the beginning (I always love people who can recognize their mistakes and who try to do better) and the second time was when one of the freshmen was hyperventilating. He went to see her after to be sure she was alright, he brought medicine and when he was talking to the nurse senior he had this gentle voice, we're not used hearing when he is talking at the gathering.
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We also know he was the one who gave the name tag again to Kong, even though he warned him he would punish him because he gave it to May. Kong is not fooled. I believe he knows. I also found Arthit cute when he gave the name of Kong to be the representative of the class, but he wanted to keep it a secret of his involvement (Thanks to the nurse senior for spilling the beans).
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▪️ We also discover P'Deer and I have to say I wasn't impressed. He gave me a bad first impression. I hope the story will show me  that I'm wrong. Also, why are they doing their meeting in a dark room?! I felt I was back in the “Eclipse”.
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▪️ I can't end this review without saying how much I like how Kong can make Arthit flustered without doing much. After the infamous “I just make you my wife” we got the “you look kind of cute when you put on your serious face”. Of Kong! You're flirting like it's second nature for you and Arthit don't even know how to react. I found that cute. Even endearing. Am I weird?! It's not much but the flirting is so good. Kong is so subtle, but at the same time you can't miss what he is trying to say.
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I need to watch the other episodes soon.
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Wind tucked his hands under his legs, hiding the evidence of his failings from view. They twinged painfully, reminding him again, as they always did, that he would never be enough. "Wind?" Warriors nudged him. "You okay?" "Do your scars hurt?" Wild asked. "I've got some stuff for that if you need it." Wind gave him a strained smile. No medicine would help these scars. "I'm fine! Just cold." Warriors huffed and draped his scarf over Wind. "Well, why didn't you just say so?" They wouldn't be so nice if they knew the truth. A voice in Wind's head whispered. That you're useless , not worthy. Shut up. Wind said back, and curled up against Warriors' side, ignoring the burn in his hands.
Wind does not have the hero's spirit.
"So, Sailor, how about you?" Warriors said. "Got a good story behind your hands?"
Wind stared down at the scars on his hands, his usually expressive face blank for a moment before grinning. "Well, it all started one stormy night-"
Legend groaned. "It's always a stormy night."
"Well, you tell the story if you're so fucking smart."
"I can't tell your damn story, I'm not a mind reader!"
"Really? You sure act like it sometimes."
"You sure act like a little-"
Wind tucked his hands under his legs, hiding the evidence of his failings from view. They twinged painfully, reminding him once again that he would never be enough.
"Wind?" Warriors nudged him. "You okay?"
"Do your scars hurt?" Wild asked. "I've got some stuff for that if you need it."
Wind gave him a strained smile. No medicine would help these scars. "I'm fine! Just cold."
Warriors huffed and draped his scarf over Wind. "Well, why didn't you just say so?"
They wouldn't be so nice if they knew the truth. A voice in Wind's head whispered. That you're useless , not worthy.
Shut up. Wind said back, and curled up against Warriors' side, ignoring the burn in his hands.
Wind can remember the voice when he first drew the sword as if it had happened yesterday. 
You are not my true Master. The spirit had whispered. Her voice was as clear as water, with almost a ringing quality. Turn back. You cannot wield my blade without bringing agony upon yourself.
"But I need it!" Wind cried. "I need to stop Ganon!"
She must have seen something in his face, and touched his cheek softly. As the descendant of my master, you will have some resistance. Use it sparingly.
"What do you mean?" Wind asked. "Why would I need resistance?"
Only those with the hero's spirit or blood of the goddess can wield my blade. All those who do otherwise will be burned. You, a descendant of the Four Sword hero, have a 67% chance of being able to withstand it for a short while.
"I'm not a real hero?" Wind whispered. 
You are a hero, Link. Her hand fell down to his shoulder. Go now. Use it wisely, and be careful.
"Sixty-seven… sixty-eight… sixty-nine… sixty-nine!" Wild said, swiping through his slate. "I've got sixty-nine stories that start with a storm!"
"Nice." Legend said, pushing Wild's legs. "Now get your feet off my fucking lap."
Wild put them back up immediately. "Why do you have so many storm stories?"
"It's not my fault!" Wind protested. "They just show up with monsters!"
"That has happened before…" Sky mused. "I was fighting a kraken once, and it only started raining once it showed up. Cleared up as soon as it was gone, too."
"I don't think that's how the weather works." Four said.
"How would you know?" Legend asked. "You're too short to see the sky."
"Say that to my fucking face- "
"Hey, does anyone want a flame blade?" Wild said, interrupting before Four could attempt to maim Legend.
" No fire. " Time said, his dad senses apparently triggered by the threat of arson. (Blatant lies; Wind remembered them setting shit on fire all the time.)
"You're no fun." Wild said. "Hey, Sailor, catch; I need to sort my inventory."
Wind fumbled with the blade, only registering what it was when his palms started to itch. He stared at it, wondering why Wild had decided he of all people was trustworthy enough to guard the sacred sword.
Distantly, he could hear Sky telling Wild to be more careful, and Wild responding by shaking the rest of the swords out with a series of metallic thud s.
Unworthy. Something whispered in his ear. Not a hero.  
It's not true! Wind wanted to scream. I am a hero!  
Lies! The whisper suddenly rose in volume, so loud it seemed to be reaching inside him and shaking his lungs, his heart. Your companions would be ashamed to call you one of their own if they knew what you are! 
The itch was steadily getting worse, rising to a dull burn. 
"It's not true." Wind whispered. He wasn't sure if it was anything more than a gasping breath. "It's not true, I'm a real hero. I'm not worthless. "
"...ind? Wind!" A voice shook him from his stupor. He blinked, and realized that Time was kneeling in front of him, gently grasping his forearms. 
"...Time?" He said blearily. "When did you get over here?"
"Oh, you've done it now, rat boy." Legend muttered.
"I'm sorry, Wind." Wild stood slightly behind Time, wringing his hands nervously. His spirits stood behind him, looking just as worried as everyone else, even though he barely knew them.
"What do you got to be sorry for?" Wind said. "Ya didn't do anything."
"Wind." Time said in his dad voice (which would never work on Wind, he had seen him run around as a kid too much). "You were shaking."
"...I was?"
"Saying something, too." Twilight added. "Don't know what, I couldn't hear."
"'It's not true.'" Four said, not looking Wind in the eye. "'It's not true, I'm a real hero. I'm not worthless.' That's what he was saying."
Time squeezed his hands. "Of course you're a real hero, Wind. Why would you think-" He fell silent, and Wind knew he had connected the dots. 
"What?" Twilight asked. "What is it?"
Time nodded jerkily at the blade still at their sides. 
"No." Twilight snarled. "That damned sword has no right."
"She wouldn't." Sky said, face paling. "She can be cold, but she would never say that."
"I don't know, Sky." Legend clutched the hilt of his sword. "She's not the same."
"It's not the sword's fault!" Wind exclaimed. "It's mine!"
"What's that supposed to mean?" Legend asked. 
"I don't have the hero's spirit like you guys." Wind squeezed his eyes shut and held out his hands. "I can't wield the master sword because I'm not a real hero."
Hands took his own (probably Warriors', which were ridiculously soft despite his years of being a swordsman), and he was surprised when instead he heard Sky's voice. "That's a load of bullshit."
Wind's eyes snapped open in surprise at that; Sky hardly, if ever, cursed. "What?"
"That's a load of bullshit." Sky repeated, his normally calm eyes alight with anger. "The master sword doesn't decide whether you're a hero or not; it's what you do that matters." He poked Wind's chest with a finger. "You are just as much a hero as any of us." 
Time nodded. "Sky is right. It's what's inside that matters."
"...Isn't my spirit what's inside?"
Legend flicked the side of his head. "Don't get cheeky, brat."
"The master sword barely accepted me." Wild said. "It nearly killed me. You aren't the only one to have problems with it."
"What I don't understand is how you managed to kill Ganondorf." Warriors said. "You said you couldn't wield it because you aren't a real hero, but you're obviously familiar with it."
"Oh. Uh." Wind rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "I… kind of… used it anyway?"
Sky seemed to choke on air. "You what? It's supposed to burn anyone who doe-"
"Doesn't have the hero's spirit or blood of the goddess." Wind finished. "Yeah, but she said I had a resistance because I was the descendant of the Four Sword hero or something."
Four followed Sky's example and choked on nothing. Time slapped them on the back and laughed. "Welcome to the club, little one."
Four shook out of their stupor long enough to say. "I'm not little."
Hyrule looked around. "I don't get it."
"Yeah, Four joined before you." Legend mused. "Their title is 'Hero of the Four Sword'."
Wind also choked on air (this was becoming a problem. Maybe they were all being poisoned). "Their what? "
"I can't believe I'm a dad…" Four said, ignoring them all and staring off into the distance. "Shadow is never going to let me live this down."
"So those scars on your hands…?" Sky asked. "Are they…?"
Wind slowly curled his fingers. "Yeah."
Sky shuddered.
"Do they hurt?" Wild asked. "I told you, I have stuff for that."
Wind shook his head. "Nothing helps. And besides, it doesn't hurt much anyway."
"But it does hurt." Legend said darkly. "Want to join my 'punch Hylia' club?"
"Your what ?" Wind exclaimed.
"So that's a no, then."
"Uh." Wind said, confused. "Where are you taking me? Am I being kidnapped?"
Sky didn't slow down, only tightening his grip on Wind's hand so he didn't run off. "You'll see."
"Are you going to throw me off the island? 'Cause I feel like that would have been easier earlier."
"Zelda!" Sky called out as they caught sight of her.
She turned, and smiled broadly. "Link!" 
Sky finally let go of Wind's hand to wrap her in a hug. "I missed you." He muttered into her hair, barely audible. "Groose, too."
Who the hell was Goose?
Sun pulled back, finally spotting Wind over his shoulder. "Ah! Other Link!"
"Wind." Sky said, still holding her close.
"Yes; the sailor, right?"
Wind tried to creep away while Sky was distracted, only to bump into a solid figure behind him.
"Groose!" Sky said, smiling even brighter, which didn't seem possible. Any brighter and he would practically be the sun (heh).
Wind turned. So this was the mysterious Goose.
Goose swept Sun and Sky into a hug and peered at Wind. "Which one is that?"
"Don't worry." Wind said, continuing his backwards retreat. "I was just leaving."
Sky somehow pulled an arm from Goose's octopus hug and grabbed Wind's arm. "Nope."
Wind squirmed. "Don't you want to catch up with Sun and Goose?"
Goose made a weird noise.
"This is more important." Sky insisted. "You're in pain , Wind."
And suddenly, Wind knew what this was about. "Oh, fuck no." He snarled, yanking his arm out of Sky's hold and turning away.
"What's the problem?" Sun asked, suddenly in front of him.
"Wind-" He ducked under Sky's arm. "-has burns-" Jumped over the foot he stuck out. "-from-"
Suddenly, Wind was grabbed by the shirt collar and lifted off the floor. 
"-the master sword." Sky finished.
He twisted around and glared at Goose. "Let me go , Goose."
Goose gave him a little shake. "It's Groose. "
"Show her your hands, Wind." Sky pleaded. "Please."
Wind shoved them under his arms and stuck his tongue out.
Sun frowned. "If he has the hero's spirit, why is he being burned?"
"He doesn't." Sky said. "Or a blessing from Hylia, either."
"That was an option?" Wind exclaimed. Maybe he should take Legend up on his offer of joining the 'punch Hylia' club.
"Of course." Sun said. "I could give one now." Her expression softened. "It will not erase your scars, but you will be brought no future pain."
Wind stopped his struggling. "I know you're real fuckin' powerful and all, but how can you give me a blessing from a goddess? "
"Ah, well." Sky rubbed the back of his neck. "She… kinda is the goddess. Just in a mortal body."
Wind blinked. "...You probably shouldn't tell Legend that."
"Probably." Sky agreed.
"That's the pink haired one, right?" Sun looked between them. "Why shouldn't he know?"
"The vet has a 'punch Hylia' club." Wind explained. 
"Ah." Sun said in an understanding tone. "I should ask if I can join."
Sky's head whipped around. " What? "
Sun put her hands on her hips. "I've seen those boys out there; maybe Hylia deserves to be punched."
"Uh. Okay." Sky said, clearly still a little confused.
"This is nice and all." Groose the goose complained. "But can I put the scrawny kid down yet?"
"I'm not scrawny- " Wind protested. 
Sun nodded, and Groose dropped him.
" Ow. " Wind scowled, now sprawled across the floor. "Was that necessary?"
"Well." Sun stuck out her hand to shake. "It was nice to see you again, Wind."
He shook her hand, anxious to leave before Sky trapped him with false hope. "Uh huh, yup, real- what are you doing?"
Sun's other hand latched onto his wrist, and she turned his palm up. Her eyes held what could have been millennia of grief as she inspected it. "I'm sorry, Wind."
"What are you- Hey! Let go!" He pulled, but her grip was shockingly strong.
Sun's eyes glowed, and her presence seemed to fill the hall of the knight academy. She started whispering in what Wind recognized as the language of spirits.
Wind stopped struggling; it seemed hopeless in the face of such power. He should just give in, let it wash over him and take him away, like sand on a beach.
He stared at Sun, and it really did seem like she was one, bright and powerful and burning. 
The power spiked, and Wind felt like he was burning away in the flames of some vast being.
Sun’s eyes returned to normal, her presence shrinking down back into that of a regular Hylian. Wind’s skin felt raw and sore.
“That’s it!” Sun said brightly, as if she didn’t realize how utterly terrifying her power was.
“If it was a blessing, why did it hurt ?” Wind groaned.
“I had to remove the divine curse from the master sword.” She explained. “You still have the scars, but they won’t hurt anymore.”
“‘Divine curse’.” Sky muttered. “Pretty words for something that caused so much pain.”
“I agree.” Sun sighed. “It’s a horrible thing.”
“And I’ll be able to hold the master sword now?” 
Sky pulled the blade and held it out to Wind. “Go ahead.”
Wind took it with trembling hands. Would it really work? What if she still rejected him?
The master sword hummed, sending a wave of approval through him and washing away his fears. Wind grinned, and raised it high.
“It worked!” Sky cheered as they walked into their camp. 
“Wait.” Wind stopped. “You fuckers knew about this?!”
Legend jerked a thumb in Wild’s direction. “It was the champion’s idea.”
“Uh, yeah.” Wild rubbed the back of his neck. “Flora mentioned divine blessings once.”
“And if it didn’t work?” 
“Then we would try it again with the other Zeldas.” Warriors laid a hand on his shoulder. “You’re my brother, Wind. I won’t ever give up.”
Wind and Warriors were suddenly lifted up into a hug; he hadn’t even seen Time come over.
“Did you mean it?” Wind whispered. 
“Of course.” Time said. 
Warriors ruffled his hair and laughed. “Always.”
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davyjoneslockr · 2 years
Either/or for fugio & naramis but particular ways they show love to one another? Like hair, mixtapes, etc. you mentioned them earlier but I was curious what you think each character’s preferred form of love/affection is
!!! Ooh this is a good question. I'll do both Fugio and Naramis because. They are both so very important
If we're going by the official love languages or whatever, I think Giorno's are primarily physical touch and quality time. He didn't receive much of either growing up, so he's sort of a touchy person, even outside romantic contexts, and feels really loved if someone is willing to spend time with him - even if it's just sitting in silence doing separate things. Both in tandem also remind him that he's not alone, so just presence, in general, is really important to him.
Fugo's are words of affirmation and acts of service. He's not always great at expressing his feelings verbally, but he'll try his best for people he really cares about - and deep down, he needs reminders that he's loved and cared for. He's better at conveying love through actions, even if it's something as simple as helping with chores or errands. At first, he has trouble feeling like he's worthy of receiving compliments or acts of service, but once he is able to accept affection, he absolutely adores both and treasures every word and action.
Both of them adjust to each others' love languages well. Giorno catches onto the fact that Fugo needs verbal affirmations, and has no qualms with reminding him how beautiful he is, how much he loves him, etc constantly. Fugo figured it was flattery, at first, until he realized that he's the only one Giorno showers in praise like that. Fugo has some difficulty with physical touch at times, but will always make sure that Giorno knows he's present and by his side - and, most times, is totally fine with Giorno snuggling him while they're reading on the couch or something.
If they have to be apart for a while, they write love letters. Not just short little poems, either, but long paragraphs of purple prose, written in ink on fancy paper, spritzed with perfume and decorated with pressed flowers, the whole nine yards. It's sort of a private thing, and it's not something they even address much between themselves, but the old-fashioned romantic in both of them adores it. They both have dedicated drawers where they save all the letters, and they go back and reread them every now and then.
Giorno likes using Gold Experience to make little gifts for Fugo. This includes flowers and other little plants, yes, but sometimes? Giorno walks up to Fugo with a tupperware like "it's for you :]" and Fugo looks inside and it's a beetle the size of his hand. Half of Fugo's living room is full of terrariums housing the horrible little creatures Giorno's made for him, and he's just weird enough to enjoy it.
Hand kisses!! The one time Fugo kissed his hand and did the whole "I am yours" speech lives rent-free in Giorno's mind, so when they start dating, he reciprocates the gesture several times. Whenever Fugo kisses his hand, he'll cup his cheek afterwards, trace along the edges of his scar, and kiss his nose/temple/cheekbone. The first time he did this, Fugo almost passed out.
There's something about them living together that's an act of love, too. Not as in living in the same house, per se, but like. Doing mundane chores together, seeing each other first thing in the morning with bedhead and groggy voices, and just being authentic and silly and vulnerable in front of one another. I like to think that, as they get older, they actually start acting more "immature" in certain ways, because they've come to realize that they don't have to be guarded and cynical and overly-mature all the time. They're allowed to just be happy.
Narancia loves loves loves physical touch, and really likes words of affirmation, as well. He's been let down, hurt, and betrayed a lot in the past, so trust is really important to him, and touch from/towards someone he trusts is extremely comforting for him. He also needs reassurance and affirmations every once in a while, just to reinforce the trust he has in his loved ones.
Mista is also really big on physical touch, but loves giving acts of service, too. He likes taking care of the people he loves, romantically or platonically, and, like Narancia, finds a lot of comfort in physical affection with someone he has a strong emotional connection to. While he has no issues with accepting touch, it's a bit harder for him to receive acts of service, because he wants to be the one others can rely on - but, ultimately, they do make him feel really loved, and he appreciates the chance to be vulnerable and cared for.
On that note, Mista loves cooking for people - and he lucked out, because Narancia loves eating his cooking. They watch Food Network shows together and they're like "Eh. You could make that better" "Damn right I could make that better" and then Mista plans out a whole recipe just to 1) spite celebrity chefs and 2) impress Narancia. They'll sometimes cook together, too, and Narancia's gotten a lot better at cooking just from helping Mista out in the kitchen.
They cuddle pretty much every time they're sitting/laying down together, including when they're going to bed. Tbh they probably do rock-paper-scissors over who gets to be little spoon, because even though Narancia's tiny and fits perfectly in Mista's arms, they both enjoy him being a backpack and nuzzling/kissing Mista's shoulders just as much. They both move around a ton over the course of the night, but they always seem to wake up still cuddled with each other - whether that's in an actual cuddling position or just their limbs tangled in a knot.
They're both very into music, and they use it to show affection a lot. Mista plays guitar and sings, so he'll definitely serenade Narancia every now and then. Narancia likes just sitting and listening to him practice, too. He's not as much of a musician, but he'll spend hours curating the perfect mixtapes for him and doodling little hearts all over the label.
Narancia inspires Mista to try different gender-nonconforming type stuff, and Narancia is super supportive. Every now and then, he'll wear dresses and heels, and Narancia will do his makeup and be like "holy shit you're so gorgeous" every five seconds. Mista doesn't lack confidence by any means, but the reassurance is comforting.
Narancia loves the Sex Pistols. He thinks they're fun little guys and talks to them a lot, and feeds them when Mista can't (or sneaks them extra after Mista's already fed them). The Pistols are really affectionate with Narancia, too, and sometimes they just like. Bring him little trinkets they've found, or give him a bit of their food.
They love going on little adventures together. Anything from impromptu cross-country road trips to midnight snack runs. They just like having fun in the moment and making silly memories, so if one of them has some spontaneous idea, they'll go make it a reality together.
Mista peppers kisses across Narancia's nose/cheeks and Narancia happy stims so hard he clips through the wall. Epic speedrun strat
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ndostairlyrium · 1 year
peeks >:3
Questions you said??
for Ela: Family, n6; Specific question n2, 10, 22.
for Hawke: Party, n2; Specific question n3, 7 (very important.), 12
for Ankh: Family, n4; Specific question n2, 3 and 8
Too many? in Eric Idle's voice
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6 - [Life, I assume?] Which aspects of the culture they were born into holds the most significance for them?
She was a noblewoman, but not a firstborn, so she has spent less time than Fergus studying for perfecting a role of responsibility. Being proud while acting charitable towards who's in need, I would reply. First one coming from her upbringing, second one coming from her religious beliefs - she claims she's not a believer but I doubt you can cleanse entirely from a cult so similar to christianity.
2 - [DA:O] How did they feel about being recruited into the Grey Wardens? What were Ostagar and the Korcari Wilds like for them?
She didn't really want to be recruited, her ambitions were different. Also it wasn't her decision and she fucking hates when she's forced to do something so massive without her consent. It was frustrating, to say the least, so she tried to read into it as if it was her father's last gift to her before they parted ways. An honorable cause for an honorable woman. That helped her to familiarize better with what was going on. Ostagar was terrifying, because she could see everything that was wrong with fereldan society in a smaller scale. The Korcari Wilds were haunting but at least it was a good chance for her to blow off some steam.
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10 - [DA:O] What was their nightmare in the Fade during Broken Circle?
I think I already elaborated on this somewhere else, hold on
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Adding the original post from @zevsurana >here< - I really suggest you to follow them as well, because they always share some quality a++ content 👌👌👌
22 - [DA:O] If your Warden survived, did they continue to serve the Grey Wardens? What is their life like after the Blight?
She survived and she continued to serve the Grey Wardens. Her main goal after the Blight was to find a role within the order's ranks, because she felt like her job wasn't done after all. What happened during Awakening confirmed this, so when the Mother was defeated, she started to investigate more on that, by traveling through Thedas to find more clues.
2- [Party] Which companions (or advisors) are they closest friends with? Who do they respect?
He's super attached to Varric and Isabela, being the ones that constantly offer him drinks and shoulders to cry on. But the real deal is Fenris. The two of them started to talk more once Carver got recruited into the Wardens. Hawke felt like he could really avoid to shoot jokes to lighten the mood in his presence, he became comfortable enough with him to just speak his mind and show - to himself first - that he can allow himself to be serious and sad sometimes.
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3 - [DA2] What was their relationship like with their father before he died?
Actually, I don't think I've ever explored this! O: I think they were close, but there was some resentment because the twins weren't treated fairly. They both had to count bigger responsibilities than their ages combined in one way or another. Carver was being left behind constantly, Bethany was instructed to keep a low profile and act proper, as if they both were nuisances. He was the best teacher, but he wasn't the perfect dad - but who is tho?
7 - [DA2] What did they name their Mabari?
Cane Dog. Just Dog.
12 - [DA2] How did they feel about becoming the Champion of Kirkwall?
Would have been better if a salary came along with the title. It was fine, well deserved, also it provided him free food and drinks for a while. He boasts about it, but in truth he just doesn't care about titles.
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4 - [Life] Describe their family. Who were they close to? Were there any particular childhood friends?
I often talked about her mom and dad, but I never mentioned her inner circle! She has four best friends back home, experienced hunters and overall cuties (except for Fern, Fern is there to look good and somatize). Two of them go back to childhood, the others came along later. I will draw them one day once the chapter is out and about lmao Are step-mothers a thing in dalish culture? Because if so, Deshanna would totally fit that role. Luckily, she's not a Cinderella step mother kinda deal. She was there when Ankh's real mother died, she taught her how to read and behave with other people, and she helped her being independent and responsible for herself and the clan.
2 - [DA:I] What was their reason for attending the Conclave?
To spy on the humans, mostly. She offered to get there to take notes and report back to the Arlathven, as an ambassador. Actually, she wasn't supposed to be alone as she would meet with others to represent her people officially. The clans needed to know if what was happening was a real threat and she was ready to go, along with others from different clans. Another reason would be that she urgently needed to change air because in her opinion the Dalish can be quite shy and selfish when it comes to interacting with other cultures.
3 - [DA:I] How do they feel about bearing the Anchor? For what did they declare the Inquisition stood for?
About the Anchor, she's torn between believing it was destiny, and thinking she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. About the second question, for her I picked "the Inquisition is for all" option. She wants her people to be recognized as equals (socially and bureaucratically), and at the same time she knows that's a slow process that will continue way after she'll die. However, she's trying her best to set an example, being a clever and graceful leader.
8 - [DA:I] What did their Nightmare appear as in the Fade? What was on their gravestone?
Already replied it here💛
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The ask meme
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A luke warm review of the live action monster high movie
I pirated the monster high movie last night so i'm going to review it.
Allow me to start this review off with a few quick notes.
1. I am well aware of the controversies surrounding this movie, the racist director, the colorism, ect. with that being said, i wanna judge this movie based on how it actually is rather than the controversy surrounding it. This does not give anyone the excuse to ignore these issues, i just think these points have been said many many times by people who are much better at explaining this than somebody like me, who is so white i am practically marble.
2. I'm the kinda person who's incredibly forgiving to movies, i like liking things, i go into some of the most garbage movies with positive vibes. I also have garbage taste in everything. Try to take my review with an optimistic grain of salt. I'm also not a professional movie critic so alot of my critiques are shallow and not very detailed.
3. This is all just my opinion, you will most likely feel differently and that's okay, no pressure, i will not force you to like this movie be unique be urself be a monster or whatever. I will have some opinions in this post you are bound to disagree with and that's fine.
-Something i think is really underrated about this movie that people never talk about is the set design, it actually looks like monster high, like the actual playset. They could of easily made it look like knock off hogwarts or just painted a normal school purple but they actually tried.
-I know everyone was dunking on the clothes and the wigs and the fact they don't look like monsters enough but i actually loved most of the outfits in this movie. Granted i'm not a huge fashionista and i was always in monster high for the stories than tje clothes but i think they did a good job. I mean they're on a tv budget and they had to make multiple outfits for multiple characters. This movie probably already costed alot with the make up, clothes, and VFX already. I specifically really like frankies clothes.
-The music is pretty nice! I mean it's no classic musical theatre or as iconic as steal the show or the fright song... buuut, i think the music is all pretty good. Coming out of the dark and its reprise is especially sweet, the only song i don't really like is the three of us, i just can't get the groove tbh. I also really like how in monster heart komos has christian youth pastor vibes and how in i can trust you they mixed in the snake sounds. Just be me also is very cute but i swear i've heard it that chorus before. I'm glad they got kids who can actually sing tbh.
-I thought the humor was all around very solid! Frankie was pretty funny at times, speaking of which...
-this version of frankie is very sweet and very very autistically coded, i think cici balgot is perfect for this version of frankie ngl, i'd love to he friends with this frankie irl.
-by herself and not compared to the og i think this version of clawdeen is also quite sweet. obviously she is nothing like her og cartoon counterpart but for what she is in this movie i think she's very cute. Also keep in mind i didn't care much for clawdeen in the og anyways, i found her voice really cringe and like i said, i was never a fashionista so i was always more into frankie or draculaura. If i actually loved clawdeen or wasn't basically a sentient sheet of paper i would probably be alot angrier.
-the acting is all around solid, that's all i have to say tbh.
-the opening scene is very cute.
-i also like the ending where they all float.
-i'm just happy the kids all had a fun time filming this, i know that doesn't actually affect the quality of the movie but child stars are hardly ever treated well and they all got alot of hate during the production of this movie.
-i do like the allegory of racial prejudice against biracial people, just judging it by itself it was a cool take on it that i think it was handled actually better than freaky fusion. Freaky fusion was a mess tbh tho so that isnt saying much.
-the climax lasted like 4 minutes, i get its a short movie but COME ON, AT LEAST BUILD UP A LITTLE MORE.
-I don't like deuce and clawdeen being a couple, i wish they were just good friends tbh and just vaugely hinted at it. I do like what they did with their relationship tho.
-Cleos development was weird, i feel like they made her such a weird character in this movie, although it is sweet that she learned to accept that clawdeen loved deuce.
-i don't like this new draculaura, i don't care that she's taiwanese now, she just doesn't seem all that interesting. She's by far the most forgettable ghoul in the trio.
-Lagoona, Ghoulia, abbey, and heath did NOTHING in this movie. I understand time restraints but seriously, why even have em in there if you already have a limited budget and you aren't going to do anything with them. People might be pissed but at least the plot wouldn't be all bloated.
-This is a problem in the og but i think its weird that frankie was presumabley made by humans and made out of humans but she doesn't seem to care about the human stigma. Cleo also doesn't give a shit yet she used to be human. It's weird that a narcissist like cleo wouldn't be at least a little offended.
-Deuce is so so bland in this movie, he's sweet at sometimes but fuuuuck, he is so bland.
-Clawdeens mom is dead, listen i love the dead mom trope and it kinda makes sense for the story but it feels weird. Idk how you would fix it but just... it's weird.
-The writing at times was a real mess and alot of things made no sense. Why would clawdeen lie about her dads name being pierre? That's a way more human name than fuckin apollo. Why did draculaura say she hates sun when she was wearing a hoodie? Just flip up the hood!
-as much as i like the humor in this movie, the PA announcer is annoying, they used her too much.
-the plot twist about the hand lock thing was so dumb, especially because frankie could of opened it from the beggining.
-ghoulia talks, on one hand i understand if you wanna give her lines because it would work better for the movie, on the other hand, she didn't do anything in the movie so why change it?
-SPOILER!........... Komos is revealed to be hydes son, cool i guess. I'll miss jackson/holt.
.... that's it.
Overall probably would pirate it again. 4.9/10. Wouldn't even mind if they made a sequel, as long as they change directors. I mean whatever you think about this movie i think we can all agree that no matter what, at least it's better than the bratz movie, the winx saga, power puff girls cw, and jem and the holograms.
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wild-houseplant · 1 year
romanticism asks - 17 for Rhodri 🥙🥤
ICY my friend my cool permafrost bean!! I was turning this thing over in my head like French toast longer than the authorities usually allow :o It's funny because it really hammered home how your average Warden is probably not getting a chance to show who they are most of the time because of the circumstances they're in. Just... damn! You give me falafel food AND you give me food for thought! Legend.
The question was: What sort of role do they take on in relationships, either familial, romantic or platonic. i.e. are they a defender, protector, nurturer, etc.
I'm going to divide this into levels of authority, because this is essentially what dictates the role she takes with anyone. Under the cut because I have once again written a lot x)
I realise that most of what I write about Rhodri basically portrays her with the mindset of a patriarch with embarrassingly chivalrous manners-- and to be fair that's her with anyone who she could have some sway over power-wise, which is a lot of people. Provide, protect, defend honour, hold open the door for and pour drinks for-- all that stuff we'd relegate to one of those bygone eras where women didn't have the votes and used fainting couches for the purpose their namesake would suggest. People in this category include every relative who's not a Magister, any employees or assistants, people she's charged with looking after (students, children). Anyone who can't fully care for themselves- kids etc., she'll tend to step into a surrogate parenting/older sibling role almost immediately. Especially since your average Circle kid doesn't have family and they're starved for affection and warmth. The harsh environment bred a sort of urgency in her to act in loco parentis effectively after laying eyes on any newcomer before the Templars could make them feel marooned.
For people with similar authority to her (mostly friends and peers), she is much less fixated on doing many of those things above, namely because there's no privilege gap to bridge over, and they don't rely on her for anything. Still more the dominant, giving-type, but markedly less so. With these people, she's blunt about everything. What she wants, how she's feeling... compared to the average Northerner, she's not much of a complainer, but she'll put in a lot of Tevinter groaning and throwing-her-hands-in-the-air if something is on her mind. She expects the same from the other party. It’s a very quid-pro-quo relationship, and often far more affectionate than I’ve made it out to be here. Tends to be more physical on the whole, too. She never grew out of holding hands, so if she's walking with a friend, or even just an acquaintance, she might just take their hand without even noticing. Also a fiend for coming up behind someone and putting a head on their shoulder when they're busy and she wants attention. If she's not pulling someone onto her lap (assuming they haven't already simply availed themselves of it- it's public property at this stage), then she's crawling into someone else's lap. She's also... a lot more flirty? Only if they'll let her be, of course, but assuming it's permitted, those touches will linger. Her idea of flirting is paying a sincere compliment and then rounding it off with an assertion that said complimented quality is unbearably attractive. Winking is a common occurrence (in case you weren't sure she was flirting- she likes to be thorough, god bless her), and her voice will dip into the lower, softer registers if she's feeling very confident.
And for people with MORE authority than her she is. Well. In Tevinter, she'll behave much better there because the Magisters know each other and the worst possible outcome is an offended Vint sending thugs after her family. Non-Vint nobles are of less concern to her, barring perhaps some Orlesians and Antivans (the latter only for Zevran's sake). The rest can fuck off. If they're nice, though, she'll play along and happily do the whole 'kiss their hand and may the Maker bless thy radiant, ample bosom' gig. Politely distanced, ask for nothing, do as told. Too easy. The sole exceptions to this are her father and grandmother. Tata and Avia. They are required by their very own laws to put up with her shit, because she's not allowed to be like this with anyone else. Rhodri's younger twin siblings, Mazarin and Evander, are dramatic as all-get-out, and Rhodri ended up learning a little of that from them, as Aurelio and Revka found it incredibly funny (and so did she!). Make Tata laugh, be a silly sausage all the while. What's not to love? Except for the fact that now three kids are doing it. So with Dad and Grandma, Rhodri asks for ALL the affection, ALL the walks, ALL the readings (even if she could read the book perfectly well on her own). A lot of ice cream, too. "Tata. Tata. Ta-taaaaaaaaaaaaaha-ha-ha-ha-haaaaaa." "Sic, Severissimus, I heard you the first time you said my name. What is it, my little love?" "Tata, I need you to read me pages four to seven of my precious stones book, please. With the excited voice." "Mmm? I have a little work to do before I can read to you. Go to bed and wait for me." "Tata. Indulgentis. My childhood is running out--" "Severin, you are six years old--" Rhodri claps an agonised hand to her cheek, the ubiquitous Tevinter woe-is-me gesture. "I am so old already Tata, I am passing away right now--" "Aeya-a-a-a-a... no hope of Tata finishing his work, then, is it?" With a defeated, if slightly amused sigh, Aurelio takes the book in one hand, uses the other hand to hold the ancient child in the underarm hold, and trudges out of the office. Grandma doesn't have it any better. In fact, she gets it from her son AND from her grandkid. Gotta love that familial hierarchy.
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moonstream-05 · 2 years
Why am I only worth what the mirror shows?
Stella had always known that people only liked what she had to offer in the looks department, it wasn't as though she had much else to offer. And while her friends had told her otherwise, there was always a seedling of doubt planted in the forefront of her mind.
So when she'd looked in the mirror, and saw a green blob with her hair and what used to be a pretty dress, she couldn't help but wail.
Why did it happen to her? She knew she wasn't always the nicest, but she thought she'd always tried, sometimes her mouth opened before her brain could stop it, she always apologised if she thought it necessary. Why had the world let this happen to her, why couldn't they have let her keep her one good quality?
She dared to take another look.
The only thing of Stella that had remained was her hair. It was still long and blonde, still very soft, but it did nothing to hide what she looked like. Maybe she could claim refuge in her dorm, where no one would have to look at her again. She could keep her friends and boyfriend, a door between them forever, so they wouldn't scream or shudder at a look at what she'd only had brief glimpses of. It only took her a brief moment to realise the flaw in her plans: none of them would want to hold a conversation with her, especially through a door.
"Stella," Bloom asked, knocking on the door, "Are you alright? I'm going to come in, bring you something to eat, I know you haven't eaten since the morning, and it's pretty late now."
She walked over to her bed, turning away from the mirror and doorway and hiding herself with her duvet.
"Okay, sure, Bloom, thank you."
"Here you go, is there anything you want? I can bring you some different clothes if you want, your phone? I know Brandon's really worried about you, but remember there's no pressure," Bloom replied.
"I think I'll have to deny him that, sorry, Bloom," Stella said, remorseful.
"What do you mean? Brandon won't care, none of us do, and none of the specialists will, you know that, don't you? We love you, no matter what," Bloom tried to comfort.
She felt Bloom reach over to touch her, so she couldn't help but recoil from it.
"Why don't you tell that to Flora's scream?" She said, bitterly.
"Stella... She didn't mean to, it was a reaction, nothing was meant by it, surely you know that," Bloom justified.
"Well I don't care," Her voice grew louder, "When you look like this then you can lecture me, but the point still stands. I refuse to have Brandon look at me like this. Understand?"
"Now, hold up a minute, Princess Stella," Bloom began, "I am not lecturing you, I'm trying to help you, we all are, and if you are too stubborn to see that, then quite frankly I won't be bothered from now on."
She stormed off afterwards, sometimes Stella forgot how quick to anger Bloom could be, she'd apologise soon, if Bloom came back. Stella hoped she would, maybe now she looked like a monster, people wouldn't come back when she acted like one.
Rather than moping anymore, she decided to try to find some clothes that would suit her size better. She was devastated about the ruining of her gorgeous new dress, maybe it would be repaired when (if) she changed back. But alas, she now had to look for practicality over beauty (something she'd never thought she'd hear herself say).
None of her regular clothes would fit, so she'd have to wear some baggy clothes, and the only 'baggy' clothes she had were Brandon's. So she walked over to her wardrobe, and bent down to her drawers underneath, and scrambled through them to find matching joggers and a jumper or zipped jacket.
She did eventually find a pair, but they were grey, much to the chagrin of Stella. Though at least they fit her (with a hint of bagginess, still!), she'd never thought she'd be more grateful to have such a tall and broad boyfriend. However, now thinking about him, brought about feelings of sadness, she wanted to be held in his arms, buried underneath him, hidden by him, she wanted him to comfort her, but mostly she just wanted him to be there.
"Bloom? I don't know whether you're anywhere near, but I just wanted to say I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I think, I just- I'm really scared, I don't want to be alone, but I don't want anyone to look at me and just, leave me," Stella said to the door.
She knew no one was there, but it felt good to put it out there.
Stella thought she'd have a bite to eat, before she then would try to have a good night's sleep, despite the day's events.
"Stella, wakey, wakey! Today we're going to find a way to break the curse," Flora said, trying to wake her up, "Bloom! She's not waking up."
"Here, let me try!" Musa said, as she came in, "Steeelllllaaaaa, you're going to miss the new opening of the shop."
"WHAT?! What shop? What do they sell? Tell me Musa!" Stella asked, shaking her friend. "Oh, I still look like this, wonderful."
"It's really not that bad, Stel, you're just a bit greener, and a bit bigger this way," Musa said.
"Wow. Thanks."
"Well, I still think you look even cuddlier, Stella," Flora mused, grabbing onto her.
"Time for breakfast, everyone," Tecna announced.
"Can you guys bring me something back? I don't want to go down there, please," Stella asked.
"Are you sure? One of us can stay if you want?" Tecna interrupted.
"No! No, it's fine, I think I'm going to try and call Brandon, you guys enjoy breakfast, alright?"
"If you're sure, sweetie? We'll be back as soon as possible," Flora asked, giving her one last hug.
"I'm sure, I'll see you soon," Stella said, waving them off.
"Your phone is on the living room table, see you in a bit," Tecna stated, before joining the other four.
Stella waited a few minutes to go downstairs and retrieve her phone. Once she knew they had all gone, she went to go fetch it, she briefly said hello to Kiko and grabbed an apple to eat upstairs while she waited for her friends to get back.
"Okay, you can do this, just look at your phone, that's the first step."
Stella did just that, with much motivation. It was just a black screen, because while she could look at it, she didn't want to see how many calls or messages she may have gotten.
"Now, open it, then call Brandon, hell even message him, that'll be a start," Stella said, breathing heavily.
Entering her passcode, she saw all the missed calls, she had. She noticed most were from Brandon, she at least owed him a call. She tapped his contact, the dial number and waited.
She waited a total of one second before she heard a sigh of relief, "Oh, Stella, sweetie! Are you alright? What happened? You haven't been on your phone and I've been so worried."
"I'm alright, just tired, very tired, sad too, very sad actually," She said, noting her voice lacked her regular tone, instead sounding drained.
"Oh, darling, I'm coming over."
"YOU CAN'T!" She screamed, "I mean, you can't, me and the girls are working out some things? You know figuring out how to undo the spell you know?"
"The spell on your father, surely you want some cuddles though, you sure don't sound fully yourself, you know?" Brandon asked, lowering his voice into a much different tone, a tone even more relaxed than usual.
"I'm sure, in fact, you'll be the first one to know, I'll call you immediately," Stella stated, realising that she truly had been lucky, in the fact he had no idea about what she now looked like.
"Okay," He said, sounding resigned to what she'd said, but still accepting, "I hope to hear from you soon, sweetheart."
"I promise."
The phone call abruptly ended.
She hoped it was a simple spell that could undo the curse, she wanted to see Brandon as soon as possible, but somehow she had her doubts she would be so lucky, unless she'd had enough bad luck that caused some good luck to come her way. She couldn't help but hope for that, no matter how confusing that train of thought was.
"One breakfast, for one princess," Bloom interrupted her thoughts.
"Thanks, Bloom. Listen I wanted to apologise for what happened yesterday, I just, it's hard and well I guess that doesn't excuse how I acted but-"
"No, I'm sorry, I wanted to help, but I didn't take into account what you wanted, what you needed and what you were thinking," Bloom explained.
"What if, we both just forget it," Stella laughed.
Bloom laughed too, reaching in to give her a hug, she flinched from it, but still accepted it.
"Now come on, we have an evil curse to break!"
Stella had her cloak on again, it hid her pretty well, and it made her feel beautiful again (as superficial as it sounded), it was probably because of the colour, the same dress she wore for her Princess Ball, the same dress she noticed made Brandon's jaw drop, before the whole curse thing happened. She decided to wait on those memories not wanting to feel the things she did when she was transformed into the beast she now looked like.
"I don't think I can hide how I look from Brandon much longer," Stella said, trailing behind her girls in the libary.
"We could put a spell on him, it would make him only see you for your beauty on the inside," Flora suggested, excited for the chance to use a spell she'd been researching.
"Besides, I'm sure Concorta will find a way to break it soon, I mean look at her go!" Bloom pointed towards the pixie.
"In all honesty, I don't think my inner beauty is much better than how I look right now," Stella mumbled, but the thought went ignored or unnoticed by her friends.
Then a book was dropped onto their table, "The Mirror of Truth," Bloom read out, describing where it was and the history behind it.
"Here's the solution, it breaks all dark magic spells, but it will be a difficult journey and you must find out how to use it yourself," Concorta explained.
"Are you sure it'll work?" Stella couldn't help but ask.
"Of course, dearie, have a little bit of faith!"
They walked back to their room joining Musa and Tecna.
"Oh! Before I forget, do we know how Layla is?" Stella asked. All she got in reply were open mouths staring at her, "What? I'm not so selfish I only focus on myself, honestly!"
"We didn't think you were, it's just we know how preoccupied you've been, but no we haven't heard anything," Musa explained.
"Now do you not have a call to make Stella? To a certain 'schnookums'? I overheard you earlier, now no chickening out," Tecna said, snapping her fingers.
"While you do that I'll work on the spell, don't you worry," Flora said, already walking off.
"And while you call Brandon, I'll call Sky, so they can know where we need to be, because I doubt you two will get much else done other than flirt," Bloom said, snarkily.
If Stella were in a better mood, she'd defend herself and Brandon, from the over exaggerations, but she simply blew her tongue out and walked up to her room, pulling her phone out.
She called him a second time that day, and he responded in less than a second this time, "Wow, your reaction time has improved by a millisecond from earlier," She laughed.
"I just need to know you're okay, am I not allowed to now?" Brandon laughed back.
"I never said that, my hero, in fact I look forward to it," She replied softly.
"Oh yeah?"
"Well I suppose we'll see each other soon enough, my princess, I hear we're going to some ice caves. I'm sure you'll need me to keep you nice and warm."
"Yeah, I might just forget my coat," She replied, remembering how they'd often walk, and he'd took her under his cape.
"I also heard about The White Giants, you think you'll need a hero to defend you from them," He whispered.
"Yes, I think I will," Her voice matching his, before she started talking again, this time with a teasing tone, "You know, with his big broad shoulders, his very strong arms and his well incredibly tall height."
"Oh yeah," He laughed, "What's the minimum?"
"Hmmmmmm, six foot five I'd say."
"Oh few, I just fit the criteria," He snarked.
"Well, I guess you'll have to do," She said, with mock distaste.
"Sorry, I've got to go, Sky's rushing me, says we've got to go and we can flirt in person, goodbye my princess," he said, with a touch of remorse.
"Goodbye, honey," she replied.
Stella had forgotten what she'd looked like throughout that exchange, she felt light on her feet, felt so free and happy. And she couldn't wait to see him in person.
"Wait! In person? Oh no, no, no!"
She rushed downstairs, running to Flora and Bloom's room, "Have you found the spell?"
"Yes don't worry, I'm ready to cast it, don't worry!"
"Oh, thank you," She replied in a much calmer way. Before she began walking to say glumly out of ear shot, "I only hope I'm pretty on the inside."
"You ready, sweetie?" Flora asked.
"As ready I can be right now, have you cast the spell?"
"Of course, don't you worry, and even if it doesn't work, he won't care and if he does, he isn't worth it, he isn't good enough for you, because you are a lovely person," Flora said, clearly passionate.
"I guess you're right, but I really do love him," Stella said, looking away blushing from what Flora had said.
"Yes and he really loves you," Flora replied, kindly.
Stella saw the ship, and saw Brandon. She was still covered in the cloak, but she was still wearing the tracksuit she'd put on the night before, she probably stunk.
"Flora, could you I don't know make me smell nicer, I probably stink," Stella asked.
She rolled her eyes, in response, before waving her hand around to show her compliance, "There you go, now don't panic. It'll be alright, I assure you."
She whispered, "No turning back."
Before shedding her coat in the middle of school grounds and walking towards the ship. She hoped she was beautiful inside, she hoped that whatever qualified someone to be a pretty person on the inside she had. If it were any of the winx, she would have no doubts that they were, but not her. She was selfish and mean sometimes, too reliant on others and also short and expectant. She shook herself, she may not be a good person all the time, she sure as hell tried and surely that would be all that mattered, right?
"Hey gorgeous," Brandon said as he saw her, ruffling her hair, "Hey, I wondered where they went, did you steal them?"
"Noooo, you left them, therefore they're mine now," She teased, before walking away, "Guess I am pretty inside."
"Huh? What was that Stella?"
"Oh nothing for you to worry about," she laughed.
After everyone had bordered the ship, Brandon sat next to her, offering his arm for her to get under, which she gladly did.
"I missed you," he said.
"I missed you too, but don't you need to be doing something here?" She asked, curious.
"Well we all agreed that while, I am the most talented specialist, my talents are going to be best used in comforting the most beautiful princess of all," He said, laughing at the calls of outrage from his friends.
"When have we ever said that?"
"Which conversation were you in?"
His laughter filled the ship, and she couldn't help but smile up at him. "I don't know what you're on about, Stella is clearly the most beautiful princess here, no offence to you Bloom."
Stella couldn't help but feel a bit sick. "Excuse me for a moment."
She walked towards the bathroom, and looked at herself in the mirror, while he saw her as a beautiful princess, nobody else did. She'd be lying if she said it didn't hurt her. A knock on the door broke her from her trance of looking at herself.
"Stel? You alright?"
"Yeah, sorry, just needed a moment," She responded.
"No need to apologise, alright?"
She nodded. They walked back to their seat and relaxed, intertwining with each other.
Stella had never felt so lost. She wasn't pretty anymore, she wasn't a fairy anymore and she was pretty sure she could say farewell to her title, 'Crown Princess of Solaria.' Those were the three things that were integral to her identity, if she wasn't even one of the three, how could she know herself and how would other people know her?
If the mirror of truth didn't work what would happen? Would this be the final straw Griselda seemed to be waiting for? Would she take joy in kicking Stella out of Alfea, like she had always wanted to? Or would she and Faragonda send her out of the school with remorse or guilt? If she were to be kicked out, would her friends still consider her as a 'Winx'? She hoped they would, or at the very least remain friends with her.
She looked up at Brandon. He looked calm. She wanted to be calm, but how could she? The rest of her life could very well rely on this mission. The rest of her relationships could. Maybe her relationship with Brandon would remain constant. She hoped so. She really did love him, she hoped he loved her the same. But even if he did, could she be so sure that he would love her like she was now, that he would stay with her? She wasn't entirely sure, because while she and Brandon made sense aesthetically beforehand, she couldn't say they would now. Maybe Flora could keep putting the spell on him, if all else fails, she thought, rather morbidly.
She began to turn away from him, deciding to put some distance between the two of them.
He noticed, and moved his hand that was rested on her shoulder to her waist, pulling her closer. She couldn't help but relax into his touch, so she melted into him and closed her eyes.
"Ugh, are we there yet?" She asked, her worries and impatience returning from earlier.
"Data indicates that we are coming up the sector where the caves are located," Tecna replied.
There was a jolt in the ship's movement.
"Hey, I didn't do that," Sky said in reaction.
"Do you think it's the White Giants Concorta told us about, look the snow's thickening?" Bloom pointed out.
"What's happening now?" Tecna groaned, heading to look at Timmy's screens.
"According to the instruments, atmospheric conditions are moderate, but ice is building up on the hull of the ship," Timmy read.
"Reminds me of something Icy would do," Musa scoffed.
"Let me handle it!" Flora volunteered, "With my solar sprouts!"
Timmy shook his head, "That won't work, temperatures are too low, sorry, Flora."
"Magical ice, Flora," Tecna added bluntly, "Your sprouts would never be able to take root."
Brandon stood up, leaving Stella to sit up right, walking over to Sky's chair, "Whatever it is, we need to find a solution, magical or not, and fast!"
"Wow, that'll help us come up with a plan," Musa stated, sarcastically, "Bloom? What about your dragon flame, could you use it to melt the ice?"
"Good idea! Bloom! Magic Winx!"
"Wait, Bloom don't!" Sky interrupted in a panic, "Going out now, it's too dangerous. We have to find another way."
"I have an idea, but you're gonna have to trust me."
"I trust you Bloom."
"Okay," Bloom started, "We do a power dive, the friction will create enough heat, the ice will have to melt off."
"That may work, okay everyone hang on!" Sky announced.
"Don't pull up, until I say so," Bloom said, sternly.
"I'm not going to like this am I?" Stella said to herself, clinging onto her seat.
The ship began its dive.
"Nope, not liking this, getting dizzy, getting nauseous!" Stella shouted, curling in on herself.
Brandon noticed this and exclaimed, "Sky! Pull up! Sky pull up!"
"Not until, Bloom says."
"Pull up Bloom?!" Flora and Musa asked in sync.
"Not yet."
Brandon was next, now clinging onto the back of Sky's chair, "Pull up Bloom."
"Not yet," A moment passed, before Bloom snapped, "Now!"
"Holy shit! We made it?!"
"Is it over yet?"
"Yes, Stella, it's over and Bloom you were amazing."
Brandon let out a sigh of relief, walking back over to Stella.
"The cave is in sight!" Tecna directed to Stella.
"Wait, what are those things?" Musa asked.
"I hope they aren't what I think they are," Bloom grumbled.
"Whatever they are they're attacking us," Sky said, as the ship took a hit.
"Wonderful more guardians of the mirror!" Bloom exclaimed.
The big beast was clinging onto the ship.
"Can we try to pull up again?" Flora asked.
"The engine's not responding!" Sky shouted back to everyone.
"Can we slow the dive?" Tecna suggested.
"The gravitational fields may as well be gone, our ship's structure can't take much more before it will collapse," Timmy said, looking at the projected diagrams in front of him.
Stella was worried, she didn't particularly like how she looked, but she didn't want to have been the one to cause her friends' deaths just because she wanted to look normal. Brandon had joined her once again on their seat, looking at her lovingly and putting his arms around her body. He put his hand on her cheek and she leaned into it, making eye contact with him. She couldn't be entirely sure, but she could have sworn she saw her green face in his eyes, and not her normal one. Though maybe the spell didn't work externally on his eyes, just in his mind. She wasn't sure, she'd have to ask later.
"Hold on tight! I'll try to switch us to auto level! Timmy, put us on manual override!" Sky exclaimed, warning beeps in the background.
"Sky, this griffin isn't letting up!" Brandon shouted, as Stella clung to him as another jostle from the bird occurred.
Sky ignored him, "Timmy, open the hyper valves, we need more power!"
"It's not working!"
"I can't believe the bird is overpowering our engine," Sky thought aloud.
"Girls our turn, lets go get those griffins!" Bloom announced.
"I'm afraid I won't be of much help now," Stella said, remorsefully, putting her green, webbed hands to her face.
"Don't worry, Stel," Brandon said, putting his hands over hers, rubbing his fingers over the backs of her hands, "It'll all be okay."
"Magic Winx!"
The Winx flew out, soon after.
Stella wasn't entirely sure what had happened out there, but the griffin had let go, but other than that wasn't affected, as far as she could tell through the cracked front windows. The three griffins then seemed to fly past the ship, presumably to her friends, where Sky and Timmy then took the opportunity, to fly at a much higher speed.
"The girls did it!" Timmy exclaimed, "They're retreating."
Brandon's hand left hers, so he could facepalm, "You spoke to soon!"
Before she could ask what he was on about, Sky shouted, "Frontal attack!"
One griffin had the ship in its talons again, and slammed it against one of the ravine walls, before the ship was released again.
"See, told you we made it," Brandon smiled.
A slam on the top of the ship interrupted their joy, "What's going on now?"
"We've lost control!"
"We're being attacked by something bigger!" Sky exclaimed.
"If we don't slow down, the ship is going to blow!" Timmy panicked.
"I'm trying to release the coolage, but it's deactivated," Sky said.
Stella stood up, "My friends need me and I can't even transform."
Brandon joined her, "Everything's going to be okay, we'll get out of this, you'll see."
He then bent down to hold her by the waist, she leaned up to wrap her arms around his neck. They stayed like this until the griffin holding the ship roared.
Brandon walked away going to Timmy, "Uh oh, what was that?"
"An ultra sonic energy surge, I think."
"The work of Musa no doubt then," Stella laughed, gleefully.
"Let's hope it works then," Brandon said, the ship was shaking, "What are they doing?"
"Should I try an evasive manoeuvre?"
"Hold out another minute," Sky suggested.
With one last blast of visible magic, the griffins disappeared, and the girls returned.
"Be sure to stay low, between the cliffs, Timmy."
Brandon stood next to Timmy's seat, "Like those griffins would be brave enough," he laughed.
"But it could be dangerous, it's not even mapped territory!" Timmy explained.
"I thought you were the best pilots at Red Fountain," Tecna giggled.
"Well alright, let's do it," He said rubbing the back of his neck.
"Hold on, it's gonna rock," Sky advised.
But before Stella could take a firm grip on anything, the first rock happened, slamming her over to the door. She tried to get up, but as she did she pushed the open button, one more rock caused her to fall out the door screaming.
As she was falling she heard the faint shout, "Stella no! STELLA!"
She continued falling down, before managing to land on a rock edge. She clung dearly on, hoping they'd find her. She couldn't hold anymore, not for long she was getting cold and she felt weaker than ever in her body.
She felt herself slipping, her legs dangling.
"Hang on, Stella, I'm coming," She heard Brandon call.
She looked for him, seeing the ship fly down next to her.
"Give me your hand," He said, reaching for her.
"I can't, Brandon," She wailed.
"You can, just jump. I will not let anything happen to you, I'll catch you," He said.
"But you can't," She wailed.
"I promise, I will catch you." And he said it with such sincerity she couldn't help but believe him.
"I do. Come on, Stella, we're running out of time. Now jump."
So she did.
She felt herself falling, when a big hand caught hers.
"Got ya," he said, pulling her up and back onto the ship.
She let out a sigh of relief, and she heard Brandon do the same, as he clung onto her. Feeling her all around, as to make sure she was safe, she gave him a quick squeeze and a smile, before her friends surrounded her giving her a hug altogether. She saw Brandon collapse on the floor and couldn't help but laugh at the sight.
"Wow Brandon, that was amazing," She heard Timmy say.
To which Brandon replied, with a thumbs up.
"Now, unless there are any objections, I say we get the hell away from here and never come back," Sky said, before speeding the ship.
"You do have to admit, we make a great team," She overheard Sky say to Bloom.
"Yeah, too bad they don't have high speed rescue ops at the Magix games," Bloom laughed.
"Our search is over, look!" Musa proclaimed.
"The entrance!" Stella gasped, it was beautiful, she hoped the Mirror of Truth would see her as honourable enough to gain her old looks back, she couldn't live like this forever. She now had Brandon's cape on, alongside his tracksuit set she'd already had on, he'd claimed he was worried she'd get too cold.
They entered as a group.
"Remind me what we're looking for again?" Brandon asked.
"The Mirror of Truth, Concorda said we'll know it when we see it," Flora replied.
"I really hope it will work," Stella said, looking down at her reflection.
"Remember what Concorda said?" Bloom asked.
Musa replied, "The Ice Spirits are the keepers of it, we should trust their judgement."
"In a few steps, the tunnels will widen out, we'll be there soon, Stella," Tecna said, looking at her built in map that came with her fairy form.
They arrived, it was beautiful. The ice sparkled and shone, though there was no light source visible. There were pillars all around, circling the widened tunnel, which then led to open plain land of ice. The pillars were smooth, and all seemed to have a beard, they glowed particularly brighter, perhaps they were the source of light that caused the caves to glisten so much.
"It's amazing alright, but where are we?" Stella couldn't help but ask.
"You are in front of us, you were looking for us, why?" The pillars spoke, one voice, like a gravelly old man.
"Sorry to bother you, but are you the ice spirits?" Bloom asked, giggling nervously.
Flora took a step back, gawking at the spirits in front of them.
The spirits replied, "We are the ones that wait for eternity, speak."
"We need your help, please!" Bloom exclaimed.
"You overcame great challenges, the frozen winds of the barrier and the talons of the great griffins. Your motivation must be strong."
Stella walked forwards.
"Dark magic, an evil spell."
"Can you help me break it? Please?" Stella asked, voice coming out in a broken whisper.
"You need the Mirror of Truth, you will find it as soon as you find yourself, touch its heart and it will help."
"What does that mean? The mirror has a heart? Please? Tell me more? Please?" Stella couldn't help but beg.
"Stella! Wait! Where are you going?" She heard him call after her, as she walked off.
Bloom stopped him, "Brando, you should wait here, with the other guys."
"Yes, don't worry we'll take good care of her!" Flora added.
They all came to her offering another a hug, which she gladly took.
"Let's go find that mirror!" Tecna exclaimed.
They walked as a group, until Stella found a separate turn which she took. She saw it was a dead end, with reflective ice showing her, she recoiled at what she saw, hiding her face with Brandon's cape. Before she repeated the Ice Spirits words, "You will find it when you find yourself." She flicked the cape revealing her face, before tenderly touching her reflection. She flinched when it opened, but she went through.
She walked further in, hearing her friends echoes, "Stella! Where are you?"
She was sure she heard Brandon say, "I'll go this way, you can go that way," but she discounted that thought, thinking it was probably her imagination.
"I want to be myself again this isn't me!" She said.
"Stella! Maybe you sh-" Brandon started.
"The Mirror? I bet that's what the spirits were talking about?" She exclaimed, it looked like a frozen over pond, but it glowed like the spirits had, but with a yellow shine instead.
"Stella, just wait," He tried to get out.
"No you don't understand, I need this," She almost sobbed.
He stayed silent and followed her as she crouched down.
"Please, Mirror of Truth, break this spell," She tried, "Please! Oh, please!" She tried again, wiping her tears. "What did I do wrong?"
"Stella," He said, joining her on his knees.
"No don't look at me please," She begged, knowing he wouldn't understand.
"Why not?"
She breathed out heavily, "You think I'm pretty because of her spell."
"Maybe now isn't the best time to say, but I can see what you look like."
"Bu-Bu-But how?" She asked, refusing to look at him.
"I don't know, the spell never worked," He explained.
She finally turned to look at him, "You didn't run away from me?"
"Why would I run away from a beautiful person with a great big heart and a wonderful soul," He said, smiling and caressing her cheek, before turning to look at her friends that recently arrived, "Now girls, why don't you tell her what you see?"
Tecna started, "An awesome person, never afraid to speak her mind."
Flora continued, "Who is cheerful, light-hearted and fun."
Musa continued, "A crazy fairy, who never fails to make me laugh."
Bloom finished, "A loyal, warm and loving friend."
She turned away and looked at herself, "I only thought people saw me as pretty," A tear fell from her eye, making contact with the mirror. It cracked, but she ignored it, instead turning to Brandon.
"I loved you then and I love you now, maybe even more Stella," Brandon said, pulling out a box from a pocket, "Here, your birthday present, it's been in my family generations and I want you to have it, I tried to give it before but well you were distracted and then everything happened."
She opened it, before jumping to give him a hug on his lap, "Oh, Brandon! It's perfect! It's the most beautiful present I've ever been given."
She saw the mirror glowing again, before it once again frozen and she saw herself. She was glowing, she stood up and noticed everyone cover their eyes.
"I'm me again! And I have my dress on!" Stella exclaimed, beaming to everone.
The spirits spoke their congratulations.
She took one final look at herself. Yes she was pretty, beautiful even, but that wasn't the best part about herself, she was a good person and had beautiful friends.
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puptoy · 20 hours
My Reactions to his first assignment:
Good job! You're so beautiful. I love it when you show off for me.
It's really cute seeing you make a mess, but you're not allowed to waste any, okay? That's mine.
I'm not too worried about other bitches taking you. We both know you're all mine. It's really about respect; they should all know who you belong to and act accordingly. I wouldn't blame a girl for hitting on you in public if she didn't know you have an owner, you're a fine specimen. But if she knows you're spoken for, she's disrespecting me.
Good boy! Keep saving your cum for me. I'll take care of you when I know you've saved up enough to put on a really good show. I wanna see your cock twitch and spill everything you've been saving for me. Wish I was there to lick it up. I wouldn't waste a drop. I know you wouldn't have the self control to keep your hand off your big swollen needy cock if I didn't have you on a short leash. Needy stud.
I'll check the quality, don't worry baby. (When we live together, should I buy a microscope? Apparently I could also check if I'm fertile by analyzing my saliva. Isn't that so cool?)
I'm glad you like what I write for you. I slowly realized that I liked it when you decide to jerk off to my words instead of looking at anyone else... I didn't want to impose restrictions on you per se, but now that you've asked to be managed, I'm very happy to make sure you're only looking at the porn I make for you. I don't want you getting off to anyone else. I might not be there to physically touch you and tie you up like I want, but I can do something even better! I can control what you think about <3 When you read my words, I am putting thoughts directly into your head. So the more you read my words, the more my voice is filling your silly needy cumbrain. Isn't it kind of hot? That I can control you that easily? And every time your silly mind starts to wander, you come back to my words, my voice, and you think about how nice it is to be owned by me. I love making you feel good. Mind control isn't scary in real life, it's like a roleplaying game. I know you're used to being in charge of those, aren't you? I'm just creating a scenario in which you can enjoy being under my control... And as you keep reading my words, you are participating in that willingly. It feels good.
I just think it's so cute how you love being controlled. I love taking care of you. Sometimes I'm a little mean, but that's because I know better. I know what you need, not just what you want in the moment. The more you get aroused, the less you're able to think clearly, you know that? Dumb boys with big cocks can't think straight when all their blood is going... down there. So when I do "mean" things, it's just because I know what's good for you, darling. Your owner is very smart and she loves you very much. I'm happy you trust me to know better. It makes you feel so good, doesn't it? Say that, or mouth it for me if you are in public. "It feels good." Yes, good boy, it does feel good! You're such a good listener!
Aww, I popped your cherry with my vibrator, didn't I? I can't wait 'till I figure out how to make you cum with your ass, sweetheart. I bet it'll feel like the first time all over again. I love figuring out how to touch you in ways nobody else ever has. I loved making you feel good in a way you couldn't even do for yourself... Showing you a feeling you didn't know existed. It's like I have a way to pleasure you that's all mine.
I didn't even need to use the rope on you last time I used you to cum... You just did what I said because you're a good boy. And I know you liked it. It made you feel really good. You're not allowed to cum until I'm done with you. Until you make me cum as many times as I want. But even if my silly toy messes up, I can always use your mouth to satisfy myself. You're useful in lots of ways. And it feels good to be used, doesn't it?
I love you too, darling. I love you so much!
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