#i didnt even scratch industry
luwha · 2 years
Like, if I don't work I don't know who I am, and taking a break makes me spiral down bad.
I don't know if I need more breaks or less breaks.
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I've been lurking on this blog for a while, and really enjoy your stuff. Could I get some headcanons for Blitz, Stolas, Striker, and Fizz/Ozzie with their S/O infodumping to them about theatre?
Reaction to their S/O info dumping about the theatre
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It was date night, you and Blitz were getting ready for a fun night in, you already curled up on the couch with your drinks.
Loona was out at some party so that apartment was all yours~
You were on the couch as Blitz prepared your snacks, while you looked for a movie on HellFlix.
And youd been looking for a few minutes, but simply put, it was all shit.
Blitz rocked up with treats and even more Liquor. Handing you your drink. You told him your shared plight. "Nothin fuckin good on this shit. Why do we even pay for this?"
Blitz took a swig, telling you simply. "We don't. I saw our neighbour put in his code so now we got it."
You let out a little 'Huh', taking a drink from your bottle.
Youd sit beside each other a while longer, mindlessly scrolling through the various bootleg and herendously bad TV shows.
And not even, so bad their good, type of bad.
Just bad.
So, scrolling through the site a while longer, before Blitz perked up. Getting up, he rushed up, running to his jacket, he grabbed something out before rushing back, jumping onto the couch, almost knocking everything over.
Setting down, he held up a DVD case. "Here! Moxxie said you'd like this!"
And upon seeing it, you utterly beamed.
Snatching it up, you found a genuine addition of The Fantom of the Opera, produced by none other then lord Belzebub, the production said to be the most exclusive and high class in the History of Hell.
You giggled like you just gone mad before abruptly going on a tangent, describing everything you'd heard. How it revolutionised how Sinner operas were perceived in Hell. How it legitimised Hellborne actors in once highly exclusive industry.
It was so good, Lucifer himself witnessed a production. And after that the human operas became a hot topic, so much so Demons on every ring began to emulate it.
You just went on and on, going on and on about the history of the theatre in Hell.
Blitz for his part, just got comfy, turning to you as he grabbed his snack.
You told him your favourite operas and what you loved about them, telling him everything and anything you could think of.
You went on for hours, you going on and on and on.
Blitz didnt really care, he just enjoyed the show, the Imp smiling at you as you just gushed over the opera.
Now, Blitz didn't really know shit about Opera, although he did love the Theatre, just not enough to actually learn about it in a historical context.
But seeing you so passionate. Seeing you gush over something you clearly loved so much.
Just seeing you like that in your own little world. Hell, he could listen to you spouting on about damn near anything, just so long as it made you happy.
You went on for a long while, blabbering on until you heard Blitz yawn.
And youd pause, feeling a little insulted and well, sad that he'd yawn about something you care about.
Blitz was an ass for sure, but he wasn't the sort to just insult something you loved like that.
Blitzø, seeing this, quickly assured you he wasn't being a smart ass, it's just, well, you'd even talking for so long.
And that'd when you realised how late it had gotten. You'd been talking for what was likely hours, the TV having turned off from inaction.
Youd blush, scratching your cheek before apologising.
At that Blitzø just chuckled, moving forwards and leaning close, kissing you on the nose. "You don't need to apologise, I think it's sexy when you talk about something you like~" He finished, giving you that little grin he always got before he made a move.
And that's what he did, sliding his hand from your chest, down to your hip, eyes never leaving yours.
You just smiled, leaning in you'd kiss the Imp. The kiss quickly breaking into a heated make out session.
Your kissing would only become more heated as Blitzø slid his hands up your shirt, the kissing getting even more heated.
It'd be just as Blitzø removed his shirt that Tha apartment door slammed open.
Blitzø, on instinct, shot up, pistol in hand. Only... for it turn out to be Loona.
The girl walked in, stopped briefly to stare at the both of you in your dishevelled state, she deadpanned. "Grose." She cringed, walking away and slamming the door to her room.
Blitzø, lowering his pistol, sighed, turning back to you. There was several moments of Silence before you both burst into laughter.
The both of you curled up on the couch, and after a few moments Blitzø looked around, telling you. "Ya know, if we're careful, I bet Loona won't hear us?" He purred, hand sliding down your chest.
You blushed, looking over at the girls door, "Are you sure she won't be able to hear us?"
Blitzø just smirked. "I'm sure~"
And just as you kissed him, your arms around his neck as his hands slid down your side... the mood was instantly killed when Loona shouted very loudly. "I CAN STILL FUCKING HEAR YOU!"
And with that, Blitzø sighed, collapsing atop you, the two of you just curled up together, giggling as you snuggled, kissing his cheek, the two of you getting comfy, content to drift off together.
"Love you Blitzø~" you told him, surprised at how tired you are.
Blitzø just chuckled, kissing you before telling you softly. "I love you too (Y/N)."
The two of you happily drifting off, curled up in each other's embrace.
Stolas, being the man of means he was, could afford the finer things In life.
Like, say, the theatre.
And what do ya know, that's just where you were. You were naturally ecstatic, practically vibrating with joy as he suspected you would be, given you made it plain that you loved the theatre.
Stolas loved this of course, he loved seeing you so happy, and he knew you loved the theatre, so he made sure to take you on a regular basis.
And it'd be as you walked out after a show, you utterly gushing over it that you'd do one of his favourite things.
Youd Go on and on about your favourite parts of the play. Telling him in detail your favourite parts and aspects if the show.
Stolas for his part just let you go on, accompanying you our of the theatre and to his private limousine.
He'd just patiently sit there, happily watching you as you went on and on about the theatre, face lighting up as you discussed it.
Of course, by 'discussed' I mean he sat their patiently, happily listening to you.
You spouted out a thousand 'fun facts' about the opera or theatre, many of which he'd already heard a hundred times.
Not that he was complaining.
He loved seeing you like this. All excited and passionate. You were adorable.
So he'd just listen, a warm smile across his face as you went on and on and on. The owl adoring your passion for the art.
Youd eventually turn to him, the owl just sat there when you realised were rambling, and after blushing, you apologised.
To that Stolas just chuckled, pulling you close as he told you he adored how passionate you were.
You, blushed, warmly cupping his face as you shared a tender moment, the owl giving you a kiss, something you warmly returned.
He'd hold you close the rest of the ride home, holding you to his fluffy chest. The two of you wrapped in a loving embrace.
Striker didn't care about the theatre.
I mean, sure, he could respect the art on some level. But mostly, he saw it as a waste of energy, especially when you could be out there working.
Like him.
But with you, he would find a greater appreciation for the time and energy that went into it.
And trust me, you made sure he knew how gruelling the theatre was.
It would be in your anniversary, the Imp having booked you tickets for an actual production, the serpant like Imp having carefully listen to your rambles and booked a ticket to your favourite show.
He had no interest in it, really, but the look on your face when he showed you those tickets, Hoo! It was worth every cent.
So, getting all dressed up, the cowboy would escort you to the theatre, and the entire time, you gushed about the production.
He didn't mind. If anything it was adorable seeing you so excited. He rarely saw you This excited about anything.
So it was a nice beginner to the night.
The show itself was great, but even better was your commentary.
Youd give him little details and 'fun facts' throughout the entire show.
Honestly, he didn't give a shit about the show. Had zero interest in watching a bunch of prissy pricks pretending to be some sinner or dead prick from centuries ago.
But watching you gushing and prattling on about the history and rise and fall of certain theatre systems.
It was very cute.
And sure you were getting the occasional glare, or hush from the other theatre goers.
Not that he'd gave a shit, but seeing you so happy, dumping on him what should have likely been a years worth of overpriced histery lessons, in the span of a few hours, it was fun.
You walked out of that theatre, you still yabbering on about your thoughts and notes on the production you'd barely watched.
Striker just smiled, happily listening to you ramble, as he walked you home.
And even then, when you walked into your apartment. Or more accurately, 'safehouse', you still rambling on as he poured you some drinks. And even curled up on the couch you continued, Striker happily listening.
But, after a long while, you stop, seemingly finally reaching the end of your train of thought. You'd sit there, realising you'd just spent hours rambling over the theatre instead of, well, just enjoying it.
And realising that you hadn't let him get a word in, you'd timidly apologise. Just for Striker to chuckle, tail curling around you as he pulled you close.
He'd tell you he didn't mind, he loved seeing you so happy, and didn't give a shit if you rambled on, just so long as you were happy. So was he.
Youd just give a wiggly little smile, you'd kiss him, thanking him for putting up with you.
Striker would just release a hearty, chuckle as he kissed you again, curling his spiked tail around you.
Fizzaroli & Asmodeus
Being in a relationship with the two of these idiots meant a lot of things.
Firstly: lot and lots of sex.
Secondly: beging surrounded by lots and lots of Sex.
Thirdly: you had access to the highest quality... well everything.
You were in a relationship with a literal Sin and his right hand Imp. And as such, no pleasure was off limits, something the Sin would remind you every chance he got~
And luckily enough, one of your favourite pleasures was the theatre.
Asmodeus had a fondness for the theatre himself, Fizz less so, the cybornetic Imp thinking it was borning.
Although his favourite productions were usully borderline pornographic, probably the only times Fizz was actually engaged.
Still, you had a mutual appreciation, even if you appreciated different aspects~
Of course, you rarely got to really appreciate it as either Fizz or Asmodeus would usually do their best to get in your pants doing... very devious acts on you before it even begins.
But on a few occasions you'd actually get to watch the production unhindered, and well, to put bluntly, they were essentially your captured audience.
Now, neither of them really cared, seeing you ramble on for an hour anf half about the theatre was just a prelude to more intimate night.
If they weren't already doing something dirty as you rambled.
But more often then not, they'd just enjoy seeing you blabber on about the theatre. Word vomiting countless facts and trivia about the industry, listing of every though and opinion you had on the subject.
And yeah, Asmodeus didn't have to endure this, he was a busy Demon after all, he could be doing anything else with his time.
But despite himself, he just loved watching you gushing and brag and adore the theatre, Fizz especially. Despite their usually short attention span, the two found it utterly adorable, the Sin telling you as much, usually followed up by either a tantalizing session of teasing, or some outright rough and dirty fun~
He loved how you appreciated the theatre, but he was still the Sin of Lust, so it was only to be expected, Fizz happily getting in on the action.
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etherealspacejelly · 6 months
you quit your software engineering job to pursue environmental science?? do tell!
(i have a software engineering job. it makes me sad.)
so when i was like. 10. i had this teacher who taught us basic scratch programming. and i was like. freakishly good at it. i picked it up super quickly and was even helping the other students to fix their problems. and so he said to me "you know, you could be a great computer programmer one day" and i was like. yeah! i could!
so throughout highschool my One and Only goal was to become a software engineer. every time i went to the career counsellor thats what i said. so i did computer science at gcse, and got a 9, and i did computer science at a level and got an A*. (i did other subjects too of course. but those were the ones i was focussed on)
then i finished my a levels and i went straight into looking for an apprenticeship. no one was really interested in me because i didnt have any experience or a degree. so then my dad got me an internship with some guys he knew at a company that worked in his building, and i managed to build up some actual industry skills. then i got an apprenticeship! it paid super well and the team was great and it was work from home.
and i hated it.
i was just sitting in my room at my dads house 9-5 mon-fri writing code all by myself. it was lonely and boring and i didnt really know what i was doing. it was supposed to be an apprenticeship but it just felt like a job. they didnt teach me how to do anything they just said "do this and come to me if you run into a problem". half the time they didnt even give me any work to do for days at a time so i was just watching youtube or scrolling on tiktok. which sounds great but it wasnt because i felt guilty the whole time and was terrified of being found out and fired, even tho it wasnt my fault? they literally werent giving me work to do?
anyway. a few months into it i was like man Fuck this. im going to university. so i started looking at courses. it actually started with astrophysics, but since i didnt take a science at a level i didnt have the requirements for that. then i found environmental science! it was all the stuff im passionate about: climate change, conservation, natural processes and earth science. so i worked on my application letter and applied, and i got in!
so i went to my boss and was like hey. im putting in my notice. i got into university. and they were like "oh noooo we're so sad to see you go :( you were doing so well and we were so pleased with your work and your progress :(" (and i was like. huh?? i literally didnt fucking do anything. but oh well.)
so i worked until the end of my 6 week notice and then i handed my stuff back in and left. i had a bit of a summer vacation and then started uni! and ive been here for just over a year now :)
its honestly so much better. i have so many new friends, i got to move out of my mums house, im in full control of my life.
so take this as your reminder that its never too late! you can always change your path.
you are in control.
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eptbw · 2 months
fallout show thoughts mostly abt the lore. major spoilers for the show, particularly ep 8. not very well put together and its mostly just me scratching my head/complaining lol
imo the show does it's best to not technically retcon fo1/2/nv, but to effectively retcon them by getting rid of everything they made and make moot what they cannot literally bomb.
it's just that the og fallouts/fnv are post-post-apocalypses about rebuilding and the themes are about like. cycles of violence and how to break them in order to rebuild, human nature, fascism, society, etc.
bethesda's fallout is about uhhhh. how war never changes (they do not particularly feel like examining this theme in detail). and how greedy corporations will lead to the end of the world. basically they're taking the satire of the united states and throwing it out and going all in on the satire about corporations + a teensy bit the military industrial complex (think west-tek).
thats why vault tec dropped the bombs, when previously the great war was less about pointing fingers and more about bearing the sins of the father and how ultimately none of the lines drawn in the pre-war world matter now. it's all just ash and dust. cause when you're making a commentary(?) on rich people using regular people as pawns & guinea pigs then it does matter that vault tec did it + that they had allies in every other major pre-war american corporation. side note: i dont like this at all btw.
besides changing the fundamental themes of the franchise 5 games in though bethesda's fallout mostly just wants to be about nukes + the post apocalypse. they want to tell stories about scavengers in dirt shacks eating each other. fo1/2/nv don't allow for that kind of worldbuilding. i cant speak on 1 or 2 as i haven't played them, but for example fnv is about how societies get made & the strengths and weakness of them, and which type of society you the player think would be best for making a new world with.* so thats why they literally exploded the ncr. cant have dirt shack cannibals when there's a president.
the only thing that feels overtly spiteful(?) to me is that i can't figure out why they're even touching california, and not just fucking around on the east coast like they previously have. or the midwest or something if they're sick of the east
my best guess is either A) spite bc obsidian did it better than them (tbh i dont think this.) or B) they got sick of fielding "whys the west coast got multiple developed societies but the east coast has just the enclave over and over. whys the east coast so much less developed than the ncr 200 years later when rhe ncr was being founding a mere 70~ years after the war? whys megaton a scrap heap when new vegas has working plumbing?" type questions and so they nuked it to hastily cover their asses like "see! nothing develops in the wasteland! humans love to murder and war never changes B)". instead of just leaving the west coast alone and unacknowledged like fo3/4 did (i also dont fully believe this but i dont have any clue what else it could be)
the trouble besides all of this sucking and being, at a very generous best, stupid as fuck, is that the new themes/villains aren't even consistent cause like. why did vault tec nuke shady sands from a themes perspective. whats that add to anything. i guess it ties into our other new(ish) theme of "humans are inherently violent little cockroaches"
not to mention if theyre going all "war never changes humans love murder" they dont even really acknowledge Maximus' revenge plot or his repeated inaction (aka his fundamental character motivation /trait b4 he halfheartedly discovers that oysters are yummy or whatever). but im getting close to just starting to complain that its a really stupid boring one dimensional theme + i didnt care much for the characters (they arent objectively bad or anything it's just me)
also shout out to the only plot/motivation bethesda can consistently think of in the wastes being "gotta find my family" like some little failed vin diesel clone. also shout out to their preoccupation with pre-war america and their obsession with characters being 200 years old and how that ties directly into their lack of desire to let the setting progress. but thats an entirely different thing lol.
*fnv is also about needing to let go of the past if you desire to move forward (the concept of "old world blues" + the actual think tank/big empty -> dead money -> lonesome road) and bethesda doesn't want to let go of the pre-war bc they think its cool or something idk. they also refuse to let the societies of the games develop. which makes it especially funny that they half retconned fnv, destroyed the strip, and made hoover dam obsolete all in one fell swoop. its better theme writing than the game!
** i feel obligated to mention that bethesda arent the only people who think fallout should forever remain a post-apocalypse cause chris avellone famously disliked the post-post-apocalypse of the ncr, got told to shut up bc everyone else (rightly) thought a post-post-apocalypse was a good idea, and then he wanted to nuke the NCR in lonesome road and got told to shut up again. but avellone didnt work on the show and doesnt work for bethesda so :P
btw them saying fiends are just people who eat people was just mean. kicking me while im down :(
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freebooter4ever · 1 year
The stuff thats been on my dash lately - the strike, playoffs, talk about teams and trades and players salaries - ive just been thinking a lot. You know i think too much. And im annoying. So.
A few years before i was let go from my old research group (2017), a few key federal education research grants were severely defunded. Like almost halved - if i remember correctly. And we were hit hard. And our director at the time was kind and saw this coming, and managed to get a small bit of warning before it happened. But it wasn't enough, because the guy we were going to lose - our extra artist, was in the states only on a work visa, and it was an educational non profit visa. I didnt understand the details very well but basically we missed the deadline for the vis lottery by a few months. Which meant he had zero chance of getting a visa on his own and any new company he applied to in the US would have to shoulder that cost/hassle. You can imagine this is next to impossible for artists to compete with. He had months to find a job that would be willing to take on someone who previously only had a nonprofit visa or he was going back home.
The harsh reality of the 3D art industry is that unless you are an insanely talented artist (we weren't) or have connections (we didnt we were in education for fucks sake) it takes for fucking ever to find a job (it took me two years to finally land the one in LA). Our entire team was worried about him.
This guy was as dedicated to the work as i was, for both of us sculpting/painting/art was basically our life. We both spent so many nights/weekends in that office just because we loved what we were doing and wanted to see the project succeed. Our little team was like a family, especially when we'd all be trapped together in random cities for conferences (the three of us young twenty-somethings provided the entertainment value/jokes, the one mid thirties guy on our team was a foodie who somehow managed to find the best hidden restaurants in even the dullest cities, and the oldest of us were popular enough that we never seemed to go out to eat without an entourage). The running joke was that he could sleep anywhere/anytime - at one point we caught him sleeping on the foldable bleacher seats while waiting for the dolphin show in atlanta (if you've ever tried to sit in those seats you know how ridiculous this is).
He loved pittsburgh more than me (and at one point when my nick was grilling me about why i stuck around so long i finally admitted to him that out of all the places in the world pittsburgh and seattle were the ones i loved best so when i say my coworker LOVED pittsburgh he actually loved it. More than even THAT.). He loved snow and cold to a degree that freaked even snow-obsssed me out. He had way more friends and connections in the city than i did, he was in sports clubs (wrestling. He was the only person i knew who could eat as much at a buffet as i could - we'd go to dinner during their cheap buffet night and it must have looked hilarious slender runner me and this big grappling muscular dude both digging into two piled on plates EACH).
ALL this and one little thing like losing his job when his expertise/qualifications are very VERY narrow and in a field that is grotesquely competitive...meant he couldn't stay in the country anymore.
It was ridiculous, it made me so mad, i kept being like 'theres gotta be a way theres gotta be a way' (there wasnt) and eventually i marched into our directors office and announced that i would halve my salary so we could keep him for one more full year.
And the director just smiled at me in that fond way of hers and patted the couch for me to sit, and calmly explained that i was actually the second person to march in and offer this. The lead developer on our project - the guy who coded the rendering engine FROM SCRATCH back in the 90's when realtime 3D graphics wasn't even imaginable - had offered up the portion of his salary it would take to pay our artist's.
Unfortunately our director explained that the university didnt work this way and it wouldnt have been possible no matter how noble our intentions, BUT she had also been pushing numbers to solve this, and had actually finangled enough finances that she was able to pull money out of a hat and keep him for another year regardless. It said a lot about how close knit our team was, and how much we cared about the programming envirnoment we were making for students for free worldwide that we were fully prepared to do anything to keep it running.
The real tragedy of it all though was that it didnt even matter. He searched and searched for an entire year and found nothing, and then took part in the regular visa lottery and got nothing. And he went back home (after stopping in california to watch some league tournaments haha). And he's still there, and still struggling to find a way back to the US - hiker boy and i were probably two of the people who knew him best, and both of us are probably going to be forever slightly worried/sad about him.
A friend of mine in LA got his green card this past monday - the one whose wedding i accidentally ended up managing. That was a jublient thing. And i still remember in 2018 taking sanjeev to get his citizenship and teasing him because he put it off for so long that he got stuck listening to the orange cheeto's speech when he could have had obama (but he could do that because he was a programmer, his job was in high demand). This doesnt really have anything to do with my point other than to say i know immigrants' experiences with visas can run an entire gamut from good-bad.
The writers on this strike arent asking for millions each - though i imagine it might seem like that to someone in western PA working a minimum wage job (my 25$/hr was living large in western PA :/). Kinda like me watching the salary discussion of these sports players utterly baffled me like 'we spend HOW MUCH on sports?? And HOW LITTLE on education??? Do you know what an entire development team could do with only one year of that salary???'. - that is to say, i recognize there are multiple levels of looking up at another group and wondering how the fuck they even exist that way.
And i know there's probably going to be a lot of bullshit and blame thrown around at the writers. But i just remember how like, when push came to shove, on my little education team our team members took care of each other. And there is SO much stratification in the US right now that it feels impossible to extend that peer-to-peer help to cross-class-levels help. But we have to fucking do it. And i know we all supported the strikes in the minimum wage service industry. And these going on in hollywood are equally as important. We need to make it socially unaffordable for these elite few to control so much power over our livelihoods. We SAW the mess that happened at the blue bird website. If even protected in-demand jobs like software engineers can suddenly be scrambling for thier paychecks and stability all because of one petty little man - Something is extremely extremely fucked up in how our economy functions. Because i believe at a small scale most humans are like my tiny little team - willing to sacrifice to keep everything running when times are tough. (as long as there's light at the end of the tunnel)
Blah. Ok ive said my bit. I sure as fuck hope the 3D artists figure out how to unionize one day though i have no clue how we'd go about doing it :/
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poliodeuces · 2 years
HELLOOOOO I ABSOLUTELY ADORE YOUR ART it's sooo beautiful and I stare at your work so much!! do you have any art inspirations? like any artists or specific pieces that just. scratch your brain?? hope you're having a good one ^o^
first of all: thank you so much! don't get lost in it now! and secondly: i have put off answering this ask for so long bc i find that question pretty difficult to answer. i love way, way too much art. but still it's an opportunity to showcase some that i love. under the cut :) im sorry if this off from what you're expecting (crying emoji)
these are a small fraction of art that tickle my brain, only visual, sometimes inspiration just springs from a non-fiction like an essay, or in the repetition of furniture music, a strange movie with a story but with no discernible plot (the best kind of movie), when you cook a meal etc etc ....they exist where you least expect it........
i mainly do two art styles that, despite me whining abt inconsistency, are deliberate bc they give different moods, and i dont really care if my art doesnt look the same, esp since im not really interested in the industry where style consistency is part of branding yada yada. it’s more fun this way. i'll start with the inks.
one of my favourite mangaka ever is nishioka kyoudai. they're a brother-sister duo that writes these surreal poem-like stories without a plot. once you see it, it's a Very obvious inspiration. when i first got into hypmic, one of the comments i even made then was gentaro feels like a character from their work which lead to no longer human comic later for inktober www thats why i draw him a lot in the style inspired from their art...
below is the front and back cover of their most popular manga: kami no kodomo (just a warning if anyone checks this out: it's violent and disgusting. dont be like me who read them @ age 12, i was an edgy problem child)
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another one of my favourites is taiyo matsumoto. art below is from their manga titled tekkon kinkreet, which has a movie ! and one of their manga got an anime adaptation as well....please watch ping pong the animation it's really good (shameless promo)
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theres more, but these two mangaka really got me loving inks and not caring abt my art looking all social media pretty. weird is great!!! i embrace manga that looks unconventional
now for paintings, it's a different world ww most of them are contemporary. i like paintings that depict smth mundane or private. i love tenderness.......i like it when bodies feel like they merge into one, and where the figures' edges become imperceptible unless you look closely. intimism is where it’s at babey!!
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(artists in order from left to right: egon schiele; toulouse-lautrec; ron hicks; doron langberg)
but non-representational art is really cool too...
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(lindy chambers, julia soboleva, melissa santamaria, mark rothko)
im inspired by whatever this page called "1995 was an ok year" on facebook does. smth i want to get across w my art (although im aware i dont post my personal art here, maybe it happens w my fanart too who knows), when i really really try, is to recall memory that maybe didnt even happen, but the mood is there and it's felt. im terrible at storytelling but im obsessed with atmosphere, i hope it works lol
have a good day too anon !! sorry for the long reply
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scolek · 2 years
reacting to the new hypmic songs (or at least, the left audio channel of the new hypmic songs orz)
derasugee utage-- full ver still a goated up RIP, still a good thing. what eng accent maps to nagoya, because if nobody tells me different i will be referring to this song as wicked smaht feast.
scarface-- i didnt know if this song would be the same amount of good at full length, or be better. its better. 045, more like 10 10 10, which is the olympic score this song gets.
(spotify has given me an ad for jack harlow. i thought it was harlowe? im glad the guy who took industry baby and ran it into the endzone is getting his due)
synchro city-- is it an unpopular opinion to like hifumis voice better jacket off? he has a few good verses in host mode but i think he’s better in malewife mode, especially on this song. i think the preview doesnt do this one justice. it is better.
enishi- this is the one whose full version i was probably looking forward to the most? the preview does not scratch the itch, i guess. and it seems like the song itself agrees because the damn thing is five minutes long. the flow on this song is really modern, and i guess theyre just giving rei scraps of that because hes featured in the chorus??? snub of the year holy shit??? did you not think kuroda could pull it off??? i find your lack of faith disturbing.
torima get on the floor-- like their verse in hoodstar, this one gives me mario vibes. i like it, but. it’s my least favorite fp song (maybe penultimate above jackpot?). i like it! but you have a lot to live up to. i leave stella out of my comparisons because nothing will ever compare to stella, no other song ever or since, but this one still can’t beat out the others. like, i joke about mtc’s prodigous output of bangers, but like. fp is usually just on another level entirely.
ikebukuro west block party-- (afaik) the first bb song that kimusuba didnt write the lyrics for! too busy being the weakest link in a kamen rider that already has daiji in it, i guess. honestly this song isn’t very good. yknow. i think its unfair of me to compare kimusuba to lin manuel miranda, because even though it’s a very apt comparison, lmm was able to pull his head out of his ass long enough to write we dont talk about bruno, and what was kimura doing?? nothing worthwhile, i’ll tell ya that much.
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in honor of tays new achievement occupying the top 10 songs (top 14 technically hehehe) on the billboard chart for the second time in her career and being the only artist to ever do so.... i wanted to talk torchiepo!! since i never did even though i said i was. (im busy im soz)
this is just going to be my really messy really scattered and disorganized thoughts on ttpd, bc i wanted to, so here they are. i think its tays most misunderstood album. i think that the media is heavily biased against her and her fans just so happen to speak louder than the critics and thats why you hear more positive than negative (thankfully). i think that her peers are extremely envious of her. taylor is unlike anything, any person, any artist. she is consistently peaking, she is consistently breaking her own records, therefore this is not someone that is going to be scrutinized or critiqued very fairly. people have these preconceived notions of her and their own thoughts on her as a person and how deserving she is of her fame and success. all of this is fine its just unfair when considering her art. CNN literally admitted to judging ttpd too harshly when it first came out. they were not judging the album. it is virtually impossible to consume and understand an artist's work just hours within it being released to the public, let alone a 2 HOUR, 31 TRACK ALBUM. they were judging HER. so they literally amended their review and yeah of course youre gonna like the album more after spending more time digesting it. stupid.
anyway. this album is really textured and layered and youre gonna naturally appreciate it more if you understand taylors lore. lol that sounds so funny to say but its really true. her songs naturally evolve in pop culture and become sound tracks to not just her life but her fans lives and they can be applied and understood in different ways. her older songs are true testaments of this, how theyre more generic love songs with winks and nods that allow her fans to understand who theyre *really* about/ what they mean to her. but ttpd is deeper than that, its really personal and unique to her life. no youre not going to relate to clara bow this is unique to her experience in the industry. no youre not gonna relate to thanK you aIMee because youve never beefed with kim kardashian and forcibly exiled from america. no youre not going to relate to the manuscript this is distinctly about her relationship when she was barely an adult dating a 30 year old movie star and her harrowing revisit to that trauma as she wrote the script for atw10 short film. right. yes we all wish we couldve dated jake gyllenhaal but we didnt, you didnt, she did. she saved us. shes literally christ. hahaha. anyway.
ok also a lot of people kind of fail to recognize the funniness and satire of this album. it is SO funny, and shes trying to make it funny, she literally explains this past stage of her life as a manic little phase that naturally would occur when dating one matty healy (ok she didnt say that explicitly i did but shebasically said that. in not so many words). okay if you dont get the jokes in the album do you know matty? i thank my lucky stars that i was an avid 2014 tumblrina and fan of the 1975 and i literally saw them last year, was very fun, matty is also a self-satirizing performer but this post isnt for him so i wont get into all of that either. but yeah people trying to talk down on her and say 'awww sweetie no....taylor youre not a poet....be so serious' oh my god!!! i want to scratch ur eyeballs out. SHE IS NOT SAYING SHES A POET!!! "I laughed in your face and said 'You're not Dylan Thomas, I'm not Patti Smith This ain't the Chelsea Hotel, we'rе modern idiots' " IS HER TELLING MATTY YOU ARE NOT A POET AND NEITHER AM I! so she literally agrees with you on that front.
i want to go through all the songs and all the lines and just gush about the masterful lyricism she possesses but i still feel like i havent had enough time with this album after a week. its such perfection. all the callbacks to her old songs, the influence of her co-producers jack and aaron and past albums culminating into this perfect blend of red-folk-nights?! ugh!!!! i love her so much. i love this album. TO PIECES
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urdadthinksimfine · 9 months
Day 6
Im so angry about the report from this one therapist. How she writes everything the way she enjoyed percieving us - happy, touched, changed.. disgusting. Saying bullshit that was never true, but whos gonna believe the therapist that reads the report next? me, the supposed drug-addict that feels misunderstood, or the therapist who made up this diagnosis in the first place?
Cilli feels it, too. Its funny to me, how she describes these feelings and thoughts as "so scary, believe me, i NEVER thought this way ever". That she needs to change this about her life, needs to leave the city, shes already 27 and never lived somewhere else, never lived in a shared flat, other people made something of themselves by her age, and her body is only useful until shes 35, after that theres no use for her anymore, so she guesses, she just lives as long as shes young and than, finish.
Its scary, indeed. Will it pass or do I need to make drastic changes?
I have so much pain, when I think about the time with Ajussi and Sakana. I miss it so much. I hated it, but I miss the business, the feeling of being someone and something. Everyday was different and so scary, because we acted like we were something, when in fact, we werent.
I regret leaving. Would we have been able to be something, if we pushed through? Would black thunder be something already? Would I have access to the music field with Woojung, to film producing, post-production, to kpop-industry, to so much more? Would I create content, like Kanghee does, for what ever, for who ever, at least we put our name on it?
Sakana stayed with him and didnt do it and i left and needed to be depressed for a few months. But she is aiming high now, while i am scared. so, so scared.
And she and cilli, they are beuatiful, alwayzs were and always are, and i feel like i need to start from the scratch. with my skin healing, finding out what fits to me. was i even ready back then? i felt like a little irl and i fstill do.
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imaushi · 3 years
you fucked my assistant !?
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⌗ model!hakkai shiba x fem!reader. reader is fashion designer!takashi mitsuya’s assistant. little twist at the end, i guess. hakkai is implied to have fucked takashi’s former assistants. lots of pet names (ie. good girl, sweetheart, love, etc.) 3.2k words.
⌗ nsfw. minors do not interact.
⌗ note from keith: yeah <3 would yall believe me if i said i thought about this while watching sisterakas :/ anyways i hope this was a good one for yall ): sorry it got too long i didnt think it would be this long-
⌗ taglist !: @dragondraken @blondbirb @scummy-simp
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it has only been four months since you were hired by takashi mitsuya, a rising fashion designer in the industry. it meant a lot to you, of course, finally getting your foot in the fashion industry. it didn’t matter which position, you were just happy that you were finally getting yourself submerged into the world of fashion.
you were excited to learn so much from takashi, having been a fan of his since his small debut and after seeing him in a magazine page. one thing that baffled you was the amount of assistants he’s had. having heard that he was strict, that he watches like a hawk for food. that was unsettling for your nerves.
“taka-chan! oh, hello. new assistant?”
but there was also this tall, world class international model that barges into takashi’s studio — hakkai shiba.
seeing him was a reminder that you needed to measure him for takashi’s upcoming project, a clothing line for men. or women, they’d be unisex either way. you scratched your head upon seeing hakkai, and to your surprise, yuzuha wasn’t with him this time.
“um, yeah,” you said to him, quickly grabbing the worksheet that had blank spots meant for the measurements you were about to take. hakkai was intimidating — well, he looked like a puppy, but maybe it was the scar sitting horizontally on his lips and the blond buzzcut that had you shivering under his gaze. “taka- mitsuya asked me to take your measurements today.”
his mouth forms a little o, “right, yuzuha told me something like that today.” you blinked, he doesn’t know about the measurements today? “do you know where taka-chan went? i got something for him, i was droppin’ off some souvenirs from australia for the guys.”
“he just had an errand to do,” you told him. to be honest, you weren’t quite sure yourself. maybe you had forgotten or you just didn’t understand what he said when he told you. as you went to get everything ready, hakkai had sat himself down on the leather clad couch, partnered with faux zebra printed pillows and a throw blanket over the couch. his arm was resting on the tops of the couch, legs spread apart as he waited for you to finish getting ready. “are you re-”
“ready? yeah,” he finished your sentence for you, hopping up at the same time. hakkai wore a dark blazer over a bright blue hoodie, paired with a pair of black cargo pants and platformed dr. martens. he had chains bedazzling his figure, obnoxious round earrings decorating his ears. he was a good looking man.
for accurate measurements, hakkai proceeded to discard his outer layers, leaving him completely topless. “sorry, i don’t really like wearin’ shirts under hoodies.” he had scars ingrained in his skin, maybe from his former life as a delinquent in the past. his arms were kissed by the thinnest and lightest of scars. how many fights did he get himself into at some point? “i assume you like what you see?”
you hadn’t realized you were staring at him like a madman until he said something, which in turn made your cheeks heat up like a heater during winter. you turned away, the sound of his deep chuckles ringing in your ear. the rustling of his cargo pants made your skin crawl, and to be frank, your heart was beating really fast — too fast for its own good.
“c’mon, let’s get this over with, shall we?” hakkai said. you didn’t even hear him walk over you and here you were, pressed against the glass table with hakkai all over you. he knew exactly what he was doing, seeing your figure tremble at the sight of him so awfully close to you. hakkai grabbed your hand with a measuring tape in it, placing it on his toned chest, “start with my shoulders, yeah?”
you nodded, feeling hypnotized by his voice alone — you refused to look at him in his eyes. hakkai straightened out his shoulders to make sure your measurements were accurate and down to a t, smirking at your trembling hands cascading across his hot skin. you pulled off to write the numbers on the sheet you got from takashi’s desk, clearing your mind before writing as your hand was trembling.
hakkai stood a few feet before you, eyeing the way you were bent over the glass surface trying to write down his shoulders’ measurement. he resisted the urge to plop you on the table and pound the ever loving shit out of you — well, he wouldn’t for now. you’re takashi’s new assistant and he promised to stop dogging his assistants after the last one. and the last one. and the last one.
“ready for the next one, love?” hakkai spoke up, smirking at the way your shoulders tensed up. you were just so cute, too cute to be left alone of course. he digged the way your clothes hugged your body, the outline deliciously defining you. your curves and whatnot so beautiful in his eyes, it made his heart skip a few beats every time he thought about you naked and crying underneath him.
“waist… waist…” you muttered, holding out the measuring tape to wrap it around hakkai’s waist. hakkai wasn’t exactly slim, he had mass on his body, particularly around his arms. his abs, however, resembled bread rolls on a pan. you quickly shook off your thoughts that hopefully took your mind off of things — news flash, it didn’t work.
he was looking at your nervous expression, before making you look into his eyes. there was something different about them, you couldn’t put a finger on it. his thumb swiped over your bottom lip, humming gently at the way you tensed up. he leaned closely, lips dangerously close to your own, hot breath fanning over your skin. “you don’t mind this, right?”
your head nodded on its own, so dumb hypnotized by hakkai only having met him a few hours ago. he was simply mesmerizing, and sexy and hot. did god smile upon you? what did you do to stand this close with international model, hakkai shiba? you swore you’ve only seen him walk the runway abroad. new york, you thought.
“oh, so you do mind it?” hakkai asked with a hint of chuckles behind his words. his question made you shake your head no, not wanting him to stop whatever he was doing to you. “good, that’s what i thought… i’m sure taka-chan wouldn’t mind me in here again..~”
“again?” you asked, tilting your head to the side. hakkai placed his index finger over his lips, smirking rather devilishly at your wide-eyed stare. you make it so goddamn hard for him to not eat you up right then and there. hakkai motioned for you to sit on the table, caging you between his toned arms with his hands right beside your thighs. “what if we get caught…?”
hakkai shrugged his shoulders, the smirk not leaving his pretty face. takashi knew this but hakkai was notorious for stuffing his assistants with his dick. he always ended up firing him as they’d start looking for hakkai instead of doing their job as his assistant, though to be fair, they don’t do a job well done when they worked for takashi. “don’t tell him, yeah~? it’ll be our fun little secret.”
that was what tipped you over the edge — hakkai asking you to keep a secret for the both of you. your body seemed to have moved in its own when he chuckled at the way you were beginning to chase his lips, the pair of lips you have never even kissed in your life. he sneered, “oh? you want a kiss? you want a kiss from me?”
you felt so small being condescended by hakkai, but it felt so good. you don’t know what’s happening to your body but perhaps it was time to let it take control over what was happening. you let out a soft whine, wanting no more of hakkai’s teasing.
hakkai placed his hand on your knee, his thumb rubbing over the skin sitting hotly under it. he looked at you, “tell me if it’s too much. don’t want ‘ya feeling uncomfortable the whole time and not telling me. yeah?”
all you could do was nod, maybe you were so damn dazed over what was happening you couldn’t form your own little sentences to say to hakkai. your head was practically spinning with how hakkai dragged his hand up your thigh, snaking under the skirt, his lower lip tugged between his incisors. “let’s see what kind of treasure you’re hidin’ under there.”
you wore something plain, but still somewhat sexy. it was the one underwear your hand grabbed while fiddling in the dark. the panties were white, red laces wrapped around the band with a small adorable bow smacked dab in the middle. there was a small transparent window, showing so much of your skin and just barely showing your pussy. hakkai looked at your dampening white panties, letting out a groan from his throat. “you’re tryin’ to kill me here, sweetheart.”
hakkai instinctively pressed his index and middle fingers right on the wet spot, which made you jolt from the sudden contact of his fingers and your sensitive bundle of nerves. he tapped on your legs, the look in his eyes simply commanded you to keep them open. “good girl. does this feel good for you?”
no shit, you thought, but the translation of your thought came out as soft moans and the lewd sounds coming from your mouth. he began moving his fingers in a slow circular motion, studying the way you reacted towards such move. he liked the way your lips parted slightly to gasp for air, before biting the lower lip and groaning and throwing your head back. it was frustrating, hakkai wasn’t moving any faster.
hakkai pushed your panties to the side, eyebrows twitching at your wetness that pooled inside of you. his jaw clenched, he wanted to get a taste of you. he wondered how delicious you probably taste, considering how addicting your scent is. he wanted so much of you. “have you done this before?”
you refused to look at him, not really wanting to delve into your sex life. who could he possibly tell? you thought. you nodded, “a few times… they just never felt good. i-i’ve only cummed when i touch myself in my room.”
“ah?” he said, his fingers dipped themselves onto your wetness, groaning at how wet and lewd the sound it made. your legs closed lightly as a reaction, but you kept it open for hakkai. his coated fingers rubbed over your clit, your heart was skipping beats and your noises didn’t miss a single sensation. it was becoming too much, even you have never touched yourself in such a way. slow and dripping of sex.
hakkai caught the way your hole clenched around nothing. he found it almost amusing that you were desperate for something to stuff you with. he thought maybe you’ve had enough of foreplay, moving his fingers down to your hole and rubbed over it. without saying anything, he pushed his middle finger in. hakkai had slender and calloused fingers, so when he slid his finger inside you, it had already touched spots you didn’t think you’d feel before. it felt too good too fast.
hakkai adored the way you constantly clenched around his finger, like you were begging him for more in a non-verbal way. your little pouts and occasional glance said a lot more than words, as well. “do you want more?” you nodded, at the same time, hakkai pushed his finger in further. “use your words. you’re a good girl after all, aren’t you?”
initially, it was kind of embarrassing to be doing this. even more so with a well-known public figure, in your case, it’s hakkai shiba. you thought, i must be dreaming. this is one hell of a dream, though. except you weren’t dreaming — everything is very real. “i want more… please.”
“ah?” he started pulling his finger out of you, which you whined rather loudly when you could feel him almost pulling it out, your hand instinctively wrapping around his wrist. “oh, good. you actually did want me.”
hakkai stood you up before walking on over to the couch, and you could so clearly tell how hard he was through those dark pants. he sat with his legs wide open, eyes like a tiger when he looked at you. he raised his hand up and curled his fingers towards him, you could’ve sworn you saw his fingers glisten from the light. “sit.”
you proceeded to sit on his lap, but he stopped you. “i want you to sit with your back against me.” he motioned you to turn around and proceeded to place his large hands on your waist to sit you down on him — he was painfully hard. just the bare friction almost drove him off the edge.
hakkai’s hand snaked around your hips and around your thighs, opening them up so he could have full access of your pussy. “beautiful,” he whispered hotly into your ear. he dragged his hand back down to your pussy, shame he couldn’t see how pretty it is. hakkai rubbed his calloused finger on your already sensitive clit, his fingers only trained on what he was doing, the other one groping at your tits.
you were practically writhing in pleasure in his arms, his fingers seemed to have gotten faster on your clit, and before you knew it, he was pulling away again. you whined loudly, “no! more, please..!”
hakkai didn’t say anything, simply shoving two of his fingers inside your desperate little hole. all you could do was let out a pathetic gasp, so breathless when hakkai didn’t even let you adjust on his fingers, already pumping them in and out of you. every once in a while, he’d curl his fingers, certainly hitting a spot he knew would drive you mad.
hakkai was focused on building up your orgasm, though he felt like building it up another way. he tapped your thighs, “stand up for a moment for me, baby.” still seated, hakkai dug for his phone and placing it on the side, proceeding to discard his dark pants and putting them somewhere near him. your eyes widened at how big he was — no, hung. you knew it was big, however, not like this.
he noticed the way you were eyeing his dick, and initially he felt a little shy. but why? of all times, he felt shy now? he flashed you a smile, fingers rubbing his precum all over the pink head, “likin’ what you see? if you’re worried, it’ll fit.”
you rolled your eyes at him, chuckling, “i was more worried at how you could fit that into your pants.” hakkai chuckled in return, leaning back against the couch and patting his lap, you assumed he wanted you the same way as before, so you did. back flush against his toned front, he felt warm.
“open your legs for me,” he said, voice dripping in dominance. you adjusted your position until you felt comfortable. hakkai pressed his cock against you, earning a whimper from your lips. his tongue dragged across his bottom lip and at once, he pushed himself inside of you. it was almost addicting to him at how your pussy practically clenched around his throbbing cock, like you didn’t want to let him go. “a-are you feelin’ okay?”
for the most part, you felt fine. it was just that you had never been stretched out like that before. stretched out so deliciously, you were certain you’d remember hakkai so well. you reached for his hand, holding it tightly as he inched himself more and more inside of you.
“tell me if it-”
“please move,” you told him, your body practically slumped against his torso, already so out of it with just being stuffed with his cock. hakkai adjusted himself under you, his hips now having free reign of moving underneath. he pulled his cock out and slowly pushed it back in, just to ease his pathway a little. he did everything in his might to not slam himself back inside.
his grip moved to the back of your thighs, holding you open to prevent your legs from closing. with the way you were positioned, it almost felt like someone was watching you. watching you get fucked by your boss’ close friend, watching your tongue loll out of your pretty mouth as hakkai abused your pretty pussy with his cock.
you couldn’t help but imagine takashi sitting in front of you, cock in his hand, watching you and hakkai fuck in front of him. the thought only made you clench tightly around hakkai’s cock, making him groan ever so loudly against your ear.
the tune to glass animals’ heat waves started playing, which distracted you from your delicious little thoughts. hakkai’s hips slowed down and one of his grips from your thighs released. you were entirely too dazed to truly focus on what was going on, until hakkai held up his brightly lit phone to show you what was up.
takashi was calling him.
“should i answer him?” hakkai asked as he pulled his phone towards him. though you couldn’t see his face, you heard the smile from his lips. the thought of hakkai picking up takashi’s call had you in shambles internally, but your pussy said otherwise. you were clenching around hakkai once more, and hakkai noticed it. “hey, taka-chan! what’s up?”
“did you make it to my studio?” takashi asked. there was a loud whirring in the background, which only suggested that takashi was driving in his car. but was he driving back to the studio? more errands to run? it drove you over the edge.
hakkai didn’t stop his ministrations, a phone call never stopped him. he adjusted you on his lap so that you were sitting on his cock, hands placed on his knees for more support. you looked at him, and he mouthed bounce as a response.
takashi wasn’t dumb, he could hear the squelches of your pussy through the phone. he was pissed, of course, not because hakkai has yet fucked another one of his assistants, but he got to stuff you with his dick before him. takashi rubbed his temple, letting out a deep and audible sigh. “are you seriously fucking my assistant right now?”
hakkai placed his hand on the small of your back, letting out a deep and husky chuckle as he guided you up and down on his cock. he moved his hand on your hips, gripping at the skin until he was sure his handprint would show up. “surprised, are we?”
it was quiet on takashi’s end for a second, having parked in his parking spot as he contemplated what to say. your quiet whines and moans making it into the call was not only so delicious to listen to, but so awfully distracting.
“stop whatever you’re doing and wait ‘till i get there. next time, maybe invite me to the fun, yeah?”
hakkai put the phone down, smiling rather devilishly as he stopped guiding you on his cock. you whined at him again for stopping, “hakkai.. i want more..!”
“taka-chan’s comin’. you’re a good girl, right? be patient, sweetheart.”
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turnstileskyline · 3 years
yall NEED to stop with your “haha appalachia faces disaster oopsie maybe they shouldve voted democrat” jokes they arent funny. the stereotype of a hillbilly of a guy covered in dirt with ripped up overalls, a scraggly beard, missing teeth, and a heavy country accent isnt funny. southern economy still relies heavily on agriculture, logging, coal mining and otherwise “dirty” jobs. those jobs are low paying, but theyre jobs that have to be taken to put food on the table and keep a roof over their heads. new clothes arent the top priority. dental care is a luxury, and dental hygienists arent exactly in a rush to come to appalachia. the image of a shack/cabin/trailer barely fitted with electricity isnt funny. its not.  
yall need to understand WHY appalachia is conservative, because conservative politicians tend to be the only ones that actually come to appalachia and pretend to care!!! because conservatives pretend to be the working man!!!! because the liberal politicians write them off as just poverty porn bigots to ignore!!!! even then politicians only go to whatever is the closest city!!! SO MUCH of appalachia has the ideals that yall put forth!! (and because i know someones gonna get on my ass and twist my words: no, i’m not talking about bigots [even though they arent appalachia exclusive]) appalachia was built on unions and solidarity and community, and refusal of outside authority because communities were founded on loyalty to each other, but with booms of industrial advancement in the early to mid 20th century it was slowly lost to industry and economy and powerful politicians using them as cheap labor. schools are underfunded and curriculums are easily edited because appalachia is forced into the niche of the working class!!!!! and i didnt even fucking mention gerrymandering!!
appalachia isnt just the idea of violent, poor, prejudiced and stupid hillbillies– there’s poverty, but there’s community above all.
yall dont want actual change or else you would be supporting the work of black, indigenous, and latine people of color that are fighting to rebuild the roots of solidarity. and you would be supporting the work of lgbt+ people that are fighting past the homophobia and transphobia of the evangelical systems that forced their way into infrastructure. and you would be supporting the work of disabled activists fighting for access to healthcare and accessibility!! and this barely scratches the surface of the work these groups do. yall dont want actual change, you just wanna laugh at the image of hillbillies and rednecks you have in your head. 
post will be reblogged with organizations to support and reading to look at
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wouldyouliketobee · 3 years
(~ * .° ♡ rated ♡ °. * ~)
• yogurt (20/10) i hqve a yogurt problem , found some where like a cup is 18 calories so im living my best life eating that shit
• rice cakes (8/10) i always loved them and surprisingly i love that taste of... i dont even know how to describe it, pairs rl gud with coffee and they are SO filling bsjsjkwnebhejw
• coffee (6/10) i LOVE the taste of coffee and it stops cravings like a mf buttttttttttt i die, like i get this insane anxiety high even with decaf and can't sleep at night for shit, so i avoid it
• gum (6/10) not verry filling but kinda helps with sugary cravings... tho i spend like 10bucks a week to aford my gum addiction :,)
• ciggies (3/10) like coffee they stop cravings but i hate the stench and, bc my parents dont know i smoke, theyre not always an option, also mega expensive and anxiety inducting
• watermelon (5/10) rl low cal and mega sweeet the big oof is that they are only available in the summer (i dont buy fruits n veggies out of season) and i always eat too much .... and end up feeling like shit
• tea (1000000/10) amazing perfect stops cravings hidration makes me pee a lot full tummy but i still feel skinny just ~♡
• boiled eggs (7/10) delicious, can eat with anything make me feel full, too full, fat but most times theyre fine
• instant noddles (9/10) most of them are low cal (around 200~) and make an easy tasty meal when i dont have time to cook, my only thing is that they arent verry nutritious... like no vegies or protein etc...
• pickles (10000000000/10) SO low cal and tasty, i eat BOWLS OF THEM like jesus and that crunchhhhhhhhhhh i love vinagre chips so this is the perfect alternative
• caned fish in general (6/10) i rl like fish and i love that they usually have many flavours n spices but im a lil sus of caned food in general bc of how u preserve most of it but some can be rl low cal and a legit meal. That being said i constantly carry with me a can of sardines for no reason i just need it to feel safe, its a specific can.. ig im saving it for a special occasion????? Idk maybe ill just eat ut someday when i dont have money
• sushi (2/10) i feel like sushi calories dont count wich is a problem bc they do... obviously. I feel like me and cold food have thing uk??? And bc sushi is cold its ok it has fried onion
• Bubble tea (-3/10) another biggy mega caloric full of sugar but it makws me feel alive and again cold
• Heat up spring rolls n dumplings (7/10) again quick meal and usually pretty low cal depending on how you cook it but again i dont rl trust food i didnt made from scratch bc of the shit they put in ut like so it has a long shelf life etc
• Lettuce onions n tomatos (10/10) filling delicious can be paired with anything and mega nutricious, qlso salad is a socialy acceptable low cal meal that i will eat everyday if i need to
• Chickpeas (7/10) the BEANS food group is verry rich in nutrients expecially protein and bc i dont usualy eat meat (even tho im not vegetarian) it ls a gud source of much needed nutrition, its a lil high call tho but pairs rl gud with fish (i heard black beens are guud too)
• Tofu (6/10) great source of protein and verry versatile cookingwise my only downgreade is that the soy industry is pretty shitty and u always gotta work so hard to get a gud flavor out of ittttttt
(Im thinking about rating my fear foods too :D uk... to no one bc no one sees my posts)
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btxtreads · 4 years
📼  d r a m a  📼
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↳ Pairing: Choi Soobin x Reader
↳ word count: 2.7k words
↳ rating: PG
↳ genre: fluff, yeonjun and beomgyu are headaches for taehyun and hueningkai nothing new, y/n is a nervous wreck and soobin is a big flirt
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“Are we there yet? Are we there yet?”
Beomgyu’s cheerful voice sounded out through the limo as he tapped Taehyun’s arm incessantly.
“You asked that five minutes ago,” Taehyun deadpanned. “No. We’re not there yet,”
“But we’re late!”
As Beomgyu whined, Y/N checked her phone subtly.
new message from prince soobinie: i’ll see you later babe
Taehyun’s phone rang with a message, which Beomgyu promptly read out—much to Taehyun’s displeasure.
“Choi Soobin, Choi Yeonjun and Hueningkai on Sir Beomgyu’s important guest lists have arrived,” Beomgyu read out before smiling happily. “Soobinie-hyung!”
“I regret putting so much people in that list,” Taehyun groaned. “My phone has been ringing since the gala started. I don’t need to know when people arrive,”
“Choi Soobin’s there?” Y/N gulped, which made Beomgyu turn to her with an amused, mischievous expression.
“Yes?” Beomgyu grinned. “Hyung’s there.”
“How many times do I have to tell you that we’re not close with Soobin?” Taehyun chastised.
“But we could be!” Beomgyu argued.
Y/N ignored the bickering two and looked back at her text.
She didn’t really care about Soobin, the superstar.
She just wanted to see her Soobin.
Whoever it was.
“We’re here,”
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Taehyun’s red hair shone brightly in front of the cameras.
Despite being Beomgyu’s secretary, everybody knew him best as Beomgyu’s best friend, which in extension, makes him one of the most eligible bachelors of the business world after Choi Beomgyu.
Choi Beomgyu, president and heir of Choi Industries, was ever the star.
His smile was blinding as he stood next to Taehyun in the red carpet, the way he carried himself further solidifying his status as the most sought-after bachelor of the business world—even if he really goofed off too much.
On the other side of Beomgyu was Y/N, ever pretty and very much alluring.
Completing the trio, Y/N’s presence outsold every single girl in the gala.
Her connection to Beomgyu was one of the reasons why she was a very famous girl when it comes to men and women in the business world looking for connections, yet her eyes danced around the area looking for someone specific.
If only she knew who to find.
“Y/N, who are you wearing today?”
“Beomgyu, over here!”
“Taehyun, give us a smile!”
Beomgyu gave them one final smile before slinging an arm around Y/N and tugging Taehyun’s blazer.
“Let’s go,”
The three walked off of the red carpet and out of the public eye, which made Beomgyu give a big breath before stretching.
In front of their eyes, the cool, attractive president of Choi Industries transformed into a whining baby.
“Facing paparazzi is so tiring, guys,” he pouted. “I deserve a nap,”
Taehyun rolled his eyes and dragged Beomgyu inside the venue, grumbling under his breath as Beomgyu whined again.
Chuckling, Y/N followed both boys in.
It was no secret she was a little bit nervous.
Even if she told both Beomgyu and Taehyun she dressed up because she knew being in the gala meant being in the eyes of the paparazzi, all three of them knew it was for the person behind the Choi Soobin account she’d been talking to.
The same Soobin who hadn’t sent any words her way after his earlier “see you later,” text.
As soon as they entered, Beomgyu gasped loudly and pointed over at a head of bright neon yellow hair by the dessert table.
“It’s Choi Yeonjun,” he gasped.
The said boy stood by the buffet table, bouncing with a macaroon in hand and his phone recording in another.
“Yeah,” Taehyun answered, nonchalantly gesturing over at the tall boy next to Yeonjun. “and that’s Hueningkai,”
Beside him stood Hueningkai, who was also bouncing in his spot as he tugged on Yeonjun’s arm and pointed at a gigantic Mollang balloon with another.
Choi Soobin was nowhere to be found.
Taehyun and Beomgyu exchanged a look and faced Y/N with teasing grins.
Y/N cleared her throat and shook her head.
“I’m not looking for Soobin,” She squeaked in a small voice.
“Oh,” Beomgyu smirked, giggling mischievously. “but we didn’t say anything about him,”
Y/N scrunched her face and opened her mouth to argue at the boy who cackled loudly, but was interrupted by Taehyun.
“What the hell do you want?”
“Touchy,” a new voice chuckled, which made Beomgyu snap his head up and Y/N turn hers.
Behind Y/N stood Jaemin, his arm around a pretty girl in a bright red dress.
The girl he cheated on Y/N on.
“Oh, Jaemin, hello,” Y/N said, her eyes wide. “I didn’t know you’d be here. Nope, definitely not,”
“You three didn’t check the guest list this time?” Jaemin asked.
Beomgyu glared at the boy, pulling Y/N to stand beside him.
“We did, we just didnt care to look for you,” he answered curtly.
“That’s so cute. Beomgyu’s business tone, I mean,” Jaemin laughed.
“Hi, Beomgyu,” Jaemin’s girlfriend said. “I’m Soo-Min. It’s so nice to finally meet you,”
“It’s Mr. Choi,” Taehyun answered. “This is the president of Choi Industries, he’s not your friend,”
Y/N smiled at her friends’ overprotectiveness, if Beomgyu’s tight grip on the back of her dress was anything to go by.
She reached her hand up to pat Beomgyu’s shoulder. “At ease, soldier,”
Beomgyu only rolled his eyes and huffed.
“Hi, nice to see you again,” Y/N nodded over at the girl and raised her eyebrows at Jaemin. “And you,”
“Hey,” Jaemin nodded with a smirk. “Soo-Min got an invite here. You know how she’s really famous. She got here all by herself, without any connections you know? She’s on a brand deal.”
“What are you trying to say, hyung?” Beomgyu asked, irritated. “I’ve got more important people to talk to, hurry it up,”
Jaemin raised his eyebrows.
“Oh, come on Gyuu. I’m Jaeminie-hyungie, remember? You don’t have to be so formal with me,”
Beomgyu’s fist curled up into a ball.
“Y/N, Beom, let’s go,” Taehyun said. “I see Mr. Kim,”
“Ah, business-like as always, Tae,” Jaemin said, patting his shoulder. “Lighten up,”
Taehyun glared at the boy and pushed his hand off his shoulder.
“Why the hostility, boys?” Jaemin asked, wrapping his arm around Soo-Min’s waist. “Is it because I broke up with Y/N?”
“The break-up isn’t the problem, it’s the reason why,” Beomgyu said through clenched teeth, his eyes wandering over to Soo-Min.
The girl only smiled.
“It’s no biggie, guys,” Jaemin shrugged. “I just don’t love Y/N anymore,”
Y/N stayed silent and bit her lip, vaguely aware of the rising tempers of the two boys beside her.
Jaemin shrugged and back-hugged Soo-Min right in front of them.
“I mean look at Soo-Min, she’s so hot and proper and pretty,” Jaemin shrugged. “But I mean, I get it. Sorry Y/N, I hope you move on soon,”
“What?” Y/N asked.
“I mean I know you’re still not over me,” Jaemin said. “But I’ve moved on, and so should you,”
Beomgyu straightened up, his glare sharpening as he spoke.
“I’m sorry, Jaemin-hyung, but I—“
“Finally found you,” A voice said, tone lilting as two arms wrapped itself around Y/N’s waist and a towering figure pressed itself against her back. “Hi, babe,”
Beomgyu and Taehyun only gaped with wide eyes as the familiar voice reached Y/N’s ears.
A voice she only heard from the television whenever Beomgyu insisted she watch Once Upon A Lovestory re-runs with him.
Y/N’s hands landed on the arms around her waist, and she turned to see Choi Soobin smiling at her with his hair falling over his face.
“You’re late,” he hummed tightening his grip on her. “Now, about those kisses you wanted saying yesterday, let me—“
“I—uh, Beomgyu! Beomgyu,” Y/N sputtered. “Beomgyu wanted to buy donuts on the way—uh, donuts.”
“Oh my god,” Beomgyu muttered under his breath, making Soobin snap back into attention.
Soobin gave both Beomgyu and Taehyun a quick smile before his gaze landed on Jaemin, his smile widening.
“Oh, hello,”
“Oh my gosh, hi,” Soo-Min gasped from beside a dumbfounded Jaemin. “I’m Soo-Min. I’m such a big fan of yours,”
Soobin only hummed, shooting her a wide smile.
Beomgyu moved to stand next to Taehyun.
Y/N shot the both of them a look of panic.
Beomgyu looked star-struck as he gazed at Soobin with starry eyes, while Taehyun only scratched his head and shrugged.
“Okay,” Y/N squeaked to herself silently, making Soobin laugh.
“You must be Jaemin, Y/N told me about you,” Soobin nodded over at Jaemin as he manoeuvred himself to stand next to Y/N, an arm around her waist to mirror Jaemin and Soo-Min.
“All good things, I hope,” Jaemin muttered to which Soobin smirked at.
“That’s pretty hard considering why you’re dating that pretty woman now, isn’t it?” Soobin asked, gesturing over to Soo-Min and giving her a smile.
He turned over to Y/N and tucked her hair behind her ear. “By the way, you look so beautiful, babe.”
“What?” Y/N blushed, making him laugh once more.
“I’m serious, I’m not lying.” Soobin smiled.
He planted a soft hiss to Y/N’s cheek, making Taehyun and Beomgyu exchange a look of surprise while Y/N just laughed nervously.
“Oh, yeah. Beautiful, thanks,” Y/N said.
“I, uh, didn’t know you were dating Choi Soobin now,” Jaemin said to Y/N, his eyes locked on the arm around her waist.
“Uh,” Y/N made a move to deny but Soobin’s hand tightened its grip on her waist.
Beomgyu and Taehyun were watching the scene intently just like you would a movie, and she could see Hueningkai and Yeonjun approach them from her position next to Soobin.
“Yes, I am,” Y/N replied, making Soobin’s shoulders relax and his eyes turn cheery.
He grinned at Jaemin. “Yes, she is,”
Yeonjun and Hueningkai stopped a few feet away from them, arguing by themselves.
“Babe, Kai and Yeonjun-hyung wanted to meet the three of you,” Soobin gestured over to the bickering duo.
“Me and Beomgyu, too?” Taehyun asked, making Soobin smile at them.
“Of course!” Soobin laughed, bowing his head over at Jaemin. “If you excuse us,”
He led Y/N away with a chuckle as Beomgyu and Taehyun followed the two bickering amongst themselves.
“I told you I’d find you yesterday, didn’t I?” Soobin teased as they reached a still-bickering Kai and Yeonjun. “Now, call me baby boy,”
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Beomgyu sat beside Y/N and Soobin, cackling as he saw people slow-dancing on the dance floor.
“I can’t believe you just made your gala a high-school dance,” Taehyun gaped from his seat next to Beomgyu.
It was minutes after Yeonjun and Hueningkai met the three with Soobin before Beomgyu was called to deliver his speech for the gala, promptly ending it with an unplanned call for everybody to enjoy the night by dancing.
“I can’t believe you,” Taehyun continued muttering to himself, as Beomgyu laughed.
“The only way to avoid interaction is if you get them busy by forcing them to interact with another person,” Beomgyu hummed. “Okay, so Taehyun my plan tonight is on Kim Taehyung, did you see him anywhere?”
“That’s your current client, Beomgyu!” Taehuyn chastised.
Yeonjun gaped at the president as Hueningkai only downed his glass of grape juice with a roll of his eyes.
“Dude, I love you,” Yeonjun gasped from his chair.
“Everybody does,” Beomgyu sang, making Taehyun slam his hand on the back of his head. “Taehyunie, that hurt!”
“Do I look like I care?” Taehyun hissed, making the boy pout.
“I think I’m gonna go take more pictures with Mollang,” Hueningkai declared from his spot, standing.
“That’s beside the dessert table right?” Yeonjun asked, standing up too. “I think I’m gonna go ahead with my mukbang,”
“Hyung, you’re an embarrassment,” Hueningkai deadpanned, which made Beomgyu gasp.
“Taehyun says that to me a lot too!” Beomgyu gaped, raising his hand to high-five Yeonjun.
“That’s because you are,” Taehyun replied, shrugging.
“I think I should bring you to the kitchen instead,” Beomgyu whispered loudly to Yeonjun, making the boy widen his eyes. “Taehyun, we can make them make you cheese tteokbokki,”
“If you think that’ll make me go with you all—“ Taehyun started before Y/N shrugged.
“You’re absolutely right,” Y/N supplied as Taehyun nodded.
“Let’s go,” Taehyun said, making Hueningkai groan.
“I have to go with you guys now?” Hueningkai whined as Yeonjun dragged him behind them, marching their way to the gala’s kitchens.
Soobin and Y/N was left alone.
The soft piano from the song playing over the speakers was the only noise left from the once rowdy table.
Take my hands now,
Y/N took her champagne and downed it., making Soobin turn to her.
“So, I—uh—think I should go with them. You know, to make sure Beomgyu doesn’t make that much of a mess,” Y/N said, standing up.
Soobin reached out and grasped her hand. “I’m sorry,”
You are the cause of my euphoria.
Y/N turned to him, slowly sitting back down. “What for?”
“I think I made you a bit uncomfortable for approaching you in front of Jaemin,” Soobin said smiling sadly. “And, uh, making him think I’m dating you,”
“Honestly, no,” Y/N shook her head. “That actually saved my ass.”
Close the door now,
“I’m just nervous,” Y/N said, playing with her fingers. “In front of you, I mean,”
“Oh,” Soobin repeated, his tone bright and his smile back in his eyes.
When I’m with you,
I’m in Utopia.
They were both silent, fiddling with their fingers and taking stolen glances with each other at the last note of the song faded away.
“That was a, um, pretty song,” Y/N spoke up, wincing. That was such a weird thing to say, Y/N. What were you thinking?
As Y/N internally scolded herself, the song over the speakers changed.
“Hey,” Soobin started with a smile as he heard the first beat of the next song.
He stood and offered his hand.
Take my hand,
Take a breath,
“Wanna dance?”
Pull me close,
then take one step.
Keep your eyes locked on mine,
“I said, do you wanna dance?” Soobin smiled.
And let the music be your guide.
Y/N smiled softly and put her hand in his as he pulled her over to the dance floor and wrapped an arm around her waist.
Won’t you promise me
that you’ll never forget
Y/N’s hesitation led Soobin to take her hand and put it on her shoulder.
“Just,” Soobin started. “Follow me,”
Soobin slowly swayed around.
To keep dancing wherever we go next.
“Hi,” Soobin said, making Y/N chuckle.
“Hi,” Y/N hummed back.
“So, am I the Soobin you expected?” Soobin asked, tilting his head.
It’s like catching lightning,
the chances of finding someone like you.
“Not exactly,” Y/N replied, her eyes falling on the kitchen door as it opened to reveal Beomgyu and Yeonjun with desserts piled in their arms and Hueningkai and Taehyun holding tubs of tteokbokki and litre bottles of grape juice. “I, uh, didn’t expect superstar Soobin,”
“I told you I was the actor Soobin, though,”
“I never believed you,” Y/N replied, looking back at Soobin, who had a thinking face on.
“I guess I should’ve made sure you knew,” Soobin shrugged, making Y/N laugh. “Can’t take it back now,”
“It’s fine,” Y/N replied.
It’s one in a million,
the chances of feeling the way we do.
“Sorry again,” Soobin said. “For making Jaemin think I’m dating you,”
“It’s fine, he thinks I’m dating the Choi Soobin now,” Y/N said. “I levelled up in his eyes—I’m the shit.”
Soobin laughed. “I’m not that great.”
“Oh,” Y/N shook her head. “But you are,”
And with every step together,
Soobin’s hand tightened its grip on hers.
Y/N looked up in thought.
“I guess you’re like my knight in shining armor in front of Jaemin,” Y/N joked.
We just keep on getting better.
“Can I be your knight in shining armor everyday, then?” Soobin smiled, making the girl in his arms laugh and leave her head on his chest.
“You’re so corny,”
Soobin chuckled and rested his chin on the top of her head.
“So, can I?”
So, can I have this dance?
Can I have this dance?
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a/n: i don’t have chapter 16 made whoops
256 notes · View notes
Harringrove ABO Masterlist
someone asked for an abo masterlist, so here it is! 
this list isn’t sorted in any particular order, other than by date posted, which is the default on ao3. (newest -> oldest) i also didnt include every single fic in the abo tag because this list was already going to be a large post. if there are any fics i missed that someone thinks should be included, feel free to send an ask or to just reply to this post! :^) ♥  -cade 
updated: April 16th, 2020
Carnal by mrhiddles (1/1 | 4,001 | Explicit)
Steve goes into heat when Billy pulls up to school. Billy's the only one who can help him, or so Steve says.
The Case Where Billy Hargrove Turned Out To Be Not Your Average Alpha by Anonymous (1/1 | 3,249 | Teen+)
“I don’t spend heats with alphas.” Steve said, his gaze avoiding Billy’s.
Billy faltered at that, his brows furrowing in confusion. “I thought you’d spent your heats with people before?” Billy asked.
“Well yeah, but not with alphas.” Steve huffed.
“So— You’re a faggot?” Billy asked, his eyes widening.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
Perfectly Unnatural by ImNeitherNor (1/1 | 3,255 | Explicit)
‘You’re not an alpha in this house, boy. You’re not strong. You’re not even responsible with your sister. You don’t respect Susan. I thought I taught you enough in California.’
Neil’s words clang around Billy’s skull and burn the inside of his bones as he sits on the hood of his Camaro. The metal below his ass is warm from the engine just having been turned off, but the lights still spill out across the cliff. This place, nestled at the top and shrouded by trees, catches the wind just right. The wind bites through his jean jacket, settling close to his skin. The cherry red glow of his cigarette gives a false sense of warmth and puts Billy’s teeth on edge.
‘You’re unnatural.’
warnings: references to childhood abuse
Puppy Pile by Strawberry_Sweetheart (1/1 | 2,432 | Not Rated)
Steve forgets about his heat and thinks he has enough time to make a grocery run before it really hits.
He seems to have miscalculated.
Luckily, Billy is there’s to get him home safe.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
One Last Time by Strawberry_Sweetheart (1/1 | 3,157 | Not Rated)
It came with a phone call late at night, just past the witching hour. It was deathly quiet and dark, a new moon withholding any moonlight to chase the shadows away, and in that silence the piercing ring of the telephone downstairs cut through their dreams. A sleepy noise and wiggle came from the lump under Billy, shifting until it escaped Billy’s arms and legs that held it hostage.
this is a requested fic for Alpha El + Billy and Steve being good parental figure types and helping her figure things out
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
So messed up, I want you here by Boudoir_Writer (1/1 | 3,942 | Explicit)
“I turned you bitch, Harrington.” His voice is gravel and petrol, his limbs and heart lead. “We’re never going to be done.”
warnings: dubcon
Smoke by Carerra_os (1/1 | 468 | General)
Billy is ditching class for a smoke break when Steve comes along. -
Originally this was written for You're Extra Special, Something Else. However that story went in a different direction.
Black silk and wild flowers by Catharrington (1/1 | 3,015 | Explicit)
Steve’s birthday was really just another day. The only thing that made it special was his fathers insistence on going to a party thrown for just him, a party filled with starving alphas with fat wallets all rutting against themselves to buy their own little omega. Steve hates what his father makes him do. Steve hates his birthday. Until Billy Hargrove crawls through his window to remind him it’s not all bad, silver lining in the clouds and shit, and brings him a present.
Drop (The Game) by MissGillette (3/3 | 42,080 | Explicit)
Billy has wanted a piece of Steve since spotting him on the school parking lot his first day. So when Steve flees the bathroom at Tina's Halloween party, distressed and about to drop, Billy does the only logical thing: follow the scent.
The Lucky One by wingedbears (1/1 | 6,881 | Mature)
In a world where on one arm is your soulmate's name, and the other's is your enemy's, omega Billy has to learn to let shit go.
Princess of the apocalypse by Boozombie (2/2 | 15,034 | Explicit)
Steve just wanted to keep his kids safe, and Billy knows how to use that.
warnings: rape/non-con
Princess that runs his world by Boozombie (3/3 | 11,747 | Not Rated)
Billy takes Steve to wash up and plans to get him alone for a date. Steve wants to bring his pack along.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings, rape/non-con elements
lately i feel like i've been losing (my mind) by ToAStranger (1/1 | 3,162 | Explicit)
Billy hasn't felt right since the summer straight out of a horror movie. His instincts are all off. And Steve Harrington keeps looking at him.
Pothos by moonflowers (1/1 | 6,714 | Explicit)
He felt like the rabbit and the fox all at once, the thrill of chasing and being chased, a circle, whole. He might’ve felt stupid about it, if it hadn’t been so intense. Robin always told him he fell for people too easy – and fine, she was right – but this was something else. Or maybe not yet, but oh man he was starting to think he wanted it to be. And it was probably idiotic of him to get his hopes up, but he couldn't help but think maybe Billy did too; watching Steve from behind a tired and quietly angry veneer, a little twist of hope just visible through the mask.
Dubious Hijinks by Corvin (1/1 | 3,998 | Teen+)
Steve needs a buffer between him and the alpha his dad picked for him. The best option he can think of is an uncooperative Billy Hargrove.
with them indiana boys (on them indiana nights) by ToAStranger (1/1 | 4,842 | Teen+)
The thing is, when Billy first saw Steve Harrington, he knew.  
He grew up knowing.  It was hard not to, with all of those hormones and instincts running through his fucking veins.  He knew, one day, he’d run across someone that smelled so right, so fucking perfect that he’d want nothing more than to bury his face against their scent gland and breathe in until the smell becomes a taste becomes a sensation becomes--
Well.  The thing is, he’s always known.
None Brighter Than Your Eyes by Doodsxd (1/1 | 9,991 | Explicit)
Sex Ed course came once again, and, for the first time, Billy listened.
He listened, because it started to match and make sense with what Max’s little troup told him over and over again.
Apparently, it was biology which dictated that omega jewelry wasn’t just a futility or decoration, or even a signal that the omega was taken. It wasn’t a trade, sex for jewelry, like Neil had taught him all his life. No: scientists had found back in the sixties that omega jewelry has a soothing effect, especially during heat, as a reminder of love and affection; something tangible and available at all times, even when no one is.
warnings: graphic depictions of violence
"is that what you want, princess?" by greeneyedsourwolf (1/1 | 4,008 | Explicit)
Steve asks Billy if he wants to spend their first heat together.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
Pool Time Stress by AMemoryDelayed (1/1 | 2,610 | Explicit)
Steve's been visiting the pool pretty frequently. He can't help it when he'd been carted along that one time. He can't stand to watch Billy eye other women. It makes him regret it too, and yet. He's excited when Billy barely even moves his gaze over to him. He gives Steve the slightest of grins from where he's sat at. He doesn't make any other sign to warn him of what's to come beyond that. Steve knows though.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
Thanks Phyllis by Corvin (1/1 | 11,764 | Explicit)
Steve wants to start a family and asks Billy for help. What was supposed to be a purely professional exchange turns a lot more intimate than he expected.
Everything falls back by Crowweb (1/1 | 1,302 | Teen+)
Billy isn't home like he's supposed to and Steve gets a bad feeling through their bond. The alpha turns up beaten up after a couple of hours.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings, blood
push him down (spread him out) by tol_sirion (1/1 | 3,529 | Explicit)
“It’s embarrassing.” Steve whines and covers his face instead.
Billy tuts. “None of that, now,” he says, and Steve slowly looks up, hands falling to each side of his head instead. “Just one more picture. One more, and I’ll give you what you want.”
And maybe it’s cruel, holding it over Steve like that. Like only if Steve is good and does what Billy says, he’ll finally get dicked down the exact way he wants, and not a minute before.
Woke Up Thirsty by trashcangimmick (1/1 | 3,256 | Explicit)
Billy shows up at the Byers house looking for Maxine. Instead, he finds Steve Harrington and a kind of surprising proposition.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
Grace Me With Nothing But Patience by itscrybabyharrington (icanspelliero) (1/1 | 6,587 | Explicit) 
It started off as an itch beneath the surface of his skin, no matter how hard Steve pressed his nails could never dig through, could never scratch the discontent that simmered just beneath.
Tommy says it’s nothing, signs of an early rut approaching, meds wearing off after taking them for so long. Only Steve knows Tommy is full of shit and this doesn’t feel like a rut.
warnings: underage, offensive language used, homophobia
Buzzcut Season by Senowolf (1/1 | 6,332 | Teen+)
Steve always waits for Billy to come back to him.
I Wanna Be Loved by harringrovecryptid (13/13 | 51,993 | Explicit)
"Brenner Relations" was one of the most lucrative businesses in the modern age. But only its clients and staff actually knew how it made its money. Billy Hargrove found himself being one of those people. But the deeper he got involved with the shady industry, the more secrets he began to uncover regarding the omegas that are considered company property.
warnings: graphic depictions of violence, rape/non-con elements
Assigned Alpha by Kiram (2/2 | 3,415 | Explicit)
Steve used to just be an unknown secondary gender till Billy Hargrove rolled into town. Steve’s stuck in a rock and a hard place and is inevitable forced to fold and give into his nature. Billy likes bugging Steve while simultaneously protecting him.
war song by themundaneweirdo (1/1 | 1,789 | General)
Steve misses his soldier.
Don't Take Your Time With Me by trashcangimmick (1/1 | 6,864 | Explicit)
Billy is usually a light sleeper. But when he’s drunk, it’s a completely different story.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings, rape fantasy, implied/referenced sexual assault, implied/referenced child abuse
I Can Do That by captainwingdings (1/1 | 1,971 | Explicit)
Billy wants to help out with Steve's heat, so he shows him a taste of what he can do.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
Hot Blooded by captainwingdings (1/1 | 4,463 | Explicit)
The new guy from California catches Steve Harrington's attention for more than one reason. Not only was he hot as hell and didn't know how to button his shirts, but he was the strangest omega that Steve had ever seen. 
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
Moaning Lisa Smile by trashcangimmick (1/1 | 3,735 | Explicit)
Billy maybe kind of hides the fact that he’s an Omega because he’s too queer, and too pretty, and would rather not deal with a bunch of idiot Alphas trying to screw the gay out of him. But Steve’s not an Alpha. Steve is also very pretty.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings, consent issues
Sweet Dream (Saccharine) by Highsmith (1/1 | 16,039 | Explicit)
Billy and Steve aren't friends, until they are, and they're not more than that, because the world doesn't work that way.
warnings: implied/referenced child abuse, recreational drug use
Pressing the accelerator down by Etnoe (1/1 | 6,229 | Explicit)
Heat season takes a toll of two alphas who can't find anyone to share a rut with. Aside, of course, from each other.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
Keeping a bit of you by peirypatt (1/1 | 697 | General)
Over the years Steve's room has had several changes and seen many trends and phases, but there was only one thing that didn't belong to Steve inside his bedroom. A denim blue jacket.
It came naturally to us by peirypatt (1/1 | 650 | General)
Saying that Steve and Billy held hands in 1999 for the first time would be wrong and right at the same time. It's complicated, and at the same time, it's not.
Don't Belong To Anyone (Else) by sparkleeye (2/2 | 31,145 | Explicit)
And he does, just Billy’s fucking luck, because Harrington licks his lips and hoarsely goes, “I fucking knew it, fuck Hargrove, you’re in heat.”
He shudders as Harrington takes a step towards him. The tangy, warm scent of alpha has him struggling to stand upright, already slipping into the too far gone state and it’s fucking Harrington’s fault because he still won’t leave.
Better yet, he knows, he can smell the sweetness of omega, particularly herbal and saccharine like lavender and vanilla - Billy knows he smells like a girly little candle, okay - flooding the air between them. He could push Billy over and take him there, on the floor, push his face down onto the cracked, dusty concrete and fuck him stupid.
aka -- Billy is a stubborn idiot and goes to school during his heat.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
Upside Down, You're Turning Me by ImNeitherNor (1/1 | 7,885 | Explicit)
“Let me get this straight. You want me to go into the middle of the fucking woods in below zero temperatures to find someone who is probably high as a kite and just having the time of his damned life?”
“We’re worried--” Max starts and Billy sneers.
“That sounds like a personal problem, Maxine. Steve is a big boy, an alpha, and can handle--” Billy tears his gaze away from Max as Dustin climbs on top of his hood and sits there. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
“Not moving,” Dustin shrugs and crosses his arms over his chest.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
Doctor’s Visit by HalfNakedWriter (1/1 | 2,320 | Explicit)
Steve goes for his 38 week appointment. 
'Cause We Feel Young and Wild by BeautyInChains (1/1 | 1,515 | Explicit)
Soon, is Steve’s best guess. Soon like the subtle itch beneath his skin that intensifies with each passing day. Soon like the voracity of his appetite as his body begins to prepare itself for the upcoming marathon. Soon like the aggression that continues to build and threaten to spill whenever another Alpha so much as glances Billy’s way. Soon like the way he’s been tenting his sheets, his slacks, his gym shorts at so much as a gentle breeze.
So when Billy texts him that morning, an eggplant emoji followed by the fire, peach, and splashing water emojis with not one but three question marks, Steve replies with Soon.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
Lost My Mind by trimorning (1/1 | 1,564 | Teen+)
"I don't want to be dramatic."
He doesn’t know what Steve is going to say, which isn’t normal because he’s a predictable kind of mess, so it makes him feel vulnerable.
But its fine, its just Steve so it will undoubtedly be fine. Billy looks back at the other boy, “I can tell you right now, that you are physically incapable of not being dramatic, so continue.”
---- An a/b/o Harringrove one-shot that has little to do with a/b/o and more with Steve's flirty and messy ass. enjoy
Lavender by PoisonousFlower3 (1/1 | 756 | Mature)
"Billy hated being an alpha. He hated how it made his sense of smell stronger and smell the despair that always seemed to linger in this town. He hated how he was always so angry, though he knew that part of it was the abuse from his dad and his temper.
What he didn’t hate was how it let him get a good whiff of Steve whenever he was around."
In which case home starts to include Steve Harrington for Billy.
Red by PoisonousFlower3 (1/1 | 602 | Mature)
"Yeah, maybe things hadn’t started off the best for them but Billy was definitely in love." Another little drabble for two idiots in love
now I got you drunk, hot, and vulnerable (how do you like me now? do i turn you on?) by brawls (brawlite), ToAStranger (1/1 | 6,807 | Explicit)
The first thing Billy notices is the scent.
Heady, sweet, electric. It makes his mouth water, the second he walks in. Makes every bone in his body sing.
Heatstroke by HobbitSpaceCase (1/1 | 8,022 | Explicit)
Billy is out of suppressants and going into Heat. Steve finds him. It's too bad Billy can't have this every time.
warnings: dubcon, sad ending
Steve Forgets by femmesteve (1/1 | 1,242 | Explicit)
Steve forgets his heat and Billy is there to be a jerk and fuck him how he needs.
you scratch my back, i'll bite yours by hoppnhorn (1/1 | 2,363 | Explicit)
Billy rushes Steve's fraternity and gets in, which sucks, only when it doesn't. Drunk Steve has a hard time staying away from what isn't good for him.
bite me, but not too hard by hoppnhorn (1/1 | 3,854 | Explicit)
Steve debates whether or not he should spend his heat tranquilized.
your teeth go deep (it seems) by hoppnhorn (1/1 | 3,554 | Explicit)
Nothing about his life, or his love life, has been simple thus far. The trend continues.
eat me (let it run down your chin) by hoppnhorn (1/1 | 2,837 | Explicit)
Billy ends things with Steve. Sorta.
Nine to five. by Fanflick (9/9 | 34,301 | Explicit)
Steve knew that everything would ultimately come to this, working for his father at a boring office job. It wasn't easy being an omega in hiding, especially now since Steve's boss is the arrogant alpha Billy Hargrove. Now Steve has to work alongside his high school rival while also trying to save enough money to get away from his father. How hard can that be?
warnings: boss/employee relationship
Drunken Things by Rhiw (3/3 | 10,566 | Explicit)
Nancy and Steve break up before Tina's party. Steve finds himself on the rebound, damned and determined to have some fun. Billy just wants to get laid.
Aka: The ABO of Stranger Things no one asked for. Written while drunk, with drunk characters, and lots of angst and smut and shit. Enjoy.
warnings: underage
what a wicked game you played (to make me feel this way) by brawls (brawlite), ToAStranger (14/14 | 119,016 | Explicit)
Billy knew Steve Harrington would ruin him. Steve knew Billy Hargrove was nothing but trouble.
They never expected it to end up like this.
warnings: misogynistic language, ableist language, mentioned dubcon
turn me loose by hoppnhorn (1/1 | 3,321 | Explicit)
Billy is a dominant, powerful alpha with a slew of omegas dying to win his affection. He loves it, lives for it, except when he’s in rut. Steve is an omega and fights it every damn day. But when his body goes into heat, needs to breed, he can’t do anything to stop it. Billy is in rut and Steve is in heat when a freak heatwave knocks out the air conditioning in their shared apartment complex. Open windows and rampant hormones? What could go wrong?
Punch by hati_skoll (1/1 | 2,330 | Teen+)
Steve is dragged off by another alpha, Billy handles it.
A Start by ImNeitherNor (1/1 | 5,574 | Explicit)
The quarry was always Steve’s go to when he needed a place to breathe, an area where the smells weren’t in his face and he could think straight. It was strange how one person’s heat could trigger another. Steve, a slightly cowed alpha after Hargrove rolled in, was done with the overpowering scents and the looks that were being thrown around.
He wasn’t interested in any of it. None.
So, when he pulled up onto the edge of the quarry and stepped out, he almost groaned at the smell that hit him. An omega. An omega in heat. Fuck. This is exactly what he had hoped to get away from. He was ready to slide back in and yank his car in reverse when he looked up and saw, exactly, what car was sitting to the side, shaded by an overcast of trees. If he hadn’t actually looked, it would have slipped away. He blamed his sharper senses, his need to search out the omega.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
Slick by hati_skoll (1/1 | 2,028 | Teen+)
Steve gets wet for Billy.
(Less porn inside than implied.)
Hold Me Tight Or Don't by BTSBlossom (1/1 | 4,808 | General)
Billy has some news for Steve, he just doesn't know how to tell him. At least he knows he's got Ms. Byers on his side. She'll be there for Billy if Steve isn't.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings, abortion discussion
Wrap Me Up (In Your Love) by LadyMoonveil (1/1 | 1,254 | Teen+)
In which Steve keeps stealing Billy's clothes, and Billy is terrified of the implications when he comes to the realization that Steve is nesting.
After everything that Steve has done for him, all Billy wants to do is be good to his mate. (Even if it means adding things to his wardrobe that sadly isn't denim or leather).
Make me feel special by pizzz_10 (1/1 | 1,577 | Explicit)
A short sweet omega fic where Billy is an omega and Steve is his alpha who loves to spoil him
bück dich by Rebldomakr (1/1 | 966 | Mature)
Billy Hargrove arrives in Hawkins, with Steve Harrington's name written on his neck.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings, mild blood/slight gore
sandman by Rebldomakr (1/1 | 2,226 | Explicit)
Steve’s not a fighter. He sucks at it, actually. He’s a little soft, but he isn’t totally weak or awfully tiny. He’s a good Alpha in many of the ways that count! Just because he isn’t running around sleeping with anyone willing, picking fights, and beating people to death doesn’t mean he’s a bad Alpha. And though Billy might do all that, but he isn't a bad Omega.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
Silk by Rebldomakr (1/1 | 3,393 | Mature)
In Indiana, Omega suppressants are banned. Billy runs out after a while.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
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itsays · 3 years
Hi, I don't mean to sound rude or pick a fight here. I have been a kpop fan for over 10 years now and there are a lot of boy groups that have worked for a very long time and disbanded without a win. I'm not saying this because you said it's hard for girls. It is. I agree. I'm saying this because the kpop industry is way more fucked up than a lot of us know. A lot of male idols and trainees have also faced issues like mental and sexual harrasment from their agencies. Yes, please let's talk more and more about how girl groups are treated. Definitely. But I don't think there is any necessity to even talk about boys while we do so.
i actually do think there is a necessity to talk about boys to do so. we need to explicitly point out ways in which men have it easier compared to women. i also never said no man has ever struggled in their lives, but that doesnt take away the fact that they have an advantage over women and the industry is made in their favor to accommodate to men, women are after thoughts.
honestly all i said is men have an easier time getting their first win and that's barely even an issue compared to what women go through in the industry so.... i didnt even scratch the surface with that post... i didnt even try
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demelzahcarne · 4 years
Only three more episodes to torture myself, the things i do to see them dimples...truly the tortured souls named dalmi and dosan who can't be together, why you ask, don't know ask them writers they keep coming up with nonsense to keep me bitching about this ship. So let's see whats this weeks reason....all the while id be happy if jipyeong would crash land into some chick that is worth his dimples and love, maybe its happening today(as if but who knows im ready for start up miracles)
Arguable, she has been into pathetic territory for a while but that is standard for fierce independent fl in kdramas once they find the perfect dick to hang with 4eva. They lose most of their og spark.
Alright, so the writers were like well HJP won't get her but he will just do all the great gestures cause it keeps this one-sided thing going, and they did that because....? Ah, torture, got it. Anyway, apparently HJP hangs out at granny's for holidays, they have been working together for 3yrs and they dont speak casually with one another? Wow, thats saying a lot, or its just another writers hole, cause that timejump didnt change anything on paper, only hairstyles and phones.
If only that was the truth and there was a change in their non relationship over those 3 yrs. Woah, he is already feeling bad about sth. he said seconds prior, he really is a good boy. But wait, HJP is now indirectly the reason this stupid ship with dalmi and dosan will still not sail, noooooooo. Why, let these fools be together and focus on HJP. If this drama ends with HJP literally pushing these idiots heads together to kiss so dalmi is happy and then all pretendto be besties, I might hurl from the disgust.
NDS still throwing shares around like its candy. He didn't learn anything. Joohyuk came out in that photshoot but whatever...as if knitting nerd who cries every 5minutes has this much confidence....lol
Father and son got a bad hair dye done over these 3yrs...cant believe they still part of this story. But if it gives kang ha-na some lines and money per episode i will take it. If dalmi ever gets as fierce as injae she and her precious boyfriend might survive in this industry.
Never mix pleasure with business, but for them its gonna work. This is just repetition of 3yrs ago....very creative writing indeed.
Like for real, this is bad writing if dalmi who works with injae never told her about granny, and you tell me seo mom and injae havent talked prior, timejumps barely work when they happen before ep16 last 10 minutes...these writers dont think of using logic.
Still 40 minutes to go, shouldnt they be in the woods by now, i want this to be over already. So this is their 300th breakup/goodbye scene and i am laughing, these type of romance stories fall flat with me most of the times except when the couple has smashing chemistry and I believe their pain....I don't believe anything here...I mean did they use permanent markers on a whiteboard? Yeah, they will go far. Oh god, this is symbolism done wrong.
HJP in the elevator was me about the 1/3rd of the sans...I mean where even start...SIGH
The netflix subs are confusing, are they speaking casually now out of nowhere in the car?
Is joohyuk a face for a bike brand if not he should consider it, he almost always rides a bike in his projects. Look at me giving him ideas to get more millions. But yay finally they in the woods and this show is closer to its ending. Huzzah. Okay scratch that not best person to market your bike lol
OMFG granny and injae sharing a scene....
Too many thoughts at once, slow down tortured lovers. They kissed only once right, and barely had boyfriend/girlfriend moment's but they be playing it as tragic lovers, idgi like at all.
What ms yoon said is basically what hjp told them at the beginning and dosan fans started to hate him for, lmao...he always knew what he talked about precious souls just cant stand the truth. He wasnt too harsh though, some working industries just need harsh facts cause mediocre swimming only gets you so far
It could end here, why two more episodes? Off to find the subbed ep for todays #2D1N thats much better content for my mood and my dimple prince.
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