#i compared this to ruby and sapphire
twildflower · 6 months
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during my brief absence in this blog I continued my hgss gameplay!! I stopped for a bit because I'm focusing on school and I'll continue it when it's over (starting Mondayyyy hehe)
me talking about my experiences as a blind player of hgss vvv
i finally met eusine (hi sarah <3) wherever suicine goes, eusine follows 😭 but hey I like his design! I tried out the pokeathlon(?) spelling?? yeah. but that thingy!! i had a uueueueu moment seeing ethan's jersey outfit he's so adorable 😭 i love his hair??? I was pleasantly surprised to see that's how it'd look like. unique even! anyways, the pokeathlon was suuuper fun, I had a lot of moments where I was just laughing from pure joy + my oddish aggressively breaking wood panels that's literally too small for him LMAAODKOAS that one made me laugh so hard...
when I finally got the HM for surfing I decided to backpedal for a bit to travel beyond the small streams in caves and rivers found in some routes. when I got back to new bark town and went past that river JUST NEXT TO MY HOUSE AND THEN THIS DUDE ON THE OTHER SIDE TELLS ME — OH HEY, YOU'RE IN KANTO NOW, I WAS LIKE ?;?!?!?!??!!?;?!? *ROCK EYEBROW MEME* ARE U FR.?? I was under the impression I'd had to take a special traveling option just to go to kanto BUT NO ITS LITERALLY NEXT TO MY HOUSE LMAOAOSODKSO I saw victory road in the map and got crazy excited 😭 (the satisfaction of finishing leaf green hasn't subsided yet so shh) then I saw mt silver on the map. the evil stupid grin I had DBBFBDBFBDD
anyways yeah that's it — I figured it'd be fun to write entries abt my gameplay since I don't remember much when I first started r/s/e back then :')
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infizero · 1 month
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gawddddd i love him i love him so much
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primus-why · 7 months
I think it's funny that Cybertronian cuisine includes stuff like minerals and ores because there's always that classic fanfic trope of comparing someone's eyes to a precious gemstone, right? Like I've lost count how many times Megatron has been described as having "ruby red optics" or Optimus having "sapphire orbs"...
So now I'm giggling to myself imagining Megatronus picking up a jewel while walking in the market with Orion and it being like:
Megatronus: Your optics... they shine like this sapphire...
Orion: Oh! Thank you, Megatronus... *chomps on the mineral in one big crunch*
Megatronus, internally: Primus below I can't not frag him...
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To see a better illustration of this scenario, check out this art by @staticoctopus !
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haphazardlyannotated · 10 months
So I was thinking about how Steven, Connie and Stevonnie all have a duet with one of the main Crystal Gems and I realised how masterfully these songs are deployed to tell us things about them.
First of all, On The Run for Steven and Amethyst.
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Amethyst is the Crystal Gem who relates the most to Steven's experiences and vice versa. They're both the 'juniors' in their household, they've both been struggling with being respected by the older Crystal Gems for a while now, and though Amethyst is very much Steven's guardian when it comes down to it, she's also Steven's peer in a way that Garnet and Pearl just aren't even when they try to include Steven.
And now this song sets them up as parallels in other contexts, too. They're both from earth! They both don't wholly belong in one category (Steven as a half gem, half human, Amethyst as a Crystal Gem who never fought in the rebellion and whose existence runs against the Crystal Gems' original wishes for Earth), and as we are about to learn, they both came into existence at the cost of other life and might harbour guilt about it, even though they had literally no say in this.
And then later on they continue to be parallels, especially in season 3 (though they share the child of divorce energy during the Sardonyx Arc). They both compare themselves to impossible standards of what they 'should' be (Steven to the idea of Rose, Amethyst to Jasper) and it is their recognition of their own struggles in each other that allows them to at least partially overcome them. No wonder Smoky Quartz is Steven's first fusion with another gem!
Next up: Do It For Her, sung by Pearl and Connie.
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Speaking of parallels! It's pretty obvious watching the episode that Pearl is spending some time in projection city regarding absolute devotion to a beloved, if not revered partner, but she might actually be closer to the truth in some respects than she realises.
Remember Lion 2: The Movie? When Connie said that she didn't understand why Steven would hang out with someone as normal as her? Doesn't this remind us of someone else who feels like she's objectively inferior to a special (in several ways) someone? Someone who stepped out of the predetermined role she was supposed to fill to join her loved one on their dangerous path? Who lived a double life to avoid retribution from controlling authority figures? Couldn't say.
Also, they're both the knowledgable planner to their all loving goofball partner.
With all of this, I think Do It For Her both draws parallels between Pearl and Connie as well as Pearlrose and Connverse, and shows us how the example of Pearl and Rose's unresolved dysfunction could stop Steven and Connie from falling into the same trap before it was too late. I think seeing Pearl demonstrate the end of the road they were beginning to walk was what enabled Steven to step in before they got to Pearlrose's point, where Pearl was to deep in her self sacrificing mindset for Rose to reach her.
And finally, Here Comes A Thought for Garnet and Stevonnie.
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First of all, obviously, Garnet and Stevonnie as an embodiment of the love and harmony between Ruby and Sapphire and Steven and Connie respectively.
It also draws parallels between Ruby and Connie and Steven and Sapphire though. (I saw a great meta about that in my lurking days, which I will link here if someone could kindly direct me to it). Sapphire and Steven as people who would rather bury negative feelings, like Sapphire tries to in Keystone Motel and Steven in... the entirety of suf to name just the most prominent one. Which of course only leads to more problems in the long run, because they haven't processed the feelings at all.
On the other hand, the comparison with Ruby draws attention to a trait of Connie's we maybe wouldn't have noticed otherwise: She is, for the lack of a better term, much more confrontational about things that make her unhappy. Just look at The New Crystal Gems.
Also, letting Ruby and Sapphire demonstrate their conflict resolution for Steven and Connie gives us an insight into what goes into keeping Garnet together through everything. Love takes work indeed. It's also worth pointing out that Connverse have been paralleled with both Pearlrose, Rupphire and (a little bit in We Need To Talk) Gregrose this way.
This show has so many layers, I swear, I'll be on my deathbed and I'll still find new nuances to write an essay about. Well done, Crewniverse.
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draconesmundi · 17 days
Happy Dracones Monday! Firedrakes!
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Happy Dracones Monday! This Monday we're looking at four dragon species at once, the firedrakes! Here they are, approximately to scale with eachother.
The glitterdrake is the smallest, the size of a large lizard or small cat. They live in laurel forests on Macaronesian Islands, in the Atlantic near Africa. Glitterdrakes aren't based on mythology; I put them on Macaronesia because I couldn't find Macaronesian dragon mythology but I am trying to put dragons EVERYWHERE on the map. Also, putting these dragons on an archipelago of islands means I can have a lot of island subspecies and colour morphs - glitterdrakes represent colourful fantasy dragons, so having them come in every colour (sapphire blue, ruby red, emerald green, royal purple, burning gold, shining silver etc.) was important to me.
The Welsh dragon is smaller than the other European firedrakes at 1.5 meters. They are no less fierce - there aren't any common firedrakes in Wales as a common firedrake cannot maintain a territory there for long. Originally I had the Welsh dragon as a subspecies of the common firedrake, but decided that this dragon had so much personality and folklore that it could get it's own chapter.
The common firedrake is found in Western Europe, 4m long. When designing these I noticed in a lot of heraldry dragons don't seem to have horns? Ears yes, but hornless? Also I noticed that dragons in heraldry tend to have the dorsal finlets from the back of the head to between their shoulders, but no further, which is something I have kept for all my firedrake species.
The viridian firedrake is the largest firedrake species, over 5m long. They are found in Eastern and Southern Europe, and in Russia. I based their appearance on old storybook illustrations to make them look very 'classic', which is why they have horns and cheek frills compared to the more heraldic and hornless common firedrake.
Rant about the term 'firedrake' under the cut! :)
In other creative works, these are called 'classic dragons', 'European dragons', 'true dragons' and 'Western dragons', but I am not a fan of these terms - 'true dragon' implies other dragons are untrue dragons, which is nonsense. 'Western dragon' or 'European dragon' is largely accurate (the 4 legged 2 winged dragon design is common in Europe and the West) but there are other Western and European dragons (wyrms and wyverns) and I find these terms confusing when other types of dragons are taken into account. Also, some Asian dragons also have 4 legs and 2 wings. 'Classic' dragons... serpentine and wyrmish dragons are more classic than 4 legged 2 winged firebreathers, etc.
I went with 'firedrake' as a term for these dragons because 'drake', 'drachen', 'ddraig', 'drac', 'drak' and 'dreki' are all words for dragons like this in European languages, and because firedrake is a word used in literature like some translations of Beowulf and, of course, Tolkien's Legendarium (firedrake comes from Old English fȳrdraca). I think it's a good word that easily conjures up fire breathing four legged, two winged dragons without making them more 'true' or 'classic' than other dragon types or tying them specifically to 'European' and 'Western' countries.
In Dracones Mundi I really try to get a huge diversity of dragons across to the readers. There are around 68 dragon species in this project, only 4 of which are firedrakes. I want to show readers there is more to dragon mythology than "here is a western dragon, they are evil and associated with fire, here is an eastern dragon, they are good and associated with water" - I want to dig deeper. I want people to know about azhdarha, about cuélebres, about coameh. So I'm shining the spotlight away from these firedrakes and trying to make them a small part of a much larger discussion. :)
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tassjis · 7 months
I want to talk about the Vault Gods and my design process
Each idol was drawn as though they were statues or altar peices, something of worship not necessarily what the gods look like but what the villagers would interpret their looks to be.
First I wanted to ensure that they looked like villagers, or have a villager template. The initial drafts has them with their arms together in a villager pose.
Each design had multiple aspects I gave them, a material, a gem, a minecraft mob, and an item
Idona The Malevolent, kill and sacrifice the marked to appease this god
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The idol is designed after cinnabar a toxic red material with high levels of mercury.
Idonas item is the vault hunters altar with reference and designs inspired by Mayan and Aztec sacrificial alters.
They are designed to look like a bat and a Wolf with lots of sharp angles and shapes, with cultish and sacrifical undertones
The eyes are rubies, a gemstone that symbolises life force. They are cut with a 5 point star facet and bezel with means the eyes are also pentacles, there is also a hidden sacrificial knife in the eyes.
They say experience makes you wiser, but is it wise to give it up for treasure? Sacrifice your experience and knowledge to Tenos the Omniscient to be granted treasure beyond your wildest dreams.
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Tenos is made of silver or iron, a pure metal that is reflective
Tenos has the enchanting table book, a potion of enchanting and xp balls
They are designed with a lot of softer rounder shapes compared to its counterparts and is based on a polar bear with angelic bird wings to give it a wise and pure vibe.
The eyes are sapphires, with a gemstone meaning of focus and inner vision. Tenos also is the one one to wear a gemstone accessory to give the allusion to a third eye.
Velara The Benevolent, sacrifice your health, sacrifice yourself to appease Velara, only then will you gain the riches
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The idol is designed to look like oxidised copper. I wanted Valara to look like an old and ancient god from a forgotten religion, the kind where you find a forgotten statue in a forest overgrown with new life.
The like all the idols, it focuses on a theme relating to what you use to open the altars, so Valaras design is health or in this case life.
Velara has the fern and tall grass as its minecraft item.
Initially designed to be more rabbit like the design ended up becoming vague in animal and more bug like.
The eyes on Valara are emeralds that symbolise rebirth and growth.
Wendarr The Timekeeper, you only have limited time, will you sacrifice some of it to this god for riches?
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Wendarr is a brass idol, a very common metal for clocks and timepieces to be made from.
Wendarr is designed to look the most like a villager with wings similar to that of DaVincis flying machine.
Unlike the other gods, Wendarr did not receive a minecraft item as I felt the minecraft clock did not fit the ancient and old aesthetic. Instead, they received an hourglass and an alluded clock face in the background, and some rococo inspired designs in the foreground.
The eyes are made of topaz, which apparently stands for manifesting clarity and astrology?
Anyway that's my thought process and some small details about each God and my designs.
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Minun and Plusle, assuming that you do not separate them. I would assume separately it's a bad idea but the pokemon do seem to do better together...
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[While their pokédex entries do differ, I’m going to cover both plusles and minuns in a single post, since you asked about them both in your request!]
Plusles and minuns, perhaps surprisingly compared to many Electric-type pokémon, would make fairly good pets! Of course, you’ll need to take into account that they have a pretty unique set of needs, and could be dangerous in certain circumstances, but all-in-all their not a bad option among their typing and can even provide you with certain health benefits.
Both plusles and minuns are the perfect size to be a house pet. They’d have no difficulty getting around most living spaces, and transporting them without a pokéball would be no problem at all. They have a great temperament to be pets as well, given their incredibly social nature. Both plusles and minuns are natural cheerleaders; both pokémon are known for cheering on their partners and other pokémon by forming pom-poms out of electricity and cheering loudly, so rest assured that a pet plusle or minun would always be by your side, rooting for you whatever you do (Ruby - Plusle, Emerald - Plusle, Ruby - Minun, FireRed/LeafGreen - Minun). You really must keep in mind, however, that you shouldn’t let a minun get too hyped up in these cheering displays. While there’s little indication of this being a problem for plusles, minuns are known to shun their own safety (Ruby - Minun). Their little cheerleading displays are adorable, but make sure to keep an eye on them to make sure they don’t get too riled up and hurt themselves!
Now, like I said at the top, these two species of pokémon have some pretty unusual behaviors and needs, which may make their ease-of-care a little too low for some owners. For one thing, as has been alluded, these little ones are NOISY. They can short out the electricity that they carry in their bodies to make a variety of loud noises and brilliant sparks of light, and are known to do so even more when whoever their cheering for is losing or struggling (Ruby, Sapphire). If you live somewhere where you need to be wary of noise complaints, I’d consider a different pokémon. Additionally, bathing plusles or especially minuns is a whole ordeal: not only is it already pretty hazardous giving any south of bath to an Electric-Type pokémon without the proper equipment, but minuns have a distinct dislike of water, making it a whole lot more difficult to keep them clean (FireRed/LeafGreen - Minun). Finally, feeding either of these pokémon can be a chore. Like a lot of pokémon of their type, plusles and minuns feed off of electricity, which can get pricey. Peculiarly, wild plusles have a particular preference for electricity from telephone poles: using their impressive climbing abilities, these pokémon routinely drain power from their tops (FireRed/LeafGreen - Plusle). Keeping either of these pokémon happy and healthy isn’t going to be as easy as popping over to the pet store for food, which is going to make them too much of a handful for some owners.
Both of these pokémon, naturally, could be pretty dangerous in certain circumstances. Moves like Thunder Wave and Nuzzle can allow them to temporarily paralyze targets with electricity, which could easily prove deadly to those with certain medical conditions. Other Electric-Type moves like Electro-Ball and Thunder are no joke as well. Thankfully, it seems that neither of these pokémon are particularly violent and get along well with humans. That being said, you should always keep these kinds of risks with Electric-Type pokémon in mind when making a decision about adoption.
On the bright side, the passive electricity both plusles and minuns carry within their bodies does not seem to pose much of a threat to humans. In fact, pokémon academics have determined that exposure to the types of electricity each pokémon carries can have really positive health benefits for humans, such as muscle relaxation and an improvement in blood flow (Emerald - Minun, HeartGold/SoulSilver - Minun). These pokémon are surely used in tandem for different kinds of physical therapy for humans, and you could probably see some positive vitality outcomes if you adopt one of each species! There doesn’t seem to be any indication that keeping plusles and minuns apart has any negative impact on their biology or psyche, but the benefits of keeping together make them a great package if you’re willing to adopt two pets at once.
While, due to their typing, both of these species bring certain risks and difficulties to the table, their perfect size and personality, as well as the potential health benefits you may see after exposure to both, these pokémon could make a pretty good pet for the right owner.
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quitealotofsodapop · 10 months
In any kind of Shadowpeach au: I like the idea of them finally tying/retying the knot after S3 with an official wedding, figuring that one too many near-death experiences warranted an actual ceremony. Heavily inspo'd by Ruby and Sapphire's wedding in Steven Universe.
The kids, the noodle gang, Demon Bull fam, Chang'e (via Zoom), Nezha, the villains and celestials they've befriended, and the monkeys of Flower Fruit Mountain all attend. It's both a big gaudy affair, but with only close friends allowed to attend.
Cue the very end of the wedding getting interrupted by the S4 return of Azure Lion and the rest of the Brotherhood. Like 90% of the guests immediately whip out their weapons.
And ofc the sight of imminent Shadowpeach marriage (+kids) causes some uh... problems with Azure Lion's attempts to come off as reformed. Things quickly go awry.
Wukong, in an elaborate peach-inspired imperial wedding dress: "This dress costs way too much money not to fight in it!" Macaque, in a Billy Porter-equse tux gown: "Peaches please. We paid so much for the open bar." MK (ring bearer), watching the carnage unfold: "I just wanted there to be a normal wedding..." :') Red Son, a bridesmaid: "Actually, compared to the demon weddings I've been to, getting crashed by a jealous past suitor is pretty normal.
As a side effect, lots of fights with the characters in fancy clothes.
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amzthycrazzy · 25 days
Imagine comparing childhood rock collections with Venture?? I’ve had one since I was like 6, most of them from home but a dozen of them from some other states
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Venture x Childhood!reader
Warnings : none!
• been friends with venture since the womb, and have always collected rocks together, you guys would throw them on the ground to break them in half and then take one of the 2 broken pieces
• venture loves how many rocks you have, likes hearing about them
• please don't let them out of your site with your rock collections, some rocks will be missing and will never be found again
• probably has more rocks than you but left them at home (extra HC : ventures house smells like pumpkin pie bc they love the candles scent )
• probably has crystals from adventures too, like Ruby, sapphire and more, happy to show you them :))
• would probably love to collect rocks with you again :D
• will let you meet their family, loves when you guys shy bc ur nervous you will upset them, but will translate what you say to your family because they are nice, their family adores you <3
• once both of you were on a mission and they trip on a rock, they broke open the rock out of anger and found a crystal thing, they gasped and shakes you telling you : "LOOK!"
"sloane?.. is that you?" You ask, they turn around and gasp, is that.. Y/N!? They ran over and hugged you, swinging you up in the air and then putting you down. Literally shaking, "hi sloane!" You giggle and hug them back.
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wonderlanddragon8 · 1 month
I just rewatched Steven Universe and I think that Rose Quartz and Pearl were in a romantic relationship. Not just a one sided Crush. Here’s a couple of key points that convinced me. In no particular order.
1 ) In ‘Steven Universe : The Movie.’ Pearl sings “We became our fantasy.” Her fantasy was very clearly to be together with Rose Quartz in a romantic sense. Her saying they became that fantasy means they had to have been romantic at some point.
2 ) In “Now We’re Only Falling Apart.” Sapphire says “How could she not after you swept her off her feet?” Followed shortly by “That’s just how I felt when I came here with Ruby”
Sapphire is not a cruel person, and all of Pearl’s friends knew she was in love with Rose Quartz. Even Steven figured it out pretty quick. It would be cruel to compare her relationship to their romantic relationship with Ruby unless they had also been together in the same way, Sapphire and Pearl have known each other for thousands of years, they would know this about each other.
3) In ‘Mr. Greg’ Pearl sings
I was fine with the men, / Who would come into her life now and again. / I was fine 'cause I knew, / That they didn't really matter, until you. ♫
I was fine when you came, / And we fought like it was all some silly game. / Over her, who she'd chose. / After all those years, I never thought I'd lose. ♫
Pearl would not be singing this if she hadn’t won in the past. Pearl had to have won the game every other time. If for no other reason then longevity, it was impossible for Pearl to lose, Rose would always come back to her. But now Rose is dead, and Greg won the very last round of a game Pearl was used to winning. And Pearl is devastated, from losing her lover of thousands of years.
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davekat-sucks · 4 months
the implication i got was that kanaya realized that rose was just her rebound from vriska all along and she never got over her, which is why she started to sympathize with jade's first world issues. also rose said that this wasnt the first time she used her dead mother in an argument, but it doesnt matter because rose knows kanaya is an enabler and will forgive her anyways. its all so fucking foul on both sides.
also funny how both kanaya and karkat used the humans as rebounds.
Yep. Kanaya using Rose as a rebound was kind of a thing back in the old fandom days. It's noticeable in Act 6 too because of how much she tries to be close with Rose becoming alcoholic and not doing a single damn thing to address the issue. It makes it worst by Post Retcon since Vriska is alive and now Kanaya can have TWO girlfriends still around. And it got worse when she adopted a cerulean to name her VRISSY. People paint Kanaya at that point as still not getting over Vriska. Fans of Kanaya want her to move on from the bad girl phase. She should be around people that are actually good like Karkat. Because the last time she had trusted someone who is awful, she got KILLED for it. Eridan was the final straw that she began to have trust issues. Kanaya using Rose as a rebound is now seen as bad. But you know it will never be said the same for Karkat with Dave. Because homosexuals are better than women. The nu-fandom doesn't think Rosemary is progressive as it used to be. They now prop Davekat as the true LGBT symbol. Sorry folks, but there are other lesbians that people like more and Rosemary ain't one of them. They aren't even top contenders like Bubbline, Garnet (Ruby and Sapphire), Poison Ivy x Harley, Undyne x Alphys, Utena x Anthy, or even recently Chaggie. Some could argue it's because those series are at least big named compared to Homestuck. But isn't this the same fandom that praised the comic for Rosemary being one of the few LGBT ships in a WEBCOMIC? Especially when it was around 2009-2012, way before LGBT was accepted in places like America and other countries. That the Internet was one of the few places to express whatever you want without consequence. So why isn't it talked about like the other ships? Because Homestuck is irrelevant and not important as it was.
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followthebluebell · 1 year
Skyrim things
I saw Blackreach for the first time and holy fuck.  Holy shit.  My god.  It is so beautiful.  It’s amazing.  I think it’s the most gorgeous thing I’ve seen in this game so far, except when i happened to catch the aurora borealis at night.  It’s a close contest.  It’s like comparing rubies to sapphires and trying to determine which sparkles more. I think I spent just a solid five minutes just looking at the place.  I actually am really enjoying finding crimson nirnroot because it gives me an excuse to just look around at the place.
Another unfun glitch: Serana was stuck in the Wounded Limping animation.  I had to reload a previous save and lost around 30 minutes of progress.  But that’s not too bad, really.  It could’ve been a lot worse. 
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pinkandpurple360 · 5 months
If you ship RosePearl (Master and Servant between a ruler with bottom of society hierarchy) and RubySapphire (Codependency fluffed up as true love), its hilarious that you're tearing down and insulting the Hellaverse ships 💀
What’s with this weird hostility? “Tearing down and insulting” just means applying some scepticism to it.
Yeah…good thing I’m not really into that. I can ship people as exes, appreciate there are different types of love, and Pearl didn’t get her happy ending but can with someone new. Because Rose knew Pearl and her weren’t equals and may never be. So she let her go. That’s a type of mature love story I like to see.
My god. Don’t compare Pearl and Rose to Stolitz. What an insult. I think HelluvaReceipts did a great thread explaining why one works and one doesn’t.
As for Ruby and Sapphire, they are an alien species who can fuse together and it’s an important part of their alien biology. They communicate it as a mutual bond where Garnet is almost the equivalent of a lovechild. A physical manifestation of the relationship itself rather than the sum of two people. It’s hard to apply a human standard of relationships and psychology to that. Whereas in Hellaverse the concept of independence identity and consent are important.
Ok this made me love Garnet even more
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worldwidedino · 8 months
I cannot imagine Hardenshipping with the RSE designs. Is it because I grew up with ORAS marketed at people around my age (18-20 ish) and so I can’t imagine Gen 3 characters in their RSE designs at all? Or are the ORAS designs so appealing that the RSE designs look comparatively weird? Is it the lack of Gen 3 nostalgia because I was born in between the North American releases of Ruby/Sapphire and Emerald.
Also yes. Hardenshipping good. They are gay and in love(half the time).
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greetings-inferiors · 3 months
What game do you think most deserves a remake?
Any game ever? Kingdom hearts 358/2 days. That game is on the ds and it's still the best non numbered (i.e. 1,2,3, I get it is technically numbered but shut up) kingdom hearts game. It's a CRIME that only the cutscenes were added to HD 1.5 ReMix, especially since one of the things that made the narrative so compelling is that the cutscenes were the reward after a hard day of working missions. The cutscene collection is just the reward without any of the buildup, it sucks. It's fine I guess if you want to just experience days, but the actual game is SO FUCKING GOOD. I'd kill for a days remake. Giving it kh3-ish combat would solve one of the only problems with the game, the boring combat. I don't want them to add mission mode or the non-roxas playable characters, because I want them to focus on the main story, and the consequence of having about 20 playable characters is that every weapon has exactly one combo and it gets boring fast. KEEP THE PANEL SYSTEM THOUGH IT'S SO GOOD.
The only downside to a days remake is that there are certain scenes where Roxas visits places Sora had once been, and on the bottom screen you control Sora at the same time as controlling Roxas on the top screen, and like yeah I guess you could just cut to Sora but it's way less immersive. Still very much worth losing that one thing and getting a remake of one of the best kingdom hearts games, but still.
The only other kingdom hearts games that I'd want remakes for is kh2 (just to fix the disney worlds mainly. They're so distractingly awful compared to the rest of the game and the rest of the series) and Union cross (it's a bloody mobile game that no one's ever played with possibly the most important story in the series. At least the damo279 fandub is PHENOMENAL.)
Other games I want remakes for...
Persona 4, Persona 3 reload is absolutely phenomenal and I think that fixing persona 4's combat (every dungeon is a palace???) as well as all the other small things they could add could very well make it the best game of all time. Also you could call it Persona 4 Rewind and that's really funny
I'd love to see an omega ruby alpha sapphire level remake for pokemon Black and White, maybe even including black 2 and white 2. They've definitely got the best story of a mainline pokemon game (scarlet and violet's gets better, but it's only really the last few hours that are good) and I'd love to see them get a proper loving remake.
Last thing: Chibi Robo. I've never played it, but I've heard nothing but good things and the concept is FANTASTIC. Having a open world (but in reality it's just the whole house) Chibi robo game would be incredible. It's the most unlikely (okay maybe kh2 is more unlikely) one but I just think it'd be really good.
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