#i appreciate your question
teddybeartoji · 3 months
okay i just read ur fun facts…used to be addicted to nose spray? how do you? like did you eat it or like enjoy the feeling of it going up ur nose? i support you and all of your endeavors, im just very very very curious
HSHDHSHSHDHSHSHDHSHA HIII!! I'M SO GLAD U ASKED!!! it's my favourite stupid fact to tell ppl. anyway it's more like my nose got addicted i guess.... you're only supposed to use a nose spray for a week MAX (this goes for majority of them) and i used it. every day. for. like four months😁😁😁😁😁
my excuse at first was just that the air at school was sooo stuffy bc it was cold outside and the radiators were maxed out and i just could not breathe properly. so – i started using the spray and it helped!!! (yeah no shit sherlock) but then i started using it more and more, more frequently than you should and again, my excuse was just that i couldn't fucking focus if i can't breathe😒😒😒
in the end i literally started acting like it was my only lifeline lmao pls it's soop funny to think back on. my dad and my friend were like "yeah bro you should quit it's really not healthy" and i just went "😱😱YOU HATE ME?? YOU WANT ME TO DIE??? I CAN'T BREATHE WITHOUT IT WHAT DO YOU MEAN I SHOULD QUIT????" and i was. serious too. it was so ridiculous. took them a good minute to actuslly convince me that it was in fact bad ++ the spring came along and i got my fresh air so i did get a bit better.
and by a bit better i mean that i now have a PRESCRIPTION NOSE SPRAY💀💀💀 the first thing my doctor told me was "you can't get addicted to this one😁" lmaoo she was funny
"i support you and all your endeavors" 😭😭😭😭ilyyy that made me laugh so hard. you can always be curious around me nothing is tmi here anyway hihihii
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ldcurtain · 1 year
What are your pronouns mr scientist man
FINALLY a normal question. Thank you. My pronouns are he/him.
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i-got-da-rubes · 11 months
“Thank you for asking what nobody else did.
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What not even I considered.”
Drawn with my non-dominant hand.
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pollsnatural · 4 months
By "accidentally" I mean that Sam had no intention to kill Cas in this scenario. For example, he was under someone's control or soulless, or he cast some spell that went wrong. Something like that.
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souperluminal · 2 months
Hello!! I'm a huge fan of your art and I thought I would ask about your colorwork, because it's genuinely super impressive to me how all your pieces have amazing palettes and they add so so so much to the general atmosphere. Do you have any process to pick colors for pieces? Like using picture references, gradient maps, etc or do you genuinely just eyeball them? I'm super curious :]
But yea I really love what you do and love seeing every new piece!! Have a nice day! Ty for reading <3
Thanks! I very much use references, though I don't use the color picker on them, gotta train the eye. I have an ever-expanding reference folder of photos and paintings with colors that I like so that when I start a new painting and I have an idea of the color scheme I want in mind, I'll already have some reference on hand. Good reference really makes a world of difference!
I also like to bias colors a little bit away from their standard versions:
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The more blue green and the more yellow green are both more interesting to me than the "just green" green. Nothing wrong with that average green though, sometimes that's exactly what you need. It's always situational.
Lastly, a fantastic color tip for digital art specifically that I got from Mike Hernandez: Use the RGB sliders instead of the HSB color selection!
By default, Photoshop gives you the HSB (Hue, Saturation, Brightness) color picking setup which looks like this:
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It's perfectly functional and has its uses, but it doesn't really feel like mixing color. On the other hand, if you use the RGB sliders:
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Now you can add a little more blue if you think that's what the color needs, or you can take away red, add some green, etc. It gets you actually mixing color and thinking more about how the colors relate to each other. It can take some getting used to if you've only used the HSB setup before, but it's worth it!
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marmastry · 5 months
do you have any tips for an artist that wants to draw comics?
I honestly still dont see myself as a comic artist, anon, but what i do know is that the hardest part is starting one.
When you're new to it, you gotta learn how to make it easier for yourself because if you're aim is to make a fully colored 20+ pages comic, you will burn yourself out before you finish a single page.
Dont put too much expectations on yourself. Let it be your aim to finish it rather than perfect it. Once you finish it, don't dwell too much into it. Don't let engagements be the measure of its value. The best part of finishing something is looking back on them and learning what you can do better next time.
When you're new, you're also building your stamina in the process and when you understand how much you can do in a certain time, you will learn how to pace yourself better. For ex. In my earlier comics, like my abandoned zelda AU, i didn't really put much thought in the specs and dimension of my comics. I didnt even draw it well lol. I limit working on every entry under 2 to 4 days and that includes the writing. I spent less time on it and it shows! Compare that to my splatoon comics, they're more organized and put together in comparison. This is because I saw what I can do before, I learned what I can do better and it made me put more time into them. I don't really wanna rush myself as much as possible because i dont really earn from this rn lol but most of my entries lately takes 1 month to draw with drafts Ive written 3 months earlier. I work very slow but more robust than before because of all the stamina I accumulated with other finished work :)
I hope this helps at least haha
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 7 months
Okay, I think I’ve been burnt out for a bit and overwhelmed. I’m so sorry my inbox is still closed. I promise I’ll reopen it when I can. I’m just tired, stressed, and burnt out that I don’t think I could handle answering so many questions.
I truly do love helping all of you and everyone else on this site, but I just can’t do it right now. I don’t even know how to get out of this burn out myself despite sharing many posts about it…
Sorry about the little rambling there. I hope all of you are doing well. Stay safe on Halloween, if you’re celebrating, and have fun. :)
You can share the candy you got too. I would be more than happy to see what you all got.
Also: next month will be Epilepsy Awareness Month. So I’m excited to share and post about it as well as my personal experiences.
Thank you for taking your time to read this. I appreciate it. ♥️
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atalienart · 29 days
I'm trying to decide what to do with the next chapter. It's basically 50/50 romance and fantasy (adult). I go mostly for mutual pining, spicy tension, little touches and eventually a couple kisses but now it's time for raw emotions and confessions and I wonder...
Halp :)
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spicymancer · 8 months
hello, does the patreon have content that isnt on your twitter? im obsessed with ur art style and all ur series lol
It certainly does!
Most of my art goes to the Patreon first. The spiciest stuff will often tend to stay there.
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the-darkestminds · 25 days
in all your posts you only ever mention Lucien. What Lucien wants, what Lucien deserves, how sjm wouldn't dare hurt Lucien. Do you care about Elain at all? maybe sjm doesn't want to force Elain to be with someone she doesn't want? or is it only important that Lucien is happy?
I can sense your passion anon and I respect it, but you misunderstand me and all of my posts. What's good for one is good for the other. I want Elain to have the strongest force of love imaginable, love that transcends life itself, and I want her to have it with her perfect match, her fated equal. She might not want him yet, but right now he's barely an acquaintance. She doesn't know the real Lucien. When she does, how could she resist?
I will also say this: you accuse me of not caring for Elain. But do Elriels not openly admit they couldn't care less about what happens to Lucien? We are not the same. In my ship, we can have it all.
There can be happiness for Lucien and Elain.
There can be happiness for Azriel and Gwyn.
There can be happiness for Vassa and Jurian.
In my ship, everyone wins. In your ship, someone is always left behind or tossed overboard. Elain's happiness comes at the expense of Lucien's, and Gwyn isn't even allowed to board your ship. It doesn't have to be this way, anon. Join us! There are plenty of HEA's to go around.
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cistematicchaos · 4 months
hello! I have a Question about masking. when should we wear a mask? is it only when we feel sick or is it always? is it inside or outside too? if ur vaccinated but were told to only wear when sick is that bad? literally almost no on in any area around me in my state wears one except when sick and I feel unsure what to do. genuinely everywhere I go there’s close to no one. I feel afraid to wear one all the time bc judgement. but what do we need to do? I’m disabled and disability justice is important to me but since no one else wears one my friends do not think it’s needed and thinks comfort matters more bc it’s very humid here. I feel like wearing one is the right thing to do, but idk how to explain that to others or to start again and shake the fear. ppl assume ur sick when u wear bc that’s what we’re taught is the right time to. /gen
Genuinely, ty for trusting me to answer this. If you're outside or inside a public area, or inside with people who don't mask, it's best to be wearing a mask. Even when you don't feel sick! Not only can you have covid without feeling sick, but you can also carry lots of viruses without feeling sick and so can others. (Also other people don't always tell you when they're feeling sick unfortunately.)
As for the question about vaccinations, yeah, that's bad. You were lied to. People who're vaccinated can still spread covid without feeling sick and can still catch it and get long covid or die. All the vaccine does is make you a little safer if you catch it, it doesn't replace masking.
Masking is very scarce in a lot of places, so I understand that. In my area so many people don't mask and it's scary! I also understand being scared of judgement; especially from family and friends. But you're right, masking is the right thing to do and disability justice is important. And masking is especially important if you're already disabled; you're higher risk for covid fucking you up (by giving you long covid or generally worsening your disabilities/giving you more).
Since I've already explained WHEN you should be masking (if you have more questions, ask, I don't mind at all.), lemme see if I can help you out with the rest. To shake the fear, I'd suggest starting wearing your mask when you're alone to get used to wearing it more. You'll probably have to bite it and do it afraid anyway, because its a pandemic and masking is a necessity (if you can), but you can still get ready first.
To explain it to your friends, put it simply. "I discovered the vaccine doesn't replace masking, so I'm being safe." or "I realized masking keeps all of us safer during the pandemic, especially disabled people, so I'm going to keep doing it."
They may argue with you, especially since they may feel bad for not masking. You don't have to argue back with them. You can offer to send them articles about it or explain your thoughts but you don't have to justify masking!
If people think you're sick, they'll probably ask and you can explain or they'll avoid you, which may work to your advantage because social distancing from people who don't mask is good too.
If part of this doesn't make sense or you have more questions, ask me! I'd love to answer and have a lot of info on the subject if you want it. Again, thank you for trusting me to answer and I hope this helps. <3 Stay safe!
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puppyeared · 1 year
Hey I’m new to the LMK fandom, why do so many people ship Sun Wukong and Macaque??
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A lot of people like the hurt/comfort potential because of their backstory and because they’re just really good counterparts lol. Macaque even makes a whole play about their past relationship, which is where a lot of that fuel for the ship comes from and the whole “the hero and the warrior were like the sun and the moon” spiel that people love using for shits and giggles. There’s also a really strong enemies to lovers sentiment and i think it’s kinda sweet
Personally, I just really like riffing off the divorced energy. To me, these idiots would rather beat the shit out of each other than make up and I really really eat that up. Not just as a joke, maybe as a way to cope with their feelings like “I want things to go back the way they were but this is all I can do”
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somedaytakethetime · 2 years
Mick Schumacher's hands appreciation post?
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Mick Schumacher's hands appreciation post.
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the-sage-libriomancer · 7 months
can't stop thinking about Ayame. he's such an outlier to the zodiacs in so many ways:
-the only (adult) zodiac member not living on Sohma grounds.
-the only zodiac member who genuinely likes themselves and actively practices self-love.
-the only zodiac member with a sibling in the zodiac.
-the only zodiac member Akito hasn't harmed either mentally or physically (because she can't stand him lmao).
all of it makes him feel weirdly isolated from the Sohma family's trauma and the story as a whole. he isn't under the Sohmas' thumb. he isn't bogged down by hatred or self-loathing. he's never experienced Akito's wrath the way the other zodiac members have.
and it's fascinating to think about how he must've had a completely different experience from the other zodiacs. when he was growing up, Akito hadn't hurt any of them - Shigure and Kureno both had immunity, Hatori never caused problems, and the rest of them were too young or too obedient. Ayame never hated himself, nor did he ever find himself alone and friendless. he moved far away from the Sohmas, started his own business to make his own money, and hasn't had them breathing down his neck in years. he has, for all intents and purposes, escaped the Sohma family and its mountains of trauma completely unscathed.
and you know. i wonder if that's something else Yuki hates about Ayame. that all of the zodiacs have a horror story about Akito - that Rin got thrown out a window and Hatori lost an eye and even little Kisa was beaten half to death, that Yuki himself had to endure years of intense isolation, psychotic episodes, and literal fucking torture at the hands of Akito -
and Ayame never got hurt.
not even once.
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theartingace · 4 months
Did you ever finish that centaur compendium booklet you mentioned a while back?
Not yet unfortunately 😔 it is still technically in progress and it is a life goal at this point to finish it, but i got taken hard by the SAD this year and have been dealing with major work-related burnout so it's been an ongoing negotiation with me @ me wanting to put it together and also life being a knock down drag out recently.
Rest assured as i get back to putting things together it will be my pinned post here!
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awakenthebeing · 1 year
ohhhhh please I wanna know….what does piepoe think about Noisette…..pink creacher solidarity
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I really like to believe they are friends!!!
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