#i appreciate u alot
bepoucorp · 3 months
I've been stalking your youtube and looking at your insp animations playlist... I'm an animator too, you follow me on twitter... you shant know who I am! (I myself would never admit it but I love your content.)
I'm a huge BJ fan and have seen your tumblr and stalking quietly for about 7 months now. I've known of your work for quite some time now! And might I say the style is... oh my god what autism might I gain from just looking at such pretty pictures... (Dwdw I'm 'artistic' and diagnosed my fellow)
looks at your batman design with my autism eyes Also a little birdie told me in my dms that you like plushies and boy I wanna steal your little batman keychain too.
I'm too much of a wimp to expose my twitter account LOVE YOU You probably know who I am anyways but oh welllllllll Twerks the sorrows away am I right? I want to make content from the #bepouverse but I'm too scared my fans will hate me for it because it's my usual content :( I've made tons of HQ designs that feel so bepouverse Harls but it highkey makes me sad that I'm so wimpy that I won't post them because it's not digital art.
Last thing I promise ! ! !
Meatgrinder animation WHEN ? ? / ? OKAY BYE ILY BEEPER
HEYO!! THANK YOU?? SO MUCH!! LMAO! 7 months is sooo so long ago oml... thank you for supporting me!! I love plushies so much and HAHA i wont let you! AND if you ever do post any or if its better in DMs i'd love to see it! (/nf) OH AND maybe... I'm actually looking for something short to work on over springbreak so!! MAYBE!
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superbellsubways · 1 year
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alts below
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original colors with + without noise
+ the lineart lol
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cyborgcatboys · 8 months
hewwo, im gonna be taking a break from tumblr for the next while.
ive come to realize that im on tumblr wayyyy too much bc of my (newly found) ocd so im leaving for a while to try and deal with it (+ other stuff in the op tags)
i'll be back once im satisfied w/ my progress, but there is a chance i won't be back for months, so if u want to stay in contact send me a DM w ur discord or smthn, i'll check them a couple of times in the next couple days, but after that no tumblr at all.
so yeah, byebyes & i'll see u people later hopefully <3
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galacticghoste · 21 days
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superxstarzz · 20 days
the fact that you're doing all this cool stuff at 15 is incredible dude !! you're so cool fr this! I hope you're having fun with it, remember to take a break if you need to, you are awesome :)
heehee thank u sm!!! I have been having a BLAST with this project!!! and honestly it's one of the only things keeping me sane rn,,, (last two weeks of school BLECK) but yeah!! im also making sure 2 take breaks when i need em!!! I uuuuuh learned my lesson about that one the hard way,,, so yeah!! thank you again :DDD
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idrather-bereading · 9 months
If someone where to tell me a year ago where'd be and what has happened in that time younger me would die. If I had the chance to go back and of you people and read kotlc and read pjo and watch all those animes for the first time I would in a heart beat. I'm so glad i met all of you. Yall have been so nice cool. Thank yall sm for a lot of things <3 I probably wouldn't be writing still if it weren't for all my hard work on my oneshots on a03 and everything I've worked on.
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paiirupie · 9 months
I'm crazy. But your crazy good at art and I wish I could just stare at it all day.
WAA TY !!!! :3333
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(Here is Kyo Wright)
Want Just say you Art is improving! And gonna love it. Keep up the good work. :D
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thedogslegart · 1 year
I wanna know more about ur oc Pumpkin 🎃!!
Okay! I don't know where to start but THANKS FOR THE ASK ♡♡♡ I understand this is very rambly and I do not expect anyone to read this shit‼️
Um okay this is nothing information but im noting it anyway thats shes number 4 out of 5 children (3 older brothers and a younger sister) and was born in Texas. She moved away from home in her mid 20s. She always lived in a trailer park so she continued to just moving about every year or so, mostly less than that tho.
This is how she meets dude! They just happen to be in the same trailer park at the same time and, as an animal lover, Pumpkin pets Champ when she walks passed him. She strikes up a conversation with dude....so kn and so forth ig :)
Now I do wanna note that I put her with P1 and P3 and, like i do with alot of my OCs, have slightly different versions of her for each sinareo. For P1, she's more manipulative and co-dependent because if im doing OC X cannon I'm going all out. Part of dude doing what he did was encourage by a shared delusion between the two of them. Pumpkin would also be controlling and angry if dude tried to leave, she's a bad person to him.
When with P3, she's more mellow and independent, she still likes the Dude (loves him really) but she knows they both like to wander and wouldn't be as upset with a separation. This doesn't its all ouppie and kitties, because she will just shy of torture this man in the bed room. I'd say he's into it, but she wouldn't care if he wasn't. There's still a controlling part of her that wants to own her partner.
Small note also, I get P3s whole cannon is complicated, but as far as he states, he had a wife and the events of P2 happened to him. All this to say I think him and Pumpkin had an affair, Dude didn't think she knew about his wife but of course she did. They're always yelling at each other and she would have found out anyway lol.
Anyway, she's encouraged to move out of town before you know. The nuclear bomb. But she loses her trailer. They go to Catharsis. Then another town and another. They just travel for a few years. She's a cleaner, she picks up odd jobs and Dude does what Dude does. Very boring and nothing story lol.
With the interpersonal, Dude does love her and has a loyalty to Pumpkin like he had to his wife. (And also part of that is because Pumpkin treats him kinda bad in some areas, not TERRIBLE! but she's a little mean) that's love to him. He really hates it tho, it sits funny with him and he's kinda awkward around her at times but slowly, slowly he submits and he's all hers >:)
And I said this b4 but her name is not Pumpkin! Ifs a nickname from the Dude, like a pet name. I do have "real" names in him for both of them, but that's for me >:) lolol
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spectra-bear · 1 year
lol ur good buddy
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doggolol · 1 year
good day abh fandom. I have just found out last night that along with the show being available for licensing soon, they released an official pre-release libretto of the show.
it has some changes from the off-broadway script, mainly rewrites and moving/removing of some lines, but most of it is the same AND IT EXISTS!! (and this isn’t even the fully updated one, it was released waaaay back in November)
I kept it between me and my friends for a day but the rest of yall deserve to have this too, so here you go, stage unauthorized productions of the show (/j) and sob your hearts out :)
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superbellsubways · 4 months
hey idk what kinda shit you're going through but you're cool and I love your art, I originally found your blog cause of your sheo/nailsmith fanart but stuck around cause you're just a super fun person
thank you !!🥹🥹🥹 ❤️
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sadiiomane10 · 11 months
you're the best and i know lots of ppl love you on here!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Thank youuu💓
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crystalmagpie447 · 11 months
hugging you rn i may not know whats up but ill give you affection anyway simply bc you need it <3 love ya crystal /p
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gonna make me
luv cry
I luv u /p
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jrheatriz · 2 years
hm. ranboo deciding to do a rushed c!ranboo finale stream is. interesting. based on how they announced it i think they plan on leaving the dsmp afterwards but... like, why do the stream at all then? the lore is not more important than the allegations, and neither is the fans' dedication to it. i'm just not sure why this is the direction they're taking. just leave it all together, write the ending and post it on ao3, or something along those lines. make a bigger point by not streaming on it altogether.
i've seen people side by ranboo and saying they were going to become shooters for him, but. Guys. he's still Doing Lore. on the server. Why?? he's literally still associating with dream that way; we're literally on every other content creator's ass because they're associating with dream still! why is ranboo different? because they're announcing they're leaving? Maybe?? They should have fucking done that in the first place, what's the use of the "c!ranboo finale" theatrics?? JUST LEAVE!!
and what Really fucking tickles me is the fact that people were practically spitting at tommy's feet because it was sooo obvious the finale was rushed to save dream's ass as if ranboo didn't say himself his lore would also be rushed. like Guys. Let me make this clear. I will not be defending ranboo or their decision to have a lore finale, just like i refuse to defend tommy's. I'm not "shooting" for him.
both of them should be leaving, period. whether ranboo is choosing to leave or not, doing that finale is still contributing to giving dream a platform. unless he plans to go all Radio Rebel and say in character "I do not support dream!! he's a groomer!!!" it makes no fucking sense to not put him in the same line of fire as tommy. There is a startling lack of criticism on ranboo for this decision.
if he plans to leave the dsmp after this, good for them. honestly. but i'm just really confused by the decision to do a finale lore stream in the first place.
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achillesunly · 2 years
When you decide to write a nice little fanfiction bc you had one fucking great idea, but you need backbone to write on a subject at least a little realistically,
and then suddenly you find yourself reading articles about how shows work, who comes when, what waiting rooms look like, what's the name of the rolling shit the stylist hang clothes on that you already fucking forgot the name even tho you wrote it YESTERDAY, watching YouTube videos of people from staff explaining what it looks like bts and how it works each fucking event,
You watch documentaries on stars' backstage life, you look up schedules and tours' arenas in each country and city to rank which arena you want for those characters because heh not under 20.000 seats they re not whores and then you scroll on the Wikipedia of producers to know where they come from, what sort of schools they're from,
you search what street in the specific country what building is on, which agency is where, how it's fucking SPELLED, what distance is there between what building to what agency and what neighborhood its called they re in and how much times does it takes to walk those distance and you go on Google maps to look for it yourself on blurry-shitty-non-updated-since-2016-images,
you look up car brands how what car works, you do selections, and you'll end up with a lot of knowledge ab the weirdest and randomest things, if it's electric or not, what the seats are made out of, what colour shade that type of fucking car window is in what room there's left between two people in it, what room there's left between one person and the wheel, then you go look on that stupid site that simulate peoples silhouette with that height and that weight to try and see what's the heigh difference, and you go on university anatomical classes to look for specific body parts name and what muscles does what, and you accept a thousand cookies,
you look up hotels near arenas and stadiums and try to find private shit on fucking Google maps, and listen to crazy fans explaining what the hotels they infiltrated looked like when they knocked staff member unconscious in a dark alleyway behind the hotels parking lot to dress up like them and get inside but you really just wanna know how the stairs looked like and if there was a rail, what colours the curtains of the corridors where in , and your CIA agent thinks you're a fucking creep stalking shit but you're just a sad fuck of a writer,
and you look up names and their signification to make damn PUNS and incorporate SYMBOLISM and you have to create songs titles in a language you don't even speak and at this rate you're going to have to write a whole ass song with zero songwriting experience IN ANOTHER LANGUAGE and youll have to look into producing and how singing works, what notes goes where and youll end up doing a DEMO on a guitar you haven't touched in eight years all because YOU WANTED TO WRITE A FUCKING FANFICTION
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