#mystery mutual
bepoucorp · 3 months
I've been stalking your youtube and looking at your insp animations playlist... I'm an animator too, you follow me on twitter... you shant know who I am! (I myself would never admit it but I love your content.)
I'm a huge BJ fan and have seen your tumblr and stalking quietly for about 7 months now. I've known of your work for quite some time now! And might I say the style is... oh my god what autism might I gain from just looking at such pretty pictures... (Dwdw I'm 'artistic' and diagnosed my fellow)
looks at your batman design with my autism eyes Also a little birdie told me in my dms that you like plushies and boy I wanna steal your little batman keychain too.
I'm too much of a wimp to expose my twitter account LOVE YOU You probably know who I am anyways but oh welllllllll Twerks the sorrows away am I right? I want to make content from the #bepouverse but I'm too scared my fans will hate me for it because it's my usual content :( I've made tons of HQ designs that feel so bepouverse Harls but it highkey makes me sad that I'm so wimpy that I won't post them because it's not digital art.
Last thing I promise ! ! !
Meatgrinder animation WHEN ? ? / ? OKAY BYE ILY BEEPER
HEYO!! THANK YOU?? SO MUCH!! LMAO! 7 months is sooo so long ago oml... thank you for supporting me!! I love plushies so much and HAHA i wont let you! AND if you ever do post any or if its better in DMs i'd love to see it! (/nf) OH AND maybe... I'm actually looking for something short to work on over springbreak so!! MAYBE!
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madame-mongoose · 1 year
so you admit it
you're simping
-Mystery Mutual
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snowberai · 1 year
That's always great to hear. I hope your day goes well berai I hope it's smooth sailing for the rest of the month for you too
- mystery mutual
awww ty mystery mutual! Happy pride month!
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kabukeo · 1 year
hiii!!! idk you feel like you'd be so scary for me to interact with properly </3 but then again I am like that with like. most of my mutuals because they're usually much cooler than me
SORRY I KEEP GIVING DELAYED ANSWERSbut I am the lamest person on earth I promise . I just happen to make some art. Chances are I'm more awkward than you and otherwise an extremely average person. I can't even drive a car. but you are welcome to continue interacting with me through anon and I will continue to affectionately regard you as mystery mutual <3
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sleepipipi · 2 years
How my favorite cutie doing today?
- mysterious mutual
I finally finished a project for a class i had been working on for 3 days straight and presented it and passed the class and came home and celebrated and then passed out. Now I woke up again and my head hurts a little and also my tummy and i'm getting sleepy again...
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sincerely-sofie · 8 months
Part of my writing process is creating pairs of characters in a project and outlining their relationship dynamic, usually giving them a funny little name to describe their general vibes or aesthetic as well. The beauty of writing a Pokémon Mystery Dungeon 2 AU is that with a little tweaking, the character dynamics become absolutely hilarious exploration teams.
So anyways:
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wangxianficrecs · 2 months
The Missing Piece by nununununu
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🔒 The Missing Piece
by nununununu
G, 2k, Wangxian
Part of pine4pine 2023
Summary: Wei Wuxian leaves and the world forgets him. Even Lan Wangji. Except he doesn't, of course. He can't. How could he? Kay's comments: Super fascinating story with a unique premise! Or at least, I've never come across a memory loss curse like this one in MDZS fanfics. In which Lan Wangji pines sadly for someone he can't remember, finding traces and eventually remembering a name. He can't help but search for his soulmate. It's a canon divergence story in more ways than one, with Chief Cultivator Lan Wangji but also Wen Qing and Wen Ning being alive and I really enjoyed the little hints about how this universe is different. The ending was extremely soft too. Excerpt: He aches to remember what Wei Wuxian looked like or the sound of his voice. He aches to reach out and touch those memories that hover ever frustratingly out of reach. For each fragment he unlocks, it feels like so many further missing pieces remain. Wangji speaks with the clan elders about visiting cultivators to Gusu Lan in the past. He speaks with his uncle about the classes his uncle taught: both those Wangji attended and those before and after. He speaks with the Juniors about their friends from different sects, and he travels to the Dafan Wen settlement and speaks with Wen Qing and her brother, Wen Ning. The siblings look at him as if he is not who they expect. Wen Ning’s gaze drifts to one side of Lan Wangji, as if he too is searching for someone missing. Someone who should be there.
pov lan wangji, canon divergence, post-canon, chief cultivator lan wangji, somebody lives/not everybody dies, angst with a happy ending, temporary amnesia, memory alteration, mystery, curses, mutual pining, love confessions, getting together
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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earlgrey24 · 2 months
Tagging @theghostofbean @trz4potttt @chaotic-history @brissot @talcifer-lurks @ptolemaicrevival @marcusagrippa @theromaboo @privateandshamefulvices @starsunderwater to kick things off (no pressure though!)
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
it's less us adopting you and more like a-yuan where you ran up to us in a busy marketplace (tumblr tags/dashboard) and latched onto our legs with vengeance and adopted us into your chaos (but like in a good way)
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Mutually Assured Adoption. We will take to the town and cause havoc
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beachbabey · 1 year
how come you don’t write as much anymore?
because you have to practically beg and plead people to interact with your work and it’s extremely demotivating and makes you question your ability and self worth and I straight up just stopped tolerating it lmao
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aroacehanzawa · 1 month
whats ur beef?
My favourite manga lost the plot so now i cope by being a hater 👍
#long answer is i have beef with the direction that the bsd manga has taken#it only superficially resembles the beloved mystery and character-driven detective agency story with atsushi as the main character#i'm dissatisfied with major developments like killing off fyodor and reviving him and pulling this#PSYCH his ability wasn't what you thought it was. with zero foreshadowing or buildup#because the manga has become full of marvel-movie type plot twists that serve little to no coherent narrative purpose except shock factor#it cheapens the story and it cheapens the development of characters and it cheapens the reader's experience#because we can't speculate and we can't draw connections and parallels and engage with the story on a deeper level#what connections there exist (for example between manga and anime) are shoehorned in after the popularity of the anime and#specific characters (e.g. fyodor who was shoehorned into untold origins in the anime) and mostly the characters who bring in money#i.e. fyodor and dazai and chuuya and their relationships especially soukoku. all this at the expense of characters like atsushi or#the majority of the female cast. who have been MIA for god knows how long and who were barely given frame each in the anime's finale#bsd treatment of its female characters has been subpar shounen level at best and now they're completely sidelined#as with most of the original cast and the original themes of the story. in fact i struggle to identify a coherent overarching theme#for the current arc. other than military action scifi movie go brrrr#compared to early arcs where each chapter had a meaningful message to say about the importance of living and what it means to stay alive and#keep going and why we are fighting to keep important people in our lives and to keep ourselves alive#and what it means to belong somewhere and what it means to be good or bad and how your place of belonging affects that#as a long term reader i just feel betrayed and disappointed. by how a story with complex and vibrant characters has become another#generic cashgrab shounen. and i mourn for the lost potential it had and everything the series has build up#only to have plot points abandoned at a whim.#so that's why i'm a hater now 👍#i know a lot of my bsd mutuals are still big fans of bsd so i try not to be obnoxious about it and mainly keep it comedic#like i don't actually hate the manga. because it's so important to me. and i respect the creators of the manga and anime#but it's frustrating to watch a train wreck in real time. and it's my blog i can hate what i want 😔#sorry if there are typos i wrote all this on mobile and can't edit the tags. i didn't wanna put any of this in the main post
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snowberai · 1 year
Hello long time no see I'm just here to check on too see if your alright and have been getting enough sleep etc
- mystery mutual
I was about to say that i was so proud of myself for waking up in the morning instead of waking up in the middle of the afternoon effectively obliterating my sleep schedule, but other than that i'm doing moderately fine! ty for checking in mystery mutual! ^^'
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petruchio · 6 months
literally any time i read anything on narrative construction im like oh yeah a perfect example of this is how the hunger games does it. like a good story should answer the question of “what does the character want and why can’t they have it” like well katniss wants to save prim and she can’t have it bc the conditions of the oppressive regime make that imposible no matter how much the stakes keep getting raised and that’s the central question the entire trilogy is concerned with and it’s the driving force for every single one of her actions. easy! and perfect. it’s the first line of the book. it’s flawless.
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sleepipipi · 2 years
I would stay here and praise you all day you are just so cute...and maybe i already praised in the dms sometimes so i know how cute you get when you get all blushy 🤭♥️♥️
😳💕😖😖 I ccant help iit😖💕
But also um👉👈 thankyou🥺💕
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redrobin-detective · 1 year
Back to watching Elementary again, another aspect of the show I enjoy is Sherlock’s open adoration and appreciation of Watson both as a person and a fellow detective. I think that’s something that has been lost in a lot of Holmes adaptions - started mainly by the Basil Rathbone/Nigel Bruce movies - of Watson being a comedic foil to Holmes, an inept bungler that Sherlock puts up with.
I feel like even in adaptions that have Holmes/Watson having a good relationship, there is this sense of exasperation coming from Holmes about some of Watson’s behaviors (BBC and RDJ come to mind). In Elementary, once Sherlock accepts and embraces his love for Watson, he never really backs down from it. We rarely see him frustrated with her, and if so it’s because of her actions not personality clashes. He knows he’s weird and obnoxious and adapts to Watson’s habits without making a big eye rolling deal out of it.
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ghost33th · 11 days
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I can't really bring myself to draw at the moment, so here are some of the MLC W.I.P.s and sketches that I've had sitting around, abandoned and otherwise, because I miss these guys.
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