#i apologise if this doesn't sound enough like story
tiny-cloud-of-flowers · 6 months
i have a question for story! how did you and alise meet? and how long did it take for the two of you to trust each other?
"Story": "Oh!~ Something for me?~ Why, you shouldn't have!~ Ahh, I'm only joking, you see~ I would love to talk about my darling girl!~
Oh, my dear Alise.. Yes, of course I recall how we met, so intriguing as it was~ It was not perhaps the first time that our fates had quite been laid out as if to cross..~ But, it was the first time that one of those heroes she had been trying to help made it all the way to me without getting picked off along the journey. I don't even quite remember the finer details at this point. But that's because they are not relevant!~
What I do recall is putting on the usual sort of show, and seeing my would-be foe be unable to even live up to his feeble little title.. Honestly, some days it makes you wonder why I bother, doesn't it?~ Yet, even after he failed so pathetically, a little golden glow kept flitting back and forth, the poor thing..~ Ahh, but her demeanour wasn't quite what I'd expected it to be!~ No, no, it was really rather intriguing, as I said~ She was awfully curious, you see, and- well, whether out of curiosity of my own, or mere boredom, or perhaps even a little whim of Fate - I simply deemed it no small loss to answer a few of her more pertinent questions!~ And from there, well.. it wasn't too tricky to figure out a way to keep her around~ I truly have grown quite fond of her, you see!~ Are you surprised?~
Hm.. That should just about cover your first inquiry, shouldn't it?~ And so then, for your second.. I can't deny that there was perhaps some.. delay, let's say~ My darling Alise was, shall we say, a bit uncertain of how to think of me to begin with~ Quite understandably, given how we'd first encountered one another!~ There was certainly gratitude there, but a good bit of trepidation as well~ It wouldn't be wrong to say that I'd completely turned her world on its head!~ Even still, I at least knew I could trust her from the beginning~ After all, trust is simply confidence that you know what someone is capable of, isn't it?~ And it was quite plain that she would not have had the means to stand up to me, even if she'd wanted to~ I've had to teach her so much more about what she shows to the world, ahaha~
Well, I suppose that answers both of those, you could say!~ I do so hope that this has been satisfying, ahaha!~"
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5h30min · 3 months
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𓉸ྀི Summary: Keeping you away from Satoru wasn't enough, his fiancée wants you out of the family, but she doesn't know what you're capable of doing to keep your loved ones close.
𓉸ྀི Featuring: Satoru Gojo x Yandere!best friend!fem!reader.
𓉸ྀི Warnings: GORE, Yandere themes, blood, violence, manipulation, stalking, gaslighting, angst, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of masturbation, a little (almost no) comfort at the end, no happy ending.
𓉸ྀི Notes: I wrote this in a moment of deep anguish and despair (and jealousy), I've been feeling sad lately, so there will be many more stories like this, and even a smut version of this one. I hope you enjoy reading it and have a lovely day. :)
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A drop drips into the pool of blood under your feet, the wet sound startles you, your eyes move from side to side, your body is on alert. You rub your bloodstained hands on your T-shirt, no matter what you do, how hard you rub, your hands remain dirty. You walk around wondering what you're going to do with that body lying on the ground, but what worries you most is what Satoru will do when he finds out what you've done, after all, the body belongs to his fiancée.
A few hours ago she arranged to meet you in a hurry, you had no idea what she wanted to talk about so urgently, nor why the meeting place was so far out of town, but you went anyway. There was nothing to be afraid of, she was the woman your best friend chose to be by his side, you never misjudged his choices, she seemed like a good person, but she was the woman who took your place.
You arrived before her, the appointed place was an abandoned hotel by the side of the road, if you were a murderer you would surely lure your victims here, you smiled and covered your face, what the hell were you thinking? Satoru's fiancée arrived by taxi a short time later, she apologised for being late and guided you inside the hotel, the place was falling apart, there was moss and a lot of dust scattered around, the vegetation was taking over inside, it looked like a post apocalyptic scenario, but nothing scary.
"We need to have a serious conversation, woman to woman, Y/N." Her voice was rough, at this point you had your back to her and looked over your shoulder, she seemed very nervous, her fists were clenched so tightly that her knuckles were white.
"What do you want with me?" You spun on your heels and arched an eyebrow.
"Oh dear, don't play dumb." She took a step forward and you took half a step back, leaning on your back leg to put yourself in a defensive position in case she wanted to hit you, but it made her laugh. "Do you really think I'd get my hands dirty with you?"
"..." you frowned and sighed. "Look, unlike you, I have a job, two kids and a cat, I'm very busy, you know? So if you're going to bore me, I'm going to leave you alone." You started to walk towards the exit, but she grabbed your arm.
"I know all too well how busy you've been lately." She whispered in your ear, you felt she was too close, so you pulled your arm away and stepped back. "Do you think I don't know about your secret hobby?" She took an envelope out of her handbag and handed it to you. "Come on, open it, I'd love you to explain it to me."
You felt an unpleasant shiver as you took the envelope from her hand. You opened it and inside the envelope there were lots of photos, your heart stopped, they were photos of you stalking Satoru and her. You were always very careful during your stalking time, enough not to attract Satoru's attention, but somehow that woman had noticed. Her face hardened and her expression turned sombre, you had been caught.
"It seems you have nothing to say to me, where's your courage now?" She mocked you. "I'd love to show it to Satoru, but he already knows." You stared into her eyes in shock. "Have you forgotten who he is? Those eyes aren't called six eyes for nothing. He didn't want to believe it, but I showed him everything."
You choked.
"It would be better if you stepped back, Y/N." Satoru's fiancée decreased the distance between you again without you realising, she grabbed your chin and made you look into her eyes. "Satoru doesn't need you and your protection, your children don't need you anymore, even your cat doesn't need you anymore, because I'm going to marry him and take your place." She tightened her grip on your face. "I'm going to be the mother of your children now, you don't need to keep them any longer."
"Shut up..." you grabbed her wrist.
"I'm not finished." She raised her voice. "In fact, you can take your children away, since soon Satoru and I will have one." She smiled from ear to ear and placed her free hand on her belly, a tear trickling from the corner of your eye. "Oh, honey, don't make that face, we know you could never give him a child. After all, you've always just been friends."
Something inside you broke as you stared at her. You knew you'd never be anything but a shadow to Satoru, he could consider you his best friend, but you know you're not worthy of that position, because there was someone else occupying it. When he adopted Toji's children, you offered to help him, so when he announced to everyone that you would be the mother of those children, it filled you with hope, you would have a place by his side that no one could take, you didn't imagine that even that would be taken away from you.
You looked after Megumi and Tsumiki as if they were your blood children, Satoru was your companion, every meal you would eat together like a real family. You went to the children's school reunions with him, you went to graduations, you helped with homework, you even bought a bigger house to live in with the children, you made it your business to keep that family together.
But one day he introduced you to a girl, that's when you realised how insignificant your position as mother to his children was, you congratulated him on having found someone to be by his side, you even pretended to be happy for them, but the hole inside your heart grew again.
You remember fighting with your children when they refused to accept their father's new girlfriend, how upset Megumi was when Satoru took your place at the school's Mother's Day party, how sad your daughter looked when her father's girlfriend started giving her opinions on the clothes she wore. You tried to fit her into the family, but like an extra piece in a jigsaw puzzle, she remained out of place.
It was then that Satoru asked you to stop living in the house you had bought, because it was strange for him now that he was engaged to sleep in the same house as another woman. Reluctantly, you agreed to his request, and the children suffered from your absence, but you still picked them up to spend the weekend at your new home. His girlfriend gradually took your place, pushing you out of the family you had built.
You continued your life as before, but a dark desire for possession began to grow inside you, insidious feelings that you didn't know how to deal with. At first it started with a walk to your old house, you watched your children and Satoru eat, watch TV, play video games and even sleep, but you weren't satisfied with that, so you started following them on dates, trips, to school, to work. It was the way you found to be close to them.
At work, you started avoiding Satoru, ashamed of your double life, but for some reason he came after you several times, apologised for telling you to leave, told you that you didn't have to stay away because you were still his best friend and the mother of his children. But as always, that woman was there to get in the way. Every time he offered to walk you home, she wanted to go along, every time the children asked Satoru to go out with you and them, she followed, you couldn't be alone any more, not even at work, because she decided she had to bring him his lunch every day.
At your last meeting with Satoru, he handed you the wedding invitation, he looked tired and a little nervous, but you didn't say anything, afraid that that woman would turn up if you said too much. He held your hand and said he hoped you would come to the wedding, unfortunately it would be too painful for you to see him marry her, so you told him you were sorry and that maybe you wouldn't be there for him this time. You saw the disappointment in his eyes, but you had to take care of your broke heart. You said goodbye with a tight hug, it was the first and last time he hugged you since he started dating, you left without saying anything and he stayed behind in your living room in silence.
"I told you to let me go!" You pushed his fiancée, your heart was beating too fast, all those memories going through your head like a whirlwind, months of pent-up anger and sadness building up, you were on the edge, about to lose control, but she didn't want to stop. "Go away."
"I'M NOT LET YOU GO!" She grabbed you by the shoulders and shook you. "I'm going to expose to everyone how despicable and disgusting you are, that mask of your beloved mother and perfect best friend is going to fall off, there won't be anyone left of your-."
You slapped her in the middle of the sentence, she opened her mouth to speak, but you slapped her again, and then again, again, again, until the skin on her face cut, you only saw red after that. She took her mobile phone out of her bag to call someone, but you grabbed her hand and broke her wrist, she screamed in pain, her screams were a comfort for the months of pent-up anger.
You grabbed her by the hair and dragged her deeper into the hotel, so you wouldn't risk being interrupted if anyone heard her desperate screams. You threw her against the wall and grabbed a piece of wood that was hanging from the ceiling, then hit her on the head several times, each blow harder than the last. You didn't stop until her face turned into a ball of blood.
You split the breaking piece of wood with your knee and chose the side with the sharpest edge, then turned her body over, you knelt beside her, you didn't know if she was alive or dead, but you still said. "If I can't have a child with him, neither can you." You drove the wooden stake as deep into her abdomen as you could and pulled down, tearing the skin, you put your hand inside her body, then pulled the viscera out one by one, in search of her uterus.
When you finally found it, you squeezed the little organ until it burst in your hand, pieces of flesh oozed out between your fingers, you slapped the rest of the flesh on the floor and stepped on it. You looked at the mutilated corpse with a satisfied smile, your heart began to beat slowly, as if you had just found peace.
Your mind completely erased the bloody scenes from your conscious self. When you woke up from your trance, Satoru's fiancée was already dead under your feet, your hands were smeared with blood, your clothes and shoes too, but not as much as your hands, there were pieces of human flesh on your fingernails. You were scared, you never imagined you'd be able to lose control like that, you tried to blame her for pushing you to the limit, but you knew it would happen, you just didn't know it would be so soon.
Satoru arrived on the scene not long before you lost control, he was worried when he found out that his fiancée had arranged to meet someone in a remote location, but when he heard your voice, he was reassured, but not for long, by the time his fiancée's screams reached his ears it was too late. You turned into a monster in a few seconds, he was paralysed as he watched you beat and tear her body apart.
He didn't know this side of you, you were so kind and loving, always looking after the children and him, you were so understanding that you didn't get upset when he asked you to leave. You were his best friend for as long as he can remember, when his parents died you were the person he leaned on, when the problems at school started you helped him get out of the deep end, you even adopted his children. You made his favourite food whenever he was unwell or in the mood, you waited for him to come home even if it was late, you put the covers on him when he slept on the sofa, you gave him baths when he was too depressed to get out of bed, you were his solace many nights. This monster in front of him was nothing like his lovable Y/N.
He watched you suddenly return to "normal" and how scared you were. He heard you mutter how upset he would be when he found out what you had done, you looked so strange...
You realised that you were no longer alone, your heart began to beat more slowly, you began to make calculated movements, moving around as if you were looking for something to clean up the evidence, but the truth was that you were looking for the spectator. You picked up another piece of wood and were about to surprise the intruder, that's when he grabbed the object and held it tightly, you looked up in surprise, it was Satoru.
"Gojo?!" You dropped the piece of wood and used your hands to cover your mouth.
"Are you going to kill me too?" He looked disappointed, ashamed of what you had done, he let go of the piece of wood and you lowered your head. "Y/N, what have you done?"
"I... I don't know." You lied, you know that his fiancée's provocations pushed you over the edge, but nothing you say will be able to justify the crime you committed. You kept your head down and continued talking, your right hand clutching his hand. "You don't have to forgive me, you can hand me over to the authorities if you want, just please don't leave me again."
Your response was a shock to him, you were giving yourself away, you didn't even try to justify what you'd done, it hurt deep down in his heart.
He was your best friend, no matter who you killed, he couldn't let you be arrested and tried and possibly killed, you were the most important person in his life, his children wouldn't forgive him if he let you be killed for killing his fiancée. It was then that he realised that those thoughts going through his head weren't him, you were inducing him to think that way.
There was a dark secret about you, one that you don't know, but Satoru does. You can influence people with your words, although it's a useless power against curses, with people you have an advantage. He realised this the moment you had your first fight when you were young, he couldn't get upset with you, and a few hours later he was apologising. But manipulation has a side effect: addiction. Despite having built up a certain resistance by constantly exposing himself to your power, he can't avoid those thoughts most of the time, which is why he's never been able to let you go.
This intensified when he asked you to move house and the children began to experience withdrawal symptoms, he himself began to feel the effects and it affected his relationship with his fiancée, several nights he woke up screaming your name, a few times he was caught masturbating to photos of you, his fiancée became increasingly angry, to the point of preventing him from seeing you. But when Satoru started looking for you at work, she came up with a plan.
She told him about you and your walks to their house, showed him the evidence, but he didn't say anything, after all he knew you followed him and the children, but you were an overprotective mum and friend, it was no big deal. Satoru told her he wouldn't find you again, but when she discovered that he had found you in his office during working hours, she decided to go after you on her own. He believed that you would manipulate her too, to remain part of the family, but instead you killed her.
He unconsciously pulls you into an embrace, the barrier that protects him is now covering you too, he puts a hand on your head and curls a few strands of hair in his fingers, playing with them. He kisses the top of your head and whispers that it's going to be okay, he knows it's not going to be okay, not as long as you manipulate him. But for now it doesn't matter, because people who have died can't be resurrected, so all he can do is promise that it won't happen again.
"I swear, Y/N. I'll never make you suffer again." Satoru said softly, increasing the tightness of the hug. "I'll take care of it, okay? No one needs to know what happened here."
You hold him tightly, tears flow from your eyes without stopping, he's still your best friend, your feeling of inferiority increases, he could forgive anything you did and you weren't even able to deal with his fiancée's silly threats, you feel so small and unworthy.
"Yes?" He replies, looking at you.
"Your fiancée said she was pregnant." You say hesitantly, but with your eyes on his face, analysing his expressions. For some reason he looks confused, and that makes you anxious. "She told me I could take the children away because she would have your child."
"If she were pregnant, I'd be the first to know." Satoru knew it was just a lie from his fiancée, but he still felt strange, your motives for murdering his fiancée seemed darker and darker. He only felt reassured when his expression relaxed. "No need to worry, Y/N, I don't want any more children, Megumi and Tsumiki are enough for me."
"Yes, you're right, you never asked me to have children." You don't seem satisfied, so you hold his hands, a dark desire blossoming in your heart. "But it would be nice if we had one." You feel him shudder as you use your thumbs to caress his hands, you look at him with dilated pupils, and he can't look away, his cheeks are red, but you don't know why. "Let's talk about it later, when we get home."
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manicrouge · 5 months
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[𝙰𝚄: 𝙶𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚍!𝚂𝚒𝚖𝚘𝚗 𝚁𝚒𝚕𝚎𝚢 𝚡 𝚂𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚗!𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛] || 𝙿𝚕𝚊𝚢𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝
[𝙳𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝙿𝚘𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚍]: 05/01/24
[𝙰𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝]: Sorry is the siren whose selfishness results in carnage.
[𝙲𝚠]: gore, murder, blood, body horror, angst, character deaths (both major and minor), hurt/comfort, smut, possessive!simon, inexperienced!reader, creampie, hurt and NO COMFORT, mention of the loss of a parent.
[𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝]: 18,536
[𝙰/𝙽]: Since so many people liked the first part (ty for ur support btw i am blown away by all the love ive been getting... it's enough to make a grown woman cry) HERE'S PART TWO!!! I hope it's just as entertaining as the first part and a good continuation to the story, although if you dislike it, just pretend this part never happened. Also this took so long because between writing this I have been watching the cat in the hat (best movie of all time btw).
I had a lot of fun writing this and can't wait for more alt aus !! I think the next think i have planned has something to do with everyones favourite ghost so... keep an eye out for that :3
(Pls ignore any typos I am very tired and really wanted to get this done so if I have made any I do apologise)
Comments are always appreciated !!
If you haven't already read it, I advise you read 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝙾𝚗𝚎 !!
Please don't post my work anywhere else without my permission !!
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There is something in the water.
There's something looking at him. He can sense it, he can feel it, and the feeling of whatever it is makes his blood run cold. Words have been leaving his mouth as he stands upon the ship, his eyes blood red at the very belief that something is there.
Leaning over, he watches as the ship caves into the waves, the village in the distance growing further and further away, the sound of songs and cheers emitting from the belly of the vessel.
Perhaps he's just a little sea sick, that's his excuse for the creeping sense of dread which is climbing up his spine the further he looks into the water, searching for the same set of black eyes that had stared at him that night while he obeyed the Captains orders.
Nausea rumbles his stomach, he feels the urge to grip the side of the ship and expel his guts for he cannot escape the image of that siren. It's as though, even though she is dead and gone (somewhere no one knows), she is still there with him, under his nails, infecting him with a sickly guilt that has caused his pores to ooze, the skin on his lips to crack, and his sleepless eyes to remain bloodshot.
He is rotting from the inside out.
Despite months having gone by, his hands are still slicked with the blood of the bleeding siren. He's scrubbed and scrubbed, and still, the dark red tinge under his nails persists. His hair is wild, flecks of grey sparkling in the daylight as he brings his hands together in an attempt to quell them as they continue to shake.
They're not alone anymore.
They haven't been for a while, yet, they have been none the wiser to it until the discovery of that... thing.
Granted, he's unsure as to whether or not he is grateful for knowing what is in the depths of the sea, or if he would have preferred it to stay a secret.
There is something following the ship, he knows there is something following the ship, whether beside it or under it- it doesn't matter.
He's heard the stories, read too many books in the library to count, and even since the murder of the siren, there has been a different air in the village just as there is at sea. Something is displeased, they are displeased, he knows they are.
'Roland, are you seriously looking for one of those things again?'
A hand is placed in his movement and he jolts, yelping at the sudden contact, his hands wrapping around the beam he has been using to look over the ship. There's a scoff from the man standing behind him as he scratches his beard, looking him up and down before his hands settle on hips hip.
'For fucks sake kid,' he exclaims, shaking his head, 'you're making yourself with the thought of the fuckin' things- have you looked in the mirror recently?'
He’s choking on his words, his tongue seemingly too big for his mouth as he gargles out an incoherent mess. Quite frankly, he would have been better throwing up overboard; at least then man would get a proper response from him. His cheeks are red as he concludes he should keep his mouth shut.
'You should have stayed on land,' he sharply states, 'this is our land, they don't have a fucking leg to stand on out here, right?' asks the man, wrapping his arm around his shoulder, holding his hand out as he points towards the sea with a bright smile on his face. 'One of theirs washed up on our shore, and they didn't stand a fuckin' chance against us.'
Observing the land, he swallows hard at the sight of a small mound of rocks sitting in the distance, tensing in the grip of the man standing beside him.
'She was on land,' he chokes out, resting his forearm against the edge of the ship, resting his head against his arms. The fluid motion of the water slightly rocking the boat side to side worsens his sickness as he sits and attempts to focus on his breathing. 'And she only died 'cause Price fucked up.'
'She only lived for as long as she did because that fuckwit was acting on the orders of the Lord,' says the man beside him, smacking his hand against his back, rendering the other breathless as he heaves for a gasp of air. 'Do I need to go to the Captain and get this boat turned around,' he lowly asks, 'because you're lookin' to be more of a fuckin' burden than anything else.'
Straightening his posture, he lets go of the edge of the shift, rubbing his face with his hands, shaking his head.
Rubbing his eyes, he winces at the dull pain as he does so, 'no, no, you don't... jus' haven't been sleeping recently, that's all,' he explains, 'been worrying about this trip but... I need the money; it's been rough recently.'
'Then get your fucking act together,' snaps the man, 'can't have some stupid mer-freaks scaring you, hey? They've probably left these waters, anyway,' he shrugs, 'they're like spiders; they fear us more than we fear them, and the only thing you've got to be fearful is Donny seeing you in this state, yeah?'
'Yeah,' he nods, noting that they're growing closer and closer to the mound of rocks. 'Need the money for this job.'
'Don't we all,' laughs the man, 'I'm gonna go get a drink, you gonna join me?'
As he looks at the an, he pictures the hot room beneath the deck with one too many bodies crammed into there, all for the sake of getting their hands on some rum. His stomach is burning as bile bubbles. There is nothing worse his mind can conceive at this moment, it's simply a death wish to accept his generous offer.
'No, I'm gonna stay up here; feel a bit sick,' he confesses, 'cause of the long break of voyages.'
Placing both of his hands on his bloated belly, Mike rolls his eyes, letting out a chuckle, 'I will say, strange how trade has been quiet for the past few months, isn't it? Got a village full of hungry people here and they're expecting us to sustain ourselves? That hardly seems culpable.’
'Somethin' to do with the Lords guards. They have more power than good, they do,' snarls Roland, 'think it's okay to demand for cuts of the ships in the water, and for what?'
'To keep you safe it seems,' laughs the man, 'can't have you vomiting into the ocean and angering the big fish, right? Have the village under water in the matter of seconds if you spilled your guts overboard.'
His laughter continues while he keeps his eyes glued on the small island of rocks. Holding his breath, he narrows them as the sun glares down at hm, burning his flesh. Sweat tricks from off of his forehead, chapped lips smacking together as he begins to smile.
'Bet it has something to do with the freak with the skull mask on.... Say, Mike, you ever seen his face before?' he asks with a furrowed brow.
Reflecting for a moment, he rests his hand against his hip, tapping his foot as he looks past Roland, staring into the sea as he contemplates. Resting either elbow on the edge of the ship, he lazily slouches awaiting the answer.
'No, can't say I have, hasn't left the house with that stupid fuckin' thing since he became one of the guards... you reckon it's real?' he asks with a laugh.
'Yeah fuckin' right,' Roland laughs, 'tied to the back of his head with pieces of silk, you really think someone like that has the fuckin' balls t’ kill someone and wear their skull as a souvenir?'
Both of them pause, sharing a look with one another.
Then Mike begins to laugh, Roland not too far behind as the pair of them howl.
His sickness abandons him as the pair of them laugh together. Tilting his back, he keeps his eyes screwed shut as he lifts a leg up, unable soothe the joyous ache in his gut.
'Yeah fuckin' right,' Mike says, wiping his eyes with his chubby fingers, 'he's doin' arts and crafts at...'
His laughter quells.
Even his sharp gasps for air dissipate.
Roland continues to laugh, only, after a few moments of silence, he clears his throat, his breath clawing at the inside of his throat.
He finds the hairs on his arms stand up, the wrinkles on his sickly face appearing as his peeling lips come together while lifting his head to look at Mike.
The elder man is pale, staring blankly past him into the sea.
'What?' Roland slowly asks, staring at the man, a smile tugging at his lips.
Unmoved by his comment, he turns his head to look in the direction where the man is looking.
Sinking his teeth into his bottom lip, he holds his breath as his eyes scan over the area.
There's the depth of the sea, they have passed the rocks he's heard in many account from those who have survived the sirens.
There is nothing there but the sea and the sky.
'Got ya',' chuckles the man behind him, continuing to laugh in the same manner he was laughing in before, 'you really thought I was gonna say that there's a siren there, didn't you? Gotta get them off of your mind, son.'
‘I know,' Roland retorts, 'the skull faced freak really helped... like medicine he is, strange fellow, yet so good for the soul, eh?'
'Good for the soul, but not the wallet,' snorts the latter. 'Wouldn't even say he's medicine, you're givin' him too much credit by sayin' that.'
'Oh?' Roland says, 'then what do you suppose he is then?'
'A witches potion,' he answers.
'Even that seems too nice,' says the spotty man, 'a quacks remedy is more fitting I think.'
The pair of them begin to laugh again, the waves crashing either side of the boat, and with every second they grow further and further from the little pile of rocks, and he finds his aching muscles are soothed.
The bustling cheers of the sailor help to warm his heart and he begins to think that he can stomach some rum.
A drop wouldn't kill a man, that's for sure.
In fact, it'll probably work well to settle his stomach.
'I think I've had a change of heart on the invite,' he says with a smile, 'drop of rum never killed anyone, has it?' he continues on brightly as though he had not been moments away from emptying his guts all of the deck. 'Well, it hasn't yet, at least.'
'That's the spirit,' Mike grins, 'probably help you with that uneasy stomach of yours, know it helps with mine, at least,' he says so while patting his stomach, looking over his shoulder to towards the door beneath the top of the ship where the Captain stands.
The man doesn't even move to address Mike, keeping his eyes set right in front of him, his hat tilted slightly downwards to keep the sun out of his eyes.
Opening his mouth to respond, all air exudes from his lung as he feels an ice cold touch on his shoulder.
Slowly, he turns his head, looking down to the wet patch on his shirt. A short breath escapes him as he notes the webbed hand, nails as sharp as daggers digging through the fabric of his shirt.
'Gonna take more than a quacks remedy to fix your issues,' a soft voice whispers as the hand on his shoulder shifts, and with one fair slash, the skin on his throat is shred as he is pulled overboard.
A gargled scream escapes him.
Writhing against the strong hold, his eyes water as he gasps for air as his body is dragged under the current. Swallowing mouthfuls of blood and water, he chokes out babbled for them to come back, for them to stop as the ship charged through the seas.
Cruelly, the siren holding him keeps him above water as he chokes.
'Don't worry about them,' says the voice behind him, 'water's waitin' for them, a pretty song is too.'
With that, he cries out in agony as your nails are drove into his stomach, the flesh snapping as you drag your fingers through his stomach.
'You helped in her capture,' you seethe, 'you're lucky I haven't flooded the entire fucking town, but if I don't find the man who murdered her, you best believe that entire town is going to drown in the same water as you.'
'T- They'll...' he wretches out, the strength in his kicks calming as his eyes grow heavy, '...kill you,' he firmly states, gritting his teeth.
A loud laugh graces his ears as your grip on him loosens.
'Only if they can swim with a slit throat.'
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ☾ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Blood washes off easily with water.
It's the nails it's difficult to remove it from, and he struggles with all his might as he stands at the edge of the shore, scraping his nails into the sand. It doesn't help at all, though, he still insists on doing so; it's the only time the stain of red is obscured.
The beach is bitter to him these days, and even though his mouth is protected from the elements as he keeps his balaclava over his mouth, he still feels a faint tingle on his mouth as he recalls the moment he spent here with you.
You're difficult to avoid, especially whenever he's passing the beach on patrol. Price has made a point to keep him away from it, placing him next to the Lords house during his patrols. He says it's to make it easier on him, so he's not as distracted while doing an important job.
When he's near the Lords house, his ears ring with the sound of your screaming and crying, and the blood under his nails grows darker.
There's a temptation whenever he's nearing the house; one cut to the throat and he would be dealt with.
As easy as that.
Truthfully, the old man has nothing to do with the issues going on within, but he's clamouring for someone to hate, for someone to blame. The old man made the orders, they could have just let her go, but they didn't.
And then you left with her.
In the morning after Serelia's burial, when he woke to an empty bed, his lungs turned to ice. It was unlike anything he had ever experienced, the feeling of utter despair as he found the pink dress he had bought for you gone along with yourself.
There was no residue of body heat on your side of the bed, he struggled to find anything to even prove you existed as he rushed around the house with wild eyes.
'Sweetheart?' he called, forcing the door to the bathroom open.
The light shined in from the window, though, there was nothing in there aside from the bloody frock he'd helped you remove the night before.
Picking it up off of the ground, he held it out in front of him looking at the drying blood in the fabric. He didn't know why he did it if anything, it only works to worsen his panic.
In the midst of public, eyes are everywhere... what if someone heard your confession to him? What if it was the same someone who hurt Serelia?
He dropped the dress promptly, his hand over his mouth as his face paled at the very thought of you being taken- of you meeting the same fate as the poor siren he'd buried. Only, in the memory, it was your face he was covering with the shabby old white sheet he found in the cabin, and it was your blood on that dress and not hers.
For the next few minutes, he spent them on his knees, gripping the edge of the toilet as he threw up what little he had in his stomach, ridding his body of the last moments he had spent with you.
After the remnants of the pastry he'd eaten before were in the toilet bowl, he suffered through a terrible burning in his throat as his face grew hot as he thought against all urges to throw up anymore. Yet, he failed, a mixture of stomach acid and spit landing in the bowl.
The smell was grotesque, yet, the taste of it was even worse.
His eyes were teary when he eventually forced himself off of the ground, rushing out of the room, quickly changing into his uniform, leaving the skull of his mask in his bedroom, tying the balaclava around his face before rushing out of the door.
People look at him with raised brows, finally able to see the top part of his face, yet, he doesn't care as he sprints through the village, his heart pounding against his chest, hoping that one of the women passing him is you.
The library is closed, you can't be there and he wants to scream as he holds the side of his head, his throat tightening up. How he longed to have the simple luxury of seeing you sat in the library again with a book on your lap. Though, as he peered through the glass of the small building, the space was simply a husk.
Heat climbed up his neck as he heaves out desperate breaths. His skin grew itchy and his blunt nails clawed at the flesh on his neck as he gulped hard attempting to chase after air, to find some form of peace to calm himself.
You left in silence, you left without a goodbye- surely you wouldn't have been so cruel to do so. You would have said something to him, left something for him to let you know that you were okay.
The missing dress is the only form of hope he had, though, the missing dress means nothing; someone could have taken that with you to make it look as though you left on your own accord and not someone else's.
The world is spinning as his breathing quickens, he can hardly make sense of anything around him and he finds himself growing more frustrated by the second. You could be anywhere, he hadn't let you out of his sight for more than a month, and the moment he sleeps with you beside him is the moment you disappear.
After the library, he checked the beach, yet it was clear, not a being in sight, nor a siren.
You were nowhere to be found.
The crashing waves and the grey sky swelled in his head rendering him speechless as he blinks back the tears, clenching his fists as he turned away from ocean, returning back to the village.
When he opened the door to the station, the first face he was greeted with was the both who Price had tasked with the mission of looking after Serelia.
The fool who was sloppy enough to leave her by herself.
'Mornin' Si', you want a tea?' Johnny asked, turning his attention away from Rhys standing beside him.
He doesn't care to respond to the man, instead, he grabbed the throat of the man beside him, slamming him against the wall with gritted teeth.
The man startled in his hold, letting out a loud gasp as Simon's fist around his neck tightens with the intent of only loosening when he felt the bone crunch in his fist.
'You fucking bastard!' he screamed.
Rhys doesn't dare move, weak wretches escaping him as he squirmed in his hold.
A hand grabs his shoulder, 'woah, woah, hey, Simon calm down!' Johnny exclaimed, 'you're gonna kill the fuckin' kid.'
'That' the whole point,' he snapped, 'you let that fuckin' siren die.'
'I- I didn't,' the man managed out.
'You left her alone and she was fucking murdered- this is your fault, Price put you up to it and you left her with no one there to protect her and she died.'
At that point, he could hear the blood in his veins, and had he not been forced off of him by Johnny and Price, he very well would have snapped the kids neck.
Rhys fell to the ground with a harsh gasp while Price stepped in front of him and Johnny kept hold his arms. When Simon stepped forward, Price placed his hand against his chest, shoving him backwards.
'Simon,' warned the man, 'bring it in, I've already got the death of that fucking siren on my case, I don't need another one to account for too.'
His eyes grew blurry as he looked at the man.
'What's wrong?' Johnny asked from behind him, 'whats happened?'
Everything folded in on itself, the cold morning, the absence of you and your dress, the bloody dress on the floor. Everything, every single thing he built with you collapsed, and he was unable to keep it all together as he ripped his arms from out of Johnny's hold.
Looking past Price, he pointed his finger in the direction of the brown-haired man on the floor, clenching his teeth, 'it's your fault she's fuckin' gone,' he seethes, 'all your fucking fault,' he mustered up before storming out the Station, blinking back tears as he returned home, knowing you weren't going to be there.
The beach is bitter now, but the memory is worse.
He doesn't know why he bothers to sit at the beach during the nighttime, perhaps it's in the hope that you'll reappear, or maybe the moon will send him a sign that you're safe somewhere her, and that the only part of you with Serelia is the skirt from the bloody frock he still has in his house.
It's peaceful at night, especially with the waves rolling in gently, and he imagines you're sitting on a rock somewhere, humming a sweet tune, causing trouble as you did so.
Anyone else would have been horrified with the confession, though, as he thinks about the damage that the people in the village have done to you, he wishes you'd flood the entire village and wipe it clean of all the scum in it.
At least then, even if he were to die in the flood, he'd die knowing that it was by your hand and no one else's.
And in his death, the man who he was held back from would also meet the same fate. That's all he's asking for.
Unsheathing the dagger in his belt, he drives it into the ground, dragging it through the grains of sand, taking his eyes from the sea to the deep line he's carved into the sand.
The throat of the Lord or Rhys would be better suited, though, he knows the fate awaiting him if he does something like that.
As he stares at the sand, the crunch of boots against the sand or the creak of a lantern behind him catching his attention though he doesn't turn his head; he knows the walking pattern well... he needs to get lighter on his feet if he's going to attempt to scare him.
'Thought I'd find ya 'ere, Lt,' says the man, walking beside him, not bothering to ask him if he can take a seat beside him. With a grunt, he lands on the ground, exhaling as he looks to the man sitting beside him. 'You've been comin' here since she left.'
'You spying on me?' Simon retorts.
'Seen you while on patrol, actually,' Johnny answers, 'difficult to miss, a big lump of coal you are,' he says with a chuckle, 'ya looked like you needed the company 'cause you've been keeping to yourself for months, and I know ye not typically a man of many words, but you've become a Ghost.'
He doesn't answer him, instead, he drivers his knife further into the sand.
'You gonna tell me what's actually going on, or are you gonna keep it a secret so no one can help you?' he asks, 'I've been thinking about the state of you the morning you nearly broke that kids neck, I've never seen you like that before.'
'You'll never see me like that again.'
'What did the death of that siren have to do with her leaving?'
His knuckles whiten around the knife.
'Kyle told us she was in a right state when Rhys got to the Station that morning. You forced him to keep everyone away from the cabin but the entire village heard her crying,' he explained, 'it was the talk of the town for days after.'
Looking at the man sitting beside him, he fights against the truth.
'The siren was what she was here for, wasn't she?' he asked.
Simon's breath gets caught in his throat.
'I've been goin' over it for weeks whenever I get a spare minute, the carry on out of her, her washing up on the shore out of the blue- not being able to remember the name of where her and her sister were goin' on that ship... none of that was true, was it?'
'No,' Simon answered, 'she told me when we found Serelia, we buried her and in the night she left... or someone took her,' he said.
'You think someone took her?'
'She was screamin' for the entire fuckin' village to hear, Johnny,' he snaps, letting go of the knife as he turns his attention back towards the ocean, 'anyone coulda heard her, including whoever killed Serelia. And I just keep goin' over it.'
He knows he'd never be able to forgive himself if such was confirmed, for what kind of protector would he be if he couldn't have stopped that monster from getting to you?
'What if she just... went back to the water?' he asks, 'that's where she belongs anyway, right? If she got a hold of the girl, she would have went back with her anyway.'
'She didn't say goodbye,' Simon utters.
'Maybe she didn't say goodbye because she knew you wouldn't be able to go,' he shrugs, 'if she woke you in the middle of the night and told you she had to go back home, would you have let her go?'
As he looks out onto the water, he contemplates his question, thinking back to the very night he lost you. He recalls the pair of you lying his bed, how you mumbled one last 'I love you' to him before leaving. Only, this time, you didn't leave without telling him. Instead, you look him dead in the eyes and tell him that you have to go.
Even debating the scenario in his head causes his heart to hurt.
'No...' he begins, his eyes narrowing as he keeps his eyes trained on the water.
It's difficult to see in the darkness, though, the light from the moon against the water highlights something bobbing closer and closer to the shore. Raising to his feet, Johnny looks up at him.
'You see that?' he asks, motioning over to the water.
The blob in the sea dips and raises with each wave rolling in, though with his mask and tired eyes, he's unsure if he's seeing something because it's there, or if his imagination is simply willing it to be sign he has been craving for the past couple of months.
'Aye,' he says, raising to his feet.
The pair stand idly staring at the bobbing blob.
'Whatever it is, it isn't alive,' says Johnny, watching as the man beside him shrugs off his cloak, untying the ribbon of his mask and pulling the balaclava off of his face, allowing it all to fall to the floor.
'Keep an eye on it for me, won't you?' Simon asks, looking over his shoulder, not bothering to wait for a response as he rushes into the water, heading directly towards the mysterious mass in the water.
Wading through the water, his pants grow heavier as his boots fill with water, though, he's uncaring as the water reaches his waist. The closer her gets to the body, the darker he finds the water grows.
'You know what it is yet?' calls the man on the shore.
Squinting, he reaches his hand out, placing his hand against the strange mass, pulling it over so he can see what it is.
Hollowed out eyes stare back at him, the sockets devoid of eye balls as he stares at the corpse a float in the water. It's intestines brush against his knee as though they have a life of their own.
The sight is brutal and in the darkness, he can't quite make out the feature of who the body is.
Grabbing the corpse under its armpits, he turns his head back to shore to see Johnny waiting with eager eyes to see what has been uncovered.
'It's a dead body!' Simon says with a grunt as he pulls the body through the water, leaving a trail of blood behind him as he drags it with him.
From behind him there's a slosh of water, the stammering breaths of the man appearing right beside him as he gawks at the corpse. He doesn't say anything, quite reserved for a man who is looking death in the eyes. Instead, he grabs its arm, helping Simon pull it to shore.
The heels of the corpse dig into the sand as he's pulled back to shore, the pair of them dropping him with a huff. Their clothes drip against the land as Johnny grabs the lantern he left beside Simon's masks and cloak, holding it over the body so the pair of them can grasp what it is they're dealing with.
The torso of the corpse is naked, the flesh of its stomach looking as though some sort of wild animal had gotten its hands on him. Only, its the intent of the cuts that tells him otherwise, his throat hangs open, exposing the top of his spine and vocal cords, loose flaps of skin blowing in the wind as the corpse leaks sea water and blood onto the sand.
As Simon moves his eyes up, he lets out a brittle exhale.
'This is one of the fellas who left on the ship today,' Johnny comments, looking to Simon who simply keeps his eyes glued to the chest of the man. 'Roland...' his words trail as he rips his eyes from off of the corpses face, all to see the very thing that Simon is staring at.
Johnny gulps.
'Your girl capable of doing that?' he says with a raised eyebrow.
In the bloody mess of the man, he finds exactly what he has been hoping to fine since he woke up that morning to find you were gone.
Of course, it could have been a shark attack- something other than the work of your hand, only, the confirmation of life is etched into the body as though it's a stone tablet or a tombstone.
Carved into the chest of the dead man is the word 'murderer'.
Simon smiles at the sight of the corpse, looking out onto the water.
'That's her,' he breathes, looking towards the moon, 'she's alive.'
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ☾ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
The thing is, with humans at least, they're fragile when it comes to pain.
When something seems out of the ordinary, they're inclined to shit themselves and become a crying blubbering mess, begging for mercy as though it is them who are innocent when they acted with the intent of taking another's life.
Even the strongest man cowers when they're forced to encounter something unknown, and you rejoice as you blood at the bloody man on his knees before you.
The curse of the moon never truly left you, still tied to the humans upon leaving the water, and while you have a prolific distaste for you can no longer join the sirens upon the rocks, it works well when the ship is driven into rocks and one of the men manage to scramble to the shore.
He thinks he's safe until you walk from out of the water.
The tides turn and the small smirk on his face disappears as he realises you do indeed have legs and can walk right up to him. Either way, he's a fool to possess such smugness, a song from the water would have drove him right back to you anyway.
'P- Please, please, please, I- I'm sorry, what do you want? I'll give you whatever you want, you want money?' he chokes out, holding his hands out in front of him.
The blood of his friend you plucked from off of the ship mingles with the sea water as he trembles in the cool breeze.
Some dry patches even stick to him, a clump of congealed blood sticking to one of his eyebrows. Trebling hands dig into his pockets as he holds out a handful of golden coins.
You think of Simon briefly, smiling to yourself as you recall the soup you attempted to made with the golden coins he had given you. How you basked in the light of his home eating the slop in the bowl, but none of that mattered because the pair of you had each other.
And then your mind falls to the dress he gifted you.
The dress you left on the bathroom floor, the dress you ripped to leave a piece of yourself with Serelia, the dress stained with her blood.
Raising your hand, you slap the money out of his hands, the coins landing with a hollow thud onto the sand of the a small cove. 'I don't want your money,' you snap, grabbing his shirt, pulling him to you with gritted teeth. 'I want you to answer my question, and if you dance around it, I'll cut you from gut to gullet and let the sharks eat the rest of you body.'
'Of course, o- of course, anything, I'll tell you anything you want to know,' shudders the man, tears flowing freely down his wrinkled face.
Edging closer to him, your face is right in front of his, you can smell the booze on his breath as he sniffles, looking at you doe eyes.
'Who killed the siren you captured?'
He looks at you, opening his mouth as he stumbles and trips over the words leaving his mouth. All attempts to form words are lost to the panic he works himself into as he attempts to think of an answer which will satisfy you, yet keep whoever is guilty safe.
Your grip grows tighter on his hair.
'I- I don't know, I don't know, I'm sorry,' he sobs, 'please- please—'
Shoving him back onto the ground, you turn away from him, clenching your fists.
His sobs simmer as you look back to the water, taking a moment to contemplate his response. And, you find that you don't like what he has to say, in fact, you fucking despise it because you know for a fact he is full of shit.
Turning sharply on your heel, you look at the man, taking a breath before bringing your hand across his face. He falls with a huff, his face pressing against the sand as he lets out another pitiful cry.
'Wrong answer, try again,' you demand, leaning over, grabbing a fistful of his greasy hair, pulling his head up. Your breath ghosts his ear as you speak through clenched teeth, 'who killed the siren?'
'I- I heard whispers around the village!' he blurts, 'they said that whoever it was was smart and no one suspects them of it... b- but I know it wasn't the man you murdered.'
You let go of his hair.
The only people who knew where Serelia was were the Guards of the village and you know Simon would never have done something so brutal. Price cares too much about his duty to do something so horrible, even though to him, you're sure her death was much more of an inconvenience then it was a heartbreak.
Your mind aches as you go down to Johnny and Gaz. Why would they do something so cruel? As much as you despise their kind, you struggle to see why they would bring harm to her. It wouldn't make sense- even Gaz told you he would have freed her if their hands were
And then your heart stops.
Confirmation is the one thing you have longed for since returning to the sea, the one thing your sisters have wanted for the longest time. You looks at you with wide eyes, stammering out whispers as you release your hold on him.
The entire time you thought she was safe, she was in the hands of her murderer.
Your self indulgence and brief romance cost her her life.
Placing your hand against your forehead, you pace back and forwards in front of the man.
'The boy who Price hired to make sure she was safe,' you mumble to yourself, wiping your face with your hand. How could you have been so blind? Word never got out about her being anywhere, he never went home that night... he disappeared and Gaz couldn't find him that morning.
He was getting rid of the evidence of his crime and he succeeded.
Walking down the sand, you ignore the calls of the man as you return to the water. There's nothing around, no land, no safety, simply just a small cove a lot of soldiers don't account for until it is, fortunately, too late.
'Hey! Hey! You can't leave me here!' screams the man as you walk further into the water. 'I'm going to die out here! There's nothing around here, please, I told you what you wanted, how some mercy.'
Stopping in your tracks, you exhale, peering over your shoulder.
'This is mercy,' you briefly answer before walking into the water, disappearing out of his view for good.
Even under the water his screams travel though you don't care to show any form of kindness as you move away.
He deserves his death for his attempted lie, and you also find anger bubbling for you know what you have to do because of his confession- something you have been escaping for a while.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ☾ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
They work well on the side of the law, they stick to it as much as they can, though, when the pair of them shared a look while on the beach, they both knew what they had to do.
The breeze is gentle as the move the body further up the beach, occasionally turning their heads to look upwards in the direction for any sign of life as they do so.
Roland's intestines drag along the shore, his body leaking blood and water, leaving a gruesome trail behind the pair of them. Fortunately, the water will wash any trace of gore away and it will be as though he never existed in the first place.
'Why has she decided to pop up now?'
'First ship at sea for months,' he states, 'I'm surprised she hasn't tried to drag the entire village underwater with how torn she was.'
'What did you do with the girls body?' he asked, 'had Price choked up as he tried to explain to the Lord where the body disappeared off to, as far as he's concerned, there's no such thing as sirens cause he hasn't seen it with his own eyes.'
The old Lord is stubborn in his ways, that the pair of them know well enough not to bother questioning his reasonings. Upon his return, Simon recalls the look of upset when Price had to inform the man that they, as the guards of the village, failed at their duties. The body of the siren was nowhere to be seen, and he had to stand and watch as the Captain was subject to a brutal scolding, knowing well where the sirens body had disappeared off to.
It was unfair of him to do that, risking John's position all to keep the burial ground sacred and untouched, but he was still bruised and bleeding from the events that had taken place that night and the morning following.
All he can think about while standing in the room was the look on your face, how your bottom lip wobbled as you laid the fabric of your cherished dress upon the deceased girl, not bothering to consider your love for the item on your body, rather, the love you had for the woman lying in the ground.
Nothing was worth destroying that moment. Nothing.
'Buried it,' Simon answers, 'she's buried at the top of the cliff, just past the Lords house,' he says, setting the man down on the ground as they edge closer and closer to a small cove beneath the cliff, looking up at it.
'Lookin' over her home, ey?' Johnny asks with a small smile, 'her idea, I'm guessing.'
'It was mine, actually.'
'Didn't know y' were the sentimental type, Lt,' he comments with a smile, 'didn't know y' even had a heart.'
'I do,' Simon retorts.
'Yeah... a cold one.'
He doesn't miss the way the latter rolls his eyes.
'Wouldn't be sayin' that if she was here with you right now though, would ya?' he laughs, taking a breath before the pair of them continue to move the body. 'No, I can imagine y' now, all loved up. Thought of it makes me sick.'
Simon fights off the urge to scoff.
'Just say y' jealous, Johnny.'
'Oh, I am so jealous. I wish I had you to fall asleep to every night,' he whispers, his eyes moving from Simon to the body in their arms, 'cause, if that were the case, we'd be in bed right now, not carryin' a dead body, which your siren girlfriend mutilated, to hide it in a fuckin' cave,' he huffs, the darkness of the small cove swallowing the pair as they walked into it.
'These are typical activities for couples. We'd still be doin' it.'
Johnny doesn't bother to respond as the pair of them move further and further into the beast belly. 'Y' sure no kids gonna stumble across this corpse; he's gonna start to smell.'
'Tides rolling in tomorrow morning, not goin' back out until night,' Simon says, 'he'll be dragged back out to sea before anyone else gets to him.'
'Well, I hope y' right; if not, your girlfriends gonna be in a lot of trouble when the people in the village find out about this,' he says, finally relieving himself of the duty when he feels Simons hands slipping off of the body.
It lands in the wet sand of the cove with a wet splat, and the pair of them stare through the darkness, Johnny lifting his foot to find where exactly they placed the body.
'You think she's gonna come back?'
'Didn't dig her nails into him to for fun, Lt,' he answers, 'I reckon she'll show her face soon.'
Whether it is a few days, or even weeks, he doesn't care.
'I hope so.'
As long as you find your way back to him, the knowledge of you living is enough to soothe his weary eyes.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ☾ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
The sisters of a siren are fierce and loyal, even when your tongue burns as you speak to them of the events which had happened during your time on land.
You suffered similar hardships to Serelia, at least, they're convinced you did.
So, as you address the group with blown eyes drawn to the surface, explaining your reasoning as to why you should tread the land, to go back into that village, you're hardly surprised when their looks change as they address you.
Motive is of importance and you wish to solve the case, to bring justice to the woman buried on the cliff edge.
But, selfishly, you're also wishing to bring justice to a man who you wronged.
'Return to land?' a voice barks, 'you will do no such thing; the last time one of us went on Land, her life was taken from her cruelly, I'm not allowing that to happen to you, not at all,' she continues.
You stare at her, looking around at the other disapproving faces which surround you. There's still a void where she would have sat and you feel your lips pulling down into a frown as you stare blankly at the space beside the woman who holds her pointer finger up at you.
'It's irresponsible, you'll get yourself killed if you do that.'
'I finally have confirmation of which human killed Serelia, Raithe,' you respond, rubbing your face as you turn your eyes from the empty space to the angered siren. 'I can kill him, I will kill him, but I need to be on land in order to do so.'
There's a brief silence between yourself and the ground and you feel your chest tightening as you observe all their faces. While stoic, you feel as though the sea is pressing all its weight down onto you in an unlawful attempt to drown you.
Though, in the eyes of unhappiness, you find that you would be thankful if the sea had such a mercy on you.
'I don't understand why we never lead the entire village into the sea,' another siren says, batting her blonde eyelashes as she looks at you, 'would've have gotten this over in a second. We kept our silence up in the first place because they never got as far as killing one of our own, but they captured her and held her as a prisoner- they held you as a prisoner too,' she continues, 'why are you showing them mercy? They deserve to drown for their crimes.'
You pale at the thought of committing such an act against the village.
'Because...' your words trail as you take a harsh breath, sinking further into the current, 'there are children in the village- that's not who we are.'
All of them raise their eyebrows in your direction and you feel small as they do so. Your shoulders touch the lobes of your ears as your entire body tenses.
'That not who you are, not anymore at least,' Raithe scoffs, narrowing her black eyes. 'You've gone soft.'
'No I haven't,' you refute, 'I- I just—'
'She's in love she is,' another speaks, pushing through the water, moving behind you to grab your shoulders. Pushing you closer to the group, her grip tightenings as she forces your neck to the side, the base of her nose ghosting your flesh as inhales your scent.
You freeze as she does so, the only saving thought being the fact that you haven't been held by Simon in months.
Her sharp nails press against the flesh on your stomach, her eyes narrowing as grabs your face, forcing you to look at her.
'Tainted, you are,' she says, 'look in her eyes, look how she moves, you're protecting the very humans that killed our sister,' she accuses, the looks on the others faces hardening in your direction.
'You don't want to go on land for revenge, you want to go and see whoever you were with during the time you were supposed to be searching for Serelia,' Raithe exclaims, 'you are just as much of a monster as those humans are, you wicked little witch!'
'No, no I'm not,' you quickly blurt.
'Then we flood the village; they're all guilty of murder because they helped take her in the first place,' answers the black-haired woman simply.
With beady eyes you look at her, and when a tight-lipped smile appears on her face, you feel the sudden urge to vomit.
You sense betrayal burning in their beings and have an overwhelming desperation to be away from them despite the ties of blood that keep you bound as sisters.
You're released from the hold of the siren behind you all for your face to be caught with the hand of Raithe. Keeping her webbed hand against your face, her grip tightens on you, nails digging into your cheeks as she grits her dagger-like teeth at you.
You squirm in an attempt to escape her hold, yet the only thing you achieve as you do such is forcing her nails deeper.
'You chose your side even before this meeting,' Raithe seethes, 'you chose it when you let Serelia die, you chose it when you lied to us because you are in love, Amalise is right,' she laughs, shaking her head. 'You love a human, how can you be so sure they wouldn't do what they did to you what their kind did to Serelia?'
'B- Because he isn't like that,' you cry, 'he isn't like that, he took care of me, he did everything he could to make me happy and he helped me bury Serelia.'
Your eyes grow wide as you realise the confession that accidentally slipped past your lips.
You don't miss the collective gasp, nor do you miss the feeling of Raithe's hold on you loosening, pulling away from you completely.
'You buried her?' Amalise asks, 'you buried her on land?' her tone raises as she clenches your fist.
'I couldn't have—'
You're struck with a razor sharp hand.
Her claws tear the flesh of your face as you're thrown through the current.
For a moment, you're much too dazed to realise what has happened until your grabbed by the throat.
'How fucking dare you!' Raithe screams, 'you lied to us a- and you buried her on land away from us so we cannot visit her? You are no siren, you are just as monstrous as those humans.'
Her fist tightens around your throat, specks of darkness appearing in your eyes as you attempt to pull her hand off of you. Your nails dig into her flesh, but she doesn't budge.
'You wish to be a human so bad, right? That's what you want, you're burdened by being one of us because if they knew, they would kill you because that's who they are.'
'N- No,' you choke out.
She edges closer to you.
'I don't believe you,' she utters, looking over her shoulder, 'I say she returns to the land, let her human have her,' she suggests, addressing the other sirens.
Much to your horror, they nod in agreement.
Raithe turns back to you, cocking her head to the side as she narrows her black eyes. 'You can be there to witness his death when we lead him to the sea,' she firmly says as you weakly writhe, blood pouring from the slash on your face, a tingling washing your entire body as your hands on her wrists falter and the world begins to grow dark.
'See if he still loves you with a ruined face.'
A final wretch escapes you before you're forced into darkness, leaving the world behind with the disapproving look of Raithe being the very last thing you see.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ☾ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Patrol around the village these is quiet, and while he enjoys the silence most of the time, he can't help but hate the silence he's plagued with as he's walking around the dark streets.
No matter where he walks he can never escape the sound of the crashing waves. Typically, he enjoys the sound of the water, of the gulls squawking as he passes by the beach, only, ever since uncovering the body of that sailor, he's found the sound only takes him back to the leaking body parts and hollow eyes.
In his time he has seen a lot, yet, that truly takes the cake.
It's for a good cause, Simon knows the implications of the siren attacks and if word got out to the village folk, it will sure be difficult to fix. Their silence has been in their favour as he hardly hears mentions of Serelia in the village anymore, yet, he knows the fear is still there for a lot of people.
Like a criminal, while on patrol, he cannot help but return to the scene of the crime, watchful eyes looking over the shore in search for blots of blood.
It's difficult to know why he is doing so; as far as he's concerned, no one knows what the pair of them did, and truthfully, if someone does stumble across the body, he is fine.
No one suspects a guard, the protector of all.
Sea foam coats the bottom of his boots as he mindlessly wanders further down the beach, his tired eyes looking up towards the moon sitting in the sky. Despite the clouds blocking any stars from his view, the moon makes sure to make her presence known.
If he weren't so tired, maybe he'd acknowledge the red tinge marking her surface.
'Hey you,' a voice hisses.
He stops, snapping his head to look around, his forehead wrinkling as he spies a woman a few meters away from him sitting in the water.
Upon first glance, he straightens his posture, preparing to scold the woman for being so careless, walking out into the water alone in the dead of the night.
Then, the water around her shifts as she lifts her tail up from out of the wind, the moonlight catching the green tinge of her scales.
'Bloody hell,' he blurts out under his breath.
Before him lies a woman with thick, long black hair.
She kicks her tail up, resting her arms around the ground as she stares up at him with wide, black eyes, offering him the best smile she can muster. Her teeth are as sharp as knives and she trails her tongue over the points of them as she grins.
'Come closer,' she requests.
'Ye gonna kill me, lassie,' he responds, 'I know ave got a fun haircut, but am not that stupid.'
The woman scoffs.
'I'm asking you nicely,' she sharply states, 'walk away and you'll be right back in the water with the sound of a song, so I advise you do what I'm asking of you and come closer.'
She grows as cold as the wind as she stares at him, her brows furrowing as she looks in his direction.
Goosebumps form on his skin, and while his head is telling him to do anything else, he relents to her demands, slowly moving closer to her.
The water touches his boots as she sighs, pushing herself off of her stomach, rolling the water with a bright grin, lifting her head to look at the man with a giggle.
'Oh, you listen so well, who would have thought a human would be obedient,' she chuckles, allowing her webbed hands to fall above her head, merely missing the edge of his boots. 'I've got something for you,' she claims.
'A death sentence, perhaps?'
'There was a girl in this village a while back... few months ago now, looked as you did, with your legs and your gill-less necks, but she wasn't true to you, nor your people for she was a siren.'
His eyebrows raise upon her words, and she laughs harder.
'Oh so now I've got your interest now... I don't suppose you're the lover she had while she was on land, are you?'
'Do you know of the man who she loved?'
'Aye, he's my friend,' he says with a nod, 'you know where she is?'
'I have her with me, some of my friends are keeping hold of her,' she explains, 'but... we've been having a talk, you see, and she no longer views the ocean as her home, nor does she view us as her sisters; she has been tainted by your kind.'
Her face contorts in a horrific manner as she pokes at the tips of his boots. Though, he doesn't move, knowing better than to sacrifice the happiness of Simon for the sake of his own safety.
The man needs this- he needs you back.
'I'm a woman of morality and I am not going to force her to stay where she doesn't want to be, and quite frankly, she is no longer one of our own- rather a traitor to her own kind,' she says, sitting up from off of the ground, looking out at the sea, 'so, you can have her, let her seek out the man who she loves.'
Everything she's saying seems too good to be true.
As he looks away from the woman, two more heads appear above the water, though they are that of shadows as they move forward. As the move closer and closer, the black-haired woman reaches out with greedy hands, and from out of the water, she plucks you, pulling you up the shore with a grunt.
In the moonlight, he catches the brutal gash on your face, how you tale shimmers in the moonlight before it melts into the sand, dissipating in a crude shimmer as you're pushed to him.
'What have y' done to her?' he asks, rushing towards your unconscious form, shrugging his jacket from off of his shoulders, using it to cover you.
'She isn't dead,' answers the black-haired woman, 'that would have been too kind,' she barks out a laugh, watching as Johnny takes you into his arms, staggering backwards from her. 'No need to fear us,' she gently coos, 'at least, not yet.'
He doesn't care to listen a second longer as he looks down to the deep wound across your face, rushing across the beach towards the steps which lead back into the village, the cackle of the siren booming.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ☾ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Nighttime is quiet now.
Whenever he isn't working, he's only plagued with violent desires and ideas, tossing and turning on the sofa, curtains drawn so the moon cannot see him.
His feet hang off of the sofa, a dull ache in his spine as he lies in darkness, unable to sleep.
Tonight is particularly difficult as his heartbeat thumps against his chest and he finds himself tossing and turning at the very fact that, the night before, he got the confirmation he has been longing for for months.
You're alive.
Only, after a while of joy, he finds sadness lurks beneath the realisation as Johnny's point of you returning to the water very well may be true, meaning you left him willingly.
Your absence is cruel in that sense.
He's staring at his skull mask, slowly dozing off as the pounding sound of fists against his door tear him from his dazed state. They're eager, quick and desperate. If they knock any harder, they very well might knock the door down.
With a snarl on his face, he pulls back the thin sheet drawn over his body, marching up to the door. From beyond it, he hears pants for air, not missing a thick accent uttering, 'c'mon bonnie, you're fine, yeah?'
Immediately, he grabs the handle of the door, forcing it open with a hard pull.
The knocking stops as Johnny looks up at him with wild eyes, shoving past him with a body in his arms, rushing into the living room. For a moment, Simon keeps his eyes trained on the now empty spot where he was just standing, a short breath escaping him as he recalls the familiar colour of the hair.
Slowly, he closes the door, listening to the ragged breaths of the man, turning to him with his stomach in knots. He watches as you're placed down onto the couch, air escaping him as he notes the red stain in the mans white shirt as he turns his attention to him.
'It's her, Si',' he says.
Simon doesn't move.
'Some siren was sittin' on the beach, she gave her to me, said she'd betrayed her kind- that she's no better than us,' he explains, moving away from the sofa to the bookshelf, his hand patting along the wood in hopes of uncovering the box of matches he's spied a few times.
Moving over to the sofa, Simon reaches his hand out to you, resting it down on your shoulder. You're cold to the touch, the scent of sea water filling his nose as he hears the scrape of a match and the crackle of a wick.
An orange light is cast over your being as Johnny stands beside him with a candle in his hand.
From out of the darkness appears a crude claw-like mark on your cheek, blood dripping from the harsh gash down onto your bruised neck.
'What the fuck did they do to her?' he asks through gritted teeth, tearing at the fabric of his own shirt, kneeling down beside you, pressing the fabric against the cut on your face.
A noise escapes you when he does so, and he feels a heat bubbling in his stomach.
'You're okay, sweetheart,' he utters gently, keeping a firm pressure on the wound.
'I don't know,' Johnny answers, 'pulled her out of the water and gave 'er to me... said they don't want her anymore.'
Blood soaks into the fabric of his shirt as you stir.
A moan escapes your mouth, and as your eyes slowly open, you're aware of the agonising pain emitting from your cheek. Then follows the feeling of a familiar sofa, the sound of familiar voices and the warmth of a familiar hold.
Opening your eyes, you're greeted with the sight of Simon in the candle light.
Despite the bags under his eyes and the addition of a few pink scars on his face, he still looks as glorious as he did the night you left him.
'Simon?' you choke out at the sight of him.
You catch a shift in his eyes as he looks at you.
'I'm here, love,' he gently says, 'you're safe; I've got you.'
You can be there to witness his death when we lead him to the sea.
You hear her voice, her cruel tone, and the coldness of her words flood through your veins, fighting off any ounce of warmness from Simon's reassurances.
I shouldn't be here.
In the blink of an eye, you're sitting up and his hold is removed from off of your face as you scramble to the other side of the couch, wincing as a harsh dizziness floods your senses and the desire to vomit springs upon you.
'N- no, no, no,' you quickly say, lifting your head with narrow eyes, pulling the fabric of Johnny's coat against your bare body as you look at the two men with teary eyes. 'How... why, why am I here? How did you get me here?' you ask in a panicked tone.
Simon looks to Johnny and Johnny looks at you.
'There was a siren on the beach—'
'Who?' you snap, 'what colour was her hair?'
'Black... bonnie, are you okay? What happened?'
'I can't be here,' you ramble, 'they're gonna do something bad, they're gonna do it all because of me and- and I—'
You begin to cry.
'I can't be here, you've got to let me go,' you beg, attempting to raise to your feet, all for the dizziness to keep you down. 'Please, please!'
You feel as though the world is ending.
Unable to escape the horror of the words expressed, you fight against yourself and the urge to spill your guts all over the floor of the living room, your tears seeping into the wound on your face.
Simon moves closer to you, placing his hand against your knee, looking up at you with teary eyes.
Reaching out your hand, you rest it against his cheek as more tears flow freely, letting out a hiccup upon being graced with the warmth of his face.
'I'm sorry,' you cry.
Placing his hand over your own, he shushes you, 'we'll talk about it once you've told us what's happened, alright sweetheart?' he asks gently, 'what happened?'
His calmness in the face of horror is unnerving, and as you look in his eyes, you spy a darkness in his eyes. You wish to be in his arms, but your temper keeps you from fulfilling the urge as you press your trembling lips together, wincing as you swallow.
'They know,' you say, looking at Simon, 'they know about you,' you choke out, 't- they think I'm a traitor and they want you dead- they want to put the entire village to death for what happened to Serelia.'
His hold tightens on your hand.
'Why didn't you want the same as them?' Johnny asks, 'very well could have put the entire village under water if y' willed it.'
'Because there are people here who don't deserve to die,' you sniffle, 'there are innocent people here a- and it isn't fair to punish them for the violence of someone else's hand,' you explain, 'they're blinded by their rage, and if I were without experience, I would be too.'
You curse the part of you which still sympathises with the people who cast you out, though, you know enough to understand who the true villain is. Not the sirens, not the humans, rather, the ignorance of both sides refusing to see the perspective of the others.
And here you are, attempting to piece together a bridge.
The pair before you don't speak and you feel your heart beating quicker as you look into the eyes of the lover you abandoned many moons ago. You spy betrayal in his gaze, though his anger is not directed towards you.
'They're gonna lead the entire village underwater,' you breath, 'I don't know when they're going to do it and I don't know how to stop them when they finally do decide they want to do it,' you say, your eyes welling with tears.
'Oh love,' Simon exhales gently.
'We won't let anythin' happen, lass, y' have my word,' Johnny reassures.
You suppose he wants you to find comfort in his words, yet, his enthusiasm only works to bruise you further; you know there's nothing either of them can do, not against the call of a siren.
'I offered to go back on land,' you whisper, 'I told them I could do it; we finally got the name if the man who killed Serelia.'
'This have somethin' to do with the man y' massacred?' Johnny asks.
'I was following the ship because I recognised him,' you answer, recalling the tone he carried while talking about the man in front of you.
Even if he hadn't been responsible for helping in her capture, you still would have been taken from off of the boat.
'He was one of the people who carried Serelia off of the beach. He deserved what became of him.'
To regret would be to forgive, and you will never forgive a man who did something so terrible.
'We crashed the boat, all but one died, and I asked him if he knew who did it. He told me he didn't know who, but he had an idea of who did it; people around here know that whoever it was is close to the guard.'
Both Johnny and Simon share a look.
'Y' not saying you think it's one of us, are you?' Simon asks, to which you quickly shake your head.
'No, no, I know neither of you would do that- not even Kyle or Price would stoop that low... it's the one who was supposed to look after her, Si'. It was the one who told us she was dead that morning.'
The silence in the room is deafening.
Simon's hand moves away from yours as he slowly begins to stand up, his eyes falling back to the staircase. 'Rhys?' Johnny says, his eyes blown, 'he said he liked her.'
Your eyes stay on Simon's as he clenches his fists, the mellow look which has been on his face since he saw you melting off. Trailing his tongue across the inside of his mouth, you gulp thickly viewing his anger.
'I'm gonna fuckin' kill him,' he coldly says.
It's not a threat, rather, a promise.
Neither you or Johnny say anything, instead, the pair of you share a look before your eyes fall back to Simon who is already making his way out of the living room towards the staircase.
If you speak now, you fear the repercussions of stopping him from doing what he's set his mind on doing; while you never saw anything during your first time on land, you're not unknown to the truth of who he truly is.
'Simon,' you blurt out, unable to fight against your thoughts as you look up the stairs.
He stops in his tracks, heaving out a heavy breath before turning to you. You can hardly make him out in the dim light as he moves, devoid of all the light which makes his so ethereal.
Still, in the light or darkness, he's still the man who holds you heart.
'D- Don't act on that anger now,' you quietly say, 'the only way of saving the village from them is to give them what they want... if they want Rhys, they'll want him alive, and if they don't want me, then I'll stay here,' you say through a laboured breath.
Your heartaches at the thought of leaving your home, leaving the grave of your mother abandoned for all the others to swarm. But, if they so willingly cast you out, then, you suppose they were never truly family in the first place.
'Just... stay with me tonight, yeah?' you ask, 'don't want you to do something harsh when you're not thinking straight; he'll get what he deserves, just not tonight.'
You hear him shift as Johnny sets the lit candle down onto the stand beside the sofa. 'She's right, Lt, can't be doin' something that will keep you away from your bonnie; been away from each other long enough, hey?'
He moves away from the darkness, coming back into the light. You offer him a smile as he places his hand against your shoulder with a short nod. Placing your hand over his, you melt into his hold. Johnny looks at the pair of you with a smile on his face.
'We'll sort out a plan in the morning about what we'll do,' Simon says, 'figure out how we're gonna get him to the sirens, and if they agree with the deal, then we'll offer him up and forget this entire thing ever happened.'
'Aye,' Johnny says with a firm nod, approaching the door, 'make sure y' get her cleaned up, I'll meet the pair of you at the bakery tomorrow,' he continues, pulling the door open, looking over his shoulder at the pair of you.
Simon nods his head. 'Affirmative.'
As the man disappears into the night, the door closes with a click, and for the first time in months, you're finally alone with the man. You don't miss the breath that escapes him, in fact, you grow cold at the sound as his hand leaves your shoulder.
'Need to get you cleaned up,' he abruptly says, 'we can talk about everything once I know you're okay, yeah? You need to get cleaned up before anything, c'mon.'
Your teeth sink into your bottom lip and you fight against the urge to defy his request. Though, recalling the grey bags under his eyes, you find you're raising from where you're sitting. As he said, you can talk about it later, and for now, you find yourself thankful that he simply wants to enjoy your company.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ☾ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
'I'm sorry,' you whisper as soon as your head hits the pillow. Oddly, as you watch the man move in the moonlight, it's difficult to even process the fact that you have been gone for so long.
Your hair is slightly damp your bath, and while the wound on your face feels as though it has its own heartbeat, the dressing covering it keeps it from weeping freely.
'I just didn't know what to do, and- and I was so angry with myself and I didn't trust—'
'Your hand was forced, love,' Simon utters, laying on is side to look at you. 'I just wish you would have woke me up or left me a note- something to let me know that you were okay.'
Your heart drops at the thought of the months of misery he has suffered through by your hand.
Even though to you it seemed necessary, you know better than to impose your own views onto the man who was left wandering where you had disappeared off to for months on end.
Your absence was necessary yet cruel.
'I know, I know I should have and I'm sorry for not saying something to you,' you respond, reaching your hand out to grab his much larger one. He grabs your hand, wrapping his fingers around yours with a sigh. 'I wish I never left.'
'You did what you thought was right in the moment an' I'd be a prick for telling you you were in the wrong for doin' it,' mumbles the man, 'y' had to figure stuff out. All that matters now is that you're back.'
'I won't be goin' anywhere anytime soon if you're planning on staying with me,' you say, 'could kick me to the streets for everything I've put you through; I wouldn't blame you for doing it.'
'Wouldn't ever dream about it, sweetheart,' he says.
You watch as he scoffs before moving towards you, letting go of your hand to grasp your waist, pulling you towards him.
Shuffling closer, you smile as you press your lips against you, a flurry of butterflies swirling in your stomach a you feel his hand on your waist tighten.
All the months of pain melt in the matter of moments as the pair of you hold each other. It's as though the pair of you have been apart for multiple lives, plagued with the memory of each other, until eventually meeting again in this life.
Tears pool in your eyes, your hand pressing against the side of his face, snaking around to tug at his hair as he bites down on your bottom lip.
A muffled moan escapes you, trailing off into a whine when he pulls away from you. A trail of saliva keeps the pair of you connected as your eyes flicker from his mouth back to his eyes.
'I've missed you so much,' you confess, blinking back the tears as he smiles at you. 'So fucking much- there hasn't been a day I haven't thought about you.'
His hand against your waist loosens as he moves his hand under the white shirt he dressed you in, moving between your thighs.
'Missed you too,' he confesses, his index finger brushing over your clothes cunt with a sigh. 'Wanna show you how much I've missed you,' he utters, pressing the tip of his finger into against your clit.
You comply with a kiss, a small giggle escaping you as he pulls you on top of him. Hands sliding down your waist, you begin to undress, all for one of his hands to catch your wrist. 'Keep it on, sweetheart,' he rasps, 'like seein' you in my clothes.'
Colour rushes to your cheeks as you nod your head, hands gripping the waistband of his underwear, pulling them down.
There's no need for anything, the desire to feel him inside you after so many months obscuring any other sense of yours.
You need him and he needs you.
Tugging down his underwear, goosebumps form on your skin when you hear him grunt as you pull them further down his thighs, freeing his cock from his boxers. You sit for a moment, jumping when you feel his hands squeeze your hips.
'Spit in your hand, love,' he instructs.
You feel his eyes on you as you scrunch your nose up at the request.
'Listen to me and I'll help you, yeah?' he asks, 'now spit in your hand.'
Your entire face is warm as you hold your hand out in front of your, spitting into it. 'Good girl,' he breaths, 'now wrap your hand around my cock.'
Listening to him, you reach out, wrapping your hand around him. He hisses as you do so, and you pause upon seeing his reaction, fearful that you've done something wrong. 'That's right,' he utters, as precum pools at the top of your fist as you feel him twitch in your hold, 'no more your hand up and down f'r me, love, get me ready for that pretty little cunt of yours.'
A sinful sound emits as you begin to move your hand up and down his cock, your slick hand moving up and down with ease. You feel his thighs tense below you as you move a hand between your legs, your mouth turning dry from the wetness pooling in your underwear.
'That's desperate, princess?' Simon grunts with a smile on his face. You feel the urge to wipe it off of his face, though, you nod your head in agreement, knowing better than to deny something you so desperately want. 'Pull your panties to the side,' he instructs, 'not touchin' that pussy of yours; you're gonna come from my cock an' nothin' else,' he gruffly says.
Letting go of his cock, you do at he asks of you, a small yelp escaping you as he pulls your forward, his cock pressing against you folds as he sighs.
There's a temperament, a desire lingering to keep you on top, though, as he looks at you with your swollen lips and red face, he relents, moving you so you're lying on your bak with him over you.
'Got plenty of time for all that,' he utters, pressing his tip against your hole.
You clench around nothing, shifting beneath him as he presses his lips against yours.
It's different from the last time, you see something different in his eyes as he pushes into you, the delightful sting from many moons ago returning. Arching your back off of the bed, your whimper against his mouth.
'That's it,' he whispers, 'oh fuck.'
Your legs tighten around his waist, a few stray tears escaping from your eyes. It's a mixture of pain, pleasure, and joy. To be back in his arms after so much time a part is a gift in itself, for him to want you back is another. Your mind is racing as you sniffle, pressing another kiss against his mouth.
'Y' okay, yeah, princess? So good f'r me,' he grunts, slowly pulling out of you. More tears fall down your face as you nod your head, your eyes screwed shut as he thrusts back into you. Clicking his tongue, he pushes into you with another grunt, 'eyes on me, sweet girl,' he huffs, 'haven't waited months for you and your pretty little cunt for you to not look at me, have I?'
You open your eyes.
'That's it, there's my pretty girl.'
You clench around him upon hearing his words, legs trembling as he quickens the pace of his thrusts. The head of his cock presses against your cervix and your arms home to his back, nails digging into the flesh of his back.
'I- I've missed you,' you choke out, unable to account for any other emotion as he fucks into you.
You're crying at this point, the tears on the right side of your face soaking into the dressing as he continues to his all the right spots, stretching you out perfectly.
He's ruined you for anyone else, though it doesn't matter; you know you'll never need anyone else when you have him.
'Missed you too, love,' he states through clenched to teeth , 'missed waking up to you and seeing you, but you're not gonna go anywhere now, you're mine.'
'I am, I am,' you dumbly cry, 'no one else's, all yours forever and ever.' 'm sorry for ever leaving you.'
Keeping himself steady with one hand, he brings his other hand to grab your forearm, pulling one of your arms away from his back, taking it into his hold. Your legs tighten around his waist as a crude squelch sounds in the room, h
'Fuck,' you gasp, your hole tightening around him.
'That’s right, love,' he groans, his lips ghosting over your shoulder, his words were low and sickeningly needy, 'you’re so fucking tight,' he moans, resulting in a hiccuped moan escaping you.
Both of you greedily take whatever pleasure came from your messy movements, sweat dropping down your forehead as you tighten you hold on his hand, writhing below him as he continues to hit the spot which has you seeing stars.
'Gonna make sure I'm always here,' you whisper letting out another breathy moan.
Simon maintains a pleasurable pace, a crude slapping sounding in his bedroom, though neither of you care, and through stinging eyes and aching muscles, you admire him in the light of the moon, taking into account all the flaws on his face, the remnants of mistreatment and burdens, swearing to yourself you will never left another pale scar appear on his body for as long as the pair of you live.
'Not gonna let you leave me now, sweetheart,' he begins, staring down at you, his fringe wet with sweat, stray strands sticking to his forehead. 'Gonna keep you safe, fuck,' he schemes, a subconscious smile forming on your face, listening to him speak. 'Make sure y' never want for anything, only me.'
He growls such words with intent and possessiveness, and in the heat of the moment, you're convinced you need no one but him.
And as the tension in your stomach grows tighter, the brunet hit a spot which almost makes you scream, you drag your hand down his back, leaving lines of red behind as you do so. 'And you'll let me do all of that f'r you,' he chuckles.
'I would,' you whimper, 'fuck, I'm close, please,' you beg, as your thighs begin to tremble, you grip on his hand tightening as you press your head back against the pillow.
'Go on, sweetheart,' he says, 'cum for me.'
He winces slightly as he feels your nails press crescents into his skin, his pace growing messy and sporadic as he chases after his own release.
Squeezing your eyes shut, you let out a brittle sob as an orgasm rips through your body.
'Fuck, that's it, sweetheart' he moans, 'I love you,' he grunts out, pressing into your, your cunt against his pubic bone as his hands tremble.
You barely compute the words passing his lips, and in the daze of your release, you continue to cry as he fucks you despite you being overstimulated, a dark groan escaping from the back of his throat as you feel strings of cum paint your insides.
'I- I love you too, so much,' you sniffle, your head falling against the pillow in exhaustion, finding joy in his hold of you and the pleasure which has washed over your body, rendering all your sense his.
Little worries find you in the aftermath, the pair of you much too tired to discuss what can wait for you in the morning, and the only thing that matters to you in the wake of your orgasm is his body being pressed against yours as you slowly drift off knowing that, even if it is just for tonight, you're secure in his hold.
Here, you find a single moment is comparable to an eternity of touches.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ☾ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
In the morning, you find yourself sitting outside of the bakery with the ugly green dress you grew to despise during your first time out of the shore, and as you sit beside Simon tugging at the skirt, you startle when he firmly tugs it down, placing his hand down on your thigh, over the skirt to keep in place.
He does so without even turning his attention to you, and even when you turn to offer him a brief look, he doesn't move, keeping his eyes trained on Johnny as he sips from his mug of tea.
'Kyle said he saw another one,' says the man with the mohawk, 'seems they're waiting near the shore for something to happen, or, they're planning on making their move a lot soon than we thought.'
Your face aches as you chew, gulping your pastry down before speaking. 'They wouldn't act so quickly,' you say, 'they want me to get a taste of this before they take it away; when Raithe is angry, she's unforgiving.'
'That's the lass I saw on the beach, right?' Johnny asks, 'the one with the black hair an' teeth as sharp as daggers.'
'Yeah, she's the one who did this to me,' you say, pointing towards the fingerprints around your neck and the clean dressing stuck to your face. Taking a bite out of your pastry, Simon leans further into the table, keeping his hand pressed firmly against your thigh.
'I've put him on patrol tonight,' he says quietly, 'we'll get him alone, call for them to have him and then that will be the end of it.'
'Y' really think it's gonna be that easy?' Johnny asks, 'they seem pretty pissed, don't think they'd really leave us alone that easily.'
'There's nothing else we can do,' you say, 'unless you wanna go into the water and pull them all out one by one and put a knife through their heads, that is.'
Simon's grip on your thigh tightens.
'Cut their tongue out and throw them back into the water if they try anythin',' he cooly states, 'can't sing then, become nothin' but a fish with claws, hardly a threat. They can suffer for all I care.'
Something stirs in your gut as he says so, and while you feel as though you need to keep the women you devoted your life to, you find yourself torn with the desire of seeing the man being so lethal- of seeing how far he would go to keep you safe.
'Sounds like a plan, Lt,' Johnny responds, 'this stayin' between us?'
'Affirmative,' Simon confirms, 'Gaz an' Price don't need to know about it 'cause it'll only cause more trouble if the Captain finds out about it; he won't let us do it.'
'Then we do it tonight, get rid of him and wipe our hands of him,' you say with a grin, 'about time that son of a bitch got what he deserves.'
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ☾ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
In the midst of the night, you travel down the steps of the shore alone keeping your eyes peeled as you tread down the shore towards the sand. Your hands tremble in the breeze as you feet grace the sand, te rolling of the tide whispering for your return.
You stay unmoved by the moon and her red glow as you push forward towards the sea, holding your hand against your face as it aches.
All the smiling proved to be particularly poor for the placement of the mark on your face, though you push through the pain, you lips drawn together as you peer onto the surface of the water.
'I thought you'd return,' a voice calls.
You freeze.
As a wave washes up shore, the webbed hands of a woman appear, dragging her body out of the water. Her claws dig into the surface, her pointed ears twitching upon seeing you.
'You not bring your boyfriend with you?' she pouts, tilting her head to the side, 'would have been nice, y'know, meeting the family and stuff.'
'I'm not here to make small talk,' you sharply respond.
Raithe looks at you, raising her eyebrows as she looks at you.
'Oh?' she laughs, 'then please enlighten me.'
'I'm here to make a deal with you,' you breath, bringing your trembling hands together.
One shot or you've fucked it.
The woman's laughter booms along the sea as she rolls around on the ground, clapping her hands. 'Oh, you wanna make a deal with me now? It's a real shame what's become of you, y'know? If I didn't know any better, I'd say that boyfriend of yours has some explaining to do.'
Her comments cause your blood to boil, yet, you remain calm, looking her in the eyes. 'We have the boy who killed Serelia,' you say, clenching your fists, keeping your arms firmly placed against your side as the woman hums. 'We'll give you him and you can do what you please, forbid me the pleasure of getting to rip him to shreds for what he did to her and leave this village alone.'
'A generous offer you pose my lovely,' Raithe hums, pressing her finger against her plush bottom lip. 'You got anything else to sweeten the deal or is that it?'
'I'll never return to the ocean,' you say. 'I'll stay away, stay here on land. You can do what you please as long as it remains in the ocean and not beyond it; you know nature did not give us such a gift to act in the manner you intend to act concerning the people in this village.'
You step back from the shore, keeping the water from touching your feet.
'How is that fair?' Raithe asks, furrowing her eyebrows. 'You get to stay here and live out your life with the human you have foolishly devoted your life to while we're kept from Serelia because you buried her on land.'
'By staying here you are keeping me from the grave of my mother, Raithe,' you spit, "I know you're upset, but I have been punished enough. I'm giving you what you want- you want to kill the person who killed Serelia, don't you?'
Raithe's grin disappears from her face.
'You've been scheming so long you forget who the true murderer is. If I wanted to kill the person who killed Serelia, I would have slit your fucking throat,' she snaps, 'a human dealt the final blow but you are just as guilty for permitting it.'
'I was looking for her,' you blurt.
'If you were so committed to finding her, she would be here beside me right now, but she isn't; she's buried on the land, away from her home.'
'Simon helped me bury her on the clifftop!' you yell, chest raising and falling rapidly. 'She overlooking our home and it was him who came up with the idea in the first place- there are good humans—'
'Simon,' she repeats, 'slips off the tongue that name does.'
Your heart is pounding in your chest as you look at the wicked woman in the water. Her mocking grin renders you small, fragile, and you realise your mistake in mentioning the name of the man.
'I must see the man you speak of, see if he's a good match for you or if you could do better. Perhaps he would be a good friend for the water, hm?' she teased, bowing her head as another chuckle escapes her.
The crunch of sand alerts the pair of you, and as you look over your shoulder, you catch both Simon and Johnny walking along the shore, Rhys in the middle of them as he fights against their hold with his hands tied in front of him.
A delighted squeal escapes the woman lying in the sand as she catches sight of the tall man in the skull mask. 'Oh, I've seen you!' she exclaims, 'sitting on the beach a lot, hey? One might say you belong in the water with the amount of time you've spent here.'
'Shut it,' you snap, turning your attention to the three men standing behind you.
When your eyes meet with Rhys' you find you heart urges you to disobey the terms of your own deal, ripping him from the arms of the men, all to have the satisfaction of watching him crying and fight as he drowns in an inch of water.
Yet, even that isn't fitting for him.
His cries are muffled behind the gag in his mouth and Johnny does you the favour of pulling it out of his mouth. As he opens his mouth, he looks at you with wide eyes. 'I- I fuckin' knew it!" he exclaims, 'I knew I wasn't dreaming when I saw you run into the sea that night.'
'You killed Serelia,' you snap, crossing your arms over your chest.
'Didn't think it was that difficult to figure out,' he says, 'no one else knew where she was... well, not until you had your screaming and crying fit outside the cabin; that was a—'
He's stopped as Simon shoves him to the ground. He lands with a thud, all the air escaping his lung as he moans out in pain. Placing his boot on top of the mans head, his face is pressed into the wet sand as he turns to address the woman in the water.
'We got y' the one you want,' he sharply says, 'you take him and you leave.'
'Or?' the woman asks,.
'I cut your tongue out and feed it to the dogs in the village,' he snaps.
Rhys' cries are muffled as Raithe looks Simon in the eyes. Your eye twitches at the prolonged silence, though, when she whistles you find your nerves escaping you.
'A few months ago, you would have had his head for speaking to one of your own like that,' Raithe sneers looking at you, 'but love has your mind warped, my sweet urchin, yes it does,' she scoffs, her eyes narrowing as she turns her attention down towards the water. 'You have yourself a deal, Simon,' she says with a smile.
Relieving his boot from the head of the sobbing man on the ground, Rhys picks his head up, fat tears rolling down his face as he writhes on the ground, attempting to push himself up off of the ground. 'P- Please, I'm sorry,' he sobs, snot trailing down his upper lip as more heads appear from out of the water.
You're far from envious of his position when his shoulders are grabbed. Though, you long to be in the water for what is about to happen.
His screams are hoarse and rough as he's ripped from his home, and as you walk back to stand beside Johnny and Simon. Rhys claws and fights to stay on land as Raithe pulls him further and further towards the water.
Other webbed hands appear and the shrill shriek the man lets out is cut off by a hand covering his mouth as he's dragged into the water.
Upon his disappearance, you allow a breath to escape your mouth as you lean against Simon, rubbing your tired eyes. For months you have dreamt of this very moment, the moment the man who caused so much trouble is finally met with the punishment he deserves, and when his hand breaks the surface of the water again, you grin at the sight of the sea turning red, chunks of his clothing surfacing.
As savage as sharks are the sirens.
'It's done,' you mumble, turning away from the scene.
Simon looks down at you, 'you wanna go home?' he asks.
You nod your head, as the three of you begin to walk up the beach, your blood running cold as a familiar cackle catches your attention, though, you do not turn to address the woman. Instead, you catch Simon's hand in yours pushing further up the beach as Raithe calls out to the three of you.
'Lovely meeting ya, Simon! Hope to see you again some other time!'
His hold on your hand tightens just as it had done during the night before as you walk away from the sea with him by your side, never intending to let go of him ever again.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ☾ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
It's as though you never left him, and every waking moment you spend with him is a blessing. How a human can be a home is a strange concept to you, though, its an oddity that you're fond of.
'Are you gonna eat your dinner or are you going to keep staring at me, sweetheart?' asks the man with a laugh.
Dropping your head, you look down at the plate of food you helped him prepare, your cheeks flushing with colour.
The wound left by your absence is but a wilting scab at this point, the skin beneath unmarked by the actions of your past for the pair of you have an understanding of you where your loyalties lie, and as you pick your head back up to look at him, you understand that your loyalties lie with one another.
'I don't know,' you mumble, 'difficult to take my eyes off of you.'
He grunts at your words, picking his fork up from the side of his plate. 'Your foods going to get cold,' he warns.
You pick your fork up, rolling your eyes, 'you're no fun.'
He lets out a short laugh, 'of course not, love. Got a job to stick to after all.'
'Not while you're with me you don't,' you say.
'Once a siren, always a siren,' he comments.
Setting your fork down, you grab a boiled potato off of your plate, throwing it at him. Unfortunately, he's aware of your plot and manages to duck of of the way before it hits him.
A small laugh escapes you as you're quick to push your chair out, raising to your feet as he does the same. A squeal escapes you are you rush out of the kitchen into the living room with him hot on your trail.
Sprinting up the steps to his bedroom, you shriek as he grabs you and pulls you against his chest. 'Let me gooooo,' you whine, writhing in his hold, 'it was an accident, it slipped out of my hand I was literally about to eat it!'
You land on the bed with a thud, continuing to laugh as he looms over you, his forehead pressed against yours as you look up at him with a bright smile on your face.
'You've got to believe me.'
'You picked it up and you threw it at me,' he answers back, 'I know y' clumsy, sweetheart, but fuck me, are you really that bad?' he asks, pressing his forehead against yours.
Bringing your hands up, you hold either side of his face, looking into his eyes with a sigh. 'I love you,' you say, abandoning the joke the pair of you were tangled in. His stoic expression shatters as he smiles down at you, placing a chaste kiss on your lips.
'I love you too,' he utters, before placing his lips back on yours.
In the safety of his arms and his home, you live in high spirits as you know, even when the four walls and the roof are not there to shelter you from a storm, the man with his lips against yours and a hand under your skirt will always be there for you whenever you need him.
Selfishly, you hope he's there forever and ever all for you and only you as you cherish every single part of him.
The regrets from your actions in the past remain on you in the form of the scar on your cheek, though, he sees you no different as he watches your naked body dripping with sweat in the confines of your bedroom, even when you're simply sitting in the library reading a book.
All the time his eyes are on you as though you're the only girl in the world and in return, he knows that you're eyes remain on him and only him.
'You're gonna be the death of me,' he breathes, as you shift, feeling his fingers pressed against your hole.
A smirk appears on your lips.
'Only if it's by your hand I die and no one else's.'
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ☾ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
In the dead of night he wakes to the faint sound of a whisper.
It's something calling for him, a song which shakes the very vibrations of his home, and as he opens his eyes, he captures you sleeping soundly beside him, though, he doesn't care for you as he pushes himself up and out of bed.
His headaches and he wobbles as he climbs from out of his bed. It's as though his body is on autopilot, permitting whatever strange force is pushing him to proceed with his usual routine as he gets up from out of bed.
He walks as though he's a monster, devoid of all consciousness, his limps sluggish and flimsy as he pulls on his clothes for work. You don't move and inwardly, he's unsure why he's doing so; the moon is out, full and round as she peers through the open window, and he knows it's still going to be a while before he has to leave for work.
Still, the urge pushes him to get ready for the day, and he reaches for the skull mask settled against the table near the window of his bedroom, tying it around his head.
You remain sleeping in bed as he moves downstairs, determined to find the noise which causes his head to pound. It feels as though someone is pressing their fingers into his head all to see which part of the brain bleeds the most.
The answer is all of it, though the voice continues to pick away at his skull with such persistence he's rendered aggravated as he walks through the door.
His entire body is on fire as he treads the streets he was walked so many times, though his feet drag against the roads of the silent village, arms firmly pressed against his sides as he presses on with tired eyes and a dry mouth.
The voice changes its tune, no longer calling his name, istead, speaking words.
'Foolish mortal men.'
In a conscious state he would be questioning the words addressed to him in such a manner, he would be questioning why he walks with the intent of making it to the water, and he would be returning back to his home with an ache in his chest for ever thinking of leaving you alone.
But he doesn't.
Instead, he drags his feet with determination coursing through his veins.
To the ocean he must go; the voice is calling him and he cannot fight against the words bouncing off of the streets of the village.
'Sinking into the watery depths of the...'
It grows tired as he edges closer to the water, the crashing of the water flooding his ears, coaxing his burning mind with a brief cure. t's not enough, however, his mouth is dry and his tongue burns, eyes longing for the fiery thirst to subside.
His entire body feels as though it's on fire, and the sea stares back at him, water washing up the shore as the arms of a human would when offering a friend a hug.
Something else is staring too.
'Sirens den.'
The voice is oh so soft, almost a whisper as he makes it onto the beach. The village seems so puny in comparison to the greatness of the vast ocean and he wonders why he ever bothered living on land when the ocean i right her at his fingertips.
Shrugging his cloak from off of his shoulders, he releases himself from the burden of the confines of that stupid cloak, the balaclava from around his mouth falling to the ground after.
It all feels so freeing, to fall under the command of the great sea, to see the beauty in the very thing he has despised for so long. Such an outlook is a blessing, he finds.
It's necessary. It's constant.
He is nothing in comparison of the ocean and her greatness.
No one is anything but flesh and bone existing in one place at one time while she is there, her arms wrapped around the entirety of the planet.
How foolish he has been.
'For a woman in the sea,'
He thinks of you and all you have done for him, how you have freed him, though he finds you and your existence pale in existence of te water which invites him in with open arms.
At first, you were difficult to deal with, untrusting.
But she isn't, she guides him and she's leading him to safety- to the place he belongs. Such a blessing she presents him with and everything you have done for him is nothing as she cools his burning flesh.
It's better than any orgasm he has reached while in bed with you, so inviting that he proceeds to walk into the water deeper. Nothing is enough, her presence is too little. He needs more of her to settle the dull ache in his head and he wades through the water with the intent of finding such.
'is never just a friend.'
The tune stops.
Suddenly, the sea is no longer in his favour and he's turned away with a cold rush of water covering him.
A sharp gasp escapes him as he looks around him, the water up to his waist, waves crashing against his bulky frame as he looks around with stinging eyes. His blood runs cold as he turns his attention back to the village. Then his eyes fall back onto the water.
He knows better than to trust the situation, wasting no time to turn away from the distant abyss of the water, pushing himself through the water all to make it back to land.
To make it back to you.
The depth of the water is relieved, sinking from his waist to mid thigh.
A grunt escapes him as a surge of agony hits him with the fierce intent of keeping him from getting home and he lands with a splash into the water as razor sharp nails are pulled from out of his his thigh.
'Unfaithful scum,' utters a voice as hands from all angles poke from out the water, grabbing him as he attempts to fight his way from out of their hold.
They're merciless as the hold him and keep him to the water while his heart and mind long to be back in bed beside you. He fights and fights, though in his drowsy state he's far too out of it to do anything.
'She's better off without you, Simon.'
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ☾ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
You awake in bed alone, a banging at the door ruining your brain. However, you don't let it distract you as you spend a moment looking at the empty spot in the bed with a frown.
It's miserable to wake without him in the morning as you have grown fond of spending time with him, lying in bed, drawing patterns on his bare chest, listening to his many stories, or simply just basking in the heat of him.
The bed is cold without him and you shiver as you push yourself up, scoffing at the manic knocks against the door. It's persistent, nearly urgent. You pick up the pace, wrapping Simon's shirt around you as you rush down the stairs to the front door.
Grabbing the handle you pull it open, 'about fuckin' time, Si', you're—'
'What?' you blurt out, looking at Johnny and Gaz standing at the door, 'he's at the station, isn't he?'
The pair of them look at each other before looking at you.
'Nae, lass,' Johnny says, his mouth falling as he looks at you. 'We've been looking for him.'
Your blood runs cold.
He's probably with the Lord or something, it wouldn't be the first time he's be asked for a favour by him.
'Where have you checked?' you ask, quickly slipping on your sandals.
'We've been up and down all the streets to his usual spots, we've even checked the Lords house and he hasn't seen him either... this isn't like him,' Kyle explains, 'he's committed to his job, he wouldn't just not show up and—'
'Have you checked the beach?' you blurt.
Both of them shake their heads and with that, you're running out of the house, rushing to towards the beach.
A wave of panic washes over you, and as you rush down the main street of the village with teary eyes, you feel as though you're rushing to Serelia all over again, only, this time, Simon isn't behind you to comfort you.
People blurt out curses as you push yourself through the crowds, bounding towards the beach just as you did when you returned all those months ago.
Your chest burns by the time you make it to the steps, and as you run down, you stop at the sight of a black mound on the shore. Gulping thickly, you rush towards the pile of fabric, reaching down to retrieve it with a trembling hand.
It's his cloak.
Tearing your eyes away from it, you look down the rest of the beach, dropping the fabric as you follow a scattered trail of belongings. You pass by his balaclava which has been covered in sand.
The wind beats against you, pushing your hair back as you fight for your breath. There are pieces of him covering the beach, just as Serelia's scales covered the floor in the room of that dingy little cabin.
All hope is crushed as, right beside the water you spy a small chunk of bone sitting in the sand. You don't wait as you rush towards the water, spying the shape of his skull mask sitting right before the mercy of the water.
It's as though you're in a nightmare you cannot wake from.
You can't breathe.
As the realisation hits you and the skull mask sitting on the shore stares back at you, you fall to your knees, your wide as you look out at the murky sea, falling onto your stomach at your fingertips ghost the skull sitting against the shore.
A jagged breath escapes you as you pull your hand away, unable to catch your breath as you fall backwards onto you bottom, hands pressed against the sand. Rushed steps appear behind you, though you don't budge, nor do you flinch as a firm hand is placed on your shoulder.
Johnny appears in front of you, his mouths muffled as a tear slips from your twitching eye, staring out into the water all to see Raithe staring at you in the distance, a wicked from forming on her face as she pulls a skull mask from out of the water, holding it up by the silk string he used to tie it around his head with.
Your eyes fall back to the skull sitting on the surface, you breathing quickening at you turn your head to the side, heaving as a cold numbness floods your sense. Your tremble as you force out a sob, your throat tightening.
The skull meters away from you is not his mask.
It's him.
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TAGS: (If you would like to be added to the tag list let me know!) @forever-twenty-two-years-old @phantomreadsandreblogs @iizx7y
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203 notes · View notes
lunarbreaksblog · 3 months
Just wondering if I could request for sparkeater fn! Reader who gets caught eating a vehiacon (idk how to spell it sorry😭👍) and when reader turns around and gets caught my the prime team they start to cry and apologise that they didn't tell them that they were a sparkeater (Ignore this if it's too much😭🙏 I just had a idea that a all) (Tfp or Tfa you can choose😊)
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How TFA!Autobots would react to you being a sparkeater
Note: big gore warning since mentions of someone young getting eaten
You were missing, the team eventually grew concerned. Yes, you would leave at times and for a while however never this long.
Detroit had become restless without you it seemed, well the team certainly were restless. They were worried you might've been caught by the 'Cons
However, that was a dream compared to what they saw you were doing.
It was a new bot, they could tell that it was barely just created before you caught the earthborn Cybertronian in your talons
Maybe they shouldve not seen the coordinates that Megatron, himself sent with the message:
::Look what I found::
Optimus prime
When it dawns on him that you are a sparkeater, his chassis tightens, his spark rushes and his helm hurts. You were his friend from the academy.
How had he or the guard not known that you were a stuff of legends, a beast...
When you return eventally, he makes you leave— promises he won't call the guard but you are never to come near him or the team.
Strangely enough you try to apologies, worry clouds your helm, how did he know your horrible secret?
He's surprised like Optimus.
He's in disbelief, your scans were normal. Everything was normal with you. You were normal.
But you werent
You are a mechanical cannibal that ate your spark out on that poor innocent life.
You tried to even reason— the newspark was going to be a Decepticon and what you did was a blessing to its sad life
A life that the newspark had yet to live.
You made him sick.
In absolute shock, he was never a bot to look at horror holotapes of even like scary stories.
The sounds of you teeth crushing the Cybertronian's trachea was nauesating. He felt small in that moment.
He doesn't look at you
Knew that something was wrong with you.
Knew that you weren't like them, never wanted to say it. He liked you even with your strange quirks.
But to see you murder and then devour an innocent life...he didn't like you enough to justify your actions. You had to pay.
He shows no mercy to you when you try to make excuse and even start crying.
He and Optimus force you out of Detroit, promising not to call you in but you will never set foot in Detroit or Cybertron.
Baby boy full on has a existential crisis, suprisely he helps Optimus and Prowl to build an electro-magnetic field around the base. Just in case if you decide to come back.
They would know that you were there.
He spends a few weeks crying about you, how you lied to him. He goes through all stages of grief...
88 notes · View notes
dragon-kazansky · 8 months
Spirit of the sea
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Izzy Hands x reader (GN)
You were a member of Blackbeard's crew long ago. Then you became a ghost story. Izzy Hands only sees you in his dreams these days, until he sees you for real when investigating Stede Bonnet. This sets him on a rollercoaster of emotions between you and what his captain is doing.
{Previous Chapter} - {Next Chapter}
Warnings: Slight angst. Izzy's feelings are hurt, but he won't admit it unless you back him into a corner. He's mellowing out with you though.
Chapter Four - Just like before
A lighthouse. With the use of items on the ship, and the participation of the crew, Stede Bonnet and Edward Teach turned the ship into a lighthouse. The Spanish turned around, believing they got lost in the fog.
The Revenge managed to escape.
You had to admit that was insanely clever of your captain.
Later that night, while the crew slept, you sat on the steps and looked up at the dark sky. Everyone was pretty much asleep, except for the captains you could hear chatting up in the nest.
The only person you couldn't see was Izzy.
You didn't want to disturb the sleeping crew by getting up to search for your old friend. You just hoped he was okay. Izzy wasn't one for showing how he felt about things, unless that feeling was anger or annoyance.
Come morning you are woken up strange sounds. You open your eyes and look around to find Izzy loading up a dingy with stuff. You sit up in confusion. He hasn't noticed you, too busy doing what he's doing.
"Izzy?" You call his name softly.
He doesn't stop.
You stand up and walk over to him, frowning. "Izzy..."
"I said some things I regret last night."
"Oh?" You come to stand beside him.
"Some shit to Blackbeard... I didn't mean any of it."
You glance up at the captains. Ed is looking down at you with a nod. You take a deep breath and turn back to Izzy.
"He knows you didn't mean them."
Izzy grabs at the rail of the ship.
"I bet he has a plan, you know. He always has a plan."
You sigh softly. "Izzy, can we talk?"
He inhales softly. "Guess so."
"I'm sorry you thought I was dead. I'll keep apologising if I have to. Whatever it takes to make it up to you. I never meant for that to happen. I got trapped onboard the ship that day. No one would have known because my dumbass decided to wander below deck on my own to see what I could find. It was stupid of me. Anyway, I jumped off deck the moment I could and I had every intention of coming back to you. I was too late."
Izzy clenched his fists.
"Izzy... It was never meant to be that way. I'm sorry, okay?"
"Whatever. Doesn't matter," he says. "You're here now."
You don't know if that's his way of saying he forgives you or what, but you'll take it. Izzy is complicated.
"Don't leave. Please."
You can hear his slight breathing as he thinks about it. His head then turns in your direction and you can see his eyes more clearly.
"He's still got it."
You smile. "Don't think it ever left. Our Blackbeard, eh?"
Izzy exhales a chuckle.
"Don't go, Izzy. I can't make it up to you if you leave..."
Izzy says nothing and you take that as your sign to leave him with his thoughts. Man needs time to think.
An hour later you realise the dingy is back on the boat and Izzy is still onboard.
You smile at the sight of him.
Turns out there is a plan. Ed apparently had a talk with Izzy shortly after your talk with him. A ploy to kill off Blackbeard. Except, not really.
Stede is already wearing Blackbeard's clothes. Kill the man, say the great Blackbeard is dead, Ed gets to be Edward. Izzy would then proceed to be captain of his own crew.
It was definitely a plan.
In the meantime, Edward has told Stede he would show him what it meant to be a pirate. The first step was a raid. You laughed at the idea of taking Stede Bonnet onto a ship to loot.
Izzy had relaxed a little around you. Not enough for the crew of the Revenge to notice, bit enough for you to see. You look at him as Edward explains to Stede's crew the plan for the raid.
Izzy is looking at you. You fight back a smile. At least he's looking at you.
"Crew of Revenge, you are not to engage. You are simply here to observe how real pirates function in the real world." Izzy addresses the crew.
You hide your smile.
"Quick question, how violent do we expect this to get?" Stede asks.
Pretty violent was his answer.
It felt good to use your sword again. This was the life you were used to. This is how it always should be. You were to busy fighting to take an notice on if Izzy was watching you. After all, it was Izzy who taught you how to use a sword.
While the crew looted, you made your way over to Izzy's side.
"That was fun."
He sniffs, looking at the bodies on the deck. "Yeah, was a bit. Where's that pathetic excuse of a pirate gone?"
"Believe he's below deck looting. Ed went to find him."
Izzy nods his head and then looks at you. "You still got it."
You smile, not even pretending hearing that didn't make you happy. "Yeah. Can't ever forget everything you've taught me, Izzy."
He almost smiles.
"Hurry up and grab what you can."
"Aye, Mr Hands," you tease, leaving his side to go loot for yourself. Izzy follows you with his eyes, biting back another smile.
"A party?" You ask, looking at Ed and Stede.
"Some posh gathering for rich folk. Frenchie found the invitation," Stede explains.
"And you want to go to it?" You look at your captain. Blackbeard shrugs. "He's gonna need a new outfit."
"Ah, leave that to me." Stede goes into his secret closet. You turn back to Ed.
"Is this part of the plan?" You ask.
"Yeah. Kinda. Just let me handle this, okay?"
"Yeah, course."
"So, you spoke to Izzy?" Ed asks, looking at you gently.
"Yeah. We spoke. He at least doesn't hate me any more."
"Ah, he never hated you."
"He did a little bit. Be honest, Ed." You say to him.
"He never hated you. Not really. It's just hard for him to be open."
You nod your head quietly. Stede returns with a purple suit in hand. You notice the ribbons on top of the pile. You took this as your sign to leave them to it.
Up on deck you find Izzy lowering Lucius down the side of the ship. You raise an eyebrow in his direction.
"The fuck?"
Izzy glances up at you. "Got a little job for Spriggs. Caught him slacking."
"Barnacle duty? Oof." You peer down at where Lucius sits. "Shit job."
"Aye. Will teach him a bloody lesson." Izzy walks off. You send Lucius a sorry smile before following the brooding first mate.
"Anything you want me to do?"
"Whatever the fuck you like. I'm trying to get this crew onto shape," Izzy sighs.
"Will you at least look at me again?"
Izzy stops what he's doing and turns, looking at you. You smile at him. "That's better. Is our friendship healing?"
"Shut up."
You chuckle as he walks away.
A little time passes when Izzy storms past you looking a little miffed. You watch him for a moment before following after him.
"Some thing happen?"
"That useless twat is gone," he huffs.
"Yes." Izzy hisses the word.
You follow him into the captain's cabin where you find Wee John watching Lucius sketch a naked Fang.
"What the fuck?"
"Not bad," you hum.
Izzy turns his head to look at you with narrowed eyes. You smile at him with a shrug.
"Don't fucking look."
"I'm looking respectfully. Fang has nice form," you grin.
Fang smiles. "Aw, you're just saying that."
You turn back to him. "I mean every word, Fang."
Izzy sighs and rolls his eyes.
"Back to work, the lot of ya!"
You follow Izzy once again up to the deck. He leans against the railing, his shoulders tense. He looks out to sea.
"Useless fucking bastards."
You come to stand beside him. "Cut them some slack. None of them have been a real pirate. They're used to their cosy little ship."
"Fuck the lot of them. How on the hell does this ship function when this lot can't even do their duties?"
You shrug lightly. "I don't know. Up until recently I was locked up in their brig."
Izzy lifts his head to look at you. "You were their prisoner."
"Yeah, it was dumb. All those years sailing with Blackbeard and I get caught by some pirate wannabe," you sigh.
"What happened to you? What have you been doing these past 6 years?" Izzy asks, facing you fully.
"Been on the move, moving from place to place. Stowed away a few times. Was hoping to come across you lot again, but I never found you. Looks like you found me though..."
Izzy is watching your face.
"I won't leave again. Not like that. I'm home again."
You exhale softly and look around the ship. "You been well?"
"Good." You look back at him. "I missed that face of yours."
"This ugly mug?"
"Shut up. Not ugly."
He scoffs and turns back to the sea. "Let's hope Blackbeard kills Bonnet soon so we can go back to business."
"Just give him time."
A few moment of silence pass before Izzy looks back up at you. You look back at him softly, expecting him to say something, but he doesn't. He walks away.
Night draws in. Izzy stands in front of Lucius giving him a list of chores to do to make up for slacking, twice. You sit on the steps listening, whittling away.
"You're gonna swab the deck. Twice. Then patch the main sail, oil and renwick cannons, then stack the munitions. And by the time you've done all that I'll have several more chores for you."
"And what if I don't?" Lucius asks. You eyes him carefully. "You're not my captain."
"I could spill your beans." Izzy threatens. "You've been a proper little seductress, haven't you? Black Pete, Fang. Who else is there?"
Lucius grins. "Hey, Pete?"
"Yeah, love?"
"I drew Fang naked."
"Haha! Nice. He's drawn most of us," Pete tells Izzy.
"See? We don't own each other. Dizzy Izzy." Lucius looks him in the eye. "Or is it... Izzy the Spewer?"
You look at Izzy, knowing about that nickname. You were the day Ed left Izzy in charge and the storm happened. Izzy had a rough time.
"Go now," Izzy whispers.
"Have you ever been sketched?" Lucius asks.
"Fuck off." Izzy storms off. You watch him go.
Lucius looks up at you with a smile. "You fond of Dizzy Izzy?" He asks you.
"It's just Izzy."
Black Pete and Lucius share a look. "That a yes then?"
"Don't you two have things to do?"
"Only each other," Lucius winks at Pete.
You get up from the stairs, but Lucius speaks before you her very far. "I think if he got laid he'd loosen up a little."
You glare at Lucius. "Excuse me?"
"Just saying, Izzy hasn't yelled at you or given you jobs to do. I think he may have even been a little jealous earlier when you walked in on me sketching Fang."
"What are you implying?"
"I think you know."
You glare at him again. "Shut up." You walk away. Lucius and Pete laugh together.
You sit below deck on the hard floor whittling away in silence. The rest of the crew were above deck, most of them slept under the stars. Izzy, you were pretty sure, was in his cabin.
You move the knife swiftly along the wood.
"It's late."
You look up at the sound of the familiar voice. Izzy's voice is very distinct. You like hearing him talk.
"I know."
"The crew is sleeping. Ed is back too."
"Oh yeah, the party."
Izzy stands there with a hand on top of his sword, resting at his hip. He keeps his eyes on you as you whittle.
"What are you making?"
"Just... a thing."
"Right... a thing."
Silence settles between you both again. You can feel his eyes on you. His breathing is soft, but you can hear the wood creak under his feet as he shifts.
"I... uh... I'm glad you're back."
You stop whittling.
"I mis- I missed you."
You look up at Izzy slowly. Your heart thumping quickly in your chest. You know better than anyone what that took for him to say that.
"Missed you too, Izzy."
He inhales sharply and nods.
"Right. Yeah. Night then."
"Goodnight." You watch him as he turns sharply and walks away. He always walks away.
You focus back on your project. The sound of the knife scraping along the wood filling your ears once more.
Izzy wakes up with the sun. He groans as he stares up at the ceiling. Another day on this stupid ship with Stede Bonnet. Izzy can only hope Blackbeard kills the fucker soon.
He runs his fingers through his hair, keeping his hand there as his mind fills with thoughts. You spent a good portion of yesterday following him around the ship.
Izzy breathes through his nose and lowers his hand. He turns his head to the side only to find a strange object sitting on the table. He furrows his brow knowing that it wasn't there when he went to sleep last night.
The first mate sits up and reaches over to pick up the wooden bird. He holds it in his hand, turning it this way and that way.
"The fuck?"
It looked like it resembled a sparrow. He runs his thumb across the carved out wing. It was a decent job.
"Hm." The corner of his lip twitches. You. Silly little you with your silly little whittling last night.
He goes to put the bird down only to find a note resting where the bird had been. He gently places the sparrow down and picks up the note, turning it over to read it.
'A gift as part of my ongoing apology for leaving you 6 years ago. Nice to be back, just like old times.'
Izzy smiles slightly at the note and then puts it down, glancing at the bird again.
"Yeah. Glad to have you back."
@grippleback-galaxy - @askmarinaandothers - @godlikegallagher - @for-fuck-sake-im-alive - @whiskeyswriting - @lxsm2 - @bloody-bunni666 -
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wayfayrr · 9 months
What about reader showing Twilight Twilight (the movies) as a joke because they have the same name and wolves
Sure anon!! I hope you like this This isn't written by a twilight saga fan so I apologise for not liking the movies if that's what you wanted
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"You had something you wanted to show me darlin'?"
"Since you first arrived here - Since we first met I've been wanting to show you this, it's a perfect coincidence and I think you'd like it."
Gently shoving Twilight onto the couch before sitting next to him with the remote in hand, gave him plenty of time to think over what I'd just said. He certainly hasn't just short-circuited for that minute.
"It's a movie called Twilight, and it's about werewolves, mostly vampires, but I don't really care about them."
"...What's a werewolf?"
"You don't need to play coy link, I already know that you're Wolfie and that the kids have already explained what a werewolf is."
Leaning onto his shoulder now as it starts almost makes me miss being in Hyrule where we would be like this nearly every night around a campfire. Thankfully being back in the modern world has far more perks than drawbacks, but even then there are small things that I myself and I think the chain as well just miss. Maybe I could suggest a camping trip to them soon. 
It’s a slow-starting film but Twilight seems to be enamoured by it, although part of that might be that this is the first film that I've shown him. It’d be nice if we managed to go through the whole series at once without being interrupted, well and if he wants to of course.  
“...Why is his skin so… so shiny.”
“Because like he said link, he’s got the skin of a killer…”
"But that doesn't make any sense?"
"I know. Not a lot of it does, but the music is great.”
I could feel his wince as soon as I said that. However he’s not leaving me, he’s still here watching it with me. Does that mean he’s enjoying it or is it simply because he wants to spend time with me? Twilight, he can be too nice for his own good sometimes putting himself in harm's way or in this case sitting through a film that he clearly doesn’t like. The movie was over fairly quickly thankfully for Link, as his sigh of relief timed perfectly with the start of the credits.
“How did you find it then Twi?”
“I liked spending the time alone with you.”
“So you would be up for watching all the sequels with me now then?”
His silence was telling enough of his answer, not that I can blame him for it. Twilight is a very divisive film. He looked so excited at the start but it faded during the story. 
“I’m not going to force you. We could watch something else or do something else though? I like spending time alone with you rancher.”
“Actually like I said during it, I love the music and one of the bands in it. I’ve got a record of theirs. If you want we could listen to it and relax with some drinks?”
Even though I knew it somewhat before, Twilight really expresses himself mostly through actions, doesn’t he? It’s got to be a side effect of him becoming a wolf, seeing just how puppy-like he acts most of the time. Wait…
“Is it safe for you to drink alcohol? I mean…”
“I’ve never had any issues so far.”
“As long as you think it’s safe for you. I probably can’t foot a veterinary bill at the moment.”
“What was that?”
Seems like my plan to watch the trilogy with him is out the window now, but the others are all out for the moment so why shouldn’t I make the most of having him all to myself like this? Drinking and listening to vinyl sounds like a nice evening, and since it's related to the movie I should still be able to talk about it. I’d like an answer for why he’s so pouty.
“The werewolves were offensive though.”
“That’s what bothered you the most?”
“...I just didn’t like them.”
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torhues · 2 years
kageyama tobio.
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kageyama doesn't have a high alcohol tolerance.
in fact, he doesn't have any— maybe a little bit— but mostly no, and yet still, he doesn't refuse whenever someone offers him a drink. you've been over this many times, telling him that drinking is not volleyball and continuing to drink probably won't improve his tolerance, though your effort is of no avail.
because if it were, you wouldn't have been standing inside a restaurant-bar at eleven pm, watching the alder's trying to get a hold of an almost-passed-out kageyama tobio, who, for some reason, smiles the moment you enter his currently blurry field of vision.
"we're sorry you had to come here this late," ushijima apologises while you throw kageyama's arms over your shoulder, making sure he doesn't fall because of the lack of sense of balance. "i could've dropped him home but he insisted on going with you,"
which is another reason why you want him to stop drinking.
while being your best friend makes him one of your top priorities, it absolutely doesn't mean he can call you at the most ungodly hours and have you pick him up after heavy drinking sessions. and even if he does, he can at least try to be a little decent and cooperate instead of saying that you're the one who's drunk and he will drive you back to your place and even look after you for the rest of the night.
"tobio, i don't think i'm the one who needs supervision today," a sigh escapes your lips as you manage to get him on the back seat of your car.
"i will look after you so, don't worry," he replies in a chanting tone.
it's quiet now.
you steal a glance at him through the front-view mirror. kageyama is busy basking in the city noise and street lights. cold winds brush past the rosy dust on his cheeks, his blueberry eyes telling a story of a million stars under the crescent moon, as if they're communicating in a language so foreign for the humankind to comprehend.
these are the moments when you realise that one could ask why you like kageyama, and you could give a thousand reasons why you're actually in love with him.
"do you know, we lost today," he speaks above the blaring horns of vehicles. kageyama sounds sober, or maybe it's just the mood that has gotten him in such tones.
"is that why you drank too much?" while your works keep up with his', your mind is busy focusing on driving as your filter through the traffics. on other days, the roads would've been quieter, a little emptier. though, the weekends are not.
kageyama exhales heavily. "maybe,"
and it gets quiet once again.
kageyama isn't a talkative person in the first place. he has always been the quieter one, the person who succeeds in silence, finds solace in lack of noise, but having him stay quiet next to you feels out of place. the reason is far away from the usual 'he talks a lot when he warms up to the people,' because in most cases, it's not true, and it wasn't for you either.
none of you talked properly until a year or two ago, and just when you had started getting to know each other, you had to move to veinna for an exchange student programme you applied to; and ironically enough, you bumped into each other at a bar a few months earlier. turns out, kageyama only ever talks if he has a lot on his mind. he distracts himself by striking conversations, but when he's quiet, his mind is empty, and he ends up overthinking, blaming himself for things that weren't his fault.
but, you realise you can't do anything, so you let the rest of the ride pass by in heavy silence.
"are you still thinking about the match?" the question leaves your mouth the moment you park in front of his flat, holding the door open for him to get out the car. "it's fine, winning and losing are by products. what matters is that you gave your best,"
it's funny because you're in no position to say that when you frown upon the exact same things. winning and losing, despite being secondary to effort and hard work, mean more to people. no one cares what you've gone through, or what you are going through. no one cares about the process, they care about the product. it's one of the new things that make you feel that you and kageyama aren't so different, after all, despite being polar opposites.
kageyama and you have been on opposite tracks ever since the day you met, and it doesn't even have to do with your zodiacs and personality— you don't like sports, while he earns off them— and, you don't know how you both got to a point where he's the person you trust blindly and you're the one he seeks for in the dead of the nights. it's something that comforts you while reminding you how you both have completely different worlds. perhaps, it's in the habits and insecurities that follow, or the simple realisation that kageyama is a star while you're just a planet revolving around.
there's a line between him and you that's stopping you from entering his world, and vice-versa.
"tobio," you call him again, putting an extra emphasis to get his head out of the pool of self-depreciating thoughts he's drowning into.
"i'm thinking about something else," you unluck his door, he turns around to face you, "i'm thinking about you,"
he settles his eyes on you, fixating them there for a better look as if he has never seen you before. kageyama doesn't get out of the car and instead, spends the next five minutes staring at you as you stare back at him with the same interest, or perhaps more, before he breaks into a soft chuckle. "you're cute,"
and his words leave you speechless.
you don't want to overthink and assume a complete different meaning of his words, changing the trajectory of your relationship— which is actually what you want but, not this way— you decide to play along. "well, i believe i'm more than just cute for being the one to pick you up whenever you're wasted—"
"and pretty," a pause follows, one that makes you forget how to breathe. "you're beautiful, and smart— maybe not smart, or a little bit smart— and you always listen to me despite having your own problems, you have a good alcohol tolerance which balances us out— i don't know what i'm saying," your heart skips a beat, "i think i'm in love with you,"
"you're drunk, tobio,"
"no, no— listen," but he insists, taking a step towards you with the most troubled expression because you are not getting him— it's makes complete sense in his head. "you're like a perfect set, like, like the one that makes my heart skip a beat and makes me so nervous but also puts me at ease and is the reason— no wait, fuck, i mean—"
"you don't know what you're saying," you interject with a chuckle, trying to put up a normal front while in reality, you're losing sense of everything because kageyama is confessing to you; and, it's both an honour and a shame because he is intoxicated at the moment.
"i don't," he exhales.
kageyama falls quiet once again. there's dejection on his face along with hints of desperation to voice his exact feelings, to make sure you understand how he feels about you, and you know his words couldn't me clearer, but he is drunk. you know better than trusting saccharine words laced with smell of alcohol, although you would've already kissed him if you were braver and he was sober.
"but i really love you," he speaks up again, chanting the same words as a mantra, "i really do love you,"
"you should g—"
"more than volleyball," it's serious, he wants you to know, because kageyama told you that volleyball was his first love, and now he puts you above it.
another step towards, his hands brush against yours before he links he index finger with yours. you almost give in, almost, finding it hard to control yourself through the close proximity between him and you. it feels like the time has stopped when his eyes settle on your lips. you find yourself getting drunk on the alcohol in the breathe, or the way his lips are barely centimeters away from yours. "i love you,"
your hands rake up his chest, a moment of regret floods over your mind, you push kageyama away. "say that again when you're sober,"
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soireegurl · 27 days
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Chapter 7
PSH x reader (feat.YJW)
Your childhood friend who went through traumas and hardships finally evolved and grew into a successful and powerful man... However, something about him seems to be different...
Summary for chapter: You told you sister about the things you found but she doesn't seem to believe... And Jungwon finally has a plan to make you his.
No Copyrights @soireegurl
Note🖇️: This story contains Yandere themes, Mafia themes. Mention of killing, blood, violence, vulgar languages.
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After the meeting with Sunghoon, you quickly packed you things and left in a rush.
When you walk out of the company, you were shocked to see Jungwon's car parked outside and he was standing by his car.
Jungwon called and waved to you.
You quickly ran to him and greeted him too.
"Jungwon, drive me home now! "
You quickly put your things at the backseat and sat in the car.
"Why are you so panicky?"
Jungwon couldn't help but to laugh at your clumsy actions.
"Aish, faster! I'll tell you as we go."
"Alright, alright..."
Jungwon got into the car and started driving.
"So... What happened?"
"You wouldn't believe what I found out."
Jungwon gave you the 'what?' look and you continued.
"I found something that can prove that Sungmin is Sunghoon."
Jungwon suddenly stopped the car which scared you.
"Hey! What was that?!"
You held on to the handle above you for your life.
"Sorry... I was... I was just shocked..."
Jungwon apologised and started the car again, luckily there was no car on this road, if not car accident might have happened.
"So... What did you find?"
Jungwon's heart was racing at the thought of you finding out Sungmin is Sunghoon.
He knew letting you meet Sunghoon was dangerous and might increase the chance of you finding out, but he didn't know it would happen so quickly.
"A harmonica and a picture of us! The harmonica was given by me when we first met!"
"Oh... That's... That's good..."
Jungwon was acting weird he didn't seem happy... He seems tensed and scared.
"Wonie, you good? Why are you acting so weird?"
"Don't worry... I'm okay... Just a little tired..."
"Oh... Ok...."
You didn't really believe him, but if he says he is okay, then you'll take it as he is okay.
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You finally reached home and you couldn't hold back your excitement and ran straight into the house to look for your sister.
"Eonnie! Where are you?"
Your mom told you that your sister is in her room.
You quickly went up and knocked on her door.
After she gave the permission to go in, you opened the door and went in.
"Y/n? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at work?"
"I ended early today... I have something to tell you..."
"What is it?"
You quickly took out your phone and showed her the photo you took of what you found in Sunghoon's office.
"Eonnie, look, this is what I found in Sungmin's office... It's a photo of me and him! And the harmonica! You remember right? The one I gave Sunghoon!"
Your sister took you phone and took a closer look, the more she look at it, the redder her face got.
"So? Why are you showing me this?"
She sounded annoyed and her face says it all.
"Eonnie, why can't you just accept that Sungmin is Sunghoon? Is this not enough to say?"
"Maybe he got it from somewhere else. It might not be his. How can you be so sure?"
You sighed loudly.
"Eonnie, why are you trying to brain wash yourself when things are so clear? If he don't look like Sunghoon, doesn't have the same name, maybe I will trust that he got this from somewhere else. But with everything added up, it is as clear as glass!"
You tried to convince your sister, but you just got her madder and she started shouting at you.
"Get out! Stop trying to mess everything up Y/n! Even if he is Sunghoon so what?! Nothing is gonna change! So stop this!"
"Eonnie! Please! Stop being like this!"
"I said get out!"
She pushed you towards the door.
You tried begging her to stop but she is too angry to listen to you.
Just as you were about to hit the door, Jungwon held you from the back.
The quarrelling sounds were too loud that Jungwon heard it from the living room so he quickly ran up to see what's going on.
"What happened?"
"Get her out of here! I don't want to see her!"
You sister said and turned her head.
You whispered while tears were streaming down your eyes.
"Y/n... Let me talk to her... You should ho first... You don't want to make her more angry right?"
You looked at Jungwon and back to your sister...
You unwilling nodded your head, trusting that Jungwon will calm your sister down.
You went out of the room and went to your room.
After you went out, Jungwon closed he door and turned to face your sister.
"Noona... You knew it didn't you?"
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Chapter 6 | chapter 7 | chapter 8
Love is pain Masterlist
Taglist: @heeseung-min @whateverhoon
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maenecoon · 1 month
so like
remember how i used to be a phayurain blog -
@alittlebitofrainbyyourside inspired me, a few months ago, to write something about vampires and biting.
soo i'm thinking about sire phayu who's fangs are aching. it flares up occasionally because of his improper vampire development phase (long story short, phayu was neglected as a fledgling and thus has some "defective" vampire traits).
when phayu's fangs ache, they ache like a bitch, bc of Vampire Urges, he needs to sink his teeth into something. hard. preferably repeatedly. he'd use to teeth on wood, but it's not the most comfortable thing to chew, not to mention it doesn't taste great (phayu, having the rare vampire phenomenon of having functioning taste buds).
enter fledgling rain, who is eager to help his sire. a bit too eager. when rain's teeth ache, phayu offers him his thigh/neck to fang warm, so it's only right that rain returns the favour. he offers himself as a chew toy, baring his pale neck and blinking up at phayu innocently. waiting for phayu to use him and bite him.
phayu who might be a bit hesitant initially because he's afraid of overwhelming and hurting rain. he's extra careful with the pain control, making sure rain feels as little as possible, making sure his bite stings as less as he can make them. making careful little bites in the fat of his shoulder.
and then rain who, very rudely, grabs phayu by the hair, pulling him away from his neck. phayu who overlooks the insubordination and is just about to apologise when rain whines because phayu isn't biting hard enough!
phayu is a bit confused, but honestly, he should've seen it coming bc rain is a pain slut and he knows. i think he's just so used to being Too Much for his other partners that he treats rain the same way by default - like he's glass. (honestly phayus fault for corrupting rain tho ngl)
anyways. phayu who starts to play down the numbing effects of his bites. waiting for rain to have one of his mouthy little rants before phayu bites him down hard. rain letting out a wobbly yelp of surprise. phayu deciding he loves the way rain sounds when he cries, so pretty and wrecked. having to bite him again and again and again.
next time he won't use his aching fangs as an excuse. next time he'll bite so hard that it draws up blood, blood warm from rain's previous feed (basically, phayu's own "blood", lmao). no longer showing any inhibition when digging his fangs into rain. in fact, using his sire control to further disable rain's pain control, making the sensation of the bite feel further heightened.
(i think it'd make rain cum on the spot. phayu continuing regardless, praising rain for taking his bites so well, praising rain for being so pretty when he cries, his voice so beautiful when he screams from pain and over sensitivity.)
just! biting! biting biting biting! clearly i am missing the og vampire boys a little bit :,))
tbh,, it was thinking about vampkimchay that had me thinking back to vampphayurain (love bites au) and how i just completely stopped writing them because i couldn't get past the courting stage. the story needed to continue with phayu trying to court rain. i thought smut was the hard part to write but i didn't consider ✨feelings✨ would be the scarier thing. let's not get into how that reflects on me personally LOL but anyways!
if you're still here, thanks for listening to my rambles. the first installment of this au is linked below. i've written five parts of vampphayurain being cute/horny/trying to navigate their relationship as sire and childe, so if that interests you then maybe you could check it out 🦇
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owlsie-hoot · 8 months
ACGAS 4x1 Broodiness - had to write down what is on my mind after my second rewatch. So spoilers:
About Siegfried in this episode:
Siegfried supporting Audrey although he is trying to cope with Tristan's absence, he acts completely different in their scenes, not at all irritated and testy!
Siegfried supporting her in a way none of the others could do because he is the only one who knows what it is like to lose a partner - perhaps not in the same way as Audrey
... face the monster! He faced the monster of death, she faces the monster of having to tell strangers her life story
Although he is grumpy (lack of nicotine and because he missed Tristan), he is not oblivious that Audrey is in distress
the moment he notices that she does not want to talk about the divorce and keep that to herself, he changes the topic, makes her smile. He can read her, he senses that she is not in a good place
and of course she can put up the picture of Edward (this is after all her home too)
he stands with his back to her, does not know what to say but can also not leave the room because he wants to say something
only when she exclaims that she cannot do this, does he turn around and he listens (it is so rare for her (as it is for him) to open up so he of course pays attention to her words)
and you can see it on his face that he has trouble saying the words out loud he then says
her immediate reaction is dismissal followed by his apology and he shuts his eyes, probably hating himself that he has causes her even more distress in that very moment
Audrey's reaction is harsh because she is to tense and cannot discuss this with him any more at this very moment so she changes the topic
whereas Siegfried is clearly feeling like shit and doesn't say anything, just nods and walks away
But: he apologises and comes up with a plan - so different from the grumpy, testy Siegfried that James and Helen see in this episode!
you can see that Audrey is also angry with herself or rather that she desperately wants to do this but it is so hard and difficult that she feels she does not have enough strength to do it
therefore him telling her to write it all down to face the monsters, to encourage her is also a way of giving her some strength back, empowering her
also: it is cute that he tidies his desk for her, brings her tea, immediately signals her that he will be out of her way
his happy singing when she comes down the stairs is probably one part the nicotine high (lol) and one part being glad that he could help Audrey, that she said she he has no plans of leaving
At the second rewatch I wasn't even mad at Gerald coming into the house because we had that extremely tense moment between Siegfried and Audrey in the dining room and in that scene his feelings for her became so obvious, he knows that he feels more for her than he can admit at this very moment. And he knows now that she has no plans of leaving and that she isn't doing this because Gerald has any intentions.
About Audrey in this episode:
No one knows where she went so she clearly does not want anyone to know what her plans are
which I found weird at first but I totally get it now. This is a big step to take and she has probably been thinking about it, debating with herself, whether to really do this or not
and now that she is at the court she cannot walk out again but you can so feel her anxiety and distress in that scene, in every word, every gesture, every facial expression
it is so hard for her to do this and then there is this stupid clerk being a dick
she is elsewhere in that kitchen scene and of course pretends that all is well
The way she keeps her personal belongings in that tin is so adorable and reminded me of Siegfried's box from the attic. You can feel her pain when she goes through it and then the thing happens she wanted to avoid at any rate - Siegfried comes in and see what she is doing
she sounds as if she almost wants to (cry)shout at him but thankfully he can read her and changes the topic, and make her smile over Tristan but now he knows her secret and she feels uneasy about it
she is not the person who shares her private life with everyone or talks openly about her deepest fears and feelings - Siegfried is the same - it's what their generation did (one part), and yet they are so close and can sense when the other isn't well
writing it all down must have been so hard, reliving all the memories, feeling everything again and her outburst is so unlike her because she is to tense and so stressed and shortly afterwards puts the housekeeper mask back on
but for a brief moment the desperation pours out of her "I just can't do it" and she is so vulnerable in this moment
and then they both cannot deal with the tension anymore
In this episode the usual banter Siegfried and Audrey share was between him and Helen because Audrey was basically absent - she was at the house but fought her own demons (unlike in 3x5 when we saw her out of the house) and there was no room for the usual flippant, snarky remark. Yet there were so many married moments in a different way. Him asking her to hide his tobacco, her hiding it in a place where he would never have looked for it. Him bringing her a cup of tea. Both of them masters of the two dogs.
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confoundedluna · 1 year
can't sleep and brain is on overload so i'm breaking out what is possibly a Controversial until dawn opinion
I don't believe Emily and Mike physically cheated on Matt and Jess with each other.
there's a Ton of evidence seemingly contradicting that, sure, but when you look at it it's Incredibly circumstantial and not the full story
Mike and Emily hugging after she tells Matt she's going to find Sam?
we never actually hear what they're talking about, it could have been a friendly greeting, or hell it could have been comforting because, y'know, IT'S THE YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF THEIR FRIENDS DISAPPEARING AND IT'S KINDA THEIR FAULT
if they were cheating, surely they'd kiss, rather than a pretty chaste hug? okay, sure, there's the risk of being caught, and Ash does of course see them, but I don't really see anything romantic in their body language (though that might be just me)
Emily getting all jealous and possessive and picking a fight with Jess in the lodge?
I don't think that's coming because her and Mike are secretly involved still, I call that Maybe some lingering romantic feelings from what was likely a shitty breakup and mostly bitterness that her best friend is dating her ex that just a year ago she was helping deter another girl from
the big kicker some people whip out is the unpopular dialogue choice when the fire tower is falling, if Matt saw them through the viewfinder, in which Emily basically admits to cheating, right?
except. she doesn't.
her voice in that scene is the biggest thing to me. most of the time, Emily is angry. aggressive. but in that scene, she knows she might die, she's Terrified, and her only hope of getting to safety is yelling at her insistently that she's cheating on him.
"Christ, Matt, we were just talking!" and 'I- I was confused!" and "Please... Matt, I'm sorry!" are her most important lines in that scene, and her delivery is Desperate. she basically whimpers before her stuttered "I", which makes sense. most of Matt's non-choice dialogue, of which there is admittedly very little, makes him sound like a peacekeeper, a mediator. the way he tries to placate Emily when they first arrive, or how he apologises to Ash after scaring her? not the aggressive, fight-starting guy the player can make him be.
so to be Screaming at her in a life or death situation? she knew there was no getting through to him, and she had to say what he wanted to hear if she had any chance of him getting her to safety
none of her words are an outright confession, just enough to Seem like one, and hopefully be apologetic enough that he'll save her so they can talk later, back on safe ground
the "confused" line I call back to 'Maybe lingering romantic feelings leftover from a recent shitty breakup', I haven't heard many cheating confessions so I don't know how many try the confusion justification, but I don't think it fits here
(also, confirmation needed, but on a video I watched of this fire tower scene, I saw a comment saying the devs confirmed she's lying here about actual physical cheating having happened? I don't have a source for that if it's true, but if anyone does that would be really cool and helpful)
and on Mike's part, I look to simply every single thing centred around Jess he did in the game. which was a Lot. they have such a great dynamic, he's clearly very devoted to her, desperate and broken and angry when she's taken and he can't save her, and I just don't see him cheating on her at all, not even with Emily.
so, yeah. while there might have been some emotional stuff left on Emily's end, which does make her kinda shitty since she's with Matt, I don't think they did anything physical while committed to other people like some think they did. Mike I think too devoted to Jess and probably unwilling to go back to Emily, probably associating the relationship with the twins' disappearing. Emily I think does genuinely care about Matt enough to not act on any possible leftover feelings, and this is speculation on my part but she probably wouldn't even if she's just using Matt as a Mike replacement because she's so bitter at Jess for 'stealing her man', but wouldn't want to do the same thing in return to her because she thinks she's better than that i.e better than Jess.
if y'all think differently, I'd love to hear why! or, if you agree with me, I'd still love to hear more! I love thinking about this kinda thing and hearing other people's perspectives
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stormoflina · 4 months
I saw a video of Dominik and his father when they announced that he was joining Liverpool. And Dominik was doing alright up until the journalists got his father involved in the conversation and also I saw a video from a couple years ago I think Dominik was still playing for Salzburg back then and again people gave the word to his father and the POINT IS his whole demanour changes, he takes glanses over his father, and starts taking more time to answer the question and I can only imagine what goes in his head in a moment like that. 'How should i respond? Is this good enough? Am I saying something I shouldn't? Does my father approve?' And it made me really sad, no one deserves this kind of treatment and I hope that it all wasn't as bad as we might think it was. But I cried after the news of Dominik calling his dad crying while in aNoThER cointry because he misses home and for him to hung up on him 😭😭 sorry for the rant lol
Girl, don't you apologise, we LOVE rants in this blog!
While I'm not sure if I have seen this video you are taking about, even just reading this made me feel so bad for him. :( Maybe with knowing what we know from his interviews we are naturally more observant to all of this, but it's quite telling if poor Domi's demeanour changes so drastically with his father present.
I know he doesn't blame him, but I do lol, I just can't like his father. It's one thing that he raised his son in a certain way, but to be actually proud of how you emotionally neglected your child is baffling. Yeah, this is about the phone call story.
That just sounds so extremely traumatising. I remember that once I attended a hiking camp in Transylvania when I was 15 (same age as Domi when that incident happened), and I tried to phone my mom whining about getting a blister on my toe (lol), but we lost connection, and both of my parents were ready to get into the car and drive hundreds of kms just to see if everything is right. I can't imagine your dad hearing you cry on the phone under such circumstances and hanging up on you. That's so cruel.
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saveugoodmadam · 5 months
A Most Unfortunate Condition
Word count: c. 1,889
Awoosies masterpost
The boy in question stirred groggily in his sleep, then awoke with a start as he saw Jack's face at the window next to his bunk. Around him, other newsies told the pair to be quiet and put held their pillows over their ears. 
"What is it?" he hissed, indignant at being distributed.
"Penthouse, now." Jack whispered back.
Grumbling, Race allowed Jack to pull him through the window and they made their way up to the fire escape. He took one look at what appeared to be a wolf on a mattress, swore loudly, and turned around to go back down the fire escape. Jack's hand clamped down on his shoulder to stop him.
"Not so fast."
Race raised an eyebrow . "Why's there a wolf on the roof?"
Jack's face was set in steel. "That's Crutchie, and I want to know why."
Race followed Jack's finger to where it was pointing at the wolf. Now he thought about it, the canine did look an awful lot like the boy. He swore again in surprise, pulling his cigar out from his shirt pocket and chewing on it with wide eyes. Then his eyes narrowed and he looked at Jack.
"Why's you assuming I'm gonna know?"
"Well, if you knows how to hide a body I'm more likely to assume you knows how a newsie can be a wolf."
"Doesn't mean I knows everything, Kelly! Finch knows animals. Buttons knows medical stuff. Go ask them." he grumbled. "G'night, Jack. G'night, Crutchie."
"Tell Finch and Buttons to get themselves up here."
"Yes boss." he replied, leaving Jack up top, looking bewilderedly at an equally bewildered Crutchie.
"What'd he mean by 'and it's Crutchie, by the way'?" Finch mused to Buttons as they climbed the fire escape together, yawning slightly. Race had just shaken them both awake and told them to go up top without explaining anything. 
"I dunn- oh, Holy Mary!" Buttons exclaimed, clinging to him as they reached the top. "I think he meant that- uh- uh- uh- " Button's eyes went wide at the sight of a wolf laying casually on a mattress. "I think that uh, that's Crutchie..."
"Oh, hey, Crutchie." Finch said softly, gently prising Buttons off him and sitting cross-legged in front of the mattress. 
"I wanna know why he's like this." Jack demanded, standing behind Finch. "Cause he ain't never done something like this before."
"I think we'd have noticed if he'd done this before, Jack." Buttons said, raising an eyebrow. He came to join Finch in front of the mattress. "Crutchie, can I see your arm- or, uh, leg, I guess?"
Crutchie nodded and let Buttons gently examine the spot where he had been bitten earlier that day.
"No, nothing. Uh, I'm sorry Jack, that's all I could've gone on."
"He's, uh, a little bigger than a normal wolf, but that's all I can tell. Oh, and I guess normal wolves ain't blond. And don't have hazel eyes."
"So, a wolf that's kinda not normal..." Jack mused. 
"We got nuthin'. Sorry, Jack." Finch apologised.
"Any idea who'd know?"
They shook their heads. Jack looked defeated, and sat down next to Crutchie on the mattress, head in hands. "Someone's done something to somebody I care about. We's getting to the bottom of this. I'll ask Davey in the morning, or Katherine, or Medda. They might know." His voice sounded so horribly small and vulnerable. For a moment, Finch could see the boy behind the tough façade.
"What's going on?" drifted a voice from the fire escape. The group turned to see Romeo looking at the scene in confusion.
"Something's happened to Crutchie." Finch explained. "We can't figure out wh-"
"Werewolf." Romeo deadpanned.
"What?" Jack asked, incredulous.
"He's a werewolf." Romeo repeated. "Believe me, I've read enough trashy novels to know." He held up a hand and pointed to each finger, listing things off as he went. "Full moon. He got bitten. The bite healed quickly. His arm went itchy. Now he's a wolf. It's the plot of every dime horror story from here to the Sahara."
All that could be heard on the penthouse was stunned silence before Jack piped up. "Thanks, Romeo. That's... that's unexpectedly helpful."
"I's not just a pretty face, huh?" Romeo winked and then went back down the fire escape to bed.
Crutchie woke up feeling like his body was on fire. It wasn't just his bad leg- every muscle was sore. He opened his eyes and groaned, unable to do anything but look up at the sky for a good ten minutes before the pain started to ease. 
"You's awake, then. Finally." Jack chuckled, crouching down next to him. He had a smile on his face that straddled the border between brotherly and parental. Crutchie knew that smile. He knew it from when he was eleven and broke his arm climbing a tree in Central Park. He knew it from when he'd caught chickenpox at thirteen. He knew it from when he'd been brought back home from the Refuge, beaten black and blue, and Jack had to slowly nurse him back to health. That smile meant something had gone wrong.
"Yeah, I's awake. What gives?"
"You don't... um... remember? Last night? Y'know, uh..." Jack bared his teeth and raised his hands in a pantomime of a predator animal. Crutchie raised an eyebrow, then his eyes widened as everything came flooding back to him.
"That wasn't- no, that didn't- couldn't have..." he whispered, clutching desperately at his friend. "Jack, I..."
"Crutchie... I's known you since you was eight years old with gappy teeth. You're my best friend, okay? You ain't dangerous, or a threat, and don't you dare say you's a monster because you ain't, you don't deserve all this happenin' outta nowhere!"
Crutchie watched as Jack started to cry, then made a soft 'oof' noise as he was engulfed in a hug through his blanket. 
"Alright, ya goof." Crutchie said softly. He paused, letting Jack calm down a little. "But I was actually eight and a half when we met."
He smiled when Jack spluttered out a laugh.
"You got me there." Then the other boy's face became stern. "You's not sellin' today, though. Neither am I. We's going to the theatre. Medda'll give you a few bucks for doing some odd jobs backstage, more than you'd earn if you was selling papes."
"Why the theatre?"
"You'll see."
"And when I got back, he was a wolf."
Medda looked to where Crutchie was sat on a chair, sewing up holes in a few of the costumes. 
"A werewolf, huh?"
Jack nodded. "I was wondering if anyone here knows anything about it."
Medda smiled to herself. It certainly was helpful, running a theatre. One could learn a lot from the people at the stage door, from whispers overheard from the audience, from the workers themselves. She wracked her brains, remembering a whispered conversation in the wings from a while back, when spring had just started to thaw out winter's freeze. 
"Mireia!" she called in the direction of the dressing rooms. A dancer poked her head out of the door.
"Yes, Ms Medda?"
"Your beau, from mid-March. Are you still with him?"
Mireia walked out fully into the corridor.
"No, ma'am. He moved to Maine in June."
"He was a werewolf, wasn't he?"
"Yes, ma'am. Why, is someone asking after him?"
"I have a couple of newsies here to talk to you about lycanthropy. Do you have the time to spare?"
Mireia nodded. 
"Alright. I'll be in my office if any of you need me. I think I must have some books on the supernatural somewhere."
"Thank you, Medda." Jack said, bowing slightly. 
"It's no problem, Jack Kelly." she replied, patting his cheek.
She made her way to her office, knowing not for the first or last time that her trade and memory had once again saved the day.
"Basic stuff first, if you don't mind." Crutchie said, his gaze flickering between the dancer and the costume he was mending.
"Okay. Well, Peter said that his kind aren't naturally aggressive. Only violent people make for violent wolves."
"That explains Morris." Jack sneered.
"I dunno, Jack. He's a dick, sure, but he seemed more scared than anything."
Mireia nodded. "Trauma can lead to wolves lashing out, as with any animal under the sun."
"Well, it's at least good to know I ain't gonna go all murderous on you, Jack. Uh, any more specifics though?"
The dancer looked pensive. "Transformations aren't only on full moons, I remember that. The first transformation happens the night the werewolf is bitten, then it's voluntary on any night other than full moons. That's the night all lycanthropes are forced to change. And it gets less painful as time goes on."
Crutchie couldn't hide his smile at that. It was good to know that the agony of last night wasn't going to continue for the rest of his life.
"What about alphas and stuff?" Jack asked, looking concerned.
"I don't know how much trashy romance you've read, but most of it isn't true in the least. Alpha is just the role given to the leader and co-ordinator of the pack."
"Oh, yeah, packs. Uh, are there any I should join? Do they gotta be all wolves?" He held his breath as he asked, the needle paused mid-stitch.
"The newsies as a community function very well as a pack, and no they don't all have to be wolves."
"So I'm alpha?" Jack's brow was furrowed, as if this was something he really wanted to make sure.
"I think you are." Crutchie told him. "You're leader of us 'Hattan newsies, so why not?"
"Just one more thing, then, and we'll leave you be. Is there any other wolves in New York? Apart from Crutchie. And Morris, I guess." Jack twirled a paintbrush between his fingers to alleviate the stress.
There was silence for a minute or so. Crutchie and Jack held their breath as they leant in, enraptured, awaiting Mireia's answer.
"Not that I know of. Not since Peter left for Maine."
Hidden in an alleyway, a large grey shadow watched two newsies walk past on their way to sell their papers. The slightly taller one identified the birds they saw as they passed, the smaller one captivated by his friend's face. It had to suppress a growl. The plan had failed, ever so slightly. One had been turned before the plan called for it. It would make sure that mistake was paid for, when the time came. For now, both of its targets were in plain sight. It flew out of the alley, paws pounding against the ground, towards the unsuspecting victims.
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kashmiresims · 3 months
Hi Charmful, I really love your amazing neighborhood! It is fantastic to see the passion you've put in this project for about 17 (!) years! What advice would you give to someone who wishes to start their own custom hood with many subhoods and stories, like yours? What are in your opinions some do's and don'ts (be it about technicalities, gameplay or even mindset)? Thanks in advance and I apologise if this question has already been asked :)
No! You are completely fine, I appreciate the question. Very few ever ask me questions on my tumblr anyhow. I just go around giving this advice every so often when I see it asked about how to start custom hoods on the big TS2 Facebook Group or the Sims 2 Subreddit, haha! So, going into your own hood/subhoods project sounds really daunting and it's not a feat for the impatient or those that have a penchant for serial restarting playstyle. 1. Grow it organically. If that seems too loose of a perimeter for someone, they can always use a structured BACC as a springboard. One of my favorite TS2 Twitch streamers, ChocolatCitySim has built her amazing custom hood and subhoods up from a BACC. Here is an album of my hoods and subhoods showing them in 2015 and 2022 and the progress it made and even at present they look different than they did in 2022. 2. Create a solid set of sims or families you want to be the foundation population. They could be founders, you could have a headcanon of why they moved to town, or how they fit into the lore of your custom hood. These sims you will play for a long time, hopefully enough to see their children's children and such. My best advice is aim for 5-8 families and then sprinkle in some YAs (if you add a Uni right off) and single adults that are ready to mingle. Add new families and sims as you progress and as needed to grow your population. 3. Don't be afraid! Why is this important? Because Kashmire wouldn't be what it is today if I had panicked at every glitch, accident, or unintended situation that cropped up. It has actually enhanced my hood lore as the years have gone by. It makes for a unique story twist or quirk when something happens and you have to interpret or explain it away into a narrative or hood canon. Don't be afraid to start playing before the hood is 'done'; spoiler alert: a custom hood is never 'done' it might have a good few years stretch of you not updating anything in it until you need it but if you are like me and get the urge to go ham on hood deco after 14 or so years, it's gonna always be in flux! Obsessing with getting a custom hood 'done' before playing it is the quickest way to burn out and abandon your goal. Also, don't be afraid to completely chuck stuff you have downloaded or built and are not feeling anymore. Or re-arranging entire sections of your hood. In real life, civilizations grow and change and seeing that progress in your own neighborhood can be rewarding! You can even send sims you aren't feeling anymore off to another place, or make them townies, or kill them off. I've never played in strict rotation, I've lost sims to glitches, and I've bulldozed more than half my original builds to try and build or download something better.
4. Back to the building of it, I wish I had done it sooner but it's helpful to kind of know what zones of your hood are. Commercial vs Residential, vs greenspace use. Use hood deco to build up parts to make it look busier if you are going for a more urban hood or subhood but don't have a lot of playable lots yet. If you aren't a builder, download lots, there are so many good ones out there! On the same note of building, try to have your basic necessity community lots in every subhood so the sim doesn't have to travel through 2 screens to get a cup of coffee or go to a gym, but you can vary those community lots unless you want to simulate a 'chain' (a chain of restaurants, gyms, coffee shops). Then, try to also have some unique places in each subhood. Places your sims might want to go to impress a date, or dancing with friends, fill a want that comes up less often. I could wax poetic about all the different lots around Kashmire but to not exceed a response character count, I shant. 5. A subtle thing you can do is develop an identity for your different areas/subhoods. You can do this with themes, flora, deco, and even the sims that live there. 6. Let the stories come naturally and retcon what doesn't work anymore. After playing for so many years in Kashmire, stories develop in a variety of ways--most have developed through the gameplay aspect itself mixed with being inspired by lots or poseboxes or just fun scenarios I want to try to play and execute. If you don't have a stellar memory like I do (which is how I keep everything in order) document your play through notes and pics! Even just putting up little blurbs on your tumblr with a few pics can help you start a narrative and then use it to go back to reference. If not here, any blogging site, a forum, or any other place you can post will do! 7. Be choosy with your cc. Things will come along you will WANT but do you really NEED it? This is a good rule of thumb for any Sims 2 player honestly. 8. MAKE BACK UPS. CONSISTENTLY MAKE BACK UPS OF YOUR HOOD AND GAME. RELIGIOUSLY STORE THEM SOMEPLACE SAFE because your heart will break if one day your SSD melts and all your backups were on it and you don't have an amazing computer wizard husband to save your custom hood's ass. People always ask me 'How have you played the same Sims 2 neighborhood for 17 years?!' and my answer: BACK UPS. That's all I can think of off the top of my mind. Thanks for the question and good luck on your Sims 2 custom hood journey!
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tenrose · 3 days
Due to recent events, I've decided to finish and send the novel to the institute that offer ADHD diagnosis among other things. I have enough of myself. I mean once I have proof by A + B that I'm just lazy maybe that will be a wake up call. They don't require a phone call, thank god, but they require a description of symptoms, history etc. Obviously I took that as writing a freaking essay.
Things I wrote in the essay in question:
Wrote it like it's a first person POV story
Wrote that I can't talk properly in a narration where I alternated between formal and informal writing
After listing all the basic things I can't do, I digress about how I somehow manage to travel by own once year despite not being able to make one phone call, having my driving licence, doing the chores.
In the said digression, after I said a few lines higher that I have social anxiety, said that I somehow feel more comfortable speaking in English than in my native language, not cause I speak well (I don't I panic and forget every single word of the English language cause I don't practise often) but because I feel like being a foreigner i am less judged than stumbling every three words in my fucking tongue.
After that digression I dropped that I kinda have my thoughts going everywhere (case in point)
Casually dropped my past of school bullying like it's totally unrelated to my anxiety, just, maybe I am a bit paranoid. Drowned this short sentence in the middle of rambling so it doesn't sound like a big thing.
Said that I was advised to have an ADHD diagnosis by people who had diagnosis and are now feel better but that I'm still not convinced I have anything but I just think I'm lazy and overdramatic
Ended the whole thing by apologising for being annoying
They are never gonna call me 💀
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redrocketpanda · 10 months
WIP Tag Game
rules: make a 24-hour poll with the names of your WIPs, let it run, then write one sentence for every vote the winner got
tagged by: @axreliono ayyyyyy
tagging: this is a *super* low pressure tag but I'm also gonna be mean and tag @parad0xymoron eheheheh (and consider yourself tagged if ya want in!)
I have two in progress big bang fics which I can't share anything from but you do have this lovely array to choose from still:
little summaries:
What I Was Made For (skts) There are 3 things in life that Miya Atsumu knows for damn sure: 1. That he is hilarious, charming, drop-dead gorgeous and adored by all. 2. That he is outstandingly exceptional in (almost) every sense. 3. That if he is ever anything less than outstanding, no one will love him anymore. Or: how Sakusa & co. help Atsumu realise that he is good enough and worthy of love all the time, every day, exactly as he is
Fire On the Horizon (krbk) 15 years. It's been 15 years since Kirishima has seen Bakugou. Red Riot is now one of the most beloved top heroes, he helped to rebuild Japan in the wake of the post-war arc, he (mostly) moved on with his life. But all of that is thrown into disarray when "Dynamight: missing, presumed dead" suddenly reappears on the scene
Astarion Punishment Smut Fic (Domme! Vico/Bttm Astarion) Does what it says on the tin. 3 chapters of unadulterated Astarion punishment smut feat. my Tav, BDSM dynamics, and clowning Astarion over and over again
The Miya Atsumu Humiliation Show (Atsumu/Terushima) Similarly to above but a house party one-shot where smug Atsumu gets clowned multiple times in front of/by Terushima, until it all culminates in raunchy sex (where the clowning ofc continues)
The Hardest of Hearts (skts Dark Academia AU) Told from Sakusa's perspective as he navigates a rather complicated relationship with his roommate, Atsumu, and life studying abroad at a prestigious creative arts university in England. Features descriptions of Sakusa playing the piano, the discovery of Atsumu's secret art, and trying to figure out wtf it all means
Untitled Itadori/Inumaki/Sukuna trash smut Again, does what it says on the tin. I apologise to the internet for my horrendous brain but there was something about Inumaki/Itadori "experimenting" with Inumaki's cursed speech and Sukuna deciding that he needs to intervene that absolutely rotted my brain
HQ BokuAka Prom Fic (bkak) Bokuto desperately wants to ask Akaashi to prom but is scared that the Fukurodani students will treat Akaashi differently once Bokuto graduates. Enter: Kuroo, Hero of the Hour - who gets together his fellow volleyball captains to plot a HQ takeover of Fukurodani's prom. Birds (and cats, and plants, etc) of a feather flock together. Features super cute dancing scenes (bc ofc) and Bokuto's sisters
Kunichi Smut (Kunigami/Raichi) Raichi just cannot stop thinking about Kunigami and it doesn't help that Kunigami is fucking everywhere he goes - on the pitch, in the gym, in the mess hall, in the showers. But it doesn't make sense bc Kunigami's like... a guy? The fuck is up with that. Or: (almost wildcard) Kunigami notices Raichi has the hots for him and proceeds to wind him up until Raichi can't stand it anymore, and then Kunigami rails Raichi in the showers
Apotheosis (bkak greek mythology AU) Minor god Akaashi + Beloved mortal Bokuto fall in love with each other. It's a story that can only end in tragedy. Except, Bokuto doesn't accept that. He figures all he has to do is turn into a god and then they can be together forever. Sounds easy, right? Features a beautiful bkak love story, HQ characters as greek gods, and Bokuto just being wonderful
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