#i am partial to any kind of pasta really
junebugdunes · 1 year
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oceanblueeyesoul · 1 year
Hiiii! Hope yer well! Heard you were doing Wednesday Matchups? It's grand if you aren't ^-^ A lot of my body and clothes that are avaliable right now aren't accurate to how I am, so I hope it's okay that I'm describing my appearance how it's going to be, rather than how it is currently!
My name is Willow from Ireland, They/She and Genderfluid. Demipanromantic Bisexual, I'm 17 (today 🎉). I'm 4'0" (disability), long floofy and messy black hair, dyed partially red that kinda just curls and waves all over the place, like a wee wolf's mane :P
I like drawing and do it regularly, singing, and (when I have the energy) dancing. When I'm hyper and not feeling too many chronic pains, I'm practically bouncing off walls and climbing across sofas, tables n stuff just for fun XD
My clothing style is a bit all over the place, but I typically wear goth/grunge style clothing, but occasionally I like becoming a ball of rainbows and just go for bright, rainbow colours too, with jumpers n stuff :3
My personality is reflected this way aswell, I switch between being bouncy and optimistic, to cold and blank somewhat regularly, depending on how I feel, or who I'm around. I'm INFP-T and usually quite a bit sluggish because of a lack of mental and physical energy. I'm very distrusting of people at first, but if my instincts allow me some time to get past that, I am ALL OVER YOU! Very touchy and cuddly, but if someone isn't comfortable I'll respect it, and do whatever alternative they prefer, or if they just need to take it slow. I deal with a lot of anger control issues, which can be bad but it comes in handy when protecting the people I care about, which I'll gladly do with vigour and without hesitation. I have either Autism/ADHD, or both, still not sure.
I hate; people who refuse to communicate, judgemental people (Bigots, Homophobes, Sexists, etc), disingenuous people, lack of respect for those who need help or have special needs.
Foods I like; Pasta, meats, ice cream, pineapple and most fruits & vegetables.
Foods I dislike; Peas, Cabbage/Lettuce, rice on it's own. Not a fan of dry foods :<
Styles of music I like: Rock, Punk, Metal, Rap, but also lot's of upbeat pop n stuff that makes for good wee dancey dances :3
I'm also a therian/otherkin, which in simple terms means; I behave and identify as a non-human animal, or creature. Typically I behave very dog/cat-like, so lots of cuddling, mini licks, nuzzling n all that. But that's only when I feel safe enough. My anger is also fed into this a wee bit, so I'm often seen chewing or biting down on my chew-necklace since when I get angry I wanna bite things (or others) for some reason XDD
Sorry if that's a lot >_< I don't even know if I got everything down that I wanted to, but it should be everything! If you need any other information let me know and I'll resend this, with the added info :3
Hi there, Willow and happy birthday today! I really hope you like this a lot!
Wednesday (Netflix) Matchup
Your Wednesday (Netflix) soulmates is...
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The three of you would definitely be listening to all kinds of music and dance very silly together and just having fun with each other.
Enid would pet you and give you all the love you deserve while Wednesday will only give you slight hugs and discipline when it comes to you.
Both of them would love your hair because it is different than they are used to a lot and they love the bright red hair look on you.
ESFP x INTJ x INFP lovebirds!
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sweet-berry-sims · 1 year
15 asks for 15 mutuals
Thank you for tagging me in the ask game @emmiesims!
1. are you named after anyone?
I am in my middle name. My name is made up of two of my great-grandmother’s names that are hyphenated. Though one of those names was heard wrong. My great-grandmother on my mom’s side often went by the nickname Baby so my mom never really knew her real name all that well so that part of my name is slightly different from my actual great-grandmother’s name. 
2. when was the last time you cried?
Probably a few nights ago watching sad videos unless literally cutting onions counts then earlier today while cutting onions for breakfast/lunch. 
3. do you have kids?
No but I definitely want them in the future. 
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
I can be rather sarcastic.
5. what sports do you play/have you played?
I am not coordinated in the slightest. Though I have been placed in sports during my obligatory mom signed me up to do sport things ages, lol. So I have done soccer, basketball, karate, gymnastics as a toddler, and table tennis. Nothing lasted more than a few weeks due to very vehement disapprovals from me and the fact that my parents can’t agree on anything. 
6. what’s the first thing you notice about other people?
I can usually tell if I’m speaking with another autistic person something about the body language and language choices I guess. But other than that I think it just depends on what kind of interaction I’m having with a person that determines what I pay attention to. 
7. scary movies or happy endings?
I don’t really watch movies but it really depends on my mood as to what kind I want to watch because I like scary movies and happy movies though I am more partial to scary movies. Not a fan of jump scares though, just no unless I really know what’s coming. 
8. any special talents?
Not particularly. 
9. where were you born?
Santa Clara, California.
10. what are your hobbies?
I feel that since this is a sims blog that should be obvious as one of my hobbies lol. I also enjoy cooking and baking. I recently got a pasta maker so I am a happy clam. I’ve also gotten into embroidery, cross-stitching and making little dolls from random unpartnered socks in my house. So socks beware I guess.
11. do you have any pets?
No but I am looking to get one ideally soon, just submitted the adoption application for kittens so here’s hoping I get approved. I love animals but am very allergic to doggos, I will still pet them even if my skin breaks out in hives.
12. how tall are you?
5′1″, I am definitely the shortest adult in my family that’s still alive, my grandpa’s mom was apparently 4′11″. My height isn’t that short until I’m next to my some of my younger cousins, who are now  6′4 and 6′8. I’m still savoring the fleeting joy of being taller than my baby sister who is still pretty young, she’s almost certainly going to be taller than me too but until then! 
13. fave subject in school?
I really liked Chemistry and English. I enjoy reading though I haven’t done as much of it lately. Chemistry is fun I even have my AS in it though I don’t really see myself following a career in that. 
14. dream job?
I love working with kids and my dream job would probably be to open my own daycare for little ones which is why I have changed my major to early childhood education. That said burnout from college is real so I’m okay with going slower and steady. 
15. eye colour?
I don’t really know who to tag so I’ll leave this open for who ever wants to answer these questions! 
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fruitsilly · 2 years
10 people you want to know better (tagged ppl are under no obligation to do this <3!!)
thank you jude @pansyfem for tagging me! this looks like fun :3
relationship status: single, but heavily lushing/meshing (the sensual/alterous equivalents of crushing respectively) on this guy in my class at uni rn. and i really. Really want him to be my boyfriend holy fucking shit he's so cute. anyways. i also have a milder squish on a girl who's also in my class. i have two exes but i am aromantic and since they were romantic relationships which needed reciprocation they didn't work out. i am still friends with one of my exes (who's also arospec) tho so it's all good!! :•D
favourite colours: my top 5 fave colours are
in that order :)
favourite foods: ough pasta. any kind of pasta really but i am especially partial to lasagne. i also love cheese and pizza. oh and how could i forget!!! millionaire's shortbread!!
song stuck in my head: TOXIC BY BRITNEY SPEARS!!!!!!!!!! although before this it was the borgia family horrible histories song :)
last thing you googled: i use firefox bc im swag so technically i duckduckgo'ed this Anyways. i searched for the tv show "you" bc i saw a gifset from that show featuring a lady i am incredibly bi for and i was like 👀 will i have to watch this now
time: 9.32PM (im gonna write the time of posting this bc i wrote this in my notes app)
dream trip: spain or scotland!! spain bc im learning spanish and scotland bc it's just such a lovely country <3
last thing you read: "the children" by lucy kirkwood! it's a play im reading for my course :)
last book you enjoyed reading: ugh i haven't had the capacity to actually sit down and read a physical book for... too long it's been ages. it's mostly to do with my disabilities and time :( i started reading good omens on my phone but i didn't finish it (i like it so much better than the show lmao). but the actual physical book i read last was "death sets sail" by robin stevens, the final book in her "murder most unladylike" series. ough. ive been with that book series from literally the very beginning. id highly recommend 👍
favourite thing to cook/bake: sadly i don't do enough cooking or baking to know but what i have made is fudge which was quite fun! ive also made a delicious cheesy pasta bake hehe
favourite craft to do in your free time: again. i haven't had the capacity or time to actually make any art since like... march, so, 7 months. yeesh. i miss making digital art. id like to pick it up again but idk when that'll be. id also like to try and get a badge maker bc i have loads of ideas but ugh time is a problem. im just so busy at uni.
most niche dislike: im sure there's Something since im autistic and autism is the Strong Opinions Disorder but nothing's coming to me atm [shrugs]
opinion on circuses: ive only been to one in my life and i really enjoyed it apart from the clowns who i found scary but i was like 8 i think. im less scared of clowns now. also the general aesthetics of them fuck severely
do you have any sense of direction: hardly lol! i have a great photographic memory so even going a certain route once with someone who knows the way i can remember it HOWEVER i am utter shit at finding my way with a map on my own. google maps is always open when im trying to find a place and even then i frequently go in the wrong direction or miss a turning. i just cannot translate distance on a digital map to irl distance. don't even get me started on using a traditional map bc g-d above. id end up more lost than i was before. im excellent at just confusing the hell out of myself <3
tagging: @sillyspooky @skylightz @bromantically @transgenderpolyhedrals @folderone @gir-posting @nvr-pass-spookier-version @heartslobbf @taikacohen @laymedowninsheetsoflinen (plus anyone who sees this and wants to do it just say i tagged you ^_^). again no obligation to do this !! :)
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msbarrows · 1 year
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Made pizzas yesterday - one to eat and two to freeze, that latter part being one of the things that turns making pizza from scratch into less of a chore, since it means future meals with no prep necessary (something I am always a fan of).
It was a cold day yesterday so I decided to try out something I’d theorized about previously, and set up the Instant-Pot to be a warm spot for rising the dough. It worked beautifully, and I am definitely repeating that for any future non-bread-machine bread making on cold days. Took a photo of the bowl of bread dough set to rise over the Instant-Pot (using the “less” heat setting, with about an inch of warm water in the pot) and then decided to photograph the entire process, because why not. Besides, it’s been just over 10 years since I last posted pizza process photos :)
Following my “rarely the same dough twice” method of just throwing stuff together for the dough, this one used milk, salt, sugar, proofed yeast, 1/2 cup or so of canola oil (I find crusts high in oil tend to cook from frozen better), 1/2 cup cornmeal, 1 cup multigrain flour, and the tail end of a jar of pesto, leftover from making tuna pesto pasta last week. Then kneaded in enough all-purpose flour to get a good dough (which is one of those make-bread-by-hand-enough-times-and-you-just-know-it-when-you-feel-it things).
Went with my default toppings of peppers, onions, olives, cheese, and pepperoni, though this time I also threw in a pound of bacon that I’d previously chopped and fried. Unlike in my previous pizza photoset, I’m less concerned with having pretty hand-cut veggies and more concerned with them freezing and cooking-from-frozen well, which means I ran them through my alligator chopper to dice them (which is a huge time saver over hand cutting) and then sauteed them with a little olive oil to drive out as much excess moisture as possible (which with bell peppers is... a lot. As in pepper juice puddling around and dripping from the chopper by the time you’re done dicing). You can skip sauteing if you’re planning to cook the pizzas immediately, but when freezing it makes a huge difference in how well they cook later. The freezing kind of bursts the cell structure of the veggies, so they give off A LOT of liquid as they thaw, and you end up with a very wet pizza, with potentially over-saturated, not-really-cooked dough. So - if freezing to cook later, saute all the veggies. The freezing will make them mushy instead of crisp anyway.
For faster pizza assembly, once the peppers and onions were sauteed I added the already cooked bacon and sliced olives to the pan and stirred it all together, then spread it evenly over the sauced crusts, topped with grated mozzarella, then the cut up pepperoni, and a sprinkling of parmesan. One went directly into a hot oven (400F for 20 minutes) while the other two got covered in foil and then popped into the freezer for future meals.
When cooking homemade pizzas from frozen, I find what works best is to loosely tent foil over the frozen pizza (see also: why I use foil when freezing them, instead of plastic wrap), and put into a 350F oven. Let cook 20-25 minutes, which should have the crust partially baked and the toppings thawed, then remove foil, increase heat to 400, and cook another 15 minutes.
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edci-528-blog · 10 months
Get to know Angie
Hi all! My name is Angie and I live in Royal Oak, Michigan, about 20ish minutes outside of Detroit. If you’ve had a course with me before you know that I have two rescue pitbull mixes, Penny and Dublin who are my entire world. Unfortunately, we had to put Penny down two weeks ago and it has been a really difficult time for me and my husband but we know we gave her a great life. I have included pictures below. Penny is the black and white one and Dublin is the brown. 
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I have a 6-year-old nephew named Edison who I genuinely think is smarter than my family half the time haha. In my free time, I love reading, traveling, cooking, and going to concerts. I have 6 concerts alone this summer along with some in the fall. My favorite thing to cook is homemade pasta with any kind of cream sauce. My favorite place I’ve ever been to is Ireland, which is actually how my dog Dublin got his name. And in July I am going to visit my best friend in New York so if you’ve ever been and have recommendations please let me know! 
I am an enthusiastic person who is mostly an extrovert but at times can be a homebody. I believe that any bad mood can be fixed with good food and good people. Here is me in Chicago with some friends. It was absolutely freezing outside and we ended up walking more than we thought we would have to but our moods quickly got better once we ordered this giant pretzel haha.
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Describe your relationship to the LDT program and the purpose of this blog
This is my 4th semester in the LDT program here are Purdue and it has been such a great learning experience. The purpose of this blog is to discuss what I have been learning in EDCI 528 along with completing assignments within the course. It is a place where I can analyze what I have learned about human performance technology and how I can apply it to the world of ID. 
Describe your professional and educational background
It’s been a while since I graduated but I spent 4 years of my undergrad at Central Michigan University where I was studying special education. During my 4th year, I decided to switch to general elementary education. Although I loved CMU as a school, I didn’t love the city of Mt. Pleasant so I transferred home and finished my undergrad at Oakland University. I just finished my 6th year of teaching with it being the fourth in second grade and prior to that, I taught 4th grade for two years. I started grad school here at Purdue in May of 2022 and will be graduating this December! 
Being a teacher has taught me so much and while I truly enjoyed it, the last two years have been extremely challenging. It is partially to do with my school being a Title I school with a very needy population in a low-income area. The behaviors are extreme and we have little to no support. Ever since starting the LDT program I have found a new passion so am trying to transition to a new career. I have spent the last year and a half trying to leave the classroom and step into the L&D Field. That alone has been a challenge but it is my goal this summer to find a job in the field. 
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dykedalecooper · 1 year
5, 14, 16(only 1 right answer to this one so think carefully), 21, 29
5. favorite form of potato?
there are so many wonderful kinds of potato. my second favorite crop. and my first favorite to eat. i am partial to all types of potatoes but i have a really great au gratin potato recipe with like gruyere and some other cheeses i cant think of at the moment
14. do you think you’re dehydrated?
yeah probably but not as much as i could be. i actually havent drunk much water today. but i have drank a lot of tea and coffee. so.
16. thoughts on mint chocolate chip?
i already answered this. but i know this is one of the few things we violently disagree on. im sorry.
21. a number that weirds you out?
i dont actually know. i dont like most of prime numbers. especially 13. not because of like any superstitious stuff i just dont like the way it is. i feel similarly about 7 and 17. 7 kind of gets a pass because my favorite number is 14 and therefore 7 is related to it. but i dont like primes
29. preferred pasta noodle?
for like. general use i am partial to a nice fettuccine but if i really want to be like. fancy i might do a parpadelle. i like flat noodles
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likelyslumbering · 2 years
Tagged by @ibrividi. You tag me in these things like once a month and I always start them but never finish, but you persisted and FINALLY I have completed one. Thinking about things that bring me comfort made for a very calm evening, so thank you for the tag <3. Sorry if the formatting is bad, post editor is being fucking atrocious as per usual.
Comfort movie?
Not gonna lie usually I do not watch movies for comfort because I am a bitch partial to tragedies, but Everything Everywhere All At Once may become a comfort movie for me. I resonated with it on such a deep level and it’s so hopeful without being dishonest and I just love it Very Much. I really really enjoy Mad Max: Fury Road for similar reasons. I have made people watch that film SO many times and they hate me.
Comfort food?
Not to steal someone else’s answer but. Yeah, cheese is pretty up there. There’s just so many OPTIONS you know. I suppose I find melty cheese particularly comforting in all forms and combinations— mac & cheese, baked brie with crackers, cheese on toast, pizza…. the list is endless. (Honorable mention for pasta absolutely BURIED in parmesan.) Yes I am lactose intolerant.
Comfort clothing?
I generally prefer all my clothes to be comfortable— barring the sun and stars aligning perfectly I will NEVER choose to wear an uncomfortable outfit over a comfortable one when it’s very possible to find clothes that are cute AND don’t make me want to tear them off my body Right This Instant. But if I’m in particular need of feeling soft and safe etc I’ll usually go for oversized— very large shirt / sweater, loose pants, easy slip-on shoes.
Comfort song?
I don’t know that I HAVE a comfort song, really, but I generally like for music to reflect my mood rather than try to influence my mood via music, because I usually just want to feel seen™️. So I’ve been listening to Mitski a lot lately (I know I know shh) and in particular Crack Baby like, on repeat. We do not need to examine the implications of this any further NEXT!
Comfort book?
This is very very difficult for me, honestly. It’s been a very long time since I’ve re-read a book, but I will say that lately I’ve found Ishiguro’s books a source of comfort because of how familiar his particular brand of melancholy feels to me right now. (Oh lord these answers are getting so psychologically revealing. Moving on.)
More generally, I think the His Dark Materials trilogy by Pullman. I read it as a teenager and it was very formative on my view of authority, suffering, and our right to make decisions for others. It’s also just a genuinely beautiful series. Reading it feels like snuggling in a warm bed to me.
Comfort game?
The Nancy Drew computer games! I own ALL of them. I loved the books so much when I was a kid, and when I was gifted one of the games for my birthday I was hooked. They hold so much nostalgia for me but I also genuinely enjoy the puzzles, and think they’re part of what got me into science, really! Research-based sciences are basically just big investigative logic puzzles.
In terms of non-computer games, I really do love puzzles of all kinds: sudoku, logic puzzles, crosswords, etc, but I hold a special love for jigsaw puzzles :)
I’m tagging @agenderopossum and @mr-cryptid. Absolutely no pressure to do this, of course, but perhaps you could also use some comfort now, so I am sharing.
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peachywrite · 3 years
Before I Let You Go
Rohan Kishibe x JosukeSister!Reader & Protective Brother!Josuke
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Trigger Warning: violence, inappropriate stand use, mild suggestive themes
Josuke doesn't understand why his sister has been spending even more time with Morioh's Famous Mangaka.
Josuke sat himself down beside Koichi, the pair of friends awaiting the next delicious plate of specialty pasta Tonio was whipping up for them.
“You know, your sister has been hanging around Rohan quite a bit recently.” Koichi’s concern was evident in his tone of voice and the way he avoided eye contact with Josuke.
“What are you talking about? She just likes his art, is all. She’s always been into drawing and stuff since she was little.” Josuke tried to brush Koichi’s worries away, but he too was a bit suspicious of their sudden closeness.
Tonio returned with two heaping plates of authentic Italian pasta, smiling down as he placed each on the table. He gave a small bow and returned to the kitchen. Koichi poked at the new food with his fork, spinning it around as he began to speak.
“I mean, they’ve been hanging out with each other for a while now, but just recently it feels like something’s changed.” The two paused for a quick bite of their dishes and thought quietly to themselves, both suddenly coming to the same conclusion.
“Hey, Josuke. You don’t think your sister would ever date Rohan, right? What am I thinking, that’s a stupid question. It would never happen.” The shorter boy scratched his cheek nervously, staring down at his plate.
“I-I don’t know. She’s never had a boyfriend before. Rohan’s also too proud to date anyone, so we shouldn’t worry our heads over this, Koichi.” Josuke smiled at him, patting the gray-haired boy on the back to reassure him.
“I don’t know, it’s just… The other day, when I went over to return some photos to Rohan, I saw the two of them through the window. I couldn’t see exactly what they were doing, but it kinda looked like he was holding her hand? And placing a kiss on it? I don’t know though, the window was so high up, so I probably didn’t see anything.” Koichi’s voice wavered, the overwhelming silence from his friend concerning him.
He didn’t have the heart to look Josuke in the eyes at the moment, too afraid he may have let the young man down by not sharing this memory sooner. The dread in his heart outweighed his fears quickly, and Koichi looked up to see a Josuke imbued in the darkest aura imaginable. It reminded him of those terribly frightening spirits in the alley that tried to steal him that one day.
“Uh-Josuke? Is everything a-alright? I know I should have told you sooner, but I wanted to be a hundred percent sure about it before you could go off and beat up Rohan again.” Josuke silently nodded, pulling out his wallet and dropping enough to pay for both meals on the table as he scooted his chair in and began to leave.
“Josuke! We aren’t sure if they even are dating yet!” Koichi shouted.
Josuke turned around, a chilling smile spread across his face as he waved.
“No worries, Koichi. I’m off to find out. Sorry about leaving you, I’ll call Okuyasu to take my place while I’m out. I’ll see you later and tell you what I found out.”
All Koichi could do was stutter in surprise at Josuke’s changed demeanor.
Was he putting on a show to calm his nerves? Or was he actually thinking about how it would affect his sister if Rohan was dating her?
The boy returned to his meal, lost in thought, until a tired Okuyasu joined him at the table.
Josuke’s heart was conflicted. If y/n was really dating Rohan, that would mean she was probably in love with the mangaka. He knew his sister wore her emotions on her sleeve and would never fake a romance, but was that true for Rohan? Could he have used Heaven’s Door to make her love him?
He didn’t trust Rohan after what happened with the others, but he did save his life when they fought against Highway Star.
This is what conflicted him. Rohan had a good soul, but was he doing this because he truly loved y/n, or was this another trick to get back at him for the lost dice game or the partial burning of his mansion? Rohan was the kind of person to hold grudges for as long as he saw fit, so this frightened Josuke.
“You can tease and mess with me all you want, but as soon as you bring my sister into this, you’ve crossed the line.” He muttered under his breath, jogging to the café he knew the artist would probably be sitting at.
As he finally spotted the mangaka, enjoying a sip of tea between his quick sketches, he rushed past the hostess and right up to the table. Rohan was caught off guard, a bit frightened and prepared to use his stand until he saw the steak shaped head of hair.
“Josuke? You idiot, I almost attacked you. Why are you rushing me like an enemy?” He blew out his held breath and took another sip of tea.
Josuke pulled up a seat across from the artist, his hands neatly folded in front of him, eyes staring down as he tried to formulate the proper words without working himself up.
“Rohan, I heard from someone that you may be dating my sister. I just want to know if the rumor is true.” Rohan nearly spit out his cup of tea, the shock of the question taking him completely off guard.
After composing himself, the Great Rohan Kishibe began to sweat as he tried to decide whether he should divulge the truth. Y/n would want him to be honest, but he feared the beating Josuke would surely give him if he found out the two of you were dating.
“Your hesitation to answer is making me nervous, Rohan. You better speak up soon, or I’m gonna lose my patience.” The young delinquent spoke through gritted teeth.
“Fine. Yes, we are. We have been for at least a week now. I love her. It’s simple. Why are you asking me? You could have easily just gotten the same information from her.” Rohan took another sip of tea, hiding his face behind the cup as he tried to figure out how the young man would react.
Josuke’s hands reached out from across the table, grabbing Rohan by the collar and dragging him off to the side, so he could pull him in closer. The smashing of glass on the quiet block alerted the hostesses as they worriedly watched.
“Rohan-sensei! Do you need us to call the police?!” Shouted one of the waitresses, who had reached for her cellphone behind the counter.
“No, everything's alright. I can handle this.” Rohan waved her off, Josuke still dangling the man in the air.
“You better not be doing this to get back at me. I can take the teasing and the jabs at my intelligence, but I won’t let you make a mockery of my sister and her feelings.” Josuke lowered the man down, taking a breath to relax himself, then began to drag the manga artist off the café patio.
“Hey! Release me, you brute! Where are you taking me?!” Rohan struggled in his hold, trying to call Heaven’s Door out to control Josuke.
“We’re going to see y/n.” Rohan stopped fighting and instead calmly placed his hand on Josuke’s shoulder.
The boy stopped, turning around to meet Rohan’s stern face.
“I’ll go with you, just stop manhandling me.” Josuke stared into him, debating with himself, then let the manga artist go.
Rohan stumbled back to his feet, dusting himself off as he grumbled under his breath about how rude Josuke was being to him.
The two walked side by side towards the Higashikata residence. When they were nearly a block away, Josuke spotted you being dropped off by Jotaro. You waved goodbye to the older man, but turned around to face them after.
“Good grief.” Jotaro rolled his eyes with a sigh, leaning against the car as you spotted your brother and your boyfriend angrily walking toward you.
“What do you think is up with them?” You asked, curious as to why both seemed to be in foul moods.
“Looks like your brother found out who your boyfriend is. I’m only staying because I don’t want an unnecessary stand fight.” The marine biologist pouted to himself, annoyed.
You looked back at the pair, shaking your head in annoyance as well.
“I should have just told him from the start. I knew Rohan couldn’t keep quiet about this.” You motioned to the two of them to speed up, so you could talk.
As they reached you, Josuke grabbed onto Rohan again, dragging him by his collar with one hand.
“Why must you fling me around like a rag doll!? I already agreed to come with you!” Rohan shouted, squirming in Josuke’s death grip.
“Use Heaven’s Door on her.” Josuke mumbled to the mangaka.
All he could do was shake his head in response, his eyes wide at the order given to him by the delinquent. Suddenly, a second hand came up to grip the other side of Rohan’s collar, both now shaking him violently.
“I said use Heaven’s Door! I want to be sure you aren’t messing with her!” The tears that welled up in Josuke’s eyes shocked you.
You’d seen Josuke cry before, but these tears were different. He looked scared.
“Josuke, stop it! There’s nothing to be afraid of.”
You placed a hand on Josuke’s back, your touch pausing his tirade and causing him to drop his hold on the artist. Helping him up, you touch Rohan’s cheek and nod to him.
“Rohan, I give you permission to use Heaven’s Door on me right now.” He shook his head again, adamant about his refusal.
“I won’t use it on you. Not for that bastard or for you. It’s not right.” You could tell how upset this was making Rohan. He turned his head away from you, not allowing you to meet his gaze.
“Rohan, please. He’s just scared. Just this once. I’ll never ask for you to do this again.” He finally meets your eyes and sighs.
His hands carefully touch your cheek as he whispers Heaven’s Door. The pages on your face open up and prevent you from moving, but you happily look up at the man, reassuring him that you felt safe and accepted this. Josuke came from behind the artist, flipping through all your pages quickly, searching for any scribblings Rohan could have made.
A few minutes pass and Josuke is finally content with his search. He closes the book on your face and your movement returns to you.
“See. Everything was fine. I really do like him. A lot, actually.” You pinch Josuke’s cheek.
Josuke pulls you into a tight hug as you feel his stress melt away. The mangaka crosses his arms, an angry pout on his face. All you can do is sigh and return the hug.
“I just wanted to be sure. If you were to get hurt because of me, I don’t know how I’d live with that.” He squeezes you tighter, your breath leaving your body quickly from his sheer strength.
“Josuke, it’s fine! Trust me! Now let go, you're crushing me.” You squirm, but your brother refuses to budge.
“I don’t think I will. If I let go, you’re gonna go give Rohan a hug, and I don’t want to see that.” The boy then lifts you with little effort and attempts to run, but his plan is foiled when your stand manifests and wraps around his legs, keeping him from moving.
“I see how it is, y/n. Fine, go be with your boyfriend, but no lovey-dovey stuff.” Your vines unwrap his legs as he sets you down.
You give your brother one last hug and a smile, running into Rohan’s arms. He still looks upset, but when you nuzzle into his chest, his anger melts away.
“I’m sorry you had to do that. It had to happen, though, so don’t be too mad at me. I’ll make it up to you, promise.” You look up at him, still in his arms, he leaves a quick peck on your cheek followed by a hefty sigh.
“You’re lucky I’m such a forgiving man.”
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ok so. i watched this degrassi video which was partially responsible for my current Situation. it's ok; it is absolutely not on the level of mike's on PLL. but towards the end of it she points out an absolutely UNREAL fact about the iconic degrassi the next generation season 3 episode "pride," which is about how marco is gay and ellie won't be his beard anymore and spinner is homophobic but jimmy is good now. in this episode, paige via her gay brother's beach day gaydar plants the seed in spinner that marco might be gay, which sets spinner off in a real crisis of masculinity wherein he immediately sets about trying to police marco's sexuality as aggressively as possible to either prove he's straight or like, catch him in the act and punish him for it? spinner's motivations in this episode are bizarre BUT in a way that does kind of feel in keeping with the general gender & sexuality weirdness of medium-to-mid-high-key homophobic straight teenage boys in like 2003 or whenever this was.
anyway. so as part of this he pushes marco into going out with hazel, specifically by getting marco & hazel to go on a double date with him and paige. and they're all like legit friends so everyone is actually having a pretty good time until ellie randomly shows up to buy coffee, stare meaningfully and judgmentally at marco for continuing to lie to himself because that is i swear to you what tv writers thought being an ally meant in 2003, and leave, and then marco goes into an existential crisis and makes an excuse about going to help his mom with her [intense italian accent] marinara sauce, and then spinner storms out after him because the existence of homosexuality is simply the most threatening thing in the entire world to him and yells about walking out on a date with one of the coolest girls in degrassi because of his mom's [intense canadian accent] pasta sauce, and marco tearfully comes out for the second time in his life, in a scene that is overwrought and melodramatic and also gets me very emotional every time i see it.
alright so BEFORE that scene. when they're in the double date. four people who enjoy hanging out with each other, laughing and vibing. the content of their conversation, in the glimpse of it that we see, is that marco is cracking everyone up by recounting for them the plot of a movie he has recently seen. and they never name the movie, and i to this day have not watched this movie, but the youtuber mentioned above has, and so she was able to identify the movie marco is sending his friends into hysterics by describing is................. pedro almodovar's talk to her. and i HAVE NOT been able to stop thinking about this. partly because i'm just like, why? who put that in there? was one of the writers an almodovar superfan and this was just a fun inside joke? did any of the actors know what movie it was? did they think it was funny when hazel suggested they all, including spinner, go see talk to her, a mental image on par with the time angela chase invited undiagnosed dyslexic and o.g. himbo jordan catalano and to see the bicycle thief? like, what?
but, also, the more i think about it, the more i really feel "marco attempts to be straight by telling his date about talk to her" is........ an incredible joke, accidental or otherwise, and very possibly the most vividly gay thing the show ever lets marco do, including kissing his boyfriend and sucking dick for euchre money. i mean. "i am doing such a great job of pretending to be a normal heterosexual fifteen-year-old boy on a normal heterosexual date with a real live girl, by gushing to her about the latest almodovar movie"........ like. that's Art, babe.
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Tagged by @micewithknives thank you! I will be removing the Us from favorite because I am AMERICAN. No judgement on the rest of the world who uses British English spelling though.
1. What is your favorite food/beverage?
Pesto pasta or pancakes. I'm also very partial to hot chocolate and grapefruit sodas.
2. What is your favorite fandom [currently]?
I don't really consider myself a member of any fandoms at the moment. Is academia a fandom? It's very cringe though...
3. What shows are you watching [currently]?
Right now I'm watching Manifest with my mom, Shetland with my mom and my dad, and America's Got Talent and Survivor with the whole family.
4. What’s your strength?
Honestly, I think it's my ability to choose kindness over my naturally snippy nature. I've spent a lot of time working on developing this skill and it's one of the things that I'm most proud of.
5. What’s your weakness?
Physically? I am small and easily squished. My body is a walking hot mess. Mentally it's my inability to say no to an endless list of responsibilities.
6. Pet peeves?
People who are unable to understand that disabled will never function as well as an able-bodied person, even with all of the right medications and therapies and a team of great doctors. Don't expect that from us. If I tell you can't do something, it's not because I'm lazy or don't want to do it. It is because doing that thing is either physically impossible for me, or it would cause me great harm.
7. What’s your ideal type?
I think this was originally supposed to be "what type of person do you find attractive" but I like @micewithknives's interpretation, so into fonts we go!
I like Garamond because it's what most books end up being printed in. The kerning is a little different than Times New Roman, and that subtle difference makes it much easier to read. So I would like to thank Garamond for all of the stories it gave be when I was growing up.
8. The last food you ate?
Slice of homemade challah bread, toasted, with butter
9. Favorite animes?
I don't watch Anime, sorry. It's great if that's what you're into, but it's juts not my cup of tea.
10. Regular pastimes/Hobbies?
I knit a lot, and most of my projects are socks, which I got really good at making during the pandemic. I like to listen to audio books as I do other things like backing or walking my dog.
11. Favorite characters?
Starbuck from BSG
12. All-time favorite show?
Battlestar Galactica
13. What are you doing right now?
I'm trying to control my urg to buy more custom stationary for this great shop on Etsy.
14. How are you?
You know what? I'm not doing too bad. I'll take that as a win.
15. Favorite rest-time activities?
I listen to nonfiction books about the American Civil War. That sounds weird, I know. But I promise my intent it not to glorify the conflict.
Okay I'll tag anyone else who wants to do this but for the love of all that is holy: Repost do NOT reblog
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mx-yip-yip-hooary · 2 years
Greetings and thank you for answering my OC questions. I'm glad you enjoy answering them as much as I enjoy coming up with weird crap to ask <3 that bring said!
Followup Questions:
1. I have no idea what backrooms is much less what "child of the backrooms" is. Please enlighten me
2. Can. Can I give Willson a hug or will that end badly.
3. I am not very surprised that the character named Arson is banned from the kitchen. This isnt a question it just had to be said
New questions:
A. Which character has objectively the best pajamas and describe the pajamas
B. Which character knows how to play Careless Whisper on the saxophone, and which character Doesn't know how but doesn't let that stop them
C. Which character slaps the tops of door frames like a teenage boy
once again, I'm really sorry for answering these late but i will be infodumping so much i am so sorry to all my followers this is the only thing that will be rebloged on my dash for a while
Follow Up Questions
1. I have no idea what the backrooms is much less what "child of the backrooms" is. Please enlighten me.
Ok so the backrooms started as a one off post about liminal spaces which is now a full ass creepy pasta. Theres like a huge fucking wiki and it's treated as reality in its fandom (So tw for unreality if you go to that wiki. Also tw horror)
There's some really fucked up "entities" (aka monsters) so I decided one day that i wanted to come up with one
Boom [No Name] comes out
Also for "child of the backrooms" that just my code name for him until i find a actual one, but it does have something to do with his character
Basically, bitch dead but when the backrooms was processing his soul, the soul flat out smilied and waved at it and asked it how it was doing
The soul still did that after everything that happened in the backrooms
Even after watching his friends die
Even after basically being forced to give up his whole life
Even after dying a painful death by a bone stealer
Still smiles and is kind to the backrooms
(tbh he was kinda semi-concuious at the time but shush)
So the backrooms basically turned him into a entity because that was the first soul to ever show it kindness, and allows [no name] to basically roam around any level without danger. If any wander (humans) decide to try and kidnap or harm [no name] a shit ton of entities will come to the location and sometimes a physical barrier shows up between attacker and [no name]
TDLR: Local alternate universe adopts a 16 year old
2. Can. Can I give Willson a hug or will that end badly.
Please give them hug. I am on my knees. Why have I made them suffer so much I do not know. He hasn't had human contact for the past year. His world has literally been burnt down. Please for god sake hug him
3. I am not very surprised that the character named Arson is banned from the kitchen. This isn't a question it just had to be said
New Questions
1. Which character has objective the best PJs and describe them
[No Image]
Alex (he/him):
So let me give you some context for this bitch
He lived in a out of touch area in the middle of the smack dead forest because he is partially a fox (do not sue me i am not a furry please all he can do is turn into one)
Anyway, when he enters The Human World TM, he just get overwhelmed with all the new ideas to explore, activities to do, and skills to learn. He's basically just really curious to be able to look into human culture
One day Athena (She/they) (OC) was trying to knit something when Alex pops into the room and asks what's she's doing, they basically spend afternoon together (Alex teaches her how to carve wood and Athena teaches him how to do the basics of knitting cause she isn't that good at it)
The next week was spent knitting
Alex now wears a knitted sweater to sleep
It's just a fuckin dumbass unicorn who's split in half around the middle because he knitted a section wrong
So it looks like a unicorn beheading
True artwork
2. Which character knows how to play Careless Whisper on the saxophone and which character doesn't know how but that won't stop them
[No image]
Wyu & Feth:
Since both Wyu (they/them) and Feth (She/Name) live in another dimension (they're part of my "Random circles that got personalities" collection) they don't really understand human culture but Wyu is trying to get some intel for them cause they like to get hands on with research
Anyway, Feth managed to get them connected to the internet and Wyu looks for job listings and the first one that pops up is a nearby pub wanting a music man
Wyu summons in a random instrument that they found by googling "Instruments that are used in pub music" and behold its a saxophone
Feth wishes them luck and Wyu goes out to experience human life
After 4 years of working in the pub and becoming a local cryptid for seemingly not having a house Wyu finally disappears for the last time and returns back to their dimension permanently and with the saxophone
Wyu still likes to play the saxophone and their default is Careless Whisper because a shit ton of people request for it
Feth also likes to come in during these practices and try
To be fair she sounds ok considering Feth can't play the saxophone but it is painful to watch as a saxophone player
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[No name (leaning towards Mytho) (They/he):
Anyway this man is once again apart of the backrooms but if they were ever to escape it they would probably try to do so many things and I will bet you that he'll try playing Careless Whisper even if they're literally half ghost
3. Which character slaps the tops of door frames like a teenage boy?
Ok all my tall characters like to do this but these are the people who do it with a purpose
[No Image]
Cale (she/her):
She's like fucking 5'9 and massive so as a assertion of power she will slap every door frame
There lays a hand print on her front door because of how many times she's slapped it
[No image]
Scott (He/anything):
He's like 6'7 feet
He doesn't even mean to hit the doors
He just
Bumps his head into them
He's gotten 15 concussions from this
[No image]
Jaden (He/him):
Man just got to hit doors its part of his personality as Tall Man TM (He's like 5'5)
It used to annoy William (he/him) but
He just wants to see him again
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suganovakawa · 3 years
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PAIRINGS : tooru oikawa x fem! reader , slight hajime iwaizumi x fem! reader
GENRE : angst , romance
WARNINGS : cursing , car accident , recovery from amnesia
SYNOPSIS : tooru doesn’t understand how special you are to him until he comes close to losing you forever . as he struggles to comes to grips with his feelings and balance it with his future , you still have to recover from your own injuries , but without your memories to assist you .
enough is enough; it’s time to give hajime an ultimatum.
word count : 1.3k
saudade masterlist .
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( 𝐧 . ) a nostalgic longing to be near again to something or someone that is distant , or that has been loved and then lost ; “ the love that remains ”
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⠀"you've been silent ever since we got here." your eyes lazily met hajime's, which were strained with concern and confusion. "c'mon, if i'm paying, then you gotta at least tell me what's on your mind." he solidified his statement by reaching out to place his hand on top of yours, gently squeezing it within his palm. you enjoyed the warmth he radiated, though you remained silent and simply kept your hand there without reaction.
⠀you felt lost, more lost than ever before. more questions began to pile and stack up higher and higher, and not even a slimmer of an answer had shown itself yet. an endless labyrinth of mystery, that became worse with every turn you took. you were frustrated with yourself. you were frustrated with iwaizumi. you were frustrated with oikawa. you were frustrated with the world.
⠀"y/n." he said it more firmly this time, now getting impatient with your silence. "stop staring into space, i'm right here. you know you can tell me what's going on in your mind. i'll do my best to help or assist you in anyway i can."
⠀that was a lie, you knew it was, and he knew it was. you almost laughed. he'd tell you jackshit. he only wanted to help if it would make him look better in your eyes. why? did you hate him before everything happen? is he trying to make amends? is that why he refuses to tell you anything that would trigger any memories to clear up? what was he achieving by keeping your own life a secret? he had every answer you wanted, and wouldn't tell you anything from it.
⠀to make matters worse for yourself, now, you couldn't trust oikawa. there was something there. you felt it. your body, your nerves, your heart felt different. the atmosphere around the injured third year became different. your subconscious remembered something your brain hadn't picked up on yet. your body reacted on its own whenever tooru came into sight, your instincts telling you to flee, to get out of there as quickly as possible. you only had your instincts to trust at this point; instincts, and a gut feeling. even then, your gut feeling seemed to enjoy remain dormant.
⠀"it's nothing, hajime. i just didn't get enough sleep last night." you snapped at him lightly, your frustration building up as you sat back, removing your hand from his hold. "i'll be fine. thanks for taking me out today. i almost thought you'd forget."
⠀"never." his smile was almost arrogant, crossing his arms and sitting back in his own chair. "like i said, it's my treat. i wouldn't go back on my word."
⠀"right..." you were bored of him at this point. he was just fishing and hoping that you would praise him for his selfless actions. "it's friday, right? i've got nothing to do this weekend." you were partially talking to yourself, your thoughts still focused on finding ways to get your memories back. you had no leads, or clues; that wouldn't stop you from trying, though.
⠀"want to do something this weekend?" he shrugged. "not sunday, though. i'm a bit busy then. but saturday i'm free. i'll take you somewhere for the day. again, my treat."
⠀"you need to let me pay one of these days. i'm not entirely broke." you huffed and shook your head, before shrugging lightly to his suggestion. "i guess so. i've got nothing to do, either. i might sleep early tonight, though. i need it." that was a lie. you just wanted to get away from him for the rest of the day so you could do stuff on your own.
⠀"that's a good idea. sleep is important. you need your rest."
⠀you yawned to solidify the thought. "my thoughts exactly."
⠀"i'll text you tomorrow about it. for now, i'll just walk you home." you nodded, and in no time, the two of you walked out and as promised, he made sure to walk you all the way up to your front step. "here we are. i'll see you tomorrow, y/n."
⠀you took a chance. as he turned around to walk away, you grabbed his wrist, almost desperately, and pulled him back to turn him around. he was silent, but his eyes were fixated entirely on yours. you used this chance to look into his irises, to see any possible sign of him hiding something, anything from you. his eyes were completely unreadable. there was nothing there, but so many things all at once. like he had everything but nothing at his disposal. "please, hajime." you begged quietly, your lips quivering. "please, i just want to know something from before the accident. i want to remember. i want to recall. nothing has come back to me." he tried to pull away but you only grasped onto him tighter. "just one thing, hajime. that's all i ask for. tell me at least one thing if you can't tell me everything. stop hiding my life from me, please. i want to know what happened."
⠀he was considering it. you could see it as he moved his gaze away from you, now unable to maintain eye contact. he had stopped fighting your hand and stood there, almost defeated. you squeezed his hand one more time, as if to encourage him to say something.
⠀nevertheless, it failed. you wanted to cry as he quickly pulled his hand away from your grip, his jaw clenching as he seemed to be fighting something internally. "if you haven't remembered anything, it must be for a reason, then. maybe your conscience is trying to protect you from the pain your past self faced. you shouldn't fight it."
⠀"don't you get it?" you raised your voice at him, now just angry. "i don't care, hajime. i don't give a single shit. i don't care if it hurts me. i don't care how bad it was before the accident. i don't care if i killed someone before the accident, or committed any kind of crime. i don't give a shit. i just want to know! don't you understand? you have everything i want to remember, and you just dangle it in front of my face and mock me with it every single day. you have me wrapped around your finger and all i can do is pretend i'm doing fine."
⠀you pushed him away by the chest as he tried to step near you. "don't. don't hug me, don't touch me. i'm tired of you only painting yourself as my hero and knight in shining armor. you're keeping me in the dark, and i'm tired of it. i just want to remember, hajime." you pointed at him. "wouldn't you want to remember everything if you lost all of your memories?"
⠀he was speechless, but you were already done with today. you left the question rhetorical as you lowered your finger and turned around, opening the door hastily.
⠀"i'll think about it."
⠀you heard his voice, quiet and faint, like a whisper. "it's a lot to unpack, and i don't want to stress you out with it. but if you go out with me tomorrow, i... i'll think about telling you."
⠀"that's not how this is going to work." you snapped right back, your grip tightening around the doorknob. "if you aren't going to tell me, i'm not going with you anywhere tomorrow. the moment i find out you won't, i'm going home, and you aren't going to follow me. i hope i've made myself clear."
⠀you slammed the door in his face and watched him walk away from the window. once he was out of your line of vision, you took a deep breath. you did what had to be done. now, the decision was now in iwa's hands. it was an ultimatum. either he would come forward with the truth, or he could kiss your day, and friendship with him, goodbye. you were sick of it, this was your boiling point.
⠀you really hoped hajime would see your side.
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a/n : i’ve got nothing. we’ll see what decisions are made in the next chapter :>
taglist ( closed ) — @ot127 @rena0921 @karlitabi-rrito @psychicpercyjacksonfan @crescentbitch @amelimiles @damnirina @pasta-warlord @blossomingbangtan @clinomanians @i-am-kinda-in-alot-of-fandoms @manq-fandoms @cirtruss @sugar-wara @haikoo @anime-simp @kairostatue @awkwardspontaneity @iwantapoptartqwq @aquariarose @softestdreamer @plantisnotplant @avylee @froppysgirl @that-animebitch @wisepandaslimeland @samanthaa-leanne @dumplingzumispam @0hakaashi @captain-janeway @afterglowkuroo @bellabelieveme @attixca @chickenrest @tycrackculture @ynjimenez @karaseijoh @lavieenblancetnoir @dabilove27 @cuddlesslut @crypto-s @keigosbitch@readeretal @shittykawaa @donghyuckster @adriloen @ella-solei @emiyummy @kukiisan@catyuyuyuu @sillykittt @dolan-mendes @kiritokunuwu @the-third-wall @yammerss @todohawki
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hansolmates · 4 years
jjk; angel’s trumpet [06]
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summary; one second, your life is flashing before your eyes and the next, you’re transported into a world exactly like your own. but the jungkook you meet in this world isn’t a renowned singer or your former almost-lover, in fact he has no clue who you are and why you know him so well. as you work to find your way home lost and confused, you conclude that you’re either dead or in the middle of the most wicked drug trip of your life. pairing; idol!jk x reader (f), alternatively film producer!jk x reader genre/warnings; fluff, angst, supernatural, idol!au, non-idol!au, alternate universes, themes of fate, language, alcohol consumption, in this chapter—partial nudity, dry humping, sad tears  w.c; 3.5k a/n; a little steamy in the beginning but soft and gooey in the end! enjoy the softness while it lasts bc we’re getting close to the end!! and to satiate your curiosity yes cheesecake factory was ultimate date night 
[05] [06] [07] -> masterpost
Abiding by the dress code, you show up at Jungkook’s doorstep with your rattiest sweatpants, Adidas slides and a plain black t-shirt. You hold your night pack in one hand, and a pint of taro ice cream in your other. 
Before you even have a chance to knock the door is flung open, Jungkook ushering you inside with his marigold oven mitts. Aside from the frilly pink apron that you’re half sure is Minghao’s, you and Jungkook are unexpectedly matching in overworn sweatpants and oversized t-shirts. 
“Hey, pretty girl,” he’s hot under the stove, sweat beading from his temples as he concentrates on simmering the cream for your pasta. He’s carefully spooning the angel hair pasta from the pot to his saucepan, mixing the sauce vigorously in order to emulsify the contents. You wonder how many Binging with Babish and Joshua Weissman he watched to get to this kind of expertise in the kitchen. 
You hug his torso, peeking up from his elbows, “It smells divine.” 
“Thanks, baby. It’s almost done. Mind finishing up the table?” 
A smile quirks up when you see the coffee table cleared, apart from two wine glasses and a Bath and Body Works candle lit in the middle. Off the table you see a plastic bag with a takeout strawberry cheesecake. You quickly move through his kitchen to grab some plates and cutlery, setting the table that is lined with a simple white table cloth. 
“I’m getting the whole Olive Garden treatment today, huh?” you say as you uncork the wine, pouring two hearty glasses. 
“Nuh-uh. We’re going full-out Cheesecake Factory tonight.” 
You set out the coaster for him to place the pasta pan between you two. The pasta is mixed with a hearty aroma of your favorite aromatics and with plenty of fix-ins to declare a hearty meal. Jungkook also pulls out a basket of bread with a pad of butter in the middle, and your mouth salivates as you pick up a dark brown one. The bread is still hot from the touch, like a little pillow in your hands as you rip it open. 
The two of you converse mindlessly over dinner, talking about various things and catching up with the week. Warm, flushed with affection and wine, you bask in the simple but sweet dinner with your favorite person. 
Eventually you two got lazy spooning pasta into your plate and cuddled up in the middle of the table, spooning each other twirled pasta until the pan’s licked clean. 
Jungkook’s quick to turn on Disney+ once you’re done, hopping on the couch to flip through his holy grail films. 
“Quick. Favorite Avenger?” 
“Well… I think Antman’s pretty—”
“Antman? Antman? You may be only one of three people in this world that like Marvel over DC,” he wags the remote at you like a child, “I’m sorry but I think we need to re-evaluate your sanity.”
“Hey! It's a cute movie, okay? He’s sacrificed everything out of love for his daughter.” 
You sit up on your knees, putting your hands atop your boyfriend’s thighs as you explain your earnest opinion. You’re nestled between his legs, looking up at him with a determined look on your face. 
Jungkook on the other hand, can’t help but view this precarious situation as anything but innocent. But seeing the pout on your face and your insistence to defend the superhero has him melting. 
“C’mere,” he says, pulling you up. 
You immediately let him tug you to his lap, fitting your legs between his torso like a puzzle piece. It’s a perfect fit, and you immediately thread your fingers through his head, feeling like a koala as you cling to the scent of his fabric softener. 
“Wanna know a secret?” he faux whispers.
You hum against the collar of his shirt. 
“I really, really like you.” 
“That’s a terrible secret,” you deadpan, “I already knew that. You gave me the whole Cheesecake Factory treatment, after all. In high school, going on a date there confirmed you were serious.” 
“I guess this is me confirming how serious I am about us?” he tugs you away from his neck so he can press his forehead to yours. He lets his eyes flutter shut, and your finger goes to trail down his nose to his lips, “because I am,” he whispers, words moving against your pointer, “very serious about us.” 
“I am too,” you reply earnestly, the pads of your thumbs brushing against his soft cheeks. As you stare in his eyes, you feel a shift in your chest, a sign. 
Hoseok was right. He’s Jungkook, but not your Jungkook. You try not to let your smile falter as you trace the planes of his skin, noting the clear, stress-free skin and lack of eye bags. 
You try to pin your incessant thoughts for now, Jungkook put a lot of effort in this date. He presses his lips to yours, and you immediately let yourself relent under his touch. His hands are warm and needy, trailing from the waistband to the bare skin of your back. His hands fumble to where your bra is supposed to be, and he breaks from your kiss. 
He raises an eyebrow, “You really committed to the dress code tonight, eh?” 
You reach for his hand, letting him palm your bare breast. “I–oh,” you bite your lip at the way he kneads the tender flesh, his wide doe eyes fixated on your facial expression, “always like to be prepared.” 
Squirming in his lap, you let yourself sink against his crotch as you fumble to rip off your t-shirt. Jungkook drinks you in, petal pink lips parting like a kitten starved for milk. One large hand settles on your waist, and his lips latch onto a nipple. 
You cry out, instinctively rolling your hips against his as he brings you to a slow, sensual pace. 
“My pretty girl,” he praises, marveling at the way you immediately respond to his touches. “You look so, so beautiful like this.” 
He snaps his hips up, and through the thin material of your soaked sweats, it’s apparent that he likes this as much as you do. You bite your lip, getting lost in the way Jungkook tends to your body. 
“Baby,” he rasps against your neck, dampening the skin, “hold tight.” 
And his hands move to cup your cheeks, lifting you up in one swoop and bringing you to his room. You immediately cling to him like your life depends on it, and you both giggle and laugh as your boobs bounce with every step and how he suddenly got a cramp in his calf for getting up too fast. 
Jungkook quickly throws you on his twin, and for a second you feel like you’re floating. The sheets smell like floral fabric softener, and you’re encased in an ocean of seashell white blankets and fluffy pillows. Jungkook crawls over to you, looking absolutely smitten as he trails a stream of kisses from your bare belly button all the way to your lips. 
“God, I’m so lucky,” he husks against your collarbone, and you can feel the smile on his lips melding into your skin. “I’m so lucky to have met someone like you, and you’re all mine.” 
At the second he says that, the whole moment feels like an out of body experience. Not in the way two minutes ago, when you felt like you were on cloud nine as Jungkook ravished your body. This feeling is akin to drowning, making you all choked up as you try your hardest not to let the man above you notice. 
“Hey,” he brushes against your cheeks, the pads of his thumbs gathering the moisture welling from your eyes, “baby, are you okay?” 
“Oh,” you sit up slightly, roughly scrubbing away the tears from your face. A strong flush overrides any hint of pleasure that you felt, effectively ruining the moment. You feel terrible, angry at yourself for getting so caught up in your emotions. “I—I’m sorry, it’s just…” 
“Is it me?” he looks a little hurt, sitting on his heels to give you some space, “did we go too fast? I’m sorry—” 
“No, no Jungkook!” you fling up, finding the strength to wrap your small hands around his. “You, you’ve been wonderful. Honestly, I couldn’t ask for more. You’ve done so much for me in a short amount of time,” you squeeze his hands, feeling the warmth of his fingers sink through yours. You wish you could hold onto him, keep this moment tangible for as long as possible. “It’s me, Jungkook. I’m a little messed up in the head.” 
“Is it him?” 
You can’t tell from Jungkook’s expression if he’s feeling slighted by W1 Jungkook. Despite not knowing the situation fully, he really does have a good grasp on how much this has been affecting you, and how much you’ve been trying to avoid it. You have it good here, you can’t deny that. But you can’t be here forever, it isn’t fair to anyone. 
“Some of it, yeah,” you let go of him, hands falling at your lap as you dampen his sheets with your continuous bout of silent sobs. “I’m so sorry, Jungkook. You must think I’m awful and you’re the second choice and fuck—you don’t deserve any of this. I’ve been so selfish wanting to be happy after so long and—”
Patient, loving Jungkook pulls you into his arms, forcing your head between his so he can stroke your head. You’re now full on sobbing on his chest, succumbing to his touch as he soothes you like a baby. 
“What’s so wrong about being selfish for a little bit?” he asks, tone light. He rests his chin on your crown. “At the end of the day, this is your life. Do what makes you happy, save yourself.” 
You don’t know if you can form coherent words so you nod fervently, nuzzling your nose into his collarbone. 
“I’m not going anywhere. Take your time with me, y/n.” 
Is there even time left to take? 
The two of you stay like that for a while. You don’t know how long, but eventually your tears dry and Jungkook’s body is too furnace-like to be pressed up against. Moving so you can still face each other, you plop yourselves side-by-side on the mattress, facing each other. 
Fiddling with the sheets you ask, “Can I still stay here?” 
A soft smile resurfaces to Jungkook’s lips, immediately alleviating your hesitancy. “Of course, I wouldn’t want you to sleep alone if you’re still shaken up.” 
“Could you tell me something happy? So we can end the night on a positive note.” 
He chuckles, propping his arm up on the pillow and tucking his hand to support his head. He’s still shirtless, inadvertently flexing as he adjusts himself. You try not to stare, but Jungkook decides not to tease you just this once. 
“So, it’s kinda-sorta a secret. I’m not really confident about it yet but,” he blows on his black bangs, nervous, “I like to sing.” 
A small, tender smile worms its way onto your visage. “Yeah? I’m sure you’re a beautiful singer.” 
Jungkook snorts, “You’ve never even heard me.” 
“Hm, I still know you’re beautiful.” 
“Well, there’s this producer that works at the radio station. He’s a friend of a friend, and they hooked me up and I’m gonna collab with him. We’re gonna finally meet up and I’m gonna demo some of his songs. He needs a vocalist.” 
“That’s amazing. I can’t wait to hear.” 
“Yeah,” and a dreamy smile overtakes his lips, his eyes floating to the gold LEDs decorating his room as if they are stars. “It’s just a hobby, but I wanna give my all in this.” 
You hum, tucking your hands between the cool pillow, “Can I hear you sing?” 
He frowns, “I’m not even warmed up.” 
“C’mon, just a ‘lil sample!” 
“What do I get out of it?” 
“A happy girlfriend. And if you’re that uncomfortable I’ll sing for you after. I make a pretty mean rendition of Happy Birthday.” 
A pause, and he relents, reaching over to squish your cheek. “Only because you look so peaceful right now,” he sits up a little, “any requests?” 
“Lost Stars, by Maroon 5.” 
“Oh, so she has taste.” 
He takes a deep breath, willing himself to be vulnerable around you. You almost tear up again, hearing the sweet sounds of his voice as he starts off with the pre-chorus of a cover near and dear to your heart. He’s right, his voice is rough and untrained, but the potential is there. But it’s the one thing from home that you’ve missed, and just a couple notes is enough to make you feel at home. 
Once his sample ends, he throws you a small smile and buries himself in the blankets. His face pops up cutely, embarrassed. 
You throw yourself onto the mattress with a flourish, clutching your chest as you make a show of swooning. “That was beautiful,” you say sincerely, “please post a full cover on YouTube. They’re gonna swoon over you.” 
He rolls his eyes, “As if. Only K-pop idols get that kind of attention.” 
“I suppose,” you shrug. 
“But you, however. I remember you saying you were gonna sing for me in return,” he laughs when you groan and flop against the cushions. “C’mon, I wanna see that Happy Birthday remix!” 
You playfully sigh, running a hand through your hair. “Alright, but you only get one line.” 
“Mhm, hit me with that Happy Birthday.” 
No, you are not going to sing Happy Birthday. You take your time, and reach a hand to caress his face. He easily leaned into your touch, placing his hand on top of yours. 
“Take my hands now, you are the cause of my Euphoria.” 
Whether your singing talents are good or not did not matter, Jungkook is equally enamoured. “That’s a nice song,” he says simply, “I’ve never heard it before.” 
You shrug, scooting closer, “Maybe you will one day.” 
The length of the day starts to edge you off to sleep, and you feel your eyes fluttering in and out of consciousness. Jungkook seems equally exhausted, but patient as he watches you fight to stay awake. He pulls the blankets over both of you, reaching forward to pull you closer. 
He looks at you in consent, hands hovering over you as you nod. He starts with your shoulder, trailing his palms down your smooth skin before it reaches the curve of your waist. 
“G’night, Koo,” you mumble, snuggling into his warm chest, “‘M sorry again, we’ll talk about it soon.” 
“Don’t be sorry,” how could he possibly be upset, when he feels how much you care for him right here at this very moment? He presses his lips to your forehead, “everything will be fine, pretty girl. The way I see it, the way we met was fate.” 
Jungkook jolts awake, as if lightning pierces his system. 
Instinctively, his hand reaches for yours. Despite the weather getting warmer, your hand still remains uncomfortably cold. He rubs a hand across his face, sweeping the sleep that so desperately wants to take him. 
Things have changed. Your superficial wounds have healed, however you still appear pale and lifeless, twitching occasionally in your sleep. 
Your position has been replaced, right off the bat. There’s a new language teacher to guide the rookies, who has big shoes to fill as they take long hours to ensure that they’re worth keeping. He isn’t sure you’ll have a job to come back to when you wake up. 
It’s been well over a month since he’s seen you. The first couple of days he refused to leave your side, insistent on cleaning your skin with a warm cloth and putting lavender lotion on because you couldn’t. After that, he had no choice in the matter. Life had to go on without you. 
If anyone was in pain from your hit and run, they’ve so far masked it really well. Everyone other than Sehlyung however, whose roots have grown in and her stitching has slowed considerably, as if always interrupted by mere thought. But smiles continue to be exchanged, performances are full of unbridled energy, and he immerses himself completely. Except today when he gets a break, he insists to drive straight to the hospital to keep you company, even if you don’t know it. 
At that time Jimin placed a soft hand upon his sunken cheek, pale due to overexertion and lack of sleep. “Jungkook, you can go home with us and rest for a few hours,” he tried to convince him, “she’s not going anywhere.” 
“I know,” he felt like a child, fiddling with his hangnails as he’s pressed between Jimin and Hoseok in the back of their van, “just don’t wanna waste any time doing needless things.” 
“Like showering, eating, making sure you’re still a human being?” Hoseok tried to lighten the mood, staring out onto the city as they made their way to their apartment complex. “C’mon, I’m sure y/n can still smell how much you stink right now.” 
Someone chided Hoseok, and threw a bag of Cheetos in his lap. The conversation on their side started to morph into something else, completely forgetting the conflict Jungkook was going through. Jungkook sunk further into his seat, thighs brushing against Jimin’s as he continued his spiel. 
Jimin offered him a tentative smile, “In case she wakes up, y’know? I’m sure she doesn’t want to see you like this.” 
Jungkook’s not even sure if you’d want to see him at all. 
Nevertheless it’s six against one, and with a quick shower and a granola bar he’s already Ubering to the hospital. Initially he was going to bring his work computer to get some stuff done in your room, but he figured your family would be in your room and he didn’t want to impose. 
Thankfully, he could avoid another awkward conversation today (he didn’t want to remember the first one)  as the nurses told him that your family already left for today. That much was evident when he spotted a garbage bag by the door, filled with pizza boxes. Courtesy of the company you’ve been moved to a VIP room, large enough for your visiting family to spend their days in. 
The desk that he usually occupies to do work is filled with coloring pages from your younger cousins, renditions of you awake and playing dress-up with them. He doesn’t bother pushing them aside, instead plopping his bag in its chair and going over to the sofa chair closest to your bedside. 
Fast-forward to now, he doesn’t know when he fell asleep holding your hand. He opens your bedside drawer to search for something to wake him up. You always kept a tin of breath mints in your purse, just in case. 
Your purse is splayed out across the drawer, stray items rolling back and forth. Immediately finding the forest green tin Jungkook pops two spearmints in his mouth, slamming the drawer shut. 
He hears glass shuffle between the wood. Confused, he opens the drawer again, slowly. In the very back corner, there’s a bottle he’s never seen before. He picks up the tiny container, weighing it between his palms. A wilted, once sunset orange flower is floating sadly between the clear liquid. There’s a little bit of the liquid left, and it almost looks like a novelty item you keep in your purse, like a good luck charm. He pops open the lid and brings it to his nose. Maybe it’s his propensity to get sick more often, but he can’t smell its contents. 
With a shrug, he throws it back and takes a swig. 
He immediately coughs at the sudden and unexpected tang of floral alcohol. Some of the nurses passing by ask if he’s fine, but he waves them off and reaches for the glass of water on the counter. After downing half the glass he quickly caps the jar and shoves it back in your purse. 
Resting his head on the thin mattress, he reaches for your hand again. He whispers your name. 
“Can you hear me?” he says, halfheartedly trying to get you riled up like old times, “when you wake up, you owe me an explanation of whatever poison is in your bag.” 
When he closes his eyes, he dreams of you. It’s like he’s swimming, present but not. But it’s definitely his gaze, from his point of view. He sees you, naked in an unfamiliar room with warm yellow LEDs, reaching to caress his messy hair. Jungkook’s hands are splayed over your body, and he can almost feel how soft your skin is, slightly damp but comfortable enough to hold you. He can’t make out whatever you’re saying, but you flash him a tired smile and snuggle further into his chest, as warm as can be. 
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tagged by my kitchen concert friend b @frogeye-pierce to share my answers to these fun little questions! thank you b, and i have to say i wholeheartedly agree with you on the goodwill jacket section thing :') pretty long so it's under the cut!
nickname: gia! or g by some people
zodiac: aquarius baby! just like alan alda ;)
height: 5'4 but tbh i'm usually wearing shoes with at least 2 inches of a heel on them, so it's usually around 5'6!
last movie i saw: midnight lace (1960) - i watched half last night, and i'm watching the other half tonight! so far it's kind of creepy, but in a fun, fashionable way (and y'all better not cancel me for this but rex harrison is lowkey a dilf)
last thing i googled: rote sonne (1970) because i saw a set of stills from it here and wanted to add it to my watchlist
favorite musician: TOO many to count, but i am going through an intense paul mccartney phase at the moment (if you couldn't tell by literally everything i've been posting) so i'll go with macca as of now!
song stuck in my head: auntie's municipal court by the monkees (sound of the sunset, sound of the sea...)
other blogs: that's a secret only i know... but i don't think it's too hard to guess who it is if you see it!
blogs following: 104
amount of sleep: about 7-8 hours on average, but my sleep schedule is really screwy, and i'm trying to fix it!
lucky number: 7 and 24! i don't really know why, but they're the numbers that always tend to draw me in
what am i wearing: this vintage 70s red and pink housecoat that i thrifted for a dollar and shortened into a micro-mini dress! rest assured it was paired with bright red gogo boots earlier today
dream job: mm. having a bit of a crisis with that right now, but i would say something where i can be free and work how i would want to! i think something along the lines of maybe screenwriter or director, and if i really want to get bold, i'd say throwing act*r into the mix would be fun too
dream trip: i'd love to visit a lot of different countries in my lifetime but recently i've had this insatiable urge to bundle all my friends into one van and just camp around the states for a while, spending time out in the wild and seeing all the beautiful places i haven't seen yet! just a really extended camping trip with close pals for weeks and weeks!
favorite food: there are SO many good ones, but i've really been digging kimchi sundubu jjigae lately. i'm also partial to a good falafel plate, and a really good dish of pasta marinara :)
play an instrument: guitar, piano and flute! i'm not really a master at any of them, but i'm having fun just moving along, and i think that's really all that matters, right? i have goals to pick up the bass and the drums at some point in my life as well, and i've also always wanted to learn the cello!
languages: primarily english, but i have taken/am currently taking a german course, so i'm trying to incorporate more german into my daily life! i'd like to become mostly fluent/at least competent in the language by the end of next year! klingt gut, ja?
favorite songs: hmm. at the moment i would say the run of the mill demo by george harrison (hi hazel), calico skies and the silly love songs demo by paul mccartney, and people's parties by joni mitchell!
random fact: um! i like to read cookbooks as actual reading material while i'm relaxing, and that led me to start a collection of vintage cookbooks with godawful recipes in them that are just WILDLY entertaining to read :) treasured 50s gelatin mold cookbook my beloved
describe yourself as aesthetic things: record player crackles, patterned thrift store chairs, battered old cowboy boots, 70s burnt orange and avocado green, the strumming of an acoustic guitar, white doves with olive branches, crescent moon poking out through shadowed trees, leather bound journals, cable knit cardigans with big wooden buttons and a gold necklace that reads "goodluck" in cursive
i'll tag @runofthemilldemo / @plaid-nightmares and @horaetio if y'all haven't done this yet and want to!
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crowdedimagines · 4 years
Happy Ending - Harry Styles
friends to lovers 3.1K 🤩
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The long line doesn’t turn me away from my favorite coffee shop. I know it’s worth the wait, I’m sure the warm weather is what’s bringing everyone in so suddenly. I’m in no rush, I just got out of class and all I have waiting for me at home is homework and some vinyls demanding to be played.
I can feel a presence behind me as the line continues to grow behind me.
“Would it make me a complete narcissist if I ask you if that tattoo is related to me?” A voice calls in my ear softly. I turn to meet the face of the man who created the idea behind the tattoo himself. Harry Styles. I follow his eyes as he looks down to the small T P W K printed on the back of my arm in a minimalistic font.
“Yes it would, but that doesn’t mean you would be wrong.” I grin, turning back away from him. Partially so he doesn’t see my blush and so I can try to somewhat maintain my cool. I never thought Harry Styles would actually see my tattoo.
His grin reaches all the way across his face.
“Well in that case I’m flattered.” He hums his eyes drifting to the menu board on the wall.
“You should be, it was my first.” We both laugh.
“Have you ever come here before?” He asks, continuing the conversation.
“Yes, it’s my favorite little spot in L.A.”
“Got any recommendations for a drink?”
I go over a few different drinks with him explaining why I like them. I give him a few options because I honestly don’t know what he likes. Does he want something hot? Iced? Blended? I’m definitely overthinking this, but at least I’m giving him a variety of things to try if he ever comes back.
“Which are you getting?”
I respond with the first drink I started telling him about. He takes a sidestep around me, bypassing me to the register. I didn’t even realize I was next. He orders two of my drinks and pays for them.
“It’s the least I can do for a fan.” He says after I thank him. We both move over to the other end of the counter to wait for our drinks. It looks like the rush might be slowing down.
“So what brought you here? I’m guessing it’s because there’s no way you could ever step foot in Beachwood Cafe ever again.” I tease.
“Yeah, I can’t go there. Not like I used to at least, but I have to say depending on the coffee this place might become my new spot.”
“It’s not usually this busy either. I think it’s the spring fever bringing everyone out today.”
Once we get our drinks he follows me to a table by the window.
“You don’t mind, right?” He pulls out his chair.
“Not at all, I am a bit confused though.”
He nods for me to continue while he takes a sip of his coffee.
“I don’t think you hangout with every fan you meet. Especially not in a public place like this. So what gives.”
He snorts softly at my blunt question, but I had to know. It was secretly eating away at me, why would he choose me to spend his time with?
“Since we’re speaking bluntly,” He pauses to lean forward on his arms on the table, “I feel drawn to you. You seem like someone I would enjoy spending time with. I don’t typically pass that sort of thing up.”
“You want to spend time with me? What if I’m some crazed fan?” I grin. It’s weird how comfortable I feel around him. I feel like I already know him, but somehow he’s welcomed me in. Our conversation comes with ease.
“Trust me, if that were the case I would’ve known by now. I wouldn’t have engaged any further.” He laughs.
“Wow, so that’s how it is. You decided I’m probably not delusional?”
“You can never be too careful.” He shrugs, “Plus I needed to get to know the girl who got a tattoo after one of my songs.”
“Actually I got it before the song.” I correct with a laugh, “I liked the message when you came out with it as part of your brand. Treat people with kindness is a good thing to remember. The fact that you created a song for it is just a bonus.”
We sit and talk for nearly a half an hour. I never thought I would be able to keep myself focused and composed, but after the first minute you realize he’s just a human. The conversation flows easily, never an awkward lull.
“Well, I actually have to go. I have so much work I need to do and I wasn’t planning on staying when I ran in here.”
What am I doing? How often do you get to sit and talk with Harry Styles? Homework can wait!
“Yeah, I should probably be going too.” He gets up and we walk slowly towards the door, he holds it open for me and we’re greeted with a warm breeze.
“Well it was really nice to talk to you. Get to know the man behind the music a little better.” I smile, his cheeks tint pink.
“You too. It was nice to get to know the girl behind the tattoo a little better as well.”
“Have a nice day, Harry.” I smile and turn to walk away.
“Y/n, wait.” His voice calls, saying my name out loud for the first time. I turn around to see he’s taken a few large steps to catch up. “Can I ask for your phone number? I don’t want this to be the end of our story.”
My heart starts racing at his words.
“And what exactly do you want to be the end of our story?”
“I’ll let you know once we’re there.”
It’s been nearly four months since I first met Harry. After I gave him my number that day it’s been nonstop communication. Him calling while he travels far away, texts between my classes and his meetings, but my favorite are when I actually get to see him.
“Harry!” I yell, letting myself into the unlocked house.
Still no answer.
“Harry!” I call again as I kick off my shoes and set down my bag, “You know as a big time celebrity you really shouldn’t leave your front door unlocked.”
Still no answer.
I let myself wander around trying to find the boy I’ve grown so close with. His large Malibu home leaves plenty of places for him to be. I check the kitchen, living room, dining room, and his office before I go upstairs. In hindsight, his bedroom should’ve been the first place I looked once he wasn’t answering.
“Hey.” He calls from inside his walk in closet.
“Hi.” I groan, letting myself fall back on his bed.
“Long day?” He asks, coming out as he pulls a shirt on over his head.  
“Yeah, just a presentation I need to do next week was assigned today. It’s going to suck, I’m already dreading it.”
He walks over and throws himself down on the bed next to me, laying parallel while we both stare at the ceiling.
“I’m sure you’ll smash it. What has you dreading it?”
“It’s just with the worst professor, he’s known for making students cry on the spot. He literally has the worst reputation on campus. He interrupts you and corrects you, announcing your points off as you go. He’s insane.”
“That sounds awful. Can he really do that?”
“I don’t know, I think so. I’ve only ever heard horror stories.”
“Well since you’re in such a shit mood, I’ll let you pick the movie.” He holds out a hand to pull me up off the bed.
“Hey, I’m not in a shit mood!” I grumble.
“You came in all mopey.” Harry teases.
“I’m not mopey.” I roll my eyes, “You asked me what was wrong, so I told you.”
“I know, now let's go make dinner.”
He presses a fast kiss to my cheek before he places a hand on each shoulder with a squeeze, leading me out of his room and down the stairs. It’s brief moments like these where I question our friendship. If that's what you can call it. He is by far the touchiest and most cuddly friend I’ve ever had. Not that I mind, I just wish there was the tiniest bit more clarity to the situation.
“Pasta?” He asks, opening his cupboard and looking around.
“Yes!” I cheer.
It’s been a tradition of ours for two months now that if he’s in town we have a movie night which consists of us making a meal from scratch beforehand.
“Have you ever made homemade pasta before?” I ask, reaching for the flour and other ingredients I know we’ll need.
“Twice. Both times I think I made Gem do all the work.”
I roll my eyes muttering a ‘sounds about right’.
“What was that missy?” he asks, bumping his hip into mine.
“Nothing.” I grin.
“Hmm sounds like you said something, love.” His voice just a whisper in my ear. His breath is warm against my face, raising goosebumps everywhere else on my body. Before I can even move a muscle, he’s gone to grab something on the other side of the kitchen. Unfazed by his actions.
Harry puts on some music and we both get to work. The dough is setting up in the fridge while we cut vegetables and prepare other things we’ll need.
“So you’re telling me that you’ve never really made pasta before, but you have a pasta maker?”
“Yeah, so what?” I roll my eyes.
I throw some flour on the counter so I can roll out the dough so cut into strips to run through the machine. Harry grabs his phone, busy finding a new playlist to listen to. I grab a small pinch of flour and throw it at him. The front of him is now powdered white.
“You did not just do that.” He mutters quietly as he looks down to his now white shirt.
“Hmm, sounds like you’ve said something, love?” I echo his words back to him. He tries to cover up his grin, but fails.
“What happened to treating people with kindness?” He asks, “You like it enough to get it tattooed on ya, but ya can’t even be nice to me.”
I let out a laugh, my tattoo has been something he enjoys teasing me about. He likes to hold it over my head that before we became friends I was a fan.
“You’ve just started a war.” He sets down his phone and takes a few steps closer, I take steps back until I meet the kitchen island. Harry reaches behind me and takes a handful off the counter.
“Now Harry, that’s way more than I did.” I remind, seeing his fistful of flour hanging over me.
“Who said I’m trying to get even?”
Without another second he opens his hand, letting flour rain down on me. I duck and try to avoid as much as I can, which is a failure. I can tell I must look ridiculous by the way Harry starts laughing.
I brush it off my face with as much grace as I can.
“That was a mistake.”
“Oh was it now? Because to me it seems to me you are the one coated in flour right now.”
“That’s about to change.”
We both tear off chasing after each other. Mainly me chasing Harry because I have the flour bag in hand. Miscellaneous vegetables fly through the air as we target each other. We both manage to douse the other a few more times in flour before he finally catches me by my waist. I let out a scream as he picks me up off the ground.
“Truce?” He asks.
He puts me back down and I can finally get a good look at the damage. His cabinets and the floor are splattered with flour. Each step we take, more falls off of us. Bits of carrots, broccoli, and tomatoes all over the floor.
“Okay, you call for pizza and I’ll start cleaning this up.”
“Sounds like a great idea.” Harry agrees, he grabs his phone.
I grab the broom and start cleaning everything up. I wipe down the counter and the other spots that were hit.
“Alright pizza will be here in thirty minutes.” Harry announces coming back in.
“That’s perfect because we both need a shower.”
I pull my shirt off over my head and fold it in on itself to avoid sprinkling it anywhere else.
“So you plan on doing that right here?” He asks teasingly?
“No.” I roll my eyes, “We are literally dripping flour, I just cleaned this up. I’m not tracking this all over the house again.”
I walk to his laundry room and take off the rest of my clothes, leaving me in my bra and underwear, Harry follows me in realizing I was right. I catch his eyes on me a few times which makes me realize he’s never seen me in this little clothing. We’ve been close for months, but never without clothes.
“You can take the shower in the guest room, that one should have some towels and shampoo and whatnot.” Harry informs as I follow him upstairs.
The shower was nice, and much needed. I could get used to showering here. The water was truly hot and the water pressure was insane. Even his guest bathroom shower could fit at least two of the one in my apartment. I’m drying myself off when there’s a soft knock at my door. I wrap the towel around me tightly before opening it.
“Here. I thought you might need something else to wear.” Harry hands me a stack of clothes that I know belong to him.
“Thanks.” I smile.
He pushes wet curls back, running a hand through them.
“The pizza just got here.”
“I’ll be right down.”
I look over the sweatshirt and a pair of boxers that he gave me. I’ve worn an outfit similar a few times here when I’ve slept over when I wasn’t planning on it. It’s all so soft and it smells like him.
“So what’s your pick?” He asks, going over the movie selection. I decide on a rom-com that we surprisingly haven’t watched together yet.
We both eat our pizza before wanting to shift. Harry lays down the length of the couch and I tuck myself next to him. His arm resting on my waist as we share a pillow.
“I can’t believe it’s been how long and we haven’t watched Sweet Home Alabama.” I grin, “It’s a classic.”
“I didn’t know it was one of your favorites.” He comments, looking down at me. It takes me a second to not get lost in his green eyes.
“Yeah, I just love a happy ending.”
“Me too.”
We continue to watch the rest of the movie for a while in comfortable silence. I think for some reason Harry’s nervous. Two minutes ago he moves his hand to my hip, I don’t think he knows that he’s tapping on it.
“Har, are you okay?” I look over my shoulder.
“Hmm?” He looks down.
“Are you alright?” I ask, “You’re tapping.”
He follows my gaze down to his hand and he stops immediately.
“Sorry.” He sighs.
“It’s alright, are you okay? Do you need to talk about something?”
I can’t figure out where this is coming from. I have only seen him look this anxious a few times.
“Yeah, I do actually.” He sits up, pulling me up with him. I turn to face him, he reaches for the remote to turn down the volume of the movie.
“I’m all ears, H.” I reach out my hand to him.
He smiles looking at our connected hands and takes a deep breath.
“I’m in love with you, Y/n. I know we’ve been friends for months, but I would be lying if I said that that’s all I want for us. I have never felt this way about someone before, since I met you. I knew that you were someone I needed to know. And now that I know you, I want to know all of you, Y/n. I understand if you don’t feel the same way, I just needed to tell you. I think that you’re worth how scary this is right now. I really love you, Y/n.”
He lets out a long sigh once he’s done. A visible weight lifted off his shoulders.
“I love you too, Harry.” I grin. “I have loved you since before I even knew you, and now that I do I love you even more. It’s hard to believe there was ever a time where you weren’t in my life.”
I pull him down on top of me in a bone crushing hug as we fall back on the couch.
“Thank god.” He mutters into my hair.
I let out a laugh and rub up and down his back.
“Will you please be my girlfriend?” He sits up, pulling away slightly to get a good look at me.
“Only if you’ll be my boyfriend.”
He litters my face with kisses, all except the one place they’ve never been.
“Hey.” I grab his attention, pulling it from the kiss he was planting on my forehead, “If I’m your girlfriend now, I want a real kiss.”
“I think I can manage.”
He brings his head down, I bring my hand up to his jawline. I run it up until I hit his hair, giving it a good tug. I guide his face towards mine until our lips finally meet. I can feel we’re both smiling right now, until we deepen it. Just enough to last a few seconds and get a taste of what we’ve both been craving for months. I would have to say it’s a  perfect first kiss.
We both snuggle back in the way we were laying previously. The only difference is we both have goofy grins now that are impossible to wipe off.
“So, is this the ending you wanted for our story?” I ask after a few minutes of watching the movie, turning over my shoulder to look at him. I could never forget what he said the first time we met.
“You want to know what our ending will be?” I nod eagerly, he reaches out to brush a piece of hair away from my face.
“Our ending will be us, old and wrinkled on the beach somewhere. Kids. Grandkids. That’s what I want to be our ending.”
“I think I like our ending.” I peck my lips against his.
“Me too.”
please let me know what you thought below! love feedback xoxo
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