#i am not used to how my tablet makes lines on this new computer
synthaphone · 1 year
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kimberly-spirits13 · 1 year
When Bruce Introduced You to the League
Batman x reader
No warnings
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• You were a big part of his life for a long time
• When the Justice League was being built you weren’t going to immediately be part of the team
• You two decided that it would be best if there was an available hero internationally and one for Gotham
• You chose to stay back in Gotham when the Justice League needed something but you were involved in helping build the league equipment
• This included the computers, software, the orbiting justice league headquarters, and the other things used for the league
• You didn’t really start hanging out with the league until long after you had met everyone at one time
• They had asked Batman to get you to come to the tower since something had stopped working
• Bruce knew how to fix it but he wanted an excuse to bring you up there and everyone was eager to meet you
• Once he knew that they were worth trusting, he didn’t mind exaggerating one of the problems with the main computer
• You were suspect about it but agreed to come anyways
• Bruce had already left for an early morning meeting with the league and you’d be coming later
• You came in full gear, using the zeta tubes in the cave
• When you walked in you were greeted by one of the managers that maintained the tech
• “So what seems to be the issue?” You were given a tablet with the electronic schematics of the satellite base
• “There seems to just be a loose connection in the mainframe. Probably a coding error with the new update to the system that someone added.” They walked you towards the room where the rest of the league was waiting, “Not sure why someone here couldn’t handle it, but they wanted you to come check it out.”
• “I’m sure it’s nothing major, thank you.” You smiled and nodded at the manager who did the same and walked off to attend to other work
• You walked in the room and was greeted by Green Lantern and Flash bickering over a basketball game while Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and Martian Manhunter were working over some mythology connections that they had made
• Superman and Bruce were busy talking about missions when you caught Bruce’s eye
• Flash was first to greet you, asking to settle the dispute between he and Lantern
• Bruce’s glare in the cowl got him quite again
• “Everyone this is Y/H/N, I assume some of you have met them before.” Bruce introduced you walking over to where you were standing, leaving Flash to retreat
• They were quick to greet you while Lantern was quick to flirt with you
• “I’ve come here to fix a systems issue, not court you.” You started walking towards the computer and have Bruce a look
• “So it’s a basic computer issue. And you called me to fix it?” You raised a brow challengingly, he knew you had caught on to what he was playing
• “Well, I wanted to make sure it wasn’t something more serious.” He gave the batsmirk causing Flash to give him a suspicious look
• “Well I better make sure this thing isn’t about to drop out of the sky” You elbowed him kiddingly causing him to break a chuckle
• They all exchanged glances at each other before Lantern gave a huge sigh
• “Tell me you two aren’t dating?” He was exasperated
• You shrugged and started working on the code that was supposed to be fixed
• The rest of the team started doing their own thing again and Wonder Woman came to sit with you while you worked
• “I don’t suppose you’ve known Batman for a while?” She asked you, “It is none of by business but I am curious if you’re willing to answer.”
• “You’re fine. We’ve known each other since we were kids. Nothing much to it.” You were hunched over going over the treacherous line, “My only gripe against him is that he called me in to fix one line of code that I know for certain he could have done himself”
• This caused Diana to laugh, “I’m sure he was eager to introduce everyone formally.”
• “Apparently so”
• You two talked for the duration of your stay, which wasn’t meant to be long but you decided to stay longer to hang out
• Superman was there too talking and there to offer a coffee
• Despite his efforts, you could tell he was from Kansas based off of that little twang he had
• When it was time to leave, Bruce was there to see you out
• “I assume that the problem wasn’t hard to wrangle.” He said with a smirk in his voice
• “Oh it was terrible, I definitely see why you called me out.” He gave you a nudge
• “I’ll see you in an hour for the WE meeting.” He said
• You bid each other a goodbye
• Once you left he could hear the snickers of Flash and Lantern before Lantern started off, “BATSY HAS A GIRLFRIEND/ BOYFRIEND” “NEVER IN MY LIFE DID I EVER THIN-“
• And that’s when the usual brooding started again, scaring Lantern off for a bit
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kittyt-hexxed · 1 year
Write Your Name
Tattoo Artist! Abby Anderson x POC! Reader [Modern AU]
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This image was created by @abbystanaccount! Please go show them some love because all of their content is amazing!
Warnings: Established Relationship, Tattoo Needle, "Succubus" Womb Tattoo, Sex in Tattoo Shop, Semi-Public Sex, Fingering, Praise, Teasing, Abby calls you a "good girl" and "naughty girl", showing off a tattoo, sexy bikini, pool party, alcohol
Summary: You decide to surprise Abby with your new tattoo idea - a stylized version of her name... that you want to be tattooed over your womb. And, you want her to do it. Afterward, Abby shows you her appreciation for you getting it done.
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“You want me to… what?” Abby blinks, her eyes widening as you hold up the paper with your idea on it. You spent ages sketching out your plan, looking up references, and doing your best to make it look beautiful. You’ve always wanted a tattoo like this, and you love Abby’s work so who’s better to tattoo it on you other than your girlfriend? Abby had closed the shop early for today and you had immediately sprung up from your seat in the back to show her your idea. You wanted to catch her before she started putting her things away.
“Tattoo a womb tattoo on me.” You grin mischievously, watching as Abby practically shortcircuits. She glances out into the shop as if she’s embarrassed to answer. Nora is the only person in here, lounging with her feet up on her desk as she scrolls through her phone. She normally did that to make sure there are no cancellations for tomorrow. 
“That’s my name.” Abby points at it, getting a nod from you.
“Yes.” You hum, grinning wider.
“You want to get my name tattooed… over your womb.”
“Yes.” You nod. The image in discussion is heavily stylized after a Succubus’ womb tattoo. Abby’s full name - Abigail - had been incorporated into the hearts and horns. It took you forever to figure out how to do it in a way that didn’t make the name jump out. You had to actually look, tracing the lines with your eyes to spell it out. But, you knew your girlfriend would find her name with her attention to detail.
“Y/n, I-” Abby licks her lips, struggling to find the right words, “Are you sure?”
“Yes. I’m more than sure.” You brush a strand of her hair behind her ear, “I really want this and I wouldn’t ask anyone else to do it. I want my girlfriend’s art on my body.” A soft pink appears on Abby’s cheeks as she takes the paper from you.
“You want it exactly like this?” Abby wakes up her tablet screen, her computer monitors waking up along with it, “Or am I allowed to adjust things?” You squeal softly, plopping down in the chair next to her in excitement.
“You’re absolutely allowed to adjust anything you want.” You tell her, getting a chuckle in response. You watch as she takes a picture of it, pulling it up on Procreate to look at it much closer.
“Let’s see what we can do.” Abby smiles at you. She takes the time to go over the design with you, pointing out places where she could make a change or add to it. You discussed what colors you wanted to do - choosing to go with a neon red and pink style. Abby’s shoulders had tensed when you brought it up but she agreed with it and said that she liked your vision of it. Once she had it confirmed - she asked you ten times if you wanted it tattooed - she got it ready on the transfer paper.
“Hey, you two lovebirds!” Nora grabs your attention, slipping on her coat, “I’m leaving you to it. I expect a picture of it once it’s done.” She grins, pulling her bag onto her shoulder.
“You’ll be the first to see it!” You wave at her as she heads to the back of the shop. Abby leads you into one of the private rooms used for tattoos like this. Although you are the only two there, it still offered a feeling of privacy.
“Okay, babe.” Abby nudges you, “Pull your shorts down a bit, and get your cute ass onto that bed.” You get up and do as you’re told, flinching when your back touches the cold leather. You turn your head to look at Abby as she comes to stand over you. Your girlfriend practically looms over you from your position and you feel your cheeks heat up. She is wearing a tank top that has her muscular arms in full view, her arms covered in ink. You enjoy tracing her tattoos, including the little cartoon bee she has on her inner wrist. It was one of the many bees she had.
“You’re staring.” Abby gives you an amused smile, making you blush harder, “Now hold still so I don’t mess up the stencil placement.” You practically stop breathing as she lays the stencil over your womb, firmly pressing it into place with her hand. The feeling of her pressing down on your abdomen makes your body tingle as you’re reminded of the way she holds you in place during sex. You’re silent as she carefully peels the stencil back, observing how it transferred to your skin. She reaches down and holds up a mirror so you can see the placement.
“Is this where you want it?” She asks. You look at it and nod, getting an eyebrow raise from her. ‘Right. Verbal confirmation, even if I’m her girlfriend.’
“Yeah, it’s perfect. I like the way the points curve up over my hips.” You smile, feeling excited about it.
“Good.” Abby grins, patting your thigh, “I’ll grab the ink and we’ll get to work.” It doesn’t take too long before Abby takes a seat, giving you a silent question as she positions her arm over your lower body. You give her a nod and you hear the high-pitched humming of the machine as she puts the needle to your skin. At first, you're vividly aware of the needle going in and out of your skin but that gets sidelined in favor of something else. Abby.
Her arm is resting across your left thigh, warm against your skin as she stabilizes herself with your body. One thing about your girlfriend is that she’s pure muscle and that’s all you can feel. It doesn’t help that you’ve squeezed that arm between your legs too many times. Your mind starts to drift and you’re thinking about her touching you before you can stop yourself. You can feel your heartbeat pick up as you imagine her fingers brushing over your clit through your shorts. It was something she loved to do to tease you when you wore them. Ironically, they were the only ones you could wear and be comfortable in for this.
“Baby.” Abby’s voice snaps you out of your thoughts, “Don’t be so dirty when I’m trying to focus.”
“Huh?” Your voice comes out a little higher than usual, “I didn’t say anything.” You hear Abby chuckle over the sound of the machine.
“I can tell what you’re thinking about.” You two make brief eye contact, then her attention is back on what she’s doing, “Your thigh tensed.”
“Ah.” The words die in your throat. There’s no way for you to tell her that she’s wrong, because she isn’t. 
“You find this attractive?” Abby questions teasingly, “Me tattooing my name on you?”
“If I’m honest, I wasn't thinking about that. I was admiring your muscles on display.” You feel your body warm, “But, now I am.” It’s unfair that she’s so attractive. She could be describing how the sky is blue and you’d be falling all over yourself to listen. You added her name because you knew she’d like it, even if she wouldn’t say it out loud. And, knowing that her name is mixed into such a scandalous tattoo makes you very horny. She’d see it every time you were intimate or even just getting changed.
“Well don’t get too excited, or I’m going to have to hold you in place.” Abby warns you, “You fidget when you’re really turned on.”
“I won’t.” You say, but that’s not what happened. Abby seemed to make it her mission to test you. She flirted with you as she worked, saying the things she knew you’d like to hear. 
“You’re being such a good girl and staying still.” Abby praises you. All you could do was try to respond verbally, forcing your body to stay still as your girlfriend continued. The praise made your heart soar and your head spin. There was nothing you loved more than being good for her, especially when she acknowledged it. At some point you did twitch, and true to her word, Abby’s hand firmly held your hips down.
“Baby, you don’t have to do that.” You whine, “I won’t move.”
“You said that earlier, princess.” Abby tsks, “I can’t have you moving and messing up the art.” You can hear the grin in her voice.
“You’re the worst.” You let your head fall back, slightly regretting your decision to have Abby tattoo you, “The worst.”
“Am I?” Abby asks, raising an eyebrow, “I guess it doesn’t matter what I do then, since I’m the worst.” That response made you nervous. She was going to make you regret those words. And, well… she did. The real test for you was when Abby shifted her arm and purposefully pressed it against your clit. You tried not to acknowledge it, to not give her the satisfaction, but you lost. She would stop applying pressure only to casually do it again a minute later. Her actions made your clit ache for attention. So the next time she did it, you couldn’t stop the soft moan that leaves your lips.
“Are you okay, baby?” Abby asks, pretending she doesn’t know what she did.
“Abby.” Your voice comes out breathy, “How much longer do we have?” You don’t know if you’ll be able to lay here much longer. You need her to touch you. She is infuriating in the best way possible.
“About ten minutes.” Abby hums, “Think you can be a good girl for me and get through it?” Your mind goes blank for a moment as you take in what she said.
“Y-Yeah.” You squeak, your face feeling like it’s on fire, “Yeah, I can.”
“Mmm, that’s my girl.” Abby pauses for a moment to press her lips to your thigh, “You’re so good for me.” You close your eyes and try to count down the last ten minutes. Each minute feels like forever as she continues to tease you.
“Aaanndd, we’re done.” Abby says, the sound of the machine turning off, “You can open your eyes now, Y/n. Do you want to look at it before I bandage it up?” 
“No. I already know it looks amazing.” You open your eyes and watch as she wipes the skin, before applying some kind of ointment to it. 
“You have a lot of faith in me.” Abby chuckles, bandaging it up with a smile.
“I do. I did just get your name tattooed.” You giggle, continuing to lay down to give your body a chance to regulate itself before you get up.
“I’m glad you do.” Abby kisses your forehead, “I’m going to clean up. You can either stay here or wait for me in the office.”
“I’ll stay here.” You hum and tuck your arms under your head. You lay there, resting as you hear Abby move around and put things away. You are being patient but your body is tingling with need.
“You’re a naughty girl, you know that?” Abby purrs, making you open your eyes, “You knew I’d like this.” Your breathing hitches at her lustful gaze, and she reaches out to caress your thigh.
“I did.” You swallow, feeling excited in a different way, “You’ve always reacted when I’ve jokingly mentioned getting it done.”
“I should reward you for this.” Abby leans down, her lips brushing over yours, “Would you like, baby?”
“Yes, please.” You whisper, separating your thighs. Abby tugs down your shorts more, her hand slipping between to rub you through your panties. You let out a shuddering sigh, finally getting some relief.
“Can I finger you?” Abby asks. That makes you smile. She was always asking for your consent in sneaky situations like this. 
“You can.” You smile at her. Abby tugs your panties aside and puts two of her thick fingers in. You gasp, feeling her stretch you out after you’ve been so tense.
“You’re so wet, baby. I really riled you up, didn’t I?” She coos, working her fingers against your g-spot.
“Yeess!” You moan, “Yes, you did.”
“I couldn’t help myself.” Abby playfully pouts, “You got my name tattooed on you. I have to show you how much I appreciate that.” She picks up the pace, keeping her fingers pressed to your g-spot as she uses her thumb to rub your clit. You moan, your body twitching from the intense pleasure as she brings you closer to release. You knew you shouldn’t be doing this in her shop of all places, but neither you nor Abby would be able to wait. And hey, disinfecting the bed wouldn’t be an issue.
“Abby!” You gasp out her name, “I’m going to cum!” You warn her.
“Cum for me, baby.” Abby purrs, kissing you. You moan against her lips as you cum, your walls clenching around her fingers. She gives you a moment to relax, affectionately kissing at your collarbone before removing her fingers. You watch contentedly as she walks around you to the sink to wash her hands.
“You really love that I got your name tattooed that much?” You question, feeling happy about it.
“I love it so much that I’m fucking you with the strap when we get home.” Abby says seriously, making you giggle.
Once the tattoo was healed, Abby would not stop touching it. She’d caress your abdomen with her thumb when cuddling, kiss it before going down on you, or trace it after sex with her fingers. It meant a lot to her that you’d do something so serious. She didn’t need it to know that you loved her, but it meant a lot regardless. Tattoos don’t come off, and with the style you requested, a cover-up would be very challenging. It really touched her heart… and she found it incredibly sexy on you. Even more so knowing that people wouldn’t notice the thorny print held her name. 
A few months after getting the tattoo, you were invited to a pool party with the crew. You had told Abby you weren’t going to show it off - a little lie so you could surprise her. You and Nora went shopping for swimsuits the day of and she helped you pick out one that would clearly show it off. She was the first person you told, and when you said you wanted it to be a surprise she was all for it. So you ended up with a sexy two-piece white bikini with high-cut straps. It perfectly framed the tattoo and made it stand out. You couldn’t wait to surprise Abby with it.
“Y/N! NORA!” Leah screams when she sees you two walk out to the patio. Everyone except for Abby - who is pouring something at the bar - is in the pool. The boys are playing volleyball at one end while the girls are hanging out at the other. ‘Yum.’ You eye Abby who’s wearing swim trunks and a bikini top. You really loved seeing all of her tattoos. 
“Hey!” You wave at them, “Sorry we’re late! Nora wanted to pick up some more beer.” Nora lifts up the extra case to show them, getting a cheer from the group. The guys tended to stick to drinking beer and Manny could put away a whole case on his own. While the girls drink beer too, they preferred mixing drinks most of the time.
“Hey, more beer is a perfect reason to be late!” Owen calls.
“Now, what are you doing with your clothes still on?!” Manny jokes, hitting the volleyball back to Nick, “Take them off and get in here!”
“Only for you, Manny!” Nora jokes back, getting laughs in response. You take the case from Nora and head over to the bar where Abby is. She looks up at you with a smile, pouring mango juice into the cup she had gotten you for your birthday.
“Awe, honey bee! You’re making me a drink?” You put the case down and give her a kiss on the cheek, “You didn’t have to.”
“I’ll drink it if you don’t want it.” Abby says, lifting the cup to her mouth.
“No, no, no!” You grab the cup, making Abby laugh, “I want it!” You take a drink from it, pleasantly surprised by the various fruity flavors. Abby reaches over and tears the box open, and you step out of her way. 
“Does it taste good?” She checks, taking the beer out and putting it into the fridge.
“Yeah, but not better than your pussy.” You joke, getting a dramatic gasp from her.
“Y/n! Language!” She smacks your ass, making you laugh. 
“Oh, come on! You’ve said worse!” You wrap your arms around her waist, getting on your tip-toes to whisper in her ear, “Besides, it was a compliment.” You kiss her shoulder and walk around the bar.
“Y/n! Abby!” Mel shouts, “Come on, you lazy asses!”
“Coming!” You and Abby chorus. You throw Abby a wink and walk over to the lounge chairs by the girls. Everyone has their own assigned chair with a towel so that no one gets confused with the others’ things. Nothing is more awkward than using someone else’s towel! You put your bag down and start taking off your clothes. A loud wolf whistle comes from the pool, “DAMN Y/N! THAT’S A WHOLE LOT OF ASS!” Nora screams at you, making you laugh.
“YOU GO, GIRL!” Leah joins in and soon everyone is hollering at you. You shake your head with an amused smile and take your shirt off. You’re careful to keep your back to them as you grab your sunscreen.
“I’ve got that, cutie.” Abby takes it from your hands. You let her rub the sunscreen onto you, relaxing as she works over your muscles to give you a quick massage in the process. She comes around to your front and does the same, playfully wiggling her eyebrows when she goes over your boobs with it. You giggle at her antics, noting that she takes extra care with your tattoo, and puts the bottle down.
“I thought you weren’t showing your tattoo?” She mutters, trying to keep her volume down. You give her a cheeky smile.
“I changed my mind. It’s the one time I get to show it off.” You wink at her and turn around, “I’m coming in!” You call you, getting the group’s attention as you walk to the edge.
“WOAH!” The group chorus’, surprised expressions on their faces.
“Surprise!” You shout, laughing at their reactions, “I asked Abby to tattoo me!”
“We’d know her work from anywhere.” Jordan snorts.
“Wait.” Mel squints, swimming over to you, “Come closer.” You sit down, letting your legs go into the water as she comes over. ‘Of all the people to notice it first, it would be Mel.’
“Is that… Abby’s name?” Mel gasps, looking at you with wide eyes.
“It is.” You smile, over at Abby as she sits down next to you, “When we first started dating I joked that I wanted her to write her name on me… and, she did.” You nudge her.
“It was a complete surprise to me.” Abby chuckles, brushing her fingers over it, “But, it was a happy one.” You two meet eyes and she leans in and kisses you softly.
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minnieves · 2 years
bj daniel part two and three
new to the bj series? see here for the guide.
warnings: voyeurism, filming, masturbation, degradation, and whining.
summary: the person being watched is also watching another. you're only doing your job. you've done this to others. there's something about daniel that makes you question your own professionalism.
you sat down on your chair behind his desk. daniel has a different filming room in his apartment. being the top streamer on the bj app makes a lot of money. even small streamers with less than 500 subs earn more than minimum wage. what more this man?
"here," he offered. handing you a bottled water before changing his attire. you opened your tablet to check on his account. finishing setting his live up.
bj daniel's live countdown...
"this would be a quick session," you remind him. setting up a 30-minute timer for him. he told you that he needed to fix his mother's birthday surprise. picking some lube and toys that he might want to use. "are you going to use a flesh light?"
"no, not today," he told you. shouting from behind his changing area. you took some vibe to place it behind his desk. grabbing some towels for later. "i'll talk for 10 minutes, then do a 20 minute session."
"sure, i'll remind you on it," you told him. sitting back down as he appear in your line of vision. pretrnding to busy yourself on your device. checking emails and preparing his live. you can feel his gaze on you, but you don't want to show any response. "it's 5 minutes before your live."
"i'm always thankful for you," he said in a sweet voice. clicking away in his computer. probably browsing on his page. reading comments like he usually does. "my darling y/n."
"have you planned about your birthday special?" you asked him. ignoring his endearment so that it won't get into you. you can't afford to loose this job. if that means acting naive, you'll do it. "i'll gather a list regarding the requests that you received, and what your viewers want."
"actually, i've been thinking of doing a collab," he said. making you stop from scrolling. head raising to look at him. he was already staring at you. like he was reading your expression before smiling. you tilt your head to appeal 'confused'. "they're quite famous too."
"oh? who do you have in mind?" you asked. words slow from one another. like you're threading them to not seem so shocked. your mind going through every bj he might've interacted with. is it ben? terry? kamal? steve? woo? "i'll personally talk to them."
"thanks. do you know bj moa?" he asked. making you lick your lips. thankful for the mask that your wearing that he wouldn't be able to see how you bit your lip out of nervousness. "couldn't find anything on them. not responding to me either."
"you're going live in 29 seconds," you said after checking your screen. giving him enough time to put his mask on. fingers combing his hair like he's nervous. sitting up from his seat as he does. "and you're live."
bj daniel is live...
you glanced at the whiteboard beside you as daniel greets his viewers. pretending to scan his comment section while your chest is hammering. you wanted to check bj moa's page, but doesn't want to get caught by him.
you watch him flirt with his viewers. he's not talking to you, but you feel like he is. you feel delusional while sitting here despite being professional. he's a smooth talker. having a way with his words.
"what am i thinking about?" he reads. tilting his head to the side. he's wearing a mask but you know damn well that this guy is smirking under that mask. "i'm thinking of you. always."
you roll your eyes at his comment. his eyes looking st your direction when you did before looking back. he's always watching you. he placed your chair there so that he can watch you. your expression, body language, chair shifting, writing, everything. he makes you his gauge for how well he does.
"i look pretty? of course, my darling is watching. can't have you looking at other bjs now, can't i?" he said. subtly looking at you while he 'smiles'. seeing that you're gesturing him that his 10 minutes is up. "you know what's prettier?" he asked, glancing elsewhere.
you watch him through the screen. he could also see himself, but he can't read the comments when he's that far. thus relaying on you when he gets too deep. he moved his chair slightly towards the side, so that his ear bud won't be seen by the viewers.
you watched as he strip down through the screen. removing everything else but his tank top. you stoop up to move the camera towards him. it's not seen in the stream. hovering it over his head so that it won't catch you whispering commands as necessary.
"say hi 'daniel'," he said. holding his cock in one hand as he slowly moves his cock up and down. slow movements as he reads the comments — hearing them from you. "let's lube it a little."
he squirt some lube on his cock. spreading it around it. making squelching sound as he does. eyes looking at the screen to see himself. eyes darting at you who's watching your screen with your legs crossed.
"looks quite red doesn't it?" he said. his hand curling around his tip. playing on it as he applies more pressure on it. his other hand moving his hair out of the way. "your lips would look good around this."
you licked your lips from his comment. you can't move too much since he gets easily distracted. you don't want him to know how his words make you squirm.
"move your hips," you told him. making his hips slowly thrust on his hand. his head thrown aback as he slowly fucks his hand. his precum leaking on his tip from his movement. "show your hard cock to the camera."
"look how hard i am," he said. he sounded like he was pouting from under his mouth. the tips he's receiving is pouring more. relaying to him about this. "fuck, you're so pathetic. enjoying someone showing you how hard you made them? how sick."
you look at him. watching as he made his cock twitch despite being untouched. you want to touch it. want to be the one to pump it in front of everyone. you think about how bj moa would've done to him.
"that's it. only have those beautiful eyes on me," he said to the camera. you look away as he said those. making it feels like he was saying it directly to you. "don't get shy now. enjoy how i look. i know how desperate you are for me."
"someone tipped big to play with your balls," you told him. watching him tiredly pump his cock as he massage his balls. stretching the skin, know how hard and big they would be later.
"how about you play with them yourself instead of commanding me to?" he said. hand grasping from the balls to the base of his cock. stretching the skin as he shows his balls to the camera. you wonder what type of laser treatments he gets to be this hairless. "all talk, no work? aww, how pathetic."
"stop with the balls and play with your cock more," you told him as you scroll through the comments. he always gets comments about wanting to put his balls in their mouth. yourself included. "daniel, you have 10 more minutes."
"i've always liked how you say my name," he moaned. his hand gripping his cock as he moves. hips rolling in slow motions as he pumps his hand. one hand focusing on the tip as the other on his base. "makes me wonder how my personal whore would sound when moaning my name."
you held your breath as you listen to him. doing your best to not look up to him. making sure not to do anything reckless. he would notice. it feels like he has eyes everywhere, and would use that as an excuse to scold you later.
moans fill the room. they sound natural. like he wasn't forcing himself. they don't sound like cheap porn. more like an asmr type of moan. it sounds so clear and so nice. it also makes you wonder how his voice would sound like if he were to moan your name.
"show your cock before jacking off," you told him. there weren't much comments about it. but you want to see his red cock. always liking how cute his tip looks like. knowing how sensitive they are.
"so fucking needy," he said. his voice sounding like a growl as he shows his cock. looking at the fast comments as he does. he wrapped his hand around it once more. jacking off faster to ease himself. "want to see your holes dripping in cum. your body covered in my cum. you'd like that right? you nasty slut."
you gulp from his statement. eyes scanning the comments to keep yourself at bay. oh what you'd give to be able to touch yourself right now. eyes trained to his cock through the screen. watching how they twitch from his hand. your tongue occasionally licking your lips.
"you like that? being called a slut? a whore?" he said. his smirk audible. his mocking voice sounding airy since he's near his high. your screen viewing that he only have 5 minutes left. "how pathetic can you be? you're starting to look like my personal fuck toy."
you fix your seating on the chair. fingers racking at your hair as you continue to click the button to report some comments that is irrelevant to the live. like people selling their nudes, or people asking for money from other viewers.
"daniel," you called him. making him moan. this one is deeper. like they came from under his chest as his cock visibly twitching. you look at him. his eyes meeting yours. they were dark, almost predetorial like. "4 minutes left."
"fuck, say my name," he commanded louder. making you always say his name in defeat. your heart hammering in your chest as you watch him move his fist on his cock. "say it, say it, say it."
you look away. watching him close his eyes as he cums. his cum seeping down his fist as he moans. you damp a towel, placing it near him. opening a bottle of water. you walked away as he does his outro. grabbing an ice cream.
you check your tablet to make sure his live has ended. seeing as it did. you closed the cover on the camera as you move to the front. handing him his towel and water. you have his snack on the side. ice creams are his wont after every live.
"thanks y/n," he said softly. eating the ice cream as he watch you save his live. you'd do the captions later on. you look at him. with a nod before you went inside his bathroom. preparing his bath for him. "my y/n-ie is so caring towards me."
"shut up. this is literally my job," you remind him. pulling him up so that he could sit on the tub that you prepared. "go relax. call me if you need anything."
"you're the best!" he told you. giving you a weak smile as you exit. closing the door behind you. picking his discarded cloths to throw it in his hamper. preparing his towels for after his bath.
you fix his works space. wiping down his seat and sanitizing everything. you look at his computer to check what percentage the saving live is. you checked your phone to see updates and messages from your boss and his.
"don't forget the thing about bj moa!" he shouted from inside the bathroom. you sighed as you pack your things. putting your phone inside. opening the water he gave you earlier to drink from him. thinking about how you'd book bj moa. how can you book yourself when you're also the one monitoring his lives?
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quinloki · 4 months
Oh man I just got pencils weee
For now just some basic ones, I tend to go crazy buying hobby supplies and then just drop the hobby so this will do for now <<
But also I thought of something funny that I thought you would appreciate since you said you used to Gaia too
But like my sophomore year of HS the local paper was accepting drawing submissions to feature in the art section and my mom submitted one of mine as a surprise
But she like, submitted art of my Gaia avatar bc it was something I had scanned into our family computer
So all my extended family clipped this thing from the paper and proudly displayed it on the fridge like it was on my grandparents fridge for like years until I removed it
I was torn between omg cool and omg I’m EMBARRASSED bc I was like 15 and that seemed so very uncool
It’s been over 15 years and I still remember this so vividly lmao
The drawing:
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OMG in the news paper and everything - my family would've been the same way. And I am the SAME WAY about hobby stuff. It's one of the reasons I was glad to go digital - the tablet is an investment, but I only need one and it lasts a really long time. (I can also fiddle with and redo lines until I'm good with it >.> )
Speaking of Gaiaonline - I hung out there for a while. This is apparently the last outfit I saved before effectively walking away from my account
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So there you go, fwiw xD
I was fairly active there for a good while, ran a Charity thread, met quite a few friends (and one fleeting love interest >.> ) and I'm still friends with one of them. Since you put your art on the public fridge I'll do the same - here's a picture I drew traditionally at the request of a friend.
It makes me smile because it reminds me of the days of Glomping - flying or otherwise.
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From the way long ago year of 2005. (the character in pigtails is the one who requested said image, and the one I'm still friends with even after 10+ years ^_^ )
Man, how far I've come XD I may struggle with liking my art today, but I can't argue I've improved.
I have to admit though, I'm loving the similarities in style \o/ I can't wait to see what you can do today - though take it from me sometimes it can take a few drawings to knock the cobwebs off, especially if it's been so long.
Your muscles have to remember what your mind still knows 🥰❤️
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rockybloo · 9 months
I always want to draw but I have no idea how to work Krita or my tablet fr. It makes me discouraged and that stalls me into not even starting. (I’m talking basic stuff like line curving/straightening/etc) how did you start getting into digital art and how do you stay motivated?
I used to watch a lot of digital artists on Youtube that would do art in mspaint (this was like...early 2010s or late 2000s so we didn't have fancy stuff yet) and speedpaint videos as well as things people would animate using windows movie maker like fanime and early animation memes so I eventually decided "I WANT TO DO THAT"
Technically my first art program was Kid Pix because at the time, I had no idea Mspaint was already predownloaded on the computer. And then I discovered mspaint. I had no tablet at the time so I used a mouse for everything. I started off with bases and recoloring anime caps like Soul Eater until I started to get a hang of drawing from scratch with my mouse.
And then I moved on to Gimp because it was a free program that had layers. Still used my mouse for earlier art. Some point around middle school I got my first tablet that had some version of photoshop already on it. I eventually got enough money to use clip and things escalated to now where I have a screen tablet and still am using clip.
The biggest thing that kept me motivated through the constant transitioning from one art program to another from a mouse to a tablet was just having things in my head I was hyped to eventually learn to draw and the things I knew I could draw. There was also some added fun in just learning what new things each program could do.
For me, art is just a constant journey of bettering your skills. So it's important know that perfection is basically nonexistence in art because every artist is still sharpening their skills. Once I realized everyone that creates stuff is still learning even if they are big name artists, it really helped put into perspective the importance of just being happy to draw in general.
One big thing that I think is super underrated is just opening a blank canvas and going hog wild on it like scribbling and doodling shapes without the goal of creating something pretty. I've found it's very nice for my brain to just make complete chicken scratch.
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ch0colate-cake · 5 months
so I had an idea
I personally enjoy the new cookie run update. During the first part I had an idea; the second update merely fueled my interest. So what if, in an alternate universe, good ol' xylitol nova cookie absorbed the black hole? Let's say he was going back to save Xyl-Q. He already knew what a competent leader astronaut cookie was, so he believed that in sacrificing himself he would have a good follow up to continue leading the cookies in their quest to defend the cookieverse from the black hole. By building the ship as a plan-B-temporary-safe-house, he would ensure the continuation of his people. Blah blah, Xyl-Q dies, and with this devastating loss xylitol nova cookie raises his staff and (i onno how) he takes in the black hole. I don't know where I'm going with this there are several plot holes I can name off the top of my head 😦
At first this was just a fantasy, i didn't even know what the black hole looked like up close . By the second update i had enough reference pictures and information to draw it and make a below decent introduction. I don't have a good drawing app and I know my current computer/tablet is just a generally shoddy piece of tech; therefore I drew on paper
this is what I would think of the costume to look like.
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Just a sketch, a doodle if you will. I turned his staff into a halberd/pole axe because a staff was not imposing enough and weapons are menacing😦
I tried to keep the staff gem but I don't think it's recognizable. Also I made it cracked because he is in his flop era. 💔
the wings were another problem that I had trouble with, mainly because this is my first time drawing and coloring crystals of any sort
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the little robot things were a little confusing, and even worse to fit into the design (I forgot about them😨)
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the creatures ended up being a little crushed in there. A sharp teleport is only what I could describe as people drawing lines for where an object used to be, before drawing the object in a different place. Also I turned them into critters because the black hole itself is a critter.
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on the left is my first drawing of this costume. I decided to keep the shattered mask, and make only one eye visible (so I cannot draw the other😀).
am I aware that this would be a nightmare to make sprites of/animate/draw? Yea. Which is why I will keep this au in my mind where it belongs.
will I be drawing again? No probably not this so don't look forward to it. Maybe something else but don't get too hyped up (and yes it will be on paper)
will I be annoyed if this doesn't get above 2 notes? Yeah maybe. Probably. I don't know myself that well
Costume info Super epic costume, mainly because it would fit in with the epic costumes. Bio? I'm too lazy :4 sorry.😟
Name? Idk something like xylitol nova cookie's reign of terror or xylitol nova cookie's black hole-ly ness or xylitol nova cookie's refrigerator running or xylitol nova cookie's kys or xylitol nova cookie's shoulda stayed in drafts
No there is no name😔 not yet anyways
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chubbycow222 · 11 months
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I wish there was a “how to draw FAT manga” book lol. I am wondering if I should buy a drawing tablet but I don’t want to get ahead of myself, I will buy one if I am still doing this in a few months. I have really wanted to buy a Nintendo switch for months now, and new shoes, plus concert tickets to like 10 bands, maybe a new computer/graphics card BECAUSE IT CANT EVEN RUN MINECRAFT, but also move out 😭 and I can’t have everything I want… so I just have to wait. I can’t really get smooth lines yet cause I used my fingers to colour this on Picsart lol. I am drawing on paper but then taking a pic of my drawing and making it SUPER contrasted to try and make it look like digital art.
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eyelessdoll-y · 2 years
hii, sorry to bother but i absolutely adore your art and i was wondering what program and brushes you use to make the "cg art" i guess? like, the ones that look like cgs from the game!! its so gorgeous!!
Oii sweetie! Don't apologize, you're welcome and ask is always open for talks, headcanons or questions! I hope you are patient and enjoy reading, because I want to be much more detailed! 💕💕
Initially, I'm going to go for the main thing that's the program! I draw on my phone because I do not have tablet or computer, and this information is very important because MANY things are limited and different from the smartphone compared to computers and tablets!
Program/App I use:
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This is the app I use! (Need to update actually)
ibis PaintX is a great tool for digital arts and illustrations! ALL my arts and drawings I do in this app because, among the other drawing apps, in my opinion this is the best and what I'm used to the most!
However, it is not my favorite!! Some brushes do not act in a very "soft" way or something I do does not leave my drawings very professional, so I think in quality it leaves to crave a little! If you can pay, choose Clip Studio Paint instead! It is really professional and along with Photoshop, are the best for any digital art. Clip Studio Paint was made more for art, manga, poses, more anime-oriented!
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There are many paid functions and as I am still a student (and i don't get all my parents' money) I can't afford it! But if you can, invest!!!!
The style painting I follow:
It is important to take into account the style of painting that I follow and i am inspired to paint my cg comissions, because they have a big difference between them that influence rather in the choice of brushes. If I'm not mistaken, was there an exchange of illustrators after HDB? Satoi who originally designed it and from More Blood the cgs adopted another style of painting, look at the example below:
Hauted Dark Bridal // Chaos Lineage
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See how this greatly influences the brushes, as they are and have different textures! Notice the difference in atmosphere too, isn't it different?!
I use the HDB painting style because it looks more deeper, with more contrast and this beautiful glow around the edges 🥴💜 But it's just my preference okay? I've been saying since you've been looking for my influence!
The line always gave this more watery look, so here comes the watercolor brushes!
Diabolik lovers, although changing the style, always handled the water brushes always with great dexterity in their designs. What I really appreciate so 💜 I'll leave here a picture with the brushes I use, all being water or watercolor! Some more softs and Airs, others harder and with striking edges:
( The appl was in PT-BR and I did not find how to change to ENG, so I hope you find them! 💭😅)
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The App also has texture options for papers and watercolor papers but I DON'T use them.
How do I paint?
I'll leave here a mini tutorial very basic of how I do to paint and mix all that paint! For this, I made a drawing somewhat simple and disproportionate kkk but what counts is a new perspective for you to understand!
For the lineart I use the Drawing Pen! The pen pattern for most common lineart, a more uniform and solid stroke for your drawings.
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When I finish the lineart, I move on to the painting step! And before using all those water brushes, I first paint the design with the Hard Pen to give a base color and create a better harmony afterwards, because the watercolor and water brushes themselves are kind of transparent and need a base to harmonize much better with art!
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See that the base color gave a good start to the water brushes. The skin is already ready with the water brushes and with a water more Air I gave that smoky aspect on the neck, to give a more vivid /real skin contrast and take the pallor. To paint the shadow of the neck I also used the Hard Pen, because the watercolor of ibis PaintX has very hard edges, so I turned on the Alpha Lock on the layer and painted with the brush inside; to give that watercolor look but not get that rigid edge.
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When I finished the skin I went to the details of the hair. It looks less like my cgs because there aren't as many details on the strands and hair, but the brushes are always the same. Sometimes I use the Hard Pen for contrast and shadows, sometimes I use watercolor, sometimes I use water brush, anyway; always switching to one that I think makes it better.
These were the brushes I used to paint and finish the illustration:
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I point out here at the end that I'm not satisfied with my art, and that I still think there's more quality missing and in the brushes of ibis PaintX. It's not one of my favorites but I feel like it's one of the only ones I've been able to adapt to and like more, maybe I'll do another tutorial in the future.
Even if you asked me about the brushes and my handling of each of them, you have the total free pass to paint as and in the order you want ❤️❤️ even if they are the same brushes the art may end up not getting equal, because each of us have our own unique styles and wills! Paint as you see best! ❤️❤️💜💜💜
Thank you for the ask, I wish I had posted more photos but I reached the limit, so I hope I helped with these images I put sweetie!!
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21ate · 2 years
drawing tablet ramble
its always been a dream of ours to own a drawing tablet with a screen. when we were younger, we thought having such was just too much of a luxury and it would never happen. id just have to get good without it. ill be the best artist WITHOUT a fancy tablet!
i did get better at drawing, its only natural too with all the free time i used to have. i even got some recognition for my art in various fandoms. drawing was fun and validating and i could do it any time i wanted. but ive since moved out, gotten a job, and living at a different pace than before, with stressors that are new to me outside of my rather emotionally unhealthy home life with our grandparents
now, drawing doesnt feel as intimate, as enjoyable or as satisfying. it just feels like a chore. in order to even start drawing i have to make sure im sitting directly in front of my computer screen, with my legs tucked under me, a blanket on top, tablet in lap, my keyboard pulled close. then i got to find something to watch or listen to, which is hard because it cant be too interesting that ill get distracted, but also not so boring that i cant find my drawing flow. after all that i can draw...but it still doesnt feel right when i put my pen down, staring up at the screen for the line i made. it hasnt felt right for a long time.
with my old tablet broken, ive finally concluded that its just not fun anymore using the type of tablet ive had for almost 10 years (god im old.) i feel like its holding me back from really being able to dive into a piece beyond a shitty sketch or two. i feel out of touch with what im creating and it makes me feel like a fraud, or like ive forgotten how to draw...even when i KNOW thats not true at all. im just out of practice, but its excruciatingly hard to even WANT to practice. i feel more inclined to draw on cheap lined paper than i do on clip studio paint. to me thats perfectly illustrates the point im at.
its time i upgrade to something more practical, more hands on, tactile - and easy to use, not just at my desk but anywhere (within a ten foot radius of my computer). i want to be able to SEE where im drawing and not just rely on my monitor and a bit of intuition.
ive had this blind spot for 20 years and i am over it. its time to do away with the old and do something brand new!
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0mamer · 10 months
I can't find it now because of the nature of social media but a few days ago I saw a post about someone describing all the pitfalls you'd come across trying to onboard someone onto a new Thing of some type and I was just immediately awestruck by how all but one of the things they described were symptoms of the internet as we know it today, most of which didn't exist over a decade ago.
So it was along the lines of, hey, you wanna check out my TTRPG? Here's a link to it! Simple, right? except for the other person to follow through, they have to click the link, go to itch, create an account if they don't have one, log in if they do, pay for it, download it, and open it before they can read it.
And like. None of that sounded like work to me, but that's because I'm at my desktop, like, all the time. Those things only become obstacles if you're stuck in a mobile environment.
Like, here's what it looks like when I follow those steps vs a mobile user (who, let's assume they also don't have an itch account for the sake of this)
Click link. (opens in new tab, I don't lose my place in the social feed, takes 2 seconds to load the page)
Log in. (I already have 4 accounts so I can just log into one and I know that the process is fast and painless)
Pay for the game. (A window for Paypal login is drawn over my web browser. If anything goes wrong I can restart the process without having to reload the store page.)
Download the game. (My internet isn't fast but it's a PDF, it's fine.)
Open the PDF. (Web Browser automatically opens the file. I have access to intuitive and clearly labeled controls for browsing and reading the document. Despite the fact it was formatted for print, my screen is 14-27 inches, depending on whether I'm using my laptop or desktop computer. Reading the PDF poses no real challenge)
Now, the same process, but from my phone and pretending I don't already have an itch account.
Click Link (I am redirected to a browser tab within the social media app I'm using. The browser built into the social media app is dogshit, so I have to then request the site be opened in my mobile web browser. Making this request will likely force the social app to refresh, making me lose my place in the feed, which I may never find again thanks to The Algorithm. This website was not designed with mobile users in mind. I have to scroll through a long description to reach the download button.)
Log In. (I don't have an account. All I know about this site is that the person I'm following is selling stuff on it and its mobile interface is dogshit. Can I really trust it? How long will it take to make an account? Do I really want to deal with this right now?)
Pay for the game. (Using Paypal through the mobile browser takes me away from the store page, so if anything goes wrong I may end up charged for a product I don't receive.)
Download the game. (It's a simple PDF, but most of my storage is taken up by photos and other apps, and besides, this device was made for streaming, not storing. Do I even have the capacity to open this?)
Open the PDF. (The download notification went away and nothing happened. I have to check the file browser, which was not designed well because there's rarely ever a use for it. Found the file, finally, and am prompted to open it either with my cloud storage, web browser, or some app I didn't even know I had installed. I choose web browser. The pages are formatted for print and not mobile readers and my screen is less than 7 inches long so the text is hard to read. All the controls for searching and navigating are either hidden, or in the way of me reading the file. there is no in between.)
So, moral of the story is that phones and tablets suck and we should all reinvest in good personal computers.
No but seriously, mobile phones and tablets are designed to make using them for anything outside an app's intended purpose into a tedious nightmare and it's a real fucking problem. Everyone wants to panic about losing discovery from Twitter dying or whatever but THIS is what you're fighting against. You're fighting against companies that have used barriers and restrictions to shape user patterns in ways that will hurt your onboarding even if you do everything right.
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shybunnymia · 11 months
Entry: Feeling Stressed
There comes a day like this that I usually feel more stressed than usual. I do not get stressed by work these days rather I get stressed when things that I own get damaged/not working.
This day is one of those days. I do not get to use my laptop that often because my boyfriend uses it for "side-line" work. (Side-line work is not actual work for me but it does the job in providing him money to eventually by his OWN computer one day.) I really hate it when he brings my laptop home and I find that the WIFI is not working. I struggle to troubleshoot as much as I can then him hovering makes me more irritable.
I already have an idea in fixing the laptop but he keeps on instructing me how to do it. It really irritates me and puts me in a lot of stress. The fact that I cannot do what I need to do at the moment, I hate it when he hovers around telling me what to do and that I am doing it wrong. It is my laptop. Oh my mistake! HIS laptop already. (Though the settings are mine. I don't use it as much. He, on the other hand, has the device 24/7)
Don't get me wrong. I love to help him get some extra money but I want him to take care of the device just like I did. I got attached to my laptop because it was my first investment and I did not get to use it that much. It was like I never bought it for myself in the first place.
I was planning on creating a video today for my team at work. But ended up failing because the WIFI laptop was not working. I eventually gave up and thought of something else to keep me busy.
I feel like today, I was stressing out because of my laptop. HE was using that laptop! MY LAPTOP! The laptop that I am going to record winning streams with, the laptop that I am going to write numerous blogs and the laptop that I invested in to create youtube videos. Now I am back at my tablet and phone thinking, I shouldn't have bought that laptop.
Thinking in a couple of days, once HE FINALLY has the money to buy his precious PC, I am going to sell the laptop. I feel that it was not mine to begin with. I would feel much better for a new device than my current one. It just puts me in a lot of stress that one device.
Should I sell it or keep it?
0 notes
Character Illustration: Class 1
I started this class by opening up some of the palettes which Toby said we would be using today. These palettes were the layers palette, colour palette (colour wheel) and the brush palette. I then saved the layout as a workspace by selecting new workspace in window.
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Today we talked about line work for illustrations. We were all given a Wacom tablet to plug into our computer and then I played around with it for a bit. It's very different to drawing on paper or an iPad as what you're drawing appears on the screen rather than the tablet.
I tried drawing a straight line and a curvy line. As you can see, the lines aren't very clean and are really bumpy.
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To fix this, I needed to increase the smoothing of the brush. Originally it was at 0% so I tried it at 50% and 100%. This allowed me to understand how the tool works and which percentage I should have it on when drawing.
This was the 50%.
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This is the 100%.
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Since I am use to drawing on paper or onto a screen, it was difficult at first getting the line to go in the right direction. To refine this skill I drew two Xs and practiced drawing a smooth curved or straight line that went from one to another. It became easier time and I found zoning in helped at times. I think this is something would definitely take time to get really good at so I'll just have to be patient.
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Using these curving lines we then tried to draw an eye. It was just a quick rough exercise to adjust to the tablet. I added another layer underneath and gave the eye an iris colour. I played around which the sensitivity of the tablet and pen when I made the specks in the eye.
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We then moved on to tracing a shape from a template. The first template we were given was this duck. It has a large variety of line lengths and curves so it will be a really good drawing to use to adjust to the tablet. I brought the image into PhotoShop and then added a layer. I placed a white rectangle over the drawing and then lowered the opacity to make the sketch less visible.
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I then added another layer and started to draw the outline of the duck. This took we a bit of time as I was trying to make the lines as smooth and clean as possible. For a few sections, I had to redo the line about 10 times until I produced one I was happy with.
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This was the final outline I had for the duck. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. I think the curves are mostly all really smooth. The eyes are a bit rough but it's the best I was able to do. I decided to go for more of an angry duck so I gave him some big tilted eyebrows.
I then moved on to colouring the duck. I decided for this drawing I wanted to try and get use to the tablet more so I coloured the entire illustration in by hand rather than using shortcuts like fill. I'll use these better techniques in my second drawing.
I started by adding base colours on a layer behind the outline. I coloured the entire duck in a pale yellow colour for a start. This gave me a simple base colour to build off.
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I then went and added all of my other base colours using the brush tool again. I frequently went over a line so I used the option key and mouse to select the other colour and quickly fixed it.
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The next step was to add some details. I started by adding some detail to the eyes. Since he was angry I wanted to give him some red bloodshot eyes to match his fury. I made my brush a lot smaller and changed the colour to red. I then made a collection of squiggly, branching lines. I then wanted to add a redness around the edge of the eye. I started made my brush a lot bigger so it would blend evenly. I lowered the opacity of the brush to about 10% and started to build up the redness.
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I then added some shadows and highlights to the beak. I used the colour wheel so select a slightly darker shade of orange. Shadows typically are under raised points so I added them under lines on the beak as shown in the image. I added a highlight on the top of the beak and a small one on the bottom.
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I then moved on to his outfit. I decided to make it so it looks like he was wearing a vest with some sort of shell (bullet) belt. I started by adding the darker grey shadow to vest. I just played around with the shape of the shadow as there wasn't any guide in the template. I then added some shadows on to the neck of the vest. I also changed the colours of the legs to match the darker orange from the beak. I think the yellow was a bit too light.
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I then moved on to adding highlights and shadows onto the boots. I made the boots have a massive lip rather than a really thin one. I added a lighter shade of blue so that the darker one became the shadow. It took me quite a while to get the shape of the shadow right as I was trying to make it fit with the rest of the boot.
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I then added some highlights to it to make them seems shiny and new.
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I then added some shadows and highlights onto the duck itself. I added some shadows on the underside of some feathers and under his eyebrows to help express the anger. I added some highlights on the top of his head and on his wings.
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This was first final drawing. I'm really pleased with the outcome as I've never drawn anything on PhotoShop or using a wacom tablet so I think this was a really successful first attempt. Next time I'd really like to try and add some more shading using brushes with lower opacities. I think this would really elevate the illustration. I think tomorrow I'll move on to the Rooster cop template and try colouring in using the proper way shown in the tutorial.
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bvannn · 1 year
Weekly Recap Feb 3 2023
Not too much to say about this week. I had far more work than anticipated but tried to do pet projects regardless.
My main focus this week was Tim and Emile’s test animation. I storyboarded it, to which I am satisfactory (though may tweak some areas). I have begun keyframing, and discovered that I can reliably use the models asymmetrically so long as I adjust a couple pieces. This is wonderful, as it means I do not need to make new pieces. I am still uncertain how I will do the direct interaction, but I have part of a plan, which will be adjusted as needed.
In the coming weeks I hope to create some more clip studio assets for these animations, including the stray sketchy lines, dry ink lines, impact bursts, potentially a generic background, etc. that I include in my individual art, as well as some glitchy effects for Jon and maybe some blurs for fast motion. I want my art style to stay distinct and a bit messy, so I want to include that in the animations as well.
On the topic of TRG, Colosseum is approaching! Last year I did a few art pieces of some of the ‘bumpers’ that played before or after segments (for those unfamiliar, these were short skits the participants wrote, acted, and recorded). I don’t believe I ever posted those to this account, so I will likely do that, as well as drawing some more. We got a new batch of skits last year, including some instant hits including ‘Cardboard Jon’ and ‘I took a Few Liberties’. As much as I would love to animate these, most of these skits would involve rigs I do not have built yet, and will not for a while, so I will stick with single illustrations, or potentially comics, at the very most a short gif in reference to a skit. I may reawaken my Twitter to post these, though afterwards it will become dormant again.
I have also been rewatching TRG’s older videos, in part to select a clip to animate, but also to buffer my volatile mood as of late. Rage helps writing stories, but hurts many other functions, so I can’t let it linger more than a couple hours.
Unfortunately I have made little significant progress with stories to speak of this week. Rage helps build despicable villains, though I have focused on them enough as of late. I have devised a few henchmen for both the primary and secondary stories I am working on, which greatly assist in characterization of the villain in the primary story, and push the plot and raise the stakes of the secondary story. I hope I can use these characters to assist in structure of both stories, and that I may do proper art of each soon as well.
Unfortunately, the USB port on my computer is broken, significantly reducing capacity for art, as I can no longer use my art tablet. The port should be fixed late Monday, and a USB hub item I had ordered for unrelated reasons (I wanna draw and watch cartoons on my fire stick at the same time) should be arriving this weekend hopefully, so this should be a very momentary delay in work, and I can still work on animations so long as I don’t need new storyboards.
I fulfilled the Inktober 52 prompt barely on time this week, this will likely repeat. I wish to get better with placing my sketchy lines, and more practice on both paper and digital are required.
I got scouted for the newgrounds portal this week, which is wonderful as it confirms my art is at the standards of newgrounds. This is wonderful news for my confidence, I hope I can provide a halfway decent drawing to the website every once in a while as a thanks!
I have thrown together some music to potentially rearrange and create original songs from, though this would need testing. I do not expect to have time for this in the coming week, though I may throw more measures together.
Main plans for the coming week are to chip away at the test animation, work on story outline/structure, inktober 52, and at least one TRG Colosseum drawing. Anything else is a fun bonus.
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arthuraustin13 · 1 year
Six Days to A Greater Minecraft Servers List
Advanced Combat (model 1.12.2) Advanced Combat (model 1.12.2): Offers buffs for existing swords, and also new variations. In this manner, the corporate redefined combat to be more Shinobi/samurai style. This is due to streaming agreements that the company has with its UK partners, but my child was unable to comprehend the complexities of second window streaming rights. Vinyl data has been used to kill cartoonish mutants before however it is possible that this will happen more often in the future. If you'll excuse us, we should return to our castle. It's a great feeling once more. Being an altoholic is a time-consuming love, but I can say I have never had more fun taking part in MMOs before now month. Although I confess to being an avid Disney fan, I am aware that DisneyLife isn't the right choice for me. Like all streaming services you'll need to enter some personal details when you sign to DisneyLife. MMOs all the time evolve. This is among the few constants within the style. Doggy once dreamed of flying in air.
For the Bedrock version, you can build shops in the game, and trade items with other gamers, e.g., 20 iron for 1 diamond. It's a bit like on the market for stocks in that the value of the stock is constantly changing and to create the most powerful features, you need to purchase the exact equipment at the right time and for the correct worth. Although it might not be value doing with the release just around the nook, you may be able to get the latest release candidate proper now. At a minimum, they're great choices, aren't they? Sunset Metropolis allows you to dress in whatever fashion you like. My character is wearing an orange and blue pompadour that includes underwear and a stuffed kangaroo skull on the front. You can also shoot at other people as you grind on power lines or bounce off cars. DisneyLife also gives access to a range of official Disney apps, with a monthly free download.
Is DisneyLife unique enough to justify an additional subscription, when Netflix, Amazon, and Sky's Next TV all offering Disney content? At PS10 ($15) per month, it's somewhat more expensive than Netflix or Amazon (but at a similar level to Sky Now Tv), even though it is only offering Disney content material. To some extent, Disney sends lots of emails as soon as you sign up, mostly to remind you the way to make use of the service and the varied ways to stream. MINECRAFTSERVERS Disney is aware of its aesthetics. This will guide you to the download page. The next step we need to take is downloading. Whatever the goal is, the game requires you to build blocks of earth, stones, and wood to build houses and structures. There's a giant Chris Grant bust he is making us build in the foyer. If this is the case we wouldn't create an ethereal funnel that leads directly inside another participant's meticulously constructed fortress.
Don't be scared. Below that is a page called “Character Worlds,” that immediately caught my attention (one chose Frozen and the other Incredibles). To assess my sons' use I sneakily installed the DisneyLife app on their Android tablets and put the app icon alongside their favourites: Minecraft and YouTube. DisneyLife isn't only for streaming videos, it also offers soundtracks, e-books and a variety of official Disney-branded apps. DisneyLife is a subscription for UK residents only that is designed to appeal to cord-cutters, and particularly their children. Google's focus on artificial intelligence has been for years. It is a term used to describe the effort to create software programs that behave and behave more like humans. EVE Online's approximately 7,500 programs look like a grain of sand. Just look at how craggy the stones are. One of the best features is offline mode, which allows you to download something to your computer to keep the youngsters entertained when you are not connected to WiFi or cellular different. Another WordPress site once registered, you'll be asked to create an account with a grasp profile. This allows you to manage your subscription to set parental control and add new gadgets. Pad; $9. The blog Codea allows the creation of games. You can use the app to set custom time limits for specific Android, Windows and Xbox purpose, such as games that are video like Minecraft.
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mmorgslim · 2 years
Drawboard pdf surface pro 4
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Windows, Mac, GNU/Linux) Inkscape can help.
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Need a vector graphics editor? Read this blog entry, Vector Images: Make Magic with Two Free Tools, to see how cross-platform (e.g.
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In a pinch, you can skip buying the expensive Adobe Pro software to edit a PDF document. Here’s a video walking you through the process of PDF editing with Inkscape: It only allows you to edit a single page at a time and insert images onto a page in a PDF. Need to edit words on a page in PDF? If you need to change the words on the page, then Inkscape will get the job done. Want to merge, re-order, or arrange PDF documents? You will need to get the Pro version of Drawboard PDF ( $4.99 on sale or $9.99 regular price). You can even insert dynamic content like ink signatures, images, text boxes, and notes. You have maximum control over your digital pens and markers.ĭrawboard make inserting editable shapes, lines, arrows, polygons and clouds straightforward. While Drawboard isn’t the simplest to use (I find the radial interface confusing), some will like how easy it is to highlight the screen and annotate it.
Ink annotations feel just like pen and paper.
Drawboard boasts various features, such as the following:
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The first time I tried Drawboard PDF on my Windows 10 tablet, I almost threw the tablet out the window.
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Windows, iOS, Android devices Mac and Chromebook via the Web) you are on. This is a great, free tool to use, no matter what device (e.g. On their website, you’ll find testimonials from its users, including classroom teachers.
Secure: your files never leave your computer.
Organize pages: insert, delete, reorder, and rotate pages (NEW!).
Each link points to an illustrated blog post: You can now insert, delete, reorder, and even rotate pages to manipulate your PDF to fit your needs…Xodo can also open other file formats such as docx, pptx, jpeg, png, cbz, and other image files. The new Xodo web app provides more flexibility than ever before. And now you can merge PDFs from your computer and Google Drive. With the Xodo web app, you can now merge multiple PDFs into one, which is perfect for when you need to compile resources into one package to send to your colleagues. A little more information about Xodo is available online: In addition to working as a native app on your Android or Windows 10 device, you can also access it via a web browser. Sure enough, you can get Xodo as an app in the Windows 10 Store. After using Xodo to get the PDF on its way, I made a mental note to see if it was available on Windows 10. My Windows 10 device was stowed away the only device I had was my Android phone. I had to fill out a PDF form, sign it, and then email it. When I found Xodo, I was waiting to board a plane. Let’s take a look at some of my favorites. Now that you know what I’m looking for in a PDF editor. Therefore, you won’t find FoxIt, Adobe, or NitroPDF on this list. We all need a little less complexity in our lives. But one reason to keep it simple is that Adobe Acrobat Pro offers so many features that they are baffling. These four criteria do not include everything you could look for in a PDF editor.
It’s easy to split PDF files into their individual pages or combine multiple pages/PDF files into one.
The program facilitates editing, filling out forms, and signing documents.
Here are my criteria for simple PDF tools: Some feature complex graphical user interfaces (GUIs). With PDF annotation tools, you have many to choose from. The main thing I am looking for is simple tools that get the job done. Get infographic as a Google Slides template you can use PDF Criteria
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