synthaphone · 1 year
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a-life-in-books · 9 months
Keith Waterhouse (6 February 1929 – 4 September 2009)
"Sometimes I spend the whole day going up and down the Piccadilly Line, looking at girls. It's a very good line for them; typists? - they can't be, they're flocking about at all hours, all crossed knees and tight wiry skirts. I see where a man was arrested the other day, going up and down the escalators at Bond Street station, looking at women's legs. Well you can't carry on like that. Abnormal, completely; he was there 35 minutes. Somebody must have complained. Fined two pounds. Married. Silly b., I wonder what he told his wife? There are things wives can be told - rape and murder, yes, they're easy subjects to discuss; but other things are more difficult to explain. 'Did anything happen at the office, dear?' - 'Yes, a policeman came and charged me with looking up women's legs in the tube station.' Silly man."
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jhazebro · 2 years
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Mal wieder auf einem Konzert- Texanischer Rock-Soul #Greyhounds im #JuBB #essenwerden (hier: Werden) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce9RecoI4oh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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meow-imadog · 15 days
How about Judd from Splatoon?
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Ta da
(Chibii Judd)
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steffigraf · 6 months
shoutout to paul jubb for posting these photos of jack draper to celebrate his birthday
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emaadsidiki · 6 months
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The evening is a reminder that every day is a gift.
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lyriumsings · 10 months
hey we're birthday buddies!
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sonofshermy · 1 year
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gwynbleiddyn · 1 year
For Mio: 47, 46, 29, and 64. Also for Kve, as a treat for me: 50 & 44
47. when they meet someone, what is the first thing they notice?
the image. the portrayal. their raiment, jewellery, weapons, tattoos, even the cut of their hair. it's drilled into him that you have to present the image of what you want to be or manifestation has no effective blueprint to follow, so he kind of expects the same of others.
46. what do they deprive themself of?
he's a liar bro!!! everything's a ruse!! he's playing 5D chess in worlds you had no idea existed!!!
no but fr the man is fucking clever about what he shares and who he shares it with. plausible deniability and all that. tidbits of his life are scattered through the party, no one person has the entire story from beginning to end. and the most elusive pieces he offers to those on the fringes of the party - the passing participants, the benefactors, the people who can't complete the story by themselves.
his life would be a lot easier if he allowed himself honesty, both to other people and himself. he's got a lot of stuff to unlearn and unpack before he can do that tho
29. who would they save? who would they be saved by?
on a very practical level: most people, if they were within his ability and means to save. he's not cruel or malicious, just single minded. most people are unimportant to him, but that doesn't deem them unworthy of help if they need it.
i think he's resigned himself to the idea that, ironically, the thing that's kind of doomed him (devotion) is the one thing he thinks will save him over and over. he always looks to the gods for help first, not people.
64. do they value mercy or justice more?
i think i answered something really similar a while back and back then i said he generally errs on the side of mercy but if it becomes a question of divinity (a la, this person's continued existence is an offense to Pelor/Sehanine) i think he'd say it was justice.
and kveða just for u
50. can they sing? can they dance?
i think he can sing a little. nothing amazing but his voice is a comfort on cold nights, like the smallest fire that's just about staving off the madness of the ice. he sings songs that are stories, poetic recollections of heroic feats and legendary drengir who have been made immortal by the voices of people thousands of years away from them. i think maybe when kveða sings these songs, you see a little bit of what he truly wants.
the dancing on the other hand is a true free for all, odinspeed if you're partnered up with him and RIP to your toes
44. what do they need to learn?
to live for the sake of living! to enjoy his impossible existence when he could so easily have been snuffed out before he ever began. he needs someone to show him the thrill of life in pursuit of joy and joy alone, not the appeasement he finds in seeking out good ways to die.
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soulventure91 · 2 years
🌎 , 🤷‍♀️, and 😍 for both Diriy and Tor
time for some funtiems
[ 🌎 ] are there any aus you have for your muse? what are they like, and how is your muse different in them? Per Discord, Diric has an AU where he runs away from Blackthorn at around age 75 (in normal verse he enlists in the army at age 101, a little past the Drow equivalent of 18) and joins a circus! He learns the bard's trade (a bit of a glampunk rock boi) and his psionics become very handy for targeting specific audiences. This flavor of Diric is very much about getting into someone's head and making use of their secrets to get ahead. Will Sell You To Satan For One Corn Chip, And You Might Even Thank Him. DDB sheet here!
No AUs for Tor, unless you count his original form in Myridos as Diric's nephew (Iliran would be Dir's half-brother in that scenario).
[ 🤷‍♀️ ] how does your muse approach strangers? how does this compare to how they interact with close friends or lovers? Diric is extremely reserved around strangers; his literal introduction to the Talisman was nearly copy-paste of the Hobbits meeting Strider. He'll only approach if he gets a sense of a job, or some other interest - example, he had a staring contest with Zinnan before spotting Maahes, who looked VERY out of place in a tiny mining town's tavern. Once he opens up, he can still seem reserved and even awkward; Diric is still learning some flavors of social interaction, so often he'll be too blunt or direct about his opinion or other thoughts, which can be unsettling and upsetting for even the people he trusts most. He has terrible timing when trying to joke around and wears his heart on his sleeve. The epitome of a Dork.
Tor, by contrast, is a very social boy despite his recent stint of study at Candlekeep and work with the Harpers. When he was on the prizefighting circuit of Faerun, Tor was regularly at the center of attention and partied very hard - of course, part and parcel of burying the trauma of his family's torture and murder. His addiction recovery and solace in Candlekeep have made him retool his persona, and Tor often still struggles with offering his new outward personality to people, especially when he's with folks that he might've had great fun with in his prizefighting days.
[ 😍 ] does your muse believe in true love? why or why not? I wouldn't know if Diric believes in true love, or at least he wouldn't say as much - but he does believe in love. He knows he's had very little of it in his life, and that he's found someone to experience it with. Of course Diric got involved with someone who is his complete opposite in so many ways that a sensible being would've ended it even before it got serious but not Diric. Because he sees someone that sees the world so differently from him and he wants to get a glimpse of it and understand it - then do the same in return, sharing his perspective and being understood. That, for him, is love. His mother doesn't understand him, and try as he might to understand her Diric can't bring himself to it - too charged with his own feelings. But he loves the Talisman, can understand them to some degree and feels they might understand him. He's content with that.
Tor is still a relative baby by Drow standards, and his trauma makes it hard for him to tightly bond with people again. I think he wants to believe in true love, but Tor doesn't have the emotional will yet to truly invest in it and seek it out. Buddy still thinks he's on the outside looking in sometimes.
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lorspolairepeluche · 2 years
1d for sig?
1d. What pet animal best represents this character?
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I feel like it's just a small step sideways, but Siggri would definitely be a big gentle dog -- probably a Newfie. Exactly the wrong color, but otherwise,,,,,,Yeah.
symbolism ask game
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FFWPU Statement Released on July 9, 2022 Doesn’t Address Shooter’s Grievances with the Moon Sect
A statement was finally released by the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU) USA. It does not address the role of Tetsuya Yamagami in former Prime Minister Abe’s assassination, or the fact that the UC’s economic exploitation of its members was the motivating factor for Yamagami. This brief statement memorializes Abe as engaged in noble peace-building efforts. The statement came from Nancy Maketa Jubb, PR person for FFWPU USA and daughter of a leading member of the Amrine sub-cult, believed by many to perpetrate sexual abuse.
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▲ Pictured: Nancy Maketa Jubb, head of FFWPU USA’s Public Relations
The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (commonly known as the "Unification Church") would like to express our shock and grief over the assassination of the former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family in the wake of this tragedy.
Prime Minister Abe was a globally respected statesman of Japan and active in building peace in Asia, a subject close to the heart of our organization. Mr. Abe often spoke of the need to value freedom and democracy and believe in the hope that such values will bring. We pray that his work to build peace in the Indo-Pacific region will endure.
As an organization, Family Federation stresses the value of family in building a peaceful society. We condemn this act of violence. Guns have no place in our religious beliefs or practices.
May we each take this moment to let our loved ones know that we care, and continue to pray for Mr. Abe's family and the people of Japan at this time.
Family Fed USA Nancy Jubb 212-997-0057 [email protected]
Irving Street Rep Ron Lucas 973-643-6262 [email protected]
The mother of Abe Shinzo’s assassin was financially exploited by a religious group; no confirmation on which group (as of July 9, 2022, the Unification Church was confirmed to be the group) Japanese Sanctuary Church Says Yamagami Had No Sanctuary Connections
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daikenkki · 2 months
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miaeons · 3 months
the mortifying ordeal of being known 😑
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whatisonthemoon · 1 year
On Crowdfunding for Poor Dead Members
From a @FallingOutPod tweet:
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Head of PR for the #UnificationChurch in the USA asking members to contribute to the funeral expenses of a member. Have seen this so many times. Our parents who joined this cult are left with nothing. Meanwhile, leader HJH is demanding donations to build monuments to herself.
Lack of Response from Kaeleigh and Nancy on the Amrine Group Warning For Second Generation: Potential Incoming Outreach to “Inactive” “Blessed Children”
Demian Dunkley Admits Fraud - from the twitter of ex-Moonie podcast Falling Out
Demian Dunkley on Steve Hassan
‎Falling Out with Elgen Strait: S4 E9- The Empress’ Old Clothes on Apple Podcasts
SOLD! Korean HQ Sold Without Warning Members
It’s official - UTS has been sold
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