#i am episode 41 currently
sarah-kings · 1 year
There is two types of content enjoyers when they enter a new fandom:
The type who just is there for the plot, makes some theories here and there and has a good time making head canons and gathering a general knowledge about the lore
The type that has a pin board filled with messy notes and looks like a crazy conspiracy theorist, trying to drag friends into the fandom so they have someone to talk to about all their theories they have made
Usually I'm quite normal when joining a new fandom, but "The Magnus Archives"?
They are tempting me very much to buy the largest pin board I can find and to have at it, because if there is one thing I love more about a story than anything it's puzzling all the little clues together to get the bigger picture
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Gillion tidestrider on the mind
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kafus · 3 months
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lmfao the US is getting only 12 episodes of dub nearly a full year after horizons started airing in japan. the japanese series is at episode 41. and the dub also replaces all the original OST for some god forsaken reason. if you have the means please watch subtitles i’m begging you. use aniwave with an adblocker
also as an aside i’m nervous about this. despite the terrible release schedule outside japan in general i am excited for more people to check out horizons but i have this sinking feeling deep in my gut that i’m gonna have to deal with the worst kind of adult pokemon fans being weird/shitty about the protagonist being a girl/not ash that i don’t currently have to deal with much because of the lack of accessibility. i really hope i am wrong about this but in preparation i am banding together with all my fellow queer neurodivergent people for dear life
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fatsillykewn · 4 months
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I’m kinda lost on what to post on this account so I’ve decided I wanted to share my South Park favorites list. These are my favorite episodes so far in my re-run of the tv show! ENJOY 😽
Best episodes are in the chronological order of the tv show: Starts with season one at the bottom, ends with the current season I am on at the top. The episodes listed are my personal favorites out of each season. The numbered list has no relation to favoritism!
(The entire show of South Park + banned episodes) for reference:
1. S20-
2. S19E7 Naughty Ninjas
3. S19E6 Tweek X Craig
4. S19E4 You’re Not Yelping
5. S19E1 Stunning And Brave
6. S18E10 #HappyHolograms
7. S18E9 #Rehash
8. S18E8 Cock Magic
9. S18E7 Grounded Vindaloop
10. S18E3 The Cissy
11. S17E6 Ginger Cow
12. S17E5 Taming Strange
13. S17E2 Informative Murder Porn
14. S16E10 Insecurity
15. S16E8 Sarcastaball
16. S16E7 Cartman Finds Love
17. S16E6 I Should Have Never Gone Ziplining
18. S16E4 Jewpacabra
19. S16E3 Faith Hilling
20. S15E12 1%
21. S15E9 The Last Of The Meheecans
22. S15E8 Ass Burgers
23. S15E5 Crack Baby Athletic Association
25. S14E14 Crème Fraiche
26. S14E13 Coon vs. Coon & Friends
27. S14E12 Mysterion Rises
28. S14E9 It’s A Jersey Thing
29. S14E8 Poor and Stupid
30. S14E4 You Have 0 Friends
31. S13E14 Pee
32. S13E11 Whale Whores
33. S13E8 Dead Celebrities
34. S13E7 Fatbeard
35. S13E5 Fishsticks
36. S12E13 Elementary School Musical
37. S12E11 Pandemic (2)
38. S12E10 Pandemic (1)
39. S12E9 Breast Cancer Show Ever
40. S12E3 Major Boobage
41. S12E1 Tonsil Trouble
42. S11E14 The List
43. S11E12 Imaginationland (3)
44. S11E11 Imaginationland (2)
45. S11E10 Imaginationland (1)
46. S11E7 Night Of The Living Homeless
47. S10E10 Miss Teacher Bangs A Boy
48. S10E7 Tsst
49. S10E2 Smug Alert!
50. S9E11 Ginger Kids
51. S9E10 Follow That Egg
52. S9E9 Marjorine
53. S9E1 Mr Garrison’s Fancy New Vagina
54. S8E14 Woodland Critter Christmas
55. S8E6 The Jeffersons
57. S8E1 Good Times With Weapons
58. S7E11 Casa Bonita
59. S7E8 South Park Is Gay!
60. S7E2 Krazy Kripples
61. S6E7 Simpsons Already Did It
62. S6E6 Professor Chaos
63. S5E14 Butters’ Very Own Episode
64. S5E13 Kenny Dies
65. S5E10 How To Eat With Your Butt
66. S5E6 Cartmanland
67. S4E15 Fat Camp
68. S4E6 Cherokee Hair Tampons
69. S3E9 Jewbilee (3)
70. S3E8 Two Guys Naked In A Hot Tub (2)
71. S3E7 Cat Orgy (1)
72. S3E5 Tweek vs. Craig
73. S2E17 Gnomes
74. S2E15 Spooky Fish
75. S2E10 Chickenpox
76. S1E8 Starvin’ Marvin
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allysmaagiesworld · 4 months
January Recap
Now, as the first month of the year has passed, I would like to recount it and kind of see how it went.
I started the journey on the 14th, so bear that in mind.
The week after the 14th I was bombarded with work. But I still managed to make it to the gym one day of the week. And for that I’m really grateful.
Friday the 19th
I got on the treadmill. Accompanied by the first episode of Percy Jackson I made the brilliant performance of 3.8 km in 37:26 minutes. Which may not sound like that good of a time, but I’m happy with it. Especially since I haven’t „run“ in over a year. I think it’s quite a good first time. Ready to be improved.
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22nd to 28th January
The week after that, I actually came down with the flu. I spent all the time not at work in bed, sleeping by 8 p.m. or 9 p.m.
By Friday I was feeling better, but I didn’t want to overdo it, so I simply walked a bit outdoor.
That Saturday I helped my boyfriend repaint the house, or rather find spots that were damaged or dirtied by the installation crew and paint over that. And lo and behold, it proved to be quite the workout.
The day after that, Sunday, him and me drove someplace nice to take a walk. It was a nice hour and we talked all the while about very different things. We started at the topic of dating and somehow ended up at the military.
But it was a nice hour nonetheless.
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29th to 31st January
And that brings us already to this week, which had the last three days of January.
On Monday I went to the gym, this time for strength training. Warm up was a small run on the treadmill, 1.59 km in 16:41 minutes. It actually felt easier, though that might have been because I knew I would only run for roughly 15 minutes.
But I will take whatever win I can get haha
After the run came the different machines for weight focussed exercises. And boy did I miss it. I felt so nice and strong while I did it - albeit I did overdo it on the bench presses. I took out the additional weights of 2.5 kg + 0.5 kg on top of the bar, and that was an experience.
I tried to do them as good as I could. The first set of 15 were… not easy, but doable. But it was a steep decline after that.
The second set I already had to split up in 8/7. The third and last set I quit after 6 repetitions, where the sixth was just barely liftable.
Again, I will put the new measurements under the cut.
I weighed myself on the evening of the 31st January, again after a shower.
The weight was 100.3 kg, which is 0.2 lighter than on the 14th, but weight alone does not define whether or not someone is on the right track for a healthier lifestyle.
weight: 100,3 kg
fat: 41,3 kg
muscle: 55,8 kg
arm left: 33,0 cm
arm right: 35,0 cm
chest: 101,0 cm
hip: 129,5 cm
waist: 88,5 cm
ass: 128,5 cm
belly: 116,0 cm
thigh left: 77,5 cm
thigh right: 77,5 cm
calve right: 43,0 cm
calve left: 42,5 cm
Overall the measurements stayed the same or went slightly down. I noticed though that I didn’t catch the biggest part on my legs, so these numbers aren’t really comparable to the 14th. We’ll just have to wait and see in two weeks how the numbers changed.
But for now I am very happy with the current results and am looking forward to the next section.
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dindjarindiaries · 1 year
Currently all we know is that we have 41 minutes and a lot of questions as to what this episode will be about 😂 please be Din-centric, I am begging
41 MINUTES? I hadn’t seen the runtime yet for some reason! LET’S GOOOOOO
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ankhisms · 1 year
ok i didnt take a lot of screenshots while i watched but i did write down some thoughts as i was watching so heres episode 41-44 thoughts
ep 41
really fucked up that ZECT has a like gas bomb that makes worms lose their mimic abilities and then they go in and kill them like honestly in that scene it seemed like the worms were like hiyori and rich boy and reina like just living normal lives not harming anyone. frankly im on the worms side here that was fucked up
tendou really climbed an entire mountain just to be dramatic on the top because of course he did
theres a new goth guy in town with a trench coat that hes got the hood pulled up on so you know he means evil business
"what does it mean that i am the top of zects son" kagami how have you gone this long without knowing that your dad is the boss of zect. like i know youre estranged. but you work for zect.
aw rich boy is so worried about his besties being hurt
kagami has admitted that it was a lavender marriage
tosses glitter and falls over, dead
renge voice how did you get an entire huge bed with a canopy over it inside our tiny ass cafe. did you really have to sleep here. tendou voice who cares. have breakfast. dont question anything that happens anymore
"the end is close" ok thats not ominous at all. normal things your dad says to you
"father why was i born" kagami..... kagami my friend kagami )): i havent seen anything about the end of kabuto but i do genuinely have a bad gut feeling about how everything might end for kagami like im concerned about him
the hoppers looking at rich boy and going god i wish someone would call me young master and spoil me and rich boy going hahaha so true. who the fuck are you guys again is so funny. and then theynjust start fighting for no reason like ok yeah sure
"please dont hold a grudge against my son" "i dont hold any grudges against kagami" dont worry mr zect president tendou is holding something else entirely against your son. as in hes holding him in his arms and um
"im not doing this for zect im doing it for someone i trust" aw kagami. i still think its a bad fucking plan
i get kagami might be a bit shocked that the guy hes been working with at zect and really trusted is a worm but like. i dont understand him having such a violent and like disgusted angry response to him like kagami knows that hiyori is a worm and knows that tsurugi is a worm and he has no issues with them?? and like his team mate guy was trying to protect him and help him and rushed over to see if he was ok and tried to help him up so its just kind of like. kagami i get you might be shocked but this is still the same guy youve always known and respected and trusted its just like. cmon now
ep 42
"time only flows for me" ok sure! whatever the fuck! i just am accepting every single thing that happens now because like yeah why not. this might as well happen enough bizarre unexplainable shit has happened already we might as well through something else in
watching a hostage tape ransom message on a projector
ok the zect counsel is like hooded mysterious figures. makes sense
TOFU DUEL......... TWO!!!!!!!!
i can not believe i forgot about kagami having a brother which was a whole thing in the beginning which was very tragic and sad it feels like the whole direction and feeling of the show has changed so much since then
baseball with feelings
"i kept seeing my sister in her" UM. DONT SAY THAT
i love kagami pushing open his jacket and touching the gattack belt in the same kind of movement an old wild west cowboy would do to reach for his gun holster in a shootout its very fun
misaki why did you say yes to going out with him suddenly. misaki please
it feels meaningful to me that tadokoro comes to save kagami and fight the other worm in his human form.... and then him reaching out to help kagami up and kagami taking his hand vs how kagami reacted when he first found out. cries
you may be able to stop time but consider this: im the fucking sun
not gorou chan is so mad about not being able to launch a missile attack. typical government behavior
uh oh the other tendou is here
ep 43
other tendou skips into the cafe and is like lalalaaa im going to kill tendou. okay byeeeeeeee and skips out
"hiyori doesnt want to see you any more" DONT SAY THAAAAT HES HER BIG BROTHERRRRR
i do enjoy tendou two as a character so far hes fun
"how did you come here from the edge of time and space" "lol not telling you"
help this really is like this universe isnt big enough for two tendous
tendou two, while beating tendou up: whyre you hitting yourself stop hitting yourself
why must we fight the goth evil worm guy why cant we kiss him
cant visit your boyfriend in the emergency care ward of the hospital unless you look hot
the evil goth worm guy being able to copy any attack he gets hit with is a fun twist
"when my mimic defeats me" tendou. dont fucking say that. but also it makes sense. hes the kind of big brother who would sacrifice himself to save his little sisters. but like tendou. tendou your sisters need you alive. kagami needs you alive
crying and sobbing about tendou teaching jyuka to cook. he loves both his little sisters so much but also he misses hiyori and cooking with hiyori was their sibling bonding activity
aw tendou two loves hiyori in his own way and doesnt want hiyori to be sad ):
the scene with tendou saying i have to die to save hiyori and kagami trembling and yelling AND I HAVE TO WATCH AND DO NOTHING WHILE YOU DIE?? they were in love there
yknow what i cant even blame hiyori for saying shes not returning to the world ever again. its her choice she should be allowed to make that choice. but also. sad
ep 44
i kind of wonder if hiyori was written out of the show because her actress was needing to do something else but i could always be wrong it just is kind of what the whole deal felt like
NOT MY RICH BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!
did not at all expect kageyama to stop his hopper-isms and put on a suit and be THA BEE again but im proud of him
oh he fucking got his ass kicked. well he tried
i do feel bad for tendou two like it kind of seems like his entire existence was made to revolve around pretending to be tendou to keep hiyori there or whatever but also they had him fucking chained up and locked away tortured and now hes all alone. that sucks so bad for that guy
oop kageyama took off his suit hes back on the path of hell
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bluebirdsboi · 11 months
100 Followers Celebration | Get to Know Me & Fic Prompts
First, I want to say thank you guys so much for 100 followers! I am still working on requests right now, but I also wanted to celebrate, so I have linked prompts as well as questions to ask to get to know me both related to fic writing and not.
Fic Prompts
Fluff Prompts 1 Fluff Prompts 2 Angst Prompts 1 Angst Prompts 2 Smut Prompts 1 (18+ only) Smut Prompts 2 (18+ only) 
Fic Writing Questions (From: @aylithewriting)
Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic.
Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to?
Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole?
How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
Share one of your strengths.
Share one of your weaknesses.
Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Which fic has been the hardest to write?
Which fic has been the easiest to write?
Is writing your passion or just a fun hobby?
Is there an episode above all others that inspires you just a little bit more?
What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?
What’s the worst writing advice you’ve ever come across?
If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?
If you only could write one pairing for the rest of your life, which pairing would it be?
Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
Do you use any tools, like worksheets or outlines?
Stephen King once said that his muse is a man who lives in the basement. Do you have a muse?
Describe your perfect writing conditions.
How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
Choose a passage from one of your earlier fics and edit it into your current writing style. (Person sending the ask is free to make suggestions).
If you were to revise one of your older fics from start to finish, which would it be and why?
Have you ever deleted one of your published fics?
What do you look for in a beta?
Do you beta yourself? If so, what kind of beta are you?
How do you feel about collaborations?
Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
Do you accept prompts?
Do you take liberties with canon or are you very strict about your fic being canon compliant?
How do you feel about smut?
How do you feel about crack?
What are your thoughts on non-con and dub-con?
Would you ever kill off a canon character?
Which is your favorite site to post fic?
Talk about your current wips.
Talk about a review that made your day.
Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them?
Write an alternative ending to [insert fic title] (or just the summary of one)
Non Fic Writing Questions
41. What are your hobbies? 42. What are you passionate about?  43. What is your most prized possession? 44. What is on your bucket list?  45. What is your favorite recent memory? 46. What is your favorite childhood memory? 47. What is your favorite holiday? 48. Who knows you best? 49. Which family member are you closest to? 50. What skill would you most like to learn?  51. Where is the coolest place you have traveled? 52. What is one thing that instantly makes your day better? 53. Who is your hero? 54. What music are you into? 55. Where is one place you’d like to travel to? 56. What was your favorite age growing up? 57. What was the last show you binge-watched? 58. What was the last book you read?  59. Are you more of an introvert or extrovert?  60. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be? 61. Do you prefer going to the movies or watching at home? 62. Who was your first celebrity crush and how old were you?  63. What is your favorite season?  64. What is your favorite content genre? (Ex: Horror, Sci-Fi, Rom-Com, etc.) 65. Do you like doing group activities or prefer doing things alone?  66. Are you better at talking or listening?  67. Where do you see yourself in five years?  68. What is your favorite number? 69. At which age did you have your favorite birthday? 70. Who is your favorite music artist?  71. What is one thing you will never do again?  72. Do you have any pets?  73. How many languages do you know?  74. What is your favorite animal? 75. Who was your first crush and how did it turn out?  76. What is your favorite flower? 77. What are your thoughts on horror movies? 78. Who is your favorite actor/actress? 79. Which song describes you best? 80. What is your favorite day of the week?    
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littleragondin · 1 year
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#pretty hard to drill stranger danger in your nephew's head when he knows he'll always have his angry jiujiu willing to risk it all to get h
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Sort of a Part 2 of my current pirate brainrot bc it seems like I am not getting out of that particular pit anytime soon.
41 notes - Posted March 30, 2022
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“Come with me,” Tankhun grabbed his wrist and didn't take his heels trying to dig into the plush carpet as a no.
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“Good choice. This one always gets me.” A dramatic finger trailed over his cheek. “I can already feel myself tearing up.”
I read @heretherebedork lovely fic about Chay in the aftermaths of episode 11 and Tankhun taking him under his wing, and I couldn't resist. Give it a shot!
93 notes - Posted June 25, 2022
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So. I am loving Severance and I love the MDR with all my heart.
95 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
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Nothing but pirates on my mind - NOTHING.
104 notes - Posted March 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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See the full post
228 notes - Posted April 12, 2022
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ingek73 · 2 years
Duchess Meghan told a heartbreaking story about Archie in ‘Archetypes’
August 23, 2022
By Kaiser
The British media can’t help themselves, honestly. Within the first few hours of Spotify’s release of the Duchess of Sussex’s Archetypes podcast, the Daily Mail had already devoted at least six stories to it. Only one podcast episode is out! But they’re obsessed and this is the best press Spotify has gotten in years. Currently, the British media is mad about the fact that Prince Harry stopped in to say hello to Serena Williams and compliment Serena’s hair. They’re also mad that Meghan made a reference to how she was treated by them, because Meghan said she didn’t “ever remember personally feeling the negative connotation behind the word ambitious, until I started dating my now husband.” The part of the pod which is getting the most attention though is Meghan telling a story about the Sussexes’ African tour in the fall of 2019, where they had to leave Archie behind while they did an event and his nursery caught fire.
While speaking about their roles as mothers, Meghan revealed that during her visit to Africa with Prince Harry in 2019, a fire broke out in the nursery where their son, Archie Harrison, was staying. “When we went on our tour to South Africa, we landed with Archie,” Meghan, 41, began. “Archie was what, four and a half months old. And the moment we landed, we had to drop him off at this housing unit that they had had us staying in.”
“He was going to get ready to go down for his nap. We immediately went to an official engagement in this township called Nyanga, and there was this moment where I’m standing on a tree stump and I’m giving this speech to women and girls, and we finish the engagement, we get in the car and they say, ‘There’s been a fire at the residence.’ What? ‘There’s been a fire in the baby’s room.’ What?”
Meghan said they raced back to the residence and their “amazing nanny” Lauren was “in floods of tears.”
“She was supposed to put Archie down for his nap, and she just said, ‘You know what? Let me just go get a snack downstairs.’ And she was from Zimbabwe, and we loved that she would always tie him on her, her back with a mud cloth, and her instinct was like, ‘Let me just bring him with me before I put him down.’ In that amount of time that she went downstairs, the heater in the nursery caught on fire. There was no smoke detector. Someone happened to just smell smoke down the hallway went in, fire extinguished,” Meghan said. She added, “He was supposed to be sleeping in there.”
Meghan said everyone was “in tears” and “shaken” by the incident, but they had to leave for another scheduled engagement.
“I was like, Can you just tell people what happened? And so much, I think, optically. The focus ends up being on how it looks instead of how it feels,” she said. “And part of the humanizing and the breaking through of these labels and these archetypes and these boxes that we’re put into is having some understanding on the human moments behind the scenes that people might not have any awareness of and to give each other a break. Because we did — we had to leave our baby… And even though we were being moved to another place afterwards, we still had to leave him and go do another official engagement.”
Serena replied, “I couldn’t have done that. I would have said, ‘Uh-uh.’ “
[From People]
This behind-the-scenes look at Meghan’s time in the royal machinery reminds me of a dozen stories which the British media has repeated over and over. Meghan “emailed at 5 am,” Meghan “made a staffer cry,” Meghan was mean to staffers in Australia, and on and on. I wonder if the roots of so many of those stories were along these lines – something happened, Meghan reacted as a human being or reacted as a pregnant woman or mother, and instead of giving her grace or simply telling the backstory of what actually happened, everything gets twisted. Imagine being told that you have to go to the next event when your child could have burned to death just minutes beforehand. This too is why the Sussexes left.
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duelistkingdom · 2 years
ok so. at episode 41. current zexal thoughts: it seems zexal has learned from the previous mistakes of duel monsters and 5ds (overly winding duels that last for more than 2 episodes can feel irksome rather than tense), of the pacing issues that plagued both 5ds and gx (in that plot AND more whimsical episodes are peppered together, having both be integral to the story to boot so it never feels like you’re just doom, doom, doom), and builds upon the idea of what makes a yugioh anime a yugioh anime.
it doesn’t fully commit to taking itself seriously, however, which does hinder it at certain points when it wants you to take it seriously. but it’s not the worst issue i’ve seen in a yugioh anime. the plot feels fairly tight so far, and i’m able to describe what happens in each episode fairly well. the only problem is zexal does have an overload of characters, making some of them easier to forget as each character is more or less over the top, which makes them harder to stand out. while i might recall a character’s schtick, i might not remember their name as the new wild off the rails character is introduced.
certain elements do feel like they could be fleshed out more (references to school during the duel carnival have been cut entirely, for example; the numbers club was entirely abandoned five episodes into it) but i don’t exactly fault a show for not perfectly balancing its elements anymore. the elements that i find fascinating definitely aren’t part of the story they’re seeking to tell here, so it’s more or less fine.
anyway. that’s all the Current half awake at 4 am thoughts i have.
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Woop Woop
One-Off Episode 2!
L E T ' S G O
114 notes - Posted May 18, 2022
Continuing timeline episode here because of L A G-
@eunchancorner @t0mm33th3m0nst3r come in and get y'all juice)
120 notes - Posted May 20, 2022
Oki One-Off Episode G O-
*the base is rather quiet today, hot AF outside, but nice and cool inside*
I was currently sitting on the couch next to Eun, my face buried in a Wings of Fire book
121 notes - Posted May 17, 2022
(you don't know how long it took to get this to you)
In the Battle of The Lees Base...
sad Eun-ness
(feel free to ignore this... this is just the only way I feel like I can participate in any BoTL activities today, I am not faking being ok today, not after the only person ik I want to be with cut all contact with me and hates my guts and now it seems like I'm guilt-tripping you I'm sorry)
(I just now saw this, and you don't need to be sorry for anything, I understand completely. You aren't guilt tripping at all. It's okay, I'm right here, twin. Take the time to recover, and I said I'd be there to help. This will be more laid back, just for you my friend. :3)
Walks into the room with a bunch of files in hand, more focused on them than anything else at the moment
Morning, soldier.
Keeps walking but pauses a few seconds later after there's no reply
Eun? Is everything alright?
Turns to face her
124 notes - Posted April 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
One-Off Episode 2 Continuation G O-
I don't make a move yet
See? That belongs to your mama. I wanna bring you home to her. But, I want you to trust me..
125 notes - Posted May 19, 2022
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isagrimorie · 2 years
Oh thank god. It was just a nightmare! I have to write these all down before it vanishes from my head.
I had the most vivid dream that Buffy had a revival with current age Buffy: 41 years old.
Except it was the most twisted ever, and started with the worst way: Finding out Whedon was in charge, at least half way through. And then it kept getting worst— the point of view character was Xander.
And starts with a house Buffy bought for the three of the three of them: Buffy, Willow and Xander.
Willow and Xander were looking at the house Buffy bought, it was a small house. Xander was sitting on the landing, and Willow was next to him except she was standing just across. Willow has her hands wrapped around the baluster while her chin rested cutely on the landing thread.
The stair was carpeted and cramped. I had an impression of a 90s house that was small and reminded me of the Married with kids house, a bit. Maybe it was the vibe.
Willow had her haircut circa season 3 except Alyson Hannigan is styled closer to Lily Marshall in HIMYM.
Xander expressed worry Buffy was running out of money because the house was smaller and didn’t fit three people but too.
Willow agreed and then has a thought. Maybe it’s exactly what it’s for, because maybe her feelings were changing and then gave Xander a significant Look. Xander caught it and understood, and the “camera” focused on him in those actorly moments realizing what he’s always wanted may finally happen.
Dream!me then started Screaming as Dream!Me watched this all unfold.
But it went on.
Somehow I remembered reports with Whedon stating, he would erase comics canon for the TV version he made.
And then the next “scene”, Buffy, we finally see Buffy but now she’s living in a beat up van and having friends over 2 other women I have no idea who, and Xander. And the “TV show” keeps trying to make a romcom situation happen between Buffy and Xander.
Meanwhile, my dream self is raging at this development. I think I yelled at my brother in my dream: “We know who Xander is a self insert for!!! It’s Whedon! I see you!!!”
Alas, dream!me has no say in this episode of television. Except, maybe I do.
Buffy’s beat up van life home (which I now realize might be Bess Marvin’s beat up van) was actually parked in front of a warehouse or hangar(???) with a slightly ajar door. The warehouse or hangar was actually Buffy’s real home… which okay, dream logic.
More dream logic they’re apparently near a beach when somehow a water rushes from the beach, I don’t know why but it made sense in my dream why.
Buffy’s two or three other friends make it out, somehow, leaving Buffy alone with Xander.
And dream!me knew the signs of a Kiss about to happen, is YELLING at the TV. I keep trying to check out reactions on twitter becauseI couldn’t believe it was real (should’ve known it was a dream, twitter wasn’t my go to reaction for shows!).
Just then the camera changes angle, and I as a viewer note that water is still coming and headed right for the beat up van, up ends the van, throwing off poor Buffy’s bed but also, STOPPING the Buffy and Xander kiss.
The water doesn’t reach Buffy’s warehouse home. But it STOPPED the kiss which was important but then I realized this was just the first episode.
AND THEN I WOKE UP. Grabbed my phone and googled and looked and here I am now at 3:30 am describing that half nightmare, half dream.
It felt SO real. There was a plot and everything and dramatic camera angles and me wondering why the hell it was serious.
I’m so damned glad it wasn’t real.
What a weird and weirdly almost coherent dream plot. Also what specific details.
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tagged by @zmeess one of the greatest artist alive in this time and age, who tagged everyone on tumblr 💜
last song listened to: my recents are Fleetwood Mac - the Chain (listening to it rn bc tumblr reminded me it exists), but for the most part i keep to same songs: Nightwish - Storytime (the mv about Alice in Wonderland specifically is playing on repeat), lots of In This Moment, Linkin Park, BTS, Maneskin (but atm Valentine), Disturbed, Stan Walker - I AM, Miley Cyrus - Gimme What I Want, Forth Minor -Remember the Name, Fire Song - Sophia Brous, GODS - League of Legends, Go-A - Dumala, Ren - Hi Ren, The Devil You Know - Blues Saraceno, and this playlist
currently reading: just read Fourth Wing and Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros AND I AM WRECKED. when is the next book coming outttt?!?!? 😭😭😭 IT WAS AMAZING!! it usually takes me a few days to simmer in what i've read and process it, but i immediately wanted to read something else, so now im currently reading Bride by Ali Hazelwood AND ITS SO SO GOOD kyaaaaaa~~ <3
currently watching: always watching Critical Role (right now im on episode 41 of season 3, iiiii really need to catch up quick before the finale 😬), just watched house of ninjas on netflix - it was really good, skip and loafer anime was SO cute <3 Right now im watching Dungeon Meshi, and im probs gonna watch Tokyo Revengers and Legend of Hei (heard its really really good)
currently obsessed with (in no particular order):
BG3, Touchstarved, Infamous, 180 files: the Aegis Project, Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines, Dragon Age, Skyrim
honorable mentions circling my mind: Scarlet Hollow, Fallen London/Sunless Sea, Secret World Legends, Dishonored 1&2, Samurai of Hyuga, The Fernweh Saga
books: The Empyrean series and the book i'm reading "Bride" by Ali Hazelwood, The Foxhole Court (always and forever), The Bone Season series by Samantha Shannon, Heaven Official's Blessing, Folk of Air series by Holly Black
several artists: @mlarty_art (i cannot stop obsessing over their art, truly amazing artists, just..damn) @sweetlychii, @velnna, @zmeess, @Frankensteinsm2, @babeyxiao-art, @kukumomoartstuff, @duskidraws, @mooreaux, @goldentar.art, @umikochannart, @blue_octopus12, @crazytom666
characters: Astarion, Karlach, Haslin (BG3), Blade (Honkai: Star Rail), Wriothesley, Kaveh x Alhaitham, Xiao, Zhongli x Childe, Kaeya, Gorou x Itto, Scaramouche x Traveler (Genshin Impact), Seven, Orion, Griffin (Infamous), Angel (180 files), Tairn and Andarna (the Empyrean), Vanitas (Vanitas no Karte), Kim In Rang and Choi Cheon Sang (Bring it On, Ghost) and their mini truck that they keep fixing with ducktape, Legolas Aragon Gimli Sam
Geto x Gojo 🖤🤍
my OC's [[I LOVE THEM SO MUCH *cries and dies*]]
Nightwish - Storytime (i cannot express how many times ive listened to this already, im genuinely obsessed)
chocolate, chicken wings, rice, ramen, mashed potatoes, spinach
Critical Role
Arcane, Blue Eye Samurai, The Uncanny Encounter, Haunting of Hill House, Lord of the Rings, Alchemy of Souls
aaaand thats it tagging: whoever finds this ✨
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tm-trx · 7 months
Tumblr media
Be Mine Superstar / Emmerdale / Taikan Yoho
selections from my week in media [8-14 october 2023]
Elseworlds (DC) - DC is bringing back the Elseworlds line next year, one of my favorite things ever.
System Collapse by Martha Wells - the newest Murderbot Diaries book (another full-length novel) comes out in November
"Buppha" / Worawit Kiyapate
"On My Own" / The People's Thieves
"With UNIVERSE" / Pentagon
Yoh finally learned to make good curry and we all cooed.
The Mysteries by Bill Watterson and John Kascht - Watterson returns to publishing with a fable
They'll Talk About Us by finalizer - Red White and Royal Blue fluff
Be Mine Superstar - Finished up the last four episodes just to get it off my list and was pleasantly surprised how good the ending was.
Beyond Evil - Rewatching because it's amazing and fits this time of year (Happiness is also on that list).
Emmerdale - Rewatched the beginning of Aaron and Robert's storyline in 2015. Robert really was the worst back then (did Aaron ever find out about the assassin Robert hired??). Aaron was so in love so fast and sick over it. My favorite tag, "the angst it is delicious" sums them up so well.
My Journey To You - Still slowly working my way through the last episodes and am currently paused on episode 19's fantastically horrifying revelation.
Ranking Every Adaption of The Thing / coldcrashpictures video essay - With a few exceptions, I can't deal with horror (I don't like being frightened and cannot handle a lot of jump scares or gory visuals). I'm a movie fan though, and there's a lot of really interesting stuff in the genre that I like to learn about. It's even better when the writer clearly loves the work they're discussing, like this essay. It's about an hour and well worth a watch/listen.
Taikan Yoho (My Personal Weatherman) - The last episode was everything I was hoping for. Communication, some sexy times, and more communication. Yoh and Segasaki are joining the ranks of couples that I wish we could see more of as their relationship develops and matures over time. I love them.
Bonus: a short list of books from my TBR if you're looking for something to read (Goodreads links provided)
Thornhedge by T Kingfisher - novella, horror, fairy tale
Starter Villain by John Scalzi - novella, first person pov, humor, cat on the cover
Forged By Magic by Jenna Wolfhart - novel, fantasy, cozy, romance
City of Bones by Martha Wells - novel, fantasy, sc-fi, dystopia
The Water Outlaws by S.L. Huang - tome, historical, fantasy, queer
previous Currents posts found here
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deantvlove2018 · 2 years
Hello, this is Dean Tv love 6 and welcome to episode 41. On Friday the 21st of October 2022. 9 episodes left in the 6th season of the Dean Tv love series, the 7th season is coming and I am looking forward to it. But right now the episode begins as the 3 presenters entered the church with an audience cheering. “Hello, this is the 41st episode of Dean Tv love 6 live in a church” said Alec. He sees Kaden wearing his halloween costume, Zara laughed. “Why are you wearing that for?,it’s not halloween” said Zara. “I know but I want to dress up like Dean” said Kaden. “For halloween?” Asked Alec. Halloween is Monday the 31st of October, episode 43 of Dean Tv girls 4 will be posted on that day.Then one day the guru appeared. “A little early for halloween but you look good” said Guru. “Time to watch this episode of Dean Tv love 6” said Alec. They all  watch the episode. Takes place in the present day inside the Dean Tv mansion, everyone are recovering from the autumn games of 2022. That happened last week at the other universe. Celebrating Louise’s team’s 3rd place victory. Dean and Louise is in the living room watching an episode of the 12th season of the D girls. D girls hyper, the Tv series takes place in the 2040’s decade. The girls are still the same, never aged. Especially Dean, cos the characters have been in suspended animation in the last season. The episode ends after the girls finished their mission against one of the enemies. The girls stayed at their quarters talking. Till Hollie is at her house spending some time with the kids and Dean. Then the credits with the theme tune, also the transformation of the hyper robot. “That’s a good episode” said Louise. “Yeah and edited too, so we won’t see the other scenes, that were used in the unedited version” said Dean. “Whatever it is, I don’t want to know” said Louise. Dean started to get confused about what she said, but get the idea. Then one day Jenesis,Helena and Shirley got back from shopping. Helena brought an magazine of Dean Tv love, the magazine showed a cover of Louise’s team wearing bronze medals. Illustrated by one of Dean’s friends, Shane who now married to one of the current Tv presenters of Dean Tv. Laoise who used to present Dean Tv Ireland from 2012 to 2016. Laoise now presents Dean Tv U.K. from 2016 to now. Dean reads the comic, it focus on Louise as a super hero or Super heroine. Wearing a helmet, spandex and boots. The comic is an inspiration of the other universe of Dean tv, the ronin universe. Louise in that universe is the leader of the ronin clan, even though if you may remember way back in 2020 during the 4th season of Dean Tv love (Dean Tv love 4/Dean Tv love IV) Louise’s other self was introduced. Also the introduction of ronin universe too. Louise has been the leader of the Ronin clan since last year, after Dean leadership faded away since he had a bad back. The story begin as Louise fights a random fighter, who is part human part bat. Louise fires her arrows at the enemy, the bat human flew away. The bat human said that he’ll be back. The kids ran up to Louise. “You showed that bat human who’s who” said one of the kids. Louise removed the visor from her helmet, showing her brown eyes. Louise ask if they are okay. She checked that the kids are not affected by the bat human’s claws. Louise returns to the ronin castle, joining with the ronin clan. Louise removed her helmet, she arrived at the throne room. Everyone bow down to her. Helena approached her. “I’ve found out that you were fighting against that human bat” said Helena. “Yes, it is turning everyone into human bats” said Louise. “You’ve been fighting that bat for days, I can help you” said Helena. Louise did not allow it, cos the bat is fast. Then Helena had an idea to slow the bat human down, by using the magic hour glass. Louise understood, so the next day Louise went out to battle the human bat one last time. By using the magic hour glass to slow it down. Louise defeated the human bat, the human bat disintegrated by Louise’s arrow, her super arrow. “There it’s done” said Louise. Dean finished reading the comic. Louise liked the story, her ronin self is more advanced and knows what she’s doing.
The episode ends as the audience clapped and cheered. “Wow what an episode, I like it” said Zara. “Yeah it’s cool” said Kaden. “You should dress up like a ronin warrior” said Alec. “Really!?” Asked Zara. The both nodded, that’s for halloween. “Right so that’s episode 41, tune in next week for episode 42. Bye” said Alec.
End of episode 41
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