#i always ignored them bc of the homoeroticism
bisexual-birdy · 11 months
i’m sure this has been mentioned but we need to take a second to appreciate the character growth dean has from season 1 to 4. he used to be the attacker, the shoot first ask questions later, don’t question orders and follow dads lead kind of guy. he was raised that way, raised a soldier. but his interactions with early, god’s soldier cas really shows that he grew out of that mindset. its almost like a mirror of who dean used to be before he realized that john actually wasn’t a perfect man and fucked up a lot. him saying that you always have a choice??? think he learned that the hard way when he disobeyed his dad by saving sam and selling his soul. i think dean regaining control over his own free will because of his dedication to protecting sam, and it being made really fucking clear through cas, is going to be the end of me
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roobgumball95 · 1 year
the thranto regency au is like. okay so thrawn has no interest in marriage and even less in politics and is being pressured by his family to find a match and he agrees to join the social scene in london in order to get them off his back so he can peruse his passions: being courtmarshalled every five minutes for being a wildcard in the napoleonic wars and flagrantly ignoring british naval policy. his family wants a match bc they think it will be a calming influence and perhaps keep him home more and like. out of the newspapers and such, so thrawn agrees to skulk around various london social events looking at rich people’s art and avoiding conversation
meanwhile eli’s family just came into a surprising amount of money and has hung all their hopes of solidifying their standing on him making an advantageous match, so he’s been attending every dance at their behest but hates everybodyyyyyyyy bc they look down on his accent (i was going to make him irish bc rich english people would look down on him/that accent in regency times but i can’t bear to make him not a cowboy) and are super snide and self motivated so he doesn’t want to marry any of them.
ENTER: thrawn, who is a little weird and likes to ask him all kinds of annoying questions but is at least not rude or cruel, and hey, maybe if thrawn and him pretend to be courting, people will leave eli alone and he can get enough distance from his family to do things like travel! and math! thrawn meanwhile is like. i showed this twink one page of nightswan’s (who is french in this bc that’s funny) shipping manifesto and he figured out exactly where they been stealing ammunition from and in what quantities. i’m keeping him.
anyways this is waaaaay to long but tldr thrawn and eli regency fake dating ends with them falling in love for realsies and eli running off with thrawn to live a life of adventure on the open sea and also be there as emotional support when thrawn gets his tenth court martial and ar’alani and bakif put their heads in their hands
i’m assuming this is in reference to this post, which is the most beautiful thing i’ve ever laid eyes on (also, did you mean to be on anon? tragic)
all i can say is agreed. the inherent homoeroticism in being a little weird in regency times is just *chef’s kiss* thrawn’s gifting. them being social outcasts will always be MY SHIT.
i just know the fucking dancing would be horrendous because thrawn hates it and eli barely knows how to do it so they just awkwardly copy other people’s movements. also ar’alani and bakif being like “what do you have?” “a fake courtship!” “NO—” (although they prefer SHIP over MARTIAL)
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tuamre s2e2 ALGAMATION POST!!!! we r still trying with the format lol
rating: 8/10
8 pogos out of ten there he is :)
adding points bc i really forgot how genuinely funny s2 is. like s1 has funny lines, but they’re mostly klaus. i really enjoy having other characters take comedic roles, espec diego and lila. “it’s like yogurt. how does it know when to stop being milk :(((?!” i’m obsessed with them. “just getting some air.” “in a closet?” “there’s a draft”
the homoeroticism also earned some points. of course we have vissy, but luther saying “i take good care of mr ruby” and “he’s a good friend” where is my sugar daddy au? i know luther is straight as a line but like. we can’t ignore the signs here okay.
the music. waghfhf it never stops being amazing and iconic. just saved a playlist on my spotify <3 one million points for that forever
adding a point just for harlan. he’s my baby boy. god fuck the narrative i wish he was okay :(( his Autistic swag is more than we could ever comprehend. those heel raises/rocking stimming he was doing while watching the windmill? on another level.
points off for so little ben? fuck you
lol i Do Not Know how many points this will add up to whatever. it doesn’t line up? it’s too vague? okay. i’m sorry. i’m tired. i always do these at fucking late at night 😩 there’s something wrong with me
have a wonderous time babes go rock that world !!
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theremharths · 5 years
This is just more thoughts on The Left Hand of Darkness, but it’s under a cut bc it’s a huge incomprehensible ramble. Sorry if you’re on mobile
I was worried that Genly finally understanding and accepting that Estraven is just as much a woman as a man, which comes at the moment that he also acknowledges the sexual tension between them, would essentially frame their relationship as “well it’s okay that I’m attracted to this person who is a man, because they are also a woman so I can ignore the man aspect” but it didn’t do that at all--that this scene is the first time where Genly doesn’t switch to she/her pronouns for someone in the “female” kemmer state (like he does with Faxe during the ritual or the orgota in the prison truck with him) seems partially designed to specifically defy that interpretation as much as it’s meant to show how Genly’s developed
The question of Genly’s sexual orientation isn’t really brought up at all, really. I expected a bit of homophobic (internalized or otherwise) waffling on his part (while there are of course plenty of gay men who are misogynists, Genly’s particular brand of casual, unquestioning misogyny tends to go hand in hand w/ a certain similar kind of casual, unquestioning homophobia) along the lines of, say, categorizing any gethenian who he finds attractive as “female” or something similar, but that never occurs. The part where Genly notes that he can’t help but pay attention to Gaum bc of his attractiveness has him describe Gaum as being attractive “as either sex” without placing any more emphasis on femaleness being connected to that attractiveness than maleness
Similarly, his attraction to Estraven, while unrealized or ignored by Genly for most of the book, is fairly plain to the reader as early on as the first chapter. Every other person Genly encounters is described only by their most prominent feature. Even Faxe and Gaum’s attractiveness is largely undescribed--we don’t know what it is about them that makes them beautiful, just that they are
Estraven is described every time Genly looks at him, in great detail, to the point where he’s the only character the reader is really given a full picture of. Even Genly’s appearance is vague; we know that he’s a dark skinned Black man, that he has a wide nose, that he’s probably around six feet tall, that he’s fairly physically strong, and that’s about it. Estraven is a head shorter than Genly, his hair is long and black, his eyes are also black, his skin is dark brown but lighter than Genly’s, he has small hands, he has wide hips, he has single eyelids and heavy eyebrows, he is fairly solidly built and has a “sleek” layer of fat to him, etc etc etc. We always know what he’s wearing, we know how he looks in the light of whatever room he and Genly are in, we know how he looks when he sleeps. All of this makes the revelation of the attraction between them more meaningful to the reader than describing him in the same terms as, say, Faxe was, would have, and almost all of it is from before Genly’s Moment Of Understanding, from when he was still trying to frame Estraven as entirely a man in his mind
While Genly assigns various and frequently contradicting and almost always (to him) negative traits to femaleness--Estraven’s directness is “feminine” but so, according to Genly, is his perceived mysteriousness and manipulative nature--he distinctly never associates sexual attractiveness with women. Even in the scene where he tries (and fails) to explain what a woman is to Estraven and why, to Genly, they are so different from men, he never attempts to use language related to beauty or any sort of physical attractiveness at all
Obviously the main reason why the gethenians are all referred to using he/him pronouns is “it was 1969 and they/them wasn’t widely recognized as a non-plural pronoun and ‘he’ is considered ‘more neutral’ than ‘she’ is” but it also forces the reader to acknowledge that while you can’t describe Genly and Estraven’s relationship as a gay one, you also certainly can’t describe it as a heterosexual one. There is, undeniably, a homoerotic nature to it and to the whole of the novel and to deny that, based on the fact that Estraven isn’t just a man, is to deny that Estraven also isn’t just a woman or just neither one. To use only she/her pronouns for Estraven would be to allow the homophobic reader to do what I was relieved that Genly (and Le Guin) didn’t do--to go “well, sure, it’s telling me that this person is a man and a woman and both and neither, but I don’t want this story to be about a man falling in love with a man-woman-both-neither, so I will pretend this person is solely a woman”
(And, frankly, the need to read between the lines to grasp the attraction between two characters--the subtlety of the whole thing, pre-(and even post-)Moment Of Understanding--is homoerotic in itself. Straightness and cisness don’t generally concern themselves with with subtlety or nuance)
I’m not saying that the choice to use only he/him pronouns for the gethenians was the correct one. I’m following the example set by canon because at the end of the day, using the “wrong” pronouns for even a fictional character makes me uncomfortable--it feels like misgendering, even if it really isn’t, if I use pronouns that the character isn’t shown to use themself. I’m saying that with the options that Le Guin knew of in the 1960s--she/her or he/him--it was probably better to use he/him, at least for specifically Estraven. I genuinely don’t know how one would modernize the way pronouns are used here for a movie or series adaptation. I suppose the best thing I can think of would be to use he/him and she/her and they/them for every gethenian, which is both 1. how plenty of people use pronouns in real life and 2. a lot less confusing/chaotic in a visual medium than it would be in a written one. The issue with switching to solely they/them pronouns in an adaptation is that it could still allow for a separation from that homoeroticism, and, more importantly, that it perpetuates the novel’s fixation on "physical sex” as ruling gender identity, and that being non-binary is something for aliens and not for regular humans. Yes, they/them pronouns would be the neatest option but it wouldn’t work as a solution to the novel’s cissexism
Kosh, the babylon 5 character, is a being without “biological sex”. He is also a male character. To reboot babylon 5 and have all vorlons use they/them pronouns would be to reinforce the notion of gender being decided by sex organs and chromosomes and, in this case, whether or not you’re a sentient ball of light. It would still be adhering to the character’s assigned gender, it’s just that the assigned gender would be “none”. Kosh, as a male character who is not “””biologically male”””, is already trans. If you want to have non-binary characters in babylon 5, you would do better to look at G’Kar or Delenn or literally anyone other than a vorlon
(Of course, satisfyingly and accurately modernizing and adapting The Left Hand of Darkness in other ways would also be difficult. Keeping the themes and messages and plot while removing the implication that there are no trans and/or non-binary and/or intersex people on earth or in the whole of the Ekumen. The simple fact that I just don’t have faith in most prominent producers/directors/casting agents/etc to adhere to the novel’s complete lack of white characters, and especially to actually cast an indigenous actor as Estraven. The other simple fact that Estraven’s death at the end is something I can accept in a book from 1969, but absolutely not in a modern work)
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whatiobsessabout · 6 years
The Ultimate List of LGBT Kpop Songs/MVs
This has come about because whenever I come across queer kpop lists I am disappointed by how short and repetitive they are. My goal is to have THE MOST comphensive list of songs and music videos with any sort of lgbt themes. 
Each song or mv listed will have a little (or not so little) description explaining how gay it is or why it is gay. This does mean I’ve let some more questionable songs and mvs on the list but from the description I shouldn’t be leading people astray or getting their hopes up. (I decided against including covers of songs  eg. where the artist hasn’t changed the gender in the songs. bc I feel that would become too messy and complicated. Also there are artists and songs I dislike on this list, and some artists can be considered problematic however I felt that if I excluded anything based on personal opinions it would make the purpose of this list invalid). 
Hopefully kpop fans can diversify their playlists and discover new bops, as well as giving comfort to lgbt+ kpop fans. I plan to update this list as new gay content is released :)
Playlist of this List
UV & JYP - Itaewon Freedom Itaewon is the multicultural district in seoul, also one of the prominent “gay” areas in s.korea. this song is a gay anthem in korea.
Baek Ji Young - I Won't Love Again/Sarang Ahn Hae a beautiful lesbian romance
K.Will – Please Don't the ultimate plot twist mv and is THE gay kpop mv
Sistar – One More Day, I Like That, I Swear In One More Day shows when friends turn into lesbian lovers, but one is still in a relationship with an abusive man. The latter two mvs have fanservice based touching plus those gay vibes
ANDA – Touch a very lesbian mv
Baby Soul & Yoo Jia – She's a Flirt Feat. Jang Dongwoo a lesbian relationship but one of them is still with a man
After School – Because of You love triangle between 3 women
Red Velvet – Wish Tree a one-sided lesbian love. I will mention ‘Bad Boy’ for having some fanservice moments and the rainbow outfits in ‘Peek-a-Boo’ is peak gay culture
Holland – Neverland Holland is described by many news outlets as “The First Openly Gay Kpop Idol” make of that as you will (Because you can argue about being first and whether he is actually an idol, despite being a Korean person making pop or alternative pop music). Regardless he is openly gay and his song is most definitely gay and his mv is explicitly gay. Bless him
4L – Move in the aftermath of a massive breakup, the female character ends up having a lesbian one night stand which further confuses her while she deals with her heartbreak. This mv is more in the fanservice and objectifying females/lesbians category.
Loona – Chuu: Heart Attack, Yves: New light lesbian themes, up for interpretation
10cm – Help The male characters struggle with their relationship as they worry how society view them
DIA – Seoraksan In October light lesbian themes, up for interpretation
VIXX LR – Whisper light gay themes and touching, symbolic based and possibly just fanservice. Some consider their other hit ‘Beautiful Liar’ as gay, however, despite the homoeroticism in that mv, the plot is about struggling with your two inner selves rather than a male & male relationship.
Day6 – What Can I Do in a very messy love triangle (or octogon, who knows??) Wonpil has a one sided love for Sungjin, the plot is somewhat continued in their mvs ‘I Loved You’ and ‘When You Love Someone’.
Sweet Revenge – Cry to Your Heart's Content lesbians, lesbians, lesbians
INFINITE – The Eye some scenes of this could fall into the category of fanservice and skinship, even though it is very emotionally charged
Gugudan – Chococo Sejeong experiences a gay and chocolatey epiphany (a minor scene)
San.E – Story of someone I know Depicts an ex-girlfriend dumping him for a girl
Brown Eyed Girls – Abracadabra Queens of sexual freedom, there is an almost kiss at the end.
Girl's Day – Female President an almost kiss scene, in a feminist bop (a song made not too long after s.korea elected their very first female president, Park Geun Hye. Note: this was made well before she was exposed for being the worst™ and consequently impeached, which is a shame for the first and so far only female leader in s.korea to leave such a ignominious history.)
BTS – Blood Sweat and Tears, I need you, Run In Blood Sweat and Tears Jin kisses the male demon statue that seems to represent Taehyung. The other 2 mvs have light gay themes with skinship type moments
Imfact – Lollipop kissing on the cheeks and other skinship for fanservice
Wonder Girls – Why So Lonely a sort of but not really kiss scene
Crispi Crunch - Thumbs up a very questionable mv but does include a trans woman, or crossdresser, near the end. Also the teasers for this mv included the two dudes kissing, nowhere to be found in the actual mv though (or on the internet now.... ???)
Lim Chang Jung – Open the Door Includes a gay kiss
Glam – Party XXO a bi anthem, lyrics specify about not caring about gender when searching for love
N.O.M – A Guys, Nature of Man the group were less of a kpop group and more of a gay club act who then released 2 singles
Orange Caramel – Catallena more so in the lyrics than mv but not completely ignored in the mv, Catallena explores how women are supposed to compete with each other in society and how that becomes confusing when females look up and idolise other females, and even further complicates when you fall for a female. Additionally, the meaning can also be about how girl groups are pitted against each other but they also admire and love each other
Nell – The Day Before Deals with homosexuality and suicide
Harisu – History (with Turbo), Liar, Shopping Girl, Reaction, Foxy Lady, etc. A transgender model and actress who also had a pop career for a period of time
Mercury – Don’t Stop, Let’s Party a girl group which has one member, Hanbit, who is trans
SNSD – Dancing Queen, Divine (Story Version), All Night, Love & Girls, etc. Dancing queen has lowkey gay lyrics. Divine is one big lesbian drama. In All Night Sooyoung and Yuri have major gay vibes towards each other. Both All Night and Love & Girls include drag queens. GG’s discography is so large so there’s plenty more lowkey gay songs.
Lee Hyori – Miss Korea, Going Crazy Miss Korea critics beauty standards for women in korea, and includes drag queens. In Going Crazy Hyori crossdresses as a man and then sleazily flirts with tons of women
Mamamoo – Um Oh Ah Yeh plays with crossdressing and gender identity, and kinda gay. And they have a song called “Girl Crush” which is supposedly platonic by Korean pov but worth a mention
Monsta X – All In Hyungwon and Minhyuk are shown to be together, this is possibly why Hyungwon’s dad beats him
GFriend – Navillera Eunha and Yerin are confirmed to be depicting a couple throughout this mv. There are hints that the rest of the group are also coupled up but aren’t as far into their relationships yet.
Suran – Sad Pain two differently disabled women find comfort with each other
Triple H – 365 So Fresh heavily implied polyamorous relationship and threesome between 2 guys (Hui & e.dawn) and 1 girl (Hyuna)
Mad Clown – Love is a Dog from Hell Feat. Suran the story of a trans woman and her wife. Side note: interestingly enough Mad Clown asked his brother to play the trans woman, which brings up some questions about their personal lives – how close to this story are they?
Bestie – Excuse Me in this mv the girls have a magical pair of glasses that reveal the true intentions of men, the final group of men they come across are revealed to be gay
Maman – Obvious Story a lesbian song by a lesbian singer in a lesbian mv
Kriesha Chu – Like Paradise a lovely and trendy lesbian date
Song Jieun – Don’t Look at Me Like That depicts how gay people feel in conservative korea, feeling judged for their love
XIA – Tarantallegra, Even though I already know crossdressing and gender identity, plus gay vibes especially with the dancers
Heechul & Min Kyung Hoon – Sweet Dream a love triangle including Kyunghoon’s one-sided love for Heechul
Planet Shiver & Crush – Rainbow an anti-discrimination song
CoCoSoRi – Mi Amor the kiss at the end, otherwise pretty het
SVT JUN & THE8 – My I in the realms of fanservice, male duet song and performance
U-KISS – Quit Playing threesome scene including 2 men (Kiseop & Hoon) and 1 woman
Kangta (H.O.T) – Polaris deals with gender identity
Super Junior D&E – Still You, I Wanna Love You, etc. In Still You Donghae and Eunhyuk find each other, “bromance” or just plain gay vibes. I Wanna Love You could be a gay duet or not. Most releases from these guys are lowkey gay so.
Jo Kwon – Animal a gay diva delivering a gay bop
Beenzino – How Do I Look? has a couple scenes (not many) where gay men/couple are depicted
Bebop & Humming Urban Stereo – MAEM MAEM looks like they are on a date
WJSN – Secret some minor gay vibes, gay staring, hand holding etc.
9Muses A – Lip 2 Lip an almost kiss (in a pretty het mv)
9Muses – Wild, Sleepless Night Wild has fanservice based touching plus vibes. Meanwhile Sleepless Night has a scene which heavily implies lesbian sex
History – Psycho yet again fanservice based touching plus those gay vibes
Luizy – Baby Ride feat. Hyunsik of BTOB just two bros being bros on their bro date y’know
Uhm Jung Hwa – Dreamer, Watch Me Move, Ending Credit, House Mix Performance, etc. QUEEN OF THE GAYS
HA:TFELT (Yeeun of Wonder Girls) – Truth shows a lesbian couple
Jo Sung Mo – Immortal Love depicts a heartbreaking secret gay relationship
Z.Hera – D Island depicts a powerful interracial lesbian love story
Yuri & Raiden – Always Find You fight me this is lesbian af as long as you cut out the last 3 seconds
MISS $ – Just Let Me Live feat. Skull complex love triangles, and possessive love, with plenty of lesbian themes
Chaness – SeSeSe dark mv with lesbians doing what they can to be together
Lee Jung Hyun – Michyeo Lee Jung Hyun becomes crazed when she learns of her boyfriend’s affair with another man
Homme – Still Eating Well it’s a bit of a stretch but 2 dudes and 1 girl scenario, dedicated to more of the “bro” time than the hetero plot
Lady – Attention, Lady’s Night A girl group made up of transgender women (Sinae, Sahara, Binu and Yuna)
Shinhwa – This Love a massive stretch but voguing is gay culture so we can’t ignore that, plus the use male back up dancers is… interesting
Kim DongHee – I Feel Like I’m Dying Lesbian storyline
Seo In Young – Scream (19 Ver.) there’s some gayish scenes in there, nothing major
Aoora – Body Talk, grab or bite, heartfreak, etc. he tries to pretend his stuff isn’t gay but he isn’t that good at it tbh. it’s pretty transparent how gay everything is even if he does include shots of boobs. he could be bi???
May Doni - Molla Ing feat. 2AM has some gay scenes
Cheetah – My Number Includes a male dance team which are very femme, or are drag queens (?? If someone knows please tell me)
Yu Mei – Suddenly cute lesbian love
Risso – OMG cute lesbian couple
Luna – Free Somebody not necessarily gay but you can understand lyrically how this connected to the lgbt community in korea and how it is now one of their staples at pride
f(x) – Chu, Pink Tape Art Film In Chu Krystal wears a marriage equality shirt that says ‘Legalise Gay’. Pink Tape Art Film has light lesbian themes. Amber in general defies female gender roles in both western and eastern cultures.
진주 – 미로 Feat. 엄지원 & TBNY a lesbian storyline
Gangkiz – Honey Honey a girl gang run amuck being troublesome and having the times of their lives. Has possible lesbian themes.
UP10TION – Attention some gay fanservice choreography
Sweet Boy – I LUV HER feat. NUVO This falls into the category of men objectifying females and lesbians, an almost kiss
Stellarjet – Guiding Light the main character spies on her neighbour and falls for her
Brown Classics - Nostalgia Feat. Yozoh & Eric has a gay storyline
Rainbow Blaxx – Cha Cha minor lesbian themes with skinship and fanservice
Epitone Project – Hate a delicate lesbian love story
4Men – First Kiss The female character is devasted when the man she loves falls for another man
toheart (Key of SHINee and Woohyun of Infinite) – Delicious Key and Woohyun might think they are trying to win over the same gal but in reality they are winning each other over
Taemin – Move I was struggling whether to put him on the list as he is lowkey a gay icon eg. Move where he finally threw off the shackles of gender based choreography and fully embraced his androgyny. he has plenty of songs and performances that all exist in this realm of androgyny, and a lot of his discography, both Korean and Japanese, could be gay but it could also be straight, it’s very easy to interpret whichever way, which I do think is intentional. (please refer to Ten’s section further down where I share my conflicting feelings about referring to people like Taemin as a gay icon if you are interested)
Seeya – Shoes, Crazy Love Song heavy drama plot with lesbian themes, the mvs are connected
Park Jungmin (SS501) – Not Alone an anti-discrimination bop and includes a drag queen
Pentagon – Critical Beauty All the members are coupled up, and there’s a very questionable scene with e.dawn and a banana. A small mention of their mvs ‘Like This’ and ‘Runaway’ which has some very minor scenes of guys together but it’s very ambiguous and a major stretch to even label it as fanservice.
CS Numbers – Cry Out With My Heart two girls go on a road trip
Bumkey – Bad Girl The female character keeps on flirting with the male character but in the end it turns out he’s into guys
4minute – Whatcha Doin’ Today? Jihyun may have accidently made two guys go from fighting each other to kissing each other, not to mention Gayoon has some lesbian vibes throughout the mv
i11evn – Porn Star  Feat. Suprema in the lyrics he talks about being bi (watch out for Suprema using, rather seemingly misusing the dreaded term “no homo”)
Gain (Brown Eyed Girls) – Two Women some interpret this song to have lesbian themes
Infinite Flow – Rainbow Feat. Kim Jong Wan of Nell the lyrics depict the depression and desperation of being gay in korea (sidenote: a personal favourite of mine that I discovered years and years ago and it still has a very emotional effect on me)
Dynamic Duo – Heartbreaker Feat. Kim Jong Wan of Nell the anger and sadness of struggling with homosexuality in korea in the lyrics, the mv’s plot ignores the song’s meaning
Epik High - AMOR FATI Feat. Kim Jong Wan of Nell In the very words of Tablo “I wrote 'Amor Fati' for people who are mistreated because they were born the way they are.”
IU – Peach, Red Queen, Everyone has Secrets feat. Gain of Brown Eyed Girls Peach was written in dedication to former f(x) member Sulli. Red Queen’s lyrics also romanticise a girl and it is said to yet again be about Sulli. The lyrics of Everyone has secrets can be very relatable to the lgbt community.
Nam Tae Hyun (Winner) – I’m Young a love song where the lyrics only mention a masculine pronoun
2YOON – Why Not these lyrics can be interpreted as gay
EXO – Playboy, They Never Know The lyrics of Playboy make more sense when you interpret as a secret gay relationship. The live performances of this is the opposite of heterosexuality. (note: Jonghyun wrote Playboy). In They Never Know the lyrics have moments like “Love is Blind” and discussion an unconventional love, it is widely accepted to have a strong gay theme. Also special mention to their 2017 winter album “Universe” for being completely 100% gender neutral
Oh My Girl – Knock Knock Girls singing about girls
Black Nut – Beenzino Black Nut takes his fanboying for Beenzino to the next level
Jonghyun – 02:34, Monodrama, Cocktail, most of these songs have light gay themes, and make more sense when interpreted as gay. You delve even deeper into his discography and interpret them in a gay light.
Gain & Minseo - Imi Oneun Sori (The Footsteps of My Dear Love) From the OST of the Korean film The Handmaiden, which itself has lesbian themes.
NCT’s Ten - Dream in a Dream This is a bit of a reach but the inclusion of Lucas in some of the scenes of this MV is an interesting choice. Also I would like to give a shout out to NCT U (Ten & Taeyong) - Baby Don’t Stop, for being a lowkey gay tune even if nothing about it can be pointed out as explicitly gay. He has released a song called New Heroes, which lyrically talks about standing up for what you believe in and working hard to get successful whilst facing adversary, which is a great message, but with Ten’s almost meme-like status of being a “confident gay” (despite not actually being out) this song has definitely made a lot of people claim it as gay anthem, make of it as you will (I feel conflicted about this; 1. he’s not standing up for the gays as a gay person if he isn’t out and people shouldn’t pressure him to do so, especially when he is a foreigner in s.korea; 2. it’s all well and good to quietly within the fanbase to joke about confident/panicked gays, or gay icons, but it can go too far, especially when it becomes their branding and only personality trait to both fans and the broader (western) kpop fanbase. these issues also apply to many like Sunmi and Taemin.)
Twice - What is Love? The girls take turns in depicting and parodying famous cinematic couples, so fanservice based crossdressing and gayness.
and hopefully plenty more to come ~
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R: "...None of them have queerbaited...you all wanted the rest of them to be gay so badly because you were threatened by the women in their lives that were in another league than you, and you knew Niall was the "safe one" because he was unofficially deemed as the "ugly one.""
I normally don't even respond to people but your ignorance is getting so much on my nerves that I'd be mad if I didn't respond.
First of all, honey, I most definitely didn't feel 'threatened' by their girlfriends because, guess what, I'm a lesbian. Don't make assumptions based on two sentences. You don't know anything about me and your whole "you feel threatend and want to date the guys" theory is BS. 
Second of all, they did queerbait. The biggest baiter by far, far is Harry. Then Ziam and lastly Louis. But Niall has done no queerbaiting, at least not that I'm aware of. I didn't want to focus on the negativity and be like "the boys are queerbaiters and that's fucking disrespectful" and instead wanted to focus on the positive and appreciate Niall. 
Both Louis and Harry profit extremely from Larry. Their fanbases would be so much smaller if there were no Larries. I don't feel like going too much into it bc it's honestly not my job to show you the obvious I'll leave you with this:
Why is it that Harry avoids labeling his sexuality? Yes, it is his right not to do it but it's not okay to be a baiter. He avoids the question, he doesn't even say labeling makes him uncomfortable (which I get) but just that he doesn't feel the need to do it. You know, there's a difference between saying "yeah I like men" or "I don't care about the sex but the person" and actually labeling yourself. He easily could have said sth of the sort. But bc he went with 'I don't feel the need to label myself' people can always say he isn't baiting bc he's part of the community. I highly doubt he's closeted bc a closeted person would have said 'No, I'm not gay or bi. I'm straight' 
Also, I hate how he claims the pride flag without being part of the community. Worse part is that Harries act like he's some kind of gay icon while we do have gay and bisexuel singers like Sam, Troye, Halsey and Hayley which don't get enough support bc of baiters like Harry
And you honestly can't tell me that there was no homoeroticism on the early days of 1d, no fan service whatsoever. It's a marketing strategy and if you consider how many Larries were in the 1d fandom and now stan Harry and Louis individually, I think it worked really well
(And no, I'm not a Harry hater. It's just that he's the biggest baiter which makes it easier to take him as an example. Liam and Zayn did use Ziam for their own profit too, just not to the same extent as Harry did)
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