#hunger to me is the symptoms of low blood sugar
mayasaura · 2 months
turns out I am not immune to dungeon meshi's propaganda
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gray--abyss · 19 days
abyse gave me their phone to make this post. im their partner :]
i havent been in the phandom for years but i distinctly remember a lot of the "ghost hunger" headcanons. the idea itself is interesting, but most of the time it just seemed like an excuse to make danny feral or write gore. which isnt necessarily bad, it just usually wasnt done in an interesting way imo.
i thought of my own version of this headcanon: when ghosts exist outside of the ghost zone for too long, they experience a kind of hypoglycemia from a lack of ectoplasmic energy, and thus need to consume it via eating it or just returning to the ghost zone to refuel. it happens more often for half-ghosts, since theyre basically never in the ghost zone to begin with and are already tied to the mortal realm via their human half.
i myself am hypoglycemic, so its fun to project my problems onto the characters i like.
i imagine the first time it happens to danny, his parents do some tests and are very confused, because "your symptoms are almost exactly that of low blood sugar, but your blood sugar levels look mostly okay?" he might have lower blood sugar just from being a half-ghost lol. maddie has glucose pills stocked for emergencies so they give him that and hover over him to try and figure out whats wrong, but eventually he manages to sneak away and ask vlad wtf is going on, to which vlad is like "ah. right. that" and gives him some advice plus a warning that such a thing can and will be fatal if he doesnt take it seriously.
thats it for the post, giving the phone back to abyss now. bye
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chaotic-average-child · 5 months
Idk if the shaky feeling I get when hungry is low blood sugar but I do have family history of diabetes but this is the main symptom making me concerned.
Especially since I don't think I should have been that hungry? I'd eaten bean burgers not that long ago (tho I'm realizing as I'm typing that might have been all I ate.. but I slept till 5 and it's hard to eat when you're asleep)
Last night I pretty much binged the entire meat section of my fridge (dunno if that's the right word since I don't think I have a binge related Ed but it was spontaneous hunger like keep me up hunger and I just kept eating and eating but I was still hungry.)
I'd say it's cause of my poor sleep schedule recently but this has been continuous for a few years now, since I was a little kid really... I just either forget to eat then get horribly Shakey or eat and still get horribly shaky and eat and eat and eat till the feeling goes away... Which ik isn't helpful and I should probably just eat something small and wait for it to register, but my mind and body just feel ravenous and I just keep eating.
Idk, I just wanted to bring it up because no way am I gonna sit and get my blood drawn again ever. I don't even wanna use my grandpa's blood sugar tester when he offers because i can't stand the needle thing. If there is a problem w my blood sugar or whatever I am not getting anywhere near a needle no matter what anyone says.
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aturinfortheworse · 1 year
Lately I've been testing this theory that low blood sugar/not enough food is a migraine trigger for me. I'm not so good at eating prophylactically right now (tho when you eat more, your hunger cues can get stronger so there is a feedback loop there) but eating when I start to get symptoms seems to be helping. Way too early to tell but I'd say it's a promising start.
I keep waking up hungry at 6am and having to find something to eat immediately, which ends up being my good snacks, like expensive gluten free biscuits that I don't normally rely on to fill me up but like, no fucking way I'm cooking a meal at 6am. It's bad enough just having to eat a meal at 6am.
I basically have to have a constant supply of cake in the house in order to have food that I can eat at any time (and which doesn't cost me $7 a day, before I've even had any cooked meals.) You know who makes the cake?? ME. I HAVE TO MAKE IT. And then it takes up half a shelf in the fridge!! And there aren't even that many cake recipes I really like.
Yesterday I cooked TWICE. And neither time did I have leftovers! And I still woke up hungry because the two meals were breakfast and lunch, not dinner. HOW DO PEOPLE LIVE THIS WAY.
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kontextmaschine · 1 year
on the weight-loss thing, is your position that taking lots of creatine would make many/most people lose weight? if so, why do you think that hasn't been discovered previously?
No, it is not. My issue in particular is long covid effects interrupting the conversion of blood sugar to ATP energy and rendering it inefficient or otherwise unable to meet full muscle demand even at rest.
Taking the creatine I am able to produce enough energy to fill the hole by breaking down stored fat, otherwise I would experience strong fatigue.
Creatine gives the ability to break down fat for energy, it does not cause it. A normal healthy person even on this much creatine would preferentially power her muscles from converting blood sugar.
If she did exercise that took her beyond the limits of what she could generate that way – reps of a heavy weight, say – then creatine-mediated generation would matter, and by taking creatine she could do more exercise and burn more fat (and build more muscle) there, but even then nowhere near my current level. And she would have to do that exercise.
If on the other hand she attempted to drop her aerobic energy generation to my level by severe restriction of sugar and carbs (which the body processes to sugar on an intermediate timeframe) she would experience hunger, macronutrient shortages, and other negative effects I don't – I've had no problem with low blood sugar symptoms like lightheaded dizziness, for example.
If you do any exercise that involves going as hard as you can for as long or as many times as you can ("oh gosh, this is as many reps of this many plates I can do right now" counts) creatine can make it even more productive but it's not a miracle powder, it just lines up with my one weird-ass plague symptom in the exact right way (at first I wasn't even interested in the weight loss, I just appreciated that it could get me out from a fatigue so deep I had to manually breath in order to fully cycle the air in my lungs)
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amentireankhet · 2 years
Chakra Healing
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In this post I will be discussing the chakras in our Physical Body.
I will be covering information on :
- Balanced Chakras
- Unbalanced Chakras
- How to Heal & Balance Chakras
- Affirmations for each Chakra
- Crystals for each Chakra
Hope this helps. 🙏🏽
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The first Chakra is the Root Chakra. It is located at the Base of our Spine. It represents Earth Element & is Red in color.
Balanced Root Chakra makes a person Grounded, Stable, Secure, Connected to Nature, Nurturing, Courageous, Self Sufficient, Patient, Instinctual.
People with Balanced Root Chakra serve others but also take responsibility for themselves. They have strong survival skills & stamina.
Unbalanced Root Chakra symptoms - Anger, Victim Mentality, Fearful, Ungrounded, Addictive patterns, Toxic Co-Dependency, Inability to cope with life.
People with Balanced Root Chakra serve others but also take responsibility for themselves. They have strong survival skills & stamina.
Ways to Heal & Balance Root Chakra:
Via Music - C note (LAM), Tribal Music, Rhythmic or Shamanic Beats.
You can practice Tribal Dancing, Drumming, take Massages, Walk in Nature, Walk Barefoot, practice Iyengar Yoga.
Red & Black, some brown Crystals heal the Root Chakra.
Affirmations for Root Chakra -
I am Grounded & connected to my roots.
I let go of my past, my fears, my worries.
I am Stable & Secure.
Physical Ailments -
Digestive issues, Pain in legs, feet, knees, hips, sciatica, eating disorders, immune system problems, prostrate issue.
Mental Ailments -
Anxiety, low self esteem, depression, jealousy, co-dependency, phobias & addictions, indecisiveness, feeling of not belonging.
Other issues -
Quality of Life is low, Financial instability, Strain on relationships, Issues of hunger, shelter.
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The second Chakra is Sacral. It represents the element of Water & is Orange in color.
With an unbalanced Sacral one becomes overly critical & punishes themselves, lack creativity. Also problems with Sexual issues (rejecting or excessive sex), overly self sacrificing of own needs.
With a Balanced Sacral one experiences Abundance, Sensuality, Joy, Physical Wellness. A person feels good about themselves & knows they deserve good, they feel intimate with self & others, they have a healthy sexual life. They enjoy creative pursuits.
To Heal & Balance Sacral Practice Yoga, Dancing, get Deep Tissue Massage.
Music - D Note (VAM), Flow with the Beat of the Music.
Orange crystals are perfect for Sacral Chakra healing.
Affirmations for Sacral -
I feel good about my body.
I embrace & celebrate my sexuality.
Creativity flows freely through me.
Physical ailments of Sacral -
Urinary Issues, Menstrual Problems, infertility, Gynecological Issues, Lower Back Pain, Kidney Issues.
Other blocks include issues with Intimacy, the lack or sense of purpose.
Mental Ailments -
Guilt & Shame, Emotional Imbalance, Creative Blocks, Over Eating, Manipulative, Detached or Too Attached, Apathy, Co-Dependency, Emotional Outbursts.
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The Third Chakra is Solar Plexus. Its element is Fire, & color is Yellow.
With a Balanced or Open Solar Plexus a person has confidence, inner strength, determination, sense of identity, personal power, free will. A person is purposeful, a warrior with self-worth & self-awareness.
With an Unbalanced Solar a person is subservient, always & too eager to please others, seeks approval, is too needy, & experiences inner restlessness.
To Heal or Balance Solar Plexus one can Hike, Bike, Do Ab exercises, Practice Yoga, Qigong. Via Music - E Note (RAM pronounced as Rum), empowering & stimulating music. Yellow & Brown crystals work really well with healing Solar Plexus.
Affirmations for Solar Plexus -
I am Powerful, Strong & Confident.
I am Enough, just as I am.
I am aligned with my Life Purpose.
Physical Ailments associated with Solar Plexus -
Poor Health Liver Problems Glycemic issues (blood sugar) Issue with Spleen, Gallbladder Fatigue Poor Digestion Ulcers.
Mental Ailments -
Low Confidence & Self-Esteem, Anger, Lack of Motivation, Lack of Purpose, Decision making issues, Depression, Apathy, Insecurity, Weakness, Lack of mental balance, Inactive.
Quality of life with unbalanced solar plexus makes one feel stuck. One doubts that they cannot have a good future & they constantly feel like they don’t have what they want.
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Fourth chakra is the Heart Chakra. It’s represented by Air Element & its color is Green.
An Unbalanced Heart Chakra represents conditional love, challenges receiving love, lack of self love, indifference, need for recognition.
A person with a Balanced Heart Chakra practices Unity Consciousness, they love unconditionally, feel love, peace, are generous, compassionate, innocent, radiate warmth, are sincere, giving, forgiving, a healer. They live in harmony with themselves.
To heal or balance heart chakra you can practice Meditation, Yoga, Contemplation, Letting Go, Emotional Release Therapy.
Via Music - F Note (YAM pronounced as Yum), Classical music, New Age music, Meditation music.
Green & Pink Crystals can be used to heal Heart Chakra.
Affirmations for Heart Chakra -
I accept & love myself & others, unconditionally.
I forgive those who hurt me, I also forgive myself.
I am open to loving, healthy & nurturing relationships.
Physical Ailments for Heart Chakra -
Heart related Issues, Respiratory problems, Chronic Fatigue, Upper Back Pain, Asthma, Allergies.
Mental Ailments -
Anxiety, Depression, Trust Issues.
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Fifth Chakra is Throat Chakra. Its represented by Ether or Sound & Sky Blue Color.
Unbalanced Throat Chakra makes a person too shy, too quiet, too introverted or overly extroverted. They suppress their expressions, have difficulty setting boundaries & saying no, fear judgement.
With a Balanced Throat Chakra one expresses their Truth with confidence, a good communicator, expressive, practice self expression easily like laughing, talking, singing, crying. A person is creative, Sets boundaries & says No & has a strong willpower.
To Balance or Open Throat Chakra one can practice singing, chanting, Deep Breathing, Laughter Therapy, Yoga, Sighing.
Via Music - G Note (Ham pronounced as Hum), Meditative music.
Blue stones work really well with Throat Chakra.
Affirmations for Throat Chakra -
I can say No when it is necessary.
I express myself with clarity & freely.
Physical Ailments -
Sore Throat, Thyroid issues, Dental issues, TMJ, Neck Pain, Stiffness, Swollen Glands, Voice Problems, Laryngitis, Unknown Fevers.
Mental Ailments -
Addictions, Inability to say No, Trouble finding words or expressing Quiet or Loud, Confused about Self, Indecisive.
Other issues include being involved in low vibrational things - gossiping, speaking out of turn, behavior issues, dishonest, too self centered or ignore self, taken advantage of or taking advantage of others, lack of creativity.
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Sixth Chakra is Third Eye Chakra. It represents Ether & Light elements. The color is Indigo.
With an Unbalanced Third Eye one can be too intellectual or logical or completely lack logical reasoning, too judgemental or too conscious, very rigid, confused, reject spirituality.
With a Balanced Third Eye one is wise, intuitive, knowledgeable, imaginative, clairvoyant, has wisdom & faith in higher power or source, perceptive, psychic, practices mindfulness, discernment.
To Balance, Open or Heal Third Eye you can Meditate, Practice Mindfulness, Tai Chi, Yoga, Go out in the Sun.
Via Music - A Note (Om)
Indigo Blue, Dark Blue or Violet Crystals work well with Third Eye Chakra.
Affirmations for Third Eye -
I live in the Present.
I am open to receiving messages & wisdom from my Ancestors, Angels, Guides.
I am connected to my Intuition.
I listen to my intuition.
Physical Ailments associated with Third Eye -
Headaches, Ear Issues, Vision Problems, Hearing Problems, Dizziness, Nausea, Sinuses, Stress, Insomnia.
Some other issues are struggling through life & having relationship struggles. Inability to make decisions, or see the big picture.
Mental Ailments -
Anxiety, Poor Decision Making, Memory Problems, Learning Problems, Mental Fog, Hallucinations, Delusions, Paranoia, Self Doubt, Overwhelmed.
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The seventh chakra is the Crown Chakra. It’s represented by the element of Ether & Thought. The color associated with it is White & Violet.
Unbalanced Crown makes a person arrogant, egoist, separate from all, aloof. A person experiences lack of calm & is too set in their ways.
A person with a Balanced Crown is a Guru or Teacher. They have beauty, grace. They are selfless, calm, enlightened, blissful, understanding. They practice stillness, silence. Feel connected to all & believe in Oneness of All. Understand Divine Intervention & connected to Source.
Ways to Balance, Heal Crown is practicing Yoga, Connecting with Nature, Universe, Self, Practicing Stillness.
Via Music - B Note (Om)
White, Violet & Rainbow color Crystals work best with Crown Chakra.
Affirmations for Crown -
I understand deeper truth & connection.
I am protected & guided at all times.
I listen to the wisdom of the Universe.
Physical Ailments of Crown Chakra -
Insomnia, Alzheimers, Psychological Disorders, Neurological Disorders, Nerve Pain, Headaches.
Other issues are self destructive & self sabotaging behaviors, bad life choices, poor relationships with others, self, Divine.
Mental Ailments -
Inability to connect with self, others & Divine, Depression, Disconnected, Discontent, Frustrated, Loneliness, Feeling Lost, Sadness, Lack of Direction.
Be mindful of your own lives & patterns of behavior. Of course no one is perfect, but by acting towards our highest good & that of others we can make changes that can help us grow & evolve.
Evolution is a must. Our intentions & actions determines our fate. We have Free Will & we must try to make the best use of it to achieve our Life Purpose. Effort is up to us, result is up to the Universe. Good Luck.
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petalbypetalmyself · 2 months
93/366 | Now, this sounds familiar
Like I mentioned yesterday, my weight went up. But after lifting weights and HIIT and overeating I expected it.
Ah, but even if I expected it, seeing how I wasn't as lean as I was the past couple of days, I tell you, it hasn't been easy, or comfortable.
While I worked out I listened to a Coaching Call by Jen on Discomfort. And it felt like listening to things I know but don't apply. I know that I should move more and sit through urges or uncomfortable feelings, instead of eating or smoking my way out of discomfort. Because that's an easy way out that has terrible results for my overall health and contentment.
Today I felt an urge while cooking and I ate 40gr of bread. And then smoked. I end up eating a toast with avocado and a salmon tin for lunch, an apple for dessert and three rice cakes with mermelade. Now I'm hungry but I cannot eat because later I will have to eat my dinner, which is the Mediterranean Salmon recipe from Best Body, and that's around 400 kcals, which would bring my calories to 1600+, which is what I'm supposed to eat maximum for weight loss. Hunger doesn't really make me uncomfortable because I associate it with weight loss, but for it to work I mustn't overeat later, and/or smoke.
It's normal to feel a little hungry when we're losing weight. Everyone says so.
My commitment to Best Body has definitely been declining and it shows. But I want to change that. I must believe I can change that little by little, and more than in the kitchen it starts with mindset work. And I'm going to start with urges. It's the work.
And it is also this work—
Is Your Quit Date this Week?
If your quit date is any day during this plan, follow the plan as instructed, but we’ll make 2 changes to make the first smokefree week easy for you.
1. Have the Vitamin C Power Smoothie for Breakfast
Drink it every morning on your first 7 nicotine-free days - even if you quit in the middle of a detox week. For example, if you quit in the middle of week 2, drink the vitamin C smoothie for 7 days, which means drinking it for half of week 2 and half of week 3. And then go on with the instructions of the week you’re on. 
Drinking this smoothie will help you reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms of dizziness, brain fog, irritation & tiredness (that are due to low blood sugar levels). Also, this smoothie reduces cravings because it’s high in vitamin C. Vitamin C, which most smokers are deficient in, not only boosts your immune system, but it can alleviate withdrawal symptoms as severe as those of heroin!
2. Avoid Refined Sugar 
When you quit smoking, avoid everything that contains refined sugar.
Sugar (that’s in desserts, cookies, chips, biscuits, pastries, white bread, crackers, sodas, sports drinks, pre-made cold drinks) causes inflammation and puts your body in an acidic state, which intensifies the withdrawal and the cravings. Sugar also increases cortisol, the stress hormone.
Even one cookie can make your sugar levels spike and crash, which will cause cravings, dizziness, and irritation.
It’s best to stay away from sugar for at least a month after you quit. But if that’s not possible, stay away from sugar for your first 7 nicotine-free days. Watch this video to learn more about sugar and why it’s bad for you.
Follow these steps, and you’ll be surprised how much easier you’ll find the withdrawal!
A while ago I purchased this Detox plan to quit smoking and I want to combine it with Best Body. For seven days I'm not to consume sugar or starches, but three weeks from there there will be weeks that I can and others that I cannot. If I achieve this, it will mean that I can stay away from sugar for a full 30 days.
3 Things to Do Before You Get Started 1. Measure yourself The day before starting the plan, please measure your arm, chest, waist, hips, and leg, and make a note of your starting measurements. If you want, take a photo of yourself front and profile. It’s best not to weigh yourself during the 4 weeks. The reason is that scales show water retention, which can be misleading. If you want, you can measure yourself every week to see how your body is changing, or you can weigh yourself before and after the plan. 2. Check and buy the ingredients for week 1 If you have questions, check the FAQ you’ll find each week’s video, and if you can’t find your answer there, email our team at [email protected] 3. Write 10 reasons why you’re doing this detox plan and why it’s important to you Once you have your list of 10 reasons, keep it somewhere you can see it at all times (fridge, wallet, photo on your phone) and look at it whenever you need some motivation.
10 reasons why I'm doing this Detox Plan:
I want to prove myself I can quit smoking.
I want to prove myself I can go without inflammatory foods.
I want to test whether this plan works, if my measurements stay the same.
I want to quit smoking to have brighter teeth.
I want to quit smoking not to stink or be afraid I could stink of smoke.
I want to learn how to eat more whole foods.
I want more energy. Food shouldn't make us feel bloated or heavy.
If I have a plan, I will have structure, and I can start achieving more on a personal level.
I don't want any mood swings that aren't justifiable by external factors.
I want to be free.
What foods do I normally consume that have sugar in them?
Rice/corn cakes (though I buy them sugar free, they have salt so I'm putting them in there)
Crackers (salt too)
Chocolate (<99%)
Dairy products (especially cheese, since kefir and yogurt have at least probiotics)
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Today's workout was a 30 minute upper body.
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gossamer-and-grace · 3 months
My Method Behind This Madness
A general note: I don’t count calories, or weigh myself. I’ve done both before and they never led anywhere good, and certainly not to lasting success. I need a floor to my ED or else I will fall—and have fallen—through entirely. I believe in high restriction. My best results have come from this, and from eating not according to numbers but appearance, how I look in the mirror. Dysmorphia and self-loathing are real, but I don’t suffer from them, so what I see and how I feel about it guide my diet. I eat only when hungry and stop not when I’m full, but when I don’t “feel anything”—neither hunger nor satiety. Just stability. Sometimes this hunger expresses itself through the symptoms of low blood sugar, which for me is fatigue, irritability, and pessimism.
1. I do count calories as perfectly exchangeable: calories consumed plus calories forgone can equal zero.
2. I can dismiss the calories in liquids either as necessities (they keep me full and prevent eating solid foods) or temporary (I can “pee” them out. Delusional, I know). Calories to me seem more substantial and consequential when they occur in solid foods. Therefore, I’m unafraid and unaffected by things like juice in water, oat milk in my tea, milk on its own, even a protein shake. The single sweet potato I provide for myself also comes from experience: not pooping regularly generally indicates a bad state of affairs, and it means accumulated weight. Fiber is important.
3. Veggies are my ultimate safe food, so long as they’re not starchy. No calorie within them counts; I only “count” their nutrients and their necessity, and under this guise of health-consciousness I am able to allow myself the nourishment I need to live in a skinny body. Protein is less a comfort but I cope with it as a necessity, and allow it as such. When I’m eating solid foods, I will shift to eliminating superfluous calories: no more juices. No carbs in this case, but this will be hard to stick to, and I imagine I won’t; that’s okay, I cope by saying I accompany my nutrients with carbs to give them sticking power in my stomach. Another necessity, in my eyes, and therefore a forgivable one.
4. This speaks to a personal and career goal of mine; if you wish to adopt any parts of my model, here you may insert any activity you want to do regularly or passionately, but may not be able to for whatever reason. Compassion for yourself is important when you’re already starving your cells.
5. I will put the fat I accumulated to good use. Here I think of a big brown bear lumbering off to her hole in the ground to sleep for 6 months and emerge lithe, sturdy though weakened, beautiful and fresh the next spring. I think also of a fat caterpillar gorging itself on leaves (which are starch, to me) and then retreating into a self-enforced period of isolation, starvation, perfection—the walls of a paper prison that she constructed around herself from which she will burst. Lithe. Sturdy though weakened. Beautiful and fresh. That will be me.
Finally, the last sentence is a snippet of a longer quote that triggers me. Again, if you wish to adopt any parts of my model, here you may insert any memory (memories work the best) that stir a strong feeling and renew your resolve for your goals.
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eos-exp · 3 months
I have seen paradise and the divine power has killed part of my soul. I live in a large city but it doesn’t really have many cultural activities or attractions that interest me, and i live a fairly simple and boring life. At least from the perspective of an average person. But recently i went to india. For two weeks i was constantly given extremely good food in tremendous amounts, and i was constantly shown interesting historical sites, people I hadn’t met in ages, akd the general vibe of india. Upon returning home i have lost ALL appetite. For the first to days back here i simply forgot to eat, and then the low blood sugar symptoms set in. Now I’m nauseous and i can barely stand the sight of food. I have no clue how this is happening. I don’t think i have an infection. I’ll just imagine that the food in india was so good and heavy that it damaged my perception of taste and the feeling of hunger.
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darksideofthemoonpie · 4 months
I know I'm a week late, but I'm ready to try to lose weight again.
Scale at lunch said 205.8
Toooo too much
I've been taking two pepcid the last couple days and it's helping with the excessive hunger.
I made it to dinner without eating all day.
Right after dinner I felt exhausted 😩
It wasn't even a large meal, just a bowl of ravioli.
It was like, "I wanna go lay down," exhausted.
I search in Google because, well, why not?
Says that fatigue after eating is a symptom of diabetes. (Blood sugar goes too high.)
I have a monitor that I probably should replace. I've had it for years and usually only check it if it feels low during fasting. So I checked it one hour after eating.
This was the result:
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So within the normal range. No diabetes.
What else could it be? anything?
I felt like this yesterday after dinner and I ended up going to bed at 7 I was so tired.
It makes me not want to eat anything.
Maybe I shouldn't 🤷‍♀️
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a-shared-experience · 6 months
I guess it’s hard for me to understand why other people don’t understand ..
I’m not some save the world do - gooder who lives in magical frou frou la la land but here’s the thing …
Christmas is an extremely difficult time when you’re poor and alone because society has deemed it this magical frou frou la land where everyone has tons of material gifts, delicious food, cozy fireplaces and loved ones wearing matching flannel.
I guess if that’s what yours is like , try imagining waking up freezing cold in a tent, wearing the same outfit you’ve had on for a month, soaking wet socks , trench foot… happy you didn’t get raped … or robbed of the last meaningful belonging you’ve managed to keep with you. You’re lucky to have a 5 piece to smoke to drown out the loneliness and dissociate from your own hunger.
Then you have to drag all those big emotions around as you walk to whatever service is closest to you and eat dinner with strangers who also happen to be in crisis. At best you’ll get a smile or a hug from an outreach worker who tells you they care about you before they themselves retreat back to their homes.
I think it’s human nature to want revenge when someone has stolen your dignity. Even if we find ways to control those urges I highly doubt anyone is high and mighty enough to not think about payback , a way to settle the score. If you’ve got something to lose it’s a little easier to talk yourself down but imagine having nothing.
To be honest, jail is often highly considered when one doesn’t have adequate shelter or access to meals or healthcare. At least it’s warm and there’s showers and toilets and fresh sweat pants.
So if you take everything away, that leaves a person with many needs and few options to meet them.
If we don’t care about them, we can’t expect them to care about us. Don’t be surprised if the week before Christmas you see a spike in our crime rates following encampment closures.
When encampments are moved this further displaces the already displaced. It doesn’t equate to someone being sheltered. We often see widespread infectious disease because people can’t be found and can’t be treated and the issues can’t be contained. Shigella outbreak is real, viral pneumonia is real, covid 19 is real, influenza is real , hepatitis a/b/ c is real, hiv/ aids is real… the list is endless.
When emotional instability and physical discomfort becomes too much for an individual to control they often turn to something external to regulate themselves - for instance: substances of any kind. With little money and a terrifying toxic illegal drug market this leads to increase of substance poisoning and related health issues such as cardiac arrest, frost bite, severe wounds, low blood sugar, etc- which increases our need for emergency medical services both in short and long term duration which is funded by tax dollars and puts strain on our already collapsing system.
This causes traumatic injury to the affected person and oftentimes to the community at large, including our first responders. Sirens alone cause a flare up in symptoms related to post traumatic stress disorder for many individuals. In the current global public health crisis it is common for such events to lead to fatality. Many of my coworkers have pulled a body out of a tent , but not as many as they’ve found scattered along our sidewalks because there’s nowhere to go.
Yes encampments are unsafe, being unhoused is pretty fucking unsafe but we are ok with that because we equate it to personal failure and personal responsibility. Yes they are messy because we do not recognize that people will consume waste whether they pay rent or not and we do not provide city initiatives such as garbage pick up , washroom facilities , showers or any thing of the sort. You’ll notice that many encampments are within a few blocks of our biggest metro police station and that the garbage tends to get piled up in a specific area because survival is similar to our version of thriving and yet it is unsupported in every essential way.
We don’t seem to actually care about anyone’s safety or dignity or worth. We are too self absorbed and concerned with our imaginary image being upheld.
See I’m not really a do gooder but more of a big picture kinda person…
I see everyone’s little images
None of them look very perfect , maybe that’s the Virgo in me ;)
Just some things to think about I suppose.
When I came back from my pedicure I checked on some folks hanging out in my parking stall
“ you good?” I asked
“ yep” one of them mutters back
Define good right?
I couldn’t help but notice how clean my stall was…
It’s called respect , dignity, compassion… it goes along way…
Such big progress in 24 hours , I’ve got a better track record than the Edmonton police that’s for sure.
But who I am…
What do I know
Happy holidays
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305-blog-post · 1 year
Diabetes is such a pain in my ass. Oftentimes diabetes gets made fun of or has stigmas that are often joked about. These jokes can be insensitive and hurtful to those who live with the chronic illness. I was 12-years-old when I was first diagnosed. Prior to my diagnosis, I had been throwing up, feeling very weak, and peeing 7-10 times a day. I didn't think much of it at first because I just felt the discomfort of being hyperglycemic. I was in the hospital for 2 days and remember seeing my parents come in tearing up. I guess while in the hospital, the permanency of the disease hadn’t hit me yet and the hunger I felt took up most of the free space in my head. While in the hospital, my sister brought out my PS3 for me to distract me from the famine I felt. They starved me in the hospital and only allowed me to eat ice for 2 days. Nowadays, diabetes is still a pain and remains a constant factor I have to think about in my day to day life. One of the ways diabetes affects me is through hypoglycemics. When I’m hypoglycemic, or my blood sugar’s low, I start to feel very weak and lightheaded. The only way to resolve my low blood sugar is to eat something. There was one time in middle school that my blood sugar was low and I walked away from the lunch table with my friends to go grab something to resolve it. When I came back, I overhead one of my bestfriends telling the group that I only had diabetes because I was fat. I didn't know what to say so I walked back and ignored what they had said, but it really did hurt deep down. The second main inconvenience that comes with diabetes is when my blood sugar’s high. During these times, my stomach starts to hurt and I get an awful headache along with other symptoms. The only solution is to inject insulin into myself. These are just a few of the inconveniences I experience in my day-to-day life as a diabetic. Hopefully you can reflect on the way you view diabetes and instead of encouraging jokes, perhaps ask a diabetic if they’d like a candy bar.
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[#Exposed 2022] ColonBroom Reviews| Weight Loss Formula |Colon Broom Weight Loss Read Customer Reviews
What is ColonBroom?
ColonBroom Reviews have been popular among the obese population due to their unique working process and enchanting benefits that really helped me to get through overweight problems. As a result, I am enjoying a great life with a healthy lifestyle. This is a weight loss supplement that primarily focuses on keeping blood sugar and insulin level normal by promoting appetite suppressants and calorie management.
ColonBroom resolves health problems?
Being overweight brings you a lot of negativity in life which is hard to manage but still obese people are living with Obesity challenges. ColonBroom Reviews  it annoying and some have found a way to live with such problems. Overweight problems are cardiovascular issues, heart problems, high blood sugar levels, insulin resistance and high body fat storage.
ColonBroom results in fat loss naturally
ColonBroom Reviews is a natural fat loss supplement that takes a perfect opportunity to make the targeted changes in the diet as well as in the body without any side effects. Firstly, it helps to target the vital causes of such problems by addressing the symptoms of being obese e.g. insatiable hunger cravings, low metabolic rate and high sedentary problems.
ColonBroom Reviews manufacturers are not making unrealistic claims but have scientifically accepted evidence that the pill works A web application is available on the official website to collect data about the intended customers, such as their age, current weight, and target weight.
How Does ColonBroom Work?
ColonBroom Reviews induces ketosis within the body. Ketosis refers to a state in which your body burns fat for energy and not carbs. ColonBroom Reviews  this natural process, but it happens much faster. The standard method of ketosis is slow, but this supplement speeds it up to help you lose weight and eliminate excess calories.
What are the ingredients in ColonBroom?
This natural dietary weight loss supplement contains essential amino acid compounds and plant extracts. These ingredients are natural and responsible for Prima's weight-reducing properties. ColonBroom Reviews has a variety of ingredients that all play a different role in weight loss. It is manufactured under strict quality control, and the ingredients are of the highest quality.
How to Use ColonBroom?
One ColonBroom Reviews daily is all you need to help you lose weight.The ideal time to eat is between 15 and 30 minutes before your main meal. Choose the largest meal of your day with the most fat and calories. Take the whole tablet and drink two glasses of water
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gay-jesus-probably · 3 years
How to handle low blood sugar
NOTE: I do not have diabetes, and am not a doctor. My experience with low blood sugar episodes is entirely a result of my ADHD medication causing appetite suppression, which occasionally results in me not eating enough and getting low blood sugar. Whoops.
Low blood sugar episodes really suck, especially when you have no idea what's going on. And all of my episodes have happened late at night/early in the morning, and wake me up shortly before they kick off, so that just adds to the confusion and discomfort of the whole thing.
If you're having a low blood sugar episode, you'll always start heavily sweating (it's always a cold sweat for me). You'll probably also experience severe dizziness/vertigo, as well as hunger and/or nausea. This comes in waves. If the vertigo is bad enough, sit down and wait for it to pass. I've never actually thrown up from these episodes, but if you're worried about the nausea, it's a good idea to be sitting by a toilet, garbage can, bucket, or something of the like. The episode will only last a few minutes. Just keep breathing and ride it out.
Once you can stand again, you need to get sugar in your bloodstream ASAP; go eat/drink something that'll give you a quick boost. I find drinking a few glasses of orange juice usually works to stabilize me. Any other sort of fruit or fruit juice should do the trick. Fruity candy is also good; a handful of skittles or some starburst will do you a world of good right now. Soda will also help (provided it's not the sugar free kind).
Peanut butter, chocolate or ice cream can help, but they're not as good as the other stuff; the fat and protein will make them take longer to digest, so the sugar takes longer to hit your bloodstream. Go for them if you've had a bit of the faster acting stuff, or if you don't have anything better on hand.
After you've got yourself stabilized, eat something more substantial once you feel ready. If the episode woke you up, you can probably just have a snack and go back to bed once you're feeling better, but when you wake up again the first priority has to be breakfast. I find oatmeal is a good choice of meal, as it's quick/easy to make, and the carbs are good for you. Pro tip, just scoop some dry oatmeal into the bowl you're going to eat it out of, boil the kettle, and add that water to the bowl to mix it together right there. It's faster, and saves you from having to clean a pot of oatmeal.
Basically, if you have a low blood sugar episode, that means you didn't eat enough leading up to it, and your body is raising the alarm that you need to take care of it before it gets worse. If you don't get your blood sugar back up, the symptoms will get worse, and you will need medical intervention. If you don't take care of it when it's minor, you'll start to become confused and irritable, and develop slurred speech, muscle twitches, and mood swings. Severe low blood sugar can cause seizures and strokes, and will obviously end in death. Low blood sugar is not a good thing. Take care of the problem immediately.
Again, this is for non-diabetic people experiencing low blood sugar. If you're like me and just forgot to eat (adhd meds am i right), then there's really nothing to be done but try to get better at eating. Remember at least two meals a day, or at least snack heavily. Maybe start keeping track of calories to make sure you're getting enough? You don't need to have big 'proper' meals, just make sure to have something substantial. Personally I basically live off of pasta and cheese.
If you're on a diet that causes you to experience low blood sugar, then please take that as a massive red flag. Whatever diet your on is directly endangering your health. In the short term, your first priority is to stabilize your blood sugar, no matter what your diet says. In the long term, you should really stop dieting, or at least rework yours to be more generous. Rapidly losing weight is extremely dangerous, and in the long run it's much healthier for you to just stay 'overweight'. Also be aware that the standards for declaring a person overweight are extremely low, and it's unlikely that your doctor actually knows what the fuck they're talking about in this area. When I was new on ADHD meds and still getting used to managing the appetite loss, I forgot to eat so often that I was literally just skin and bones for awhile; my hip bones stuck out far enough that I could physically wrap my hands around them. I had low blood sugar episodes like every other week. When I was literally just a fucking skeleton, for the first time ever my BMI went from 'overweight' to 'just barely in the normal range'. The game is rigged against us. I know that 'not fat just big boned' is treated as a joke phrase, but seriously, the human skeleton comes in a variety of heights and widths, and the standard for 'too wide' is really god damn arbitrary. Don't count calories, don't starve yourself, just eat what you want when you're hungry, and focus on getting some regular exercise if you want to be healthier.
Anyways, low blood sugar sucks, but a minor episode is just uncomfortable, not dangerous. Take care of yourselves, alright?
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rpgwrites · 4 years
I saw you had a post about diabetes and I had a question... When your sugar is too low, or too high. How different are the symptoms? I know low is really bad but is high just as bad?
Hi, Nonny thank you so much for your ask!! I'm sorry for taking so long with this. I love speaking about diabetes related topics.
* Excess sweating
* Excessive hunger
* Fainting
* Fatigue
* Light-headedness
* Shakiness
* Increased thirst
* Frrequent urination
* Fatigue
* Nausea and vomitting
* Shortness of breath
* Stomach pain
* Fruity breath odor
* A very dry mouth
As can be seen some of these symptoms can overlap but others only occur when it's really high like vomitting.
Both high and low sugar is dangerous. Lows can even cause death as well as other problems. High blood sugar is dangerous but less dangerous than lows. But a long period of high blood sugar can result in complications which are very bad. High blood sugar over a long period can also cause something called ketones. This is more where the vomitting and fruity breath comes in. Ketones are very dangerous and when a diabetic have ketones they should get medical attention immediately as it's extremely dangerous.
When getting a low it should be treated immediately but it's not always possible like when the diabetic is asleep. They can wake up but other times the lows can make it hard for them to wake up. They might be confused and unable to treat the low themself and need help. It's also very hard to stay awake when this happens.
I hope this was helpful. Thanks again for asking and if you have any more questions feel free to ask me!
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crownquill · 4 years
..I see a lot of stuff relating to EDS talking about why you shouldn't eat and stuff so here is a list of why you should and need to eat/get help. Read it please just to humor me.
1. Food is fuel. And when you go about your day without food in your system, you’re basically running on empty. Your body will go haywire no cap.
2.Other low blood sugar symptoms can include shakiness, sweatiness, and irritability
3.When you skip a meal, your body starts to run low on its immediate glucose supply. Low blood sugar can zap your energy, making you feel sluggish and weak
4. It can be hard to think about anything but food when your brain and body are starved for energy. Not great for things like productivity at work, socializing with friends, or being a generally comfortable, content, and OK human being.
5.Then you binge to make up for it which SUPRISE isn't healthy either
6.“Skipping meals doesn’t only affect the nutrients you consume, but your ability to exercise and lead a healthy life
7.You will literally be unable to exercise soon because you dont have any fuel. You will feel weak and nauseas
8. You dont deserve this. Period. I dont fucking care who you are or what is happening in your life. If there are bullies tell them to fuck off. You dont need to change yourself. At least not like this.
9. This is deadly
10. You want to glow up not fucking die. (If you do then https://www.7cups.com)
11. 1-7 were what happens when you skip one meal yes. It does get much much worse. I will now say what happens when you dont eat enough for three days
12.  Dying of thirst, however, can happen within mere hours. Reminder to anyone reading this to love themselves (https://www.lifehack.org/articles/communication/30-ways-practice-self-love-and-good-yourself.html) and drink some water for fucks sake
13. Your breath with smell. You release ketone bodies through your breath. No this does not mean you are losing weight
14. You are losing water weight what you are doing isn't even effective
15.During times of starvation, the body preserves two organs and then shrinks the rest
16. Bitch do you want your literal organs to shrink instead of your body?
17. For men one of the organs that goes first is their testicles. (imma do two 17s bc this one is specific)
17. . As most people know too well, being hangry is combination of being hungry and irrational angry, and it can result in you lashing out at the people you love the most. And it's all caused by your brain running out of the energy it needs to make good decisions. (this only gets worse as you keep going)
18. In school? Expect your grades to slip. In work? Expect to get fired soon.
19. But things get really dire after 72 hours, when your brain decides it needs more than just ketones to survive. This is when your body starts to break down its own proteins so that it can use their amino acids to form glucose.
20 This means your body literally cannibalises itself and eats away at your muscle tissue just to stay alive.If you don't eat at this point, the break-down of your body will continue
21. and death can occur as little as three weeks after you stop eating - if you don't get sick from a lack of immune system-essential vitamins and minerals first.
22. You really wanna be at risk of getting sick? During a Pandemic?
23. Permanent damage to organs.
24. Permanent damage to your brain.
25. This also works even if you are eating something. If it isn't enough it doesn't count, period.
26. You will start to pass out and this decreases everything. You think your crush is going to care you look slim after you pass out in front of them? After you lash out at them from hunger? When your breath constantly smells?
27.Few people die directly from starvation because they usually die of an infectious disease first. Uh *cough cough* you will probably die of covid if you keep going.
28. Your skin and hair flakes and falls off. Say hello to thin hair.
29. . Kwashiorkor is a related disease that affects children who are protein-energy deficient and might result in edema and an enlarged and fatty liver, resulting in the distending of the children's bellies, providing the illusion that children who are starving are well-fed.
30. Basically, if you get that disease it’ll bloat your stomach and you’ll think you are gaining weight and starve yourself more.
31. When the person's death finally arrives, its most immediate cause is by cardiac arrhythmia or a heart attack brought on by either extreme tissue degradation brought about by autophagy, or severe electrolyte imbalances.
32. Think of other options. Do you want to die? Do you want to get covid/sick? Do you want your body to eat away at itself? First its passing out and losing focus, next is a heart attack. 
@oulemon >:{ you are a nice person but you need help. Now.
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