#hrarby about me
onwriting-hrarby · 1 year
Welcome // About me
Dear everyone,
This is Hera, a 29-year-old professional reader and aspiring writer. Here you can find some thoughts about writing, the process of writing, and literature. Little skittered memories and imprints of my life, like an impressionist painting. What inspires me, what angers me. Basically, an old-fashioned personal blog.
my socials: ao3
Find my Masterlist of Writing Advice here.
Find my Masterlist of works here.
Craft of writing / Writing advice: This is my talk about crafting, creativity and writing. I share my thoughts and my advice and a few behind-the-scenes on how I am crafting my story "Rotten Judgement".
Writing Diaries: I keep an almost-daily log in which I talk about the progress I make, my struggles and my writing worries. You might feel identified with it.
My musings and stories: in general, some personal thoughts and divagations about life. Also some snippets for works or drabbles.
Ask box: ask away for writing advice, general questions about my writing, personal questions, or just ramblings. I love to interact. Give me headcanons to work on drabbles, too, but bare in mind that I'm not very good at smut, so I don't think I can write horny stuff.
Talk to you soon,
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littlerosette · 7 months
Do you have any aot fic recs? It can be any pairing, genre, setting etc. I'm not too picky
plenty!! though, i have to preface that i haven’t been very good about reading new aot fic lately.
first of all, anything by bacondestiny is terrific. i know that it’s known that charlotte and i are good friends but she genuinely is one of the best, most naturally talented writers i’ve ever met. her style is absolutely sublime. my favorites though are ritual of love, let the awful song be heard, and the way home (one of the first aot fics i read coming back into the fandom).
i also really love anything by @karizard-ao3. she has a fantastic comedic voice in her writing and her eren characterization is among my favorites. my favorites from her are clueless teens and her office enemies au, but seriously. read everything from her.
@sinigangsta-ao3 is also a fantastic, fantastic writer. her style is beautiful and the characterization is perfect. mikasa is written with a little bit more steel in her spine than i normally see, which i loooove. my favorites are all the time i have — it’s yours and the formative years series. i don’t normally love modern aus but i completely fell head over heels for that one.
@strscrossed is also wonderful. i really do feel like she’s a master of variety because all of her aus feel so distinct and separate from one another. her prose is lovely too. so far i think her magnum opus is i killed the sun for you (her warlord au) but i’m enamored with her actor au as well (serendipity).
and i know this isn’t eremika but this jeankasa fic is wonderfullllll. i sobbed reading it.
@dead-dolphins also has an asoiaf au i haven’t been able to really dig my teeth into yet outside of reading a few chapters (i absolutely need to) but her writing is beautiful and id be remiss if i didn’t mention the promised princess. and @onwriting-hrarby has legendary fics such as rotten judgement. the subjects she tackles are so mature and she’s an extremely intelligent writer.
there’s a million other authors i can recommend. this fandom truly has so many good ones in every flavor you could want (fluffy to dead dove) so we’re really lucky. i really only just mentioned the ones i can immediately list off of the top of my head, so if you don’t see an author here you like please rec me their fics!! i also have stuff in my bookmarks!!
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nuri148 · 3 months
Hi, new mutual, I've recently been getting more into Rivamika, and I was wondering if you had any fic recommendations, preferably angst :) I actually recently started reading your fic, Clarity, so you'll probs be seeing a comment from me soon-ish on AO3, haha. I'm really loving it thus far!
Hi! And welcome to our lovely ship! Rivamika tends to get an unfair amount of hate so we are a very supportive community and take care of our own like Levi would.
Idk about angst (I enjoy it but It's not something I actively search) but either angsty, fluffy, smutty and/or funny, I'm proud to say we have a lot of wonderful writers around us! l can personally vouch for anything by our queen chaosisbeauty23; also onigiridorkk has lovely fics, esp. Microcosmos, The Perfect Brew and 104th's Top Cadet; MoraLeeWright is like the Shakepeare of Rivamika. My fave by her is Just until the Storm is Gone, and The Song Remains the Same is one of the most original rm fics I've read. Alienheartattack has a plethora of one-shots, my fave being To You, 20 Years From Now (and To All Of Us, From 2000 Years Ago, but that's not rivamika).
If I may interest you in some ongoing fics, hrarby's For You is definitely in the angsty side. She's got a beautiful prose, too. Also angsty is Byhimawari's Languishing. Agentwarbarbie's The Shadow of the Prince is a great royalty AU that'll have you holding your breath.
The Broken Doll is a masterpiece of platonic Levi/Mikasa; last but not least, if you really wanna bawl, Beloved Mother is a heart-gutting Levi centric, non-ship fic.
Last but not least, I'm absolutely chuffed you're enjoying Clarity! You can check the tag #clarity tea house for all the meta that I posted while I was still writing, as well as extras and related stuff.
Thank you SO much for this ask! You made my day! 🥰
PS- ETA: I totally forgot one of my favourites, Surviving Peace by die-forllex!
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stalactice · 5 months
The WIP Name Game
Tagged by the amazing @ally147writes, even though I write at a glacial pace. I guess these count as WIPs? Who knows? I certainly don't.
Will I finish any of these? I hope so or the shame will follow me for years :).
Some of these things have titles and others don't because I obsess a bit too much about having the Perfect Title.
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it!
Pinholes, Lithographs, Film
Heterochromia (subject to change)
A Shrine to Our Longevity
Rhodonea (subject to change)
untitled Sesskag mystery longfic
untitled Dramione post-war AU, non-European magic
There are probably others buried in other text documents, but these are the ones with already substantial word counts. (Of a sort?)
Tagging @nuri148 @chaosisbeauty23 @onwriting-hrarby @helena-thessaloniki or if you'd just like to try it, please consider yourself tagged. I'm so bad at this. I'm sorry.
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sinigangsta-ao3 · 8 months
countdown to the end: 10 days left!
Thank you to the undeniably gifted fic writer + my good fandom friend @onwriting-hrarby for creating this little tag game and including me in it!
It's so hard to believe that this series is officially ending in ~10 days' time... I know that I'm a relative newcomer to this fandom, but this series has been so special to me. It will stay with me forever 💕
And I'm so grateful that it inspired me to return to one of my first loves: writing. At times, I felt like a machine when it came to my fics (and that was unintentional). But I love how AOT has inspired me and given me an amazing community of people who I can gush with and gush about and create many, many beautiful things. There are still so many AOT stories that are in my head and in my heart, and I'm excited to share those in due time.
I don't plan to tag anyone, but if you see this and are a fic writer for AOT, please feel free to participate!
Day 10 - a retrospective on an ending...
When everything begins to end, it does so just like a dying star: blindingly brilliant and deceptively beautiful; magnetic and explosive, in all its destructive glory.
My very first fic for AOT was "junctures," a modern reimagining of eremika's relationship told from an adolescent Mikasa's perspective. It was very lyrical, very nostalgic — all childhood crushes and first kisses and first times and mourning lost first loves. It's definitely not my most polished work: I remember writing it in almost manic bursts in my home-office-in-my-closet, super late at night during an aggravatingly stressful time at work. But the things I love most about this are: (1) the passages like the one above and (2) the fact that this fic marked the first time in over a decade that I wrote not only for myself but also to share my work with others.
title: junctures (5 chapters, complete; 1st part of 2-part series)
pairing: eremika
tags: modern AU, childhood friends to lovers, teen romance, teen angst, not actually unrequited love, loss of virginity, miscommunication, ambiguous ending
He exits her life the same way he enters it: frenzied, furious, and whiplash fast — in a way that leaves her dazed and breathless and grasping for something to ground her.
A freeform exploration of a young woman's most formative relationship.
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randomposterofstuff · 2 years
Hello, RivaMika fam! Since Rivamika month is about to end, I thought I'd compile all of my entries for the event in this post.
Week 1: CINEMA
Chosen Subtheme: Free Theme - Musical Cinema
Entry: Edited Poster
Tumblr media
Background Image and Musical Notes Images by rawpixel.com
Chosen Subtheme: Valentine's Day
Entry: Story
Chosen Subtheme: AU Modern
Entry: Story
Chosen Subtheme: Archery
Entry: Story
Chosen Subthemes: Music, Song, Singer
Entry: Story
And there you have it, my entries for Rivamika Month 2022! It was nice to participate in this event. This is actually the very first writing event/challenge I ever participated in! Hehe.
Expressing my appreciation to @lady-purpleblue and @bebellabutterfly for hosting this event! The event was a nice opportunity to get creative and explore ideas for the RM ship and to contribute to the fandom!
I'd also like to thank @onigiri-dorkk, @aslireader, @nuri148, @chaosisbeauty23, @onwriting-hrarby for reading and reviewing my entries on Ao3! Guys, your kind words and comments really make me smile. I really appreciate the time you took share your thoughts about my fics! Thanks so much!
Again, it was fun to participate in this event. I hope y'all like my content! It was also great seeing a lot of artworks and new stories pop up! @bryhaven I just want to say that your RM artworks are treats to look at! They're really great!
Also, thanks @bryhaven and @lady-purpleblue for your kind words about my GOT/HOTD Rivamika fic 'A Tale of Swords and Crowns'! I know that you left comments weeks ago, and I'm sorry for not replying sooner. Haha. I got caught up in some stuff. Hehe. Anyway, I really appreciate you giving it a read, and I'm glad that you like it!
I will now end this post by saying that I'll see you guys around in the tags! I hope y'all enjoy the holiday season! Take care!
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liquorisce · 2 years
WIP challenge
Tagged by: @brokenangelwings22
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs. You can make your own post or reblog this one! This isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? DND campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!
Thanks for tagging me, bestie! Sorry it took a while to answer this omg, I cannot honestly write down all of them, but I will do my best!
Valentine's Day
graduation present
bring your love baby (i could bring my shame)
forget me, mikasa
this thing of darkness (bdsm au)
forgive me, father (priest au)
the perfect woman
if we weren't born broken (i would have loved you)
fate, my enemy
something borrowed (secretary au)
i've a longing that's killing me
a drop in the ocean
party favour
the day i was born
someone i loved
matters of the heart
my greatest treasure
the day i was born
someone i loved
second place (governess au)
the deal (vamp au)
you've never done anything but betray me
the heart of a soldier
college diaries
cold winds
the hills
ICHIHIME [bleach]
it's different now
plastic crowns
KYORU [fruits basket]
a heavy heart
i dont even think this is all of it I'm awful T_T
anyway i am not nearly social enough to tag these many ppl lmao so I will do my best!! tagging @sunlightandsuffering @irememberthedark @warholes @mirrorsswhisper @raebelle @milkbloodheat @heartvu @onwriting-hrarby @r-brauns @anniemika @tinylethlogica POST UR WIPS U HOES!!
@annluvazzel tagging u as well, since this doesn't only apply to writing :P
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Hello to answer Anon question about the fic about Eren and Mikasa meeting while she’s dating Jean and over 10 years they falll in love, have beach and cabin sex it’s one of Hrarby’s fic’s! Although she sadly took it down because assholes have b en stealing her work…
Oh yeah that sounds correct to me! Yeah, sometimes works are so special that when that happens u just want to take it down and keep it ur own which is honestly fair!
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onwriting-hrarby · 1 year
Works masterlist
On going projects
My novel. [Not in English] Two best friends forever decide not to be best friends anymore. In a world that is fairly political and looks up to communities, identities and clear ideas, how can they bring each other to save something they don't see any future to?
Liquid confidence (rating: mature). A childhood friends story about blurred boundaries between Eren and Mikasa. She's getting married and he needs to decide whether he goes toher wedding or not—as he blows his birthday candles, Eren reminisces about what happened and if he needs to make it right.
Finished works
Rotten Judgement. 210 k words, rating: mature.
Enemies to lovers with angst, based on the 90s, in which the characters suffer from systemic racial and economic issues. Mainly an Eren/Mikasa story, but it follows Levi's, Jean's, Armin's and Historia's, too.
Instead, they said (Hidden). 110 k words, rating: mature
A strangers to lovers in which Eren and Mikasa get attracted to each other but must decide what to do with it; a friendship that blossoms over 8 years until they are thirty-one and ready to look for answers.
I did not live until today. 180 k, rating: mature
A best friends to lovers in which Eren and Mikasa have never understood their relationship. While they work to become singers and dancers, the story tackles the way dreams are forced into us, open relationships, gender identities and grief.
Only a lifetime. 16 k (one-shot), rating: mature.
An Eren/Mikasa/Jean canon-verse story in which Jean is in love with both of them and doesn't know how to handle it; what he doesn't imagine, though, is that they hold a soft spot for him, too.
I am also uploading this fic on Tumblr. You can find all the chapters in the "Only a lifetime" link in my header.
A hopeful, secret dream. 4 k (one-shot); rating: general.
5 years after the epilogue of I did not live until today, we follow Eren and Mikasa's great idea of bringing their son to watch Broadway for the first time.
A dreadful night. 16 k (one-shot); rating: mature.
A Levi/Mikasa actor AU in which, two months ago, they suffered a dreadful night that changed their relationship. Now, they are paired for an interview in the middle of the series promotions. How will they manage?
My wips
For you: mainly a Levi/Mikasa story, Canon au, which follows the aftermath of the Rumbling. Only that Mikasa is hiding a big secret, and Levi wants to help her. It will follow Jean's grief for Eren, Armin and Annie's relationship and Historia's motherhood, too. To be written.
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onwriting-hrarby · 2 years
Welcome // Masterlist
Dear everyone,
This is Hera, a 28-year-old professional reader and aspiring writer. Here you can find some thoughts about writing, the process of writing, and literature. Little skittered memories and imprints of my life, like an impressionist painting. What inspires me, what angers me. Basically, an old-fashioned personal blog.
my socials: ao3
Craft of writing / Writing advice: This is my talk about crafting, creativity and writing. I share my thoughts and my advice and a few behind-the-scenes on how I am crafting my story "Rotten Judgement".
Writing Diaries: I keep an almost-daily log in which I talk about the progress I make, my struggles and my writing worries. You might feel identified with it.
My musings and stories: in general, some personal thoughts and divagations about life. Also some snippets for works or drabbles.
Ask box: ask away for writing advice, general questions about my writing, personal questions, or just ramblings. I love to interact. Give me headcanons to work on drabbles, too, but bare in mind that I'm not very good at smut, so I don't think I can write horny stuff.
Find my Masterlist of works here.
Talk to you soon,
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onwriting-hrarby · 1 month
Hi Hera!! How are you doing? You most probably don’t remember me but I’m a huge fan of eremika and was a bit active on aottwit during 2022. I remember being so happy and ecstatic to find my people on the internet with whom, I could talk to about my love for aot in general! But the part I loved the MOST, was being able to read the extraordinary fics that the talented people of this fandom were able to produce. Amongst them, was yours! I remember when RJ and Instead They Said were still being written and EremikaFics would post an update, the fandom would go crazy gushing about your writing. I don’t know why I never picked up your works until it was too late. I wish I could go back in time and read RJ and ITS while they were releasing (lol)!!
unfortunately, I also remember the drama that went on in aottwit and the incessant hatred towards so many skilled writers.
This message is erratic, random and completely irrelevant… BUT I wanted to thank you for being such a major part of one of my favourite communities on the internet (however stupid, people may be on aottwit haha). If, by any miracle, you decide to put RJ and IST on ao3 again, I will run as fast as I can and make up for all the times when I didn’t read them, even though I could’ve 💗
Once again, thank you so much 🫶🏼
Oh my god, Lavanya!!!!!!!! It IS you! This ask has made my day, so thank you very much for taking the time to write. How has your life been? I've been not only very busy, but also writing a lot of OG novel, so I've been growing apart for fandom for a bit. <3
Thank you very, very much for your words. I was talking about it with my fandom friends just recently: it did have bitter moments, but in the end, writing for this fandom make me more skilled, and to realize what I truly wanted to write in real life. So every word and hate I got, I think it was worth it!
Oh, RJ and ITS are my babies. As you may know, I hid them because I am a little bit paranoic and i don't want to train any AI or be of inspiration of any writer (because I want to do OG novels with them) but it makes me very happy that you still remember them. I would put them up for a bit for you, too, or I would send you the link, but I fear that when I've done so in the past, people hasn't answered (in the literal way: I sent the files and I never got an answer) and that made me a little bit sad. Because even though I'm trying to protect my fiction and making it (and me) vulnerable by sharing it, not having a reply makes me fret a bit, I hope you understand.
BUT! I do have two other fics I wrote, more recently, about Eremika. It's called The Ploy and Liquid confidence, and also a little oneshot. Let me send you the links if you are interested! They are much better written, but I don't think they have the pull or the "touch" of RJ and ITS, which are still my best works. But if you're craving some Eremika, please, dig into them :)
And if you ever want to talk, or interact, I am so glad you are back, and so, so grateful for your comment again, truly. I don't have emoticons in my computer keyboard, so you'll need to imagine the hearts properly: <3<3<3 <3
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littlerosette · 9 months
favorite fic dynamics
i saw a post recently by @onwriting-hrarby where she described three of her favorite relationship dynamics that she wrote in her fics and i wanted to try it too! so these are mine, and like she said in her post, feel free to do it too!
number three: eren and mikasa’s complicated friendship in “second impressions.” there’s an old love there that’s at the root of everything they do and everything they say to each other, but it’s become twisted due to eren’s initial antagonism towards her, then due to reveal of what he did while with zeke. aka the “no one knows me like you do. no one can hurt me like you can” pair.
“I heard a troubling rumor,” he said, finally glancing up at her. In his eyes, she found stone, the harsh edge of granite, cutting into her. “About a boy we both knew.”
Mikasa bit into the soft muscle of her cheek, tasting iron. Her breath caught in her chest, twisting painfully, and all she could think was: who? Who saw us? Who told?
What did they say?
Did they describe:
Eren with his hand around her forearm, snarling. Mikasa glaring up at him. Both of them spitting at each other, hurling insults, seeking to inflict injury onto the tender places only known between them, simply because they could, because it was easy to press on each other’s bruises like children and say, see? See what I can do to you?
number two: padmé and vaderkin in the “the devil wept.” not a lot has been explored about their relationship just yet, but i want to say that they have an intimate loathing towards each other. it will grow even deeper once their spiritual connection starts to really manifest. aka the “i hate him so much that sometimes when i look at him, i can hardly breathe” pair.
She flinches when she hears him, but doesn’t turn around, keeping her back to him. Vader stares at it, fantasizing about how easy it would be to skewer through it. She was slim, petite and underfed. It would take barely any effort at all.
“I can feel what you’re thinking,” she says in her bravest voice, finally chancing a look at him. Her face is blanched pale. “My only request is that you make it quick.”
Vader regards her as she sits up. Her fingers curl around the edge of her durasteel bench-bed, visibly shaking. She makes such a compellingly sad image that he finds himself wanting to take her up on the offer, if only to quell the rampaging beast inside him; it wants his teeth around her neck. Her blood in his mouth.
number one: eren and mikasa’s tortured longing in “you are the knife i turn inside myself.” this fic was fascinating to write because i was in love with the idea of writing a love story that felt painful and reluctant. mikasa never really forgets who he is throughout the story, but she allows herself to love him despite never truly forgiving him. eren, meanwhile, deludes himself into believing that she is the exception of her kind, and only vows to change his worldview at the end, so we never see his true metamorphosis. it’s a bittersweet love story. aka the “i longed for him and he disgusted me” pair.
“And if you want to turn me away that’s okay too,” he says, wrecked. “I-I’ll accept it. I’ll give you money so that you can buy food and shelter and I’ll—“
She shushes him, lifting his head from her knees and sliding her palms over his cheeks. She stares down at him, at his wet, vibrant green eyes and the tear marks that slip down to his chin. He has the face of a murderer. She’s seen it. She’s seen what his hands look like when coated with blood, and she despises him for how profoundly he can hate what he doesn’t understand, and yet—
And yet she loves him too. She loves him despite the fact; she loves him because of it. It’s not the airy, light feeling she’s heard about from her older sisters. It’s deep and sinking. It claws and twists and maims at her from the inside, but it’s hopeful. Love is hopeful. Loving him will always feel like taking a leap of faith.
this was fun!! i love this idea so much, hera😭❤️
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sinigangsta-ao3 · 1 year
fic writer questions: 2, 3, 39 (or just one if that's too many! ;D)
definitely not too many, lol! the more, the merrier!
[2] Go to your AO3 “Works” page, to the sidebar with all the filters, and click the drop-down arrow for “Additional Tags.” What are your top 3-5 most used tags? Do you think they accurately represent your writing habits?
Okay, so my top five tags are: (1) Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, (2) Loss of Virginity, (3) Oral Sex, (4) Alternate Universe - High School, and (5) Canon Universe. I think they're pretty accurate 😅 I am very much a sucker for coming-of-age stories in a modern setting, and — in my stories — I think there's very much a discovery of sex and pleasure that coincides with coming of age. I am surprised that Canon Universe is up there though, lol. I guess I write more canon fics than I thought!
[3] What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
ANGST, for sure. And smut lol. I also think a level of sociopolitical awareness ends up popping up in my characters. But definitely angst and smut, lol.
[39] Is any aspect of your writing process inspired by other writers or people? If so, who?
I think all of it is! I very much believe in the notion that nothing is truly original and that all that we do, especially when it comes to art/creativity, derives from someone else. Austin Kleon's "Steal Like An Artist" really sums that up, especially in this quote: “The artist is a collector… Your job is to collect good ideas. The more good ideas you collect, the more you can choose from to be influenced by."
With that being said, I read A LOT, especially from writers from historically marginalized groups. And I think that I subtly get influenced by all of those diverse voices. In terms of my process, I actually pull from marketers (how to think about planning out my stories for public consumption) and screenwriting/screenwriters and video content creators (especially their storyboarding practice).
But if you also want me to name-drop an AO3 writer that I admire wholeheartedly, both in terms of process and style, it's @onwriting-hrarby. Hands down 💕
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sinigangsta-ao3 · 2 years
Thursday Thoughts: On controlling what I can, a.k.a. where you can find my fics
Quick bonus Thursday Thoughts this week!
I don’t know who follows me that observed or was privy to the plagiarism concerns that affected some EM authors on Twitter, AO3, and Wattpad.
I’m not 100% sure if any of my fics were affected, but I did receive an apology comment from the “plagiarist” on one of my fics — an experience that, admittedly, did not make me feel comfortable.
I didn’t take the plagiarist’s apology as confirmation that my fics were plagiarized (at this point, there’s no way for me to confirm). Nor do I have an immediate fear of my work being stolen or shared without my consent or anything (which, for the record, I’m not okay with!!!). But this whole situation did get me thinking about what matters most to me when it comes to my works — as well as gave me an opportunity to, once again, reassess my boundaries and what I can control.
So I made the following changes to my AO3 and my fics (partially inspired by @onwriting-hrarby, whose expertise and experience are such trusted sources to me):
I’ve now made all my fics restricted to viewers with an AO3 account — and will only post for registered AO3 users moving forward. I’m sorry to those who follow my work and aren’t registered on the archive. I understand that this might be a barrier to read, and I acknowledge that inconvenience.
I’ve hidden my two eremika WIPs, “straight/edge” and “sins of our fathers.” I’m actively working on them, and reworking a bit of the plot. But I have honestly been considering hiding them for a bit, as having them out unfinished just feels like I’m giving myself undue pressure to finish the stories quickly. And these two stories mean too much to me to haphazardly put together the subsequent chapters. I’ll unhide them sometime in the future, whenever I’m ready to share them again.
On a semi-related note, I’m constantly reassessing how I use my other social accounts. I’m still active on Twitter, and I have this Tumblr and my Tellonym. Ultimately, I want to use my socials as a way to stay connected to people who follow my fics, who wanna talk to me about what I’m working on, and who just wanna talk about fun fandom-related things together. I want to make myself available to people who are interested in talking to me about my stories — because that really is important to me. I also want a space to share my observations and creative journey.
However, I am currently reconsidering how much I share about my WIPs. I’ll entertain questions about them, but I’m reconsidering whether or not I will share sneak previews of upcoming chapters and fics. I’m at a point where I need to refocus on the work for myself.
Apologies for being a bit rambling! I just wanted to make sure that, in the event that anyone was looking for my work, I could be transparent about where they are and how you can access them. I hope this helps. And I sincerely thank anyone and everyone who has expressed even the smallest inkling of interest in what I write and what I have written so far.
Much love,
Nina 💕
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sinigangsta-ao3 · 2 years
WIP Challenge
Thanks for the tag, @irememberthedark!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs. You can make your own post or reblog this one! This isn't just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? DND campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!
Thank goodness for my monday.com board, which helped me to pull this list up so easily lol. I think it’s safe to say that I have enough projects to last me through the end of the year…
Feel free to ask me any questions about any of the WIPs listed below!
Multi-Chapter Fics:
“sins of our fathers” (eremika rival gang AU)
“straight/edge” (eremika Euphoria AU)
Dominican Sister Mikasa AU - title TBD
“to you, from the both of us” (post-canon jeankasa/erejeankasa)
“you, me, and the sea” (post-canon arumika)
eremika “realistic” pregnancy AU - title TBD
megumiki horror road trip - title TBD
megumiki conditioning fic for kinktober - title TBD
Misc. Personal Projects:
“Finding Filipino”
To those I am tagging: literally, no pressure to participate! And I am also not 100% sure if you’ve participated already 😅 If you have, disregard!!
Happy writing/drawing/creating, everyone! 💕
TAGGING: @onwriting-hrarby @raebelle @shenanigansam @mirrorsswhisper
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onwriting-hrarby · 11 months
It's a not popular at all but I love Historia x Reiner
There's just something about it lol
Hehehe me too! I love to think they are both bi (honestly in my first fic Eren had been dating Reiner for a while too, there's also a kind of tension in there and inferiority complex I adore). I love to headcanon that Reiner and Historia both lost their soulmates :( So they would understand each other. Also Reiner being the killer of Ymir... it's something hehehe
That's why I just couldn't stop myself from writing them like that :') even in a modern au!!! But i got the feeling of wanting to write more for them!
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