#how tumblr works
the-nebula-sys · 11 months
To the migrants from r/196, here is how tumblr works.
Firt off, reblog, don't like. This can help the tumblr community know that you aren't a bot.
Second, make a profile picture. Once again, so we know you aren't a bot.
Third, there is no algorithm. Do not attempt to appease a god that doesn't exist.
Fourth, swear. There is no censorship, so cuss like a sailor.
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monstersandmaw · 11 months
The impact of reblogging...
Just in case you’re new, or don’t really understand how this entire site functions (and it’s completely different from other social media apps, at least for now*), or if you wanted an illustration of why it’s so important to reblog the posts you enjoy and the hard work of creators you want to support, here’s a visualisation of the impact and reach of reblogging, using my biggest post (part one of my writing masterlist).
Creators are losing the will to post and share in droves because engagement is becoming next to non-existent, and if you don’t reblog the things you enjoy for free, creators wonder why they even bother, and soon they’ll just... stop.
(Look at that reblog to like ratio too... oof)
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My little blog is at the centre of that dense circle, and every point in the image represents a reblog.
Of the people who reblogged the original post, most of them did so directly from me, but you can see scattered groups of reblogs which came from people who reblogged it from those who did so from me. And so on and so on, out into the ecosystem.
If you came across my masterlist in the wild, and didn’t or don’t follow me, you only saw it because someone reblogged it.
Most of the things you see on your dash are only there because someone you follow reblogged it.
It’s how this whole ecosystem works, and you’re smothering and killing it if you don’t reblog the ‘content’ you ‘consume’ (I dislike using those terms, but it is what it is).
To clarify, no one is saying you should feel obliged to reblog everything you come across, or that everything an artist or creator puts out there ‘deserves’ to be reblogged, but for pity’s sake, reblog the things you do actively enjoy.
Leaving a like or a comment on the post is like giving a compliment directly to the creator, and it’s wonderful, but it doesn’t show that post to anyone else or boost its presence on the platform. It can also give the impression you didn’t like it ‘enough’ or it wasn’t ‘good enough’ to bother putting on your blog or reblogging. How you really show your appreciation for something you genuinely enjoyed is by reblogging. (Even better if you screech away in the tags about why you liked it, but that’s an optional extra!) It’s like giving a meaningful and impactful tip, except it’s completely free, and it only costs you the time it takes to click or tap.
I hope that clears things up, and is a useful illustration of the impact you’ve had on creators’ pages by reblogging their work, so a huge thank you to those who represent points on that chart, and those of other creators on here! It’s because of people like you that work of people like me gets seen and enjoyed by more people!!
*(I know Tumblr is trying to change things so that you see other things now, instead of only the people you follow, but you can and should turn that feature off).
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This is your permission to block that person!
There is no stigma attached to blocking people on tumblr. I promise.
Listen, I promise you. You can just block them.
I have blocked someone because I don’t like their art style. Their art constantly shows up in a fandom tag I follow; so I blocked that user.
Someone I follow reblogs from someone I don’t want to see on my dash so I put their entire URL in my filtered terms/ blacklist.
There was an aesthetic blogger in a tag I frequent and I didn’t want their collages/ mood boards to clog up my search results. So I blocked them.
I promise you, you are allowed to filter out and/ or block people.
People don’t need to be bad, don’t need to be annoying, don’t need to “deserve” getting blocked.
You are allowed to block people for any reason whatsoever; including no reason at all.
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deltarune-au-domain · 2 years
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I can't believe I spent over an hour on this.
[My head hurts to much to transcribe at the moment so if anyone wants to do that themselves, then go ahead!]
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hadeantaiga · 6 months
Ok so, since Tumblr has changed how Search works several times over the years, it's been a bit confusing, so I'm going to explain how it currently works.
If you type [search term] into the "Search Tumblr" box, you will not just see posts that are tagged [search term]. You will also see posts that contain the word [search term] in the body of the post. You will ALSO see posts that contain words related to your search term.
For example, if you type "feminism" into the search bar, you will see posts about feminism. But you will also see posts about "feminization kink" and "forced feminization" and "sissy kink". Personally this is a big problem, and certain words should probably function solely as a hashtag search, not a content search, but I digress.
So. If you want to do an actual hashtag search, so you ONLY see posts where people actually tagged the post "#feminism", and avoid all the pornography, you need to type [#searchterm] WITH the hashtag out front. Then you will actually find posts tagged with that word.
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sreegs · 11 months
the brazen certainty that tumblr users declare "likes don't do anything" on tumblr is pretty funny because there's numerous places where it's pretty obvious that likes are doing something and they choose to ignore it.
also when you make "posts that should have X notes" jokes, you know what a note is right? likes are part of notes.
Here's what likes do:
likes and replies as well as reblogs and tags all help influence which tags are trending.
within a "tag page" (screenshot below) they help determine which posts appear in the top list
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the "Based on your likes" feature quite explicitly states what likes do
The "For you" tab shows you things that your likes influence, amongst other signals
Suggested follows and tumblr crushes are influenced by likes
If you're using the algodash, likes will help rank posts up the dash
A lot of people actually use these features. You may not, but remember:
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fernthewhimsical · 1 year
Dear witchblr,
I know there's a lot of new witches joining us, welcome!
An important note: tags work differently here! They are not for visibility, or to grow your follower count, or anything like that. They're for filtering content and finding specific information.
This means that if you post something about, say, your divination reading, and you tag it with every type of witch on the planet (green witch, crystal witch, sea witch, etc), you're clogging the tags and you will be reported for spam!!
For visibility try the communty tags like witchblr, witches on tumblr, witchcraft, and I'm sure people will add more in the notes. But please only tag with things that are relevant to the post.
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mrsattila · 10 months
I just got back from a tweet complaining about how tumblr "boring" af" and this is the umpteenth post like this but it's just really like.... you really need an algorithm to hold your hand, eh?
And/or none of the refugee advice posts are reaching the default fyp bc you've got twitter migrants coming over, building their closed tumblr room and just staring at the static billboard that staff put up outside the window and declaring it "dead", instead of opening their door and experiencing what weird parties their neighbours are having
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thoroughlychance · 10 months
Reddit users— you are welcome here.
A few things you should know: Tumblr doesn’t care about karma or popularity or whatever. Post whatever you want. If all you care about is being seen, you’re in the wrong place. Also, curate your feed with following and somewhat with tags, but tags can also be used for conversations, quips, witty one liners, and additional commentary. Reblogging is important, calm down on the angry discourse, and… just dive in, guys, c’mon, as long as you’re not mean we’re not gonna bully you out or anything.
Tumblr users— PLAY NICE. I know we joke about how we use a hellsite, but Reddit really is a minefield. You can’t say anything without someone screaming at you about it and everything is extremely organized into subreddits, no one cares about the people or follows anyone really, and they never use their reblog-adjacent feature. They’re gonna be confused. They might mess up. They won’t understand our inside jokes yet. They probably think we’re still like we were in 2012. Give them time and kindness. Hellsite is a safe space.
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chronic-pessimistic · 9 months
Any recommendations for sharing art, poems and videos made by myself?
Like how can my art shows up to people?
I understand how instagram works, like at some hours is better and to use music and that, so how can I do it here?
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bl00dn0name20 · 11 days
Oh ? Well thank you haha !
And i don’t know how to send this…. (Yes indeed Tumblr not understandable for me.)
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embervoices · 1 year
@laikiirnodel has asked me to explain tagging on Tumblr.
This is my understanding thus far: Tags are for two things.
One is what tags are usually for in blogging contexts - content labels to help people find or block content as they see fit.
The other is quiet commentary.
“Okay, but then what’s reblogging?” Well, let’s put it this way:
Creating a post on Tumblr is climbing up onto a stage and giving a little variety show bit.
Reblogging is stepping up to the microphone to follow up with a question or comment everyone can definitely hear, if they haven’t left the room yet.
Commenting in the comments section is talking amongst those in the audience, which can potentially be heard from the stage if they’re paying attention.
Tagging is muttering to yourself, which those around you can indeed catch, if they’re paying attention - and might decide to go up to the microphone and repeat, if it seemed especially worthy.
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I'm being swarmed by NSFW bots every damn day!!! It makes me harder to block them if you don't have an icon because you look like the enemy!!!
Why do I want to block them so bad? Because some spam my inbox!!! And my DMs!!! And if they're allowed to stay, they'll grab tags from our posts and start posting spam links in them!!!!
They have the ability to like posts wich is where I'm finding them infesting the blog!!!! I'm blocking and reporting them FOR OUR SAFETY so make it easier!!!
If you don't have an icon, I have my FREE Ralsei pride icons and my FREE Deltarune art icons. You don't even have to credit me.
Feel free to repost my Krosp Dremer meme. I don't care. People need to be using icons. We're under attack by bots and it's pissing me off.
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aye yall know that you guys dont have to put "rule" right? youre free!!!!!!!!!!
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Well alot of new people are here it seems so let me give a little insight to how post interaction works around here: Likes: Most platform this boosts in the alg and your friends can see you likes it not how that works here. Tumblr uses abit of a unique now but what use to be more common use of like back in the day. Likes only exist to show a form of agreeance or enjoyment but they do nothing for the op except blow up their notifs and maybe give a dopamine rush of number go up. This is why alot of artist here make info graphics saying you hate their post when you like it because it’s doing nothing to them then showing on their feed but telling them you don’t care enough to actually share it around.  Now you may be wondering “Well why do likes exist then?” Four reasons: 1. To allow the users to easilly backtrack to posts they enjoyed by going to their likes page. 2. For Tumblr to use to more customize ads toward you (yes believe it or not there was a time this hellsite had a healthy advertising network). 3.And this one is abit more prevalent than it use to be, To allow tumblr to edit your for you page to be more tailored to you in it’s algorithm 4. So people can embarrass the shit out of you if you are foolish enough to like dumb things AND have your likes public All in all likes are more for the user engaging then the creator of the post. Reblogs: Reblogs are the number one way to interact on this wasteland relic of the transition between web 1 and 2. Reblogs are basically you like the post you repost it  with your own comments if you want added on.  (fun fact you also use to be able to edit the post above yours before the John Green incident.) When you reblog the post above even if removed from the original blog will stay on your reblog so don’t worry about lost context when making a comment or addition. This is the number one way posts spread on this hellsite and really the only way (aside from like tumblr blaze now but that’s money) outside of outside sites sharing posts from here and trying to claim them. If you see a post you love, a post? Reblog. You think a post has good info? Reblog. Have something to add you think people should know? REEEEBLOGGGG!! This is the main way in showcasing your support for a creator and what they posted  (and helping keep the post from completely disappearing if you want to do that out of spite.) It’s why this site has alot of stuff that can be traced back easier than other sites  and one thing that I love is the reblog chains so you can trace how conversations progress. So you want something to spread or be kept around reblog it. Who knows when the origin may disappear. Replies/comments: Comments, also known as replies, are a relatively newer feature here. They allow you to make a comment on a post that people have to go out of their way to view. Most people use this to say things they are abit shy to have on their actual blog or to try and go after something without giving it the algorithm boost of reblogs. They don’t really do much and most the time people don’t really check these because alot of people don’t even remember they exist. HOWEVER it is a good way to leave feedback without keeping something on your blog if you want to go that route but it doesn’t help the op in the grander scheme. You also can’t track who the people are responding to unless they tag the person another flaw of this system. All in all likes are good for you and your algorithm Reblogs are good for the creator and preservation Comments are good for quick comments that you feel don’t need to be plastered on the larger aspect of the site sort of like a whisper without dming that a few people may spy on. Hope this helps some people out there in understanding how this site is abit different then others out there in interaction.and maybe help people see the reblog not like posts as more than just “op wants attention” it’s a sentiment I’ve seen floating because newbies don’t understand the site that much.
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