#how to join occult for money
anonymousewrites · 21 days
A Not-So-Disastrous Romance (Book 1) Chapter Twenty-Two
Kusuo Saiki x Reader
Chapter Twenty-Two: Summer Break Days
Summary: Saiki's vacation plans are interrupted by idiots, but at least he gets some time with (Y/N).
            (Y/N) sighed and put their head down on their desk. “Finally. Exams are over, and it’s summer break.”
            “But they won’t let us out of school early,” said Saiki.
            “Any plans outside of relaxing?” said (Y/N).
            “We agreed to watch Pride and Prejudice,” said Saiki.
            Feeling their cheeks warm, (Y/N) smiled. “You were really being serious?”
            “I don’t joke,” said Saiki.
            “Awesome! Then how about we do it—”
            “Hey, Saiki, (L/N)!” Kaidou and Kuboyasu appeared behind them. “Do you have a minute?”
            Saiki nearly scowled as his time to make plans with (Y/N) was interrupted, but he prevented himself from doing so. The sooner we hear them out, the sooner they’ll leave us alone.
            “Do you want to get a motorcycle license with us over the summer break?” asked Kaidou.
            “Let’s get one together,” said Kuboyasu.
            Well, I’m done listening. I have no interest in a vehicle that can only go as fast as my brisk walking speed, thought Saiki. “I don’t have the money for one, so no.”
            Kuboyasu nodded in understanding. “It does cost a lot.”
            “When is the course?” asked (Y/N).
            Kaidou showed them to days, and (Y/N) shook their head.
            “I’m doing a course in confection arts those days, so I’m not free,” said (Y/N).
            “That’s too bad,” said Kaidou.
            He and Kuboysasu walked away.
            “I protected my vacation,” said Saiki.
            “Are you seriously not going to do anything with anyone other than watch a movie with me?” aid (Y/N), chuckling.
            “You’re the only one I want to hang out with,” said Saiki matter-of-factly.
            (Y/N) fought back the blush and tried to remain their usual, jovial self in the face of such a statement from Saiki. “That’s sweet, Kusuo.”
            “Ignore it,” said Saiki. (Y/N) just laughed.
            Mera was the next person to walk up and speak to them. “Do you have a minute?” she asked the pair. “Do you want to work with me over the summer? It’s a bit far, but…”
            “No thanks,” said Saiki.
            “It depends, what type of job is it?” asked (Y/N).
            Curse (Y/N)’s kindness, thought Saiki.
            “All you have to do is take suspicious pills given by suspicious researchers at a suspicious laboratory and sleep!” said Mera brightly.
            “Oh, sorry, Mera, but I can’t risk messing up my taste buds since I work so often with food, and medicines have a tendency to skew taste if you get sick,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            “That was your problem with that idea?”
            “Aw, okay, (L/N). What about you, Saiki?” asked Mera.
            “It’s too far away.”
            Gloomy, Mera left them and went to ask more people. Saiki and (Y/N) decided to get up and head into the halls to wait for the bell to go off to let them leave since exams had finished.
            “Oh, Saiki, (L/N), I was just looking for you!” said Hairo, smiling. “Do you want to join our club’s summer training camp?”
            “Hairo, we’re not in your club,” pointed out (Y/N).
            “Two members canceled, but we don’t want to waste trip money,” explained Hairo. “What do you think?”
            “We’re part of the Occult Club, and it’s doing something,” said Saiki, completely lying.
            “Oh, that’s too bad. Have fun,” said Hairo, walking away.
            “I didn’t know we had something with the Occult Club,” said (Y/N), tilting their head.
            “We don’t, and we didn’t even want to be a part of it, so we’re not going if Toritsuka does plan something,” said Saiki.
            “Normally, I’d say we should give it a try, but it will be one of Toritsuka’s ideas…” said (Y/N), trailing off.
            “Exactly,” said Saiki.
            “Saiki! (L/N)!”
            “Speak of the devil,” remarked (Y/N).
            “We don’t need to listen to him,” said Saiki, taking (Y/N)’s wrist and pulling them away from Toritsuka.
            “Hey! Let’s have an Occult Club training camp!” said Toritsuka, trying to catch them.
            “Toritsuka, what would the point of a training camp for the Occult Club be?” said (Y/N).
            “I need help getting with Arisu!” said Toritsuka.
            “You’re already using her first name?” said (Y/N). “That’s familiar.”
            “He’s just being weird,” said Saiki.
            “Pleeeease?” said Toritsuka. “It’s called Operation Spirits: Love-Struck Arisu and Popular Reita.”
            “That’s a terrible name,” said Saiki.
            “But you did tell Hairo we were doing something with Toritsuka,” whispered (Y/N).
            Unfortunately, (Y/N) was right. Still… “I still won’t go.” Saiki walked off.
            “If you’re not going, I’m not,” said (Y/N) brightly, following him.
            “Hey!” exclaimed Toritsuka, offended at Saiki and (Y/N)’s lack of enthusiasm to help him.
            “You still have a free break!” said (Y/N), grinning.
            “Don’t jinx it,” said Saiki.
            “Oh, Saiki!” said Teruhashi, running up towards him. “I was hoping to see you before break. Saiki…do you have any plans for summer break?”
            I can’t say no to her if she wants to go out, everyone would get angry. Saiki hated social norms.
            “I happen to have tickets to the amusement park opening up,” said Teruhashi. “Would you…would you want to go with me?” She glowed and smiled.
            Saiki froze, trying to find a way out of it. (Y/N) glanced at the tickets and smiled apologetically at Teruhashi.
            “Oh, I’m sorry, Kokomi, but Kusuo and I made plans for that day,” said (Y/N).
            “O-Oh? You did? The two of you?” Teruhashi glanced between the two, and Saiki was alarmed by the thoughts going through her head.
            “Yep! We’re having a movie night. I’m sorry,” said (Y/N).
            “That’s alright. I understand. I, um, yeah.” Teruhashi couldn’t get the courage to ask for Saiki to go with her another day. If she did, it would mean she was interested in spending time with Saiki and not just “happening” to ask him. “Have fun!” She hurried away.
            (Y/N) sighed and frowned. “I hope she gets over her crush soon. It would be healthy for her to like someone who could like her back. I hope they aren’t obsessed with her, though. She deserves someone who likes her for her, not her beauty.”
            Saiki was amazed that in one swift move (Y/N) had saved him from going on a date and getting attention because it was wish Teruhashi and simultaneously wished for Teruhashi to have a wonderful love-life. They really were too nice.
            “Saiki! (L/N)! There you are,” said Toritsuka, catching up to them. “Come on, let’s do a training camp!”
            “Enough with the club,” said Saiki.
            “Wait, you decided not to go?” said Hairo, appearing out of nowhere.
            “Uh-oh,” said (Y/N).
            Saiki patted Toritsuka shoulder and gave Hairo a peace-sign.
            “Oh, you’re coming? Great!” said Toritsuka excitedly. “It’ll be the first and second of August!”
            “I suppose we are,” said (Y/N), shrugging.
            “That’s awesome, since our training camp is the third to the ninth,” said Hairo instantly.
            “I can’t, sorry,” said (Y/N). “I need time to do my summer homework.”
            “Too bad, but I guess you have to be a good student. Saiki, I’ll put you down for going, okay? It’s in Tooi-cho!”
            Hairo ran off.
            “Hey, the job I told you about is in Tooi-cho, too!” said Mera, appearing out of nowhere and looking at Saiki happily. “And it starts on the tenth and lasts a week!”
            Poor Saiki’s free time was quickly filling up.
            “You’re getting a job, Saiki? Then you’ll have money for the course and a motorcycle!” said Kaidou.
            “You can get a license with us,” said Kuboyasu, smiling.
            Every single day of Saiki’s break was filled up with activities with people. He nearly deflated, and (Y/N) patted his back in consolation.
            “If you need the time off, we can move our movie night to a different time,” said (Y/N), not wanting to intrude on Saiki’s need for time alone. They knew that recharging from social interactions was imperative to maintaining mental health.
            “No, I want to have the movie night,” said Saiki stubbornly. It was the only thing he’d want to in the first place. He refused to give up that.
            (Y/N) smiled. “Then I’ll make sure it’s a relaxing night. No need to stress yourself out. I’ll make some snacks, you just have to show up, okay?”
            Saiki really did think (Y/N) was an angel, and he needed to find a way to thank them for their endless generosity and patience.
            Summer arrived, and the first day of Saiki’s long, people-filled break began with Toritsuka’s Occult Club shenanigans.
            “Welcome to the temple!” said Toritsuka, showing the Occult Club around the temple he lived in. “This isn’t my house, but my dad knows people here, so they are letting me stay.”
            “Wow, so cool!” exclaimed Makino and Yumehara.
            “I bet his dad kicked him out,” muttered Saiki.
            “If not, it’s hard to believe someone so perverted was raised in a temple,” remarked (Y/N).
            “This way is my room,” said Toritsuka, leading them into a hall and opening a sliding door. “Come on in.” He grinned, hoping to get a good reaction from the attractive people in the room (mostly Makino, though).
            Saiki tuned out of his thoughts, exhausted with the romantic ideas floating within them. Unfortunately, he landed on Yumehara’s thoughts about having a chance to get with Kaidou tonight. Sighing, Saiki tried to block out everyone’s thoughts. Everyone’s romances were so dramatic. He’d prefer something simple, natural, domestic. He hoped that was something (Y/N) would prefer, too, instead of any drama. Maybe the movie night could become something more…
            Yare yare, now I’m doing it.
            Night arrived, and Toritsuka led the group to the woods, letting the moon rise high over them as midnight arrived.
            “Many people go missing in this forest,” he said mysteriously. “In the dead of night, the members of a murder-suicide family appear and drag—ack!”
            Saiki had flared the flame of a candle to stop Toritsuka from telling a fake story to scare everyone. The candle sputtered out.
            “This is not the place for games,” said Makino, trembling. “I can feel many dreadful spirits.”
            “Hey, don’t worry. I was born in a temple,” said Toritsuka, winking. “Now, let’s begin the test of courage!” He gestured to the dark path behind them. “We will take this path in pairs.” He grinned and patted Makino’s shoulder. “Lets just go with the flow and make our own pairs.”
            “Sounds good!” said Yumehara, grinning and grabbing Kaidou’s shoulders. “It would be a waste of our time not to!”
            “It’s almost like they planned it with one another,” whispered (Y/N).
            “They might have,” said Saiki in agreement.
            “Hold on, I want to be with Saiki or (L/N),” said Makino.
            “I want to be with them, too,” said Kaidou.
            “What? Why Saiki and (L/N)?” cried Toritsuka.
            “Kaidou is kind of helpless, and you’re a little weird,” said Makino. “So it was a process of elimination.”
            I was hoping to go with Kusuo, thought (Y/N), a little disappointed. Was it the exact same tactic as Toritsuka and Yumehara to get closer to their crush? Absolutely. Did they still like the idea? Of course.
            “(Y/N) and I are going together,” said Saiki firmly, and (Y/N) perked up.
            “If we can’t decide, let’s draw lots,” said Toritsuka, breaking a few sticks and putting them in his hand. “Those who get the sticks of the same length will pair up. Saiki, you can go first.”
            Saiki and (Y/N) exchanged a look. Saiki would definitely be using his powers to make sure they were a pair together (because they were friends. Best friends. Not because he had a crush and wanted to be closer. That would mean lowering himself to Toritsuka’s standards).
            “Saiki got a short one. Arisu, you’re next,” said Toritsuka. Makino pulled out a stick. “You got a medium-length one. Next is (L/N).”
            (Y/N) pulled out the other short one and smiled. “It’s you and me, Kusuo.”
            “Next is Chiyo,” said Toritsuka. He looked urgently at the middle one, and Chiyo pulled it out.
            “I got a long one,” said Yumehara, smiling.
            “My turn,” said Toritsuka. He knew which one to choose to get to walk with Makino and eagerly pulled it out. His eyes widened. It was another long one. “Wha—” Toritsuka looked at Saiki.
            “You were getting on my nerves, so I switched them,” said Saiki directly to Toritsuka’s mind.
            “That was you, wasn’t it?” said (Y/N).
            “I think he deserved it,” said Saiki.
            (Y/N) chuckled, and Saiki found any flitting bit of remorse or pity he had go out the window at the lovely sound of their laugh.
            “Alright, Chiyo and I will go in first…” said Toritsuka, depressed.
            “Yeah…” Chiyo was equally gloomy.
            Makino began to chant for their safety while they walked into the woods, and Kaidou cowered near a tree nervously. (Y/N) and Saiki just watched.
            “So, what’s going on?” asked (Y/N).
            “They’ve abandoned their crushes and decided to like one another,” said Saiki.
            “That’s sudden,” said (Y/N), blinking.
            “Is it so easy for people’s feelings to change?” Saiki didn’t think so since his own were so steadily pointed towards (Y/N), never straying. But he was different, and although he didn’t care about what Toritsuka and Yumehara did, he wanted to understand if (Y/N) was also changeable (even if he didn’t know what their feelings towards him were).
            “When it’s not a really strong attachment and surface-level, yeah,” said (Y/N). They smiled at him. “But if it’s a deep affection, then no. Real love is constant.”
            Love. (Y/N) and Saiki both fell silent as soon as that word settled in the air.
            (Y/N) had never said that word or even thought it, but now that it was there, it felt true. It felt right. Their feelings for Saiki were constant and deep. They never faltered, and even through his flaws, they still cared. They accepted Saiki for who he was completely, and they never had their feelings waver. (Y/N) loved Saiki.
            Saiki blinked as he thought over the word. He knew what love felt like. He felt it for his mom and dad, for his grandma and grandma, and even, occasionally, for his brother. But that was familial. What (Y/N) spoke of was romantic. And he had to admit, it made sense. It felt…correct. He wanted to be around (Y/N). Their company was calming, never a hassle or a hindrance. He sought them out. He loved every quality they displayed, never ceasing to be amazed by their kindness whether it was aimed at him or others. He was thankful for their patience and understanding when he was rough and cold to others and hid his powers. He never wanted to lose what he had with them. But he also felt that his own feelings wouldn’t be lost. Saiki loved (Y/N).
            Pausing outside of (Y/N)’s house, Saiki took a deep breath. He wasn’t sure why, this was just hanging out with (Y/N), he did it all the time. However, this felt…different. He supposed it had to do with his realization—he loved (Y/N). Still, Saiki refused to let the intimidating grandness of that word scare him away from being friends with (Y/N). Besides, he had suffered his entire summer with idiots, he wanted to enjoy himself with (Y/N).
            He rang the doorbell, and a few moments later, (Y/N) opened the door. They wore a pink apron—dusted with flour and sugar from years of baking—and a wide smile.
            “Hi, Kusuo! Welcome!” said (Y/N), letting him in. “I’m almost finishing preparing everything, but the movie’s set up if you want to wait on the couch.”
            Saiki nodded and held up the cardboard in his hand. “I brought chocolate-covered strawberries.”
            (Y/N)’s face lit up. “I love strawberries! Thanks, Kusuo.” They laughed and closed the door as they walked farther in. “But I am surprised you didn’t buy coffee jelly.”
            “I know you like strawberries,” said Saiki. He’d chosen it for them.
            “It’s sweet of you to think of me,” said (Y/N), ducking their head and turning away so Saiki wouldn’t see their blush. “And if you had gotten coffee jelly—” they turned back around with a tray in their hands “—we would’ve had too much.”
            Saiki stared with joy in his eyes at the tray of coffee jelly, and (Y/N) laughed at his excitement. “We both thought of each other,” they said, putting the tray down on the coffee table in front of the couch.
            “We did,” said Saiki, simultaneously honored by the care with which (Y/N) had put together the coffee jelly and ashamed he hadn’t put more work into his gift for (Y/N).
            But then they sat down, apron off, eagerly opened the box of strawberries, and bit into one. Humming in delight, (Y/N) smiled with sparkles around them. All of Saiki’s doubts went out the window. He had made them happy. That was what mattered. (But he wanted to do better, make them happier, acknowledge he cared for them).
            “Delicious,” said (Y/N), grinning.
            Saiki could only stare at their smile before nodding and taking a bite of their coffee jelly. His slight smile as he ate it was all the compliment to their talents (Y/N) needed.
            “Do you want to start the movie?” asked (Y/N).
            Saiki nodded.
            “Get ready, this is important education for you,” said (Y/N), settling back in their seat beside Saiki and pressing play on Pride and Prejudice. “And if you like this, we’re watching the BBC series.” They smiled at him. “Don’t worry, I’ll bribe you with more sweets.” (Y/N) just wanted to spend time with Saiki, peaceful and quiet. Domestic. Loving.
            Saiki didn’t say it out loud, but he had to admit that he didn’t need sweets to keep him around (Y/N). His love was that deep.
            “I love that movie,” sighed (Y/N) as the film ended. They popped the last strawberry into their mouth. “What did you think?”
            “It was nice,” said Saiki. Since he couldn’t read (Y/N)’s mind, he hadn’t gotten spoiled. “I liked Lizzie and Mr. Darcy. They made a good couple.” Much less silly than my parents for sure.
            (Y/N) grinned. “That’s what I think! What was your favorite part?’
            Saiki paused and considered. “I liked when Lizzie spoke to Wickham after finding out the truth. She was clever and made her point.”
            “I thought you’d like her wit since you’re so sarcastic,” chuckled (Y/N).
            “What did you like?” asked Saiki.
            “I like the whole thing, but my favorite part is that they change for the better.” They beamed. “Lizzie and Darcy acknowledge their faults and become better people. I think that’s great and super healthy. I try to do that as much as possible, too.”
            “You are a good person,” said Saiki, completely honest. “You’re nicer than me and everyone else.”
            “That’s sweet, Kusuo, but that doesn’t mean I can’t improve. Everyone has flaws, but that’s okay. We’re supposed to grow,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            “…What a nice notion,” said Saiki, mulling the idea over. Changing for the better, growing as a person… “How do you do that?”
            (Y/N) patted his shoulder. “You don’t need to worry. For all your grumpiness, you’re a really good person. You help out your friends, keep them in line when they’re about to do something stupid, and are always looking out for others even when you claim they’re just annoyances.”
            “They are,” said Saiki.
            “Sure, but you could be way meaner. But you choose not to be,” said (Y/N). “Because you’re a good person.” They laughed. “And I know that for a fact because I wouldn’t hang out with anyone who was mean to others.”
            Saiki’s gaze softened as he looked at them. They thought so highly of him…His heart warmed at the care and affection in their voice. Saiki reached up and touched the hand on his shoulder.
            (Y/N) looked at him and blinked. Their laughter died away as they saw the look in his eyes they couldn’t quite read. “Kusuo?”
            “You’re too kind to me. I don’t tell you that I’m glad to have you as my friend, I barely do anything for you, but you’re still kind. To me. To everyone. I think that makes you the best person I know,” said Saiki.
            Shocked and flustered by the speech, (Y/N) turned pink. “I—uh—wow.” They looked at him a little shyly. “Thank you. But really, Kusuo, you don’t need to say all that. I know you’re my friend, and I know you like being my friend, too. I don’t doubt that. You don’t need to force yourself to be so vocal if that’s not your way of showing your friendship.” They leaned into his touch slightly, their fingers twining with his.
            “I’m speaking because it’s true,” said Saiki. “I wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t.” His hand settled around theirs and lifted it. He held it, not letting go, and looked at them. “You’re…You’re someone I care about. Someone that makes my days better. I don’t show it as much as you deserve, but—"
            Beep! Beep!
            The alarm of the oven went off, and (Y/N) and Saiki jolted apart in shock. Their hands fell apart.
            “Oh, crap, the cookies I put in!” cried (Y/N), jumping up and running over before smoke tried to escape and set off the fire alarm.
            Saiki stared at the hand that had been holding theirs and then looked back up at them. Something had almost happened. Something was about to be said. They had gotten so close to something changing between them.
            And sweets, of all things, had betrayed Saiki.
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mitsybubbles · 4 months
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Age swap Serizawa and Tome edit
Plus some ideas I wrote about it below after talking at lenght about it with @acekindaneat
Tome runs spirits and such but keeping herself at a small distance because she’s terrified of sharing with other people and being dismissed so it’s a way of doing things “herself” but she’s not a psychic even though she wants to be and she needs People. Because of this she’s a little more interested in pursuing urban legends cases, haunting cases, or mysteries and tends to be disappointed if there is a normal explanation for it
Serizawa is a former shut in who was coaxed out by Tome after his mom hired her (since she claimed to be a psychic consultant) and is currently “training” him in his abilities. He just moved to a new middle school and is very anxious about being a member of society and fitting in without losing control again
Reigen is a year below Serizawa at their school and acts like a normal student during class hours and is well liked but not close to anyone but after hours he spends his time trying to “become someone of note” because he feels isolated by the norms of society. He keeps getting obsessed with and switching hobbies every other week. His current one when the story starts is private investigation. His sister is a year above Serizawa and is a top student
Mob is a NEET in who hid himself away after his powers caused several accidents and fractured his relationship with his younger brother. He only leaves to get amenities and he relies on his parents support or on a work at home job for money
Dimple is a new spirit who doesn’t know what his place in the world is yet. He doesn’t have a human form or memories but he still has human desires and impulses so he feels out of place in it.
-Serizawa finds Reigen researching into the LOL cult after he joined it hoping to make some friends and they both get sucked into the supernatural conspiracy behind it. Reigen realizes Seri is a psychic and decides he’s now into the occult and demands his boss hire him and drags him to Tome’s office
- Tome meeting adult Mezato and then coming to blows ala Reigen and Roshuuto because Tome is annoyed that Mezato is seeking out the occult “because she’s bored”
-Serizawa being cajoled by Toichirou to join his little gang and Serizawa actually enjoying it and seeing claw as his friends even tho he felt guilty about hurting other gang members but “it’s okay because Master Kurata says it’s okay to protect yourself from bad people right?” Also he was given the umbrella as a gift and Tome and Reigen notices how much Seri’s been using it and Tone mostly goes “huh you’re skills are coming along ig” because while shes supportive she also isn’t very attentive and Reigen’s more suspicious because seirzawa is spending less time with him. Due to being scared that his first real friend would leave him, Reigen is a little threatened by that so he lashes on seri. They argue and seri stops hanging with reigen. Then reigen feels bad and decides to apologize and gets caught by Toichi + co in a small hazing ritual to get seri to stop comparing himself as the same level as “commoners” by denouncing his friendship with a nonesper. So then they fight when seri refuses to and finally seri insists that he doesn’t have to be stronger or weaker than anyone else to get to have proper connections and he breaks the umbrella saving Reigen from crossfire
And then later Reigen feels bad about everything (and he also realizes Toichirou was right that he was only friends with seri because he was an esper) so he gives seri some pokemon cards playing it off by saying he had those laying around his room and gets thrown off when Seri is openly emotional about it and hugs him. Meanwhile Toichirou is reevaluating everything because everyone sort of ditched him after he wasn’t giving them smth in return (except Hatori sort of lol- Hatori likes his presence Enough and the StuCo leader Joseph who was trying to get him suspended)
Minegeshi is like 20 here and runs a flower shop that the kids hang out in. It’s probably destroyed now. Sorry my dude.
-Reigen wanting to search for the dragger after his sister tells him he can’t keep “goofing around” otherwise his parents will force him to settle on an proper interest
-Some kids hiring Tome to find a “ghost” that lives on their street and it ended up being Mob who refuses to interact with them in a meaningful way. Seri makes it his mission to help him. Serizawa wants to ‘prove’ hes better now by helping someone like him but then he and Mob make a connection and Serizawa understands that he has to let Mob accept himself and make that step himself.
Also Tome shows Mob the benefits of releasing one’s emotions in a safe space.
-Reigen and Mob meet at the office and really hit it off
-Teru hiring the gang to come exercise a spirit in his TV studio and he and Mob end up fighting because he thought he was the best esper ever, you know the deal. And meanwhile Tome and the kids deal with the spirit of Mogami who was a psychic child star that haunted Teru and possessed Minori because he’s jaded by people who lie and use others to get notoriety
-Roshuuto is like a wannabe popular kid that annoys the hell out of Reigen because he pretends to be people’s friends and dumps them for someone better and now he’s trying to do occult stuff for clout
-Hoshida is an exorcist without any powers that we know of but he’s really nice and genuinely cares about helping others. He’s one of Tome’s informants
-Separation arc where Tome closed spirits and such briefly after Serizawa leaves to “be a normal kid” for a while because she thinks she won’t find anything meaningful about the paranormal she was searching for because she’s only humoring people- it ends up with her meeting people from middle and highschool she fell out of touch with because of simmilar things and her realizing she should continue to do whatever she loves and she should also pay more attention to the kid who she genuinely cares for and vice versa even if he isn’t going along with her whims 24/7
-Mob trying to reconnect with Ritsu
-Confession arc where Serizawa injures his mother in an incident after he thought he was doing “better” so he runs away and has to confront his own powers- and Tome having to come to an understanding with him too
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saturnianprincess · 1 year
Jupiter in Taurus
Jupiter is finally in Taurus, now is the time when all those fast paced decisions and rewards with Aries energy will be solidified and made more permanent.
A/N: I am so excited because it is my Jupiter return which will happen in a week! Usually a Jupiter Return starts with things working against you in order to align you to your destined path.
Here is my short analysis on how transit Jupiter influences you based on the house its stationed in your chart. Please note this is just a general theme, situations may change due to Natal and other transit aspects.
-> Do not copy/plagiarize my work <-
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1st House
Major glow up, feeling more encouraged to try out new things to change your appearance etc. Channeling a lot of self-love energy and focusing on self development.
2nd House
Lots of financial gains and benefits. You may even spend more on some luxury products or make significant investments. Your surrounding aesthetics and style may change.
3rd House
Your communication and speech will become more profound and you may read and write a lot of spiritual and enlightening stuff. Possibly reconnecting with your school friends, siblings and childhood friends.
4th House
You may either out of home or relocate. Familial bonds which don’t serve you anymore may either break or get better. You will feel more connected to your roots and feel inclined to learn more about your ancestral heritage.
5th House
You will want to have fun and truly romanticizing your life. You will get into a serious romantic relationship and/or meet your soul family. Creativity will be at its zenith during this period. Lots of opportunities and doors opening up for you.
6th House
Lots of new changes to your daily routine, health and dietary habits. Will get improvements in aspects related to job and money. Your productivity levels will be higher than usual so be sure to care for your mental health.
7th House
Your existing relationships will get much stronger and reach a new level of commitment such as marriage, living with your S.O. also possibly relocating depending on other aspects. You will also have favorable outcomes when it comes to legal/business matters.
8th House
Major spiritual awakening. You may feel very enlightened and focus on soul-searching. Getting into occult and esoteric practices. Lots of shadow work and healing yourself. Learning to be more intimate and vulnerable with your partner/yourself. Major Karmic cycles ending for you.
9th House
You may want to pursue higher education or learn something new. You may tend to question beliefs and traditions you were taught. Your optimism and outlook on life is unmatched. You can settle abroad or migrate for work/studies. Lots of traveling in general and meeting foreigners.
10th House
Rise in career and social status. You may work or meet very impactful and powerful people. You will gain recognition for your hard-work and achievements.
11th House
A very social year! Joining a friend group or being part of a large community. Can meet your platonic soulmates/soul tribe.
12th House
Spiritual transformation and massive change of your own beliefs. Connecting to your higher self. Betrayals and hidden enemies coming to light but in a more of blessing in disguise.
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tricoufamily · 11 months
🔪rogues gallery legacy challenge 🔪
i'm misleading you most of them aren't even criminals
ok!!! so i made this challenge for myself because i can't commit to any save, but i'll definitely want to play with these sims it's got autism sprinkled all over it. some of you might also like it as well so i'll share it!
this is a ten generation legacy challenge, with every generation loosely based on a different batman villain, but you don't have to be a batman fan to do it.
general rules
start with the default amount of money you get straight out of cas. no money cheats!
heirs can be any gender with any appearance. i think it'd be fun to dress them inspired by the character, but you don't have to. you probably don't want to make the actual character, honestly (what, ivy marries harley, then a few generations later there's just another harley? no)
choose your own succession laws
if you don’t have the pack for the requirement, replace it with whatever is a logical replacement. or just do something else instead, i’m not gonna come through your computer
i have provided alternate requirements when necessary for people who don’t want to play with occult sims
when stated that the sim goes to university, i recommend turning off aging until they graduate. sims without a university requirement can still attend!
if you end up doing this, please tag me in your posts 💜 or at least tell me how it's going in an ask lol
1: poison ivy 🌱
people say you’re a bit intense about the environment, but you say people are too stupid to see what’s right in front of them. the world clearly needs your help, but no one understands you. people quickly disappoint you when you get close to them. they voted against the clean energy production n.a.p.—why shouldn’t their spouse find out about that secret date you had?
traits: green fiend, hot-headed, loves outdoors aspiration: villainous valentine career: gardener (botanist branch) max skills: gardening, herbalism, flower arranging
live in any world but strangerville (it doesn’t have an eco footprint!). make every neighborhood in the world have a green eco footprint—this means you’ll have to live in all of them at some point. big worlds recommended.
get the super green thumb bonus trait from the aspiration rewards store.
leave someone at the altar.
eventually end up with your best friend who’s already in a relationship.
have 3 cowplants. if one of them dies, remove 1000 simoleons as punishment and replace it. what you do with them is your business.
2: scarecrow 👻
between moving constantly, being terrified of the man-eating plants outside your window, and your parent's reputation preceding them, you fantasize about the control you’ve lacked your whole life. you loved creating monstrosities with your chemistry set as a child, and when you finally escape your town for college, your mind leads you to dark places. you evade consequences until your scheming backfires, and you’re haunted for the rest of your life by a terrifying specter your family can’t see.
traits: paranoid, genius, ambitious aspiration: purveyor of potions (non-occult alternative: academic) career: education (professor branch)/scientist (for non-occult route) max skills: mental skill, mixology skill, cooking skill
gain and conquer every adult fear.
go to the university of britechester and major in psychology. join a secret society.
become a spellcaster. feed hexed potions to 5 sims and use negative spells on 10 sims. non-occult alternative: instead of becoming a professor, join the scientist career, and with the sim ray, use the mind control: panic upgrade on all coworkers.
after college, move to another world than where your parent lives.
become cursed with the curse of the night wraith (you may cheat for it if you can’t get it). live 3 days with it then you can de-curse yourself, but not before adding the night wraith to your household (requires cheats). obviously you can’t stop your family from interacting with it autonomously, but never initiate an interaction yourself while playing as another family member. non-occult alternative: use a ghost instead and you can pretend it’s just a figment of your sim’s imagination.
3: riddler 🧩
with your parent who hasn’t slept in days claiming your house is cursed, you drown it out with the internet and video games. your social skills might not be up to par because of it, but you’re a genius the likes of which has never been seen before. according to you, at least. you aren’t easy to get along with, but neither is one of your exes, whose path you just can’t stop crossing. try as you might, you can’t stay away from each other for very long.
traits: geek, socially awkward, self-absorbed aspiration: chief of mischief career: tech guru (start-up entrepreneur branch) max skills: mischief, robotics, logic
as a teen, be in the streamer part-time career. have at least 500 followers on social media.
have a sim you’re dating die.
your “forever partner” has the hot-headed and mean trait. break up and get back together with them 4 times.
successfully hack supercomputer 3 times.
woohoo a servo. at least once
4: harley quinn ♦
you might never be a fully mature person, but that’s okay! you’re a free spirit—a bit unpredictable and fickle, but you’re fun! your parent’s dream is for you to go to foxbury, but one night out drinking with your roommates, you fall head over heels for a mysterious, charismatic stranger at the bar. you very quickly decide to follow them to the city, only to realize that they aren’t who you thought they were, and maybe you’re not who you thought you were, either. you end the relationship and truly find yourself.
traits: goofball, childish, romantic aspiration: leader of the pack career: doctor max skills: mischief, comedy
start a club with your two best friends.
have an equal number of friends and enemies
briefly live on the foxbury campus, majoring in biology. fall in love with a criminal sim with all negative traits, drop out of college, and move in with them in a needs tlc apartment.
work a number of odd jobs and part-time careers while your relationship deteriorates.
break up with your partner, move out on your own, and go back to college. do not live on campus this time—continue working a part-time job while living at home. become a doctor.
5: clayface 🎭
your parent never took life very seriously, but you couldn’t be more different. not only are you fiercely competitive, you have to be liked by everyone. you’re a social chameleon who dreams of the stage. you’re only a high-maintenance, jealous, hothead—fame certainly won’t go to your head…
traits: high-maintenance, hot-headed, jealous aspiration: master actor career: actor max skills: acting, charisma
live in del sol valley.
have a good reputation until becoming a proper celebrity, then earn a bad reputation.
marry and divorce (at least) 2 actors.
fist-fight 5 costars.
after completing the master actor aspiration, gradually lose all fame.
6: penguin ☂
there’s a lot you can say about your childhood, but you can’t say it wasn’t comfortable. with all the trust fund and nepotism you could ask for, what’s there to lose? oh. oh, wait, this trust fund isn’t bottomless, actually. uh oh. better pick up a couple side hustles to keep the lights on.
traits: snob, mean, materialistic aspiration: mansion baron career: business career (investor branch) max skills: nectar making, fishing
never work a job until young adulthood.
spend all or almost all of your inheritance immediately after moving out (have <1500 simoleons).
start selling nectar and fish on the side.
adopt or have 1 solo science baby. be enemies with all of your neighbors but have a max relationship with your child.
have 5 on-and-off woohoo partners but never a real relationship. once you reach mid-adulthood (not young adulthood), you may marry one of your woohoo partners who’s always secretly been in love with you.
7: mr. freeze 🧊
your eccentric parent doted on you, but school was miserable. at least you had one friend, your best friend. as you got older, you got shy about your developing feelings for them—little did you know, they in love with you too. you got married and everything was perfect. and then they died. you’ll dedicate your entire life to bringing them back, no matter the cost.
traits: gloomy, perfectionist, family-oriented aspiration: soulmate career: scientist max skills: all skills associated with making ambrosia
be disliked by at least 3 classmates as a child/teen and have only 1 friend.
become soulmates with the friend, get married, and move to mt. komorebi. when at least 1 of your children ages up into a child, your spouse dies.
you quit your job to focus solely on making ambrosia to bring your spouse back. you can rejoin the scientist career when this is complete. if you need money, start selling household items.
you become increasingly distant with your child(ren), too focused on your goal. your relationship with them suffers greatly.
you cannot have any romantic relationship with another sim ever. even if your revived spouse can’t forgive you…
8: joker 🤡
when you watch your parent sob while baking ten cakes in a row, saying it’ll bring your other parent back from the dead, the best way to cope is turning it into a stand-up routine, right? you’ve used comedy to mask the darkness in you your whole life. might as well try to profit off it. also, your vampire obsession is kind of off-putting.
traits: goofball, evil, hates children aspiration: joke star career: entertainer (comedian branch) max skills: comedy, mischief, vampire lore
as a child, get a’s in school and be in the drama club. have a forgotten birthday when becoming a teen, the final straw. quit the drama club, become disliked/enemies with all of your friends, and become a d student.
move to san myshuno.
reach a two-star celebrity level from comedy.
never marry and have an accidental child with a fan. all children you have must be accidental. like your parent before you, you cannot connect with your children and have a difficult dynamic with all of them.
have a -100 relationship with a vampire. have a negative interaction at least once a week. non-occult alternative: make it a human goth sim. lmao.
9: two-face 🌗
despite absent parenting, you were voted most likely to succeed in high school and graduated at the top of your class. your goals are simple and attainable: become leader of the free world. but your promising political career is nipped in the bud when your entire life is ruined. disgraced, secluded, and battling two sides of yourself, you turn to other career options.
traits: self-assured, erratic, overachiever aspiration: goal oriented, public enemy career: politics (politician branch), criminal career (boss branch) max skills: charisma, research & debate
as a child, receive a future cube as a gift from a parent. every major decision you make besides the requirements have to be made with the future cube. no takesies backsies.
make all a’s in elementary and high school and win prom royalty.
marry your teenage sweetheart straight out of high school. have only 1 child.
reach level 5 of the politics career, then your sim is turned into either a werewolf or vampire (player’s choice—or flip a coin!) against their will (you’ll have to pretend). non-occult alternative: you’re caught in a cheating scandal that ruins your career.
you’re forced to quit your job, get divorced, move to a non-city world with your child, and join the criminal career.
10: catwoman 🐈
your parent was not an easy person to live with. they may have not minded your habit of stealing from school, but you couldn’t take it anymore. you return to the city with a plan to get rich quick, but you’re no crime boss. you’re doing this on your own terms, playing for nobody’s team but your own. even if someone keeps trying to poke their nose in your family’s business.
traits: kleptomaniac, cat lover, adventurous aspiration: fabulously wealthy career: retail employee, thief max skills: rock climbing, knitting
your non-criminal parent dies before you reach teenhood.
have a gloomy childhood friend you lose touch with in your teen years. as young adults, the friend has become a secret agent investigating your family. they are enemies with your criminal parent. you and the friend also become enemies.
you’re working as a retail employee, but where you’re really getting your money is robbery. initiate 2 romantic relationships with rich sims to rob their house.
eventually become lovers with your friend-turned-enemy.
adopt 3 stray cats.
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lunarlianna · 1 year
Jupiter transit
Jupiter enters the fixed sign Taurus on 16 of May and will remain there until 25 May 2024 when it will make its movement into Gemini. Jupiter is the planet of luck, expansion, optimism and spirituality. Taurus is a fixed earth sign that represent stability, steady growth, fertility and like to experience the world through the 5 senses. With Jupiter here we can expect embracing a slower pace in our everyday life, realizing that we need to take care of ourself and our bodies. Since Taurus it’s related to finances we can expect growth on the financial market, especially in June when Jupiter will join Uranus, on the negative note a rise in inflation and taxes is also possible. The shadow side of Jupiter in Taurus it’s insatiable desires, overindulging and greed. We need to practice grounding and mindfulness in order to don’t fall on the shadow side of this transit.
Quite beneficial this transit will be to all Taurus personal placements and happy Jupiter return for those that have a natal Jupiter in Taurus, this year will be very abundant.
Right after it’s movement in Taurus, Jupiter will make a square with Pluto on the 17 of May and on 22 of may a square with Mars but more on this on the following days. This is how each rising sign can receive blessings from Jupiter in the following year.  
 Aries rising: with Jupiter transiting your 2nd house of wealth, material possession and self-worth, you can have a confidence boost and financial gains for the following year. Some of you may receive a raise or a promotion. Be careful on overspending and put some money away for the rainy days.
Taurus rising: this transit will happen in your 1st house of self, you’ll receive a boost in your optimism, self-confidence and you may start to be more generous with those around you. You may have the opportunity to relive events that happen in 2011-2012. Some of you may have the tendency to overindulge in food, be mindful about it.
Gemini rising: 12th house of spirituality and hidden things it’s activated with this transit, you may have the tendency to be a bit more introverted and you’ll discover any spiritual gifts that you have. For most of you it’s a good time to let go of any type of addiction that you may have. Meditation, yoga and other spiritual practices and highlighted during this time. Listen to your intuition during this time because it’ll help you overcome anything.
Cancer rising: this transit will highlight your 11th house of friendships and community, during this time you may notice a social growth. Most of you will meet with the right people at the right time which will help you in your future endeavours. You can start being less worried about the future and more hopeful about your dreams. Some of you may volunteer more and come up with new ways on how you can help the community.
Leo rising: your 10th house of public image and career it’s activated during this time, some of you may receive awards, recognition and even fame during this time. Most of you will experience professional growth, higher level of productivity and a better relationship with your colleagues and managers. It’s best to don’t shy away from the public eye and practice gratitude every day. A career changes it’s also possible especially when Jupiter will conj Uranus later on this transit.
Virgo rising: this transit will take place in your 9th house of higher learning, philosophy and travel, during this time you’ll see an expansion on opportunities to travel, settle legal issues or embark towards a spiritual journey. For some of you it’s a good time to return to school for either to finish a degree or start a new one.  Along your travels you may meet people that can help you rediscover the creativity that lies within you. Some of you may publish papers, books or articles and receive very good feedback.
Libra rising: 8th house of intimacy, transformation occult and shared resource gets activated during this transit. Some of you may start a healing journey of deep psychological issues and intimacy related problems that you may have. Others may see an increase in wealth from passive incomes or partner income. An interest in the occult will be quite high during this transit and a deep need for profound transformation.
Scorpio rising: this transit will activate your 7th house of relationships and partnerships. During this time, you may wish to deep the bond that you have with a current partner or meet a new one that can be a soulmate connection. Engagements, marriages and proposals are very likely. Business partnerships are also possible. It’s a time to understand who you are through someone else’s eyes and honour you. It’s best to don’t compromise and be truth to yourself.
Sagittarius rising: 6th house of health, pets and every day routine it’s activated during this time. You may be prone to start a new workout routine and eat healthier. If you had difficulties with an illness or with your health, during this time recovery and healing it’s easier to happen. Some of you may want to adopt a new pet, others may see an improvement on your current work or a change of job it’s also possible.
Capricorn rising: during this transit 5th house of creativity, romance and pleasures it’s activated make you want to have more fun and explore your creative side. You can benefit immensely if you follow your heart. Some of you may conceive a child or it’s easier to get pregnant during this time. Your imagination will be expanded and you may wish to take a new hobby. Some of you may get lucky in gambling games.
Aquarius rising: 4th house of family and home it’s activated during this time and with Uranus there, a change of homes it’s quite likely to happen or a change of countries as well. You may understand how your roots and family helped shape the person that you are today, some of you may reconnect with family member or heal the bonds that you have. For those that want to buy a new home or sell this it’s a very auspicious time.
Pisces rising: with Jupiter in your 3rd house of communication and siblings you can expect an increase optimism in matters related to short travel, education and relationship with the siblings. Some of you may be more chatty than usual and may wish to learn a new skill. Buying or selling vehicles it’s very auspicious during this transit. It’s a good time to start a podcast, write a book or simply just share your ideas and hopes with others.
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demona-andariel · 11 months
Object of Obsession - 1 / 46
Fandom: Halloween
Pairing: Michael Myers x OFC
Summary: In Haddonfield everyone knows the legend that was Michael Myers. Content and at ease, they’d forgotten what it was to feel fear in the month of October. But now, he finds himself back and ready for blood but then a bond forms between him and one of his victims. A bond he can’t seem to break. And it starts to make him do things he never thought of doing before.
Warnings: (Encompassing the whole story in no particular order) kidnapping, noncon, explicit sexual content, smut, loss of virginity, rough sex, blood and violence, knifeplay, canon-typical violence
Author Note: Minors DNI!
Word Count: 3,172
Chapter 1 - The Beginning
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A fake witch jumped up, cackling through a terrible voice box, causing Gretchen Carter to jump and let out a small scream. Hugging her books closer to her chest she let out a sigh, trying to calm her heart. The damn witch always scared her when she left the public library. She hated the month of October, she hated Halloween and she wasn’t a fan of Haddonfield. But for the fact, that her boyfriend lived in town, she never would have moved. Not that she was staying for very long. Once Brandon figured out what he wanted to do she’d join him. Twenty-two and already financially independent due to her parents dying and her inheriting a bunch of money. It left her with the unique ability to live wherever she wanted and do whatever she wanted.
Nearing her car, she pressed the key fob to unlock her car.
A hand wrapped around her waist and twirled her around, causing her to shriek in delight. “M’lady?” her boyfriend Brandon said as he tipped a non-existent hat. “Will you be joining me on an adventure tonight?”
Her heart jumped at the thought as she leaned up to kiss him. “It is not an adventure we planned?” she asked.
His eyes twinkled. “Can I help you?” he asked as he grabbed the books from her hands. She gulped, not entirely comfortable with it, but didn’t fight him letting him take half the pile. “Learning to cook?” he teased.
She smiled. “I mean, I gotta learn how to be a good housewife right?” she teased back.
He gave her a look then shook his head. “You’re far too independent to be stuck at home all day long,” he commented. Opening the back door to her back seat, he placed the books he had into the backseat and then turned to grab the rest of them. Setting them down, he cocked his head to one side and picked one up. “The Occult World,” he read.
She shrugged her shoulders as she took it from him and set it in her backseat. “It’s almost Halloween and I always get in the mood to read about the supernatural.” It was a half-truth, half-lie. Halloween wasn’t the only time she liked to read up on the occult.
He smiled, taking her words at face value. He rarely questioned her. “Yeah, Haddonfield loves Halloween. As you can tell. You’d think we’d hate it after all those murders years ago. But I don’t know. I remember my mom saying that a mayor wanted to make some money off the tragic events and decided to embrace the Halloween theme. She doesn’t think it’s right since she remembers. She was just a kid then. But, people like making money off tragedies.”
She nodded then shuddered as chills ran through her body. The myth and legend that was Michael Myers. Part of it was based on a true story of that she was sure. He had killed his family as a child, and when he was all grown up, he’d escaped from the mental hospital he was kept in and went to finish the job by trying to kill his sister. While getting to her, he killed multiple other people. He’d been shot and killed, but the locals claimed they never found his body. And his sister disappeared, leaving town to never be seen or heard from again. There were other rumors of sightings of the masked man holding a knife.
Her mind seemed to travel and suddenly she was in a forest area filled with a dense fog. The leaves danced with a sudden breeze and whispered. Danger. She looked up and there he was. He walked out from the fog wearing coveralls, a shiny clean knife in one hand, white mask over his face. The Michael Myers of myth and legend. And he was walking straight for her. She gasped in surprise. The ground was slippery from the morning dew and she slipped on it as she was trying to get away from him, falling on her ass to the ground. Somehow he’d easily walked the distance between them in moments. She looked up as he raised his knife over his head to plunge it down into her heart-
“Gretch?” Brandon asked with concern as he gently pushed her, snapping her back to reality.
“I’m sorry, did you say something?” she asked. She hated her imagination. It always brought her to places she didn’t want to be.
“You’re looking a little pale. Are you feeling alright?” he asked as he gently cupped her face.
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
He searched her eyes. “You know, we don’t have to go through with it tonight. We can do it tomorrow or next month. Or any day.”
She looked up at him, using her hands to roam his body till she could get under his shirt and touch his skin. She rubbed his sides. He let out a cough.
“I want us to have sex tonight. I’m done waiting. You, me, your car, virginity gone!” she demanded.
He gulped, lust entering his eyes. “Then I shall pick you up at 8,” he said, grabbing her hands, he brought them up to his mouth and kissed them.
“And don’t forget to dress up,” she called out. “We’re going to Michaela’s costume party tonight.”
He smiled and blew her a kiss before briskly walking away.
She was glad he left. She wasn’t sure she could control herself much more. Although they’d been dating for a year, they didn’t actually meet in person till this past summer when she’d come up to see him. After that, it was her getting her finances in order, finding a place to rent, and figuring out how to move. She’d been living in town for a little over three months and they still hadn’t done the deed.
Sighing, she got into her car and started the engine. It wasn’t that she was against sex. She just never found the person she wanted to have sex with. But when she met Brandon she knew he was the one. Her soulmate. Her mind had immediately taken her away into a vision of sorts. They were in his car, kissing, touching, petting. They were going to have sex. They both knew it. They both were ready.
A shiver ran down her spine as the idea of what she knew was going to come slowly clouded into darkness. She let out a sigh. Her brain was a funny thing. It liked to tease her about things, but never finish them. But tonight, oh tonight. She was going to finish what her brain started. She felt her stomach flutter at the thought.
A rumble overhead caught her attention. She looked up and frowned as a storm started to take shape.
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The sound of people laughing and celebrating grated on him. He wanted to kill them all. He had no reason for it. It was just what he was supposed to do. He watched a group of people in costumes walk along a road as they made their way into a house that was much too loud. Unfortunately, too many people. For now at least. He could pick them off, one by one as they left, most likely drunk and too stupid to notice he was there until he dealt them the killing blow.
But, it wasn’t quite Halloween. Not that day or time mattered, but this time he wanted to start out slow and progress. The town of Haddonfield had made a mockery of him. He was going to make them fear his name. His hand clenched around his knife.
The wind rustled around him. And he looked up toward a hill situated a little bit outside of town. His breathing deepened. He knew that place. The kids called it Lover’s Lane. During his wanderings, he’d seen a car or two parked up there. Young teenagers were fucking. Easy targets.
His body moved automatically as he tried to control his breath. People were wrong in thinking he didn’t feel. He did feel emotion. Butterflies fluttered in his chest at the thought. He was going to start his killing spree again.
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Gretchen stared out of the window of her car as Brandon drove them. It was going to rain, she could smell it in the air, she’d seen it in the clouds earlier. Not that it mattered. It wasn’t like they were going to fuck outside.
Brandon looked over at her, putting his hand on hers and squeezing. She smiled as she looked over at him. She hadn’t talked much since he’d picked her up. He’d arrived dressed as a knight, and she had dressed up as a princess, making sure that her costume had two separate pieces and a loose enough long skirt to hike up in case she got impatient.
She let him drive her car since her car had the biggest seat of the two. But after they had kissed and headed on their journey she’d been quiet. It wasn’t that she was having second thoughts. Something was bothering her, and she was trying to figure out what.
She’d packed an overnight bag with some extra clothes and she wasn’t exactly sure why. She had a feeling she would need it and she had learned to listen to her feelings.
“Is this it?” she asked excitedly as he turned down a hard-to-see dirt road. The first words that were spoken since they started their journey.
A smile crossed his face as he winked at her.
Her heart skipped a beat. This was it. She couldn’t wait. Before her parents died she’d promised that she’d wait to have sex till she was eighteen. Once she hit eighteen she figured she could wait some more till she found the right guy. She wasn’t in a rush. Looking at Brandon, his wavy short dark-brown hair, dark eyes, and handsome features, she knew she’d hit the jackpot. She shook her head at her silly thoughts. It didn’t matter that he was handsome, that was a bonus. He was kind and gentle, and most importantly, they were connected.
He pulled up to a clearing and parked the car to overlook the town. She let out a gasp as she looked at it from above. It did look quite beautiful.
“You look beautiful,” he said as he looked at her dreamily, running a hand through her long brown hair. His brown eyes met her hazel ones. She caught his hand and planted a kiss on it, looking up at him through her eyelashes. “Fuck,” he whispered as he leaned over to kiss her.
She felt her cheeks go red as she blushed, greedily kissing him back.
“How did I ever get so fucking lucky?” he finally asked, pulling away.
“The gods smiled upon you,” she teased as she pulled down her strapless top. Her breasts popped out and he bit his lip while groaning. She reached out, locking her fingers behind his head as she pulled him into a deep kiss, her tongue demanding his. He obliged. His hands ran along her sides till he reached her breasts. She let out a moan as he flicked her nipples and played with them. Why in the world had she waited so long?
She couldn’t wait much longer. Her hands traveled down his body onto his pants, feeling the bulge. She could feel a tingle in her pussy. She was getting wet. Her hands found the button and zipper and she quickly freed his cock. Breaking free from their fondling she looked at it, a smile crossing her face. He was hard and ready for her. He grabbed her hand as she reached for him.
“Uh, Gretch,” his cheeks blushed a deep red. “You got me really hot and bothered earlier today. I don’t think I can last much longer. For right now that is.” He breathed heavily.
“Oh,” she said. Thinking quickly, she climbed over the front seat into the back and slid her underwear down. He quickly joined her, rubbing up against her as he felt for her sex while kissing her again.
Her heart thumped in her chest and she moaned as his fingers found her clit. She let out a giggle as her body filled with intense emotions.
“Are you sure you want to do this here?’ Brandon asked her in concern as he lay over her. “I mean, your apartment.” She nodded then shook her head in answer to his questions. Her mind went back to the images she had when she first met him. They’re in the car. He’s over her. They’re going to fuck. She knows it. Her soulmate- A frown crossed her face as her thoughts turned into darkness once again.
“Gretch?” he asked, noticing the change in her face.
She shook her head, banishing the dark cloud away. This was a good thing. She wanted to lose her virginity to Brandon. He was her soulmate. Her destiny. Her future.
“It’s nothing,” she said, leaning up to kiss him. Her heart pounding with anticipation and- fear?
“This might hurt a little bit,” he said with a shaky voice. “What I’m told.”
“I’m not an idiot,” she grabbed her purse from the back of her seat, digging through it till she found a condom and pulled it out as well as a small bottle of lube. “Safety first! And lube it up, let’s go.”
He let out a chuckle then his breathing deepened as she slowly tore the condom package while looking at him. One of his hands vigorously rubbed one breast, while the other went under her skirt and played with her ass.
“You’re so fucking hot,” he growled.
Her eyes danced with mischief. “I know,” she replied. Suddenly, she grew shy again.
She handed him the condom and lube for him to put on. He rolled his eyes as he let her go to roll the condom on. “You’ve done this before,” he commented. It was true. She’d given him blowjobs and handjobs before with and without condoms. But this felt different. For some reason, she felt shy and timid. She wanted him to take charge right now. He’d had sex before. He knew what to do. She wanted him to lead her.
They weren’t exactly comfortable in the backseat of his car. She moved her skirt up, wishing she hadn’t worn her costume. She should have taken the whole thing off, but she was worried that someone else would come along and see her naked.
“Oh wow,” he said, staring at her pussy, making her blush again. He kissed her again and she eagerly returned his kiss, his hands wandering her body, fondling her breasts. She moaned as she moved her hands under his shirt. They had on too many clothes, her brain complained. Deep down she knew it would be way easier with fewer clothes, but they could get real naked another time. Right now, she wanted to get this done. Finally, pulling back he nodded toward her. “Ready?” he asked.
She nodded and looked down to watch. She could feel him staring at her. She could feel the love in his eyes as he started to enter her.
Her senses screamed danger. “Brandon… Brandon!” Gretchen screeched, pushing him away from her, but accidentally toward the danger she saw. Her eyes widened in terror, pressing herself back into her door, quickly covering her body.
Lightning flashed as thunder struck while at the same time the car window busted as an arm with a knife came through, slashing Brandon’s back. He screamed in pain and turned. The hand not holding the knife unlocked the door and threw it open. He didn’t have much time to react as the knife plunged into his leg. Gretchen screamed as she grabbed Brandon, trying to keep him from being dragged out of the car. It was useless. The man pulled Brandon out with ease and he landed with a hard thump on the wet ground. The skies broke and water poured down.
Gretchen screamed as the man pulled Brandon up by his neck with one hand. Brandon started to struggle to escape and to breathe. But the man didn’t seem bothered and barely even moved by Brandon’s effort. Instead, he slowly and deliberately put his knife through the fake knight’s armor, into Brandon’s chest.
Gretchen covered her mouth with her hands in horror as the man waited till Brandon stopped moving. He let the body go and stared at it for a moment as it dropped in a heap at his feet. Her Brandon was dead. Her future was gone. The killer’s body had no real features that she could latch onto. He was a shape in the rain. Slowly, he turned his head and through his mask, looked back at her. Coveralls, a bloody knife, a white mask, emotionless eyes. Michael Myers was real.
Her fight or flight instincts kicked in as she pushed the passenger door open and toppled onto the ground. There was no time to grab her shoes, not that they would have helped as they were high heels. She ran, slipping in the fresh mud, ignoring the pain as she stepped on rocks and twigs. If she made it to the main road she could get a car to stop. Maybe… No! They might not see her with the new downpour. Her mind showed her the way. She had to go into the woods. Michaela’s house was only a mile and a half away if she took the shortcut through the woods.
She had to make it. The trees were within reach. She could make it! She let out a scream as a hand grabbed her hair, pulling her back. How in the world had he caught up to her? She fell to the ground at his feet. The knife was inches from her face. She looked up at him. Was this why the images of her future were dark? Was this how she died?
She could see his eyes through his mask. No emotions. A killer. His hand reached down to grab her neck with one hand while the knife was raised up with the other. He wanted to kill her like he killed Brandon. No! She wasn’t going to die like this. Quickly, she bit his hand, surprising him as he pulled back. She tried to get to her feet and run. This was her moment. His fingers grabbed at her, and she felt a sharp stinging pain as his knife sliced her somewhere. Her feet slipped in the wet grass without having her arms to save her as she was struggling to free her hair from him, she fell. Pain shot through her head and she couldn’t move as the wind was knocked out of her. He stood above her. Brandon’s blood, still coating his knife, slowly dripping down thanks to the rain. So, she was right after all. Brandon was her soulmate. Her blood would soon join his. Damn, she should have had sex with him months ago. It was difficult for her to keep her eyes open. She wanted her killer to see the anger, the defiance. If she became a ghost, she was going to make sure she haunted his ass. The last thing she saw was his knife raised above her and then her world went dark.
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Chapter 2 - Unexpected Turn of Events
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gunslinginnhogtyin · 4 months
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Pictured above: Darlene Alden (present)
Much like Butch, Darlene was dealt an unfortunate hand of cards in life. Not only was she an orphan with no family to speak of, but she also had to find out about her witch heritage all on her own, her abilities revealing themselves for the first time during a close encounter with assault.
From then on out she would spend her time trying to get by, developing her powers as they became more familiar; it didn’t take long for Darlene to realize they were heavily influenced by her emotions. As she learned more about herself and her abilities, she began to document her skills, her findings, and the otherworldly beings that seemed to manifest as a result of her magic—something other magically inclined beings tended to be attracted to, good and bad. One bad run in with an evil entity lead the witch to creating an almost liminal realm completely by accident where she began to trap dark and evil beings of supernatural origin. Not only did this protect her from future attacks, but it would rid the mortal realm of that dark energy as well.
Life wasn’t easy for a woman in the 19th century, and it sure as hell wasn’t easy for a witch. Darlene had always felt she could never be her true self around anyone… there was always a certain fear in one’s eyes and their voice when the occult or magic was spoke of, especially when a witch was mentioned. That was, until she met Butch. The first human to look at her abilities with intrigue rather than fear. She quickly noticed what a loyal and devoted companion he could be when he gave up the farm he had inherited from his father to join her in the seemingly much more interesting and purposeful fugitive lifestyle. She had a much more serious outlook on the situation, however. To Darlene, it wasn’t just some fun adventure but rather, a journey. Fighting tooth and nail for everything she wished she could simply ask for all because she was underestimated or looked down upon by those around her.
Darlene, accompanied by her companion, Butch, would travel around committing petty theft and other crimes in order to get by while the witch developed her life’s work—her self made realm and her powers. When they weren’t trying to make money, they would be searching for magical and/or cursed objects she would either use to help make her powers stronger or banish to the other realm depending on the type of energy it held. Because of these various different magical/cursed items, Darlene has a multitude of abilities and slowly became more powerful as her magic accumulated into something more unique. She wanted to show the world that magic could be used for good, that she could protect those who were helpless against dark forces in the mortal realm, especially against unseen forces but her wishes never came to fruition. Humanity was fickle, judgemental, and cruel. Anything different was seen as bad rather than there even being an attempt to understand it, even when it was obvious they could benefit from it and at this point in time, she was one of the few witches who actually tried to make a difference in how their kind was viewed.
After a life long struggle with trying to prove herself, she grew tired and bitter. Life had no charm if she couldn’t use her magic true to herself and she had no reason to want to protect the mortal realm from evil forces as no matter what she did to sway opinion, everyone ultimately always ended up viewing her as something wretched. She grew to despise mortals for their ignorance and their lack of appreciation. After so long of trying to prove she could be an asset, she had a moment of clarity where she realized… she was better than these mortals. She was strong, she was more powerful, she didn’t have to take their shit. Why was she running from humanity while simultaneously fighting for a lost cause, their cause, when it was so much easier just to be herself? To be all powerful and to TAKE what she wanted. She realized she didn’t need validation from mere mortals to be accepted, that she could create her own reason for being without breaking her back protecting her ungrateful oppressors.
With that in mind, Darlene did the unthinkable. Her usual positive and warm demeanor had almost completely shifted into a more solemn one as she approached her mortal companion of ten years, enticing him to enter the very book that seethed evil. She and her companion had visited the Other Realm, her own creation, more times than once for various reasons… unknown to her partner or course, but they always went together. Without a reason or much of an explanation at all, she convinced Butch to enter her realm under the guise of trust.
“…Don’t you trust me…?” Darlene asked with pleading eyes, her lips down turned in a frown. Officer course he did. He had no reason not to. She was… everything to him; quite literally his reason for being at this point in his life. He was in deep. But no matter how loyal or devoted he was, Butch was still a mortal at the end of the day.
Darlene would change that, or kill him trying. As sad as it may have made her at the time, she had to remind herself how far beneath her he was and what a short lifespan he would have in comparison to her. She had no reason to keep him around realistically, especially if she planned on enacting her revenge. He was far too good natured, and she couldn’t bare for him to witness this new side of her.
In her own messed up way, she cared deeply for her cowboy companion. So much so that she would rather kill him than allow him to see what she was about to do. She couldn’t bare the hurt or the disappointment. It was easier for him to just disappear, though she knew there was a chance he would survive… and if he did, he would no longer be mortal.
See, Darlene had never trapped a mortal in the Other Realm before so there was some form of sick curiosity when it came to condemning him there. She could speculate. If he survived for whatever reason, she decided, that would be her sign to allow him to join her in her plight to enact her revenge on the mortal realm. He would truly be her most loyal follower.
In the meantime, she would spend her days recruiting magically inclined like-minded individuals who saw a similar vision while she trained to become stronger, honing her already powerful skills. She had no need for the Other Realm any longer as she no longer wished to trap evil within it, and so… upon the the birth of her first born, she would pass the book onto them with no information as to its origins.
Curiosity came and went and Darlene’s lips were sealed; her first born would grow up to have their own child and any fascination with the book was stifled, it having been shelved years previous. It became an artifact of sorts that her lineage would pass down just like an antique doll or an old china set. The book and with it the Other Realm was practically forgotten. It sat there for all of one hundred or so years before a young child, descending from Darlene’s bloodline, had gotten ahold of it, their curiosity leading them down a rabbit hole of their heritage. This ignited their magic, something that was thought to be long gone within their family as Darlene kept her past (and her present) affairs a secret. In fact, Darlene wasn’t very present with her family at all, opting instead to leave the man she had chosen to bare her first born with in favor of continuing to lead her own life. She was on a mission after all.
That child was Edgar, the one who unintentionally freed Butch from its confines later in life when they had no choice but to enter the realm in order to rescue their best friends young brother who had entrapped himself.
Darlene’s whereabouts these days are unknown, though she’s very much alive.
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ricihh · 1 year
Ayano Aishi Headcanons!! (Not Yandere Au)
The eldest daughter of Ryoba and Togo.
She has a younger brother. They both get along considerably well, despite their different tastes.
Good bonds with her mother and father, just a little afraid to share things that happen in her life with them (and when she does tell, it is to Togo, who is a terrible adviser by nature).
Ace Lesbian.
She has social phobia and autism.
This means that in this Au she feels emotions, but has trouble recognizing other people's and her own.
Very similar to her father (both in manner and taste).
Practically canon (see her room), but a big fan of otaku culture and anime games.
She has a fixation with magical girls and saves money to buy figures and other otaku stuff.
Heavy user of Discord—oops, Yancord. She has several online friends there and loves to play with them.
Very jealous and does NOT know how to hide it.
She can play guitar (Togo taught her).
She has dark circles under her eyes from sleeping late.
She would like to join the gaming club, but lacks a little courage (she joins eventually with Taeko's help).
She likes occult, but doesn't know if she would join the club or something.
She has difficulty making friends. Often starts conversations by asking for people's Yancord users.
Ayano: Uh... S-so, what is your Yancord user?
Taeko: Wut–
She fell in love at first sight with her senpai and thought she would never be able to talk to her. She tried very hard to befriend Osana and make her understand her feelings.
She confessed to Senpai after that.
She is terrible at showing feelings (just like her father, but nicer about it).
She was the first person to know that Senpai is a trans woman.
Ayano: I have something serious to talk to you about, senpai. I-I think I like girls.
Taeko, in a female wig: And I think I am a girl.
Ayano: Oh. I-I didn't see that coming.
Taeko: Me neither.
Extremely supportive.
She likes cats and gets one eventually.
She loved listening to horror stories told by her parents (mostly Ryoba) before bedtime. This made her a big horror fan.
Ryoba tries to get her as far away from her uncle in the Yakuza as possible at his own request. However, the delinquents and Osoro know about this (and that she has an ex-delinquent father) and are good friends with her.
But she always refuses to join their group, because Ayano wants to look presentable for her senpai and is not good at physical fighting.
Even if she is very fond of martial arts.
Budo is a close friend and thinks she shouldn't hang out with the delinquents so much.
Ayano has contacted her Yakuza uncle a few times. The first time she was just a child, and to fulfill a challenge that some naughty children gave her, she contacted her uncle by seeing his number in a little notebook in her parents' bedroom.
Young Ayano: I need some bang snaps.
Yakuza: sigh. Look, Ayano. We don't work with that kind of thing around here.
Young Ayano: But mom said that uncle works with dangerous things!
The second time, she asked her uncle for illegal things to complete the delinquents tasks. He refused, so she tried to get it at school.
The third time, Ayano contacted him again and begged him to help Taeko get illegal feminizing hormone therapy. She said she would pay him as much as he wanted, but Yakuza just gave in to the request and, saying it was the only deal he would do for her, provided illegal hormones totally for free.
Ryoba finds out about this and starts a way to get HRT legally for Taeko with correct prescription and everything. Ayano is relieved.
Ayano uses the delinquents to protect Taeko from the bullies.
But she keeps running away from them every time they even remotely touch the subject of her joining them.
Taeko: You know, I don't mind if you go blond.
Ayano: but I do......
She has difficulty with some school subjects, and Taeko always helps her study.
Amai, Osana and Osoro are quite friendly to her. She has had some conversations with Oka (mostly because they both like occult) and they feel related to each other from afar. She feels intimidated by Kizana (for her air of superiority) and Hanako (she dislikes Ayano). Ayano is indifferent about the remains of those who would be her rivals, minus Mida Rana, engaging in a plan to denounce her for her criminal acts around the school.
Ayano finds Info-chan and the proposal they made to her quite strange, especially since Info-chan never revealed their intentions and how they knew about Ayano's crush on Taeko. This instigated Ayano, who tried to get more information about Info-chan by contacting them to befriend Osana (the first “rival” as Info-chan likes to call her), asked her own colleagues and visited the clubs near Info Club, but got no results. Ayano still thinks this is an interesting mystery and knows she is being watched from afar for having managed to date Taeko so easily—even though Info-chan has tried to appear harmless to her, Ayano suspects something more involved in this after Info-chan indirectly encourages her to use aggressive methods in their first conversation. However, Info-chan still remains a complete mystery and deleted their contact from Ayano's cell phone after Ayano started dating Taeko.
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suvidrache · 1 year
Incorrect Quotes With The Sinclair Brothers
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 385 / Read it on AO3 / Wattpad
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Bo: If you had to choose between Vincent and all the money I have in my wallet, which would you choose?
Lester: That depends, how much money are we taking about?
Vincent: Lester!
Bo: 63 cents.
Lester: I’ll take the money.
Vincent: LESTER!!!
Store Worker: Would a Mr. Bo please come to the front desk?
Bo, arriving at the desk: Hello, is there a problem?
Store Worker: points to Vincent and Lester
Store Worker: I believe they belong to you?
Vincent and Lester, simultaneously: We got lost :(
Bo: I didn’t even bring you guys here with me-
Bo: If Vincent and I were drowning, who would you save?
Lester: You two can’t swim?
Vincent: It’s a hypothetical question, Lester! who would you save?
Lester: my time and effort.
Bo, holding a python: Guys I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him
Vincent: You did WHAT–
Lester: William Snakepeare
Bo: Why are you on the floor?
Vincent: I’m depressed.
Vincent: Also I was stabbed, can you get Lester, please.
Bo, at a restaurant: You guys should get the orange soda, it’s amazing.
Vincent: Okay
Waiter: Can I get you guys anything to drink?
Bo: Orange soda, please!
Vincent: I’ll have the strawberry soda.
Lester: Me too, strawberry soda.
Bo: While I’m gone, Lester, you’re in charge.
Lester: Yes!!!
Bo, whispering: Vincent, you’re secretly in charge.
Vincent: Obviously.
Bo: WHY. why did you give Lester a KNIFE?!
Vincent: I’m sorry. He said he felt unsafe.
Bo: Now I feel unsafe!
Vincent: I’m sorry.
Vincent: … would you like a knife?
Bo, texting Vincent: Vincent! Help I’m being kidnapped
Vincent: Where are you?
Bo: I’m with some strange person. In a car. Help.
Vincent: I’ll call Lester.
Lester, answering his cell: Y’ello?
Vincent: Where’s Bo? He texted me that he was being kidnapped.
Lester: Bo? Whaddya mean, he’s right next to me-
Lester: I’ll call you back. *hangs up*
Bo: If I accidentally sat on a voodoo doll of myself, would I be trapped forever in that position, doomed to starve to death?
Vincent: How am I supposed to know?
Lester: You say, as if we don’t use you as a source of knowledge of the occult.
Vincent: *sighs*
Vincent: You wouldn’t be trapped.
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
Tag list: @fluffy-little-demon / To join apply here!
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writterings · 8 months
In one of your tags you mentioned you went to a witch school (if I remember correctly) and learned properly on occult studies. I was kinda curious about that, how did you find it? How did you find out it was legit? Where I live there was a famous New England witch trail that occurred so we’re kinda swarmed with the popularized version vs the legit witch craft
i'll tell you the exact name of it if you dm me!
but i honestly just found out about it by talking to a coworker. she had recently graduated the program and seemed to enjoy it, so i gave it a shot. i don't live near the school but they offered classes online.
im not going to lie, i was super skeptical of it at first -- as i am, honestly, with all new age beliefs and religions. what i think helped me choose this school is that they don't care if you believe in what they believe, and you can drop out at any time. they also don't care how much you get involved with them and any money requirements are based on a sliding scale so they can accommodate people who can't afford the rate of compensating the teachers. (edit: the only money fees actually are just compensating the teachers for their time in which they make class materials for you, teach you, and review your homework)
i also read up a lot on cults before joining, tbh, to make sure it wasn't a cult. and, like yeah, anything can technically become a cult with the right language and wrong people -- but i'm pretty sure it's no more a cult than an average christian church or, like, crossfit.
now, i don't believe in everything this school teaches -- some specific teachers teeter the line of cultural appropriation in their personal practices and ideas, and that's not something i agree with -- so i mostly just try to think critically about all the information they give me (even if I agree with it) and they 100% welcome that!
they teach from a variety of sources and from a variety of non-closed practices, and even have speakers from closed practices give guest lectures sometimes so us outsiders to the practices can learn some reputable info and perspectives.
i also like that they're very science first. even when we talked about healing stuff, my teacher was like, "look me in the eyes. i personally believe that healing energy exhanges and traditional herbalism can help with ailments like a sore throat or achy muscles. but. BUT. listen to your doctor. what we do is not genuine treatment for serious issues, mental or physical. science is real and we will cover some anatomy basics in the next modules to prove how science is real, even though we all believe in magick to some degree."
their books are also available to the public and they have some free classes/ceremonies/festivals as well.
anyways, that's how i learned about it and that's how i know it's legit! (as legit as a magick school can be, like that kinda just comes down to personal belief at some point) i'm probably going to take some more classes with them in the future.
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maybetomoko · 1 year
Megumi Fushiguro (Jjk official fanbook)
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"Even if I were to put my life at risk, I am not even thinking of throwing it away."
Age: 15 years old 
Birthday: 22 December 
Level: 2nd level sorcerer 
Enrolment modalities: family lineage 
Technique: Technique of the ten shadows
Ability: Technique of the ten shadows, Jade Dogs (white), (black), (turbid), Chimera, Snake, Toad, Elephant, Rabbits on the Run, Bottomless Pit; Domain Expansion: Garden of Shadows.
Hobby: read
Favourite food: anything that goes well with ginger 
Food he doesn’t like: peppers (and sweet side dishes in general)
Source of stress: people (90% of the time)
His type: there is no particular type (as long as she has an incorruptible humanity).
Q: Is Fushiguro saddened when one of his shikigami is destroyed?
A: In his own way he is very sorry. Fushiguro is that type person that he seems more sad when an animal die rather than a human.
Q: Is he the type who takes an interest in other people's love affairs? 
A: Rather than being interested, let's say he likes to check whether he got it right or not 
Q: In what way would he reject a girl who declares herself to him?
A: “Sorryyyyyyyy!”
Q: Does he watch newspapers and read the news?
A: He watches and reads, but he think that the half of the informations are a lie. 
Q: What was the first mission in absolute and who assigned it to him?
A: It was something suitable for him according to Gojo. But maybe Gojo was mocking him. 
Q: Who taught Megumi the martial arts and how to handle arms?
A: Gojo and Maki. 
Q: When he was in the middle school, which was the episode as a problematic guy most scandalous? 
A: The “case of the perfectly healthy young offenders hanging from a banner”.
Q: Apart from your former classmate, did any of your other friends die?
A: I think so. At that point in history, Fushiguro had already had quite a long career as a sorcerer. 
Q: How did Megumi and Tsumiki cope after their parents disappeared? 
A: Crucially, Tsumiki took care of all the household chores and Megumi helped her. When the reminders to pay bills began to arrive, Gojo stepped in and settled the debts before the (small) amount of money left to the two kids by Tsumiki's mother ran out. 
Q: He immediately remembered the names of his classmates. Did he by any chance hang out with them a lot in his middle school days? 
A: He just has a good memory. 
Q: How did he become so perceptive? 
A: Maybe is because he has a negative vision rather of the world and he is basically someone who does not trust others. 
Q: Why is Inumaki is not included in his list of senpai to be respected? 
A: Because Inumaki joins the antics of Panda and Gojo all too quickly.
Q: Has he ever laughed so hard that he cried? 
A: I don't think so. 
Q: How was he treated as a sorcerer before he entered the Institute of Occult Arts? Was he ever assigned missions? 
A: He was never assigned missions, Gojo, to whom he was entrusted, would drop by every so often to see what he was doing and take him on missions with him. 
Q: Is the tablet used by Fushiguro his personal device? 
A: It belongs to the Institute. The management assistants who move with him lend it to him when necessary. 
Q: Did he know Maki and Mai before he even entered the Institute? 
A: Yes. When Gojo was working on solving the problem of Megumi's connection with the Zenin, he showed up at the clan house with the boy, so I think that's when they first met. 
Q: Is there a reason why he hates peppers?
A: He doesn't like sweet side dishes. 
Q: Is there anything in particular that you focus on regarding your character design? 
A: His profile looks too much like Itadori's if I'm not careful, I see this as my big failing. 
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brasilconspiracao · 10 months
HOW THE CIA PLANNED THE DRUGGING OF AMERICA - LSD, Timothy Leary, Grateful Dead, Hippie Movement, Occult Religions, 60s and WW2 Mind Control Experiments
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HOW THE CIA PLANNED THE DRUGGING OF AMERICA https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP88-01350R000200160001-6.pdf
Other documents indicated that Leary had received money channeled by the CIA through various goverment agencies. Iri all, he received eight government grants from 1953 to 1958, most of them through the National Institute of Mental Health, now known to have been one of the counduits for research under the MKULTRA program.
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When the “Most Dangerous Man in America” Tried to Start A Religion and Change the World from Hudson Street https://www.villagepreservation.org/2020/07/15/when-the-most-dangerous-man-in-america-tried-to-start-a-religion-and-change-the-world-from-hudson-street/
Leary frequented found a safe have in many places in the Greenwich Village and the East Village for these pursuits. Even Jimi Hendrix participated in a fundraiser for Leary at the Village Gate in 1970.
LSD drug advocate Timothy Leary and Allen Ginsberg (l.) at the Village Gate Theatre, where the League for Spiritual Development sponsored film.
The song “Come Together” by the Beatles was written as a campaign song for Leary’s ill-fated run for Governor of California against Ronald Reagan. Leary’s slogan was “Come together, join the party,” There is so much more to the life of this countercultural character, who is associated with the phrase “Turn on, Tune In, Drop Out”. The book “The Most Dangerous Man in America” by Bill Minutaglio and Steven L. Davis is an award-winning work of non-fiction and source for further fascinating information of his life and the times.
Timothy Leary's liberation, and the CIA's experiments! LSD's amazing, psychedelic history https://www.salon.com/2013/12/14/timothy_learys_liberation_and_the_cias_experiments_lsds_amazing_psychedelic_history/
however, the cat was very much out of the bag at that point and the first major group to examine the potential use of LSD was, of course, the CIA. In the 1950s and ‘60s the CIA had several top secret initiatives under the names BLUEBIRD, ARTICHOKE and MK-ULTRA, which sought to develop mind control techniques or “brainwashing” à la Manchurian Candidate as an aid to the interrogation of subjects as part of their Cold War activities. These programs had been inspired by, among other things, documents that the CIA had obtained after World War II describing experiments with mescaline performed by Nazi doctors on the inmates of the Dachau concentration camp. LSD was first brought to the United States in 1949 by Dr. Max Rinkel, who carried out research using the drug on a population of 100 volunteers. Together with his colleague Dr. Paul Hoch they noted that LSD produced effects that mimicked schizophrenic psychosis. Indeed, they postulated that LSD produced a model psychosis—that is, it was “psychotomimetic.”
The idea that LSD could produce mental disorganization encouraged the CIA to start using it in experiments similar to those carried out by the Nazi doctors. CIA operatives began administering the drug in secret to different subject populations (or indeed to each other). Like the Nazis, the CIA used different populations of helpless individuals such as prisoners, drug addicts, and mental patients in their experiments, often with appalling results. The CIA not only performed experiments on individuals but also came up with schemes for contaminating the water supply of potential enemies with LSD so as to incapacitate entire hostile populations. For this they would need large amounts of the drug, at one point ordering the equivalent of 100 million doses from Sandoz. When they found out that obtaining such a large amount as this might be somewhat problematic they turned to Eli Lilly and Company, whose capable chemists broke the secret Sandoz patent and assured the CIA that they could produce LSD in tons or similar amounts.
Nevertheless, in the atmosphere of general paranoia that pervaded the postwar era, the CIA maintained an important role in manipulating the developing drug culture. CIA operatives acted as drug suppliers if they were interested in observing drug effects under particular circumstances, and infiltrated different drug-using groups with political points of view deemed to be of “interest” so as to relay information back to Washington.
Aldous Huxley was another individual who greatly enhanced the awareness of the potential of psychedelic drug use. His interest in this subject clearly preceded the drug revolution of the 1960s as his famous book "Brave New World," which had described the use of psychotropic drugs to control an entire society, had been published in 1931.
initially he and Alpert started their own organization, the International Federation for Internal Freedom (IFIF) for the further study of the religious and psychological potential of hallucinogenic drug use. The IFIF was headquartered in a Mexican resort town. However, the reports of wild orgies and other unseemly behavior caused the Mexican authorities to evict the group, and Leary was back in the United States once again.
As a guide to the direction and understanding of LSD-induced psychedelic experience, Leary used the Tibetan Book of the Dead which deals explicitly with different states of consciousness. Leary reinterpreted this so that it ended up as a sort of mixture of Buddhist wisdom and Scientology. Clearly at this point Leary had become the high priest of an LSD-fueled religion complete with its own bible. Millbrook was visited by a wide variety of high-profile individuals from the arts and politics, and its place in the general public’s consciousness rapidly increased.
LSD Promoter Timothy Leary exposed as CIA agent in 1979 Video Footage showing Tim Leary reminiscing with MK-Ultra's Humphrey Osmond (of MI6 & CIA), Al Hubbard & Oscar Janiger. MK-Ultra personnel were backstage at Grateful Dead concerts where LSD was distributed to public. Bob Weir in Bohemian Grove https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/8relrg/lsd_promoter_timothy_leary_exposed_as_cia_agent/
The CIA's Secret Quest For Mind Control: Torture, LSD And A 'Poisoner In Chief'https://www.npr.org/2019/09/09/758989641/the-cias-secret-quest-for-mind-control-torture-lsd-and-a-poisoner-in-chief
On the CIA hiring Nazi doctors and Japanese torturers to learn methods
Leary's LSD House had occult symbols (Pagan God and "Star of David")
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Timothy Leary’s Hitchcock Estate in Millbrook, New York, May Be the State’s Strangest Home https://www.architecturaldigest.com/story/timothy-leary-hitchcock-estate-millbrook
Leary's book:
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Ginsberg (connected to Leary)
Allen Ginsberg (Beat Generation Liberal writer) was a member of NAMBLA (Pedophile Advocacy Org) https://www.reddit.com/r/walkaway/comments/15537ol/allen_ginsberg_beat_generation_liberal_writer_was/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
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Chapter 1 ( It always starts with his stupidity )
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Why did it happened to us , I would have been baking for him or may be we could have been in some thrift shop buying him or me some clothes , we could have been in TDL or at the very least at our home at Sendai .
Why did things turned out like this , just 2 weeks ago we were in our normal life , him being a stupid ediot goofing around in him occult club , me doing jobs and joining competitions to pay rent , hospital bills
Life wasn't easy , i am an optimistic ediot like him ,
I was a fool
For thinking that eventually life is going to better , that fate is going to show some mercy , that things are going to change but as I said I was a fool things changed for the worst . Our life was never good , it always had red flags in it , it was like we were in the southern India Ocean where tides were so strong that we could do nothing but struggle for merry survival , those tides eventually stopped but I never had thought that what I thought was a good start of a new life was actually the calmness before the storm .
We two were all alone after gramps was admitted in hospital but we had each other's back , I had him and he had me . We were happy even with nothing because we had each other . Our parents died in an accident when we were young I still have a vivid memory of my mother, a memory of my father my older brother sure resembled him . Him and gramos never made me feel that i didn't had a father or a mother . But both of them aren't here with me anymore .
In just 2 weeks our lives had changed this much but what happened today , I was not ready for it , if he didn't ate that stupid thousand year old finger we still would have been at home and he would still have been alive running and goofing around with me . But here am I standing infront of his dead body . The dead body of my older twin , my best friend , my only relative .
I always tried to convince myself that life would be better one day but here am I .
3rd person POV
Y/N ...... it was all fushiguro megumi could say it was hard for even him too process what had happened in the last hour , he had no clue to console the girl with pink streaks afterall his emotions were in control too . He opened his mouth once again but was cutted off by the girl's screams .
"Itadori Yuji you ediot you big big ediot why are you like that . How dare you break our promise and leave me alone , didn't you said that you are going to bake me a cake once in your life you said that you wanted to go and eat out in the world once we have enough money , you said that we are going to live in a good house someday you promised me , so why why why are you sleeping infront of me . Get up you ediot it's raining . I swear am not going to take care of you if you fall sick now get up you nit wit . Let's go back to the dorms . "
" Y/N he is--"
"Shut up Fushiguro kun and Yuji ni please get up you will fall sick . Please get up . Please, please, please."
Fushiguro megumi could do nothing much but he raised his head , he took a few steps towards the girl placing a hand on her shoulder trying to find his voice and words
" Y/N , I am sorry I really am sorry to say this but ...... He is ....... dead . He wouldn't want you to be like this I know you are in denial but it's the reality that he is dead . I know it's tough but please get yourself together . Am going to call the school . "
Megumi's POV
I went away to call gojo sensei to report what had happened.
Taking out my phone I dialled his number I knew it if I gave him the initiative to speak he would piss me off with his stupidity so , I came straight to the point as soon as he picked up
" We were on a mission at the detention centre , a special grade and ............ Itadori is dead . Please come here as soon as possible , Ichiji san had just took Nobara back to school as she was injured and Y/N is not stable. " I stated in one firm breath . Gojo sensei said that he would be here in 15 minutes
As soon as I hung up Y/N's voice caught my attention , she was looking at the dark sky then , she looked at me and said with her sad voice
" Did you know that he is 2 minutes older than me " stating it she unexpectedly smiled the last thing she could have done in this situation she looked away as if she was admiring the scenery of the sky before turning back to me and once again she opened her mouth and said " It always starts with his stupidity. "
Stating those two lines she fainted and laid beside her brother I ran towards her to check her pulse and injuries . She was cold , she had bruises and cuts .
Feeling a strong gush and strong presence just behind me I saw the person I called for .
"Are you ok ? " Gojo sensei asked me. I hummed in response he then asked about Y/N . I told him that she just fainted as she was quite injured and overwhelmed by the events in the last hour. I picked her up from the floor while Gojo sensei picked up her brother .
We went back to jujutsu high, in the infirmary where it was finally calm for us .
Ok so am extremely sorry for posting 4 days late from the promised date . I was quite depressed (family issues). I was feeling low and that made me question myself and I thought that it's going to be ok like there is nobody there to read your stories but I forgot being true to myself and I realised it today as I saw one response on the synopsis of the story it gave me motivation and realisation of what I am and I promise that am going ti be true ti myself.
So hereby I promise to post on every Sunday a new chapter .
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maidayevergreen · 1 year
The Sims 4 Disney Legacy Challenge
Sims 4 Disney Legacy This was inspired by the sims 3 version I found here, this the line to it, go check it out. There will be 11 gens.
Rules and Guidelines • No cheats, unless bb.moveobjects, or money cheat at the beginning • Aging must be set to normal • Mods are allowed unless it messes with the current generation • Do not bring back your sim from the dead, unless specified • Do not bake or eat cake unless it’s one of your sims birthday • Your sims do not need to look like its generations theme, though it’s up to you, traits are also up to yoi
The Generations Some of these will have packs involved, so I will try and give options that you can use so you can still play this challenge.
Gen 1 - Light Year Buzz lightyear is a space ranger who was stuck on his own with nothing, not knowing where is family was just by himself working on becoming the best Astronaut there has ever been.
• Complete the astronaut career • Level 10 in fitness, logic and rocket science • Start with nothing and no money • Marry a co-worker • Have two children, one being evil and younger one being the heir • Have a completed space ship • Have 4 good friends • Complete the body builder aspiration • Have a brother or sister that you don’t really know/ speak to
Gen 2 - Lion King You grew up surrounded by getting everything you ever wanted, but your older sibling was always jealous of you for some reason, and when you needed your father the most he was not around and you ran away from your problems until it is your time to return home.
• Father dies when sim is a child • Older sibling had something to do with the death (do what you want with that) • Runaway and move in with nature crazy uncle’s or aunt’s (Pumba and Timon, they can be married, do whatever you want) • Complete Fabulously wealthy aspiration • Complete the politician career - president • Max the fitness, singing and charisma skill • Have a childhood best friend • Return home when a young adult and get revenge at your sibling in anyway you want • Marry childhood friend • Have one child
Gen 3 - Soul You grew up surround by music, and you have loved learning instruments. But you didn't think you would be good enough be for going into the music industry, so you went into business until something gave you a passion to do something you want to do with your life.
• Get to level 5 in the business career than quit • After quitting the business career, adopt a daughter • The adopted daughter is the next heir • Live in the city • Have a near death experience • Complete the musical genius career • Complete the Entertainer (musician) career • Max three different instruments • Marry when an adult and have a child with them
Gen 4 - Lady and the Tramp You grew up and was a little spoil't and you had all of your parents attention, until you had gotten a surprise sibling, you got lost after having an argument with you parents and ran into a person that has offered you a place with them, how will this story go?
• Start to get ignored after new baby is born • Love your sibling but can’t help feel hurt by parents • Runaway after an argument and join a household with a sim that you just met • Start to fall in love with the other sim - eventually marry • Complete the Big happy family aspiration • Max the parenting, cooking and gourmet cooking skill • Have at least 4 children • Favourite 3 of them • Partner is in the criminal career until adulthood after being arrested • Don't have a job • Reconnect with parents after baby number 4 • Second youngest is heir
Gen 5 - Encanto Your family was very close knit, except why weren’t you included. All your life you where last choice, ignored by your mother, bullied by your older siblings with only the younger to rely on.
• Your family is ‘amazing’ and popular • Father dies when a toddler • If able try and make the family full of occults • Be distance and not close to family until a teen • House is destroyed when there a teen • Marry a co-worker in style-influencer career • Complete the Style-influencer career • Complete the friend of the world aspiration • Max writing, painting, photography and charisma skills • Reconnect with family after house is repaired and be best friends with one of the older siblings • Have one child
Gen 6 - Turning Red You was the perfect child, the one everyone wanted there child to be like, but you knew that you where different, but how?
• Have an A as a child • Complete as many toddler traits • Be best friends with mother until there a teen • When a teen become a were-wolf • Parents try to convince you to hide it until they can find a cure • You get angry at them for trying to cure you • Have 3 best friends • Max the violin, Entrepreneur and painting skill • Complete the freelance painter career • Marry one of best friends • Mother become distant and angry • You stay a were-wolf • Complete the Lone Wolf Aspiration • Only have two children
Gen 7 - Onward One of your parents died at a young age, and you don’t really remember them all that well, you had your other parent and older sibling growing up, but you wish to hug them once, but what if you can?
• One parent must die when toddler • Older sibling helped raise you and close to them • You bring back your father for a little bit to hug them as a teen • Have a step parent that is in the police force, don’t get on well until later on • Max the scientist career • Max the logic, wellness and video gaming • Only have one child • Have a nice garden that you leave behind for your child
Gen 8 - Strange World It’s a strange world out there and you want to find it all, but at the risk of your family, you don’t truly know.
• When a teen father disappears • Master the gardener career • Max the gardening, logic and handiness skill • Have only one child • Complete the freelance botanist aspiration • Partner must either be a scientist or astronaut career wise • Only have one child, preferably a boy • Travel to the alien world with family
Gen 9 - Lilo And Stitch When you where a child your watched your family go into the alien world and it made you want to meet and alien but is that what you really wanted when you get abducted?
• Have a alien baby • Be close to parents • Marry a alien • Complete the detective career • Max mischief, guitar and painting skill • Complete the chief of mischief aspiration • Drive away a neighbours on both sides whenever possible • Have 2 to 3 children • Alien child is heir
Gen 10 - Luca You always felt like an outcast in your family but also in the world. Your parents always let you be yourself but you always feel the need to hide yourself when your outside. You meet another alien and you both make the choice of running away.
• A blue alien with a human form • Must run away with new friend as a teen • Meet a human and become best friends • Never truly went to school due to fear until teen • Have a human that hates you and is your rival • They bully you due to them finding out they are an alien • You love water and live close to it • Complete the painter extortioner • Max the painting, photography and cooking skill • Have one child • Have a five star business • Marry a human
Gen 11 - Aladdin After your whole family perish to unknown causes they have to survive on there own, and start a family in there life.
• Master the criminal career • Fall in love with a rich sim • Pretend to be rich when poor • Max the fitness, rock climbing and baking • Make friends with a plant sim or genie type inspired sim • Have one child • Get rid of the rich partners weird uncle • After the criminal career leave it and live happily ever after
If you decide to do this challenge please tag me @maidayevergreen , and put the #TS4disney_challenge
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An inkling of the Republican Party’s shocking underperformance in the midterms could be seen in a literal, not figurative, crusade. Allen West, former congressman and Texas Republican Party chairman, decided in September that the time was ripe to join the Knights Templar, the infamous sect of medieval soldier-monks. Photographed standing in a white robe emblazoned with a red cross draped jauntily over his tuxedo, West—a close ally of Donald Trump—tweeted that he had taken “an oath to protect the Christians in the Holy Land.”
The real Knights Templar, of course, were dissolved in 1312. The organization West joined is an American-based “chivalric order” that grants its members “knighthood” and, aside from its name, shares nothing with the actual Knights Templar.
West’s bizarre fascination with the imagery of medieval Europe does not exist in a vacuum: The right is getting weirder. That might begin to cost Republicans elections in years to come and undermine their own appeals to American patriotism in a way policy extremism alone could not. American voters see the political parties as equally extreme in policy, ignoring evidence that Republicans have moved right much faster than Democrats have moved left. However, a party fixated on genital sunning, seed oils, Catholic integralism, European aristocracy, and occultism can alienate voters not because of its positions but because of how it presents them—and itself. Among the right’s intellectual avant garde and media elites, there is a growing adoption of habits, aesthetics, and views that are not only out of step with America’s but are deliberately cultivated in opposition to a national majority that the new right holds in contempt.
This is a different—though parallel—phenomenon from the often raucous, conspiratorial personality cult that surrounds Donald Trump and his devoted base. This new turn has predominantly manifested among the upper-class and college-educated right wing. Indeed, as Democratic strategist David Shor noted, as those with college degrees become more left leaning, the remaining conservatives have gotten “really very weird.” In this well-off cohort, there exists a mirror of the excesses often attributed to the college-educated left, fairly or unfairly: an aversion to mainstream values and an extreme militancy.
The ascendant weird right will likely struggle to sell its deeply anti-patriotic vision to many voters. In these segments of the mostly young, online-influenced American right, the optimistic vision espoused by Ronald Reagan’s “morning in America” has been discarded. The elite educated right has moved even beyond the overt pessimism of Donald Trump’s “American carnage”—now disgust with equitable citizenship, personal liberty, and democratic self-governance is commonplace. Fed by an endless outrage cycle and a motivated and well-resourced donor class willing to pour money into increasingly reactionary think tanks like the avowedly anti-democratic Claremont Institute, right-wing thinkers and activists have begun to identify the foundational pillars of the United States itself with immorality and adopted a new fascination with medieval Catholicism and imported European extremisms. Today, the right has shed its American and conservative roots and seeks a radical shift—a national “refounding.” Indeed, leading right-wing intellectuals like John Daniel Davidson have said that “the conservative project has failed” and that people like them constitute the educated vanguard of a “revolutionary moment.”
As we can now see—with even greater clarity—in the wake of the election, American voters respond poorly to a toxic brew of pessimism; the promise of radical cultural transformation; and the imposition of foreign ideas, values, and aesthetics. Nine in 10 Americans believe that being “truly American” involves respecting “American political institutions and laws,” the Public Religion Research Institute found last year. Americans consistently affirm that liberty, equality, and progress—the core values of republicanism and the Enlightenment—are ones they try to live by. While the content and meaning of those values have always been contested terrain, opposing them is a nonstarter.
The weird elite right risks losing these “normie” (as it calls them) Americans as it embraces what is fundamentally a niche subculture. The toxic far-right ideas that percolate in online youth communities and among cloistered college-educated young Republicans have not remained there—increasingly they have spilled out to influence policy and may have been deciding factors in close races this year.
John Gibbs, a Republican nominee for a Michigan swing seat, founded a think tank that argued for overturning the Nineteenth Amendment, which gave women the right to vote. The country, he said, had “suffered” from women’s suffrage. He narrowly lost his bid. Blake Masters and J.D. Vance—two Republican candidates for Senate funded in part by tech billionaire and new-right linchpin Peter Thiel—have embraced new-right ideas and actively courted the “weird right.” Vance has questioned whether women should leave violent marriages; Masters has praised domestic terrorist Theodore Kaczynski’s infamous manifesto, argued against legal access to contraception, and openly said that democracy is a smokescreen for the masses “stealing certain kinds of goods and redistributing them as they see fit.” (Americans on balance like democracy; legal contraception is almost universally popular; and Kaczynski’s unpopularity is so widely assumed that pollsters rarely ask about him.) Masters, perhaps unsurprisingly, lost his bid to unseat Mark Kelly, and Vance badly underperformed in his blood-red home state.
The most outwardly visible element of the extremely online weird right is its often nonsensical lifestyle and consumption habits. The subculture has not only embraced vaccine hesitancy—once primarily a creature of the left—but also fringe health and dietary practices that recall the wildest excesses of 1960s new age spiritualism. The claims are varied and, to differing degrees, absurd: Real men don’t eat soybeans; seed oils are dangerous; meat substitutes will turn men into women and also are made from bugs (they aren’t); the best diet is all-meat. This is no mere online phenomenon: Representative Robbie Jackson of Texas has stated that if one eats artificially cultured meat, “you’ll turn into a SOCIALIST DEMOCRAT.”
These trends are partly the result of declining social trust among conservatives. Loss of trust, in this case, manifests as hardening the body as a site of personal control. Health, arguably, is not the point—rather, expressing gender identity is. This is certainly true of “testicular tanning,” the belief that exposing the testicles to direct sunlight boosts testosterone (and therefore “manliness”), an idea that blends pseudoscience, tantric spiritualism, and self-help. Even this has not remained confined to the internet: Tucker Carlson has discussed it seriously.
Perhaps the most pernicious element of right-wing weirdness occurs at the intersection of standard traditionalist opposition to equal gender roles and an online youth subculture that has sought to make women’s disempowerment trendy. The idea of the “trad wife”—women who embrace subservient roles as homemakers and mothers, eschewing political leadership and careers—stands, like many of the weird right’s shibboleths, at the crossroads of internet meme, sociological critique, and political program. Trad wives are a pastiche of the idyll of the 1950s housewife and the imagined premodern agrarian mother, realities that only fully existed in advertisements and storybooks. They usually espouse complete submissiveness to husbands and a totalizing dedication to raising children.
By removing women from the labor market and circumscribing women’s social roles, the movement offers the illusion of sanctuary from modern woes and economic demands. It goes beyond simply reacting to perceived leftist excesses and embraces a sociopolitical program that would, if enacted, essentially remove the ability of American women to determine the course of their own lives—making them, once again, primarily subservient to and dependent upon male breadwinners. Millions of Americans are stay-at-home parents; most would likely be ill suited to the trad wife’s world. The aesthetics of trad wives are intertwined with darker impulses on the activist right toward a state that legally mandates specific gender roles—a form of recontainment that traps women in marriages and bars them from basic autonomy and self-sufficiency.
Women’s and reproductive rights are areas where meme-infused weirdness and actual policy align to set the right against most American voters. When right-wing writers like National Review’s Nate Hochman argue that no-fault divorce was “a tragic mistake” (a view shared by numerous other far-right figures), he is not only embracing a position outside the bounds of conventional American life but one that is deeply politically unpopular, opposed by at least four-fifths of Americans. The activist right’s legal alternative is “covenant marriage,” which allows divorce only under extreme circumstances like felony conviction or child abuse. Covenant marriage has recently made its way into the Texas Republican Party’s official platform as a replacement for existing marriage law.
Trad wife aesthetics are partly a result of right-wing influencers’ embrace of traditionalist religious attitudes. The embrace of traditionalist Catholicism and the rise of integralists like Harvard Law School professor Adrian Vermeule—who espouses a quasi-theocracy that even the conservative stalwart George Will has said is “un-American”—are critical pieces of the aesthetic and moral revanchism now in vogue on the right.
The growing fascination with Catholicism—particularly sedevacantism, which denies the current pope’s legitimacy—is, according to one critic, indicative of the educated and activist right’s “admiration for the [European] aristocratic past” and a longing for a new elite to which it feels it belongs. This segment of the right has, both programmatically and aesthetically, lost interest in conserving that which is American and moved on to mine its influences from stranger sources. Constitutionalism, Enlightenment rationality, religious freedom, and republicanism are out. European aristocracy, crusading holy orders, and mysticism are in. Mr. West may still make the usual overtures to Americana in press releases, but the Knights Templar (so far as I know) never made it to Texas.
That idealization of the European right has led not just to the fetishization of historical monarchism—cheerled by figures like the reactionary thinker Curtis Yarvin—but to more immediate fascination with contemporary autocrats, especially Prime Minister Viktor Orbán of Hungary and President Vladimir Putin of Russia.
One such admirer is Nick Fuentes, a prominent activist among college Republicans and also a white supremacist and antisemite who has become cozy with some congressional Republicans. Fuentes has praised Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. “We continue to support czar Putin in the war effort,” Fuentes said, saying Putin would “liberate Ukraine from the Great Satan and from the evil empire in the world, which is the United States.” In this narrative, Putin’s invasion is a component of a broader war against American influence and democratic values—a goal shared by Orbán’s government, which has promoted “illiberal democracy,” decried “race-mixing,” crushed freedom of speech, and curtailed LGBTQ rights. Naturally, the Conservative Political Action Conference was held in Hungary earlier this year.
Among Americans more generally, the right-wing embrace of Putin is dismally unpopular: Just 6% U.S. adults have a positive opinion of the Russian president, the Pew Research Center found this year. Meanwhile, the “MAGACommunism” movement has combined American nationalism with praise for another authoritarian leader despised by most Americans, China’s Xi Jinping.
Alienating mainstream voters by embracing fringe values and off-putting aesthetics is not a new folly—on the left or the right. In the early twentieth century, French voters regularly elected left-leaning governments despite numerous crises that beset the nation. One socialist essayist, Charles Péguy, argued that the right was actually “far less conservative” than the left—while the right pushed radical transformation, reorganizing France around the Catholic Church and reestablishing a powerful monarchy, the left—in Péguy’s view—sought to preserve hard-fought but deeply held French values like the separation of church and state, equitable citizenship, and republican liberty.
In the U.S., the “cultural left” of the late twentieth century managed to alienate many voters through its pessimistic belief that America could not be reformed by material policy, only transformed through a shift in social consciousness. As the philosopher Richard Rorty wrote in Achieving Our Country, while a reformist left gained popularity with a multiracial, multiclass electoral coalition in the early twentieth century by painting an optimistic image of what America could be, the later—educated and mostly well-off—“cultural left” chose as its enemy “a mind-set rather than a set of economic arrangements,” removing itself from what voters actually cared about and instead defining itself by its cultural consumption and outlandish aesthetic preferences. The cultural left saw material political conditions as a downstream afterthought from culture and so tacitly abandoned both politics and culture—and got weird. The decades of backlash, from Richard Nixon to Ronald Reagan to George W. Bush, were inevitable.
While many Republicans are embracing the fringe cultural positions emerging from this radical and elite milieu, pushing the view that America is a degenerate society that cannot be saved, elements of the left may have learned their lesson. Eschewing what the writer Sam Adler-Bell has called “insular language that alienates those who haven’t stewed in the same activist cultural milieu,” some Democratic Socialists of America chapters have become more involved in recent unionization drives, fights for workers’ rights, and campaigns against monopolistic corporate power. It’s a focus not on posting but on materially supporting the working class—and embracing core American values to do it.
The right is learning the opposite lesson. Far-right YouTuber Paul Joseph Watson suggested in 2020 that the right is “the new punk rock.” But that may not be to the right wing’s electoral advantage. Subcultures, by their very nature, exclude or look down on the bulk of the public and tend not to win electoral power, a lesson the left learned the hard way. Far-right billionaires can pump money into New York film festivals and sceney parties, but in doing so, they are unlearning the language of American majoritarian values. Even as the left—in fits and starts—relearns normalcy, the right is abandoning it.
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gambit-blogs · 2 years
Sims 4 occult legacy challenge
With the new Werewolves pack coming out I thought I could create an occult legacy challenge. ( I don't know if anyone has done this) There are six generations. It's kinda short. Hope you enjoy it.
Lifespan must be on normal
Complete aspiration
The money cheat can be applied to sims that don't have jobs
The spouse must be the next occult
The heir must be the next occult (same as the spouse)
Gen 1: Paranormal sim
Traits: Geek Paranoid Slob
Aspiration: Your choice
Career: Paranormal Investigator
Max out medium skill
Get Paranormal investigator licenses
Live in a hunted house
You can live in any world
You must cheat twice
Spouse must be an Alien
Heir must be an Alien
Get a high rank in your Career
Gen 2: Alien
Traits: Ambitious Creative Gamily Oriented
Aspiration: Astronaut
Get a high rank in your career
Build a rocket ship and visit sixam
Live in strangervill
Spouse must be a Mermaid
Heir must be a Mermaid
Gen 3: Mermaids
Traits: Child of the ocean Vegetarian Outdoors lover
Aspiration: Beach life
Career: Conservationist
Rank high level in career
Live in Sulani
Make friends with a dolphin
Spouse must be a Spellcaster
Heir must be a Spellcaster
Gen 4: Spellcaster
Traits: Good/ Evil (you pick) Clumsy Perfectionist
Aspiration: Spellcraft and sorcery
Career: none
Have a rank six or higher in magic by training
Have a familiar
Live in Glimerbrook
Learn the medium skill
Always use a wand
Become a master at dulling
Spouse must be a vampire
Heir must be a vampire
Gen 5: Vampire
Traits: Good Romantic Neat
Aspiration: Good vampire
Career: none
Must sleep in a coffin
Live in Forgotten Hollow
Max out pipe organ skill
Seduce you spouse
Spouse must be a werewolf
Heir must be a werewolf
Gen 6: Werewolf
Traits: Gluton Loner Active
Aspiration: Werewolf
Career: none
Join a pack
Become alpha
try to woohoo or have a baby with Greg
Live in Moonwood Mill
I hope you liked this occult legacy challenge.
I know it was short but I wanted to do something fun where you could make your own story and gameplay up.
Maybe this challenge got you into the occult sims.
I know how hard it can be trying to play with them.
Thank you for playing :)
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