#house of binding thorns
bookgrotto · 2 years
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chichikoi · 2 months
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part II. synopsis: she watches as cassian falls for another, grappling with her own hidden affections and their newly snapped mating bond in the process. pairing: cassian x fem!reader fandom: a court of thorns and roses (book series by sarah j maas) genre: angst warnings: none a/n: house of balloons/glass table girls, this is his song... i love him. fluff part two coming up OBVIOUSLY, im not fucking ending it like this i cant do this to my #1 loverboy babygirl kitty princess beloved. @joyseuphoria hi <3
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Cassian had always been the beacon of power and resolve, with a demeanor rugged and unyielding. But beneath the surface was vulnerability, and she knew that it was written in the stars for her to remain by his side as his closest friend and confidante, never to become one to uncover that side of him.
But it didn’t make it easier. Watching him as he fell for Nesta’s every glance, every touch, every word that escaped her mouth seemed to throw him deeper and deeper into a trance. And she was fine with that, and accepted it. Accepted that she would never be the object of his softened glances, his featherlight touches, his-
Her thoughts halted as Cassian stormed into the room, frustration radiating off him in waves. She glanced up from her book, her eyes immediately catching the tension etched onto his features. Without a word, she closed her book and shifted, making room for him on the couch.
Cassian collapsed beside her, his movements rough yet familiar. He stretched out, his feet finding their place on her lap almost instinctively. Y/N didn't flinch; instead, she settled into the comfortable silence, waiting for Cassian to speak.
"It's Nesta," he finally muttered, his voice heavy with frustration. "Training with her…it was like walking on eggshells. One wrong move, and she was tearing into me with those ice-cold eyes."
She listened attentively, her gaze soft as she absorbed his words. "It was like she was always testing me," Cassian continued, his voice growing softer with each word. "Pushing me to my limits, making me question everything I thought I knew about myself."
Her fingers instinctively started to massage his feet as he spoke. It was a small gesture, one born out of years of friendship and trust. Cassian didn't protest; instead, he leaned back against the cushions, allowing the soothing touch to ease the tension from his muscles.
As the minutes stretched on, their conversation ebbed and flowed, the weight of Cassian's burdens slowly lifting with each passing moment. Y/N listened, offering words of comfort when needed, but mostly content to provide silent support.
Cassian's breathing eventually evened out, his body relaxing against the cushions. Y/N glanced down to find him fast asleep, his features softened by the serenity of slumber. She smiled softly, her heart swelling with affection.
Suddenly, chains, bolts, and locks shifted, loosening, their weight growing just a little more tolerable. A soul peeked through. Broken, scarred, and trembling — with fear, she realized, but it stretched further and further. Yearning, searching.
It was as though a tether had snapped into place, an invisible thread binding her to Cassian in a way she had never felt before. Confusion flickered as she processed the intensity of the connection, the undeniable pull drawing her closer to him.
She was aware that this was not happening in the slightest. A mind trick. A dream, she thought. betraying once, the jolt of real-time that pushed through her. Burning her cheeks and stealing her breath. How the waking world slipped past the knobby parts of her fingers like a whisper, barely there, because dreaming was just a fancier word for getting lost. It held her there, suspended in imagination and for every second, it felt real. Like she could grasp the outlines and the textures. Like she could touch the weather, drink the clouds, and taste the sunlight.
The gods who had her in a chokehold withdrew.
Death feared her too, it seemed.
He was soaring in the air, and she was on the ground. She tried to reach him but he was far, far out of her reach. Seconds ticked by, and then minutes, and every thought that tried to sneak its way in, through this thick veil, bounced off and dissipated into thin air.
Because she then remembered… that beautiful things shouldn’t be broken. And she had a knack for breaking things.
The soft rays of dawn streamed through the windows of the House of Wind, casting a warm glow over the sitting room where she and Cassian had fallen asleep. As she stirred from her slumber, she found herself alone on the couch, the imprint of Cassian's presence still lingering in the air. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes, her mind foggy with the remnants of… dreams? Visions? She felt as though the very fabric of her existence had been torn asunder, leaving her adrift in a sea of uncertainty, but when has that ever stopped her?
So she stood on the ground and longed.
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part II here >>
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barn-anon · 1 month
You look back at your house as the taxi drives off, clutching your carry on luggage in your hand. You don't want to leave him but... it felt suffocating, disheartening having to spend everyday with a Custodes that pushes you away at every turn.
There were nice moments with him, he's a good roommate you suppose. Though you can't help but feel unsatisfied, cheated even. Why did others get Space Marines that would dote on and love them so freely while you got stuck with him? I-it's not fair! You want that warm, loving, supportive relationship. Want to come home from work and be able to hug your Custodes.
You sigh as you look out the window, watching the scenery pass by. Odysseus disappears every few months for a few days and you decided to take this moment to leave without him knowing. It isn't right... running from him when he has stayed with you all this time. Would he miss you though? He hasn't done much to show that he truly cares that much about you.
It's just a two week vacation... maybe. You don't know. Maybe you will come back, maybe you won't. You feel guilty for leaving, you feel relieved to be away. Wanting him here, freedom that he isn't.
Odysseus returns to his human's house after 5 days in the wilderness. He stops the moment his human's home is in view, narrowing his eyes. It's dirty. The leaves aren't swept and as he gets closer, he can see a layer of dust that's starting to build on the surfaces.
No sighs of a struggle or fight, there's some food in the fridge, clearly left for him. But where is his human? Where is HIS human? He growls, agitated as he searches the house for her. Panic building within him, until he finds a note on her desk.
An apology. From her to him. Apologizing for leaving, that she just needs time away. Away from him? She promises that she will come back eventually. Why doesn't she mention when she will be back? She just needs to be alone and think about what she wants in the future. A future without him?
The chains that bind him to his Master ring out their slick, filthy delight and joy. Good, now he can devote his time to the Emperor. The vines of his bond to her writhe and scream, thorns digging into his soul as it punishes him for his failure to keep her happy and close. How dare he drive her away, doesn't he know how precious a gift this bond is?
Tagged: @kit-williams • @egrets-not-regrets • @bleedingichorhearts
Thanks @bleedingichorhearts !
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cassandraclare · 1 year
Q&A Chain of Thorns — continues!
starlightblackstairs asked: I was wondering; why did no one ever free rupert if they knew ....
of him being trapped at chiswick? 🥹 it seemed like jesse knew that tatiana trapped his father there during that whole showdown scene but no one ever went back to help free rupert until julian and emma centuries later.
Because none of them did know he was trapped at Chiswick. Reread the scene — Chiswick is never mentioned.
What Lucie learned when she summoned Rupert was that he was not in the ordinary place ghosts go—
…she was all that was holding Rupert Blackthorn here on this earth. She could feel the starry void trying to pull him back, trying to fling him out of this world and into the other. It was taking every bit of her will to hang on… What had happened to Rupert? What binding was there on him, that was not present with other ghosts? Was it that binding that now tried to pull him away from the courtyard?
And this was confirmed by Tatiana herself— “You have been bound, bound for so long, bound in the shadows where even the other dead cannot see you. Belial promised that as long as he kept you there, he could bring you back.”
Rupert was also aware that he was in an unusual situation, we see this in his conversation with Jesse—
“If you’re a spirit—how was I a ghost for so many years and I never saw you?” 
Rupert raised a hand as if he could touch his son’s face. “Your mother made sure of that,” he said. “But Jesse—we have little time.” He was right, Lucie knew. He was slipping away from her, already growing more indistinct around the edges. His fingers were turning pale, translucent, the edges like smoke. “I was asleep,” Rupert said, “and have been awakened, but only for this moment. I died before you were ever born, my child. Yet after death, I have seen you.” 
“My mother said—you were bound in the shadows—” Jesse said haltingly. 
“I could not return as a ghost on this earth,” said Rupert gently.
He was fading faster now. Lucie could see entirely through him, see the stones of the Institute, see Jesse’s stricken face. “Yet I dreamed of you, even in my endless sleep…”
Rupert knew he had a resting place of sorts (he says to Tatiana— “I was drawn from my resting place by the cry of a Shadowhunter in battle. One who needed my help.”) But Rupert did not understand—or was unable to express—that he was specifically bound to Chiswick House.  In fact, he says he is not a ghost on this earth at all.
Lucie and Jesse’s understanding was that Tatiana—with Belial—had done something strange to keep Rupert from fully passing over into death. In the Shadowhunter world, typically the death of a magic user would cause all their charms and spells to unravel as a natural process. (We saw this happen when Malcolm was killed in TDA, and Johnny Rook, too.) If it had been just Tatiana binding Rupert, they might have thought that would have happened, but Belial was named, too. However, once both Belial and Tatiana had been killed, there was no reason for Lucie or Jesse to think that any spell would remain to bind Rupert. They would assume that Rupert was freed by the destruction of those who had bound him. They certainly didn’t know that his binding was woven in with Benedict’s complicated and equally unique house-protection spell—that was a special case, and highly unusual—so unusual that it evaded detection for decades even when the house was searched multiple times.
Sadly, once Lucie lost her special ability to command ghosts, they lost the one remaining avenue they would have had to reach Rupert, who could not appear as a ghost voluntarily until many years later, when the binding spell was beginning to deteriorate. And remember, Lucie, Jesse and James can all see ghosts, they've all been to Chiswick, and they've never seen Rupert. They've no reason to believe that even if he was a ghost, he'd be there.
It is indeed tragic that they were not able to help Rupert sooner. They just didn’t have all the information they would have needed to make that happen.
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Yo, I've seen your book rec posts on and off for a while, and I was wondering if you could (if you have time ^.^ if not, that's cool too) throw up a list of your favorite lgbt/neurodivergent/unique protagonist books? I don't think I've ever read a book outside of fanfiction where the lead/s weren't just some form of 'normal' or straight or whatever. Also, since you're one of my favorite authors I feel like I'd be more inclined to give one of them a go lol ^.^'
There are an increasing number of diverse books out there!
Here are some of my personal favourites in no particular order, by which I mean I have rated them 4 stars (I really liked it) or 5 stars (it was amazing) and then curated the list some more on top of that. E.g. I might have thought it was amazing at the time, but if I can't tell you anything that happened in the story years after reading it, it's not on the list. That doesn't mean it's not worth reading, just that I have a bad memory so if I remember it definitely did something right!)
You can find more books I've read on my Goodreads. There are books that fit what you've asked for on there, it just doesn't fit my personal curated favourites list!
LGBTQ books
The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller (m/m)
If We Were Villains by M.L Rio (m/m)
Girls Made of Snow and Glass and Girl, Serpent, Thorn by Melissa Bashardoust
Sawkill Girls by Claire Legrand (f/f + ace)
In the Dream House by Carmen Maria Machado (f/f - non fiction)
Salt Slow by Julia Armfield (f/f)
Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin (m/m)
Nightwood by Djuna Barnes (f/f - though be warned, this is a weird one! Rated highly more because I can't get it out of my head than that I liked it)
Tipping the Velvet and Fingersmith by Sarah Waters (f/f)
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid
Peter Darling by Austin Chant (m/m, trans)
The Binding by Bridget Collins (m/m)
The House in the Cerulean Sea by T.J Klune (m/m)
Plain Bad Heroines by Emily M. Danforth (f/f)
The Greenhollow duology by Emily Tesh (m/m)
These Violent Delights by Micah Nemerever (m/m)
One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston (f/f)
(Obligatory read MY BOOK The God Key (m/m) here!) Obviously, this is my favourite ;)
Unique/Interesting protagonists:
Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman
Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon
I Am Not A Serial Killer by Dan Wells
Middlegame by Seanan McGuire (Her Wayward Children series is also great and has a lot of LGBTQ rep!)
The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang (MC has Asperger's)
A Spindle Splintered by Alix.E. Harrow (terminally ill MC, also f/f)
Fugitive Pieces by Anne Michaels
House of Leaves by Mark.Z. Danielewski
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time by Mark Haddon (Autistic MC)
Disfigured: On Fairytales, Disability and Making Space by Amanda Leduc (nonfiction)
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judesmoonbeauty · 1 month
I don't like that Ellis' curse makes him want to kill his loved ones, it doesn't make much sense to me. I thought his curse was going to make him want to lock Kate up, like a typical thorn vine. However, I translated his route via Google, so I didn't understand much. Another thing I don't understand is what does happiness have to do here, what does happiness mean to him? He isn't really an empathic person, but why does he behave like one?
Hmmm, these are great questions! Spoilers under the cut, and I apologize for the length......
I think the important thing to remember is that his curse binds him to commit sin in general, not explicitly murder alone. I guess you could say that he's bound by his impulses to commit sin - whatever it may be. This makes sense, because if the MC told Ellis that she'd be happy if he robbed a corner store, he'd do it just so she could smile. That's also why killing is as easy as breathing is to him.
Now, his obsession about happiness is something that developed on it's own, triggered by his brother's accident. Ellis loved his brother so much and did everything he could just to see him smile again. This is what warps his thinking into never wanting to see another person without hope or happiness, and he definitely doesn't want them to turn mental over despair. He'd rather stop their lives at their happiest moment, so it can last forever. Coupling his own warped thinking about someone's happiest moments with the impulse of committing sin, allows him to kill even those he loves easily.
Ellis is yandere in terms of not wanting to let go of his loved ones ever. He very much wants them to feel like they can't live with out him, and when he does kill them it's as if they now forever belong to him. That being said, Ellis suppresses his own desires to the point of not even thinking about his wants or happiness. So, he struggles with coming to terms about his true feelings for the MC, which we see when he panics at almost losing her at the cliffside, and when he regrets leaving her alone in the horror house.
Ultimately, while Ellis is a sweetheart, prior to him coming to terms with his own feelings, his kindness is really selfishness. That's just my take on his route from what I could understand.
If you weren't aware, I have his common route & his Mad Love ending summaries here, I should have his Blind Love ending summarized soon. It may help explain things better?
In the end, it's okay if you're not in love with him, his curse or his route, I'm sure there's another villain whom you will adore!
Sorry for the essay! Thanks for your ask and I hope this helps!
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duckprintspress · 4 months
Celebrate the Year of the Dragon with 26 Dragon-y Books!
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大家,新年快乐!Happy New Year, everyone! Today, February 10th, is Lunar New Year, and in many countries that use the lunar calendar, the new year to come is the year of the dragon, so we thought it’d be fun to share some of our favorite books featuring dragons! These books have a mixture of dragon type (some more Western, some more Eastern), and some are queer and some aren’t. The common theme is the prominence of dragons in the plot, because we LOVE dragons!
The Dragon of Jin-Sayeng (Chronicles of the Bitch Queen series) by K.S. Villoso
When Women Were Dragons by Kelly Barnhill
Highfire by Eoin Colfer
After the Dragons by Cynthia Zhang
The Girl Who Fell Beneath the Sea by Axie Oh
Copper Coins by Mu Su Li
The Tea Dragon Society (The Tea Dragon Society series) by K. O’Neill
Hands Off, Evil Dragon! by Kitty Roe Factory
Dungeon Meshi by Ryoko Kui
Phoenix Extravagant by Yoon Ha Lee
Wyrms: An Anthology of Dragon Drabbles by Eric Fomley
To Shape a Dragon’s Breath (Nampeshiweisit series) by Moniquill Blackgoose
The Priory of the Orange Tree (The Roots of Chaos series) by Samantha Shannon
Seraphina (Seraphina series) by Rachel Hartman
Sorcerer to the Crown (Sorcerer Royal series) by Zen Cho
The House of Binding Thorns (Dominion of the Fallen series) by Aliette de Bodard
Wild Magic (The Immortals series) by Tamora Pierce
Dragon Slippers (Dragon Slippers series) by Jessica Day George
Dragon (Five Ancestors series) by Jeff Stone
Magyk (Septimus Heap series) by Angie Sage
Dragon Keeper (Dragon Keeper series) by Carole Wilkinson
Eon: Dragoneye Reborn (Eon series) by Alison Goodman
Where the Mountain Meets the Moon (Where the Mountain Meets the Moon series) by Grace Lin
Dragon-Ridden (Dragon Ridden Chronicles series) by T.A. White
His Majesty’s Dragon (Temeraire series) by Naomi Novik
In the Vanishers’ Palace by Aliette de Bodard
What are your favorite dragon books? We’d love to add to our list!
The contributors to list this are: @thechaoscryptid @owlouterbridge @hermit-writes @nursinggeek @unforth @Shadaras @hairasuntouchedaspartoftheamazon @tryslora and an anonymous contributor
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doki-doki-imagines · 1 year
A/B/O and some other letter
characters: sae & rin itoshi, yoichi isagi, oliver aiku, michael kaiser
tw: suggestive content it's omegaverse after all, toxic situations but reader is fine
doki-doki comment: I lack several hours of sleep and my mind come out with this thing ahah HELP. Hope someone will enjoy
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The Itoshis are both sigma
-They are the kind to walk around like Patrick Bateman, their self-esteem reaches a height that can't even be described, and is for sure unhealthy. -As good sigmas they hate each other; a manipulator trying to manipulate another one never works well. -So it is easy to imagine the level of toxicity and egoism their house reach when they both get interested in the same beta, aka you. -"It should be simple" they both think, betas are smart, but so easy to manipulate and putty on the right sigma hands. -"And I am the right one" they both just think it, but in the same instant they look at each other, eyes predatory and showing their fangs; if their parents weren't around the situation would have ended up in an ugly beating. -Rin and Sae are both dry with your interaction, but it's a technique not to make you notice how little by little they are binding you to them. Money, reputation everything will soon crumble and you'll be on your knees asking for help. -Sae can already taste the salt on your throat, made by the copious tears running down your face, thanking your savior. -Rin can already hear your thanks between sobs, a real pitiful sight, but he dreamily sighs, already feeling the soft skin of your neck in his hands, now gripping 'till you choke, finally marking you as his. -Too sad that like all those dumb sigmas in movies and shows the plan backfires and the brothers are the ones on their knees, their teal eyes soiled with tears, because no way an astute sigma as you are could fall for their cheap tricks; now it is time for your revenge.
Yoichi Isagi the guy everybody believed to be a beta, but came out as a full-fledged alpha
-He always acted as a laid-back alpha, never imposing himself that's why everybody thought Yoichi was a beta. -But thanks to blue lock, where egoism is the maximum value and all the participants are ready to get at each other throats, his instinct just took over. -Yoichi has such an imposing aura that he can make other alphas' knees buckle like fragile omegas. -But he never does it with his partner, Yoichi never wants to oblige you into anything; he suppresses his instinct so you can feel at ease and talk with him without any worries. -It doesn't mean that Yoichi won't get jealous when someone tries to make a move on you; it takes a second for him to pull his fangs out and make the room temperature literally drop to zero. -You tell him he shouldn't worry, that your heart only belongs to him, because you know that Yoichi hates acting like that, but you have to admit that he is so hot in those moments.
Oliver Aiku is a proud omega
-He is so proud of what he is; Oliver is the demonstration that even as an omega you can reach the top without the help of anybody. -Oliver doesn't suppress his instinct, he enjoys flirting and some more with other alphas, and maybe his sex life has a little too much of an impact on his daily life, but he is just a human after all, and everybody has vices. -He is really happy with his life, he stands tall and proud, nobody marked him, he is free and will always be, even when heaths hit hard. -That's why Oliver is horrified when he understands he can't get you, a simple beta, out of his mind. -For real, he talked to you in that bar just because a friend of his wanted to approach you but he was too shy, and now he finds his throat hurting, like millions of thorns scratching it, just by looking at your eyes. -And now he can't stop chatting with you, entire nights spent with you on the other end of the line, the atmosphere full of soft laughter that warms both your hearts. -Oliver hates himself, for getting so into you, so into that now he is in heath, one of the harsh ones that fill his mind with the words "mark me", and he can't stop thinking about you, and how you could take him so deliciously well even if a beta, because Oliver knows no alpha ever made his heart beat this fast. -"Oliver! Oliver!" Your sweet voice, he can hear behind the door of his bedroom "Sendo told me about this, please tell me how I can help you out!" "Angel" he thinks, and angels shouldn't be involved in such impure acts; Oliver needs to push you away. -But he isn't fast enough, you are already on his side, holding his hand and brushing off hair from his sweaty forehead. -Oliver knows he can't resist any longer.
Michael is an omega and nobody knows it
-He hates it, hates his nature with every fiber of his being, and that's why he starts to take suppressants at the first signs of his true nature. -Michael is one of the best strikers in the world, an arrogant bastard to the notch, he doesn't reek of alpha or sigma, but his personality tells enough and nobody questions him. -'Till he meets you, cold and unfazed to his teasing, at first flirting, now just to piss you off and finally acknowledging his existence. -"I never meet such an obnoxious omega in all my life" -Michael hears a glass cracking, the floor sucking him in, but he plays dumb. "I don't know what are you talking about, your beta senses mustn't work anymore" "I'm a gamma, and you reek of omega, you can't fool me" -Ah, you were one of those strange kinds, the very clever ones. -Michael knows he is fucked, because if someone other than you find out about his secret his career will be in serious danger and some shitty alpha will try to cage him in. -But he is lucky he found you, someone that respects omegas so much, and that understand his position so well. -But this newfound person in his life, fuck up another aspect of his life; the hormones. Because now heaths aren't so easily brushed off with suppressants, because his mind gets easily filled with a scenario of you two together, smiling, cuddling, screwing. Michael's throat aches, mouth dry, he just wants to call your name, maybe the nth time will convince you to help him out of this pitiful condition. -Meanwhile you don't move a finger, because even if you love the real Michael, the one with weaknesses, the one that just wants to be accepted for who he is, the one that makes your heart beat impossily fast, you also respect him endlessly. -That's why you wait outside of his bedroom, resisting the urge to help him out, 'till his mind finally works and then- "Michael, I love you" it's a dry confession, you are harsh, but the message is clear. -His heart which was beating furiously just minutes ago, stop. Just to go even faster, making him feel light-headed in a completely different way. Is this happiness? Michael can't remember the last time he felt like this. "Me too" The butterfly kiss you exchange, so soft and light but so full of love, makes Michael understands that for once he is loved for who he truly is
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Could you do a Jason Toddx fem!!superhero!!x reader
Where they are in some sort of mission and they are in a abandoned lab and so the reader finds a weird chemical and doesn’t know what it is and it is sex pollen and you can go from there
Took me a few days to get to. Wouldn't recommend working in a tourist destination during the school holidays. But, here we go.
Warnings: SMUT 18+ ONLY, sex pollen, chocking, ass play, rough, binding, spitting, breaking desks, Vigilante Reader (Fulcrum), shitty after-care, multiple Os, masks stay on.
1,500 Wds.
"Why are we here again?"
"Is this not your idea of a fun night out?"
"Red…" you stare at him through your mask.
"Ivy gave the building to the city for their affordable housing project. So we're just making sure all the dangerous shit is gone before construction starts next week."
"It literally looks like a makeshift lab. Isn't all this stuff dangerous?"
"Probably," he says, making his way past you and into the main area where all the tech seems to be.
"What are we doing with it?"
"Just unplug everything. Knowing them, they'll donate all this." he waves at the various machines. "to the university. We just gotta make sure no one's going to hurt themselves on a rose thorn or anything."
"Seems like busy work. I thought we'd be fighting crime."
"Yeah? We can fight if you want? Keep ya on your toes and all that." The Red Hood says, taking off his helmet. Your not surprised that there's another mask under the helmet, though you do wonder how that could possibly be comfortable. He ignores your shock, placing the helmet on the desk.
"Nah, your heart isn't in it." 
You're just about done wrapping cords and covering the machines in plastic when you spot something under one of the desks, "this drugs? Wanna get high?" You ask, picking up the swirling pink vial.
"What?" The Red hood turns, his eyes going wide as he sees what's in your hand, "Fulcrum be careful that's-" he rushes towards you as the vial slips between your gloves and plunges onto the ground smashing into a million pieces. The pink dust drifts up, disappearing into the air.
"What was that?" You stare down at your feet, the Red Hood's hand just inches from where the glass shattered, "I didn't get any on you, did I?"
"Shit. Shit, knew I shouldn't have taken the helmet off," he panics, standing up and taking your face in his hand, "did you breathe any of it in?"
"I don't know?"
"Fulcrum. Listen," his fingers are so soft on your cheek, and he's so tall. Shit, what is that smell? It's like fireworks and fresh buttery popcorn. You want to eat the smell from his skin.
"Wow, you know I never noticed how sharp your cheekbones were before."
"Fuck. You breathed it didn't you?"
"Maybe, I feel kinda… hot? Like every pulse of my blood is tingling down to my.." You unzip your uniform to try and get some air in your lungs, your hands moving to fan your face.
"To where?" he grabs you hands. His eyes travel down your body, observing how tightly the jumpsuit fits you, hugging every single curve and pushing your tits up out the top. The delicate taste of new books and fresh coffee lingering in his nose as he notices how long your eyelashes are, how they caress your delicate mask. He wonders what your eyes look like under there, if they're as pretty as the rest of you.
"Everywhere," you smirk, bringing yourself onto your tip toes so you can put your hands up and around his neck, "I ah-" you stare into the whites of his domino mask, "I don't know why I'm," you push your body closer to his, feeling the hard armor that lay between you, "i- please tell me to stop."
"I won't," His fingers grip at your face pulling your lips to hiss and the fire inside him burning all the way down to his cock as he grinds it into your stomach. The animal inside grows with every second. His hands a mind all its own as he palm at your ass, before picking you up. Your hands finding their way between your bodies to rip at his belt. 
"Fuck, please," You pant, finally managing to slip the buckle open and palm at his thickness between you. 
"Get this off," He moans into your neck, "quickly," his lips trace a line down your shoulder. "Takin too long, Fulcrum. I need you now," he growls, unzips you with a yank, your arms still caught in the material and he frees your pussy, "you always go commando in your suit?" He asks licking his way down your torso and pushing you back into an empty desk.
"Yes, feels better." You yelp as he flips you onto your tummy, your arms pinned behind you in the jumpsuit. "Please fuck me," his cock already seeping into your pussy.
"Fuuucck," he growls as he plunges into you, a tiny piece of relief from the burning inferno comes from your pulsing cunt surrounding him. His hands grip your hips as he thrusts like a wild dog, too lost in trying to find relief as you moan for him. 
"More, I need more,"
"Fuck, not right now,"
"Red, please, please, Red, please," you buck back into him. You hear a sucking sound before his thick thumb is thrust into your ass.
"Better?" His voice wild and full of lust, "fuck I can feel myself inside you." He starts to shake, "feels so fuckin good."
"Yes, so good." You grind back into him, your holes full, "fuck I'm getting…" you feel the light building inside as you pulse around his thick cock. Your hands grasping behind you to try and find some kind of purchase as you writhe underneath him.
"Fuck.." your convulsing pussy has him in a vice as he tries to pulls out, instead his cum floods. You and he feels a tiny bit of relief as he pulls out. "Get your arms out," he demands, stepping back.
"Why isn't it going away?" You plead, wondering just how much more of this you can take. 
"Because I'm not done," he growls, fisting his still hard cock. "turn around."
You're only onto your side when he pushes you back into the desk and his cock is stretching you out again. The old desk rattles and shakes with how hard he's fucking you. Your hands grip onto the collar of his jacket so hard, you just need him, need him like you need the air in your lungs.
Wrapping your legs around him you bring him in, your hand pulling him down until your mouths are as messy as your pussy. Desperate pleasure is the only thing on your mind as you chase the high. 
"Open your mouth," he squeezes at your cheeks, "good," his spit hangs from his tongue as it drips into your mouth, "dirty girl, swallow it," you gulp down his saliva, the wetness relieving some of the dryness in your throat.
"Close again, so fucking close, baby." He bites into your breast.
"Me too, me too fuck Red, I-" you lose your mind, letting go underneath him until your legs start to cramp around him.
"You still feel it?" He asks, his voice a little more normal now. He can feel it dimming even if he's still hard, just one more he thinks. Fuck, he wants to fuck you all night. Your pretty little cunt takes him so well. Those pretty, insane moans your making for him, he wants his heads clogged full of them forever.
"Yes," you mostly lie, "like a fire in my tummy that won't go out," but you can feel the effects of whatever that was wearing off. But you want him to stretch you out on him indefinitely. 
"Make room for me," he climbs up onto the desk with you, the wood creaking underneath. "Give me those legs."
"Jesus," you moan as you lift your legs over his shoulders, his huge cock plunges in deeper than before. His hand strong wraps around your throat, "can't breathe." You mouth at him, a dazed fog starts to fill your head, while you stare into the whites of his mask and cling to his arms.
"I know baby," he pants as he starts to slowly fuck into you. "I'm breathtaking." The desk creaks underneath you, the wood starting to rattle as he pounds into you.
"Fuckin perfect," he ignores you, the desk shifts again before the legs give way and with a splat your both fucking into the ruins of this old ass piece of furniture.
His fingers find their way into your ass, pumping into the tight hole in rhythm with his cock, "so fucking full," you moan as his tongue slides into your mouth. 
"Red," you moan into his mouth feeling the last of the dust wearing off and you just enjoy the feeling, your hands grip into his hair keeping his face close as you grind up and press your clit into his pelvis. "So fuckin good."
"So fucking tight," he growls, speeding up and biting down on your lip
This time when you cum, relief fills your blood and you can feel your thoughts float to the surface as you both come down from the high and are left a heaping, sweaty mess on the shards of the desk.
"Are you alright?" He asks, his hands drifting over where he was gripping your neck, "you don't have splinters or anything?"
"Yeah, I think I'm ok. Are you?"
"Better than ok. But I think we need to find some water." He kisses your cheek before standing and righting his pants. "Found a tap that works," he beams, rinsing out a beaker before filling it with water and bringing it over to where you're trying to get your jumpsuit back on.
"No one can know about that," you say as you stroke your fingers through his hair.
"Agreed, Nightwing would never let me live it down."
"But Red?"
"Yes, baby?"
"I would like to do it again."
"Ivy's pollen?"
"No," you smack into his armor, hurting your hand more than him.
"I think we could arrange that."
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spirit-amplified · 2 months
Poppet Retribution Magick: Unleashing A Bellyful of Misfortune To Bring Financial Ruin
Update 5/7/24: My friend contacted me last night to let me know that Father has reached out and told them they could feel their pain and it has been weighing on him. 😁 He also wants to reconcile! This is exciting news for them and a new opportunity for them to build a relationship and heal together. Once I get the "Ok" from my friend I will release Father from his poppet.
Reader’s Notes: This working was originally constructed for a friend who wanted retribution against their father who abandoned and neglected them during childhood. They opted to hit their father where it would hurt him the most... his pockets... by any means necessary! We decided to go with a less intense sickness working and a working that reflected the weight of my friend's pain and sadness they have carried over the years. Also, if baneful, retribution or justice magick isn’t your jam…just quietly scroll on!! As always, feel free to take what resonates and leave the rest!
I did this working in alignment with the Solar Eclipse for more energy.
Please use safety as always with any working. This working uses fire, a sharp knife, and spicy pepper flakes.
Lastly, I am a "Words" witch... I love words of power (Mercury in my 10th house). You can always opt for no-words or you can record the sayings beforehand and play them on repeat at that step that requires that saying so that you can focus on the actions and energy.
When a father walks out on his family, it can feel like the ultimate betrayal. The pain and trauma caused by his abandonment can have lasting effects on everyone involved. But for those who believe in the powers of witchcraft, there may be a way to not only cope with the misfortune of a father's abandonment but also to seek justice for his greed and neglect. This is where witchcraft comes in.
Mix all the ingredients from the 1st group in a bowl (except the roaches, snakeskin, and thorns) before stuffing. Be aware that the pepper flakes can and will burn your eyes, possibly your skin, and make your nose run.
Thorns – cursing & hexing, pain, discomfort
Stones – pain & discomfort.. I went with 9
Spiderwebs – ensnaring, halting, binding
Ash – suffocation
Wormwood – strife & misfortune
Stagnant Water – rut, stagnate, failed plans
Snakeskin – inhibits growth
Helter Skelter/Cursing Oil – destruction
Dead/Rotting Roaches – causes hardship, strife, infestation of sickness
Poppy Seed – confusion
Mustard Seed -disruption, prevent help
Hot Pepper/Red Pepper Flakes – accelerates, burns
Boneset – cursing
Apple of Peru/Shoo-Fly Plant – Reversing Wealth & Money
1 Poppet - I sewed a picture of "Father's" face to it... thanks FB! When making your poppet, make sure you place a piece of paper with the target's name and DOB inside beforehand.
1 Red Candle
1 Craft knife
1 Needle with Red String
Poppet Stuffing - In folk magick stuffing was quite literally anything that could be used. I choose polyfill... however, feel free to use whatever you like.
Black Cord or String - Binding
Optional: 1 Plant or Something "Alive" to Tether To
Optional: Pictures, Taglocks, Sigils, Petitions - You need at least a full name and date of birth.
Optional: Orange Candles and Road-Opener Oil - To be done beforehand to remove any protections and help with the working hitting harder.
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Activate the Poppet: “Poppet, I name you _. Your limbs are their limbs. Your flesh is their flesh. Your life is their life. As you suffer, so shall they suffer.”
Then thinking about the life force within... take a deep breath and blow life into the poppet. Think breathing for CPR.
The next step I did was a road opener & path-clearing. I used 5 candles to represent the elements, roads, and planes. Each candle had "Father's" name written on it and then anointed with a road opener oil. You can use whatever method of road opener you want here.
Once the road opener finished I then tethered the poppet to a plant. I did this by tying a vine from the plant to the poppet's arm and energetically tethered them together. Just remember to choose a plant or something that is easily taken care of after.
Tethered to this plant, my work shall be
Bound by nature's energy, I decree
All blow back shall fall upon the tether
For this spell, my power shall weather
With hands held high, I cast my charm
As the plant's roots dig deep, my magic is armed
From earth to sky, the tether extends
My working and this plant, now forever blend
The energy flows, from me to thee
As this plant, my spell's vessel be
Each leaf, each stem, a conduit of power
Growing stronger with each passing hour
No force of nature can break this bond
For my magic and this plant, forever correspond
Together they thrive, in harmony
Tethered as one, for all eternity
So let the winds howl and the storms rage
My spell shall stand strong, in this earthly cage
For all the energy of this spell
Is now tethered to this plant, with magic compel
So mote it be, this working is done
Tethered to this plant, this working is one
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Then taking the craft knife cut the poppet's belly open. You will have to more than likely remove some stuffing to make some room for your stuffing. Stuff the poppet with your bowl mixture, stones, dead roaches, snakeskin, thorns, sigils, and what-not.
Swallow your greed with a belly full of stones
For it will bring you nothing but a life full of moans
Chasing after wealth, blind to the harm
Leaves you with a bitter taste, like a snake's charm
Choke on the lies you told yourself
That money and power were the only true wealth
But as you suffocate, reality sets in
Your failure and greed, now it's time to begin
Financial ruin, your once thriving business now failed
Your ego and pride, too great to be bailed
You mistreated your (daughter/son/Pronoun), a soul so pure
Abandoning & neglecting (pronoun), now it's your time to endure
So, Swallow your greed, let it be consumed With each stone, let your finances be doomed.
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Then take the needle and thread and sew the belly closed. Once finished, take a red candle and seal the stitches.
Then take your black cord and bind the poppet. I chose to bind "Father" in a pentagram/elemental binding. The binding is started by being tied off at the neck, then the cord is wrapped around the left leg, then the right arm, then the left arm, then the right leg, and then back up to the neck. You can wrap this as many times as you like and you can certainly just bind your poppet however you like.
In the midst of chaos, in the midst of strife,
There lies a number, 5, that brings unexpected life.
It holds the power to shake things up, to make you lose control,
And in its grip, you are left to pay the ultimate toll.
Earth, air, fire, water, and the spirit within,
These 5 elements, a force to reckon and herein.
They bind you to this spell, a spell you cannot break,
And with each passing moment, your foundations start to shake.
The earth beneath your feet, solid and strong,
Yet when it quakes, you realize you were wrong.
The air you breathe, so vital to your existence,
But in a chaotic storm, it shows its true persistence.
Fire, the element of passion and desire,
But when it rages, it leaves you in dire.
Water, so calm and serene in its flow,
But in a flood, it can cause you to let go.
The spirit, the 5th element, unseen yet ever-present,
It binds you to this spell, a force so incessant.
It connects you all in ways you cannot comprehend,
And in its grasp, you are unable to defend.
And as these 5 elements collide and intertwine,
Your finances, too, fall victim to this bind.
For in the midst of chaos, your finances are unable to thrive,
And as your finances crumble, you are left with nothing to revive.
So by the power of 5, you descend,
For it holds a chaotic force that has no end.
And by the elements I bind you to this spell,
Remember, it is not a fight you can ever win or quell.
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Once bound, then I untethered the plant and placed "Father" in a bucket of stagnant stormwater to drown in (this is symbolic of all the tears my friend has cried over the years) at the height of totality during the eclipse. I placed a cover over "Father" and there he will stay until the night of the full moon. Then I will take him out and bury him deep in the woods off my property to slowly rot.
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flowersandbigteeth · 1 year
Can I order a yandere monster alraune with a reader who got lost in the woods?
(( Alraune is a monster meta plant and human, it is often called the mermaid of the earth, because they are able to seduce their food by the smell of their flowers, they are also considered protectors of the forests. ))
This was a fun monster to write for. I read some of the legends and stories of Alraune and the way they are born is kind of wild. ^_^' I won't mention it here because it's borderline nsfw, but worth some investigation
Oria (Alraune) x GN Reader
Word Count: 2k
Warning: kidnapping, binding and body control, and yandere behavior, otherwise sfw yandere fluff
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“Aha!” you shouted triumphantly as you plucked a morrel from the earth. The cool spring air kissed your cheeks as you hunted for tasty mushrooms in the forest near your home. It was an old, virgin forest filled with massive trees, and the floor was riddled with crisscrossing roots and vines. 
While you’d lived just beyond its edge your whole life, you knew never to venture too far and NEVER find yourself there after dark. You’d heard all the stories about the beasts that lived deep in the forest, lurking and waiting for a hapless villager to get lost so they could eat them up. 
Putting the mushroom in your basket, you walked a bit deeper into the shady woods. It was almost time to head back, the sun was low in the sky, but you’d only found a few fungi and that would not make a hearty meal. If you could find just a few more before it got dark, you’d go to bed with a full belly. 
As you wandered, your eyes on the ground hunting for mushrooms, you paid little attention to where exactly you were going. When you finally looked up, realizing you could no longer see well in the dimming light, you weren’t entirely sure where you were. The trees here were older than the part of the forest you usually traversed, with massive trunks and large, low-hanging branches. 
You spun a bit, trying to find some sort of landmark to indicate which direction you should go to get back home. Frustrated, you started west, hoping that you would wind up somewhere near your house or at least run into the road that led to it. 
As the sun finally sank below the horizon, the air grew chilly and you shivered in the thin pants and shirt you wore to hunt in the forest. As you walked, and to your dismay, the trees only seemed to thicken, meaning you were going deeper and deeper into the forest. 
A low growl nearby stopped you in your tracks and you barely twisted your head, almost entirely frozen in fear, to see from which direction it had come. A branch snapped in the opposite direction and you flicked your head that way, only to meet three pairs of amber eyes and mouths full of sharp teeth. 
The wolves spread out as they approached, cutting off your exits. The only direction to run was directly behind you. 
Your legs moved on their own, scrambling over thick roots and shoving yourself through sharp briars. The sickle thorns shredded your skin, pants, and shirt, but you hardly noticed, solely focused on escaping the beasts. Your basket had been long abandoned, you didn’t even remember dropping it, but your hands were empty, scrabbling in the tangled plants in the forest to push them out of your way. 
You could hear the massive wolves at your back as they struggled to move their large bodies through the brush, as well. It didn’t slow them down much, though, and before you could really process it an enormous body threw you to the earth, pinning you with big paws. The wolf’s claws pricked your skin and you could feel his warm breath on your back as he moved to take the killing bite. 
Only after a moment, no bite came. A sweet scent filled the air and a second later the large beast abandoned you. You hurried to get up, hoping to use this as your chance to escape, but when you righted yourself the wolves seemed to have simply lost interest and moseyed casually off into the woods as if they had never been hunting you at all. 
Tears poured down your cheeks in relief and you could hardly move, overcome with gratitude that you might live another day. 
You jumped as a soft, feminine voice whispered to you in the darkness.
“Don’t cry petal,” the voice cooed. 
Around you, vines shifted and seethed as if they were alive. You stumbled backward alarmed by this new threat, but when you fell you didn’t hit the ground. Instead, two arms embraced you, lifting you as if you weighed nothing at all. 
In the dim light, you could only make out a shadowed silhouette, but the lush, sweet scent of flowers surrounded you making you a bit dizzy. Your fear slipped away as the delicious scent engulfed you and you felt your body go lax. 
Whatever it was slipped through the dense forest with ease, the trees themselves bending to give her room. Ahead of you, a spot of light began getting larger and larger as you approached it. Finally, you realized it was the flickering light of a campfire set just at the mouth of a large cave. Glancing up, you finally saw the face of who or what was holding you. 
She was beautiful as the rose her body erupted out of. Her skin was smooth and deep green, framing glittering red eyes. Her lips were plush and molded into a small smile. You glanced down to find the lower half of her body, beneath the layers of red petals surrounding her, was a mass of tangled vines, making her motion more of a crawl, the vines rolling out and pushing her along. 
“Wh-who…Wha-t…are you?” you managed to squeak out. 
“You may call me Oria,” she purred, her voice low, but soft and feminine, “I keep this forest.” 
As she drifted past the campfire, you looked around the cave. It was knotted with vines and beautiful blooming flowers. There was a spot that appeared to be a cozy nest for sleeping and a thick bunch of vines that formed a chest to store things. A large cupped leaf held water you assumed was for bathing.  
The cave was large and so was she, looming over you by at least a foot of your standing height. Her figure was thick and luxurious with ample bosom and a delicately sloping, soft stomach. Her hair was long, red, and tangled with braids, vines, and flowers forming an intricate hairstyle, half up, leaving waves of hair flowing over her shoulders.  
She was incredibly beautiful, looking quite ethereal in the orange glow of the fire. You’d never seen a face so perfect and honestly intimidating. 
A finger, wound with tiny vines stroked your cheek as she nestled you in the bed. Her sharp red eyes examined you carefully, falling from your head down to your feet, and she brushed her hand over your hair. 
“You’re the sweetest little thing I’ve found wandering around my forest,” she said and gave you a small pouty frown, “but it’s quite naughty to travel alone here. Did your mother not teach you the dangers of these woods?”
You nodded weakly. 
Her frown reversed to a gentle smile. 
“No matter,” she cooed, her smile broadening to reveal sharp white teeth, “there’s nothing more dangerous than me.” 
You swallowed thickly at her admission, trembling again. 
Before you could argue with her, she took to pulling apart your ragged clothing. 
“Wait!” you gasped, “what are you doing?” 
She gave you an incredulous look as if you should have already known. 
“I have to dress my doll,” she chuckled lightly, “Don’t worry, I’m an excellent provider.” 
You froze at her words. She was starting to sound like your presence in her cave was going to be more than just a night. 
“I’m not a doll…I was only lost. I want to go home,” you muttered, trying to force some energy into your relaxed arms and legs. 
You wanted to be ready to try and run if you had to, but her sweet scent still whirled around you, keeping your limbs soft and submissive. 
“You have found your home,” she said as delicate vines crept over your skin, forming a new top and pants out of the large leaves that bloomed from them, “you are not lost. You are right where you are meant to be, my little petal. Everything in this forest belongs and bows to me…including you.” 
Again she flashed her teeth. 
“B-but,” you sputtered, “I don’t belong in the forest, I only came to hunt for food. This isn’t my home.” 
She blinked at you as if you’d said something very stupid. 
“Of course it is, petal, you will see,” she purred, “you will never have to search for food again.” 
You watched in awe as a vine near you produced a large globe of fruit. She plucked it daintily and formed her fingers into claws, cutting the thick skin. 
“Open,” she said softly, and without meaning to, your mouth opened all on its own, accepting the chunk of sweet fruit she offered. 
You wanted to spit it out, do anything to defy her, but your jaw obediently crushed the juicy flesh between your teeth and you swallowed. 
“How are you doing that?” you snapped angrily, “how are you controlling my body?” 
Her sanguine irises gleamed. 
“I have many secrets, dear one,” she said, evasively and returned to feeding you. 
When you couldn’t eat anymore, she slid close to you, her honeyed scent even stronger, and pulled you onto one of her petals. 
Cooing and petting your hair she whispered words softly into your ear. 
“You are so lovely, so precious, petal,” she cooed, “a treasure…my treasure.”
You stared in horror as her vines wound around your body, holding you in place. You couldn’t move, so her motivation could only be to simply feel her leafy tentacles on your soft skin. They writhed around you, a squirming mass of green. Some of them released a tingling gel that they smoothed over the cuts in your skin, sealing them with leafy bandages. 
“Oria, please, please,” you begged, “please let me go.” 
“I’ll never let you go,” she said, her voice always so soft, “you will learn your place with me.” 
Her vines tightened around you, just so you felt a fleeting bite of pain before she returned them to softly cradling you. 
Her plush lips dropped saccharine kisses over your face and neck, each one tingling just a bit. Tears dripped down your cheeks, which she gently brushed away, while a few vines pulled you closer. 
“Do not shed tears for your old life,” she said to you, “you will be happy here. I am all you need and you are all I need. We’ll walk through the forest together and bathe in crystal pools. You’ll never want for anything. I’ll give you a better life. I promise you this.” 
You tried to slow your racing heart. You believed Oria didn’t want to harm you, but this wasn’t right. You didn’t belong in this cave with her, only, she thought you did. 
“This is wrong,” you whimpered, knowing it was no use, but you couldn’t stay your tongue. 
All of the leaves in the cave rustled at once, sounding like soft applause, but you were sure it was a sign of her annoyance. 
“Mouth shut,” she hissed, and no matter how you tried to open them, your lips remained sealed. 
She turned your head by your chin to look into your eyes. 
“I saved your life,” she snapped, “and you speak such cruel words to me? Naughty, foolish doll.” 
Her face softened, quickly. Her anger was only a fleeting spark. 
“You are frightened now, petal,” she said, her eyes dropping to your neck and she ran a nail across the skin, “but you will see…I’m not so cruel. You will come to love me.” You were struck by the honesty in her beautiful face. She meant what she said. You would love her. There was simply no other choice.
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Quality Control Time
okay everyone: realistically despite having read some since last tournament I can't have read all of these books as I am one person running a blog for funnies
so I'm posting a list after I've gone through the submissions and I'm counting on you guys to tell me if any of these submissions don't count (or if someone typoed something in the submission I didn't catch)
that said here are your (tentative) competitors:
Rune Saint-John- The Tarot Sequence by KD Edwards
Quinn Saint Nicholas- The Tarot Sequence by KD Edwards
Layne Dawncreek- The Hourglass Throne by KD Edwards
Silas Bell- The Spirit Bares it's Teeth by Andrew Joseph White 
Daphne Luckenbill- The Spirit Bares it's Teeth  by Andrew Joseph White 
Benjamin/Benji Woodside- Hell Followed with us by Andrew Joseph White 
Sideways Pike- The Spacegracers by HA Clarke
Tayend of Tremmelin- Magician’s Guild series (The Novice, The High Lord) by Trudi Canavan
Gideon Nav- The Locked Tomb by Tamsyn Muir
Ianthe Tridenarius, Ianthe the First- The Locked Tomb by Tamsyn Muir
Harrowhark Nonagesimus- The Locked Tomb by Tamsyn Muir
Dekka- Gone series by Michael Grant
Therem Harth rem ir Estraven- The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin
Seregil í Korit Solun Meringil Bôkthersa- Luck in the shadows/the nightrunner series by Lynn Fleweling
Victor Vale- Vicious by VE Schwab
Alucard Emery- Shades of Magic series by VE Schwab
Rhy Maresh- Shades of Magic series by VE Schwab
Elliot Schafer- In Other Lands by Sarah Rees Brennan
Sebastian Black- The Sacred Sins of Father Black by St John Starling
Father Victor Ardelian- What Manner of Man by St John Starling
Wenren È- Devil Venerable Also Wants To Know by Cyan Wings
Zhu Chongba- She Who Became The Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan
Ouyang- She Who Became The Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan
Giovanni- Giovanni's room by James Baldwin
David- Giovanni's room by James Baldwin
Danny Tozer- Dreadnought by April Daniels
Magnus Bane- The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare
Alec Lightwood- The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare
Thomas Lightwood- The Last Hours by Cassandra Clare
Alastair Carstairs- The Last Hours by Cassandra Clare
Alex Fierro-Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard series by Rick Riordan
Magnus Chase- Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard series by Rick Riordan
Nico di Angelo- The Sun and the Star by Rick Riordan
Frances Janvier- Radio Silence by Alice Oseman
Nick Nelson- Heartstopper by Alice Oseman
Charlie Spring- Heartstopper by Alice Oseman
Tori Spring- Solitaire by Alice Oseman
Gwen (Princess Gwendoline)- Gwen and Art Are Not in Love by Lex Croucher
Jack Alston/Lord Hawthorn- The Last Binding Trilogy by Freya Marske
Maud Blyth- The Last Binding Trilogy by Freya Marske
Robin Blyth- A Marvelous Light by Freya Marske
Silariathas “Silas”- Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson
Nathaniel Thorn- Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson
Ballister Blackheart- Nimona by N.D. Stevenson
Ambrosius Goldenloin- Nimona by N.D. Stevenson 
Neil Josten- All for the game by Nora Sakavic
Andrew Minyard- All for the game by Nora Sakavic
Nicky Hemick- All for the game by Nora Sakavic
Xie Lian- Heaven Official's Blessing / Tian Guan Ci Fu by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu / mxtx 
San Lang/ Hua Cheng- Heaven Official's Blessing / Tian Guan Ci Fu by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu / mxtx 
Luo Binghe- The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu / mxtx
Shen Qingqiu- The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu / mxtx
Lan Wangji/ Lan Zhan/ Han Guang Jun- Mo Dao Zu Shi (The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu / mxtx
Wei WuXian/ Wei Ying/ Yiling Patriarch- Mo Dao Zu Shi (The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu / mxtx
Kelly Bennett- Heartsong by TJ Klune
Linus Baker- The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune
Arthur Parnassus- The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune
Laurent- Captive Prince by C.S. Pacat
Damianos (Damen)- Captive Prince by C.S. Pacat
Will Kempen- Dark Rise Series by C.S. Pacat
Sarcean- Dark Rise Series by C.S. Pacat
James St. Clair- Dark Rise Series by C.S. Pacat
Ronan Lynch- The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater
Adam Parrish- The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater
Loki- Loki- Where Mischief Lies by Mackenzi Lee
Theo Bell- Where Mischief Lies by Mackenzi Lee
Daniela- We Set the Dark on Fire by Tehlor Kay Mejia
Carmen- We Set the Dark on Fire by Tehlor Kay Mejia
Seonid Traighan Sedai- Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan
Siuan Sanche Sedai- Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan
Shallan Davar- The Stormlight Archive series by Brandon Sanderson
Jasnah Kholin- The Stormlight Archive series by Brandon Sanderson 
Jesper Fahey- Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
Wylan van Eck- Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
Nina Zenik- Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
Evelyn Hugo- The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid
Moiraine Damodred Sedai- The Wheel of Time Series by Robert Jordan 
Yan Wushi- 千秋 /Thousand Autumns/Qian Qu by Meng Xi Shi
Shen Qiao- 千秋/Qian Qiu/Thousand Autumn by Meng Xi Shi
Alex Claremont-Diaz- Red, White, and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston
Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor- Red, White, and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston
Biyu "Jane" Su- One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston
August Landry- One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston
Jolene Whitaker- Stars Still Fall by Jules Kelley
Jude St. Francis- A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara
Francis Abernathy- The Secret History by Donna Tartt
Ishita Dey- Hani and Ishu's Guide to Fake Dating by Adiba Jaigirdar
Carmilla Karnstein- Carmilla by J Sheridan le Fanu
Murderbot- The Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells
Shuos Jedao- Ninefox Gambit by Yoon Ha Lee
Achilles- Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller 
Patroclus- Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller 
Yin Hanjiang- Devil Venerable Also Wants To Know by Cyan Wings
Daja Kisubo- The Circle of Magic series, The Circle Opens series, The Will of the Empress by Tamora Pierce
Simon Torquill- October Daye Series by Seanan McGuire
Kade Bronson- Wayward Children Series by Seanan McGuire
Jack Wolcott- Wayward Children Series by Seanan McGuire
Sundew- Wings of Fire by Tui T Sutherland
Zanja Na'Tarwein- The Elemental Logic Series by Laurie J. Marks
Karis G'deon- The Elemental Logic series by Laurie J. Marks
Thaniel Steepleton- The Watchmaker of Filigree Street, The Lost Future of Pepperharrow by Natasha Pulley
Raff Barden- One Night in Hartswood by Emma Denny
Penn de Foucart- One Night in Hartswood by Emma Denny
Alec Campion- Swordspoint by Ellen Kushner
Richard St Vier- Swordspoint by Ellen Kushner
Nico Ferrer De Varona- The Atlas Six by Olivie Blake
Parisa Kamali- The Atlas Six by Olivie Blake
Sam Black Crow- American Gods by Neil Gaiman
Salim- American Gods by Neil Gaiman
Hunter- Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman
Islington- Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman
Tsukiko- The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
Zachary Ezra Rawlins- The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern
Dorian- The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern
Katrina- The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern
Katherine- The Privilege of the Sword by Ellen Kushner
Geraldine- Christabel by Samuel Coleridge 
Priya- The Jasmine Throne/The Oleander Sword by Tasha Suri
Malini- The Jasmine Throne/The Oleander Sword by Tasha Suri
Henry Gaunt- In Memoriam by Alice Winn
Sidney Ellwood - In Memoriam by Alice Winn
Benji Ovich- Beartown by Frederik Backman
Renly Baratheon- A Song of Ice and Fire (ASOIAF) by George R.R. Martin
Loras Tyrell- A Song of Ice and Fire (ASOIAF) by George R.R. Martin
Oberyn Martell- A Song of Ice and Fire (ASOIAF) by George R.R. Martin
Ellaria Sand- A Song of Ice and Fire (ASOIAF) by George R.R. Martin
Ead Duryan- The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon
Thara Celehar- The Witness for the Dead by Katherine Addison
Iäna Pel-Thenhior- The Witness for the Dead by Katherine Addison
Vanyel Ashkevron- The Last Herald-Mage Series (Magic's Pawn, Magic's Price, Magic's Promise) by Mercedes Lackey
Galen- Paladin's Hope by T. Kingfisher 
Doctor Piper- Paladin's Hope by T. Kingfisher 
Eliot Waugh- The Magicians by Lev Grossman
Simon Spier- Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli
Bram Greenfield- Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli
Leah Burke- Leah on the Offbeat by Becky Albertalli
Abby Suso- Leah on the Offbeat by Becky Albertalli
Jay Gatsby- Self-Made Boys by Anna-Marie Mclemore
Harold Hutchins- Captain Underpants by Dav Pilkey
Eric "Bitty" Bittle- Check, Please! By Ngozi Ukazu 
Jack Zimmermann- Check, Please! By Ngozi Ukazu 
Ollie O'Meara- Check, Please! By Ngozi Ukazu
Pacer Wicks- Check, Please! By Ngozi Ukazu
Maurice Hall- Maurice by E.M. Forster 
Alec Scudder- Maurice by E.M. Forster 
Clive Durham- Maurice by E.M. Forster 
Cal Stephanides- Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides
Therese Belivet- Carol or The Price of Salt by Patricia Highsmith 
Carol Aird- Carol or The Price of Salt by Patricia Highsmith 
Baz Pitch- Carry On Series by Rainbow Rowell
Tennalhin (Tennal) Halkana- Ocean's Echo by Everina Maxwell
Evander (Andy) Mills- Lavendar House by Lev Ac Rosen
Kaiiestron (Kai) l, Prince of the Fourth House of the Underearth- Witch King by Martha Wells
Max Owen- Magical Boy by The Kao
Remy Pendergast- Silver Under Nightfall by Rin Chupeco
Ben De Backer- I Wish You All The Best by Mason Deaver
Nathan Allan- I Wish You All The Best by Mason Deaver
Genevieve Lefoux- The Parasol Protectorate series by Gail Carriger
Maddie Morrow- Havenfall by Sara Holland
Catherine St. Day- The Lady's Guide to Celestial Mechanics by Olivia Waite
Lucy Muchelney- The Lady's Guide to Celestial Mechanics by Olivia Waite
Fetter- The Saint of Bright Doors by Vajra Chandrasekera
Leonie Jackman- Her Majesty's Royal Coven by Juno Dawson
Red- This is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone 
Blue- This is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone 
Rose- Camp Damascus by Chuck Tingle
Li Shimin- Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao
Cliopher Mdang- The Hands of the Emperor by Victoria Goddard
Lily Hu- Last Night At The Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo
Patrick O’Hara- The Guncle by Steven Rowley
Ambrose Cusk- The Darkness Outside Us by Eliot Schrefer
Kodiak Celius- The Darkness Outside Us by Eliot Schrefer
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Ways To Protect Yourself – Banish Negative Energies and Entities
Cleansing: This is mainly for weaker negative entities and energies. Do something you think will actually work for you and your situation. Keep it simple and use salt or smoke to cleanse your spaces. Simple protection spells also serve as a solution in these scenarios. Creating and tailoring your own spells will make things more effective and overall efficient.
Traps and Binds: There are many different ways to bind and trap spirits and entities depending on the culture things originate from. Many of these methods involve using specific symbols or objects.
Fire Rose Thorn Spell Jar
Ingredient List
  – Salt water - 1 part Sea salt to 8 parts of spring water.
  – 1 dried Rose 13 Rose Thorns
  – 1 Small Glass Jar + a tightly fitting lid
  – 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder
  – 1 teaspoon honey
  – 5 hardware nails
Put the Rose Thorns into the jar one at a time focusing on the intent desired; in this case driving negative entities and spirits away.
Crush up the Thorns in the jar.
Crush up the Rose petals and add them to the jar.
Slowly add the Saltwater.
Add the cinnamon powder, honey, and nails one by one.
Keep the jar open overnight.
The next morning before the sunrise close the lid.
Cover the jar with a cloth and dispose of it away from the house.
Holy Water
Christians use water that has been blessed by a church official. Wiccans use water blessed by their coven leader. Wet your fingers with the blessed water and run them along the thresholds for protection.
Banishing Rituals
Different rituals exist, but a simple way to perform a banishing ritual is to write down the problem on a piece of paper, being specific as possible. After deeply focusing on the problem written down on the piece of paper, burn it. Cleanse it with fire.
Objects of Protection
Herbs: Sage, Acacia, Angelica, Aloe, Amber, Bay leaf, Betel nut, Carnation, Lavender, Peat moss, Peony, Radish, and Yew.
Crystals: Agate, Amber, Calcite, Citrine, Jade, Jasper, Malachite, Moonstone, Onyx, Tiger’s eye, Tourmaline, Obsidian, and Topaz.
Counting Remedies
Many people feel that bad spirits must perform certain tasks when faced with them. One of these tasks is the activity of counting individual grains. 
Having a great many of them in one space and the inability to pick them up as they go, the spirit gets frustrated with having to start repeatedly and will soon leave your house.
Merely spill the grains of your choice in the haunted room, preferably the doorway every night and clean up in the morning. 
Black Salt
Ingredient List
  – 1 cup of Sea Salt
  – Ashes From Incense
  – 2 Crushed Eggshells
  – 2 teaspoons Black Pepper
  – 1 Bag or Jar
Finely crush eggshells.
Add sea salt, ashes, and pepper blending them together.
Put contents into a jar or bag for safe keeping.
Sprinkle black salt upon the thresholds for protection.
Keep near the bed to ward away nightmares.
Witches Bells
Bells are hung from the door handle or near the thresholds to protect your home, and ward off harm, negativity, and bad spirits. Any type of bell will do. Some practitioners even have a collection of bells.
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halloworhorecrux · 26 days
Let's talk about it-
Narcissa Malfoy nee Black.
How the families whisper of the only one to escape the fall of the House Black.
The pretty little flower that became Lady Malfoy.
She is the last. She is the end of a Dynasty.
The only Black to escape the madness.
Narcissa has a secret. She didn't escape anything. Because she thought leaving Alice would save them from pain and suffering.
The Black curse never fails though, the curse cannot abide anything good and kind, it cannot abide anything so disgusting as pure love.
So when she hears of what her sister has done to the Longbottoms, she remains inside her garden oasis. She plucks and plucks the thorns until her hands run red.
Lucius will find his wife, bloodied and dirty hands as she continues to work on her garden.
He had thought he had married the sane Black. He was wrong because for the rest of their life together, he will always find his wife working her fingers to the bone until he has to body bind and levitate her inside where he will heal her wounds .
She rarely speaks, and after a while, her hands never quite heal correctly.
Her death will come shortly after Alice Longbottom, though no one alive will know of the connection of a once Nobleflower.
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The Parable of the Sower
1 ¶ The same day Jesus went out of the house and sat by the sea side.
2 And a great multitude was gathered together unto him, so that he went into a ship and sat, and the whole multitude stood on the shore.
3 And he spoke many things unto them in parables, saying, Behold, the sower went forth to sow;
4 and when he sowed, some of the seed fell beside the way, and the fowls came and devoured them up.
5 Some fell upon stony places, where they had not much earth; and forthwith they sprang up because they had no deepness of earth;
6 and when the sun was up, they were scorched; and because they had no root, they withered away.
7 And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprang up and choked them.
8 But some fell into good ground and brought forth fruit: one a hundredfold and another sixtyfold and another thirtyfold.
9 He who has ears to hear, let him hear.
The Purpose of the Parables
10 Then the disciples came and said unto him, Why dost thou speak unto them in parables?
11 He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of the heavens, but to them it is not given.
12 For whosoever has, to him shall be given, and he shall have in abundance; but whosoever has not, from him shall be taken away even that which he has.
13 Therefore, I speak to them in parables because seeing they see not, and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.
14 And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah, which says, By hearing ye shall hear and shall not understand, and seeing ye shall see and shall not perceive;
15 for this people’s heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears and should understand with their heart and should be converted, and I should heal them.
16 But blessed are your eyes, for they see, and your ears, for they hear.
17 For verily I say unto you, That many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see and have not seen them and to hear those things which ye hear and have not heard them.
18 Hear ye therefore the parable of the sower.
The Parable of the Sower Explained
19 When anyone hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it, then the wicked one comes and catches away that which was sown in his heart. This is he who was planted beside the way.
20 But he that was planted in stony places, the same is he that hears the word and receives it immediately with joy;
21 yet he has no root in himself but is temporal, for when affliction or persecution arises because of the word, by and by he is offended.
22 And he that was planted among the thorns is he that hears the word, and the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and he becomes unfruitful.
23 But he that was planted in good ground is he that hears the word and understands it and who also bears the fruit and brings forth: one a hundredfold and another sixty and another thirty.
The Parable of Weeds among the Wheat
24 ¶ He put forth another parable unto them, saying, The kingdom of the heavens is likened unto a man who sows good seed in his field
25 But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went away.
26 But when the blade was sprung up and brought forth fruit, then the tares appeared also.
27 So the slaves of the husband of the house came and said unto him, Lord, didst thou not sow good seed in thy field? From where then does it have tares?
28 He said unto them, The enemy, a man, has done this. The slaves said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up?
29 But he said, No, lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them.
30 Let both grow together until the harvest, and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn.
The Parable of the Mustard Seed
31 He put forth another parable unto them, saying, The kingdom of the heavens is like unto a grain of mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field;
32 which indeed is the smallest of all the seeds, but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the heaven come and make their nests in its branches.
The Parable of the Yeast
33 He spoke another parable unto them: The kingdom of the heavens is like unto leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal until the whole was leavened.
The Use of Parables
34 Jesus spoke all these things unto the multitude in parables and said nothing unto them without parables
35 that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying, I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world.
Jesus Explains the Parable of the Weeds
36 Then Jesus sent the multitude away and went into the house, and his disciples came unto him, saying, Declare unto us the parable of the tares of the field.
37 He answered and said unto them, He that sows the good seed is the Son of man;
38 the field is the world; the good seed are the sons of the kingdom, but the tares are the sons of the wicked;
39 and the enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the age, and the reapers are the angels.
40 As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire, so shall it be in the end of this age.
41 The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend and those who do iniquity
42 and shall cast them into the furnace of fire; there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
43 Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.
Three Parables
44 ¶ Again, the kingdom of the heavens is like unto treasure hid in the field, which when found, a man hides it and, for the joy thereof, goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.
45 Again, the kingdom of the heavens is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls,
46 who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it.
47 Again, the kingdom of the heavens is like unto a net that was cast into the sea and gathered of every kind of fish,
48 which, when it was full, they drew to shore and sat down and gathered the good into vessels, but cast the bad away.
49 So shall it be at the end of the age; the angels shall come forth and separate the wicked from among the just
50 and shall cast them into the furnace of fire; there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Treasures New and Old
51 Jesus said unto them, Have ye understood all these things? They answered unto him, Yes, Lord.
52 And he said unto them, Therefore every scribe who is instructed in the kingdom of the heavens is like unto a man, a husband of a house, who brings forth out of his treasure things new and old.
The Rejection of Jesus at Nazareth
53 ¶ And it came to pass, that when Jesus had finished these parables, he departed from there.
54 And when he was come into his own country, he taught them in their synagogue, insomuch that they were astonished and said, From where does this man have this wisdom and these mighty works?
55 Is not this the carpenter’s son? is not his mother called Mary? and his brothers, James and Joseph and Simon and Judas?
56 And his sisters, are they not all with us? From where then does this man have all these things?
57 And they were offended in him. But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honour except in his own country and in his own house.
58 And he did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief. — Matthew 13 | Jubilee Bible 2000 (JUB) Jubilee Bible 2000 Copyright © 2000, 2001, 2010 by Life Sentence Publishing, Inc. Cross References: Genesis 18:6; 1 Samuel 10:11; 2 Samuel 23:6-7; Job 28:13; Proverbs 2:4; Psalm 78:2; Psalm 104:12; Song of Solomon 7:13; Ezekiel 17:6; Ezekiel 47:10; Daniel 3:6; Daniel 12:3; Zephaniah 1:3; Matthew 4:18; Matthew 4:23; Matthew 5:37; Matthew 7:6; Matthew 7:28; Matthew 8:12; Matthew 8:20; Matthew 11:6; Matthew 12:32; Matthew 12:35; Matthew 13:1; Matthew 13:3-4; Matthew 13:24; Matthew 13:44; Matthew 13:49; Matthew 14:1; Matthew 17:20; Matthew 20:1; Matthew 25:32; Mark 6:1; Mark 6:3; Luke 4:22; John 4:44; 1 Corinthians 15:42; Jude 1:1; Revelation 18:12
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Fantasy Book Recs
For the people who asked for book recs, muhahaha...
(You may be interested in my book tag or my goodreads) The tag definitely repeats some of my favourites because I keep recommending them, but in my defence, they are excellent and I need no defence. 
Anyway, fantasy book recs my love...I know I have a type. We all know I have a type. I was not kidding about the fairytales/retellings obsession.
Also, let’s get it out of the way. Literally ANYTHING by V.E Schwab. I cannot stress that enough. My favourite is The Invisible Life of Addie La Rue, but like. God tier.
I’m just going to go and add Leigh Bardugo here as well. Slightly less god tier, but still great. Especially Six of Crows/Crooked Kingdom which is god tier.
Short(er) stories and short story collections
The Poison Eaters and Other Stories by Holly Black
A Portable Shelter and A Rental Heart and Other Fairytales and Things We Say In The Dark by Kirsty Logan
A Spindle Splintered by Alix. E. Harrow
Lips Touch: Three Times by Laini Taylor
The Greenhollow Duology by Emily Tesh
Wayward Children novellas by Seanan McGuire
Hag (collection with numerous authors)
Beasts and Beauty by Soman Chainani
The Song of Achilles by Madeleine Miller
Deathless by Catherynne M. Valente
Uprooted and Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik
The Winternight Trilogy by Katherine Arden
Girl, Serpent, Thorn and Girls Made Of Snow and Glass by Melissa Basherdoust 
Middlegame by Seanan McGuire
The Sisters of the Winter Wood by Rena Rossner
Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson
Dark Rise by C.S Pascat
Carry On by Rainbow Rowell (I think the series goes down in quality, but the first one is excellent and I think can be read standalone)
The Montague Siblings trilogy by Mackenzie Lee
The Folk of Air trilogy and The Darkest Part of the Forest and The Coldest Girl in Coldtown by Holly Black
Peter Darling by Austin Chant
The Silence of the Girls by Pat Barker
The Binding by Bridget Collins
The House in the Cerulean Sea by T.J Klune
Plain Bad Heroines by Emily M Danforth
Payback’s a Witch by Lana Harper / Blood Countess by Lana Popovic
Twilight by Stephanie Meyer (I’m not being ironic, I think the first book is great)
The Time Traveller’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger
Interview with a vampire by Anne Rice
Note I have limited this list to really liked and it was amazing. There are lots of others I have liked and enjoyed while reading.
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