#holy shit it still holds up
fromkenari · 5 months
NASCAR, Pabst, chicks with perky nipples, Hot Pockets, flash bang salutes, and Slashdot -- all were easily in the top ten things Ash was thankful for this year. And last year. And the year before that one.
He was a simple man, really.
So, to celebrate this time of thanks giving -- his feet were put up, a cold one was in his hand, and a selection from his most stimulating reading material laid open on his lap. Days just didn’t get much more relaxing than this.
“Ash!” a woman barked, breaking the silence of the empty bar.
Now, normally, the inherent command in that particular voice would have warranted Ash's rapt attention, but today? Hell no. This was a holiday and therefore, his day "off."
Ash twisted his profile toward the sound; his eyes sliding away from the near-impossible and arousing angle of Ms. Jersey Vine’s pose on a foldout deck chair. “Yes, ma’am?” he slowly drawled over his shoulder.
Propping the door to the back half of the Roadhouse was Ellen Harvelle with her plaid sleeves rolled up and hair held loosely in a handkerchief -- apparently, it was a cleaning day. “You hungry?”
“I ain’t full,” Ash offered with a slight shrug of his pale shoulders.
“Jo’s cooked a meal--that bird Ethan trapped, potatoes, and some rolls.”
“And a pecan pie!” a second voice chimed in and garnered his full attention.
Ash felt the need to clarify his previous answer. “Hell then, I’m famished!”
There was a flash of a crooked smile and flick of an unruly mane when Ash quickly abandoned his roost. The gravelly sound of Ellen’s laugh was punctuated by the muted slap of the forgotten magazine hitting the bar.
“Your hands clean?” Ellen asked, fixing Ash with an incisive look as he passed through the doorway.
“That depends on your definition of 'clean.'”
Jo snorted, but her mother raised a brow. “Wash up,” Ellen cautioned evenly, “or no pie.”
Ash immediately detoured toward the double sink and cleared his throat to catch the attention of the young blond wearing a flowered apron. “Hand me that soap there, Jo.”
With a smirk, the green Lava bar was lazily tossed in his direction. “You’re such an easy sell, Ash.” Jo chided as she carried a stack of tall plastic cups to a long oak table with place settings for five.
Ash cast Jo a wayward glance as he scrubbed until his knuckles were raw. “My eBay history would agree with that statement.”
17 years, and I'm still all speed-writing and dialogue. Anyway, I wrote this character study on Ash from Supernatural on Livejournal in December 2006.
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skywerse · 2 months
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the eepening
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starbuck · 4 months
with respect to myself, this whole “i need to wait till i’m out of school to date,” “i need to wait till i’m more historically, politically, and culturally educated to date” is all bullshit. it’s the top surgery. that’s the holdup. they chop these tits off and i’m ready to go.
#for the record - i still think that those first two things are the WISEST course of action#but i’m just saying that i don’t think anyone could hold me back if the opportunity arises#because the top surgery thing is my real hangup#because that would be a LOT to go through with someone in a new relationship and i would rather Not#so it’s better to wait#and i have a feeling that MY confidence will increase a ton in the aftermath as well#i’ll FINALLY be able to dress how i want holy SHIT#no more needless layering and strategically shapeless flannels#thank GOD#and in the meantime i’ll just keep trying to learn as much as i can on the way there!#so that i’m as prepared as possible whenever the moment comes along#i’m really working on not being mean to myself about not knowing things#nobody comes into the world with this knowledge#and i was not given the resources growing up that encouraged me to learn these things#just because some people had parents or friends who introduced them to things when they were younger or grew up in cultural centers#doesn’t make them cooler or better than me#i am educating myself now and that is what is important#i enjoy learning and that is what is important#i WILL become my ideal self one day - i am getting better#i am not perfect - i am still fucking up a ton and insecure and stretching myself to the absolute limit#which is why it is probably NOT a good idea to date right now!!!!!!#but who knows… i’ll just go where the road takes me#and see how that works out
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steakout-05 · 4 months
WAIT THERE'S GARFIELD ANIMATRONICS!?!!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!???? AND I DIDN'T KNIOW ABOUT THIS UNTIL TODAY!?!?!?!??!??!?!??!??!?!??!??!??!??
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cluescorner · 2 years
We don’t know much about what shit looks like in the Abyss. For all we know, the most fucked up shit is seen as mundane. Maybe even cute! Hence, I propose this interaction between my main squad during the Childe boss fight.  
Childe: Behold, my horrifying and Abyssal FOUL LEGACY TRANSFORMATION
Xiangling: OH GOD OH NO OH THAT’S SO FUCKED UP! I don’t even wanna eat that it’s so nasty!! 
Kaeya, speaking as if talking to a small animal: Aww, you look adorable! Does the little abomination to the Archons want some head scratches? Maybe a few dreams to devour as a snack? Oh I bet you do, you cute little guy! 
Jean, usually cool-headed: KAEYA WHAT THE FUCK
Nigguang: In business, one must expect a wide variety of reactions to horrible circumstances or unfathomable truths. But...all my years of experience didn’t quite prepare me for this.
Kaeya, not even paying attention: C’mon little guy! I wanna see that cute tongue of yours, I’ll even let you have a bite of flesh as a treat! Who’s the sweetest, cutest, most abominable thing in existence? 
Childe: *Is torn between feeling condescended to and wanting to respond with an enthusiatic ‘I am!!’ + get some head-scratches*
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leejeann · 2 years
Sorry to anyone following me who doesn’t care about Dan and Phil, it’s the year 2022 and somehow I’m back scrolling through that tag help
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loki-loving-lesbian · 7 months
Navia is the most gorgeous playable character and one of the best written characters who also fully represents her element, along with its strengths and weaknesses and I don’t CARE about the meta I NEED HER HOME
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joyfulsoda · 1 year
Interview With Geoff Packard
Hi! It’s been about a week or so since I’ve posted about the fact that I had an interview I had with Mr. Packard, and I figured I would write up a transcript of the whole thing just because! I would post the audio, but the quality is not the best and also I do not like the sound of my voice on recordings. The entire interview was about 16 minutes long and both he and I speak pretty fast (there are a lot of words), so there will be a td;lr at the bottom.
For context, this interview was for a music class I’m currently in, where we had to present on a song that we like - specifically on how the music was written to make us feel, and how it actually made us feel. We could only play two minutes’ worth of whatever piece we chose, so I chose Proud Riff because it’s under two minutes and I figured I could put the clip from the show into my presentation. The idea to ask about an interview came later!
Before I begin, he was an incredibly nice man to talk to and I was super, super nervous but that went away a few minutes in! He asked if I planned on recording it and that he would be okay with it, I said I was, and then we got right into it!
Me: “So, to begin, obviously because you portrayed Wayne on Broadway, I thought it would be interesting to ask how the music influenced your performance. So, as an actor, how did the music of Proud Riff make you feel?
Him: “How did it make me feel..? Um, well, I think the music is sort of optimistic, I feel like it sort of bops and it’s sort of a swing tune and it’s sort of lighter than what is going on in Wayne Wright’s world. Although, the sort of genesis of that song was a conversation Andy Blankenbuehler and I had - Andy Blankenbuehler, the director, choreographer- (laughs) Tony Award-winning choreographer... We had a conversation about what their day-to-day lives may have looked like, and how we don’t really represent a lot of that for the rest of the guys, we see sort of what Donny goes through, but the rest of the guys that came back from the war, we didn’t get to see what their day-to-day was.
“And so, there was a couple iterations of what that Proud Riff would be, and we decided it was how Wayne would be spending his time at home, getting his kids ready for pre-school or school or something, and how he... sort of locks into a habit, or locked into a habit, y’know, he was obsessive-compulsive and he... really used his habits to sort of survive during war time. And we talked about how he probably gained that sort of germaphobia that he has in the play in his trench warfare, because of the necessity to keep everything clean and to have a clean, firing weapon, and all that stuff. So... We talked about that. On an otherwise normal, sunny day, what he might be doing during the day, and that’s where that came from. And so I think the music is sort of sunny, cheerful, and he’s... slowly, y’know, through the habit of cleaning his gun, is trying to stay sunny, and just simply can’t. And I think that’s where the minor changes come towards the end of the song, if I remember correctly. And all the rhythmic hits at the end that are physicalized through tap, and the sort of twitches that Wayne would have- that’s sort of a manifestation of his memory coming back, or him not being able to control those memories.”
Me: “That, actually, was really insightful. And y’know, like... you can kind of see that on stage, but to hear that directly coming from you, it’s like “oh, so that wasn’t just up to interpretation, that was actually what was happening.”
Him: “Yeah! You know, I think- so, for anybody that might be listening to this, I teach at the University of Michigan now, and so, the next generation of theater artists are what I care deeply about, and certainly when I was training, or when I was a young person sort of experiencing shows or reading a play for the first time, I often thought: “Wow! How do they come up with this? This is, y’know, Arthur Miller just writes a play and just, hands it in, and this is the thing?” And what I’ve learned over time is that it’s much more of a collaboration from all parties involved, so, it’s not that Richard Oberacker and Rob Taylor wrote everything you saw on stage in one sitting and then shared it with us- they wrote a lot of it and had a first draft, then we all collaborated and had different ideas that helped them have other ideas. It did not occur until previews, I think, of the Broadway production. We had done a production at the Paper Mill Playhouse that did not have that piece in the show at all, but through conversation and through an idea of how to give a little more insight in their lives, they created that.
“And I should mention, a large part of that creation came from Greg Anthony Rassen and Bill Elliott, who were the orchestrators of the piece. They wrote all the dance pieces and orchestrations, too, so they were very involved in that sort of collaborative process, and y’know, that’s what you got to see on stage.”
Me: “That’s really cool! Well, um... With that last question, you kind of answered the other questions I was going to ask, um...”
Him: “Sorry.” (imagine someone saying sorry in all lowercase).
Me: “No, no, that’s totally fine! I was just going to ask like, how the music influenced what Wayne was doing on the stage, and you answered that with him twitching and, y’know, him having his physical manifestations of trying to stay sunny, and how some of the stuff he did towards the end of the piece coincides with the minor tones and all the hits and stuff, so thank you so much for that.”
Him: “Mhm.”
Me: “So, because I wanted to keep this short, I didn’t have many questions to ask you- relating to Proud Riff; can I ask just, like, one personal question that doesn’t relate to it at all?”
Him: “Sure!”
Me: “Just because I was curious, uh, because Wayne is a Lieutenant in the show, I was doing some research and I found out that most Officers have college degrees, and I just wanted to ask what you think he might’ve gotten his degree in, because- well, I don’t know, it was just something I kind of wanted to know.”
Him: “Yeah! Oh my god, I’d have to go back to my original, sort of, research journal... Um... For that. I feel like at one point in time, I knew where he went to college, and I knew what he studied, but I don’t- I mean, y’know, in my mind what he studied, and it’s not in the script, and I don’t remember really talking about that- I know we talked about him being a Lieutenant a lot, and how that would have led to him being a leader, and not being very content under Donny as the leader of the band (laughs). But what would he study..? The thing that comes to my mind is something mathematical, so I wanna say an engineer of some kind.”
Me: “Oh, that’s interesting!”
Him: “Well, I feel like he, of all of the musicians in the band, he was obviously the most strict and maybe square of everybody? Y’know, I wouldn’t call him an improvisor, y’know, he has that famous line “If it ain’t on the page, it ain’t on the stage.”
Me: “I was actually gonna mention that when you said what you did about him and Donny not gelling well at first.”
Him: “Yeah! Well, you know, he is the only officer in the group, and what that would mean for these gentlemen, y’know, they know that more than- oh, what would they be called, I wanna say muggles and it’s not- civilians! They would know that more than civilians, so we talked about the relationships in that way, but yeah, I think he would be- I forget what it was, but I think it’s sort of engineering, or something that involves something that can be accomplished through math, and that has a specific answer and an end to it.”
Me: “That makes a lot of sense for him. Well, that all I really wanted to ask.”
Him: “Do you still have some time? Do you have any more questions? I mean, we’ve got three more minutes.”
Me: “Well, let me see if I can think of something, uhhhhh..!”
Him: “Oh, remind me, did you see the show- did you see it live, or did you see the Fathom Events recording?”
Me: “I really wish I could have seen it live; however, in 2017 I was only 14, and going from [REDACTED LOCATION] to New York was... Well, that wouldn’t have been possible, unfortunately, so I’ve only been able to see the professional recording, and- and I love it, I need to rewatch it again. But yeah, y’know, I do really love the show, I like going back and looking at all the little details that happen, like not necessarily what the focus is on the stage, but also looking at all the side interactions- like, there was one time I went back and watched, and I noticed that in Breathe, right after Davy makes his comment about Nick, the “choreography” bit, you walked over to Mr. Ellis, and y’know, Davy just gave Wayne a salute, and it was the funniest thing to me for forever. And these aren’t things that you notice on the first watch-through, but going back and looking at all of it is just- it’s just fun.”
Him: “And the interesting thing about the filmed version of it is that, since film and TV is such a visual medium, the editors, which I think Andy (Blankenbuehler) was a part of, they sort of tell you where to look. If you think about all the things that you’re like “Oh, I missed this from the filmed version,” there’s infinitely more moments like that when you have a whole stage that you can look at. So unless it was in a wide shot on the Fathom Events version of it, you only got to see what the editor wanted you to see in those moments, so... Y’know, that’s why I was asking you if you saw the live version. I really loved the Fathom version, and I’m so grateful that it exists; there’s really no substitute for being in the room. Although you can’t, y’know, you can’t rewind, it, so... (laughs) You just get what you get, you know?”
(After this point, we have a short conversation about me! There are a few identifying details in this section that I don’t feel comfortable sharing, though, so I would rather not type them out.)
Proud Riff was meant to give an insight into Wayne’s everyday life.
It shows how on an average day, the sun might be shining, but Wayne is still struggling.
Wayne most likely developed his germaphobia due to being involved in trench warfare, out of the necessity to keep everything clean and working.
(Including this just because some people might not have seen interviews where it is confirmed) Wayne has OCD, cleaning his gun is a ritual.
The taps are meant to be a physical manifestation of the memories that haunt Wayne- the ones he cannot control.
Proud Riff was not in the Paper Mill Playhouse production of the show.
Wayne obtained a degree in engineering or something relating to math. He likes how they have specific answers and ends.
Wayne is the only Officer in the Donny Nova Band. He usually takes on leadership positions and does not enjoy Donny being the band leader at first.
Wayne is, in Geoff Packard’s mind, the most strict and square out of everyone in the band. 
Wayne is not an improvisor.
There were a lot of side interactions onstage that we did not get to see in the Fathom Events recording. Sad day. :(
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lifeonmvrs · 11 months
i am a lonely hero, trying to fight my battles
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[Image Description: a digital drawing of peter parker. he is wearing his spider-man suit with his mask off. he is resting in a metal handrail, looking down with a pensive expression. the background is of a really big bush that covers most of the canvas. it is different shades of purple. /end ID]
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tiramegtoons · 7 months
Barnaby has sang Tiptoe through the tulips and I never noticed???
H U H ?????
Is this a dream????????
looks at time stamps in the livestream
H- HOW??
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soldier-poet-king · 1 year
I try very hard not to hate and not to hate read and not to let little stupid things I see annoy me but oh god I hate [redacted opinion/topic] so much and I hate seeing [redacted topic/pinion] so much and I am full of violent rage and I hate that most of all
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sethdomain · 1 year
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Glasses experience
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dawntheduckrb · 5 months
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They put me downstairs at work :(
All thumb healing progress was undone in one evening apparently. It actually felt mostly fine on Sunday, until after work. They put me in an area I'm rarely sent to on Sunday evening, and I had to do a ton of heavy lifting. My arms are sore but it's like a post-exercise soreness (painful, but still very normal). My thumb felt fine allllllll day today, until I started to draw. Even with breaks, it still feels super tense, and now it's hurting even when I'm not using it. I'm gonna take that as a sign to stop for the night lol
I have one drawing I want to finish before school starts back up, because I'm worried it'll distract me if I don't have it done before then. Of course, if my hand prevents from finishing it, I'll manage, but that'd suck :')
On a lighter tone I feel very strongly about this cat in a blanket I found, I don't know why it amuses me so much but it's such a mood
#for those of you who dont know; i work at a package sorting/distribution center#I'm normally in the small package team where people who can't constantly lift stuff go (i have double curve scoliosis and back hurty)#but they moved me downstairs to a truck loading area to help the people that are normally there#most packages come from a series of overhang chutes and I didn't have to do anything with them#but everything thats too big/heavy/oddly shaped comes down a seperate larger belt system#these have to be manually sorted#my job was to take a barcode scanner and find a barcode on each package#then a little printer i was holding would make a sticker w/ that package's destination after i scanned its barcode#the thing is#those packages got up to 80 lbs and sometimes the barcode label was on the very bottom#i had to flip quite a few packages in a hurry because that belt does not stop while I'm printing the stickers#i guess between holding the barcode scanner and flipping over ridiculously heavy boxes#i completely destroyed my thumb again#splatoon didn't give me a problem today but i guess i dont really use my thumb much for that game#and even still#i took a whole four hour break between that and trying to draw#and i didnt even draw for that long#but now moving my thumb hurts worse than it did last week#idk what im gonna do when school starts :/#this is where i'd say 'crying and sobbing atm' but im actually starting to tear up holy shit#wanted to post a drawing tonight but i cant finish it :') gonna grab some chocolate and curl up into a ball instead#will also try icing my hand tonight#i have also memorized those hand exercises and they are my lifeline right now
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antirepurp · 1 year
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🦔<- full of banana
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carrotpiss · 4 months
#in stark contrast to most of my personal posts this is about me being happy and gay#because i need to just get it out my system bc otherwise i am just going to grab a friend by the shoulders and scream (in joy) in their face#i am dating someone and its really really nice and sweet and cute and like nothing ive ever experienced before#and instead its like every tiny little dream about this kind of thing ive managed to hold onto despite every experience otherwise and ahhhh#the lack of focus on just sex or sex appeal is so nice its like there but as a side thing so its nice and i dont feel like an object#i feel like a human person with thoughts and feelings and interests outside if that and feel safe in that and feel safe that everything wont#just be discarded if i dont want to do that like i feel like boundaries and stuff are an option! without jeopardising everything#and el likes me as much as i like them and wants and sees and communicates that they want something long term and ahhhhhhhh#i just want to cry like holy shit this is everything ive ever wondered about like i have spent so long wondering what this feeling would#actually feel like and its so good and so indescribable and ahhhhhhh#waking up on monday night and seeing them in my bed and cuddling me was just so nice i felt wanted i felt... loved#this all seems so out of left field still i still feel like i just never saw it coming but its so welxome and nice and ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh#my pessimism is still there but its less loud now its more learning to accept this may not be perfect forever but letting me enjoy the now#crouch speaks#it feels so nice to not be scared and to feel secure and ahhh#also it made me laugh El remembered me hitting on then at the Dgoals release show making them blush lol#i only remember the time i hit on them later at the groles show so its funny i pretty much used the same line twice and it still worked#i cant wait to see them again i cant wait to hold hands in public again i cant wait to be idiots who keep blushing too hard and accidentally#kissing eachother on the nose instead of the mouth because we are stupid and gay and pathetic about it hahaha#just ahhhh i could gush forever how perfect the 2!!! dates weve been on were and the fact they want more and more and ahhhhh#this is so lame i know i just haven't experienced anything remotely like this before and its just... wild#like wow holy shit what on earth i have been so increasingly miserablely depressed and insecure from the shea stuff last year and then this#just absolutely removed all of that i actually feel like a human person again with value
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helloidkwhatimdoing-0 · 5 months
Okay i really should go to sleep bc im so tired but also b4 i go to sleep i need to tell you all how comfy my pyjamas are bc HOLY SHIT
I got new ones as a late Christmas present and they are
they're so comfortable i could cry tears of joy and thats only slightly an exaggeration— what the fuck 😭✨
I love them so much
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