#hobby server
katsukidynam1ght · 2 months
hey pals if you’re bored and wanna join the discord i’m opening it up once again! april is gonna be awful for me stress-wise but with luck and positive vibes we persevere. so come one, come all, get your butts in here and let’s endure it together!
(server has channels for a variety of hobbies and interests, including fandoms like mha, atla, aftg, tma, tmagp, toh, ml, pjo, thg, loz, omori, fnaf, minecraft, and content like disney, youtube, musicals, and more! we have occasional movie nights and game nights and server members are free to plan their own!)
if you were kicked from the server in the past for inactivity, feel free to join again! i haven’t cleaned out old accounts for a while and you’ll have at least a month before i think about doing it again because as i said april is crazy. but especially if you follow my fic writing and wanna see me outside the work, consider joining!!
(tagging my pals again pls feel free to join if you want: @nielution @epickiya722 @finnthemann @kamiiin @dumbleb33 @justtorzaplease @vesterport @peternumber4 )
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lush-specimen · 7 months
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mothmore · 4 months
i’m like if victor frankenstein was a fine arts student in 2024 , call me the modern modern prometheus
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thepenguisalive7 · 6 months
honestly my timeline on Twitter is very clean 😆 I barely see anything, because I muted every single thing qsmp related, almost every single cc name, and anything that might be brought up by cc, and if I see anything qsmp related tweeted I just instantly mute the account (positive or not). There’s the exception of my close friends, and one or two accounts, but other than that? Nothing.
so I don’t really see any bad things on Twitter, and honestly I’m glad for it :’))
if I need updates I can just check the update account or tumblr, and my psyche can remain blissfully ignorant
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fagidarity · 10 days
good news guys i’ve almost finished a slimeriana animatic i’ve been working on since fucking november
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hikarinokusari · 2 months
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At some point, my player went to Castle Ravenloft to get some answers from the Lord (and eventually ended up becoming his warlock and gain trauma expertise while meeting otherwordly things in the Chapel. )
While spending the week there, he invited Strahd to play a game where one should manage to lie to the other or be deprived or one of their senses. While many people chose to make Strahd a lier, I decided to make him someone who will always tell the truth. During the game, he accepted with reluctance to lie for the sake of playing.
The first round was tough. This vampire knows how to play with the truth, but lying was ... something he didn't do in nearly 8 centuries.
He lost the first round and ended up blindfolded, but as a vampire, his keen senses helped him really well to know if the PC was lying or not.
Featuring : Khal, @xyanmajor's character before he dyed his hair in blue and tied them up in a sexy ponytail.
One day, I'll polish this sketch as well.
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prudentseer · 4 months
At this point Joel has killed himself trying to kill xB than he has killed xB. And xB is so menacingly (tauntingly...?) sweet about it. A trap will fail miserably because of bad timing or something and he's just like "see you soon Joel!" while Joel just grumbles and promises he'll give up only to come back in a couple of hours like a looney toons character (pathetic wile e coyote energy).
Not even xB's long time friends are this desperate to kill him. Joel has just failed enough times to the point where I think he'll try just about anything.
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steamanband · 2 months
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aritany · 3 months
all gimmick and no substance...
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ardate · 9 months
I want to draw and write and not work!! AAGH!!!!! biting furniture
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grim-echoes · 6 months
what *is* cryptofash?
it's short for cryptofascist, it's a term used for someone who covertly supports fascist sentiments or ideas adjacent to them without explicitly signaling it. someone who's cryptofash might closely associate with people who are more openly alt-right, express sympathy for fascist talking points, and voice certain statements/ideas common in fascist circles that, while not always strictly fascist ideas in isolation, can imply alt-right thinking when in tandem with other common fascist sentiments. in essence it's that guy you've always been suspicious of but you can't say for certain if they're just under-educated, reactionary, or a genuine nazi until you discover screenshots of them asking the jewish question in a discord server
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fluffyninja91 · 10 months
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Check out my brand new discord server for the adults! (not only emos 😝)
The main goal of this server is to create a nice community and a safe place for the people who are at least 25 years old or older!
In this server:
You can meet new friends around your age
You can chat about the common interests in the numerous channels (music, film, gaming, cooking, gardening etc. The server is still under construction so I can add more channels if there's a need!)
If you're a creator, you can share your works (art, writing and photography channels)
Just hang out without minors around
To get an invite, please dm me or send me an ask off anon (please make sure that your age is visible somewhere in a bio! And please be patient I'm not online 24/7, but I'll send you a link as fast as I can 😁)
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tbh maybe its bc i do mcrp myself but i’m genuinely surprised by the amount of people who express surprise/incredulity at how everyone bonds with the eggs like
yeah that’s an adorable NPC run by the dm. you’re gonna bond with it and then it’s going to die and make you cry. that is how this goes. it is SO easy to bond with shit in mcrp man. have you guys just never played it or
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chiwhorei · 4 months
Hey don’t say shitty things in the comments/reblogs of someone’s writing I’m so sick of u ppl is2g
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mssunflower7 · 1 year
New OC content yay!!
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'Soaia alu Tulken a za’u ftu Maktenalyì a foru sätare tulkunhu`
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feliciteacup · 1 year
i just realized i havent posted here in weeks oops
i have a youtube and a tiktok where i post mostly everything but i keep forgetting to post it to here too 😭 so if you like my stuff maybe you should follow me there instead of here
honestly i dont know if theres even like a community or interest for voice acting on tumblr or anything but im still here just less active here than other places!
[lots of rambling in the tags...]
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