#historia pregnancy
momtaku · 1 year
It seems like you have the viewpoint that Historia’s pregnancy was a red herring and shipping bait that went nowhere. I personally don’t interpret it to have been intentionally that way at all, given there was nothing romantic or sexual about their relationship or 130, she seems scared of him. the anime clearly showed this as well. how would Eren having been the father had made it “better”? Those viewpoints focused on Eren and not Hisu. Not to mention E wasnt interested in starting a fam.
Also no offense but I also don’t think there was much of a mystery with Historia’s pregnancy in the narrative outside of why she chose to do it at that timing and who warned her. 130 completed the mystery. I can understand it being disappointing and I wish she never had to go through this issue. But things being a disappointment doesn’t mean there was this “baiting” intent. Idk, i just have issues w/ accusing authors of having an intent that wasnt there then getting mad. It feels entitled
Sorry, last thing i wanted to say b/c I just wanted to be clear with what I’m trying to express b/c it’s hard with limited numbers: I don’t think there was a mystery about Historia’s pregnancy outside of what the story told us. There really was no other reason for it besides to avoid being titanized. it’s fine to dislike this but ppl not being satisfied w/ it & then theorizing more than already there isn’t the authors fault nor is it a red herring. Eren being father wouldn’t have improved this.
Anon, I'm not sure what you think my viewpoints are but I'm pretty sure you are wrong on at least one of them. I'll share something I saw on @hamliets blog earlier today which I agreed with. Hamliet wrote, "Historia’s arc was a nightmare that went from being top tier to something so horrid it seems like Isayama realized it was awful and ignored it as much as possible out of a desire not to make it worse."
The only thing that would've made Historia's arc worse was if Eren had been the father because. I agree with what you say about that. Eren being the father would have destroyed two character arcs and not just one.
Agree to disagree on the rest I guess. Thanks for the ask!
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martisa · 2 years
A Bruxa Valenciana
Parte 14 - Effie
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Bibi e Alberto prontos para a guerra
-- A questão é bem clara! É uma armadilha... Ela os quer lá para matar a todos -- Expliquei do gabinete de Andrew com Teddy, Alberto, Thomaz e alguns homens do exército, mas para enfrentar uma bruxa, era preciso outra bruxa -- Não temos certeza, mas se ela estiver com Valerian, se matar os três que estão na frente, assume o trono e faz de Effie sua rainha
-- Mas aí ele não pode simplesmente matar todo mundo e sair ileso! -- Disse Thomaz
-- Mas ele não vai matar, quem vai matar é a Effie... Ela pode controlar a realidade
-- Como você? -- Perguntou Andrew, tendo tomado uns quatro calmantes, eu não consegui detectar o ódio em sua voz, só confusão
-- Effie é uma bruxa experiente, vossa Alteza, ela pode fazer coisas extraordinárias... -- Explicou Alberto
-- O plano é o seguinte... Alberto e eu iremos com os príncipes para a floresta do Norte, chegando lá, quando Luca estiver em segurança... Nós a matamos antes que ela fira alguém
-- Parece um plano ótimo, mas o que garante que ela não vai descobrir? Ou que ela vai entregar Luca? Ou...-- O general Fellinger começou a me encher de perguntas
-- Eu estudei ela por nove meses -- Ri quase de nervoso -- Eu a tinha como estátua, a estudei como pude... Ela não tem mais quinhentos anos, mais do que eu, pouca coisa, ela é de Pugra, uma província distante cuja magia vem do interior de montanhas de pedras coloridas, ela não consegue diferenciar um tipo exato e único de magia de invisibilidade, a que eu e Alberto vamos usar, seus pontos fracos são a sustentação visual e ela não é, definitivamente não é, tão difícil de derrotar
-- Ela me diminuiu e me colocou dentro de um globo de de vidro, ela é poderosa
-- Ela não é mais poderosa do que a sua ex noiva e ex sogra
-- De quem você ta falando?!
-- Da madrasta da Branca -- Sussurrou Thomaz, a verdade é que eu não sabia se aquilo era verdade
-- Nós vamos ter que ir com calma, mas juntos, precisará confiar em mim -- Eu falei tentando ser o mais convincente possível, mas o príncipe Andrew começou a chorar.
-- Eu posso dar conta dela sozinho -- Disse Theodore que até ali estava muito calmo para quem tinha perdido o filho para uma bruxa malvada
-- Nunca que você vai entrar lá sozinho -- Bradou Andrew -- Você nem deveria ir -- Teddy devia achar que ainda tinha os poderes, mas ele não tinha mais útero, ele não tinha mais do que sua irmã então não sei se ele ainda tinha, o certo era não arriscar
-- Gente, por favor, falta menos de uma hora, precisamos de um consenso para esse plano! -- Todos ficaram discutindo até que Alberto levantou a voz
-- Vocês não tem muita escolha... Ou os príncipes entram lá sozinhos ao encontro da morte, ou leva o único reforço capaz de derrotar Effie... Eu já derrotei ela uma vez, Bibi já a derrotou uma vez, nós dois podemos derrotá-la dessa vez e há um excludente que nos permite matá-la sem sofrer penalidades sob o comitê internacional da magia -- Pu.... Caramba, o ver falando tais coisas até deixariam minhas pernas bambas se não fosse a situação, ele tinha estudado muito
-- Ele está certo... Ela sequestrou uma criança, bruxas que sequestram crianças podem ser mortas por outras bruxas, se não fizemos nada definitivo ainda é porque tínhamos leis -- Eu já transgredir essas leis algumas vezes, Valência não tinha fiscais, mas matar era outra história, eu não poderia fazer isso
-- Se a derrotaram? Como ela voltou? -- Perguntou Thomaz
-- Ela é uma bruxa, não dá para contê-la para sempre -- Respondeu Alberto
-- Eu aceito esse plano -- Disse Teddy e olhou para Andrew com os olhos bem abertos -- Por favor -- Andrew passou a mão pelos cabelos louros, aflitos, nervoso, com medo, mas ele não tinha escolha, então se virou para seus homens
-- Se nós três morrermos... Não deixem Valência cair nas mãos de Valerian
-- Se vocês morrerem, Valerian vai morrer -- Afirmou Thomaz
Mais tarde, na carruagem ruma a clareira, eu não me aguentava de nervosismo, mas disfarçava o meu medo levantando o nariz enquanto Alberto segurava a minha mão, ele também estava com medo, mas com menos medo, ele sabia muitas coisas que eu não sabia, muitas coisas que meu pai não teve tempo de me ensinar, eu sabia como funcionava o tempo em Flakner, para cada dia eram mais dias, Alberto tinha muito mais tempo de estudo, uns 3 mil e 40 aproximadamente. Andrew tremia que fazia toda a carruagem tremer, e Teddy estava muito sereno olhando pela janela, vez ou outra eu via o deslumbre de um azul metálico piscar em sua íris, não soube dizer se aquilo me assustou ou me confortou, se o monstro que devorou as bruxas ainda estivesse lá... Eu temeria por Effie.... Mentira, não temeria não
Paramos a alguns metros da clareira, protegemos os príncipes como pudemos, mas sabíamos que Effie iria pedir para que as guardas fossem baixadas, e também Luca estava protegido quando ela o levou, ou ela tinha uma magia superior a minha, ou pelo menos ela não poderia tê-lo machucado, fomos andando até chegarmos em uma grande clareira com um lago no centro, Effie estava parada em pé no meio deste lago, flutuando, claro, mas estava com Luca nos braços
-- Boa noite, meu queridos amigos -- Ela falou abrindo um sorriso sinistro -- Que bom que vieram
-- Fala logo o que você quer! -- Rosnou Andrew
-- Calma, vossa Alteza... -- Luca começou a chorar e ela o sacudiu -- Silêncio... Veja... O que quero é simples... Ser rainha -- Típico -- Teu pai me prometeu a coroa, disse que ia matar a tua mãe e a gente seria um casal e tanto, mas aí... Você nasceu e ele mudou de ideia... Eu tentei seguir em frente.... Mas confesso que...
-- Foi Valerian, não foi? -- Perguntou Teddy desesperado
-- Não me interrompa! -- Gritou Effie e o Luca começou a chorar mais alto, nesse momento Teddy simplesmente estalou os dedos e invocou Valerian amarrado como um salame e com uma mordaça, surpreendendo a todos
-- Ele te prometeu a coroa caso você ajudasse ele contra a poção e você quase conseguiu, você só não contava com o que vai te matar... -- Effie pareceu atordoada, eu estava mais ainda, Teddy ainda tinha poder, mas quanto? Sacudiu a cabeça e continuou
-- Até que sim, mas eu não preciso mais dele... Eu sou mais poderosa do que os bruxos que você trouxe consigo -- Olhei para Alberto, ele também olhou para mim, ela sabia, ela era mais do que imaginamos -- Não importa que você tenha matado Elizabeth... Alias, você sabia que ele matou a Elizabeth? -- Ela perguntou para Andrew
-- Sim, ele me contou
-- E você não se importou nem um pouco?!
-- Bem, Elizabeth mexeu com uma entidade perigosa
-- E você também está fazendo isso -- Teddy cruzou os braços
-- Eu sei muito bem que teu poder vinha do útero que a tua bruxa te deu... Você achou mesmo que ia me enganar? Não importa quais truques ela tenha te ensinado para te fazer parecer poderoso... Mas você não vai sair vivo daqui esta noite... Ninguém vai... Eu vou contar o que vai acontecer... Eu matarei a todos! E voltarei para Valência e submeterei a todos a uma nova memória... A memória de que eu sou a nova e única rainha!
-- E porque não fez isso antes? -- Perguntou Andrew
-- Talvez porque eu tenha perdido o meu tempo tentando seguir em frente ou porque uma bruxa estúpida e ordinária me deteve por tanto tempo... -- Eu precisava fazer algo nem que fosse uma loucura, nem que fosse chamar a atenção para mim, olhei para Alberto e ele entendeu perfeitamente o meu plano, mesmo que eu não tenho dito -- Ouçam... -- Ela ergueu Luca no ar -- Os últimos sons de vossa pro...-- Antes dela terminar fiz Luca aparecer em meus braços, e depois Alberto o invocou nos seus, ela até ia sumir dali, mas Effie foi mais ligeira e tacou-lhe um raio, ele se protegeu invocando um cajado mestre com uma mão, mas ficou preso em um lugar, eu voei e ataquei-a, mas ela foi mais rápida e ficamos numa luta, suas duas mãos ocupadas comigo e Alberto
-- Acha que eu não sei que vocês podem matar? Eu estou preparada para matar quando vocês se cansarem
-- Eu sei do que você é capaz
-- Não, você não sabe... Você não chega nem perto de saber
-- Mas eu sei -- Teddy falou bem próximo de meu ouvido, tudo normal, se eu não estivesse a metros do chão, ele também estava, ele estava voando, e seus olhos mais azuis do que nunca, Effie riu
-- Vamos, pequeno Teddy... Apenas tente lutar comigo... Mesmo com dois, eu ainda acabo com você só com os meus olhos -- Teddy até lançou um ataque, mas Effie não estava brincando, vi Effie brilhar seus olhos e a próxima coisa que vi foi sangue espirrar em seu rosto... O tempo parecia um pouco suspenso... Gritei de horror e cai, a luta contra Alberto também acabou, ele correu até mim, Luca já não estava em seus braços, ele me ajudou a me levantar e eu apontei para o alto: Teddy se defendeu de Efife com os braços, mas não foi o suficiente para protegê-lo, uma vez que a bruxa o machucou tanto que havia sangue dele nela, e ela ria histérica, já Teddy ainda estava no alto, com os braços estendidos... Pelo menos vivo... Seu poder estava instável, ele estava instável
-- Essa foi a coisa mais ridícula que eu já vi... Um principezinho idiota metido a bruxo... Seja lá o que tua bruxa idiota te ensinou... Você só não vai morrer primeiro que seu filho -- Então Teddy invocou uma barreira entre eles e nos, deixando apenas ele e Effie no centro do lago, ele ia se sacrificar por nós
-- Onde está Luca? -- Perguntei a Alberto
-- No meio da batalha consegui entregar a Andrew e ele saiu correndo, mas ele vai se perder
-- Então vá atrás dele!
-- E o que você vai fazer?!
-- Eu vou tentar salvá-lo...-- No centro do lago ainda podíamos ouvi-lo
-- Então você quer morrer antes do teu filho? -- Perguntou Effie já começando a se irritar, Teddy abriu um sorriso assustador e logo em seguida... Se transformou na Effie -- Que droga de truque estúpido é esse, garoto? Acha que eu terei dó de acabar com você se você for tão bela como eu? Você pode parecer, mas não pode nem chegar perto de igualar o meu poder!
-- E eu preciso igualar o teu poder? -- Quando a voz de Theodore saiu, ela não saiu normal, saiu como se ele falasse com mil vozes, até Effie se assustou -- Eu sou a aberração que devorou três poderosas bruxas da irmandade estelar... Pensa, ao menos por um minuto, que precisarei cuidar de você? -- Vi o pavor, o terror, o medo, e a certeza de derrota na expressão de Effie -- Eu não preciso... -- Ele instalou os dedos e a transformou... Nele... Agora Effie era Teddy e Teddy era Effie, eles haviam trocado de corpo e mesmo confusa, ela tentava desfazer aquilo, sem sucesso, Teddy então ergueu as mãos para o céu e invocou parte bruxas da mesma irmandade das que ele mesmo tinha matado
-- Vejam referentíssimas! -- Ele gritou na voz de Effie, na pura voz de Effie, assustada -- Invoco vossa proteção contra esse monstro!!!
-- Como conseguiu invocar-nos? -- Perguntou uma bruxa
-- Pelas cartas de Jasery que roubei de Bibiana, a que tanto defendia esse monstro e que foi devorada pelo mesmo -- Invoquei a invisibilidade antes que elas vissem, a bruxas acreditaram muito
-- É mentira, ele é a Effie, ele está usando magia para se passar por mim! Ele me enfeitiçou, eu não sou ele!!! -- Effie tentou se defender
-- Acha mesmo que acreditaremos em você? Sentimos o cheiro do teu sangue no teu rosto... Você é o monstro que devemos derrotar! Tomem cuidado!! Ele é muito perigoso -- Era muitas, eram no mínimo umas sete, elas deram cabo de Effie em menos de um minuto.
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swagging-back-to · 1 year
mikasa is hot
annie is hot
hanji is hot
sasha is hot
ymir is hot
0 notes
cutecinnamon · 25 days
Concurrence I
{ Concurrence I: A Declared Traitor • Levi x Reader }
CW: ⊹₊ MDNI ⊹₊ Pregnancy ⊹₊ Somewhat Explicit Smut Details ⊹₊ Levi Cares Despite The Circumstance ⊹₊
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:gif from pinterest
• 2.3k word count •
Note: Concurrence II is now up ♡
: divider by @cafekitsune
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(Y/n) was a soldier under Levi's squad, she was a very skillful and effienciently trained scout until one day her cover was blown and the whole squad found out that she was in fact a Marleyan, and she was a warrior sent as an agent to infiltrate the survey corps. When Levi and the others found out she was to be executed until Queen Historia decided that the best punishment for her was to in fact stay at the survey corps since she was one of the most liable scouts, but one thing she did not expect was that she was ordered to carry the child of Humanity's strongest in order to keep the Ackerman Bloodline alive.
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˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
The gentle breeze of the air touched your skin, it was cold.
Ever since the cat was out of the bag it became almost impossible to gain the reputation in the survey corps you once had.
You gently looked down at your belly, it was still not showing.
You then remembered the words of the queen that changed your life.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
"(y/n) how can you do this...? " Historia asked her, her gaze flickered with doubt and cold acceptance of the situation.
"Forgive me Historia, please know that I never intended to be a traitor to the survey corps... even if I'm not an Eldian by blood, my loyalty belongs to everyone here, in the walls, to Captain Levi and the survey corps."
(y/n) told Historia while kneeling, facing the consequences of her actions as a declared traitor.
"I know you (y/n), We have been under Levi's squad and I can tell that it wasn't all an act and show... that your loyalty was indeed with us... despite you being sent here by Marley to infiltrate the corps."
Historia said knowingly, she did believe that
(y/n) never intended any of that to happen and she had grown to fight for Paradis.
"I will accept any punishment that will be dished out on me, whatever it is... I know the terms of the regiment and I will face the consequence of my actions wholeheartedly."
(y/n) said, looking at Historia, her gaze showing acceptance of what is to come towards her actions.
"You know that I won't punish you with death or anything of that sort (y/n), I know that you are needed in the squad and I know that you are a good person,"
Historia said, her orbs carried kindness, just like how she was when she was still reffered to as her former alias Krista.
"Although you are still a declared traitor and... there is this other thing..." Historia continued,
"The Ackerman Bloodline, it must live on." Historia stated, her gaze changing with a hint of austere.
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The sound of raindrops making contact with your skin and the floor brings you back, pulling you away from your thoughts.
You looked at your uniform as it started to soak from the droplets of water meeting your now fragile body.
You were still out of it, after hearing the words fall from Commander Hange's mouth an hour ago.
"Looks like you're pregnant (y/n), Congratulations." Hange said, her voice laced with warmth and anticipation.
Although it was delivered with a cheery and accepting tone by the Commander, it was not something that you wanted to hear, especially given the case that this was the punishment dished out to you by Historia herself and the fact that the biological father also despises you due to your faults of being a declared traitor under his squad.
You continued to stand at the field despite the continued droplets of water becoming heavier.
You were lost in your thoughts, the overwhelming feeling of the potential present and future,
It was all too much.
You were once again pulled away from your spiraling thoughts when someone pulled your arm, it wasn't the most gentle gesture but it also wasn't the harshtest.
"Snap out of it (y/n)." Levi firmly reminded while leading you to the barracks, to your shared quarters,
Levi didn't say anything afterwards, the walk towards your shared quarters was very quiet.
When you both reached the door, he opens it and drags you in despite your uniform dripping from the cold rain you openly welcomed while standing at the field spacing out earlier.
Levi closed the door, he then approaches you. The same distant, cold and hardened gray orbs was met by your gaze, despite the news he still maintained the same demanor, unfazed.
Turns out that Hange had a discussion with Levi telling him the news while you were at the field drenching yourself in the rain while your thoughts and feelings were all over the place.
"Tch, are you really that fucking careless (y/n)?" Levi asked her, his gaze piercing her.
"Sorry, I was just out of it, Captain." (y/n) replied, trying to keep her emotions in check, it was honestly an indescribable feeling.
"Change your clothes, you shouldn't get sick." Levi told her, though his tone of voice was void of concern and was laced with a hint of annoyance, he did care for her, and their now existing baby inside of her.
"Do you know...?" (y/n) asked, looking at Levi.
"Do you think I'm dumb? Besides, four eyes already discussed it to me." Levi responded, his tone still hinted subtle annoyance.
Levi approaches their wooden closet, he then grabs (y/n)'s white colored silk nightgown which was neatly folded and hands it to her.
"Take a bath and change, we wouldn't want you and that growing baby inside you to get sick." Levi told (y/n) his voice in monotone, his gaze still the same, with that unbothered and unfazed look to it.
(y/n) took the neatly folded silk nightgown, muttering a "Thank you." to her Captain.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
You knew that your relationship with the Captain wasn't the best ever since your identity of being "A Marleyan warrior sent to the survey corps to infiltrate them to get intel" was disclosed.
When everyone found out in your squad, they're jaws were all hanging open and they can't seem to grasp that you were a traitor,
The betrayal was far too foreseen.
You were a very skilled scout and edition to Levi's squad, especially when it came to your mission to protect Eren.
Your relationship with Levi was not bad too, although it was only civil, he did see potential in you, hell you even sometimes have tea with him at his office after helping him clean.
Which adds to the more disappointment and hatred that Levi has for you.
Although he still somewhat acts civil with you, you know deep down that he hates you, and the idea of concieving a child with you was indeed a burden for him.
"I mean, who would want a child from a traitor anyways?"
That phrase or question, the usual you hear from a few scouts who had heard about your rumored punishment.
After taking a warm bath, you wore the white silk nightgown as you proceeded to leave the bathroom.
You and Levi had been sharing quarters ever since you were exposed at the regiment about you true identity, It was an order that you are to be watched by Levi as he can end you with a swift if you are still proven guilty for the past accusations against you.
You went to your side of the bed, there is only one bedroom but it has two beds with a small space in between which was occupied by a small nightstand.
A few minutes prior, the Captain also entered the room, approaching your bed as you sat down at the soft neatly covered cushion.
"Don't be careless again brat." Levi stated, his tone hardly annoyed but still maintaining its usual monotone.
"Yes Captain," you simply responded avoiding his gaze, unsure how to face your captain,
Unsure how to face the father of your developing child.
"I'm sure that you were thought as a cadet to look at your superiors when taking with them."
Levi reminded you of your current behavior with his stern tone of speaking as you continued to avoid any eye contact with him.
You tried your best to look at him, meeting his piercing gray orbs.
"My apologies Captain, that was wrong and disrespectful of me." You stated, trying your best to maintain eye contact with him.
"Don't forget your ground (y/n), even if you're pregnant with my child, that doesn't change anything." Levi said, the coldness of his voice still lingering.
You nod at Levi, while maintaining eye contact with him.
"Yes Captain, I understand." You replied trying to keep your voice monotone despite the overwhelming feelings you were feeling.
You were seeking for comfort,
Namely Levi's comfort,
The comfort of your baby's father.
The news still struck you with many emotions of uncertainty, and it all wasn't easy.
Your mind then went back to the day that you and the Captain were both trying to conceive, it wasn't the most romantic gesture like others described it to be, reaching cloud nine, but then again you still reached that high, despite knowing better than anyone that given your circumstance, affection was doomed to be devoid between the two of you.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
The room was lit dim with candle lights, The smell of Chamomile lingering the room's gentle atmosphere. A few moans and groans were heard from the room.
"Ca- Captain..." you moaned out, as you arched your back feeling Levi's lips making contact with your already wet core.
"I shouldn't be enjoying this... this is suppose to be a punishment, damn you (y/n)". Levi said as he continued to burry his lips and tongue towards your moist and slippery entrance.
"I... I'm close... Captain Lev-" Levi cuts you off, as he continued to burry his tongue deeper reaching for your sweet spot that makes you see stars, as tears started to blur your sight from the overwhelming pleasure running its course throughout your body.
"Give it to me, let go." Levi said with his usual monotone and cold voice, but despite the cold gaze he always conveys, you also saw hunger and anticipation in his orbs as he looked at you while you lose yourself into the pleasure with the work of his tongue.
Your back arches as you let go a muffled moan echoing throughout your shared quarters as you grabbed Levi's raven black hair.
"Good girl, now let me fill you up until you carry my child, you Marleyan brat." Levi stated as he started to align his tip in your sensitive yet still soaking core.
As Levi pushed his length inside of you all you can do is remember the punishment dished out for you, for being a Marleyan traitor who infiltrated the scouts.
"You are ordered to carry the offspring of Captain Levi as your punishment."
"Is.. is this really all for the punishment...?" you asked while feeling Levi's tip between your seizing needy walls.
"Do you actually think I'll make love to someone like you?" Levi asked with a hint of subtle sarcasm in his voice as he fully inserted his hard length inside of you.
"So... this is all nothing to you...?" you asked, although you know the answer all too well, at the back of your mind you were hoping for a different answer, as you felt each thrust Levi was giving you, it started out slow as he lets you adjust to his size.
"Nothing, just like how you mean nothing to me." Levi answered coldly with no hint of guilt, not even a flash of regret is visible in his eyes, as he continued to thrust deeper, his pace getting faster as he penetrated your walls.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
"Nothing, just like how you mean nothing to me."
Levi's words were honestly stuck in your mind, playing like a broken cassette record.
You then decided to lay down on your bed while Levi was sitting on his chair near a small round table drinking his tea peacefully despite his unknown thoughts screaming loudly at him.
"(y/n), I know our situation is not ideal for the both of us." Levi stated while looking at his cup of tea.
"I am aware, Captain Levi." you simply stated, still feeling the needy desire to be wrapped around his arms while being comforted by his warmth.
Levi sighs, he knows what you need, even though he wants to provide it, he feels as if something is holding him back from giving you the comfort you very much seek for.
"You're a traitor." Levi stated while looking at your direction, you then decided to sit up making eye contact with him, both of your gaze meeting.
"No matter how much I explain myself, I do know I have that reputation in your eyes, and the whole regiment." answer him softly, at this rate you have come to the conclusion that nothing will change, it was impossible to change your image nor your fate after everything.
Levi stands up, leaving his cup of tea at the round table beside him.
He then makes his way towards you.
"(y/n) a scout never gives up, if you really want to return your proper reputation then prove yourself, the regiment is no place for pathetic and soft-hearted beings like you." Levi stated firmly while still maintaining eye contact with you.
"Captain... no matter what I do, I will always be viewed as a traitor, I'm a lost cost." at this point you were honestly at the verge of tears.
"Damn this pregnancy hormones," you continued to state, while wiping the tears forming in your eyes.
Levi then kneeled his right knee while you were sitting at your bed, making you both leveled.
"Listen to your Captain, I may not be fond of you but you are currently carrying my child, I do not wish for my child to have a mother who is a pathetic crybaby so stop crying."
Although Levi's voice was still the same with its usual stern and cold hint to it, his orbs were softer, making you come to the conclusion that he is at the very least trying to comfort you.
Your tears started to pour,
"Damn it brat, didn't I tell you not to cry?" Levi asked with the same tone of voice but then again, his gaze melting softer as he stood up, closing the distance between you both, he then pulled you into the warmth of his body, his arms holding you, while gently stroking your hair.
"Stop crying, I don't want your tears soaking my uniform." Levi reminded, still holding you gently betraying the coldness of his own tone of voice.
"Yes Captain... I understand." you softly replied while sobbing, as tears continued to pour from your eyes, soaking his scout uniform, although everything was a mess and out of place due to the overwhelming occurring events, you felt safe with the presence of your Captain's warmth meeting yours.
Maybe, he does care.
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I hope you all like the first part of Concurrence,
Will start and write a few drafts for part II,
- Cinna ♡ ໒꒰ྀིᵔ ᵕ ᵔ ꒱ྀི১
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6sakusa · 2 years
You can read Part 2 here
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In which you and Eren have known eachother for ages & were bestfriends until he got into a relationship, out of respect you decided to distance yourself from him, but it seems like he’s got other ideas.
C/W: smut, fem bodied reader, breeding kink, mentions of pregnancy (no one gets pregnant), cheating, pictures, semi-public?
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You laughed watching the bottle on the ground land on Jean, the two of you locked eyes while the group cheered the two of you on. “And what if I don’t kiss him?” You asked, raising an eyebrow. You knew you would, you never turned down spin the bottle, but you loved being difficult regardless. “You know you want to.” Jean leaned backwards slightly, he was starting to feel like he was in heat at the sight of you, you were the sexiest girl here, everyone knew that.
All the boys were secretly praying that it would land on them, but alas fate had it’s say. He even knew that Eren, in the corner of his eye was loathing the sight in front of him right now. Obviously he had opted out of the game, well he didn’t have much of a choice considering he had an entire girlfriend and you had instantly ruled him out as a participant but right now he was considering giving Jean a nice wack in the face.
“Maybe.” You crawled towards him, Historia couldn’t help but squeal, Ymir clasped her hand over her girlfriend’s mouth while Mikasa watched intently. Her eyes flickered to Eren’s momentarily, wondering what was running through his head, seeing his bestfriend, well ex-bestfriend she should say, crawling up towards the boy he hates most with pure lust on her face, he was definitely seething. Not even Armin could pretend not to notice the way he gripped onto his beer glass a little harder and the way his eyebrow quirked up as he took interest in your next moves.
You were now eye to eye with Jean and you wasted no time fisting his shirt as you pulled him closer into an intense make-out session. He swore he’d forgotten the fact that your friend group was there, all that he cared about was you and the taste of alcohol between the two of you. Fuck he wanted more, he needed more.
“Enough.” Eren pulled you backwards from the back of your top, you smirked at Jean seeing the flushed expression on his face. “Fuck is your problem Jaeger?” Jean scoffed watching as Eren situated you next to him on the couch in a protective manner, he literally had a fucking girlfriend, Jean didn’t understand why he was always so bothered over you.
“You two are slowing down the game and this isn’t a fucking porno.” He leaned back against the couch, returning the venomous look that Jean was giving him. You glanced in his direction, he looked as gorgeous as ever with those jade orbs, his signature man-bun and that stupid unbothered expression on his face despite the words coming out of his mouth. You shouldn’t be thinking this, you were the worst girl in the world.
Jean rolled his eyes, by the time he had tried looking back in your direction you had already lost interest, opting on eyeing down some rando that had just walked past your group at the party. You were so fickle like that, Jean was convinced no one on this earth could tame you, perhaps the only time you had ever been obedient is when it came to Eren, for whatever reason you always listened to him. He knew that the two of you had been bestfriends since as long as he could remember and honestly there was a time he thought it was more than that, but once Eren got a girlfriend he assumed he was wrong. Now, he second guessed himself, more-so he wondered about you, what did you think about Eren?
You crossed your legs with a laugh, “Ren, stop being an asshole.” You tipped your head back on the couch, tilting it to face him a little. He was convinced this was the closest he had been to you in months, he hadn’t heard the nickname in a while and man did he fucking miss it. “You’re not playing anymore.” He announced taking a swig of his beer, in return you pouted, prompting an explanation. “You’re drunk.” He explained, at that you shook your head, you both know you weren’t drunk but you assumed he had his own reasons. You knew him and Jean had bad blood.
“Next person, Reiner it’s your turn.” Armin pointed at his blonde counterpart with hopes of changing the subject, he didn’t want to hear any more bickering between the two boys, especially not over you, not when he had his own feelings that you would never acknowledge.
You watched intently as the bottle spun, it landed on Historia and the entire group grimaced, I mean how couldn’t you? Not only was she a lesbian, but she had a girlfriend, the two of them had made a collective decision to play but still your reaction stood.
“Does your mom know you’re here?” Eren pulled you out of your thoughts, leaning in your direction and whispering in your ear. You could feel his bottle pushed up against your breast, but ignored the sensation, turning to face him instead. “What do you think?” You asked, knowing that he knew better than that.
He chuckled in your ear, “Nothings changed huh?” A smile broke out on his face, it was different from the ones you’d seen the past few months. You’d only seen him briefly at group gatherings but he wasn’t as vibrant as before.
“You’re acting like it’s been years.” You scoffed playfully, taking the bottle out of his hand to have your own sip. He didn’t react, he was half expecting it when he pushed it up against you if he was being completely honest.
“Feels like it.”
You furrowed your eyebrows at him and the dismay in his voice, “Don’t do that Eren.” You sighed, turning away, not before taking a larger swig of the beer first.
“Do what?”
“Act like we’ve stopped being friends.”
He moved to push some hair out of your face but you caught his hand before he could, “See that? We have stopped being friends.” You did exactly what he expected you to, he just wanted to prove his point. “This isn’t what friends do.”
“Isn’t it? We used to do stuff like this all the time.” His eyes flickered down at your cleavage then back at your lips before finally coming back to your eyes. Despite what you said he could see straight through you, he just knew you that well.
“We never did anything inappropriate.” You challenged, and it was true. You’d never slept together, never kissed apart from once as a dare but it was never real, sure there had been lingering touches here and there but he had never truly touched you in that way.
“Maybe not, but you would never stop me from doing this before.” He subtly placed his hand on your thighs, your eyes flickered over to the group, glad to see they were all too preoccupied to see what was happening between the two of you. Your mind was currently battling between proving him wrong by letting his hand linger and pushing him off to respect his relationship but it had led to hesitation which meant he had already won. Besides, why were you putting more effort into his relationship than he was?
He chuckled at you and the conflicted expression on your face, now what to do with you he wondered, there’s always been so many things he would do to you if he had the chance. Since the two of you were young he had a crush on you, but of course the older the two of you got it developed into more, and then there was a point where you couldn’t even touch him without him getting rock hard. Much like now where he could feel his pants getting tighter, just by looking at your face alone, fuck you were so beautiful to him.
“But you have a—“
“—Girlfriend? Are you going to keep saying that?”
You rolled your eyes at him, not willing to entertain this conversation right now as you brushed his hand off. Instead you stood up, excusing yourself to the kitchen to get a drink, anything to escape the charm of Eren Jaeger because you would struggle to control yourself and you knew that.
What you didn’t expect though was for him to hand his drink to Armin, telling him to look after it while he followed you in. He wanted to have this conversation here and now before you decided to duck him for another few months, he wanted things to go back to the way they were between the two of you, more than anything.
The kitchen was empty, you were relived that everyone else was out at the pool or in the living-room. One thing you loved about this frat was how well you knew your way around, well when you’d be around for Eren all the time at-least. You grabbed a bottle of water, opting to sober up a little considering you were sure things would wrap up soon and you didn’t want to be stumbling home.
When you closed the door of the refrigerator you were met with Eren on the other side, eyebrow raised like he was interested in what you were doing. “What do you want Eren?” You sighed sounded exasperated, you had nothing more to say to him. Nothing more that he would want to hear atleast.
“Eren? What happened to ‘Ren?” He asked, grabbing your chin lightly to survey your face. You’d tried a new lip colour, he liked it, he liked everything on you.
“Stop.” You pushed him lightly, walking past to the side of the marble kitchen island, leaning against it as you opened the cap. He felt like you were torturing him here. You were the prettiest girl in the world, that was for sure. And right now your tits were pressed up against a cold counter, he could practically visualise your nipples hardening while your ass waved around.
He sighed loud enough to catch your attention, watching intently as you drank, “What’s your problem?” He asked, “I’m just trying to communicate with you.”
“Like this? Get fucking real Eren, things aren’t going to go back to how they were.” You gave him a hard reality check, one that he hated, it made his throat feel tight and it wasn’t something that he was willing to accept.
“Stop calling me that.” He inched closer to you, this time you didn’t back off or try to scramble away. He could feel it now, if he pushed your buttons hard enough you would have an outburst, then he could know how you were really feeling.
“What the fuck do you want from me?”
“I want you to stop acting so distant.” He clicked his tongue like it was obvious. Why were you asking such silly questions? Why fucking else would he be running around in circles trying to catch your attention all the time.
“I’m not being distant.” You lied plainly, you didn’t believe it, he didn’t either. You hadn’t texted him in months, you made consistent excuses for why you couldn’t see him even though you easily showed up to every group activity, you didn’t come over to his house anymore. You still spoke to his mother but not him, he just couldn’t fathom what was going through your head.
“You’re lying to me y/n, you should know better.”
“Well you should know better than to get a fucking girlfriend.” There it was, that’s what he was looking for. So that was your problem, he couldn’t help the way he raised his eyebrow. Instinctively he reached out for you, in return you attempted to slap him this time but he caught your hand before you could, he was way too fast for you.
“Is that what it is?” His grip on your wrist tightened as he pulled you forward, practically flush into his chest so he could cage you against the counter. Now you couldn’t help but look up into his emerald eyes, you couldn’t even crawl out if you wanted to, his body was so close pressed up against yours that it was ridiculous.
“What do you think?” You turned your head to the side, wanting to ignore his intimidating glare. His eyes were sending you that a look that really questioned if the reason you had put him through all of this was over a fucking girlfriend. “Are you serious?” He laughed to himself, “I didn’t know you could be so childish.”
“Childish—? I look out for your relationship more than you do, you’re the childish one.” You wanted to push him, you really did, but you knew he wouldn’t budge an inch and that it would just provoke him more.
“I never asked you to do that.”
“Well I sure hope not considering you should be doing it your fucking self.” He grabbed your jaw at that, he wouldn’t let you speak to him in that manner, you knew that well. He had never hurt you before, and he never would but he’s always dominated the friendship. Usually he let you have things your way, but when he wanted something, he would get it.
“You wanna give me a speech about my girlfriend? Hm? You wanna talk about respect?” He flipped you over, pushing you up against the counter as his hands slowly trailed up against your legs. You couldn’t help the excitement that ran through your blood. “Why’d you come dressed like this then? Fucking short ass skirt.” He was holding himself back right now, the things he could do to you, the things he would do.
“I told you not to call me that.” He pushed you harder, “Try again.”
“Good, now what should I do with you? Tell me what will make you feel better, tell me what to do so you’ll forgive me.” He whispered into your ear, moving his hands to your lower back instead, loosening his grip.
“Apologise to me.”
He laughed at that, “Apologise for getting a girlfriend?” You could feel his low reverb vibrating throughout your body, “You’re fucking spoiled you know that?”
“I want what I want, apologise.”
“Fine, sorry princess.” He grabbed your neck, tilting your head upwards so that his eyes could meet yours while he apologised. “Feel better?”
“No.” You scoffed of course you didn’t feel fucking better, he left you all high and dry for a girl he met a couple of weeks before and he wants you to accept his apology that easily.
He sighed again before pushing you back up against the counter, firmly this time, the sudden force was enough so that you’d have to hold back a moan. “Do you know what I’m gonna to you if you don’t start behaving y/n?”
“Want me to show you?”
He chuckled, “Is this what you wanted?” He asked moving his hands along your body. God he wanted this for years, as much as his voice reeked of dominance you could still hear the sound of his own excitement behind it all. You were the girl he wanted, the one he always wanted.
“Wait.” You reached back and grabbed his hand, reality hitting you like a brick. “You have a girlfriend.”
He leaned forward against your body, placing soft kisses on your neck before whispering, “You’re gonna be my girl tonight.” You shouldn’t be doing this, you know you shouldn’t, but man is he fucking irresistible. “You’ve always been my girl, you know that right?” He spun you around before crashing his lips on yours. This felt like nothing like what the two of you had done in truth or dare a couple of years ago. This one was genuine if you could even call it that, there was more than lust between the two of you. Years of pining, years of touches, years of love, all conveyed in one single kiss.
You reached up, dragging the hairtie out of his hair, he let it happen considering he knew how much you loved it when his hair was down. You always believed Eren was handsome but something about him like this, looking so fucked out before the two of you had even started was perfect, he was perfect.
“Fuck baby, you don’t know how long I’ve wanted this.” He watched as you moved to unbutton your shirt, how were you this fucking gorgeous? His eyes flicker down as your cleavage spills out, a dark red bra keeping it all together. He literally moaned at the sight, he was harder now than he had ever been in his entire life, you were the girl of his dreams.
“Tell me, tell me how bad you want me and I might let you touch them.”
He groaned feeling pre-cum coming out of his tip already, you had more effect on him than he had felt in his entire life combined. “When I fuck my hand I think of your face, I think of having you like this, wrapped around me. I pretend she’s you when I fuck her too, I can’t help it, I don’t care if it’s perverted.”
“You’re fucked up.” You tease with a laugh, dragging down your bra a little to tell him that you like what you’re hearing. “Shit y/n, let me? Please?”
“Ask again.”
“Please baby.”
“Hmm.” You pretended to think it over for a second before pulling the entire thing down. He had to stop himself from cumming right there and then, the perfect tits he’d envisioned in all of his fantasies looked even better than he could imagine, how?
Instantly he moved towards them, his mouth on one nipple while his fingers massaged the other. You swore he wouldn’t even have to touch you anywhere else to push you over the edge at this rate. You began moaning lightly and it sounded like heaven to him. He didn’t care if he was cheating, he hardly thought he was cheating. You were his girl like he said, you’d been there first and the only reason he had started dating Amelia was to get you off his mind, it was never anything serious, not to him at-least.
He pulls away to lift you onto the counter to your surprise. Lifting your skirt swiftly to see that you weren’t wearing any panties, his knees went weak at the sight, he almost collapsed. “Fuck, the things I’m gonna do to you.”
“Show me.”
He grinned at that before putting his head in between your thighs, it didn’t take long for him to find your clit and make quick work on it with his tongue. You couldn’t help you moaned and shut your thighs around his head in instinct, but for some reason there wasn’t a feeling in the world that he adored more. He could die right here and be the happiest man on earth.
Ah yes, Eren Jaeger, death by pussy, it sounded ideal to him.
You raked your hands through his hair, tugging at it lightly to get him to moan inside you. This was your favourite feeling ever, you could go your entire life like this, you wished you fucking could.
“Ren, I’m gonna—“
“Do it.” He cut you off, going harder than he was before, eliciting those beautiful sounds out of you. He was fucking obsessed with you, he always had been but now there was no way he was letting you go anywhere.
You cummed in his mouth but still he didn’t stop then, you had to cover your noises with your own hand. You were just glad that the music was loud enough that no one could hear you from in here but fuck was this the hottest thing you’d ever been through. It didn’t take long for him to rip another orgasm out of you from overstimulation, at that point you couldn’t even cover it up, the way your body began shaking and your head tilted back was making you feel things you had never felt before in your life.
You could barely register the feeling of Eren bringing you off the counter just to push you back up against it again, this time your bare nipples on the marble. “Be good for me y/n, we’re just getting started.”
He began sucking on your neck again, you felt so overwhelmed right now but in a good way, you wish you could feel it forever. He flipped your skirt up again, grabbing your bare ass in his hands, it was a perfect fit.
His hands darted to his pocket when he realised that he didn’t have a condom. He was going to end his life right here. Today of all days he decided to slip up. “Shit, I don’t have protection.”
“Grind against me, wanna feel you.” You barely managed out in your fucked out state. Of course he would oblige, pulling down his pants and underwear with no hassle. Suddenly the thought that anyone could burst through that door had occurred to you. “What if we get caught?”
“I don’t care, I want people to watch, I want them to see that you’re mine.” Especially Jean, he wished that Jean could watch the two of you right now, it would break his heart and that’s exactly what Eren wanted. The thought sent shivers down your spine, of both excitement and nerves, it just made you wetter and you could feel the way Eren was dragging his fingers along your slick.
“Fuck you’re so hot.” He puts them in his mouth, licking it off before bringing his attention back to you. He gives you some friction by grinding up against you, you were practically lubing his dick right now as he dragged it through your slit, but didn’t dear pushing it in. He was unintentionally teasing you, dragging it over your clit slowly which made your body shiver.
“The tip baby, let me put in the tip.”
“Just the tip?” You asked for confirmation, you shouldn’t, you know you shouldn’t, unprotected sex was dangerous and the last thing you wanted was to be pregnant but you couldn’t help yourself right now, you wanted him so bad.
“Just the tip.” He reassured.
You nodded slowly feeling his thick head push through leading to a moan, louder than the ones before, fuck he wished he could hear it more. He wanted you to feel his balls slapping against your ass, to take his entire length, he wanted to see if it would fit.
He pulled out slowly before pushing it back in, his own moans were load. You would have never expected Eren to be vocal but then again, you would never have expected to be pushed up against a counter like a slut either by your best-friend.
“I need more, I need you, just a little more.” He asked for permission which you granted by throwing it back on him. Shit he almost cummed right there, “You’re so tight fuck, how are you so tight?” He pushed his length further in, “You’re just too big.” You said between moans, you’d never felt anything like this but you hoped it wasn’t the last time.
At one point he just bottomed out he couldn’t help it and you weren’t complaining considering how much you loved the stretch, he made you feel so full. “You were made for me you know that? This was made for me.” He slaps your ass, you moaned in response leading to him doing it again before he begins a steady pace. You were practically leaking already, he wanted nothing badly than to watch you cream all over his cock.
“I’ll pull out.” He half-whispered to himself, he’ll pull out, he has to. Eventually he picked up the pace to the point where it was brutal, he’d stuffed his fingers in your mouth to quiet you down, he’d love to hear you, he would, but he also loved watching you suck his fingers while taking his cock at the same time like a fucking slut. He fucking loved you.
Suddenly his pocket began vibrating, he knew it was his phone and reached to turn it off but then saw it was his girlfriend calling. He glanced between you and the phone in his hands, he didn’t feel an ounce of guilt. In fact, he felt comfortable enough answering even though his cock was jack hammering you on the kitchen island of his frat.
“Hello?” He says, you were barely paying attention considering the feeling of being stuffed in the mouth and pussy with his heavy balls hitting your ass, you didn’t care who he was speaking to, you half knew it was her.
“Eren are you okay, how’s the party?”
“Fuck—“ You squeezed around him tightly, he didn’t know you’d enjoy this, him fucking you while his girlfriend was blissfully unaware. “Is everything okay?” She asked, confused by his heavy breathing and pants, are those moans?
“Yeah shit— we’re just messing around, me and the guys you know.” He was getting close and so were you, he could feel it, the way you were squeezing around him was diabolical but he was hitting you in all the right spots you couldn’t help it. It’s like he knew exactly what to do to make you feel good even though the two of you had never done anything like this before.
“Oh that’s good I’m glad your having fun, are you gonna come and see me today?”
“Not today — ah, I’m a little busy.”
He could practically hear her pouting on the phone but didn’t care, “Tomorrow then?” She asked. But he didn’t wanna see her tomorrow, he didn’t wanna see her ever when he had the girl he loved bent over a counter giving him the pussy of his dreams.
“Maybe.” He lied, watching you intently, not wanting to miss your face when you came on his cock, he needed to see it and etch the memory into his mind, future jerking off material for life. “Look I’ll call you later yeah? I’m a little occupied.” Yeah he was definitely occupied.
“Okay, lat—“ He cut the phone before she could even finish, tossing it to the other end of the counter so he could grab your waist with both hands. “Ren — I’m gonna—“
“I know baby do it.” You squeezed against him and he thought he was in heaven, even after he’d pounded into you with zero mercy you were still so tight, you were his soulmate.
He kept going, his pace not even faltering, looking to send you towards your fourth orgasm of the night. “I’m gonna fucking breed you y/n, I need to come inside and you’re gonna take it yeah? Are you gonna take it?” He couldn’t bring himself to pull out, and he knows he shouldn’t, and you know you shouldn’t but yet—
You nodded, barely being able to register what he was saying. “Good girl, you’re gonna have my kids, wanna have my kids?”
“Yes daddy.”
“Fuck.” He slapped your ass again, that was the hottest thing he had ever heard in his entire life, he was already thinking about how he was gonna get you to say it on camera so he could listen to it on loop.
He came so hard, harder than he ever had before in his life, he filled you up so fast that it was leaking out of your pussy and he could feel it in your stomach. He didn’t wanna stop, he rode out his orgasm inside you, fucking it back in. He wanted you to get pregnant, he wanted everyone to know you were his.
He forced himself into overstimulation and he didn’t have any problems with doing it, he needed to come inside you again, to mark you again, he didn’t want this to end, he needed to be inside for longer, even if it was just a few seconds. You on the other hand couldnt even formulate sentences, not sure how he was shooting ropes of cum inside you still. And you were in big trouble, the both of you knew it but that was a problem for later, right now you wanted him inside you too.
“Fuccckk.” He grabbed one of your tits, squeezing on it as his second orgasm washed out over him and into you. It was a fucking mess now, cum was threatening to spill out of you and there was nothing he could do. He wasn’t going to clean you up, he refused, he was too obsessed with the sight of it inside. Once he had finished he didn’t want to move, he stayed inside for a couple more seconds before an idea flashed into his mind.
“Baby, pose for me okay?” He pulled out, pulling up his pants and underwear while grabbing his phone from the counter, “I’m gonna make an entire folder of you like this, I’m gonna look at it every night do you hear me? Every fucking night.” He got all the angels he could and a particularly nice shot of all of his cum up your pussy, it was enough to make him hard again.
Once he’d gotten all the material he needed he lifted you up bridal style, on the bright side his room was just upstairs, on the flip side he would fuck you again in there, he already decided. He was gonna fuck you until he was shooting blanks, and then maybe fuck you some more. He was quite literally drunk on you and for his girlfriend? Well, he didn’t think she’d be sticking around for too long anyway.
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a/n: thanks for reaching until the end, if you follow me you’ll know i haven’t made any content in like a year and this was super spur of the moment. so i’m sorry if my writing is a little rusty.
i’m thinking of reopening my taglist and maybe adding this to my masterlist if anyone likes it. just a reminder that requests are open for eren jaeger considering i’m currently undergoing brainrot LMAO. thanks again, bye.
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theragethatisdesire · 8 months
ti penso ogni giorno masterlist - 18+!!
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ti penso is beginning to grow into a much larger universe than anticipated, so this will be my little masterlist page for it! again, this isn't a series per se, just a collection of little one-shots and fics and drabbles that all take place in the same universe. it's also my favorite so i churn out content for it from time to time with no real timeline or goal in mind lol. so this is my smorgasboard/masterlist of ti penso content!! enjoy <33333
DISCLAIMER: this series contains MATURE CONTENT that is intended only for those over 18. if you are a minor or ageless blog, please do not interact.
ti penso ogni giorno
you run into eren, your ex/soulmate/bane of your existence, at ymir & historia’s wedding in the tuscan hills and realize distance truly does make the heart grow fonder.
nel bene e nel male
eren’s been gone on business for over a week, and he’s thrilled to be coming back home to you right until he walks in the door.
flashback to your crazy college years when mikasa’s best friend rolls into town for jean’s halloween party. you and eren are menaces to poor jean and mikasa.
l’amore è cieco
you and eren are expecting your first child, but pregnancy hasn’t been all you’d hoped. eren’s determined to change your mind.
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nardo-headcanons · 3 months
about AOT
tw sexual abuse/rape mention
soo... I usually keep my shipping opinions mostly to myself but I gotta confess I am a Ymir x Historia TRUTHER! Historia is gay and she wanted to end up with Ymir. This is canon. Idc.
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and now before people keep telling me
but nardo why did she get pregnant then?!?!?!??!??!?!??!
She did it to follow along Eren's plan, not because she genuinely wanted this. She had a baby with a man who literally bullied and threw rocks at her, it wuldn't even be a stretch to say she coerced herself into it. Have you looked at her? She looks MISERABLE!
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The reason why she looks like this during her pregnancy is because she did not want this to happen. You don't need to outright show the """act""" to imply something happened here. And even if she said 'yes' to that guy, I really don't think she wanted this to happen.
but nardo maybe she just didn't wanna get pregnant?????????
Maybe. But maybe it was because she literally didn't want to get impregnated by a man? She already raised a lot of kids in her orphanage, so she wasn't against having kids per se.
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I thought this is a popular opinion but I feel like I'm in the minority here. Maybe I'll turn this into an actual analysis post in the future.
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sonofthesaiyans · 2 months
Crack poll! I'm feeling controversial again, guys...
It's time I got back to these, it's been too long since the last one. And for you anime onlys out there still on your high over season four, well here's your latest sobriety test.
If you don't know by now which one I would have dropped first, then congratulations; you are a noob. No pity for the minefield you just stepped in to.
Too often have I seen fans refer to AOT as a masterpiece, undaunted by the massive spectacle of the final season. Well guys, all I see is an overblown, bloated, self-indulgent mess that completely lost any sense of what it was before we finally saw the ocean. Everything here just comes together to hit a brick wall bigger than Wall Maria, with the story taking on too many different directions while also taking on way too many new characters.
Remember when this show was about killing Titans?
For someone who was supposedly under a lot of pressure to get to the conclusion of his story, Isayama sure had a lot of time to waste on these little side quests that simply didn't live up to the hype. Nobody likes a filler arc, Hajime Isayama!
So I want to know, if it were up to you guys......What's the plot point you'd be content altogether it it made for a stronger conclusion?
Oh and if you're one of those fans who says the ending was perfect, or GOAT, and that you wouldn't change a thing, please just look the other way and do NOT respond because trust me; you DON'T want to get me started.
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lucysarah-c · 1 year
Warnings: ALL. Yandere behaviour. SMUT, HEAVILY EXPLICIT CONTEXT. Levi x reader. Dubious consent, Degradation, harsh sex, vaginal sex. Top Levi. Sub Yn. UNSAFE SEX, don't be silly guys wear condoms not like Levi here. Kitchen sex. Canon universe. Dirty talk. Smut. Praise kink. Possessive behaviour. Possessive sex. Rough sex. Breeding kink. Corruption kink. PREGNANCY.
Pairing: Yandere! Levi x civilian reader. Word count: 7706 Summary: I got a request to write about a "kindergarten/teacher/civilian reader with a YANDERE Levi. Here it is. It's my first time writing a yandere so... sorry in advance. EXTRA: I wrote this like 9 months ago and I just decided to finish it so... don't came for me, I just wanted to get over it. Tags!: @miremiremcfly-blog
“Excuse me, Captain. Would you fancy a cup of tea?”
Levi’s silver grey eyes landed on her when he turned around. After Historia became queen and decided to create a bunch of new orphanages even for the kids of the underground, his squad was spending a lot of time helping out. Levi couldn’t quite get his finger on what was making him get lost in her face, she seemed young, younger than him at least, but older enough.
Her hair out of her face on a half-ponytail, attention focused on him waiting for his answer. Her young face was slightly accentuated with a minimum amount of makeup.
‘She’s not from the military’ was his first thought, considering that women aren’t allowed to use it when they're in the lines.
“Yes” Levi affirmed.
She smiled back, her cheeks rising forcing the bottom of her (E / C) eyes to do the same as if that pair of gems were smiling at him too. That smile, the captain of the scouts couldn’t quite remember when was the last time that someone did that gesture so tenderly, dedicated but warm, all at the same time, to him. Nearly everybody in the military is broken in one way or another, even the stupid brats he had under his command. However, her? That young woman seemed so pure with that tartan blue dress.
Levi was quite aware that he was staring a bit too much but he couldn’t care less, the way her back curved and ass peaked up while she served the tea to him. The rounded white shirt’s neck showed off on top of the deep burgundy cardigan that matches the lines of her dress and the lace on her hair keeping the ponytail. The cardigan was slightly big for her, making her look even more harmless than she already was, it wasn't buttoned up on the front letting her white apron see through, covering a good part of her figure.
The clothing gave Levi a clue of who she probably was, a worker of the orphanage.
“There you go, sir” Her sweet calm voice, almost like she was talking to a kid “Please, be careful it’s hot”
‘No shit, a tea that’s cold’ Levi thought but before he could actually make the sassy reply. She chuckled and covered her mouth with her right hand. The young woman probably realising how pointless that warm up was to an adult.
“Sorry, I’m spending too much time with kids”
As if she was indirectly confirming Levi’s suspicion. He picked up the cup from the top with his fingertips and gave it a doubtful sip, worried that it may be a bad brew. Surprised but far from disappointed, Levi was enchanted on how good and strong the taste of the tea was.
“Sorry if it’s a bit strong, try looking after 45 kids and believe me that there’s not enough tea in the walls to keep you awake” Her cheerful voice had little chuckles here and there while she tried to start a conversation with him.
Levi only groaned while drinking. Their first meeting, they didn’t exchange much. Levi found the young woman gorgeous. That was a reality but he was a busy man with little time for this kind of nonsense.
After a good couple of minutes, she left the tea set apart and rang a little bell that was next to the backyard door.
“Ok, dinner time kids” She shouted and most of the little beasts ran into the place.
A few of them were already taking places at the large wooden tables, screaming and shouting. Levi, who was far from used to the high pitched screams of “she started!” or “they are touching me”, felt a headache already starting with only a couple of seconds there.
“Alright, what did we say the other day?”
As if she was the captain of the place, all the little humans became quiet after she spoke up. The silence reigned as they tried to recall.
“We wash our hands and faces with water and soap before sitting for dinner, right?”
Clumsy short legs making their way to the restroom, pushing each other as if everything was a competition.
“And we do a line, waiting for our turn because this is not a ?” She left the last word out of her speech, which seemed to be pretty used on a daily basis.
“Race!” around forty kids replied together with a high pitched scream that made Levi’s ears hurt for a second.
She turned around facing him, a bright smile on her face. “They are not bad kids, it’s taking some time but they’re improving so fast”
As if Levi’s lack of answer made her add more, “Most of them are from the underground. When they were brought, they didn’t even let me get a bar of soap close to them. Now look at them”
Levi’s mind did a trip down the memory rail and recalled how most kids down there grow up covered in filthy water and broken clothes.
“The military police said that they’re already broken, that there’s nothing else to do for them. But take a look at them now, just took a little bit of work and a whole lot of love”
Suddenly, Levi’s mind went even further on his trip to the back of mis memory. That smile, that tender calm almost whispery voice and sweet eyes that could convince anyone that, even if they heard a war outside raging on, they will be safe and sound.
There was something on that woman that made Levi’s mind turn his passed mother alive one more time. As if he was the one told to go and wash his hands before dinner.
That songful voice calling him out.
He didn’t want to wake up, he wanted to be put into bed and hear someone whisper those sweet lies that only a mother can do.
Levi’s silver grey eyes landed on her again, after waking up from his delusional dream.
“Are you alright, Captain? Why don’t you sit down for a second, you seem so pale” Her hand resting on his left cheek in a bold move to check his temperature.
Anyone in the military would prefer to cut their hands off before landing a finger on him but she did it without a single straw of fear.
“I’m fine” Levi snapped her hand away,  he was too overwhelmed.
Perhaps it was that Erwin was being a stunburd little jerk and decided to go to the stupid expedition anyways, or maybe the fact that the reunion and death of Kenny opened a wound that was never actually closed but he tried to forget.
“Please, you don’t look fine at all,” She repeated.
“Miss (Y / N)” a child tugging at the bottom of her dress, reaching out for her attention.
“Give me a minute,sweetie. Could you?” The woman, whose name apparently was (Y / N) turned around to cease the pressure on her skirt from the persistand fingers of the kid.
“Please, sit down. I will pour you another cup with honey on it, perhaps your blood pressure dropped” She said, ready to do her way to the kitchen.
“(Y / N)” Her name left his lips nearly like a whisper that was just for them to know, as if his lips were getting used to the sensation that it created once it was pronounced.
“Yes?” The young woman asked out, with eeriness in her voice.
“I will be right back!”
‘(Y / N)’ he repeated in his mind over and over again, while he waited and sat down on one of those long old wooden tables as if he was one of those brats waiting for dinner at 5 pm. He could hear Jean and Eren fighting while carrying heavy boxes outside as if they were part of the brats fighting for a place on a line for washing their hands.
‘(Y / N) Ackerman’ His mouth turn up in a slight smirk ‘Yeah, that’s a fucking pretty combination’
That was the first time that Levi met the kindergarten teacher.
Everybody took as a surprise that Levi was offering his team to work at the orphan almost every chance he got, much to his squad’s complaint. She was over there, sometimes in the little room that they called classroom, reading or teaching to the little beasts, other occasions helping the workers with the meals, or sitting down on the backyard under a tree that was there, patching little clothes and looking after the children.
Most of his team stopped complaining once her sweet nature captured them too, arranging Jean’s shirt’s neck as if it was plain coincidence that it was always tousled when they were there. Or brushing Eren’s chocolate locks.
It made Levi’s blood boil, it was too much sharing. He was the first one to notice that sweetheart and it should remain like that. But that didn’t seem to stop her, each day she had a tender smile to dedicate to him as if it was impossible to bring her down.
“Why don’t you sit down with me for a minute, Captain?” (Y / N) invited him to take a spot next to her at that little blanked under the tree, the days were turning warmer as the spring set in.
“My name is Levi”
He gladly took the offer, it was a tiny space and his shoulders were brushing from time to time as she fixed broken trousers from playing too much. Without asking, as if she already knew that his answer would be a positive one, (Y / N) served him a cup of tea.
Levi drank it pleased while his eyes scanned her figure, always dressed up modestly but it wasn’t a stop from his mind to eat her alive. That smooth neck, the marks he could leave on, her tender hands wonkind with the needle that could, instead, tugging his dark locks while he lick and eat her out like a starving man and those naked legs because it was too warm for socks already, the way they could open to him or wrapped around his hips while he pour into her core.
“I hear that you’re from the underground too” She broke the silence with doubt in her tone, probably scared of getting into a sensitive topic.
“You've got guts to point that out in my face, who told you that?” The captain of the scouts said after he took a sip from his black tea.
“The military police did” Her calm voice commented, tugging the needle.
Military police and Levi were like natural enemies and the fact that they were talking shit behind his back with her was making Levi wish to go back to his old days. Old days where Levi used to kill them on the underground for less reasons.
“So you talk shit with them about me” Levi thanked his usual monotone voice that didn’t let his anger out
“Oh no!” She quickly replied and turned around to face him, leaving her needling behind “They kept trying to talk nonsense about you, but I pay no mind to it”
“Oh, is that so?”
“Of course!” (Y / N) affirmed sounding almost offended that the man next to her would think that she could be doing something like that “If I could pick one, I would rather have you and your team coming around to help and bring provisions each time but that’s not possible”
The part about his team or the provisions skipped Levi’s train of mind, because the only part he was hearing echo inside his head was about her preferring him, him above everything else.
“I couldn’t care less about where you are from”
“You wouldn’t say that if you knew all the shit I have done”
He meant it, if a young woman like her knew all the stuff he had done, how much blood his hands have, he was torturing a man not so far ago to put a queen on the throne. She stopped sewing for a minute, attention lost in her hands while her mind gave it a serious thought.
“It’s easier for them to say that about you, about these kids too. People with less necessities and not actual reasons behind have done way worse. And yet, you’re doing more than any of them together. Just as these children, for me your string of lights is still bright”
Little has been the amount of times that Levi had found himself speechless. How could someone be so . . . pure? It must not be real. Who created a human being like this? Who raised them? Where have they been? Levi had thought from a really young age that, if some kind of God actually existed, then it probably forgot about him a long time ago. But her, it was like an angel had taken human form.
He was about to add something, anything to her rambling but the kids came around jumping and screaming at them. They sat down between the two of them, not caring if there was a conversation going on before their annoying appearance.
“Look, look! I did a painting for you'' One of the brats said while sitting down on her lap, tiny little hands covered in paint leaving marks on her white apron while he crawled on top of her.
“Oh, you shouldn’t have” She said and slightly lifted him to sit him in her lap property as other kids played with her hair. “May I see it?”
The kid nodded and she opened the white paper that was still slightly wet
“It’s so gorgeous, I love it!” (Y / N) shared the excitement with the little boy and pressed kisses on his cheeks “I adore your horses, so well done”
Levi’s mind wondered where the horses and the trees and all the stuff she was describing actually was, he only saw a bunch of colours badly mixed on weird shapes and finger tips everywhere. Was it to justify that he was feeling jealous for a bunch of kids? In his mind, yes. They were grabbing and touching her with their little sticky hands that god knew where they had been.
“It’s book time!” They said, jumping and tugging her by her arm, begging her to rise up from her place.
“I want the witch story this time” The same kid from the draw screamed, probably referring to some kind of fairytale book that they had.
“Are you sure? the witch story is scary” (Y / N) finally gave up and began to pack the stuff that was on the blank, realising that her “free time” was finally over. Levi had to raise up from his place too, poker face to hide the fact that he was beyond pissed. Their shared time was little and the kids were getting on the way.
“Don’t worry, I will protect you!” Once again, the little boy said, grabbing her hands and walking back to the building.
He could hear her giggles, saying “My hero”. Levi wondered what a brat like that could actually do. He had to remind himself that she was a demanted girl, if one or two brats are enough to consume the entire day of a mother, an entire classroom was too much.
Little beasts, probably affectionately starved from losing their mother from a young age and (Y / N) trying her best to fulfil that role for too many kids. However, when her eyes turned around to look at him, her smooth locks flowing in the air while she did and her smile, reassuring him that even if she was dragged away, she was his. All his.
He would have to be a bit more patient. As months went by, each time that Levi found some free time from Eren’s training or preparations to expedition wall Maria, she was busy. If it wasn’t some random kid sick from some spring flu, it was a birthday that required her to prepare, some extra class, a crying scene, a trip to a town so the brats could meet new places or she had a free day and wasn't there.
The universe was teasing Levi’s self control to not just randomly appear at her house during late hours and finally get the adult alone time that he needed. He needed one night, or afternoon whatever he wasn’t going to get picky here. One single time alone to show her why she should drop everything and stay with him.
(Y / N) could keep doing all the stuff she enjoyed, she could sew, bake, cook, clean, read, everything in the comfort of their house. The house, no, the home they could have if she gave up to him. Sweet little thing had already proven to him what a magnificent mother she would be, calm, patient, tender and sweet.
If she liked kids so much, then he will gladly do her one or two, three or four perhaps. She could look after them, be an attentive and present mother, create and give him the safe and cosy home that he didn’t have as a kid but could have as a father. A place to go back when things get wild in the military, some delusional escape freezed in time where he could relax after having to kill those monsters outside of the walls.
His temple will be with her arms wrapped around him, greeting him with a battle hero’s welcome. If Kenny had said that everybody had to be drunk on something to carry on then Levi would gladly be drunk on her body and the warmth it provided.
Time flies faster than Levi would have liked, with all the numbers they lost during the expedition to retake wall Maria made his job even harder. And the lines of the scouts decreased to only a couple of them, going to help a bunch of brats wasn’t the first of their priorities.
So Levi was beyond surprised to see her there in the town market, lost (E / C) eyes looking into the loaf of bread. Hair was down and even when it looked like she was off work that afternoon; her clothes seemed uneven. Did she live close by? First time Levi went downtown and saw her there.
The way her body moved through the flow of citizens, her delicate arms carrying around  the wicker basket full of the groceries, her hair framing her face as if it was the perfect match of colour. Holy shit, Levi could watch her from afar the rest of his life. When his focus landed on her face, something was off. Where were the natural rosy cheeks making her look so naive and healthy? Where were her shiny eyes who brighted Levi’s day? Where was her SMILE.
Levi's mind had a short circuit, (Y / N) was a brighting sweet soft young woman. A reassuring angel that made Levi forget all his problems, she always had, NO, she MUST have that tender motherly smile.
The captain of the scouts didn’t think twice and walked forward. His pale hand landed on her left shoulder while she was choosing apples. (Y / N) jumped in her place and turned around to face him terrified.
“Oh dear walls, you scared me” She said putting a hand on her chest, trying to calm down her beating heart.
“Don’t shit yourself, it’s only me”
“Sorry” She apologised. Once her breathing was under control, she smiled to him “Long time no seen Captain”
‘No, no. Don’t you fucking dare to give me that fake smile! Don’t you give me that shitty pathetic excuse of smile to me, no when I know how your real smiles are’
“Why are you so shitty scared? What the fuck is going on?” Levi couldn’t bite his sharp tongue and he went straight to the point “And I told you it was Levi” he repeated.
Her nervous eyes looking around before answering him “It’s nothing, everything is going to be alright” she said with her soft voice.
And, as if his mind did another trip down in memory rail, Levi’s old sparks of memories came back to him. His mother again or the shape of her face, but this time it wasn’t a nice and sweet memory. It was her pale mother, tendering but counterfeit smile reassuring him as a kid that “Everything was going to be alright”. She had said so but things were far from alright when she never raised from the bed again.
“Don’t lie to me” Levi's voice went deep and severe, not messing around. He wasn’t a kid, he wasn’t a person someone should lie to.
He could see the fear in her eyes, the beautiful pair seemed more reflective as they got slightly wet.
“I don’t want to talk about it here” She murmured breaking the eyes contact “If you fancy a cup of tea, I don’t live far”
As a silent reply, Levi grabbed the basket and waited for her to lead the way. The walk was in silence, her eyes were fixed on the walk. She opened the door to him. It was a tiny flat, clean with the necessary amount of furniture. Levi confirmed two of his best wishes. She trusted him enough to let him in and she lived alone.
In silence she prepared the tea. He admired the place before taking a seat, not a single trace of another man living there. Good, Levi didn’t want to deal with the competition. His fingers running through the bottom  of the table secretly and from the top of any surface he could find, pristine clean. He had to bite down a smirk back, she was indeed made for him. Perfect in every single aspect. 
She set the table for both of them, so quietly and perfectly almost like if she was made for it.
“I-” She began but was trying to find the courage to keep going “I don’t really know what else to do, I’m sorry that I am burning you with my problems, that I’m dragging you into thi-”
“Don’t apologise, tell me the deal”
Levi’s voice was rough and severe, not because he was actually mad at her. Something, SOMEONE, was putting tears on her eyes. (Y / N) was too good for this world, nobody should be able to hurt her, nobody should be allowed to even think about her.
“Do you remember that I told you that when your team can come around to help us, usually military police do it?” Her red lips swollen for the bittings that were holding back her shaky voice and tears.
‘How to fucking forget it, those assholes’
“Well they have been getting . . . handy” Her voice finally break after being able to admit it “One of them, they keep talking to me about how sad he was, how much of a hard time he was facing after the female titan problem in Stohess that he lost part of his family”
Levi was clenching his teeth, his nails doing pressure in the palm of his hand while tightening his fists. Someone, some shitty son of a bitch has been touching HIS girl, his little angel. How could someone try to hurt a person so pure and soft as her, she was meant to be protected not hurt. ‘I could protect you, if you leave me. Just tell me, lean on me and I will gladly do it’
“I wanted to help him, I wanted to be a friend to him” her tale continued “He and the rest of his squad had been holding back groceries, donations and stuff that were sent to the orphanage just for the sake of me giving up to him. He followed me home and I don’t even know what else to do, the kids are suffering because of my fault”
Her messy crying filled the lack of words after her story was over, her delicate hands with short nails so she wouldn’t hurt the fine skin of the children.
His hand rested on the bottom of her back. Finally, she leaned on her body resting her face in his strong chest, his arms wrapping around her figure. The sweet fragrance of her hair was aphrodisiac and the warmth of her body would have made his mind go to another place if it wasn’t for the situation they were in.
“I tried to talk to a superior but they laughed in my face. . .  I don’t care what happen but the kids are starving because of me”
Levi hugged her tightly, seeing her suffer and cry because of how twisted this stupid world was. No, she was too pure. She didn’t know how to defend herself, she was too soft and good for this stupid place. But he will do it, he will make the difficult decisions for her.
“I will take care of it” He said with one of his hands running through her hair. Oh so soft.
“You don’t-”
“Shh, let me take care of you” He whispered as he slightly rocked her.}
“Are you going to talk to a higher-up?” Her face, that was previously tightly pressed against his chest, lifted to look into his eyes.
The captain of the scouts had to bite a sinister chuckle that was nearly to escape his lips. It was better if she didn’t know, he knew best than her anyways. His beautiful dove wanted to believe that he was going to bring all this to a trial and apply military court on it, fine. He could fake the documents, put all the seals and stamps where they should go, cover papers with all the fancy shit of the military.
“Yeah, don’t worry about it. I will take care of it, let it in my hands for now on” He comforts her.
Oh her smile, that one was genuine. An honest relief smile, it was Levi’s drug. He could be high on that  for the rest of his life, yeah it was better if she didn’t know. Her guilty nature would make her feel bad if she was aware of the truth.
“I don’t know how to-”
“But it would be better if you drop your job. Until all this shitty mess calms down” He interrupted her. The dark-haired man was just about to feel a small straw of culpability when her lost expression looked into his, wondering if he actually meant it “That son of a bitch may get mad once he heard that I stepped in, your job too far away. Here you’re close to the scout’s building, I can protect you”
The doubt, the second thoughts, the meditation of if she should blindly follow what he said.
“Yes, you’re probably right” (Y / N) finally gave up on him.
She let him take the lead on her life. On a decision that had anything except circumspection, (Y / N) bestowed something so precious and yet she had little to no knowledge of her recent loss.   This would be the first time that she would decide to let Levi be in charge and the last time she got the chance to make a decision.
She gave up her freedom on full will without realising it yet.
“I’m sorry that I doubt it, it’s not that I don't trust you. I’m just tired and my mind isn’t thinking straight, I think I will go straight to bed tonight”
‘Bed? Are you already telling me to go? Fucking shit, you really like playing hard to get. Fine, whatever you want. doll. At the end of the day, I’m the kind of person who saves the best bite for last, I like to savour the taste. And you already smell and look delicious, finally eating you alive is going to be the trip of my life’
Ergo, Levi did indeed leave her to herself. He had better things to do, he had an entire squad of the military police with each of his knuckles grabbed on their faces. Paradise needed him more than they ever had done. Bigger problems were ahead  for Paradise than a couple of bastards who didn’t know their place.
She was so innocent, so trust forward. ‘Lucky girl that it’s just me, anyone could be trying to take advantage of your pure nature’ Levi thought while waiting for her to open up the door of her flat. Of course he did not want to do that, oh no. Levi was trying to protect her, he was doing the right thing. He was not trying to take advantage of her because he was doing all this for her, Levi was going to do everything that was needed and more to protect her and make sure she’s safe. She’s too good for her own good, that’s why Levi did what he needed to be done.
Even if that meant lying to her and giving her fake papers about how the military court was going to interfew (hard to interview when they were already flowing in the depths of some forgotten river while the fishes were doing the rest of the job for him). They were white lies, or at least that was what Levi told to himself, white lies nearly as pure as her.
It almost broke him to see her frustrated about money when he had told her that, until they were behind jail, it was better for her to stay at home. It almost did. Almost. However, Levi was just about sure that all that worryness filling her pretty little head drained away.
The captain of the scouts had previously reassured her that it was only going to be for a couple of months, only a couple of months were needed for the biggest plans ahead that Levi had in mind.
Her small back facing him, covered with a pink cardigan. She insisted on making him dinner for everything that he had done for her. His sneaky callous hands silently found a place in each side of her hips, slightly pushing her ass against his groin.
The fragrance radiating from her neck was driving him crazy, he was going to have her that night and nobody would be able to stop him.
(Y / N) jumped in her place when his silent move was done. Levi’s butterfly kisses against the part of her neck that wasn’t covered by the shirt made her froze in place. Softly sucking the curve of her jawline was knocking her words on the back of her throat, replaced by shy groans.
He groaned back, deeper, while pushing her even more against him while his kisses were replaced by bites here and there.
“Levi” With her (E / C) eyes closed and her heavy breaths, if she actually meant it then Levi was not taking it seriously.
“Wait. I was in the middle of cooking the dinner” She complained again, placing her delicate hand on top of his uselessly trying to stop him from raising her skirt any further.
“Forget about the dinner” His husky voice coming out between kisses.
The necessity to mark, own and take soak into his brain. Primitive instinct taking over his rational side, left him devoid of thought.
It fogged his head and thickened his blood, which ran hot through his veins. His dick swelled in his pants as the idea of taking her right there on top of the kitchen counter was uncontrollably arousing. Steady surface, cold to fight the warmth of her body once he got in her and sharp for him to pound deeply and mark her as his.
She gave in, her delicate fingers tried to find his face from behind her.
He couldn’t hold back anymore, he needed to be inside her, breed her and mark her. He wanted to make sure the entire world knew to whom she belonged, round with his child or carrying on his offspring in her arms.
No need to worry about anything else anymore, he will take care of everything. Her only work? Lay there and look pretty. He would be a proper daddy, not like his.
She was responding so well to him, pushing backwards to meet him. A possessive growl vibrated in Levi’s throat as his mind fell into a spiral of deprivation and his body carried on on its own will. Her soft quiet moans, seeping to his body directly to his gut that arched and boiled like pure wildfire.
He tried to not give up completely to his necessity, approaching her slowly and caressing. There was no need to scare the angel when she was already giving up completely to him.
She must have liked it, his calloused strong hands moving her hips, as he gravitated his own to get the best out of that touch. Y/N’s voice as his lips gave him undivided focus. Same strong hands that undid the three first buttons of her shirt and pushed it to the side. New flawless skin on full display for Levi to mark, little sparks of broken modesty for him to take. The sight of it, the idea of her rightfulness coming undone under him made Levi’s mouth flood with saliva.
He had one purpose in mind, making sure that she understood that he was all she will ever need forevermore. He wanted to take his time, imagining shafully how soft she would feel. Anticipating the act as he had done previously and finally was happening. The idea of her tight, wet insides sucking him in, perfectly clamping down on his cock. Milking him for all he was worth, taking one load after the other until it finally took in. And god, of course it would take, she was young and beautiful.
Leading over her back, lips connecting over her shoulder. His hand, possessed with the need to touch, as if that would bestow him any sense of reality, abandoned her hipbone to travel south. Soft warm skin under her pleated skirt that his hand slowly raised as it drifted up the length of her leg. She trembled beneath his curious fingers who felt the warmth of the inner part of her thighs in the noble task of searching for her womanhood.
Finally, pushing aside her underwear for his fingertips to glide over the heat of her core, slicking as he prying apart her folds. She mewled sweetly, head flopping to the side to give him more space to kiss and mark the exposed zone of her neck. Helplessly, her legs shaked in anticipation as she felt from behind her aching cock inside his pants.
“Please…” She cried, not exactly sure of what but in need of everything. Levi had to hold back a shameful purr on the back of her throat, he felt overwhelmingly good. The idea of her wanting anything that he had to give left him in agony of wanting everything but couldn’t decide what to do first. It added gasoline to the fire of his possessiveness. Burning his gut even more.
Arm wrapped around her figure, as his fingers persisted deeply. Ghosting over her entrance, calloused fingertips slowly slid in.
“Ah!” half lidded eyes as the half moan she left out. Overwhelmed hand, curling and scratching Levi’s undercut. Dragging nails across the velvet sensation on the back of his head. “Yes, please,”
The action just started but fatigue was setting in as she left him to overpower her freely. She felt herself getting wetter, shamelessly slicked around Levi’s fingers and made his task easier as she sucked him in. Why hold back? Only his digits felt impossible deep and amazingly good, delicious in its task.
“You like it, doll. Don’t you? I can feel you shaking and sucking me in,” Levi purred, almost withdrawing all the way only to add a third finger into the heat of her sex. The noises that echoed on those thin suburban house’s wall were obscene as Levi pumped them steadily “So fucking tight, mh? What is it? No men took you properly yet? Doubt you’re behaving like a little whore for me, I can barely get my fingers out. You want it, don’t you?”
“Yes, please… please, Levi-” Mewling anything she could, trying to secure him inside of her. As if he could even part. Words skipped her mind as Levi’s hand shifted and moved. Slick-coated fingers curling inside and doing pressure on the right spot. Pleased interrupted as she could only moan and mewl. But also rocking back into the digits, it was embarrassing how good he was abusing her hole.
“Are you going to come in my hand, sweetheart? So I can slip right in?” Levi said as he increased his pumping motions and then his thumb trailed to rub soft circles over her clit, making the pleasure too much to handle. She wanted to sob on how painfully good it felt, tears blurring her vision. She trembled under his touches and in anticipation. The stimulation quickly ran through her body. Hand pushing against the edge of the kitchen counter pushing her back as she tried to scratch anything, something. 
“A-ah!” pitched moans as her voice broke, Levi’s ministrations didn't stop, finger kept sliding in and out to drag out the sensation as much as possible. Twisting under his touches as she mewled desperately and arched her back. He kept fingering her through it as she came undone on his hand.
The overstimulation began to become too much to handle, soon it was unpleasing as her hips tried to squirm away. When Levi’s fingers finally slid out, she suddenly grew ashamed of how wet she felt. 
Maybe, on another occasion, he would have taken his time to purge her off her clothes and his own to feel the heat of their sweaty skin one against the other as he pounded into her. Perhaps, but not this time. His blood quickened and throbbed his chest that inflated with the necessity to claim. It was so stupidly easy with his strength to push her against the kitchen surface. Steady left hand in the middle of the back forcing the perfect arch to stick her ass out for him, presenting it as a trophy. It was his and only his to take. The coldness of the granite surface against her left cheek provided a momentary relief and clarity, as a sip of water in the middle of a wildfire.
She could hear, from behind her back, the telltale of the belt and the opening of his trousers getting looser around his hips from him to finally release himself. The gutural hissing of him finally allowed some freedom. The right hand gathering up the pleated skirt up to her hips as he holds it there while multitasking, forcing her hips in position. The combat books kicked slightly the inner part of her feet, asking her to open up, making room for him. And she, who had at this rate no other option, obeyed silently. He adored that, her unquestioned devotion.
The image of her under his entire mercy made Levi’s hip rut against her inner thighs, his cook sliding between her folds and slicking up for what was about to come. Her hands scramble for purchase on the slippery surface of the kitchen, failing pitifully as she had no mind left to truly comprehend what was happening anymore. Mouthful puffs of air leaving her reddish glossed lips fogging momentarily the reflective table.
Pleasing mewl was shared with a satisfactional groan as his cock’s head teased the entrance. The idea of finally sinking in that heat made with mouth water as a starving man. Finally, withdrawing his hips a bit to finally bucked forward and sliding over the rim. Her mouth fell open, swallowing all the sound as Levi started pushing in, inch by inch. He bit his bottom lip trying to suppress a moan on how good it felt, how obediently she spread around his shaft yet twitching at the intrusion. Velvet walls gave way for him. Mind Blowing.
“Ah” she choked on her own words as rapid breaths once he was all the way in, he hissed in return. Right hand massaging and squeezing her ass to his desires, slightly painful as he didn’t hold back his own strength.
Her parted lips tried to express more vocally when Levi drew his hips back mewl a broken name, feeling the tug of how tight she was against him but when he snapped his hips harshly shovel back in, she couldn’t even speak. It felt obscenely good inside, how aroused he was that she felt him pulse inside her. It was intoxicating as he kept holding her in place, anything he had to give, she would take it gladly. There was no room for self control. Levi’s only purpose in life was consummate at that moment, bury himself to the hill, wreck the body below him and load each drop that he had to offer as deep as possible.
There was no humanity, she fought for each drop of oxygen with each powerful thrust making her wince despite the pleasure. Left hand travelled up to grip the neck as he bucked mercilessly. Rambling at a steady rhythm that had only brutal force. Levi felt as if he was possessed by a nature force like during his awakening, his body moving on its own chasing to satisfy an inexplicable urge.
She couldn’t do anything, neither move or speak, but the pleasure continued to build and build in her gut as she kept gasping out for air. Hips rocking and pumping as all he could do was seek more by quick up the pace, bucking up harder. It arrived to a point that neither knew how to describe it, no words would do it justice.
“Levi- Ah!” She kept moaning his name, willingly to be filled up to the point it was painful by him, to be fucked stupidly and midless accept it all. Half lidded eyes as she gripped him tightly feeling the pressure building up in her gut again.
“You love being stuffed by me, don’t you? Ah- Wanna knows what it feels? To be filled up, swelled by my load? Are you going to milk me dry? Take each drop?” In the spit of madness he kept asking one question after the other, too caught up on the craziness to even spare a thought for anything else. All his life summary to this moment.
“Y-yes! Yes Ah-! Please, yes!” She begged enthusiastically, ass pushing backwards to meet his hips sooner. The movements turned less synchronised as they become sloopier and violent, fucking possessively. She sobbed as tightening her body involuntarily, coming undone and clamping down on him.
It was sensitive, almost painful how he kept going. Trembling and gasping for air as she was divided between pushing backwards or trying to crawl away. Levi’s hips kept jerking frantically as he dug his fingers on her hips painfully. Desperate rocking motion as Levi groaned breathlessly, until he did one last hash trust as deep as possible. Throwing his head backwards, messy wet hairs from the sweat falling as his lips parted in a broken moan. His cock throbbed in that tight and warm heat and cum kept pushing out. Filling up such a welcoming body.
Levi rocked his orgasm through it, as his even not taking a bit more of pleasure was sinful. Her body kept spasming and fluttering at the sensation. It felt absurdly warm as it felt too hot and too much of it. He kept on jerking as he continued to empty himself, it was just never ending. Pushing deeper as if it was even possible.
There was a blissful moment of fulfilment as ragged chunks of air left each pair of parted lips.  Tiredness took over as he felt accomplished, but it was just momentarily. The idea, the urge, of doing it all over again, and again until it took. Until he was convinced that she was with child, with his child. Calloused hand feeling the bulge of him still steadily inside wasn’t enough, the only sensation that will overpass that was feeling her round with child.
“Ah-! Lev- wait” She murmured out as she felt him moving again.
Being a housewife wasn’t that bad, being humanity’s strongest soldier’s wife wasn’t a bad title either. People recognized her in the streets when they were together. Older women eager to pinch the cheeks of their chunky boy. Everybody congratulated her, such a big and healthy boy. She could only quietly smile. Little she had to complain, or so she convinced herself of.
Levi was eager to make sure her only work was to stay at home and raise their kid. If it wasn’t that she should be thankful to be able to just enjoy a relaxed pregnancy, no obligations other than staying quiet on her condition. It was that the baby was too small yet, needing her undivided attention. Or maybe Levi’s strict demands on how the house should be kept up to his standards. There was always something, anything, keeping her closed up there. She felt locked up in a cage that everybody said she should be thankful of.
She missed anything that wasn’t reduced to him, anything that made her feel sparkles of freedom.
“I was wondering…” she murmured quietly as she did the dishes, her back giving to him as he read paperwork in the attached room. She knew he could hear her, he heard everything “that maybe I should volunteer in the town’s school, they said they need a new teacher.”
The silence from his part was gnawing at her sanity. The footsteps against the wooden floor as he grew closer.
“Don’t you think you already have your hands full?” spitted up words as he commented. His fingers caressing the hairs close to her ear.
“The baby could stand a couple of hours without me already,” She slightly turned to her right, smiling unsure. Trying to find any sparkle of permission in his eyes.
His hand stopped touching her face and travelled down her arm to her hip.
“If you’ve so much free time, why don’t you give me a baby girl this time? To keep you company while I’m gone,”
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arlerts-angel · 4 months
𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐢 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐫 𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃
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our playlist ♡
childhood friends to lovers , sweet tooth , "this made me think of you so i bought it", late night talking, deep conversations, "i don't know who i'd be without you but i don't want to find out"
who: armin arlert
ship name: mykaru 🤍
anniversary: november 11th
zodiac: we're both scorpios
love languages: his is quality time and mine is words of affirmation
career: armin works in the tech field and i'm a writer!
first impressions: i thought he was adorable and wanted to SQUEEZE HIM. he wouldn't speak to me lol
getting closer: mikasa introduced me to armin because she thought we'd get along well. armin and i had a lot in common but he was very nervous to talk to me. he quickly realized that we were neighbors so we'd walk home together and get to know each other
notable supportive people: mikasa!! i am forever grateful for her introducing us 🥺 and i'm very thankful that eren encouraged him to "nut up and talk to me"
problems in the relationship?: i struggle with retroactive jealousy (iykyk lol)
how you approach problems: most issues that come up are resolved fairly easily and quickly but with my retroactive jealousy it takes lots of reassurance and patience on armin's end
falling in love: i fell first, and hard. armin took a while to come to terms with his feelings but one day we were just hanging out and we looked at each other and just. we just knew.
first date: we went to an art museum and got boba!!
favorite kind of date: surprise dates! armin is so thoughtful and is very good at planning dates that i'd never even think of.
first kiss: we had our first kiss on a walk home one day. we were just talking then stopped in our tracks. we looked at each other and he said "i wanna kiss you but it might suck. n-not because of you though! i-i don't think i'm a good kisser." so i leaned in and kissed him.
confession: he knew i had feelings for him early on. we didn't date until much later. years, in fact. we met in middle school and didn't start dating until our freshman year of high school. he came over to hang out and he just spilled his guts to me 🤍
favorite forms of affection: i love kissing him, he loves to cuddle 🥰
who cooks: me! he's a better baker
who gets the other to come to bed: him
ways you comfort your f/o: i like to stroke his hair and rub his back
who is more jealous/how do you handle jealousy?: i'm more jealous 100%. he knows this, and makes an effort to make me feel respected and as comfortable as possible in situations where i may not be feeling the most secure.
how you cuddle: he lays on his back and i lay my head on his chest <3
what you love most about them: god it's so hard to pick a favorite thing about him because i love everything. i'll say his patience and willingness to put in effort for us 🤍 he has such a kind heart and he's pretty nice to look at too 😍
what they love most about me: "you have a big heart and care greatly for people, strangers even. you put others before yourself without a second thought."
proposal: it was very thoughtful. he took me to our favorite musueum and proposed at my favorite exhibit. eren and mikasa were there to see it 🤍
wedding: we had a small wedding. mikasa was our maid of honor and sasha's siblings were the ring bearers/flower girls 🤍 eren was best man (of course!) levi officiated the wedding and jean and connie were groomsmen! my bridesmaids were sasha and historia.
about pregnancy: currently expecting baby no. 1!! it took a few tries with some negatives along the way, but now we're gonna be welcoming a sweet baby girl in the new year!! you can visit @arlertlife for more domestic/family self-ship content!
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art commissioned from @stoned-eren + @wiispywitch
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Since I have nothing better to do, here are my AOT characters' sexualities headcanons (it's my opinion, pls be nice, homophobes DNI)
Probably gonna do it in parts cause there are so many characters LMAO. Also, go and check out my previous [post] about it for context
So anyway, Part 1 - The Scouts under the cut
Eren - demiromantic demisexual
Eren doesn't usually fall for people and doesn't think about romance, but when he does, he falls hard. He doesn't care about gender, he just needs to feel a really close connection to someone to feel anything. Also, he's famously oblivious to flirtations towards him, which is a popular inside joke among Scouts.
Mikasa - unlabeled
She’s very much Erensexual and that’s it LMAO But jokes aside, she really doesn't care and doesn't see a reason in labeling herself (not that it's a bad thing, she just feels like no name would ever truly fit her). What matters to her are her feelings for Eren and all her closest friends and that's enough.
Armin - pansexual
He doesn’t mind in general but he has a problem recognizing his feelings as something more than a friendship or admiration. He acts friendly and normal and then BOOM, that one special spark and, out of nowhere he’s an awkward ball of fluff. I feel like he just wants someone to talk to about the ocean and who will make him feel seen and safe <3
Jean - (closeted) bisexual
Marco was totally his bisexual awakening. Even though he knows nobody in the Scout Regiment will judge him, he's still scared to come out and every time someone asks him, he's very defensive about being straight (nobody believes him) (just look at him, very much chaotic bisexual icon 💅)
Sasha - heteroromantic asexual
Probably an unpopular opinion but I really don’t see her being into girls. I feel like the Scouts were initially surprised about it after seeing her being so close with Mikasa, but they are just besties. She’s sex-repulsed but will laugh at Connie’s dirty jokes. She’s a hopeless romantic though. She and Connie are platonic soulmates <3
Connie - aromantic asexual ❤️
He never got the appeal of romance or sex, and when someone was flirting with him, he felt really uncomfortable. His friends (especially Sasha) have helped him understand and come to terms with his feelings. He's also sex-repulsed but that doesn’t stop him from telling dirty jokes to others. He and Sasha are platonic soulmates <3
Marco - gay
I have nothing else to say other than the fact that I could never see him in any other way. The gay vibes are very strong with this one (just look at how he looks at Jean!!!)
Ymir - lesbian
She knew she was "different" since she was young, but had to hide it very well. Time spent on Paradis with her friends was the best time in her life because she could finally be her authentic self, without having to deal with homophobia and all the religious trauma, but also because she met the love of her life!
Historia - lesbian
I feel like at first she thought she was straight and then she met Ymir and truly realized something about herself. After that, she was proud of her sexuality, until she became the queen and realized how important her role was. Pregnancy was a hard time for her, especially knowing that Ymir was gone. But to not make it too sad I like to think that her husband was an understanding guy and tried to help as much as he could, while still understanding that he will never be the one and only for her 💔
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peachymilkandcream · 7 days
Part two of 'the truth about your mother' please 🥰🥰🥰
The Truth About Your Mother Part 2|Levi x Evelyn
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(A/N: I'm glad everyone liked the first part, I'm surprised it did so well! I hope you enjoy part 2 and feel free to give me some more requests! (Especially for this type of time skip it's so interesting-) Thank you for the request, (and the follow, I see you and I appreciate it <3)
WARNINGS: implied noncon, dubcon, manipulation, domestic abuse, yandere themes, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, stockholm syndrome, graphic depictions of violence, mind breaking, misogyny, etc.
The children all sat around their father like he was about to tell them a bedtime story like when they were younger. Except this time it was much more sinister and with the fear that the father they knew so well and loved would be a tainted memory forever.
"You brats know your mother was a Scout like me. Correct?"
They all nod and Kenneth chimes in. "Of course Father, nearly as amazing as you just like you said."
"However we knew each other long before then. Once upon a time we lived in the Underground, the very thing I sought to destroy once Queen Historia took the throne. Now you learned about that place in your history classes, but when your mother and I grew up there it had to devolved into such a shithole I vowed to make enough of an income so that neither of us would ever return there."
"That's when Commander Erwin brought you into the Scouts, right Father?"
"Mm. Your mother had issues with her legs, the lack of sunlight will do that to you. They promised her care. I carried her to the surface myself."
Levi smirks at their expressions, their father was so caring to their ailing mother. He always had them wrapped around his finger.
"But before that it was just us and your Uncle Kenny against the world. And when he disappeared it was just us. He made me promise to care for her with all of my heart. And I took that. We had our arguments but we made up in the end. The two of us became the four when we added in your Uncle Furlan and Aunt Isabel. It was ride or die together until a Titan took them both from us."
He had told the story of his oldest children's namesakes before, never stopping to move them beyond belief. Even in his cold and dead heart this story never ceased to bring a small bout of emotion to him.
"From then on your mother and I just stuck closer and closer together. We were there for each other. And that's all we had." He pauses for just a moment. "I fell in love with her even more. To the point I couldn't stand it, but your mother didn't feel the same way."
"What did you do Father?" Kenneth, the romantic of the group and eager to hear what his father had to say.
"I persevered son. What have I told you when it comes to women other than your sisters?"
Furlan answers. "That they don't know what they want. So you have to show them."
Levi smiles slightly and ruffles the boy's hair. "Exactly. But your mother was stubborn. Commander Erwin and I had to get her to agree to a marriage of convenience and safety."
"Safety from what Father?"
"From the evil Marley child. They wanted to kill your mother and turn her against me. I had to protect her, and in doing so married her."
They all nod in understanding.
"But your mother was stubborn to the end, refusing my rights as her husband and needing constant discipline. Had I not taken my rights seriously then none of your brats would've ever been born."
They all seem surprised, shocked that their mother wouldn't want to have them.
"We came to a reluctant truce during the war, after she found out she was pregnant with you Furlan. But once you were born and your sister Isabel on the way the stress of the change the world had come to made her snap."
"Mama's Big Mistake...." Furlan whispered.
"Mm. She ran away taking you with her, leading you into a life of poverty and struggle because I failed in controlling her. But do you think I gave up?"
The twins smile. "No way."
Levi's smile gets wider. "Such smart boys. That's right, I chased her down to the ends of the earth, and I never would have found her unless Furlan rushed through the crowd and found me. Bringing your mother and I back together."
They all smile. "Did Mama every try and rebel again Father?" Isabel asked.
"Never again, she understood that I disciplined her out of love, not hate. And she came to fall in love with me too. Recognizing her rightful place as an Ackerman and blessing me with the rest of you and your siblings."
"Telling stories Levi?" Even now Evelyn's voice never ceases to get him going, looking more lovely now than the day he decided who she belonged to.
"Do you love Father now Mama?" Sweet little Erwin asked.
Evelyn sits on Levi's lap, making sure to favor his strong knee. "With all my heart, love."
"I was telling these brats the truth about how we got together."
There's a slight pained and even concerned look that's quickly masked into neutrality. "And do they still love you?"
"Kids?" He asks, raising a brow.
"Of course we do!" The twins eagerly hug their parents before hurrying upstairs to bed.
"I'm so happy you came to love Father, Mama." Isabel follows suit, leaving the parents with their oldest, who had been oddly quiet this whole time.
"What's the matter boy." Levi's voice was cold, sharp.
"What did I tell you about being direct, stand up straight and tell me what's wrong."
"Father, do you ever regret the choices you had to make to have Mama?"
Levi is quiet a moment. "No. Sometimes the right thing to do isn't always the easiest."
He nods. "I understand. I hope I can learn to be half the man you are Father. So I can do the right thing, even when it's hard."
Levi's chest swells with pride. "I'm sure you will son. Now hug your mother goodnight and make sure your siblings are tucked into bed."
Furlan does so, leaving the not so normal couple alone.
"So you don't regret it....?"
Levi looks at his wife, hiding her face in his chest. "No. Why should I? Can you tell me really and truly that you wish you found another man and did things the hard way?"
"No. It's much less stressful to have my life planned out for me. The chances are some other man would die in battle or be a doormat for my personality."
"That's what I thought."
The two sit in silence for a moment, just enjoying each other's company.
"I love you Levi." Her soft lips meet his as he tenderly kisses her.
"I love you too sweetheart."
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cutecinnamon · 2 months
CW: ⊹₊ MDNI ⊹₊ Mention of Punishment ⊹₊ Pregnancy ⊹₊ Possible mention of sex ⊹₊
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Fic Story Idea, I would just like to drop it here incase I do decide to write it one day.
This post has a synopsis and snippet attached to it. ><
NOTE: Concurrence I already posted ♡
( EDITED: Currently starting to write it and I already have a few drafts, this fic will be posted into seperate parts. )
(Y/n) was a soldier under Levi's squad, she was a very skillful and effienciently trained scout until one day her cover was blown and the whole squad found out that she was in fact a Marleyan, and she was a warrior sent as an agent to infiltrate the survey corps. When Levi and the others found out she was to be executed until Queen Historia decided that the best punishment for her was to in fact stay at the survey corps since she was one of the most liable scouts, but one thing she did not expect was that she was ordered to carry the child of Humanity's strongest in order to keep the Ackerman Bloodline alive.
Small snippet idea:
The peaceful sound of water can be heard coming from the kitchen as (y/n) was washing the dishes, despite the calm gush of water echoing though the kitchen her mind was a mess, it was very chaotic, it was as if she was stuck in a dark place. Levi was at the living room doing his paperwork while drinking tea when
(y/n) suddenly approached him holding a blade from their odm which was placed across their room.
"Captain... please just punish me now... please just end me now..." (y/n) says while passing the odm blade to Levi who had a stunned expression written all over his face.
"What the fuck are you talking about?" Levi responds, while looking at her, the way he saw her eyes that almost lost the light of hope.
"I know you hate me... I'll always be a traitor in your eyes... even if I- if I try my best to prove my loyalty to you..." (y/n) said in a low and sorrowful voice as her gaze locks with Levi's gray orbs.
Levi shifts his attention towards the growing bump on (y/n)'s belly, she is currently almost in her fourth mark of pregnancy, and Levi felt a storm of emotions starting to explode inside him as he stared at (y/n) who was holding the odm blade towards him.
"No (y/n) fucking let go of that blade and look at me. I am not about to kill the mother of my child." Levi said sternly, and nothing can mend or break his words.
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skrunklybf-archived · 2 years
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armin x f!reader x eren
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tags: established relationship, pregnancy, jealousy, unrequited feelings
notes: tagging @arlertwitch bc i feel compelled to tag you in all my armin stuff hehe
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Summer -- unmistakable sounds and scents lingered in the humid air; the buzzing of distant insects in the trees; the smell of barbecue on the grill; the laughs between friends, old and new.
Cool cerulean eyes scanned the bustling backyard. Armin, beer in hand, couldn't quite force himself to pay attention to the story Eren had been telling for the last few minutes. Something caused his brother Zeke to chuckle and clap a hand over the brunette's shoulder, so Armin chuckled too, albeit blindly. There was simply too much on his mind to focus.
Automatically, his eyes drew themselves to a certain young woman, standing with Historia and Ymir on the other side of the pool in a flowy sundress. She laughed and shrieked in surprise when Connie cannon balled, spraying the chatting women in cool water. [Y/N] swept her hair away from her glowing face, catching Armin's gaze for just a moment, before Eren pulled it away.
"Hello? Earth to Armin," Eren sang, waving a large hand in front of his friends face. The blonde blinked himself back into the moment. With a little chuckle, he shook his head.
"Someone's distracted. Isn't that your first?" Zeke clinked his own bottle against Armin's, though his words left a different impression in the younger man's mind. An unbridled sense of excitement washed over him in an instant.
His first.
Clearing his throat, Armin took a quick sip of his beer and stuffed a hand in his shorts pocket.
"[Y/N]'s pregnant."
Nearly dropping the hotdog aimed for his open mouth, Eren choked on seemingly nothing, throwing himself into a coughing fit that Zeke slapped his back to alleviate. Armin blinked in surprise but couldn't hold back a prideful grin.
"She huh?!" the brunette garbled, eyes the size of saucers. Zeke let out a low whistle and plopped his hand atop Armin's head, messing up his short golden locks affectionately.
"Didn't know you had it in you, Arlert!" Zeke mused. All three men looked over at the woman in question, who playfully tossed a beach ball at Connie's head in the pool. She had just barely begun to show -- a small, rounded bump forming low in her belly, only noticeable to those looking for it. Eren blinked incredulously at his best friend, who looked positively over the moon.
Armin fixed his hair with an airy laugh. "It's still kind of early, so not a lot of people know. I'm just... elated," he mused. One could practically feel the energy radiating off of him.
Eren sucked in a deep breath, unsure of why his chest felt so tight at the moment, and slapped a grin over his face. "That's... awesome, Armin, I'm really happy for you," he said, watching [Y/N] turn her head toward the group, "both of you-- er, all three of you?"
The older Jaeger brother dismissed himself to grab another drink from the kitchen, leaving the two best friends to themselves, under the shade of the awning. Suddenly, they felt miles apart, even though they sat side by side on the deck. Eren observed Armin's face for a moment. He'd never seen the blonde so... ecstatic.
He wished more than anything he could share the sentiment.
Like a hummingbird to sugar water, [Y/N] fluttered herself over to the men, her sunkissed cheeks spread in a joyful smile. "Hey, angel," Armin greeted, pulling her in to sit on his lap. She giggled and laid an affectionate peck to his forehead. Eren watched her closely, though the action was automatic, and pulled his gaze away awkwardly when she met it.
"Hey, 'ren, you feeling alright?" [Y/N] asked sweetly, tilting her head just a tad. "You look a little out of it, or something."
Armin shot him a glance that contained a secret conversation, something so easy for the duo to do. Eren coughed into his fist. "Yeah, 'm fine. Just hot." he replied a little quietly before biting into his lunch.
As if it wasn't enough when he helped them move into their perfect little home. As if their engagement just months prior wasn't still weighing on his mind like a wet blanket. Pregnant. Pregnant?! A little tiny Armin growing inside her belly? Eren felt sick. He felt nauseous, not only from the thought of the future he'd never have with the girl he'd always wanted, but from the fact that he envied his best friend so deeply.
He wanted to be happy for Armin. He wanted to share the excitement and the joy such a development brings. He wanted to be a good friend.
Slipping away after Jean nearly started a fire at the grill, Eren walked himself home, hands buried deep in his pockets.
He wanted these feelings to go away.
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aotopmha · 6 months
anime only aot fan since 2013 here 🙋🏻 when i saw the ending, i thought, "people hated this so much? this?" it was the only fitting ending i could think of for the series. and i'm glad the reaction for the anime ending was overall very positive. feels like a very heartwarming closure for both the series and the fandom. i think aot will always be my most favorite piece of fiction. but if you could change things about the ending, what would these changes be?
Hey, got into it through the anime as well, but pretty much almost immediately caught up with the manga.
I think about at ep 7/8 airing?
2013 was a time. Anyone remember all of the op 1 memes?
As for changes to the ending, remove the entire Historia pregnancy subplot all the way through the ending.
It's pointless and destroys one of the best characters in the story.
Make her a part of the action just like everyone else, just like what her character arc was about – becoming her own person and putting behind her passive facade.
I think her friendship with Eren was one of the best parts of the Uprising arc.
And this reversion of her character isn't even fully explained.
She goes against the status quo by giving in to the status quo?
In hindsight, especially, pretty much everything to do with her serves no purpose.
If her royal blood is an issue to the plot, I can think of many other ways of restricting her than pushing a pregnancy on her and essentially removing her voice.
Make the pregnancy fake to just trick the incompetent MP and have her join for the final battle at the point where Shadis catches up with the group, for example. That's it.
Her smacking Eren in the cave was great.
A lot of people think Eren's negative character arc isn't done well enough, but to me her reverting to a passive doll is the most puzzling bit of writing.
The most I get out of it is the horror of women being denied their agency in an awful world and a metaphor for the birth of a new world and for all of the work and substance Historia got as a character, that's an awful payoff.
It's so puzzling. Literally everyone else were allowed to keep their character.
That's the one part of the final arc I think 100% sucks.
OG Ymir got a more complete arc than Historia did and she was there for two chapters, not a large swathe of the series.
Annie, Pieck, Gabi, Mikasa. All of the main character girls got to be awesome during the finale and got complete stories.
It's so jarring because I think the series is 90% of the time super solid with character writing.
To me just...
Thank you for the ask!
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ffsg0jo · 2 years
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- a o t c h a r a c t e r s a s t r o p e s -
aot characters x tropes [erwin,, levi,, hange,, historia,, ymir]
WARNINGS: assassinations,, guns,, reincarnation and death,, cheating,, pregnancy -- masterlist
a/n: this is kind of an x reader, just with tropes that i think go well with these certain aot characters! i hope you enjoy it xx i might do a part 3 for the rest as well... maybe
part 1,, part 2,, part 3
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ERWIN : arranged marriage - erwin's a wealthy bachelor, owner/ceo of a whole ass company and his parents set up an arranged marriage for him, with you, and he accepts.
the first time you meet erwin you're hit with how intimidating and serious he looks and you think to yourself 'oh my god what have i got myself into'. he's dressed in designer business attire, with a tie clip and cuff links and everything. he looks like a proper serious candidate.
but then he breaks into a smile as soon as he sees you and his entire face just softens. you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding in at the change of his demeanour and smiled back at him. it's then you suddenly notice how good looking he is, with his high cheekbones and long nose.
both parties mutually agreed to go on a couple of dates to get to know each other better and to see if you actually want to marry someone like erwin or not. neither of your parents are forcing you or anything, qnd they want to make sure you're both compatible. and instantly you're both smitten.
its actually adorable how well you get along and how you're constantly texting each other and going out to get lunch. erwin leaves his office more and more because of you and goes home on time. your parents feel like ultimate bosses just so happy at the fact that you two seem to be getting a long so well.
you're not in love with eachother yet, but you can definitely feel yourself falling, and it's just a matter of time now.
LEVI : enemies to lovers - levi absolutely despises you and has even attempted to kill you multiple times. he doesn't know why his mind still caught up with you. then the one time he's ordered to kill you, he can't.
so im imagining assassin au, and you're both enemies and levi has tried to kill you many times and even ambushed some of your mission just to try and get a shot at killing. you of course escape, being the bad bitch you are.
once where levi find out beforehand a mission you were going on and he went and killed the guys for you ahead of time just to pull that 'ive been expecting you' stunt and kill you
anyways, eventually you start looking forward to levi 'joining' you on your missions and even feel a bit disappointed when he's not there. and levi find himself thinking about you when doing boring old paperwork and wishes he could see you soon.
one day levi receives a file and a new person to kill. usually he doesn't really care, a jobs a job. but something inside of him break when he sees a picture of you and realises you're the person he has to kill.
he can't do it though, he so close, so so close. the gun is pressed against your forehead and the trigger is about to be pulled. you've finally succumbed to your fate, waiting for death. a single tear escapes your closed eyes and levi drops the gun. he just can't kill you.
HANGE: best friends to lovers - you and hange have been best friends for literally forever. and you're both pretty sure you're in love as well. its just that you're scared to ruin such a beautiful friendship in a selfish attempt at romance.
hange's not stupid, far far from it. they're probably the smartest person you know, even if they're a little eccentric and odd. but good god are they oblivious to, number one, you're feelings for them, and number two, their feelings for you !
like hange seriously though something was wrong with them, constantly getting clammy hands and heart palpitations near you and whatnot. its wasn't until they asked both erwin and levi if they knew what was happening to hange did they realise.
erwin was stood their wiggling his bushy eyebrows and levi had his arms crossed slightly laughing at hange's description of their symptoms and when they occurred.
safe to say that after hange realises, they're a bit weird around you. careful not to ruin your friendship. it gets to the point where levi and erwin have to step in and give you a push in the right direction.
and once you realise that your feelings are mutual, omggg praise the Lord. erwin and levi were sick of watching this back and forth between the two of you when you are so clearly in love.
HISTORIA : forbidden love - she's a queen and already married, to the king. but she can't help falling in love with you, her bodyguard.
historia was happily married. keyword, was. her husband was seemingly smitten with her and everything was going well until she caught him in bed with one of the maids.
fed up with her husbands bullshit ymir wanted to have her own chambers, away and seperate from his so she didn't have to hear the loud grunting and groaning.
to make sure she was safe at all times, a palace guard was stationed outside her room, and was to escort her everywhere. and that bodyguard was you.
at first she was slightly mad because she didn't need to be protected. she was formally trained and could fight quite well. but then she started appreciating your company more. skipping duties with her husband to go around the town with you and explore places. she warmed up to you very quickly.
maybe she got a little too close to you, because rumors started flying about the queen kissing her bodyguard in a private garden area near the town centre. apparently the two were having a picnic as well. you were immediately dismissed from your post and let go, promising historia you'd find away to be with her, even if it's the last thing you ever do.
but why was it okay for her husband to sleep around and be with whoever he wanted to be, regardless of him being married. why was it expected of him. why wasn't she allowed to have a friend, a confidant, someone whom she trusted with her life and would die for. someone she had grown to love with every fibre of her being.
it didn't matter anyway, because soon enough she got the news of a pregnancy. she was to bare the heir to the throne.
YMIR : reincarnated soulmates - ymir has loved you in every single timeline and will continue to do so. the fabrics of time itself will have to break and shatter before she gives up on you.
from the beginning of time you and ymir were constants. you were destined to be together and would find a way to be together no matter what happened.
the first time it happened, it was ymir that died. she ended up being taken hostage by some religious cult, believing her to be divine. but when they found out she wasn't, they killed her. you, of course were forced to move on with life, dying of old age.
you were both reincarnated into another world, this time a little less primitive. you and ymir met in an infirmary, both being treated for a mysterious illness and the first time you two locked eyes, you had a sudden vision of a previous life with ymir in it.
confused you both tried to figure it out. at first you though ymir was a witch, ready to scream and shout. but when you found ymir in a similar state to you, you took it back. but before you could figure it out, you died of said illness, your time restarting going back to square one.
slowly but surely you start to retain memories from previous lives and the next time you meet eachother, at college, you run into each other's embrace and just sob. maybe in this life you two can finally be together, since there aren't any mysterious illness, or weird cults, or even animals trying to kill you two.
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© ffsg0jo 2022 — do not plagiarise, repost, modify, or translate any of my work, in any way shape or form; i will piss in your cereal if you do. all work belongs to me and me only.
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