#his looks. mysoginistic
senkayro · 2 years
thinking bout chad solas in this house tonight
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artoodeeblue · 1 year
it’s been like 50+ years and people are still soooo wrong about the problem of susan and i am being so brave about it
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hauntingblue · 3 months
Unless they were AN IDIOT.
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mental-scurvy · 2 years
Okay fr tho I need more Izzy hands haters in my life, pls interact if you think the Stinky Man needs to go
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hhorror-vacuii · 1 year
Btw, 'cause I was too stunned to relay this information before, but the author of Aurais-je... came up with the answer, that yes, he would have been able to save Genevieve. By convincing her she should take the pardon and walk out of Salle du Mort, because she might be pregnant with their child after they spent few nights together.
He, in the same breath, readily accepts Lorin's sacrifice to die with him even though Lorin literally did nothing at all in this affair and was a staunch republican.
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wormtoxin · 1 month
ok. Narrative obfuscation in House Of Leaves. It’s a relatively simple story about a man who moves into a house with his wife and kids, and the house is haunted. That’s it. The core themes are very transparent.
Except, that story is documented by a famous war documentarian, then published as a series of rare tapes, which are discoursed by film buffs, then interpreted from viewings and reading film critique by a blind old man, then his thoughts are transcribed into a manuscript by a series of young women, which is then compiled from scattered notes by the most mysoginistic, damaged, toxic pothead drop-out who won’t stop talking about his life, which is THEN edited and published by some vaguely nefarious agency who soberly refuse to provide any clarification or context.
It’s not simple, but there are so many different hands on the wheel with wildly differing opinions that you can’t discern the truth.
Johnny Truant is such a miserable hopeless fuck up. He has no sense of academic rigor or archival professionalism. Any interference he provides only muddies the waters and taints what would otherwise be a gripping piece of metaphysical film criticism. His neurotic rambling and personal anecdotes cloud an otherwise reasonable story.
If he wasn’t in it, if we could read Zampano’s manuscript directly, WE would be able to understand the truth. We would get it completely, and we wouldn’t have to encounter so much violence, so much miserable graphic detail. It would be a better story.
And fuck it, if we didn’t have to read all of Zampano’s tangents and analyses and interpretations, if we could just find a copy of the famous “five-and-a-half minute hallway” vhs, if we could SEE it, we’d understand. We wouldn’t need endless pontification of what Navidson and Karen’s marriage might entail, or recitations of what a director once said in a Rolling Stones article. We’d see the hallway itself, stretching out into what should be the backyard, and we’d get it. Hell, Zampano is blind in his old age. He can’t even watch the damn movie! But we could. We’d know instantly, the second we saw it. The impossibility of it, the gravity of it, the weight of that dark abyss.
And well, the VHS recording is a little dark, and the quality is poor, and maybe the white balance isn’t so perfect. And actually, VHs tapes could be manipulated. We can’t be sure that Navidson isn’t just using clever videography tricks to invent a hallway. If we were there, if we found the house (it’s in virginia, isn’t it? we even have the address). If we GO there, we could look down that hallway. And it’s dark, so if we just brought a flashlight, maybe took a few steps inside-
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roachymochi · 27 days
"Toshiro loves Falin for the same things he hate Laios", "Toshiro loves Falin because he is imagining her as an ideal of womanhood rather than a person", theses takes make me kinda sad coming from the autism analysis part of the fandom.
Toshiro loves Falin because she is everything he wish He could be. Just like him she is struggling with acting for herself and mostly follow expectations of people around her. She can't stand up for she wants.
But during that scene where Shuro see Falin and the worm, he see himself back when he was a young kid fascinated by young bug, before social pressure and expectation crushed him into a constantly masking struggler.
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Look at him in this panel and tell me that is an adult thinking about finding a good bride for a proper marriage. That is Toshiro, the lonely child, seeing someone like him for the first time. Poor guy probably never had a friend in his life, only duty and expectation.
And not only is Falin just like him, she is also able to show genuine care and support for those close to her, while Toshiro his stuck with his role as the responsible adult, so stiffled that he is unable to express genuine emotion because he can't feel nothing anymore from masking all. the. time.
Of course he loves Falin. She is everything Shuro wish I could be. A friend, a bug nerd, a pillar for her family. Sure, he is being cringe about it, but he certainly never an hypocrite or a mysoginist about is feelings for her.
Anyway that is why I think Toshiro is an unknowing trans woman and Falin should be besties. The marriage is an obviously stupid idea but I think they should go on trips to old forest to find rare bugs, in a platonic way, it would be great for both of them.
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I think the addition of Tsuwabuki to the plot line of RGU is genius BUT specially so linking him narratively with Nanami.
Something about... depicting a child who wants to be a prince to protect princesses (the narrative male gender role) with initialy good intentions; and taking that and making him end up looking up to Touga (and everything he represents; he is, after all, THE Prince) .
Already showing the seeds of the instrumentalisation of his role as a man when stalking Nanami in an extremely creepy way and manipulating her to get on her good graces...
Something about growing up and seeing the boys you care about in your life (who already had privilege over you as a girl, even if they didn't know how to fully exploit it in an oppressive way ) and see them turn into mysoginistic men...
Something about seeing this kid who at the very start you think "well he's still just a child, maybe he won't be like the other men, maybe he'll just be a sweet boy so that Nanami gets some character development and nothing more, a one-episode character" actually represent something more...
Something about YET AGAIN seeing this idea of boys becoming oppressive and learning to use their privilege kinda reprised (or rather, Nanami being once more the reflection) with Dios/Akio and Anthy and Akio and Touga.
How "The prince" ends up manifesting in all boys and men in Ohtori, how his ghost(s) haunt dead and alive men, younger and older men alike...
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petew21-blog · 9 days
Could you do a story with a janitor swapping bodies with his hunky boss, please?
Happy retirement
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This is my boss, Mr. Lark. He created his company when he was just a teenager. A company that become now one of the most profitable in town. Which made him a high class person over the years. Unfortunately the more money he had the worse his personality was. He bullied some coworkers, was mysoginistic a mainly spent all of his money on holidays, luxury cars and woman.
When he made a suprise retirement party for me, as a janitor, who worked in this company for over 25 years. Almost since the start.
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The party wasn't bad, but as you can see from the photo it was just a PR stunt for my boss. After that he even made me start cleaning after the party "since it's your last day" he said and laughed. What a prick
I went to clean the last room left and that was his office. He always had ton pf garbage. But this time I only saw a few tissues there. The hand cream sat on the table. He was jerking off
Now, I don't do this a lot, but I do have some fettish. I never truly explored what it means because of my age and introverted personailty. But right now, all I kept thinking about was to inhale the tissues.
And so I did. I took them to my nose. I inhaled the strong scent of sperm. The idea that thus was just a few hours ago in my boss dick was extremely erotic to me. Suddenly I found myself eating the tissues like it was candy. And I didn't really mind.
But something else started to happen too. I must have done something forbbiden or I don't know, but my world started spinning and then I fell.
After I opened my eyes I found myself on a boat. Floating in the sea. And definitely not as myself. I was younger. Fitter. Tight and tan skin. Strong muscles.
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I already had my suspicion but I needed to make sure. I got up to find out what happened. I look in the mirror and see my own boss.
As I look at my face I was mesmerized by my new incredibly healthy set of teeth and a beautiful face. Suddenly a young naked woman appeared from behind the corner.
"Hey, ready for round two? We can't wait for you any longer. We need you."
Another handsome man got close to her. And looked at me and her seductively:"We want you boss. We need you to fill us!"
Well. This is gonna be interesting.
After some time of nonstop sex, alcohol and partying we had time to relax. I slowly got adapted to my new life as the new 'boss daddy' as the young couple called me.
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What happened to my body are you asking?
Well... that is rather a sad story. It seems that Mr. Lark's neurotic personality and my body didn't quite get along. Right now he is in a hospital with a heard failure. Maybe I should rush to the hospital to... you know... say goodbye.
Like I'd ever give up this body. No, I earned it and it's mine and I'm gonna enjoy it as I want. So enjoy the retirement Mr. Lark. Atleast you don't have to finish cleaning after the party
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aspoonofsugar · 3 months
Do you think Adam will come back as a demon, having to redeem himself? It kind of feels like that's where the few hints at smth deeper going on with him are going.
I mean, there is this:
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As Charlie and Emily sing about amoral angels staying in the sky, the focus is on Adam and he looks very triggered. I also personally hope he comes back because I think his character offers great opportunities to explore others. Like Lucifer, Lute, Sera, Lilith and Charlie herself. That said, I am also okay if he is meant as a one-season villain tbh. In this case, I trust it is because the story has other plot-lines to follow. Also, it would be an hilarious call-back to his line:
A man only lives once, we'll see you in one month Gotta say, I can't wait to Come down and exterminate you
Adam, you're either right in how THE man only lives once, or you are so wrong and Charlie is so right, that you yourself get a second chance :P
That said, I think there is clearly more about Adam, Eve, Lilith and Lucifer's dynamic that needs to be addressed (either through Adam coming back or in other ways):
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The series starts with the retelling of the myth of Eden in the form of a fairy tale. Still, it is clear that we are given only partial information.
Lucifer: Well, your first wife didn't seem to hate what I had to offer…or the second! Bowchicka pow pow!
Sera: He was the first human soul in heaven…
It is very unclear what happened with Eve and Adam himself is judged a "virtuous soul", after his human death. Not only that, but he affirms what brought him into Heaven is:
Vaggie: reading list "Act selfless, don't steal, stick it to the man." Are you fucking serious?
Except that Adam never once acts selflessly throughout the whole season. So, I wonder if an eternity spent being spoilt in Heaven made him worse.
In short, the things I am interested in when it comes to Adam are:
If and how Heaven has changed him
His relationship with Lucifer and Lilith (Eden + his pact with Lilith)
Let's now try to analyze Adam, starting with what we have in the series.
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Adam: Call me, Dickmaster.
Adam is introduced as a powerful angel and a jerkass mysoginist. Both things are important, as they tie to different conflicts:
Adam is a genocidal maniac, who mistreats everyone. Still, he is considered a virtuous soul and holds some authority in Heaven.
Adam is "the man" and is shown discriminating and dismissive towards women. According to Charlie's recount in Overture, his mysoginy might be at the very root of the conflict behind the forbidden fruit and the birth of Hell.
These two sides of Adam come together in his interactions with Charlie, who is both a demon and a woman.
1- He dismisses Charlie's ideas of redemption in his song Hell is Forever, which is full of Christian references:
'Cause it's cut and dry Fair is fair, an eye for an eye And, when all's said and done (said and done) There's the question of fun And for those of us with divine ordainment Extermination is entertainment! Guitar solo, fuck yeah!
In general, he sees himself as superior to demons because he was judged worthy of Heaven. In his mind, this makes him automatically the "good guy", while people who exhibits virtues like Charlie or Angel are still beneath him, as they are demons. In short, he has a black and white mentality:
'Cause the rules are black and white There's no use in tryin' to fight it
2- He flirts with Charlie and calls her with sexist names:
Adam: I got you again, bitch! *laughs* Fuckin' hilarious!
Not only that, but his overall characterization highligths his sexism to hilarious degrees. Some examples:
His favourite food is ribs because Eve was born from one. So, it is as if he likes "eating women up"
He leads an army of hot and lethal women, who follow his orders in battle (classical male fantasy)
He gives Vaggie the name "Vagina" and calls it "the best thing ever"
So, Adam is a combination between a zealous religious fanatic and the patriarchy. All neatly tied up with jock imagery (his tunic resembles a letterman jacket). As a result, his interactions with Charlie explore two different power dynamics:
Heaven vs Hell or to better say Hell is Forever vs A Happy Day In Hell. Is Hell a place of eternal damnation or is it a chance of redemption?
Man vs Woman - Adam is far more childish and less intelligent than Charlie, but she has to kiss his butt because he is in a role of power. As it often happens in human society.
The question is: "How can such a person be worthy of Heaven?"
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Sera: I thought, since I'm older It's my load to shoulder
Sera is Adam's authority figure, as she is the only one Adam shows respect for. He asks for her validation and is ashamed after disappointing her. Considering Adam was created by the angels, it is easy to infer Sera is probably the closest thing he has to a mother. This also ties with Sera's overall role in the narrative, where she is framed as a parental figure to Emily and to the other angels and souls:
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Not only that, but her parenting style seems rooted in the determination to protect those in her care, no matter what:
Sera: It is my position as the head Seraphim to protect our people at all costs.
Even if she has to lie to them:
I wanted to save you, the anguish it takes to Do what was required
Or if others end up hurt in the process:
Sera: Heaven needs us, Emily. Everyone looks to us… and we can't doubt ourselves or worry about the fates of demons when we have our own souls to protect.
She keeps Emily and the rest of Heaven in a Gilded Cage and chooses to exterminate the Sinners. In a sense, she too sees the world in black and white, just like Adam. Her loved ones. All the others. This attitude is present in her relationship with Adam too, as she enables him. Some examples:
She gives Adam permission to lead the exterminations. Even if Sera thinks killing Sinners is necessary, there is no reason to entrust it to Adam, who has a very obvious grudge against Lucifer.
He lets Adam boss around the exorcists and mistreat them. Like he did with Vaggie. In general, Sera gives him no rules, if not a generic "do not embarass me" one. And even then, Adam faces no consequence after he reveals the secret.
Sera is angry at Adam's cruelty towards Charlie and reproaches him for targeting the Hazbin Hotel. Still, this is all she does. She could have stopped Adam from attacking the hotel. And yet, she only makes a single remark.
In general, Sera gives Adam free reign and even fulfills all his cruellest requests. This is made clear during Charlie and Adam's questioning.
Since the beginning, Charlie is set up to lose and the seating arrangement shows it. Sera and Emily are at the very top, as they are the judges. Below them there is the jury and then there are the two sides. Still, Charlie and Adam are not at the same level. Adam is higher, while Charlie is at the very bottom.
Sera sustains Adam's petty objection:
Adam: Objection, lame and unoriginal. Sera: Sustained. No further dictionary references please.
But she is about to refuse Charlie's request and only agrees to it because of Emily:
Charlie: Angel will make good decisions, come on! We have to keep watching! Please? Sera: sighs Yeah, I don't know. Emily: Yeah, let's give him a chance. Sera: Very well, the court will allow it.
Finally, when Adam reveals Vaggie's secret (which is irrelevant to the matter at hand), Sera allows it to happen:
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She is the one projecting Vaggie's angelic shadow on the wall. Once again she enables Adam's cruelty, instead of stopping it.
in short, Adam is a person who ascends to Heaven, but once there he spends millenias without anyone questioning or disagreeing with him. All his self-serving fantasies are fulfilled and he is never punished nor called out. As a result, he clearly becomes complacent and grows worse:
Lucifer: So, this is what you been up to since Eden? Gotta say, you've really let yourself go, buddy.
Lucifer's taunt mostly references Adam's physique. Still, this is metaphorically true for Adam's soul, as well. In the end, Adam regresses in Heaven, instead of evolving. Moreover, he never addresses nor solves the key event, which defined his life.
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Adam: You judging me? You're the most hated being in all of creation!
Adam's sense of self is clearly warped by what(ever) happened in Eden. Specifically, he is hurt that both his relationships with Lilith and Eve ended up badly (apparently). This is why:
He overcompensates by being overly masculine. He insists he is THE MAN and keeps blubbering about his love adventures. And yet, he has still no wife, that we know of.
He projects his own feelings on Lilith and Lucifer, to the point that thousands of years later, he chooses "messing their home", as his hobby. Specifically, he tries to steal Lilith away (through their deal) and to make Lucifer as miserable as possible ( which is why the King of Hell sends Charlie to meet Adam at the very beginning - he doesn't want to deal with the Exorcist).
This behavior is mirrored in how he treats the Princess of Hell too.
On the one hand Adam associates what he considers Charlie's positive traits with Lilith:
Adam: To think someone as worthless as you landed Lilith's little hottie. 'Grats on that I guess.
On the other hand Adam links what he believes to be Charlie's negative traits with Lucifer:
Adam: Risking your immortal life for sinners? That's some crazy shit, even for Lucifer's brat!
So, it is implied he still wants Lilith and despises Lucifer. These emotions are mirrored in his design, specifically his horned mask:
The horns ironically show that Adam was cheated on by (both?) his wife(s)
The horns give him a demonic-like appearance, which may be just another way Adam tries to appear more badass than what he is. All while trying to look more like a demon (Lucifer) to begin with
In other words, Adam is nothing, but a man scorned. Even moreso he is a person, who deep down could never really like himself. Hence why he chooses to wear a mask 24h/24h. Adam wants to be either a Demon or a God, but deep down he is just the Man. Ironically, this is what he could never truly accept about himself.
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In the final fight, Adam is unmasked and we get a glimpse of his real self. What is he like? His design is far more average and human-like than other angels and demons. It is even inspired by his real voice actor, apparently. Why is that so? Because deep down Adam is no-one special. He is just a dude. He is the man. Not even that. He is a man. A person.
Sadly, though, he refuses this truth and tries to be more:
Adam: I started everything on Earth! All of mankind came from these fucking nuts! You all should be worshipping me, you ungrateful, disgusting, fucking losers-
He tries to be God and in this way he becomes worse than a Demon. He dies pathetically, after refusing mercy:
Adam: No… you don't get to end this! I'm fucking Adam! I'm the fucking man, and you're just some fucking clown or something!
He sees Lucifer as his enemy, but the King of Hell barely registers his presence and only considers him in relation to Charlie. His true opponent turns out to be a small woman of low status. And even she barely considers him as someone worthy of her attention.
And yet, Adam is still a man and he shows humanity in death:
Lute: NOOOO! Sir! Sir! Stay with me sir! ADAM!
Lute is his one genuine bond and probably the only person who earnestly makes him happy.
If only he could have pursued his humanity, he might have not turned into a monster. He might have developed a healthier sense of self and could have become happier. Instead, he could never love himself for being just a man and has spent eternity trying to be someone different.
Adam embodies the anti-theme.
Charlie thinks that everyone can redeem themselves:
Charlie: If I can show them the dream I've dreamed That any soul can change! Then they will know everyone can be redeemed From the evil to the strange!
Adam thinks nobody truly can:
'Cause Hell is forever Whether you like it or not Had their chance to behave better Now they boil in the pot
Charlie tries to grow into her own person:
Gotta come into my own Gotta come into my throne Gotta take charge and defend my only home
Adam turns himself into an idol:
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The golden exorcists bring to mind the golden calf from the Bible.
Charlie thinks happiness and beauty can be found even in Hell:
I can hear all their stories The lost and displaced And I know that they're more of an acquired taste But if I open the door and I give them a place At my Hazbin Hotel It'll be a happy day in Hell!
Adam can't find happiness and beauty in Heaven and his only source of joy is knowing others suffer more than him:
Fuckin' Hell is forever And it's meant to suck a lot!
And yet, Hell might be meant to suck a lot, but Heaven shouldn't:
St. Peter and Emily: 'Cause every single day in Heaven is a happy day Welcome to Heaven
Still, Heaven could not make Adam happy. And if Heaven can't make its own people happy, then what is the point of such a Kingdom?
Sera: It's your position to keep them happy and joyful. Emily: How can I bring joy when I now know we are bringing misery to thousands of innocent people?
Adam is a character that embodies Heaven's problems, not only because he is an evil monster, but even moreso because he is an unhappy and unsatisfied man.
Here are my two cents on him :D We'll see if he comes back and manages to get some development!
Thank you for the ask!
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expectopatronum81 · 22 days
I'll never understand why Lily is always just portrayed as a perfect social justice warrior who's some golden standard for the boys to try and reach up to and who's right all the time instead of an actual, flawed person. We hardly have anything about her in canon, so why do ppl insist on sticking to the same trope? I have often seen lily being portrayed as rather complex, in the sense of examining how the society impacts her, but not in the sense of being her being flawed or not immediately (or ever) right about/ good at everything
Prejudice is ingrained in the wizarding world, those fuckers like to hate on literally everyone, so there's a huge chance that their literature is going to be biased as well. Give me a lily who's trying to understand and navigate this completely new world with mythical creatures from scratch and who believes what the society tells her about them (even decent wizards like the Weasleys had certain prejudices, like against werewolves,half giants, and house elves,it's not just the Slytherins and DEs, so how can she tell what's right or wrong immediately?), and who takes a while to understand that it's the same sort of prejudice she's facing (much like ppl in the real world). Give me a lily who doesn't immediately, or ever, completely understand the complications of politics and the upcoming war as well as, say, characters like Sirius because, well, she's still a child who's new to all of this, and it's not the sort of thing she's ever had to concern herself with (unlike Sirius who grew up in a family that placed heavy influence on social standing). Give me a lily who's ready to make excuses for Snape not out of any reason that would make her look sympathetic, but simply because it wasn't affecting her personally until now (before anyone tries to point to that incident of her calling Snape out on his friends hexing Mary McDonald, she only raised concerns about Snape's company coz they performed dark magic, not because of their racist beliefs).
Or if that's too much to handle, we could at least stick to the few flawed things she does in canon. Like when she doesn't care to listen to Snape's version of the werewolf incident and relies on rumours instead, or when she almost smiles when Snape's pants are being exposed in front of a jeering crowd. People try to spin that around too to make Lily's perspective understandable and sympathetic, and sure, everyone has their own takes, but idk, there seems to be this great necessity to make it such that she's not viewed in a negative light for anything
Hot take, but ppl like to go on abt how women in fiction or in the fandom are critiqued too much, how people can't handle complex female characters, and how much they support women's wrongs, but they always end up confining female characters to being Good and Right all the time and characterize any constructive criticism/negative portrayal of the character as being wrong or mysoginistic.
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drakaripykiros130ac · 5 months
What do you think about this ? Nothing against Baela, but I'm tired of being called the rightful heir of Corlys... She's not even a Velaryon. She's a Targaryen. Corlys did not choose her as heir. So she was never the heir. As simple as that. Also, Luke could start learning, he was still young.
I was blocked by that TG user a long time ago. Poor guy/girl couldn’t handle the truth.
I have gone over this subject so many times, I feel like I am speaking to walls at this point.
1. Corlys is the Lord of Driftmark. Rhaenyra is not the Lady of Driftmark.
2. Corlys, as the Lord of Driftmark, is the only one who can decide his successor. He chose Lucerys over Baela and Rhaena. And then, after Lucerys’ death, he asked Rhaenyra to legitimize his bastard sons (Addam and Alyn), and name Addam the heir to Driftmark, which she did. He once again passed over Baela and Rhaena. But I suppose that’s once again Rhaenyra’s fault, right?
3. Rhaenys chose to take Baela as her ward while Corlys was incapacitated. This wasn’t his choice. It was Rhaenys’, who clearly favored her granddaughters (at least in the show). As if Mr. Mysoginist, Corlys Velaryon, would ever agree to foster Baela instead of Lucerys.
4. Rhaenys helped reaffirm Lucerys’ position as the future Lord of the Tides, as long as he married Rhaena. She cares about her husband’s wishes but also ensured that Velaryon blood would continue on the Driftwood throne. Two birds, one stone.
5. Corlys’ decision is somehow once again Rhaenyra’s fault in the simplistic nut-sized minds of these TG stans. How, pray tell????
6. Rhaenyra doesn’t know anything about commanding fleets, that is true, but she does have experience in ruling. She ruled Dragonstone for years. So there are certain things she is able to teach her son.
7. I am beyond confused how TG stans, who preach that tradition and precedent favors male primogeniture, claim that Baela is the rightful heir to Driftmark, and not Vaemond. It’s Vaemond who they should be supporting, because otherwise, they look like crap. The only thing that this confirms is that they will use anything and anyone (including the Velaryons) to attack Rhaenyra.
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sweetestpopcorn · 3 months
Rhaenys and Corlys anon back because I did not expected for my take to be so openly accepted. Thank you all for that!
I am going to say something that I think the majority of this fandom is afraid to voice out. I would honestly have made my very own post, but I am afraid of being attacked, so I decided on this ask instead.
A very big part — if not the basis — of the strange insistence that Daemon did not loved Rhaenyra but must have loved Laena is rooted in body shaming. Since Laena is described as slender, and Rhaenyra recorded as gaining weight after her pregnancies, people are not only unable to imagine a man genuinely loving a woman that does not fit their ideal standard of skinny, but they also see that rumoured change of her appearance as a reflection of her morals, even as a punishment.
(I say 'rumoured', because look at the official art or at the animated version of the Dance — Rhaenyra's waist is not slender, and while obviously voluptuous, she is not fat and she still looks absolutely gorgeous even after her pregnancies. So it was obviously an exaggeration by the maesters.)
Again I make a parallel with history — we are talking about an age where beauty of person equated beauty of character, and any slight deffect signified sin/unworthiness/bad morals. An age where, for example, blonde hair in a queen was ideal because it signified virginity, purity and it was associated with Virgin Mary. Rhaenyra's appearance being attacked is nothing else but mysoginistic propaganda.
(See how it is implied that men would not fight for her because her body changed after six pregnancies. Obviously that is a lie, since we know how many men raised at arms and supported her, and not even one of them made any remarks regarding her appearance.)
I have read a fanfiction centered on Laena and Daemon in which the very first remark made about Rhaenyra when she first appears is how she gained weight and therefore Daemon does not find her attractive at all. It's disgusting, demeaning, and screams internalized mysoginy. But women of this fandom are not ready for this conversation because they are far too busy self-inserting in their Laena and Nettles fantasies. That is why in these type of fics Rhaenyra is made to compare herself with them, to make her seem unworthy and undervalued, when that was never the case at all.
And not only that, but with Laena he is marrying a maiden, whereas with Rhaenyra he is marrying a mother of three. So if for some people that represents a turn-off, something that makes her less desirable, then they go and project their own distaste unto Daemon, claiming that he must have found her (and by extension her children) a burden as well. Even though the text gives us no proof about this, but every proof to the contrary.
It's a sensitive topic I would like to expand further because the way Rhaenyra's appearance is approached and discussed in this fandom is very sad, without any critical analysis or consideration. Basically, this is just to point out some things in the way I see them.
Hi there Queen (and sorry for this huge delay) ❤️
I have almost nothing else to add except a small observation on this "but with Laena he is marrying a maiden" -> I think this is something that they conclude because of everything you have said before. Because it goes with their idealised version of the "skinny, love worthy woman" and purity is another trait they had.
Laena was almost 23 at the time she married Daemon, and had been betrothed to another man for 10 years. A decade. She is also described as "bold" and someone who liked adventure.
The same fanfictions I have seen portraying Laena as completely innocent at 22 almost 23 - let's go back to the main asoiaf books and think back to how "innocent" women at this age were even if unmarried - will be portraying 14 year old Rhaenyra as completely loose, a deranged Lolita of sorts (who curiously turns chaste and boring the moment she married Daemon, at only 23, but details because while love changes a person Rhaenyra and Daemon DID NOT LOVE EACH OTHER OK?! 😡) using and abusing Poor Criston - who Alicent called out btw for being a creep - because let's look at it from his perspective :( (will no one think of the 30 something male?!) and being as wicked as Daemon if not more. Someone making Daemon darker and more deranged too, nothing like pure Laena and Nettles who brought out the best in him and saved him <3
I completely agree with you about Rhaenyra's appearance and I think it's especially sad when you see people, especially women, making Aegon II look like he hits the gym every day - let's look at official art of him for a sec - and Rhaenyra like she is Jabba the Hut.
PS: All of this is only about the asoiaf characters and books so kindly leave the lizard redacted show out of it.
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mazuwii · 1 year
Would AOT men support Andrew Tate??
I'm bored so why not (unbiased headcannons, feel free to add your opinion)
•doesn't even know how to use electronics, in fact he doesn't even know who Andrew Tate is. He overhears everyone talking about him and how outrageous or "masculine" he is. He pictures this huge scary man with millions of scars, Dutch Van Der Linde history and that.
•when he finally hears an explanation from  Gabi's phone, he tries to peek over from his wheelchair. Let's just say, he was disappointed. His imagination was crushed at the sight of what seemed like a gay porn actor that talks too much.
•At one point in his life, Eren Sasha and Connie cosplayed pitbull at a pitbull convention (cult) , what makes you think he wouldn't use the bald hats again?
•of course he thinks Andrew Tate is a dumb ass but a little bit of trolling never hurt anyone.
•No he doesn't like him but he does quote him ironically
•Bertholdt scrolls on tiktok only for gardening and gaming content, and anything that doesn't fit into those genres, he instantly clicks 'not interested', he doesn't even bother listening. At some point the amount of Andrew Tate videos on his fyp began to piss him off so bad he blocked the hashtag, and even that didn't work 💀💀💀
•Reiner throwing on his dad glasses and squinting at he screen, "who's this?"
"Andrew Tate,"
He listens for a few seconds, but the words just aren't wording,"Just block him babe,"
No but seriously he finds the redpill community embarrassing af, especially with the hatred they have for single mothers, since he came from one and his respect for them
•Jean would agree with a few points, but will happily take pleasure by trolling his fans with Connie and Sasha
•If you ever see Bottom G edits, of random bald men twerking or dancing in an odd manner, labelled "top G spotted at an orgie" that was Connie and Sasha
•He’s a literal feminist, with receipts, try him.
•could not give less of a shit, his tiktok is full of those flowery 'goodmorning🌹🌸💐😘’ edits that he downloads and sends to people on WhatsApp
•This is tricky, on one hand he looks like the type of man that redpillers would make an edit of, on the other he looks like he'd bully them
•I'm sorry to my Porco stans, as much as I love him he would say "free top G" and no one even knows if he's being serious or not- like if you made fun of him, he’d laugh with you, so maybe not idk
•He thinks they're pathetic little boys
•Very proud of his mysoginistic beliefs, would defend Andrew to his death , and unlike Porco, very much goes on protests to "free Top G"
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diariodeunrincondemi · 2 months
So I just finished reading the first book of Acotar (A court of thorns and roses) and, to be honest, it was awful, sorry. I know this saga has a lot of fans and I am the first person that have read terrible, bad-written stories (I mean, one of my fav sagas as a teen was Eragon). But this book…Is the worst book I’ve read in years (and the last one was Hush Hush in 2018, but at least I had good laughs reading it).
The thing is (personal opinion): there’s nothing original in this book. The characters don’t have any development nor their relationships and dynamics. The romance doesn’t romance and the spicy doesn’ spicy, like, I mean it is the most anti-romantic and anti-¿erotic? story that I’ve read while it is supposed to have romance and eroticism. I didn’t feel anything except for cringe and boredom.
There were some parts that were, at best, ok, like the first chapters until Feyre is ¿kidnaped? and when she comes back with her family till Amrantha’s riddle. Just that, only 110 pages out of 456 (the spanish edition) were ok.
And the characters…only Rhysand made me feel interest. Tamlin was there just existing and I think that’s sad, because he would be perfect to be a classic hero full of kindness and with a really pure heart (when I say that he was there just existing is that I find him pretty passive and this feeling is probably due to his lack of development). I would have loved that during the time Tamlin and Feyre spent in the Spring Court them as characters and also their relationship had more developement, something similar to Jude and Cardan but with less hate and being more lovely, more romantic, with more (and better) romantic and sexual tension.
And I don’t know if it is just me, but I found this book pretty mysoginistic, heteronormative and classist. Prythian doesn’t offer a different alternative from the real world and being fantasy (and sci-fi) a genre that have always had the power to makes us dream with better options, better futures and alternatives…I don’t know, just look how Ursula K. used to write, the Ekumen and Earthsea were so interesting and different and yet they did have the most classic elements of western sci-fi and fantasy…
I didn’t have any expectation with this book, but since it is so popular I thought that maybe, at least, it could be interesting, and still I was so dissapointed…
PS: it is possible that I still keep reading the saga just because my friends told me that it improves in the second and third book.
PS2: I forgot to talk about the map…the Iberian Peninsula mixed with France? Seriously? An unified Ireland being the oppressors and bad guys and colonialists against Great Britain? Like seriously?
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ladywinterwitch · 1 year
A-Z SFW PROMPTS (Robb Stark x Reader)
The og king in the north's turn for the A-Z sfw challenge!
Warnings: Some topics familiar to the game of thrones world, nothing specific. Some nsfw innuendos, but nothing fully explicit, Terms such as lady/queen etc and general female appearence descriptions will be used.
Based on these prompts, full credit to the author. *I did change letter Z to fit the historical setting since they couldn't possibly have a favorite picture. These headcanons are very out of context and don't necessarily respect canon situations or plotlines. It's all very hypothetical, Enjoy!
Main masterlist here
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§ -What do they find especially endearing?
Robb is a very romantic man, and also a very family centered one, considering the environment in which he grew up. He loves to see you being soft, in general. A cute kid gifted his queen in the north a flower and you're absolutely melting? So is he. A kitten comes close and cuddles your hand making you awe? He's SMILING. Those type of situations absolutely melt his heart, but again he'd be just as happy to hear you tell a story or talk to you. Obviously he loves when you get touchy and all giggly, how could he not honestly.
§- How do they get their way?
Robb does enjoy a good love making session after a particularly good or busy day. This could mean showering you with compliments and being all romantic in public or if you're already in private there's a very good chance that he'll just get things started by kissing all over your body and face, or, if he's feeling particularly playful, with killer tickles that would only have you laughing to tears and beg him to have mercy on you.
§-What is their love language?
Oh, physical touch absolutely. PDA is also a big thing for him. He's proud that you're his queen and wants to show you off to everyone. "Good evening my lords, don't you think that my queen looks absolutely delightful tonight?" or "You know my lady, my lady wife is also really good at riding" literally doesn't matter, he's down bad and is gonna make it everyone's problem. You could say that he's got a bit of a praise kink going on, or he's simply a simp, you decide.
§-How do they show they're serious?
Aside from making sure that your position near him is always clear to everyone, Robb is definetly the type to protect you from everyone and everything. He's never had a bad example of a man to look up to, a mysoginistic one or a cruel one. Eddard has always been nothing but respectful and devoted to his mother lady Catelyn, and he'll be the same to you.
§-What first caught their eye? 
Your self respect, probably. Again, obviously his view of the world will be in one way or another be influenced by his own family. That being said, from his mother to his little sisters, even though in different ways, none of them ever allowed to anyone to step on them. When he first met you he noticed that right away. Might also be that you're quite feisty and that amused him to no end lol. Another factor that it's not a hundred necessary but still very welcomed is that lady Catelyn liked you.
§-How do they flirt?
He is quite bold in his intentions usually. He's a lord, now a king, and regardless he's never been in a position in which he had contain himself too much. He's a big child in the positive meaning of the word, to be honest. He can be really playful and he usually is. He'd tease you by complimentiong you, grabbing you and showering you with kisses, sometimes tickle you or even chase you around! He's just really in love and it's not hard to see.
§-How do they provide comfort?
Again, he's a very physical lover. If you were crying or having a bad time for some reason he'd just hold you, stroke your arms, back or whatever part of your body he could reach, and give you kisses on the head. He would be the type to let you cry it out and then ask you if you're feeling better, and you usually would. Afterwards he'd just make sure that you had the chance to relax however you wanted, alone or not. It was your job to tell him what you needed, and he would provide.
§-What is their favorite look on their partner?
He loves to see you comfortable. You could be in a nightgown and with loose hair and he'd be a hundred percent satisfied. He also likes to see you with simpler clothes than the ones you wear during big nights or important events at the castle. But again, whatever you feel more comfortable wearing is enough for him,
§-What kind of dates do they like?
I wouldn't consider them proper dates since you're mostly together anyway, but he loves to spend some alone time with you when he gets a break after some busy days or even after he's been away. In that case he'd just be very happy to reconnect in bed, in the literal sense. We could consider it a sex and pillow talk combo. Sometimes a warm bath where you could just chill together and get lovey dovey.
§-How jealous are they? How do they show it?
Yes, why lie. He's very proud to have you at his side and is just so in love with you that he wants you all to himself. He'd never get toxic or violent, none of that. But, he's kind of a man child so obviously he'd get a pout when some other lord would try and get friendly with you. You'd mostly find it cute and amusing though, and a little kiss would fix everything right away. It's just all very wholesome.
§-How do they apologize?
He wouldn't, because he's got nothing to apologize for. He'd just turn into a happy puppy and be all over you.
§-Favorite thing about their partner?
Your grace. Robb is just mesmerized of the way you move and act, how you carry yourself. He would find you so graceful and beautiful in everything that he could just about spend his days staring at you in awe.
§-What's their favorite memory together?
Probably your wedding day. Painfully romantic, I know. He cherishes the whole happy vibe of the day, the memory of you and his family together, you looking beautiful in your wedding attire, you dancing together. Everything honestly.
§-What does a normal day look like for them?
You wake up together, have breakfast alone and start the day coversing. Then he would kiss you and go off to take care of his lord business and you your lady's. Sometimes you'd spend the day with his sisters and mother. You always tried to have your meals together and in general make sure to communicate trought the day.
§-How do they show they're together?
Well you're his literal queen so it's not like you need to prove yourself any further. But you'd be a very loving couple in public regardless, your on his arm, him kissing your cheek or hand when he had to leave/when he saw you, always making sure to acknowledge your presence and your title, and so on.
§-How do they relax together?
You like to take baths together. You like the contact, the warmth and the privacy of it. Living in Winterfell other things that required to get out of the castle walls weren't exactly comfortable or enjoyable except on rare mid-temperature days. You also liked to play games actually, like board games or card games in front of the fireplace. Possibly naked.
§-What can they do together?
Fortunately for you spending time together isn't really an issue, especially since you're married and have such important roles in Winterfell. Robb being a big family man also loves a nice evening with his parents and siblings, or just generally some of the lords and ladies of the castle. You typically prefer to stay inside than outside regardless, so the choice falls on playing games, talking, being intimate or even doing your official business just staying in the same room.
§-What kind of gifts do they give?
You are already the queen/lady of Winterfell so there isn't much that you could need or wish for that you already don't have. It does happen sometimes that his sisters give you little gifts; Sansa once gifted you an embroidered shawl, while Arya a little hand made figure of your house. You thought it was very sweet of them and were glad that they loved you. Robb would kinda spoil your kids though, should you have any.
§-How do they sleep together?
You like to sleep on his chest, or hugged to his side with your head on his shoulder. He also likes to touch you while you sleep, a hand on your waist, belly, side or even holding your hand if he manages. He'd definetly be the type to sleep with a hand on your pregnant belly, too.
§-What small things do they do for each other?
You get each other a lot. If it happens that either of you gets annoyed or tired during a conversation, a dinner or another kind of situation, the other would make sure to dismiss it and move on. Again, you're very affectionate in general so it wouldn't be wired for people to see you exchange a loving glance, a chaste kiss or something similar. You also know how to comfort each other and give each other space should you need it, which is foundmental in your relationship.
§-What would their wedding be like?
Your wedding would definetly be a very happy day for everyone. You're the kind of couple that other could tell was made out of love and not duty, and this aura reflected on those around you. Sansa and Arya would be your maids, and even though the smaller one would kinda hate to get all dolled up, she'd bare it just because she likes you. Catelyn would be the happiest woman in the kingdom honestly, and would probably weep during the ceremony. You'd dance together all evening and get emotional during the ceremony. You'd feel like the luckiest people in the kingdom and the guests would probably agree, considering how weddings usually go in Westeros.
§-What always makes them smile?
One another, easily. You're very alike in your character and that's why you'd get along so well, like ninety percent of the time. You also love to just enjoy family time, it gives you a sense of comfort, strenght and stability.
§-What pet names and compliments do they use?
You'd call him 'my love', 'my lord', 'my husband' or simply Robb. He'd also call you 'my love/queen/lady', by your name and also 'my darling'.
§-How do they kiss?
Like everything that you do, your kisses would also be quite sweet. You'd kiss often, that's for sure; on the lips, on the cheek, forehead, head, hands, shoulder and so on.
§-What do they do when they're apart?
You would be better at hiding the longing than him, to be honest. You'd be pretty much the same, saving the sadness for when you were alone, even though Jon or Catelyn would see right through you and give you a few words of comfort. Robb on the other hand would get grumpy. According to his lords it was almost funny how his mouth clearly pouted in disappointment whenever he was caught missing home and you.
§-What's their favorite place to go to?
You don't really have one outside of Winterfell. If you had to choose you'd probably pick the family room in which you could dine, dance, play, fool around, eat and just spend time together.
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That's it for the SFW Robb version! Hope you liked it <3
taglist: @lady-stark-winter-rose
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