#his grumpy cat
sirmatthew1972 · 4 months
House With the Sycamore Tree
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Here we go. This is chapter 5.
Teaser Sheer determination keeps Aaron together when he enters the FBI building. He puts his insecurities behind the stoic mask and badge of Agent Hotchner. His reason to pursue found in the business card tucked away in the inside pocket of his suit jacket; and his armour of old found in his black suit and white dress shirt combo… with his blue tie fixed in place by Spencer. That which reminds him of the parting kiss shared for support. Understanding implied, along with a last offer given so he wouldn't have to go in alone. But Aaron knows that he needs to stand by himself or else he may not be able to assess what he feels in his gut and act upon it. The decision drawing nearer since walking past security, the agents in the entrance hall and others beyond it too. Since he's noticed their somewhat abrupt pausing followed up by their frowned judgement of how he's letting a part of himself curl out from under his suit jacket. Read more on AO3
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sunny-aster · 7 days
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She's with the crew again
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yuridovewing · 3 months
i really hate how the fandom’s excuse for jayfeather’s shitty behavior (and outright medical malpractice in certain cases. looking at the time he refused to help squilf in labour bc he couldnt be bothered and later blamed her for how bad it was) is “well the clan was ableist to him growing up, so fuck them!” ok how does that excuse him screaming at and berating the cats that didnt do any of that. or the babies.
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owl-bones · 8 months
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finally figured out a design for this guy that i like (✿◡‿◡)
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stardustpetalss · 3 months
When your boyfriend hits u with the 'anyways..' again 😾
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mysticalcats · 1 month
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@toki-toro ummm hi (scurries away)
(also doodles of @murdleandmarot 's oc bluebelle, @emimii 's oc clownaire and my oc foxglove)
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nico-di-genova · 26 days
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Damn, he really hates being perceived, huh?
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kasirose · 9 months
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Wishing the one and only HBIC salt king Alec Lightwood-Bane himself a happy birthday!
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littlehollowart · 25 days
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On top of my digimon and flower of the month series I’ve decided to add another one! It will only be 4 (maybe 5) part series, each featuring one of my cats dressed up as their name sakes. First up is Loki with the iconic helmet, Tesseract and the symbol on his chest in Ragnarok.
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saucywendeee · 1 year
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“Time for bed, Johnny.”
“One more sketch.” 
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anonymouscheeses · 12 days
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Favorite rarepair ever. Like ever. Excluding chaggily but idk if that counts since it's actually pretty big for a poly ship 😭 but anyway. I got this idea from a acc I follow on TikTok. And omfg they have STOLEN my heart. I hope ppl love them jst as much as I do bcuz LAWD I'm in love
They kiss. Like all thr time
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I love being an artist 🤭
U cannot tell me that snake doesn't have ASSSS
Sad how Husk's hair was SNATCHED when he sold his soul to Alastor. Gave it back! 😍
Also Charlie being a supportive wingwoman lmao
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I didnt know how much I would love the freaking hat. It's so fun to draw no wonder Viv added it to the design even if it's such a distraction for me when watching the show.
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sirmatthew1972 · 5 months
House With the Sycamore Tree
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At last! Here is Chapter 1 of the sequel to Room on the Third Floor, the final part of the Tooth and Claw universe. In which Aaron Hotchner is a wildcat shifter, and Spencer Reid is his human lover. Yes, you'll have to read part 1 for this story to make sense. *shrugs* Summary Injured wildcat shifter Aaron has clawed his way out of the hunters' cage as Orion the leopard, but his fight to be free isn't over yet. Far from it. Since the hunters have subdued his ability to return to human form and stand tall again as the BAU Unit Chief Aaron Hotchner. Worse, the metal collar invented by his captor Ben Stein is pushing ever harder onto his DNA, forcing back his humanity behind the fur and claws of the leopard deemed feral by some. Traumatised and weakened, yet too stubborn to let his captor win, he puts his fate and trust into the one person who's stood by him since they first kissed. Can Spencer undo what's been done to him? Hell knows, Aaron aches to be human so he can hold Spencer again and propose to him with the ring he'd bought the day he got snatched from the street. But as the days veer off towards winter not even the rain and snow can conceal his reputation… and now another draws to why he stands out amongst his kind. Why a leopard like him can hide, but never change his spots, with good reason. Note Go read House With the Sycamore Tree on AO3, and beware of the tags, 'cause there's all sorts of fun to be had... from hurt to angst to comfort and back around again.
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skellabelle · 3 months
Hermann does not appreciate Newt’s repeated attempts to get himself killed
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Newt is just enjoying the attention
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heartofalifer · 2 months
sometimes I lay at night thinking what exactly did daisy write in the description of alec hardy's tinder profile and what pictures did she use that made her think that could get women to swipe right on him. was it selfies? was it candid photos she took? was alec wearing that blue jumper on and reading a paper with his legs crossed in the photos? I need to know
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leiatroublecat · 6 months
I thought what if Law has to fight if he wants to date Luffy like Scott Pilgrim? But instead of evil exes it´s Luffys crazy older brothers and overprotective best friends/crew he has to fight. And I had all this funny ideas, like Lawa would be grumpy and say he didn´t even date Luffy (but everyone knows he wants to, so no one listens).
But then I thought but what if it was Zoro instead of Law? Only that wouldn´t work, because that crazy guy allready profed that he would not only do the crazyst thing if Luffy asked, but is okay to die if he can protect HIS captain. Not even Ace and Sabo would be able to say something against that.
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loving-jack-kelly · 9 months
jack is an early to bed early to rise person and davey is a late to bed sleep in when possible but get up on time for the day kind of person. and jack is horrified by this. he's up at sunrise every day and sometimes davey is just changing into pajamas. davey is going to work on two hours of sleep convinced he's fine and jack is looking at the amount of coffee they go through in a week and the number of weird energy drinks davey drinks and thinking oh he's gonna die die. meanwhile davey is suffering through having a boyfriend who is not only awake by six am every day but is cheerful about it. he doesn't work until nine and he's up and singing in the shower and making breakfast at six. this is a difference that will never level out and never be resolved. they have both accepted this. they will never stop looking at the way the other lives absolutely horrified.
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